..1. :t nt.:, iiij 1;.- LEWIS IIANE3 6c J. 8. IIAMITON. ITBU?HER8 k rBOMtllTOBaV ; CITY AiS D STATU ITEMS. New AiTXtTiti)iXKTv hw & 1 Clark, at Biddcford, Maine, or Chicago 111., offer a aaUry of $1,500, or . a large commislonf to agents, tot the sale of three kinds of new and Improved 8ewing Ma- ' chines. Here is a fine opportunity for honest and industrious nun to obtain hon orable and lucrative employment Iulliain, Jones & Co. Wholesale Oro- tera and Commission MerchanU, Raleigh, K.tV -X O. T. Geary, ClWJuilJlnf, Bldeford, Maine, offer $90 per month for agents for the aale of fix entirely different new arti cles. Blackwood 3c Co. Dwelling House to rout for the remainder of the year. ScrztiOK Cocbt. The Jury la the case of the State vs. Blackwelder, indicted for tlie murder of hii wife, in the county of Cabarrus, at a late hour laat night brought in a verdict ,of Guilty. The only point made by the counael for the defense iii this case was, that the defendant was iusanc at the time he committed the deed, and therefore not responsible, and conse quently not guilty. They admitted that if. he was sane then he was guilty, as there could be no question about the killing. The case, we leant, was a very intercat . ing one, and we have heard the testimony of l)r. Whitehead, Jones, and Gibson spoken of as exhibiting much knowledge 1 of the science of Metaphysics. I This morning, the eounsel for the de-1 fence moved for a new trial and a tenia de ftoro, which motion was overruled by the Court. The Court then pronounced judg ment upon thejirisotierfrum which judg ment, through his counsel, he appealed to the Supreme Court. The prisoner was ably prosecuted by Mr. Solicitor Caldwell mxl James K. Kerr, Ks., of this eit y, and was as ably defend ed by John M. Long, Esq., of Cabarrus, and Messrs. Jloyden and Bailey, of this citv. i "Cyrus, uu ara cin-'v," !!. J .L.hu. "Why, see Lcre," sLowiur, a line, lot of brooms, 44 is aa articLi a great deal better than yours which was true -which I am retailing at twtlra and a half cents apiece," (which waa not true by seven and atuUlceuU. "Don't car for that," answered Cyrus j "your brooms ara aheap enough, bat you eao'l have bum for less thaa twenty cents, anyhow j" and pretending to be more than half angry, shouldered his . brooms and started for the door. . ,, K. The merchant, retting nervous over the loss of "good customer, and fearing that he might go to another store and never return, said : ,..-. u MSee here, Cyraa. bold on awhile. If I give ron twenty eenta for your brooms, you will not object to take tho price of them out in goods r ' ' . 44 SO, I don't care If X do," replied Cy rus. 44 Well, aa yon are , an old customer, I will allow yon twenty eenta apiece for this lot Let me see twenty-four times twen ty makes jest four hundred and eighty eenta. What kind of roods will von have Cyrus!" " Well now. John, reckon it don't make any difference to you what sort of goods take, does it!" "O, no, not at all not at all," aald the merchant , 44 Well, then, aa it don't make any dif ference, I will take the amount in them brooms of yours, at twelve and a half cents. apiece. Let me see, four dollars and eighty eenta will get thirty brooms and ton cents over; don t make much difference, John about the ten cents, but as you are a right clever fellow, I believe I