r .J- "The. Old JTorth MUtc pcrcTcr.r-gwtow. Single Cevlta Five Cent. 4- wiUJt -t ? NUMBER '33 TOLL 7 SALISBURY; .'IN. :O:;T0B3DAY INim IMAr 8, 186C. , tub OldtJcfu St- DAILY4 TITLED If 1XIT1X"' AXD AMKXD THE ftllX. - iMi29 si; TVs Amsw waitmaf dt ar thJ! mmi tusarW. easaM XBia Ka"-if Bcrieeal Cm Mia4f-1 wih Ar faSiwinr "aiwl ; rSe esSaa Mai assert diiisaaw af tke m l"J ; Maehatem, II VatirpwfMWt, - - , . tm TttttII, is - " "-'" TTJTr, SrVW kTT CBtMfiig.-- it aaatoaaawr Hiiaas rtii uaiiatoaaf M CWi, 13 North. Iaaiatola.waBBae. BaavaaweUawapBaBeaaX ' I I II I ' I I rittc nr invrnTTTiTf: I 1 yy" l I I . . aaaaaaor w auraaaaaatUBM. Aew lunm SdftJ.Lnm. 5::J:i:s::2: fpsoa, 21 e-t,Big ch. : e- : "-"-- J: r da 25 west - u : ; : : ; 1 Dwp6s, as I : : UsW, 30 Upper. I - --aa----- , StiL 31 Lwer. I HEx, 34 Upper. I : " : Zz Zz -z Zz . stkl 35 Lower. 1 : i i wwi 1 - a : g : g : : ,3 : ' : ? Jw&ah ' 41 . 1;- ": Zy " : - ; FJI i"-" GnriIfe 42 Xtk -r: z:--- I tzZz s ; 43 sttk t. a.;.a;lsi..sl5 .s2 . 5 I 5ttfcfcl. . . N .. " .. - - 'L 1 kCWlL " 47' Z "' ' - : g: g: g: s: : g: t-r g: g: -: - : z nrtt. 5 ' x. i CmJWtW, 53 Tpp. i : : : i : : : s : : : ? J & 54 Lmwn. "g: 'S s a- I- CtW 57 , -: Z- . '"' . ESrtMwwtfj SO Lvrr. f: f i1 rPPrr. I : x : I : I gmrir, C2 J. . r. .. z . - - J fKMduIpIt,' 0fTt 2 : 5 : : 4?s S s ? - - a. c I- - j l. i il l ;. I .gi 1 u&- fet&La -yxasr- . .1 I . c k I " T ,. . I ' tnrtrtiurm msthrn. tfimr Awfitr . I7tL Mr"";". 69 irtmiflnB mfmmiinix among, watb jurwtjf mt K. . il. . rt - -tiWBMgwHrt-.,,.. ". . ; -75 St . Five nwMtm efiaMttl MgiiMpMwiyftw. ! "Aiwwb 80 (LJkXG2b. J., Urn sut X " S ii v jj-- - " ""-" . -.-. q,, 3 - J ' I M l. 3 -j , - I I UHMMi 103 Artfct I nKMXIia'B Klmbc 115 I L Is t li TV) 2Stk I I Tnwrhnk, 107 I I . MS X- .1. I .J 109 &Mak; 3un, no . Try, HI, L - - I TT 1 ' IM I otk r V dir. - - U - irk fif IO.T. 116 7, -S . 3L 10. II - I - 1 Cdk , " tl, M, S3, 4, f r 7tU iy .' w. ' tn wtMB rlgiitj ttrike oat tl4 wot&t f tlaTTtf "r."-; I ection ' etgbty-tlre, trik' oat t& vordj "or ranira no grot " tuxi iiuctt petMBft ? ' ' - ' Ite itfurHer enacted, TW th effieen ppint)tl bjr VtrtM of an ordinance of Um lata Coafentio are Wrrbf. aathorized to enmTtbe illitia afrocdlnr to ti jwotWmu ' Be Ufmrlier ttUKted, TitiitA k tk force front and after its ratification. Ia General Axarmbhr, not) tnno tfmft and ratified thia lftb daj of March, A. 1866. (Sisaed,) 8. F. rillLLIPS, 1 8. II. 0. C. 8. WDfSTEAD, ... ' ' 1 8.8. II. ranaant to thU act, the officer! toe "temporary force" organised under the Unuaance to organize a temporary force for the preeerrauon of law and or- der," will proceed immediately to enroll the name of all peiaooa within the agea of IS and 45. bieet to militia dntr. in each 4etnct o( their reepective Loontiet. Tlw H W ..JxinMialJ N the dLtricta in each county aa they existed immediaulr prior to the 20th dat of May. A. D 1861. Ill, Immediately after the enrollment hereby ordered hafi hare been completed, the nud officers of the