' .cm r'mW' V vim. .w at - - - r- - e- r- Sir. - NEW SERIES. SALISBURY, N . 1 ,,' OCTOBER 2, 1808. VOL. I, AO. 29 Blli ( tfk tBlli i jj urn or AiMCBimoM. .a eBstwa-naati in Mtmn w-.lt HHf. Om Tew a HI I W aTCHMAX OLD SOUTH STATE. I TRl-lf EKKLY Old Trl WssMy.Oa Tear " Ms ateatk. ' Oa. aWt. NORTH STATE. irrix ruxo rucooit's bavxbb OCT. Aim-" BH4 MUtPU ' Wa'U line prixM tnutum't banner oat. Pastrflred see an rah-: HVll MWl tb ehawn and wTI (boat i ? ai ae t" ft 1 viav were i nie nasi on whiali wi should afare: Tlial it inai-uiiv uf ti Northern men who have come 8ml nice war are ruet lugger aui MjiiMlicra men who have left ihet own liomea because they had neiihei the coutid-iic-e ttor imiwi ,.i 2 f". nti who have cme beret- riu iiimi oni on me neck of th or negro. Uu wo mtiaf not forg,. that there a minority of theae North n etilera who are neither can t bagger nor bummer men who have lirnnght capital with them and who are really dhrnoacd to a J om people il we only let them do it." WVeJrne proad IwhWi O'mt bum rVae mm to Mm ; Wa'H twwll the ebi.ro. aa4 wVU skoal W meat emtio W (baa I arrak hurrah. I Seyutoar aad for Blair, Wall Vac preed frrealom't banner out. un- ajlM tu o lair. - fMaa Mawthern clime are bear the atrala Oa Eaaatro hill ike atxind ; fciattt tfer aawf anbain piafi, Aal ataikaa Om WM arNeae-1 While tmate tbe thai tbroaa anaa. fMal i-iisf apis's "rieitu." Wa'll aaab tba ear of frrWi a UpboU tha Star and Slripaa. iiurran, nurnu te. Taa. oa ward mil her atlrhtr poarar. 1 urraf Ja too lale Ta baa tkia braatenaa Wad of otra Ta aae tb Ua ml 8taU. AaJwbMlhfiMiaroat, OVr Uad Iron aoa lo WU nnM tb. cbyro. ad ara'U ahoat That are aMtrare rraa ! Iturrab. burrab. Ac. We'll tfcea tbeew of tie aoldier'a ahroud Th Of war apar.'aW a tarba ; I W.'ll baaaiab tbea the Kbjnvebtl Tbat o'er die aatioa tiaa. Well fbag Vval freaecMt'a baaaer eat. Ceo U-d aad ao fair I Wall awell the cberoa aad we'll about For gtraaaar aad for Blair. Hurrah, barrah. ke. JIODEKATltCf tS WISETOLICV. Wa have often tliWhr that If mi c 'lild aiMaa ami com ml hi IitofeaMvt friemU, thuru would lie) no thviirer of ' hi enciuiea injnrinjr him. The aain ilea will ajjlv 10 jm.Ih o Thvreara itniriih'iit, imli cruttt, hat and liH'l men in all lariiei who do the eauae tbev ealemae more harm An. Ilian iohmJ. Ilia fact i, Miere ate Radical in tnwh pariie im-n who go loettiwiaaa and nt'er ilcclam that are p-ajiiin-lv iojirion to the Ihev adv.M-aie. Tha Wihnvnirtou tttar. an ahle ntxl earned oi.orn-r of b.'vni .nr anu Blair, atludea to and emdeinna the practice in aome uoriioti of ilu-S .tl lof deii'Mineiiiif amrrr Northern ma a "cart''' lMaTT ttfio lamon)( n. w a copy ami en orae tin Ifollowiiig remark-, ol tlie War: I VkarlotU Iktoocrat. I "Brfjiefefj. tneonrideraie? action we Bit, nil liom our aupport man iirthern meti who wroiild he triad I helnn in our present diatrMd con Idirion. And we h"iil I not forgr phal ilia only r li-Northern nie Iwho belohir to the Kepithlican tntrt Ibat are conservative in their p diiic tho can etiert mncli influence for out aid. When a N on hern imm cornea tre and declare hiuirclf a democrat i Mnerallv received with open nut and pieaaant Vmilea. whetlo-r Bn know anvthinir of It a character n Iwt. Uut, even thoii(h he aland lii'l In the et'iinatioii of thoe anions priiotu lie foinietlr roaidetl wn aay, WttrtTftng trit i til to m -mm prorth iuai one vote to ilia Itvuiociat le party South, lie it cla-m-d will copperhead. y ' lC pmi cmh 4 haa no more htAnviiee and llicm lhat if he weie a man of straw I Hut titer) aru uianv cnnerrativu Ih-piildieaira, iipiortr ol (Irani and Aipai, who are hiiterlj opeu to tlie ttreine ptifivy of the paity to wliioli he? heioittj. S unetiaie iIm ms men twfdtardm poattiooa whara hey aa eterciae a ve-y great influence "trHta immedate intereata of oor hpht.' Saaii i titer tarn in t hi very M'y. Tliere are Northai t men in id lee her who, to our certain kunl djro, have oiHied and defeatei ehea whhsti, if carried out, would are rtwulied in aerhma dainaar to peace and prosperity of Wil piUati'iit eebemtv. lo... hu:li were Evueatetl and violently urired hy a j'irlty of the ilepiihliuan pa y. all we denounce atieU men aa ear hsi iiatraer ami vaiiMhoud 1 line I We Had in higlior motive, would hfjteal a w aer eotiie Prni tb.Kew Tieb World- J N'K't rOBK ALL KIOHT. KaJieal paier are aVIudiaa- their with tU iuVa that it U Doaaiblr to aarrt Nrw York Stat for Grant and Oria- Wold. A Irw aiinplx fia" the dV- itaanHi. i tie taraaet tri. iMlatbf tbewUt M aaar jraara waa that br tir rm.r ta leaM, to wit : ImHiralia Mt.