. . . ? ' r ' ' mm mm. RaCpSBaVSrMM"M 1 1 3Ba8HRBSfafliHHMBHM as NEW SERIES SALISBURY, N. C, DECEMBER 18, 1868 VOL. Ktas - - - -7- it mmm -unBnj r it or Mnucftirriuv. -a WATCHMAN OLD NORTH STATE. , im turn H.I at.eu i. TW WEEKLY OlU NORTH STATE t.-0 Kcli frl W-s-v,0. Tea Pwddent'i Mewsge. Was BiHOTOir, Dm. 910:50, A. It. An mmiBmtm mf Repretentatitet .- Matioa to lha Stale of thr Uuioa and to to eMikvaed Wfigintoit ila nndcr iba imlm bam which have bans Mated mt tke MthtoM of rwMkmiwi. It . ha mMt mmwmI a aa aakttrte Um garanuwaa af Ktataa, that tha greatest wrong inlictod apaa a aaaato are oaaed by anjart arsd arkkrary Wgtolaiioa by tha mntonttoj nM at ntnk r ulcr,and thai tha timely revolaitoa ef injerioo, of M-T"' meaanree if the fraataat good thai caa ha cenferred neon a nation. The LecMlatart ar ruler aba baa iim widom aad magaia.Uy la retrace hie step, when ooavtoeed of errar, will sooner ar later be rewarded with the respee. aod gratitude of aa intelligent and patriotic ample. Oar awa bktery, althaagb em (tractor a period leaf than a century, af ford aboadaat proof, that most, if not all, of oar doeaeetie trouble are direct! Ira ceabla to violation of tha orgauic law and cicraaive leg ifiation. The meet tu iking illaatrationa ofthia bet are famished by the enactment of tbe paat three rear up meat and femoral in accordance with the original design ot lb federal coaatitatio. The act of March d, 1866, making ap pmpriationa far the tapport of the amy .L If . . . ior me year liming June JOtH, IcM8, and for other purpose, couiaiua a proriaion which interfere with the l'reeideiil'e eon f tilulionul funcliou at commander in-chief of the ai my, and deny to Stale of the Union the right to protect bmelvr by mean of iheiruwu militia. Theae Dravi iona should be at ouce anaalled, tor while seventy two year that preceded tha re bellion, and embraced Iba ritraordiuary cipenniiure already named. These tiart- ling facta clearly illustrate Uie necett ity of retrenchment in all branch" of the pub lie ferric. Abuse wbieb were tolerated daring the War for the preservation of the nation will not be endured by people now thai profound peace prevail.. The re ceipt from internal revenue and cue torn, bare during tha paat three yean gradual ly diminished and tbe cooUaaauce of the firt might, in lime ot ureal emercrn- leaa and extravamit eauenditnM will in. Icy, terlouaJy ember tk r.'.incativu m j valve aa to iirml trnhrtaiT nt aaaa t nnri to employ aim Hired I lie common atrengtb ot the aatwu for tla protection and prcaervation, tha other ia contmry la tbe etpreaa declaration eftbe eortetHnttnn, Ibat "a well regulated milllia being nocia- arr to the ecumy of a free Stale, the right of tbe people to keep and bear arm ahall not be infriiiged." It if believed that tbe repeal of all tuck law woald be accepted by the American people aa at leaf! a partial return to the tondami ntal principles of the govenimeuL and an iudi- ealinn that hereatler iho eonatitiilioa if to bo made lite nation' tafe and niiawervinar gokle. J bey can be productive of no permanent benefit to the country, and should not be permitted la ataad of o many laonumeuu of thedrficieat wiadnra which baa cbaracterued our recent legifht tiou. Tbe condition of our finances demand iba early and earnest eouahkration of Congreaf. Compared with the growth of our popalatiea tbe pa Uie eipeiidilaree bare reached an Daprecodcated in oar hia tory. 1'ba popalatioa ol tin; Uuited State ia 1790 was nearly four millions ol people, iucreariug each decade about thirty-three per caul., it reached in I860 ibir- aa the aurelbm af reeotMtruetion. Alter tr-one millions, an increase ol seven hun- , .1 I .1 l. . . ,: .11.. MUlflml MlMht .in ltf lyuni I . I In I 7 Ol I Mir nil luer un iuufiiiiMiii r - - " . arid araved pernicioo ia ibeir result, and tbaraaaam be no goad ariaoa wly they fhould longer remain upon the tal ale book Slatei te which the eonalitu- make tiieritable an inereaaa of la zee al ready too ouerouf and iu many reaped obnoxious On account o their inquisitorial efcaractor. One hundred million an nnal- ly are expended for the in Hilary force, a large portion of which ia employed ia the execution of lawa both unnecessary and uneonalitutional. One hundred and fifty million are required each year to pay tbe interest on the public debt. An army of (ax. rather impoverifhe the nation, and pablie agenla, placed by Congreaf beyond tbe control of iba executive, divert from their h-gitimalc rrurnnrx-s large sums of money, which they collect from the pea pie ia the name of tire government. Ja dicioa legislation and prudent economy aad the payment once In every tliteen ycara, at tbe present rate of futrret t of an amount equal to tbe origiual sum. This vat debt, if permitted to become perma nent and increasing, must eventually be gathered into the hand of a tow, and en able them to exert a dangormia and con trolling power in the affair of bf govern ment. The borrower will become aer rantf to the lender '.he lenders to the mailer of