'.V , 6 . V tt" ' . . ii ?rrrv r ' 'u t PUlfvra. IBBatllles, I ad jaalie of the people i the iwwMtin m ik mm treat stondiae peooeedei feaodUuiM band thee liber- of boaor end Droit ua I Hniiu la km .li.. Ik. - K..k " T'TUfc; Cain- Uaioe ibeloen only have sur. r .. .l , "7 , eed Bet I0 foundation io tralernal regard .. J . C Milium TrT"y y y- Owre to proinou the peace, lbe ordrr.aod the ths tWWrf Ike DM tfawt, banceof .11 .eoliooTofour l.o4 T 'HMM, flSplaflBa.) in IWCMB the Kv.nl. Is (Vwn. .k. ..I: Ml NNflUll th ICrrjiJ f" t1tmi ! r- Iff lb- roevemiew, hot. vastly iWessedtbs atea trf atortrr and TBhT . her 1 77 "y""" "P" oonmnonei rtsrnts i imports of a politic) victory by those .eMe hehatT af to Dsm wbu tarty w. fa dor lralioa of our Ha I Ai u.n.' R Coa -him our thanks for bis peirtotw sttorta la tat Mhw who have. h.r.ii..,. ,.ni, M r- fOjft" P-"r BBV rmrtltH ihn rvtr.miaorvlnUini. do, with ibo return ' . " to whith it hat nie. Tbey Iwr. cherished a UUVti.MIU StlMlllH. I m uw aciioos ui ineir psuueai m I wiTirmw HittM Biwua, their uio- a, aad of civil govern- Endorsement of the Democratic I that it oaooot csrry mi a m .ad peeorlol i lllMM iM AMMM I'Utoy poJ. wnatever iU motive way be. It m tfiimfcW auaof n - - I nrWurtau, not on It (a a country, but to I SBfi III ratal llB If lh llllll II governing party lUrlf, when ill action i on -- k tka BkUaa kr tkok 1 Dma n V l . i. laaa chocked by any form o opposition. It hat TkUJ - - -T.a m. j.i.- I - "7 1 "'7.. ' . ooit Iho miafortnno of I hi tU-publican parijr . . Z-xZTttZT. -TZrrZr " . xotvm .m 0r., coiwml- , Ihal lb. .tpdi. (lf th. put few year, have w : j : r i ojo. mm, tmm i I ateon it on meh mo that it nai Von M- lloohaocU tbc KiecuUre, to trammel the iud THE ENIGMA GRANT. Wt raoalvad latt week the follow Inw letter from a gentleman iu the country : efeeaea, rWet Tke I tbeSuteetei wllaySr Editor of Ou Whig: Pleato toll iu what Uimat w, or, at Meat, afro o. your opt. too or atat. u ae a naily graet bum. ur a dull, itupid aMMoaiiat f or, U ho neither u Dor th. othor, but a plain, aoojuu. oharaotorf Your.- b! , aod thai all taoart drawn t,m la aafO Vf taxatioa, .xoopt ao aaach aa ie r-?l? fTmjj jaaa.a www ww wwwwawvawaraw w wwaBJ av V. aa T4MC awllntlCl ejdfj eieWgiiniaiialew a bou- TawTV 1L. fa Hi UMJ WIT UI TW I ' . . i . a T a. 11th of Jolr. In (b. Dreaanoa of 7':,.:J, , ' T ' T" "UP" mr - M - ' xi. mi 1 1 Muwiac anu rJteut 01 ua memoera. rt lien inu w " w II" I-.,. - uU.U. U ku VOTTLm. f 1 V. - ,L. .1 1 I . f aa their candidal. I the aMtgaueaa et ta gWToraaaaoa to act toetw.ooV.of Prowdaot of th. Uo.ud State, .TT-. rTtoT ihwJ T io to .hi .. h. .xpreaJV auto afwa tkeir Caea, r tke ' otaiod I had no wore, adeouat. to exPre Lwui "1 kwtiikkr wktek tkey were laaaaa aWea for th. food Tdl aod kiadae. !TT,r--,.wbo .'T.i wlthia lb ZawJaaW aVaw akatt k. JT which that body had abowa le tea. Iat noov T.rlTl!L S-T T J 1 ? 5 eel ateewla what ttef akaU we paM to ln,n"T. 7 Z.J , .7, "ho ha. not bwi boroo down and foioed to atto, tkwr eagkt, ia rkjkt aa4 to laettoa, Z??Z !1 UP oooTiotioo. of what th. iotere.ii to be paJU to tkeUwM aaoaay etke Uai- ZLZml?J?w .mliSJof Z -22 rf lbe 00,,oU' aiw for- or lf luo P"triu,lc yj States. riT.itof-!!l tbia, who h not been driren from it. BorwMettoS aad ether pekltc ateun- to, tide -htok uTSZ&o. ttj'&lX d tbopooela. ey far the the laborar aad tfc. c pohlioal aaaaj te Mawt It Tehfeak I awdetyaaV that th. benfaa of eradtt of lb Ovvers food: tb. repeat ef a f the Stat, mi litis into i ae will i tjejaf of peeoa; and a unff tomary form. I in no reason, upon apee reaja aewa, aad eater to change or qualify the term, of m oa eetfar the tottrael iwreeaa of tk rantetioe. of the Oooreou - - -1 thd regefniaa. soda, will, without i.u bwpoaetk hwat bunUa ate and enooura at. of the o.aetrr el abuse, ia the Admin- of corrupt ieet trvee them their poaitiooa, begin their Ugtalatif. (wim wiik uiu r - ;,i. I ' ,i... . ? frf ." r' I their Btata be regarded aa in a cooditioo of UM U4MlfatJOfi BOWIDf I .u JUraiiAi, k.t ik.. ar retwJy aod nioos to detrtde tbo dent of the United State, whenever they can peiwiade or fore. Congress to bring forward forward osw articles of impearhreent. The Hapnhlioaa party, aa wed a. we, are interest ed io putting aoee cheek upon ibis violence. It most be clear to every thinking man that a division of political power tende to check the violence of party action, and to assure the peeoa aad good order of society. The election of a Democratic Exeeetire and a majority ol