A .f' We bV I III 11111111 II II i beauf Hut ml . it DlTOBIALCMWaiI)NOKNrK. lUuvii Hrmxu. X 0. I Aegast 17, IMS. I i. mm are hlsowe N aSSSS WO drwcrip .u will BS 0 n Ir ear the! ths Er for Mr aewaer ol vhd- . turn rjr y ' The m fltit i ! eywrtlcssaaly .... Mr (rrprijtf proprietor, IW. v? yaw, erery rWtoS perteetiy at mm. ublr grata ttftr tae MM tlwt le narket frtfW hi a aJannet M,,!. .MM satlsly palate oi ,t rpicarean, ow Wher pjaMMlcr er mm agiaaeeai paao oeeto: J. tfar only erprUe i tbel secb ulr, in lb bar of -web a iiipilllir. Muukl not be a plat of much won go- Ml resort than h U. Hot we suppoto (He iiie is a be found in ttia Impoverished Jilion of oat Mpfe. wWen prerswts tar front costing for plaeaer, and eon Brttheiil th.ly, if not wholly, wbo eoaM to drink the water for known health firing poweta. Bsltobary we found to bo vary well rep tented A ate the rr f" ... .I,nn. we met with on oar arrival . 1 t ,re oar maww awa ww.mrn, won ,rtea Cralge, Major Archibald Header ,n ad H 0. Joewe, Br., hq. Tee ha resorted hither for many ream, M.J m rtafue a very high opinion of the Kididnal pmperriea af tbo water .. Heodertoa' aajbtfoa l lb vales of , wataei lo htseJhls ia nolle- extra va ml, and no ouo who taw hia a few day fore be ith Selisbary tab Walt upon biaa aiid foil to ae that ntnethiii, baa mark a great change in hie health hi a . uT.-h now lobe comparatively aad aa any man at the I Ue. W a the aauusslar lor the m , fit of the Major' numemni friend In disbery -and no man baa more ; indeed it almost Impossible for an amiable a to hare an enemy. Nr. .lone I iking verr feeble indeed, bat ia ande esrfel. Ho baa at been here long nuch in determine whether lie will be .filled I.V drill Vint the Wntera or lint. it he ha the wiobea and prayer ol ma- friend thai be mar be again rea'ored health ml rtgor. Ifr. Wa. Mnrphy l fsmilv are alen here, but we bare not Bui tba pleaeare af meeting with her a Slick, Hlkitr, StUkwtr- Mo. Smith, the U-fMity (Iieriff, h) admitleiily a pretty tharp leUwW aa lb traak of a raasal. Ha k right down beon, nd aw mlatake. But J oaa A luui Krrvar, a aotabU auamp in thUoouuty, eheat d Uai bad Jaaiit, yaatardav, about lb lUck. L Job i lb man who dear uf Henrjr Hrowa' bell oow, laat Thnrily night, allu aoa to wbieb wa made in oar Saturday ' i a: aad a lb airanmeiaiitvi af the vmm Tib aUutoa Kaium Hlaub. It appear that lb rnt uiograaima of the Wilming- 1 Tk Ntp Guard wer tie Bodi of llUuninnbtaj ia not coilaed t - I h, i Id, at St-em. from bh XaMonal lotolliganref. Great diagaat la foil by the people, Had ieal included, at the iMlruaioii of any mjl- ii.ii v guard whalerrr to obatrocl Ibe rlew declared the act le b aiaple. n'luhetated aaw alaaMag, Mia waa mat ta areew him, II band John r Ml tool tnmbV, wh"ie ii rjiea d him, and Jufaa maU mi ilHmiMirai!.iii to ward reatatane ar raeapn. Uu tlw uuulra.y ha waa anal uird aad p. lne. and imly akd the faror to be alio trod to clMngv In - vlolbee, aad wcnl up Uir (or Ibal purpnae. One of lb famd follow, d hna up. and the . j.uiy below, who bad bin ryea .o. I eart wall open, baaed tttenr. talking ami walkiajf up there until b got tired wailing, and Mill l;i priaoaer wa oot 4M ready wa now wiiimk a letter bw fure going to jail would be duwa iu a iiiimii 'and to time flew, until Moae'a iaiiiKu fairly broke down, feeling that lie ii 1 1 1 i tiifln.1 witr ne ln.lo to (be Malra and up he went like a nn detcraiined to make luinx-lf reiuH-o- ld, wh.-n Ivl no iobn Allen waa tliare. I'm- baa b lurntd watbebml pin pwexW iba4 ana It-It iliem ijood. I her urn an own win dow to the room npeaiuit out on a baok-ahed roof, the erei of which nearly ton. h tin- earth, lie approached (bit window and pof pd hia bead out of it. Every body kuowa kloas and they mm him now, with hia bead wit of that window. He ta looking drat at (be low abed roof and (ben at (he thicket of cedar a few yard beyond. Rr't a piclum Car a painter too good lo be apoiled, ao let ualeare Lim there while we reflect bow much Wc are indebted (o the cat l.ke Meallhiuee of Joha Alien lor it. But to be rolier thta man Kelcky i a pub lie enemy. He baa already ceued much trou ble, and what i werae, lie allow do indiim lian to reform We brlieve that for the mke of ln father the pubJui would foririve him for I pat afTem-r W hr wneld iww lw an boneni mm. H bat a pity lie wtli uol I He ha e-, aad an often! And yet joat at turn at tberv ia law and joat ice in the world, be will, if lie keen on. go lb way of all other ratcaia. Ha read tint ppr, aad we bare laid thai fur hit warning. " If Oaa " will eel biin eL a lw tar- nee m all the plain. And the Sl.enff will ret i hi. A prerourertcd nirnngenaat at Raleigh la provoke lb whit.-t into a col linioti, while awaitiag ibo arrlral of iho train Wriliicadar iilchl. would lva aaw tolled in a lihmdy rim hoi fortheritreaiolf7 ,led body of Thaddeo 8t fnrhiraiK.