J V7 -' T c?Asa ccuvsrmon. W did not publiab. Saturday 'a proceed bgsof the Gmratbk,tW the reason that ' we received m Raleigh pepera' eaT yester day eoataiabg them; but their aiiecaee ni more than atoned for by the eieeUent letter efeev aide Italeigh correspondent, whebeeefthe snoot fatclligrnt Vff if 1UI body. . Ilii fetters : not only stofe fact ail that b bterestbg b the proceedings, hat many jast and weighty bawdy esmgratalato wwdf and onr rcad- n ipM having srcared the services of to able aad intelligent a gentleman aa.a eor veapewdcwt, m bk letters mm necessarily add mweh I tbe fatcrrst U ear paper dar ing tba atseiia .4f tbe CWvesdbn, which va eappaae w3 bat for mm two ar three think lie Caavtfitfoei acted tely la nxsadag a adjocra sta .Ot.J- Although 11 waa b fort called for particular pm pfished, yet it b not, b a atrict fmdma officio; for tba naaaa that ita pow- er extend ta assay abjectt bcaidea tboae for which k waa erperkHj called. It ia, b fact, tba representative af tba referred ewers of tba State, and rt powera are aalj Embed bj tba problbttiooa, expreaa or implied, apoa tba State b tbe Federal Coaatitatba. It b' vested witb aD tbe legitimate powera of any otber Coareatba tbat ever assembled b tbe State ; and, suck befog tbe ease, it should, - ' now that it b fa session, proceed ta make tbe ate nary amendments to oar State Constitution. TbewbolebrtnmientsbooJd be re-written, aa aoaae of tbe phraseology of it b imperfect. It b at preaeat in man y detached part, and should be consolidated or codified. Sa macb J of tbe Constitution of 1776 a 'till remain b force, tbe ameud menti of 1835, the Free1 Suffrage amend ment, and all other amendments which hare been made since tbat time, ar which it b now proper to make, t buuld be em bodied bio one com pact instrument. Apart from tbeae necessary alterations and amend ments to aar State Confutation, we con fese that we caa aee bat little for the Con vention to da at preaeat. We are opposed to its aminff general lecblative powers. We thL k it should legislate Only ia caxes, where there may be an argent necessity fork. "We hare not a paper in the State de voted b the ebgnteet degree to her mate rial interests. With the exception of an editorial in this paper arguing in favor af the e tobuehment of ork House, and ane b the Raleigh Sentmet on the subject of Railroads, we do not remember to hare aeen any articles devoted to matters of State importance, unless it be tbe dbcue abna b tbe Xewbern papers on the sub ject of consolidating the X. C. and Atlan tfa R. R. Companies. 0M Xorik State. Our cotrmporary is mistaken -in one particular: The &wuk has, in addition ue maner reierrea to, con lain ea. a num ber of articles in advocacy of the ub liahment of a Beal Estate Bank, which, a aw jodrmeat, pronusea more benefit the people of tbe State than any other measare that could be derwed at present, and has freqaeatly trged the introduction of capital and labor to oar midst Bat the did Sortk State b right b the main, lae press, generally, and ourselves among Ihem, bare been too inattentive to State marreats, and hare devoted too macb sjee and time to tbe unprofitable eoasid- eranoa at f ederal pobUca and relations. uawwaiiM design to improve in this rtspect U pay mane regard to our mdaatnal and internal condition. Onr people, wlaib stiU aaxioaa for reatoratbn and reeonciliation, bare ceased, ander tbe preaaare of Badbal injustice, to aeel that mtenae interest b national aftaira which thewferaaadidcnlbdl . Upon reflection, we aee that we have done aome bjaatbe to onr eoteniporary of tbe Stmtimti, and perbapa others, as well aa awadC Wo wrote 'baatOy 'and from v bat we jtmnbrx the airtklea wbicb the SemSmd refers, aa weO aa aome written by oarectf and the Charlotte Times, b laTor of tbe