laaaiiofam aaarata the House of Kepie enuuve. would not give to that party ornni aatiee tke power to make sodden or violent bet it would asms to Inch hare been deplored both putitwal organ ixatioos tenng, and I shall alnre to carry in future, whsrever I may be placed, in pohti oai or pnvals Bis, I thai Meted that I would tend yo. these word, of acosptaece in a letter, aa is th. cua- re flection. my approval Convention 1 bate radtheaai re awasel eet of commitiing to rewi'Bswarwi w you in writing what I thus publicly and, far L. ,be beet njee of b lefeeafast oaVoa. ths rs eetkority to and tke in- lead lawless! do- w. pwqxw wsag waaa ag oi ion wHWVaa W illlyJianH roost certainly lead to that the I grata would throw upon the inlererei of the -moWbI teeleratiea of the Dnion and nt-eeub- country it. act MHOS toe adjournment ot las Convention show aa alarm Mat a change ef political power wiU rive to the people what peacel ushroeot of fraternal relations which the coun try deeiiea. I em ours that the best men ot the Republican parly deplore as deeply aa I do violence aliow n by those recently ney ougni to nave e clear statement ot wnai (be lri, naa naan oona wlih tea money drawn from t .1 : 1 .1 q... . . , . . . j . . 1 , " , . . , " r - - . auoiiiivu in mi is vungms uuui uie oouiu. iitnwnwi iwaioBw aw- rtasm oonna ins naat aunt veara. inouaiiuui -n. 1 r -iL.t r 1.1.1 . m . - 1 . w- 7 - w . . 1 1 iic wvujiiuu 01 civil war wmvu uwj vuuiruj- wi we unai.ni, um Kvgniins- men wtu aee mat iDsre nave oeen wrons in IMS af the esilitarr the ovil power, to Ike the floancul manasewient which have been etd that the awparleai af Coagreei aod the kept from tke public knowledge. The Con of tns .word ceaae. rreanocial party h.s not only allied itself with right aad protection for military cower, which is to be broorht to bear aatiee bora etthwa at home directly unoe the elctioo. in many States, but d; the oi art! I. ef Aejerieaa oa- it .an holds itaelf in perpetual session, with kwa shall command the reaaeot ef the eeewed Demoe. of itiakine eook law a it shall lee fit, in vit w of tke election, which will take place witnin a within a few weeks It did not, therefore, adjourn, but took are. ere to mast ag.ln, d it partisan intsieats hould demand tti reassembling. Never before in the history of our country ha Congress thin token s menacing attitude toward it ad fuaawhaa .sample aad people Krugsling for nation al integrity, constitutional liberty, aod iudi- viduaT right.; and the maimeauce of the rlfht ef nrtiirahaid oitiaeo agaioM the a boo I he doetnoe ef hametsbi. sltegiance aad the ekuns of foreign Power, to punish them lor Bulled bey owe: tbr ptritdic- plate must be aboreot to every right tbioking man. I hare ao mere personal wishe which mis lead my judement In regard to the pending election. No man who has weighed and measured the duties of the ofltoe of President of the Doited States can tail 10 be impressed with the cans and tods of him who is to meet it demand. It is not merely to float with the popular current, without a policy or a pur pose; on the' contrary, whits our Constitution give just weight to the popular wilt, its die tioguishtng featnreT that it seeki to protect the rights of minorities; its greatest glory is it putt restraint upon power: it give electors. Under it influence, some of the foroeMd lorm ,0 lboM IOaimand principles I of rig hL and the unparalleled Ityrteay whioh hat eaarkrd iu career. After Ilk. most solemn and unanimous pledee of Uouee ef Congrem to prosecute the lwarexduaiely far tke rrainteasoee of the ner. meal aad the preservation ol the Uo- 1 uudei the Ooeetitelien, it ha repeatedly 1 taat 1 CHates orirantxed by it agents are nroposinp sad reform. I to deprive the people of the right to vote for party for it disregard Presidential electors, aod the first bold step are token to destroy toe tight ot aunrsge. It at not strange, therefore, (bat though if! men use in such action the proof that there are, with' those who abape the policy of the Republican party, motive, itronger apd deeper than the mere wish to hold political power- that there is a dread of some esposare, which Beared pledge, under which drive thrm on to act desperate aod impolitic eaa raised that Boole volunteer army I hlaay of the ablest leader and journals of ths aarri.d oar lag .to victor. I Republican party bar openly deprecated the ad ef restoring the Cnion.it haa. so violence of Congressional action, end it en- at i ia its power, dissolved it, and sub-1 deevor to