WT mm 1VEW SERIES SALISBURY, N. O, SEPTEMBER 25, 1868. VOL. I, NO. 38 tf batm ov icMciotwi. -ci TK.a.a-oAaet in v-iT.MlMAN OLD WORTH 8TATK TBI.WECKL.T UIA hub I u a l A ll M-'Sffi!.. t.M I.SS .w THJ6 WIXD8' YOICEe rt trar ra lkt "injur, " I i it i i TW,n ctnsS manna, in am umu, It Kin tbt tkooghM af long ago. And map oer bygone flUMaM. AMI sek Mhttly te aad 6 Hi Of MIlMtrSSStVa! Haft itillosae M th hnv I Mb. .hJiHBMihM of ekar Hair-hwt nMBgtns mm. Leva xh that th eenl WUk MMl M tk sWaUUf I Unr wkHMMi wntua, Art -id- It irttk MWtors fthng Ian kert sxnst mm the mm to ABlHfe gnu nin b very imt Hut setts its mrtk mbnkm. Aa. fc. tkal WkfaMST fa. th wind ! It (WW, MM Mff-fMM. Wuk light nf yeas tang Ml befclml. T mm) th weary .h-TUd an srea ia y dreams I know MH M)M f ifc MB, It suaabtut, whu the wkad ar low, T. osto tk4i veira i know it by th hyacinth Wklck mm- bagm to Uaw, aa mm; mm HHSgily sweat and iiuaiaiaajaty hrr. ny.nbjfttrrrtatbani.. lad softer kaVab. And heller m tbe twilight data. Tkattyriag wttubhre carried on as an extensive and Im formidable competitor in this as port tut branch of enterprise, there i which poind to one greet grave eon are thousands of onr farmer who dis- taining thirty thousand corpses. This iiuea moir apple ana peacn crop to earthquake will be uiemorable in an extent at least to meet their an history. gent n so ssi I ties. Frequently, when other crops failed, an amount was re alised from their orchards to furnish subsistence) for their families. Pro bably in no State in the Union was there more genoial distillation of fruit, and so many small dietilleiies for grain. At one Ml sweet) is this entire business destroyed. Illicit dis filiation may take placu, bat honest men are deprived of this weans of rapport. litis is all done in the intern! of be "whiskey ring." Mr. 8henck. the Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, through whose in strumentality this tax was imposed. (represents a d tst rie 1 1 n w h i ch are some ot the largest distilleries lullieUni td 8tates. A tax of four hundred dollars is nothing for them to nav. These large establishments found that distillation by the fanners was inter faring with their business, and they doM red it to be stooDed. For the benefit of those wealthy manufactur ers, therefore, tlie income of tuott suds of poor and industrious farmers must be injured. 8uchis Radicalism- Wil. Journal. JT , Ifci , , - aM a aaa a - wf riMsl sw wmw BmmmsWIImt MmWfmmm NO WAUI This is a time for sober, seriona, earnest thonght, and those who do not think now, and think right that, need never think hereafter. THE RECORD OF A CARPET-BAG Fur tb. WawkaaM A OU Nortb 8baM. STATESMAN. I RaLKioa, Sept 17, IMS. Captain J. T. Dew as was the son of MtUrt. miert.-Yov readers will a gsalloawii whs dkd at Van Baran, Ark., donbilM be fnlersstaw te kaew the fitct$ Mj whoa J. T. was eight or tea years old. Mgard to Ike aaeb talked of Radical Maas Hb Mother rstarned to Indiana, and the Mestiag kcra yesterday. Being lad was eroegnt ap partly In that rV gardusra sad fcf Muka I tba aaooea iu Uw iky. by tba bmk ; bitla. i haar UKM on tba eiw iBd.l.lk.botWa. Tka takaoSls' ' ' na to aw. i ad Una. 1 1 OfraMMlalBW Weat: Fpm wsrtasa at aaMriag wnjga Tliat wttl not ao M) reoti i of Iragraaes apkl alar. lofawn. , , Aad aUrar baglM la tk wtod. TMarnataf a (hMa! I kntw tt brSkakjariatka Whick sow bagia te . That Wtabavou iu ley bed. ioaaail. aaawari a. . And nana will ssate. wttk Bacon eanV. Ud by Iks Isswldag hsart, Tb Waaaadaagtitar of tba Baa, VaOIT BI8nlXKRIK8. We are in receipt of seMsroes letter from oar MbAriber. malrroc xkwtry m to the mount of 1 (lieaoarl Ux which the re- nt act of CaarsM knpoat upon dulMSW ef orsmiy Irmn SOMas saa pneoaa. " ooa aae wtL Mat tbe taw, m interpret- eilbytbe Internal lereooe Boreaa, SMkas nodtehn. no baMaeau iierMeni from fruit sad datiller from pain, aa to tbo take to he paid. TO ' ' ...mil Mm Hi. U lunM LHF Pmm the tUekawiwl Whig. THE GREAT EARTIIQU ACE. There baa net beuu jranrs been so terrible and deatructiso an earth quake a that which recently occurred along the ooast of South America, from Bolivia to the son them porta ot j St ll IfW s S e Si 'a a a jiiiii. im saa tale is tnns trru-n v told: Thrty-odd thousand human beings killed and three hundred mi lions dollars worth of propertr dee stroyed. a United States vewel, the Fredoma, struck by a tidal wave and crushed to atoms, nil her crew lust and one million eight hundred Ihoiis and dollars of naval stores destroyed doaen towns in ruins the stench of the drad sneh as to drive eft the living. 