- of ll.e white. Ahram Oallo- 1 '" baainea ol dir. cling the en way, the c lor.-d 9uali, i aaid to hare anted rery eieditahly, uniug every effnt la reatraia hie cilon'd frienda ia their vio lent dnmo'iKlrjiiona. 'I'll' i . can he no doubt that lhi- riot are pMnnrd I v the while Uiaau'on lend era. I bey care tirdhmg for (ho couae qneucr, aetbuy aduid, carpet bag in hand, roady to flea whenever they ihitik their carcaaec are iu danger. They aauat hum alaeiura political aapi'al at any onat. Hut thrsa gentry are very much in armr if thur annpntn iher will crane their inal reward, unlet thay leave before the eon flic t begin. Our people are iinnnimnn iu the belief th.it tin- aegrae are hut I he tooleof .etr wliflR leader They will- nci nccnruiugiy ir uiey are Inrceil lo tie fond ihcmaclrc. Wilmington Star. TUK STATU DEMOCRATIC COX TIOX. 1'he We tern Jkmoerat ay : From oar own terratiou, and fro the declaration of nlbfra, we think we are juttilied in raying 'hat 'he Couvenllon of orea. the Daajoarai ie-Canr retire pony of cm rent of North Cam! in, held In Haleigh an tin- aarioat tight-aeer, oe; Indeed, oi woe- 13lh and Uih lnt , wa Iho forgaat po tion per at tba ahrlna of a terrible luteal aeetublag ever held in tkia Htaie I oaalitulioa breaker an 1 violator oi law jrinc the memorable day of IfllO. Turk political or party parpnaea, belong t, 11 it or Hall, wher the Conrentioa ate I, la bi-loug at all, eielueively to I ho Capital new of tba Urgent iu tba Sute, and waa mdiee. 1 beeafnrr, a negro ballafaaa of . filled to lit alraeet riimon v. Many not wany e.lorod hue, in uuiiorai, k a j being able to get hi a rettn at a ne mailo ulaea whero baald be only the graver that tpeaker b pH.ii t.-d to a.hliv the batiillmenl or mourning ana woe. 8th MY LAST LOVK A USEFUL I'UEK. In China there growt a irre known aa the great tree. It i id ih.it large for e( uf thi vegetable Inbrieaiit are lo be found there, and they form the iniiree of 4 conr-blerable local traffic Thi tree not rerr lonir arn waa imnoried into India. and it ia mid that the ei pertinent of enl tieating it there ha proved nniteiucceaa ful. Iu the I'mijaub and north-wintero provtnci - genemlly it grow aa rapidly and aa rigoroaly aa in it native toil, and there are already thousand of thcMitreea ou the government plantation, yielding of teeddmlrab!y adapted to a va riety of commercial pnrpoae. Ur. Jaaaeaon, ahanut in the I'unjanb, ha prepared haudrtai weigbla f greae front thi paiticular tree, and ha forward ad aa trial a portion of it to the Punjaub railway, to hare it qualiiiea tcrn-d ia a Thi tage trick of rcbeuek and (he like will a thoroughly dlrguaf the people a hare aearly all receni art of the eapirin Radi cal moniler. Mr. Steven wa a civilian. Then-fine, If any body of military could decently, not to T legally, intrude with in il.e Capitol, it honld be ono from l. in i j.-ti I-. I'eiit.rv Kuni.i. AVhea the bodiet nf aurh pre-rnoiuf m etateimen aud bene- faet'ira of their race a John (j. Adams and Henry Clay wore lying hi tale in crowd outaide ol the building, which waa done. We enhjoin ibo platform adopted by iho Convrn TUB im. v tniiiu Wv tha lb legate of tbo Democratic and Conervallvii p.-. .pie of North Caro lina, in Oonrenlfniraaaemhled, do -ilial. Itl. That wo approre nf (he nninlualioii by the Xaiioual Denmerntic Convention nf Horatio Seymnnr for I'n ar aw oti oriirritiDfTO- Kow tiirar dnalti (be ioektof gold, In wbitoa of departed year! Tkia heart may well be calm aud cold, Ami rioaed to pattioa't hop. t and than Yet of monntaia I bar read That taattt the atenay atoaa aapiret . Sternal tnnw npon It head, And in IU breaat eternal flraa f How could I t anddcB practical manner a labriaatiag raaterial lean and the run and the galiowt- ami the for tlmao porta of the machinery couttaut irrare. Aadtbcnt jI I i ly iloed (o f.iction. Tho gre.a tba ' - .X.-r"a' -"'."lil i in nt i-ii.'.w. Hum- recent The number of vUitor here, wa learn ka Cl. WyaM, t about aeventy I -U.III2 i hem H) a proportionate number r " .- . . . . i and gentlemen, and I hey and Href time of it. raang l hiving a gay Ir a whrb aaaa wiinoni a 11, old and yo h rh all. .uehfortka OW North yonnf, Wbo indulge m HhIb.IiI A U pernctpAic. c nare r-. . 