J 1 ' 1 wrfj- ,.?..'-"''' .ittt r . BY HANKS tt HUIM.K KALimU'KY, DfcC. 4, -i-iay AF't.il Traa'du The liuthcrford Vinduitvr, received on learn, thfinj ptinup ca i dcpl.nnhle affair ri'u 1 shall, Mh1iii oohii'v, on last Mn day. A Air. - approached a voting: wmran, who Minn no ikiiiiicrii.ru cannula, iH),t med in Mar Important Sale at ;M HILL. near Hit- village, and askeil il her name w -. Being n twered in the atMrmaiic, Mr. 8Tli:ilIX SEWS. 1e lae roi! ion of Monnt Yean aria, in Itatv, Mount Ueeta, in !- land ; I lie torribl a'artlianako in St. Thomas, etc., ens perhaps only tbe sclimiBwuie to erandarcntaetrsjfjrhie. Thev aeaaa to Dave already com tite-aeed.iw tajn region, on a at jrelic aeale. The latest now from Kandwscb Islands give tbe detail of the meat teiritU earthquake and v.d rani emptioa al experienced titer patting into (it shade the moat terrible record fotnd either in lilfturr or tradition. Even tba pro- srarWly cool rh..uthie aie-i-.!""' " r.",.i7..,a- . I i T . T a.? " X -.a. I UT Mill msr " nnieir inn tr-rm- tmg ibwf " Lo". ' w Z , uoJiudans .m j. ,,. t- U i tfiirsr,1!. 2StA ir. . WILL tell, at Oold Hill, In! of Machinery, uousisting ol una Iwwlv hort" STKAM 1 n 1 1 ! : wiin TCIH'h.xlt BOlLKILBaArr !.. ITLikvs, and llssoms. Two ol UUM I nlnnred a knife into the linenst of tlht pter.t Ota Cauana. On lull ant at Pr vnung woman. It tbeu traaapirtni tli.it tba nnfortnrate creature waa the aiater of 'he intrnJ. I victim, and that, in a passion of jealousy, the fatal deed waa erinmitted. Tbe mur deree is now in jnil :it iar.-dudt. Tbe Oi-I X-rtM Stale cornea to the ron clusiou tint wl.ii i he Northern Democra cy eroaiiset iln- Smith, rn inutile everv. trvinj "it pi-rfnrnn afbhij. Wo ana tHh-re thtt ikw nr ti- ini:ui4n "will Jo I" ti -(. St.tr. j For long yr am vi bare known and -Ir tliat tha Soilln rn UriBorrary wnuhi not 'ii to tie lo." Tlx- ituh, tiiu and ajrain, have only tnwted ili.it partv tn l! liaieii. beirina to conai.lor ibe earth a rory nnaaic ulaca t stay on Ion pr, Itvw tUa tact that I he late to! cask manifeatationa have been jrt-nural in tbair chnricter, that there ta no ivncar n iLmU ahuwt tlic thr-' that all rolcanoes I. a .ai. a itciut.iI an I coiiiftvn ocriicv. t . I - a!in .-l certain that lik u.n in the central Luid part t( ihtef iu the in arable, we arere but beiu uur rlobe wltere the uiuat inleiise Wed m the ulauglut r. twat prevail, in cotni iiriron to un Tool, ooiillii)t ot Skk-Us Dim, Tafa, Vice, mi I I' ;;.- Cuttura. A kit ol LraUVr and Kub- Ih-i IUli i vu ; oupprr ami iren 1'iriaa) : two rarbojr ul Ann, a lot ol UouacboM aod Kitiihaa K .uni.ire. ainl a grrst atany other ar- i ! ., I itbont ni ii limi-ry ur inaiung l J. UiiiiiiKpariiii will Aii l tSif rare chance to hirnMt ihetnvlvet wnhall lliiqgt tuitabla for Mini'i )iiipo.. All K-rii a i- .nr.' htrtbar lo'onnation n aermuit too ab property will aduraet Ibe auUtotibei ul Guld-lbil. N. C. JAMK-i A. ailX. Auect MT" Cii.vl.itie X'n- ciiiv teu iUv, and Mi J bill to tlie ub.nix-r. Tim Sale of the above p'oiwrty poti.Mi-l until hirrin-r nitfiue. Cknrbttlr T pk-aa fopy. No. .'I, I SOU. has been ibuul the taed. Ln.willi.'lv we went into the have n f"r, cent eamj i;n nndeftl.e' Mm fT:t'Rfffl''tiWfl1$'l G8MIM6 !! COVING! COMING I J interior liquid mas the crust mi which we lire uint be cxeeivei. thiu. Prof. Ljouii tbiaka it i prov ed now that tbeaa eraptiotis are ret) aod bf water getting into tlmt con cetrai f re, wheie, after bnvii b eti .Ln verted into steata hy the hen', it f icrti a ra vnt eiuriuiu pri wiire on tbe earth' anut, upheaviii. etiTiV'iiisr. 4iag at often, electing the ittteii.it liquid which we call Ua.etc. He think tbeile is now great flanger of the water in the ocean getting thrnogU (lie cruet into that contra! fire, and, having been changed into tiMijietit Mow iii tto.