- 1,1 FJL'38! . KEW SERIES SALISBURY, JV. C, SEPTEMBER 18, 18C8. VOL. I, NO. 37 nam If BATB8 Of HI aja-CaMfl IN ItliTIOK.J AatVANCK. LiTCHIUH fc OLD NORTH BTATK oh law. a . Isi-WEEKLY OUt WORTH STATE. IN Prom lit Banner of Light. THE BEAUTIFUL LAND. Lvoriwd aad lim iMpimi r poba L. V. DAitww. totally thru D. C- Boa- KmVi tMtlM country not far away. With MMutM Of MfM MariNtlM MOtifel Hllle of Day. froa BBsedowa of aml.r .he.-,, ; iuasaatifuli iwhiek yeinay uot know. Porta WateJ.avaa OU North 8uu Oaaxaa, N. 0- Brat. 9. IMS. Editors if Old North Stmts : I am not the arena ef politic end j at I find my elf undor a tenia af amy to write yon a """ mia week my colored rv aaaaea me nwo or radical elreulars, which aaU for an H protest from every peaceable and earighl citizen i the .State. Hera ie thai Wall I J aad bloody add r cm issued wf aartaia members of the late radical Veg- ia Raleigh It U by some means band, and circulated through tba comae nfcy aatong tba black. It threatens tba conservatives with tba torch and the ki.ifu with the burning of their home and tbo "'! ft,, are Wailful walks. Mar paveo aad brio-at. ah Uadaa to baaajthM b n t Li batatiral t-mpW, all carved in white. C'ita galeae aad sapphire Aiows. eatlM fata, whieh awing aa VtSTt'-' symbol ya way But know. are beaatifll valWy aad mountain bbrh. Witb nrera, aad LdbaaatUall te. aad bins; loan to the aky. annas a SB mermurhw rtlta ; baaaMM "law trtaa" fererer gr.nr. ilk l-auiifnl aaa whbab j an not know is Inatffal marie borae aa the air. proai bright Wre with nashing wings ; L.I beaJtiml udora lost everywhere. fwkiek aa ateaa naair bibs ; a heautiful stress Bear that load doth lilba betPliful MaWhie,hjr i uot know. i th'M beautiful mystical stream, Brhwb rare seinsilhitlns bright ; away a 'when tag. wyaterioea drenm, 1 borae oa the Billions -f uithl ; Id the stream ia at ataaed bra heaotirail bow th a brarttirot naate wbirh ye do botku.iw L heautiful goaduUa. ftwvjed of ,-wrl. 1'ouie. Uden with Wonderful alorea t th beaalifal mm WMrW lohbt unfurl. E. tin- ilijiinn of aiaAKSBl oar j beaottfril being nwa to and fro. th beautiful Matties which ye do uot know. aU too know tba aaine vt (ha beautiful laud. XVbera the emerald water roll Kntle watrarm a beautiful atmtut i u rolled 'ZAr Lmml of Sou." the ketutifid H.-Wera w hirh evuf hloWc y I lie beautiful IhuHfHU which je have SrAMKMNu Catawba SrHtxoa, Htiit. 10th, 18C8 Mr. Editor : Binee you left here, Sir, I can aaaure you the Nannie of Ca tawba have not lieen idle. We bava cn- jayed a fine frolic lately iu the form af a litre laney nail ; eeveral ataakad, w hi 11 ollirra merely took fancy character with oat maeking. I only wiah yon could have been here, 1 know you would have enjoy ed the gay nipht, quite a math aa did yoar hunihb' cnrreepondcnl. I in' wiioiv ntt.tir waa rotten up with very little uren.irntinn. tho rnrnli hnviov - r r v m n aaduenly decided upon the day, and gty ing little warning beforehand. As you are perhapi nware the lima waa Indefinite ly postponed at the rcniirat of several who wereaoiious to participate in tba etcita ent Accordingly, at the earliest pos sible time alter their arrival, the nlchl was dl riileil ntmn. snd loisv ttneort wniL-i .t of their families. It is the most i with a will endeavojiuc- to an t no aome aU I .1 II ... ... . . :. i i r . , i ..Ktuwrj wi an mo puuuca- Joua I aver kuew to "Midshipman Knsy," in hi sailor's garb looked aa independent as any of the lia ble sous who bava their names on "tba deep blue sea." Mr. H. who took tlii. character ia, I believe, a general favorite here. Daughter nf the Regiment waa person ated by Miss W., of Baltimore. Herd reus was a white skirt, short, and trimmed with scarlet and black, a scarlet jacket tri happened to see one scallawag with hla hat i(T and his month opened to receive all the drags nf seallawngism as they fell from Hoyden's lips, while he was making lit ugly and wry faces, and squatting and shedding his crocodile tear. I suppose he thought that ihey were bitter to the taste but sweet to the soul of scallawag ism. Hoyden's whole thetno wa lbout Blair's letter and about wnri but not one vote, unless he shall lake following oath: "I, swear (or afflrin) that I and snbaeribe the . aV) solemnly rill support and Ml in the military style with black, a cap word about Seymour. I tell you that In ornarnenirii with scarlet and wd on the N "t wwjimg liliick plume mi the in thi-comity. Tlicre u not a hiffl' l..7. I- . a-w . a .a .. . I II , on tlie . Nnrrruber next, Unjdmn will utiiig a no whore tleinen saemcil to lake a fancy lo both lie speech that ha was for Grant, and ineso ins.ruments, ireqnently tiiitmpiug , call on ail tbo conservative in tbia tlw lieaatiful walks are your life aVefb, M'kisfi laahhsa twar fatitm hoio.