mm , ; saaa & as sr NEW SERIES SALISBURY, N C OCTOBER 83, 1868. VOL. I, WO. 42 ssain mm a ....... w-jpiuil r r rstejuM ;t ' m mfftrt. 41 -rABM in AmvAnrm. WiTCHAX Of.D MOSTU ITATt. ... .y( IHrlfMI ' eta assths, TIM VfBEKt.Y 01.O MOBTB STATE n m sit.p7s - n ail LETTEU KH( JOHN QUiKCY ADAMS. J..hii Quiucv Adam bus ad-lte. d the following Idler to (U iVmisrrer l. KiMDiiv Uanmii'ee m South C.rolimt In rrp.rnta fo an ii.vlfaftnn received trims them lo visit thai State : QciaoCT, fit ptemhcr 88. Mmr. IIW llimjm. .la IhinU V- F 9. MUr, Jkn . Tkamai. and W. B StmnUy: (kxtucmkn Ymr letter d 8ep tettiher Sd resetted me cm the lath. and J found ii to require such en rut n I coiolera ion that ! have withheld my anewer until now. Mr Urst m mle was to accept v.f lur WlM at tmee, m beaten to respond u haunts to many well meaning man among ea, weM speedily become a burden so dtnw aad ao nitalrrabl espmrira tkat. V tar na betirr reason, yna would bo glad to dmp i. Bet at tba aaaM liaaa yea mnai yoerselvcs In- an II aware that lb haaty aiid luctHifideral legislation apoa tbliHjtsctiu two or three nfy oar "Sum Utely n rebellion" Hid more to fasten an. rrrl irfnn uprni von than anr other one thing . I'Im North is well aorare thai beta is a wide dsalinnliiin " between civil rights and political nrlvtti f-i. mr were oar tiM end most practical statesmen of ihr liepublien pane el last inclined ta adopt tbr dneirnai fie rift of ttU- laMsg asshsiaet astwer hy ehe bendt of roar poor, ignorant Ib id baud upon a mm iaiiriful theory of tbr iiatnral equality af man. Doubtless a citiren of Massacha- Sftls who i unerly Illiterate may be ay fanrrbir in all oatilliH-. bat anl b con rrad tbr Ooiiriftmion ia the Ki'nr- lirh language bo ia not aty ieal poliiical jwaw apeal iip"ti tlie tnatani : km a ai.iaaoit'a rrWtin at d a review U teeWiiwea me. 1 am u- 1 lie principle in h.-re adaiitltd that wr and muat leojuer theoretical equality with prarilral Irata ol flliieM lor uulilic da y . Now thia waa Ignored In your raw, ereaeea It waa urged and believed that lba alone muld tbr Mark pmtrrt tVia wa. and it w td that any admitted aLalifiratiwi wnald be aliuard by yon to their total rtdmabva from tbr trauchuu aiid coitaeqni ut belpb nrwraa. The North ern pniple, having freed the akvee and left tin in Mill mingled with their . f..rmer Biaalerr, rnuld not, with d ceucy or hu-atai-lty, alundoti then, imked l the aav- calmly hoik oe to tea thaae oppreaaed of bore roaworl atMl bapptueaa tbey bad laToate the gnaidiaua. Thv Ntirlhrni State pardoitrd the palpibln uaurpaihiii af a power waver granted to (?tigreea up on the plea of neeeaeitr. Untveraal aut frage w aa no maeoaary cornllary of tbr war ; it waa extorted by diairaal, lafpiing i me iwng- hi irery agiiatiou i nxi gave Vor teller ai'XHua aa r can lie tu are ittiatt relatione aiid fraternal feeltnita r tdaee the h arid atirry awpieioii whiell prrraila npoti In.ih aialre eat r age enmity which they were taught to be laa;iH Hilday laliftr daenl me ltrrr J f the, nor could thry in efteh a eanae; Hnt I attt more now erte-a titan jrwtj are l uroiimfe icli a rerart. WfMvpte1 exagiraraie any in fl irttee iw" mite, mieled 4Ktleaatr the accident of an hiettwie nam . I hi Ml n ' hi tor iii If oonaeliliM'tta bat a tMHiajtrntieelr email and rerri,-, anpofxtlar HtMorii v. ami am rryard I enornenia nnirer to the of IMiliiiciaoa d aa haidly I olijett.ii.aldi. I aim e ch the rt-rf. rtaa lr..mpletr wn-k llioiilt far MHO-e inijrtiiricant, titan t-dtwee wf iu-Souiherw w bite MHtreelvea br fbe maioriiv. Nlb I TAeee raaw wee arge and tbey per mrthwr i wM'iirertV, if I v iat'ied , Made many thai yid atwl aberVb a deru- ... .... ' " . '.I . ..I . . ; I1L .1 . ta. wrmitd le like I v to rureHe a tatr ,mr l"m aw, tn wi i.reaiufid e,o...r.ielion MTUetiiMi -" i"e Willi the hop, e lendenie.. would l attrllm ed N nt. worthv .u . r fwel for the dead, hat h) readyl ..-ni M...I ...... totlie l "' arm. agata at me teaat regajK- . t f . . MH-lll. 1 hi' f t-xlla MliaaVM lrtfa-lr JtU I III' llim", ill HI will fi m ''",'.l,vr til lll If 4 lilt I llaiiilt fJkMl Ulmi ruall Mi4il of airr lroJit .4 om it will t.e in. fr. ju,.,rf vHr 71. ,iutH atatml llM Had aoim- "dtatojal III j mMm. ttmim no. rbetfWUV lew ill our nevntng. 