8nch is the melancholy story Central America and Chili and Peru are pre-eminently volcanic districts, snd greatly euhjeot to intestiuo con vulsiuus. Ths most memorable of the earlv earthquakes was that of the year 68 which resulted in the desti notiou ot Horculanenm and Pompeii, and whieh was Sixteen rears previous to the time when those eities were bun ed in the ashes of Vesuvius. In the year 115. the eity of Antioch, in Syria, was amotT destroyed. In 458 it u a again visited by an earthquake and iu 526 occurred the most disaa true one of whieh any record has been preserved. Gibb-n states that 25J,(RK) peraoOS an said have per- ihed, the titttUttadee belougtug to i he city being greatly swelled by a con- tlnx of atrangers attending the feetit val of the Ascension. The great earthquake of Lisbon. which commenced" on the lstXovem bar, 1783, threw down the prtncipnl nortion of tJie citv. and sixty thous and nenott are said- to inn e iierit.li edin I be short nee of six minuter). The sea retired, leaving the bar dry, and returned in a great wave fifty or mere leet high. Mountains seara aaasnlswd and rent, and went thrown in fragmcnte into the vaU levs below. The shock was felt in ConimiMioosr of iMomal BeVennr, with thai aeproeal ut ibe Sseroisry of the Trrtaury, u ,h Alps and (W the coast of 8we ten SfyTpfJ ' Hie etJeets wero viiblo in Germany, trwaotetaAWMto US auraKrrrr ut fr '' aa be . MM sttMibeut ; but ii the ilbWlllilr Uaaka, fi'c him oo autiiorily "vim antraer or taxation. ThUw,fifHiM, MaenaU to a upprv 'iou of aS iagitiiiwte diatiilatlon of brandy from Sfyhs sod sosntie, and wtH ea.uwahaM of Biibou ofMVHiae. It baa hero fur jr- emuoua liWMSMM m tb Suuthern, M of tk Nottbem Jksles. for farm.-ra to distil ilia Iruii i4 iMinaWn arehofda. TU wi ImtWmWSr.rir ondV toSpSrary "aciea unwejnSMra; sw in a.-rtr piu lu of sack at ill was about tea or nftetn bsr r ef brandy in s season. In many -in fret, w mow ioatancee the fond reeJie.l nu the la of (ha brandy were ahaolutaly prceeaary tossaote the roft farmer W sk out a SoSnty MSneUuo for their famthel. Tlnir wealth in tbeir oreksid, planted by their aad caki rated wuu a view to lm the fiaw. Inlaet.owinatoUied'M" market and the bind of trail rakwd, the wsy of dwirtoir any beeSflt Irow the toAsrds wm byMUMaf lh fruit. Tina lefkSatKM of Cungrea ha auppreeaed thu branch of mduatfy lor no farmer can WAarsaMadaaAw forth prraihsw ot "'ttrnw bt. tea or twenty mttw m wappi, brtady the hikes of Scotland, the distant wa tors of Lakn Ontario, and even along the coast of Massachusetts. It iii estimated that from twenty to forty thousand human beings fell vic tims to the earthquake In the kiudotn of Naples ift 1837. Numerous cities wero reduced to heaps of ruins. Ao "Jaaribqimke in Mxtco,tn lIMS.des rjtsoyed many houses and much other valuable proi.ertv. In 1850 the city of Quito, in Kqnador, was almost tie strayed by ono of those loail'nl vlsita ti,6n, and nianv lives were hist. The earthquake of New Madrid, below fit. Louis, on the Mississippi, in 1811, is the most remarkable that I uu occur ud in this country of which we have any record. lh' ground quaked for Over an i it i successive months. iree unuureu mues Undulations. Great l throwing up mnd of the trees, led tho sank city of Caracas eartnqnaKSH Sned i ' w BnJ . . .1 -flMMM n'lhtttMMMl omuiammI m xifM I jljal tut wm ooo w -'"liuaj M i MM"",a 11 uwmini""" iwMMJ n j Ao and kUadkuMajtaWb'0 (b "". ,Mj 1hH tMmdSpra ttaiWoVJ - 1 1 K.nu mm. aw am. Jtmm avj'1. Mntersiv mmw K. jjJH ear. that VB MGnd of St. LJ KjeraJaAeqilite Mi mm - r dV roB ammi T mm" liMrAr Leau I itiBM mm H this very noint iu grim tri- rtentotts convulsions. of human ho hv round a there ever was a time when onr conn try required