T HUtW BROKER. 8AU8B0B7. AUG. 14, IMS VOB PRXSIOBRT : OQL flQEATfO SfiftlODR,! CHIEF JDWIOI PIAJBOir. Thi () siinguiahed gentleman bee pobli.hcds letter in lb Reltigh Standard, addresser! to tbe Ooeeerva fives of North Carolina, in which ho olsimi to bo water rati, and a member of tbo conservative party, end argot tbo conservatives ta vote for Gen. Grant in order to effect a fiaal ssttlsment ot oor d fficultie and prevent another civil ar. Wo will not assail tho nter for interfering in politic hooaoo ho wss a Judge, for it not bo admitted that thoro mar b morgenciee in which a Jndgo mar bo jnaffied ia giving hio view to tho public, and of that emergency be moot himself be the judge. Tho opinions of anch a man are not to bo deepir-ed or treated with contempt, vw an established (act. Whatever dsuiigogues may tav there ia now no party in the coantry which would re enslave tbem. And if there waa snob a parly would not have the pow er, and could not re-enolae them if it woald. Thooe who amort tbo eon tray are either knaee or foola. The institution of tlaeery haa been abol iahed and ite reeeabliahuieiit forcer prohibited by an amendment to the Conetitntiou of the Dnitod 8tateo, and that amendment cannot bo changed or repealed except by the content of three fourlht of ALL the 6 a n, North and 8ooth. It ie plain, then, thai if over; man. woman and CIV. l BLAIR, r, THX r aroma abkt asd watti the abo- POLITICAL au rouncAL laaiaiiMij riLrnxa tmax. wa im tmm ta uti oc atnaarnrranvm onu aor orva a tumaar or as eatT raarr ntenrrtaTW rat rowan to oa rioii i muwem i an rr aun RDBoa mat im aava aaas ranoara ar rat mi mm wools west cbraiwlt taaa at tn. ajawem karaar Thio tional THE POLICE BILL mitehierioaa and u neons tin- bill evidently reoeived its ia tho Sene'e on Saturday A special Militia bill waa oiler ed at a eabetitwte bj Mr. Motpaat, a Bepoblieaa Senator, and adopted by a majority of five voter. A motion waa made to reconsider tho vota. hat no definite action baa been bad upoo it ap to (hit writing that we have award of. And whenever an r sneh action is bad we feel confident that tho first vote will be eus'stned. We will not conceal the foot that we res joice greatly at thai action of th Sonata That branch of tbe legjala tare hot proved to be on thit occa sion what it waa intended to bo by the .founders of tha government a check apon tbo reckless legislatioa of tbo larger and mora popular branch It ;t a matter for congratulation that many of the' loading epabi can membera of the Senate rote on tho occasion above all partisan ooa side rations aad proved themalte to be the earneat advocate of the Con titoiioa, of peace, of law and of or d t-r. A number of tbem opposed the bill with quite aa much seal at did the eoeearvatfvo mem bora. We any fhio ie a toaster fn eoogrstololioa at i . i .a . .a - . P proveo taat tfie violent batmen that Lave lately swayed the politics of the State are bgtasiag to give way to reason and common eenee. 1 be thanks of the people of North Osrukna are doe to that tncrrnpti bit patriot and able jurist, Hon B F. Moore, for tha isettitaable ear vice which bo bat rendered tbem ear thit occasion. There can be and we thall accord to the letter tho child in the South, white and colored, reepect wheh it merits. We distent from tome of the ooaetitational vinwt of the learned Judge disagree with him in hie premises, and cannot con ear with him in hia conclnsiona. We are d etained by no tech apprehea arena, at teem to haunt the mind of the distinguished Chte Jos ice aa to the consequences which will result from the election of the