- Knr our ! n part we think it istho d ty of ibe Smith to have nothiii; inure to ' lo with N.i ional politic. Let the Nnrth . rn It idic.il and lie Northern Democrat j - I "eappeihead" lif(ht it out on tin ir own line, while we at home nVrote our ntten- I iimi totliosc matter th it will '. '.id In our r.-iwettvi' Sialea' bet iutereata, pofitically j - . , . , witr sww'p w.iv the cut.. t bner Large, Varied, Elegant and iiml ic.lllB wjvn, una linn w in lenu tin1 Fall and Winter STOCK. I' nl( rd Stun Inlrrnnl Rrrnur. Calaitwi efflw Mk Mattel. I C 'Z BALiaatmr. Nov. JOih. 18tM Tht- property deaerike.) In the ftd'owinc; llt baa keeu aeuwd. a Mug liable ta forfeiture tor violation ot tho Internal Ifevaane I .aw . Auy penon or peraou elaiiuina; aaid proter ty, or auy part thereof, are hereby otiliot to app.-nr and inake aueh elaliu, wilbiu thirty day of tha flrvt puklieatlon of tab notice. MkatfOMa, I UN a Wtiarw, rlaaat JO Mfwr. nj at. lata, lanoataueja AM lianw, ' hasr.OMaaa, ' Jaa.t.lMB. Jkn I Jan i. ivv eoera an J..ij Win III Aw. IA. I-..- aVa ame,- rfl I, 1MB. H. n WrM ii W A Utniki !-, - apata ta, I aoa. - f .ml I . -. 14 !. I. IMS. ianm Mom ai. tt, twa. K- N TrWyO, I). ' ll.pt. t !(. War. nri-. " ttft. IS. IX. Mtftry Churrh, " ril.Ki. I, to. m. Ijnrtu - llrpl. 80, J -- Lukl, " Oct. K Ik. I'nui '". I Jay .'. -C-ll UKir, Iu. l, . . . WM.kr. ami a. wiutr. I .'..I r. nm-t to prntnote nnr tiKiterial niteri'M, airn-ulturuiiv, tnerctntei i.iuy auu uiociiau- i..v. rt'iidtatoio Ar-tti- team, at any whole bell to p:ecea. blow ing Iu fact, In The ,idmiei it of the Looi'iana Cnn erei,.iiien, chosen at the rvcrtit elect ion, it highly improbab'k. The .oppoaition to ibeir .idan-iuon is ktrfhjfhtetied by an mi ofBcial aTaterai-nt of Col. Keeler tojlw ef f('et that Geo, Roaoacau cotirnrred w ith tht i.tdit i! leader in the opinion th tt ne (trot could not taf. ly vote. All the dep.irimeu'a are H ..i d. Seward and li t..i.i!l viaited Freaideat Je1niioit to-day. f T VP TO COME AND SEE TBEU ! compare our earth to a bngc ttttaiu boiler, under extra Irgh preiirp. The fate in atre for u pov mor tala ia, in accordance with our learn ed Profeeaor, the Mine a that which befell the inhabitant of the planet once existing between Mar and Jn Eiter. Thi planet about fifty time trger than the earth, was from such a cause, it i thought, blown intoaev eraJ onnilrca piece ; ol tnee pineiy- , . ,,,1 ad j ajy. The nuh- teren hare been discovered by a mt ,10iic: was, iu m.iny rep cts, , trononters: they arc called natero'da. ' rcuiarkable man. PoMeum? one of the , jaiHinij oounuu. hneat and mot i-xti-tirive larina in, II c- Neverthele, it U lie, that the earth wi time jet.j iii,.i, ,i. J i,:. ,. ! V.WALLACE TS ntw r , i ol il i i-rt.iii' Ins lurer ami eh'-anf stix. ninl Winter Oiwls, lo tbe inspection ol wlMtih he my ilea every bony. -- He luealed in Salutary wrili (be determina : lion ol il.'iiijf a la'i" and liouorable business as n iitn,nt. and w ill adlw re unalierably to tl.at purpose, lie is confident that be can make it I to tlie inteiesl of the pubiu: lo trade with bun. till, ik He ka keen aauoially careful in the aek-ctiun - - ' ! Mr Ins Kail Stoelt. win, ii couiprisn everytkin); In Lcxii'.eton, N. C on tbetird day of . bouski low down for cash, whieft enables him Octob-r 1SC8, utter a protracti-d atckneea, t" sed-as low, if not a little hwer, than any Ur. H'lUHM lUlXEr HoU, need WI o lu-r nieri liant iu all i!us region. Tnj him f. Tnj him !! CASH or BARTER! the general be- tern North Carolina, and entbu.iaatically ' It kH he an cven-kawletl, PttHsfatiory trade rill laata loUff devoted lo agricultural purtiits, he ptve, 'None shall leave in ;Sioie Without k-eUii.' thai mi i I-.