every man to do h dm tv, that time i, now, right now. Fni you rote f It yon do begin to think, think for yourself, think for jour Country, think fot your oitsprtng. and whan you are done thinking vote and vote right, tor principle not mm." Have yon been a Whig! If yon have, that is the very reason why you ahoald rota the Democratic ticket. Why t Because your party perished in that terrible ordeal through which we have pawed, aad the only Wlii principles worth preserving are era bodied in the Now York plattorm. Are you for peace f If you have been a Whig then 1 know yon are. If you are for peace vote the Democratic ticket. Why f Where are yonr lea I- eraf Where ia Millard Pilmore! Supporting Seymour. Where ja John Uelif supporting scymour. wnere is Gov. Ewing of Ohio, the man ou whom it has been said, fell the man tie of Clay ? Supporting Seymour, and lie telle us. ho is supporting Sey mour to urco- tU sw, not to bring one. Wlieioislhe gifted statesman of this good old Commonwealth, Graham! Supporting Seymour. Follow yoar leaders, they utter no uncertain sound. These men never deceived you iu days gone by they will not do so now. l'lieir motives are pure and tbeir patriotism is un earned. But it is said by the Repaid can party if you vote for Seymour, you vote for war. Do you I Let us see about that. Suppose Grant is elect ed (which he won t be.) who is to make war? Aot the IJemcratic party, they don't propose to do any such thing. Not tba people of the South they cannot if ihey wanted to, they are too poor; they have no money ; they have no arms, fur the Govern ment has disarmed them, and carried the public arms out of the Southern Slates ; so if they wanted to nisku war they could not. -1 -v Suppose Seymour is elected (and he will be i who is to make wart Nobody bat tbo Jievublican party and what for t Because thay are beat en! That and that alone, will be tbo onlv reason, and if we have war H will be their own making and theirs I UP I I -JT I. mono, n uon yon near a man auiuuig Hlair and crying "war," wateh him. lie Is in the Radical camp. Blair and war are the watchwords of the Republican party and ltd who wears the badge must belong to the fold. lhera will be no war. i lie people are not in favor ot i earson s or 'Lawyer Hoyden's" war : and "Law yer Hoyden" will realise on the 3d of .o em her next, that the people of Irs Diati ict are not to be alarmed by the war war whoop, nor driven into the Republican camp by the most igorous application ot his indepen dent, repuMu an tomahawk. Pollt cally apeaking, he will begallteredto lite "garueu of me sininoeiers, ana he who paten by Hie political grav- attl heicai.fr, Will behold no mat hie shaft over his radical dust, tor tba .. . - ; . . .. Will rarveaot a line, nor ism not intone Unt leave htm aloaetn Me poo J. lheie i!l be no war! wmgrees reconstructed the Southern Stales Ulinw.do of the Constitution" accord tug to 1 haddens Stevens; and t tie people of the North intend td elect Gov. .Say in m, "euisid7 . jbfjhjLJOL constructed States 0,tlm South, and settle this question for ail time. Hat suppose the Southern States vote for Sey mo T which many of them will do is i hui any cause lor war. Will Ihov not do -so under the very pro gramme marked out by the Radical party ! Can they then object to it I Certainly not. There will be no war! Nobody wants war. Everybody wants peace, profound, lasting, ponHnntd peaee that peace which always follows war that peace where every j man sits under Uii own vine and tig tree, aad sing -The Merry sg of peas To all hi neighbor." Stand firm. Don't assist In tbe burial of Freedom. If the G.nlde of Liberty is to be crucified, let those who have laid nntioty nanus upon her become her executioner. Reg Y',.in V.iIa for Shohor : Vote for Seymour VotU hr CotnTirrttionai " . I units, ' Liberty and Jw. n uiu, State. and partly hi this eity. Oossksg of age just oassto UW ootbreak of the war he went to Van Ihin n, Ark., and there old the ne- I froe be inherited from hi father. lie Wned an Indiana regMaeatdariag the war. 11 1 I wo year ago be waa in this city a abort iu this eity so baeine, I took seats pain to observe tbti wliule a AT dr, and propoae to gfva you s very brief, candid, aud uuvar- nfelird aeeoont. A prominent Radical politician of tbie .State, in eenvereatiou with M last uigbt, insisted 'hat there were unt wore than three thnnsand prraons present from abroad. I think there were a boat fire thoaMnd, nearly one fourth of whom, ho wever," were from this county, t If while pereou then were by ao mosua More than three hun dred, nearly. all of iImm, eseept a few ri.x.1. rk T ii i. coun y men ot VYake, being Uadieal or Iko tToaole and th. oTlrJi,.,ti. i. 