NEW SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, NOVEMBER 6. 1868. VOL. I, NO. 44 - , ' . . , . j . t , . 1 , K ' 4 : - - ' -- ' ' .. tt , l JmW ,r tm or BMciraoi. 41 WATCHMAN ft OLD NORTH STATE. Mil, psir, OnTr, NORTH STATE n.t t.SS et. TRI-WEBKLT OLD w Wl,Oss Ys - mm Moatta, ' Oh ttoaU, Par ft WkttrtMBM 014 Nnrtk fluto. LINKS ON K.LON O.BLACKMER. BY 'KATHWJA." h i M '" West evangel, PjmwI fnB earth, it sow i angel On l bright aud smtosd shore. Where th bsdow W more. Where U whita-wisgsd cherubs dwell u u inj' " 'H-'' Mourn not for the nobis mm ! Butiful lb rase hs ran ; go the looming star that shine En- the shades of night declines. When the AJ its bsstas etesJ, I, bid in florjr, "It It well." Where hi sohl feat now ma, Sin and tprrow ne'er ahull eoawt Jesus aJItii ttep shsJl guide. Br the sweetly rolling Uds, NO It if welT they are calling for mora aoldlera to order to support these thorongh ly "Democratic" end "Republican" KrafTieata, and that it reconetruc I My 80a them Democrat in friendt down there greeted me In way which I shall never fbrtret to my dying day. The kindness, the wtrmth. the consideration, the order men the allowed in welcoming an v..i ,, .7 viiufur eatnsciaiir from M iuji cituaetia. who woold tro down and amy to them a kind woid wins Mght wajteri at the Gently niunnur. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS AT HOME. RiReviwt hie Southern Vint A Graphic Vmdieatitm of th Rights ot Southerner A Sound Sum- mum Bmm-"Let us be friend.! At a large Democratic and Con tsrvativ meeting held at Weymouth, Man., on the Mod, Hon. John Quin ce Adams add rested them as foil w : Mr. President, My Friends and Neighbor: Yob mast not expect me tu make a speech, for. I hare nope to . T 1 m. - - i intse in isci 1 nae mot non mauu wnnid not treat them like bova. and call thfitt rebels, traitors, miserable rascals or villains went to my heart. They asked me to any to joe my fel ly w titer at the North that the v fonght frm in the war ; they believed that they were right; that they fonght yon aa bard ae they coold ; and when the war was done thev fraoklv ahans doned that they had fought for. They aaid we had whipped them : we had conquered what we demanded dtiaing me war, ana tney were ready to give it np. They would fiirht no longer. and all they asked was friendship and iuudcss. vv nat tney deserved rrom ns at the North waa merer, the band of kindness, good ' fellowship and brotherly love, (Loud apWanscV fney want no more contest, no mora II blood ; they want merely to shake hands,;sayiog We fought and now the fiffbt It don, lot nt bo friends. That it the feeling of the mass of the whole people I met at the South. 1 LeTTTEB OF PRESIDENT JOUN- 8ON TO OEN. EWINO. The Nation 1 InteOipenm, of lbs Mtb last., cod tarn an hnpottaat letter frost President Johatea ts Oea. T bag, Jr., dated the 4th mstn at ws reqnsst ef us bsmcv. M gives s rapid review ef lbs iasaclal Ustv, of the touotry and Use Btttsai atom tag 000 d I tioa of its (inanees. Ha ssys that the Krvolntionsry war eot the people of lbs there i Luilod Hutss l? 6,000,000, wssca bad l even rruucmt to 9l3,ow,tioo wuea toe war of 1818 comtnrnerd. The war brosgbt an the diht, in 1816, to SlL'7, 0W,000. Ry wfe OMiiuerbent, rliai debt was paid eft in twenty years, under Jack son' administration. At the eloss of lbs Mexican war, In 184U, the debt incurre d atuoentad t '4V L- 000,000, and wss aboat the saiuo, when the wsr with tba Boathern States began in 161. The entire cost of the govern ment, for seventy-two years, from the 4tb of March, 1789, to the 30th of Jane 1801, bad only been 81,700,000,000, whereas the expense ef the government from 1st of Jaly 1861, ts the SOth ef Jane 1866, sad Ha shell Mpsresde the tapretae law ef the land whether bt that of oeass the eeaaf lax ullniiirs sad a siaidiag arasy, lbs ewe alassst as auassrset as lbs other, and ataxia lbs debt a refwaaeot harden upon lbs prodsotive hdestry sf lbs people ; or wbssbsr tba Conttitatton, with sseb sad all of Its guarantees, shall be saeradly pre served : whvtawr now, as iu 1780 or 1816, provision shall be made for the payment of oar obligation at as early s period si practicable, that