'rKmm mmmm --anBBnnBnTBBra)SSSSaTSTSTesa'a1 tML . -v . .' jAkrlT.. :'-. "L .- .L n,J !' , viadaa f U' ' I rw -T- : . u . ,. .i t , - - -- i i a, i . NEW SERIES dlSl,fi VP ! fl SALISBURY, IV. C, AUGUST 28, 1868. VOL. I, NO. 34 SWxi wet1. 1 tr ttm or mmcbutior. . mSMliM ft A V ABC St. v, ATCHMA OLD NORTII STATE J IN. I. Ml Tltl WEEKLY 0U NOKTIl STATE rri WmI, o. Year B.s f .Ml rn,m the WTlmlnslou Journsl. Aa SO TIIE FOTO RE-IS IT WAR f lfM7 of onr best and wisest men ncriouslr aoticipale strife and blood shed as tbo rewh of the etnfmr PwafaUnUal campaign. Thoy think ika aa in to elans of tbo timet ev idence of a atato of affair that, judg ing of tbo future by the past, moat unow""r reonlt in a violent eon tiM of nartiea. If not of race. We' ' - that tbo fatnre, in on event, nrMcuta a moat Hopoleea aapoet. If the proaeut moat iniquitous govern ment shall eonfinne in power them in soond and substantial reason to think that the white people of North Cn im. will bo redoeea to a atato ot ueh docradins and d baaing v lago tbat no rospectaDie man win, it it be pOSBIOie to emigrato, ouukiii id remain here. In every mcaauro, no matter whether of 8tato or national legislation, ao-callod, the Radical par it hat evinced a determination to place too wbtto race at tbo mercy of the biacK race, not mbih, iwww, of snv regard for tbo colored race, l.nt simply bocanae it waa by thia -1 ouiy paniea to appoar on the loth Hopt. with their mimic, ovon, bat without arras. Tlio work of organisation, it la OTioent, will bo unshod forward with vigor, If the companies aro to tie equipped and organised and trans ported to Italclgh in thirty day after we passage 01 the law I If not to be artnod by that time, why the prohibit tin to bring anna ; or doe the pro hibition about the arm extend onlv to their preaonco in the nrocesaion I . . - ... . .. . ere., etc. we are in penlooa time. Are we prepared to meet them u mon t Wo earnest I v counsel our uao. ..t.. V. nl T viu 10 oo loruoanng ; 10 uo esoeeu tngly scrupulous in their conduct : to avoia ov an possible moans all coma iona and conflict ; to band v no words and to stnko no blow, save in the moat manifeat aeif defcuco, and by every mean in their power to atrivo to avert a conflict winch, w ion once begun, mnst end in blobd. Wn repeat, we are in perilous times arc wo prepared to moot them f MAGNANIMITY. The people of North Carolina have al ways bvruo ihu reputation of baiar law. abidiar and scranuloasio the diicharm nf k.l. j' J...i. ucu juiuoc aiiu pnvaio uuiics. And thoae of onr reader who surrod with the troops of oar sister State will re member that, aa a rule, they were aa re markable for their rood behavior on tbo march, or in the bivouac, a thev were In the line of battle. There is a itolidilv about the North 0r. oliua cliaractor, aud a gravity in the North PLANNING WORK ON SUN DAY". Tho following la an extract of an intertwtlng lettor of Sir Matthew Ilnlo, to In Krand-cbihlrcD. Tho tes timony of that lenrnod and iiuriirht Jurist, to tho god elfocta rosultim; from a atnet obscrvanco of tho Sab- both, cannot be unimportant. Tho i '0Rothor, original ia deposited in the lritUhl,1Uhfi"11 Muaonm. It won lirat nobilHlied in the "Christian Oobwrver," in Loo- LORDI1AILE8 AND TIIE NEW TEST ATE M ENT. "I waa dining," aaid Dr. Dnchan an, "senile time ago with a literary party at old Mr. Aborcrotnbio'a, of Irtllibody (tho fatlior of Mr. Ralph Abercrouibio. who waa slain in EjO'i'tO and wo spent tho evening that tho success of the Uadical party coald be rendered cer taia. wo propose urn uioming iu do oo more than atato tins general i.raooaition. and in connection there with refer to tho last net of State leg islation aa the orownins proof. It is welt known to oar readers trtat the H'nlico Hill, in iU original shape, wa aUafeatod in tbo Legit-lature, and iu tiitead an act to organize Mio militia tf North Carolina was pamei : Section 8 of Una act declares, The Governor is hereby authorised lt. accept and organise rcgiuieuta, of .luiitecr infantry, not exceeding m m m II. I . - . . it w w no may ," accepi nd organise volunteer battalions of valry, not to oxoaed tn roe, and one olanteor battery of artillery. 