&U aWjeWiraa. 3U57-7W.8S1 The vote bua ywr waa : Pan aillt. 878.A89 BtaeMhnfi &tt9,OMMM.118 be aveirttnned. A the widow af an tatre ala a pon tint graqtiaa; af adaahdatratiea' i pn-tuamd to iMteatirvly diMtitateof tuah iriicli- and pniviiiion at are nrectaary tor hrr aupiairt, m tin- llmkinplcy Act ,irrmaet that ewry ta in alio baa been aaMtwaol a Hankrapt bat twarn trely and in aurrendend all bla pniprrty and ea- ate. 1 lien it Ibta lie eorrvel be I alike Iretitwlo. Sow auppoae the Daukmnt hat hwn a mwhtnt, a banker, and hat Important PaCTt. Kx floe. Win. A. (iinliniM lion. John V Norwood, Henry K. Naah, lUKt,, and Heat. Joaiali Turner, Jr , have, in an addreea, iren llifollowiu iiiiportiiut lucit, which hliould he nheerved. I. Ii the approneliinrr election, do man ii dirtfranehited, who ever Wa entitled to vote. a. A new tw atraiion will berin on the 16th ol ). toiler, and every tarrendeird a hrrre eatate hi "Chotrt iii Aclbw" and moavy, bait not baying beeu otur. old atu( nq. luiiat tegiater. i bouvkn-prT (but freta elude, froai am. 0. Hieiu ure Ui'.Uiw wblle voters U.T tothi- ('.mnty Tnaanrwa rarv eo lye ol itououiy ih mlterwitv,) he ami iua in durHt Caroliiia, and 70.000 coler-1 betlon of two dollar, or he ntimipted nnder 8TATE OF X. ChJBXECUTITR DEPT., AtuuTAaT OaaaaAl Orric-E, K.Uigb. Auguat SUlrJrW. (Vrfiior.J Thi- art entiflwl "An art to orcnnlae a Militia of Xortli Carolina." la betvby pub lialird for tho iuforiuatioa of all eouciruod. Tht Onurml Autmbfy of A'ort (hnUm do eaoet; Section 1. Tliat tb Militia of North Car olina thatl rtnlt of thmw llatde to military , rt1 fluty aad that erjbnd an liable ahal be r- '5 . "' qolred f -rve in thr- Mni- imia 1. ibalt c ,n, ! i' active daiy. be allowed to .adeavta- te lata- . nee the vot of anjr eitiin. end any ante of fceaVna; aaraiotl the mvial..na of tbfa fx t aball b. deemed ayuiliy of a mlidaiaaaa ir. and oo Indlelineet and nuurirtioe bef re an Huruirior Umirt. rkall be tin. ,1 or imiiriaoue.1 at the diaarvtiee ef ibeeuert and abU I any ulDee or poaitiim. tbat he may tbea hoM nuder of the Intm iif thta State. Every Jua tle of tho fVaee or other peace nftWr aball eauae all etl.-iu.-m auniiiit lata act to be tia- iatrly arreated and held to ball to appear Piffereaea ia total vntce 3t.7ta That Bit area tbat. takiiur the vote i.f 1804 at a beau of aaleulatioa, BL703 par- aoaa who voted that year did not rut at 0m election of leV!?. Aaaaiaiug :liat all theae abaeateea were Bepablieaua. and that they win voirnr tirant and orlawold la Noreia- . the t.a Radfeal re wirt he : Radical ant in 117 l Not votiug ia lrto7 :ti 7i 'ally, eonaiatiiir of n wife and children. have been inmate of a boanliujc baeae be doea not own a bed, or a tlinrr, or any artatW of proviaioai., eueeenrutly thereia noUiing ol the kind iu hi athtdule - aun-- ly it eould not L: tucvcaafully canU-adtd tbat aotae money would not be ueceftary for the teaniorary ubltiiee of tuch a lamitv. Under-tech ciirttuuuncca utoa vy any be .Xempied. Tlie Ateijiiieri maat advertiae the Seal Ratate uieiii ioued in bit report a exemp ted, ann teU the aauie In he kicheat bid. 4ev, dud apply the proeeeda aa the L w I on e "J' diteete. Ul thi. bo certified. 0. w. BROOKS. II. JS-JJart. Judge. en voter in rouiiu oumuere. a iuh Htvtf -n f. 4. Although the whole of the ml oied vole almuld l.e cat againat the Ooiieervaiitw. (whielivwili not he the can,) und SV.000 while voice added, Seyfuour and Jilair will ttill carry the State, if n lull vote be polled. 3. MJli'a (i..vci ein lias eeu-ed. Tlie election on the Sd f Noeeuiber ia tone free, a in fornteriimea. 0. Auy pei ton who nhail aeeetnbJe armed nu n at any ilaee ol eleoiioit. uleauion lav. w wtble to a uemtlty of $1 OtlO, nceordiiijj to the Uuvited OuUcpajeedOB-B. the eertineale i.f mhii nmetlaiue idiraieian o wtnf rii ' bodily Infirmity. See. S. TheinrntlaahalleonfMof eomna aloa. reriroom. brhjadee and divhiiona aa Bow reonire.1 by law. Kee. 3. The rerulnttona of the Hatted n( Superior Court i.f irli rliarva. Statea army ahall be adhered to Bear aa . ' "fa ' anaw.r aurli eharsi 'St. All ln niulfliiiiiM'a of laira coin tnwhl eeeflBt with the pnolduii of il. are hereby mmU Baa, 94V Tot aet aball be tn ftrree frrrm a ad after it rafiMeation. ItoiiU.-d the I7ih day of Attract. lrW3- (Sigued.) J()S. W. HUUEX. Speafcer H.vne T Representative. openly avowed by omo of the ttore ht dieereet ml the Bndlrala. Che opinion hi wide eprwad at the North that there fct toeb a arltled purpoar. 