7 x? mm UftEW SEMES SALISBURY, N. C, OCTOBER 30, 1868. VOL. I, NO. 43 I ' Ill taawa ,., - - . eaTae or uMCBinioK. IN TnHlIAN ft OLD MOUTH STATU. tu.VUELT 0U NORTH 8TATE M tfa.Ua. i.W TUB PglNTCBII HOIIERLINDKN. Ta oo whsi our (had V loir. iQWIMniN BrovwBTUg stow, a f.w ppni kMf ow IMn shall m a sadder alght. When done peer lo tress mora to alg at, Coamaadiag every tlxpaoe bright To Wrkdorsrspdily. Oar hones M Brwarrayae. ball - " plH Tks to despair we're ahnut dirrao, TWt'i praeWaa Bub w of livia'. What our test topper" rudely given hw kinds that hM k lovingly. tW target yHthota tew htil ftow. Whse iaawaat'f UM oa Mow. Uaglh'aiBR oar ehia a foot ar to, When gating at tksst hopalaaalj. Ta p4a4 fot tima upun a aaa, Batf there W PaaasattBg pay urocWutly. The yawpest aarkaoi nm. pa Wave ! Who wmU aw fary bacon a. ; Win., aatwai, all your pretezta wsl. Aa4 pay tha Priater afcaarfuJly . Ah! ItMwMyttatMl A arwsWlatiamt Asking of MaeWraoaipt far jsfr tejtra wa;'My- Porta Wttcaaaa a OMIarta Mate. LunraTov, N. 0., Ah- ttk, 1868. io. iUtrft Heme, Salisbury, tf. C My Dear Sir : I wish moat reassctfallr to tail your attoatioa lo what I conceive to be few oWapanciea in roar aaeoud artMa ravkwiiur Judte pHiaai'i UiL.r In Ike f rat propoafdeo afea ky tka Sapreme Court that ike RecoD- amaaik.il AM of Coafreaa ara anecntliia Uooal anal void would not rTrt tha valid. ky of the Stata fovertnn nU already or- p hi ponuaaee of their prorliioiii. Nor would a repeal of tbe law iurlf ff.-et (ketB, bat onfr prerent thaorraniaaHoa nf owera In Hiatee la which ruck reorraai aaOoa baa not yet beeo eoaaamataied." It bj eJear from tka abore, yon contend tkal neither a deeiaion by the Hupreme Court tkal aaid acta ara aneonatitutional nor a repeal of them by C'ongreaa would iatmt tka "eaMity" of a creation of aa maM area tar. I that not a diterenan y a tacre aa a aafMf ara rem man t naed in penoaaea of meaauret which oauiomi Coort pronounce invalid ! n laaaeerma propontion Tou iav Tiom aacU araailaaa wa armed, m an article which appeared in the OU Norik State oa tha 30th of J line, (bat there waa Hp eonelittttional meaaa by which we could frtndol tkeae eowernmentv, wwieM wo oarry both beauee af tbe aeit Con which wa cannot do." Tua it?. m inch premiaej." Ice. If rok look rat propoaition, or the argument la ' Brut propoailKin aa your premi certain! caaae lo the wrong car a yowr eeewna, or roar articie o; 30th i for in the flrat yoa My that a MM sajpreme Uowrt or repeal i "would aot affect the "valid- tbe Bute gareromente," ar enable t rid M them, yet hj a negative t in the aecond. von admit that UMjr L he gotten rid of, aa you aay "that Bare waa no Ooaelitulawai meaaa by whit w. could gel rid of tboaa gaa ernmenfttiailrM we could rury both nou- oi .mnext Conrreaa." thai clearlv . aw ' -- rrm JOHN QfJINCT ADAMS Bit FaVaW on lie- Situation of the &Mk - Lvyalt, oimUJum WkiU Grant' EUciion InttUmUe Wtmkntm f Ob Dtmmrtic Plat form Grant' i Aiiminirtraiion lo Rotor Pm$nd Pmptrity. PtTBRMrM, Va , Oct. 18. 1868 f In a eon rersa lion with Joha Qniney Adama, who waa qn the ear on hi return home, he aaid, The aont hern people were aa kraal aa a peaei in the north. The two raaaa ha foaad iriaadljr jiajaaaad lei' Ward each other, and the negroea were peaceable in all capea, except where they aaaaa haailaa! aw ialaeeacd by earnet bar gert. Nothing waa raiaalkilaw to dv great er harm than '.he dinfrancbiaeraent of the white, which waa more cxtenarra than be ever had any idea af, and if the people of the aorth aouU tee the condition at lite aouth a he did, recauatruction would aoon Tbaaegra rajaajoje ly, but that could not hut. far When jfcffiapWwWa propyl appeal to oa tkat -neatten, tka aorth would aabmit that lea af a ha Btttaa ignorant and adaaJnio af tha aa them. I mutt diacrepan fallacy in tition yoa Bupwa V Acta are i aot affect t wrong term t lion f) of the able. It ia i t if wa eoald eet both bouae CoDgret we could