temporary force are farther instrncted and commanded to gire ntilJlp rmn nntir at thrco or fimr nub. places in each district of their counties, commanding all persons enrolled and nb- jret to militia duty, to aMenible at a ct-r- fcun tune and place, near the centre of each ' dLtrirt, fur the parpoee of electing the duinaiieeioned and no-coninutBtonexl om- jAna arvsT Warn Jjtfrssa.ei arlsbl IW eaai aaSSL, HUK 1 VU VI MWV W IMV VVV Umu will be held as preecribeiLra BeTwed Code, chapter 70, entitled ItSitia, There i. 't .v.. i ,i suUrf the-e ehfciiona shall then be com- mitted to writing, certified to and figned by said omcers of the temporary force, and furwardtd to these Ileadqnarten en or be- fire the 6th day of Jane next, when the faeera elect wQl W commiwlone hyjlhe IV. The officers of the temporary force aforesaid are instructed, in -order to the more effectual and speedy execution of the prwririun of this order, to meet together, : a .i . X. uajun iimiKij ukt too rccriuua m wis or der, to apportion the districts among them selves, and to adopt a uniform plan for the eniolliaent and holding the elections herein Ofuered. - . By order of Governor "Worth, J. A.GILMER, Jr Adjutant General KM B)BUPatBCIlTIH. Tat adavias; bill satatd Suisg tkt a biUls be eatitlrd An Art to catablna a Scale sf IVymulMB af laakdrnte Caneaey. Wasaaaa. By aa arSiaaBcs afta Caaventioa. ca- tsks 'ii apiiaaaoe Awlariae wkal Urn aa4 ardi aaace ia Ioct. Bad fur olber tmrfoue,n ntiSiti eatBsMbemyarOrtober.A. D. 14 it is Budetba imtf af tW Ucaml AjnMy to provide a acateof Siaiirbiriis at tha Caaintcrato camaey from tba tiawersafairBMstotaceaa'or latvar; sad tt is toraVr hVwia awlawd tasfaBeaetatory eaattacm, salvaaic at ami say. wattber aadar seal ar asC auuw ate tat ararmalioa af said caneaey bebre the M dayaf Bay. IW5.aad yt aaftlfed. (eseept offlrial iisMMl)toasllaaasssyablstotoijiaa)slisBss SiisiiStoaaiesaea awes waa Wa- aadenUadiac taaitary wMSSivaamBMaeyatiassaM can ry. saajatt asaartbiiMS to setdaastaf a djntoeat -Btfteaactod by tas Ueaatai AaraUy af arSaraCarauaavaad tba aataaritjaftaaamaM." Taatato fcUeeto seals afiifisriitiisbaaadlbs sbbbs Jsamby adeetod aadiiititliiliisstbe sinisnaf raiaa afaas fld aattar ia daw taaai laiwaty. aw each auata, aad aftbs ssaatbaf DaeaaiBBr. MBi. fraaataUlmjar5aaJMr 1861, to las 1st day Bay.Haa.towa: - f - -Scale af liawflsHsa af Caafcauials CataaMy, Bat faUdauaa baias; lasaaitaad awisaw af talaa, laasSav. 1st kl. to Bay t. Mb.. . , PH. BBS. BSS. I8S4. I88S tlW fM HIN JUN : is tisa . was ISO 4S0 oo ouos Area, IM e auoe torss ar. - I so - is " tsse w J-Ba. It - ,v naa My, J see ti so Aagaat. - IB MS) UBS ISO 14 ss km - tea mm . mm? f4 M ,9 M 18 MM I IS M .MM - ; ' Dat- I la NU hwaa- ) -T-'f-t MM 1 ASM MM. iy ftaas mUnS casar.mt aaw. aa Isiat to sad fiaetot awtaf the to war; aad that law taaa aad iifisiava Itliyattaa ataybt B ft taaHatt raactrd. Tbat taall aaebeaam.Ot aarnat-WautaytaiaaataattofcrBia toll aad ptr fcet BtiapBtoal the t aa-bath