keep up discord to our country. Th ed tee Bis tea, to ime of profound peace, great interest, of oor Union demand peace or- Hiary eespooer oo eegro eapreeaaey. deraoda return to those imiustnai pursuits naa outlined the right of trial jury ; it without which w. cannot maintain the honor tat aaeea rnrwas, that moat as- of our OovereaseoL The mind of buamees the I men see nandeeed or eneertunties. The tub- j hour, of toil of our laborers are lengthened by aad the east of Irvine: made sseeeaiv. by the di- atar cbamber imjouts I rest aad indirect .xaobosM of Uovernment tnoenals ; 11 has Our people are harassed oy the heavy and Ire- writ of Uberty ; it has overthrown hue of epveeh and the pfea ; it has ti 1 be free from the right of th aod 14 area the pi i vale rooms of individual., an j aai their private paper, and letter without btrmeaiw toaff er eotias of afltoavit, as re kMtsd by lbe organic law ; it baa coo verted bd a system of tw and offlcisl espion- p la whir a eeaetHetioeal ejooaiehy of lie resort; it has abolished Is right of appeal 00 important conftttutional I to Ua supreme judwial tribunal, and I to cewtail or destroy its original jun- laafaeatoi of lb tax-aethers. Without distinction of party, there t a ell eaa fceliaw ht favor of that line of action WBc shall restore order aod ooondenee, aad lift ep Ike herdeaf which now hinder snd vsi the industry of the country. Yet at this moment those ia power have thrown into the Senate Chamber aad Uongrosaional nail new ihmiaai of discord aod violence. Men have been admitted a representatives of some of the Southern States, with th declaration upon military base mid. mi I senal amid th ruin of Kverv Intelliifent Rtad tke scattered fragments of the Con- men owe their sea 1; and we do declare and resolve that drr m the itk aao the people of the United Stale not only owe their I e or si eaijtetioo to the Bnlish Crown, der, but that eve I inrikaj aad truat ef arAereg haw d to tlie several States, aod have b 'H rogwtotud, and oontrolled ssclusiyely aaarahy. a pobuoai aower ef eeob State respecUve- dent of I leaf that aav attempt by Coegreavoo any Icni: that these Congrem th the diaor- man know, that taey positions to dunr- springing from in twee 1 the they ere led of civil liberty for which the martyrs of free dom have struggled through ages ; it declares the right of the people "to be secure in their persona, houses, papers and effects against un 1 uaiii.ehlu erchei and leiiuies ;" that "Con gress .hall make no law respecting an estab lishment of religion, or prohibiting the free ex ercia thereof, or abridging the freedom of ipeeoh or of the press, or the right of the peo ple to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." It secures "ths right of a speedy aod public trial by an impartial jury. No matt ran rightfully enter upon the du ties of the preaidential office unless be is hot only wiHing to carry out the wishes of the people, expressed in a constitutional way, but ia alee prepared to stand op for the rights of minorities. He must be ready to uphold the free ex ere tee Of religion. lie UHlut il AOUuee measures which .woulif wrong per sonal or ht tine rights or the religions consci ence of the hnmblest eiUxen of the land. He must maintain, without datfinrttnn of creed or aatioaaUty, all the privSewe. of Americas ciUcenabip. t The experience of every public man who ha been faithful to hi trust teaches him that not one eaa do the duties of the office of Pre. ident unless he is, ready not only to undergo the falsehoods and abuse of the bad, but ot suffer from the 1 nensnre of th good, who are misled by prejudices and misrepresentation. There sre no attractions in such positions which deceive my judgment when I aay that a great e hangs is going oa in ths public nud. The mas of th Republican party are more thoughtful, temperate and just than they were during the excitement which at tended the progress and close ' of the civil L their lin. that they cannot, without 1 jetkeia! tribunal, and protection, liv. ia the States they claim to stray iu original juris- represent These men are to make law for ia irvsvoosbly vested by the the North, as well a the south. These men , While the learned Chief Juetice who, a few day since, were seeking as sun- to the most atrocious ea- puant. that Congress would give them power sua h would nottu-uetM withia their leeBeetive State, are to-day the ha kigh eJus ta the seassrt af ths false master sad controlleri of the actio,-. of tl.oi,- si pan wan eargn