get rid of 1.1 v aabaait that there ia a nd that it grow ant of a flrat propoaition. lira pa "that a (Jecieiaa of the that Ibe lleconatrnction ituiional and void would MMMp (la not that the hould it not be orgaataa te rorernmaola, iaunten- ded by ome ol tbe I 0,iXecTof tbe Pr it waa now toe late Tlenet Own. reaidency be to rbang the of Oen. Grant a UarrubW. aad aaeh.a Mwameat ?11Ua.tcrall,.lW! rna aemoeraey. mmmn. mFlR'trW. Mr. thaee euUld hate earned the aay Btahjn Grant, and certainly not now l nor wa there, be thoabt, an aratlaUe wen In the field, even If liin.i wera fT.irdcd He condemned ;he platform of Ibe demo- crary store man taa canoaaate, anu llnturht the only iaaue noon which thT ihoufd barn anua before the Deonlc waa reconatnittidn. 'ilia finance and other aw-.. . . . , r.. anutara in. .urn uare aoea tau ror ruiure aitlemeut when peace and tha Union watw reatored, In reply to a qneetion whe ther Prank Blair letter and pecckea id not lerioutTy Injure the democratic rty, he tid ho hd not read hi tpeech i, but bi It road bead letter wa certainly idioreri and had damaged Ike patty ernntidered it atao very uufortunate lat ucb man aa Wade Hampton, For t and other like them ever participated impalgn, though of Hampton ke had tbe igbeat opinion aa a genUcroan and a Citlten, whoaaintt hiaowu will bad forced Into politic. From tbe ad- niatrallun of General Ureal be bad- the t hope that peace would he reatored nd that thla qaeatlon of negro domina- n ana rain in the aoatb would o apeed ableet and moaaminent iuritu and law yen that etatarl wkfek are unconatttu tional, and all act done ia pursuance of them, ara not rail or of force or binding. fiw thoueli they lye not been acted up on by the Snpr. mi ourt . Th-y contend iaa ii is a grea taaey 10 auppo.e inat rnaetaieate nf bjgbhaat are binding and and ol lorce. uotrert bagraaX. aUocioua and unconalitullonal To illutrate the lSinapction of tbe old Declaration of Itightrtayhich i male part af the Conaiiintion bylb 44it aeetion of tha old Slate Cooalituln, aay "that the freedom of the Preaa iVie of the e reateat ere tore onrnt OR ASS HOPPERS IN TEXAS-A LIVING CLOUD, from the Dalla (Taxaa) Herald. Oct X) We hara many rumor of the ap pearance of graaaboppera ia the conn tie treat of u, within thepoat month, bat, op lo the time of writing this notice, none hare been aeaa nearer lioro than MunBcld, in tbe aouthern part of Tarrnt eoontjr. We have heard of them at aereral place on the frontier at the Sulphur Springe, on the Braaoe; in Hood county, a gentleman in forma aa they appeared in clonal on Monday, the Blat alt., aad ale up every kind of vegetation. When the Bret appear ed, ft waa thought by tbe campers around the aprlngt to be a clond, and preparation were made for rain ; they made a noiae in their Alight very intilar to a storm of wind aad rain ; when tbej came nearer, however, tbey began lo descend and covered tbe earth in every direction, contntm ing all garden stuff and other green vegetation they could find. The following extract of a private letter from our former townsman, John 11. Cochran, Esq , dated at Belknap, on the 10th of last month, describes tbe fiiat appearance of tbe peate: "On yesterday, tho 15th, I saw a sight which 1 hope no mortal man will ever see again. About three o'clock, r. at., I went to tbe door, and baertring that me sun shone bat nly, I looked for the cause. I caw tn roe distant west what 1 took lo be the stu'iko of an immense fire, but on looking closer I perceived that it waa not smoke. Whatia ill waa the in quiry of nrery one, both old and youug. It o-ntinued lo approach, and iu about two hours came near enough for ns to aee that it waa a dense maat of moving objects. Near er and nearer, dimmer and dimmer the sup shines we see what it ia My Lord I the Egyptian plagnel From the ground upward, aa far aa the eye could aee, on account of their deiisences, was an almost solid mass parents are