the fruits of their token stay be enjoyed by ear citiseni, rather than sjwd to build op and aastaia a noa eyed mononply at bonis and abroad. Tbe eouVt ia ant merely who slmll occu py the prineipal ofltec in lbs people' gift, but whether the high behett of the I edersl Cogatitulion (IihII be observed sad maintained, ia order that oar liberties aisy be preserved lbs Union ef las Stales restored, thai our Federal system may bs Dnimpairail ; fratenisl faeling re etsblihed, that oar national strength may be renewed ; tbe eipsnditare dimin ithnl, ibal tsxalioa may be lightened; J .L. J.L. Til l.k. tnmjmn of eivd war, were eOO.OOO,.".- r"' - ITSs : prosperity and morals saw no nnxiawaasKS, no tort or reeling indicating uolffiuncaa towards any Jrl the people at the North. That they may be treated in decency and akjndneea they do ask, and that it what I pray of every one odtyou to tfkr. (Ap plaute.) It ia the thing, it seems to me, that we need here at the North as much as they need it at the South. Ail that tneyjuk, and all that the 000 Tbe President ttates that the public debt, at the close of tin: wsr, aatoeatrd le ,600,000,0O0, bat. in February, 1866, la .-.J.J aA LjW ft AAA L' CACUVUCU ty.iJUU.UVU.UUU. X urum 111 1 l " s a a .a ' - . a latof Jnlv 1SC5. o the tOth of .Tun I 01l"eSslDer which the eonntry it life sud energy, tl of the nation. iiejpviag that for the redress great wrong, and the correction of of the the -but at Hook around me and se4 Democratic party at o North seek fanit-iarwfaees, it tier All, I should yon know, ia thnj. Tfy? lion. It is the ooMBB"ncf lb" cMe in ten States of lBT?f ? to,w oo, and what is it I It ia simply -the rule of the military and ling eUe. In order that it may raanr friendly and occurs to me that after like to tar a few words in an off band sod friendly way aa one neighbor talk to soother, about the experience I baye ban in t lie conrse of the last two or three weeks. Aa yon all know 1 have made a little trip to the South during that time. I wighoa to see what a reconstructed Slate waawand I went to South Carolina for that purpose. I have coins back with this conviction, thongtrl do not know hsa- the other conservativetjaitixeng of tad Lnion mar feel about it. never intend to atop, to relax for one I moment, m the heartiest, moat ear nest and most honest efforts I can make to remove all snch "bleesinir 1st reconstruction from the necks of every oajp of my fellow eitizgnt r Load cheers.) ihe issue in tins campaign to me is Isimply this and nothing mora, lie- (construction, a I Judical constitution Iconeritntion now I Union, and what is it I kbit Biotmng eUe. in oTder that tt may riot jar too mncb upon the aswsjtel h repitWicaii people to see) eight mil lions ot Their teuow eitixens held lloa-n by the bayonet, they 4nV Irrooght in a great mass of three or iur millions of poor, lafaorant, ue pxded bhM men, and rt theru up Id t row, as it were across tbe South- i States, and because you cannot tbe bayonet behind them, they st, I is a republican form of f )orernlnent.', How republican f "bat w this republican torm of gov- nmeni? Why look at theeoodi bun of those State 1 Soupoeo that nottai; die yoteisin this. Cura- noowealtli thonld suddenly be de- red of the franchise and in Hie:r lltetit wat bestowed noon a aet of but who entirely Ignorant of P value and responsibility of the xmg power, who, kew notninj Dtstiv of the nrineirnWin rear .ji,'.' r r aw wincti they Were votintT. Suppose t clam of men were to oe put tyoo, of course you would not it ; you weald feel uncomfortable 1taftroesbls, and yon would not ftiieir rule if von oou d heln it. let this is urnrnssdv tho eondition in hicb South Corolina Uto dav. She ftoverted by a set of men whu, if people were Inft to themselves, "fid have no more chance of hold I the oflicet of your government ry now hold, than I should of be t elected King of Great Britain in e of Qneen vfetorio. If I were to to accomplish is, that we may be al lowed to come togetherinsaiave in lnace and amity ; that tssjeuicubu . t reconstruction may be taken off the people ; that these soldier ussy be taken away from between, and tlet we all of ns once more may feel North as well aa