WBHBBW' T!" i8 7 , if gamnBL. rrri r rrsvv, rt TO to nfiYrTii i iliU If lYM AH W ii i - - w mr 4 V NEW SERIES u ITKS OF WB8CWWWH . Jt TEw-aBa. tn . SALISBURY, N. C NOVEMBER 13, 1868. kl WKEKLT QUO IfOKTH STATS. ". .... - awa-aw HOUB." To timnorj deer. Though in eutoss . M Still through scene, wen lu fiuoj I roam. Awl beguile j dell W-n)prkfl With theeeaoea ofuame! Still. still c en lost on. In web foviag foc K. !, tear hed in sorrow . a suiUefoll of peace, T pleasure 1 counting Them jealosy o'er, Thl notning to preciou. Be kt from her atoiw ! Fro Dm American Farmer. mm m m ' 1 rWine's Wopk. , . . BT HOWAW OLIJIDOJC. tho TW little fellow, how Wfrhl he look.," ehn ., badly willing down tin- corner of HI eMVI. " uoom,, yjumntc. And the little one mm aoft coo, In . . . ant war tn nana raerrr MMrrap, aa ne looked into the bnge handle of ehawU, aad patted the tiny, roay face, inet peep mg eat of iu mag eoeloimrt. Tbon, after to Heator promo ted to be noaeckeeper in iMirahaenee-ther rtarted off, the lirlit, crilp enow cracking nnder the feet of their fcOr?o Charlie to me, ,,Vlcie,,, to bwhand nit, when they reached the riv- their boraee upou IU Promiee me, Charlie She wu leaning playfnllT ortr l rl.;- -l,ir lonkinr down into - By "abe," I mean M. Gale, and Charlie" waa her hnawina. rin ma Killed himself tor a qnwnaiy-r-""'"" gfVir lint ir. trnwwwi Etchrd it frowi hi. hand, thrrarenlng to. ,ue. And no me "" Mbwly on hi. forehead, ard .tealing iider hi. chin, .be looked areh- .et half earneady, down Into the deepa ,if eye., with tender blae onee, aa ba tated, " rroeaiae me, vmmt.wm. - to.t'adearr Nowense, VhfJnla f and de tneo w v her hand. "Oh! thiu-lhj.-wproachfnlly'. "Phaw, do let e go. 1 on II choke i, uil katf miBattenuy. So 1 will," beew,mtir. "H yon t pr.,mi' me, thhi wry aatnnte, not to .1 , .i,; atraaeer than pare cota n.ru Iwiu'a party to nittb. iJ fmtl.with ehe mnida wnaJI bnt e attack umm hmi, polling nia uenu .. .b maid ret it. and ma- u.n tn rlntrk biut by the throat -:.!!-, mock fnrr. "Stop, Vbffo, atop! Wby, wwu are iwMit T I In IV ri nit: irr- cwmi. .. .yT f,.r thifl utile miaciiiri. W, now, you'll pot ont my eyf bi Bin in your .ttere. Oh, murder, my ml I'll premhw. Oh, yea-tJiything! She Mill peraeyerea in ucrpn". p mmfmmm:.. .rMMMlt ' ii i. ...... i ot. " Yea. real Tbayat w, I hope I bayofwoauwed often enough uiify you. -5 - ii , w.r l.i.nnr t" " I rumly. B, a i Oh, air, I theught I cauld bring Tmi temn. Recollect, you hare aa.d en m honor. 1 afaaU bold you to er, audi raaaad ban. " Keep eloae to me," ha added, and not another ward waa eDokoa until they reach- aal iba annoute hank: for the fording of the river, in u. nreaeat eonaiuou, waa a mil, abnoit daogeroua aioenaB. I do hope the moon will be np when loaaa back Alririe .aid. Then ad ded, anxloualy, aa be again deposited tha bud iu to arm. : " The rlrer ! deeper than I thought; and really U would be dangerous to croaa in the dark." ' Mahta were climmerine from the win dow a they rode up to Uwato Logan-. gate and a. the number or noraea a rehiclea already eouaemtted around bowed ahnt the invi ed gueat. of I Chrktmaa Kve party were already ning to drop In. Aunt Liaaie came out to the door to meat them, and took the afoep tog babe from Virgie'. poor, tirod arm.. "Remember. Charlie." the .aid iraplor- 1 I a atai . ther were on the point of aepur- ting-.be, for Aunt Listie' comfortable 1 . m . 1 - I mm ihiMrf utatra ne. ior tuc ucmj u. hit boon companion.. "Nerer fear me I" and he went gmHy it woj. Alaa! for the pi cerdulou. wile, utting -ill geattd to wive. ini iU tkaf aMflM and foa hi. knee yery demurely tnueea, ai- the manner Ot pettefl young in.t iruined a polot. I ... ' H- l- m-m -7.n " Juu saucy little pn", ,J""VV ijMthowyow'yu tnuieawu -7 dear thing . V aaaatk " Ci.all I kiaa IkuinlpMko t well t tw bHplayiully. Ad thou, whalo r grew eantaut JU Jto euuuuj .k. ..mj. lkt Uharlir. you do I know how anxlon. 