the people. We now pride our selves upon having given freedom In four million of the colored race. It will then he our abaute that forty million af peo ple, by tlieir own toleration of uanriuttinn and profligacy, have suffered tbcratelvr to become enelaved, and merely exchang ed slave owner for new fork-master In the shape of bond-bolder. Besfdrf. per manent debta pertain to monarchial fov- erameat aad lending to monopolies, per- peiuiucf ana class legisiaUon, and are to tally irreconcilable whh free inftitationt. Introduced into onr republican riem. they would gradually but surely sap its fouudiitions, eventually subvert our gov ernmental fabric and erect upon ila ruina a moneyed aristocracy. II is our sacred vigor imparted to every branch of indus try. Our people need encouragement In their effort to rearer from tie- effect of the rebellion, and of injudicious legila t on, and it thonld be the aim of the gnv- eruiaeat lb etimalata them by the prot pecl of an early release from tha burden which impede tbvir prosperity. If we cannot take the burdens from tlieir flinul- ders, we should at least manifest a willing ness to help to bear tbem In referring to the condition of the circulating medium. J sbali aterely reit crate substantially that putUou of my lee annual message much relate to that sub ject Ilia proportion which the enrrenc of ny country should bear to the whol Value of the nimtiitl produce cireirbrred hy i s means if a question upon which political economist have not agreed, uor can it be conlrnlled by legislation, but must be left to the irrevocable law which everywhere regelate commerce and trade. 1 he regulaliug medium will over Irresi tihly How t those points where it if in greatest demand. The law of demand and supply is a unerring aa that winch reg nhilca the lidee of the ocean, and iudwl tic. Tbe aggregate product of precious ' dred aad sixty-aiae tbouaand fix hundred metalt in the United Slates from 1640 lo aad lolly-three a sine were bo rue an Um 1867 amounted to (U. 17 4.WMI.000, while, pension rolls ; aad daring the year eadtog for the same period, lire net export of pa- on that day the total amount pud fur pen- cio were 9741,000.000. This shows an alone, including the eipenacf of diaburve- exees of preducloveraetoport ofJI.'tn,- meul wa 9X1,010,982, being 94.391,0A 000,000. There are in the treasury 8103,- greater lhati that expended for like par- 407. 985 in eoin. !n eirealelion in the poses during I be preceding year. daty to Iran mil . unimpaired to our pot-1 currency, like the tide, haa its ebb and teriiy the blessings of liberty w hich were H"e throughout the commercial world, bequeathed to us by the founders af our I At begliiniug of the Rebellion the fail i who are lo follow aa, careful , the danger which threaten dependent people. ' Varioaa plan hare been proposed for tbe payment of tbe public debt. However they may have varied a to iba time and mode in which it fbould ,be redeemed, can aloim remedy dclecta and avert evil Republic, and by our example teach those ba k ",u circulation of the country Wbieb If mo -red to exift, and cannot to diminish confidence ia tbe people to wards their political institutions. With out proper care tbe small balance which it la st i mated will remain in tbe treasury at the elose of the present fiscal year will nnt bo realized, and additional millions be added to a debt which is now enumerated by billions. It If shown by the able' and comprehensive report ol the Secretary of the Treasury that the receipts for tbe fis cal year ending June 30th, 1868, were llv to avoid aran'Tmrn to ml imreh more than lw a tret and in- uul" 1 millioin of dollar. . the emulation of national Bank nolcf and these known aa "legall lander," U uear ly seven hundred million. While it ia uiged by some that this amount should be ii it-1 cased, others contend that a d cid- t here teem to be a general concurrence!''' reduction is absolutely eaecnlial to the aa to the propriety and justness of a re duction iu tbe present rate of interest. Tbo Secretory of the Treasury, in hi re port, ecemmendt five per tent. Concre in a bill paefcd prior to tiro adjournment best interest of the country. In view of theso diverse opinion, it may be well to ascertain the real value of our paper issues, when compared wilh a ateUliieor convertible currency. For l hi purpose, let of inquire how much enld and silver I repablica. form of gov -rn ascot have been reduced lo military de- 9405,738.033. and thai the expenditures Iu lfr9 it is estimated that it will reach j for the same period were 9377,340.284. Unit i -curat millions, or an mcrcaae of leaving in the treasury a suriilos of 88,-! foiir and-a hal per cent. Whil eight hundred and sixty-eight per ocnl in i i'J',79S. It is estimated that the receipts i three per cent, ha been held to he :n i millmn ol 'paper money now ia circulu s. veniy nine year. 1 ho annual cipen- ( during the pi escnt year ending June Mill amply sufficient return for the in vestment. Probably not more than half the diture