1 1" n-t tup IUJ, j;,, rfbm the tWihoti..',, Ibeae aifja llama Irma a traa tie lot an fr which U,foaghi an long, fw my " " nldut rxltlaal. lor I alioald try to ,,i. have aevi r lell any apprehetiahMi face mv ehaie of l lie ol.h qoy with '..f lying any JT lie-f rtiper reult ul the toniiwde mt I could mater. i 1 war. Ibataalwaya lelieved that yoe aaw a fair tdiaaxtf af aidiuu. lie if p,wt fromneeeaaity yield them aafraakly erawtvile. a lart:er umh ratatidioK aa tbna. I bate urvrr. oabi Uoe the aa-'oma. a ami , -d that it wa. poaaiWV te mat yea after eaeni m amiHl-e mi ,4mi-wfaiif' ef I ""r ta -ay ea a aoliet i... i'i. as. .i t-i ' aid wW o on when wa .hall oil be owe more a happy and nailed people, dwelling la pence Wa der tba protection .af the t'oii. iiuiion and within the gentle ela.p of oar old Union. Then, indeed, Soath i arollwa and M . rhaaetta may aordiolly embrace, and the fortanale apabraiaa ef Mir 8iate, that d y. will reureaeiit the whohr iuetead of a trartlon of her people. I aboil leave boat oat Maw day nest, and proceed without delay la Columbia. I am, if en lie Men, Tour friend and .errant, Joa Q. Adams. m9 IME MIS AUK SMJVUTKHIM&A TKc Republican Myoriif Greatly M iVaaseeam'a eaw OAte. IS D I AS A vkltY CL0& Waebiwgtah. Oat. la. If The Bepwb licau BMroriiy in Vkhh) Ivania la about leu thoaawnd. ( nVode a election ta nan' pmhable. The Legislature!. Republican by a redncfdm'ipirltv eerartag a Itepnh I can Seualnr t tee Huckalrw Tim Aye eatkamtee I he anjorhy at 3,W0. OHIO. The lalret adricea litdicate fifteen thoa and Republican mnjoiity. , INDIAN V. ludiana ia very cloee. Uabrr'a i., however, n-guded certain. VtMuheee' eleclion ia agaiu claimed by taw IKiaoerale, in.e'mate awimnativ liev.-d to aiiimate tbr South, fn ai.He From tba Daavilb Begittar. THE (IKKCIAN BEND. Tbey aav It ia coining. We have iKidouUf of it. Waa ever funliali laaliion cut abort helom it had it. run I In ilia northern waiaritiw Cgea Mid 1 atikeai ciitea the (Irei'iau id I MM raged mwnwwbat durine t lie pttai Saininer, and if It . now sai l to be mate nsj its ieioiious way aoiith ward, mora irrueisnhlu tfiwti a eon fjue in; nruty with hnnners. It is a itmiiatrr hfdeoiiH to behold. It B.ide iia rimiliiuda only in the awkward defb. militia of natare. When tin- thing tnriile its tii.t Hpenrunce, il was met with all the onponiiiou. abicb a aetnm of luitniiieiil caiauiity ciiuij aroiiae; yel it uveicame every obtacle. (Jouimoii kenau reaialed it, bat otuii m n sense waa laturiieJ out of cotiiilenanee. 'lliesliafia ur .ridi eale warwdireeied at the mounter, bat the lell liarmlea te the ground. Hie Meia and ptiilaxiplira alike in dulged in a warfare against the rising ptictioiiKHKOi but what chniice has pmrtry or MMhmnfdiy In a liartto Wlrtr a woman a buailef The wits loo have racked their brain, to ating the' initig it .op,-ii"if out oi ei aiciicc; nut Hhaw ! what doea the Faahtun care lor i lie l tile poisou on tlie arroaa. I he wild boat, hi bia aiiack mi thai deadly ranle-uake, pieaeuia tlie thick fleabw hie jowl to teeeive the aer ient'a liiig, and m.-ntralige the mhs om, and then tarns epojr 'h; a an agon al and tears hi in w piece. That's the way ihe Grecian Bend will treat tne wits who usutil it. The maiumlt gnea, and jt declares that all tbe ea tat of ihe Bankrupt, both rami and personal, shall be thus conveyed and .(mil thus pass to the Aaaignee, ei en, are otia.ll oiimma of a couple of mimr awinte and aagaciona old bachelors of our acquaintance, who have almost aa much curhwif.V aa two old tn;ids and whose reflection will throw much in min-me. .,.