ajaaa, which eats abafl bt BBaautaid to tbt artormiaatjoa afaataf tat JaaVpafatoaaiiBW Oaarto, cbaata by thtparttet, wbaai aejcayaataartoie to iiaatar at taa aaaaB. amardiaa to oaaity aad road Provided, haawtr. That aa part af thtoarrtiaa bteaaawwrd to atoa ar. hiaeu say yima S.ai ara raiiiBtiatata alcoatataf law, ifatiaaU desst tat tatat si matry. A tTW CVTa j. a. rcmxHAKn. - Utrkafeeaato. TO Flf T0S1 SE(B IXIf S ! Weral Eaftarwhh taa BoiWra. fur gale. Ifnaa IS Itursa rewer m . sti- -r , . . , ' Bkb to Bkh. - :. and dilataB iawlii aad WmmOiiwM nnvoBS' A4vortisomBts. ! : niEIlFOBl); STAE ; i ouaaan)gnea propot w paonan, u wo A Botherfbrdtoa, a wOahl y Newspaper tol434 "Tbo Koti.rtrJKUr.-;. , V It fcSaf Wre to tasks The Stai .iWt omf.', !ur to all thuse who foul aa interest la &4 Uoeperitr and wsltares of our ooontry as a whole. aa4 too MfpotuUr or our insmu- tioaCas aaaled iiowa to us by oar nolle an 8st7,are4jrsl BepuKIieaa OoverninenC . 1 Oer peopU hare but lately emerged from a rJruM airil' war, wsei r and ' between Isstions of a baeo gluctoas Union,' and mors D. sssoisting o our psflteoiar asouoa. tnan any tkiu thai has over hanoeaed a this eun Us es t, and it is to be hoped, thaaerer will again. While there is Dfe there is hope, and nut withstanding the great changes, wrought by the late ehrif war, we shall eneoorage thepeo nleto hoaestr. industry and economy, we of shall taks Special pains to keep them posted with all benefioial iniproTenienM of the age, so that they may ones more .enjoy bountiful stores, prosperity and happiness. We shall from time to time publish such laws, both State and National, aa our people ! are direct! eonevroed In, and shall likewise se our influence to establish a sound -eireu ting currency, so much needed at. Jhe present time. We shall he gorerasd by principles and not en, for aeeording to our honest convict ios, the praaeat ooaditaMl of our ouuntry is owing to the abandonment or pnactules, we mean the ahandoninent of those niDdamental urhi- I ciples upon which the OoTernment of the Uni- lea aws was reareac We shall bror and eneoaraire the develop ment of all our resources, Arrfcrntural, Min eral ete' and likewiss soeh internal iinprore- mests as will most likely be beneficial to the Cosntry, and especially the extension of the Wiininirton, Charlottes and Rutherford 1UU , Jtoadwest. As to Polities we axe True C4nservativefi, a- -V avMMMVW " X V .mm-mv vt- - . beliering neither in the Fire Katers of the Sooth, north Radicals of the North, hut in the Constitution, the Union, and therein. ree- rf Uwv, whh,.r Sute j.a wUliug obedience m the same. The Star will be published every Wedues- day at the following rates,, (strictly in ad- ranee.) payable in surrenry or produce at use copy I snoods, - fZ.OO H. - 0 M - 1.00 ! J. B. CARPENTER, i ft. W. LOGAN. April 18th, YA. dtf. 1 i JT 1 ' - i ,!f '' ' " ti J 'a1 j 2 s $m 5 fa.- r i, c '5- ; 1 B haLd ' JS a 38 P b-aB""'' -'V-r.- aa"1' 1 IXJ "1 I "-n" TadktttCdllegeii f toBBBBTBI NBA a TBI TADKfB BtITKBVBIlaT uiLtt taoaT LtllNUTOS. M. a .... 