- '"-Mg -w ,. , II...V lute Uoiie well by ca-.m,; on Jill ... Jrt 1 il' J ..n. i.,'., m near iloltshurg, the uioet ot his time, 1 W'ALLACE, , r -v lini'iira anu uiouev, aim at iitat e my I'ENXSlLi A- . his life. Next to bis dear and lovely fiuailr. hi "Mitdel Farm" claimed his un- Next door above J. S. MuCubbins. Oct 10. extendi ve . divided affecti ms and his unremitted eu on 110-' ircv. Forul of heaulTfi uiL', a Welt a with with its etcnive field of waving grain, t us lovely grove of Oak and Hickory, it green pasture ef Clover and Tinmtby. it flock ef the fuest Southdown Sheep, it herd of saperior Devon cattle, and pro nounced ft the most splendid f.n-ui. and sffonii ig the most cheering agricaltn.il view, anywhere u the line ol tbe I eutral Fresh Arrivala at No energy, u is ; l r lUTOK W a LUCK is Bow ntyting on the care I large ami well selected stock 0 on Mnwood, jjrv Goods. Fancy Notions, Rcady-Afatde Clothing, Hats, Car, Hoots, Sliocs (in.iirii , &c, Slc 17 Tit Utdie especially invited to give him I calh wl 24 tt tltsD TO TBE PIBLICT- ajiiiioTers probah iut in their vote hitneelf- Tlutaort of voting irt November carried l'etitievl ifiiikU kite Uetuocrattt. What to if in part waa the act of'.llie pr . s aw?- nl.i ittA " m. ' "Ik .en.sv the tune eta and uuttmrz it Thia wa don after tbe latlure ot Jlorehead it Co,, to impose addttiou R. SAML. A. HELL. S loeate.f on Eunis tret, rw-tween ain A Lee. Offict- fonuerlr occupied y Dr. J. A. talnweii. ami iflrm his prok-s si" lull services In tin. citleus t.t tl.e tuilli sud vicinity f Salisbury. , July IHtW v-nrAn SUFFRAGE IX XI A. The late Mr. C i n Iron master in Lancaster Cv. on ele-e-'vrge. Fond of beautifyiiig tlon waa in the habit of having hi 1 fertillxing. his valuable lands,, of imlu- L tr.v..ii iii a wius to th- ted!-, iriousbtbils an unwearied nsxi tlieui4liskut irivine them the ' -w wonder that .the paeaenger rmahUto owl out. Iiaudcd in their ff - with adwirtug eye vote Uqjaau, giving in their nnine Kb he did so, thus: "Thi is I'eter llnmuwl t. trot j thi U J aeob Sliller'a rote; thwb Caspar Weber's vote," and so on until lie bad voted for all in the wagon. The a agon was then sent off for a fresh load, and when it arrived the same ceremony wtu K,,I,e X. C. ltailroad. With a mind highly thrOOgh with thatn. If IS Still the'cr.tjv.tr,.d, and devoted to .Science, be Custom in Pennsylvania for iron auukronglit to benr upon bis agricultural la- tare and all ot bar mafinfMctnreni ,tiboraHthe'aldof cientific research. And C .inpel tbe'r hands to vote as Mieir ' In re perhaps, in tender judgment, .1....... I.ni Mr i: iiiu his cat'tlal error, but an error, i it it I. !.-. .K.i hia.tiir wit,, Ibe one. in lite right direction. Ileal mgs..n;a,?r' "ry.-1 ...tj i ,i. k.... .....;i;.,..,. r.XCllallfC. : J W'lUI.I uit e ro vrrrrw- .i..l.. ,.,! ihe best tfiiano and l'hosphates, lie Ivania a nprvfcrl implements ol nusnijnan, jineaeki accieoi tti unwiu, wuiiiou. umii awcniainaiing n gaio iitcoai, jrotcu womu hae-r. A c.iiVful antl houli- . fi ' .. . a . a. . ' . a . to -i0.000,00Q from the mannfactiir-1 Utt yf i,uJ,aU, true aod DtPPtRfl Jtl f X I 0 U D I S putting it upon to nsumers. :).,,,, i(1 ,u frM.,,ahii, kind ai)d an.-c--l " lionate i:. disposition,!! .ible and cote- j oils in manner, be himself enjoyed, and ! Me,.,),,,..!. .. I .IniijMi umn foriooii tvoodi. 1 he innrh, km 1:1 v ihe eomfnrts. 1 w " e?Sa v.f,tu, ... -r & r j . . - 'I ICadieab) think it a horrid thing to j amenities and delights of his immi st-ad, j'-... , change a nego vole from a bUck to a whose chi. lisfac.ion beyond the en-, , csr.tsa while direction in the Soutliern deannentsyr wife and chiidr i ) conss U vir.ai i.ri r. oj... -Jbl. a ... . .... !. -II :.. ,- hlM.n. h.ifl nltal If V trmii .-r i.i.iKf '.' . i-u;irr.,., time ruHeL crai ekHtst?! iv.a.1. iiiini .- . --- -r-- - i . . ... - " .. . ...I : l. lz l . 1 ... a. ratu.... i. -iir, u-iii which ik i r i raa, a hoc Mnawois iv..n w.. . , r. :,. ..,..;,! m..ii,r 0 mU-riial nnpioveineiii man, auo an ag sav -t. --. r.ennu ul i.j- Jimrin'r - tin imrmit'i p. n-n,. "III- Il l Vf .iaif. .A K MKI .t:tU 1UMIIMJ I .X Max..) fsk iial anrt iit.liilurpiit nnrpnt. 