mtrod action of capital aad labor bto tbe eoaatry. But, as the Srmti- rfsays, wa are b the man correct. Xotick to N. C. CoTTox 8mfm? k iocaa by or Xorth Carolina cott plaatera. becaase of their neglect of or aon arBaiBtanca with the rereane bwa. - They aeiad- tbe eCtoa to tbaar natrrbaata hir and elsewbere,.fof axle, with no snjieient vmence af the payment of the tax. The proper method b ta send, b every iaatam "to the comsatssMn mercbaat, 1st a eartiji- case of the aavmeatof the tax. and 2nd. a : exportaAi, both of -which tba the tax at required to far- 1 CAyvtar te slt ms; m afl emset, he 1 gm ayaas shipment ier mk.hen permit for aficer see abb i Tbe lbraal Charch at IlagHatowB, d, wna eM&r -aibyfc, Tweaday, the Z3L The argma and saaae af the ebwreb farniiare weae aared b a aranre. Aa Mionunntg baud- anr, need aa a ataue. waa bhewme deatrar- ed, and scvcralamaO boasea were bjared. paobly aamaQa aIUulNH M. - V-jS. - - MosVat, May 23. The Convention was tailed to order at 10 o'clock. A. M. IVayer by Iter. J. M. Atkbsoaj .of the inresbyteriaa Cburcu. - 1 Tbe Journal of yesterday was read and approved. kkpobts or cuiiatrmrai Mr. if elver, from the committee appohv ted to Inquire and report aa to the expedi ency of establishing a Penitentiary, snb- mlrtrd a report to tbe effect, that in view of the recent action of the General Assem bly, and the finances of the State, it would be inexpedient at this time to take any ac tion b the premises. The Committee asked to be discharged. The report was conrmrred in. t Mt Moore, of Wake, from the commit tee appointed to collate and tv-a ritti the Constitution nCi lhe State, reported the amiMlel Caiwtitutiua, which waa ordered aaba'prbted. ' U . ,- V , k- v lleaara. F. IS. r5attertbwaite (ritt) and J no. 'A. Richardson (Bladen) delegates elect to 11 vacancies, appeared and Were qualified. " , r T V.1 ' r 1 JLtlil - wi wmum hbjimuicvui av mviiuvn iu raise a committee I" seven, to take bto ft aa 'aa a "a a . consuierauon lae subject or a circulating medium, for the people of the State, and report by ordinance or otherwise. Adopt ed under a suspension of the rules. Mr. McLaughlin, a resolution to change the manner af settling with Executors, Ad ministrators, fcc. Air. Folk, a reeolnttoa reducing; the per diem and mileage of the officer! and mem bers of the Convention. ir. ir. 1: 1..: . debts bcurred by the counties in aid of the rebellion. Mr. Jones, of Davidson, a resolution concerning salaries and fees. (Proposes to raise a committee of fire to consider the propriety of amending an act paired by the late Legislature, entitled "Salaries and ees.") Mr. Hodge, an ordinance to exUblish courts of authentication and record. Mr. BusselL aa ordinance concerning the election of Clerks and Sheriff. Mr. Rumley, an ordinance incorporating the i fceauje liook and Ladder Company, of the toTi of Beaufort. (( )a introducing this erdiaunce,, Mr. Rumley stated, that, aa ut erdiaanee waa' porely of a legisla tive charactvr, be thought the legislature was tbe proper body to act upon it, but as such ordinances were coming before the Convention daily, ha felt bound to intro duce this.) Mr. Faulkner, from the Committee on Homesteads, reported an ordinance to amend Ibe-Concututioa so aa to provide homesteads. Mr. Phillips, a resolution to have an ab stract of the census of I860 .printed for the use af the Convention.. Adopted uu dor a aaspaasioai of tba ralea. Mr. Polk, a. resolution concerning even bg sessions. Proposing" that the Conven tion, from and after the 2th bat, bold evening sessiens, commencing at 4 o'clock f. M., daily. I On motion of Mr. Polk, the rules were suspended. Sundry amendments were offered. On motion of Mr. Henry, the resolutions were laid on the table. rr nr . - jar. n inourne, an orainanee to secure the rights of tbe citizens of North Carol na in tbe navigable waters of the State. jir. 1001, a rcsointion to pay tne com misslonerB appointed to report to the Gen eral Assembly on tbe subject of Freed men. Referred, on motion of Mr.