1 "be Act of the laUlatnre, providing for tew large military force, at fct tee Mw i-reeta ml thh covert Radical net a at aet ibmnfbout the land. Ita htaterr and aim trrve title. At rt, the Radical iaah'-ieTii' to aaajte and wet ef eaneet, and lealf, BAD POLICY'. it reported that .l.i - .;IPt, Sy We tee it reflated that General Wade Hampton and Hon. B. I iA lit 1 1 are ex, col vd to deliver tpeecheain the Northern States in Imlntlf Scy ii iou, r and Blair. Wetruat ilie revert ia ineorrect : lata t if not, we join Willi BEMARKAULK SWINDLE. Teatvrday a rural looking lady and gen tleman from -letlinr eoaiitv, called upon wee ef the jnetiee af the peaae end et- preaaed a wish to lie niarriril. Ilie pair were made man and wife. 1 hw uiunii.; ........... .....i ...J i, :.. - J :i . i, .I'n .iini n tun, ... mi u TqHH ( j tSJ.'Xfi Itv iroeeediiii;a might be annullod But iu 1804 the itodicala polled 30S.457 ! ''r wa prticnlriy argent. Bh vote, that leaving iiuacrouuted f r the dif ' charind that a he had been entrapped into fere nee beta-era thia number anud that civ -: mMrrviiiC tlw man who tleod beaitW bar en above, ri ; be a niece of unnarallehd d.'ceution. .She Radieal vote ia 1864 M3.S37 had b.- rormttaaiiidiiiaf villi Lit efmiiii m4 lUiiieal rtPUj in ai57.Wpn lnwttf whoni he bud mit Mete mum WKa, bweaui. W the. ,, vcJt' S W - ! "XTt!. eaarf Cbwlv. thev were eaat for the D. m- awete.n. tie wrote Her that be wa . ' " " ""V . ' " i"T.'J. "f w iw wa ' - . ... law tlin mn .M niiiln aoHiftuttt t.i wratic cavdidatea for addiuc them to the ""'"" V, m re in i. eemncr lo euim nt r i " . , . f " Dem.ratic v.a.f 13CI the foUuwiua r- hand and take her lo In home in M, ' rnne rtie nail jmeatomtot tne XVomi Weet. On Monday laat the wJii Uti 'a (HiMtt mat wilt result in aernia 301 fi04 whom he wa married made hi appear- ,! itj-irv to our pto-pect of ancoea ill I1.7M aace, cbiuned to he her oMiii, eid ho , llo-l'if-iitontial nice: ion. WHild nut wait until December, ice On V he no il .iilil die Dsuuiotiistt tha rvnfth ol t'wae repreaeuut bin ale ! Would pay ten thousand dollera for had reluctantly eouaeutee te wed. She j eHery ejioeeh delivered in a Northern had eime learned that lb man whom -Ii.' Sl,r llaiuoloii. E -i i e t. Toomli, ..r L ..JWXMai hi . , i n in iiiariieu waa not to r coii-io. inn a s ri t. ii who I. ol teemed a wife he praetieabbs in oriraiiir-iuc the Militia of thi State. See. 4. The Oneernor ahnll appoint one Adfntant General who ahatl reeelve a salary of one hundred dollar pee nonlh. and ne eeaary traveling eipene while oremiiiine hJ ...w...flt .1 !!!.!- ... I A . .1. a.... r.iMi-injj Uf5 llllllllH. HIU I Hl'.T I lie niifitia ahull have been fitllr onrnnited. aai.l alary aball be redoerd to three boadrod dol lar" per annum. Bee. S. The Governor thatl appoint and commission all ofllnere. - Sea. 0. All officer and enrolled men in the militia thai! take ami anWrilie the oath re nnimfof olficer he the Conatitutlon of the master north Camlma. al TOli It. C'A4,IWI-.M. I'mtidamt of Senate. STATE OB NDKTU CABOL4NA, Cm Si i ri tirv o St re. ItaMah. Auenet Beth. 1"B9. I. Henry J. Menninger. Seeretarr of Mat- hereby eertifT tbat 1 lie h.recomr hi a true eopT of the oriciual acton llo iu tbi tdBea. : (Signed.) HEMtY J. MENNIXGEB. Meratary of Mai tah ia obtaieod Deuiorratic vote of la64 a. w nrrETi. Adjutant General Then lhia.0uv.rnor appoiaie and coin missions all the officers. This ia unuxual ilee. 7. I In' whiteand colored militia shall and Tinuirdi.iartr in nnoi.;.. il. mtli I... ... ... n...i : . j . . . J T "V L i 1 . " ' " i corapa.- ti and contrary tbo uniform practice int'tiJ shall never bo compelled to aerv ,hu guta. ' jl lM U iUv trml.m, ta Hie suine compaubavo, e- j , ,. . . e t Sec. 8. The Governor i. hereby ambor- rf '-'"'"'"K be power of the lied to aeeent and orcanlie mriment of vol- ,woJnrcr" provided for. M.r l..f.,.ie .k. ..... i eta Irovernor mar reeelve and oran tlie It ehni'iud II Uij mid L n!ilniri( .to 1. Hiiiiortioiil a neariv a onaail.le thn.' iae, ana and eqniu, aix reciincnts of in Itennhliean in condemnation of anyV " state, f.r vrliieh purpose the ttate shall fantry, ikree battaiiout of cavalry, and eticil aaliey. We think nitlctenll' '-W into three divisions, to be known one battery of artillery. The nsual turn - damage haa Imhmi done tha cause, of YF " rTrrrV: ",n"B ber iT replmei.t i a lhoti.and men, but SHVinouraml lll.ir liv aneeeliea made T T7T ,. -'"""" " nf namber i deeirnatcd hi taw act. Un r . . . ' - i. - ij'ir uenerai teoannient. ii, m tne aiscre- ,.