IX) MING HOME TO ROOST." In the Wellington eorrepnndene of the Ilaltitnora Gasettt, which we published yesterday, the startling an nonnrement waa mad that citisena of Lou lifjM were in Wsaliinvton n ving to prevent the passage of the Bill arniiug the militia of the South, on tho ground that there were not less than thirty f thensand npgreee in lMiihiana, out de the parish of Orleans, whn were to exasperated ngainst the Bureaa officer and car pet bagger generally, that it would he dangeriMie to place arms in their lunula. It waa also asserted that It required the utuioet exertion of the Southern while to restrain lite infu riated negroeewhn were threatening to drive every Northern man from the State. That the report may be some what exaggerated we do iiot pretend to deny; but that they are in the main trne we entertain no doubt. They are the practical and iuvitable result of tho teaching of Raidical ism, and show a tate of affair which we, and all others who gave tho sub ject any rcfiectt'irt, Inny; tgo pTtdtct ed. The genuine carpet-bagger those who came South immediately niter the war with the single object of ob tainingoffice found the negroes freed, by the, strong arm of military power. Rut there were no unfriendly rela lions existing between the whites and blacks. The former slave owners were prepared to accept the situa (ton in good faith, and to make con tracts with the freed men una fair an I equitable bais. Hut this state of things could not last. The carpet-bagger moat have office ; and to accomplish this his lirst step wag to alienate the negroes from their old and tried friends, fltey were told that it was the pnrpose of the whites to re-en-line- ihem;ihat they were to be maltreated in every conceivable manner. Secret Leagues were organized : and hore tho negro was tuught to believe that tho carpet bagger was his only friend. In In untutored heart the seeds of bitter hate were sown, and the riot and bloodsoed that ensued showed that they had brought forth their legiti mate frnit Hut not only this! The negro's new tound friend promised linn in and land, and office. The Southern plantations were to bo parcelled out amongst the newly enfranchised. Such were the promises made. But the carpet-bagger furnished n land, or mules, and took all the "Jicet him telf. This is what has exasperated the negroes of Louisiana ; and it was this not "rebel viyie . a .1 it- . mem irorn me poii- in me recent eiec tion. They are thoroughly disgusted with the treachery and duplicity of those who proclaimed themselves their friends. And now wo hear that it will be daugerous to place arms in the hand of their deluded followers. .It is certainly time the negroes we io finding out who are their real 1 1 lends. They have been duped hum enough, and we doubt not the day i near when a fulUbloodsd carpet hagt ger will arouse all the hatred and bitterness of which the negro is caps bid. n umwgton otar. Tan Local of the Wilmington Star was fortunate enough to And ait inter eating item a few day ago. Hear bias : A nun i i Sba came to town the I other day without a beau to 't. nd i her: bet then she was bow enough I herself, being a genuine Grecian Bender. She looked to gay and fes tive too flie way she walked and bended; the little boys said "halloo, gal I" and buasinea was suspended. The elerks camo out to see tho sight, the old men paused in wonder; the the children laughed themselves tn death, the freed men yelled "like thunder." But on th.it Grecian Bend er went, her back all curved and crooked ; it was a funny, Tunny thing to see hw qu er she look ed. Her gaiters seemed to hart her so it rous ed our Ir ip compassion ; bnt then she didn't mind it much because it was the fashion. Oh! come, attain and lace the crowd, even thongh you have to fight 'em ; we'll do our best lo help you out became joii make in "item." MURDER Of MIL J AS. A. GLEASON. On Friday evening last, Mr. Jamea A. Olveann, of this City, was shot and killed by a negro man named Lee l)nnli. We have heard various reports about the unfortunate occur, rwnce, but doein it nnnecessarrv to attempt a full aernnnt. We think the facts are about aa follow : A difficulty occurred in the street between a countryman end a