Democratic and Coneervative tieket, and we think a perusal of Gov. Seynioui't letter of acceptance will satisfy even him that his fears are groundless. O tbja contrary our apprchentiont are aa to what will be the conteqnencet of the election of Gen. Grant. It it i hie election that we see danger to tl peace and libertiea of the country. But we have not commenced writ ing with a view of replying to th Judge's letter to day. We prop next week, from a quiet retreat n the thadea and cottagj of "The Spark ling Catawba Springs," whither we expect to repair on to morrow to apend a few daya ia the parauit of health and nleaeure, to review tbo letter n a manner and in a spirit becoming the great tohjeet of whicl it treeta, and of all pr per reaped for the dieting nithed writer of it THE COLORED TOTEK8- THETB moat lotellatewt moo. beta. We hero TRUE INTERESTS recently oaalaoad with quite a nam The freedom of tbo colored raoe ie war of tbem of both the old political partiet and all of them concur with ae in theae vie we. For ouraelf,at leaat, we aay that we w ll use oor boat axtrtioua to eecure a qualified sot frage to (he colored taoe whatever may happen. We would, then, appeal to tbo col ored people iu our midat, many of whom read our paper, to consider carefully what we have raid above. Wo would alto appeal to them to re flect upon what haa already happen od in iheir brief eaperieuee since po litical pritiiigee have been eunfeied upon them. Bve any of jpe laviah proinitee of land and mule been complied withl Are I bey not nt i fled that the only aee which the rad ieale have for (hu ia the uea of their voter to elevate themselves to office I eorrence of a duaen ot the Northern Are they not eoutinewd of thia by det' red tha restoration ot slavery it could not be done except by the eon Tax Waej Eawnrw We have matted tat Jaly aebr of ihta Oery able Periodical. Iu eenttaiS are, 1 he Obaraetor of BriiUh Bale ie India, Daviete'i letrtdaetiee ta the New Te Umeut, fs operation applied to the D wet lings of the People, Nitro-Olycerine tbt Nw EiD'oelee. The Mirrtair Lewi of the Doited Kiagdota, Th Iaaaa, Ob arch aad State, Tha 8paolah Glpty, tad Notte ea Oentemporary Ltieratar. Thia publieatloo ia Inferior to aeae la point of learntog and ability, bat it it qeite radical aad avvgrattiva both ia politic! and religion, to mnrk at that wo eemld act re maud it far promieieoaa reading la Bat ttin It auy be read with prott, If not with pleaaare by tvery psrtoo who poeeettet a wall belan- eed and ell traiaed miad. Addrtt the Ltoaard Scelt fub. Co., 140 fahoa Su, Mew Terk. Btab Px txxtt BxWf gtkgfik We leara fro M. A SeiUh, dtpaty thrriff, rer tht irataxmao 0 0M enh State. TBIBDTK OF RESPECT. At a s ated taoat af of the Fallon Lodge, No. M, A. T. M , held ta the night el the 7th Inst., the fallowing revolutions were ananlmoasly adopted I WntaxAB, It baib plvattd tbt Al saigbty disposer ot even it to resort froai eer atirct oar well beloved brother, Elov G. Blacxmbb, at tbo early age of SI year and translate hit from tbit liaptr feet te tbo all-pel tstt, gltrieet aad eahw tlal Lodge above Ruoivtd, That wt feel that fa tMt tad dUpsDtailon oar Lodge baa lost eee ef lie moat eeteeand and worthy members, so ciety ete ef Its brigbteel ornaments and most v in nous aitiaaoa, and ait family a devoted too aad aa affectionate brother. iwiifcttt, 1 bat we leader to tbt fatally end friende of oor deceased brother oar eiaeerett ynipatbiea, hoping tbt remem brance of bi asstul lift and many virtues may prove a cmfurriog contoUmm. Buolvtd. That a a tttiaoaial af oar sorrow we will