'e-holders. It wm almost exclulrely, j , . 1 f - -. m time and professed to be a strong Andy Johns. in man. He ia now representing a N'orth Carolina DIatrlet m Congress. Tka InHian spoil Sentinel gives the particulars of his history as follows t oaaULXi caaraT-aaooaa. l .. W. IWWMIWIIK M 1 m . , , . ... i " . b... laretnre, a negro aemonsiraitnn. i in .' . . 7 e I M...,. .Im. North Uarollna. Ite is a lit represents I tive of tbe class. He hid to got oat of tb 24th Indians, in which he was a lieu tenant, on a r count of some money dillieul tie, tbe "boys" charging that he had rath er loose Mess of areuaa sad hmw. He then joined the Fourth Indiana Cavalry ike seventy seventh regiment snd wss Cap tain or nmpany K. He left tbe egro clamant so completely predomina ted that the other wa practically Invisi ble ; aad the Win m took no part in the processions except as Marshall and Or derlie. oa borMbaek. The Uadieal Speak kcr of the Ilouae, a carpel-bag Judgo ol Superior Court, a ditto M. C.,aud vari ma other of leaser note, nearly all being ear- i pet-baggers, mounted on slced of aa in- Bntte variety or mettle, dashed, ambled or Par tka Watchman OM r Mato Bkitiw Foao, N. C, Sept. 17, ISM Mem. Hitter. ; Oa Wednesday last, the leta last., UM Independent candidate for Congrea. N. Hoyden, Esq., appeared at Heautiee Ford, in Lincoln county, to address the people He was met by Col. J F. Hoke, of Lineoluton. Mr. Hnv.h n led off in s speech of two hoars. Ha wss no radical did not approve of notch of radicalism. He had alway been for re- construction measures of Congies had never seen ny resolution of the Conserva tive party opposing theirconilitutionallty ; that the (termnnr men wete for war, be cause their convention at Near York said reoouetmitinn waa unconstitutional : that com pa nv ' i tosMa I . i . jTT 7J1. l . , ' hobbled down the streets, mustering thefr ok I ' - 't 1 1 CTI VII H-OIM O . Ufl WC MWI MUf, W L1 , . , , . Ill . i uri.ii. u. i .iT , sable cohort with the sir of men who felt " ' aire .7 mwrnm WW min , . he caotured. or as the bors of hi. mm. "W "T'1111' .,uo",, ny says, "ntouatm, two or three horses, which he sent to Indiana, and bad pastur- mIm i farm, belonging to hi father-in- law, two miles and a half trow KvansTtlh. One of these horses waa a race-horse, dark cbevtnut sorrel, whick was captured at Lebanon J uneiion, Kentucky ; lbs other was a fast pacing pony, clay-bank, which was "cHptored" out of a man's pasture, back of Sheplierdevilte, Kentucky. It was lbs daty of Captain Dswsw In have turned those banes aver to lb Hrigml Quartermaster for lh Government, but Ueweeae knew a Pick worth two of that ! We would like to know of the Captain what ha did with thee boras, sad wheth er Im has got wet of the tepeosy yes, and what kind or leprosy it wa, for tbe "boys" tell strange stories, "and will isdulge hi hearty laughs about it" an feeling wretch es aa they are 1 After leaving Pike county, the Captain engaged id business ben, fatted hi a short time, took the benefit of the bankrupt act, and swindled his creditor as it Is alleged. He wa nest beard of in business hi Vicks- barg, Mississippi, where he sgain failed, again took' tbe bankrupt law, and ain ag swindled hie creditor, a it ' wa alleged. The war being over, and hi leprosy cur ed, the Captain by some hocus poeus, pro cured a commission in the regular army, was send to North Carolina, and the next beard of him, lo ! and behold he took his eat in the House of Representative as a member of Congress. And of such are the, carpet-bag mem ber from tbe Southern State ander negro rulet Louwvillo Courier. ever