. - iv - f 4 i' - - V :'rLS-: L F 0 S t . 15 I 3 ius.f before , going to press, au : , a a,r tWabove signature, and, published in v Tt S-h f the 20tU ins attractea OUr Te R1 1 'n,v. caption , and the Conclusions are -.wV.su 'he buddiwr ,glories: of the future WT- " .'" 1 - v . T 1 1 ..;.,r.l J .v W mitmiel v frost.. The follow-' ; J is the caption . - . :0 - f 'w Tariff in disguise, The North Carolina " riW Uv C. II. Wiie Commencement address i V V;W. Avt-rvEs -The Weekly To t, C. H, L - "Wilpy, arid AV. k Cooke, Esdr.,- teeter's liis- 1 T..f-i)ifnflU!iicatijn inider this. terrible head,.lavj f;v bors to prove that it is r.rungior,uie sous wjwui Carolina' to prais her, hrst, because it js in bad "r'tasb? anitee:iiise the sods of norther State do thej inl . ,J?,4nWdtv. because- the State deserves m 'i prtise. Arid, after this btgiuning comes, very ap brei iatelv,- V-, and then the ominous sentence , . ' . i . - . oni' n'A ovn. iiilrr t rn C &,' necessity of concluding thjat Rip Van Win fi'L.l all his striving! sorts arf to be 'demolished l-:- : t rTo4je corichidcd. f suppose txie ortn.ua- i K .4 ..,1.1... : An, Af :' I "WliVelers hook, rt e to! be oVmoHbhed ; and then, . ' -;nwtf pfcnrooy tne . j amy. y s'-'-'r iu,CLUavi ' :t : -Tho fict that there. is. an avUlieinng ln'ortli La-; )v' '.''V blin setiht; .fro-uWc; Mtz and we suppose itis. ' ,: i i nt.f tliiif. tlrii- Prist fnmp in .r J ; SOlelV'OU lius act r- if . -.t, w!i. tf coursethie paper ia.not-crroup- III l- ' - . . i . Y i ediwith the otlier production's, because it is in- part eui'-d'bK't!ie:autlitf of t)ie ori Carolina Reader; C-- cfv' ther;.cand)cno deigiijto iajure tJie'repn K'tafion..f wijrks tecahse. they may published by . , some .-cii'- whose reputation .some lean Cassius en t ' Tii. -' No : he puts -learrie;! -. criticism on higher, ( r holier jaii J inure statesmapiike founds ; he opposes th cifyulatioii X)f n.)boksi and 'li;eiwspapers, because thev may awaken too lub.eR State pricfe may make the people - proud of themselves aiux3 their homes, may rxcite;.to emulation aild improvemenj;. Ami then; when" that happens litfs vocation is- " '' goe Svlteu improvements arc Unf vogue, the village . Iv oracle, the croaking critic, will tiiid 'himself-a small , man. : : ' ' ' . : . : 4" The-communication of Fitz being of an" extra- :: ordifiarv character,' ve mav, hereafter, devote more I' attention to it; -and not to lnisreja-esent him, and v4!r to grati.t'v him .by helping to make him more noto- "u I rious, we will publish his communications' with tlje f. I comme'iitarv. t " 1 ,: -k if i ' " "I : . I ; In the nioan time, we feel pyoud, that we are '.v 6-;' liable to the charge of partialitvito the land of our 7. - ' V- birlll ; thaf we can W charged L)y Eltz with having r'$ to. much State pride. .V Tliire ' mavibe -a lack, of State pride in Nortli , ,: Carolina, and the State mav h-aVe! faults 4ut surelv ''l ' it fe.aif ungrateful task, and smlieks little of patrjot '. : ism or rilial reverence, tor a son of North-Carolina to tell the Stae:that she is des&late.and uninviting, Sterile and hofKjlessly poor,. antV bed-ridden. Stihj ; moijiniirrateful. -must it be to - have to repress, alf V. 'th4 aspiration,' and.' to. crush all the. hopes of such K a decrepit diody-p'litic'; ml we envy" not the phy- f sician who feeis -it to be hf duty to attend the bed- wtiillii,; tiud magnitv its .diseiises,- and sternl v forbid ; all -remedies, all S. t ? P 'I--,' ' - 1 11 ,T . . f piea-ant aiiticij)ations, ana ay enorts at economy. I ? Sucli it doleful benefactor we have in Fitz; and " - r' ittt dtWfo. the -peojde.of North Carolina, that he i- TpAi?l ln iifinif- ur(l il.-liiv. t.v -vi-hat' antlin-ritir lio . j xic tens iiieiu iiiev .u .wjuwi if, uiiu -.- ? . f ' ;. -1." l..-i il,..,. ! i.,.,7w; ,1 ,', $aje no right to think as well ot tleniseles"as t-thevjlo. ;- . i ; , , ' -: i.!,. Jlie peijjdc want to-know who ie is ; they want '-'-. ; to bef ableho call on him, in a body, and know - . wueiner i-ney iiium aoanaon an .meir .-projects oi .' iA .t improvement, -ciirse "the -graves of their ancestors, : and li .v from the border's of a Countrv, for which -T. 7 ' r t,they have cherished so? pri.de and some lingering : -af-03ns. Who is this,, that says to the people of Sy- orth Cawlinav thus t;fr shall 'e go and no far ' : ' fther"' e wereTalwavs' asses1 and ifemlesl cowering slates and lilthv ' Va'alx mds. and! so ve shall re- i .s m:un: .Norm Carolina never- w4ns gi-eat, is 'not. caahot-uid shad n.t In- Who savs U3,ave his, name, to band -aro und. , :v THE NORTH CAROLINA READER. The ; author, yf the ,V North (arolina Reader," thottgh doubtless extronielv, gratified for the uni- versiifly kind manner in whieh his.vork has been recved in this State, has left the public to iirdge-l I Lr u It ; and has. -avoided, in a paper i edited bv -. ilinfcejf." all discussion of tl .- : -. t . .1 : . ( - ; . - 1 1- 'tl to. not .br-lieving it the merits of the work al to be irenerally in vx)d - j ta lk to c't.'y any uf the llattering:testimoiiHils gen- iis.lv. "offered." He Inust, however, excuse that x f P4rf ff- the editorial respoosibtlity, that resides at X j ). Rah'"ih, fur re-publishino-"Hhe following articles ".K--:i? d1 -y' .-Literary 'Gade-tld, of Charleston, S.X.;ahd tht JJro-ici)q-Hoom Journal, of Phila- delptiiav its confirming?, the estimate' which the.edi tor3lDf.'North Caroliu;i, iiave put upon the work herein mentioned:" -r. - - ."' ! y?$are hut mn a copy of the book no pl'easant r ;,ff 'H' ' .in . .' e$torial ' departinent of the - :' rru?-ft'M J'rmilrbn we-are very.happy to :-fcof thatthere is such a work, and we liope that ;U4n,r;!((( Or a Sxmth. Carolina book, ; ... j r.m.leed, h-gouthehi hook- qtncraUy, will not long ' suclan.