s al mm r y r t -, I Tjy- fc. sjTS.' JJr H j t. SaVawaM m law mm 1VEW SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, AUGUST 81, 1868. tC' itlj VOI r. tr tw or asMOMrrio -n T S - C a SB I if itcHMAN OLD WORTH KTATE I.W 1. Tti-WBKKLT Oi-U MOBTH STAT?. I.W Mi PURIFIED BT SUFTMIXO. t . swajrm. Ho. AUV.WWw gleeew . light. AW same vw giv tb Mart"! Met Wre, W.ttes ear Hill'" wklto with (Mia. BJkMate.r.ug tow. iftMOMsaMMof edlSVt, Of eksMeSJ fH' Vet secretly W wail Sad weep A Wort tM mrfW! IjVaawth ' ' eaawWMSB 00010, TMag h vows may sever M rvaewes; I AW mM strong win mm os fp. TW BShe M set pMM. ItiB tha. lis oebter Mr M wait. AhWk tb ar totoag. K. taM MA W Bighi WU1 UMl MtgMMd MM tM arong : Pnw Um Bmimt T tfw SMth ) v r BT HRUMU. sigh Om anaawt hM ; VseperMarHarlogv Ovr the srtk. r bruaVd kaee. Night Ml veil Uiulngtag. Ok! how wiwjMmj i Now. wlthrs Mr pii-m ; Hull ! bo stilt, ye thoughts M ! W Inure have ye arisru ' Ifowsward yearn lb captive heart. V-mkW. viier m brig fitly Uleaaj the stars; it long to psrt to this earth usarfsrhtly. sssV Gently Mm the rrwrUf red j Vesper ehi ms are dying i Katar thrills with holy Hashed hVn Mr sighing. iMM. I t and upon the to. Night kaa chased aruund me I ftiill a death I main and sea " fled i their spn ra.Md mi! f sinter MM toy palaea all t Ir-amj ialua haawt in.' ; W-aU thai frawi lht H.- ihratl Xanghl emsU aWarhanl M? PimciiIi, FeMaari. 1M4. KKVKKIR at an few nr 'rrara. VaarrfMM, a fr mora toan. Iliiaar toara. tMa-aaJ MM Ma Mr m. i la waaMr fam to aa: ham aMaiw aV ajy way aMM aaaaa, laatafiMBkV.Mai MtolM Vigil. I Intuta iMrfc, aad aat f tM Bright, 4 Uaatk akaB rail mt (Ma. al tM feataf tMaaar aMfl fan taara ' vitjt nuim. and rrj Irara ra aa mm 1 i tM atora raara Irnf. t the aama. of tha aia lad Mail V lMn-a4 tMn, liM Mr mtfl. I rOM, a'"aaI in to' aTara i t? ! IM arara la dark and dt ! SPEECH OF OEN. HOWARD OP THE l'REKDMEN'8 BUREAU. Tba Richmood Whig (iraa tha follow fcif aaeovat of tba apeeck of General 0. O Hoarard to ihaeolord peopla oi Rick raoiid, on Tneadar nlghl of laal work : "Oenrral Howard, who U aiwantapcak m tboogh nothing of an orator, told ihrm T tbiuga which iliey i uclit to have known tbraa yran ago before their luiuda were polanned by carpei-bagren and acal awaga. Hbt speech wai, in fact, for tba mom part, a aerator), and he enjoined apou tbeM, Bret of all, to love God and keep hia laainadaiaali, It would not do for aa prufeaaing Cbriatiaui, while not ing eeery ooa aa neighbor, to want to take the mote oat of a brothel' are white they had a-bean la their www. kad Made then black for aaa. lie nerar make a ni the colored mi who repiaea that ha ia not white hi alniU. The Lord, neeer- tkclaja, if tbwr are ware in heart, lore thaaa JJM M well aa ha data ear other af hia araatod beingi. Ha told them farther, wiea UNIVER8AL LIFE. Where ia there to be fonnd a finer ape einea of word-painting than thii upon Life, by that rare art Im, Frank Taylor I We copy it from hia inimitable "Jaiiuar and June t" "The nnlaca of Nature nerer beat more andibly aud roniieally than jnat abont 'the leafy month of June," life, every where life, In held and Mnod, in earth and air, and aky. Life in all forma ; lid with a aweet breath in it, life with a aenf in it, I if Willi limit ft. It I lim. .laul m n la lift- tie baga of moat Qaahariak leahiag ailh. 