- ; iiW Um- Ntiapls graod am the world's great Seed. Mad iu savifHir hare reared their Vmm ifh the beMittitM galea, wlileh swlug au SliW, ftne the lieautiful frwfh wliieh ye below.. li the heaatlfal landsnpea are Hi trara at' f all that l Ike beaiilinil (mutaias fulfill. '"""gli imuxdtal suuliglit the lH-autifal life trees, which ever arrow. the bt-siitifu! hope ahieh y cherish be- ths beautiful Jhelody is arayrT. lut u e.-lioed, rh Niusie'a atiwem t the Iwautifil im rfinnes tf..t nic there Ire the sftfWf of af the ftomtr. tb beautiful stream which divides yon n. beantifal rim aataed Deolh below. (the beautiful flashes across tbe stream, fe your imtpirotiom grand ; ile the beaiitifht mrtttting k every dream tbe rntf in this fair land. I the beautiful luiili Mt-euwred bow 'ur U au-.iful ttnfor oath othei'i roe. hshesaliful k)JHniw1 lush bear ye nwy rrinn pam ; the heantifnt bOMut, triiusfi.nued from aara. r raturniag to bhM ye again ; e neautltal , rnatsiug to ami fro, uw etnitftu tmt$ ft hate lortii brio. cnatnme snitattie lor tno occasion. ve met In tba ball.rootn, and tbe first object that greeted liiy almost bewildered stglit was the famous Dr. Kierstead,in his won derful coetuuir, informing every ene that tor only twenty -live cents In "King of All Pain" would cure any and everything in tbe line of pain, or ache, that had ever beset poor frail humanity. I am quite certain no magician in his most terrifying habiliment could have been more frightful in appeurauce than whs this celebrated personage. He suddenly stepped np to two young men and informed them that they were suffering intensely trmn good loiks, and it was necessary tint he should apply hi remedy immediately, and lie proceeded to do so. bat the two rents seemed lo have no objection to that agony, and decamped I not 'm to nerd ln eloquence of Peter leaving the Dr. standing" in the centre of 1" Hermit, or Walter tba Penniless, to the room holding a,lnft Ins precious hot-1 u' b,tu ,n uU,e (oT "Hly City." tfcw, wbihrt the whole company was con- - "Norm," and "Jeptha's Daughter" vnlsed whh laughter. Strange to , Me by able. The first looked pure this terrible "Cum All " had under hia nno,n, wnilst from Irer dark eye especial escort a nnre lookina cnaliire. I ,bot 'm " "-'S1'1 &avo dassled gleaming with icicles, and from wbnae Pr Mlow i( h,td not been known ear boaoT drops that had apparently fro- th" V. llien ia Wilmington, had tlie ritiu 10 say eyes on, my wen perry lie has sinee arrived and contributes much waa evidently "Crusader" did ba emulated in a of auy prcteusion to peace. 'J im list of signatures ia enough to make aay but tba dead shudder to know that such meu could aver ba induced to endorse so des paratc a means for mora political or parti sea purposes. New, sir, I knew polill dan too well to be moved by all their threat or their peeudo-warnings, bat I can bat shrink appalled from the proof that any thinking man would use for aam paign documents such dangerous appeals ta tbe unrestrained and licen'joua passions of an ignorant and uncalculating race like tbe negro. The address is signed first by T. It. Caldwell ; and I lu r leave to ask Um In a candid spirit what he means by this act. I earnestly ressnnst rate with bir. I protest, in the name of bis own kindred. I beg him tu let as know if be really desire to incite the negroes to hum and batcher oar people who have treated him so kindly. It he really willing and , sen as they fell, into beautiful diamonds L! . . . M . I ... I I'l.MB In ,.