-. a i.ii.iTi'T iwrvai inio hid uiaiieeion. I, I 1 LJ. ... i L . ' . . treat either of them or their taal.i .us; ' political struggle, which anaaed be show- we inual lake them aa a young lo- er od thasaase courage and nisarsss which do, by gradual approaclies. We be had displayed hi the Held, aa do not r ini.t however that we will equally aurcesafal. In October, 1840, not return tin captivatine- tonic : if wei mowev eroignen ner regeecy, nnlw aai .Zl mA ii. J .. . lm . L - ; r? " j .. .w. Z . ZV m . u i '' Tth general eUe-j, tero; bat In 1643, whew the majority of v i J . . . ImWU a. decided by Ibe J.n,; of .l"' 1 Barcelona, he .. deposed and fled to to ' fvea1, by Kturland, uking refuge on an Eugli.h 'm,r bjal elanoe man-of-war. Ha reuaiued in mtiretoeui 'erred lo. frmn tbe optnition ol dm until 1847, when ha waa asede Senator conveyance of the Aoslayieo, and recalled. He keut oat of poliiical i Tllie clause declare, dial, that the life, however, antil, oa the retirement of I neceasarr household and kitchen fnr- tvhrtstiaa and Narvei fjoas Tins Grrenabatg, Pa.. Oct. IS. M. Every owii.bin in ihe 8lt Disliicl, beard Iraaa fives Covode S9 majority. , I.... ro ,. II 1:1 . Il lyondon, Oct. 16, M American doc-1 IUUi the eat I h. Their nine i. tuny maiiuaiiien in me ireaiy ju.t concluded reganling nalaraliaaljVni. John sun and Stanly are now considering tbe AUUss claim. FROM WISHING ON Warhingr,.,,, Oet. la, P. HI. General 11 1. t in k h t: airived. lie- W'm Id, in a double leaded article, sngx1'.! a change of the candidal-. Thn. R. Liird ba la-en appointed Rev enue Hnpefvianr for tin- Iti.trlct composed of Virginia mid Wei Virginia. ueeal Uowatd lot l-eweil orders lo Ibe Aaaislam Commisaioner id the Freed men . Han au 10 efime Wa dice oil .ov- mber 1st. HIDDEN BIGHTS OF j jti-- 1 SEW IQIfltv v.a. ii , Wa tarnrd into Five Points and went lain some af the hiding lionses. Think of thirteen peranu criHiched in one small room, without a window or anr hob- but the door. Male and female, hi ick and white, little children sll bundled in a heap tog. 1 her on tbo dirty ire. The ah- waa like a pest hasten. One gtaaee waa ciiongn, eae taste of that air will mat a life-time. It waa a cheap hiding place Cheap, indeed, It was and naatyT Pounding at one door for sdini.sion brought uat a somi ly looking black wo-' man. " Rouse ap yoer haabssd, I moat aee him," said tlie detect ive. Tbe boa hat! d came ; be was a w bite man. " They have li-ed together aa man and wifu aver two years," bs said lo me afterwsrds, " and they get along first-late." Here Was a place where children liTed. Two or three rouau ia a battered old shan ty that .hook with every step senies tbe floor. Tbe children were hotueh'M one., fstheriess and motherlesa, turned oat to livn or die, as might be, ia tbe .'reel, of careless, Ina-diaas New York. Here they come to vleep, nariuK the old halt who kept the room, is cents a night, By day tbe oaaatrr. no was again seal tot ay gsss lawkef fa. much againt her will, and placed in charge of the Supreme Council, ia eonjunct.on whb General O'Donnell, hi former rival; but the hunt adiniiiiatrmtinn aaa m.-. ed by the opposition of tbe ch rjy, the mssnins ion of the Carlists, tbe corrupt inn of the Court and other raneea. Al h urtb a crisis was reached, hi ISM, wiieii t apartero wss, and in Haliiru. and such other articles i MFCesearies rtf snch Bankrupt as tlm Asrignee (hall designate and aet sarnrt, altogether not to eiceed in anv ease tba) value of live hundred dol lars, .hall he exempt, that la exclnd ed from the provisions of this saw lion ; that such uroierir. so, dewier. listed and set apart, shall not ia Mir way he affected by the conveyance to KWI III" i . . . - anrreetions broke oat ia Madrid, Barcelo- ",e. r the II He thereto pa.; aud Sarac.uiM. la ibese di. tar baa "a '"Nrequent clause Of UM sVet, ees he took no part, aad in 1857, reaicned " ,t'VK r"4"" f"' doubt, do hia position aa Sensna-. retired to nmate flares that the title of the Bankrupt life, where brims remained, until abont two shall not in any way be affected or months sgo, he ws recalled to Madrid by disturbed by any of the provisions of Queen Isabetls, sad entrusted with tbe the Act as to an v of the property thus formation of a cabinet. He waa then eith er unable or unwilling to unite ihe con flicting elements with which he had to deal. He m said to be a man of deter mined will, and to