1 - Tba laaUtatioa. aader ha ebarterat s Cotlert, vtt Strlvadaa tbt I6tb af Jaaasry IH6a.aadsapaUaB,y a aitalstiaa sf tba Trastots, aitb a torpt of aitriea aad TaBckan I ta that aaw. with Ms ebtaa aoBedias .rTTi, M.-g .,:?! - sf: 4j!r, f' V '!-vj ,r g: : . '- :'"2 l ' I artaaccateats, B eMrs to tosh papUs every asaea "f. IttBaaiBMUWy. rttoprtBwaeiaTjtaBtittoalfcU I rollcaa eosna. ma SBora bvorabtt tenaa ssraspa. ttu maai at eoMen la the Btate. MATT A TI aaA aVBUaabSl jmttvaa. Thiat aaarttiaata aiua fraav YadkJa IWtosa, sad. tata-ely teaarslt froia tt, sow offers, ia m boardieK sitaawBatato la Ate tomily af las Rsvt U W, liana, sad la pa artsetiAs aad litsrlry deaariatots,aaoaal Sttrattioas to yoasc. ladica was oWrt to acquits a sdawtloa. a-rsjBf staMBjaaa Jer iem-c rtf brief eJrtauu fHrtey paitfaebat to ttlitiaa to ctthvrtha CalleM at tas Keaiinsry. aaaretB vm w- - Bat rWM V ' " ttdkia CeUefs, via Uxiartoa.'K. C. ' March SB. MM. . i-4wm ,...: y j "', a 1 1 1' wtxrmuMti ; 1 " PTTKUIVBO, TA RA8 EXTESED wpaa Ma f Ateath year, la aa as tarred font, wHa atwtypt. ntder aotpi a hi(rWy aiieriair. It bat a iarr sad daily toerestiBr en ralBUpa. aad eaerj to BarrcaaatS'Sad othon deaUtor; to toaawktb wiU tat baatbtra poMis, adtaata by aoat. ADVKRTIStXa BATES: . . oki sqcaa Twa weeks. ' 5 SO ids atoata, fd po : 40 OU fisfto WW as SO rtC Twa swaths, I ' Three BMDths, Bnrawjatas, -. ' MB ttsJe,' , . rw sin abss Twawetka, . M One bjobU. Twa Batata-0 Three BMmttsV (JUajaatha, MO llae Year. ' ftTBHCBiraOS RATtit : Wart efcpr. - aew,-' - at awata. Tana aaialht, M. Sir WMatha. iX Owe year, M . A. f. lalTCUr laXW a t., SSereaatllo AiTortisoaioBta, NKWFIJUI INSAIJSBL'RY! J. V. Gray & Go. HATB JaMrsce.TodaBdisiasistra.1. Mar. phr'a Granits beildiac. a new and gslsaitil ococaot Diapieana "V Fill CYl DRY GOODS,' which theywfll sen for eath r barter, mdj, follows, largs and hasatinil assaruaontaf LADIES DEESS GOODS, embracing the newest and leading ttjitSUl Dm . A lam assort siant of Gentlemen's, Yowthls ana Hoy Uoodt, Ladim Sammor Tcappinfn, Ladiet Miia and Children's Trimmed lists, new shapes, Ledien, Blssas and ChiWrenn. Hoop glurU, Ladies, Mi M and Oiniliaas. Balnmral Shoes, and Gaiten, Bonneta, EibUsw, . "Gloves, IfuKiery, Ac, tc Gents and Roy Shoes of every JVMiiptiaa, Gents, lioyn and Childrens HaU, uf every variety for snmmer wear. Crockery and Glaiware, j "Wood and willow ware. Also, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, and Dye Studs, of all kind. They are prepared to fill aO orden, ef Phrsi cians. Aa Uruirs aud lleAlW-ines. at the atari notice. The Iiruf department will be ander the f charge or a recuar rhyiocun. I Tbey aim hare a branch of their bu:ae a County Line, Davie County, where all of the above named article may lihe winr be obtained on the frame term. The above, stuck of Go-dft, fcarme been pur chased nnce the late heavy itrrjnne afjinoes in the Northern Cine, will be wtM as LOW aslhey