wear tht etaal baaVe ef mourning fur thirty days. Jlto WIS, That a copy of tltaa resolu tion under the seal ol the Lodge be tent Statct. Not a single Koilbern S'a'e would ever cnnteut to any inch btng, nor will any Southern State ever pro p'ltO it. The freedom of the colored race being s fixed fact, the white aud llie colored races can have no separate and distinct political interests. It is the interest of the colored race that we th uld have a sound constitutional Von. merit, the la a of which thaJl THE FLAG The Standard seems to be some what exercised about the fact that tome of the Democratic and Corner stive papers of the 8tate have hoist ed the National Flsg at their mast heads. It refers first to the Old North Stat wit eh it truly says it edited br so old Whiir. Well what of that I It is not witb eminent pro priety that an old Whig, whose Iny alty hat been to of;f n endorsed by the Standard, rsn.es himself under the flag of his country to flght th battles of his country I And is it nr t with eminent propriety that such s tutu endorses the New Turk plat form which embrsce the old Whig doctrines to anch an extent aa almost to alarm some Consereatives, lest tho ex reme Dein icrats should repudiate it I And is it not with eminent pro priety that -an old Union Whig np- poits an upright able arid tjonservs' tivo Union Demueiat npon such a platform, who is a wise snd patriotic- statesman, in opposition to another Democrat who is utterly devoid oT statesmanship, and wbo stands upon a platform which ignores most of the Whs soi t of consistency is it which the Standard ad mi ret. that which ad herea to party regardless of principle. Or that which adheres to principle re gardless of party I For our part we do not horitnte to say the latter is the only kind of consistency which w e regard as worthy of sny praise the faot that in the North, Ohio. In liana, Ksutas snd iltch gau, for ia t'auca. where ther do not need the votes of lbs colored men to give them the control, they bare refuted by heavy majorities to allow the colored men to votct And have not he intelligent and irtDout among them a imt Con'emU for that clam of adventurea,utually called "carpet bag gera," wbo come among them and en deavor to obtain their votes for them mffnrA Miiml ttriil i rn i iii r r I A 1 or..' ..ft! i i Ol to the right, of sll without di.ttno- U-,,d Pr hJ di don ot race or color, it is aiso tnei inteieet ihat such law ehould be wee ly and impartially aduiinistsred by virtuous and intelligent men. And this it as much the interest of the white as it is of the colored race. Why, then, should one be arrayed ayainet the other I There is no reason at all why they should not act togwih er in the moat perfect harmony. We long ago took ground in faver of an intelligent qualified enffrage for the colored man, and declared our readiness to defend it upon principle. That position we have never aban. sent on between them and ibeir for mer masters with whom they have heretofore lived, and among whom they mutt continue to live! And are they not tafisfied by this tune that their old masters, and the intelligent white men of the country generally, are the only friende npon whom they can rely for sympathy, employment and support. And finally wo woald ask the intelligent of them whether they are aot pjseosed of s me of the feelincs and pride of manhood whether, knowing as ther do that they can never bo tha lawgiving bed elotaiac Stolen from their about a year age, aad brought te thit ceeuty by the ibie e. There waa tmoog the article one notable quill of very fine needle work, wrought