": ; -7!'..' . " v " ' : ! ' V " " ' i . ;: ;. . f -;r. -. -j !k.- Si ': . -ifitr . '; t V: -I pfi:''1"--; ' ' : X Sul TllKliN I'iMII.Y XKWSl'Al'KR NKITliAI. m POLITICS. J i;L : h MM) TO ffl TM JTBSTS 1 MflRTB MM, LITEMM, 'lOfflf MMl M MUBR ETC. ' ;YQL. t. ; V ; , - iiAI.KI nil. NolMH I'UI'il.INV. SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 1852. No. ,' r SELECTED - I ARTICLES. - From Ciiraber's Edinburg Journal. EVERY MAN HIS OWN LAWYER. . f 4 ' REMINISCENCES 0?.-AN ATTORNEY. .A smaktkk trar," a keener appreeiator of the piwlenries to a rise or fall in colonial produce -t?uarH more especially than. John Linden, of Min-J ciii'- Lane, It w ould have been difficult to point out hvthe Avide citv of London. He was not so ira- inen.-elv rich, as many others engaged in the samei in:rchantTtatic as himself ; nothing at all like it, i'ndeed,- forL,iloubttl.iat lie could at any time have b'c-ri esteemed' worth more than from eighty to .iiim-ty thousand pounds ; but' his; transactions, al though limited in extent, when compared with those of the mammoth colonial houses, almost al ways returned more 01; less of profit; the result of hii remarkable keenness and sagacity in scVnting luirricaiies., Hack msurreqtions, -and emancipation bills, wjiilsfyet inappreciable,. ot deemed afar off, ty less -sensitive organizations, j At least to this wonderful prescience of future sugar-value;did Mr, Linden himselCttribute his rise in the world, and gradual increase' in rqtundity, riches, and respect ability, Tbis constant success engendered; as it is ! too 'apt to dp, inordinate eotism, conceit, self-esteem " antl vanity. There was scarcely a social, governmen tal or economical problem v hichne did not believe ' himself capable of sohitig as easily as he could eat his dinner whenluinry. Common-sense business-habits-his favoritulplirase he believed to be quite -sufiicient for'tli4 eRiciUatioif-f. the most difficult ."question in law, .especially," he held to be an alpha bet which any manf-of , common-sense and busi-jiessdiabits-could as easily master as he could count five oA his fingers ; and. there was no end to his ridicule of the men wi th horse-hair head-dresses, and their quirks, quiddits,,ces, tenures, and such like devil's lingo. Lawyers, iccoEtling to him, were a set f thorough "humbugs and impositorsl who gained their living by false pretense that of afford-'ing-advice and counsel, which -every sane man could better render himself. He was unmistaka bly mad uponthis subject, and he: carried his in saie theory into practice.- He drew his envn leases, exanjined the titles-of some hotise-jiroperty he pur cfl,rised,!and set hk hand and seal to the fiinal deeds, Oncehe bid, at the Auction Mart, as high as fifty three 1; thousand pounds for the Holmford estate, Jlerefordsbire ; and had he not been outbidden by young' raDiser, son of the then recently deceased eminent distiller, who was eager to obtain the prop erty, with5. a view to a seat in parliament,, which its .. possession Avas said to almost insure he would, I had not at the time the slightest doubt, have com pleted the purchase, - without for a moment dream ing of submitting the vender's title to the scrutiny of a professional -adviser. Mr. Linden, I should mentioniad been for some time ' desirous of re signing his 'business m Mincing Lane to his son, Thomas Linden,' the only.child born to him by his 'long-since deceased wifc, arid of retiring, an estat cd squirearch,-to tile' otium cum.f or sine digniiate, as the case might be, of a country life; and this .disposition had' of late been much quickened by daily -increasing apprehensrona of negro etnancipaT tion and. revolutionary interference with differential duties- changes Avhh, in canjunction Avith others . of similar cha?racter,fwould mfallibly -bring about that utter commercial ruin which Mr. Linden, like every other rich and about-to-retire merchant or tradesman -hom I have -ever known, constantly prophesied td be Jiear. at hand, find ineA'itable. ; .With sucli'a gentleman the firm of Flint &S.harp had only professioriatintervieATS, when procrastinat- j i rig or . dovibtfnl debtors required that he should put Ypii'ine sercAv-f-a process Avhicii i have no doubt lie : would himself have Confidently performed, but for the waste'of yaluiible time whi(h doing so Ayould' neeessarrly iiwolve. 