of Uto federal governasenl in 1304 j 18C9, will be 8341,39,808 mid tbe ex- The general improviaao aa lo the exhor-i amou,,t of 'be latter, showing tliat when on the 27tll of Julv last aim ed unun and i ... .r.. r. r u i . .. ." . . hy many i c"ki oe purcnasea by tne seven hundred pendencies, iu each of which the people b.llar. In I b-'D. eighteen million two have been avade snhiect to tbe arbitrary j bamdred tfoaaiid dollar. Iu 1860, lor- waxof lb eoaamaimhir roarraf. AAha ly one millions, la i860, sixty three the eotakkalion reemirea that each tate million. In 1865, nearly thirteen hun- 1 urea minions, ana in ibo'J it it eslimatea by the Secretary of the 1're.isui v, in his lnai Mat fW" Hoao and coutrary to the annual n pirt, mat lliey will be lliroe eipreaa provision of thai iufirumcnt, and bbudred and atxaaay two millmn. Ry were denied aarrkfttotion la tha recent ' compriug the public disbursement of eleetmafora I'resMeat aad Viaat Prci- j 1 869 " eeiimaied bv tbe Secretary of dent of lb United Stare. The attempt . tbe Treamry, iu bia but annual report, to place the white people under the doiniii b they will be three buadrr-d and fev i..n al nerarma af color in tbe aoeth ha : IJ mitlioii. Ry comparing the pub- tssOaarad. it not destroyed, the kindly re- i lie difburaemeuU of 1869, aa estimated were four million taro hundred thousand peuditun 9.130,142,470, showing a small hituncy of (be existing rate of interest Ills cnunnillion ntinirni ttmh vwu i,.,.. shall ba represented to Oaagre, Virgtuia, Mississippi and Texas are yet excluded Irom lhaavo Hoasus and coutrary u tbe balance of 95,2)0,398 iu favor of the gov- has led to an iaauirv in the unhlis mind ii line-in. i' iir uiu huu f rat sriiuiiig i mM-viin i ne cousiuerailoli nnicn I In: June 30tb, 1970, it is estimated that the . Government ba actually received for it receipt will amount to 9327,000.000 aud bond, and the conclusion 1 becoming the expenditure to 8303.000,000 leaving ! prevalent that the aumuui it obtained waa an estimated surplus of 824,000, It becomes proper iu this eo im ctmn make a brief reference to oar debtedne, which has accumulated with our paper currency is compared with gold and silver, its commercial value i com prcssed in to three hundred and fifty mil millions. This striking fact in ike it the obvious duty of tbe Mvefrimcut, as ear ly a may be consistent with the principle Stales on the Pacific coast about holy millions of doll us, and a few millions Iu the national and ether beak. In all less 91 00,000,000. Takiag inn. considers! ion the specie iu tbe coon try prior to 1849 aud that produced since 1867, aad We have more than 300,000,000 not accoun ted for by exportation or hy the return of i he 1 1. usury, ud therefore, most proba bly, remnmlng'fn the conn try. These ar' important fac , fad fhnw how completely tbe inferior currency will supercede the better, forcing it from circulation among the masses, and causing it tu be exporteaf as a mere article of trade, to add lo th money fhow l aapit.il of foreign lands. TJky ! This policy inaugnratc he necessity of retiring oar piper since, has met wilh eigna , that ihe return of gold aadfllver . ever il has been pursued i money to the avenues of trade may be kflrked. and a demand creaied which wilt cause the retention at home of at least h much of the production of onr rich add inex- Ii nisliblc tfold hearing be ds ns miv be sufficient for purposes of circulalloii. It is uiireaswnabie lo expect a return to a found currency as long a the govern ment and banks, by continuingto issue Ir redeemable note, fill tbe rhanael of cir culation with depreciated paper. Not- WMliitandin' a coinage bv our mints since During tbe year ending the 30th af September, last, the expenses of iba Pa tent Office exceeded iba receipt hy pjm hundred and aevetiiy-one dolltr. Aad including all issue and designs, fourteen , thoinand cam buudrvdaud fiil-lhrea pa tent were issued. Treatir with various Indian tribe have been concluded and w ill be submitted I the Senate fir It constitutional action. J7 .1 . ., ... swimiiy hiiciioii iuc siiiiiihiioiis wnicn provide for reserving land for various Ii lie - w lu re they may he encouraged ta ab.it. d .n iheir nomadic habit and engage in agricultural and iudnsiii.il tiursuit. . . . t many years glial sin ce when- ill good faith and with becoming liberality by tbe United Stale. Tlie necessity lor extending il a far a practicable in onr relation with tbo aboriginal population ia greater now thaa at any preceding period. Whilst we fur nish subsistence aud instructions to tha Indian, and "guarnnCl the undfstuibcd enjoyment ot their treaty rights, we should habitually insist upon the faithful observ ance of their agreement to remain within the respective reservation. This i tbo only mode by which collision with other 1849 of eight hundred and sVenty-fnitr ' tribes and wilh the white can be avoided million of dollars, the pronto are now I and the safety ot our frontier settlement trangrrs to the currency whiebl was de- j secured. signed for their use and benefit, mid spo- The companies constructing the rail- ciniens of the precious metal, being the way from Omaha to Sacramento, bare national device, are seldom seen, except j hew: most energetically engaged in proso- hen produced to gratify the intercut us-1 ruling the work, and it M believed that cited by their nnreliy. If depreciated pa- i the line will be completed before the expi per i to be continued a 'the permanent : ration of the next fiscal year. The six currency of the country, and all onr Vmiu per cent, bond issued to those coin p nice a to become a mere article of tratkc and t amounted on i lie o;li instant, to 14,337.