preferred aginst tne free- Loodiea. entering tnere wnu minus nueu won lUeervapUoe and extrav.gaoce bare I period ice, and hearts witn passion, ineir mm :knowl in history, and by I demaeds have been that CoOgrvt. Shall took moliei it ha. nearly doubled upon the Stole from whioh they oome a 10 t Plot toe d.tl uiieatewey Mm war. It lias t condition of civil war: mat tne majority 01 at the Pilddnt ef hi constitutional their populations, embracing their intelligence, of appoint iswat even of his own Csbi shall be treated a. public enemies; that roili It.j ... - - ,k- 1 - - - - -L-11 luk-i un al Ike coat of the 'iriiBMi ViieailBiiai ihah linn iiiiI iiiiiil rrmf TfnfTh aoTbtng to Hd it Mae4 ia November next, and iuau- 00 pee and Order el the South, aav. that any ether, of 1 hoe. named been ret he PtasHi.t, mm will meet, as a Mead ' wnatev.r. to 1 any Ml at theffl mi imm aa dfj am. I LV this dn m a aa-1 out of 1 eaa And no if sanction in of gov .re nos only on their they al I honors whioh 1 1 force. These" they caul but wb 1 others 1 As the energy -of the Democratic partyj springs from their devotion to their eauae, and not to their candidates. I may with pro priety .peak tke fact, that never In the poiiti cal history of our country haa the action of a like body been hailed with seek universal snd wide-spresd enthusiasm a that which ha. been shown in relation to the position of the National Democratic coKveutmn. With do. Had seieeten. this sprit would base beea perhaps more marked. Tbe seal aad energy of Conservative saata apriag from a desire to make a a the political policy, and from con- taey can carry out their pur- bi faith ther are mrenglheneit aeration of the great body of served in the Union army and ag the war. t given nearly 16,000 commissions in that army, I know their views e. They demand Union, for which v fought. The largest meeting of these taut soldier which ever assembled was Hearing in mind the fata of f boaa who formerly made unincoeesful at -tempt to aolve iho riddle of tho Theban Sphinx, we forboia to make anj answer. But, being in company with aome half doaen gontluinoit a few days aince, wa submitted tba ln- teirogatoriaa to them. Wa give their aeeuiiory and contradictor reapooae for what ther are worth : Mr. P. Grant fat a great man he ia ao improvement on CaoMwtrtx. No, that i not exactly the idea, lie He ia Poifrrr witTion't an CxtasK to contest hia anpremao. That ia, a Conservative cliief leading the Ple beian, or BadieaJ foroee. Thi tuake hia poaition unique in hiator. That he ia Conservative, hia education, hia habit, all we aee of him. hia little talkingtiind much thinking, the power lie haa wielded for there ia nothing more conservative than power, not even money convince me. I cannot donbt he has sufficient capacity to the niter failure of universal suffrage, and mat, ir elected, be will diapenae with that peat forever; the next election will probably be the laat we shall ever see. The firat act of CjattB, the Radical, wag to deprive hia Kadical supporter of the right of enffrage; would not the conservative Pompbt be much more likely to do that thing I The Kadical, who ex pect to make a tool of1 him, will be tbe wore! disappointed men ever seen There ia nothing about him that seem to fit him for the role of a tool. Hia own babita, the neeeaaittea of the country, and the peculiarity of hia poaition, will constrain him to throw himself with thoee now opposed to him, and in leaa than six months, aa sure aa he la elected, he will have anb- ecled the New England Radical to such a drubbing aa will rejoice ever heart in the country. Mr. A. Mr. f . baa gone more into hat General Grant will do than what he w. On thi latter point. I now ao little, I apeak with great hea nation. I had anppoaed at farat, from hia apparent aversion to politics, that he waa a man of little thought, pre ferred the indulgence of the senses to the exercise of the intellect, and waa hero by accident. But hi willing- neae to aurrender the beat paid aud easiest office in the Government, a life office, too, to become President. argued great ambition, and wa very rarely find ambition that last infir mil of noble minda unconnected! with conaiderable abilities. His rise from the gutter to tho commsnid of tne federal armies, too, evinced ureal win aud determinittion of character, wh eh, it it be not genius, is a very good substitute for it. It may be that be is a patriot, and meditates .radical reforms in our system of Govern tnent from conviction, very different