'Both, Flint aiid inyself 'were, hoAverer, "privately intimate Avith him Flint more . especially, Avho had known him ttoiii Imhood ana Ave irequentiy amea w.it n. lniiv on a Sunday at his little box - at Fulham. Latterly; Ave had oil tliese occasions met 'there: a Mr.s. Arnold and her daughter Catherine an apparently amiable, and Certainly veiy pretty aud interesting young person, ,to whom,? MrVLinden contideiitially: informed us, Jus son Tom liad been for some time enframed " l. don't know much about her family j" obsem :d Mr. Lindei one day, v the course ot a gossip at the office,." but sho moves in .very . respectabfe society. Toin met her at jthe Slades ;" but I do know she lias something like thirty-five thousand pounds inMhe -funds,' The instant I AA-as informed hy matters5 stood with - the young folks, I, as a natter of coin nion sense arid business, asked the ijiothcf, Mrs. Arnokl, for ft reference to a banker or s solicitor there beinV lio doubt that a Avoman and K minor woufd beliu liiAvvers' leading-strings and .1 ae referred me to essfs. Dobsoh of Chancery Lane. You know tlie Dobsons I ' lVrfectly; what pas the reply?" : That Oathecine ArnolVl, Avhen she came of age -it wants, but a very shirt time of that hoav- would be entitled to the capital of thirty -four thou- pana seven hunarevl xunds, bequeathed by an un- - cle, and bow lotlgetl in .the funds in the names of the trustees, CrowtheS Jenkins of Leadeuhall-1 , street, by whom1 the interest on that sum av as reg ularly ptud,. half-yearly, through! the Messrs. Dob . .son, for the maintenance and education of the heir less. A common-sensebusiiiess-like letter iu ev- - ryv respect, and extremely satisfactory : and as ; soon as he please, after Catherine Arnold comes of age, and, into, actual; possession of her fortuue, v Tom may have her with my blekings over the . bargain." . . -iJ- -i ,1 dined at. Laurel Villa, Fullm, about two months afterthis conversation, ! and Linden and-I , - found ourselves alo'ne over the dessert the youno " peoples having goae out forr attracted doubt llesby- the gay aspect of the Thame, which flowspast the miniature grounds attached to the villa" Nev er had I seen Mr: Linden iu so. gay, so mirthful a . mood. '" ', ' ?,; - ." " liss the decanter," he exclaimed, the instant therdoor had closed upoil Tom and his financee. r'assthe decanter, Sharp ; I have ucavs for, jou, ' my boy, noAy they are gone." ; "Indeed ; and what may the news :be V :.- . " Fill, a buinper for yourself, and Til give you a toast, i Here's to the health and prosperity of the : Holmford estate ; and may he Uve a thousaud years -.-".--.ana one over I Ilip--hip i-hurra I He swalloAved his glass of wine, and then, in his intensity of glee, laughed himself purple. . " You needn't stare so," he-said, ;as soon as he had partially recovereil breath ; " I am the proprie tor of the Holmford property bought it for tifty &ix thousand pousds of that young scant grace and spendthrift,; Palliser-r-fifteen thousand pounds less than Avhat it cost him, with the outlay he lias made . Upon it. Signed, sealed, deliA-ered, paid for yester day. Ila! ha! ho! Leave John Linden alone for a bargain ! It's worth seventy thousand pounds if it's worth a shilling. I say," continued he, after a reneAved spasm of exuberent mirthv"not "a Avord 'about it to anybody mind I promised Pallise'r, Avho is quietly packing up to be off to Italy, or 'Australia, or-Constantinople, or the devil all of them, perhaps, in succession- not to mention a Avord about it till he Avas avcII otf you understand ? Ila! 'ha!4-ho! ho!" again burst out Mr. Linden. " I pity the poor creditors though ! ' L'less you ! I couldn't have had it at any thing like the price, only for his knoAving .that I Avas not likely to b.e running about exposing the affair, by asking laAv yers Avhether an estate in a famih possession, as this yvas in Dursley's for tliree hundred years, had a good title or not. So be careful not to drop a Avokl, even toTom for my honor's sake. A de licious bargain and no mistake ! Worth, if a pen ny, seventy thousand pounds! 11a! ha! ho! ho!" ' - j!; "Then you haA'e really parted with that enor mous sum of money Avithout having had the title to the estate professionally examined ?" -.'"Title! Fiddlestick! I looked OAer the deeds myself. liesides, havn't I told you vthe ancestors of Dursley, from Avhose executors I'alTiser purcluised the estate, AA-ere in possession of it for centuries What better title than prescription can there be V "That may be true enough ; bustill" " I ought, you think, to haAre rjsked losing the bargain by delay, and have squandered time and money upon-felloAvs in horse-hair Avigs, in order to ascertain what I sufficiently wl kneAV already ? Pooh ! I. am not in my second childhood yet !" It Avas useless to argue Avith him ;, besides the mischief, if mischief there Avas, had been done, and the not long delayed entrance of the young couple necessitating a change of topic, I innnocently inquired what he thought of the Negro Emancipa tion Bill which Mr. Stanly, as the organ of the ministryT,f had introduced a feAv evenings previous ly, and Avas awarded by a perfect deluge of loqua- oiotta luctigxiAtKm mia jiiTocti ve aunng a pauac jit Avhich hurly-burly ,of angry -words I conceived to effect my escape. . " (JroAvther fc Jenkins . exclaimed one morning Mr. Flint, locking up from the " Times " neAvspa- per he held in his handv "Crowther & Jenkir.8 ! what is it wg know about Crowther & Jeukms ! 