1 .... a .a . to write quite SUttt, if not thaw wa would hire mamed in oar Mtcfaaa. We looked in. wr. r. lor a few miuntc both on Ft i or wall know, an eaeeediofir timid in. and partlcuUriy aAy of the ladiea we Imed an tetrwdwMma -tendered br Id tt' Tatl loawjr of thera. We eonld a. boa ever, fl In admire them at a wife niee, and while we iippoe they will perfectly iarHfaVrent to oar opinion of 'ir rhana we eaimnt kelp raying that -, if not all of them, were qnlte gnnd U mio.. ia- ic and Conrvtive gailie. iag hi Raleigh Wat a very grand and en-tleiaiaMk- affair concerning whkh we lv two rtwret, firal (bat the tt',-t war noi more namrriMisly repraeitntrd. and teeooti, that we caenot aih-ooaiely pu tine it (o oar reatleis! It wat a touch of ibe time af 1H40, " Tito up beacoi baa Legoii : the peopl are. rouMug. mid we look lor a tornado aud earthquake tni fall rhat will watter the radical party to the lour wind. So mole it be. thi city, them were aa fjaawdt bail ihu t. atd Frtwk, AV Btafa for Vial'raafr leol''e dent of the United Stale: I but. in tlieae Vetwr heretofore done full foalieo to jmcn pecojui,. .i.tetmon of erperi- mat awn oi t oauocua qictoii a cuanrc-; m)etl ,,i ,.mlneul ability, of enniid politi lor which dicardcd mean acU in p u ty, ,,, prioeiplet, of anaallied pnblic and and a a eapecially acornful of what pah- prjwU, rh,mcter and nubounded patriot- ed from the door nf Coilgrcta the public i,m and aa auek wa n-n.m mi ll I,. editor. But the nrnaent trick aud nrU of ,i. u,r, .,,nu.tr, r ,t,. uaal,,,,! ,,b . . -, . j.t . i- -j -"i'r - - r r.. 1 hat the Governor of thi State, . Intriuir proclaimed it a tho policy af the II. idled party to buffer no one to hold any fcc, appointment or place In the SMM, however hnaiblf, wbo will not lend hi aid nni! nromiac hi aupport lo that party, and which policy be and hi foliticnt friend arc new rigaroaaly enforcing ta effect the evereiae af tba ahiellra fratt- chUe, it i the ena of thie Convention that tba people hare iho rlgiit la aoan teracl auch policy by all lawfal mean, if they think proper an tn do. Thai any citiien of tbo State, therefore, baa a man ifest right, at which hn cannot bo lawful ly deprived, to employ, or uot to employ, or aeaae to employ, any pi i s.in whalerer when any eihiting otarl t rrainat and that any altrpint on the part of ue lyglalature, by uny pretended law lo de prive any citiien nf uch right, or to im pon uy p. n.ii: v or prtiaiHM for o do ing, will be In virlation of the Couitila tional right of the citiaen. 9th. That tn obtain vuccea in the ap- pronchtng fretiilential tier Won, every ef- lort rltonld be in de by onr friend tn per- l.-et their organization, anil no legfliinntc moan f bould be apart-d In bring enery voter, lavoi.ililc. to our cauac, I: the poll. To tli.it end we Utot earnestly iccoui mend to oat friend to organize at once -ey mour aud Hlair Club iu every county and every District, with active eaura- er, wnoae duty among oluer thing it And tho.- the jnwett love inapltea. our uatur neat meat yield to late Would thrill mr. In my wintry hu. With ail the glow of yoang n Aad all th fere of manhood' prime' Vet patwion, ta Ma wflaeat Are, It wertbleaa to (hia btrc af alia ; For youth partae it own detfre. While, deareat ! all I ek it tblno . And all I aoaghl yet eatne at laat. I'nmmght, aeaf of thy parfeet graoa. ty e.iiiilort . for all the aorroi My bojie, all Aiture ta eflha I Hope ncli a angelt my Aad comfort tuch aa angola give For uear tby ainle.l hrvelineae All earthliw feellg era to live! Jacobin to tnrn hi death lo pnrtiean ae count by eitraordinary demoutlration m- couaiateiit with the aolemu nccaaiou of the donth of any man nint be expoeed. Ijaat iiijht tho Capitol wa hi a blaxc' nf light erer the rinat oi one .who, be it remembered could never, iu tba im mortal day of file patriot ttateimcn Clay and Vlebaler, make a hair a advance iu "outaide of Iho Conalilutiou" to produce aeclioual atrifo and a people' woe. Henry Carolina fd. That we approve of the platform of principle adopted by the laid Cnnren tiou ; it apeak iu no doubtful tense , it language ta explicit and meaning clear Tho issue pi . sent, il lo the country are plainly and unmiatakabjy defined, n mi with a free ami fair election we confidently bo- cU jlievc Ihcy Will be enifored by a largit ma jority nf the people; and with that eu- (1. ii semen i must come aticn acnange in tnc tained forms jug with a clear, brilliant, aud, what la In finitely aiore tn the parpnae, a while light. and at the Mine time emitting not trace, j Tr of any unpleaaaul odor,' orof tho ordinary ' ' ji Zl If. i e i.r emblem to uidii-rtuiu iiccoiup.iuimeuia oi comuu lion eatoke. Clay wat the grand champion of the com- j adminUtralion of theXational Goreniment promote act that twice aared tba Union from war aud the State from wretched nee. I hi eity waa ptnnged in grief by the dentil hero of William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor, soldier of the Re public, had It Chief Magistrates ; but no pompous and improper illumination, tow- clouda, were then thought tit mark the sorrowful event. TUS SEYUOUH aad HLAIR CLIO. Means EwToBt : Ala atftfftaf iff the ?. Si-ii.i k ik IV ait. -Science hi eon tantlr bringing new power lo aid tin- work of langhter. Oeaml Napi-r had!gTji)( tn' AoyMmm an appwatna for employing the BsaapM ict mu light on -i gmiiil scale. If the Abytiiiiaa bad nuide a night at tack oil the British, us it is stated King Theodore adrised hi captains lo do, a ben ildeii.fg blaxe nf light wuttld har . been thrown into their ere at the di ; lance of six hundred yard, and the Brit- mour and Hlair Club. Monday night, the follow ing res..niiun iMsoduoed by W. II. Bailey, K-u. Mere uiwnimmidv adoolcd: Krim Ttiat the nwuiia-ni of Ibe cnt.irrd wi, Oelug m sliaflnw, wuuld hare sliol BVyntowr ami Blair Hob he iavited to aiteml down their em-iuiea us easily as a hunter our me. m.gs. and ibal lU Kx.