-v.lty as t0 jhiy, very particular ;r m-.tce. Mr. yt iiriy lia d aj-t. j s0rvice to V" ?:011 "i1 " Literary Ga- - : .- - . ' ' - - " Host lU:'1' lave probablv heard of Con i' - f:!1'1 Buneomber kit who ever " 1- f r'y l Who,i among our i rntreadtrf mSihis v,ry intelligent eommu- ''? r7V,,0t !aut"Jn? ut hlstorveographvj : moral .i-il nr lTlilntrVn -.. ' S P t 1 ' WIJ' V W SUi"ucs,.-and character ' ' Z&r tltim w "-" -.Mer, fte foot'oi ,an h Engfishman tirst touched Atu-rieart siland on, - pfe tfntory was. born the. fir American. off-PnS-of that race, who e destined to rule' this .:;fWhole Continent i v : - n - , - ; ' - For - !,., we are 'free lo'confess our former ino. i rance.4 a Stttte,. whose soil oucht to K . - poTOt.ttteUvorld,-. twit: by their Literature ni ojr tlierr- C,,mmerc-e. Of the latter, the.Xorth4! : arolmmiis have but little, as vet: and, as to' book fiagthey have been entirely too modest ' ThejA raave aut l;i.-L-..,l ..i.fV... r..1 t ; ...1".. pub.L -.w y Iippiucott, Grambo k CpJ- whicl iK Sb;''Pruk,'urif-fenius. i .It is", edit tXI ! - AYlk7 a native!of North Carolina, Miown in itrtfe.f 1.A t a., i-.i wnterj anrl an -nuense' iui.in..,, -a,i W prose e.vti-; irotn 'eniirienr' liimtu -.' tho Ztota , Bi - v.yuuuiiioji auu tut . oia UiQltii or style,i chae and stiervoua, ad - cr- uivi : mi -.uiricans .ou-yht tH toMmer nrotection to American -.commerce ana know l,i- 1 rr u..J v . oi . . . ,. : r l'u, rV' 1111:5 !S"-,.uowevVr, xx terests on that coast, against anv suclr mterterence rtlx-Carohiiiaiis ?ire tfaemselvi responsible. J forthe future ; and on -vour arrival .there you will inem are but twg'wavSv by which apeoole can be ! nWitV the offiepr in omm.qnd'of her Britannic Ma make a complete treatise on all the moral, social, and political duties. Why have we not heard more of - these writers and orators of the Old State ? In political talent, hoijest Old, Rip seems not so much to abound ; and we observe' that the selections of this kind, which are judiciously made, are chiefly from EnglishVauthorsj and from siich Americans as Bryant, Longfellow, Whittter, etc. Tlie North Carolina Reader, contains a descrip tion and history of the State, very ably written, and in a chaste and classic style, by Mr. "Wilev ; selections in prose and verse, and a great variety of useful statistics, mostly relating to North Carolina and possessing a general interest. The work was as.ntcrtammg- to us as a novel ;. and, considering the -peculiar state of things in North Carolina, is most 'admirably .timed. Ve repeat,' itjs the book qf a far-seeing Statesman, the out-pouring of an ardent and patriotic heart ; ahd if . sown broad-cast m . North Carolina, must inevitably produce the most benificent fruits. The work ought to be a familiar companion at every fire-sidein the Old North, and, if it does- so become, it will do more to bring up North Carolina into that high position which she ought to occupy, than anything that hasryet been vvritten, or said, or done. Mr. . Wiley deserves a rich reward at thediands of his fellowTcitizens ; and while re warding, him for his patriotic exertions, the people of the State will be' making the best invest ment which thev can make for themselves and their lildron. The-State ;of-North Carolina is rich in resources unknown to the world ; and such practi cal and really useful efforts as those of Mr, - Wiley are extrt-iely refreshing in this age of political rant: We thank Mr. W. for introducing us to a new and most valuable acquaintance honest old North Carolina as she ,is. Hereafter we shall know how to honor and appreciate her 'modest worth. Drawiny-Rormx Journal. . At ; the last montTilymeeting of the Board of Directors of this Institution, the following resolu tions 'were adopted -with unanimous consent. Resolved, That this Board have received With feelings ot great pleasure, a donation of 14 volumes, consisting of a copy of the Old Testament. thre copies of the New Testament, and two extra copies ot the Psalms, for the use of the Blind) from tthe American Bible Society, presented through theit Secretary, Dr. Brigham. ' . ' ' Resolved, That the th-inks of this B3ard are herehy tender ed to the Society for this manifestation of their interest in he- J-half of the unfortunate Blind of North Carolina, and their de sire to carry inK practice jhe blessed precepts ot that B.ook which thev are doinsr so much to disseminate among mankind. ' Remhed, .That the Secretay be directed to trnnsmilt a.copy ot these resolutions, to the teecretary ot the American tfibie Society. , , : ' A ' New Map of North America.-Wc have been showrif a -new Map of North America, pub- rtished by Jacob Monk, of .Baltimore, which 'we can with great pleasure recommend to the attention of those of our citizens who wish an article of the kind. While the execution of the Map' is in a su perior style and is offered at a moderate cost, it has the advantage over other maps ' in giving at one view the whole of the Western Territories of the United States, of Mexico, and Central America, to-' gether with the w estern portion hi the West India Islands. In -addition to the map, there is in one corner ah excellent Map of, the World on Merator's projection, in w hich , the Continent of America is placed in the "centre, of the map. 'Mr. Clarke, the Agent for. the above will call Upon the citizens of the State to -.exhibit a specimen of the work and receive subscriptions tor it. ' JtW We have reri-jvM a neatly executed pam phlet from the office of the "Star" entitled '-Proceedings of the Grand Union Daughters' of Tem perance, &cn for the years 1850 '51." POLITICAL. CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. ; SENATE. On Tuesday the 16th of December, Mr. 'joNE.