negro; the countryman was su.realed by the Police and earried to the Mayor's itHee for examination; during the trial souio words passed between Mr. Oleason and the negro Dunlap, Mr. Glenson asserting that Dunlap had called him or some one else a ' dami son of a bitch ;" when, the neg drew a pistol and shot Mr. Gleaao twice through the breast, death in 10 or 13 minute. Il was reported that Mr, Fee Latctt SwnrrrLB. The K. Y. swindlers have invented a new mode of doing busitn , modus operandi ot which I is tb us detailed : "Sotuu few days Sanaa elegantly dress ed lady, accompanied by a wrllAlrrssrd tlrman, entered the store of a pmmi I jeweller and s-ked to be shown some diapoiids A cosily tray was handed by the ecntlemsoly and obliging clerk. and as they wer exsminiug snd . lioosW comparine and rrjcciiiir." the clerk's attention was attracted.by the en hance of a mu who beckoned him cau tiously aside, sod (bowing a star conceal ed benesh his coat, informed the clerk that he was an officer, and that be had been wstobiug tbs .eouple at ids counter for some lias. Ms advised tb elerk not to i;. infers with then, but show them what thsywsked for, and If they attempt ed to sestets anything hs would arrest them. Tec clerk soon nuked that lbs suspected poupls bsd quietly stowed away several valuable diamond lines, and at this junsfurt another person culojatd tbs store, slab bearing a star be math hiceal, mid at onto gently tapped the genteel pair on lb shoulders, blandly requested the pleasure of their society al the polir Staff n. i lie flrst officer told the clerk hsMhe prisoners would hare to be search- ud that h would then return tin- olen property in an hour or so. The .Je. f confiding flcrk assented, and the priso:. ! i . .) i aes- cis aim triors uisappcarea. J no pro prietors have thus far looked in vain I t the glimmer of their returning diamonds, and the men who hav the right to wear stars arc looking for the pretended policemen." SOMI IE FACTS ABOUT NORTH CAROLINA. The Plaindealear published at WiK .Jon, North Carolina, qnotes at largo from our articlo entitled "Let Us Have Peace," published oh pagv 329 of the present volume and while cordially approving the view therein net forth, anc testifying in the most nnttarintr manner to the estimation to which the Scientific American is held throughout the South, aska P to aid . in the dissemination of some facts in inreirard to the above Stale. It states that in it immediate vici nity and throughout the State, aa clear a criminal record can be shown since ' the clofee of the war as io any State North of Mason end Dixon a line. At least it is so as far the white pop ulation is concerned. The laws are faithfully administered and sacredly obeyed. Property is a safe as in any civilizedeommonity to be found ay where. It says : "We invite Northern gentlemen to come among us, putting asieo an icei in its of animosity, ."burying the past," and we pledge them a cordial welcome, and a sale hold tor the in J3T" Mount Vesuvius has been in ' an unusual state, of commotion for Aliu vi ruse ()n tint fill, 1 ttrt7 it... nee that kept f jav began I o flow more eopioasly, and fiom that day to the pic-en? time, tho mountain ha been more or less active. During all this period flic instruments in iho astronomical observatory, near Naples, have been continually agitated by the trcml lings of the earth. About Nov. 11th, 1868, new fissures were made in the cones, and the lava now rolls down and spreads itself in a broad sheet over me side ot v esimus towards Naples. The smoke, formed into an infinite number of ring or circles, surge up to a height of 2,000 feet, and then spreads out in'o a vast over shadowing cloud. At interval col umns ot Are are seeti bursting up wads to a great height, and resemble in regnlarity the flam' responding to tho blast of a Titan tic bellows. Three new solves have already been formed, arid a white cloud of vapor mark be court of tnerTavjt stream which, having gradually filled up the deep iioitows ot tne mountain ij , is now threatening to devastate the cut rivaled land. fired at the negro flrt, but It is said I that he was unarmed and did not fire t ai nil. no mint an aiee wibi men were hut two reports of a