-cuiive Commit- shoot the deer wbod eye sre made laa- 'eanoiam'-f tle Hall hw ilieir oa. tmaaby tho flawing torch. "It i," 1 1 lZ""1: r My.lhe8p.tntr. "hardly war. and. a afaajrairand lM-rcuuntfor . , PRIDE AND rOMI'. Til" allow of lite have tin immense influence on public opinion. Iiitclli wo Mi.iy i In nk annul vet, we arc ail tnnrt! or tt?s itinncucci con van tiytial ui:-t mid irnpiiiii. - In Eulaiul ilia Wtahtin of a jn.le would lie counted folly it' ho cahib to court without his mill a bcaille out of Iris nccnsfomctl livery, and uli u U4 ln' truncheon, cotiUl inspiid no awe in charity school urchins nml parish fanors. A the line old C" iitindritin ava, "tVliat ia tnaioaly Ji- t est Jest ns will restore ihu Cnnstitntion and gire peace, harmony and prosperity to the country, and especially to the dowu-trod-dent Sute of I lie South. 3d That it is our earnest desire and intention tn bring abont these wholesome and necessary changes by the peaceful means nf tho ballot box; and all rflWtsto p. n, uce a contrary belief, coming (mm shall be to m i- that all onr friend entitled to rote are duly registered and brought to tin- polls, and that unqualified persons are not allowed to register or role. HOItSES IN BATTLE. The extent to which a charger can uppreiietiti till) penis of a I 'ill lie fiU may be easily underrated by ouc who cnntiiie li a obaervatioiia to horses still carrying their iider,' for, aa I n aa a troop hurra in action feels the weight and hand of a muter, liia deep I mat in man keeps hi in seem itiulv fiec from great terror, and he gove through the tight, unlet wound Impulses, longing, food desires, And dreamt of bliss too late ton late ! Tel if to late for earthly tie. Iu thoe of heaven we are entwi Thy beauty may but aiock my eyes Hut mine the beauties of thy mind .' Immortal as the mlud.they giaeef I'ufadiug a th love tb'ey wake; Wblie these return my soul's embrace, All other dreams 1 oaa forssk f DIED: In ktiwksville. on Satnrdar the I.Vh imrf la (In- "l i ear of her aae. Mra.' Frances J. Ilnm. lord. lira. if. (whose maiden una waa Kru- home: but 'ne moment that death or a diaabling wound deprive htm of hia rid', he seems at once lo learn what a iMttlc is to peiceivc Us real u li it m:i irli-i' tltcv tit i- urii hut ii... triek dm is rs wiih ih clearnwas oi a nu of Interested partlxnii of a desperate po. I mail !;'" " m M agonized with lirieal facthin. bent noon Dernetualinir it , horror of' the fata he may incur for pnwer hy any mean and at all hazards vd, a though it w vie a tic-Id day al j e TalU.t.) was a native ol Providence, It. I., 1 loil miiinoiit that ileal Ii or ' and came to Kuvettevillr alamt fiftv-two renr e ta Kayettoville about fifty-two rears since, bbc bas resided in Uavio ooantr siuce the fall uf WI6. should he armed, should be." thiut that barbarism bwt inn to RmJmd, That tpoetal Committee, oonM- in five, be anre.inle lo --i.t the aol.Ted Seymour aad Hair ' ia pruouimg employ- Si . . . . I A Talk ritk .Srmowr The Louitville mtt uiiMWiin MHnnm hipri nw wet 1 T-... .. I . , 1 I , J... .,.n.,., . .1 ... T...t,... ....L.... -iib Mta ? - s nave jiisi seen a. l P u.v.... rv J (' iili -.... u.-... 'ii ft Maaon, of Virginia, wbo spent day be- Crawnajul. Rer. Wm. Lanitwth. aud Wdj. IL ! lart y"erdar with Mr. .Seymour, at Uli Kaa-' - -, - t-oav ut naat wo sswctti oawnua luh wa ably sod el.iq-iet.tly addreaed not generally uiidei stood, -nd l confident la 'Kerr, Or. I. W. Jones, aad F. j that lha West will approve hi vie whoii ihev eauue to be known more Uiey are Attempting to alarm the people of thi St .in- by t In- folsu err of rcrolu-! I t,. It inn and war, tfireateiiing lliem at tne ... . ..... - . M . ..: ,M:ML Mil. amc lime witn iniiunry lorce ; wime in other States uf the Smith, they have not hesitated to lake from the people the elec tion of Meet or of President and Vice President, and to confer it upon Legisla tures, tin- uu tubers oi which were elected under military rule, without fiecdom of choice and with no rugjrd lo tho qaeitlon of Prcrljer.cy, in order to oecuro the electoral roles of tucli State for the Bad- ot H exlerliahtf Bfiniily, a icijl candidate t.i disregard and defiance We Allloneuus care loss lot -j of the just rights nf the people of such M lif. if mat atwr aaildsrwi. They f nlv and faatofally attired, and we hare n aatbing that indicated anything like nlry in dree. On Tbarsday tba Grand Tournameif M t'.awnatlnn Hall come ail, and w 'f ai! a gaol delegaiion from Salhi J oa the occasion. Specially da v we m to sea so of th belli- of Stlttlm- hrre, for ffo&Wbar' Ii aH behind her ter t .wus in Drcttr and aceompliahcd Thert! are two Micr 8 Uilmry p nun ' here, iu addltton tn Mloto We have aied. waaaBWa. deaerre a mem ion "mi as, for wc cannot foil to appreciate at ten lion we rewive at onr room from Hoyden, and at fhc dinner fable from SIMM. SKl'MOCR AXU 1IUIK ChUO. 