1 M- 6cc. 0. Tbo Governor is hereby utboriscd at tbo request of any fivo EJuktices of a coonty to direct tbo Kolonel commandiuir therein to de- si!, organise and equip from tho men rto-mHitary duty In his com- aWiiif a MirHeient force to Drcservo fhc peat and to enforce tee laws, Much force shall oe Known as mo etailed militia of North Carolina. Sec 10. Tbo number of said mi!i t shall not exceed 60 to each mcm. r of tho House of Representatives, mess the Governor shall deem said nmbor inaufficient for tho preaerva- on of the peace or tho onforeomont w to laws. w w w " w he said detailed militia shall be lro rided with proper arms and bad These sections confer upon the overnor tho authority to organize M equip a fore .of ajx thousand Hailed militia (with leave to in the nniubcr at will) and an ad tional volunteer force of six rogi CURIOUS DISCOVERY. A gentleman in ono of the depart monta has inado a vory curious dis covery, which we publish below. lie umber each letter of tbo alpha bet and then add tho numbers cor responding to the letters composing tho two ticket Seymour and lilair. and Grant and Colfax. The result shows 177 for Seymour and Blair, and 140 for Grant and Colfax, the total being 317, which ia the number of rote in the Electoral College Carolina mind, which cumbiuc to mnkc uu l,l,, laia eatedrrtdWfty wfctab command, respect wil, TOn wffh . wimiww n a iwvb. I.i... i 't - ' "'i u"i loriy vunrs ci pcncncc, This character, oneo sedata and viiror ous, baa been taisd of Ute in a cruel man aei. Tho Lcginlstaro of tbo Bute ha afeaped by alien adventurers tin Thus A II O D E 9 G II I J K L M N P Q. R S T U V w X Y Z 1 9 3 4 5 -4 7 8 9 10 11 IS 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 SI L'2 23 24 2fi S E Y M O U R A N D D L A I R 10 IS 15 18 1 14 4 9 12 1 i) 18 G R A N T A N D C O L F A X T 13 1 14 20 1 14 4 S 17 12 6 1 84 140 by alien adventurers and na live luunblo-riggers. Every sebooao which inijciiuity can devise is resorted tn in or der to wring the bard earned money of the me people train their bands, hard with toil ; and tho plundering system is carried on Willi open declarations that the carpet bacgeri and scalawaea aro the "muter.' of the native population. .. "these people must know that we aro their masters," said "General" Abbott. who in now a senator. God save the mark! from the state ouco represented by Nathan i' I Macon. i - .li a a . xreryininjr wuicn lost ol olhce, appe tite tor plunder, and a cowardly temper could suggest, ha boss dune by Hidden and his minions : but, under all tho baso persecution, the people of North Carolina nave ciereiscd a rare and commendable control over their ft ling of natural indie;' nation. A conspicuous illustration of sclf- enminand was afforded the other day when the Democratic Convention assembled in Uaitigh. On that occasion a number of ignorant negroes endeavored to create a Hut, aud provoke a collision with the white men of the Slate. The insanity of the attempt can be un derstood when wo mention tbo fact tbat there word over three thousand delegatos present, to say nothing of tho population of Italcigb, and contributions from Vir ginia. J. Iits force could havo destroyed the rioters without an effsrt, and yet, whb a magnanimity and forbearance, worthy of and strict observation of mvaelf. hath assuredly taught no. I havo been, nearly fifty yearn, a man aa much cooveraaut in business, and that of moment nml Importance, as most men ; and I assure yon, I was nevor under any inclination to fanati cism, enthwiiasm or enporstition. "In all this time, 1 hava luont in - dustrioutly obsorvod in myself and my concerns, these three tliin : Whenever 1 havo undertaken any secular bnsiness on the' Lord's day (which was not absolutely accessary,) tiiat business never prusporod and succeeded well with mo. . 