1.1 -SSSSSSSSSSSR THE llEUKhW I.ALi. ; faithful, loving and ever confiding bus La I e foreign trews announces tb: band, be hit his eariiilv home to join, we j death of Barron James IJthsejld irust once more, ia a happier worfct, theae Jacobin Jtoea.ii, at i ans-r-eacl the iTrddei"n', w hom disease and war ban -fettwawoat tunM f hit ia ,hl dV..AiraJtuui.iiia Mviu2.enj.biar..- on earth. A e.rtinont RolhwhiM tlie &reaftst worthy conioiunicaut ill- the protest! gl-Jf-- A ftnJjU.1 l kurivali-l Kuiscop d Chdreh, Irr ll dt attested, in Tl.r.W trur,, , III liVlltg WOl.. Ill l.lrfll, Mope -WHO OVt I i,. I in.T. 4na Hsviukr. - - and. .1 tnirui-nii.ir for fcwontb under a waating dieae. con-1 '' - tracttd u hi. farm, be nearly ran ont the LAKGE PHOTOGIl A P II.S, allotted span, tbn e scire years and ten HORSE STOLEN. STOLEN" from the snbaerther, Maiular right tbe H iu-4., adark bay tailMiu.eirht yar old, white puts on the b-tek fntio saddle galls, a while suut in the forehead, and l.r..nkal L" ft. atai IX., t ei jr thk-k aauk aud L. -1 uauie. Xiie. thief also took a saddle, bridle and baiter with the bora. Tbe bnrae is suppowl to have been stolen by a brigbt colored boy by tbeuauieof James A ... derian alios Furkiw. Any nersoii delivering the horse tn me at my resiil.-iiee, five miles -eith ill L miic .in N ', or giving nt sneh inforinsTtnn as will lead la bis recovery, will be suitably rewarded. Addn-ss me tt Lexington, X. C. iv A- wit A. A. sMITII 30,000 WORTH OF 000D8 ! MOCK&TlROWN. WUOLlALK St EKfAIL MERCHAlSrTS Sallakar? , If. C, A II K NOW IS BbX'KU'r of Ike largwi coaplsteStmh vtUaaaSlkay bare evar uts : an tkelt aaaaa have aaea boaiat at sack prt. ea as t aaable lasia tesellal rakaj oaaotaillu laeaee eraar aatr. U aU ake waal aaa aurtkaaaka. Tatlr a.k leaalw. at All Otaata Baa IWIawadartai atlas aaalaaalMi ef UoadsaoMlalaw sssrkelV TMr DHKmhiiinHiH ua ul Uw Hlale esaaeiae IsUk Trai wat A tall llaeer IViaa. Cmlaiias. Jess. Kattlaatk. eady-Mao llasblag. Prtata, le- Yaat til d- i;n..eurs. srya. KkaaK (tloaks. fhanr. lilevra. aaueas. a lares ataet of ant a criauoas, Hsu, Caratts I'aratt, rale taMaat. til fi'. Ul n.surr Mle. '. ia . a'ii'sti..u ..I 'in (li...,. tint M. .... Tie. Ilisat i.i'tsnt'tr. VarbHr, Superior Onahlr and bur prices of oar Hood wHI lute I -r tnenttvlre. and il Rites at g .'-it pleasure to (lUj,.. ..ur Hoods to all abo fstor us a ilk a call. Wa . aauot obul to ex.u out tit'iunilgrtl For Xaifa InHttrauxco Only FtEDMOSI IEAL ESTATE WSIIWCE COIPAKT ot vinonriA. AUTHORIZED OAPiTAl ONEiMI LLION DOLLARS' OFFICERS. WC. CARK1NOTON, PrttUm J. J. HOI'KINM, ahaiWf 0. H. PKRROW,M. D.. MO. AMm. ThU liberal sud teivaat aaystoiU pokey 40 Yetw Before the Public, 87 Ptr CuU. If ProUs. It proposes to aid its patrons ky for one hall ol the premium It allows is patrons to par all cash Ifdeiiren. it i.vii.. It. iu.i r..n. o. hi tta aaaaal at- ' jr w. . aaaoi vtuii u axutu. aai iiroiiiurujr.iv - . , -i-u. il f .r tlie vrrr tirire Sh.l rn-rat ptlrenicr euei is wis sea iat.it tifiw aloaed aa as aerstarare. aa.l stall meat etnmtly endsavor ta prove oartelre w.irUiy, not vtly of ust favors, bat nf tkelr rontinnance la II rmure. If likeralHy ia prices an Hoods, last eealiag, ad polite and reaptHittl ataaoua In all, la aajtkiug, a s TH m i-e ibea. r"ar Terms are .frlrtly TAH er BABTElt. All kin.l. nf I'ounUy IVoihle boualtt at l.ikeal ur.irkst iviees. Mrrrbanti art especially InviteJ Ui asaiuiur I -at ions to alte patrons Ui change their policies r. 1, 1 THE 80UTJIKRN HEPATIC PILLS, 7al aU, Umt tweata aaW wiH tHti M etTlOtsa ateatst, aawsWIaT Ai BtTBred tba bu-wtaf (VtSfcae, km LIVKR COMPLAINT, Da. C. f. Dttirs. flag, n I Ktv "1 raahaaataiM a kviiidies aa73 v, l or residence. , . " nave atw aavwu (wytlcws, m ItofTers tierollowlngcrUflcaUatlUol-:aaf to rwaasawad tAna h n tlaaj raary i X I Far s dmasis artaog from disorder. J Nsuaa Cocrr Hocwa. Ta I n(cr, brhrve they are Ibe bast aedwajtad aa IS. II- I kaU Lauwaaaaw awa.. i . .m. - i ma, at i u iseavw siinwu utatii t i i.. 1...1:.... 