be devoted lo tbe csu.n of liberty aud progress. ttitdtoo la linr eitonwh to r i,-i nil ! aept theo .M,.,Kd arrows shot at it. and I A tramped the city, getting a living hi - . . I. il t ewai a ma. k ,meii 7 ZJ T Z, 1 2 . nua" Mssnsj ni"wini nir- iwmu hi Bcmiiv. Hiriy m I.I....L..,, t t. k - iI-T5 wimim ir, auu arut wetui u w m w tr i I 1 1 h the laboie t .i . ii loigouu i, wnen ine uree an ikik ,Iore Wi fe,bl m Moal Wlil be looming op III US full Wliglli, ,,f ib m wereboy. iiooe over twelve years breadth, height and depth, ike study j sd : , dir -d in with them, ihoua-h. were and of fbe world. Why. Some hungry looking girl., ia whose feces we stiimoee if a lull grown Grecian the hard lilies of want aud .ickoess ami Betid ballon Were to fall Ou the privation were grow ing already. It made of .North Carolina.' on the 5th dav of ground, it would produce a sound my heart sick lu hadt at them hmely lit- October, 1 SOS: EXEMPTIONS IN BANKRUPT CV. We find1 the decesion, rendered by His. Honor, J ndge Brooks, at a re cent Term of ibe District Court, re lative to the matter of exemptions in Bankruptcy, in tha Ealeigti Senti nel: " " V,; la thi warm or) A. B., Bayaatrrr, j In Bankrnptey At Eliaahath Cily, in the District ngiige Mini aympalnn-s l.i . TT . m. I .1 ...L- s con.titotioiial restoiaiion nf ine Luinn, mJ?Wir Jr C i H rrvdnu, and lo tin- Jf'J"-ar - r black, ainl tranonility and bappiuess la i I flunk thai I can any "( white.. A yon very forcibly .ay, there to wmr iMople wh'ch w oi(, I e, IM. Nor do things to tonr .ple W ueltgiliinil b. ideaeawt tor me to simsik. Vnr fate ha been ir the preseiit ini otrcd, hy tbe inexoratde h-orie ol " 1,1 , . , i.,lier iaiaille lor von lull tie them to hear, War now wouUi be roer niter detraction. The Uiihui is ol miirs value to yon thai lo aa, and lo the ConstllUIMHI alone can yon fly for protection. A general and neiif. in a nimt bitter liiii-ul -triijr ,-ordial lonfi.leine hi your altitude, feel la. Ihe interest, and I douht not ibe convictions, of Urn dominant par 2 will prevent any dispassionate ooit leration of yonr case until af er the election. It ia declared, and, rfear. if is widely lieUwevd, that the -pirif ol aa asaioa mlH Urea the S.Mithetn heari ami ..rks through the Densoeralic lairtr, A Baa of hoiteal men are tanirht and believe that ibe encccasni that usrtv mean tlie political te es faldiehment of ibe geniua of revoli and lb elevation to Soalbom leaders iit the late war. New, while I do not lajlieve that it the widespread suspicion of tins m tent could be discharged from the mindaof oar people here there would tea great dimculty in oniainingn fur ueartne. u is too potent a wcu-. pnof party watfare.t Im relia- fvisbed daring ttits contes' for the 'residency. If the Deunmraiic par ty is debVated in the r canvass, it i. la-cause the peopla fear its succcs would jeopardise the ubalaiilial re '"Its of the war. v. npou ibMDoint lUa. Northern mind is absolutely detennined, ami no part r con Id tuaiulain itself which ioJ4 repad ate tha war or ut ren der its acquisitions, r'or my own part, I think it would be very dittK Mil to get rid of any of the logical and legitimate results of the warn o tried ever so bard, but eitfl out people are very sensitive on tiia instance, of iuga and prtrtssta is eaaeiilial In your peace and pio.peiity, e usua. teneW H e iiltl spirit with n. or the new Union will le an empty form. Even if by a p-irty uc rese III a eery close vote at the North, aid ed by your own effort, at tbe South, you obtain a temporary relief tints your alj.