'Na', if I had set myself that day bnt to forccatt or design any tcmpor al business, to be done or performed afterwards: thonirh such forecast question quito accorded with were lust and Inmost in t icinse Ives. asto oi my antiquarian mm'i A gentleman present put a which puzzled the whole "in pan v. It was this: Supposing an tue Mew lestatnonts in the woild had been destroyed at the end ef the ihird century, could their contents havo been recovered from the writs ings of tho first three centnrios t The question was novel to all, and no ono even hazarded a gnoas in answer to tho inquiry. About two months after this meet ing, I received an invitation to break fast wiih Lord llailo (Sir David Dulryiiiplc,) noxt morning. He had been ono of the party. During breakfast ho asked mo if I recollect ed tho curious question abont tho posibility of recovering tho contents of the Now Testament from the writ ings of the first three centuries. "J remembered it well, and havo thought of it often, without being able to form an opinion or conjecture on tho subject. "Well said Lord Hailes, "that tho On and had at, iair a oroaiiect as could returning to my home, as 1 knew I bo expected, yet I have been disap- lia(J 11,1 writers of thoae centuries, pointed ia tlio cflecting of it, or in 1 began immediately to collect them, tho success of it. So that it grew U tlult 1 aright set to work on the an most proverbial with mo, when any dnous task as soon as possible." importuned me to any secular bnsi- Pointing to a table covered with pa nes that dav. to answer them that it pcrs, ho said : "There I havo been j , 1 1 .. 177 14o Tho number of votes in Elcc toral College. 317 Washington Etpntt Arm for the South A l'rUxt for a - cie oMnos of Congress. The Governors ef the Southern States, it aptr.-irs, arc sorely disappointed because (lenxral Srln.fi.-hl has decided that tbore is no law to justify the issuo of arms to tbo Southern militia. There is, w sup pose, no doubt io tho mind of any one aa to what the Southern Governors want tho arms for. It ia to control the election arniitiKt the will of tho neorjlc bv the on- cration of an armed militia. The Soutu- crn white people do not require any eeer cioa. They are remarkably peaceable and well behaved. In fact, they have on several recent occasions refused to be broucht into collision with the blacks, al though the Radical mischief-makers tried eutsof infantry, three battaliionsof that game at ltah-igh and elsewhere, van ivalry and a battery of artilery. the violence of apmo of the public haran- It is a significant tact, that tbo Leg they suspected it to succeed amiss, then they might desire niy undertak ing it upon that day. Aud thia was so certam an observation of mo, that I feared to think of any seenlar bnsi noss on that day, because the resolu tion then taken would bo disappoint ed, or unsiiceuaaful. . "That, always, tho moro closely I eleven verses (I forget which,) which all praise, Uioy pitied the deluded uegroea applied myself to tlio duties of the tistics mo thatl could discover them and forgave them their insolent and ag- Lord's day, the mnro happy and snc a'80- Ood so concealed or bid tho ore j acts. In this eourso they gave a I ccsslul were my business aud employ- treasures ot lts word, mat Julian, noble illustration of the character we have ments of tho week following. So that ",0 apostato emperor, and other one I . i :. . I . .1 i it f .i . I . i i ...... .... l coma, irom tne loose or strict ou. " ul '"" i www nisuuu wun ImirV these two months, searching for chapters, half chapters and sentences of the New Testameut, and have marked down what I found and where I found it, so tbat any person may see and examine for himself. I have actually discovered tho whole New Testament, except soven or PEACE OR WAR Wo copy from tbo Winston Senti nel the two following paragraphs, and command them to the considera tion of those who apprehend anoth. thor war a the resnlt of the aproach- ing Presidential election. It may be regarded by some as an onfortunato circumstance tbat the great question of rulers comes op at this timo for the decision of the peo ple. Some are so nervously anxious to have peace that they absolutely fear to exercise the right of a free man at the poll lost abould disturb the peace; They vainly suppose that by lotting the party in