1 The question vas addressed to me, and I, like my partner, could not at the 'moment precisely re call Avhy those names sounded upon our ears with -a certain degree of interest; as Avell as familiarity. " CroAYther & Jenkins !" I echoed. " True : what do avo know about Crowther & Jenkins ? Oh, I have it !: they are the executors of a Avill under Avhich young Linden s pretty bride, that is to be, inherits her fortune." ' ' "Ah !" exclaimed Mr. Flinty as he put doAvn the- paper, and looked me graArely p the face "I re member now : their names are in the list of bank rupts. . A failure in the , gambling-corn trade too.. I hope they have not been speculating with the young Avoman's money." ! The Avords were scarcelyT out of his mouth Avhen Mr.' Linden was announced, and presently in Ava'lkf e.d that gentleman in a .state' of considerable ex citement. ' . ' . " I told you," he began, "some time ago about CroAvther & Jenkins being the1 persons in Avhose names Catherine Arnold's money stood in the' funds?" . " Yes," replied Flint; " and I see by the Gazette they are bankrupts; and by your face, that they have speculated with your intended daughter-in-law's moriey, and lost it." ' . " Positively so !" rejoined Mr. Linden, with great heat. "DreAV it Out many months ago ! but they" have exceedingly Avealthy connections at least CroAvther has who will, I suppose, arrange Miss Arnold's claim rather than their relative should' be arraigned for felony." " . "Felony ! you are mistaken, my- good sir. There is no felony no legal felony, I mean, iu the matter. . Miss Arnold can only ( prove against the estate like any other creditor." " " The devil she can't ! Tom, then, must look out for another, wife, for I am credibly informld there won't be a shilling in the pound." ; And so it turned out. The great corn -firm had been insolvent for years ; and after speculating des penitely, and to a frightful extent, with a view to recover themselves, had failed (o an enormous! n mount their assets, comparatively speaking, pry ii!g to be nil. - . ; Tlie ruin spread around, chiefly on account of the vast quantity of accommodation-paper they had afloat, was terrible ; but upon no one did the Uoav fait with greater severity than on young Linden tnd his promised wife.. His father ordered him-to instantly break off all acquaintance Avith Miss Ar nold ;. and on the son, who. Avas deeply attached to her, peremptorily refusing to do so, Linden senior threatened to turn him out of doors, and ultimate ly disinherit him. Angryv indignant, and in love, Thomas Linden did a very r:ish and foolish thing ; he persuaded Catherine Arnold to consent td a pri vate marriage, arguing that if the indissoluble knot Avere once fairly tied, his father would, as a matter of course he being an only child become recon ciled to what he could no longer hope to prevent or remedy. . . The imprudent young man deceiA &l both him self and her Avho trusted in his pleasing plausibili ties. Ten minutes after he had disclosed the mar riage to his father, he was turned, almost penniless, out of dxrs : and the exasperated and almost in- exorable old man refused to jisten xo any reprc- sAntation in his favor, by whomsoever proffired, ind finally, even to permit the mention of his name m ms nearmg. - . . " It's of no use," said Mr. . Jf imt, on reuirnnifr lVr the last time from a mission undertaken to extort, if possible,-some provision against absolute starva tion for the newly-wedded couple. " He is as cold and hard a& adamant, and I think, if possible, even more of a tiger than before. He will be liere pre sently to give instructions for his will' ' His will ! Surely be Avill draw that up liiniself after his own corpmoh-sense, business fashion ?" " He would unquestionably have done so a short time since-; but some events thathaATe lately occur red have considerably shaken his estimate of his OAvn infallibility, and he is, moreover, determined, he says, that there shall be no mistake as to effectual ly dismheriting his son. He has made two ortLree heavy losses, and his mind is altogether in . a very cankered, distempered state." Mr. Linden called, as he had promised to do, and gave us the Avritten heads of a will, which he desir ed to havo at once , formally drawn up. 13y this instrument he devised the Holmford estate, and all other property, real and personal, of which he might die possessed, to certain charitable institutions, in Ararying proportions, payable as soon after his death as the property could be turned into money. " The statute of mortmain does' not g'lA e me much un easiness," remarked the vindictiAe old man, with a bitter sihile. "1 shall last some tune yet. I Avould have left it all to'you, Flint," he added, " only that I kneA' you would defeat my purpose by giving it back to that disobedient, ungrateful, Avorthless boA" " Do leave it to me," rejoined Mr. Flint, with grave emphasis," and 1 promise you faithfully this that the Avish respecting it, Avhatever it may be, Avhich trembles on your lip as you are about to leave this Avorld for another, and Avheii it be too late to formally re