Sousw white roan aa well us black man Ihe bene fits Of Union under the old eyettiu.of Govern tuent. Mr. Adams' retired, amid the great eat enthusiasm and moat tumultuous cheers. MlSTAKKX The speaking of the decline of trsds burg, says : "Norfolk is the only place bt Raleigh Sentinel, in Peters- Virgtoe to have and North Carolina that risra to sod cxeeedsd iu former prosperi ty " The Sentinel ia mistaken,, Charlotte has not only risen to iu former prosperi ty, hut far exceeded it. We think tbeSB Mai bees more sew building erected here ef th war than in any oth South of Baltimore ; and the wholesale and retail trade of tbe place is almost trouble whet b wss before tbe war than ia any ether city or town South of Baltimore ; and tbe wholessle saw re tail uade of the pi see is almost double what it wafl before the war, beeaase oer merchant are offering great iwikseemesU to buyers, and paying the highest prices for produce, considering the distance we are from the seaboard. Besides, the pop ulation has largely increased. Tbe country surronnJlng Charlotte fir 100 mile is ss good as any is the worlek. ... The people are industrious snd intelligi iTT w , . . k.1 1969, It it estimated that the cost of the government, for four years, in a time of peace, will have been 81,600,000,000, art amount nearly a great at waa expend ed from the foundation of the government for the first seveuly-two years, to July, 1861. After this summing ap, the P resident that forcibly proceed : "In making this comparison, we should remember 'hat dujing the Jong interval between 1789 and 1861 the Government wss frequently required to make expendi tures of aa extraordinary character. Lasf turns were paid to Indians ss annuities, and for tbe purchase of their lands, snd sxpesjsire wars were waged against pow erful tribes. Louisiana was acquired from France at a cot of fifteen millions ef dol lars ; Florida, in conakration of fivcrSH- Hon, was ceded to at try Spain tsCaiypr aia became a part ef oar peases ions on payment to Mexico of fifteen millions; while for ten millions ear ( mvrnimerrt se cured from i'sxas tbe territory ef New Mexico, During these periods of our his tory we were also engaged in wars with Great Britain sad Mexiqm-the first wsged waeaioit one of the most powerful nation Ttbe world, the other made additionally expensive by IBvJ prosecution ef military operations in the enemy' territory, i The ataxtlinfi faeu, Uses seneiseiy sta ted, suggest au inquiry a to taw cause of this immense increase in lbs expenditures snd indebtedness ot the country. I luring the civil wsr the maintenance of the Fed eral Govenuseat was she one great par posW that animated oar people, sadfjhat economy which should always characterise ear nosaciai operations was overioeaeu in the great effort of tbe nation to preserve its existence. Many abuses, which bad their origin ia thfj war, eon tinned to exist long alter it had been brought to a trium phant conclusion, and the people, having become sccaslomed to a lavish expendi ture of the public money for an object so dear to lhemj the preservation of the in- iKctr now laboring, we must look to the Amer lean people, and lbs! in llienfl our hope, I urn, Sasv truly, your friend, ANDREW J0IIN80N Gxtt Tnotita Ewixo. Favxttxvjllb, Oct 88lb, 1868. RL OU Mortk State: in a reeont number ef your paper an- peau an article from "Philo," charging llie"P ivctt. rille Eoqte with defaming Jnrige rloxton, are , for appointing t'al.t Ran; .""uperior Court Clerk of Cumberland Comity. e, 1 'lease insert tbe follonuig reply to "Jusiitia.