- Poo! to tbe Committee on f inance. Mr. Wright, for the Committee to which was referred the communication of th Public Treasurer, reported M an ordinance in relation to the act of tbe General As embly entitled 'Revenue.'" mrrnrisHED busixess. An ardbaaee to grant a general amiieTfty and pardon to all persons guilty of violat ing the criminal laws of the State of North Carolina, except to those guilty of capital ieionKs, was put en its second reading. Mr. Jones, of Henderson, moved to amend, by striking out the words " first of May 1865" aad inserting first of Janua - b4j aa - . . . a a . ry, 1000, aa um time 10 wuich the pro poned amnesty should extend, "which waa Mr. Caldwell, of Burke; nnred the pas aage of the-, ordinance, as a measure of compromise, to allay tbe bitterness and Ul feeling which in various section of the Btata nad grown out or. the late war. Mr. McCorkla moved to amend the or dinance by adding the rbHowing proviso "Provided That all homicides commit ted by persoas m tbe co-called Confedei ate State army, while acting ander ordori emanatbg from eommandia officers to wbaaa tbe defendaata betoneid. shall ako peexemoted trnm prraeiirlwj,- , , , , a Mr. FauIkVr moved to lay the ordi teeJaife and. oa hU m the .'Ul.. ! Lam. Murr, 1... i f (.1.... 1. yeas and nays were ordered. Tbe CoavtntJon refused to hron the laoie t - .. Tiat MeBTf. AdamV, TUines.'Brooks. ifryaa, rjynum, Caldwell, of UuiJford, Cow. per, lackey, x.Uis, aircJoth, r aulkner, arches, Uanagaa, Uarland Unssom, Har ris, of G a lfd, Harris of Rutherford, Haynes Jones, of DavidW. Lash, Love, of Chat LyonTMcKiyrorilarnetfreDon- ald, of Chatham, MeUonaJd, of Moore, Richardson. RnsselL Rush. Satterthwaite. Simmotu, Sloan, Starbock, Stewart, Swan, Walknp, WiUcy,,WbbBTiie aad Winston. 33. . - Nats. Messrs. Alexander. Allen. Bar ley, Uahrr, Barrow. Beanv JeIL llerrr. Kagbaaa, Bradley, Brkkell,- Brown, Bur- pa. xMxion, VAMweu, of Jjofxe, Uonig badL Dick. Dockerr. Eaton. rareW. Oarrett, Gilliam. Godwin. Henrrj Hodr Jackson, Jarvt, Johnson, Jane,'of Hen derson, Joyee, Joyner, Kbg, Love, of Jeckaon. McCaulev. MrfWI. f Wake, Mon.by, (JJom, I'atU rnnn, 1 sail, Perkins, lVrson Ilillipa, Folk, 1 . Rumley, Smith, of Anson, . timiiu, l Wilkes, Spenbct, of Hyde, Spencer, Montgomery Stephenson, .Thompson, Ward, Williamson, Wilson and Wri t, 65.- On uotioo of Mt Phillipi, the ordin4ii and amendment were referred to a ad. commit tea of nine. ' . ' i . V-. - ' Mr. Mclver. ibv leave 1 btroduccd a rc 1 olution bstrnctinr aa Inquiry by the l i nanoa committee m relation to certain pro. visions of the Revenue La- Ak.phd, l' OX CaLEXDAR. ' "' i f rvaoWloi annquixconcfrnlnt Stati auiwonrbiiona for tba L'bslLma Rail Jloaa CoiniMiny wia atltpU'dt AnnHuanee'b rt'latfou to iwpriiHiiiineilt for debt was. fe ferred on seeoud reahiug ta the committee on Constitutional Auieudwwit, va jaatloa of Mr, Moore a, it Wake.: AiJJ.y Ordinances on 2d reading, introduced bv Mr. Moore, of Wake, to amend an At af the General Assembly concerning wr-ves and neraons of color or of mixed hluod.'. era arerredi aaBotka.of 4Itflfoore.'cX An ordinance calling a tonvenUoaT(ul 1B7I, and a resolution to raise a eonruiftet on the subject of adjournment, introduced by. Mr. Phillips, were, on his motion) bid on the table. A resolution . iu favor of W. II. Harri son, on second readiug, was laid ou the a ble, ou uiuliou of Mr. McLaughliu. 