im partial spectator thought them supremely ridiculous. Drums, fifes, braes instru ments (vvty diacordanily piped,) banners, and device, were plentiful, and tolerably well suited to tirkla the fancy of the grown-up colored children who split tb mud faud their own throats) marching .behind them. The rain aud perspiration made the street rather sloppy, but noth ing eoald disturb the precision with which tb flock of colored (heep followed tbeir file leader through it all, evidently im pressed profoundly with the transcend ant importance of dodging no mudltoles. tlAj I waa naexocetedlr nrevented from healing any of tbo speech, having desir ed very touch to bear at least Gov. Haw ley, and to watch hi demeanor ander the visible exemplification which was present ed to him that the Radical party in the South i essentially a Negro party only. I learn that hi speech was unite tame, and from the portion published this morn ing in the Standard, it certainly wa to. l'he irrepressible noise snd chatter of the African aseem hinge, who. were thinking of the Barbecue and not of speeches, render ed it impossible to hear what the speak er said, so I am informed. The Barbecue I know nothing about. It was probably supplied bountifully with provisions. It certainly onght to have been so to satisfy tbe appetites of lbs crowd, many of whom no doubt fas.ed all j the other part of the time, they remained deu) would no: discuss tbo question of taxation. He denied that the five-twenty bond could he legally paid off in curren cy, aad atontteL!fct be had voteJUMie funding bill of last Congress ; that it on ly object waa to reduce tk interest on the debt, and denied that the State could tax these bond. He read from tbe ease of Lather r. Borden, and said that the urea eht aoustitatioa wa a fixed fict by that d cession snd could not be get rid of ex cept by the people of tbe State them selves. Hoke replied in a speech of two hour, and told Boyden thai he had placed him self on lb radical platform by going for Grant aad ha bad to carry the whole load ; that he could not take what salted him twenty thousand aswtatars, we have heasd It estimated, by earafll person, a high as twenty -five thousand, who were either dis - rVanehied by the Reconstruction Acts ef , ander the Jbrwa law. or by ignorant aad con not registrar, without the color of authority, who bare now the right to vote, Tkws embrace the most opular and influential citlaen of the ute. Four-JLtVu ot these person will vote for Seymour and Blair, aad ae their powerful influence ia ths sane direction. With these calculations ws are willing to rest ear ease, with merely a bar refer ence to the fact thst tbe erection being but nedmn, there wiii be hat mm wirdefciba opportunity afforded at tbe last slesthm of voting negroes in several eewatJes. The i .-von - ii iicifoo ww iiwiivhiuuvimj , um . , Frank Blair wa. for war; that ky, (Boy- Iff Cns)if 1M the saae day will be aa advantage to tba Democrats of both States. From tins date our people must baeon- vineed that it is sn easy matter to carry North Carolina for Seymour and Blair. The thirty thousand voter hi reserve, who alone held a balance of power, must be called into service. Vacuo ideas of confiscation must no Ion get haunt them, and being In the Union they must exer cise the moat, important privilege of its cilisens, the selection of iu Chief Magis trate. Tbe lately disfranchised mast lake advantage of their newly acquired power, and by tbeir votes condemn the men aad party that used their property tk support the Government and refused them a pan in it administration that taxed tbem to m.i or voiiiu no uikc wiiai puiioi uim . and drop tbe rest ; that be h.d changed 0T,M. Ute.' d"" front-bad mn on the CnnMrra.S-. .bu- io be adoption of ite fundamental form butt Spring agtin.t Cowl ; that both ; UV' ' l" W J '., Constitution of the United State, and that in Milllgan a case the Supreme Court of tbe United States had held that the ex ercise of force by Congress not granted by tb Constitution of tbe t inted Slates wa arbitrary and tbe acta done under such power were null and void, and that here. In addition to the large amount