power hold on to tho offices and do as they pic ?sL r i . . . I who government ana people, wo would be euro to have peace I and some, we dare say, are even willing to surrender all tho dear, blood bought liberties handed down to us by onr fathers rather than asantuo tho the manliness of assorting their rights at tho ballot box. the people of the whole country ! tbst only these of the late rebel States who are still out of the Union are enjoy ing peaee. These that have pnssed inns it under the reconstruction acta are expe riences' a decree of happiness strikingly akin to enacted during the reign of terror in the French Revolution. hire haa persistently refused to pake provisions for holding elections Sir Magistrates for the several town pip. When thi n) done there will f . in form, at least, some chock' on I1 be baa to do is to commis- I n such Magistrates a will conform tbi wishes. Uw peetponeineut of less and other election aIiows, bo- a reasonable doubt, 4hat the in titkm is to place in the hands of tho overnor the means and the opportur to arm and oqnip and organize plo a military body the lladie.il pnr- f of the State. If proof was lacking pat iQcn is and has been the design i the lUdicals, It is afforded in Ute Fo call for a Grand Republican H"J in 1 Italeigh on tho lOthScp rmoer next, aud published in mo vmimrd of the 17ih instant. This plitates, among other things, that 1st "Volunteer Cumpauies loi mel. "ether organised with officers or not II be present without arm. number of bands will be In atten "la. but the delegations aad cspeci -'jjPa volunteer companies, aro ex 'SA bring their own music, it "wnt." This, then, i Uie roN 101 mo for the arming and erganiz s lbs whole Radical party. W ith a tdical volunteer force, and a Radical 'iled militia, it ts liped to keep e whole peoplo of the StaTsi in ToF 'and to hnah their voice at the J Verily, tbo war clond lowers y over the land. Tbere is gronnd apprehend strife and bloodshed. e trumpet give forth no "nncer ' sound." The actanthonxing the nation of volunteer companlc wily passed on Iho I3tb August, yet a call ia made for thow com gues haa been toned down to moderation of hue. and there Is an evident disposition on the part of the South to- conduct tbo approaching election quietly, but hrraly, against tho Radicals. Tho people of the South have nothing to gain by disturbing tho pence, and thov am becinninr to un derstand that faet. To commit acta aft violence would be to play into tho hands of their enemies and persecutors, and this is tho very thine which the carpet bag Govemora are most anxious to aeeompiisb There mav bo an oilier reason why the Governor are so urgent about arming tho militia, and that ia to brine about an ear ly meeting of Congress In September. It seem that they have made a united ap peal to Congress for this purpose, in order to supply such legislation a aocrciary Srhoiield aays does not now exist with re gard' to arming the militia.' 1 Ms may be a mere pretext to get Congress together, because there Is no necessity for, an early session, s Old Thad Stevens admitted in his last momenta. 1 hi movement ot ino Radical Governors at fhf South, therefore, may be regarded aa a mere party dodge for electioneer!!!: purposes. Tho Radi cals, who speculated confidently upon the support of the Southern negn.ee, may per haps bfl pardoned ror tue present puier disappointment at finding thing going the other wav : but that hvob reason why they' should bo encouragod in provoking violence and bloodshed for party ends. We know enough of Uadicaf policy at the South to distrust the men when tney raise the cry ef "wolf." It is prettr evr- deal now that ihiMority or tbo Bourn ern pooalstsaM HKki mean t0 ' the free expres- m -ia i. si. .li will snouia " afl Bmillury force under any K. Y. Herald. attributed to white moo of the Uld North State. -Norvtk Vwymkm. A PROFANE SWEARER CC RED. A gentleman once heard a man swearing dreadfully, in the presence or a. number of ins companions. The gentleman told him that it was both a wicked and a cowardly thine; to swear so: especially in company with others, when he durui naldu U by htmself. The man boastfully re plied that ho was notafintd to swear at any tunc, or m any nlnco. 