pistol, ami as Mr. Gleasoii was shot in two place, it prove that Dunlap fired both shots, or that one or his coin panions fited the second shot. Of course, our ciliaen tmpecia the white portion) were greatly ei asperated about the affair, but ll.cy sntterod the mu dorer t le eojivey ed to Jail by the Sheriff without in terfering. It i better to let the law inflict the pnnislunent then for di vidual to do il. There is no eomnnity in the country that ha been more 'iet, peaceable and law abiding aince the war than this one, and our white jop illation hav exercised great f ear anoe end charity toward the c iored people, bnt good feeling cat it be continued unless the law pt mptly exeontee sacb offender as tut ut gro Dunlap. air. Oleason wa a na'ive 1 Nor folk or Portsmouth, Vn., but iad been a resident of this City for a nua berofyear. lie leave a hVnilt and many friend to ncourn his - id death. His remains wore follow 1 to iba grave on Sunday evnitn( by the largest procession we tfcf eaw in Charlotte composed of Kiri men, Ma son, and citizen general; . P. 8. Since writing A above we Irani that th teetimuaW before the Coroner's inquest shewilie murder to bav been nnprovok -l end most brutal and prmiKtaUd Not a par tide of evidence was produced to sliow that Mr. Gleasoii assaulted the negro in any way whatever. A eil ored Policeman and l- o or three oilr er colored men have been commit ted lo Jail as accomplice in the mur dev. H'essTtt Democrat. , f0M WASHINGTON , Dee. 19, M.-Tbe Su- r . s. 4 e ww a preaTsftn orasre, in Holmes foundry vi. dl 'I States, a reversal of decision of lbs jl iana Circuit Court. The case nded to said Court for further mjrion, wee. 19, r. m. I he Prl i d. ut has nomiualiM (too. W. Colby, rtlr for the Second District of Ala- ; Otis H. Jtussel, for the Fourth r ,- t i r . . i r inn oi virftnia; noosn Jk. noya, lor ond District of Tennessee : Albert Krtn, for the First District of Arkan- Uoyd O. Waddell, for Assessor for Br t HI I'IStrH t oi Ororcis ; i boms A rsstl for the First Diltriet of Missis - niii; James favu, fost master ror Msm- hit, sod The. M. Sitllwell, Minister to rn'suela. fifty thensand dollars in fractional cur-' : r nave Deea anlppoa to unariesion. Reward testified before the Retrench- culll(Fm'iit Committee, that tb eipenac of the Muka nurcliase did not eiceed firs nun- Oleaon!i,ed dolh -d dollar at the Stat Department. CONGRE80. Washingtoat Dee. 19, M. Pomcmy bill, requiring the Cnstltu- ef Oeonria to re-sstem- State of North Carolina, ROWAN COtTsfTr. Jap" CWI s Urn, afl 7Vns, IMt. Jacob Liogt vs. Thornton Butler. oasib srrAOBMsav. TT sppswrlaa tbs stisfsolko of th Ooort 1 Hist Thornton Butler, th defendant. beyond lbs limits of Iba Stats, It is therefore erdsrse by tb Goort that publication be in I lie " Watclimsn and Old North Slsls for is eoosscutivs weeks, notifying said defendant to be and appear at lb oexl Term of this Coorl to b held for lbs County of Rowan, al tbs Usart-Mowas la Bansbory, oo tb Sd Mondsr in April next, then and there lo replevy or de mur, otherwise he win be proceeded sfainsl as U ne hsrt been personally served with pfoosss, and had tailed to appear and plead. Witness, A. Judton Mason, clerk of oar said Court at office, I lie Ud Monday io Serf ember A. D. 1868, and in the ninetr-tbird year of our independeoo. A. i V DoON MASON, 40:jijpr.r.I10 State of North Carolina, KUWAN OOUNTT. S iptrior Court o Lam, fkll Term, 1868. banina Kddleman ve. Thornton Butler. o tots it smcaMcsr. IT sppesnnf to the satisfaction of the Court I tlisl I lion. ton Uulkr, llie ilefendstil, rr-udrt i .... . t .1.. i . . ... o. w. i A . trrntwn of OeoTjIn to re-assaej. rjn lh- ...,tbm4P, U(J old North eUsis." for d maks aaeXDrs provision. In the , muiwmi,. i,. ,ir.in .a j-i i . . . . ..... . M unwm.w,,. amental law, that cilisens may bold m be and appear at the nexi Term of this Court , irrespective ot rsc or color. i to be held tor the County of Rowan, at Ike resolution was offered by Harlan, Curt House in Salisbury, on tho 3d Monday andlwaa adopted, rrqaestine the Judida- AP" "tat, ,hen "n lh" "Tvy s- ry (lunmiUee lo frame a bill reapportion- " T"T." H.in.1 as ,' L-. i . .'s. If le had leen personally served with process, E