II take the change in terbacker. ' When Cyrus went out of the door with Is brooms and " terbacker. John was f ized with a serious breaking out at the mouth, during whieh time be was distinct- heard to violate the third commandment several times by the bystanders, who all enjoyed the joke. D. P. VILLIAMSOnuCc, Commission SZrrchant, 11 ALU I Gil. X t SELLonCmmlMlon Cotton Tarns, 8h.tinca. llacou. rtour, Lard. Driad Fruit. Whukey, Rnndr. and all kinds of eountry proauce. tk. .iM kan MMMUDtlr ea hand toe sals. Plows. lions, Aiaa, Shore!, fipedas,- Cora 8U4. Irs,andall kinds or Arncmiuraj jmpiwneou, Hardware. Tin Wars, end Groceries of erery da scrtption.' - ' " They respectfully solicit consignments from Farmers and other, la Us western part of the State, and pledge themselves to give their best attaotioH to all orders aad consignments entrust. a4 te thsai. ... -.-. . . , ' BeatorsfortoMeODbhla Tort A Co., galie bury.Tod. B. Caldwell Prest, N. C B. it. tfur eanton, J. A. Kosshro, Statesvilla, ibiu1.,Ml noltf MILIIHfERY New Advertisements. s. w.rrixiiM. f.i.Mm. o.v.svsrsox JONES & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MEHC1IANTS, RALEIGH, X. C, Have in Store a large stock of Groceries, which is otfered at the lowest cash' .jviees. ma .... ... . - . J I ney nuneotlullr solicit orders iroiEMQie iner ehauts of North Carolina. PCLLIAM, JONES Ac CO. . may 28-d.tt-wlm. DWELLING HOUSE To rent by the month, or the remainder of the year. Apply to BLACKWOOD 6c Co may 28-dIm. or M. A. SMITH. The Suxdav School Celebbatiox, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, canie off to-day. The children, teachers and friends of the schools eonect- wl U'itlm .I.e. f..fww1t.it pMiiiln'tjkn.n A r .i it u ii i..t i ! SI 500 Fer lrar we want agents Lutheran Churches assembled at the IW, l.OUU Jwhm u our imp,Ted bytemn Church at 9 o'clock, formed in ! 20 Sewing Mechines, Three new kiods Under and upper foed. Sent on trial. War ranted five years. Above salary or large eominWions paid. The only machines sold la I'tiiM HtstM fur less than 40, which are fully licenced by Howe, Wkeeier d: Wilton, I (iroter A Baker, Singer A Co., mnd Bdekelder. AU other cheap machines are infringement and the teller or uner are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment Illustrated circular sent free. . Address, or call upon Shaw 6c Clark, proceiion and preeeeded by the famous S.disbury Brass Bund, marched through the principal streets to the beautiful groye wet of the city, where a rich and bounti ful collation was spread, and to which am ple justice was done by all present. All seemed tnnjoy-them8elree finely at the grove, and especially the children, who in ', t Biddeford. Maine, or Chicago, 111. the innocence and simplicity of their na- j nu,7 -da:w m tare, iudulircd in the. . sjiorta and gambols calculated to th'light and amuse them. After diuiur was over, the' procession n -turnxl through tlie city to the Methodist church, where, after appropriate serv ices the multitude was dismissed with the ben uliction by the Rev. Mr. Rumple of the Presbyterian church. The whole proceed ings passed off most pleasantly. Catawba Marble Works. We have been shown, by Messrs. Steele & Snuggs, w ho have formed a partnership for the pur pose of working the marble quarry at J nr. Shuford'e, in Catawba county, aoine 