8PKCIAL OKDKR. An ordinance concerning debts of the State to be hereafter contracted, 011 second reading. This 1 ordinance- declares tKiit the Ueueral Assembly shall make ao Bill making an appropriatlon'of public moneys or raiding loan on the faith and credit of the 8tatc, unless the bill making such ap propriation, or raining such loan, shall have passed three readings on tbreoBevcRudays iu eacu no use 01 111 e ueueral Assembly, and received in each House the votes of a majoritp of the whole number of members I further requins a record of the veas and nays upon the passage of such bill in eith er House. On motion of Mr. Eaton, the ordinance was amended, by inserting a provision that the yeas and uays on such bill shall be re corded on each reading b each House. Mr. Love moved to amend by adding the following proviso : iyoridrd. that this renuimnent shall not be applicable to works of internal improve ments already chartered or b progress of construction. I After some discussion, in which Mensrs. Eaten and Winston urged the pamage of tho ordinance, and Messrs Logau, Love and Caldwell, of Burk, opposed it, tbe lnt ter moved that the amendment be bid ou tba table. ' ' .The Convention refuged, to lay on tba. table, yea 89 f naya 68. " " M ' ; Mr. llrown addressed, the Convention b support of the ordinance. 1 he question recurring on Mr. Love's amendment, on motion of Mr. Henry, the Convehtifn adjourned until ty o'clock to morrow. i 1 e t : 4. i y nut bi J.t -i-ii aie luanLii 1. 1 . t.i 1 .. t;.n'C I itc ei ijhI are luanLn T to : rj cLe tsuuilrrt, there U too n-u ' to f ar thai war tnay break eu. L' tbe 1. as! reacoa to tope tint vf i would Lave tee a J any ax- !1 have l 1 1 v oCerrd and touoly empIovcJ.'- TLatwokavt ie the power u qorrtLa ahowU I ' ouU hot ba-4ilMJiargbg my du aij too much, lot. My Lards, wa ' stood alone, and alooe wa could do ; bgi arabsi'tha dcUrmlaadon thai Waa the moat effective meaaa, the ou! il. rtlva mearia, r giving Mart : 'toanambi-' fkths doTIcv. Tlis dVtrrmnat1 Bui J ua onm wjh ito tf SDUN Swya that httll way fa actually decSartd It' wCl hot ba carried Into tffect bat More than a millioa of men are bow armed aad pvepari el for'lhe confVcL And I moat say that it b a melancholy sight bthiaaalightened sgand la tba present atate of crvilixatba u4 promtyjlat Earope.showlJ. be avea menaced with-waa for Whkh there h it W J4 U mlith than b no JariavJ Lpatadfefjae.'J J j'jf 1 , dictioav.' Cheera.1 . - - . ... It b not likely, purjudge r ord Stratford da Kedclifie -jeoademned L ambitious policy which threatened to involve Europe b a general war, and re pudiated the notion that Austria could have any aggressive intention. Lord Grey aba deprecated the appre hended outbreak of war. and imputed En- gland a loss of influence aver tmropraa af taira to what he deemed to be the over strained iuteipretatioa of the doctrine of non-intervention which had prevailed of I . . . . j . F ,. iatc years, vur acquiesence m ue spoua tioa of Denmark had kept aa oat of war for a time, but be believed tbe coming dan ger would be lar greater than that which we had tbca avoided. Lord Russell vindicated the condart of tho Govetament, obserrbg that they bad not laid dowa any rale not to bterfore when English interests were not aflected, but thev had alwavs felt lonr and careful deliberation shoahi precede aay decision of adopting tbe last argument of war. Lord Derby imputed to the Govern ment that b the Schleswic-llolsteb war. they bad approved the ranae of Denmark, but had nevertheless allowed the German powers to carry oat their intentions. Lord Russell replied that the Govern ment had held tbat Germany bad at first grounds for complabt against Denmark, but when tbe latter waa prepared to com ply with the demands which were made, the subsequent war became aojast. Alter a few wards from Iord ilaniwirke, b reply to whom Lord Clarendon explain ed that the Government had token stetia to ascertain Whether any offer of friendly intervention would be acceptable, bat meet ing with no encouragenM-at, these offers were not pressed, the subject was allowed to drop. aiirir, in. wli rvf. In' all 1 i ; ' . v cf t'.e i irv to J j I 0 ev. iit of tli tliid 5u;'a: . " tlrf.