Vprese, l-t.o.i iu ConfTes according M fw t nii pWtd ' to MtioD Ifnd, of the 14th Amoudmeut. , w,tosa A. Jodsoo Msaoo, clerk of our said Dileassion ss to taking op th copper Court at office, th 3d Monday ir. September. tariff b now in progress. A. D. 1868, and in tbe ninety thud year of our WaSbhurtoa, Dee. 19, P. M. -Senate, iudependonoe. A Jt'DdON MASON, Th Ifiair prasen 14 a memorial from if- tn.ii. .n t $10 ,. teen ksndrwd citisens of Stockholm, who n . UTTr 7i 3 desired wsistance to emigrate. i otlllC OI IN 0IT H 11 T( )l I Iia, u 1 . . . j .i r i . I romeroy preseuiea anouier ueorgia DAVIE COUNTY Bill, providing for tb re -Assembling of j Superior Court, Full Tetm, 1808. tb Cotstilutioisl Convention, within rsmtol roa mvosc thirty day , to csjstroct and organise law. El.u McCoy vs. Joaiah MoCor. and to denne more clearly the rickt ofi IT apprarmir upon the affidavit of Ki colored chisetis. It fotbids tbe meeting McCoy, that Josiab McCoy is net so inhabi For Life Insurance Only PIBDM0N1 REAL ESTATE l.VSi llC8 COMPANY Ot VIRGINIA. AUTHORIZED CAPITA! ONEi'MILLION DOLLARS' OFFICERS. W.'O. OARBINOTON. President J. J. HOPKINS, Secretary. C. H. PEHUOW.M. D., Med. Advisor. This liberal sod sol rent Sootbsr Compaay pays to us policy 874 Pr Cent, of its PrU$. It pro pa set aid its patrons by taking nous for one Uf of lbs prrmtoms. it allows is patrutui lapayaiioasB itoesirM. It in vita iu saUs to attend its aauoal est- tlsmsnu and s Usatr rlgbU protawtsd. It lww its patrons to okiae tasir polietos Aval ooopiaee to saethsr. Its I'oliev holders are no restricted as to tra vel or reslasa. Itoffers fie following certificate as loiusl rency i Nelson, sad State of Ttrgiaia, take pleasure iu Moommenalag ss a solvent ana reuani oompa ny."The Piedmont steal Estate Insurance Corn pstiy," of this wiuuty ; and beside, the merit ..I its solvency, its rates and terms for Lass lunar anoe are sack as to command it to public pat ronaa. Its HUick holders , Oireoters and O Seers are men of bifh iutearity. and patrons can rely on aa samoi . amen-iu tnanaceuirui in iui susira. None of us hare stock or personal interest la this company, am) simply give this as disinter ested testimony to tb merits of a good institu - mmm i nil 1.1111 1 i J Uansstis Overt Tkt Yield it Great I Jossmit, Abomjde n twer mas ( uti,i sa sew is tbstibs to tss Moore's Rural New Yor ea uaaaT TIWN m OiUNTlY WEE of tb LrlsLstia-a until lb reonired Unl of WmSji u is tlicrerore, ordered the! , mAnnt. - leivtiMouu uc iiisiic lur sis wnii id me rz smendmtu; to tb Constitution ed. The Senate refased to consider the cop per tariff bill, by a vote of 22 u 25. Oso. 8. aiaraaa. Clark Circuit Codrt Joaa t. HiswSbvif WM.A. HlLt,8nrreyor. R. H. ixrvnro, Clara county Uonrt. 0 A. Bingham A Co., Agente, Salisbury pJWs also hav tea sgsacy frg4 Fir Com panies. Traveling agents wanted. Apply lo orr. jamm r. Johnson, Special Agent, CLartotte. '. C Jan. 7. IS6S. " wAIwIt THE LEGAL TENDER- ACT. The Tribune of Monday ha the following' ii.if.ieiapli : We a i! confidently edvisod from W sshintr ti that th Bnpreme Court ispre'tr certain tn adjudga the learal tender act unconstitutional. We are told thai there will prubahlv be but tie dissenter from the Court judg ment. We git c this precisely k il reach ea ui as a report merely. The sub jeet i one of such pervading interest that we have not deemed it beet to await tbe appearance of the judginent Inch will soon be rendered. "What is conscience I" naked a Sabbath school teacher of his cluss. 'An inward monitor." replied a bright little fellqw, "Arid what a monitor f v-One of the lrorclad., A profesor, giving a jectnre to nine hoys, wa explaining how tin one could live without air. lie then said : " iou iiave nil neara ot a man drowning how doee that happen f" was, w 'cause he vetmetrt of their eapitaj. which wiTttffr w'i?eh died and were buried thousands of centuries ago. W'gg'na is a teacher, and one nght drank too much lemonade or ifu eaitie into the room 1. M lka li.nlt.AMa M In.... ' III IIIK UICIU iwiuwiu, leiyiiic. It is with Ihe greatest pleasore that we accede to the request of the J'laindsaler, to assist in the dissemi nation of such welcome inform to ee and our readers, and we