- peciil.itmu, to the enhancement in price I.Otii, and lulditioual work had bceu per- of nil "hat is indispensable lo the comlort 1 formed to :ho .eUcut 93,00,000. Tbe 1.000. iii real money three or four hundred per . sound political economy, to take such unction to cent lea than the obligations, which jt i" i-miic.-. as will enable the holder of il public in- j issued in return. It cannot he denied that 1 11,1,1 "-'I those of the National Itnk- latioaf that bad previously exifted be tweeatkem. aad mutaal distrust his ea- rendered a fecliag af auimoaiiy which, leading ia bloodshed, haa preventer Ifoi between the two race instance to collision aud tc that co-opera- race so essential to be sneacto of industrial enterprises in lb southern Male. Nor have tlietobalsi IfJUlf W those Slates alone suffered from ilk dkiurbed condition of affairs growing mt of these Oongrvsionul rnaetment. The entire I'nioii has been agiuted by grave apprebewfmn of trouble which might agara disturb the peace of tbe na tion. Iu interest have been injuriously afreted by lb derangement of business aad labor, and the conn qui nt want throughout that portiou of the coanlry. The federal coaftitution. th Jfaano m'harla af American rights under whose aalutarv provisions we have suc- Icrssiolly conducted all our domes "Ie and Ifireign affairs, atmalned oarselves ia see aad in war, aad became a great na Biaa among the power of tbe earth, most MMsurcdly be now adequate to lb settle nnit af vacation growing oat of the civil rat waged atoaofor its viudication. This heat tact b) atada most manifest by tbe Bfaalllltalwcl eountry wken Congreaf assembled in toe nioutn ot iH-cimiiei. B86o with those of 1791, U will be seen that the increase of expenditure since tin be ginning of the corernmetit, Ins been eight thousand six hundred aad eighteen per centum, while the increase of the popula I ion for lire same peried Wa only eight hundred and sixty-eight per centum. Apaiu j tbe CX" tiahm of he government in 1889, the y of peace immediately preceding the or, were only sixty-tbree ' million, while in 1866, the year of peace three years after the war. il M estimated I bey will ba three hundred aud seventy two million, an increase of four hundred and eighty nine per centum, wbik the in crease ot population was only twentv-one prr centum for the fame period. These statistics tort her show thai in 1791, the annual expense, compared wilh the pop ulation, were little more than one dollar per cnuiln, and in 1660, bat two dollar prr capita, while in 1869, ibey will reach the extravagant sum of ultra dollar and seventy eight cents per Msibv Il will ba observed that all of thesa itau-njeut refer to, and exhibit tba dis bursement of peace periods. It nmy. . m ' . -. .1 . ... therefore, bu of interest to comparei tbo , in tbe npnng of 1861, our civil war coin- expenditure of three war periods, the ' menced. Each year of its continuance Mexican war, and the war ol the rebel- made an enormous addition to tbe debt, lion. In 1814, tbe animal expenses inT and when in the .Spring of 1866, the na eideiit to tin- ai ol , reached llieV j linn successfully emerged kom the con- government 82 873,992, e Treagiiry 10 convert llieui witlmut los ttito specie A reduction of our ally dcprecMtcd PMpr'r circulating medium need not necea--This fact is made follow. This, however, would de pend upon the law of deuiaud and sup ply, though il should he borne in mind lion of dollars, created during the war of each dollar they own iu government seen- that by making legal tender and bank the Revolution. This amount had been ; curities ix per cent in gold which i near-' "oU,s o.nvcrtablc into coin or its equiv.i- reduced to forty-five million of dollar ly or quire equal to nine per cent in cur- j ''"' 1 '"'" present specie value in the when, lu 1812, war was declared against ! rency ; that the bonds arc then converted i hands of their holders would be enhanced Great Britain. The three rears struggle into capital for the National lUttks. noon otlK hundred per cent. Legislation themf I i i .L - T- I l I. .i t f. .1 , . . . . I ' l . J i i we are pavinr an extravagant BoraasuSMM anch alarming rapidity and assumed saeh for the use of the money borrowed which "r equivalent. colossal proportions, ill ira, wnen tne, was paper currency, gn government commenced .iiieruiioiis under' below