v'oke the testament you hoav pro pose, shall be strictly carried out. That time can not be a very, distant one, John Linden, for a man av hose hair is Avkite as yours." It Avas preaching to the Avinds. He yvas deaf, blind, mute, to eA-ery attempt at changing his re solve. The will. was draAvn in accordance Avith his peremptorily-iterated instructions, and duly signed, scaled, and attested. Not very long afterwards, Mr. Linden disposed of his business in MincinH Lane, and retired to llolmiord, but with nothing like the money-fortune he had once calculated upon, the losses alluded to by Mr. Flint,1 and fbl loAved ,by others, haying considerably' diminished his wealth. We ultimately obtained a respectable and re muneratiA'e situation for Thomas Linden in a mer cantile house at "Belfast, with which Ave were profes sionally acquainted ; and after securing berths in the.'.-fiWi' steamer,-4ic, with: his Avife and mother-in-laAV, came, with a kind of hopeful sadness: in their looks and voices, to bid us fareAyell- for a very long time, they and Ave also feared. For an eternity, it seemed, on , reading the ac count of the loss of the Erin, a feAv clays after Avards, with every soul on board! Their names Avere pub- Iisrie3 with thoo of the otb- psssengtw frliQ fixK embarked, and we had of course concluded that they had perished, Avhen' a letter reached us from Belfast stating, that through sme delay on the part of Mrs. Arnold, they had happily lost their passage in the Eriri, and embarked in the next steamer for Belfast, Avhere they arrived in perfect safety. We fdnA;arded this intelligence to Holmford, but it elicited no reply. We heard nothing of Mr. Linden for about tAvo months, except by occasional notices in the "Here ford Times," which he regularly ' fonAarded to the office, relative to the improA-ements on the Holmford estate, either actually begun or, contemplated by its neAv proprietor lie very suddenly reappeared I was cooling my heels in the waiting-room of the Chambers 'of the Barons of. the Exchequer, Chancery Lane, awaiting my turn of admission. when one of our clerks came in half-breathless Avith haste. " You are wanted, sir, immediately ; Mr runt is out, ana Mr. linaen s at tne omcc ravmo- like a madmau." I instantly transferred the busi ness 1 Avas in attendance at chambers upon to the clerk," and' Avith the help of a cab soon' reached home. . i n r X 1 ' l - 1 . T j T mi iur. jjinaen was not raving Avnen l arnveti. l ne A'lOlcnce of the paroxysm of rage and terror by winch heAvas possessed had passed aAvay, and he looked, as I entered, the image of pale, rigid, iron, dumb despair. He held a letter and a strip of parchment m his hand : these hejpresented, and Avith white,- stammering lips, bade me read. The letter avas from an attorney of the name of Saw- bridge, giving notice of an action of ejectment, to oust him : from the possession of the Holmford estate, the. property, according to Mr. Sawbridge, of one liuwin Majon banks ; and the strip of parch ment Avas the writ by Avhich the letter had been quickly folloAved. ' I Avas astounded ; and my scared looks questioned Mr. Linden for further information. " l ao not quite unaerstana it, ne said, in a hoars.e, palpitating voice. " No possession or title in tne A'enaers ; a niece not or age executors no jxAver to sell Palliser discovered it, robbed me, absconded, and 1, Oh Ood, am a miserable- beg gar!" The last words were uttered Avith a convulsive scream, and after a feAv frightful struggles he fell doAvn in a fit. I had him.eOnveyTed to bed, and as soon as he was someAvhat recovered, I hastened off to ascertain from SaAvbridge, Avhom I knew very intimately, the nature of the dlaim intended to be et up for the plaintiff, Edwin Majoribanks. I met Sawbridge just as he Avas leaving his office ; and as he Avas in too creat a hurrv to turn back, I walked along with him, and he rapidly detailed the chief facts about to be embodied in the plaintilFs declaration.- Archibald Dursley, once a London merchant, and avIio died a bachelor, had bequeathed his estate, real and personal, to his brother Charles, and a niece, his sister's child tAvo thirds to the- niece, and one-third to the brother. The Holmford property, the will directed, should be sold by public auction when ,the niece came of age, unless she, by marriage or otherwise, was enabled, within six months after, attaining her majority, to pay over to Charles Dursley his third . in money, according to a' valuation madefor the purpose by competent assessors The brother, Charles Dursley, had urged upon the executors to anticipate the time directed by the will for the sale of the property; aud having persuaded the niece to give a written authorization for the- immediate sale, the executors chiefly, Sawbridge supposed, prompted by their own necessities, sold the estate accordingly. But the neice not being of age when 'she signed the au- luoruy io sen, uer consent was or no legal vaiue, and she having since died