'cixifAfix -ij'. wili:y,' vn.uA.M t . c6oKi:,il,'D; T0"s; 7 PAT 7" . "vr 7 IF IX POLITICS. H All it TERMS: TWO DOLLARS PER. ANNUM. PT0T1 TO ALL THE INTERESTS CF 1W (MM, LITE1ATUEE. NEWS, EDDCATIDiH, AEfllCETDHE. THE MAROTS, ETC. QATTTTT1 To I 1 ITT K'EUTBAI (JU U X 11. J Jl til r AM I LI i f '$ I ()L I. SELECTED . ARTICLES; -4 ftronrTtreTietcTnaF iTrawTns-Iioom Companion. THE JORGED NOTE : Ul THE SCHlLMlXri MoTJIEk'S MISTAKE. ' IIV SVI.YAMS 0!:ll, JK. ' ' ' .. I Mi;. Am: a'nam W vLi'Aitf Was most einphatieal f - ly a woman, of high life, while Mr. Abraham Wal 1 part was a merchant in middling circumstances, , u'Ji'y'li.-ikl'-tu.worJc most assidifously to-' keep his wife JaL that height of fashion which she had contrived t: assume. Mr. Walpm-Hnboj-ed diligently at his l.iiMii.-ss was jionest; ana upright m Ins transac'- lions, and his pocket, w as a fountain from whence I 'flowed ayWdea! of money into his family; but . .A I ; v,,. ,, l , . ti. .u - v v 4 ! r-t iii.AoLe-up:.!i dome-tic ahairs amounted to a . , I,'-;- .;i', l i , t I nii'iv c plir- and glioma in; chanco at anv time I rgivvit, his witj- hivariablv. claimed the right to -- i vto. :lulia was' tjieif -oiilv child a "-ill of ninc II.". ' ; . . i ; . . . I I' -'iryears.; atnl sonieumig may Le known oi her t,H'arac.'r fn..iH the fact that flier mother often ex l' 2'ivs,-.id .her ileep regret thift'oiie so beautiful and I .gift-d as washer .daughter, would not endeavor, to i Jiine 'iuore in'fashionable society. Julia Walj'iart I was'oin- of .those beautiful females who are created t'Kad'.ini tlie home of peace atidf'V, but who, liev- ei'th-el cannot fail to .shine w ith a rich, pure l:gntf 1 in anv walk of honest life. I .'J'lietlaii.ips"diad been lighted: in Mrs. Wal part's ! iuii!g:roonj,:aud t h" lady and her daughter were. J there" alonei ' The former wtU t-ookiii to and fro in I Ja r -JargO lyliing-cliair, evident iv sutflrihg under J ?s me 'severe nervou fIhh-Ic, while Julia seemed to I have been weeing, aiid -eveit now her bosom was I It vaved bv deep ous of aiigmsh. Now you 'see,( Julia' sai'd;Mrs. Walpart, as she st-'i'peil tire motiyi ot tier cnair, to. what a p;iss Von have brouglit voiirselt bv not listemn"- to mv iidvice." AVhcu you..li'rst began t receive the at tentions of that .huhes Aibee. I .warned voii against hiin.v - :IIow didVou warn me aiahist him V asked j il tlie fair ; gu'K as :4e "renioved "her hand front her I. iing brow 'and gaze, into her mother's face. I'' '-How did l do -it V Why, did 1 not tell you that he was nothing ?tfa poor clerk, and that y-ou I : ..should look higher for a husband f :: 4AVs, youxiid terl nic that, motli.er ; .but that was no warning against ton. That was merclj -your prejudice against his peeMniar5, aiTairs.''? ' I : " J'njtidlef, child f. iterated Mrs.' 'Walpart,- ele . vati,ng her brow with a sort of haughty assurance. J indeed,-it was no such thing.. .1 knew that lie would turn out a s windier. " . '. hit' Voir 'never ' Junked such a thing -before," s;uMTJulia, truggibg'hArd to keep back her rising emotions.; - ; ' . "Terhaps I did not in so niairy words," returned lier mother ; '.'but I never thought him any. better than he. should be." I i" - ; 'Julia Walpart gazed for a moment in her moth er's face.-and then burst int,o tears. . hehad loved I J Ames. Albce with, her whole soul ; and even though I the' charge of fsigeiy hung over his head, yet she j. could not hear han tlius traduced. At length, she I wiped lut-yes ouee.more, aiid with considerable energvj she s.'ud' - ; .". ' " Janes All re liever c unmit'ted that forsrery vit'h I Tfhich lie is chiirgi-.l '. Iiis soktl is tod pure and no- ble fur'that." As eil might you tell liie that this I flinty topaz ''grew upon y'on olemider !" .. " Vou speak f Ajli-hly;' girl ""aid Mrs. Walpart,. 