of therefore the recoutrncti.u act of Coa- Convcntions, that at StatesviUe and that at Baleigh bad taken grounds against tbe Constitutionality of the reconstruction act and if ho (Hoyden) did wet know the fast it wa hi own fault. He must have shut both eye and ears, as tbeir platform wa discussed by every body. Thst r rank Blair waa not for war ; that he wa wil ling lo submit that question to tbe Su- Creme Court and abide tbeir decision ; that r. Boyden had put himself on tbe seces sion platform because be acknowledged in hi argument that the S'ate wss out of the Union, otherwise that Congress hsd no rig.. ... o . uo.no mm ; ." - , :J ui.u "j 1 lol Ut. kJ State snd Admitted in 1789, and that the , ,-, aunreme Conrt h-rl held that wo never U,hnB. M,to " "Vering her got out o( the Unfon. lur the ordinance of i., ... i.. .in ... mmwH, uii. were iiiny in itwiiiiihi i . . atrainst tbe law. of the aneernment : that .ber ,,,W LW" k?"ike Lna U..K a ..a V-...1. i 1 II..- uif otiiiii-iuc Virur t tffrt) v aniiii imu i p i 11 1,1 hM that th. f f!.M. perftM:.,ydeveloped,ttoa tructiou) had no warrant tor them iu the rulers. We can aad wa must carry North Carolina for lb party of peace, of liberty, ef tbe Conatitatioo for Seymour and Blair. A Li ring Child without a Bead In the vicinity of Spoon river in Illinois, I a child which waa born snd has lived five years without a bead. Mr. , the mother, is a widow of a soldier, formerly living in Marshall county, who en lilted ia the Sixty-fifth or Scotch regiment, aad was killed at the battle of Devingtoa, Mo. She was standing beside ber husband dar ing the engagement, when a cannon ball wttk blood. Th shock affected bar wrent- ly, and when, in seven months afterwards. raa not the sem blance of a head about it. l'he limbs were New York Good Jar 70,000 Democratic Majority. Fernando Wood has resigned hi leadership; Mile O'fieUly is dead; Judge Connolly tuts gone back to anov m fire.woriu night were abno, many Hall ; there i Is not even one able honjcn , VMje2 M fcy. eu captain now in the field against the bravest J on ,ucU occion,. The demonstration at ot the wigwam. hat tollow T v ny .i w ,,. -.ii money said to have been contributed by (Sen little field and others, seven pig were contributed by one Conservative gentlemen, and forty chickens by anoth er, the thoughtful recipients not even troubling these two gentlemen so much as to waken litem out of their sleep they came for their eonri iSwrtons .' the ultimate return of all the wanderers to 1 be fold of 1 he father. It is not up, in my minima aa that nf the ( .onaervati ve meet. likely . in o anno, limn m-a Tlie Mliitjil. however. hat men wUl spring up to lead them i( WM bmifully ilUminated snd presented in-. uirr ic BooiB. . -4'"-. a handsome spectacle. Most ot the citi cotopauies, and perhaps In regiments, they , reiid,.cc were dark. H undreds o will ommately go hack to the 1 ammany cooredkufir thronged the street and pub eamp, renew their sllegiaues to the 8aeh-.1 a, -.M i iu f ihe rhiu Uidie. who ..... A llamufjiMli HH f mm IT..U... ... , o., ..,,0 iijnoiioiu.. ,.,, .... ou, OB tbQ KCUI0 ot tue (jouserva I tiey namaer, all told, some nny tnous-, -,.:. iu, m.i. woro all invisible and voters. I ammany 's regular force I j .(lt (),,, but aixiymouwnit- Wwuttte anp1 were of course tickled ber of Democratic votes regMtered In tbt. , . . n-ji,,- m0A m-HCrHl varauhu- gross ahd the reorganisation of the tsle under them were of no fores. He discus sed the financial question ia all iu bearings pointed out the extravagancies snd cor, ruption of the radical party In Congress and ibe State le" islature. - He commented ben upon the dangerous and illegal course of ' Mot. Hotden in organizing the special mil it ia of the Ptatc in defiance of the laws ef Congress Mr. Boyden replied shortly depreca ted Hohten acts deprecated these ex travagnnces ; that be had never voted for them: be was only a candidate for Con cress, lie dodged the whole question of -finance, and would not argue it because HI nr said it was a- small issue and admit ted thai Blair had explained his letter as to what be did mean, sVc B. city last year wa perhaps