'T rVljafWl' fol"'' l . eiini! the Piesil.-nt lo afipoint a li'imittse :T five w aastst tlie ed fley- ir aifi uUir men la oidaln employmenl ai tail ,4 wik. Wa shall give i-fkci .l pro l-ltngs and names a the eomwitiee in onr I", m orrter tiort- white desiring tahoret atid red oniiservalives desiring Miipfoymeiu. y t iw to whom to apply. ay ahV and rloqaaat aildreste were b' ""Hi l,y r. . W. J.m. a and K. E iSbidw. flisfier whiah the Praiikatl annouiwiHl as ' 1 .1 tits next nnvtinir. H-r. W illian l"'Ml. and Win. II. U.dey. K . aad ii l'"l W 1) aliseooe. Luke Hl .ek ... i K-.j lit ... rr4vnd Ut Iwld, bereidler, la meet lplbrryril. m-st meeting to bo held yam.My Bag!, atat of Ang.ua. i ! ie to the Al tvoc, Ml. ."li'Sgue, to Vatc "a he gave p r oisaton to the radical is.)iag ar th yaa f.df on ibe libit im. he was not aware rtiat ruaailar oiV-liu niarbt ad ' 'a.v Ilk- S... tn,,ur aiul ft .i etuh air aulluM-tsnl hv hun to stale that lo a.: . .. . . r iiy IURoaity wh.Jev.-i. in the lutme, ih. 11 II OJ. will br assigned lo the Set moili Blair ufob, en evetv mabl 4 ui n-enbir K ""K e..ioini.-n. in.' a aKir stated ami ' luomgliiiy th.rtaJUs. Tl"" was a Heyamar and hW chtb t Mt URa tVataaal, Aagnt 14th - ' b a laaawiaa oa Satarda the iJd. ' 'loek, r. M. The pubbo i. atviksd to S Tka ' - - -- . 11. ka. H 0ean aad War tW ill suit i. a -.-- ami ba toada. Oaaa ami was at a MY i-ttrttvu Natl IC TheUuli br Mj E. Iln .tier. . t o. The n.- n ar meertnc of (be Ctab lrp pnled to take pise at town Itall. Monday evening. Angina dli, at o'.:l. k, P. M. 1 he ',. ,. I. ii i am io. in.-. . a apsakers HW tin next meeiiog the Kev. Win. hamlielli ami Wnt. H. Bailey. E-o. and, nn-w.il Mr. Bailey's absLVnci', f.uke lilavkiner, K-.i. aa la allenuile. 8i ral new" treidbmi sigue 1 (he Coi.stliu- j sanguine nf a peaceful campaign and li i tioii. The Ba'l more on. OU Itowaii will 1 .,,haiit election, i'.d. Maaim tells' me i 1,1.1-; . ' - . . iaHy. M. Seymour i of tho opinion that (iron will make a poor run in all of tin- Middle States and thai lie will lose several of the New England States, Ilia own majority hi New York, he believes, will las upward ol one hundred thousand. Ue is very mil up a large majority for Si-yaMur and Hlair in Jfvveoibef. II. I MBIT WO OF THE SALISBURY (fXM)HKl) SKYMOL'tt AND, BI.AIK CLUB that all along tho railroad linn iu New York, and at every station and village, the enthusiasm for Seymour and Blair Was very great. It this city il k certain ly gaining ground. Ki cry day adds new confidence to (be Democrat aud witne- A meeting jof this rlnb wat held at 'be Radicals angrier and more skept j- McNeclry's Hall on KVhiay evening tbo .! "eOli ..i. i. - - r Hill inal. In the absenc" of the Chairman the Club waa by bi reqiiert called to mder by Mr. John Overlon. I. .ml eall were (hen made upon Dr 1. j v . Jonas, who being present , responded in a hiirhly sntifoaciory speech. W. II. 1 PENDLETON'S ANECDOTE. Iu hjs speech at Milwaukie, Mr. J.oti dletoii told (ho following anecdote : In 1865, after the surrender of the Con federate tnmpS, after lha war had beuu brought to a close, wc li id an riMliaii war such matter than mrv other people ;.; Slate and of the whole country a B a f . , I at I. "I "I. a im ... T.. .. 1. ... tut tiavertlieleas we do eaie lor iiioin. rr-" "- A Ketaut;., fa ...r.ru tj Tia iieTlTi t r - i afld IwS bCl ll, sillCC the cloSC of OUr lute a ! 'tHuivi ar - t iv ajiiji . a i , i i i -J i .foaai -.;.b...,r .I.-., eivii war, lo acci-pt ami abide by, in gooa faith and Without disturbance, the login ' male fruit aod consequences nf thai war; to yield to Ibe (ioeernment of tho U lifted lladcy, l-o., fn-ing then loudly called for fa ,)ie v,.t, I do not know whether yon 9MmSm M.mmmm LaMr heard of U here in Wicouiu, and remark he alluded lo an ar.icle iu the i . i. nat von S35.0O0.000 A Ueimbli- Ualeigh Standard. He said it was aaM1 meiuiar nf fongrea -ani I quote lea lo rcily to fact as st it.d as every fn.. lie,,,,hli autlnwiir. mv f. ... .. L-m..w In Im. .Hlulm.li.. . .. a . M '.K t -j.-.'. .nn- ... - ...... .........