deficient In. To do thla tbe ehild must have sneh amuse mania as its mind at that age wonld Soot after, and there ia hardly any ng so attractive te children aa that which has animal life, something it can call its own something that can eat and walk and play, and something that every other child dues not pos sess, for thla phrenological develop mont will aoon show ftsttf. "I am matter of tha situation 1" "This ia mine." A little pareutal advice, prudently applied, may belp to calm down this passion, and the child will aoon team to snare ire pieiisuie wim others, and find a pleasure in doing Let it have tome of the pets by ail means. The investment will pay. Americon Stock Journal. Wnr KOT BE JUST AND FAIR! When Oen. Gordon, of Georgia, one or ma bravest ana: most a.in guitbed of the Confederate Genets alt, declared ia a soeech that if Grant ware elected President, and any opposition was made to hit ao cession to the prerideotial chair, he would draw hit own sword in hit support, the extreme Radical papers And it convenient lo ignore that aig niSoant avowal. Bat when some in discret Southern newspaper dealt in wild talk, it mad nonsense is seized upon and circulated by every section al paper in tbe north aa an evidence of Southern sentiment. The- truth is that the last thing on tbe face of tbe earth the Southern people desire or dream of is war. They are at a loss to understand how any one can sin cere ly bold ao opposite idea. Neither the election of Gen. Grant nor any other man would lead to lesistance in the South. Of all the prominent Republicans, Gen. Gra-it, so far as ho it personally concerned, is most respected by the Southern people. the fact that he hat the chief mm tary prestige in the armies of the United States, instead of working to bis prejudice, tends to elevate him with military people. Even if the South desired to appeal to arms, it ia as well aware of its inability to do ao of moving insects grauAoppers. "All l.i,.illi. atoll, I...A fnr .r, .nr. i-M. ot .oofY. ,.-r enemies can i". it seems i,w'.i, .IT... w.r. 1,inr hr. ma ttraiige that the North should be ig j - . - j j - , . . , f c...l.... i ..... ....o I..,. .! f "" i inn uuuuraiii ...laira nam afaa tsaaaawta HA laaaa I Is at la fxtta -- Tklav Iwrl- t iaa-anaa' And aieil t UII Of 1 1 . Tils U t He B aetllfLt3l B. J iitv IWJ VI awasBw, were moving ahead ol a north weet i -7 T"T " B p";. j- n.-- - ti- iu John Qu ncey Adamt ot Massachti- wfde and as long horizon Was to hi ; before they approached near enough Suppose the bulwarks of liberty, ever te be reetra LaruOalnre wa to constable of Salisbury it tr your "Cattle" and rant oWprdeewl and will nrcf . t vpe. JpA. and ap own use." The conatablaW virtue of the authority, (lueh a it M.tted in bin by the aforesaid act, eirtersVour castle at - would the town have been teen returning west. tpowered ton- withoat war- I eause, year it to hi e.aad. of the IS urt and and r to and- seize the pre, aVe. you do t Would you give stop your paper, lose your wait ta trr il in the different Superior GeiWnaf ifier ths mo u tin appeal to tka Saerea hn wait perbap for year for and that too at an enormoa ex tnmble. I tny, would yoa would vou defend your cattle tv. a you are authorized to do Ceostitoljpu, by asking tho int leave, and if be reflated te assist softly laying your hand upon ki if he (till refined by "cracking I niuiu f" Aa a law-abiding citizen, would vou do t 'l'han, if tbe lha vreat men be true, that acta authority of ntreoostilutional tawa bindinnsven thaaurli a deeUion I been aiade upon I ham by tka proper nal. bow would it be whan aach a " .a . I , VI a. . ion a ball be rendered i co, maw things hr eonat itetional la; tjheritr.of the! foe debts eonti to allow each. new valaa, i years,i to aaaaa vw a a I . each way at the "".'VJ? we. or e'?" wlr tbit could be teen ! PeAec ar TOPfrW? HfJVf i l i bad learned more of tbe Southern oeioie iiioy ii.roacoeu uenr vunqrn , . . .A jv . . to distingnislT what they warn-after P606 f"1. 