-a a reply to "Phil..." Bux Ion professes eonservstlve sentimenU and appointed Coltabea, a leading iaesadus radical here, and againtt the withes, hi tercet and appeals of nine teuth of the tme men of the connrv. Buxton has betrayed bit farmer friend snd supporters and was not governed by his bouuden and legal dut fEd.aofe. CoLtxntK's ArrontTMRXT Jt'KTt- jTt A AM) Jdbkx. An article appeared in , our paper of tbe 8th intt., txpoaiug Jiidgo Buxton's action in appointing Collaban, Supertor Court Clerk. During the ab sence of the editor au article tigned Ju- tiua was sent in reply. We arrived hern on 'ednesday just before lbs issus of the psper last Thursday, 15th Inst. The time being short and having to tasks wsy for erection news we could not reply Thursday. WeDnw.tsy to sll parties concerned tnat Iu nurmrtlcle or the 8th Inst , we meant wbat we said snd sid whit we meant. We hare neither meant sasimade s personal atUck on Judge Bux tXu charted by JsuKitia. We criticised hut official aet a ws had s right to doand ss we expect to do hereafter net only with him, bet with otrTers. We rsgtet aVst Jud Buxton has setod ts at to lee the eoofideajce snd respect of this community a a Judge or public officer or citizen We bsd hoped better of him. When oth- neaeeable and law abiding, and as nobis hearted a any on the faee of the earth. Are we not justified in expecting tht Cbsi lotte, N. C, will soon become the largest snd most prosperous city in the Soitth be tween Norfolk snd New Orleans t We confidently and sincerely believe it. If tbe editors of the Sentinel had been in Charlotte since the Fall trade opened they w.Hild believe It slse. When we go from Charlotte to Balehrh we feel lonesome, because we do hot see the same activity on tbe streets or in the stores. And if the Editors of tho Sentinel coold see tbe fine trou front building Jrort creel ed in this citygby R. . Me Aden, Kq., they would give up, probata, that Tuck er 1111 is not quite up to It Charlotte jjemoerai. tegrtty rrf tbTTr free Institutions, nave pas era turret ted todimstid we refrained tienlly tolerated taxation of the most op- from saying anything disparaging and cx Btessive chatactcr. Larasasums of moo- preed one disannroval of tbe burnitur of ey scntinue tojbe etiortedTrom ibem and I bim in eMgy as scented to he threatened, tqiian'dererl in uSsSesi and ext ra vngant ap-1 We, like onr friend W. B. Wright, hoped propriationsv Knormmi expenditures are j Judge Boston weald correct the mutter in demanded for purposes, the accomplish tome wsy. r. men t of which require large Standing j We hojihd If would turn oat thst he army, perversion of the" Constitution, and i had been led intoiirorunawiiresor perhaps ilniigalion ot B ales to negro domination. I bad not made a definite appointmeuf. In &m a military estalilishmeut.eo.Ung in jail this W were disappointed. Judge free press Is denied as, ws will turn our back en eeitortsi lire. W did not know whether Judge Bai toa was a ineatbii of any church and do 1 not know yet. But the word "pious" in ear former article we with changed to "san; iimonleut" at tx pressing nearer ear meaning of dignified by poertsy, and aet aa referring to anything of religion. Let the clause then read t "Let aa outraged, innocent and confiding people inow no violence to thit smiling and aanctimoniout traitor, but tot us show bin we have the aenr to treat him with utter i nattwyl, and tn tneakeY his treachery as it dsser e " II course ear bmlasss relation with him should be fair and respectful, but the willful injury bo hat perpetrated onus of thit county, we cannot easily for get or forrfv. Our column have been open to Judge Buxton to correct or deny or explain ; but so far as we know hs bss at tempted nothing nf the kind. Ws learn be hat again left home, for Anson court. If even yet be may explain or palliate or Justify, ws sre sll ready to allow doe cre dit. Bnt as tbe matter stands we repeat what we said and more. Juitilis misrep resent us In charging ns as "malevolent. We asknown too wellslhroogh this part of North Carolina to neetr'any further de nial of math oiM'or part. Justitia stake s false statement and we bckeve wilfully fslse, in saying Judge Buxton hd mode ao appointment. He made sit the ap pointment the Isw empowered him to wrtko. We saw and send the written bi trument ourselves. It is now with the comity commissioners. Judge Buxton bar taken no solemn oath to support tbe radical party unlets in tome League. Jwdge Barton's Oath to the govern ment ha nothing I do with Jirllaban't ppohilmeut, but hit obligation to liol deu and the radical parly probably did. Jostitis slaws au tatter fain hood again in saying that Judge Buxton was compelled or bound t speohsSk Collahan. When ColUhan had failed npo M Sept. to gie sufficient bond, the office bylhe plain meaning