1 bare feh about i party ever line we decided to 1 valw.v. bava aucb a gy timB. liidf IWi. And you koow, too woulo not do a wrong wielf. bow easy it i for your i to make you go to tor, neouiM" jwm inch a dear, good-nutwred fellow. I now, that-yo bare promtsea uw, lootte eay. And. near, uon FeS the young men begin to get too gay, - . T: 1. J L.I,. " i up utairl IO me auu vu; i wing out to aa eyoumg party at V mm w'i waa no man anair, uwi ar that it waa a good muea i IJIendale. out Into e couniry, rb roads, with Ounpowder river Nlen by recent raiaa io W erwMoa. " Mm all 'KaauuUBVM.. . a ...n4avi i of Maryland, dtourot from any ran , and with MaaagttjafMJfP?'T "... , vir- deto the fond, etaira in tbe nk-t matronly eirck, with her babe on er knur. o Bread una happy, for It w her foot child. And what young mother oyer foiled to appreciate the dignity of to position at .uch a time i in les. man nan an wmi " ." bad forgotten hi. promwe, unfr, child, eu- rything; and .gain and again nis gtaaa vat filed, and nn voice m " .LMa arilh tl.r landert. The night waned, and tbe guesuueguji to di.perte. irgio sat in the Hf room, all ready ior me nuv, her lap what -eemed to be a bs m-iiu of .bawl, but which wa in reality little Charlie, who lay curled up in bis warm . . i r. 1 a, a LHa.k eat last wrtcep, who one nine io bin mouth. , M I wonder what make. Uharlie so huc i abe said, at hvt, impatiently. "Aunt Liiai, wl yon pleaae send for tmlmm mm, A mm-- I'm WllitUMt" V He came at length, t the nrwt word. be spoke fold ha aimre oew that be was iiitoxicutmV "fthougji to otb- -I.. . .liirht azcitement waa all (bat appeared unusual about liim. Oh I the shame! She hardly dared rpeak to bj, AU to thought was to gethim athiy hefore he betrayed his con dition to other eye. m m tb child." he said. And as she did so, she felt that his arm was un.teady. . Oh ! I dare not trust the baby with bim," was to thought, but aha was .i- uk. J. nt hear that those around mnrtifvinr truth. IUOUIU kit.." ." . .. . . I do wish you would stay all mglit, VirU. .noke Aunt Liaaie ; reuewiog ber autreatie. M It it so late, and it is grow IUrt1er'tbogbt of the droary fiv. mile.' ride, with a drunken hu.baud, and then the river! HIik hadb relnaactowwy, i. .k .l.ourht better of it. uui it. - or' . ... .LJ1 a What do V0U think or It. a-m- r- Badh't we better atoy " Mkoa P' StmaivrbjolMi -T N But liquor had maau uuu you can guide your hone over surely at 7-r- .. v. .k.t- i Ha ! wat oo yon moan u Bha made him no answer. , Do you take me for a fool r ho said roughly ard angrily. Now, Charfo., don't doso ! You know your arm 1. very unateady jurt now. It W, htdeed!" . . i it t nnentand von now. cm mad am. I supoo.0 yon think I am druuk f Again sne wa. urm. Oive me tbe child !" he swd t-reely. "O, Charles ! For Ood'. .he "Oivehimtome.-l-.y! Poyonthink to brave me 9 f Uive him here this mm to: . . .... Beiistauce, .he kuew, wa. uaoieaa. would only serve to Infuriate him ; und what will Mt a drunken man do t Uncovering the little .leeping face, he. kissed it onee then drawing the t thawU which enwloped the little figure, she covered the face again, and gave bim into her husband', arm.. "Charles! lor the luvc of heaven be- careful." " - . "Wtbaafooir So they plunged io, and she did not l. I.... '. ... f,n, tli.. other two, until I tbey bad nearly reached the opposite bank. 1 iUv. ka twM atpntxHl on a stone, and, . -. . a . l. . .lipping, nearly precipitated ner muw water. When her attention was again free they had reached the oppoaite bank. There he m I mw i " aotly, as be placed tb: bundle in ber arw ' What a simpleton you went to thiuk 1 couldn't bring him over safely." How yery light it was ! Good heaven! She moved it about in her arats preoaed it closer : then uttered an awful hriek. My child! My little child! My -- II