Iu IBM, aud bear ing lbs same (and date; ef the ewaer, which ltd te tht diecevcry af the proper j a a .... iwiio wverninsr rave, mm m n, doned, and we republish the article! . , . . i. -i.i. r . they would not rather unite with on on r first page to dar. We wcirl .... .... j never rednoed to the necessity of d- all that ia high-touts, geuerout aad Jatt tam i he while race in Urn aettlemeat and feuding the positions which we then lm DrovftBenl oi thw gorernmeot ef the took, aa no one ever attempted to con- eeuutry tkM wilh , of mea, eaeh aa fro vert them. We were opposed t. mosi situs radical loader art, of low universal tnlfrage for that race for rentont wliieh we gave at the time. and which huve all the force now for iheir ooontry't rmd that thev had then. But tince thai unworthy of the political brtediag and of low inn unci, lbs yankea portion of which have "left their country aud wbo are tociatioa ef re time a Constitution has been adopted Itpeetablv colored mm. in North Carol na which couf. m the But wa aroald hare the tolered peeple privilege of voting upon the whole of remember that tht Democrats and Ooa- the colored race. The. itae of suffrage, therefore, may or may not lie a tettied qnesuon we incline lo the opinfon that it n. Die baie election of Gov. Sc-vniour to the Presidency will certainly not retnlt iu the overthrow of the pre ent Stat gnvernments in the South ern8;at:s. and the faking of thuelec ive franch to from any portion o' he colored people But if Gov. 8ey- itioyr should be elected by a triumph rrvatlvea promise ibeia no oncee. land, no males, nothing butagoolgov era (Brut well adoiinietered, th lawn ef which dispel 40 iiuiice impartially be tween the rseet, aad make no distinction between '.In m in regard to their civil rigbtt on account of race or color. They prom at them only bst tbey Intend lo give then, because they would not deci' tbem, at tht Badiealt hare. Then again we would tsy te our colored friend, you ih to have all thett blessing se cured, and be tort of torn measure of ant and overwhelming majority, and tuffrge in any event, you can only ee- hia I'nends should succeed in electing a Urge- luajirify ot the memlie-aof lie liohacof Kepretentatives, as now seem very probable, the overthrew of these goverumcnts w ill i.dlow as a principles of-tOO. old Wil ig ty I rrn' ' f ml re, '1 l,-y are H-en now but little doabt that bis able opin ion, ia the shape of a letter to Col. Sinclair, in which he completely expose the unconiti'ur on alt j of t .e bill, cowtrioatod powerfully to its defeat. That letter, which was read by. Col. Sinclsir during the debate on tlm Mil in the Hoses of Represents fives, we publish in fall todav. We scarcely oeod apologiae to our road ert for the great space which we de vota to it, for it oanm.t bo denied that It i a matter of great importance tha our people should bo accurately in- tor men upon tbo ooeoritatiooat que i ont or tne day. we nope none will fail to give it aa attentive para L-Don't fail fs attmr tT aceept- I. .U CaaJr-sraStatrw-day The l Is a rtpraatatstiv ef tbo trao coo- in istlis tm'amitaal af tti eauuy, i bam the awmeot wo read hie Jatuar all I. u of law aWaax mf oar Bfctfm tester of THE MILITIA BILL. We are glad to learn from tha pro. eeedingt of the logitlttore, which we tee in the Standrrd, that all the Re publican members arc not so blind ed by partitanism aa to be unable to ee hs evile that mutt; inevitably re mit from the passage of thit bill'. Mi.8mith, of Msrtin, had the bon' eaty to say that tho ptvitage. of the bill, '-would angende- the object it was