- iienuiiiicau inemoer oi ougress nan occn Iv false, but be would allude in one point. sii.n to investigate (bat subject, and hi The correspondent bad said that bo ( Mr. J 01 ia publish. .1 la the CimgrtMHMol naney 1 nau raireo iue memocra 01 tat . w&e. tie uelaiU omo ol the dream club gentlemen all he bad to say wa that he did not remembttr about that,, lilt Ww' -'bad nut on the last meethighe wnald do o now aad the StutnterH man could stance of thi war. lie 'ells a. bow the money was expended, lia tells ns that hr)i;! Jer elraoa limn wiihotir theid Sncb ia hnmMi nntr even in u re public ! Tho truth lo tell. reverence for aliovr grow umiii natitat. We arc now talking more about equality than ever ttcfora. I i . t pmcriea ffy tnrr arret al eiiualities are hecoiuinir more markinl and man ftat every dav. Ooldetl calves, richly cnpaiisniieJ, re ceive more' lioinair" Inaih. consist Willi the Declination of Iml Mieliduiice. fnuii the learned and wise, who lack the gilt of Midas. ludeud, were that celebi'tttetl hillionair now alive, lie otttlTtJvWiilr1i ilMWlHtrtHF length of hia ears, in new of I hia posilioii as a capifuiist, society would pronounce. theiii etnitieiilly liecoiiiiiijr. and take (u eat in-' iini(niioita ot them o il of coiuulinieut to tin- weul thy donkey. . No iMiliiictil system. however democratic, can wholly pre vent mail worship nnd trumpery wor ship in litis lo.i.lving, turf-iiiiiiiitig world. Ihe I'artime. Mi;ms. Or Old 8KkMota - -"Therrv an-," aya OW Duma, "manitstsript sermon existing a couple nf eetiru riea old, in the margin tit which 'hem, liein.' ia -written, tin indicate where the preacher, after raising his strain nbroa.i, Having no uiioritw ui 1 a height Whlefi IttiiiM Wnffll'f ' " ka Sr-aa Z i ?, ,.' rf . .. 1. whatoA'er for the stations win (In- death of each Indian cost the people ..I'll.,- II. K. ft (Hit 1. 110(1. I I. inliter and put int.. bis pipe and smoke it. That j ..fjr J Ho tells us of an expedition of inking th fast - of a genthtntu 10 be, a c.rtaiii valiant colonel frmu hi own man who is willing to stand by Ihe right g,rt,,.( 1 belibye, who was burning wiih audi-r the moat adverse circumstance mj, wrdor He ealioteil a thonsand . "-".. . " " -?w"n.w. 1 , t le i.uii..e; iukI v. m il not men. ana ui) wwnra mucii sownc r uiwr. , , .,, I anted Mates a thousand Horses. , . . W aajalta.aaa. I.i ' : il, j, .I.;... .. .. : 11 prescti imoiy. nnrwiui an in win i" - ' , ue nutaiueu eaci-nciii auu anuiiu.tiu aiiua. ; - , . - . ... -i seallawag ilwt be kaew. He joined wiih -h,. (Nh1m hi aiiipla imHi 'wifh fViinds- ' - - Dr. J.aai the enflaieiKI that fhn rr !..('-. -whtah aart the U..swmT...I '''.' VuoW when lo c.agli. spi. or sjelalslewWlo ew of thie country wuuld $6,000,000. He went upon his rxpi di- 'iea u with effi-et. a any .uin may tie 1 - thoriae the relief, might cough, mere ly tor th effiitit l t thing. .:M. i'eugtuit, sla'ea that he had, eun iu the iiiaiiuacript serinuns d' uu old preacher these word itt ihe'uilfereiii pun of the margin : Heio fall' buck injfottr seat.' 'Start Oi'.' lJd ' )""' litltidkeiehiet, MhmiI - here like lite very devil ;' uiid Hal. 10 siiys ihut an old cleric of his time, tea-jhing n yniiio; a'liileiit how ' lo ciuisttiict a sartlion, cmitineil himsell' to ohsurvs Nng, vahuke the jtiliit i"Uy gale at the ci neihx fiercely ; say wuai von .... . .1 ...1 -:- I '11 .:.Hf can 10 me mirpoee preach Imdly used lo say States a cheerful snbiniati n and allegi anee, nnd tn perfnrm all ihe obligation af good citiaen Ui their rightful government. And we do proclaim that, in asking recog nition on term of equality in that grand copartnership ol State which eoaatilale onr Federal Union, we do o with no hos tile intent ; on the contrary we wish to share its benefit and i:s duties, tn rebuild our waste place under ihe protection nf its ft itr: to rc-estiiblislithe old era of good -feel ing in our common country. tf lb wart the design ot unpatriotic men every where who seek to tierpetnate discord And division, nnd to participiUe in (he bless ings as well aa the burthen of the gov ernment. 5;h. Thnt wa hare seen with iml ig ini tio, 1 (hi complete orerthrow of our late excellent system ot Stale go verument and laws, and the adoption of others hi their -lead heretofore unknown to our people. iinsiiitcd to their, condition and utterly ad verse to their habits, their -Wishes and their interests ; aud with this change has came the election to high place oi profit aud trust of men iu (uost histauce with out character or qualification, aud not a few o'f whom are mere adventurers troni abroad, having no interest hi cniumou with ami no illness waul of a hand to iniide htm. Careless of the mere thunder of guns, he show plainly cuongh that lie unite or less knows the dreaa ac cent that is used by missiles of wm whilst culling their way through the air, for aa