'cl a,,a reason by that ily apinner, the apider ; life done I for nnt if' ""K with the in gray bondles, aud bang " - ' ' ' A' TO OLD LINE WIII08. orer the war ia la need of a tamporarr Georire D. I're ntice anya : If there ' Voo fond him a imall aaw, which he n Military human being within inr he promiaea br ererylhlag to relarn at a ri 'ir i who. he anma arliiinalral li....l: I Klren time. He keepa it a Month over or enink at haart or hrin l.aa ,r,.i on i ti"" ateH, and (a a liar. An aae tlu wrong mi. af the line-.f baitle 1 lk "7 PicM;f U -rt;...l-,l ir u. t ... ..i.l , by a mailer artwt, when he knowi it waa if they were Chriatiaua and their employ em eaad herd word to them, to rcMember that a aofl answer tunieth away wrath. He bettered the white people of Virginia fored the colored people and tha colored people the while people. There were tie of affection which could not be easily aer ared. Thar prefer eokued labor. Ha had seen the good feeling which existed between them 00 the occasion of his visits to tba Tredegar Works and the tobacco factories upon ap- treea ; deposited in little brown papar cape, or packed away in littlo clay cells, ay gentry la yellow jackets, and gentry with delicate wa is ts I life hidden In the hearts of ripening plums anal reddening cberrM Baa a sweeter cradle anywhere, if you can ; Ufa reeked ia shells, pot up ra mother of pearl, art ra Ivory, chased with fjold, consigned little grave every where ; laid away in patent burial eases, and faatawed to rails and fence posts ; life that, by-and-by, shall spread wings damp with the imprint of this great stereotyp ing ectoblUMaent of tha Almighty ; life standing on end, iu little boats, and rising into the air, and taking to bngle-ing as soon as it ia born, and evincing by the presentation of 'bills at aaoat unseason able and aareaonable bourn, a dreaded talent for ledger literature ; life shelter ing itself beneath the leathern umbrella of tha mash mom, reveling in the rost's red heart, drilled into the solid rock, dom Whig r Lnioii man, and cotiaiilcra ft ft aort of duty to go aguinst the Democrats we entreat him lo panae and reflect uon what lie ie air ut to do. Wbr ihonhi lie so wtiii the rad- eu be otter Democrata t painted br a furth-rte painter. He lie and is not worthy of trait. A salesman lice about hia good. A bootmaker lie about your boots. The jeweller Ilea about yoor watch. The goasiper at tba Hiuner table tells exaggerated iloriee to astonish tire ladie end w nothing else than a liar. I lie not 11 assures that his Rowers were Ail the iwne orer which we need to pit ked early in the Morning, when they ngni are u Mt. 1 lie tvemooraiie ir ty i seif ia rooriraiiiied after a divis ion which eoioepletelr deetroyed and in itself aa reaolniely aa we ever ion which coinopletelr Ueetroyeo and recreafed it. In 1 800, it fought with fought airainaf it. Time have ehang ed ; men have changed ; iceoee have changed. Clay, If Im were living now, would b a Democrat. Wol ter could be nothing else. All the reputable old line Wnica that remain are Democrat, from Fillmore to John Bell ; and Ood knows, if these can afford it, there U no one of their foU lowers in the bygone times who has any excuse to hold back. Lynchburg Netot. "On the subject of polhic he bad only hailed in mud hovels, alone rafters and to toll thorn to lean on their Saviour ns beneath eaves, niavina- the nlirhted the only hope of salvation, and rote ac- aleoda, laid in the manger, peeping frora cording to their eonacieatfoee convictions of right, without regard to the opinions or directions of anybody. He would forfeit bis self-respect if he attempted to influ ence the rota of any Man. He hoped none of them were foolish enough to ex. bole, floating in the air, swinging in the wiad, skulking uaJer trie chipa, narrow ing in tha earth, darting along rail fences, opening nankeen throats from little brook lets el twigs, floating ia Utters of green bane on the ponds ; lire in tags and box pect land lo be given them, and earnestly ei bundles and blanket, satins and cou..m led them to save Money and bey ; shell ; in light, and Bowers and feathers laud. He also impressed upon them the ad fUnnels: life knocking from the een- importance of having clean house, of tre of fallen lugs, knocking from the otb sending their children to school regularly, Pr side of shell, white and blur, and mat- and of taking a More intelligent view of tied and dappled; and Jane ia religion, adding that religion doe not eon-1 n ,!..,.,n.,i .... at i aiat nshoeUngor in afoeling.of joy,toW1 . MfDe bet in Mething bigber, more euuobl.ug iown and j- .d j, u(. am' enduring. frr: eoniueatine and inBcctin tho ereat It i to bo regretted that General How. ' -. F it i i.i L.M. ...... ...... i Ua . ' jtl U vowifta din w umw ai.i.u i- ....v., ir we Mean the officers of the freed men's are nearly three dare old. He It will lie about anything. The bonk ueb lisber ad vcrtisc that fell book is selling by the tens of thousands, when he not sold a thousand. He is a liar and one door off from the murderer Everywhere everywhere we bear ly ing, Iving, lying Mem and women win weald knock roe down if you called I liars, lie erery boar. Deception is the rule rather than tba exception. Convaa sera lie about insurance companies. Bro kers Ira abont stocks. Editors lie about polities. Exaggeration and misrepreeen tatton rule the hoar and are its corse. (ientlemen ladies why cannot the truth be told al way a and ever I Why this deception and lying Why so much jSjw falsifyiag and cheating I TUE TRIBUNE DESPONDING. The New York Tribune ia not at Tk Bote of Shan. The rooe of May nil sang u i ue of the election of Grant. Be. af mo ,M,k lowe i" In m M.ni tl.. f.AI. shape and hue, that has lately been intro jM , . dneed to adorn the parterrers of our parks v- . . , and cardens. its blossoms are Den sna- ivi wj utr iiui insi eve, nor wisi; , , r oib-r. h-li n'r. .u- ped " f nr "'"ff1?1 hnM nd J ZTLZjr&-, D"t it iiuii ccrieiin. ssa sa.swhmlsBWs ail smsninliH ley I a i JJUV IV iliniwiT ivautiwna t ivsajainHSJ ne would nave every . u-ki- I. .k- k... one realise max tlie election is not ttroughont Syria, Judea and Arabia, it M ivejoioncnos garded wild the protoundesl reverence, can win if they work, but innst lose The leaves that encircle the round bios if they are liecdlea or apathetic mm dry and close tight together when We hope to carry Pennsylvania, the eaon of blossom is over, and the Ohio and Indiana in October, but by stalk withering completely from the stem, small majorities, such as will animate the flower is blown away, at last, from both parties t more determined ef the bnsh on which It grew, having dried i forts in November. Our Indiana P n the shape of a ball, which is carried friendilslk of a large majority in by the srjort of the breesa to great d.s tl. at Srate ; we shall Ue content with , Iu ' " a small one. Wo do surely hope to Mnd WMtM ''d.drU, util at last, csrrr this Stale, hut know well that ' ? " pUce 't clmg. to the t . . . . . I soil where it immediately takes fresh root hard work is require- to do it.- I ,jfc and f For I I 1 1 1 1 1 1, m i,.ftiir t.nii . i I i v I .1 it it. . . Itareau, who received iheir appointments from una) to nave tuns talked to the ne groes from their Stale. But instead of snch advice being given the veryVeveree has beam the eaae, hsjthfreM the rnaauaea s oeraaa BMciaJs and earpet baggers generally. Had each language been used trom the nrsi, tns con- dfthM af the Sooth would have been very different from what it new ia. WUmiu lorn Journal. Ala.' all Bowss. And, eh.' we go. ' ft far swar ! Tii. so wsaraal. . ' '' Ut ligkt f Ufe. and lb heat ..f strife. ' tho of fh alb. and the c.M sull dnst ga, we go, aad may not stay 1 " Uavel um Uoc. dark, dreary way i Maf the day, and Into the Night, l'iu tM Darkiuia. ..ut ..f the Ilriifht. " tfcsa sad then, like etker inen close oar eye and go to sleepV- 1 6 close ear eyes aud t to sleep! p ' me, the grar is (ana aad deep ; w a flower at niera so fair ; ed at ere it Was no the re ; f Makaata, guUea krigtrt; Ha ctnoj that aiutkeaui sfcruud ; N jewklgkl . V ''(Pig the crave of Day. i. J ... I S l)av j,k .at L.tiiJd . - ... . , nadir. low1y laid it dowa : N lr. l morn tlie Sun'a fair hrfd. . twitiarhi bent her brow and died. "aa, alas! like liar, w wa lauak. 