-?, of Iowa, presented certain joint resolutions of the Legislature of ' his State in favor of sustaining the Compromise. - - After sundry petitions had been pre sented, and some unimportant bills reported, Mr. Borland, of Arkansas reported back a joint reso lution authorizing a contract with Messrs. Donald son and Armstrong tor printing the returns of the present census, and recommended its ...immediate passage. Being objected to, jt was laid over. Mr. Shields moved to take up the resolution pro- ' viding for the appointment of a committee to wait on Kosscth on his arrivial in Washington. The resolution was taken up, and Mr. Walker addres sed the "Senate in favor of 'its adoption. . On Wednesday, 17th inst. Mr. Mangi m, of North Carolina, appeared 'in his seat. 'A message vas re ceived from the President,, in reply-to the resolu tion calling for-information relative to the trial and imprisopment of John L. Thrasher ; also another messaifk in -answer to theresolution of the- Senate1' in relation to the Prometheus. The latter enclosed the following instructions from the Navy Depart- J m?nt, to Commodore Parker, commanding the-U. States Home Squadron : - . w J -. . Navt Department, Dec. 3, 1851. . Sir": TJie'I'resident has learned that an Eng lish brig of .waltliQ Kxpress, lying in the harbor of S;in Juan de ragua, has recently fired upon the American steamer Proiaetheus, while in the. act' of departure from that harbor, and compelled her to pay certain demands, alleged to be port charges, and claimed by persons professing to act under the authority ot the local government. ine particu- lars of the affair will be tound in a letter to the agent ot the Prometheus, alreadyi publisliecl m tne newspapers of New York, a copy; of which is here-, with transmitted " Whatever may have been the merits of the question between the captain of the Prometheus and the. authorit ies of Nicaragua, the United States acknowledge no right in the Government or vessels of Great Britain,;to exercise, any police or supervi sion over American merchant vessels, in Nicaragua or elsewhere, out of the British' dominions. On the. contrary, the first article oi" the convention be tween the United States and her Britannic Majesty, Relative to Nicaragua, signed, April 19th, 1850, of which a copy is also enclosed, expressly excludes each of the contracting parties from assuming or exercising dominion over Nicaragua, Costa. Kica", the Muspiito Coast," or any part of Central Ame rica. You will, therefore,. as soon as the Sarantic shall be in all respects ready for sea, proceed in her to San Juan de .Nicaragua, tor the purpose ot at- m- jesfyV naval forces in that harbor, r-on that coast, '. j?f the object of vbur visit At the same timeyou will assure: th 1c" anth-wtxU rf th nnrt tbatl'the "itd ; States will not iustifv the non-pavment of ot the fin-prnnicnt oi d- Central America, and- wilt faithful! v maintain on their part the stipulatians of the treaty already re ferred to. - ' I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, L WILLIAM A. GRAHAM: To Commodore F. A.-H'akker, j Coiiiiaanding U. S. Homiadron, ?msacola. , -. iA?rn and' proper port-duties on the part ineir merchant vessels, and that thev 'desire v leuiuons -"Wlt.tl tilA After some time occupied in offering petitions and presenting bills, Mr. Walker, of Wisconsin, offered a preamble,' and two resolutions, instructing the Committee on Foreign Relations, to enquire into the expediency of a more active participation oE this Government, in the affairs' of Europe, in cases where the law of nations may be threatened with infraction ; and of requesting the President of the United States, to cause negotiations to be entered into with other .Constitutional Governments, for the maintenance and enforcement of its recog nized principles. A bill, granting a pension to the widow of '.Gen. Worth, was taken up, discussed, and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Foote's Com promise resolution came up again for tonsideration, and was. debated by Messrs. Foote, Masos, Brot- j head, Rhett, Hale, Stocktox, Butler and Ux ; derwood. 1 On Wednesdav, 18th inst., Mr. Under j wood presented a petition, praying that some pro j visioL should be made for the full payment of Texas State bonds. The joint' resolution authorizing a contract with Messrs. Donaldson and Armstrong, for printing the returns of the census, was taken up and made the special order for Monday the 22nd inst Mr. Foote's Compromise resolution was re sumed, and Mr. Badger offered a verbal amend ment, which was adopted. Mr. Foote addressed the Senate in defence of the resolution, and in re- i ply to; Messrs. Butler and Rhett. Without con ; eluding he gave way fop-an adjournment. ,- . . HOUSE. jTliere was no important business'iransacted on Tuesdav the 17th. Mr. Darby, of Missouri, was reported to the House , as suffering from paralysis and in a helpless condition.. The Speaker was au thorized to pay his mileage and per diem from the commencement of the session. The States were , then called on for petitions, and several bills were introduced asking for grants of land for railroad purposes, and referred to the Committee on'Public Laiids. . On Wednesdav 17th, Mr. Cartter of Ohio, asked the unanimous consent to introduce a reso lution, for the appointment of a committee of five, to wait On Kossuth, on his arrival,- and introduce him to the members of the House of Representa tives. As there were objections from several quar ters, the resolution could not be introduced. Mr.tGooDENOw of Maine, introduced a resolu tion, providing that, during and after the present Congress, members shall be furnished with such newspapers and publications its they may select; not to exceed in amount per anrtumthe cost of tour daily