often as these Bounds die close to li ni ihe near pas age of bit! let or Km ml shot, he ahrinlrt And cringes. Ilia eyeballs prwl inde. Wild with tug-lit, lie still does not most eotntuoiiTy gallop home into camp. His instinct seem ramer to tell him ih.it what Mtl'et v. if any there is for him, mnst he found in ihe ranks: and he rushes at the first squadion he can lind. uririuK ijiteously, yet wttli vio lence, 1 i mt he ton hy rigiit is troop horse that he must and he will "tall in." Sometimes a riderless charger thus bout 011 alltgmng with . bis lel lowa, will not be ooiitent to innge himself on the flai.k ' the hue, hut dart Siuuo. priiiq in. the, iuu In.n wh i h he seemingly judges to be his own rightful place, and sttivesto lorce htiiiBt'It m. SALISBURY MARKETS A U0t ST 20, 1868, asroaraw rr Bacon, Coffee, omasa a co., aeciss. per pouail, per sound, W the State; da uf the people an carry ib-'ir live hi their hands to defend and proteci ihe right of such noble men. as Comiioseil litis clini. Alter Jir. nawter be 1. turned 1 bq made bis rruaii. "he .means of i-poi ted that be had lost all lia hor-1 dtlHealty ." I..- Um lent 1.11 all hi Witiroii r that Hon lie repoi as comimseo infs cinw. rtiier .nr. oaney h-. . mrt u,tt ajl 1.1 wagons ; Unit concluded, Iff. .Joseph W. Hull was c .11- ,,. ,p,-,,del all hi MUiiiiui.il ion ; that ed lorwanl aim nvponoea some leugiu , , Mad eaten up all his pnivnoons, and ,1 speech replete wnn smtrui au vice ami , md one Imiiaii. ( I proar ex ncai tie; him hum a ahaiiratiaa ou iMuig events. . - ..' --) T. i CI.. L 1 A her tire coneiasion 01 at rem a rat ions laiiirbfer and cheers.) A rider who wa employed by th- over- three erdon-d eaileman came forward ana j,,,,! imprest Company whose soul was signed ibeir name to the club organtaa- aM, n, ,1 with martial ardor, when ho thin aaper, ancljtbaf the ateetiug ad- ealo inio the sedleateul, remitted iba v. . oarMjaaaaaaBB aaavti ' . aaB KrtdaaB BBWm. pjeased at tbo barge at tendance 1 ho Emprea of France was recent Ir presented wiih u basket contains ing three ilioimaiid d tleietit varieties! (I Hie rinse. Inch they hare leached by mean most unworthy aud disreputable. j 6th. That the attempt by tho Gover nor of this State, aided br Ilia eatretan partisans iu and of the Legislature, to have himself clothed with authority to appoint, organise, equip and keep on foot a large standing force of not less than 11,000 men, 10 he selected and officered and commanded by him, with pnwei lo any member of the said force tearcest- a 1 1 v eiwzen without autlioiity or warrant from any ciril officer or Magistrate, whs a measure clearly violative of th Constilnt lion of the United Stales as well as (h it lUiling, as it i usual for the coins manlier of a regiment to do, some way in - advance of his regimect, Lord George Paget whs espec 'ally tormented and pressed by the rider less horses srhich elm,., to turn round and allign with him. At one lime there were thriee or four of these udvancing close nhreaat f hint on one side and a, initfiy as five, on the other, iini.elled by terror; hy grega rions instinct, and hy their habit of ranging in line, they "closed" in up on Lord George so as to besmear his overalls wiih blood from the gory Hanks of the nearest intruders, and oblige him to use his sWo.d. For the Wntelun--.il & North State, j STREET DIALOGUE, Bet Ween a colored Democrat aud Raleigh asal- lawag : ! An a certain senuawag frran KaMgh, con .naejtd wit h tlw Govern.-' ottlee, wa passing down Main street, Mr. John ( (verlou. a lead ing memher of (lie colored tSey tuour and Blaii club, t who it sueutaiiad ouo served ihe H.S..) accosted him with iuqairies a to hi health. Ikalhiiyig Why. Win, what are you domr wnn tnai Dauee r 1 nr. u. uau on a sevmour badce-l 1 Mf. O. I supnoseil taati every respeuUhk white man would like to see me hare a 00, tmipnasplyrsn would. -.WiiHHij No, I'm a Grant man. Aller a pauv.: , Snmaamj IXai't you think a w hit man can l'.i hr Grant and be r.-siH-ctntile ? Hr. () (WHh alanirh) Wei well now thai a pr-lty hanl .piHi 10 answer. aril .'sjIlwa-B', down nvt. - , t'm. per both, eras Iba " Heal, knak. as Cdttoa, par ponad. " lain, per bunch, . per aown. Feather, pr peani. near, per sack . Fiali, Markerat, .' 1. I. ... " a. fruit . dried is to a . s to ;io . l.36to I. 'is . 1.36 to l..;s t p (o 90 tie SO it to m 3.00 to a.oe 13 to 16 40 to It 5.00 tu6.6u 90 to to pphM pealed t,, ' aao'ld 00 tA I'eacbet, pealad, 10 lo fathtr, apiiar, per pound, , els, iron, sar, . 6 to eat ts ..... 3 to as ii. i ...... WW I uuuas, o .......... ate te iil..ut. ,.. ft 7 Jlolatats, aortthnm. perfal fie " Wtlaiia, -m la rjivw wsvt," 'SS'"" Park, per pound 10 to l .'eUtoet. IritiVjpar LaaM , 78 to 10(1 Bar aoaaS. at aa on C MU 90 aa aa a. s.otttos.on 6.50 to . 