'pcoi mens of marble from said quarry, which we think are qaite equal to any we have ever seen. We are glad to note enterprises of this kind, as they tend to the develop ment of the resources of the 8 tat. Do mestic industry should always be encour aged; therefore, we hope these gentlemen will be liberally patronised. Any persons wishing to procure Monuments, Tomb stones, Head or Foot stones, or anything rise of the, kind, will be promptly accom modated by these gentlemen. D. B. BKIDOFOBIt, A. MYERS, WM. MYEK8 or va. or x. c. or n. c. BRIDGFORD & LITERS, -i AUCTIONEERS, General Commission eit ForwardJ&f ME UC HANTS, DOCK AMD XYiamVTH ITSIXTI, RICHMOND, Va ltviJ a3adgs5 1 a NOTICE to tho MEuCIIAIlTS ad rAi:.tii:::s or XOBTH AXD SOUTH CAE0L1XA. Mrs. C. CARNCR0SS, lias ramoved to Buis' building nearly oppo site the Market, on Main Street, where she is constantly receiving from the Northern Cities, the newest snj handsomest styles of fancy Goods, for Ladius' and Gentlemen. Call and exKmtae her line assortment. Salisbury. May 1 8. 66. dtf no43 spril 16, ia Thb Abctic Soda Kocxtaix. Fasa- ing do wn itreetoayjre wre in vitcd o take a rUsatat the Arctic Soda Fountain, Xbw PABB-We have received the "nrMliunlol?. "lie Henderson Pioneer, edited by the Hon. A. II. Jones. It is handsomely printed, ably edited, and we wish it much success. itaake Train. A certain farmer, who in the course of 4he year purchased several dollara' worth of good and always paid for them called at a store of n village merchant his reg ular place of dealing, with two dosen brooms, which he offered for aale.' The. "nleWbAnVwno bJrt,y, foni good baVgain, examined his stock,' and said, 44 WelL Cyrua, I wOl give yottn shil ling apiece for tkeoo brooms." Cyrus seemed as to abed at the offer, and quickly replied : " " "O, no, John, I can't Regin to take that for 'cm, no how; but I'H let yon have Van Office N, d R. R, Gpmpanyri KXG. AfSUPTS. OFFICE, Co'i. Shops, May 19, 18G6, Commencement of the UNIVERSITY OF N. CABOLINA , at chapel mm ROUND TRIP Excursion Ticket will be sold for one fare full fare going and return free from all statinns to Durham's. Good from the 3d to the 9th of June inclusive; E. WILKES, Eng. it Supt, maySl-d till June 1 a. tiimiii, a. a. c. i. aixpusox, a. . Drs. 'Whitehead A Henderson, JJbt aasonUU tnotnnelTnn la tk and offer,, their rolessional aarviees to the eitiseas of Salisbury aad vicinity. , Oifie Nejfdoor to QMenSofiiM eht Sbm7 April SO. 18GB. '. , . " lr mam m- aav- am- m m sBnam m -" y-' -and C. F. KF.ITZ has opened a BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY at Julian's old stand, opposite the Market House, on Maia Street. He keeps constantly oa hand, FRESH RREAD, CAKES, Pitt; and all kind of Cwnfeetlonaries; He also keeps on hand fur aale, Violins, Flutinaa,. Aoer deoaa and Guitars. v(jiv kirn a call. 1 ,. may 9 dlw.