of Iff law was vacant, and la law ibeu authorised the Jsujgs to appoint .it person v Ml it On the lb Sept., Button on hisreiurn from Stanly, appoint ed Cohahan as his deliberate choice, and e submitted a new bond not yet sceent ed. Coltaban ia Clerk by virtue of Box ton's sppolutment snd tint by election of the people or any part of the people. Jus ntta is ignorant of the ctt or wjJfaHy pvrreru irutn. and the admiration of strangers. If tbe tJonservntive have registesv ed their foil strength t hoy will poll it next Tnesday ( anat will give ns North Carolina by liltaeu thousand msjurlty. In the few remaining days tlissjaare leiLus let us work like men let ns work for our Stale, and for its oher- toned institutions Victory is within onr ranch. Shall we not grasp it I Wilmington Star. Bsc in Txrrt The United States on" re Court has recently made an im portant decision on the tubiect of the traus fers of Isad profeing to bo aa absolute senveyance, but aceomiianiad with a eon- lu'lvn, ri f 1 1 n... lies, securing a benefit to the grantor at the expense of his Creditor. The court says that the law will not pennjj a debtor in tailing cireumttancet to convey ait land by deeds without reservations, and C occupy it far s limited time fofbi own efiL II eaee, when a debtor, in pursu anee of a private understanding, retains paststtitn, rent free, tar one ysar, of tend sold by him, such conduct creates a secret trust for hi beix-tit and lender the I Washtegtow, Oet. P. M Bat few ir apt remain at the Bwptsal of the au ihorltise. Fosur eompsnietef the lfth In fantry, ordered to Memphis, are d laaWi i here with a special train, to meet aastr reneyjdettuuafe. The tresps are all "in Farther apnoluiment of Revenue 8a- pcrvisors will be pwtpoued till election. Seward Customs, i elusive, are nearly three million. David Raltaan ha Veen arm do- will be p-ajtuoued till after th . has gone home to vote, a, feast the IBUi to tbe aUtkyaa. AvrtXL FOB TBaT BOOTH". Dlshoi Atkinson of North Carolina, delivered A discourse Snnday morning at Tiini ty Church, in aid of tbe destitute pen pie of the stiffen time of peace not less than one Innrdred lluffon acted freely, intelh'iruntlv and millions annually, snd a debt, the interest c .ve Cofhirfan a full; complete snd dell-' npou which draws from the Treasury, itrsti appointment a Bnnsrisr Coiiry.'lerk snch year, one hundred snd fifty million .of t uiiiberlsiid in writing. d.iu-d L'lWr'ep ofdoUvre for these two items of expendi- j u-mber li68 Tlio bond of CoJIahaa turn alone retrenchtnent has become su! which be oners under ibat aptmintment i absolute necessity, or bankrnjrtcy must jinrned by O. H. Docitery snd others da soon nrertoke , and involve the country j red we think, Sept. 17th, 68. Can fat its paraiysingXand disastrous reanlts. Jndg Buxton now revoke his sbsolnte If, however, a wl; econoniy be adopted, appointment It would teem not unless tbe tote may soon be inatermlly reduced, Ubc Comuxjssionerv refuse for any cause to not merely, for iff beHetit of a few, bat in ' qualify and confirm t'ollahan's bond, by tbe interest of all. A revenue would yet which the -appoint meet is annulled. The remain sufficient for tbe administration of . Cmnniisaioiter have the acceptance or re the Government, a well a lor uch a re I duction of the public debt as would, in lew years, relieve tn people irom minion of interest now annually drawn from tlteir resources 'She ides thai ibe debt is to become oui;iuamw ioxi iiuibiij '" oitotosu . I K. I r 1 n n . . . . I M.a I . a fniriuj nsgxo evievivu mn yH text lroin mav lam aar what it m wm I' oe ! Pi tmln theaml Mm and lose ma mm own n'oamj mm r ; iwsi mr H i tn asBswaj K tvstsw JM Bftftf mmim an mwo a r nam mmtMmmm . mm m"m WL II LbbbbbbbI maV ami ml ami' We with a fervent ap mi)f to the liberal mrth- A large con j - t11lft , naas permaiamt should be at nil limes discoun tenaneeoas involving taxation too heavy to be borne, and payment of sn amount in interest every sixteen years equal to tbe turn. I he gradual liquidation ot it debt would by degrees release pUl invested In ttic securities vtumment, wbieu, seeking remu- in other sources of income, untold the wealth . of the nation, upon it is now to great a drain. This debt, if permuted to become per nt and Increasing, mutt eventually gathered in the hands of tbe few, and enable them to exert adangerne and con trolling power in the affair of tbe gnvern mtmt.' The debtors would bestwi .th am mi It ef the lenders' the twdmriw tbe masses of the people. 