1...1.1 ..iri..il .."ta tea. 1 dividoals who have louud llieraaar I v.l or rcsideuce. aad I have also known aayajctaa. in ,S -H "I II - I I,,. I 1 ,e IHlMlC. The uud'-r -.iiUK-d, oftlcer. of the i-yanw 1 u,., immJUMmmm. Saow ll.lf I Kel-.ii. atnt STar ar TTrarins, -a imajwara rai . ia,- . -TT1'1L; ,m'r P , rll. .1 leiTllrH I I li-.. . . ,l..l n.llalite ClllOa . ' TyV'- wn. LCA IHE I LtA I tUtt i 1 .Ti e Ih "Loiit Heal :.tte lnHUr.ce(;.u. ' was Sieat soDefef. My brer d K, TIIK LMJKltSIU.VD have aia- nai,r."ofthlsi'ountri and beside, tbe aieritol 1 1 hsm my neea aa aireagin, tail i,,r , i I eii'-elves iii the TaBaiar nsl- its soln-iu'V. Its rate and terms for late In-ur seeaara ajaapa ra wa ewer ay ittr 1 nnta i U . ,.i ,n . 1 1 1. .1 .. io.es an. o are n. h a. to eotuuientl II lo IMUHW paf Wliwn tnw i stent wae a.rremrae.1. II VVest of Stahihurv, on the hktmhrtan r.MMl, and j roftag. aui joci to uiqw-ni arm rtotrat Mlwks f1 .iHm.ls t.T.i. liiHill lllllK.- K 1 1 NI). lNSt.sknlilers,IMreeiorsttiiin.iii.'n.ai....... Hu erHHie. every anara leaving air ... .T..f ILL l....a.. ..,.... ..aa rwlr oil all .1 I. - - - Wl .1 . . . V honorable. rlEcieril management of It aaaira, j .y, to 4Ucl, Hj, mj iJS .None of us have stock or perMinal interest la JAiraiJ, Mate I had laluss n.ia 3 H i. ..,..- and simatr aire this as di.tnter '." ' t' Slate. I aatf taken psIrM aji " -a....ri...r....i...h-;ayLnr.--lln.llta tdaaiie uulil I Was into ol Harm. j ! ,uergy or cs.o.lorl. I was kerel, UtllKU SKINS.U.N SIIAUK.-. We w cuaujie iie.i Loiiiher lor good llkilt. fent 5. CS Im J. XI. LOWK.ySt'K. A Wiilaa lath, w a as We s I It. H. tOWAS V ., GENERAL CMMKSHIX ANU Amenta fur Tulcaa Iroa Wurka, Kit-brnoi..!, U. . ciVliri KO A DslLI Purifies the Blood. musical SMUiptrser. of Hebrew Wood--wliiafi shows that that I ace. tliouglt auail'ieiriatiz 'd, die peraed, lillipetided eud trampled un der foot "for neatly twn rJtorrsand rears, still possesses wonderful vigor. Kor are these tiro the the oniVnanK s that illustrate their race. Nearly every department of ait and letters iu modirn finies 'wast of Israelites s,m jmrl holy hope; i among lis noble ornatiieut. j tie ' !,-, our Oral, sud iu HORSE STOLEN ! OR STRAYED, "PICOII mr .table. In Asheville. on lat Sajar r day uhjht,aist,or early .Suuclay moraliig, DESCRIPTION. He is between six and seven jeiuri n!d, nlsmt I.", hand high, light sorrel color, rfiiu uiane, the hair on the end of his tail has bfeu cut ofl'. ma king it shorter than natural, the hoof of one hind foot i cracked, and oa of his front hiatfs ha a nou-h in it, ahowirfg the shoe ; he has a star is tbe forehead, a white spot un his bead, ou the right side, whivb the bead-etall sown ; the hair baa been taobed from the underside ol his jaw, on one sine : be has barn newly shod, and tbe hair iWlr cut from his ictlock. tie is a last ilkrr, u ic- aod lopet under the saddle". nearly nw ltku k leather halter, a much worn blaek hliajti hltakrt lined with brown and red re on hiiu. and went tnth him. Vitr one reluming the tor-Hi to me, or iHltirni- re bti can be found will be liberal I f fo rded, and any information as tn tlie ilinvtiou ha. -one will be thankfully reeeived. Addresa U. U STUKLS. Kav.a3.1H. IM. ... Affair. .V. r. THE St'RSCUUlKK has last returned frotti tha North with bis Fall and Winter rkock T Stttll It taBC? mom, memo, at. Consisting of PRINTS, Balmoral, Shawl. Lmlltn' V.tU, Shirting and 'ShettiiHiS, l)rt Jul. tans, MtH lii'jiily Made Clothing, - DraiOeii ai.d Shirt, Woolen Good LADIES KID A WALKING SHOES. (Jailers, Uis-s ami Children's Oreaeaad Walk ing Uirv.Men' Fine and Coarse Shoes, Boots and Uroaiis, Heavy ijoots, A. MEWdt HOYS FUR d- WOOL H A T S , Gentlemen's Cloth lists, a good asortment. 