1 with niuch sarcasm ; " but I trust you will let me hear no inore of it. . 'Your father has been wrong f in tlitis-allowing you to cultivate the acquaintance ? ofthat Albee : 'but I trust this circumstance will learn: him a lesson. Now, Julia, I hope you will i be w ise, and receive the attentions of Mr. Babbitt??- ton. ' He s a titii, young geiitlenyin, fashionable in every sulnse'.oi tliii Avurdrand his societv cannot -fail ' 7(f i!hasinl' you as soon as von shn'! Lav,. 1.,nwd ! to ajpreomte him." ' .'"."-. - j dollars, purporting to have been signed by his em- '"'Alother,ifyoii have any feeling for. me at all, I ployers, Messrs. Folt k liabi:ook,;had be?n present--do not' allude to Mr. lSabbinton " ifgain." : ; ed "at the bank and cashed over a month previous, -Julia said this withpunch emphasis, and ler but, as Albee had the principal management of the 'manner .seemed to throw, her. 'scheming niofher S business, the linn had not, until withiii a week, dfs oniewhat .abiiek. but er she could make" a replv I Covered the fraud. As soon as Mr. Folt saw the .one'.of . lht ; servants', entered jind' handed her a Ci ard. f ; .." 1 declare," said Mj-s. Walpart, as she looked at j eilied upon James Albee. Ao p'alpab.e circumstan f ..the card;- "Mr.. Albert lhibblngtou is at the.door '. ces showed that he'had made any use of-the mo- Show him 'np."- she said to . the servant, and then nev, and an examination was made of his truiiks; f turning to her daughter, she continued : " Now, ' this proved nothing, however, and while yet the I . JuluiT must comniand youT Mr. Babbington is ; .firm were in' doubt upon the subject, they learned I ily especial friend, and I would have you trek him that young Albee had lately loaned to a friend, i . avMi 'v.-?i...-t ., .-ir "iul vnur ikvi viin will who was aboiU. commencing business,, tour thou- I -soon leani to look inon liiur iii a still more fayora- )l- ii-ht." Mi. Walpart had no opportunitv to sav more, or djd- Juka luive a chance to . nV.lv, for at that in f:ne!,t Mr. 'abbingt n was ushered into the i'ooin.'. He was in very truth a 'unan-butterily ;T with rfny '.quantity of hair, dress, jewelry and peiv JjUHi. r- about' his jpreeious;. j-eison ; and as he rer .pliol to' the salutations of, Mrs. . Walpart, he did.it in that drawling, self-s-utikient tone aiid style which aijaiks the insuperable egtist, Julia instinetivelv shrank tVoiii the nrall ti whom h ier niotiie.r w o:Ui.i ., i i have her turn her love : and thou.vh, for the sUke of meiv gotH,reedhi-, she tried to treat him civ iil'v. vfi s!e ibuud eveunhat a ditlwu'.t and irksome task. - '. . ..'. ' - . ,' . . : " Mr. Babbington-;iid Mis. Walpart, after some fwentv niiuiites ,ha-l beei; :Ve!isumed in criticisms- and strtctuies up-n tj.e chasVcters of. various ac- Ciiauit;tines, forg. :v have V...U lr PA :anv thing about the '"h1 ali-Ml 1 ' tllc &e of that ah All' fella w V - Yes, sir." , ,; . " . -": Aav t-well the -le'.huv has managed-'to o-et bkeds I am sorrv lor it. tor the vnl, gaw wretch I " 'siiijnld be imprisoned." Such fel'laws are reallv dan I '4e-iwou4-to'societv.. It is a w?.ndah that the villain . 