-i i slate to-day, your eowliiien will alill b prec.iiotir, ynsrpnth full of simre, snd a true V ni.oi as djslaat SS ever. So long a. one ii .lt the North ts persaaded thai ynn have the Will and the puwer to jockey them at. oi what cost them so deary Wi- power pf the sltempt In lebunVlmst Union on the .and. 1 one alone, aud a patient and tuaurmg periteuce ou yonr part in well doing, in tan (see of all diM-ouragc nieui, can dec aalty remove the cause of your ill. ; s palliative .will hut induce a react ion ug tin A.rlievrfnl lOncasrenoe in the esaenpal priiirhde. Of 1 . morraiic and constitution al government I regard as requisite for your peuct la progresi in tbe triune. Kehlltior to IllC.e npllilon., I snoniu have excu.ed myself from accepting year kind invitation had . vu not di- claimed any political intent. I do not ieh to mk any political sperenes to your people III tile mu -ival of any nor atuj'ucw dangernu posit the evil very knowledge we wi tbe -real needs, o each other; I may not amy. to your ah'iady ; as 1 have lell 'late th'. of our own little informed nf risbes, aud purposes aot leel sum c, and as the distrsci aar mice I as vou req t in tl i mil a .at . try to ELECTI0X RETURN'S. Indiana clone. OflU-ial ret am are need id l decide whether Ileudrick in- Baker are elected. ""' H'oloiaii and VoM-keea am elected (i on ef one. The IVaaHCrats gain eight Congressmen and lose wue in Tu-sday1s election. Norhtiig hurt her regar'flng the majnrhie in Penury Ivama sr Obio. Ii i believtd that lite Repahlicsn estimates am consid erably Pa. Urge. I vrr t -The last return, make tbe majorilie. in 1'eiinsvlv.iin i tiow len - Hfieeu i In. u.. mil. I Him .ihoni i he same U b will probably be redneed by lariaet ret wen.. j FROM NORFOLK THE COMMER CIAL CONVENTION Norfolk. Oet. I t, P. Mr The buines. CommitH-e reMrted in fa Tor of the adop tion of rise Bitsiol Cwnveutiuu, ri-gartling direct eiuniunuicaliou In-tweea humni Norhdk.'i and Ohio Valley.-- I lie reptrt waa sllopted. ( Ine limnlnoi and lift ikon.'and dollar Was nb.criail. Norl.da. SO.tMMI. Naah ville, jta.OOO and Pet-rsbarg sHI.UOO, tbi. Tbe plant --r. are holding a Ma. M.-ei-ing to consider the proprh ty of sub.cti biug om- hundred thousand. FROM CHARLESTON. Charleston, Oct. W, P, Jubn Gain- like thwnaet I Ot whet a ail are these puny witiksssttw against aueji a lenailinnr Who ea res mr Hie call ing ihe laaliion ihe v. die siinip'- or the "d-swmia betid," dec, dtc. Ihe etly ptalmiaila cai ica.uie Hie tdjdtion in the nomt lud cto a light , y et the ladiea lauirli al the piemtes and in cruae ibe size of their hustle. In deed, wli i is the tine for nr ii lo bom lie stray. I Poor, motherle thinr. I May Hi. infinite love sud mercy forget tbem not I by Mr (Jan i Ii-.vh aas ssnsr ww a at arana a-so ems aawaaaW- . . m. . -i Z " 5 r"1 T Manftruptcy . V a'" "" worn, rt. with hook and baaket. would aoon Imi . " . - 1 1 . ,, i. , ... .., OV.T I ... . -IV WiirL-ii... O O-. , Tlie qifeaiioii aubmitted Register Leh mail, in tha case, is Assignee of an estate in aet apart money, winch stirrwadered as money by the but which is or may be realiseil by the said Assignee trom pr pt-rtv scheduled and surrendered by him. under the provision, for the enempiion of certs-n property to the contained tu tim act or am out File of rwg, bone, offd, broken iron, filled tin- place, S4Ve where a few articles of tnrniture stood. They were Italian., ami not di.on.ed lo be am -ijihle. floe had bard lmt huge InMuh pnod of cot- his bed srranir.-d on a oil.- of ion, or bran, or sawdttai. or wlmtvtr!M carpet rap, which were damp and uoi- Bankrupt, It way DO. bacKfl Uj liy Hint great some with the mud nf the streets. These 1867 f inoial toice ol thv umve m- Winn . in ( rag picker, managed to make money in li ia Utterly II lie. It a leie. w th ii liny ay ; ihev nave ii. loo, and one ' t ine.e year tu- y a til go bonp- n. lu. ir uic1, decided that a homestead could country anil enjoy ,t flic women work , he MeMrtw to" ,lM Baukmpt m,,,.. .....gniy, .tc ciK,ll)ej by Uim under the act of m .inline or aecency aooiii .final matter, i 'o .i .1 . , i and m. a. .,..AI,L.H I .ked .fa J i claiming exempted and aet apart under tlie pro visions of the law embraced in these exceptions. Also there is other pro-, pert v, aa fha wearing apparel of the Bankrupt and his family, and audi property as ia exempted from seizure or .ale by a creditor, by the lama of the United Slates or the laws of the State, in which ihe Bankrupt resides, winch were in force in ibe year lave. I' Ibe money attempted to be as signed by tbe Aaaignce in thia case, and whieh was to