-pd. Ileal Estate for Sale. IW ra mrArt at mm Omatj OmtI Bu, Isswd at May Term, I'M, f wilt . Saturday ICAjfag Jtme next, - 0jMcaliirlitBtatoilMrhnHtB kwtva as lntKe.tlriettMth Va)4rtacWvaf flalah. rt- ..... ir.nwsm bimhmi waa mwrvm um sma taUfc Maes aa tar fsrmmn, M 4- - - ; Adai r White Sulphur Springs, CATAWBA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THE PROPRIETORS of this Celebrated Wajerinir Place, bavins gone to zreat ex pense in erect! nir New Buildinss, repairing; others, and furnishing the same, will open the Springs for the Reception of Visitors on the First Day of June. Among other sew buildings recently erected. is a hue large Bath House, with Bath Peol, together with the Tub and Shower Bath at tached. We have several Ckalrbeati, con sisting or White Sulphur, Blue Sulphur, Iron, rc., the Medical qualities of which stand un rivalled. A healthier and nkore delightful location is hard to find, and for beautiful flowers, Shady groves and walks, it is second to no other Watering Place 8outh. Having secured the services of Mrs. WrKnn, formerly of 8tatsvill. X. C. who utanrfa un riralled. as a housekeeper, we shall endeavor to give good litre and pay every attention to the com (oil of visitors, fersons going from Baltimore to the Springs, by leaving on Mon day afternoon, either by the way of Rich mond or. Portsmouth, Vs., arrive at Salisbu N. C. on Wednesday Morning, id time for the Statesville and Morganton, train, and reach the. springs turn-out by 12 o'clock, where joarrutges will be in waiting to take them to the springs, a distance of six miles from the Rail Road, on a good road, and by 1 o clock, you reach the springs. , By leaving Baltimore on Wednesday after' noon, you arrive at the springs on Friday by I o'clock. The Western and Morganton Rail Road, which you take at Salisbury, leaves Salisbury every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mom- ' Persons going from Richmond, ptersburg, Lynehh .rg, Norfolk or Portsmouth, by leav ing either on Monday or Wednesday mornings. The Seaboard and Roanoke , IIATLT10AIV Is now in thorough operation, Akd rosyi by raooyyaXTibxsTriTii tha Kaieiak and Oaskm ttnnd, Um Wettm North Corwaaa Kailroad, and the Chariot mnd CWeasMa Mwlmt, the. . i . . Cheapest, Qnlakest A SSott Dlxeet Throuf h Freight Line friaa all plaees in North Carolma aud 'HTwrtivu bouta Carolina to PORTSMOUTH, JiOllFOLK. BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, AND BOSTON. Te take edranugs of this great through line, b eaivful Uiconnign ymt Freight to care of Kail road A sunt, PorUiuoutk, and direct your eorrea poodaotK In New York and Philadelphia to do the saina, and f.-oiu ilaltimora be careful to bare your freight sent by OLD BAY LINE STEAMERS W 11 ICQ ARE THE ONLY STEAMERS BY WHICH movn rauoHT iikaiozxuti HAVE BEEN MADE. Take notice, that by this route you can eonxign your Freight directly to its deiitiiiatioti, as all charge and Governmeut duties are paid by the Uail ituad Aswntatl'urUnwmth, and forwarded to be collected at the deKtiuation of the Freight E. 0. GIIIO, Aorst. apr 13'fifi-d3m PurUnwaith, V IVEWBOOKS. JUST PUBLISHED. BY Messrs. WM. B. SMITH at CO., riBLU AKD riKESIDB Pt'BUSHIMO HOUSE., 58 Faretteville St.. Raleigh, N. C. MOSSES FROM A ROLLIXO STOXE. A Volume qf Poems. BT TENKLLA MABT BATABD CLABK. Author of " Reminiscences of Cuba." "Wood Notes." " Translations of Marguerite.' " Lady TartufTe," etc., etc. Oue VoL, Si mo., fine cloth, blue, purple and brown. Fries I1.UU. From the Rous Jocasii, edited by S. P. Willi. " Cvinee the imagination ana power ot viv id description which mark the true poet. Are characterised by a graceful and flowing vers!' fication, a pleasing play of fancy, a beautiful and tender sentiment." From the Norfolk Vnvmian. " la delicacy of thought, warmth of fancy, and vivid reproductions of natural beauties. Mrs. Clark, has shown herself to be worthy a very . high place among the female IHiets of AmericaT'' NAMELESS A Novel. BY FAMNT MUBDAUQH DOWNING I Second Edition. One Volume, 16mo. paper , 11.00 One Vol.. Ibino., fine 'th, purple and brown Price fl.AU. The eritics have in turn compared the an thorto Hannah More, Mrs. Edgeworth, Mrs. I From the Cosmopolite. 