0 Know and Believe Im.KT O. U POULiSOHa Cf)f. PRUO S i . is tin- cheapest place to buy DiHet and aletliciues in llus saf tiuu of Noiib Caioh- na. Try them I at WTATsTS OLD STAND May 7. V 6lbi.ry, N. C. Fall ajitl Winter GOODS ! HAVtVtO jut Yet nrned Irem tbe tattern yrfies w e ofTerthe largest ami iwit com-pk-iimjck of goods ib tins mai kel "e enu iosrate a lew: W l'leo-s a -.soled Prihl; " 200 " Uleaelied and Brown llu-lins, '.'oil " I'.uit goods troaSNaC vis., lo per yard, 60 Oawrs Unlit and Sb.iea.alt prices and sixes, oU.OUU ppund Uamaered and Kolk-d Iron. A lull slock ot Ladies' Drear liootls and Trimming, Shaw ls nil colors and prlues. Cloaks Irom JJ to $i.", Uats and Cans, Hardware and Cutl.-ry, I 'an ia. e Materiab of all LirMtavUil and Kuniiiel OkdhS, Saddles and SafhflerV Trim mings, K.ench, Calf and Sewing rtkios, ektle Upper. Il.roe-s and Patent L. aliier. Refined eklgart ot all kinds, Cuba ky the hil l, or bbl , tan.lv, Stai'irit, K o and Java CoBee, Bouirnvx, Jute and Bagins, Ritpe, Salt, M'.las-i'.. - i.p, Cl.e.ie, Tanner's and Kerb tine Od, Medaimes, Drugs and Dye-Stuff., Ri fle nn. I Utaslmg PoWiIer, Sfteeliujei and Varus aiF-oioiy Prices by the Rah. ; W have no hesiniti-.n iu . lying we hVe much the largest and M'rtt rou.plele atia.-k of j. hh. in this market. b"iuglit at the lowest market ratwt of gold this seaasra. Theref.ire ne nfler KCeat ind'ici inelit to whttleaale aud retail dt-aTers. either mr Cash or Itarter. In addilkm. bo easTomerwIH run anyretk of Wy; ing o'dg'HMi. Orders solicited from prompt dealers. We are ageufs fin Wl.t-eWatc Mel li.'k'. l'lireslie,. and Cleaner-. Weare thank ful for the verv liberal natron aire irivea ua and hope by proaiptataxUaa; a aoatiaaaaaa as the aaose. 17 Call a Sprague' Old gtaad. near tba Market House. SMITH. FOSTER & CO. w. a. swrnr, I raa. s. rntma, txat rorm n Salisbury. X. C-. Oct. 7, IMS. tw :tf Oio ft S-nmnrx, rlerk rcoit Onart - Jons f. till. Sherltr -.'M-wajHstua. Wa. A. HilL.inrerr. S. II. Lovtxo, Clerk County Coart, knks. At G A. Itingham A Co., Agents. Salisbury glti also bars the agency ksr good Pint Co I. I Wk Uiely able lo aaj I Wtkgik 1 yktlded la, ijj of a frksad aad aaaeaal ATI0 PILLS wt.b aaal CatBl aaaJa -. Traveling ncstk wanted. ApP'f t'Al'T J.VllBS K JollNMOX. tlpectal Agent. Caarlott. !f . C Jan.T. wtwlr Tie irliaglai Milul fifr Jnsnranff 0000119 OF VIROINIaV A Virginia and Southern Imtitulum Jtl Fund are kept in the South. It A ax met Kith unprecedented itccem. IU fortune are estaUahed beyond an - . contingencg. titk uglbe II KI' A TIC denne m 1 beui. Tory acted like a i-aimaj r urn Ihul huw J h.ie iiuf.ntxt.: JkaJ iH-rw-reietl in Ibeir nv nnul Bow. l. Raj j bleating, am eW aad If. IhsdatsM . man, woo, at i oenere. wa it Ted rma aJ ' by a dose of torse I'iUs. Mv PkaUsi't kaM annually from flOO to fm, but I lisv.tal j as nst I"' a pi.ytieutB auu a I can rt.i Urtil revouintead H'errt n a ..ns rioi faatily utrdaaj 8. D WALLACB, Bq.. Prevalent ..f ihe M minx ion A' Vieluou Bad Road. (Aug 30. IM tayt: ' li has been sard that Dti. i -u aa naiuMMtl dwsaa. .However tht may tr.fl hi. se.i me long aaa severs suavtu.g. rsaji dentially a iru-inl luraalasd nt with a Ira kai et of list ' nl'ttic Pills,' and the nr of tba bawpertected t enie. In my family (liej Ji area aaea neuuently wnb emsnet.i sstaa Among my enpaontaace many caart anrsj ling from diseased bvee, bat been retierrjJ cured by tln-m. I regard ibem tn mtlta medk-ine, and like pkasur ia forwsra.'if M voluntary tritiuie. A. Vt . 0 Tavtoa, Kq, Pelerttaiiy. W i Jan. 12, IHaa.jssys: - Iu oV-Sptincof IS I scat attached auk Dyspepsia lo s... I. tf tent that a'l my food of every dea-npi .. a at agreed with mr. I was swoRen so l J lie t saPMT apai mmmm. ina. iw j . . iiiktlHy Ikal ill raaaere rarorably auk tay Lib " my cwwat, aao ntgnc auer niyia I lesuraac. t oarpaky oa tar raaUaaat, vkkk I tht j gel Bo Uteri. I -ttkrd on ar two phs trae lest of rseveaaikslU.. land lock a good deal of Bwde m. bal I latSaint ara ealk.o.ly sdatialstered by attassM rr)(rC j p,,,' a,, , g, 'm.t'cisl Hepalic -,-- rlj 'fell rel'cved, aud coniliiord until I ( l OF I C EIIS ; rskiiviixT, JOHN E KDWARDS, Wu. it, laaaca, rsav. J. Habtbook GET THE BEST . , ALM AI, AC. Turner's N. C. Almanac For 1369, has the State OoTernmeut fa full ; all theOturtt of the Slate : tlie Militia Hrstem : 1'itstaee latea: . . ,1h . '.,.,1.1.., :... .ttlrretlev ' ll..it.,..l, n.i law I Ikgustof Stab; constitution: Kaitroads uiid ofo- ees ; Tables, Kereipls, Aneedtttes, ie., making it the most romplHe and rnkiabl) Afnianac ev er Bobfislli J in the Mate, price, pi"'i.opy,ouly IU cents, llir gtos-, fii'. fur sale uy JA8. If. KN'MSS, Wml Bookadlrr, Salisbury and Raleigh PxiOTOCrKAPH OaUery ! when he wa gathered to his father, biv Cartes do VultOB, , ... A . a . i i I in"" tlie testimony or a g'Mia conscience; "in the coiniujiii.il of tbe Catholic Church; i-i the confidence of a certain faith; in the, comfort of a reasonable, re in favor with pc'ifect charity fcc., S . sfcCr. Leather. Crofkeiv, Salt, Hollow War. osl and Willow -W are, Brooms, and many other article-, uompi lsmg a gaasPM ataorlmeor ol Dry Gmals, Oroetsries, Uc., ail of whkdi wlij he old Vw for . i 1 ASH (HI II1RTE15. M. W. JARVI?, Ag'i. Jenkins Corner. Salisbmy, N. C, Sept. 20. I6fl. wvw:t Prime Mirrfater of England h a He. with ibe world' CoiL ewyM yarn Wtxal. iim gieat ac tretta iiacnel, uelongea to Die sanu . tjaiWUartand ltterairrr ar e r, , i Wxr.r.Ana.fonnerfr ot NVr. a ' j. . . Sf a I " . , svereo witn tneir iiauiea atkoeia- bri,. y. C. in and Jaaohi amonjf ihe n f. In 1 , war alone the race it less conspiiMi"'!, though it baa Uen said that Ma ., and Sonlr very respectable mifitary character'---were of that race. Both lor gem a arid succe"- in th wcirld it j is a blood that compares favralily - - - " a errs - with any other tatit. w 'i- n iny Cartes do Vignettes, And all ptltcr Stjjca of Picturi-s Clienp at .,.'' . . A hi? rssidfote to Themasville. .C , KPVVFDY'S I Oct 17ih 1 .i. after a painful i'!"' SXJ. .IaKJ X , j Cor. Moin nd J'bker Streets, Opposite Murphy's Row. SALHSBURV, IS. C. XK rf A P VF.R TJSKM k . V TS. Iaoncl tor latlo. ml to a decree of Roar an Ccurt. I will I upsiiai sell to iuehigbeal bidder, oa the prem set, on TuewJay the at'Jib of Det ember. On. Htauaxc Asnroair acsti of lako beiuoiiing to i he estate of B S. grider, deod. -aj .u-U...U ,j kt X ll.il W oa B Xf TUa I J " ' "-mm I indotbej , nrosMon increase uiai iraiu a u i uu. Terms mad known on day of Hale, feeled m atf th rtatntHiou which bevel C C, ktRIDxCli, Adm'r. nor. an, looo w-ai 5 Wtf ingt Oct. 31 twin Da. H -ik-ti". pi. sMon iucreaee J -cted tw all the r If iilJaaa. aWaaal mm Bvl. TatXamT BjaSEaNT, D. D. S., THE toVIiEi" HOCSat, pt 22 tf , BAisWnmr, 5, 0. LQ.OK WJ rJC at The Ku-Klux-Klan is About I AM READT to exeliange Leather for yood Hide. Rip and Caif Skins, Bark, Tallow Lame, Hojt .Barlay, Corn, Rye, Oats, and country produoe generally. T I wiil also Tau good Hide, Kip and othei fjkiut, lot ona-halt. i tern'm myltjneere tliankt to a generous pjtilic lor then lilteial patrouiigu in isy umer- ent businesses, m this couuly, lor tlie last tweo Mosea L Brown's old stand, corner of. Lee , . a- , . anu laoerty oiran. MARTI il RICHWINK. Salitbory, X". C. May 19, I y 500 Sacks Salt. FBCBH arrival of 5(10 sack SALT, Inch w offer at .M pur stx A. fsllon ' SMITH, P0STKR CO. X'ov. 24h. lfei lwbp MKMCAL aXAMlNKa, CHAKLKS H. SMITH, M. D. lbbal aavtsaa, ataaaah aataw, H- C. Cabbll, Jbo. H. Claibobsb , D1RECT0R8: , ItearyK. ISlytsa, Aat aarasr. H. K. C. aaskerrUkt, Hassatt 0. Tardy, Hn raa Jacobs. i. W. AUawa. ttaerga S. Pslater, H. l. Ckeefclry, U. & ' l-:i, li. J.Uartaoafc, John C WlllUtim. Hill we. i;.T1'.'f a. r. aiwii, "rge"l!?B!.J.H.d. .-aiuael 11. I'm. Jnha Kodera. Willltm r. Taylor. Bataatl a. Cattralk Julia Ihmley, Charles T. w William Wink.. Jr till . A -in i III. Taa. J. n taa. Jsraea A. ntt, B.M Oaarkas W. ll.TyUjr. J.I.: MwAm rda, A. V. stokas, JT. 9. Harts n, II. II . Piarell. IVilllau II. Ptlattr wlade !,... I am Bow. entirely well tad 4 heartily, and never have keen kttack.d tie I can eafrfy recommend tktwc p.. n ikt iiiic aod the i-ommuuily at lac" " They can be sent to any punt in the rat Slate, by Mail or Kxprras. riiex-rs, utnt, taarets. 