- I t question hlcl WW V. Davi will be cntiikdtJ Til P.knui' ulion i.rovida tLat ertmiu&l prosecution the accu d ahall en joy the right to a spedr and puhlie trUL la dettnninlnj whetletrMr. Davb, hf ter mora than a year' cIom imprisonmenS woaU U considered, b tbe tveut of the disagreement of the jury, to b 1 discharged on ban, would be a question of 4ogal di aiwawtisaam tfl IkSS aaaWTiaitnfr br the ludse. aa a, wawjsjnp sjaoi aa wv wm ' m 1 - ar v .R iK m-IoWlm! babeaa eorpaa act of Charlee ll,ft waa Provided, 6, that ..t wuui nimiiiiiiwi ior ireaaoa w Mn av ahalL tha raobira le aba .first wfltk af the next term, or the firrt day of the next SesWtitr .ad WWilW b that torpa or arasioa. ar ua aaiamea 10 b.H SitJwu the Kb' witneaa -eaithot be produced , and iTpoi Mbtoa and tried b the second term' 0 wmsioa,1 be shall be dia , wo 1cm favorable view of the prisoner's appli cation than b the rule furnuhed by this statute. Tbe serious question, would he, how maay terms of the court have passed since tbe prisoner wa first arrested f His coun sel would b all probability contend that by intendment of bw L'uited States courts were holding their regular terms, for the last twelve months in the State of Virgin ia, or at least might have done so. A farther provision of the Comtitution mteht perbapa also, b tbe event of a dia- greemeat of the jury, Le bvoked in behalf shall be oia tj jnieh rould tuie a 1 1 : - ill t.. ;rcn. iKjul:. W-tLiii-Ca, Hay 2ii. The House de 1,1 tLo tax at great length, and Bear-, ly comludVd . its consiJtTation. In dis cutfmg the question of the appobtment of , a speclir Commlsabnor of Revenue, Mr. Steven" moved an amendment providing for the election of that officer by Congress, instead of bebf appobted by the Secreta- ry of thfl Tmsniy. Ha madaa vioLnt: thai ofxicer aaid he would sot appoint any opponent 'of IhaTreaiJent'a, policy to the ' office. Stevens denounced- 'McCulIoch a Ui recreant" tooTof a iecrcaulfc President. A' (harp disaaasioa 'assnad. and without f . oradhha ajaeadaaaai.1 J h )' J 2 JiuJlU, (Bepb)iaiiv rprvaiLte vens, and showed thai Congress had no tuck pwaerbf appobtment aa le proposed to exercise. ' ' - ' " Mr. Delano, (Rcpablican,) defended the Secretary, who was, be said, not a slavo. and thus prevented from speaking his sen timent.' Dare lie not ' have ap opinion of bis own T Must we all square our opinions by a regular line at the dictation of an in dividual i Jiwt such acta a htevei;' were creating a very bad sentiment through out the country. Mr. Ktevens thus discomfited, withdrew his amendment, promisbg to reuew it Moudar. Xnter from Stxrepe. . , A.rr 'aultf the Cits vf Bottom. New York, May 27. The steaaiehip City of Boston has arrived from Liverpool j with dates to the 17th int.'' Cotton is ' reported brisk. Tlie aL-! of of the prisoner that one which sets forth folio wt : "."or shall any iM-rson be sub ject, for tbe same offence, to be twice put in leopard y et lire or limit.' T 1 ... .. The aieanintror this rule 1. tbat a de-1 feadant b b lecal W-opar.lv the moment petit jury L charged with the decision of twa days 13,000 bales his' case. But though there has been some j quoted at. IXild. i'onsols closed at Si difference of opinion on tlie point, it may United States Five-twenties tallC. DC ipuium uiai imi i ur- jui t m ri- uir- Middling VphtinU charged from the tun tier and nnal deei ion of the case, because of their inability to agree, tbe prisoner may be b id to bt tried anew. At one time b England, where the jury