8NAREP BY THEMSELVES. Fearing that their nefarious scheme advent into the Southern f?rrrJr.il' ? Sonlliern States ln the 1 residential eiecinm may fail it tha negroes are allowed to role en inav, U now propiswd by the Had-, KXOW m gU(,H WORD Ag pATT icaia mat tue mongrel legislatures oi the reconstructed States shall elect the j rreeiaenttai cicc'ors. to gtre tins suffrage to the members of the L"g Matures is to lake it from the innta-in and to mn right into the teeth of the The Cuttumign i Ohid.A eorrespon- so called cnmtniilnal' ' amendment. this reasnit the Oriental have adopted it a an emblem of the resaTTC The dried flower is placed in a r water beside the bed of women r. br conviction that v.ctory is withiu your the Judeans, and if it axpanu. an the reach- j moisture, the omen is consideri a farora- belu-ve we shall will easily ; for, without streiuious effort, weshould not win at all. But work o i in attired ; bio. If it does not, the worst is feared. A PLAIN STATEMENT. What would yon think of a farmor who had raised thousand bushels of wheat, and who should sell if to a thousand different persons, scattered all over the State, and agree to wait a year for his par fiom each of them, and if one half of them did not pay at tha end of the year, he h tild give them another bushel, and agree to wait another year for hia pay, and thnssmon rear after rear! How long weald such a farmer bankruptcrl Probably not very much longer than publishers of news papers who follow such a practice costs the editor of a newspaper mm e than doable aa much to supply a thousand subscribers for one year M it coats a fanner to raise a thousand bushels of wheat. The farmer sells his grain in balk. Newspapers are sola to a thousand different parsons liriag in different places, and ha must wait until tha end of the year before he can ret Darment. and h dependa wholly upon the honesty and the responsibility of the subscribers. It will not par him to go or send around ihe country to collect his dues, as tha amount owing by each man is small ; yet it makes a large sum in the SKirregSre. .yncMury M0m orgy ..d activity iny ihat,lTI, "'urteenth amendment iprovh it The hosts of the con-'1" ,,B wcnl section its renrd to.eji are already beginning to' Sf'c llikf " When the right to v dent of the New York rTerfd, Writing 6o. A watchful Northern' ciilcmiioai y Cfavelaad.Mysj H1' 5l If 1 " Sjr rce iwa iiio uilliCUlM WM vw eevii n-u. lUes each o!e at any election lor the choice, ot electors for President and V co-President of the United States, represen tatives in I on it re as, ino executive groat battle is to be fought aud wen, ami ami judicial officer of a State, or tlie M straws indicne anything, the twenty- niemtiera of the Legislature tliceof one e lectors! voles ol lln- male win oe A thousand things can be done when circumstances oblige ns to pat forth an effort which, were it not tor such obliga tion, we never should suppose we never could accomplish. No nun kuows ahat lie can do until he is put to the test. L- The "Orientals" are- famous for their smartness in repartee. Urie is a favor able peciruen : A native deacon, named Hagnp, now has the charge of the Pro testant Armenian church at Trebisond, in A shfe M inr.' . - Some years, since, the dea- I'be coming campaign in Ohio to exceed in ran have nrect'drd tendine- parties are already beginning Marshal themaelvrs one against the other, end wo shall witness the most bitter, deter- tned fight recorded iu the annals of po litical oraranisaiiona. Hare in Ohio a east for Seymour and Ulair in November. This is not a casual opinion, given upon the sour of Ihe moment, hut based upon fart which present ibemselre in a e lei r, forcible wanner lo every citisen, no mat- tar to which party lakh be i bound. We have aad. several Mcai eieeiious re cently in this Stale, whkh show largely ioerrased Ih-mocratic majorities, and the numerous change prodiierd by the violent sure of ..ngress, together wttn me kness. in point of