intestate, Edwin Majori banks, her cousin and undoubted heir-at-laAV for the property could not have passed from her, even by marriage now claimed the estate. Charles Dursley, the brother was dead ; f and," continued Mr. Sawbridge, "the worst of it is, Linden will never get a farthing of his . purchase-money from the venders, for they are bankrupt; nor from Pal liser, Avho has made permanent arrangements for continuing abroad, out of harm's reach. It is just as I tell you," he added, as we shook hands at par- " but you will of course see the will, and sat isfy yourself! Good-by." Here Avas a precious ;result of amateur common- sense lawyership ! Lirjden could only haA-e exam ined the abstract of title furnished him by Palliser's auorney, and not the rfght ot Dursley s executors to sell ; or had not, been aware that the niece mnlH not, during her minority, subscribe an effective le gal consent. . I found Mr. Hint at the office, and quickly im parted the astounding neAvs. lie Avas as much ta ken aback as myself, j " The obstinate, pig-headed old ass !" he exclaim ed ; "it almost serves him right, if only for his Tom-fool nonsense of ' Every man his oavh lawver ' What did you say was the niece's name V ell I dont remember that SaAvbridare told me. he Avas in such a hurr ; but suppose you go at once1 and look over the! Avill T' True, I will do so ;" and away he Avent. This is a very singular affair; Sharp," said Mr. Flint, on his return from Doctors' Commons, at the same time composedly jseating himself, hooking his thumbs into thearmholes of his Avaistcoat, crossing his legs, and tilting his chair back on its hind legs. " A very singular affair. Whom, in the name of the god of thieves Mercury, Avasn't he called 1 do you suppose the bankrupt executors to be ? No other," continued Mr. Flint, with a. sudden burst, . " than Crowther & Jenkins !" "The. -devil.,! and j the niece then is" " Catherine Arnold-1 Tom Linden's wife sup posed to have been droAvned in the Erin ! That's check-mate, I rather fancy not only to-Mr. Edwin Majoribanks, but some; one' else Ave know of. "he old felloAv up stairs Av6n't refuse to acknowledge his daugliter-in-laAv now, I fancy !" This Avas indeed a happy change in the fortunes of the House of Linden ; and Ave discussed, Avith much alacrity, the best mode of turning disclosures so momentous and surprising to the best account. As a hrst step, a letter,' with an enclosure, a as des patched to' Belfast, requiring the return of Thomas Linden and family immediately ; aud the next Avas to plead in form to the action. This , done, we aAvaited Catherine Linden's arrival in London, and Mr. Linden ? senior's convalescence for his mental agitation had resulted in a sharp fit of illness to effect a satisfactory and just arrangement. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Linden and Mrs Arnold arriA'ed by the earliest! steamer that left Belfast after the receipt of our j letter; and much astonished intcHisrence that awaited them. Catherine Linden was Ifor confirming the validity of the sale of the Holmford estate by her noAv authoritative consent ai once, as a mere act of com mon justice and good jfaith ; but this, looking a t the tptal loss of fortune she had sustained byr the knavery of the executors, and the obstinate, mulish temper of the father-in-laAv, from vhom she had already receiA'ed such harsh treatment, could not for a moment be permitted ; anditAvas finally resolved to take adAantage of the legal position in Avhich she stood, to enforce a .due present provision for herself and husband, and their ultimate succession to the estate. j John Lin Jen gradually recovered; and as soon as it was deemed prudent to do so, avc informed him that the niece Avas not dead, as the plaintiff' in the action of ejectment had supposed, and that of course, if she could now be persuaded to ratify the imperative consent she had formerly subscribed, he might retain Holmford. At first he received the' intelligence as a gleam of light and hope, but he soon relapsed into doubt and gloom. " What chance was there," lie hopelessly argued, " that, holding the legal poAver, she Avould not exercise it f ' It, was not, he said, in human nature to do other Avise ; and he commissioned us to make liberal of fers for a compromise j half he would be content to lose half his purcliase-money ; even 'a greater sacrifice tlnsn that he! would agree to anything, indeed, that AA-ould not. be utter ruin that did not involve utter beggary and destitution in old age. Three days after this conversation, I announced to him that the lady and her husband Avere beloA-, and desirous of seeing him. "What do they say?" he eagerly demanded. " Will they accept of half two-thirds ? What do they say?" .j " I cannot precisely tell yon. They wish to see you alone, and you can urge your OAvn'vieAvs and offers." He trembled violently, and shrank nen--ously back as I placed my hand on the door-handle of the private office. He presently recovered , in