from those devised by Radical politi cianat audi hare no idea that he would, for n moment, endure the trammels imposed upon tlie P.isiden tial office by the Rump ; he would scatier tnetn as oamsoji did tne wisps of straw. You observe that, in his letter of acceptance, he apeaks of the will of the purple, tint makes no men tion of the Constitution : be ia pro bably aa indifferent to, aa ignorant of, the provisions of that instrument. Mr. C. I should like to know whether G rant's silence be constitu tional or assumed ;. whether be was a babbler before he was great, and ia now taciturn from policy and consci ousneaa that he cannot shine in con versation. Gkace Gbkenwood, the Yankee poetess, in an eulogy on him, seems to intimate that lie adopts golden silence" in preference to "silvern speech" by policy. Tlie same authority aaa of hia personal appearance, that he ia a small man, laat feeling, are rather of a actor, and ooeld never be attrrat! to overcome hi. Judgment or area betra bias into a really generous aei have an lUswtralioa of what I mean in hi eondoat to th South after the war. Thesj, he bete as ae ill-will i be favorable report of ear bearing feat, and approved of Mr. JouMsox 's policy ; bat when tbe Radical Ufa giasa thai we .hould voluntarily (by m, as GnaaLxs II. took tbe covenant,) disfranchise oar trusted lead er aad separata oar fortune from theirs, be gave ap hi own views, aad. rather tbaa risk the leaa af aay popularity , urg ed the acceptance ot' tbe degrading term. I expect no act of kindness to the Bonth at his baud, a a kindtust ; bat hi pe culiar poaition, a suggested by Mr. P, or hi desire 10 balk bated Radicals like Ban Wads, or contemptible Puritans like Sdmhbb, or to toand a Dynasty, may induce him to deliver tbe Southern Maa vvwm African dominition the only real and saboUotial good be could reader at. J repeat the belief that be would never do this from any kind feeling for ua. out purely from considerations of policy. Mr. A. 1 ergae very mm h in the opin ion expressed by Mr. P. I regard Gener al G . as a man of great abilities and ef ambition, and I incline to believe, aa I hope, that be will make quick work of tbe Kemp aad all tboir work, and give o tne calm aad arespwity of the Augustan era. I have beard it hinted, and think it likely, there does exist an understanding among tbe three military chiefs (tirant, saerssaa aad eaertdaai a in fact le do this very thing. Bat are tba Northern people prepared tar it I Will tbey not re lit aad revive aaew civ il war? ' Mr. P. Nat a bit if it : not a will be lifted. Tree it ia, tbe Northern people are sot prepared for it, aad do not expect it. Rat tbe masse there are in toxicated with victory and spoil : they have lost all sense of free in.titotion., if tbey ever had aav, and are now It sub jecU for despotism, and nothing else. Tbe masse are the ruling power these. The men of worth, of cultivation, of character, have aa completely disappeared from the scene there as the same etas bad here to tbe South, before the war. A gentlemen , who is a very close observer, told me that being in Washington daring th impeach ment trial, be took hi stand in the rotun da and aw the members of the House pas two and two to tbe Senate. He scanned them closely, and waa struck by tbe coarse and unmistakably vulgar arr which distinguished nineteen oat or twen ty of them. No, the cocked hat gentry and their descendant, who once illustrat ed tbe North, have vanqawbod forever, and tbe vulgarians, wbose rata ever her alds the advent of despotism, now bear way. I nny be mistaken, hut I do not believe a man who ba onee commanded armies will aver submit to be ruled by such a mob. He may tolerate their ex istence, but he will never brook their domination. Jfr. G. It may not be unlikely, assug- gestrd by Mr. R., that bis benevolent omniums are negative, bat that does not signify thst be might not be aw just ruler. Augusta, as a beardless boy, wa a monster oi cold-blooded cruelty, and yet, when be attained uncontested and absolute power, bo became eminent for hi clemer,ey snd moderation. We do not know that hi nature had changed ; it wa only his situation that bad changed ; but mankind profited by it, whatever the cause. It has occurred to me, that if bis beveolence is passive, hi thinking apparatus is alto sluggish. Hia physique ba rather a tloggith appear ance, and bia intellect may partake of tbe 1 . C .,11 I 1 . 