newspapers, l'assed, after-refusing the veas and mivs. - ' FREXCH 6P0LIATI0XS. Mr. Tuck of New Hampshire, introduced a bill, providing for the- ascertainment and satisfaction of claims for French Spoliations 'prior to 1801 Ke- ferred to Committee on Foreign Affairs. SELECTION OF POSTMASTERS. Mr. Allex of Massachusetts, offered a resolution providing for the selection of deputy Postmasters by the people, and instructing the Committee on the. Judiciary to report a bill accordingly. Laid over. LAND FOR THE HUNGARIANS. Mr. Bkown.e introduced a joint resolution, giv ing one hundred and sixty acres? of land to each of the Hungarians, who have been transported to this, ccmntrv Lv the orders of this Government. KOSSUTH AND rflLS- POLICV. . Mr. Hedarp of Vermont, 'offered a :preamble, thai "'"' , Whcrtias, Kossuth in his New-York speech, Is reported to have declared that the resolution of welcome passed by Uongress has a political mean ing!; therefore, . . Liesolved, That said resolution was not intended to have a political meaning, or to pledge the Gov ernment to any 'course of action, but merely ex pressed sympathy in the cause in which he is en- ; gaged.' , ' A debate alrose on the , rules, as to whether the resolution objection being made to, it bv Mr. C'LiNGMAM--should lie over, and it was finally so direi-ted. ' GALWAY STEAMERS. Mr. Price of New Jersey, introduced a' bill au thoriziu'g the Secretanr of the Navy to contract for carrying -the mail from Jersey City and from the City of New York to Gal way, or some other port -on the west coast of Ireland. .Referred to the Committee on'the Post-Offices. VALUE OF SPECIE. ( The Committee on Ways and Means, was in structed to inquire into the expediency of so alter , ing the value of the specie 'coin of the United States, as to make the real and nominal value of the bom equal. rllONORS TO KOSSUTH. " ' Mr. Clingman, of North Carolina, offered a res olution to niodify the 17th rule, so as to extend to Kossuth the privilege of the Hall, and .authorizing the Sjeaker to communicate the same to him. Lies over. ; i DEAF t DUMB & THE BLIND. - From the Puritan Recorder. ! Institntions for the Deaf and Dumb. The rts and successful progress of Institutions for the relief of afflicted humanity, is in the highest .degi-ce gratifying to the benevolent heart. And no cla ,.f the unfortunate makes stronger appeals to the philanthropist, than those heathen in the midst 0f christian siety, who 'have ears but they hear j no neither speak" thev through their throat.' It is happily no linger a question in most of the Un ited States whether provision shall be made fr the support and education Of the Deaf and Dumb, for j "either the Legislatures have made ample appropria tions tor their behali, or else special .mention is made of them in the revised Constitutions, as of unio ana, Indiana. It is only about thurty-hye years since Ih establishment of the American Asy lum at Hartford, Conn., and now there are twelve Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, in the United States, and incipient steps have been taken for es tablishing others. The New England States all unite in the support of the American Asylum, which contains about two hundred pupils, under the charge of Lewis Weldi Esq ' Principal, and can afford ac- Icoinmo Jatious to all who apply from these States. une i institution tor .N ew England is sufficient, and u is si i policy ior ine respective L-eorislatures to concentrate their patronage on one Institution well supplied with the facilities for imparting a sound, thorough, and practical education, rather than to auempL me support? oi smaller local scnools, partial ly endowed with laks facilities and at a greatly in- creasea expense The New York Institution, under the direction of II. Pi Feet, LL. D., President, second .in point of time,; is first iu respect to,numbers, containing about two hundred and thirty pupils. It blunder the management of a society but derives jits income mainly from the State. The Legislature of" New York:, appropriates to it annually $2500. The State of New Jersey provides for a part of her in digent Deaf and. Dumb, in this Institution. - The Institution at Philadelphia was tlfctliird es tablished, and contaitfs about one hundred and thirty pupils. Mr. A. B. Huttou is the Pi-incirjL The next Institution was the Ohio, at Columbus, . commenced by MrJH. N. Hubbell, in 1829. It contains about one hundred and thirty pupils. Rev. J. Addison Gary, from the New York Institution, is now the Superintendent, assisted by six. instructors. The Institutions at Indianapolis, Indiana, Mr. J. I. Brown, Superintendent, and at Jacksonville, Il linois, under Mr. Thomas Officer, were commenced by teachers from the Ohio Institution. Both have new, large and commodious buildings, and are very flourishinor. i The, Virginia Institution, at Staunton, under the charge of Rev. J. I). Tyler, -and the North Carolina Institution, at Raleigh," under Mr. Wim D. Cooke, have the Blind connected with the Deaf and Dumb. The Kentucky Institution is located at Danville. Mr. J.'vl. Jacobs lis charge ofit. This Institution . and the American Asylum, each received from Con gress a township Of land, a number of years since. , The Tennessee Institution at Knoxville, after a temporary suspension for the erection of buildings, is now ready to commence operations again. There are small schools in t Georgia, and South Carolina, and the Missouri Legislature, at its last session, made appropriations for a school at Fulton. Other Institutions are planted in the North Western, and South Western States, and will no doubt before many years become fully established. The Rev. Thomas II. Gallaudet, LL. D;, recently deceased, was the frst to introduce into this country, from France,, tie art of Deaf mute instruction, and before his death he had the great satisfaction of seeing the far reaching results of his early labors. Many, in the realms of glory, w ith rejoicing hearts will meet him, to join w ithout interrujtion in singing the song of redeeming love and praising God for the privi leges thev enjoyed on earth of learning the truth as it is in Jesus, though they could not while below either hear his name or speak his praise. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. CORPORATION PRCOEEDINGS. ' Kalejgh, December 19th, 1851. The Board of Commissioners assembled this evening pursuant to adjournment -present, Wm. Dallas Haywood, Intendant, and John Hutehins, W. IL McKee Edward Yarborough, C. B. Boot, T, K. Fentress, W.; W. Ilplden and C. AY. D. Hutchings,. Commissioners. . - . The Committee; appointed at the. last meeting submitted the following report : To the Intendant and Boara of Commissioners qf the City of Rideiyh. Gentlemen :rWe have taken into considera tion the matters referred fo us by the Board at its last meeting, and ask leave to report as follows. 4 1st. We recommend that the public wells in- the City be deepened, so as to ensure a full" sup ply of water, and widened, if necessary ; and that metal forcing pumps be substituted 'for the present wooden lifting pumps. Also, that other Avells be sunk, as they may be' deemed necessary by the Board. 2d. We recommend that a committee be ap pointed to inquire into the expediency and practi cability of constructing Cisterns or Reservoirs in -various pars of the City, as an additional safe guard against fire, and that said committee report, . to the boarc the result of their inquiries at the earliest' monient which may be compatible with a faithful discharge of their duty. 3d. Also, that the two Eny-ines belonmnfr to the City, be put at. once in the best order and kept so. . ' 4th. Alst, that additional hose, and that ladders, fire-hooks, and axes of the most approved kind for fire purpose,-be at Once procured, and that a sup ply of powder, in kegs, be kept constantly on hand, and ready for use. 5th. Also, that an Engine and fruard house of briek, and fire-proof, be constructed immediately on Market Square, and that the engines, hose, buck ets, fire-hooks, ladders, axes, powder and everything essential to the fire Department, be kept therein ; that a mort; efficient organization of the fire' de partment shall be had, and: that a Chief of the fire department be annually appointed by the board, at a salary of one hundred dollars per annum, w hose duty it shall be to have charge of the Engine-house, Engines, and indeed, every thing appertaining to this department to' see that the engines are kept in order, and the materials for use in ease of fire, always on Jiand, and who shall be responsible to the Board fur the faithful discharge of his duties, to be hereafter more fully defined and set forth. - Gth. Also, that a committee be appointed to take into consideration the practicability of sinking: an artesian well at some point in the City ; and also, of conveying water in pipes from some stream" into the City, and that they report the result of their inquiries' and investigations to some future meeting of the Board. ! . 7th. The committee would also recommend that the board at once borrow the sum of one thou sand dollars, for the purpose of accomplishing the objects above set forth. Respectfully submitted, . I W. W. HOLDEN, i E. YARBOKOUGH, T. R. FENTRESS, i JOHN IIUTCHINS. , ' Committee. The above Report; after, consultation and some amendments-, was unanimously accepfed and adopt ed, and its provisions were declared a portion of the City Ordinances, i . - . The Intendant appointed the following mem bers a committee on the first section of the report, to-w;it: John Hatchins, T. R. Fentress, aiid C. Wv D. Hutchings. . " And the follow inr members a committee on the second section, to-wit : W'.'W. Ilolden, C. B. Root and W. II. McKee. . The Intendant was requested to give his person al attention fco the third and fourth sections; Committee on the fifth section, to-wit: John Hutehins, Edward Yarborough and C. W. D. Hutchings. 1 " Committee on the sixth section, to-wit : T. R. Fentress, W. H. McKee and C. AY. D. Hutchings. AY. AAr. Ilolden, City Treasurer, was appointed to carrV put the seventh section. ; On motion of Dr. McKee, these proceedings were directed tobe published in the city papers for the information of the citizens. The Board adjourned. , " pitcaien's Island. The following is extracted from the notes of a visit by the Commander of - the Cookatriee, British man-of-war, to this port, now inhabited by the des cendants ot the mutineers of the 13 ntish shlp. Bounty. -V. Y. Tribune. . Some of the women accompanied us, and en tertained rue very much by their lively and cheery ful conversation. . I learned from them that thev do, ! the most laborious work, such as preparing the j ground for planting, digging potatoes aud yarns,! which they have to earry some distance to their nouses uy rougn and precipitous patns. iney. also thatch , the roofs, ofjok, wash, and attend to other domestic duties, w hile the men are emnloved building houses, and in other-mechanical work, as I vv;ll 'as fishing, and hunting goats. The children j have; not much attention paid them, after theyare able to run about; when they are seven years old they are sent to school, and attend regularly until fourteen. Consequently there is not a soul o'n tlie island that cannot read and write : most of them are exceedingly intelligent and well Informed, in - 1 deed much more so than it is possible to conceive, j from ther isolation and little intercourse with the t world. GENERAL - INTELLIGENCE. But what must