some degree his jself-possession, passed in, and I withdreAv from tlie humiliating, but salutary spect acle of obdurate tyrani power, compelled to hum ble itself before those , whom it had . previously scorned and trampled upon. The legal arrangements Avhich;; Flint and I had su Quested Avere effected, and! Linden senior, ac- conipanied by his soil, daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Arnold, set off in restored amity for Holmford House. EdAvin Majorjibanks abandoned his action, and Palliser finding that matters were satisfactorily arranged, returned t6; England. We afterwards kpew that he had discovered the defect of title, on applying to a Avell-knoAvn conveyancer, to raise a considerable sum by way of mortgage, and that his first step was to: threaten legal proceeding against Crowther, & Jenkins for the recoery of his money ; but a hint he obtained of the futility of pro ceedings against them,! determined him to offer the estate at a low figure to Linden, relying upon that gentleman's ostentatious contempt of laAvyers that the blot in the title, subjected only to his OAvn com mon-sense spectacles, Ayould not be perceived. - The Bridal Apartments in the " Girard House," a new Philadelphia hotel, are thus described :r They consist of a parlor, or boudoir, fronting on Chesnut street, and the bridal chamber in the rear, with baths, toileti fcc,; conveniently attached. En tering the apartments, the foot falls upon the carpet of oriental richness and beauty ; the window curt ains, of blue and silver satin damask, are relieved by a cloud of face work; the furniture, designed es pecially for these apartments, is rose-AVood, lined with satinAvood ; . the jiugtial couch, a conopied miracle of taste and splendor, is draped also with blue and sijA-er 6atin :damask as are the chairs, lounges, etc, and trimmed and ornamented in the most faultless and recherche manner ; indeed, the mantles, mirrors, chandeliers, etc set off by the gorgeous French witlji decorations, conspire to real ise a scene of enchantment never dreamed of even in the days of Aladdm and the Wonderful Lamp. All this luxury, including a private table, may be enjoyed for the moderate sum of tAventy dollars a day. tin s-: CONSTITUTION AND GUEEEIESE. The following account of the 'famous battle be tAveen the Constitution and the Guerriere, which took place on the 17th of Jun,4812; is from the pen of an American prisoner oil board of the latter vessel during the action: '! About two weeks previous to the engagement I left Boston in an American ship, which Avas captur ed by the Guerriere soriie five days before she fell in with the Constitution. It AA-as aboUt ten o'clock in .the morning 'when the Constitution Avas discovered. The Guerriere hove to, to enable her to come uplj As the Con stitution neared us Captain Daeres handed me his glass, and asked Avhat I took her to? be. My reply was , ' She looks like a frigate.' Very soon she came within reach of the long guns of the Guerriere, Avhich Avere fired, but with no effect, as the sea rait high. The Constitution made no replv, but, as.I saAv, was manoeuvring for a position during Avhich Captain Daeres said to me- Do you think she is going to strike Avithout fir ing f I replied. ' I Think not; sir.' At this moment, seeirig a severe contest Avas about commencing, m which I could take no part, being only a prisoner, I raised my hat to Capt. Daeres, and said to him ' With your permission, sir, I will go below, as I can take no part.' ' ' O certainly,' said ho, and you had better go into the . cock-pit, and should any of our men chance to' get Avounded, I shall feel obliged if you Avill assist the. surgeons in dressing them.'. ' Certainly, sir.' said I. and then descended into the cock-pit. . There Avere the surgeons, and surgeons mates, and attendants, sitting around a long table covered Avith instruments, and all necessaries for dressing the Avounded, as still as a funeral. Within one moment after my foot left the loAver round of the ladder, the Constitution gave that double broadside Avhich threAV all in the cock-pit over in a heap on the opposite side of the ship.' For a moment it appjeared as if heaven and earth had struck together ; a more terrific shock cannot be imagined. Before those in the cock-pit had ad justed themsehes, the blood run down from the deck as freely as if a wash-tub full had been turn ed OAer, arid instantly the dead, wounded, and dy ing, Avere handed doAvn as rapidly as men could pass theuw the cock-pit vias filled, with hardly room for the surgeons to Ai drk. Midshipmen Avere hand ed down Avith one leg, some Avith one arm, and oth ers wounded in almost every shape and condition. An officer who was on the table having his arm am putated, would sing out to a comrade coming doAvii Avounded, Well, shipmate, how goes the battle ?' Another would utter some joke that would make even the dying smile and so constant and freely Avere the playful reriiarks from the maimed, and even