1 1 r .ame onaracier. ouu, ui. tuinaing may be just and clear and comprehensive. His being silent from a tense of deficient conversational power, implies tbe habit of cjf -examination, which is always a good sign. I here is ever hope ot a stan who scrutinizes himself, and is not afraid to look hi own fault in tbe face. Rat, bow- ever sluggish bit mind may be, if he be really ambitious, he cannot fail to dis cover the strong point of his situation, which is, by boldly ridding tbe South of negro domination, s be thereby bind that whole region to him by books strong' er than steel, and doe more at tbe time for tbe country than aay other act be could perform. I believe we have all now given our opinion, founded on tbe best lights . wa bAve. Wilt Mr. P. add up the sum total Mr. P. That's easier said than done. Kndtsh tbtoka may be beat acco cap liaised by ply laylug down bends of iron oa ordina ry road., aad running locomotives aad train upon the at a speed of fVoaa five to thirty miles aa hear. A. ba aaya, in s letter to tbe London Times 1 "Tbe practical fact la, tbat properly coo etrwexeo engines ana carriages eaa run upon a harp carve and up at tteep gra dients s horses ean. and with a dowi carrying loads that no bone could aceomnhsh : and therefore everv com road in England ha the capacity far be- .. ... 1 r , . stasiag a railway, with its inns, statioos, towns, village, farms, and water supply already provided. These comawa roads intersect the railways and form appreaeh- e in every direction with very little eat- isy. The rail, can be laid Bat with the surface, aod permit tbe trains of ordinary a "Tea venlcles so long as horse veal da continue to be need." Tbe cost of laying these flat rail as proposed be estimates t .1,500 par mile, aaa tae enterprise ean be made to nay on receipts of X I per mile per week. His argument in favor of the system do fore to apply with aa stack tbia country aa to England, ainee ia most places wm eaa bum a regular railroad almost at cheaply a we could lay down the rails he speak, of 1 but still, what ha say. is an thy of consideration bv thoee who live the neighborhood of areal cities. - jf. r. aw LATEST NEWS. From Montgomery. Moetsromerr. Oct. 2. M- TheLewiilatore ha. passed through both House, a Regi.tr. tion Bill, and it now await, the signature of the Oovaraor. who will probably return from Washington with th enenmittee to-morrow, ft bthoasrht that th. bill ba. been delayed so long that the registrar, will not samples a. I a . m .a as. a a . . w . saw wor ia naa tor tne -residential elee- The feelinv is still quite strnnir with th Republican members to east the vote of th State by the State Legislators, and the Speak er of the Hons to-day took tbe Boer to ad voeaey of it. From- Washington. Washington, Oct. S. M Attorney Oeaer eral Evarta remains in New York until next week. Ue.nj.min Riddiek alma Chariot M.vel. it held in Baltimore in default of five thousand dollars hail, for pension fraud. Uo vers meat clerk work from nine a. m., to four p. m. it is stated that tbe monthly debt state ment will how fonr million dollar intirs.au. The official vote of Maine is still withheld. Government expense for September, ex clusive of interest on the public debt, ia twenty-eight and half million dollars. Diplomatic circles await Cuban news anx iously. Th State Department ha th following: A provisional government ha beea organ ised by the insurgent chief. The Queen left' the Spanish territory yesterday. (signed) jotix r. hum, Minister, ice. A letter from Arkansas to an ex-Senator from that State, state that reeist ration is sreneral throuahout the State, and that thona- ise snd ' ud( oolored people will vote the Demo 's, hov i eratie ticket. The writer, in uhom tbe ex- Senator ha confidence, give assurance of a full Democratic Congressional delegation from Arkansas, and twecty thousand majori ty for Seymour and Blair. Bill I 1 latlra to Congress, aad are aot th e' red people entitled to at least two eat af this amber I Js it oof oar duty to aaa that at least tw colored citisen are eel eat ed t. represent hi OlBgJBSS the atavty thousand colored voters of fnaishiaa t- Tbe ballot aseena eaal righto, aod if men ate still to b debarred from tke Haifa of ( 'ongrees, er even the With Hoewe. oa accouat of tbe eoior of their faces, ibeo rs eonatrnetJoja -l at.aohlie.ahf am am- ussexsnasxtl w.1 sewes swsxasae awsrvsww vew mmj mmn BBS wj BBS scalable failure. The reward of the long oppressed race will aot be adaoaaSt, and the great eauae of eoaal righto will not be finished, until the oolored man fa aaaa ia every department