strike strangers more than any thing else, is the happy manner in which they live together: there does not appear to be a jealousy or bad thought iexisting among them, the women in particular;, are very fond of ach other, such a thing as a quarrel' between them never occurs ; and noth ing can happen to any one on., the island without its' being a source of grief to all, they are ' so knit together by friendship and love. A magistrate is Appointed yearly by a majority of votes; all,! both male and femaleabove eighteen years of aye, are voters. He has the management of the affairs Cof the island and settles disputes, wkh. the assistance of a jury if necessary. Should any decision be deemed unsatisfactory, they do not quarrel over at, but let the subject drop, arid refer it by mutual .'consent to the captain of the first man-of-war that visits them, with the express under standing that diis decision is final. The magistrate takes charge of any spirituous liquors that may be given them by ships visiting the islancL and issues a small portion to any one' who wishes it on holi days, of which they have but two in' the year, one to celebrate the arrival of the Bounty, in January, the other the Queen's birthday by this means drunkeuss is entirely avoided However, they are not addk-ted to it. I was told by Arthur Quintal, that such a crime had not taken place for thirteen years. . j -1 ' ; ; FIRE IN CAMDEN. Our contemporary ofi the Camden Journal sent us only a ha.slieet Wednesday, owing to an oc currence of tire in tlie Printing office. -Tiie fire was discovered before it had made much progress, and the timely .arrival of the Engines, with, the assis tance of the citizens it was arrested without doing a great, deal of. damage. The fire originated through jthe carelessness of one of the boys leaving a box of kishes on the floor, which he had taken from thefetove the day previous, in which it is sup posed there were some live coals. Palmetto State JJanncr.i j LATEST NEWS iEXCITIira FROM FRANCE. Just before jour paper w ent to press, we obtain ed front a friend, an " Extra" from the 'sStar Office," containing telegra)hic news from the Richmond Times, of another ..revolution in Taris, in which Louis Xapolean is reported to have dissolved the National Assembly, and arrested a large number of members opposed to his policy, including Thiers, Changarnver and other distinguished persons. . Three hundred members are said to have given .in their adhesion to the' President, who has pub-. lished a new projet : of government, the substance of which Is, that he shall be re-elected President by universal suffrages at the approaching election. He appeals directly to the people from the reac tionary tendencies of the late Assambly, and prom- rises to Ixnv to the popular will. Paris is in a state of siege. The troops have broken down all the. barricades erected to resist them, and every tiling is in the hands of the usurper." Should this news be confirmed we will give the details hereafter. THE CAPITOL AT WASHINGTON ON FIRE. Dec. 24, 3 2t) o'clock, P. M. "We stop the press at the last moment, to say that a telegraphic despatch has just been received in this city, announcing the destruction by fire, of, a portion of tlie Capitol at "Washingtonthe Library partially the Document Room totally lost loss of public Documents irreparable great consterna tion. Fire somewhat abated when despatch left. The following Ode came too late to ,be inserted in its regular order : For the Weekly Post. ODE FOR! CHRISTMAS DAY OF 185L Come all ye pious sons of earth, And celebrate the Saviour's birth ; With cheerful hearts your voices raise, And join in notes of loudest praise. Born but to suffer, bleed and die His life he yields, and from on high, Redemption brings with a lree grace, For all our sinful, fallen race. None other blood but His could do, . He died far Gentile and the Jew ; Atonement made for all mankind, And by Him, all salvation find. Though death prostrates and lays us low, Yet by His blood we feel and know, Our sins Forgiven, we feel no dread, While Christ retnainB our living head. Then, Oh:! bur Saviour, Lord, descend, For on thy grace we all depend; Fill all our souls with love and peace, And may our faith in thee increase, V. T. B. THE LATEST MARKETS. RALEIGH MARKET Wholesale Prices. reported expressly for the wf-eklt rost, By JORDAN WOMBLE, Grocer, Margate Street, Raleigh. - ' - . Thursday, December 23. Beef, on the hoof, 00, g hundred. Butter Fresh, 20c; y lb - ! Corn -80 85c y bushel. . Flonr $4 00 ( !$4 50, as to quality. ' Fodder 90c, $1 00, hundred. Hides Dry, lOq, in barter. Meal 90 95c; busliel. Peas White, SOe.y bushel ; Yellow, 70 75c, bushel. Pork $7 00, small supply. MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. MARRIED. In Weldon. on thft loth instant, by John Campbell, Lso. Mr. 'illiam H, Judkin and Miss Narcissa A. Moyler, both of Sbsscx county, .Vial In ; Weidon, on t.hfc lJth instant, by Richard Harrison, Esnr. Dr. J. R. Walker, jf Virginia, and Martha A., eldest daugh ter of Spencer L. fkirt, of Edgecoinbe, N. C. In RHxalM'th Citvionthe4th instant, bv Rev. Win. J. N'r- fleet, Mr: John M . nuttle and Miss Ann B. Long, daughter of Mr. James S Ing,iall of Elizabeth City. In Washington, by the Rev. Mr. Stratton, Mr. Henry L. Harvey and Miss Margaret Robbing. In Yorkville, S. G., on th 11th instant, by Rev. g. L Wat son. Mr. Davrd Hemphell, of Georgia and Miss Isabella Carrol, of Spartanburg District." At Windv Hill, SI. on the 13th ult., by Rev. M. limes, AT, T W Mnrrnv and Misa A. T. Cox In Salem, on tbe JTth instant, by Revi. J. H. Parker, Mr. J- - -mm- f .... t 1 1 . J In Rowan countyjon the 3d instant, by Prof. S. B. O. 'VVil-.