tbe value of coin the federal constitution, it was burdened apparent when we consider that bond- :.l V 1 m ii i ij wiin an iiiueoicuness oi seveuiy-nve mu- inuuers receive irom uiu treasury upon 13 that followed largely Increased the na-: which ilmsi! iuslituliou issue their circn- Hccomplisbmeiit of a result so desirable tional obligation, aud in 1816 they had ! huion, bearing fix per cent interest, and j ' demanded by tbe highest public cousid atuinedthe sum of ofie hundred and .'that they are exempt from taxation by th eralioin. The constitution ccrulcmplutos twenty seven million Wka and eeonost-1 government and the States, and thereby 'kit the circulating medium of the conn ica! legislation, however, enabled the gov- enhanced Iwo ) r out, in the hands of try shall he niiifqnil in qiuuity und val amracnt to pay tbe entire amount w ithin j the balder. We tba have aa aggregate ' "" At the ime of tbe formation of that a period of twenty-years, and the ex tin- of seventeen per cent which may be ro-1 instrument tbe country bad just emerged gaishmeut of the national debt filled the ceived upon each dollar by tbo owuers of ! from the war of the revolution, and as land with rejoicing, and wa one of tke I government securities. A system that i aufR-ritia; fmra the effects of a rediiduiit moral event of freaident Jacksou' ad- produce such result if ktftlr regarded' worthb-ss palter currency. The sage of ministration. a favoring a few at tba expense of the that period were anxious to protect their After iu redemption a largo (and re-! many, aud bus lad to lbs further inquby i posterity from tbo evils which they (born- maiued in tbe treasury, which was depos- whether our bondholdet, in view of tbe 1 srires kail expcrlencpd. Hence, in pro of the people, it would be wise economy to abolish our miuts, thus saving the na tion tbe care aud expense incident to such establishments, and let all oar precious inetal be ex potted in bullion. The time has come, however, when the government aud national bank should be required to take the most efficient steps and make all necessary arrangements for a resumption of speck' payments. Let specie payments once be earnestly inaugurated by the gov ernment aud batik, and the value of the paper circulation would directly approxi mate a specie standard. ' Specie payment having been resumed 'by the government and banks, all note or bill of paper k sued by ciiherof a leas denomination than rnty dollars should, hy law, be exelu- iled for I he safe keeping with the several j laige profits which they have enjoyed, ... ...i. i . ..... i . i . . ... wifnst inrniwirrfl oe averse to a ci le nient of oar indebted!' nnon a plan States, on condition tlmt it should lie return ed when required by the public w ant. In 1819, the year after the terminal ion of an expensive war with Mexico, we found our rive involved in a debt of sixty-tour millions, and this debt wan tbe amount owed by the government in 1860, jnst prior to the outbreak of the rebellion. Co. Civil irifc has ceased the spirit -highest anioaut about thirty -one million, (bet. the obligation of tbe rebellion bad epent iu entire force in! kik oar population slightly exceeded j leached the immense sum of i Soutkera males tbo people badibrht million, showing an expenditure of. 909. The Secretary of tb t t ii at, waicii wouiu yield tufai a lair remunera tion, aad at the same time be jiwt to tba tax-payer of the nation. Our national credit should be s.icredlv observed, bnt in making provision for our tiding a circulating medium, they confer red upon- Congress the power to eoi n mon ey and regulate tjlie value thereof, t the nre time prohibiting jhe States from making anything but gohf and silver a lender iu payment of debt. Tbe aim union condition of our currency is in striking contrast whith that which whs Onr circulation now farmed into aoantry rattnc fcntlsnent lie spplicatron iroviaiona of the ire ha - .i...i..,. loniv i nee tloiiur ami eigniv ceuis prr mnw mat on me nrsi nay oi .Aoveuiucr. mini snoum ih- nniun n to tne r. unction MHOTIS. im W m. isiuilEllVHI . - w - I w I. . . " . . i .0.4 .1.- I . - iui;7 . i. : . i...j i. ... I .. i ... , ... ........... ... : . i :. . . I ... . i.iti., . ; ;.. rntHiti. in mi ine riis otiituii s kivw - cv i . mis niiioiio. nuu inr miscuj ui.vi iuc uiioviioii in seiui-a u ua iiislsii- ' . . ' whw i ..ri : aa im an ntn u... '. .1... . . .:.! l.:.l. : Z-a e.tr. i ihuwi . ..... ..I . ii.. ii.tp aui oi ins wsr Willi jirxitu i . .hboi vi,i.i.hvi.iu. uul ai iuc saiu- uia is-iup.inn. imn, in wiwis verim lino e oi , mvm shks, "J :T " " --- .T.T ... . . . .. . '. .... . : .. I ..' r - . Iji r .1 .:.....i.. J.i ....,:... in he m. i ion, anil tie population .lbotit port t'Xmnits an increase dnnnir tne past ; mourns, wnnia iiquuiaie tlie entire natica.ig'nu "- "r"'! j"si' .... .,.. - -.-.-. . -. 1 ri i i i . m-- . . .4 .kJ twentv-ouc nitlfuis. giving only two n,.