af thi Govern Ill, necessary that the diet Congress should poeeea Store back -bone than ike present one, in order to fix a plain previ sion ia lbe supreme law ef the Republic, which shall cooler the ballot on every cit isen, regardless of race er color, North South, Last aad West." SALISBURY MARKETS OCTOBER 6, 1868. SSr US I S WT BlSMBAU A CO., SSOCBS. perpoanu, 18 to S3 tevpeoast, St as AS astb..., ores ih.. 1.10 to i.so Kl.bash.S - l.Xt t 1 as SVtve, aarpwaad I la an Candles, Tallow, SU Io 90 as to Ot L atta ea Ysra, per b.ach, twhl sr num. 10 in tWhera, per pound 40 ia near, per sack 4.96 to 4 Klah, ttaekwal, i. I S91.0U tote 99 a. o Krslt. Ar..ppU.pl. fto g Pant 1, swale, IS to to BBBsalsS. t to IB wWT wtttBBWSt V SSSSSSt a 'eat rs sea. " S3 to SB Ire. Bar, H to 10 "tmsB. s 10 10 Niitac.t, m ei. 7 M.liaw:erirtsm per gl .......... Vat - W Ml W 1.00 to 1.90 sat as Park, . psrwawad. ......... 10 Is 13 nstttxea irwa,psrauiii, 40 to so Sugar, Brown, per poond, .......... 14 to W II W - so to as sK,eset, pas sack, .et.0S - ymmm - . ssut.ss " Takla. A. 60 to t .00 Tobaec, I-eef. per po.nd BSt SS uaatexara sets 1. to dJPBsJ 1.00 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M AGINLEY 4 CARROLL'S . es M HrpwwH f p rt-0 IDII Thoroughly Re-organixes and thoi From Richmond. Richmond, Va. . Oct. 2 P. M. John Per kins, white, and Ben Jefferson, negro, who were to have been hung to-day at Portsmouth, for aa outrage on a lady, have beea reepitted till tne tnn inst., by the Uovaraor. who l telegraphed last night they could prove their innocence. General Stonemau has issned order for the investigation of tbe accident on the Cen tral Railroad, by which aome of tbe S9th In fantry were killed and wounded. , 1,1 aariuusniinu linn m r,a ed and endless suooeeuon ot novelties, carstnlly (elected troupe from tbe PARAGONS OF EQUESTBIAX The great aim of the Managers is ORIGIN ALITY AND EXCELLENCE, and with this view they have congregated an amimbstga ef Artist, from the moat celebrated school, ef Equestrian and Gymnastic art, BOTH IN EUROPE AMD The facilities for speedy aod oartraia I unequalled. NO JADED HOUSES AXD where there is to much contrariety. Bat, wli nve..v..ll.nr.tF..t. re .1 ri..l. . i 'et ec ! Ureal abilities - moderate - I. .If r, . it m ,..,.. ramer siuggisn; inai compounueo m iniiim ii , nil,, 11 asillHiinil "cn , , . . aeekingfor k .fronp of "h guianea men, . si.ou.u wty, ux ou MbijM h. fa not erael most silent piain -not mmj lawsnon- x bnt iiAfc,, to human saf- llltS IS (lilt brin. aaul not of a dlsmition to oeril either parse or person in tbe performance of a purely disinterested act. Just aad honest, for anything kaowa to the eun trary ; conservative, averse to Puritan ism, conscious of hi ewa detects, which be goes ao far to conceal a to disgust Senator Wada with "horse tlk," rather than talk of mailers be does not under stand. Rut, after all, perhaps, it would strati ve man present. necessarily Tndieatve of great trees, nor it) ft incompatible with it. But 1 think it conclusive,' be i not a vain man. Mr B. I do not welder General G. a very - tngb-toned man. 1 inter this from the readiness with which be receives houses, money, goods and chattelt of all sorts from all comer. He bad not the ex cuse tor this of having loot by tbe war, aa was the case with our chief, who. though be wa stripped of everything, family had to live from hand to mouth, and get shelter where they could during the war, sternly refused to receive s gratuity from any quarter. This differ ence, it may be alleged, sprung from tbe different manners of the ' people among whom tbey were bred, 'and, does not at- b by taw tore of their lbe pees, at tbe rnuio Itry not ooly essential to i lbe greatness and pre ooontry, we see Inst aver ibbbbbxwi. aate BBawird ooetul- r 1.amaf Ru O mn . l,,il ll, itiBmM,,! held in N.w York. Snd endured the action I MmM? viewed by N!' ;tL,D "?"e I PoUeritT. I tokT Ueueral Gbaxi to be a man who believes, above all things, in brute free. Thi waa demonstrated by be a well for each to sum up for himself, and wt fane all to front by Urn txattuf HoBsCK, Hi ejuid no visti reetina istis. Uandidus imperii ; si non, his uters Georgia Legislature. Atlanta. Ga-, Get. 2 P- M The House passed a bill to-day to make uniform all tick ets nsed at the election, to prevent fraud. JTJSZJTi! ZMVSt WEARY, TRAVEL WORN roaus in vnia ouue. I -w- r. Degraffenried. the present Secretary of JreriOrmerS- State has beea nominated for senator to thai fourth district, by the Republicans. from Philadelph'd. EERVTUIG NOVEL & BRILLIANT. Philadelphia. Oct. S P- M.