intended lo prevent," and pre dieted that t would mm the Reoob lican party. Mr. Barueit, of Person, said that "the passage of the bill w.u!d open afroan the woondt of the war now ftcTfitrnTTni,' ahg ttoat fhe cry of opirettion wonia ring from the sea aiiora 1 1 the moan taint " THeee were wordt wtiely and titlv tba effe tottering uuder their own weight, ai;a thev ca itiot survive an overwhelm g popular terd ct against them. There would then be no power to ens taut litem but tie 8enate, and the Senate would be com pel led to y ield to such a verdict as may reasbnably be expected fi.om the present tignt of ibe times. In the event of the overthrow of theae revolutionary State govern- cere it br auilina wiib the Deiaoersts and Contcrvativt-a iu the ele lion of Gov Beyasour to th j Pretidency. Tea have already mads a good beginning is tbt formation of a colored Seyraonr snd Blair Club ia Salisbary, arid at ether pi i wa wi top vmts long to im the great body of ibe colored population member of then. Ia thit course yoa will be lained by the beat men in the country wbo will never forget the service yoa aril thereby render them. entsTmawaowtpxstti mmm eei awtjww wai smesews ttww me to. W'4 ef a auBmatfitaiBlai. a-cdiaav " GOV. SEYMOUR'S LhTTEB OF ACCEPTANCE. Gov. Seymour haa written a letter formally accepting the nomination of tha New York Oonvention. wbicb meuta will the privilege of voting be We find in oar exchanges thit morn taken away from the entire colored jg. It i junt inch a litter aa wat popuianonf ttiar oepenoa sttjowcrir 1 10 htv been expected from a atares er npou bow they exercise that .ni 9f Wiargt4 and li.tieral viewa. lege m the approactttOg efectifn. Jt It fs Wa, wisa, thoughffhl and on- they vote to very-ta nunrtven, With biJerae. From it we learn that if the intelligent and respcctshle white Gov. Seymour should be elected to the b A will be defe ied ia the Senate Tbo Mfaaiferd m evidently alarmed a' the protpect of ill failarq in that House, beaco its pot hot ie appeal in it issue of the ffih ia favor of Us ia the people of the country, for the elec tion of Gov. Sey mour, one of the wisest, best and most impartial states men in ibe lend, an i thus sbothat i her are friends of tho white people, aad with to live with, tbem on terms of peace and frendthip. the Chief Executive office of thena tion he will not be tha President of a party, but of t.be whole people. He proclaims himself to a be coneti'atioa alist, snd wisely declares1 his inten- tiotL-toiotact tha righja. of, ibe mi nority. Ia abort every word o' the they will secure to ihtmiaelvesa large ltt bre,the, , tpitit o( tnj harmony. Wa arose from its perusal th aa admiration for the writer J witb a feeling of delight such at we have not experienced for many Hit eoerntei wilt ba en. able effectually to assail any part it meature of the elective franchise in ed in aoch a crisis, cannot bad will not bo overlooked- in any re oVganis and effect of them was not to defeat the bill in the House of Repretenta- ri has , . . a t.i-.-J I Bot ws sre not without hope that "OB m "'" m TuionTns. ligent sun rage win no awarqea mem a a mattsr ol right and j well aa a reward for the MtV dered the Coneervative cause. Sacb ia now and Cooserratire party as E soaps of Paaovaaa -Three prle enert, (oegrece,) broke eat of Concord Jail ss Sunday eight last. Tbey made their way by breaking a bole la the over head ceiling and the roof, aad lettieg tbem- aelvet down br rope made ef their bed clothiog. Bxtttal Mtrxoaa. We leara fro oor Charlotte exebaageo that W. Bea, of Meeklanborg meaty, brataliy murder