1 t" e.a lla-Oa. U'aM, ! Tkr., araw. B-rn IWaaak anat Mtarr siuaasas aa astst a ...MlteiUkttsetC O.il. Or Wr, ratal k, . B. a. Barm Ciuew. er..w. Sut.auas Bk. I .km Uwr am ks atssaatiy sOrats is. tm a aa MitSikiM asSfaa aa attattajl Hnnk.it aa mm aB ta. Si 1.1111 la Stu JOHN H. CRM IBS, araajka,aeie teas leraatatj- REMEMBER THE Dl Bins' MARBLE YAW LEWIS C. nANES. Ao't. Jan 17 twtVwtf LKXlBUTCra, X. C, AS Saturday the lh day oj" DtK-emlier nett, J I will sell on Ihe pmnifc my tract of Iain iu Davtc uouuty, contaiiiliig about 7D0 At ris, adjidnlBg tbe lands nf Green ltaily and others. leriiit ui.iuc kuokii on un (lav ot sale. jf i -Htr-lrlSJtJsirnWr Warren Plains P. O., Warren enmity, S. C. Nov. lin. 3tw-'Jttw FOR SALE. T I HAVKTHE '(KJD WORKS of Two I Wiigous. (twoiiseXlorsalecni Apply to Salisbury, IU. U., How Connecticut Mutual Xtlaw INSURANCE COMPANY Ol lltirt lord. onn. ST AT KM km, im . 31, 1867. ACCUMULATED ASSETS $17 670,288,88. INCOME FOtt 187. $7,726,516,53. !F0H PREMIITM8 $6,32,804,95, SALISSOSY N. C. t ar BWaaa Oaaa- II luwa. Matf Bw OMII-Ualin. f I'll t aat a Toatbs. Head and foot Sbwes. A... Ie all A-atrt tlwsa. tt ark-tele tatt tat tlaes. Ul rompetltian. Ms rttnraa UiaaU fc.r pas Ba aa kafta at Btrrit a eeauaaeare at u ei. JOHN II. RIP July IT. IS6S. , Emigrants Comim f ANUS WANTED, ia Rowan. Data Ji VHtton. ItrHk-U, Catawba. Stanly, Nt Until, Fortyttie, die, 2to Idle lo be (i money IS rwuiL Five oer eenL oaafl charged on all sth-s. Sell half yout h 'lie temaindrr will b worth dotiaie, ass thrifty JJeney farmer will drtelope oar try. Send us deem ipt ion of ptia-ns. price, dV Impiirie promptly at - lalisbury, N. C Aftttf.r Van Sjrrtrw Nsa Jmry UMA( li. It Gold Mine and other nimersi pertk-S ...I.I by tpecial eoniract. I I PIaAIN TRUTH! jTlIOSK indebted to n. ara Iwreey noin'ied to .-all and asukt by tha 15lh last, or (tatir ac oooot wilt be placed ia tba ban.lt of U'm. II, Baiky, ftaa, we ialkrine I mm fa tmrnmi, JQUX H. KHNISS, Ifrnggiat. fnbm ltw-u.37u SCHOOL NO 11 H K Seeond Session of 01', Rr-his JL St Hlekoifv (Jrove Acii.ieiuv on I November next. This Nt.hisd is loi milo from Third Creek Church and two i miles from fb.wan Mills llcuot. fio d ing ran be pfoenred fn very rTksralsi lies, et A-tia'll'rpar iiioiiiti. Tor further ticular. aildrew the principal at Kowau Milli Kfrrvtti Rev. W. Wood, l. A Davis, and J.is r. Kerr. Oct. iW, IH6U - Dr W F. Bason, 8 A I.ISIi UUV, S. C OP PICK on the corner of ianias aad Church Streets, near the Mansion ttune. Commie ih.n- ihruogb tha Post Office at Ibis pi . ... utlendad to fbe Bra ap. poTtrn.it. Jt. H I roilar-aja .ii.ie.l. Th- iiiUoTttfl u ill pleaae call and settle i. nroi" new tvi. ajati.ni.i-l, - - -" taa irVo'vaa 1 r addco ni in tar a a mm I I t -mm mm svvaxjcso i iiitr i luei, "atl m . 'f M.T.yh H. waaaw rvtirirtpviyo naif. yr .oa- mmjmmmm aaw-a mm iital KM Ba ( a a ml bV . Wl BBBa.. n I BBB BBS. K 'i -TS a. u i: an aa x tc nay a a etaw mmm n i mmm mmm ... ... vr .... I .n -if i m m m mw m mmm mmmm mmm mmr mmW mW . 1 kr.r "'a It mmm . . mm mm 1 WMWU mw .K P A C wnv mm ia TiThiehs-iCath priat iaW CUniBuiitat aflalatlaer Skaaeja-- jaJnMg Caaam W-nkXeaiJr5ry, 0cTsla-aiajVjr A il FIRST CLASS charge of a FiaST Davidaea county. Address 6UIIF0BD UNO A6ENCY I NORTH CAK0L11NA. La wrmtRERS wi,o wisi r wIH Agricultural or ilintrnl Oin-lt. Ilnrsrll mi: r.. a xVils. or K I any kind, wdl tod it lo their adttatN, place ibeir property in our hand lor ta We have great lacihtte fur ;rucuiu i chasers for all suck property. rot information, address i J.N0. B. 0RETTER, - . General A VSSt,,, - Greensboro, J- Dee. 3. 1887. ... PURE PERUVIA! Of EA?il52 m i i.a t h. run.--' .il ..... r on niona '".II dowel hs-wli'"'' bed - i l i"11" 6t ...iii.,.-- , i mis l tnd vS ' mmm ' 1 rt . .-ri . : ' .' - " 1 J"" ' .' " 1 " o. i r i . a. .', i T r ,anv-:.. - -" - ft- - B"y'"'' 'y.

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