iutellecl, of the ltr- oablican candidates, have all conduced to aiaee toe iiemoeranc pnny iw rfm up-'" the most stable, secure fonndal ion iu which It kttkM feryears past; '-x KENTUGKV. r- The elect ion ret tints from this State are still in doubt. The Louisville JoumsU thinks that it ha given a h'tiiocrslic luniorny of one hundred hmmind, while the Cottrirr ears that it has given only eighty live thomy- and - but doctors will diner; and if it should turn up that the latter figures itrc correc, why we must be txigncd. Ayroiy A ew. The Radicals think that Governor Seymour will probably go erasy. (iiHHi mav have the delirium trev nu ns, but he is in no. danger ol an holiest ami legitimate kind f deliii . A man 1 id to lie Uelirioii- hen hi i-leas kret tnugled. and,s i (tin i it has no material to tangle, he is 1: si rTL.ti... Jtli . lo llMMllier Ol pen.--.yr(t4y Suppressing Rarbufou BUm.A sut tee, or the buridjsvof a widow alive on hiutKiuri, line re Cieat atleuthui in Pwaewp: r aw arse aa rn to slsmt M' Sj. a. n a - . ftvr ! AVsartr of thr wr r" Kir mm ts tha lyraaay, to make r me ir ciantre rt rssaniv eentlasaanVsti P. lodaWM SMFi i if tliiTrleTIn of i irovernnicni, iui". lernimauon to punish all in such harbiruus rites lb Whlu wh were nresent on ihe occasion, fourteen were transported for life, thirty for tea yean, and t-Jeren others were to b haprisoued is denied to any of the male inhabt tanta of snch State, being twenty one years of age and citizens of I he Uni ted States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of moreen v ration therein thall he reduced iu the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to tha whole number of male citizens twenty one years of age in aneh State." When the right of voting for Presi dent iul electors is denied to all 'the voters of a State, then the basis of representation, in snch State must be reduced by the number of all the votere, which is to say that it is to have no basis of representation at all. Jtichnumd H': Divokcss. Indiana, and especially Illinois, have acquired bad repute on ac count of ihe IuosciTMs with which luatri- moni.il band have been held, bat it ap pears, aa shown by a Uto number of t l.e .Vt- Englander, that Connecticut excels ail other States .tin! countries for the num ber of divorces. We copy tho following summary of the articlo referred to, viz : "Thus, Connecticut, "the land of steady habits," is at the bottom of the list alto gether. The ratio of divorce to mar riage is there double what it is ia Ver mont, nearly fbnr-f Id thai in Massachu setts, and muck more than Uonble iii.it iu Prassla- There are absolutely mere di vorcee in Connecticut, on ibe average, by lOeViviavt Mi every; year, i than in W' scliusetts, a State with two and a half limes as many inhabitants. These were in 1866 more slrsii half a many aa hi )hin, a Stole with almost five times the population." l tranrdinary occasions call forth exiraordi- . con -is employed by an English mer n o v effort, and nrrotnplwh wonders., , A ' cantik house in Snmsun, and was rcquir man when frightened can lift an article ed lo work on the Sahhath. This he weijfhiug three times as much as he could ; steadily refused to do. His employer used under ordinary circumstances. I.i t n weak j all his ingenuity to convince him that it woman be under in -vims 'excitement, and ' was necessary and right m do ao then. it would require several strong men to' "What!" said he one day, "if an ass fall hold ber. ! into a pit on the Sabbath day, dees no' Nature has what we may call reserve : even the Saviour my that it is right to repositories ot strength to be drawn upon pull turn out! "Certainly, replied in cases of special emergency : but all ! llairnp : "but if an ass hss a habit of the strength drawn therefrom leaves the going every Sabbatb and falling into the subject just so much reduced when the same pit, then his owner ought to nil up emcrgeucv is over and keep him reduced the pit or sell that ass! until l hose repositories are again rcplen- j . islied. 