ed a woman who had formerly ceca kit wife, but wbo had obtained a divorce from hits, a few daya ago. Bea hat been arretted aad lodged ta jail to await kit trial for the crime. Grand Tournament and Coronation Ball t the Sparkling Catawba Spring Ws are requested by the proprietor to atate that there wiii be a grand Toarntment and Coronation Ball at the Sparkling Catawba Springs on Thursday, the SJOih inel. Wt acknowledge the receipt of a polite invitation from the accomplish ed and gentlemanly proprietor, Out Wyatt, to be present on the occasion. We intend to avail oarselves of this invitation, and we hope to sea a splendid delegation from Salisbury on the occasion. of the recovery, by tee Misses Qdmer, of l0 tu9 tkmitf of our deceased brother, and Oooeerd, of sundry valuable articles ef that a copy be seal to the Watchman at kJm V nmrl m Aft ml awt'h a raAneal Inr Vtti ml S. Lxwia Ha waa, ) J. w Hall, V ' oat Wat LMBsra 1 Tax Hill Uolo Mux wo were sbowa thia morning, hy oar enterpris ing townsman, Samuel R. Harrisea, Eq , several bars of floe g ild from tbia mine, which ia now being prnfls tably worked by Mr. Harrison. We record tliia fact with plea-uro. Suc cess to alt anch sa'erpritca. Laaoa Watkb mxlok. A water melon weighing fifty one poind was sold in this place or. yesrsiday by Mr Wilsy. It waa bought by CI. B. R Moore w Wilmington, to convince the people of the Cape Fear region that 3he Yadkin eonmry excels in the production of that fruit Mr Wiley, we leara sold a water melon in thit market a few dayt tgo wh eh weighed tixt j frur pounda. Who can beat thia I Can it be beaten in the State t Verms Watoxmta Old Vorth State. BB'MOUB AND BLAIR MEETING OF THB COLORED PEOPLE. Purs want to previous nodes S large mealing of lbs colored people beld at Bar ktr't Haft watib be faialtb.d gratai tously fur tht occaa on iu alibury ea Saturday night for the parpoae ef organ ising s Seymour and Blair Olah. On metiea ef Tbo F. Henderson, m . u.w i - ni .i.. w.;. and on motion of John Overton, Thus. F. Heudroa wss requested to act a Secre tary v m. ii. vaney, aq , eeing pre I llll I UNFAIRNESS TBI BALBlQi STANDARD. Two week ago w pnblitbed ta arthj. In reply to the Stemdrndt esaartlea thai Northern rues and all "Uulen" sssa kel been badly treated ta ibis State. W howed thit the ekargt was antrucaat p. on ted out hewJeetotNtNertbtnaaT etc , being pareeeesseakay bad temaW upon aud proscribed ike u-ulre aanwlTj the Stale. s Ws wemretpetjAI sad fab hear las. gcage aad asgnateut, bat the fiaMtkeA laiiead ef trealfaaf ea fairly h retara attempting to shew that we ware wrote, dees as lbs Injaerlei te eoey ieoiattd aT agrapb from aa artid wMob we Hy from the Salisbury Jftrm daeaj, and iZ ErAelsiai that we bed reaawleiii Or. Hair. 'I h Stemdmrd knows that tbt ar tlcle which it garbles eiprely sutsd that we would support Mr. Blair ea the mta. ciple annouueed ks bis letter ef Seotpust snd oa tha platform ef th nan whsaV m -my er Th. folio wieg ere two er the tee frem tha article whisk Ibe rubles! "Iu th letter wWeh we psUlsb tsfar be (Go. BuurJ aecepta af the asertjinVs wiib tot plaif res, wbicb be eordiailv doreea. Ml OPPOSES BVKRI THIW0 LIMB REVOLUTION. R. nmgatim th high ftnttlinief ike 4W press Ceert fa toe art at bias, aad earn that ft It not rTolrSooarv te exsesst tL hudgmtel of that On art. He prspise w remedy th evils aoeer w Xtak to eeaatry is suffering BT PEACEFUL MEAX1 and sayst "The appeal la tba prntoM ballet to attata this cad Is act war, it ea revolotisa." Tbt a copy tbt above, for that weold aet sahbj purpose lo represent as ia regard Ie tbt