-A row oa- ,B1, B" tasra exbtotuoo will o as curred Ui-day as the Boys in Blue were pas- So hhirtV Tnaorlav flflf 1 1 siug down 8l? and Pine streets. Two pistols j '",lnir waaeae-wy , wysi a V, were urea ana one mas waa ainea. they will give TWO CKAIO Admitting .75 eta. Children,. JftW. B. CROSBY, Agt. M. 1868. with meaning. They called oa th govern meet to (top in it policy of hate, discord and disunion, and iu terms of fervid elo quence demanded a restoration of rights aad liberties of tbe American people. When there it sneh accord between those Who proved themselves brave and self sacri ficing la war, and thoee who are thoughtful and patriotic in council. I cannot doubt we shall stain a political triumph wbieh will re store our Union, bring hack peace and pros perity to oor tofid. and Will give us once more tbe blessing of a wise, seonoXuical and honest government. j I am, gentlemen, truly your, ere., Hoxatio Sxtwoi;. Railways, as they are at present con structed, are a luxury attainable only by the outlay of a greet deal of money, con sequently i hey are built ooly in such fa vored localities a promise a large traffic and corresponding profit. Yet the need of modern civilisation demand tae iaueaa d facilities of ti .importation which iron rails afford, no lea in thinly settled agri cultural districts than ia those where tbe From Washington. Washington, Oct. 5, P. Mr8inee ister Hale's dispatch, announcing tbe de position of I sabel la ao official com munica lioa is bdld with the Spanish Legation, aor will there be until the Junta sceredits a representative. 1 be legation retain the official sutus, hut matter ate postata ed. j Gen. Rosenc yeeterday, preparing V-l . V 1'IL L . saoueno. "sun, uj cvukbi oi oec-1 PMass rotary llcCulloch, examined tbe Treaa-, . w - e r. m. aXmot j Carolina that they owng ye itosb use voooecuc.i ma-Hwjaa mawetd smtata far Uootrwo Wowa,' BlCipai eicorien. I Raw York, tor the sale of his celebrated Walker's tlalBBMBt indicates that all nasfansSB a avast eaeat, hs raja af laaBBaal iha dafal Mattttlfall ANMATlC will be doubled in fourteen years, long be- sPPC fore which, unlet bettor coanes Is prwvaiLI OWlsslttdrro, ths government will be bankrupt. was in New York en UDOLPHO WOLF B, , i - - I for Mexico. . MM-M V MM, SSTMBBV Mr. W.'s nam is a haaeahald word ks ever w. are r. srr l . - rrom jm vruansjjiegroes J0r, I pan oi in. soumera owes. j. New Orleans, Oct 5, P V The Re nblican have renominated J. H. Syber, ir Congress from tbe first district, aad nominated L. A. Sheldon for tbe full term from the second District, aad J. Walla Menard for Colmaaa'a unexpired term. Menard ia a negro aad announced him serf aa a candidate for nomination iu a Circa far, from which tbe following is aa extract : "The time has fully come to test tke hia milifurv ramnaisTiia : atntaaTY notbinf, superior forte everytfaing. A ppoUtioii .nil proJuctioa are Jrt?ady rough, determined toidter. who looks ap- p-U. I- many nu- h rctrioni, if .railroad An aiiint'iNr fihtwtll ill HlllitflllO law could oulr be built and maintained a few little disposed to trouble hi head about years, il would, a. axperien proves, o profeeeion sod tacipio. of those who constitutional Questions, aod with a fair develop the capabilities ol ths country as now control the Republican party to Loe- average of common sense; that' my ea- to pay handsomely io the end. Tbe thing ieiaae, and ,l is a sacred duty to them timale of hia. I do not consider him e desired, therefore, ia some method of boil- selves the colored people to aa that the cruel man, notwithstanding hi refusal to ; ding railway oa a cheap trm-rotary plea, colored race is not sold out by a tow fra- exebanre prisoner, and three ef hi seen, for on his aacrinciag Confederate, to to act aa feeders to trunk liuea, aad as ding, treacherous white JfapwMieeat in i io teers of more complete aad substantial Louisiana, me it hoe aaaa faj flssryi gala a point. It is probable bit benevo suucluret. Tbi purpose Mr. Btgaa Tkfa State is aswisd to awaaa) HENDERSON 4CRAWPO 3f:wl3tpd PRIVATE BOARDING. LEXINGTON, N. &' By the Day, Week, or 3 AT REASONABLE RATS. TVs travelling pwhlie wi II slway tad table supplied with the beat the si ark it fords. No pales spared to reader my txewrtaate. Two Dollar t prr Dm will b charged tran sient boarders. A fadarnoB f i Inn, si tim J. P. MABBT. - r "I ... w ft

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