dying, that I almost doubted my oavii senses. Indeed, all this Avas croAvded into a space of not over fifteen or tAA-enty minutes, before the firing ceased. I then wrent upon deck, and Avhat a scene Avas pre sented, and how changed in so short a time. The constitution looked perfectly fresh and even at this time, those on board the Guerriere did not know Avhat ship had fought them. On the other hand, the Guerriere was a mere rolling log al most entirely at the mercy of the sea. Iler-colors all shot away, her main-mast and mizzen-mast both gone by the boardj.and her fore-m;ist standing by the mere honeycomb the shot had made. Capt. DacrCs stood with his officers surveying the scene, all in the most perfect astonishment. At this moment a boat Avas seen putting from the hostile ship for the Guerriere. As soon as Avithin speak ing distance, a young gentleman (Midshipman Reed, noAv Commodore Reed, ) hailed and said ' I wish lo see the ' officer iu command of this ship.' ' At this Captain Daeres stepped fonvard and ans Avered. Midshipman Reed then said, ' Commodore Hull's compliments, and Avishcs toknoAV il you haA'e struck your flag ?, ' At this Captain Daeres appeared amazed, but, recoA'ermg nimseit, and looking up and dOAvr, deliberately replied' Well, I don't" know our mizzeimast is gone, our mam-mast is gone, upon the Avhole, vou may say that Ave have struck our flag !' ' ' - ' Com. Hull's compliments, and Avishes to Ioioav if you need the assistance of a surgeon, or surgeons' mate ?' Cantain Daeres replied 'Well, I should suppose you had on board your oavii ship business enough for all your medical officers.' Midshipman Reed replied 0, no; we haAre on ly seven Avounded, and they Avere dressed half .an hour ago.' . Captain Daeres then turned to me, deeply affected, and said- 'HoAV'have our situations been suddenly reversed! You are now free, aud I a prisoner!' All the boats of both ships Avere now put in re quisition to remov e the wounded on board the Con stitution. So dreadful was the condition of many of them, that tAvo days were nearly consumed in the removal, after which the Guerriere was burned, Avith all her stores, armament, etc The Constitu tion having recently come out of port,had no room to take scarcely an article. Who can imagine the joy I experienced in find ing myself again under American colors, or the pride I felt, at finding, from Commodore Hull down to the most humble man on board, an entire ab sence of everything like a boastful, or even a trium phant look, at their wonderfnl victory. Ca'ptain Daeres kept his state-room till Ave arrived in port. About two hundred of his men were necessarily ironed, as the ship avos so crowded, Charles Morris (now Commodore), the first officer of the Constitution, had a ball through his body, and jfor several days his recovery was doubtftd, during which he sent for me to come to his room, and I well re member his perfect unconcern for himself, although the surgeon had apprised him of his danger. Every, courtesy and kindness was, by Captain Hull and his officers, extended to their prisoners. On Sunday, about noon, the Constitution arrived in Boston harbor. I was sent on shore in the boat. The harbor between the ship and wharves,wa now covered with boats to learn the news. To the first boat that we beared, we hailed, 1 The Constitution has captured the Guerriere.' Instantly the two men in the boat took off their hats and violently struck them on the side of the boat, and, rising," gave cheer upon chee,r. They hailed other boats, and thus the air was rent with cheers, and the victory passed along till it reached the wjjarf, .and then, spread like wildfire all over the city and country. It is noAv nearly forty years since the transaction of that day proved to the Africans that British frigates -were not invineiblel - ' Who can remember that day without foejing a gloAv of pride, that so early in the war, and in a manner so unpretending, a victory so perfect should haAe been achieved 1 I Avrite this statement Avithout notes, but believe it to be, in the main, accurate. In justice to Captain Daeres, I add, that there Avas none of the boasting on his part, before the action, which has to him been attributed, as he did not know the ship till Midshipman Heed an nounced her name and commander. o. w. A THE ART 01? HISTORY, j The art -of Historical composition oAves its origin to the institutions of-Political Freedom. Under the despotisms of the Ganges and "the Indus, . poetry nourished, Avith oriental luxuriance, from the earliest times ; but in the immense compass of that rich, primeval literature, there is no History, in the high sense of that term. The banks of the Nile Avere crowded Avith historical monuments and memorials, stretching back into the remotest anti quity; and recent researches have disco vered his torical records of the Pharaohs in the scrolls of Papyrus, some of them as ancient as the books of Moses. But in all these, there is no History com posed according to