00 sat as Srar, BmanJ 1 lanllei Oaakail Palrattaad . Si.eaaJSi.:,... , ...jar sj3h, Liverpool. . ... ' lame. Tobacco, Leaf. 1 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sale of Property. I WILL SELL FOR CASH oa tho prerai , on Tuesday the grit day of Sept. next, the land of !r. J. O. Ramsay, Ahkitho Stock, farm Implements, oaa two hors Car riace and Haraea. oa Bafgy east Harness, one Sulky and Harness. Household ami Kitchen furniture, a quantity of books, also, one Share Stock ia the W. N. C. R. K. J. I). JOHNSTON'. Afnr. 8. ISO. the old BrUhja Road leading to my boose, a maea at smoraa nam Mo,, be liberally laaavffiaa ky OX 8(rday 8th Aegoat, la Salisbury, or to in y koaae, a The finder will sriaar to at tba Watehmau and North State - olfiee Itw&tw( JK numm. m .ll ISS SAUAI1 woubl reapeAtfuJIv eared the room occupied by Ac MRS. PACfc aDimoaa Skat aawinw -cupied by the Isle Mr.. Louisa Brown . onoosite the nroJaae J. A. MeCoonanrhey. will eoathue on the Millinery business al that place. Of to ear- are in w read y for ore ua eM Woet. - aud will toon bo ready to furnish new Fall and Winter style. it. Li Aug. SU, rw-tf-3B7 j. .1 i llfcrou. to tin' libel-tie n .," " . . 1 " and well calculated if not1 !ra fOf ItilblliaS i f!; tl Mi inremidl, to prmlHee blooaehea in our midst i ami aa nuch it 4eerva to be tea probated by all well disposed citiaen of the Slate. - TCfiilsNMMlta Tlie Editors of the Wtit?Aita and S'ttrth State and Amkkh ax, to save ae place on neat , colonel lied- under a mislnke, I tup-1 siarvillif Dlia.M . iu- r; 1 I'hilsnihiopio 'Lnndort has a "Drink- tier FiMiiuaiu and ('utile Irnugli As- aocittt on and a "lloute lar bisjl sffaat JtKEWBtVPrea't. , ccretary . Th fcat af lha awn-y it the tew for he himself .killed thai one Use. Renewed laughier.J 1 bo war Twenty three wagon I-muIs of Mor Utweaa ilds rape rider aad tho valiant ! mntis are on their way to the States. I olonel wajted warm, until some huuter They adhere to that Mnrm.iu faith, of ihe ie- iu Uie neighborhood came to bearof it and nat are disgusted with line uianaie hrnatfcht ifca swalest to aa untimely . , of Yrasmir. . . a t - I 11 L i - r- mt, be deciarmg iney anew ine inuiao u till ahva. (lhHritwa bagMor and 7th. Tlwt the measure sabsconently in-it lieuirelves Ir.nu loss, and to induce trod need aud which is now peudiuj;, aud V-Wi piym--nt Ur jmlil shiiiff Leal will in all pmbalitlitv In- adopted, ' 1 mlftjltieiillettllts havo inl-ipled the l.d er an fully disguised, i hilt the taaieihtarfnae amtln ftir uublaaliinir lha aauie anal luvitav ttM af ssuiiieui of (he Courts, ami other inter measure - under .mother Uauie, wiih . w ijagaaafter, two of !a obji cliouable features alien d 'fi i M... l- ..I'' Id. creatares a.rd pan., i is wrtb hitherto Kirr puhlisli Rg usual Lekl N.rtk unheard of power, which are Wceilible e . i .i .. . i f i wt.. j:jjaBo.. awin imihili niwa onssi in tue nanna u.--... ... -. -- of men wbo have .howa bat too plainly . ?'l',"?vln 7""' ' w" U ... , -. . T I -r ... aV? ill iu tin. ... 1.1.. aeu unit am pilllltsli no ur ( '-iirt ordoi's. w bt'ii the lice ruA scn disposition to rale the people of this St hy the bayonet, and aa we believe to i : cj'ay nient. i..A i o" VI- aw . . . .... 4l ' pnlillslietl. witnnut lem.it the eontrol of tka next ehv-tion he 1 Chftrtre Will he H. that mean. We akest earnestly reeom-l Clerks of Courts Wfni rhoiraselvws. wend to the people af the State aad ea- ladvaneo the too y, will have the peeiaUy to ear political friend, to give ae j ben cut of tbo difference. r occasion er excuse lor the ase af military m '.aan force; bat rievertheleaa to field eeaa oft To give ptin it the tyranny, ta State of North Carolina, daviusox counts:. Smmrim- Omtrt af Lw. Sprimf fir. 168. f. h tine While vs. K wing While. fmno rv mvosob. IT aapearieg to" the satisfaction of the Court 1 thai In-d.-tendant Kwint; While, resides be vond list Kiiet uf this Slate : ll is ordered ibal pnbbcati-Hl he ma te tor six week id (be S Watchman A Old North Stat, " notify mf ...i I d- i. e. I.i nt to - and i our neat .Superior Crawl ait fw, to be held for the c.wiitv of Davidson, at the Court-House iu Leimeron. on thearst Maeaa (tai die famik Monday in Septeinbsraoxt, then and (bee ta answer ..i .h-mur ioikeplainliB paiit-on , eth erw e ih will be heard and graotc!. H neat. M. N. Heitntan. eieib of oar said Court si eier tb 11 Moaxlav attar lb foitnlt i Moorfar ia Maica, A. D , le . tftfivtWl ll. N Hanafta, . The Next A - VJl' MWH Al.U'K I'KARKMI'S S ill hea4 M.mJav. Hal. tjaai lakM i tin. ia r.agnaa, ajt ow rri'ssia aaa laOia eaeS. g an ., HaV' : H FW Ma v l A u ul v great a an rrr pat away the .impiieit v af a rhM Ihuhjaal .t . i - iw t L . i a rfght. Aag. 13. lm ftwl kllar tOr RH i-i 1 aappv ie u a. -,,. o.

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