'Vr fe,,D?n Ben,1' they reached u. the view waa very j me"? ,h 0.t. ,h? hcould '. j a ,( a have learned in a litis tune in Hauu. cbusetfa, fie waVaotonished fit tbe condition of the Southern people and their watted, neglected fields. If the North could see it as he hud done, all our trials wonld be at an and." When one of the most prominent and intelligent of the public men of Massachusetts concedes that he knew j nothing of the real state of things, in the South till be went there personal limited on account of the dentdieat of the mast. They passed over in a northeast direction ; still we have millions left of the first coming. This is no exaggeration. X on may show it lo Mr. Swindells. What will be come of us I P. 8. Since the above waa writ ten we learn that the grasshoppers klsaa dana nri m maj bi u.. i. . .. . n I. I -m aw nawu vi . i av M , win. uiavwu win Haw i tluniMae Ihm daLarnat been forced Into polmc. t rom tbe ad- . Ziu l. M. .ll afaw none mat peace wouiu oe reaiorea i im Jtal swka j aaA.i. r- i l . c "3 T?.-'s. a.r f ouev m Kn i ram in toe aoum wouia ow enevu-1 , . aw :ji..i il 0 1 n " tOiraWa 17 aupoaea at, ana last ere long we wouiu a..k an BK e again firlaa under tha cenaUtatioa a 33f gOvtae doyony done were o the debtor, h LaaWon .arV,, Wi only leilon, Branca gf void TrnneCUnd when iced by tk proper tells to thorroood. derU.I-V kw he point in edly Truly yoaV FANCr PETS FOR CHILDREN'. Children must have amusement. The youthful mind cannot and should hot be idle; Just to with the little hands they want something lo do icM do something, and should have e in ploy men t ia a right direction. Children are fond of something thai has life in it. Vou may amuse them for a time with dolls and Other toys' but they toon oat grow a fond neat for these inanimate playthings tbey cannot show any gratitude in return for the ca esses bestowed upon them ; the child is quick to notice this, and caste them ttdo at nn worthy of Ma pure love. Present a child of three or four vears old with a pair of fancy Bab bits, a pair of Guinea Pigs, or a pair of Bantam Chickens, and the over flow of it rejoicing w ill do you good. Dora and cat are objectionable as pets on account of their, liability to hydrophobia. Then instruct if how to care for these little note. Il will lavish its caresses and cares on these done under aa t doe not reimer wajt ner er exoe uek deeiaion, valid! r-turn aoon recognize their youmr or mistress as uieir irieuu anu or, and express their grati- their antic gambols and These are the kind it been longing for, some that could Appreciate its cares ova. it will retire in toe even. with tbe pleasant thought that day has been spent in doing good that its helpless favorite have been fed and cared for by its own little hands, pleated that it has found something useful for them to do. In the morning it will rise f.esh with tbe thought on ita mind of earing for its littlcpett and will not rant until their wants are supplied. The advantage resulting from placing anoH amusements before children of that tender age, can hard ly be enumerated or appreciated, and they ought lo be followed with tomes thing of more importance at the chitd idvancet in age. Boaa attrc-. tiont it a point in education that man Stale senators, and another body of asm called "electors'' wa provided for, who ware expected to choose the President sod Vice President. Wa suppose it was no mora intended tbat these elector should ' ke bound to vote for certain candidates than i bat the members of the several State Legialalurea should be pledged beforehand to sapport Candida lea for tbe place of Uni ted State i Mai nr. If this plan had been adhered lo, we shatdd never have bad a Lincoln for President, nor a secession too re men I, nor a war. "We ahould proba bly hare lived at ptaea with our northern aeighbora for many loag years. Bat deta