wecanassnre tb people of North Carolina that when these facta be come generally known an influx of capital can be relied upon. Let tho Southern people remember, however, that capital is proverbially fimid, end possess their souls io patience until the bappr time, sure to come, when mutual confidence eJal be fatyj restored. Seisnti4c American. FBOM SOUTH CAROLINA. CoJnmbia. Dec. 17, P. M In the Leg islature, to day, a resolution was introdu ced, authorising tbe (governor to arm and equip ewe hundred mn a a reserve force, I send to sny coonty wasr apt of (aw- Ine reaoy answer can t swim. A I'nrig newspaper contains the following interesting advertisement : "A father wants to find for his., son a school where he could get a healthy and manly Instruction, and wherothe teachers do not till the head ot the hoys with humbug storios about na i are committed tbe expense to b paid by e special las ea sack county. ...;,..J something;.- ti.ii.ir Ptfong bt wi'e and danghters, and '"""I. uf.j .!.. II- I S-il iiunoieu over iiio umoie unu icu whop on the floor. After a while he rose and said V Wife, a a you hurt I" "No." "Daashters, are yoi UurtV "No." 'Terrible clap, waan't itj'' In Hamilton County, Ohio, twenty principal receive salaries of $HoO lo 1.8k, and teachers rf nntrmded school are paid from $45 to $75 per momh. Superintendent ilancoek, ot Cinetiinati, ha a salary ot 93,500, ami sever! ladies are paid frmn $750 to 12.000, neerly equal to the aver age iu New fork. 'V A gontletjiaa of Terre Hunt he given $100,000 to establish first class female seminary in that olnce. Nam not Jfiven. Liberality only ,'xcelled by Lis modesty. The Right IUv. Thom ss F. Davis Hishopof S.-urN Carolina, preached in St. James' Church ifl this city on Sunday morning last. The sermon u hs exceedingly argumenlati ve and rarv learned in it character, and wit especially adapted lo the occa sloti, the lirbt A .inlay in Advent. It was delivered by the venerable liish op from his chair, his feeble health renderinir it impossible f r him to stand so long. His vole, though evidently weakened from age and siifieiing has in it at times something of the jower of youth. The lown of hi nativity feels her pulse lieat warm with affection and pride at the sight of so emtnont a son and so distius jruished a Father irf the Oliurch, Wit. Journal,' UtL riOM MEXICO. San FnuMiseo, Dse. 1, M. Mexico City advices to the 3rd state that Rose- crans Has arrived, and was cordially re ceived. T0RE1GN. Pari, Dec. 1, M.-Napoleon and Eu genie bav visited Queen Isabella. Constantinople, Dec. 19, M. lea re jection of tb Sultan's ultimatum by reeve i con firmed. I he Greek ship Krosu ran into Syra, sad wa damaged in conflict with s Turkish cruiser. London, Dec. 1, P. M The an nouncement of the siokiug of tb Greek stem-r Ermis i not confirmee', officially rFalcAmon QU Svrth State, s paper printed io .slisb'iry, that tb said defendant. Josiab tcuy, be sixl appear al the neat superior Coorl of law lo b held (or th county ol Da vie, al the Court House in MocksviUe, on tbe first Monday iu April neat, then and there to show cause, if any be can, why the prayer ot the petitioner shall not be granted. U' . . u D n .1 u I : I llim a, in. himiiii, tin ft km uw ejw I , . . so ,1 ... . coon, ai office in Motksviile. the first Monday A Virginia and HoutAsm Institution in Mpieinner, a. u., ibou, ana in ins ninety third year ol our indeiiendencr. . H H. AUSTIN. C. 8. C. Ifextea file ne Arlinglon Molnnl Sift Juiriirr (Dijiiii OF VIRGINIA num urn. . .. .. ,. Un ".. r lb. -, s n. ' ' -'ewaaesl. nvris vsiss sa v anety ol i uaisata ss iJ ri ' ""!' sswrs amicaUarsB cuiiui.1, nciew, Macausaai utsrsry Mstler, iatarspsrss wits Easrsvlass, tkss eesrssi, par u ceavunsss M iacludlsa Agriculture, Choice Litcrut ItoriKullurt, m i' nee and Sheep Husbandry, Education. Grasing, Dairying. Tooth's Rsadi Rural Architecture, General A'ru Domestic Economy, Commerce. MA tarts i. 1 11. .