be realised by tales aa aforesaid, can be construed te be within I lie meaning of the 47th clause then it ia good, as an exemption : oth ei wise, it ia nor, and the Assignee would ba bound to account for tbo same strictly, in discharging- the cases and trusts upon which be took the ti tle to tha property, from the sales of which the money waa realixed. . New I think it quite clear, that tho Assignee eoabJ have assigned to the Bankrupt a horse, stock of anr kind. a bond, note or account, any article of personal property, or vcn money, if the Bankrupt had scheduled and .in -rendered such property, lo make he sale nf chime in action, or other ! "P deficiency that might eltrt, in bia judgment, after valuing and as signing the necessary household and kitchen lu n it tire : fur all those are flasjtiv to now hintaelf paritciihtily recklu. or di bj'eiui e. he may break a lauee ai a Woman ihtts mulled, but it Will be a w.nse game than 1'ackeithaiu pla ed when lie fought Old Hickory at .New Oi loans, ne hi nd Ihe cot ion 1 iiete are some ihiuga men may d; Ileit is a thing in two tbey cailliij. do. bupp'iee they uudeiiake lo teg; uiate. or mvliorate tle tarhntmi trt tne Wimteii, hai is the ic.ul-f H hv liey only tl ml in tha t-xperimeiu What .Inpjil blockhends they are to uaderisko uvh a la-k. Men roav couveiae acrons llm ocan ; traver.e ihe continent with railroaits; euvei lie seas with fleet; (leuetrate the mysteries of name; nieaatite ihe aiMmi level tha mountain. ; muke ihe wilderness a iraideti ; miUiuc ihe wild heust bin let them touch it fe itisle lashion and they will uuicklt riml that with nil flieir boasted prow. yet are weak, bauisou wa very strtuig until he It dtmssed untie i ihe niaiiipulat oua of Oelilall. Doe. Hiiytunly .iippose that Saiiuoii would have dared to- interitate ohjeettott. i i I I k ... t.uir. . r ixr ..., m iiiiMiNi-, in rv woo. . Farish, cert i tied fmni the 4th. Ola id one of thy women, a ho seemi-d rather more di.po.eti to talk than the other. She wa thirty-one. I rbnuld have .aid fidy. She had not one trace nf youth left a haul, weal bei -beaten lace, a body beut and unhinged, a ai,w, plodding .ii -p. mid wrinkle, coining. She hhd been tu New York seven year. the lime n rag pick er Had .he got rich enough to go back T Rich enough I and she .nnled. " I have two children ia Italy that my money i educating. Tbey don't kuow their poor mot bet, poor dear, but I shall work bard tor them, aud souielime 1 will go back to aee them." Thi woman carried a bag and fiehed in gum-1 and refue barrel. ii'iuu tour o'clock in ibe morning till pat it had not complied with all the pmvisione of said Act ; and in anoth er case that real estate was not prop eily emlraced within the meaning of the terms, ,Arlicle or AecetMrtet. as n-ed in the 14th. Section of tbe Bankruptcy Act; Bnt now the question ia presented, can money bo assigned and paid) by the Assignee to the Bankrupt, as an exemption, which money is to be ac qui i til by the Assignee from Ihe sales of any property which comes to him as Assignee I To enable us to arrive at a correct conclusion upon tins question, it ia 7 'AW has asJ ttnweltailmjIhmiJ dlw4w In ihe Oreclati the Democracy of harlc.tou, in viait tbtsl u , . citv, aiidwddress ilu m. He is erpectedl ... . to-morrow ntght. P"" - .1 i l i - .L . - looio-r l uo k i i i-nfiiiii'i, ill 111.1 suiiriee, came lioroe and sorted rae-s and !. r . . . . ! nffal all day in a close, dsmp ct llat : and ' .f ce- l "w tn Assignee oertves ret there waa a lender, romantic seati ineni lit her life, which made her took not to herm-ll, but her little ones. May she have her wish, mid go back to them ! A. l . Cor. I'ncuknct Prat. cnujs ion.Ji: . Mwm cltVJ mU auU mmm ..Biwwwwwwm I, i aaeasm si m us am mm a fduHwrverdJ M 4 irsttm mXY I..II..U. Kll - .. I inw. soon i cannot tor JJLJM m aui nine w mwniw ul ,, ,rldatyafl naVaUlallolirVal ammle would iJH BaVJblv.snd I Lawnf - erl LnVf vo" " I asnaiiifl mW retnrn PII (J KoU Iheljjl tmmm Knot, mm mm, onljt mwm - an Banlt- W1 " ixmm sasseTy,'ii.x aWinsJfi - BM. idTiinA ia nn.i'i to the H