the principles of art. In Greece, the Epic Song, founded' on traditionary legends, long preceded historical composition. I rerriernber Avhen I thought it the greatest wonder in the world, that the poems of Homer should have-been written at a period so remote ; that the earliest Grocian ''History should give no account of their author. , I did not then knoAv, or had not then considered, that poetical Avritings, hymns, songs, accounts of personal adventures, like those of Her cules and Jason, were, in the nature of things, earl ier than regular historical narratives. Herodotus informs us that Homer lived four hundred years before his time. There is, nevertheless, something very wonderful in the poems of Homer. In gen eral, it' is true of the languages of nations, that, in their earlier ages, they contain the substantial bono and sineAV characteristic of the idiom, yet, that they .are rough, imperfect and without polish. Thus Chaucer wrote English, but it i Avhat Ave' call old English, and it has not the smoothness and fluency belonging to the style of Tope and Addi son. And Spenser Avrote English, but, though rich aud gorgeous, it has not the precision and accuracy of those later writers. It would seem that many books must bo Avritten and read, and a great many tongues and pens employed, before the language of a country reaches its highest polish and perfec tion. Noav, the wonder is, how a language should become so perfect as was the Greek of llomer, at the time when that language could have been very little written. -.Doubtless, in succeeding ages, the compass of the . Greek Tongue was enlarged as knoAvIedge became more extended, and new things called for neAv words ; but within the compass of Grecian knoAvIedge, as it existed in the time of Homer, it can scarce be questioned, that the "style of Homer isVpiite as perfect aud polished as that of any of his successors. The cause of thk appar ent anomaly is that the language Lad nxJtxBrj been poken for jjaany eatorie, by jnople ofcreat in- gtnuity.aud eittaordina-y good taste, but had been carefully coitivated by the recitation of poetical compositions, on a great variety of religious and festive occasions. It was not until the legislation of Solon had laid the' foundation of free political institutions, -nd these institutions had unfolded a free, and power ful, and active pofrvical life, in the Athenian lie public ; until the discussion of public affairs, in the Senate and the popular Assembly, had created de liberative eloquence ; and the open administration of Justice ia the Courts ; and under the Laws es tablished by Solon, had applied to the transactions betAveen the citizens, all the resources of nefined logic, and drawn into the sphere of civil rights and obligations, the, power of high forensic oratory, it Avas not until these results of the legislative wisdom ! of Solon had been attained, that the art of history rose and flourished in Greece. With the decline of Grecian liberty, began, the decline in the ait of Historical composition. Histories were Avritten un der the Grecian Kings of Cyzan tine Emperors; but the high art of historical composition, as perfected in the master works of Herodotus, Thucydides and Zenophon, who perished in the death of polit ical freedom. '. ' The origin progress, and decline of History, as an art, were nearly the same in liome. Sallust and Livy flourished at the close of the Republic and the commencement of the Empire. The great avoiks ot lacitus nimsen are-luougm uy- uiauy iu . betray the beginning of decline in the art, and the later writers exnioit is ian. . .-, The art of His'ory again revived with the! rise of the Etalian Republics ; and since the revival of lit erature,' at the dose of the Middle ages, it will pro bably be foand that three things naturally rise in to importance together ; that is to say, Civil Lib erty, Eloquence, and the art of Historical writing. Other foundation is not to be laid for authentic History than autbe&tieated facts, but on this found ation structures may be raised of different charac teristics, historical, biographical and philosophical. One writer may confine himself to exact and min ute natratioa ; another, true to the general Itory, may embellish that story with more or less of exter nal ornament or eloquence in description ; athird, with a deeper philosophical spirit, may look into causes of event and transactions, trace them with more profound research to their sources in the ele-' ments of human nature, or consider and solve vith more or less success that most important question, how far the character of individuals has produced public events, or how far, on the other hand, public events have produced and formed thfe character of iBdividuak. . .- Therefore, obi? history of the satrw "TWrhSflr in fcn- man aflairs, no more renders anotb&s same period useless, or unadv ture of one temple forbid or one statue of Herc suppress all otb the same per?' address befvr FishX to be -' i V; -1 " J f