-a si . i u I 7"" isif., aasaya, atasi waass, Batemsa, A., As. Tbs Kural Ksw Yorker is s Nstlaaal ! Isiis Isrsslr la tb Kaat sad Wsst, Marth i It 1 the Bat laUnl im mil I . . - c irs. of Cditom. t ostributor. A. ., coa.pi, TSke srrt KBrmerm. Ptaatsrs, Wool fjrus aicrs. H rtlcultanets. Ac., sad also Aathi.r sis, ae.. er Beat sad aanfty. la brtsfUt sary salt, arirSnty Uaatrated. aestly p i r'-urn. -H .naunc, i.Ren.1 - MorsJ. luntru "TnF.lh..:, ' ... ... wv ssars' ee saws-Bsaru, id t. nmuirj, V lllRf O VOl WANT T1IK II I ' If L ' IOUK r AMII.Y AMI KKlUBff WA!l r or it soaatsci lo IBs w ssto r all . Kott sot a Bioaiaiy, bat s tires aa BaaaUlal aa last Vol. XIX is to be asu-rislly enlsr IJ I isssiae aaavbsrsad ee If, sen to paaar, tbs Hrast ts al tae one for yoar no sei ssarBBT csswaSBseirki itoaUs aasro rlatso in sxtra style. Clear Type, Use Psf BBB iiiBwirsuoBs iiisn any otaar Josrn uessi a nw ran. iaaM, ae., at class of TKI;H-Onli t3sVesr: to rlaasof tea. copy. Vol. XIX bealae Jaa. 4. 18JW K UawViealMi'ribe. Orsal OSers to ( lab el awaciniens nnw-iuis.-rsssiaai l.tsts.Ae. elks IS aanbeea of this Osarter. (Oct. Ss trial, forealy PIAyCsaU' Address w.v. T mihiki: Dae IS Its Funds ays kept in the South.. It has met with unprecedented success. State of North Carolina, , fortunes, HAIAUUA WUHTI. Superior Court of Law, Fail Term, IMS. Lyres Culver, 1 Injunct Jori Kaxers. i IN iIim uase it appearing lo lh satiafaetion ui itie i ..iirt il,jti me delendsnt Joel Kegel is a non-resnlent of tb Slate, it ia ordered that Th alter inability oi lb treat powers pubhtaiion b mad in ihe Wmtehma d Out of Kurope to control tb action nf Greece ! A'orlA Stair, s newspaper published io the lown in ll.a nenrilnn. IrnnlilM ilh 'I'nrbi.v mm. OBJISOUTT. lor BIS UUUBVUIIIS WBVBV UHH CoatrsnT h Illy test will compare fsrorsbly with sny Ufe raaee Cswrpaay sa tbs i ullliit, wklcb I the last ef rsaawBSlMHty. cites distrust in financial circles here, snd a general falling off iu all mooted values IS feared . Tbe press ot London anite in argief tbe great powers to final remonstrance FROM RICHMOND. Richmond, Dee. 19, P. M Hunni mm s paper, tb asm Hahon, which slopp ed it Daily issue, some weeks since, wa totally suspended to day. Tb editor reproaches tbe Republican managers here with having proscribed him, and announces himself a candidal for Congress in this District, in opposi Hon to tbe regular Muni font Bequest. Mr. Thomas M. Hope, of Hampton, but at present residing in Illinois, has recently sent $1000 io exUov, Henry A. Wise to ho devoted to the widows and or phuiis of Confederate soldiers, and ; I )0 to Dr.'J. P. Hope, of Ha in pt. in i, io be Uistributrd iu Hie same manner. -V.- -11,1k Virginian. C"tof the Presidents Defeno. The New York Timet And Hnlhilo Commercial both favor the motion made in Congress to appropriate 50,000 to defray -4be exponse of President Jouson's defence in the iin pcachuient trial. The Commercial which is a Radical ionrnnal, says that as the President waa acqniled, the necessary legal irenmpiion i that he was innocent, and therefore should not be compelled lo defray the expense of his own trial. Wo are (dad to a-mouiice that the firm nf Huck. (1 rah am tt Co.. of Philadelphia. have, purchased tjie valuable Friendship iron banks and foundry. This inexhasut M deposit of the finest iron or in tbe world is within 8 miles of Greensboro, and we learn lb purchasers intend, at onee, lo erect snltsbla buildings and pat up all the machinery nates ry for work ing tbis or lucesswfltlly. PawisK s FROM SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia. Dec 19, P. M The Stat Keoat to-day, revoked tb senteuc of suspension of Senator Leslie, of Barn well pounty, and re-dmitid him to a seas. On ir appearing, Senator triie made a brief address, acknowledging the magnan imity of M Senators snd hoping tlist all former aniinpsilies would be buried, snd, in the language of tbe worthy President elret, he desired to say ; "Let a hare peace. FROM ITaORIDA. Tsllahasse.il lec. 17, P. M In the Supreme Court on yevterday, Lt. Gov. ; leaaon filed a writ of error, and asked the Ghisf Justice to sign tb citation, which was refused. Geratnn left for Washington, last rren- ing, on business, siihpnsed to be to bring hie case belnre the U. a. Hupmrne Court, by getting tb signature of su .Associate Justice of that court to the citation. I: is said that there are in the Unl. ted Siale, 100,000 womea etigaud in teaching, and under instruction, 5 000 000 children, who use 90,000,. 