mvehildl" Both turned iiinultaneoosly haek to the water. The quick eye of tl e turner -. iuit in time to eaich one hut brief glimp; A FATAL MOT ON TUESDAY. With feeliug. of deep regret we reoord the fact that a fetal riet occurred iu our streets oo Tuesday ms, ' gro was killeH and saven or eight wound ed. . itlAm We Imyu utsde diligent enuntryoi gen- tUmen of reliability, who Jj., at the melancholy dim- culty, and have qo heeitoucy in endorsing r . . . m m mm n the tolUiwmg as tae mem, wc and will bo sabatantiatod, if neeesrary, by ear Informant, before judicial tribunal : Soon nl'lrr llie pulls weie opened, on Tae(l.;y moruiug, a negro preseated nnj balfot wi vote, woo wa'..oowu j clerk of the election to have been ouea convicted of lelo'iy and publicly wliippea. Tho clerk remutdcil bim of it, but the ue tnld him lie- could not prove it. A per son standing by, who knew the fact, was appealed to and eorroboraieu we mcnt of the clerk. Up..n this tho nogro turned to the ebirk and said It was a d-d lie. Of coarse, a knock down was the re sponse, and for a few moment, there was rrat danger tt a geonl row, hut lb coi.le-tuul. w ere Sep .rated, w.ih "noUdv hurt." A large number of negroes were the poll, at tbe time, who became greatly excited, and many of thnii immediately MB. but in a lew mu merits returniil armed with clubs and bludgeons. .mi..k l . ... thitt time nnt'l about 1 0 clock, .k. ..... handed totrcthrr in sonad. of twenty to forty, almost occupied the pub lic square, while one or perhaps two walk -,.A ?. nn.l down the Main street, with sleeves rolled up, eudgvl in hand, and in a bullying swaggeriB' manner. But lit tle attention wa. paid te this folly, by the white people, and no difficulty occurred until a numb. of negroes commenced an attack upon one of their eofor, who had voted tbe Conservative ticket. It was evident that this man's life was in dan- most fear to open an exchange from other portions of tho State. From all we can see and learn, the poor negroes have ben drilled In every way by the Radical leaders, to bring on such outrages. A$hevUU Nt, KA. .ayeff- the Kteh, 'of a little rosy, pitiful, upturned foce nd V gcr, and a few young men hemmed io then it di.p.r.,! dowa the curro.t,d protect h,m. took Myjajggafeg thempid waTr. flowed oo. , At SSS Iu hia drunken uneooeeiouwneeuvw- . irwmi " , . had let the sleeping i. font . Hp c u. U,e . 1---JrT lODQraniHiv.C'iuri, mm--- 4 ; . k .aria anil 111. thine Could ika tn.Ua of the watera. He did not know it till the mother acreamed. There was no help. Ob, it waa pitiful, heart -breaking I Foor young mother. I'L. knn. ..f the (iales is very .till now. Virgie'. pale face seems paler yut, feoui conuast with ber black dress. 1 ho era- Mm 1 aA iW.UlO SlB!ll!!!tC ulWOyS UK IVVflS V - ww "i .p.,, i l i- . ...mr ..f the nunerr. owe uaua la wnv -- - . ever passes it without having to heart wrung aaew ; and will sit for hours, oW ing and unfolding the little etotbea, and her liauda linger lovingly among them. There is a pair of tiny shoes in the draw er of to work table, aad a lock of tor, soit baby hair, in the great Bible. Let us hope that Charles Osde is a bet ter though a sadder ma j for, ever since that fetal uighV he to girtu up .irong drink. Led a .tone, and stones were thrown at tbe white wen fiom various quarters. At an indiscriminate firing commenced from- the white meu, and a geoeral, haaty retreat of tbe negroes followed. Wa ursat Is atate was killed, while seven or eight were wonndedmo-tly aahwoeds. No man it pfore. llie oeeurrence more thau ouwlf ; and we believe in that we etnrews the feelfog. of every white ehisen of the ia-ra ; and if the true eltisen. of Asheville had bad any influence with the negroes, It. would not toe occurred, for it was CTkleat, from the time of the fret Tho following is from mond Dipcetch: Tho Mieceh of 3 rotary sewara at AtiDnrn yesterday