agoguitm, tbe bane ef govenuaanta founded npon popular aqffrnre stepped In and marred tka work ef tha fathers, with saeh re aft as we need not recount 8o tons he to the merits of tbe sands itself. But eircumatanoe having chang ed, wa must change with tbem. To ad opt tkia mode of concentrating public sea timent under exUting circumstances would be ta abandon the Held to tbe Radical. Tbe Deotdo eoald not ka made to an aland why they, should rota at all if they were deprived of their candidate for Pre dent and Vice President, and seme of the Democrats would doablless rather veto for Grant than to loose their chance of easting a ballot for a Pre ideal. Tho project thould not be entertained for a mo ment. Indeed, it i too late to make any sort of a change in tbe programme of ike campaign. A we said a few day ago, not h in? ahould have been proposed W hat- ever wa worth proposing wa worth do ing, and ahould have have been done at once tcithoai notice to the world. Never, nerer waa a eauvaas to wretchedly mis- managed. Richmond Dispatch. the clergyman apologized Hliving toys, with a fulness of pleasure t'lit nev er experienced before. They, matt of tbe population i This ig aoce is tho result of partisan misrep resentation, seizing and perverting to its own evil purposes (hose . very agencies of diffusing ' intelligence which it was once hoped wonld make the different sections better acquaint ed and draw them nearer to each oth er. We dare say fir. Adams it right when he says if the North could only tee the real condition, of things tn me Sooth as he had done. ifr trials would soon be at ao end. The North would then be touched bv the scene, and it would also see what wanton cruelty it la to ascribe to this helpless people purposee of aclf annihiliation by another wan The South wants ao war for any canto, net if Gen. Grant is elected, the South it far more likely to assist, as indicated by Gen. Gordon, in putting down resistance than iu offer i ng it. Baltimore Sun. A GLANCE AT EUROPE. The Revolution in Spain hat thin far been completely successful. 1 he progress of' liberal opinions it rapid and extiHorditfary, and foreign ad vice indicate anything else than a speedy revival of the worn-out sym bols of Spanish royalty. Queen Isa be! la hus taken the wings of the morning and fled beyond the utteix moat limits of her kinudon. The Provisional Junta has become the centre of authority and power, and the wole kingdom it rallying to itt support, lhe few lork lie rail, commenting upon the matter, say : "N'o provisional government certain ly Iias ever done more in the same brief space of time. Freedom of tbe press, the right of publie'tiieeting, the abolition of tbe order of Jesuits, the threatened confiscation of all ec cleuaeiical property, the prociama mation ol the sovereignty of tbe peo ple, and, of course, universal suf frage, the condemnation of slavery in the colonies, all taken together reveal a spirit of liberality up to i he highest requirements of the age, and and an amount of activity and dar ing seldom, if - ever surpassed." The tendency of political matters in Spain is unquestionably towards the establishment of a Republic, but it is still not unlikely that the well ascer tained sentiment of the people may be defeated by a coalition between the wiPy and astute Emperor of the ly, what must b rte ignorance hfthe more venal of the Revolutionary movement. A com- pi omise between the extremes ot roy alty and Republicanism might Lie readily effected in the form of an Empire, based upon universal suffrage and modelled after the likeness of the frencn. line scheme, resulting in the election of an Emperor, thorough ly enlisted in the. inter. eta of Napo leon, might accomplish much iu fur therance of bia favorite idea -the iini ticatioii of the Latin races. . The inarch of events, throughout tho world, is at this time so rapid that we are prepared1 for almost any de vclopment. . We