000 hooks, waielt et $18,7&t,000. REMEMBER THE DEAD. BUI' MARBLE YAlil) HllllHt, N. C. OorStr sf Mais SB4 Coall Slrsslsi Msar tb Oesrbnoiiss, rpHK aa Jersicd ooatiaaaste IbraUfc atoaaresnb. -a- Tombs, Hrsd snd Foot Htnnes. Sc., lo sll wl the asid defendant may appearand answer the said bin at lbs next term of thai ooort te be held tor tbe county of Watauga, at lb Court House in Boose, oo the second alter lb third Monday m April next, or lb will be beard ex pan a to him. Witness, Joseph R Todd, clerk of Our mid Coorl at offtea, in Boooa, tb Second after tbe bird Monday m Heptembar, A. D., 1MB, in lb 03d tear of our independence j. b. todd, a & a .' pr If It' St d sad assess, sssln.tlu UaWllty Inn lusffsi srs rsatloasly sdsnDistersd by selectee Dineters, orrsaaoaslMllly an Business espsrity 11 baa esublisbso iu oibibi lo Boousrs OFUCERS: rtmittipft JOHN JL EDWARDS, THK I'IKUUM FARMER BKLIKVIMi that tbs interests of tbl mem snd Planters of this section denul publication of a periodieai to be deroted sxlTsuei tneut ol Arnt-ultore in the two aa. wa bare d te mined to thHab periodical uiiBer tbe title of TAK CAR f AKMEK. ana wilt us us tna Bret aaadb soon aa a sufficient number of lubKcritx obtained to nay a reasonable share of t sense si pouieaiion. - Tb Parmer will be Issted month I r at annum, in adranee; will contain not leal thirty -two large double-column pa l ine matter, bound iu handsome eovers ly porrapmcai execntion win not Be son by sny Agricultural Moatbty ia tb oon tieiac determined to do wbaterar ener coomptiah in making- the Farmer wartl support of tb Intelligent naaters and Fl cf aorta uarelina ami Poutb Carolina ; airing to introduce it into every eottnty nf States, we wtsB w employ aetlva ArH erery Post office, to whom tbe moat libel duremrMs win ne onerru Address sll Mmmunsestinns te Wit H BBRKARI je7 w:twt Wilmington, Wm. B. Isaacs, D. J, Habtsoox mbmcal xTXAxmnn, CHARLES H. SMITH, M D. iuil oTiss. bssl saaar. H. 0. CaHbU. i J wo. H. Clauobsts. DIRECTORS State of North Carolina. ROWAN COUKTT. Superior Court o 1, Fall Term, A. D 1868. rsi 1 1 Mt TO WUUam F. Tarter. small . Csstratl, Jobsnooley. wiiiisia wtllsj. it law. Miebsel Milter, Adm r , of Darnel Miller, s Aaron Miller, Jacob Milter, Isaac Miller, Uvi a Stiller. Paai Sbarer sod wit Mry, William Parker and wile Sophia, and Abraas Miller. IT appearing to tb satisfaction of tbs Court that A bram Milter, on of lh defendants! resides beyond lb limit of tb Stele, It is therefore ordered by tb Court that publica tion be made for sis weeks MascewaTeiy, is the - watchman At Did north tMSIr, paper pub lished in th Iowa of Salisbury, notifying the eatd defends nt to be snd appear at tbe next Term ol this Court to be held for lb coonty of Rowan, at the court hoor in Salisbury, on lb 3rd Monday ia April next, then and I here I plead, anawrr or demor, other wise judg ment pro coafrsso will he taken as lo him. Wit, A. Judsoo Mason, clerk oi our said Court at office the 3rd Monday ia Septem ber, A. D. 1988, and ia tb ninety-third year oi our inorpenuence. A. JUD! 45:6t:pr.f.$10 i. J. Ets fM OawrteJ, . H. Trier. i.T. Ed-srds, A. T. Motes. J. B. Morton. B.H. Ibbrell. WUUssi B. Palmer, LEW 18 Janl7 twnkwtf B. r. Hsnusl Tsrdy, yars J scobs, t. W. Allim.n. (tear 8. Pahwar, H. II. Cbeektsy, M. C Csbsll. P. J. ntartaoek, JohnC. WlWaaw. Wnitem 0. Tarter, A. P. Abatt, Wm. B. lasses. (sOTf0 la ntdatOd, HANE8. Ao't. LXXIKUTOK, N. c JDSON MASON, C. S. C. ii- msS. Hs dsn, past brari sad buaes to Bssrtl a ceatlaasaea of them. . I JOHN B. Bt'lH. Jaly IT. ML 89 ft di-ire tlifin. si pn. es In suit th timet eompstttloa. Its returns tbsnkN for eUllFQRn WW MINGY 0 NOBTttUAROlTlN A. IjANDlIOUlRiW wJeTwtek to steU -mam Agricultural or Mineral Lands, Water Povert, Mum, fomn lam, or Real Ate Is ot any kind, will And it to their sd vantage to plane .heir property in our hands for sal, We hare great facilities for procuring purr chssets for all suob property. Per information, address JKO. B. ORKTTKR. . r i . . . IWaO, 188T. N. 0. Important Sale at 1 GOLD HlLtLte Withir.sdiiif. 25th Nov. In si. I w u.i. sell, si uou mil. s lot or Machinery. 