1 1 is new our boast that ws have given freedom to three mil lion of slaves ; it will then be our skaeae, that by their own Iplsssli ef usurpation and profligacy, forty millions of people nave enslaved thisttslrst, and sx changed steveaeUers for new teak matters is the It is tlll under their rJrwsnt vet approved .haps of bond holders and tax-g.tbersts. Honcctbevftal iae whether Coogres fual of the bond t consideration tboug Ibey (or their chairman rather) may keep the bund uudsr conidsrslio imhlnotel v if allow ei to do to. The public i( iuter su dJn this bond and lias a right to kn,ow the nW-rit andtlomerite of every name on it Dockevy's and all. tot this way Deekery bat put bis insol vency before the people of Cumberland county in a public capacity. Wc are thus forced to enquire into aud make known hi financial standing, and tliis entirely from his own set in becouiin' public sure ty for our domestic county basiness. We bave loo much follow feeling for the1 op pressed sud unfortunate to make public tba private affairs of a man for our own gratification. When he makehimelf public sad the public interests demand in formation, ws tball always serve the nub lie good, fn the ssme manner we have acted towards itoxtoa. Hi action, us nay official it condemned by nine-tenth of the financial snd substantial interests of this county ; aud we believe the sentiment ex pressed in our article is the sentiment of the community generally. We are sorry it is ae. We rsmet the cause that made It so. At a faithful journalist we shall J the had act of officials aa ear nestly ss ws will sppbsad the THE ULTBAS QN-flUAXT. Wo notice that in anticipation of Un. Urant election to the 1 resi dency, tho extreme wing of the Had- icm party are beginning to betray tome unoetajnes lest ho may turn out to be not so nltra as ifesy tmVild like. Wendell Phillips lias already sound ed the key note. The Anti-Slolftry Standard declare Hiat (Irani was never trusted by the Abolitionist proper, and that lie wss nominated In pit of them. This ia a nod aign. Lot these extremist denounce him. Aa the fanatic begin to. separate themselves farther and further Ir m Grant, bo will get nearer and nearer the ctnmtitutiou. We are glad I hey dpnt mean to stand by him iu dane of bit election. When they attack hit administration, then the moderate ltouubiicans will oome to hitsnoiNtrl. and lie will bo the mora inclined to lean to the moderate or coutorcative view. We are not ret tanzuineenoneh to hope for any par; culnr itood from (trant's election; t ill, on the other hand, we protest agaioat yielding to despair, aud especially in view of ibe demonstration made by the extreme Vingof the Kadi mIs. Our policyT the South clearly is to koop hands. off, wiitcn our own domestic altairs, and nlet Grunt and Phillip havu tliindiirln out - thoiimseives. Wendell Phil lips is n.nreilty a hitfer cneniy of thu ratlin, nut no somctiiues nuwittitigiy doe us a grent service. In ease o Uraat's elestion the best thing that could happen for us would bo for I'hillips to aitack hit adtuin'sUutioii and insist oh extreiiiu u easnfo against the South. Let him deoouce Grant Ate not "carjying out nltra ideas, and let the wholo pack of ex tremtats, Sumner, tsrueiey, ller and tlio rust, mnko war on the President, and then wo he-riii fuke hope ; for Griint will cnisli them all, arrd.a Bieir fertnnoH go dou n ours will g up. UaneiUe Register. appointed To bacco inspector for the Seveulb Yinrinia I District. FROM SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, Oct. . Governor Scott has issued the following ptasltmslim to tbe eitisens of South Carolina t FtUom Oituens.TbosM plaiuu made to this department ef i den and outrages committed by wicked ' ...A U..LU.i. i W.M. I. WU .IUV.I KM. KIWIIW, t,MISI J MI' tciienartv fueling, made it my duty to issus tw tote Proclamation, calling upon aJ4sd and true men, without respect to pmtTreal prejudice, to unite fat a determi nation to diiessateasnce snd denounce lawlessness ami state Be, and in an effort veyance fraudwtent as to creditor, aad j to recover and maintain the goad name void. 4jd it nude uo difference, in the that hat heretofore been the honor and fecal asnert of the ese before the com 1. 