thould not be tur prised if within the next few years we witnessed complete resuscitav tion of tho ten kingdoms of the old 1 -AJ1.!.' for bia for getfulnesa, and lhe atheist waa mnte for tbe remainder ef the journey. American Mtnenger. Taa Hop Kzvaa Its Tbkihi.z Ita SCLT. And now at last, cornea the bop fever, which baa jutt proved aodiaatrou and fatal in Wisconsin and some other district of country. The great price of bops ia the past two rear, owfag to the antau ataa devoted to I Bait the war, and lo a partial failure of crop, carried many men into tbe bap bu siness, under the nope of realizing heavy profits, who would nerer otherwise kavo j inveated a dollar in it. Tim am I Ban off fine grain land planted to hops in Wis coiuiu in toe paat aummer waa prodigious. Multitude of farmers, tart of a golden harvest, with bops at 60 eta. per lb., a in 1807, tamed M their eaergie in that rection, neglecting lhe alower method ef ordinary industry. Hundred of families it I said, hare not raised wheat enongh to ruruisn oread lor tbetr tamirte. can while the uncertain crop of the stimulating creeper Has been more than hall destroy ad by mold and insects while at tbeiaasi moment tbe price ni bops baa declined io lbs market from hay or sixty to seren leen snd twenty cents per pound. The reaak la disastrous iu iba extreme. Men who had speut all tbeir means upon culture, and eren mortgaged their farm in tbe assured hope of raising a speed fortune, find tie -mselve reduced to waat. their credit rained, and no meant left them with watch to begin anew Will their bitter experience be an effectual warning to any of that great das who are continually maxiug haste to be neb I t if teinnatt Commercial. ANOTHER POLPTIOAL PROJEGT. Determined not to be governed by the action of the Democratic Executive Com mittee, lhe National Intettigeacer of yes terday repeats its strongly-entertained be lief that Seymour and BUir cannot be elected, aad proposes as a compromise the plan suggested ia the following word : "If the National Executive Committee wiH act promptly, or in the absence of any action immediately en the part of lhe Na tional Executive Committee, if tbe State Central Committees of the Democratic and Conservative party in each Slate, far themselves, (ball at once adopt a resolu tion aunsaurlag tkal the elector of the Democratic and Conservative party trill, ta tbe meeting of the. electoral college, re cognize and be guided by the popular de mand, and vote far sack candidate as they believe wiH be most acceptable to the whole Concerrali ve people, many ef the States new doubtful, aad even many in which there is at present but a faint hope of defeating the Radicals, may yet.be sa ved." This is exactly tbe mode ia which the framer ef tk Comututiou expected that tka President and Vice Pre ideal weald lcted7 The Legislature of the several States ware empowered to choose U sited Roman Empire, and all them banded men ought no tun to thine, no heaven together under the skillful leadership to ram. -a .e, . 1 . V l rti rikdk r.iniaeimr niAi.iiiiifi t iTIIE ATIIIEST AND THE IRISH: WVflptAR. During the month of November, 1843, a clergyman and an atheist were in one ot me nigiit na ns tre tween UticaUnd Albany, lhe high being cold, the passengers gatiiored at closely at poasibie around Ibe stove. The atheist was very loq un done, and was toon engaged iu a controversy with the minister. Iu THE AFRICAN JUDGE. Alexander of Jiaoedonia came one day to a distant province in Africa, rich in gold. The inhabitants went to meet bim: carrying baskets full ot gold and fruit. ; Do yon eat these frnitt!" said Alexander. "I am not come to view your riches, but to learn your cus toms. ' So they led hi in to the market. wbcre their chief judge held his court. Just then a citizen stepped forth and aaid : O Judge! I boiiffht of this man a tack full of chaff, and bave found In it a considerable treasure. The chad is mine, but