1 rnnsistinir ol one twenty hi irse STKAMI ENOINK, with TUBULAR BOILER, Saarr- iso, I ri.i srs. and It asuirs. Two of (isles' I patent uss uacaasas. uoe tun set ot Pirs Toon, consisting of Sloes, Dies. Tap. Vice. I and Pipe Cotters. A lot ol Leather and Rub-1 berbsLTlMO; copper and iron PIMM : two carboys of Aeio; lot of Hotiswbohl and! Kitchen r irnilure. and a PTBt IBnTT other ar ticles usad shoo machinery lH hr Gold. Mining parties will bod this s rsYSJ to I lurnish thmn-wlres with all tbingsSrTsMe for Mininc purposes. -f - ' All persons wishing further information con-1 .-erning the ah,ive property will address. Ibei ubscribei at Gold-Hill. N. G JAMKS A. QILL, Aeent. OoLn Hill. Nor. 10th, 1868. 3tw Sttw jgT Charlotte Timas COfiy ten days, sad d aiu to inUDerirerr- -g The Sale of the above property ha been -.iponeo iiiiiii tunner nonce. nUtrloHe Times please oopy. Nor. 21, 1888. INSURANCE COMPANY I Hartford, ( on. TATKMKST, HH. 31 , 1867. ACCUMULATED ASSETS S17 670,288,88. income rou i?n. 1 m FOU PREMIUMS Aokmt Wasted fob THE OFFIGIAL HISTORY THE WAR, It! CsiSffi, f barar If r. ( oudut CcMallV. f BOX ILKltKDKk H. ffTBPRCxi A Book for all Sections, and Pat Tbis great work presents tbs oolj plete and impartial analysis of the Cs tb War yet pnblished. and give lh. terior light and shadows of th area f iet only known to thoso high office! watched th flood - tide of revolation 1: fountain springs, and which were so sibl to Mr. Stephens from his posii second officer of tbe Confederacy. To s public that baa been surfeits APPARENTLY 8IMILAR PRC TION8. we promise a change of fare able and sal u tarv . and an intellectual t tb highest order. Tbs Great An War has AT -LAST found a hi, worthy of its imports nee. and at whose it will receive that moderate, candid a partial treatment which truth andjur urgently demand. Th intense desire very wher ma ed to obtain this work, its Official ehij and read,' ante, enrahinrd with an inei eon mission. aaahit tb best snbsei book ever p ihlished. I In. Sn.n.n( in I nrinn I 'n rM.irln . I rerihem ia three day. One ia Memphis. Tenn. iuts sobscriti It days. (tend for Clrenlars snd see oor terms'. fell description of the work, with Pre tieesof sdranee shwets. A- Address NATIONAL PITBLISHINO C(l M South Seventh St. P .iladelphia $6,332,804,05. FOR INTERE8T, t 1 .3 9 3,7 1 1 , 6 S k 1 LOSSES PAID IN 1167, lf268,?5818, DIVIDENDS PAID 1M INT. $ 043.003.00 Internet reoesred mar than pay losssa KvkWnds srersge over 50 per emit. All MilniMmn-Krfe4t(Meteraatedainonnt .Assurance nan be effected in all form- detirad. 8AML- UOUOLAS WAIT, MBMMrSaWmaVa ' W -SM X A. BraHTw. AjMik BadJjbWrv.il. ti asBBTs w a ii Tin roa th 6RA Y JACKETS ,4j? Aoir? thru Lived. Fought Died-for Dixie. WITH Incidents and Sketches a ia lb t'oufederat r. coroprisirs ! tee p PrTj..:. J Advent ure. A rmy Lin- Ail aa irr. QaSasI ifi --- Oarmst. the lamp. Field and Hospital, Leeether nunm Ballads. Anecdotes and Homoro An.m. nf the War lorSoutbsrn Independ Then is certain porttea of the war U tverer jto into the regular histories, nor bodiek In roTnnrw-y-nrtry. which i real part ol ii. and will, if preserved oon succeed in (tenemtions .,a better idea spirit of the MM than many dry rej earrrnl nrrtiTof events, and this pa? be called the gossip, the fun. the ptthos ... Thi. illii.trstrs the character of tl ers, tb homer of th soldiers, tbe dercx womob, the bravery of men. the pluck J hero, the romance and hardships of U vice The Valiant and Brave Hearted, Ihe .mi nmiontii- t i Wittv and aa the Tender and Pathetic. and the whole unsof Ihe War are here thnllmely port . - .nn.r al nnCC historical , mantic. rendering it the most ample kriiii.ni .nA resilsltle hook that the sailed forth. ,. i.nn.nmnt ss well as insvrui t...A in m-erv nsce. a XTBDnic aei BrH and siithehtic history, are skill! woven in this 'war ol iitersrv s"- Send for Oircolsrs and see, onr tw fell description of tbe wAWfy, . Biehmsrid, )B. B. P. BESSENT, D. D.k, AT THI BOTDKW H0C8 (pt 2tf ill K. 0. Know and Beli PPHAT O. B. PODL80N 1 Store n tbe cheapest aaa Media in this section aa. Try them I at WYATTi OLD 8Ti nXanfl B.alwV,yiTcsrtl iAl m SBB1 nfnBBBnBBP K'vxai ana. nsnassr BTliOlOOKiif and Counsel at 1 - amTl real ! WILM1X0T0N, N. 0.

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