( r- U hi I ,..!.! uml ti. nLlii.fr cesnia: to turn loose nu luiuriaie ana mis- - - - U J l-l. ir- l- l 1 ' P and slow, moved Miss W. towarda onr pleasure, gatded horde rf African, apon hm km- j rf 1Uc,nonHi r wbHt frr(,. "Jeptha'a D.aght dred here I And then i it possible that appearance seemed iu no wise to di-1 V"?1' fit oSoril such men aa Lissiter and Wilson and ' miuish. Mr. O's faith, (otherwise the Wiustead are mai'e of such stuff a to be-!fatl of the "King of All Pain") to re come capable of such a deed as tbUt r7 "nr frnm th r ii ts I bligliting touch. J ' La ? e" I W alking in with royal dignity, .ap- rendth.it address and deny that eirery I portine with courtly eise and a-racu a tall an who signed it would not he guilty .if Aurora, Charles the First made hi p. the dawn with her lovely m.,;,i.... M -'.7i-ttVi 2j , i . , I mnnH. unsvli.t remsrt.il.le . "e" 'haded by soft golden locks. I a i , nu Lh 1 but there was really a striking reaerablance I A "milkmaid looked quite enqncttfli . . -. . jln this tn-iitleroan s face to an nnctent Oil annaeqnence t -Sorely, some of l j 1 Wing, I oace had the pleaiire of ex signers did not know its contnU. It j amioine; which was said to be avery fine is too horribly fiendish. It is aneh an portrait of' that unfortiinatu king. As he passed me in maKiitg the circuit oi me room, I tohl Inm ot the likeness, and re tiSHirynv. m IViniwhs tl,r will vnte smalt dram, whim through tho belt on the tor any man who favors the election of right was thrust a rcTo!ar. Tho gen-, Grant and Colfax, and he said in his pub- we con gressional district to stand tirm and go with ns and all will be right, and Shober's election will bo sure. then Judgo Osborne tbe elector at large for the State appeared on tbe stand, and I tell ynu that ho riddled acallawag and radicalism to its very exposed its odiousnes in fall. Hia re marks were well received. When he hud done, load calls were made every where in the crowd for David Hchenck, and very soon that gallant, young and nob'o son of Lincnliiton appeared on the stand and replied to lioydvu'a speech. I tell you I never saw a roan shaved and riddled worse than he did Hoyden, lie took him off at oa the. one, and threatening each other's lives wtta the other. "Major Jonas'.' looked, as ihoutrh he might again renew hia courtship. "Young Scotch " waa auite merry. "Lost Heir" with his beautiful lunre teeth apd hnge bone, to aiy nothing nf the oys ter shell by way of toys," might have wand, red a long time, era bia mother would have known him. "fjrey Jacket" called np aad sighs and stifled memories, "Wandering Jew" wore on absent look, as though he was wondering hen bia wanderings would cease. "Minerva" frowned apon as all in bar sternness, "Lord Douglass" certainly had the digni fied bearing, and siae of the Dooriass of old, and he appeared quite able to over, power a half doaen warriors. This waa tho Hon. B. C, I believe, also from your town. A "California Miner' ready for his work. A maintain the Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith ; that I bava been a resident ia tb aHato of North Carolina for twelve months, and iu tbe coun ty of for thirty day, ami that I have neither registered nor voted duridgthis elec tion in any other product." Such peraou haviug taken this oath shall thereupon be registered. So there can be no doubt upon this question, tvery male, person arisw iiai obtained a roanlenco and w of aire ia entitle.! to rounder, and after regia- trution thoro can be no challenge, aa I he applicant for registration, and not flio voter, can bo challenged. therefore no disabilities exist by any real or pretended authority, and citizens hitherto disfranchised by mil itary jtovrer are no longer excluded from the privilege of voting, and it ia the doty d' such poreone to regie tcr their mimes and cast their votea at the coining election lor Pioaideiit and VicePreeident. It may be well to add that all for mer registration are no of no effect. In order to sec arc the right to rote there must bo a near registration. Persona heretofore registered cannot ' 1 .t -iT3T tt-tz: rr - it.. .... hi... T"' uqieaa uiey register anew, r or enormity that it simply bans every man who signed