1 11 give you a sovereign," said the gentlemen, "ir you will go into tho village graveyard, at twelve o'clock to night, and swear the same oaths (here, when yoq are alone wiili with Hod, a you have just uttered ere. "Agreed," said tho man ; it's an easy way of earning a sovereign." " noli: you cotao to mo to-inor row, and say you have done it ; aud tho money is vours." Iho tune passed on : the fmwrof midnight came. The man went to Iho graveyard. It wa$ n dark niglit; As ho euie led tho giavcyard, not sound was heard. All was as still as tieatn. men tne "Alone With with wonderful power. The thought of tho wickedness of whnt ho had been doing, and what ho had come there to do darted across his juind like the. Hit hie nioi's flash. lie trembled at his TooHy. Afraid to take ancthro Btep,, ho fell npon his knees; and, instead of the dreadful ol hs ho came to utter, the earnest cry went trp, iod be motcifnt to me a sinner. Tlie next day ho went to the gens tlenmn,and thanked him for what ho had done; and said- he had resolved, by bod s help, never to swear atioth or oath a long as he lived. r - scrvnnce of that day, tako ajust pros ect and trno calculation of rny tem poral suceess in the ensuing week. .i i . i i i .-j. . inoii-'ii my uapus n"o mina nave been us full of secular business, both before and since I was a Judge, as, it j may be, any man s in knglatid, yet I never wanted time, in my six days, to npon and nt myself for tho busi neas and employ monta 1 had to do ; though 1 borrowed not one minute from tho Lord's day, to prepare for it study or otherwise. Hut, on tho otfi-i er hand, if I had, at any timo, bor rowed tiom this day any time for my secular employments, 1 found it did further mo less thun if 1 had let it alouo; and therefore, when tripato tho Gospel from tho world, nover conld havo found it ; and though they had, thoy never conld have effected their destruction.'' Haldane's Memoir. I cimcD mm iimiiL bey ute. Col. Omcx 6th Dr. N. C, I Salisbury Aug. ltth, 1808. f The Revenue Law of July 20th, 1808, requires distiller of sprits to pay a special tax of four hundred dollar a year, two dollar per day on stills of the capacity to diatil twenty bushels of mash or lea, and fifty cents on each gallon of spirits pro- duccd. Tho special Tax to be paid before beginning the business the per diem Tax to be aseeaeod and paid monthly the gallon Tax to bo paid before the spirits aro removed from the distillery-ware house. Distillers are required to file tbo usual Distil lers Bond in a sum of not lata than $3KK, with the assessors before. thoy commence distilling. Uistiflers or Urandy from fruit or grapes are required to pay the same taxes as tho distillers ot whisky. Those distillors who bavo paid the special Tax required under the old law, mnst close their Distilleries uu-. til the requirement of the new law are complied with, and should they dosiro to discontinue the business, the money, for tbo unexpired part of the year will be refunded to them on ap plication to the Commiaaioner of In ternal Rovenuo. Samuel LL Wilet, Collector. gentleman's words Ood, camo over him One of tho Rothschilds is said to meditate1 buying Jerusalem. M St. iutis harbors have resolv ed to el.ibo their .-hops on Sunday Tlio President has ordered tho re lease of Tolar, Powers and Waikins, sentenced to death by MlfTfary Com mission at Kateign, Pi, V., for tho al leged killing of a negro guilty of rape, which sentence was commutod to fiffeerf year imprisoiiiuoiit by Qen Can by. -Thc day after my arrival at Vitroral, says a, tourist, Spanish Istziness. t went to a shoemaker's to get some repairs done, to mv boots. There was nobody in tho shop. The master was on the opposite aide of .the (treat smoking hi eigsntn. 