does not aar- prise ntiy well informed politician at Washiiiuton. IHal lie wouiu emur his yoiee for rant atid fjolfax Dd foro nlection day wub rcully predicted shortly after the nomination of Mr. Seyuimu ; and lucre arotiuue a uum ber tr intelligent ouservora oi uvn. ical workings about tho.eapitol who will not believe that thw State Ve Brlment will be sliortly deprived of r. Seward nnlesa Seymour should be elected oa Tuesday. It is Incoming a common anuject of remark here that Gen. Grant, if elected, will not yield his natural conservatism to rtie demands of ex treme RiKficals, but that he will be in all rewpecls a national President. How far ill is it a correct prediction : K .nan. hnt it ! ruiillv I L. 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 I"' uu a... f - - . - .....i....; .!.! that tha Imnrcaslon will got many votes for him that other wise would either go for Seymour or not be east at all. Others declare that the Radicals will be thoroughly and completely Mtislled with their choice. A Gen. Grant has given no assurances of and kind beyond his past record, both parties may hold to their improteions without coutradic j ar Irrom (he North WeMington Canada Titr. A LIZARD FOUND IN A WO MAN'S STOMACH. On Mday last, we were rfiown a phial fntaining a living lizard, which, it is supposed, had 'been in a vkiuW stomach' for nearly two years. Dr. Middloton, of Elora, had been atteiidinz a married womau for about eighteen months. She .ii Sing OCT aureus. taJeaJ y dint of gentle eoawng heiudaced . ye tbe bo to to before ly la painfdt expofufe oavinc ber bim to give the bane surteu. . ... i .Wit- As tbey rode away, ijs-sj-- ed oat to Uan : - - - Lookout iorttionvcT! lily Kb. knew It would avail nothing to ar t: t.n nnlv led t' nnu anew -. - . -, , l,hn. hot only led paying Vlririe's heart wa. ply, but Charles sua tin aweernuneH . An ngm i As tbey rode ou alnklne Into a dr thay were only .he woold bet. tbe river breath not to let 1 log : bat courage through. toast J be B.aas ur tm Woods -A wrres- pondent of the rorlsdiouin in. ; Time. ay that the town of Atlrln-on, iu l..t Stan, was thrown inuexeiieroent on Monday afternoon by the annoiinresnew. mat two little children ot unius aged three and four and one-nan yean., were missing since early that morning, and thona-h dorerts of persons had .earch- od for them for several hours, no trnee. ia k f....oil ol the miHSlne baoes. rjn- 1mm Harlt ne. riv all the InbaWtauts of ivsy ' at . Atkinson were engagea in me wre-, young, old, rich and poor, all turned n. The moon set that evening about eight o'clock, but until about eleven the sear was continued, oqt was tm"; parents were nearly distracted, bo, alt I4hr. made foiled to bring me uu:"i eloe to the tort one., vtnen neany - bad given-up and noliop.s were .. . Mined of their being found that Brjbtf Uamartead niau, named t rjataau wmw ofeneWinto a.wsmp abou', oneuuda half mile, from tWUue ol Morse, aud there, iu abi.ift foot of mud and water, found the little one exhausted and almost dead. The three year old wa. aooui -mersedia the water wnd wu sleeping with its head resting on a log. iw eame there tbeycaniiot tell, except that the four-year oUfs-y. he kept going, and .Kaaht he aaw a iSht, which b Uied io far a re- withmaud- laaw that he was stupor ! ' Mae. now I she thought and evw to determlnl when wa arm the not thin lowing wail, afloat -n the "sea of reading, we clip from aa exchange. We do not know u. patemlty, but it euntetos aomo wholesome Uulhs, bcauiiiuiiy (Worn think M in- the shadow talis across turn forever from tUeir eyes btvad one. whoso living i .uulight f their exiateuea. i great antagonistic ol lite, anu ""a a) . a. I. la. S lu. lbi.1l- rht Ot IBS IflUlU m BaP. A fat baby arrived here el. ...... o.t train luis auwi"a. Fuw v i .11 .. lab attracj4Jws vm m T T.Z ThaaaiW and welCUU Imm nun l' i! " " r"Tl.