1 The interest is so admirably kept np that it never flags from first to last. The style is simple, pure and vigorous free from the af fectations ot most fouuUe writers." t rum the Home Journal. J The plot is natural and developed with well sustained interest. The characters of the story are clearly individualised, and their Oi7cn,Solic!duCo., WII0L1IHALL Sc RETAIL DEALERS, BUY OR SELL O.V COMMISSION. Keep Constantly on Hand X largo assortment of Dry Goods, VroerrlrsV Ilardtrare, JCIIOCKEHY, da' Just reewlved from New York n choice lot of Flour. t - Agents the Coekade City Brewery. Will furnish also to all awrsaHi In the town of Sal isbury and vlcluity. at the followiug raUs. Stuck Ale, ft barrel, firj.00 " i - - i. 11J0 Cream Ale, per Ixirrvl, . . 'J0.0U " ... 111,00 Take Gold and Silver in trade at New York rates. ' Salisbury, X. C. April 7, lrVKh d-tf iJeu LcoiLS l ME17 DOOKSI! . . BTJIUEP & HAIUlIOOir. AVE on hand and are receiving dally all kinds or a. ... ttK lint 25 liar ' at ' an t aa i ci il .otitW W iCL,F Kill mil H BOOKS and STATIONEEY, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES,' BLANK BOOKS, vVRITINO PAPER, PICTURES, PEHFUMEBJESan4 Fancy Notions, and are now prepared to supply the reading pub lic and all other with anything in their line, at the lowest price by Wholesale or Retail. In addition to a general stock of Books, we are special Agents, for a large Publishing House, of a new series of SCHOOL BOOKS, oITitcJ at reduced prices, to which we invite the attention of teaelter generally. We arc a.Tiitu lor W'eHtern North Carolina, for i In n.' Hjnimr mid vuluulilti Southern Histories, , )iil!i!iil I v C. li. Kicharddon, entitled; Southern History of the War, B Y I. I'dl.LARD, EK tor Sick. Examiner. a r T. E. Brown &.C6. TIN and COPPER SMITH, At nil Id Stand, SATiIQBTJUY, N. O. TS Prepared to Ifannfaoture or to furnish Stills, a Tin and flhaet lrrji Wu. - varying fortunes are often illustrated with PaNOr dnO LOOKinfJ M0V6S, HwiHigeavi iiirimiig luiercsv. i From the Philadelphia Daily Age. 1 It possesses much ezeellenee. The pub lishers deserve great praise for the manner in which they have seat the book tromthe press." LEE'S LAST CAMPAIGN By Capt. J. C. O. 32mo., paper. Price 25c. A histori cal harrative of tbe final and . thrilling events ! of the war in Virsinia, coinuiencing with the j battles around Petersburg, and following the movements of both1 armies until Lee's surren- arrive at the springs the next day by 1 o'oTk. der at Apporaatoz- Court House; oontaining j uh. m. r . stewabt, arm oi rressman me omouu . eorrespouaeuce oonceruiuK w UTENSILS OF EVERY S0RT they are oho prepared to do House rooffing and Guttering: All kinds of repairing .done promptly, and all order wholeiiale and retail promptly filled. RARTFB SUCH AS OLD 1'KWTtB AND COPPER taken m etchange IVr jroods. - -- Those wishing articles in this line will do well to call. T. E. BROWN A CO. april l.'6ft. nol tf & Stewart, iVo 90 St, Paul St, Baltimore, will be pleased to give any information in regard ty the springs, medical properties of the Wa ter, ore. " . 