- n ai ot .ili.trj.i. I ((.. lor III"' Hi -n: on tlie ' ai m nt .ix tier cent, in gold would, at ss ;f. . .1. . . a roliintarr M of ,xy r Ctt&m for m w nn1 i ilBWiirlfBiaa-ii k it h ill Vd le.Miense of thai veai. Iu lion as near eominWimi aa waa within peudiiures called tor by - rr. ' rr - w s t scope ol lis authority, ana tbe nation s en com aged by tbe prospect of an car acal amtofcrnary adiaotment of its dill- sltke. Congres. however, interfered and ffariag to perfect tbe work rompiMUedr sssm enrep so nearly ac- to admit auNaibers led State; adopted wbkb arrested the cries of measure ftcocraa af restoration frustrated all thai fd beca so auccessfully accomplished, aftor three pears of agitation and strife, left tke country farther from the a t - tiiuneal of anion aud fraternal feelimr Pa al tk inception of the Congressional Kranoe at a e st of fifieen nMllioaie of ka ef reeotitiraeatoa. It need no area- Isra. Florida w ceded to as by prnt t how that legislation which ha MbbajHfheauQuceliould or Bf! 10 conform to republican gov- of Xovembcr last 1 state I to 1865 tbe ex-' have been .r,-. 1 .U.5.V.'. It is estima- t be rebellion led by tbe Secretary that tba return for reached iho vast amount of twelve bun-! the past month will add to our Itabrli- dred and ninety million, wbieb compared tie the farther ram of eleven millions, w it Ii a population of thirty-four millions, making a total , increase during Hiirteen gives thirty-eight dollars and twenty -cents I months of forty -six aad a half millions. per capita. '' . " - 'i my message to Unngree ol tiocrmber Ki.mi tbefrmrthdayof Merck 178911 tb, iJajS. it wa raggested that a policy tbe 30th of -Jane 1801 the entire expen-1 shonh. bo devised which, wilhout being diture of the gorernmant were seventeen oppressive to the people, would at once hundred millions of dollar. 1 mmg that .begin to effect a reduction of the debt creditor we should not forget what is ! originally designed. due to the maaaes of tbe people. It way jenrbrfice-, firsi, notes of the National be assumed that the holders ef our seen-1 l--nk, which are wado receivable for ail rjlles have already received upon ihckrituc to the government, excluding ini bonda a larger amount than their original jsts, and by all it creditors, excepting investment, measured by a gold standoff. ''! payment interest upori i s bonds and I 'poii tins stall incut of (acts it would j -'he tl; reiirilicg theinselves. Second, seem bill just and equitable tlmt thr six legal tender note, issueil by the United per cent, interest now paid by tlie grryern- i State, and which lb law n quirs !mli be receiveu as wen in pavment ot all delils wci'ii citizen na of all excepting imp. .pi and silver coin. Ilv the operation onr present system nf --finance, ; lit me- present rate, be co ual to uiUu per cent. i "He currency wln u collected I n served in cu di d from circulation, so that the people may have the. benefit and convenience of a gold and silver currency, which in all their business transaction will be uniform in value at home and abroad. Every mau of property or itiduatry ; every man who desires to preserve what he honestly pos ses! as tar obtain what he can honestly earn, has a direct interest in maintaining a if- circulating medium; such a me dium as shall be real and substantial, not liable lo vibrate with opinion ; not sub ject to be blown up or blown dna n hy tbe breath of speculation, bnt to be- wade sta ble and secure. A disordered currency is one of the greatest political evil. It un dermine the virtue necessary ior the sup port of the social system, and encourages propensities destructive of Its happiness ; it wars against industry, fragility and economy, aud it fosters the evil spirits of extravagance and speculation. It has been asserted by one of our profound and most gifted statesmen that of all the con trivance fiireheaiiug the laboring classes of mankind, uoiiu haa been more effectual than that which deludes them with paper money. This i the most effectual of in- j ventiouf to fertilise the rich mini's fields by the sweat of tb poor man' brow. Or dinary ly runny, oppression, Excessive tax ation, bear liebtly on tie happiness of the government !.nius of the community, courparrd with a And, tlilid, f trandolcnf - euri eney , antf - the robberies committed br depreciated paper. Onr own kta!fjrJhM.i enough and more lhati enough of the de moralizing tendency: tbe injustice and intolerable oppression on the virtuous and well-disposed, bv degraded paper) cur rency authorised by law, or in countenanced by the government Secretary i t the Interior In August list invited my attention to tha report of a government Director of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, who bad bceu ipeci allv instructed to examine tlie location, construction ami equipment of their road. I submitted, for the opinion of tbo Attor ney Oeneral, certain question ia regard to the authority of the executive which arose upon this report, and those which had, from lime to time, been presented bp the commissioner appointed to Inspect such successive section of the work. Af ter carefully