- , i ,i. in ilie S..n ! wit unit i im .i,;im. l , ;.. ,.r,k! i. .i.iu... .i a .a der tin pr . vision, tlie Oovereor may or- MhriLia ataat i...r..,., tl... r i b. rUtkU. hn ... .iJ. . .a gauixo ten thousand men, and arm and .. ...... J w I : TTT . . -n-y M-i,, Tl..... . . k. vonitiieer i.atiaiioiis of oavalry bo to exceed 1T "-v n.. ... threA and one volunteer battery of artillery, ' blkee from the people promiscuously, bnt tne same to he equally divided among tliedi-; tba-y tenet mi twee aa tin uovernoe will vision named in thia seetion. accept. These troupe may come from Hee.9. The Governor is hereby nnt..nr- anv State, and this Governor mavannoint ion of that laHtSisire uaed in ill it nut ol ftnis BlnkreyaciW ft'"' 37 III!) which hi bet ten vole Una than the number received by Homer A. Nelwu in I -"OS. a llw reader may aee by rrferrina to the Uviaoerat ie vide Uat year as ao en above. The moral of which ia. that Grant and aad Griswold ataiul as giuid a chance of lie- deception. The mail Matkuowlcditid hi taf translated on the St of November, the ruletl.ili:y, hut pleaded in extenuation oa on hoT'eback aad the other in a monl- ,t ih,. r. nl,,.i l,l niul I.iu. ihe lor. aa obtaining a u.aloriiy of the vote of l,. r ui. .,,,11 . ,L. I. .a :. the Empire Sinie. in - tri.i iu i.j i..a J-.- Hi. m.mi j nwT mjmm. mm to. mm mm i.i. u'.w, . rupnnTAKT wn ittvirniPi l'teieiree . him so grieonalv i,.l( INrUUIAM HI I'ANMIIi Iv i .,...,.i.b...... .. Li. ummkmmm iL.i I I . CM C.-l.. .1... I L.. t f r..j-- ai. ti. "e . c iTi-Hin in mi- oi- Opmton a Jmfflt Brvok$, m Ma ewffer M fl,y wm1rw, He illl4j ipM, aatyNtefto Bmkrmptt Homettmd. jM recn,eile bif to the frand, but the - would net. He waa willing lo make the AT LtJiMSin, ST r.LIIIttTH t- ITT, ,, .- M,i.ltd, U,. k, w of. X. ('., -e;.t 4, I0GS. le the mailer of. marriage c.uiti.n i niinillnl A H Biukrept. I The magistrate ruggea'ed he had not llylhec.riificate.fWm. A. Onll.rie, Ith- fwh nmearry them. He adrlaid Regfaier. id ihe 841. Jul, 1868, thi. , ?h' V"" ' h f'r' litiJr . . ill aYfMtM Ita L'Mit t.ir tin- l.iflv lA iu .Li tl II !! ! IBt 1(11 Willi ' . Bill IVMI IPIrlir UtT I.. . . - . - eel apart by ihe Assignee to to the H mk- ien. at the truest of any live Justice of a t,B otBcer. from any State, and ihey are County to dtreet the Colonel commanding orKmnljler M i- wav ,c therein lo detail, oreantze and eoiiin from " . i o I .l cording to th nrniy r. -filiation oi the I inted hlaics. It mill time be seen that thlt army will ba a Radical army, out and mines. aAee pap iwua ' It we i xnect lo elect onr eandt tlute we muWf he governed hy prills eiple o' common aeii6e. Surely the lcrtiii.HBi'tiiv leaderb ilo not itppred ate tlm taie that awiaauaif Grant ia ah-eifd, or th. y wnnld iiot eoiitribiitu fi iniirii to that result. We think Mr. Hill and Get. Hftinp- ion had better g;ay at home. il'iliitiuyton Star. i i . tne men liable to military duly in hit e.an mand. a sufhVient force to preaerre the peace and enforce the lawa. which force hall lie known as the detailed Militia of North Care- oat, nndor the enramaud and direction of lina. , this Rail ieal Governor He. 10. The nnmberof said detaHid mil- 1 Five Justice of the Peace mar call tia shall not exceed tittv to eacli member of unAB ibis Governor o. ..!. r l,;. r..I ! tho llouae ef leeeotativem unless the b .nr r.nt. , ,h i;i nrnnr,u. ...J rupt. III C4e of iletlcteucy ill oilier pro. perty or effect, iu answer the exruipiioiit provided tor by law t I have exaiiiiiied wnb rare the million liet ein d by tbe Coauel n-nreeeuting the creditor Wbo except to Ilie rcporl ot the Assignee. And 1 have ali r. nil with in- terest the arguateut lied by the Attorney tor the Hankt npt Thi ipieeiiou has of ten arisen and given rise H aiiinnt. d dia- eaatlon in my pre, re.-, but ia now for ilie tin- lieel of a bad h nain mid accept lie i.n ilimi. After a good deal of persn sioii riu the part of the bridegmnm, the lady finally ieeldeil l . n e.-,.l ibe advice of the maglsrjile, on the Msftirai.ce :hat ihe said bridegroom would "make it all right." with the genuine cousin aw ay off iu Iowa. I 'pun this Itnpuy s-ttleineu: At SltEitfE-or WA R AND TREASON 1 We call at i. nt i.ni aain to the al inning and treasonable character and purpose of the act paased by ihe Radical Legislature iii iis hiie session, entitled ''An Art to or gtnixi a Sfitttfa of North Carolina." -This aet contain sm li startling and ex- traoidiiutry provision, that we feel called : forwarded to the upon tn all. me tn it ac-iin. Willi lite bore State. tbat Ibe aulliuritie at tvasliuigtnn. the Governor shalldeernsuch number iusiilfieieat tortne preiervitionof the peace or the en forcement of tbe law. There shall be a Cap tain aptniinted for naeli company, and lieu tenant for each platoon of fifty men, and a Sergeant for e cry tennen comprising the fore, but when the oreanisation does not ex ceed fifty men there shalbb no lieutenant ; the eaid detailed militia shall be provided with proper anns and badge. See. 1 1. No man shall be in officer or pri vate in the detailed militia, unless he be an elector of the atate and first fake and sub marine tbe eonatitntionsfl oath of.offiee. Sec. 12. Every officer of the letailed mili- equip and arm a detmled militia force, to k.