could not agree on a capital race, the judge, bstead of discharging them at the end of tbe term, bad them carted round the circuit with him. This practice, however, is ex ploded. In case, then, of the Liability of the ju ry to agree, tbe utmost that tbo primmer could ask, from that fact alone, would the right to be out of prison on bail The war question is unchanged, though the chances of an European Congre aro improving. More failures are reported. In both lloiim-s of the British larlia iiient the boinltardmeut of Yaljiantiao ba been noticed in terms of indignation,' but tlie uentntl attitude of the British Admiral wits defended and tally endorsed by tbo ivernnwnt. The EnglFi'h preg and p-o-ple loudly denounce the et of Spain. An l. ' hidignation meeting at Liverpool adopted ; strong resolutions expressing gratitude fHr the exertions of CtaunMHlorv Rogers, United State Xavy. , Wa . m " mm. a. The recent references to tlie trial of Mr. Orcht ruw u oa City. , , il. Half of the bunne From the Xationml InteUigcmfrr. Amstro-rnusUa DUBcnlty. Delate in Vr Engtuk House if Lar&i m the J'rospect tf war. lon.' XJetf taTSo- It u pcrfWtfectly In the House of Lords., on the fb, Lord Cadogan, after some preliminary remarks upon the threatening aspect of political af; lairs upon ine continent, aaa.ru wiriut the Government bad made an offer of te- dbtion to bring about a pacific solution of tbe question in dispute. The Earl of Clarendon.1; ble friend'ay pardon, true that Parliament ha becn without any information communicated by usbn the eabject; and lrTf this reasbD--hat, o far as tne action 01 tne uovernrarni is copcorucu, this country ill, neither directly 6r indi rectly, taxe any pan m war n warr anoiuu unfortunately occur. Of fcourse are have always beenready.to aniwer. an inquiry addressed tous j but until lastt night, in the other House of Parliament, and to night fa this House, no bquiry ofjthat na ture nas been addressed to us. l am sure thti baa not been from any want of vigi lance or want of interest fa continental af fairs; but because it was felt that the pub lift are just as jweU fafonacd a the Govern ment oa fUssine 'eventa: "There' b now little bf tEa secret a7pbmacy' wnfcKi in former days ao much jmvaibd. There b onthe part of every Government such ta tne power of public opinion so ,; great an anxiety to appeal Ui it and obtain ita sun- port, that despatches of Ikip most Import ant character and entailing the gravest consequence are no sooner' delivered than they are published, aad the telerram se cures that there shall be no priority fin on the same footfag. We know the com- llntof PrnjiU jitairaiilrIi7BJBdTn what manner Austria has answered those accusations. We know brihs able paper c - w n w wj uBuiuiuni m iihi aa rmm inn nmnannm of Bavaria and Saxony aa the conduct of these two great neighbor, and what are -u opmuna of the restof the German pow. r. We know bow loud have bn th remonstrances throuehout GermanT against War uocalW for by national honor and jorDidden by national interests. The, foil of the funds and of ouhlia afx-arid tk out the exehanrr of EaroniJwi " " commerce, and mdastry the enormous Iomm tiuit were entailed as soon as the rumor of war assumed aa appcaraaoa of reality, seemed to be so many warn in gt to sovereigns bow they trifled with the b teres ta af their subjects. Up toaboutafortnirbt aro there waa an arpearance that moderate counsels woald prevail, and that the calamity si war would be averted j but within tbe last fortnight this hope become lea and Wa felt, and al- Bsdegy Xalr. Badger. It will be aeen from tbe follow bg letter of the Hon. William A. Graham, tbat he nas, at tne request 01 ine memurrs 01 ine qjj j.jtv j.V ;.. rv . ...W n. Ut : Mutn. f Portion .f this City is in ashes, including guwhed citben, Hon. George E. Bulger. . ai-venty-hve stoie. eight ltefc, lorty The time is h-u open "for future arrange-; dwelling lioustf, eliun-Iies and a scnuuarvj ment, probably the second or third week 1 l.oiio.OOO. . 