considering the law of tba cue ho affirmed the right of the executive to order, if necessary, a thorough revision of the entire road. Commissioner were thereupon appointed lo examine this and other lines, and have recently submitted a statement of their investigation, of which tlie report of tbe Secretary of tba Intet ior furni-hcg specific information. The report of the Secretary Of War contain information of Interest and im portance respecting tbe several bureau of the war department and tba operations of the army. The atrengtb of oar mnjtarp force on the 30th of September last waa 48,000 men, and it i computed that by the 1st of January next this number will La decreased to 43,000. A if the opinion of the Secretary ol WarJB-t within tbo next year a contiucraubf diminution ol tba infautry force may be made without detri ment to the interest of the country.- And in view of the great exoeusa attend ing the military peace establishment, and tlie absolute necessity ot retrenchment, whenever it can bo applied, it is hoped that Congees will sanction th reduction which his report rernmniends. t While in I860, tliteen thousand threw hundred men eost tne nation illi.478.000, the sum of 8b7,ti2,000 is estimated as ne cessary for the support of the army during the fiscal year ending Jane 30th, 1870. Tha est i ina.es of the war department tor the last twoiliscul year were, for 1867. 933.41i-.4T!. aud for 186-. 823,.o,tajS). The actual ex penditure during the same period were, respectfully: 13V24,415. 9-S1846JH8. The estimate submitted iu December last lor the fiscal year ending Jona 30th. lt6t, wa 9-'. 1.4.707. The expenditure fur the first quarter ending the 30th of September last vcuiil and the Secretary of, the Treasury gives gtJti.OOtl.WtX) as the amount, which will probably he required during the remaining three quarters if there abouTd be no reduction of the army, waking it aggre- any way ' a.t,c, cost for tire year it It is ! 'f 000,000. v Tb eost for tb year considerably iu e MM fader tbe Influence of party passion IfectioBa) prejudice other act have warranted by th eonstl es has already been saeaU neriod wo were enrared in wars with lire.it liriiain mid Mexico, and ware in volved in hostility with powerful Ind tribe Louisiana was parchased fro; for live millions. California was srqu from Mexico for fifteen million and the. no, tu"' "'n um HI. !- i minirsasw i iree! aalanf vSBXr i Hreeed. e difference between c.liiM.h. ul.r iliun . A..C.A tior fonc of the most snccessfnl device in lime. ? cxpenuitjres nr tne taree mu I---,..., . ... ... ....... .... . , - - and liberal compensation for tfir use of land and protect us on the ea--:lm pen- h.ul .- .i. I I ... I I- , ii-v.ii ..-iii? , :ni ii ii.ivv una ww n to m -v.. rot. j . . . - . . . ! . ".v. .. . rapidly recover it wonted prosperity. Irs interests require thai some measure should be token to release, tho large amount of capital invested' in the securities of the not now sre-of-ol d that iu my view, respcctii re bfll. Experience has Imar wim my views resin cnu If III mm 'thiiM Mi i u ts 1 i J . . - .L. UIMMI I..... I ULSUWI m BTCimRW ST UWm K. sj-i , i . latere; of the reentry, and ihaV mmga c.ajMM. an m m pamai inii isa kk it remain. In psnot enjein that poiieoffieerf to rsisted in, discbarge k fully nil her of years. 1 he raesHry forcibly recom- n of this character, and bat tbe Ion er it ts deferred ifficult must been tne the ac- lakmcnt. W soold .dlow the wise i Us established in 1789 aad 1816. ihs.it.,r- i V.. l.in was nbuincd from .ifflt without lurlber (leUv make provision Texas for the sum ol ten millions, r.ar- lor. Ihe payment of our obligations at as governmcni. ii is hoi now merely nu ly In 1861 Ihe wr of the rebellion com- arly a period aa may be praciicabk. The productive, bel in tubal annually con tr ..... .are St . I It 1 t 1 t f I I A I (A Ai If .I 111 i.. I. ... i. 1.1 nl bus menced, and from the 1st of JOly 01 Mat l.iruit ol tueir laoors snoum oe enjoyeo year to the 30tb of Jnne, ISti.tbe pdb'ie j by our citixena, rather than uaed to build expenditnrra reached the enormous aggro-, ap and fustaiu moneyed mooopolia in i. ,.f isrfm mm ono. Three years of our own and other land. tatorvr-ut'd, and during mm j uuriorcigu acoi is ain-auy cpmpwivu of the a-overnmeut by tb - ter.tary ot tne t reasury aieigui .. Ki a OO0.000. 346.