-lrad UOUIlds. It and seventy w - 1 . . . . r -t1 da. wears, and is i I ? "tJ' amt rL: JA A.llv two feet In null ocau J -1 he's asleap, and I bias. I aaa carry eaoaga ior . i thinking off i Give U three feel W diameter, wi like foce, and wa! . . ,ii . .. v. . . .. mm n rn i i -ter, with a .mar . ----- i .Itkoueh very iswiro, "-- very Mge, Wasbtogton, Nov. ft, P. -23 . i : u .wnnlria in commanu v. ka nenartment of Texas. An early change m the iracas, that a terrible outbreak was orew Injr, and If the prjpor authorities, or tbow who proles, to be tbe only friend, of the negroes, bad advtotd them to g hems af ter voting, the butt and foul difficulty would not have happened. Instead of that ne friendly sdviee was given the no crM S. and a fow of the more ignorant of them became iusoleut. Uenotta were started early in the morning that It Was the inientiou of the aegror. te take down tlwan. i i.i.iiir And Ulair flae : while in the lM. , , j ...... - W - I kiichens the oegro glrU said tliey wished to hnrry up their werk to aee the i igbl that waa to lake pUce between thebtocka and whites. Whether these foolish rc -... m..rm l run at laUe. it Platters not ; iliey eame Irom the aegreest and their hanging around the flag pofot ,,r." numliera, "ajl the mruiug,gare some color of suspicion, at least, that there was souis .1.:..,. ;,. .I...... Ha Ions- as the negroes on..,, ... "r w , , thowed any dipoioo to be peaceable and ordurly, tJiMO of distnrbwice ; l.ut'ju.t as soon as any man, w l.he or blaok. wua.in danger,' roii7 wtraycien itwaa time the watte n.l,lr b.,;tld abow to tlt-seueludc4 enn- r . . J a J f- 1 ......... 1 tun s ito vuey mc tit-ruiiBu -.-T cvetv vor in hi. rifcljt to exeroao jbt ehwt'iceranchisc aocordiug to Mia- die Utcs nfnis own conscience, irrespective ot LoyaT league dictation or negro nob.. Rut there are siroiig stwpicinns la the minds of many that U was a pre. concerted idot Hgaiuht ttie while piio-i ule af Asheville, and we are mote tm- ' a a . I a L aJaJa. C-..ara I 1 1(1 pre.M il wttn tmv nuBncnu, . fact that as onoof oar ntrist rospecterl ami nirwl aitizeus was corning into ftowrr. -be ixtrp the lawt dHIty-Tcwn kred. he heard a drum besting, riki en- I " . m. . I - -1- (kail I i r. onif ingot some arrnow nwr. tm; I . . .J I.. ,n.nl I ll V saw 111 1110 roau, niiui w-. -- (old him tl waa togntlier nio negrnu. together : that limy intended to fom lAAchavnia and drive the wlitte peo. 1.!.. ghltt. " -V That the negroes fired flrat, and threw aunmber of stones at the white people who were proieciing a r vat ivo negro, onu iiibi iuo wh..w pic tired in self defence, there is sttlfi Qient of rtie most reliable prrtot. 'PI. . tha nrrxtnr snrttKniuua have prevont4 'e &a leant doubt, and it the feelings ol the. by iu Ueavoea had not been so coiuploUb' !T7" " . 1 wfcfS,J ' . . .. i..t,ll.n;iiallii alienated from onruwi w v..-, we ropcat, it would navo uceu pr- yentcd. Wo will aWto not more than eight white men wero engagoU ii,,.ud tliey rouled at Umt two hundred nagroea, gff ,wIw..w" l.e the result, if the lUdieals aontiiioe in exciting the negroes to acta of io Unce apon tha whito psjopia of the Sooth. . i..t 1 h fatal occurrence was troabtad with a gnawing se neat on in the, stoiiineli. and ometimes a jump ing or palpitation there; her appe tite was irregular, at times totally gone. Tonics and other medicines n . . . a 11 ...... Wre given, UUt tliey Biiorueu ii" n lief. On Sunday last, a Ii ve liaard passed away, it ia needless to say that the woman got immediate relief, and it now rapidly improving iu health. Theliiard is about four inch es long, and exactly those aeeujn Canadian swamps, beautifnlly spot ted with black on an orange ground, and. was active and lively. From tbe American Fanner WORK FOR NOVEMBERS It is presumed that tbe seeding q all fall crone baa bean some time com pleted, and that no further work