it as a successor of Cain and worthy to bosimmortaliaed in infamy by tbe tide of N'ena Sahib iu his ghastly or der fur the murder of the innocents at 1 Cawupnre. And that instrument will not be forgotten.. It marries its signers lo tbe character and fame or their prototype, John Brown, and will, or oirglit to, haunt tbem by their firesides and in their social life, and be shaken, like the bloody ker- aud two very lively souls were "Mr. and Mrs. FUUrab," natives who indulged freely in the contents of a snuff box 1 liey neled llioir parts well, and were greeted with ehouU of laughter. A "Spanish Don" stalely and silent . a i 'in as ists a ssv s sa. hi r-na. n m .rked that I haond ho would not hn m ipoKed o:i witn an approving smile. Hut ......i. , i. it how shall I dcscrioe the last to enter ! No danger of the head, bnt there might ' ,,MS "Witch of Kndor" heading have be.-., of Ibe heart, bad not some lair ! "r wwubere of ihe "K K. K." and yoo awulf li.'i ii iii. iii . in hint ftr !. tti-r nr fa, I have the, sight. Don't ask me to describe worse" them, I could not'do it. The bund struck Ilis WAS s handsome eosinme of hhtek i "P "imply an outlandish tune, and these velvet, with d.-ep bice collar, heavy face I PP1'" commenced a wild danee, the like cuffs, ami a few rich appropriate oma- of which Jia uot been acou aiuce the days meuts. Ketwithstanding his responsible , ol nhakspeare. AO Indian war dunce cniitu Have been JKISItlO . . .1 t leuieeitut raged community. It is not politics tt is of a kind with piracy ; and I pray that' ihey may repent of it before It turns to unspeakable remorse In their denth-hour, apd follows them as the advocate of nn- measu red woe in that world where all im penitent murderer meet their doant. A 1'l.MN .Man. uxcntrrt The Freeman's unt o( Ibis waak eomsa ont hard upon the riltrie " of planchette. It says : t h) very evident that thhi ptaiiehette it a new phase of the tahle-tipping wy that is, fraud except whew di- S and diabolic where hot linmlmg. "eat daiu'eroas to meddle with w hat fea the obscure power of nature f 4awa aar aaa aWa so without M to body, or to mind, or to soul. fHy the damage extends toall three. earueily ad rise aad entreat all rirml and readt rs, whether 'atholia art. to Im -1 ttflilM.tinntiis. atdrh ". ptanchetta. and all other silly Pea, by which the loat angels seek Ud perplex the human race. These wonders Ovaa at LastI Aien. VV. L. Sctt, who has Iteeu on the fence for some time, watching for a soft plee to light, thinks he see. Ins chance now, and, we leant, made Ins in iiiic.ii SBaeeh at a iiadieal wstnnrr in this idaee on Tuesday last. If the Umls paid much for the General they were barfly cheated, as he has beer "fishy ' to long to add much strength to any party. N hen TourKee is elected to Congress, perhaps ihc dienernl will heap- pointed Judge. "Judge Scott' this sounds well wonder if this is the bait aW caught him t Greensboro Patriot. A Nko Mob. Our town was raiher diaArderiy last Saturday, cinisod by-aoue "loyal leagures" atlenipltng to win Democratic negro. . The rtheriff very moiuuilv not down the disiarhaaee Iu the day time, not, however, until some seven or "eight of the "loyal" had been whipped by .Stanhope loung, the colored XK-ino eratic champion. At nigbt, tha negroes armed and reinforced and attacked Stan hope ih such force that be was compelled to Hy lor lit lite, a ler iu the lious least four and it is r life. The to take shel to eitisen. At re nred ai nim capedi with his rtd who lieacl- t no am" Is a .Squire, Mr. V., wa ouo of (he most gentlemen in the room, and had original character been possessed of half bis cheerfni maimer he never would of Richmond, oyer which rid from her pink studded ' nam tnw1 M wonders,' boiyet there is devil ' "M baa of them. '1'k.v Iun rre """IbB fcrl TbawaadfT-rteoW. gMlt TJf? ! bV aawtatohMoapWjo aba JKbbbbI BhjJMp mrjM K - . '-ii w Im - eolt W I I AL' TTslaB Monr snd III ... sssi aBad' UiJbbbbmAssbbI bbbbs Bffl BWMT Th;' K iu Bine" was ul- VVH Bevel al mw Hflee tennis am W IT swan I am aal faaPBBaaBPrV i i'ersian lhaHpbav have eomn to the lilueL Thu Aurora, Miss L. W looked quite pnuty in-piri was aNShin dress of wfiite, lie.nl hung a long veil of wiili tidy dew-cbops. Hir KogeV -de'Covcrley waa there, and a hi cKwasioimlly glanced over towards the "Lady of lliaOpera," be looked as tbongh to-uight Wortf than- "much miglil be said oh Uuh sides of the subjec. " Tho "Lady of ihaiucdVaa her name indicated, was dtWsed in Open, style. An elegant fawn-eotered silk, with ; IV . a a - - a a I .1 . 