'm. not make my purse, the object of Ins heinous. erhne-not thatl should have Adssed a few thou-J papers1 while the youth! took up a paper and be HHikU howcVah." ';: r i gaii to run over the morning's news. ', At. the end ? "-.,-i'......n Xfn ..'lt.ili!;i'nton. who it" was tl.-i wal so foolish as to bail this forger :'' i jiu Lell Llje - . . . j . - - 5 ..... Aw reallv have you not heard I "X.,: ind'.Avl T ive itot ." ... .''Wi-U. my' le:ir ladv 'WalparTyou must pardon him for hi- Jol'l-y. for 'ph mv. honatv, 1 thmkie meant it for HiaVltv. It was Mr. Walpart." ".Not mv husdand ."l h ally, Lady Walpart, I must say it was Thtl heart? ejac ulated Ju!k while the look of mingled contempt and anguish that 'had .-dwelt upon her handsome. features gave frsce- to an esprcsaiaa .of,; real grti- Mr. Albcr!Babbington flourished his perfumed handkerchief with .a sort 'of nervous movement, while Mrs. Walpart looked! the picture of utter as tonishment and chagrin. But she was relieved from . the necessity of attempting to smooth over her t daughter's indiscretion to dier visitor, by the sud- i ..'' , . f At.. A!rl. TI. j" !.. ... i ueu -iippeaifiuce oi -vii. iiiip:tii.. j.ue, mereiiaiiL gave a ve)-y cold return to Mr. Babbingtoii's ".good ;" and .'is he saw that his dearly loved daughter's face., was suffused with the shaded of so: row and mortification, his. temper was not at all softened. It dul-not take long lor the superb ue ' . ., , " t1 T st to uxe jtlTat thovigh t,,c mother favored ,,H rlUt' la.he :ilUJ ,; to PF'? -J" qualities. In tact. Mr. Albert Babbington thought .b - , , y ? . Mr. a tavfe was rather more distant than usual, , .. , " , , A. , . , v ' um ere loie'- lieMiiaoe an excuse lor ins uenarture. Vol- seA:ei:al moiiielits after the visitor had gone; an unbroken silence pervaded the room. The merchant was removing -his boots, Julia seemed t !' pondering upoi. wiiat ! had passed, while Mrs, Walpart roc lied to and fro in her chair more fu-rioush- than fi-v. At length as her husband sat 1 Kick in his ch'air, she asked, in atone anything but pleasant : ." Mr.AVajpart, did I he;rr right'" with regard to your haili-ngi" . ibrger C , " I n't know, I'm sure,"' laconically replied; the gentleman. " ' i . ; " yioii know' whether you became boaiJsman. for James Albee, do voii not'"' sharply asked 'the lady. . . " " A"hv uoav I understand. Yes I did become bond'sman for the young man." . "And don't von know von are making a fool of j yourself, Mr. Walpart C 1 Keally, my dear wife, you flatter me,'' 'returned I the merchant, in a tone of .perfect coolness. , r latter 'you, sir : Ao, sir. Let me tell you that you have acted fhe perfect fool in this matter., h wa? not onou th:lt 'on slluu1,1' 111 sPUo ot :iH arguments'. ' ;. V " 1 h"e"w Mfnenis ! interrupted her hus- band. " Yes. sir aryi incuts, sir. It was not enough that you should insist, upon his visiting th.cj4ic.Hise, but now'that he has proved himseif a villain, you should still cling to him. You are ruining' our fani ily reputatfoif, sif ' - . . 4- 'III tlie eyes of' Mr Bahbliuiion, ! suppose," quietly remarked Mrt.Ayalpart with an.unusual de gree of sarcasm. ',. - . " . ' : "Mr." Babiiington is a gentleman, sir, and I would thank you not to treat his name with disrespect,'' retorted Mrs. Walpart, with a look and action of offended dignity. ' "He has a sincere 'regard for Julia; and 1 vet hope that both you and she will come to a sense of your own interests." ; u So. we probably shall," replied the merchant ; " but vou must excuse me now, for I have some business to attend to." . As Mr. Walpart spoke he drew his chair up to a table, and taking from his pocket, a