re mains to be done tn securing the to ban in Tbe saving properly the corn and fodder, andeeeoring them against depredation and damage; the se curing of potato and other toot crops, and general preparations for winter whl eoininaud attention. If leisure can be found tha spring work may be much forwarded by breaking; any old sod land, and" if tt be allffclay, with advantage to tha next years cultiva tion. TOBACCO. Tho tobacco oa it euros ehonld be as much protected as circumstances may admit against rain and high winds. All exposure to fogs or damp weather injures the appearaneoof the crop, and high winds break and de faco it wtien it is ary. as ouu a tl, atma of the leaves are free front sap, the tobacco is snffitciently cured for strnpping from tne siaias, anu very mo st season should be availed ot for the purpose. The earlier this work cau be done, tne Hotter on ev ery account. Tobacco loses in weight ami nnalitv while hanging in the house; and It is tary Important thai it bo prepared for market at the earli est practicable time, for these reasons, as well as because we should be pre pared to take advantage of the early market, and have the preparation of the crop oat of tlie way of epring work. i Iu stripping let everjr attention be given to lie proper sortiugof the dif ferent eoloriL and the utmost neatnese ha lMrved in tying ami handing. It is not genorally known how much the appearauce of a sample depends on thee appearently small matters, and, consequently, the sale 01 tue crop. COkX. Tha corn eroD Is now in condition to ha aaanred Aa Ions as it is in the HhIiI it ia liable to loss from the varf- ouaaonrcea. and the gathering thoitld be preescd forward to "get It onder lock and kcv. Fodder, after separating the corn, should be hauled to where it may be wanted for feeding. and properly stacked. If practicable, fhe italks should be fed early, Ihat their decom position may be advanced by tha tramping they may get through lite awftauaiM If blades have been pre served in proper season they make tin. l.rt fodder for working horse in hot weather, and a portion should be preserved for that purpose. pin a i:s ami oruklt KOpT CROPS, They should all now be promptly gathr ered and made taeore irom iroov, ca ret! ! such us arc not damaged hyexpos- ura .JjParaniaa and lauiDara better fortlie frosts of winter and may be dug nly when wanted. Ruta baga and thar turtiitar not httrt by the .nitai fraara of this mouth, but ahould be got up before the ground irm haul. If not stored in .iiu Vim heat and eafeet way is to pile thein in eonical heaps.- on top of flic ground, where it is dry and well draiued. and covored well with straw nestie animals to lay on fat. They are free irom the annoyance of Insects, and the lemperataro combines with this circumstance to givo them com fort and quiet, two necessary aide to improvement ia condition. Both sheep and beef cattle must, them for, bo fed early, though tbey can not bo forced so rapidly a bogs. wibtxb ABaUKOintnrTa. These should include everything necessary for tbe comfort and health of animal. The eoafiawtnent wo necesaai ily impose 00 onr stock is an unnatural condition, and they ar liable to suffer more or lees, unleee we give them the most judicious at tention, after' providing suitably for their comfort. Tbey must have pro tection from the direct pelting or-"-" itnrrni and from the nrovailinir cold winds. For horned cattle, well eoy red fheds, open only to the Sooth, are perhaps, on the whole, the beat winter accommodation. Not that there would be the same economy of food as iu close stables, bnt because of the vital necessity of the amplest supply of fresb air, and the difficulty of furnishing this in close (table, without exposure to cold draught, which may produce dangerous in- flummatory diseases. Cattle seem to suffer little from tbe eold if they ho kept dry, and this latter