-ep the peace and enforce the law. not exceeding fifty in a County furrach roeiu ber from tuch County to tho House of llepresenta:ivos, but thi Governor may infinite the number to be tbu detaUed, organiztd, armed and equipped at much as he pleases. Now thee Justice of the Pence are all Radicals, and all the Cuto nel are Radicals, and all the officers and all the privates are Radicals, and the whole power of thia army ii in tha hands of thi Radical Governor, by and through tia ahal' have power to call out the whole r this meant. And the Whole trcatirv ot an v r. t of the force under hit eoininand, to the State it nt the command of1 thia Got. preserve the peace and enforce the law. at ,,, in il, L Tl.i. .7 thewrittan reipje, of any Jadge, jftee of :nltt,t ha Wcefert in tint State, and aomuti tnafTWce, Slienff or County Cummitatoner, 1 s. . ,:. .. u . t. .1 aud Srien rtouest l,a1l state the reason of t ie J? (lt Ti b' ?T- U' ".bBr See. ! and to eupjires resiataiicc to the same. the lady dried le r eves, and ihe happy and takauch slept a pmdftr.ee and pir depwrted .V. Y. Palladium. j may dictate, to freatrate the wai ) aud treasonalile. purpose of aclat of call, and a a-.py of the earn, shall at one bo j ""venior may nx, aim H may tie ateu Adjutant General of Vie umf ",0 puqeiw ot careworn? me mw e Adjnv ia; nut no seeUon rlehnes the purposes ihe f lunlicr armu ! The nurnote of eft 1(11 1 VolttTItei ' kt . . K r . . warlike I SJ - a ,ni.,ne...r r-,o .hahte whS Z rm' ' l'rd.on Of thi lea. . . - I l Jll i Hwonnr. t uill III ' l 1 I ' lluuuiniu-FII.il.-. a wa supposed and In. pi .1, It waadefeat- ed In the SVnat by fbr1 'adoption of a ab stitnle, which waa little more Ulan an af nemat hut the I avert ft rthrte wlthnot rfait An ; but Mr John Pooh and Mr. Jo. 0. Abbott, two member of Congreet from thit Mtate and tne latter a carpet-bagger, a few day before tho dote of tbe late tea sion of tbo Legislature, returned from Washington, baring conferred folly with ibe Radical theae, and Mr. K-h pep.r- ed the bill which passed the I.egbdat nre. Al'icr he prepared the bill it wa brought before the Radical caucetand there link a td. '.The narty lath wt furloatly tp pl ed, and the agreed tbat the biH should p. Mr ,1'iu.i, in Iim ( in txnl the caiirna that it must pass, withoa dot ting nu if Croatia; a .. I ...I, Abbott, Hcaton end nil the cat (ft laggera, Incl.i iling Gov." Hold u and his ton Joseph, manifested unoaa d anxiety about the p- aagc ef the bill ; ihey ail lobbied for it in both branrbea of the Legislalare. and -especially in the 8 uate; Ihey need all llreii Ersoual a well a pdiiieal influence to laee the degMieraie ateiubert of the gitlatnre to pa It. It passed, affa tbi Governor i now proee -ding, without any necessity, to carry oat it teverai provi sions. .vow what will thia scheme accomplib I Under it. I hi Governor may orgaaiae, .rin and e.jnip, with suih officers at he nay rlionse (com f Lie State and thi aid, a least leu thousand men ; he I In fact t king step to this end ; many officers ire already appointed.; he ran nfgaMae, irm and eijnlp, ready to make Wer, twen koiraand detailed Militia, aa they are termed in the Aet, and take all these arte- ed, organited troop, in connection with the cmi-M.lifry orpiniaatlnn among tbe . negroes, tailed the ''Union League," and he Military foree atar be easily made to reach fifty or tixtjL tbiatiad ates. Tbe negroes are drilled CaMMiautiy ; ee the hue negro celebratien here, tbe Lcaceea drill ed through the ttiects regularly ; tbe offi- '. ia, Ulaoy of Hieiu, bau awoins, and the rivatet had hludgn ns, that anawered tbe .lace of a gun. We know that this or ganization exists all over the State, and hat tbi drilling gooa On every where ia hu ."late among negroes ; we kuOW that ii inwed by 1M. It shall be tbe duty of the AdinV ; The 22.1 section of this act provide what p-mile of the North and Bomb, and eane- " W"P forward to eaerr 'aeeH be the pitrpaw of the detailed milt- eiallv of ild -tate. will note our warniiie !"