Flhn-TtT'i t-r-f'-'Ti fjrf Tlti rimllim If that la ike lay we will knew bee te piy wet berealter W sail etttjettwe te the fast that Standard day after ear adtreatsi Gn. Blair by prtotlog lbs to word that h never altered Ta fal lowing I id map be ftwai la te etaal ala. ant. waa called on bv tbe Cl. airman to ex plain the object of ibe meeting, which h lo"inl did la a neat aad anoroortaia aeech travel great tiv faction and wat loudly applau "Let as hate War l ded. At lb doe of bit remtrkebs pre-1 Oeu Blair has net sented ibe following aa tha basU of ibe and th Stemdmrd kaowt It, yetit psrtiM orgauisatiea which wa unanimously ae- la mUleadtatT ha rsadtw by prtitamaf a erpted, and signed by a number ef ike (fee Mr. Biair't litgeige Dam tW eoiered aaaaJa arseest. 1 Waaiard wsridmaaeb madstt flarl "We, the endemigaed, colored e'tmeos, vVe teptort Sey monr and Bit baring receive I ear right! of laffrege snd ws briievs tbey are far prate ritiatothip, aad believing tbsl the later- Censtltotion of eer tiaaaiy and est of the white aad colored raeet ef the fug tbe fnaHoaahto rigbtt ef the tsafabv South sre intimately connected snd would peaceful msaaa. Tbe Stwnmm aid M be best sebssrved by a eammsa parnuaa, I party are parenbag a tiaras aalenUtsd t and alao tmreaivina- thai tba araat bad af Iiava've the awaatrv ia tatlbm war. tf oar wbit fellow-oitista thett who are the gftwdard Is far aesse erby daetllttV able to afford u employment and ta aid vocat arming Iu party friende la and protect a, ere opposed te tbe IU omtei I Sell a eal party end h aratt aad ill aerai ' and aneing ah thai the promises hell eat to a by the Bdietli have proved bat tbe false belli eu th shore, do agree to form a Seynnur and Blair C!oh, iovi ting the en-opemtina and aosistanee oar color ri frie ids in th city ef SeJbnW rv snd vleiultr." Mm, Thes. U. tans, af Wdarngtoa, I- " - - turn .,nt than louHI. r.HtA f, "nd Coffee (JIXfilL TO MAZI GOOD More than 40 Team ago I we awl in my father's eider mill in TL, aad made what old cider.iopere called 'the very beat eider," aad those whs wood-it as a aowert drink tebeatf at the I ver i being preseot was lha loadty calfad far Vm . kw iLVaJairad eaaailaf Ha iH unaa rfa-1 r a ling with -i In, that ha bad not Bade a nolilieal plaiutt rheCkS red SBd toey I speeob for year, but that be fU it to be tys lo 4d age. Of wnorte. good, bst dety to ear ittsethitg ea aba oeca- 'ipe i .imd apples are the beer, frt etoa. He addrssaad ahem far seme Kmelttom leavra; taore tweet aad) km fa s sp -ech wbiJ. ws received with etsehlaonr epuloa rite better. M U sad apptau. County Qjfieert Tb Ltgisktara baa lbs f ill wing amendment to tb Act providing for to qualification of County Officer: Section 1. Tb General Assembly of North Usroftas do enact. That sectioe ecoad of an Act entitled "An Act to pro. vide for tbe qualification of certain officer raeentlr sleeted under tbs proViafna ef tb Constitution of North Carolina," bs lamandod by adding iberato, Provided TAaltUS TreOSar'r shll give bond in such sum as tbs Board of Com n may think sufficient to cover ell which auy be paid to him far tbe nee ef aa Oosaty as heretofore required ot the County Trustee, an i tbe Register of Deede hall liktwlto give sacb boud a has here tofore pete required by ltwf-ttegiaters tor oM Uountist, and all bond hereto fore Miasm are ey thia act t a thorn. -d are fundi declared ia all resoeeta raltd i Provided further, Thai Justices ot the Peace mar alao qualify before aor Jadge of tbe Superior Ooart or tb. Clerk of the TBapertor ueert tor their County : Aod, provided larther, Taat Hotajries