mtmtr L. BK. Hi ahV I rnaesmw mmm,.,,. onlyst isloml' Joseph Hilling. ..iv. : "Most people Hie in learn only hy their own eXa- anil I awe mcy are more than half right, foe I don't Ve a man con Id get a correct hlsaVaa nedassusaswd-e. Iv by letting another fellow tdbte it far him." Tbe new system in Stokes county has already coat 216 umre than a whole year aiabir ibe old system. XT We regret to learu that !.be daiiitliler of Mr Trimble, of X. lutl her i. ar aevervlv fractured 1 1 ", k ick ing her yesterday, lov Qreenebdro Patriot. w , ,, . .. i..:i.i. , . , , ,ie IvepnoilcanB m inr r ion viHgiup- Jm1 dsHriet mf New York have aomitu- ZM Horace Oreely for Congress 7 ftMl Stonetnan ha. iiaiual order for In the isvevtigstiim of the accident on th Cen tra I Hailmail. by which some a tne anh la foalry warn killed wad woueded- A C'AUD It has been said by many persons lhat I tgnrd a petitiau In Oov. Hidden asking for lb organisation ol tne rotwe, or spe cial Militia ia ttowsn County. If my U eigned lo any snch pernios It ts the se dark ways r bey oud. Ined to hope so, ofyoms,aiamrger people af Eowao County die the benefit ul any oBfe see kers. ' J.N. REPLY, J. P. oslisbery.Oet. 16, 1868, History does not toll as whetlfer or I not Cleopatra wine the great bustle. alien she cut tho gorgeous figure l well) so precious to pm-is, sal tug low ii Ihe rivar CydntlS to the foil itrtsic offlnfex, on her journey to. au.uer the eiimiHous ol Antony; yet if she did, she only showed that the llitsliton of ihe wounm reigned tri iiuipliant, while the political tmWero ihe woman wa. humbled. When the Ivan til ul Zenobia was carried in tri iituohal loo'cesisioii tbronoli the . ... . J . W. N atreelsol Home, decked in ihe lop. imwtsftlu -d the day. respleudeiit with bright jewels and oruauietiied with bracelets thand enft.-) of pure gold, the i ere Wotideriiieiit of that center of ei iliz ition. did she appear in the Grecian I lend I litis again is a mailer oi mmm. rot our pan, we think neither of these eelebftiies in tulged in the eccentricity of the trump: lor il iney nai. t s prames surely Would Itave bevu sung by the piujts of the era, and handed down to coining getieiatmns m" undying verse. But we initat stop this ramble, m we shall next tind ourseli eliampioii nig the cause of the bustle. VVe Itave mil gottoo through with all that could be said, by any means, for the theme is inexhaustible it is as vast as Ihu bustle itself but we are re in Hides! that when we launch into the domain of the fair sex wiieu wa Is oa the dwaae m 140 THE NEW BULEB OF 8 PA IN. Marshal E. parte ro. Dubs ol V ictoria who ba j u.t been called to the pre.iden ry ol revolutionised Spain, i. a veteran whose career ha been remarkably event lid. He was born ia Oranatnla .in 1794 .n thai bs is now 76 year, of age. H delicate constitution in- vented him from billowing tbe trade of his father, who wae s carusnier, mm en We was the chinch. In 1808, howieee. at tin lime of the French iuvaeiou, he volunteer ed m company with a body of .indent. and liked military lite so wel) that he pre- .eutiy entered a military .email aud n mained there uulil his twenty third year, when he was coin missioned sub-lieu: cu ant. When Napoleon was el pel led from Spun, K.psrtero s love of adventure led Mm to join Gen. Morilte in his Bon b American campaign, where be distinguish ed himself o gieatly that be waa seut back to Spain, in 1824 en a diplotnaiic mi..inn. Win u he returned, was triumphant, sud Ira was imprisoned, bai escaped, went back to Madrid, won forty thousand dollars by gambling, and gainer the baud ot an accompli.bed aad wealthy Ou the death or Ferdinand, in 1S35, tin- question of the ne less ion produced a general eonfuaiou ; the contestants beina lion Carlos, who claim 'd under the 8ali law, and Maria Christina, who maintained tbe right of her daughter Isabella. Es partem joined the taller poly , and hi tbe deaperate cetttesls which follow ed was om of Isabella' moat powerful sappmlers, fi nrliy defeating Zamalaceireci end tb ablest Caihat officei, aud placing lwtd J.i UM bluer hia