1 nride of onr beloved Bute. It bt now mv mat the interest reserved was not of great pleasant Out to congratulate you upon value, anerftiat the debtor did not iutoud tho beneficial result that have rnsaod to defraud his creditors. 1 froflf the admirable aad well timed ad- '' ( I dress of Oeu. Hampton, aad th execu- A's l!Kini Pitowv live committee of the Democratic Party. low a Pxtrrartn i.v the Paorrra or ins In honest snd impressive ternflSey have own I'lUMXtMATlo. Daring the Ute called upon the people to support the UWT termof the Circuit Court tt Smith-1 nu preverre the peace and to denounce ville, DoKalb County, Judye MeLain thnte rnitl- whleh have so recently been presiding, a murder case was tried in committed in tome portions of our State. winch Judire Mauseii M. linen, of ,"T l . '"i " thit eety, was engaged. In the eonrse r;ntT w,aJ m imieoine isnuesmjto Of hit arguiiiont Judge Hricti made "i" , "f k!!.'"U " u' ,"g T Ibe ...rtling declaration that "there is J? !tZ SlTtZTfr " . aiv.marc( v. into fruww BwVV QHifJlCU UIO ml re8u,.r Prh'r "'"f prehension, aad eseciliatad tbe rosaoct Win. . lirownlow ana Colonel :j :i ,hs.i, Mu,ii L. Ulackburu, on. thelIIo wing terms : ! Tkta i. eeei.i.l . aJ ..... tSZ.,.,' That the said Colouol Blaekburu latino tn svsrv well nf tk. M.t. hall arrest and convey to Nit-hvillo an? it gives me dhfeigned pleasure to "--m nu iiicii in uiai hecwui oi tno ntaie ; knowledge it sud to earnestly InvokeThQ who arc accused of horse ttealing, I cooperation ef'veii rdftnber of the Re publican party tn reciprocating to the f ul murder and other crimes, and that when they have arrived in Nashville, and bt fore tin y arc tried, lirownlow thai I offer a retoanl for their arrest. lirownlow and Blackburn divide the prafita arising from Biowulow's re ccnsVproclamation. Judge Brian elicited this etatetruyit from the evidence of Col. Blackburn. lledenoanced the partnership as s "sTOcies of infamy heretofore an- Isst extent of pacific policy, ae admirably inculcated by the Deatecrstic fesdent Let seerimonions and ii i ilallngmit its tions be avoided and tppsalt he made to. the intelligence ef raaten aad aet to the fear or passions of the note Stan tty. Dif fer ss we may in political tentimenU, Hi the dictates, alike of wiadom sad pstrit Urn, for all to appeal to aad cos fide bt ef ficacy of peaceful remedies fey evils, aetaal or supposed. Let known," and further stated that he forbear be our maxim and so shall the "expected to ben ssatssioated for ex- j peace, prosperity and honor of ear kwloy- poatiig tue partiot, ana mat too speech he was then makiufitwwaa the lasthc ever expected tu be permitted to iWfko at the bar." Nashville Ban ner, vet. lo. The llartaville VidetU, say of this villainous conpiracr : "The case in all of its horrible de tails wat brought to light in open court ariSmith ville before the Boo. Stale Ti ed State be malntatnsd and piapaiaattJ and her time honored escutcheon will bo preserved, unsullied and uudiuuned in all its original puiity and lustre. Signed J Kobxbt K. Sooft, Uoveroor. FROM RICHMOND Kichmond, Oct 29, JVM. Tbe Jour nal publishes the official stetement of the tor toe past year, is on hand. October tal ons hundred and seventy-throe tbousaud w a .. F- Judge MeLain, and from hi well ing that there Waa on hand, Oet known seal in ntinialiinn' illesral acts it is fair to i, resume that the name of dollars William ti. Browolow will toon, fig nre in the list of ItidiOwnonts bv the l)e Kalo comity grand jury, and that ho will learn flint such exemplifica tions of 'loyalty' wilt not bo allowed in the Mountain, Circnitand especi ally in the chivalrous county ot 'Do JGilb." s' NOliTII CA UOLINA OURS. If the white men of North Caroli na are doing their duty they will have registered, by uext Monday night, One hundred and forty thoosand