not. the gold ; and thia man will not take it back. Speak to bim, O judge, for it it his." His adversary, also a cttizent of the place, antwered. "Thou art atraid lest thou elm it hist let am something wrong, and 1 fear to take it from thee. sold thee this sack, including all that it contains. Keep thine owe. Speak to him to this effect, O judge!" rr. ; i i i . i a i i i me uug asaeu ine ursi u lie nau ton. lie answered, 4aYct.n He asked the other if he had a daughter ; and lie also, answered ' Yes. Friends," said the judge, "you are both honest people; unite yottr ehil dren to eaeh other, and gi ve theiu tbe newly found treasure for a marriage oower. l tut is my aeciaioftv Alexander was astonished when he heard this sentence. Have I judged unrighteously, said the judge of the distant land, 'that thou art thnsastenmhedP A iiy no means," answered Alexan der ; "but in our country it would have been otherwise. "Ajid how ?" inquired the African judge. "Hie disputants." answered Alexander, "would hayo fost their heads, and the treasure would have come into the hands of the king." The jodge smote hit hands together and said: "Dues tlm tun' shine with yoa, and does heaven drop rain upon yon I" AtexandPre, "Yes. . Then must it bo," he pursued, Hon account of the innocent animals that dwell in your bind : for over such mm ?ci an ACTS TO BE OBSERVED BY THE I PEOPLE. In Ike approaching stsetisu no stan is disfranchised who ever waa entitled to vote. i 2. A hew registration will begin oa the 13th of October, and every voter, old and new, must register. 3. There are one hundred and forty r ... ... . T.-.". thousand white voter irtTtorth Carolina, seventy thousand colored voters,! ia rourtd numbers, a majority ot two to one. 4 Although the wdiele of the colored vote thould be eat against the Conserva tive, (Which will not be the ease.) and thirty-nvensoaaand w Blair will State, if a fulKrote he poll 3. Military lAjrernment rarthaWatehmaa A Old North Stota, Motor. Fatten i Wffl yeo pleat ao tioo ia year oolaaans tka saelmid aroesod ing of a S-yoiourand Blah- Chik Meet ing, held at tha Old Field DUt., Ashe County, JT. 0., Oat. etk, 1868. The meeting keieg sailed to order by Her. Wax. M. Baldwin, afaa. W. Har din waa elected Ckatraaan, aad It. T. Har din, Secretary. By request of tha chair, Ber . Mr. Ba hi wia, proceeded to I late the objects of tha meeting, alleging ia kit remarks, that lh reseat frauds perpetrated ky tho Bkdical rjtj, Jo oaodasling the slsoHoot of the eogniay, wta an admonition to the Demo cratic party to organize well leleeted vig ilance committees ta tbe various aeaainel to snperintend tbe constitutional rights of ttie people, dot eat bands and bring to jut lice any guilty ef its perpetration, sa well aa te nse all proper mean to folly en lighten every voter a to hi duty and iutrrest duiiag thia presidential campaign. Whereupon a eommi'.tee of ive was named by the chair to select and name a committee of aix suitable men, to act at such a vigilance board for tkia district. After a few minute retirement the com mittee reported, aa a board of vigilance for Old Field District, the Barnes of Jacob Hooch, Frank Hardin. Martin Hardin. Was. H. Goodman, VY. B. Call, William liowell, Jr. The chair named Rev. W. If. Baldwin, Jacob Goodman, Frank Hardin, James Carrey and W. B. Call, a committee to draft resolution. Tbe fallowing were re ported and adopted with eaasaal tpirtt and enthuaiasm. Resolved, That we are pledged to tin Seymour and Blair ticket for the seat Presidency, believinar that in ita aMcnaaa depend the very eiuUcnce of free govern uieut in Aaaenca. Resolved further, That Ibe very letter and tpirtt of the platform adopted by tho National Democratic Convention held ia tbe city of New York, July 1668, aot on ly meets our approval, but wo will not shun any sacrifice hi its support. licsoivea further. That we oppose thia platform to tbe piratical resolutions of the