Public shall qualify before th Olerk of th Su perior Coart. UUHed SSth dsy of July, 1888. justice as U The Sim What km be ef tbit .prigbtly sad Wtthington, Aug. 8 -P. M. There will he oo action iu tbe Revenue Oom itsioarrtJhia it is atamikrs, anttl ttar 1 nsaadsy' UaUnet Oea. ttoaeueran had s proloegsd ia im view witb th President regard isg Mex ican affairs. - It it serrently beUsved last the Cabl at baa decided aot to Interfere Ie Ibe of iaa vfpavfa tvaat Thot. F. Henderaon Ikon txeved . twe Have aeoa and lasted eoo l aa Siecouve gomsitiiee rri,, Hmamm ,. rn. ,k. haat Tbs mauoa wss adopted, aad tbe club procded te an elecUou of Ibe following mtmitrs m sootpae tae semmtttse. Tnea, F. Henderson, Thomas Isnd, John Overton, P Burtsa MsHsy Tht the Utb font. tha elub will ba elected. Good mder was n nninediatelr into and fill ae large maintained toiwagheet by all presset, aad cask aa possible. Lira the kategketi be au.pie.ou. beginning augur well far fit in tight a large necked bottle wW tbo success f ibe organisation. It w ,ha Sottotw out, and keep tbe ostk nope,, ,uai ibwb w. mm a targe nd boHI. eOwStaatl? fall Of e-rmg Well h-vtped and, if made from oak V! Jn..e. ibe beat. VtStl ,. .l ; saner me appiee are he aemeee aratai M gi it high then arlionmed to at at Brat cider that reus it beet. place on fndar nialil niL lb Prei to xeep. AS n , wboa the per man m aMetn ef ie well aad t norooghly taa wmfler. growad, 1st loon; this fa il enc t th next meeting Baeeeatcamy irjat cider to the no expeeieo uy seesrm nneiugaat geaua- ol bolb r Oa noiion it w of tba proceedisga ortk ih i me, in the proceed (he kept aa mucb aa posefqto from v. a a t - a " asw . i in s oooi, a arc place, insi w. d Old Mi publication VUKTuH M0NIEL,r, Titoa. F. a copy v"""li. ti-i.. a v.-aa - - " ed for all time aa ...ueb as ioiial T. Psaa. When the cider ia tolersbly eel worveo, ana ootore u m over, may be observed by the rising of the gm. race it a, N2VV INVENTION. went ia Pro' H J. Harris, of Sh re report, i,r th. Baatoat s tttaW La. wh en recent pyrotechnic die Lh0 e the bottom J aa fast aa It res playa, balioua ascenaioaa, etc., havelpn, jgf0 mtrnnt oaK tasks of 80 w niugnt nun into notice, leaves in a 40 rlons. and bang light; adtnits 6 tew days fur the North, in order reaJr oatatn patenie tor a ne w aua eieeed gaeona qoaliilea as well as the arom irtgly ingwai.ms bead grenade, and ma4 mmd aee qaaliries and coi r"r r'1 atataw fcf aiemaliaiagL, of tho cider f w rams. I have sets P"H"w- aotktagaddtSiaesal that evee improve) ......il-a,, .. v it a . a.a k "w -em mveajwwmj are - . n..uo w Bail or thick man . if a paper, fa ,Mrty of cider added at the tie me centre m wmcn it btaoea tne Irbin .ill Iium knAv. charge of powder, ia the int.-r .n ng h, u aw an aaod f..e W O .HUtWII l"1 IJHII, RIIU lilQI W, JaWflTT Stt minor sunace ot ine nan neing nneoi itn not ol any i irod itto. lite raw Ta a noie ta covered win a strong ust nM nut, i work of twine or cooper who, snd 1st Fi ignited by moans of afaao or parens I fayeuevllle sion cap. i ne sapenonty over tne karat old band grenade cotitrs fn the ghtaess Of the projectile, and in tha faot of tbe charge being placed lo thel" T centre inatea i of initn.i ari h tha no aw meno snm. The trail natch trail of fuse, to which esrtatn intervals stnai I The professor has srrj signal by wnfth i seat oa ule oanteet mi a nee in this tnanne. t peme, , IVWeaeseCAagTt JaJ. Rafalgb man It f ear at trHtoviU. Tb "Unloo men" kmmm that me Fattwrim wew Oae-ftasF-stertosbaeoogtwtot ia aitaohed at 1?!? LT?-vT.u kr fftV' to. -Dabe ass" of P.vwstewfffa