1 1 is shoulders were covered with a man tle full of holes, and be looked like a beg- gr, hut Spanish begptr,apcariug rath- er prond than ashamed of his poverty Hs nasan nrr.r to me and 1 explained my business, i Wait a moment, Said he, and immediately called hi wife. "How much money is there in the poise 1" "Twelve pircctas." (ii franc" 40 centime.) Use of daemons. While persons arc fe verish and thirsty beyond what l natural indicated iu some cases by a metal I if taste in the mouth, especially after drinking WaTcr, orby a whitlsti SppTearmieo of the greater part of the surface of tho tongue, one of tho best " eoolcrs," internal or ex ternal, is to take a lemon, cut off the top. sprinkle over it some loaf sugar,-working it downward into tho lemon with a spoon, and then suck it slowly, squocsing the lemon and adding more sugar as the acid- somc I ity increases from being brought up from years experience. Upon a most attCU a loss , r point. Invalids with feverishness tivo and vigilannt observation, had may take two or three lemons a day in given me this instruct ion, I grow per I this maimer with the most marked benefit, oinptorily resolved never, iu this manifested by a senso of coolness, com- kiud. to make a breach upon the rt ami invigoration. A lemon or two Lord's day, whicii I have atiiclly ob lUM takcn at "le-tiroc," as an entire served forth last thirty years. substuate for tho ordinary "supper" of "This' relet ioe is most certainly fromcr, weald frra msny a man a oom- and experimentally true, and hath '" night s shep and an awakening been declared by mo to hundreds of t33iS&XE'. n1Wemo ponona, as I now declare U4 you." who ,, hav'e th).ir CH o' " . oi "relish"1 and "cuke." and berries or Adveattng the Conscience. i he Cam- poaches and cream. Hall's Journal acn Democrat, in an article on the suiu.-ct Health. . - of education, makes some practical sugirr's-1 tions looking to an improvement iu the I Tobacco and Madness. If anything can PEACE, WAS AMD LOTAI.TT. Those three word now eoiiipoae tho tho mam stock in trade of tlio Kadi cal loaders; and abont the only ar gument, it it may be "so-called," thoy pretend to nse. In order to un dcrstand, and bo able to meet tbom, it is necessary to understand precise ly what thoy mean by tlio these terms. After a careful examination, of the boat and most approved Radical au thorities, I find Peaoe, War and Loyalty defined a follows, via 1 cace. lull privilege for tho Rad ical leaders to trample upon tho Con stitution, rob the Government, plun der and oppress the people, with ims put. ity and without question. War. Turning Radical leaders out of office compelling them to dis gorge their ill-gotten gains, bringing t lien i I o p.re the t on its to receive punishment for their manifold crimes tilling all olKces with honest and true men and restoring the. Govern ment to the standard of our lathers, viz: economy purity and liberty. Loyalty is divided into throe parts, fail to get up ono soon, it is probable the -nu irooiy Lou. oru Radicals will furnish it Mi j JfOBE BLOOD WANTED. The following remarks aro applicable to more States in the South than Georgia. The Radical party desire blood blood they must havo. It is the nourishment that has kept them alive since they have been a party and without blood they die: More blood (says the Atlanta Infetti genotr,) is n coded for Radical capital. I hesupply famished by the killing ot Ash burn is about exhausted. Reports ef Democrats murdering negroes are abun dant, bat tho names, time aad place can not be given. A real, substantial, horrid assassination is needed. If the Democrat viz: 1st Jil. Intensely Loil Loil. Wanting offico badly. Trooly Loil. Wanting a fat office so badly as to be ready at any time, to black a negroe's boots to got it intensely Lou. Wanting an olhce. with a big salary, and plenty of steal- ago besides, so very much, as to bo rcauy aim wining, at any nine, to wash a Oarpet-l'agger or Scallawag's feet to get it, than which no servico eoul.I be lowor or dirtier. :. Oonseqqently, according to tho Radical dictionary, '. v . is not 4u desirable to jntnotn. Noithor is li ar so torriblo Ut honest men, nor Loyalty so much to bo coveted among gentle men. Now that wo really understand what the Radical war cry means, the people may lay aside all fears of bloody war, themselves. Mr. Ad kins, in bis