Chicago babooury : and we earnestly im plore every white man tbat loves bis coen iry to come np and stand upon it. It is a platform that is bound -to stand, Jaco bins, Conspirators, Traitors snd Tyrants, to the contrary' notwithstanding. Resolved further. That tan U a White Man' Government, and wo will stand by it a such, let it coal what it may Resolved further. That ike proceed in r of this meeting be published in the Watch- t Old north Utate until the ejection. The meeting then agreed te take eight oples of tbe Old Worth State doting the. campaign andfnstracM Jacob Houck to order the same. Tbe meeting then adjourned to tbe 18th ins I., at 10 o'clock, A. if. Several speak ers invited for that occasion. ' JAS. W. HARDIN, Ch'mo. B. T. IIabdin, Sex'a. , , From San Francisco. 8an Francisco, Oct. SS, M A heavy earttiquake occurred here at o clock, this moraing motion from East to West. Tbe damage won eon fined to tbe lower part of the city, below Mont, 1 Baa ia no old Bonding an made i Tbe Custom House, which waa badly injured in 1866, it now eohaidt.wd tawa. The officials have removed to tha Internal ReveuuoouUding,, linns tktfjrw, er part of the city is suspended f the streets are ihroegtd;to gmetexritemero. Parapet walla and chimneys of many buildings fell, causing some lees of iife. 1 he damage will aot exceed one million ef dollars. The f hoe It was aerere at Oakland, dam aging many buildings. Tbe earth open ed in several places, smelling salpbarous- l he court House at San Leandre was demolished? kUJiBg on. The shock was very severe at San Jose, and buddings were damaged. From Washington. Washington, Oct. 28, P. M. The S-c- retary of the Treasury baa rejected lb- nomination of John T. Creamer, for Nonu and South Carolina, and John F. Patter n, for TOonesMe, aa Harsaaa oaparri- antwer to a question of tho latter at to what would lie man's condition a.'1 tew At.AlU llaa alllAWl ral.liaal "Man W like Btr: when he !TBVJr dies, that ia tho end of him." Aa the minioter waa about tore TVeleion adnf ill v, a reo iaceu iriau-vuuiui ai uie end of the ear sprang np, the natural red of her face glowing more intense ly with passion, and the light or the lamp tailing directly upon it, and, ad dressing tbe clergyman in a voice peculiarly startling aad humorous from itt impassioned tone and the richness of ita brogue exclaimed : Arrah, now, will ye not let the baste alone t Has ho not aaid he was a pig I Md the mor ye pull his tail, tbe louder he'll aquafe." The Offset upon alt watetoctne;: bite vets added, Mill carry the an. ha ceased. November i to blc arm- be free, a ia former time. . Any peraou who shall ed men at any. place of election, oa elec tion day, is liable to a penalty ef $1,600 according to tbe Revised Code, page 308 9. W. A Graham, Joont W. Norwood, HxaarK NAatt, Joatai Ttrmttta, Jr. He who reforms himself, hat done more towards reform ng the public than a crowd of noisy, impotent par mm BH On tha question whether doubled dis tilled whiskey must pay double tax. Evartt, the Secretary sod JUllias fail to agree. General Hancock hat departed for hit hew Headquarter ia New York. It i (toted tkal Oram wffl net return till after the Presidential election. Commodore C. H. Poor ha been pro moted to Bear Admiral, viae Hobo, retir ed. Nothing from West Virginia. Reveeue today t99,000. One comparer of regular infantry been seat to Phillip!, is Watt Virginia. A dispatch annoonoes that Goreraor Boy mow will take the atomp making hi liat sa nek of tho eaaipaiga at Beltlo, N. Y., to-aorjpOw - Beantiee often die old maid. Thev on themselvoo that find a purchaser before tho I os on -i i agewar: t lnke enner concludes a notice : "The, eonvivialirieo evening, we are informed, V ...... .. s - na exbilaratiag. aet such a value they don't market l c A Sal marriage i were ctutito anj H -rwer"sa. m fvm'.m fc-nnm am aaaaaaastxatl - - Baaaaa.

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