1 . ' ot lae next session 01 tne ounieme oun is re- Davb have tallod public attention to thb subject, which, very aaturailv, fa Urge degVea bteresti the pabGe nttad. J ' -' lhe indictment b the asualfona for treason has been foand bw the mnA Inn- in the United Stotea Circuit Court, at HltLsnoao, May 26, 18C6 Norfolk. - .1 Gkstlemex: Yours of "the S2d. iuft Mr. Davis is Indicted under the act of ! bvitbg me, in behalf of the gentlemen of 1790, ander which the penalty, en eonvie- the bar of Wake county, to deliver iu the uvn, ib aesui. 1 city 01 tuueign a uiscwuive ua cvmmenioni- He could hare been indicted wnder the I tion of tbe tabntsiand virtues of our dis tin- act of July 32, 1861, for n seditioas con- guished aseocbte and friend, George E. The Couuel for Sz-VlwflldcaYt Saris. epiracy, tbe punishment of wbicb as fimyl lwdger, whose recent demiM! occasions so Fortress -Monn.e, May 27. Measr. not over $5,000, and bnprwonment, withl signal a loss to the pnfeiou and the . (y(:omeT vaY counsel arrived Health 0 XfcwTerk. irv 1 ork, 3I.iv 27. The citv markaby healthy ; all fears of the cholera went to have abated. Cienrtal Robert An derson is seriously ill here. or 'without hard labor, not six years. I country, owing to my absence for a few 1 , . -.J- .1 j r 1. . -.l' 1 1 i b-re to-day. One of tbe most imDortant nobu ia the davs from home.' was received only vester drawbg of the petit jury, who are charged day. . wth the trial of the prisoner. ' However much I regret . that you selec- Tbe jury bto be drawn aceordmg to tion for this ofUcir had not fallen on some lot, or otherwise, according to tbe mode one of more leware and greater capacity, practiced in the State for aelecrtng juries it will afford me a melancholy satisfaction for the highest courts of bw. !tlw namber thus to unite with Ton in pavfae funeral f iarorl Ml PS snjunoned b left to the dis-lbonora to one a worthy of every tribute of cretion 01 ine court, aa at common bw. I respect and affection, i be time for., this The act of Julv 16.' 18C2. reneaia an I eeremonr. which too are Pleased to refer much of the act of 1789 as. Muirrs. bitemyappointaaeutjl trust may be left to mmm f m m mm vrain.- an nmrr 1 lawBra umn-iKUL . Very respectfully yours , W. A. GRAHAM. To Messrs. Kemp P Battle, Chas. Man- a wm . . w tf iv, inne. xwagg, i no. 14. .uryan, ii. n Hajtedy and Sioaj H. Rogcn, Esquires. . A Card. . A destructive fire, oririnatinr fa the .situated fetes. occurred yesterday morning. Our office, jt . ..." 1 : . r a l-t- petit jurors be summoned from the county wnere uw oneaee was commiUed. tnder the act of Jane 17, 1862, no per son is allowed to ait on the jury-who was in aay acrree 01 ceraalicitv- whfc th . bellion. This ban act of controlling im portance, because, it insures that the trial shall be before a loyal jury. 1 Mr. Davis cannot be tried W anw f hi, block af buildbn in which waa sitm confederates. His fate will rest entirely the office of tbe Gboro'-Day' fri with hb political opnonent.' ' . I occurred vesterdav mornbr. Our ofl The jury must be. aaaaimons, - there IpTeMe, typej other1 material "and books, can be no verdict. This b the bvarbUe were entirdr deatroved. Nothbg beloag- rut of the common bw. and has tTit I ine to the office was saved, and none of time whereof the memory of man runneth I oar loss (which, exceeds five thousand dol not to the eontrarT: I bra. three-foorths of which falb noon Mr. The preaidbr indre can raU aathnnta. Whhlakar. bdividnaDv.i waa covered bv dvely on questions of evidence aa they I baarance. Thb cabmitv would press may