vote while the negroes Will have register ed aboat half that number. Assam. ing this to be a lair basis, tho Itadi ical party mutt poll an average of four hundred white vote in every county in the State in order to give our electoral vote to tioflrt and Col -fax. We do not believe that there are thirty-five thousand white men in North Carolina who have lost their manhood. We do not believe that in thit broad domain there are thirty five thousand whit men who have lost their veneration for tho old insti tut ions ; the uiitarnitheU, credit ; the nroud memories which one made When du great duty aad privilege of a North Carolina tit boast of her eon ENOUMOils-.:!' OFFERED BY DR. HELM HOLD. II. t. llulmbold publishes the fol lowing injUi6 Now York pitpcrs. Will the toon tod rtnd conUUuni lUdit cals take tho ditjU -he prospose to niako f I am now ready lo wager one mil lion dollar cash on the result til, j h November election, as follows : -'50,00U that Giant will t.ot' receive a majority of the electoral votes of tho United Sate, or a tnojiirifv of I the votes cast by the people ; (1290,-1 (too that Indiana and Pennsylvania will iro for Seymour and liluir ; $250,-! (UJ thai Now York will gt for Se inour and Ulaiaiid liidliiinn ; $j50,r UOUftiMt Sevmoiir ami llluir will bo elected .'resident and Vice President ; FRIZE FIGIITms ARRESTED. mkna, Oct. 89, P. M. Ned O. Bald win antUJoe Werasald hare been ed, after having fought ene round. Tux CoaacrrroH Pcuc Dbxiwiq. The Now York -Sun (Radical) ha the following editorial confession : "It begins to look as if due Demo crate would carry New Jersey. The Jersey Republican itttheir alarm have been to tho National Committee for money. They haVtdid tbeua thai their vbtrxe htslken drained to save the three great central States, and that they must go hoaa and bleed their millionaire candidate for Governor. RswShtO Of Merit.-A good name, in mth or woman, is the immediate jewel of tbe tout. It has uo doubt big in fluence in business. liearrbat the Ral eigh Sentinel says of one of oar most prominent merchants: ''Our friend, A. Myers, (formerly nf Salisbury ) may be found at Na. 6 Com merce Row, Ferry Wharf, where be hsa I -' I A . l I - , . . . i , , ... , I openoo a nisi cutaa noaac, a a wooiesaie of the L uited atutes lean lis seen Li.-. :,. ri. ..Jiinm-i P.. f m,' V" ..... ...... .....,.v-,. IU.F1.. OI. Ii "in tins u. XT vaM It ii a mil tlif annrrrv mnA m ilkammt ! . i C'8 neer tsary lor tbo bumnest which he I refer to Uovon svh oiii;! ex (iot yiio. r Joel Parker, of New Jei , e. fciovernor V. U. i Minor, of (niie'icut : lion D. S. Berne, of Ne York; Win. Weisjfc mflti f tlio firm of Puwcis & WeighT from 10 A. M. to 4 date up to Oetoiter store, ISromlwHv. As to integrity, ! ha commenc.-d under favorable susnices. imr 'in tin, of Pin i- and bis etteblisbmcUt is being fitted up in superior style. We prob.ibly need not commend bim to the North Carolina trade. urn n, I'Utladc pliia; and as tn dispo sition and ability; lo leading drngists auu niuns4j4'ra in me i nnesj otsies. FROM THki PACIFIC. New York, Oct 20, M."I'he Alaska brings a quarter o-a millioer in specie. R. T. Fetkins, late Post Muter at Sun Franeisso, died during the passage. Ssa Bht habeen issssly destroyed by harncanc. roar lives were lost. as hi own residence snd former pursuits in tbe State have given him u general ae- ----- :,k .I... - rt... i. eertam : none or ibem need go beyond him to get what they require in his Ha.' e knew the gallant Major daring the "ens SSl.-fi stand by tbe cause. Alter tbingt up, be did nan grieve ever spilled milk, but set to work with renewed efforts to re cuperate, aad, to judge frost kit ! he it getting along finely. Long I wave. A ofSMtt J outuq nf e anew me gauaut majoeaarmg tno isis," anahe u consoled with tbe proud -faciioum well snaVoeUr did he le! by the cause. Alter thing treat Hatrr flood in Chili thirtr drowned. Unnatural rdjeuuBtena eon Unas through- Dr. Henry Stewart, ef New Orleans, out Sooth America. At Tutesnsnna, toaaWia been appointed Asststoat Ssrgsoa of kmt Of the water i . At Tufesenuta, tosTtUa been i waked tan. j the Navy u A 1

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