1 , Board per Month...... ...50 (M " " Day,.... ......2 SO Children and servants Half-price. I J. GOLDEN WYA1T & CO., may Sl-d2in. Proprietors. THE FIELD AND FIRESIDE. (EmBUSHED J855.) ; A superb Literary Companion and sterlltt old Home Journal fubluhed every eaturaay, BY TVSL B. SMITH & COMPANY. Tfiraytevillw St, Raleigh, N. C. " Ebsgantly printed on beautiful white naner. mammoth sheet, with eight large pjes.. is onp ui voninnuiors includes nearly all .1 i- a .. .... . . . 1 Mtf HIIU ,u,wiura, wj yr tne compinea servicM TW niavT f. ,. ..uld be a marked feafur ny eeieorated writers it has achieve.! a Perfect anMsn m-tsentinr -'wirtfBffi mf.?:. r? Novelettes, eketcbes. Criticisms, Re- r" VieWS. Pottma. Rimmt.ki. U'llt!. eisms, Travels, Adventures, ice, tco. Are pure, entertaining aad hMtnetive la a de gree rarely attained In periodical literature. in aceoraanee with the name of the papr special department is devnteJ tn TiSU wherein are given articles, hints end sukks tuma en tho practical t.numn.m .3 .K- Farm, the" Garden, the Orchard and the Kitchen. SrjBBCBIFTffJXs; , One year,. 5JW Sit Months,. ............. ,.....,.., 3,50 tlubsof PveOne Year,........r'20rjo ClabsofTea ....'...'..tOJtiO And aa extra CApy to the partr rxtinro m. elab of ten.' No dab ratsa to mi saoathe aubaoribera. WM. B..8MITII t CO Pahlishers and Proprietors; 58, Fsyctternhs St.4 Raleight-X. surrender and the interview between Qea. Lee and Gee. Grant, etc,, etc. THE NORTH CAROLINA GOLD CIR CULAR jSJmo., paper. Price 10c. Of im portance to many of interest to all. Con tains rate of depreciation of Cpnfederate Cur rency, during the war, compared with Oold ; New Usury Law of North Carolina : fluctua tions of Greenbacks in New York to Decem ber, 1864 1 a list of all the Newspapers pub lished ia North Carolina Apnl 1, leHHi, xc. . lr Sent postpaid, upon receipt of price. WM. B. SMITH A CO, 58 Fayettevilb) 8U Raleigh,. N. C. Catalogues sent on application. Salisbury Dra Hand, AND ORCHESTRA, WERE RE-ESTAB-lished January 1806, with Wm. H. Nkavb, Musical Director, and Eu. B. Neavb, Leader. This , will he a -permanent . and first class Hand for North CyjnaUpnrljt.isjtm a and susuined. bv beinir engaged at all 1 Muiiineomnnsed and arranged frahy r-- lnired number of parts fur Brass Ita"wl.ilrehe.'. ral. I anor or i.nonnnun"wi """" euU liotsford, of New York, warm imtsoiimI lends of Mr. Neave, select and roimI him all Just Received At the Store of ; - 1 mf YARDS of beautiful new Zf. f I 1 1 1 style Irints, also a few beau- w w Urul patterns bf ladies' dress goods. We have on hand a handsome selection of most every description of y Mffl f fli f Jfitir flHtboasr Issrtearll: iTV, 1 irednTrimiiiiiiif. Hats, Bonnets, tie K friend the music for Piano that is ne-. when inlrin sically goou, as wen aa winning mm jjHiiiii ; fur begHiners, medium player.t mid ailviimi .1 nnsieians. This carefully sebjct and highly approved mmrUvwill be sold as ch.