arise in the prog teas of the trbL but I heavily upon us any time, but more espe- U tufi lory atwaya, amjiiaJ utjLM. re-1 eiall v a; wben there H fUch a scarcttf . --t- . r I t ty, Uxf arw ptaexieaSr the imlM ihST meet their own oblirations. and to secure 1 . - .. r 1 . . . . TS'lJrf M.IhraJj4 mBJtvm tfJblkmtoZmp z peal from their dedabn.' ' " j But we feel that this is no time for ehher 4. There has never been aav execution to desDondencr or idleness, and we are deter- thbpriacipb in the commnaw4iw, except j mtnd, -'at theTWreWom4orfe4 that in cases of libel it bad rrenatl tw. m the Bublieatioa of the Xnt. We determined by the Cewtof lung's Bench know that oar subscribers and advertisers thai tbe only aaretion for tba eonaidrra-1 will bear with as patienllr till our arranre- a ss.va I oon t tne jury, m crimn prosecntMas saenb are completed. for libel, was the fact of pabcation aad We respectfully ask oar exchanges to the truth of the buendoea, and that the pahlish this 1 H3ard,, so that all may know roart ajuae was competent to aetermme I way tne puuicaunn ot me ow whether the subject of the pabHcatioa was I Daily A'csr b temporarily bterrapted; r was not a IibeL And k was for this I and to mform tnoae interested tnat we nope rulin; of Lord Mansfield that tlxi pb4t-1 to be able to re-isaoe tba paper as early as ed Junius aa bitterly attacked Lord Mans- the Ut af ; Jely. ; wm-WWM fidd Lord Camden, the fnd of Ebertv. J. B. WHITAKEB As CO. ffered from Lord Mansfield, aad tlMaaat-1 Goldaboro N. C, 8atarday, Jlay 19. tor Waa finall Ml tk mmMmrm. I ' bb act of Parliament af Georre IIL.I A Boston man, writfag home from Sich- knowa aa Mr. Fox'a net. which determined I nw nd. ears: "Tboagk I do not behera the - bw aramst Lord MaaafieitTs fodr-1 fifty Sontbera gesrtlemen would wish to meat, bv cxoresaJv nroraizina tba rbht sea alarcrr rettwwLIam eoeriaced that af the jury to I the tacts and bwj maay af the blacks would prefer slavery of the eaaa by a general rerdjrt of guilty I to the condition to waica taey aava been or not guiltT, t ; J reduced by sudden emancipation. " XTew Tork Markets). New York, May 2?. The total shipments of specie for tho week amount to 11,000,000. This b tho Lirgest b the history of the port for one week. Cotton buoyant ; sales of 2,000 baled Upland at 41c; Orleans 43c. Flour baa advanced 10a 20c. Wheat daH Park heavy Mess 830 50a SO 75. Naval Ston-a firm. Turpentine 9.'w97j. Goid 13&J. ffrom SrasiLl ' Washtigton, May 27. Tho State De partment has rocdved fafunnation, that tlie Brasilian Government is reaolved to open the eoast-wise trade to ships of all nations. . - knteat TorairB XTaws. New York, May 26. The London Slip ping GozcttCj of tho 15th, announces that the Bank of England has raised the inter eft for advances on stock to IS per cent., in consequence of the great pre sure for assistance fa thb shspe, on' specalative at counts. . V On itoel exchange fSS &mandfor "uTi' awt aaaomniadatiosjt' widl aeiive. 1 y-'- llallett, Comaney t Lee, bankers, and ,: . Griffith Brastony-stock-brteny haTo saspended. " 1 ' J .i 1 pbthe ibbllftfel" of Waal etd7NaTr" Sc Co are f 200,000: of Penny c Co., .140,000, with asse.Ua of only .29,000. . XTew Orteana SXarkaL - New Orleans, May 25. Cottoa UBchanred. Saks of tJMH) Ule at36a37c Bani Sterliag 66 ccnU. Gold 44. JA Hrrr to Bxcixxxxs. Twoyaung men commenced the sail making basinets at Philadelphia. They bought a lot of duck from btephea Firard oa credit, and a frbnd bad engaged to endorse for them. ch caarht a rou -and waa- carry inr it off, when Gnrd remarked : "Had you not better get a dray jr No; it is not for, and we caa'carrry it ourselves. , TeD-your friehd he need'at endorse 1 your note, IU take it without.". J r t-

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