remarks this morning in tho Senate, let the cat out of the bag, is iust what everybody knew before. it is the first time wo have beard the ey of the party openly avowed by one of iu leaders, lie said : "Tits death of Re publicans by midnight assassins would re sult in great good to the cause. The blond of the martyrs is the seed of tho church." He went so far as to express willing ness to offer himself a sacrifice, if no wor thier subject could be found. The question now become very perti nent : Who killed Asbburu 1 Did he re ceive his qidetus ut tho hands of his own party! fe- IlOW AT TIIE RADICAL CONVEN TION. Atlanta, August 18. The Republican celebration yesterday closed whb a torch - in. no.uD mi .uii. a ' i ... - When they hearaIUd. ''f"JrLn:mp0 0,1 present system of education, and renin - refrain our young men from the pernicious mend- the suxpeusion. for while at least I habit-of tobacco-smoking and chewing, it of eome of the "higher branches, and may ho such Warnings as arc contained in the substitution of a new department one the reports' of their "terrible reonlts in that shall engross a lull third' part of tho Franco. From 1813 to, IS32 the tobacco time usually devoted to. college, studies, tax in France produced 2S,000,000 francs, recital ions, Vo. I. I It I. a course ol ami luu.uic asylums contained 9.UUU p daily liifltrncttna which shall especially ncuts. the tooaceo revenue has now aim to educate tho heart and the cou-1 reached 180,000,000. while there are 44,- science, instead of nermittiuir tho orido of 1 000 paralytic and lunatic patients in the intellect to usurp all right aud control. I hospitals ; showing that the increase of Add a department wiih competent, bou-1 lunacy has kopt pace with the increase of . . . a. mm . . est and sincere professors to aim nt onr the revenue ot teeacee. i beso statistics, especial object, namely, to make sure of a presented by M. .lolly to tho Academy course of sound moral instruction, thai "f Science, in connection with tho closing shall regulate and control the passions, wo: .is of his speech, contain a frightful prejudices and ovil propensities to ele- warning to those forming the pernicious vate and cnnohlo. Instead of the Intel- habit of smoking, now increasing so rap- eclual monopolising all, as is now uni- idly: "The immoderate use of tobacco, ormly done, lot one professorship bo dc-aud i e especially of tho pipe, produces - . ,-- ?- , .- mm , i. .1 r i. i .1 , voreu exclusively io --moral lui prove- i-b ui me umui unu i ui spiuu uient, ' and see What will come of it. marrow, which causes madness out of offico, tftc. TWO ROADS TO PEACE. :..l I...1.. ull..! - i .. i uunureu nogroca. uai muuvi uuuonini' rar. war, iiiuv i ii,. m i , , i n u may know, that it only means that f "1 " .Lll r K ho is lerribly afraid of bciiig turned two poimcn in f7ont of UotvU I he police were proceeding to the fjTOard House with the prisoner, when a mob of negroes pursued and attempted to rescue him. The police resisted and the negroes commenced using clubs. The police were knocked down and the prison er escaped. At this time some person with the mob ef negroes gave the word to ' fired, and the negroes fired, wounding ono of the police. 'The Are was returned by tnc ponce, and men discharges lotlowe In rapid sacceeaUa. One negro Was kill ed ami, iwo wounded. The negroes then fled, but rallied near the Guard House and moved to attack the poliee. By thia time tho whole police force and a large number nf citizens arrived on the ground prepared for the conflict. The saw tbejf -determination to protect the law ful authorities and rapidly dispersed. At rthfi time apprehensions were serious at a fearful riot. fall the new department by a name that will clearly express its mnitniiuw Some thing, for instance, like this : "The de partment of right tcachingto do right." .el I In-re be professors of right, who will loach right precepts so thoroughly that no student shall ever leave the institution It is said there aro at least one linn droit thousand erapo vines growing within a circuit of ton miles of st Josephs. Mo. Of these at least onov quarter will bear this season. This o siiuieiii puaii ever leave iiie iiiBiuuiiou - ... . , t. i.v .1 witlm.it hhf having 1.1. whole heart and W'" PVO ,WO ,,l,,,dred a.nd SSftjS conscience imbued and saturated With the a,,d l,0i'nd8 or hundred 'and daily repetition of ii, Is aksd XXtofcM ,U prnicipfes idiatt bceome m thai stadeiU pernnuieiit habit. 