-l 8n, Mr. Robert A. Johnson and Miss Cynthia Caroline, M i Attin ann .Tiiss uauia j iicuucraun. d.iuohter ot Marcus It.. tt.ees). C! " . tn-ave. Kvi.. Mr. Charles D Smith'i of Salisbury, and Misa yid county, on the 11th instant, bv Samuel Har- Sarah E. Wiseman, daughter of James Wiseman, Esq. In Rowan county.jon the 2d inst by John McCongaughy, Esq , Mr. Jacob Meauj ar! Miss IN ajicy Rex. In Havwood connty, on the 4th instant, by the Rev. B. : Turner, "Mr. Newton Ratclif and Mias Mary M. Rogers, daughter of Mr. Cy rus Rogers " In New Orleans, on the 20th November, Mr. S. P. Kilhan, formerly of Lincoln icountv, N. C, and MissJMarie Fclicei Beau vis, daughter of Ithe Mayor of Jefferson City-. Mr Kmnon PKil!ir)6and Miss Marv Ann Monroe At Kockhsh Village, unmoerlana county, onia luaijiin, Irr Moore county, on the ISth ult., Mr. Wesley F. Sowe and Miss Christian McKenzie. Also, Mr. John A. Camer Monroe.' So well and Mias Sarah L. Blue. Tn I n,m Itn fK lAtli inotant. Mr. ' Malcom Kefty ' n,l Mi ',n,v McDonald. ! la Mxre county, on-the 7th instant, Mr. Calvin Blake ana lvin Blake and In Anson county. Mr. J. W. Cox and Miu Mary Ann Hen - ry. Ate, Mr. J. Birmicghjon and Mia Minerva Kdg. IS1"1 -COumy' Carey "Bennet, Esq., and Mias'Eliu. T iSkS re CUDty' Mt 550,11,161 D- Stewart and Misa Martha Lowborn.! , Mi &90F!iC,TT n the ult Mr. Waiis IV Moore, and Joseph Thompson, in Columbia, S. C, on the 12ih ult br ih Rev I"M MTrnki Cf tl' f W&&J5 Diricd Mrs. R A. Penkins, of Effingham, Darlington Dist. Fan, UV H UrR 'r M:h the Rev. James tant, Mr. p. H. M.irks, oi Columbia and Mi. F.miU J.n. Snead, daughter of Mr. R. R. Snead, ot Col Sri In WilmiBRtcn. on the 18th instant. by Vh. RPv Dr Dn m&on mkr and MlS9 Ann y- SSS In EverittsTille, Wayne county, on the 17th instant bv th. Rev, Dr. Drane, Dr. Joel D. Battle-and Mtss Harriet D Mnvva,rm,0th.f ,8t!l IT?' hy $i Rev G- F- Bahnson. Mr. William bhultz and Mise Lucia Foltz. all of Salem ' In Davidson county, on the 18th instant, bv the Rev Ashlev" Fwaim, Mr. Wesley Welsh, of Guilford, and Mias Elizabeth Teague. . DIED. Dupree. Mr. J . B. B., aged 28 years, in. Newberry 'District b. C, on the 3d instant. y Latta.Mrs. Camilla, wife of Mr. WiUiam a. Latta fd 39 years, in Yorkville, S. C, on the 29th ult. f 7 Mnsh, Mr. John T., ageJH) years, in Anson county. ' Cuthbertson, Dr. D. H.; aged 84 years, in Monroe c'otmtv Smith, Henry A., aged 29 years, in Salisbury, on the i5th instant. Montgomery, Mr. Geo., in Iredell county, on the 14th inst. Moore, Mr. Benjamin C.aged 56 years, in Spring Garden, Diew Hanover county, on the 2 1st tilt. Foy, Mr. Joshua, aged 64 years, in Onslow county, on the 15th instant. Russell Mrs. Hannah J., aged 43 years, in Onslow county, on the 14th instant. ... , rjiily' Jaines B- B., aged one year and two months, son of W. G. and E. A. Kilkelly, in V eldon, on the 10th instant. Gibbs, Jesse B., aged 39 years, in Hyde couuty, on tbe 23d ot November. f Pool, Joshua A., aged 64 years, in Elizabeth City. Patterson, Mary Alice, 'daughter of John II. Patterson, Esq. " liif Petersburg, Va. Poinsett, Hon. J. R ,aged.73 years, in Stateborg, Sumter District, S. C. , i ' r Roberts. Mrs., wife of Mr. David ; Roberts, near Asheville, on the 1 3th instant. .5 Baird, Mrs. Caroline M., aged 27 years, in Aslievilie, on the 24 th iSovember. 1 .- i Bumpass.'Rev. S. D., aged 43 years, in Snlistsjrj-, on the 11th instant. Mr. B. was the Editor of the "Weekly Mes sage." - - , Bumpass, Terrillius Sidney, nged 4 years, son of li'cv. S. D. Bumpass, in Greensboro', on the 8th instant.. " ADVERTISEMENT'S PROSPECTUS FOR A PAPER TO BE PUBLISHED IN RALEIGH, TO BE CALLED THE LHTE GIRAFFE. Some folks think.it a great thing, when they can sav that they have " seen the elephant :" and it is true' that the sight of this " two-tailed monster " has cost -many a green 'un, a right smart pile ; but what is the sight of his huge animalsiip, ponderous, clumsy and uncouth, compared with th. clean ' limns, erect lorm -and model proportions ot The Gtrajfe.f And 'tis not every one that can boast of having ever seen on of the royal fanulv we mean a rcal jrr one. hnmo 'nuv i have seen an uffigy of our graceful self, fluffed and even for that, they nad to-pay a quarter or a halt. I his advertisement, then, is to let "alt the rrortd, and half Nantucket" know, that a Simon pures lire Giraffe, intends to locate himself in the" City of Oaks," where he' hopes to rear a numerous pro geny, and submit them for inspection to the " gaze, of an ad miring world." - The undersigned proposes Jto publish" a weekly prtpeV in this city, on a medium sheet, with new types, press aud Ink ! ot the above title " rich rare and apiry," to be what its name indicates, " lofty" in its attitude and proud and noble in its bearing. No vulgar broyings of a " John Donkey," or th senseless chattering of a " Baboon," or the shrill noise of the rough, ungallant Elephant," or the lence-rail peregrinations of a poisonous " Scorpion," or the back-biting slang of a " Tat tler," shall find a place in its Columns. The Giraffe shall stand "tall,'.' above the grovel lings of vulgarity, abuse and calumny ; its " high " aim shall be to elevate, edil'y and amuso and in endeavoring to accomplish these pretensions, whilo wa shall sometimes be very " sharp " ana "pointed " in our remarks, yet so "keen" and "polished" shall be the "blade" with which we make the incision, that the "patient" Khali- not feel the " knife " in a word, where we find the use of the " steel " nceessaryithe subject shall be so V-omptelely lulled under .the Cftliroform of good breeding and inoffensive, hu morous wit, that he shall arise froin the operation in a delir- r ium of delight. , s And the Ladies (Heaven save 'em !) need not fear us. Let them look at our uraeefu!, delicate form, nhd thev