." r,fM.,,,,u:,1 il n jia mil- ipa ; but no seeoVin defines 3i u i at at nnnttNl tirw that rti In rtiert Iw1 in wan aan.ar..an h a a.n. iial an.l ...... awilftil a-........... fcf ' v t-j is ins viriiiiuvtt nnu nut n iititi rima i tit Uipm tnnt Movement to be Made in the p-raie men who are ben.t unon ruling and j See. 14. The said detailed militia shall be will thin be seen that the ob ret of li.-t time tin's, nt. d iiiiibr the provision ! aa lurk hpiscopid (Jttntentiuu. Iu ad- plundering the . conn try, or trtiging on I nnder the emirmaud of the Governor and be "dwt to general aad covert m lie f Ihe IMW for III V ueelSIOIl, I am a ell onion ot ioe oiiht inpic ill ueep linen nwiim-r -war, nip uianio'ei couseoueHC' hi ; wii e . .i.i.... nnu in srii, w ......... ... ,.( .,.1 t uiuhm, u.n sttisfi.il th it a lair and proper construe pi i iu. a well a the Idle snini and object of the LiW, wilt nift.juiity or aii tborbie the action ol the Atg"re iu the ee The U-rei inher artwf.e aurt ne- ei-ssarles," as used in the act. caiinof" 1a so constrind n to embrace land, wnhont doing violence lo every meaning hen-to ne allowed those teims. It i ipuie clear, think. I hat if am. our the unornilv of I lu ll inknipi, name or nrt enough ol tin- an i cle apeeifieally meiilianed Iu lb aet to be which are likelv to occupy the ntteniinn which must bo die destructiuu of the ..t i In- General Couvaniiion of the Kpisro Uninii aud free gnverntneiit. may n-n.m a exempted nmer -anicie and iieeoa-ai i. " to make up the tmount Mir ttrttr Wv Bert t te nhsmx JIIrff thiTTnoviswi mili, canon concerning in-triiagn ie to of rlii Act are very general and compre- he brought bi-iore it lor consideration, and keneite, and all tend to the cvulraliz ition will proalily provoke an earueei conlro- ol power in the iraiiil or the so-called Ex verv. As present there are no n'gnla- fculive of thia S'wtu. . ,'J,'hey -.am. en .aba fl.in in torcr'hi i th15piCp-ttt '4turch on ! ped lo giTe tMs-fiteeauve all tbo tie ihe subject, except mat rt inembiT are ci tearV p .er to ex.cliide-lrim the propo- bound a rumens lo tespect the ervil lawa see military service all such pertonr of lln-Slates in which tbey reside. Tln-i might be offmiaive to him ; in oilier law being tlumglii lobe morebix in some , word, kis te$t of loytdtn, lo tlw party eases than Is consistent with l he injiinc- with winch he affiliate, is obe applied lo tions of the iSli ijitiire, itft idKirt is til be t every o'licer and soldier in the" proposed j rrfee portion of the Mate by him. He shall report to organize a Iretneinlou Milifarii Jladi to each nessiain of the General Assembly the potrer, and that all necessary meant to easadttwaw ainl efficiouiy of im't mgatilialkiii ; thy end tre "provided I . pn., ose any inflation ne may oeem pro- . x wherefore tbi .tranre and extra. per an.l bSBsnaarf Hiewiuf, ' as r i ' i . eW."l-1. The bnrfgpi of the detaBediauKlafrlH'f Ifettjion I W hat eaute shall U-ar the initials. X. U. I. M. The B,,v" '""V " " "r necca"y iataisedrbij Jfmtr.d- T -'Airpnwltw tii anppl.-iueni tb, m by ail wh.ijriW . . i 1 ... . ....... I alalulw i aaa IfcuaV . ... inerelor it 1 Inhere' I no ttate ef war heie; tln ie i im warthreatemdon the ptjf of the white people of il- gute r the oea- pTe never were in a greater ttate of tubor- b.nU'e of a ( 'ai.ta ii shall be marked C'o. Nu.-frKk. Captain ! that of a Lieutenant, C. ' - o , Platoon No. Lieuten ant, and t hat f a Sergeant. Co. - Hatno jj. tjeetiua N. Serjeant f and no dinatlim' te law, andthoy could not he ...un ul. .11 1... ...... I.. ... 1 II I AtUMIIIlJ , . .. -- . TTie Tovn orteansTijr or with nit the n:vtin. said baibre to another srTin.lt be an indtetalde o nrrpo d aVne. punishable with imnrisonment fornot ,,la He is, indeed, tlie KeaTt'if? tt.e less tliau one mouth nor more than two Tear, t "I"" res The Adjutant General shall have power to designate the number of each cunpauy., pla toon an.l neetmn lit astnnudiug Act baa bee :he Legislature, and we know tbat thi Radieal Governor it proceeding, deliber ately and quietly, to execute it prevkduee und to organize this military fore, aad we know that the Radical leaden declare openly, all over this rtiato and throughout the lnlnn, that if ISevmonr und Blair are elected, they are resolved to make (for ; it wat openly declared by some of the ne- . uui .in intend tu nuke iar, il Seymour and lilair are eleetid. 