1 while opera cape, , halt oeiMMHU;!, ow-aeri wilh naiural wliiWvroe-budsiand the whole toilet exquisite a it wa, being let nffstill further bv.u haudaomc 'act of neails waa truly one of the most aitractiveN o the i evening. Too ludj' was Mrs. W., Vinriniif. Powhatan, and 8fr Walter Raleigh promenaded (he room in blissful eouipan Kinship. Powhatan, dpt. M. of Wil mington, took his character well, and i In lively Mr C, of your place, finished his up by dropping his 'rich1 scarlet cloak at tbe feet of the fail Aurora, who did not at first seem to understand why this child of earth, should tlms approach her bnt dark Night, with her stafiy veil swept by, and laughingly exclaimed (iueen Adtxancth and SJr Waiter I At this Aurora s face hrighleneiPand the gallant fir Walter picked up his cloak with as in noli aatisfac tion a t hooch lie had trnty preserved bor majesty's feet from a puddle of muddy water. Mrs. V of Richmond, as "Night, ap- . . . i it. .x Eared in groat auvaniage. m.-r wnu xion.eyes and hair were in keeping ilh r costiinie. which Consjisted of a Joitg black train, over head and shoulders slwepl a black bice mantle profusely spangie.l, and a crescent rli-amed just aliove he brow. "Autumn represented hy Jtiss fl., nf Jefferson connty, Vu , waa Tery amid. A dross of pure w Into, ornament ed with bonnet of natural Antnsan leaves w it i here and then' a sornv oi .-oerriea, a earland of ihc same about lliowaiU on the head. Iu her oars hung small clus ters of poari gnijies. The Woman in White" appeared spec- tre lik. in a corner. HJ.ndvoftho I'roas," " Tortone fel. ." and ibe "Abbea of St. Hilda," met hi a eoeial efcaV nmre horrible, and then could have had no idea how much silence increases terror, or ihey would have preserved it a unbro ken as did these hideous ohjeeaa. They would disai pear and in tho inter vals between the sets would rush back and go through the same ghostly appear mice. i li lt in tore tlie close, refreshments in the shape of ices, and wines were handed, and every oui appeared to enjoy the same, notwithstanding that they seemed to have comu from every point known to the compass. 1 ti ll you we hud a nice time, and Inm sorry all the people of your town were not here to enjoy it with us. I could tell you of '-much thnt haa hatp- iieued sincit yon fell, but 1 tear yon arc, already crying out "uiiough, I've room for no more. A gay bridal party is expected tn-mor- row, anil I guess there is much fun iu store for us. - I lulling unit you may had it convenient to Vint us again. V I am. a ever, Sir OusBBVEn For the.Watehniah .( Old North State N k v, 1 1 in . K. tM Sept. 7, 1808. Messrs, Kdiiot - The Catawba Swpe- ruir Court opened to-day, Ilia Honor Judge Mitchell presiding and business wa dispatched spoedifjf. At about 1 1 o'clock the Judge was very suddenly taken sick and dismissed the Court until after dinner. Theu very soo i lliu people were called tog. iher iu the ennrt-yard sqmrre lo bu addressed by the unididalcs fur Congress, and as'soon a Ihiyden appeared every radical and scallawag waa right after him. almost hanging to his, coat-v.nl like bees langiug 10 a au.g. I Very soon appeared E. Shober, the Conservative candidate oh the spind ; but T regret to say that he was so hoarse that lie conld hardly apeak. But be made a few excellent' remarks. We know him and wo intend to support him and w hen you hear from Uatawna iu November next, it will be in tones of terror to radl- Tben Boydeu appeared on the stand, and overv radical crowded around In tWkM llUM Im m (a wa-S. what be deserved. Doyden looked like ; t" Vrpee time it given from the he had eone through a brush fence back-1 -October trnttf tbe election. wards. Hchenck stopped several time, ' in certain case on the day of and cries were made "go