one hundred thousand, l'he number registered this year will probably be one hundred thous and. The facilities for "receiving vote have beeu iuciaaed, so that one hundred thousand Democratic Votes will probably lie polled. All these will be cast for Sey- mour aad lllatr, of oonroe, and the ticket about t be nominated in Albany. The Kadicals will not be able to poll over thir ty thousand so tbe Ilcuiocrulic ticket will have New York eity with a majority of seven! y thousand and if the rural Radicals attempt to overcame t, may the Lrd have mercy ou their sotusl Lor. Boston Post. nalia, and maintained uniform good hu mor throughout. The While cilisens were careful t give no occasion for disturbance or ill feeling : and so, to the satisfaction of all good men, this remarkable' exhibi tion of Africanism arraying and orgnniz iug itself to perpetuate tbe rule ovt white North Carolina, came, to It termination without any ' sennas disorder or disturb ance of tbe public peace. Thus 1 have given you the main points concerning ibis Radical demonstration. It was e.-si nti illy a failure. It .Will do mtn. r wa thine to iimrsaa the boo 04 enthusiasm of that party in the State. If the men of the West could only have Baltimore, Sept. 17, P. M. Conieder- ate Ck.nel, II. M. Buckley, ef Fmcaatls, Virginia, committed aalrtaV by asing mor phine, after loalng thousand dollars at Paaa. nil AH Gt.O Skttleb. A box tnrtlu was "H'T wouto al onceuouuee iwu- picked up on the (arm of Mr. t hauneey um.nin ou. mere was a gr Iymmis, 6t Blootafield, a day or two wnee, I ietake made by U. in bavingj Jeh ga which ha bad quite remarkable tU.I1.' On tbe shell are two name, and date.-W.Tfw 10 , "5i lwme ""U TT It ITa.l a..d II fi. 1817. The former " u u1 "e"a '"' " " " . V is the name of Mr. Jacob Lot ximie the ' to you, t hrrofore, Cry ahrad, oh I WscIs-h cnth raan. ' mnni bu span? not. The heart of Rath years of ' calisni jn North Carolina is growing faint. From tbe Wilmington Journal. THE PBOSPECT IN N CAROLINA. Wc are satisfied that the vote of North Carolina is of vast importance iu tbe pend ing Presidential election We should not bo surprised if the nine votes of t his State decide that election. We have never felt that more depended upon an election in North Carolina than in November next Tbe battle-ground of the contest i in tbe North western Mates. I he Radicals, in figuring the success of their -tieketj claim lae entire voltrot the South for Grant and Colfax, with possibly a doubt in t.tvor of Georgia. W bat is, then, the prospect of carrying this Mate for Seymour and Blair? IV : i L. . uilLt. mmmmx mam Wmmm shoulder where tbe bead and neck should be, smoothly rounded off. 1 But the most surprising thing of all is that tbe face Is situated in the breast. Of course, there being no neck, the power of turning its bead fat wanting, bat this diffi culty is overcome by ths singular inanity it possesses of turning Us eyes ia their sockets, enabling it to see quite as welj ou either side as those more perfectly formed. From Alabama The Ijegidatvr. Montgomery, Sept 18, P. M. Tbe Legislature did nothing today. Bout House adjourned early, and the Republi cans went into a secret caucus to decide what course to pursue on tbe registration question. A large number ol tbem are opposed to registration and desire to have no election ia November. father of the above mentioned gentle II.. . . L. J-,. wku mmmmmtm vn.r. Ill- m ,MJ IHiro w nvu .... - . - , . .... . . ' .1. unit ila fo-i. mnrn fttclutrmV am i at niiutr la air. narrr t-ornisn. - : -j n - - ----- -m ... also of BloomhVId Mr lsomis hiuis this same turtle one in every two or three t ear. The last tinkS WM about 18G6. I Then be baOngbt him into the Courant mi . .11. otpce, aad a none was ssaaa oi an great age. A Mr. Loomi was returning home, he lost the tattle from his wagon in "the waattri. part of ths eity, and although seaich was made bo could not be found, and it wa (apposed that hb) turtle chip would never be seen again. A few days since, aad lo I he tarn ap en the old spot in Rhtomfield. This i certainly a moat ataikiuat caae of animal iaatiact. lance to be passed over was four