aaatMUrlMlMBvrMlheawrkBiC. s K. IfaAin. in vile his old tnrul ef Ivie County epeciallyf to give hua a call when noting Uus maraeu 7 . J.W.GRAT. - P.RMAKTiy, J. MoGUIKB. Salisbury, N. C, April 2. Ufi. - tf-aol The Wide World. AM ENTERTAINING, rXSTKl CnVE AND SPICT FAMILY NEWSPAPER. It is the design of the Publishers to make the n ide World aoceptable to all classes readers. Its columns will contain Original Tales from some of the ablest writers in Am erica. Ah , Amusing and Ilancernus Ad ventures. Translations, Historical Remini scences, Sketches of all kinds. - Poetry, Wit. Humor, etc., etc-, eofubinihg a vast amaut of information on thousands of subjects that are of iuterest profit and amusement to the general reader, tuiiiwnais ana loora ing all the leading and important occurrences M me oay, wui ue loana in in cuiiuuns. Terms of pnblieatloa in Advane.O3.fJ0 Per v Aaaum. Single copies may be had of all aewsdeal era. price Seven cents. fur All comtnsnieation totended kr the columns of the Wide World, or containing Subscriptions, should be addressed J. H. BRIO HAM & FERXALD. " Poblishers of the Wide Warid, 28 State Street, Boston, Mas. State or Iforth Carolina, TREASUBT DEPABTMEyr ; 1 Baxeigh, March 31 166. To Jloilcrt qf Coupons North-Qtrolimm .Bonds. BY ACT OF THE GENERAL ASSEM- bly of N.rtlh-Carolina, ratified Mar. 10, 18UG, I am directed to prepare and sell tc aot leas than par boada of the State, raaalng tblrty- foor years, wiia LXnponteanag aiz per ceao. htervst, payable semi-annually, ctheduniam. iaattoa of iUM. iaiOLaad 14)00, iwinritaJ and: interest untaxable, for the purpose of pay ing coupons now due and to betwaae due In ItAKv au.! bonds due aad to hdl doe in ltC. By authority rested in the Publie Treasurer, I designate New York as the place of payment. Parti entitled, desiroas f effeebac the ex - change iuthojaxln pjewwaa munieate to me at once the amount and ebar s?fpf th securities which thev wfehto be fiiailaBaj iBTliBT tlllt X 11? bTbBIIBT taBSJi laS .till IjsBC I alTaWVTWaWT WaW WaaB BaaawrB Btaaarr aaaaBBa vaanVHaar r aad ihmotninatxin of tb bonds which -will he requiivd. After the entfraver ahal) furnish the hlanka. the binds will be lesMred far awe with little deltv. - ' I S Lnd(r advice of the Attorney General, 1 pons of bonds issued ainre, but under arts naxsed before Mav flOth. 1H61. wiU VefuadrJ: under the set " March lOtl, 11. eovidl j their identity to etablislied. by being euffpaai the bunds in lay prvetooo. a riwiiet nrre sary a neeoeut of the etuiibuirs ta other Vkm pou. usued since May lllh. Irvil- Ktill I . BA n Lfc, nvMdlw. VMieTrtm-mrtr. JOB PRINTING - n. - -- J ' NEATLY AMI EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT TIHS OFFICE.; A BOOS' TO THE SICK AND The Light of the World. DR. lUGGIEL'S Pills and Salvo. Tbsa lja..lbaiaaMdWases aawi ssa pebHefy o .s t a a? . - - - j Lli'E-GlYLSl FILLS, Ba bata aaal wBh tto saaatoB ssaeess. Ttow Tarr BicaMiatv7BiaaLaiM by wahTtte paSarat atsaaaraaj. sad tavtoaratoi lbs Bihac