will at ' onco see a firm, fast friend, with an " ankle," so neat and clean, that any of them might envy ; a " neck and shoulders" that put to the blush any ball room goddess, and a " dress," which for Beauty of spots, colors and glossiness of texture, far out- f shining all your silks, briiliantmc?, &.e. They need not be j ashamed to bo found in our company. Nothing that can call the crimson tinge to the. modest cheek, shall disgrace our un- . sullied name, but sparkling wit, lively repartee, the innocent' jest and amusing story, shall form an a'grecable compound. And being something of a " star-gazer," and possessing a propensity to " soar into the clouds," .We shall, hxm our near proximity to their sphere, woo the "gentle Nine" for some, of their sweet strains, with w hich to captivate and entertain our fair readers. In a word, we shall always cause a flutter ing of "ribands" and a snapping of " corset-strings," at each regulntweckly visit. . -, "The Giraffe" shall be made, a graceful and welcome visitor, to all whoJaspire" to cultivate its acquaintance, and though carrying a " high head " and rather " aristocratic " de-. -. nieanor, it will not get . "above itself," but will always re member that its home is on . this " mundane sphere," and shape its course accordingly ; and though so " lofty " as to , sceni ine pure oreezes as iney jirtsi come uown irom neaven, yet it wilhever endeavor to gather aroptid it the cents which aives it life and vigor. And on no occasion shall we " come tne Giraffe " over our patrons, by doing more or less than we here promise. 1 o drop simile he Oiraffe iso he a lively-, sparkling innocent family paper devott-d to (keeping things right) thu cultivation of morality, virtue and all the social qualities that adorn the heart, and give zest, piquancy and happiness to life. . V ice m all its torms, shall receive Irom its. columns, a st-m rebuke and an unyielding frown, whilst mirth, jovialitv and genteel aiid innocent amusement, will rind an untlinching ad vocate. As we- said at the onset, it shall be rich rare and spicy ; seeking to secure the smiles and patronage of the vir tuous and the good, ano to tear irom the path ot morosenesu and lanaticism, the hydra-headed monsters ol enthusiasm, and encourage the lively exercise "of the gay and jo.via.l, pro pensities with which nature's god has endowed his creatures We. shall present eveiy wcek.-an original engraving or caricature, fresh, from the pencil of the Artist, to illustrate some, tale or ezpuve tbe doings about our town, or that of our sister towns. . - First number will appear in January. Terms. Two Dollars per annum, payable in advance. Postmasters will please act as our Agents, and solicit sub scribers when conrenierit for which service, wo will forward the paper, and allow 10 per cent, on all money they may collect. WESLKY WHITAKER, Editor and Proprietor. ' Raleigh, Dee: 27, 1351. ,tf. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. PURSUANT to an Act "of Incorporation, a Company has been formed under, the name and iyle of "The . GREESsBoRot'H Mvtual I.fSt'R A.NTE Company," and fully or ganized by an appointment f.f the following officers, viz. OFFICERS. James Sloan, .President. S. G CorriN, Vice President. Peter Adams,.... Sec. and Treasurer. C. P. Mexde.-vhall .Attorney. Jons A. Mebane, i ; ' W. J. McCokxel. Executive Committee. Wx. S. Ra XKFN, ) DIRECTORS. v James Sloax, W. j: McCox.vel, WlLLrAM S Ra.vkix, Jed H. Lixdsay, SHVBAL G. COFFIJT, "William H. Reese, Joh.v A. MebaKe, Aahrew Weatmerly, C. P. Mevdenhall, Lyndox Swaim, Jfsse Shelly, Josatha.v W. Filxd. 1 yre Glex.v, This Company has now been in successful operation for.. several months, and will take risks uon Uwotling. Houses; Stores, aud oiher Buildings, Merthandize, Furniture, Pro duce, &c. The object of this organization is to afTord a sys-. tern of Insurance which shall operate for the mutual benefit of all its-members. ' The peculiar advantage arising from this mode of Insurance is, that the aHsured pay no more than the actual ' k.ssea and espentH-s of the Company, and experience has proved the safety of Mutual Insurance Companies, as well as the great s-iwin.Ttr, it members : and no stronger arsrurnent fan be pro duced in their favor, than the confidence which they receiv from the entire community, where such Companies arc in suc cessful operation Any information respecting the principles of the Company will be cheerfully furnished bv the Secretary, or any of its Agents. PEjTER ADAMS, Secretary. The Subscriber having been .appointed Agent, will receive .n.,i;,..tinn. a n.t maid mrvpiri in pfleet Insurance in saiu (SZy . : GEORGE T. COOKE, jmpany. Aent jor Raleigh December 8th, 1851. THE NORTH-CAROLINA READER. A RRANGEMENTS to supplytl tbe demand for this book. r in th llltr-Tiint HllinilfU OI .'UIM' v.iiviuia,t fl OI io rth Carolina, thave been completed, and a new edition is now realtor aenvery. i oe Chairman of the Board of Supenntendente " caxh ocnjnty is hereby constituted an agent to supply the Schools ; and all such are requested to address the undersigned at Greensboro' '. Some of tlie Superintendents Iiave resolved to purchase at their evn risk, a supply for the Free Schools ; and all the Su perintendents, will hnd it to their interest to pursue such a course, and. write to the -underfigned. C. H. WILEY. Grecnsborough, Dec. 17, 1851. tf. FEMALE SCHOOL. HILLSBOROUGH, NT C. i rrHE winter Session of Mr. and Mrs. Bcawnx's School I X will begin on Thursday, tbe 15th January net. Board ' can be had in the Family ol the Principal. For terms, c. , cn h.e had in th(-' iimily ; he$ circular.-, Addrea '; w(? circular.- Ai i REV. R. BUR WELL, Hillsboro', N. C. - 4w. - . Dec 87,4351. i .-1 Y: ( i 7 $ t- '-- f -f. i t