1 icse facto nave been proved in fhe Latest from BaUigk By the Sen a thousand cases Still no one would be- tintt w ilwt nigW. 1, we learn of the licve that he could command so great an j preceding in the Senate on Tuesday, re- '"" K'V""- Mwngm im iowm- MtlVC to the Military Kill. viiiced of it, by die actual emergency , jt win to remeiubered that Mr Respass !... --M ! '11... - J- - ...... I... ....... a w -.' . . . .- J """ la"' " 1 0" """ m mc bad on Saturday introduced a substitute of mental and business power. Men know for ,le gpecij Military Bill, which sub not what they can do till they tnako an ' ililuto had lbo s,At. 7 effort in good eartiest Thousands have I A reeonsideration of this was afterwards said, "I will try," and have succeeded I cried the uew bill was rejected -even beyond tin ir on extravagant cil-, On Tuseday another, and a more iufa culations. As in the physical, so i.i tho j ,,,, OIH3 than the others, was brought mental Man, thare aw abilities wbudi bid waiting for, the proper occasion to oud reading. This latter bill 1 said to draw tucm em. and there are occasions in - b,e been the result of a caucus held on every man s ltle when they are called tor, Mw,day nighl, and that iu principal fee and turn ut the time that, either wakes or , ,., wore introdUred by John PooL la breaks the man. When these oecastons .11 nmbabiHtv rnund vtsnwav s . j j - i WiL Jour mil fAW A direct attempt by a radical of ficial at Wadesboro', hss been mads to in. tiinidate negroes who bare been mi ber of the League from voting with the democrats. McFarland, agent of the FreedsMn's Bureau, has scknowledged to It. Tyler Bennett, a citizen of the county, tbat be had verbal orders, from Mai. Whittmore, at Raleigh, to report to him the names of such negroes aa left the Leagues to join the Democracy. This is tho basis of frightful reports put eat to scare the negroes back into the leagues We bare heard of such talk in other parts of the county, and doubt not tbat a sys tematic effort will be made ail over the South against tbe freedom of the negroes to vote as they wish. Mr. Whittmore should feel himself oalled upon to explain tho meaning of those verbal orders to his su bordinates. They are extra official, sad therefore cal culated to excite the people aud produce trouble t Ilft.LT roe I s ! Ureal lies there a man vtlk soul so deed. Who never to hiuiaeir hath said. This is my Jwn my native land I" These lines of Scott were suggested to many different persons yesterday by the view of tho uew police body on their first round of duty. One half negroes and the other half white-just half-end -half the measure of our ignominy is almost com plete. What noi tt What next? "Pate dmp the curtain : I can lose no more. )rttmnujton Journal. I, NO. 3. county, was swas-sM-esSBSwaws--i mm, I.AXSMoajo', in Anson fired by MBsaeaafwa aa the eight of the 9th instant, and orach property destroy ed. The lubbers, (for it sens.' ibero wer- severs! ef the,) first robbed th store, and then eat fire to it sad other build. no, in the place. No discovery of the perpe trators yet mad. A Trn Cbpy. The following is u ver batim copy of aa application for officn wicked an br a eialliBMa m bis store ay r or aw few dsys sines. It read tbnsly : Ta the Mare at Yoor Honor A Board of Alder mass gentle men I have tbu borer of offarrin my self to YOU to sec to the load ning of the street carte At if elect ed wil ssts fait Iul ley accorden to my ability. Ws hope be got the place. WU.Jour. At a recent Meeting of the Charlotte Seymour end Blair Club, the following proceedings, sailing ethers, were had. We have taken occasion to commend the cause of the Democrats aad Conservatives of Charlotte in relation to tho colored rote, and we do so again t Toe following waa Introduced and read by Jar. P, J. Sinclair, which was adopt Resolved, Tbat the Chairman appoint a committee of two from each ward, whose duty it shall be to prepare lists and enroll the names of all persons, both white and colored, who wish to become members of this Olub. In compliance with tbe foreging Reso lution, the following committee were sp pointod, to wit t White. Colored. Ward No. 1 James Uleasoo, Wb. Foster ' 2 II. lioxbaum, Cicero Ouinn, 3- Of . D. L. Moody, Sack Dewev- 4 8yd H AJeiannder, Henry Miller. There being no further busiaess, the meeting adjourned. . W. XIAVIS. Uhm-n.