-ply hen-, M the mixed article is retailed ia New York. Tha far-famed Dod worth Band iaatruMVnts ean be got through Mr. Neave, tested and ap- nnivod. r galisbury. N. C April 28, 18CC tf xroszoB. ALL those indebted to the estate xf Col. James H. noods, dee'd., are requested to torn forward ana make payment, atia all those having claims against the same, will naka pressatarioa of the same withia the time5 prescribed by law. or this aoticfr will h plead in bar of.thetrffoiivery. . 1 , , u - D, B. WOOD!. iiay22-dlm " AdiuY. For (iiijtU uii'iit (.'nr. r have a lacuu iiSM irt iiieu t ViissrfiiK'"rfl;""Wneli tioiidi Sfiit Ready Made Clothing. V iifcsortHH'iit of Shoes, of rvcry ilesi-rii'ti'M. llardM'ure, (inN-erivs and i'itK:lvT. All of which we olfer at as reasonable al vauces.as any Jioiim' can .ell them.. .. A. J. Mock & Co. Salisbury, N. C May 18. ti. dtf no4-l Southern Generals: Their Lives and Campaigns. Women of the South The Life, Services and Campaigns, of Stonewall Jackson. ry Auonts wanted in every town and ' of western North Carolina, for the Coun- sale of the above named publications, rreierenoe will dst given Ui disabled Soldiers, with suitable qualifi cations to act as agents. Specimen Uonies. circulars ana ail necessarr" instructions can be had on application to ULKKK4UAKK1SOJV. - Agents for Western N. Carolina. News Agency ! TVe have also made arrangements to supply the public with any and all Kinos ot we latest ana bent Daily and Weekly Newspapers, PICTORIALS & PERIODICALS, MONTHLY MAGAZINES, See., Ac. 17 Frexh arrivals every morning by Mail or Express. Call at UlK&Ii d 11AK1BUA7S, Bookstore. April 1, '66. dtf nol t T IME TABLE S THB WESTERN N. C. R. R. STATIONS. Aaaiva. Lxavb. ' 8AUSSIBV, A. W.7.0U Tuibd CaiK, 8.06 8.08 StatrsvillBi ) B.08 .IS Catawba, !, , 10.10 Nkwtom, 11.10 11.13 H. Tavkbk, H.Ott M M.U ' Icabd, 13.60 r, at. 19.6S Hkad or Road, l.av ' betUrkiko. PTATlfN'S. AsaivB. Lbavb Head or Hoa, S.OS Icabd. . t.as H. Tavsbm, a.w S.S3 Niwtos, 4.99 4.9 Catawba, . . , . Statvsvillb, H . .46 C.60 Tbibd Cbbbk, .J.ia JM Salubcbt, 9.00 ' .. BIBKL1RB, . EXU E. A 8t l'T. W. N. C. B. B- April 1,'es. - . Irtfl ! T H K IBIT1RII,. rt'BLtSOIO bAILT, SIMI-W1BSU.T m WBBKLT. UALEI0U, N. GH r WM 1 FELL, Frsprister aad Bute Frlatsr. A 7 cEATU-uAEESf I" JAMKS W. OBBOBSB. Bi rCS BABBIXOKB, OSltORNE & BARRINGEU. ..-v CHARLOTTE. N. C. WILL praetio ia the eoonties of Kowan. Cabarrua. Union. Iredell. . Mecklengburg, Sualy, Lincoln and Gaston t also in the fa pcerne and federal Courts pf the Slate. iTOffice in the Brick Building near the Court I loose, up stairs. mayO. t-tt ' -Tll'li'tiKXTIXKlawia-i ,i u .inn -iiprt.T l the fnlon and the Coiwtitution, nf .Vjui'reH. Jwiintoiij, oiir miiKflsniiiioBjtPrPiidfat ami ii?lH , '! l-"Uit Cbvmljr u Um lycoirra timi ami iim-iK i ity t tlie NjuIo and of iiorlh Csru liiia'. - It Vmt to iH-oniiit lmnimay, awod fcelkiir ami 1 na!, ui.w.bsr.illtia- UtM. but will jvhnke r . : . -i i ii. 1.-. t fMiiiK.. nvaiiwt theloraltjr and iu- I. v-j il - ill Uh .Ni;'tlwrirtaf4B 4 i.il tt-Mt:uu, kiUIm )Mid totasawwaaad aur- !i-t !.-Jiai'ti!H'iit. Knit rt-..r.-. .I nr of t IffMataM and all iaipor Uut i:iit M-ar ia tSe tiaatlsal. It timiUliiii ibr wteU to be aaal Isaaj hi the State, il uul tur 'argeat. lu adTertwiag patroaaf it large and Bwwtn-. TW llailr a4 W (eklv art aw i Warkljr will apjear ia s ahort tiaw. run: IHiiljr SeeMoeL ia a4raaos, 1 HMii-WccLlj, . M M Werlly, ta .ManVtSEB-dawtw pw : a laafas. mm n a as B 60 ee l M The Weekly 014 XTrtk IUU ii tl ed every Friday at 13, per annum J v r