1'he Radical Mtliite men all o vr the talc. including this Radical Governor, are fee paring the negro mind, and indeed tbe whole Radieal mind, for tuch a conflict. We have other information about the conspiracy that to prepare for war, tbat we do not ehooee to make public, but wa intend to do to at the proper time. Now this army and war movement it le una, i.n, in tin-iM.etitutiit and b,wt ef lie United aud tho Couatitntioe of thia late, and we call upon the aulhoriiie at asb.bjfi!oii to exereiae all lawful mean . i stop these dangerous and treaionable loc.aaitngs. We warn all people of thia tale of the danger of joining any ol theae itudfeal nriihlzalloTTS ; fhey arc for tlie purpose nt war, War upon the Constitu tion of the Union at that, and after a matt lt.it once joined, them, it ia more difficult to cut loose from them than many tup pose. This negro "Union League" or gantzirinn br-part of Tbe planfaTtd a THn. cipal part o( it r the Act of the Legislature i intended to organise tbe white judicata l. Sl'HV SIII'T Vl'IIHl iiiiv in- I . i'.. . . driven, int. a eonAietwiitr the lerer' W ppu.Ut-tomftlUm.pim mto Uovernment. Indead, if it could be pre tended that there wa cause for anprehc n the war when it eetoe. heed lheae adoteeitiont 1 Let the people There are dan- iive i t.-b siastie il ttalutt, which aball pmimsed aroiv ; he is lo select the mate- clearly define wbat ininiig. s are and lial, tojini it tofbther and direct its par- reeuired or the di fWeney a "the ease w"t are. not pnihioilea. ana thus liirnisii poset anir moveuieata. I lie amplest pow- I.'. . i . ....J.!.. il... ......In,., ..I flu. I.ill.lnl ! nr. .....I Uauufl. WmmmiIIsmiI tn .Iii. mmhA be, Ml. Ihe opinion , ,o - ".. J . X..T :,.tU. I 'XT ZSZZXZa.Z T" I. lit" tntriniTV t V t " 1 1 .mr i i n i t tsei-i a ta' av ia. uvii rw luniieit u eure( .--., diTi.alii W"Jal'"fri,"i"' Tffll. .; 1111 Wr I . I M t 1 Wft m irrtag.- BHWum a man ana ni tep- ; a pn it oi insiucenry iranu, aim a co-; resistance in on.-lling riot or :i. - .i . J. i . I . I 1 - .j . . . 1.1 T' i . . WOI Iter, eiepuioiuei naugnier,. moitier s vert puiin.se in entrap a cn-umoua Lfrit ot would have much wciirht '"' father's sbtrr, wife' mother, wift-'s latere' This will bu inauifet on the ex rfilUeej.ii.iii B.il iba' tltVirhtcr, Wife' granddaughter, uncle's ailliimtloil of the law. IV The whole not In exeeid nnder any itr- etHtistarices the valma of Five lluudreal Dollar. The uggetion of the CounseJ lor ihe Haukra U . a a matter i 'WrCl 8r and war ahead, and tbea. ri.ll.ll M.IIH .UIIIIS II , W. I . , . , . ., . r. ..ot .r ... . i.. a:.. ,i. " i-erato aim treasonable tcneataa ot una - n w w. ill' i;'... il L.ioo.i.t, iii.li there ie not the slightest neeeeeify for thi thit war measure, for United tate troop . .1 .1 .. hn.li, M.II.. um.'H Ull... in. iii ...... ui imiiM .tt.Ml nil mill- i' or nil.-. " i e.-ii r ..... , m - ki n! f property, j ithui ihe ter enact- isioiis in t.n or r.rdi.o idem I brother's d iiigh'er, " a ........ a .....I...., ..,.i....'. y Support; .giatiaam.ii - ." , p." - - r. eoaxtructionme mm- uretoi'aeafl Hi" re . i... .1... mm mmi ii aavj mw the saofl HV.ui I mem WW"" I At audi a lijtsjaw thia we need of W'Umt k" UBttul. in tint aal mmxu mm well a I omviakfae wt Lm" "Li Lm ulllaeaBfli m Btth.' mm" PPTaTtdear thai money Krk net eureajaenily la quite aa necessary f ''Ii , I Hjbaisteaee of a Hank, lal Bta aay artjej that ean . ...J k CI..... . l .l l I. Y embraced 1 siepi.inn ., tiiritaoiei w -mi, oi'".. . j p biuiJi. r, lather a vrollier, liiisliauil father, busband' son, hu-b ami's grand husband, linsliand's broiber. or areording to a It Id excea-d ibesll Let us tee what are ita main featu and leading pnivisiaus: The title of tho at --1 is false, framliiteiit dieptive. It I entitbd "An Act to orjanigea Militia o A'ert'A Carolina. ' W hen-as, in I act and i.W. i.jj..i . . si.it uinil.s busliaiiai hois proa un i ior -. - .- - i . - I - . . . originated Imia ! daagim i 'husbnff. And it will censure traih, it doe ) provide ui term bar ihe j .l . m man laire liicti ouirlil tit W avoitlen. i orsTamz alum 01 Ilie iinii.ni. out tor tne nr- liel an.- rimrt- 1 -v -n - - . '" m i X.I . . ritlJ I ........... . .....1 l.l. iC..'-. .Ll.r . .ii.,,. nr. remit jr ilrniv sum iinmirl . A iH.ar Nnwrni at aaann n.oi tn. ..... .-..