point should '- have special attention, ah water from the roof should be well thrown off. so that it may not Interfere with their comfort, nor should they at any time be allowed to plunge through ,7" Ft kctiok. The announcement ihat General Grant hi the President clec of the United Hutea will, ws are sure, surprisefo w if any of our readers. I'roba biliiies .pproxrinatiag -uertainiy of late, hare long painted that result. Hav ing no choie but to submit, even 5 if we were otherwise disposed, and baviag iu better days been brought by tbe discip line of frequent diaappoiiitment to tbu in dulgence of only the most moderate hopes iu political aadirs, t requires uo effort te abstain from the expression of unavailing regrets. TbatGeneral Uraut is the choice mt m aaataaliw af the real penplu of the - a .a. .. . . .1 . ... country, tbu on!y legitimate dispenser 01 ; anj eartn. .,.ta. sift n fit Itrt elaimed : and for this1 Thia makes tliem mote secure it well re.ioi a well a. because 1 is' by no act c0-ered, (ban when put in pits in the or exprusslba a fair ivpresentatrfe of the L.rpnJ,d. Twenty to litty bushels mat policy and .entimenu of the Radical par t v . dn uot see that his election affords , . . , them occaewn Ior any vcrj de immstralioiis. Ily a sort of self-repudiation, and by putting a vietoriotis so), dierbefort! tho country instead of tbem .clves, they have escaped defeat, and that ia all What may come 01 we cmoi". foresuc, but can await with compoKure. PKMtOSXT .Ioiivson's LlTTBB TO Ooxak-i EW-ixo om tub FiBAXcaa. llie letter of President Johnson to Gen eral Kwing on the national expenditures ami tho public debf. embraces a eouipn hejirivs survey of the financial hi.tory of thu 'Watted Swicj., I eshibite lh urt ling foctlhnt while from 1791 to 18GJ our debt was at no time more than 127,000- nnn tnar VMH I if W.'IT panded It to $2,80000,000. In vi. IW of the snormou. expenditures denyndei 'for purpose., the accomplishment of which retpiire largo standing army, the perversion of the constitution and t .nbiiigalion of the State, to negro domin ion, ' tho President nwiphatically inwau mi. retrenchment as an absolute necessity. . Ho expresses the hope that "U wiae ..........A- 1... n.l,, nt cil the Use. may sonu ho materially reduced, not merely for the benefit of a fow but in the interest ot all. President Johnson, however, does not unfold any deauttepiau ior.oc..r.B -ummatkm .0 devoutly to bo desired. lie declare, his convictions as to the vital is sue, of the great question new being g Itaied throughout the country, and aaaens that "the contest is not merely who suaU o mi niro a neao. 1 oiinuv-o oo..u. not He exposed to sun and aitJongef ftiininoecssan-to dry off the external TUeirouality U very soon iioiolii-ed- eaiieeittilV the action of iirhl Buta bagas should be stored whojw convenient for feeding. They lea. covering than potatoes indeed, are not seriously damaged by .tatty hard freezing. I' potatoes are not thoroughly pi 1 dected agninst frost they will be destroyed, and before severe weather sets in tliey should have another cowing " straw upon Hie earth first tnjed.aud then .an aa ditional iteiig,Qf tarlh. , " j BOOS. bs fjt no time be imw lost in fatten mud to get to water, or nnder pro-, tense of any necessity of making ma nure of the coarse material of the farm yard. Cattle should be well supplied with dry bedding ; working oxen, milch cows, and calves, should have separate apartments. Horses should, if practicable, have boxes where they may freely turn them selves, and not be tied to halters or confined in stalls. Sheep, nnlese tbey arc being fed for the butcher; should not be, con fined at all, hat should have a shed to which they may have access from bad weather. They are tbe most healthy when tbey have tbe largest liberty. Pro vision, of course, must be made for ewea having iambs, that they may bo entirely