mire, aiwi ! stream witb high banks bt. What guided the animal in pa multurtl U therefore Mventy five years f Irish Uorner, id tuts county, it ran How aiueb older than that no one can be seen ai tuiaomco iffi. tKj Hartford Oonrwt, d.enUnS. black. In all candor, I My to tbe Conservative and Democrai Ot tbe btate, llally boiuiy and hopefully to tho charge ; far we can aud will, if wo work, discomfit our opponents in North Carolina. this November! Very truly yours, Row ax. A Offttrosrrr Miss Annie Peters, who lives near this place, lias placed in odr bauds an ear of corn, which resembles the left hand of a man 1 It , J. : is alumst perfect in shape, the thumb The die-, . - L . ,. ,' I mm A ,i.. inmi irrg1" ww uuuwu, v wrist has tbe SDnearance ot nature itself. It was uroduced on the farm " a as V .a . I S a. U ibis disuncef The known sge of mr. ixiwis oytwiiieriiaer, ... llbAttt ftlljr1 la9iwCtlAlt AMwQtf.w414 rV l ern white voters, or .Eastern colored vo ters, ws believe the prospect for Demo cratic success is very good in North Car olina. I he Radical majority at the test lection was 19.069, (we quote from the official returns in i he nlfiee of Gen. Can by.) in a tnbd of 107,099 vote. There were 89,774 registered voters who did not mtie. To what party did these person belong, and what was ibe cause of their non-action 1 So far as this section of tbe State is concerned, by mean of certificate votiug more negroes voted than there were names registered, and we believe that, to oiue extent, the aante is tea at other por tions ef the Blare. We are satisfied that twenty thousand and upward of those who remained at tbe noil were white Coiiervative and Democrats. Tbe chief owr which operated upon them waa an undefined, but controlling, fear of some ham te person or property to result from a defeat of the Constitution, and also a belief that wehould first "get into tbe Union" snd then protect ourselves from Radical misrule. This last reason eaased to vote for th CouaiitatBia who reallv opposed to its ratification. Thi reserved form of thirty thoussnd vo ters we believe te be very largely Demo cratic, and it (all strength will be called e at ja November. Then, again, there will be eijkieen or From Georyiar-The Legislature, &c. Atlanta, Sept 17, P. M Tbe Senate took up the message of the Governor, re garding the action of die Senate declar ing the seat of colored members Tansal The Governor protest against the ac tion of the Senate, aa unconstitutional aud in opposition to the spirit of the Conven tion which formed the State Constitution under the reconstruction acts, churning that electors are judges of the qualifica tions of persons elected te rearm ut them assuming that if all male inhabitants ail tbe State bad a free voice and place ia the State government tbe majority would keep it in hrmony with the National ad ministration ; and where all enjoyed equal civil political right, there coald be ne just cause for dissatisfaction. The itense passed, by a rote of jo j to 19, a substitute to the Jury Bill, whieh places Grand ami Petit Juries on the same iootinl. It pennite none in and upright person to alt on in excludes negroes from the jery boa. From Washington. Washington, Sept 17, P. M An an fficiat statemeut of Bro wnfo w' proclama tion, regarding the militia of TenuMsee, is published. It is merely preliminary, and . . m m .a urge the tormauoa aaa enroument ot companies, so aa to rmpad promptly to hi call. He desires to draw th haJk of the militia from East Tennessee Thus, it is uggeted, having a sectional, as well as a pirtbmn militia. 1 be doubt ot a auorum, aa aonday, The ase ef whiskey stamps I SMMliams on the nd of November. Oa tobacco, snuff and cigars tbe SN. General Haines ba ma oaiered to -ta- ty a Ciuei CommiMary of tbe Depart ment ef the Bomb. Commodore Green has been ordered to tbe command of tb Pensaoola Navy Yard. Tfcn par im flaslimtnA t fliMMiTilla Ten ncee, report that he can not prevent fruit diaulbubn without military aid Seizures are sometime pre muted by fores, lie call for forty men. He bench think there wflj ha a norma on Monday.

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