-JotOI Pa XL A If, Secretary. From Washington. Washington, Ang 13 Noon. The re- Maine of Hon. Tbaddeos Stevens sro guarded by the Butler Zouaves, (nogroes,) uniformed and armed. The great majority of visitors -are ne groes. Tbe exhibition attracts very little The body of Mr. Stevens He in tho centre of the rotunda. There is no unu sual decorations or drapery in tho capitol. trom California. San Francisco, Aug. 13 Noon. .The town of La Parte, California, has been de stroyed by fire. Tbe loss is estimated at half a million of dollars. Gel Deaae, of Gov. Wai mouth's stoff. has confined himself in hia representations respecting affairs in Louisiana, mainly the authorities to whom he was sent. Ia general conversation, while representing tbe Situation as serious snd requiring prompt attention from the Qo vein meal. he draws a milder aud Mors encouraging picture of affair than some, others lately from New Orleans have done. Ue speaks very kindly ef General Hays and other ? imminent ex-Confederate, and Is ill of their probable attitude and in relation to public order. do net occur, men know but little what they can do - per hap it is not necessary that they should know. But when they arrive, then is the call for action. Let none say "I cannot." "1 will try," should be your motto and trying is everything. If half the pains were token by people to pci form tlie labors allotted lo them that are lakeu by tlum In avoid it, weshould hear much loss said about the trouble ef life, and see Much Mere ac tually completed. The doty of tha happy ia to kelp the safciinf to bear their woe. THE CURS' -OF'TDK HOUR. Under this head the New Vn k Evening Mail talks as follows : There is two much lying. On every hand we meet with exaggeration,, equivo cation, deception; Vt c call iU.ll lying, and every man or woman who varies ouo iota from tbestitctest tact a.nd truth ia in deed a liar. - The expressman agree most solemnly to deliver a trunk for you at a certain place al a certain hour. He de liver it the day after it i promised, and thus lies. The grocer promises to send yon the best tea in the market. He takes the first hi hand falls upon, without any care foe the quality, and dispatches it to you without a twinge. He ia a liar, t'he ' rioter promises to do your work cheaper than it can be done elsewhere in town. He forgets bis promise, charge you what he picasM, and lies. The tailor agrees to deliver a sail of clothes without any fail by six in the evening You get them iu tbe morning, and tbe tailor is s liar. Tlie dentist pledges his word that your teeth, aa filled by bin, will be all right for a doxen of ear. The filling come out in six mouths, ai.J ibe 'lentil Ji'-s A map NEGRO THIEF 8IIOT. Night before last between 1 1 and 13 o'clock, Capt. Williab V. Jordan, residing in Liberty, heard a iuspici oils noise in his garden, and arniinr hiineelf with a shot aim, loaded with bird shot, proceeded to the garden and there found a negro bnsillren gitged iu pulling roasting ears. Capt. J. tired upon the rogue, a portion of the load striking him in tho head, inflicting a severe but not dangerons wound. The nngm proved to be one Kill Bell, a notorious thief, whose roguish propensitie will be checked for some time by the deserved pun ishiiuiut he received. If all proper; v ' I IV I . I 1 J owners who sutler ny mo uepreauv titt'ie of negroes- who liver orrly by stealing, would fake the course of Capt. Jordan, robberies of thin kind, now so frequent, w mi Id be wholly broken up - -Lynchburg Xetrt. WORTH ATTENDING TO. The Southern Democrats should take care not to place upon their elec torial tickets any disqualified man. The fonrteentli amendment is valid, accord inir to ludtml teachings, at will be enforced against anvSevtnonr elector who is affected by it. Tlie Charleston Mercury calls upon the Democrats of south Carolina to re speet the amendment so far as this e.ection ts concerned. 