pro tee ted against aggression of every sort. stock hogs should nave aocommo dations apart from other kinds of stock, with shelter open to tbe tan, and dry bedding. If they can have a woodland range at the same time. it is the best provision that can do made for tbem. Let tbem by no means be allowed to lie ia heaps of man 11 re, or filth, which cause diseases of the skin and other affection. . WATER. Water thonld, if possible, bo pro vided for stock in the yards, that they may be well supplied without plod ding through mud, or eliding on Ice. While subsisting on dry food there ia much greater necessity then at other times for plenty of water, but, unless the supply is convenient, cattle will often consent to go without it for a long time, sooner then overcome tbe obstacles to getting it. MANURKS. During tha winter months large ac cumulations of manure can bo made, it the maiei nils be gathered With diligence. If composted wifh wood a mould, or any other good, non earth. I ho manure may he Urns greatly in creased in quantity, iiut mere ac cumulations of coarse, raw majeriai in the yards, do not effect that pur- poso, unless there is a duo proportion of rich manure with' which to com post tbem. ISo.th,nTneddyiewt. XUPT lire pr...T. . laW fl, but whether I he ntgn peneav. Jcral eon.lllltutlon shall U onfWf?1 1 i..iaj i nnla, that our liberties ami niai n la.a , b , ZT- Wa ra-r-.d" For the raOraa. of treat wrongs and the ousi-eti.a of the aawiv abuses under which the country ts i.bnrnie his bopa la ia the Asssrtsaa pto- mm lfltaT lit tl hue. Let the he-t uracticuble ...r.ooinv he used in feeding. If rrinding of the corn can be effected, great saying will be' made in feed, and if it can Iks boiled or steamed, there .ill bnalill creator economy. But 1 ....1 1 1 ior l.e nracticable. at least have tho corn tlirowu wi close plank tlr. when, overvlhing will be eaten clean, and hq waste from Tramin'n J J 1:., I .(..., ,,.rr 111 mua or uui. -B Hlinul.i bo mado in all respects com tv.rtabia : should have a dry but not t.. warm bed tO slotD 0, tufflclent .MiMtiim atrainat weather, with shed opening to tlie Booth, and be v supplied always with clean water. BEEVES AWt SHEEP. Forthe same reaaon, nil stock to he prepared for. the botcher ahoutd now be. fed with the utmost regularity. TV. nms food makes asm meat in naoderata weather than when it ia cold. Our oboervatnm ua that in the moderate fall there is peculiar aptitude weather dot The following advertisement appeared in a Tt via paper: "If the person who took (his concluded by mistake the white water proof coat belonging te Captain Johnson, will apply te tin bail racks, ha Can have the peg it used to lang upon, as it is of no further aieto the o woer. " Goon Ldrp Deliver Us I General Howard. ha. just sent in port. bi. annual re- He ask. a continuance of tbe Bu reau, which amazes u. after hearing from him .ome little time ago that it would wind up in January. Why this change I Arc the negroes more, incapable of taking care of themselves .in 00 the late elections, r is there a better chance of continuing the Great National Clothing Star and Grocery with a profit to the keeper. 3' Norfolk VlratMitm. mfWs . Imgs A colored man from Liberia, having studied uenusiry uve roars in taw nan try, hat returned te Liberia to practice bi. Below will be found what is deemed a proper text from which te preach the fu neral sermon of Ben Butler: Fram Jevewilah.nl, 1: "Ami the ba sins, and the fire-pan., and the bowl., and the cauldrons, aad tbe rand last leks, and the spoons, and tha cup. j that which was of gold, if gold, and. that which wa of ilver, in .liver, the captain of the guard took away." Partial returo. from the 7th District In dicate tha election of Durham (Cnanurva-tira.) aaeeausuww-fc gtt iriaj u fBsJsT.. lbff be sjnkful is i-rtOl

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