on, go on," ev- election, to regfater. We suppose ery where iu the crowd ; he obeyed their the officers appointed for this purpose calls. I never beard radical and seal la-! will give ample and sufficient notice wagism better exposed in all 'its hideous- of tho times and places. Should this uess lie was cheered everywhere in tbe ' not be done, tho political dribs and crowd. Those radicals, scallawags and the public pre will do all in their oagroee that crowded an alone np when j power to trivti the nroDor information. it.. ... I I t. I : .1.. i . . "... . .' - r . . . ifii, inn oii'ive, nc wim ...iiiiu 111 lun !ii out s kirts nt the crowd tn little squads, IA. , . I I. . , .. m " " mel co,u" 001 ',e,P election, and we hope that no means looked very bad. Catawba .la alive and ; . . ,(lhrm . .;,,.. will do her whole duty. She will not I " i. ZZ . ?i r npport any man who favors tho election sh " ,m7 oK the registrat.on of (J rant and Colfax or any who claims to i laW8 7 officori to exe. be neutral, or who is in favor of perpetua- j ul the"' or Pplicanla for registrar tinir the ni-e.eni nartv in nower. Stand timi. tilling will be left undone by the Democratic party to secure a fair to us, fellow-Conservatives, and all will be right, and Shober will certainly bo elected. On Tuesday at twelve o'clock, Maj. .M alone from Uahlwcll, a native ot Ten nessee, and a refugee from that State, ad dressed the people in ihe Conrt House. lie exposed the hidconsnesa of radicalism lit its full extent, and told the people the dreadful condition of Tennessee under the tyrannic rule nf Hrnwnlowism, and said that Hnldcn wns following iu his footsteps. SENSATIONAL NEWSPAPERS. Hie out cli-penny system is etnergv ing from its former obscurity into a world. wuie reputation, it was once the object of contempt : it is now the leading feature of Journal ism. It finally worked only under the sliad- ow ot night : its present operations are carried on in tho broad light of dav. It was once followed only by encourages it, the people encourage the praaa, so wo dirift on the current of a maudlin taste to a conntry whoso shores are a howling wilderness. Lynelthurg Netes. The Prison-Horrors in Georgia. Washington, Be!. 10, M. Meade baa reported on the Aahbura murder, at Col ambus, Goonria, and relative matter. Tlie report sHbtkmHmies tba atitaaanata published of the ovtrageoaa traawaBttaf tee witnesses at Fort Pulaski. The Commandant of Fort Pulaski ssret "The dc trctivea came to tlio Fort with tho prisoners in ehanre, with oraVirs for tbem to have the sole control of tbem. Consequently, I assumed no authori.y ex cept to keep tbem secure." A narrative of sweat-boxes, shaved beads, and other terrors, follow. ' t.sbV.. Hegarding Coventor Brown's connec tion with the affair, Meade says, in effect. that ha. employed Brawn for hia legal knowledge and influence with tbe people. Brown demanded a five thousand dollar fee. This amount, under ordinary cir cumstance, Meade would not bare paid, bat he waa apprehensive the defence weald hire Brown. Illness of F-President Pieros. Concord, N il., Sept 10, M Ex-President Pierce is more comfortable. He pinched lliu radicals so hard that it a class of pattpers. it now has for its made tlicin scratch where it did not itch, managers the wealth and talent of tho I saw one A. L. Ramsnur, a leadcrnf rod- country. In a word tho iinnrctond- ical and scallawagtsui, flee from Ins pres- nsf catch onnnv naner bna o-rown Into i l:r- It... I I ... l . . r j r I ? ei.ee Mn I'll in . mo wueil no irini toes- t ,o U.,K ., I ,, , innrnal nf ths i as from tbo preseiKTO of Um speaker, hoi fu,. MtaJliiijei urul rilJing the mas' . followed by one of hi. neighbors, J. of llt!W8paper roaderg. wo links, a good conservative, and made i . i j i v j , stand bis ground, and hear what hi. T W0 ''"Pld to be in London. party did and were doing, and what dread- v",u " we- ful calamities they were bcingi.igupou tho ! were WW I", loadings, people by their mierable rule ot lyranny we ho,r1 , ,b "f f "Fenianism," and oppression. I tell you that he look-! " in" vo captured Dublin ed bad; yes, very bad. Yrm will hear wl massacred twenty thousand hu: from me again soon. Catawba. Prom the WUniinfrton Journal. WilO CAN VOTE. Tbo impression is prevalent, we are informed, in some portions of the State, that those persons who were (Jisftanchised under the Kesonetrue tiou Acts are stilt disqualified front Hits is palpably erroneous glisliinon, "tho city of Cork has been turned over" into the sea and the whole country is in." It instantly occurred to ns that this was a verita ble catch-penny, and prompted by curiosity we went ont into tlie street and paid the hawker one penny for a copy-of his paper. Two minutes af. ter wards the rattle of a policeman was Ptn ting, BAjd the oatch-penny va grant scampered away and disap bor votiiijr vt .tiri.1 i; i ! t - iis-. ri - -ior.il v irttnna Having oeen omciaiiy i z..,.a : ,i " .i.i, .. e .i. , , , - , , isan-Ti ii. i. ii nai KiawB iii n iicivu ilnol'iri.it to tm 1.1 I n. Ifnloii ntiH line 1 t .. .. . . .. " - - -r - ing alley, no preserved lor some reprcsent.it. ve to Congress having . h , ona of lhe licet, admitted to seats, ' those Acts v . . CBtte.-of r,MldoB ,;,. are no fonoer operattvo wiliun tins 1 .. i.: t..-i-rrt:.r Now; the difference between tbe Slule. Nor.il there any other law of j Qitugresi. or clause of tho Constitution t the I illicit States which establish heso or any Other disabilities re straining the citizens of this Siate frm the exercise. of the elective f.an- tjhise. The disabilities of lhosoCall- od Foii'tlientli Atneiidnient, known as tho Howard Atueudiiient, havu re ference to otUce holding and not to voting. We iii'isr, therefore, look to tbe so called Constitution of North Carolina and the laws passed in pur suance thereof.' Article six. Section one, of this I On ist 1 1 1 1 i n i -read as follow : legality of (be catchpenny system , and that f sensational newspapers is orcciselv the satno aa that between ninrderand war. In the one aLip few days be oot in a card with . there is punislwueit , in the other re- ward. The cut el i penny hawker flies from the policemen, and the sensa ! tional newspaper is patronized by : everybody even as the murderer is hanged, and the victorious General of armies crowned with bay, of glory and co 11 fused with sycophantic paeans or p raise. Whence this nfioscat It award well repay the labors of a Bnckler to trace it to the fountain head. Rey nobis lias done more harm with his been aturalizid, iweuly-oue years old or np ward, who shall have resided in the State I rwef ve nnmllat pieiediag tmr sfeetiou.-Sfnw' thirtv days iu tlie county In which he utters u to vote, shall be d.vnied an elector, and shaH close a be possib y could.- I never beard j up.,u . p , '. , ' ,e . I Sec. 7. Kxoept in ease proviJed S.r in a speech made by any. per.H. that was 1 . J( ' t .wl . . at any election, utiles hi reiristratn a : be iffers U ' Every male person bnru iu tbe United States, ami everiLiualii persnu who has Wen . n...t . ..i.i ..i USll.l i.ii sen. inyuieiiiir ir.ipi'iu'l uimniui .Ik . e L t . g. i... Khali hve rtWA i,, thi, state twelv. London News than the whole tribe of mouths next precedm the el.-etion, and cateh penny hawkers: iteajie bis a thirty days in thee only m sfbich he othtrs heavy weight of sin shonlders forcor- to nite, smtM be Ueeiped so alector. j rnptinir the taste of thousand of votine bo it will te. seen eery ptie oi sill- reailers. Ana while Pomeroy m fjcient age and res deneo, without - working in a good, political cause, his regard lo cdor, race or former condi- love for the aeosational will inevitably tion, shall bo entitled tn vote. The injure that cause which he has warm, nets in regard to Uegistratioii, which j ly espoused. At one time, we hear we published yesterday and shall re-1 of an immense treasure of jewels and publish frcijuenily before the elec-: watches found in a New York gutter. ijuo,! regard to the persons entitled to reg drowned in an oil lake far down from later and vote : j. i daylight. At another, a husband Sec. ii- Kverv male person born in the murders his wife and has her served United Ntata. aud any maW perat.n who baa , up for breakfast. At another, a snake . ... r:.si . .: receiveu mw " utuen :.,,, i .,, vote I I saw no one crn'cr turn, but negroes were .,,. 