title to the property of the B.uik rapt. iiffl -- Tbe answer is, that lie derices hi. title by virtuo of the Batikrupicv Act. and the aseiirmueot mde Ui him by tho Judge or Kegisier pursuant Hiereto. Secondly, Wo should enquire what ia thee ai Meter of the li'te lie tlittf aciuirea to tho property of the Bank nipt. ' . It is cl sr. I think, that, aa to llm eal estate, the. Assignee takes Mi eatato to himself and his executors and idiliinistraiora. Thirdly, For what uses and por poses does he take the estate I live Assignee takes the estate of the Bankrupt, tinder the law. first to sell the rani and personal preperti and cull eot tba ehessa in action, and. in that way, i educe the estate to money, ff he cannot collect the debts due the Bankrupt, he may sell .neb chose in act on as the Court may rder. When he has time reduced the estate b in-me v, he is required by law to deposit the same, or tiay the same out as the Cum may direct, in the payment and satisfaction of liens, mo.tagee, dividends and costs f tha proceedings. Fourthly, What property af tha Bankrupt dues the aVwigneoi tfcesaev quire title to, and lor the uses aud pin poses mentioned f Ine answer to this question is far wished ns by the 14th section of the Act. Tim Drat elau-e ot' this section, wine tbo -44V h nmaeial elanee ef the t, declares that when tba. aaefaj , ueut ia mode aa provided, thereupon, -y operation ot s, tbe title to ai. ncli property and estate, both real peraoeaj, articles and may be to tome Bankrupt necessaries. Hot when any such ar ticle of property ia actually assigned or designated, the title to tbe same does not paaa from the Bankrupt, by force of the assignment. Therefore, the title to no article of property, so designated, if within the meaning of the law, ever vests in tha A-aignae.-. He could not then sell or dJaooae of such property, and no one could do so, save tlie Bankrupt. My opinion is, that tbe tills to all tbe property of tbe bankrupt, ef every descrip tion, and all the title he held iu tim swam, passed ta the Awignee, except the till to that household and kitchen furniture and such other articles and necessaries as bavo been designated and assigned under the Isw to the bankrupt, and such other nro- petty as is specially exempted to Mas ; aad having so passed, the saeignew cannot pay to the bankrupt any money arising from tbe sales of such, made by aha, ana if he should do so, Such payment would be a devnttavit on bis part and he Weald be answerable over for tbe same Pappose the Legislature of North Cars linn, in making the humane provisions en acted for the temporary 'relief oi widows and families of intestates, bad Stwcytd short of ihst provision which enables me C immissioners, in ease of a deasmaey of crops' stock, sard provisions for dm sup port ot tue w wow and tsmiiy, for eae year, Hist titer .nail proceed masses taw rato it tne deneieney whicu sum, so ad, shall be Beat to the widow, m meawry, by the wdmiinatra tor, could saatb admin istrator conclude that saeieM bad that been assigned her of property ami aav nut of tbe proceeds of the sale of proper ty in In. band administrator any amount ia money to make ap th den- eieney t Certainly be cowld not And no more eae an Assiewa bs I ruptcy war to a Baebnsal amy which comes ta his hand, arisinc from the sales of property, which property waa not exempted, bat the title to whom a ed to bin under rim assignment. And he reason is that there is no piirhaaa m t a at autaoransar seam aai Is-t this be eaeuaed ta JL P. Qecister. 0- W. BROOKS. LV 8. I:.t. Judge. From Sevhern-Gen.Mil4tand "ftm." shall vast in said Asm- vislahy New hero, Oet. 40, P. M.-In th ear- between Oewerwl Miles aid 0i amor Hotaan of this State, dm bjam suua that a ma of arms waa recently tmswd eoacealed m ibis sily behmgiag to a serUia political argauisauon. The srms reforrsd m warn asmsd at a boa seed for the meetings et tea UNION LEAGUE snd were coocesjed fa a eef fa. Several esdkm ampposad to amaaa arms, have rsesatiy been seat oat ia lb y. y so see tbe day

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