1 The lUdicul need have no fears on this score. They can make any rebel an elector, aiid Congress will remove his disabilit.es. Jiic.'imoiul Dupatch. . j A MrsiCAL I'aorrtoT 3 -Willie C.ff Foreign, A'ew. aj ,nS Liverpool, August 13-P. M The British ship Haraibme, which sailed from Dublin August 1st, for Quebec, has hee i lost at sea. The Master snd first Mate have been savsfj. Berth), Aug. IX Negotiations bare been initialed between the North German ronfhderation snd the United States for a treaty securing protection, aad proper ti'BMMsqt to emigrants en the high Ecas. F detjfftDemocraties Cowen turn Great Enthusiasm, dv Raleigh, C, August 13 P. M The Democratic State Convention aescnv bled to-day in large force in Tucker Hail, at 10 o'clock, A. M. The CWonti wm called to order by Hon. The. Bragg, sod Jo. Dsrls, Esq., ef Franklin, waa chosen temporary Chairman, and llcssrs. Gates and Kngelliard, becretaric. Mr. Davis, on taking the Chair, ad dressed the Convention ia aa appropriato speech. I A committee was appointed upon per manent organisation. In the absence of the commute tbe Hon. Josiah Turner, Jr., w is loudly called for, who responded in a scathing Speech. T he committee reported, f OcomBiOQdtn g Col. U. II. Cowan, of Wilmington, a per manent President, with seven Yiee-Pre.i dents from the seven Congressional dis tricts, with a number off Secretaries. Colonel Cowan addressed the Uonven t inn at length in aa able speech. Over seventy counties at the Mate aro represented. Several hundred delegates S in attendance A committee of fifteen on resolutions and the nominations of electors for the man, an infant but li'tle over two' State at large was appointed, of which TV- ' Don't eras the bridge till you come to it. . The foot of the owner is mire for his land. lb best ma- t A trnly great man never pets away the simplicity of a riots. years old, omonislied musicians yes eidar bv tdSvine on the ihsiio at Davie' Musical ExcIihiiko. lie used his elbow an I arm to supply the petieivner of his tiny fingers, tlie little fellow is blind hat veryepitgnt ly. He will play again til a morning at the same place. A gentlem.-iu who sang to his acoanpaniiiient pnqoelv made m false tatrte, when he stopped and hit .it him with childish iadigtia 1 1 on. Uo is from Norfolk.-Mith. Washing. "Why are you like aa saaaal, My dar ling !" said a saucy lover, binding his arms aroand Harriet's waist. " I can't say. Why V " Because yoa arc haudaomely bound." - Indeed," Mid MU Harriet. "Why then, am 1 like a law book ?" " Reattr. I eanbot tell' i U-iSt... I tu b'auJ lu c.dl. lion. Thomas Bragg is chairman. ., Jladge Osborne, of Mecklenburg, and Jos. J. Davie, Esq., ef i rankliu, were appointed for the State at large. The coMmittee on resolutions have not yet reported. Messrs. Bobbins, Graham, Biggs, J. C. Dobbin and others addressed tba Con veil lieu. The city is foil of visitors, some esti mating them at three three thousand, and great harmony sad enthusiasm prevails. To-night a grest torch-light procession take place, when many speeches will be From Itashingion. Wsshington, Ang. 13 P. M. si Canbv arrived to-day aa com maud of ibe DcpartMaat of Wasiuos- ton. Ben. Batter retains Ilea. Caleb Caali iag to del-'iid k against Wordier. Sad K'taberly asd ljieibers. '3mH ;for five years. r I

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