systna. Xatbaasad aad aOrai a Irw aaast ef tbsss valaaMs tttt U1 arava to ba A VERY FOUNTAIN1 OF YOUTH. yarbirBaryaaBttkry aad atw KB aadtttatty, sad UBiwaraaMtaaitB-Btolssssiiaiisi satis. as aaAsaAl lassed. tbsy wUt aana saaa) valaaata. as a pjaay. aaarlaa, aad stoTbaff atodisttw. Una Baatoaa walaad. that faaa dt L.aa saarbt tar ttoat baaand yaaes aaev aad aeajr toaad. Be toBktd tBTatBaatoiatbat vaold laaar th aid la the vbjaraad aatae lb 1 nt It was left tor tab day aad boar to taaasa tas dnsst aad atov to sat fltfiaas act. las BMfic that aiads B THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES . Caaant slay Ibt titbt af ycara,M tbey eaa ftMTtbaek akwf. davaa-atkal BUft-at aiaaisb aaar ttw acrdaad yaaag. Lat aoaa aeaiuis uiea mk sttst tar birtinUr apourtaaity (bat aSer. Waeatoktasa . IVB BILLI0US DISORDERS Xatbia eaa be Bin ttadatti sf cart tkaa tatat PBIb. TBnrBlraS Baasia totataet It M at sera. tat aaaai caavaamitaalB af Ibis aval daSnwiua; aa in wawud Tbcm rramiio aia auAt Iroai Tarr win aol bana the B-aat aetkato If an It, andean' besnea witfc gaad cBtet ia dejeribad doses to tha Xttaaceat babe. FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS 4 all traptioat of the Bkia. tat bbItf k aioBt mTtl- haacaaotl aral extanally Bloat, bet seae- tratn vitk tar aoS Brarrkiax effecta to tat very mot af tae era DB. T1AC:C.IEItS PILLS ' Invariably cure the follow ing Diseases. Asthma, Bowel Complaints, .Coughs. , Colds. Chwat Ditiatit. Cnstivtacss, I)Tpepsia, Diarrhiea, Iroasy. - Debility. Fever and Ague, Female CAMuplaints, Headache, Indigestion, - Infiueasn, laflamation, lawaid weakaeas. Liver Cuan plaint. Lownesa of Spirits, Rinrwotm, lUeaiaatisnV. Salt Rheum, Scaldi. Skin dce. rj- JfOTICE Xoaee-witotwitlKMit the entn- ved tiatle-aurk mrwaBd tack pM or kux, tiiBeil by Llr. J. M iMin. 43 FtlWa atnrt, ow Tork, to counterfeit whk-fc a) k-ioay- tj- aoU by aH rtmrtokla Dethrt ni ah air inn throajchoat tat FaaWbtatot aad tsaadat atU per box or pat. tor sale ss J. 11. Nsnisrurag store, MUsDnry X.IL , . apr3-dly THE WEEKLY OLD HOETH STATE." i-rmtiaxn rnxt rxroAf , At iai- j mnz,x c, it AVM . BfAI IPTI, CONTAINS All tie ltect .Eevs, BUkTt a? 1 1, n IB TBI BVTfXat. EliSOXS UVIXG i?r THE fJOUl- TRY WILL FE KEPT POSTED S .ALL TU1 JfEWS OF THE OAT BT &UBSCKIBING TO Tllf WEEhXT IB ABTABfK. ONE TEAS. $3 00 1 to I X llOKTOs, nt a aaxrrtK, fsbiishsis ft rrtaiittera. I-FOTt HATTX JHX K. HABFTOX. r natahM. PEa.-.. L J . : J I ttt toirma. v 1 1,1, P1BBAbVo raoibaa aiaaat i.trjas af t WITH nt!UM I ttlBkii aad VKtotty. the BW.4biadias; baai- that be M o to . S; wbftw ba kt aastoaa to at wiB at tttradt I W h 1 raartBhrd. Ht Wa a too aad to 1 araBkrd. Hah) anaand to da biadtol to all Us I'li aaj wwbiat to oapulv tbfaxlut with Book kd etiiiB.iy o( aN kr4. taa at sopplird by aa I mirag htowa. Bitai a rrrar. BoakaalltiB, t faMr. sad ITitilfia, Baknth. ii. C. 1-dU 1 4 v -a 1 r c v - ; ft 'i.l a u r i o A rut -X. 1 . . - aolA Ud JOUN A U0LT. BMrM dw5a IXcrBhary, ta. 9