1 found qpou thi griuuiiig and laughing a littje, aud then I ' books ..f the preeiart In which ' " , " ":' r" 'ays ! ' - - - . . - has been seen at aea with his body .wrapped amnnJ tfatea -fcngllsh man of war. bach are a few extracts from a year's summary of news. And still it goes on. This love tor the sensa. tional has entered the pulpit, aud iu many portions of oar country has de throned the love for Christ. The pre of to day cncour;;"x it, the people From Washington. Washington, September 10, P. M. Revenue Solicitor Hinckley aad District Attorney Courtney bad a personal colli sion, to-day, growing oat of the proceed ings against Rollins. Bincklcy waa worst ed, but neither hart mack. Postmaster General Randall ia in New York, considering the propriety ol endor sing the three millions of Bonds aatbor iaed by Congress for the Trans-Atlantic Mail Company applying for endorsement. They have had the bonds printed bat ap peal lo hare no vessels. Randall asks tbe Attorney General whether the endorse ment is mandatory by law. Tha following ia published hero, (all for a September session). "N'kw OaLiam, 8ept 9, 1868. To G. L. TuOoch, Secretary of the Nation. al Committee: My home in St. PrancJsrillo waa mob bed by Democrat on the 89th of Accost. They said that they wanted to waab their hands in ray blood and would have air life. They levelled their gun at say wife and threw burning torches apon my gal lery. I waa not In the house at the time. (Signed) J. R. NEWSHAUM. A Committee from the Tennesseee Leg islature is here, preparing an address to the President, which they will deliver to night. They aay that tba militia bill ia sure to paaa, bat will ba a dead letter if tlie President send troops enough to Tennessee. ty Messrs. Tolar Watkina and Pow ers who were released from Fori Macon and have, been so long expected, arrived here yesterday at S o'clock by the steam er iVirth i.aroliua, The tore ot and citizens to tha number of 2000 more met them at tbe river. Every of joyous friendship and devotion that a noble people could show, was extended to tbem. Mr. J. H. Myrover in a brief and touching address in behalf of the citizens welcomed them back among the friends who have labored and interceded and prayed for their release so faithfully and so lone. Cast. Tolar resnonded aa well as his overpowered feelings and enfeebled Health would allow, we shall refer to the case of these unfortunate, but new hap- py meu, more at lengtn. FayetteriHe Eagle. The Georgia Jtatheal EeltHon Coming oat for Seymour and Blair. Tbo Chroiuile and Sentiud of Tuesday reports a rnmor, which it thinks, well founded, that A. T. Akcr man, one of the Radical candidates for elector for the btate at large, win name mark drawing iiis name from the ticket. If ao, this will make four of the Radical electoral ticket who refuse to ran. and say they trill support Seyomour and Blair, viz; Akerman, Wilbur, Boyd, and and Harden; and yet the re publicans still keep their names up. If elected, under those circustanoes, they woaia, ot comae, cast tneir votes for Seymour and Bliar. Poor rmt of nine Grant electoral candidates to come out for Seymour in the coarse of a fortnight a ter their nomination ia pretty significant of they way the yrant Coltalx ticket is running in Georgia. It ia running out at both bung holes ana spigot. Maneon Td egraph. , Goon Old Brastdt. Why Is it that our common farmers can't distill a little brandy for their own aael Becaaaa dm Radical Conereaa has placed the SMALL TAX. OP POUR It CXDRKD DOL LARS apon all r j tifhllh Iwuba tbl aaat to nun toe business, ia order that the rich may grow fat I How much longer will you vote for soak ateaa outrages no on your rights t Greensboro Patriot. Kt hville, Sept. lOL P. M. The Mil itia Bin in r"y- Tthay rim .BttwariiT Steele ot ten loyal citizens, who are free holder, and tab approved by a Jadge, onerin, Attorney uetteral or a mcmnar of the le gislature, declaiiug lhe necessity, before tht Militia can he sent to any cooa- ty UK saul I ouuty bcanag tbe. el tbe Mill, 1 bus i part. the expense the BUI will I

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