-. hundred and fifty million. Citizen of foreign countries receive Internet upon large ponton ef our ecnritiet, and Amer ican tax payers are nude to contribute large earn r their support The idea Imc sorb a debt is lo become Permanent lag tha war, or .car- -hould be fvlW-h. W gjj XVfli. be vol ring taxation too heavy to be bom, 000,000. Adding to 000,000, estimated for lug too Jinn oi iihii, a total expenditure of ix- of dollar duriug curreucv. and eauivalonl lo the nav- only lor one cla ol Boverunieiit crerii- ment of the dttbt one ami a half time, ior, who lmldingil boiii!s,iini-aiiiiiinly a fraction les f ban seventeen years. This, j receive their interest in coin from the Na te connection with all the oibcr advan- timi Treasliry, There is no reason whicfi Uci'S derived from their Investment. ' wni b accepreit as satisiactmry loin would afford to the nnblio rrpililnrs a fair' people, why those wo defend u- ... fwivi. v, ... ... o. n-Tui- slu,.vn. Im. 1i7-..:-,t....'Ua for this aiaeU . . . . ... .... .i . II M-tl!. .. '.I ' . -. I J. . x- ... .I.ilK Irt .hi.mnll.il ti.m l....0C. ..F .11 . l. f . ... . - Ibeir capital, and with tins IHeV slioulll Dot s.oncr uaion tne grain one or me nation . ... ... i 0raucfi of tile public service. satisfied The lefaone' of the paat admim- j bearing ifce scar ami womixt nerved ' prfemu m'etola from Hie gresl mass of the , Th.. report of the Seeretnryof the navyex uh tbe lender that il is not well to bo j while in il service the trnblk- servants ! P-opiV into the hand of de-4ew,--wkere hibit the upetation of that denartmeat. over axiou in exacting from ihe borrow-: in the various department of the govern- j "ey are boarded In secret p!ce, or de- aal "I tne navy during the m ;:.!.... i: .;.u .i. i ... it.i inA., tto. fUrmn wk. , ilo. ...1. 1 posited under boll and bars, while the -rnble reduction of the fore ' l . 1 1. luiuui.n.iiu i.ii mi n m i I m.-. -- I T'l - - " : ...... ..i O'L. . .u C . . I...J. . ..!;,... u m l... 1 1... ..,,1,.,- .jf si.- iKiiu e are left to endure a ihe1 neon Vs. . tt'd. 1 here are forty-two vessels .. .".'.. T i. ut i M-M--j-wMM"-i;jteifi.iir hundred and eleven Kn. II provision tie made tor the payment ! naey ; n a msa.i win. mu ine ..a- "T T "T "V au nuadnme wbkb are esUbiisheil in dif- of iho indebtedness of the government in; lion's workshops, nu the mechanic and j S wm the use of depreciated a worth-, frrvu iKrU of tb. world, three of these the manner suggeeti'd, our nation will i laborer whe build it edifices and cm- . ".PP,.-- -. rt v vessel. retaraUr to the Uaitod States, sua lour are used as storeship. leaving the actual rfuUiDir fore thirty-live vessef. car- euee to the interest confided lo ihe sn- i rving threat hundrt d and fifty-six gun. The p.-i vision of his department, and reviews tie nperati. his ot the linn otnee, pension office, patent office and Indian bureau. Diirmg the bscai year ending June 30ui, 1868, 6.656,700 acre of public land wen- disposed of. !' The entire cah receipts of lb general land once tor the same period i caphw iu the aame 91-0,000,000, which wodld other- wise be used by our enterprising people in adding to the wealth of the nation. Onr commerce, which at One time success fully rivaled that of ihe great aura line powers, has rapidly diminished a4 our iiiduatrial interest are in a deprreeed and languishing condition. Tha development of our ie hatihk rveourers is checked, and the fertile fields of tbe Booth are be coming waste for stent of means to till sheen. With tba. release of capital, new aVfoald .heMcoV tele le'rarrlyxr of onr people, anil activity aim truct its fort und vesek of war, honbl 1 '" Secretary of the Interior, in his re in navuitmt of their test aad h ml earned 1 Prt. give valuable inlormatiou ui reOr- dne, receive depreciated paper, while another class of their countrymen no more deserving, are paid iu coin of gold and sil vsr. Kqtial and exact justice retjuire that all the creditor of the gnvet ument should be paid in a currency posseasMig a uniform value. This can only bo accom plished by the restoration ol the currci: ear to the slaaiiLmi established by 'the consti tution. And bv thi mean we would re-. move discrimination which may, if it j ha not already done o, create a prejudice I that may become dierp-rootcd aud wide 1 tpread, and imperii the national credit. 1 he feasibility ot making our currency eorrcwrmnd with the eon hmional f Und ardmay be seen by reference to a frW facu derived from our commercial Mali- total number of vessel in the aavy is 1 Uaudred aud six. mounting seventeen hat dred and forty -three gnus. Eighty -one r. f every uVciiptMu are to ase, armed were Si,, W,74iiv btiug greati'r by .83 than the amount realised from tbe si me sources during the previous year. The entries under the homestead law cov er 8,358.933 acres, nearly nur-fonrth of wbieb was taken nadcr ihe act of Jnne 2lt, lMiti, ebkb applbe only lo the ft lies of Alabama, Mississippi, Louwmus, Arkansas and Florida. , Ou the 30th of Juue, 1868, mm ban- with six huudred and ninety-six (ass- Th number of enlisted men in the service, in cluding apprentice, ha bain redneed to eight tbouaand are hundred- Aa toereaa of nary yard toaililto is Miiaimnil a a measure which will, in tlie event of war, ba promotive of economy and sreatity. A more thorough and systematic aurvay of th Korth Pacific ocean i advieed in vtoer of oar rveeat aeeaisitiima and onr expand iug eommerce and the increasiitg intereonrae between the PsciftV States and Asia. Th naval pension fund. hlrb ooaists of a moiety of the avails of prises captured day coxclvosw on rovam raox.J remove one hi xeaWkr

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