-.. ., ... . ....... ...... j ..... i sister's daughter, ife, wife' brother' dauahler. wife' sister's dailtb- .1. i i a wman and her staler ' bitabaod. hniiber ." son. sister s ton, granu naugu ter's husband, niece' husband, husband's btetbwt? ten, buahtnd's siater' oav .v. ft Fpress, Wk. Tltv ueedie t h hu iatrndiW; d into the aniiie of Dfettiutwk. Sae den. IJ-aJInnd, Bwiixeilaed, and ibe Uoiiinii kSia'ea Nine Deniocialie. paper bhveatart ed in Wiacontin since the nouiinalioii of Utant. Seo, w. Any omcer ofwid .letailed militia ; are ttationed in tbe Stabs, and thoasands shall have power, and if shall be hmxluiy. to , eitvee-eoetd be transported her tn a leaf ose siicn f.rce a mav tie necessary to over- 1 . ' . . - . wsin. i aim. are repeat, wnereraarw me arrests and mit otnerwiaa. , ' ... J ...e.r, e,,.K H,nt.y w. Sec. 17. Tliat white are! colored member m'uiary orgnnisatwHis, tn He gottee I i u of the deta!b -J Militia thall not be coinpelltd such a peculiar, one tided, political tuWty to serve iu the fame seetioti. tr.iw, at such an enormous expense as must S . 13. I'. ..-h ohlcer ahall b. allow, d ne- ' be incurred lo ereauiae. arm and eeuie essaty traveUiu axpeasaw. aad pottage tn. I ib.se aim!, s Can any one OonjecluieVf o V , ' ilu -Ha v mnc ' see, a necessity for such arme I See. 1 Etch captain .hall reuuire month-. , ly reitort fauu each sergeaut iu hi company, f a,, v , ,-i ' i arid shall inake monthly report to fhe Adj.' The'lead- r. 0f this party are desperate taut General ..rthe filtate, ' nioovators, sweh men as spring up Sec. -.11. The atlBwr shall tatro rank aoror- I in the wake of all civil war ; these men all ibe annt of the n-gubir military er-Niag to the date of their commission, and I - that power i aboet to pea into ether vica-, and police force, another sort of tlie Adjutaul ijctienu snail mruun to ..on l and, and tin y have made a desperate military nrganbwtion, which hj to be reg- j &r l " 'ffi aeeordiaa; to rank, reeolve to prevent this, il" possible. Every . . . v i igjlrf innieeu rwewraa im mtm w tea n the provlsious ot nil act is nereny apptopn ate.l und ..rdereat to be pald from any money not otherwise appropriated. See. Sti. Tbe detaHrd Mdi tia otgauiiel un der tlie provisions of thit art shall not he n si am any occasion or under any pretext The title savs ihe purpose of ibe act is to I tor any other perpose 1 has to execute it." die a militia, not the militia, wheTcasI waae n. sim,e esaieitete te to- nu au'l a mar in miajn tiinn .'i au. p." wm u tarty tergaiiaaawl) atieeat aee vquipp. 't, net which euuld u.il, hy any mt an, be denom Inated a militia, or Ihe militia of the State. Aud it will be een, hereafter, tbat thi police onranitation aay be taken front lire militia, virtually, a Una Governor direct. The t oigan il provides. In fact,. for Ino armk, aud no pn. vision is made, iu term, muati lest in detail, for organizing tbe militia. We hero insert the ofieial circuUr from the office of tbe Adjutant General of tbe Bute, for tbe information of the people : used since the close of the late war, -end one ef the principal meant employed wa the u u It w fnl and foreibie entrant hiacaonl of ihe negro race In the South. Notwith standing al) these efforts, it is not impro bable o them that Seymour and Utah may be charted at the aiarrairiar Prtah : deutial election. They intend to prevent Radical party must be suppressed, if th gckod people would save die country. The revolutionary condition ef tbe country, the billion of public deb', and tbe mikeard ef dailv i xiMMidiiurea of nabliaf treaaara bw t tne itadical ptrty, prove beyond ei i bat III giirenim. rit cannot last suae corrective it apeedily applied I. Indian (httfttgf. Fort Wallace. Sept. 24. M.-CO. Few sytb, with fitly men, have been heaaaaad in by a large number of Indians, a aunty miles Xorih of thi place. Col. Foraytk is wounded in Hie leg and hip Lt. Jtoeah er was fatally woaaded. Dr. Moose wae shot in tbe bead, while dressing CoL For syth' wounds. , At last accounts the party bad sixty-five rounds ot ammunition and wereJbttifyieg and eating home. Troop ate moving te their rescue. forthtt unrruat.. And in ease it be can- ;f m,.;i,- .w. ein,.kn. . hot if ediuto service to preserve the pease in any : , ' ., . ,,' w. uteatn secure r; - ;. . :- - -;rj n ir.nt taetr iiianinirwiiam mj jmwv. ap aruta and epen war upon the eonatiteiion ol the country. This purpot baa been electiuu. tbe fctroe shall be fair and wntramraeh-d vote of all eleetors without regard tn their polltioal opiukiot. and ae member of tb foree .ball, wbttt on Governor Bratxtiette, of Kenteeky, spoke in FrankKo, Went Virgtoht. m Satm.Jay, and Hon. Joseph E. Ms Doaaid, or Ittdhuitt, on I lie tame day addressed tbe people ef Dublin. Wayne County, fn rhe aattte Sia4. In cankridge CSttr, Uteat VWUiit,at Thiirnday, IL m. J a twee K. boolitttf will speak ui a rand DereoeraUig bar hecne. mm bl 1

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