'Then I ahau't wurk."L "fiut rant t. twelve 'piocetas will not last for ever." " Who hits seen t-morrow t" said hoyirn- ing Id? back p m me Montgomery, Aug. 20, P. M. Ton thousand people, with trans parencias and banners, cannon, oie.. aro hurrahing for Seymour and Blair. Tho whole city is illuminated. x Gov. Watts, Alcr. White, J.T. Mot g.tn, and geveTa colored fnen, have addressed tho vast and ciitlinsiastic concourse. market, if uado into wine, they would mako at least twenty-five fhonsand'gallous, worth not less than per gallon. - Philadelphia, la, August 18 Noon. " Tho establishment of Collins A Robb, provision merchantsy was destroyed by fire this morning, including two hundred ms of lard, bam attd smoked Iteef, Bullock Itrothcrs lost eight hundred saeks ol line wo..!, ami the Mosrs. t bigh.ui lost i lot of eottoni.. ' . The Petersburg Express says that "two roads to ncace have been sinrtrestcd. one at Chicago and the ether nt New York, one by Gen. Grant and tlio other by Gov. Seymour.'' . People elf a glorious ancestry which of these roads will you take ? Peace Is the prayer of all. lieu. (Jrant road t peace is through tbo roconstrnctmu acts of Con gress. Hut this road lias been tried. In every State where ibis system has been acquiesced in we discover the premonito ry symptoms of a volcanic eruption. Ten nessee lives amid the smothered flames of civil war. Louisiana sends an officer to Washington for federal aid to fupuress "domestic violeuco" while a radical mob possessed the streets of New Oiluans. Ia onr own State a law has jut t passed by her bMS Legislature to put a force of six thousand niu iu tlio field under the control and at ,hc w'" W W- oldeu, who asked and imulored tho Legislature to give him still aluvier foret ono upon which he could rely with certainty lor car- rviu the Prceidenlial election iu the fall for Crant and t'otfax. Upou the floors of I this i not vrry do re like Congress, through representative liewocse, an immense snpply of arms and munitions of war haa been asked for North Carolina as the only saeans of sustaining radical rulo in toe State. Elites from Georgia, Florida and- South Carolina repeat the aaas aad story that come afloat through the presses of those depopulated aad op pressed States, of anarchy, strife, aad eon- fusion. Ob ! let us have peace I The Sevmour road to Keaco Doiuta to the old well -bealeu channels of the gov ernment administered according to the Constitution and laws established by oar fathers. This plan, the peoplo tired and sick of the reconstruction road, have de termined to follow after March the tth, 1SCV In the iuurval it may be Well for SM ASHABLE Dove. We are informed that Owen Dove, a colored stevedore. In the eea- ploy of Messrs. Worth k Daniel, to remark, yesterday, that he would s ' ..fthe tirst to slap aa axe iato the d d col ored Deiiiocratie elub room, and to go in and murder the members- It strikes us Ilka What sav our euy auinoriuos i n ummgmm oaar. The Raleigh S,-ntiel says that a. leading negro Radical d-clared on the streets, a day or two since, that "if Seymour and Blair were elected, the colored men of the South tohM not nubmit to it." This man was bat tt. rinc ioeeudiary htuguage. pot Into his mouth by whit renegades. They threaten aud eefoiutiuu if the nvmde of theNurttv decide that the Constitution shall be restored. Let A'orMcrn Juenhnt make a note of thia. A late North Carolina paper notes the fact that the steamer Terry, from New York, had just landed at Wilmington a aamhar of saa- f iciuaa toekiug boxes marked " Sharp's ear Are tli. s- forJMoen's Uil lambs f And what hs- Iho worth ,of a asliastls Wiorh ran only Ik upheld bj . caanoa ' A'car Tori. fTorM.

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