small bundle of vipers, he begau .to look them over, ltrs wite knew that further at tempt at an expression of'her thoughts would be "Utterly useless, and after re maining for a few moments a silent spectator of her husband's movements, she arose from her seat and 1 -ft the room. On the -next morning, ere Mr.. Walpart arrived at bis srbve. a voum? man called to see him, ami on giving his' nariie' to one of thc.c!eiks as James AlWe,-he was requested to step into the counting room, and awa(it the merchant's coming. James Albeq'had just entered upon the stage of manhood, and a single look upon his open, kindly, smiling countenance would at once disarm the unpivjtiuic- ed fiind of all suspicion, and -yet he rested unde the ehartre of forqtrii ! A check for five thousan. ted under 1 cheek he knew it to, be spurious, ami atter serious consultations with his partner,, suspicion was last-.. 1 sand dollars. This, together with the. teller's evi deuce that Albee himself had presented the forged ' check, was deemed a conclusive, evidence, and tlie voung man was accordingly: arrested. A bill was. found agiuust him, an-l lie was neki m nea oouus for triaC Mr. NYalpart. as the reader already knows, having recognized himself for the required amount. - Thtre'seemed no possible way for the young man , to clear himself of the fatal charge ; and as he sat j now in, the'merchant's counting-room there was a deep shade of sorrow upon his manly features, and 'ii : i . 1,.,,-.- .wl .-.i. -in Uic I wicnm jos neai i. i.i .iu. ,- ...--,y- 4 "At length, Mr. 'W alpart arrived, lie -grccuo voung AlWa. kindly, and having -consulted his : witcli hejcalled upvn one: of his clerks, and giving' i ,im two letters, he bade him leave one of them at the Canal Bank, and the Lther at the. store of I olt iVr BalH-ok. : i " Cheer up. JanrVs," said lr. Walpart, ::!ort;y ' itlu r his clerk had left. If I am not greatly wis- taken.-afi wnl vet wiiii? rignt. " Hare vou a clue, theii, to the solution ot .tue mvsterv F asked James, as he started forward anil j laid his hand nervously upon the merchant's arm, ; while his eves danced "in a flood of hopeful light. '" I think L have ; but xve must wait for a short : time, and I may then be enabled to give you a'det inite answer. j . ,'i :L The merchant went about arranging, some ... .i.f 1 ..f i..,n .-,,'V.a r.inrl-: r.itnrnpiL accompanied bv ! Alessrs. Folt k Babrook am ; v. .1,1,1 iieii.ii 111. i-ivi v ... .-7 land one of their salesmen, j together .with the teller bf the Canal Ban's:. ' " r..T,ti.n..,v " f Vulnarfc. as soon as the ; morningV salutations had been passed, "J have re- .. quested your attendance! here in order to ascertain .j if we may not clear Mr. lAlbee" from the charge that rests ag:iinst him." - ! " Indeed, sir," aaid ltrt Folt, with a real frank- - (ness, noone would 1. ; inor happy at such are- KALKICII.NOirril CAROLINA, suit than myself; but yet I must say that things look vark against l:;n. U'- naps they do," returned. Mr.--W aW, -tSM nevertheless we may be able! to throw some light j uVn wu. in me nrsi piace, genuemen, tne c r- : less urawmg nimseit up witn extreme dignity. f ra0ny. takes place equally protracted and irksome. The only thing inconsistent with our notions of -cumstauce of his having money is clear, tor eight ; " ileally, Mistaw W alpart, vou are decidedly face- i Tl.a tf,ini io bo dn.rmin-,1 i whrt .1. : L-ood breedinflr rt iM witn,M1i r 4. long years he has been saving each quarter a por tioif of hi salary, and this he has had invested, in vafious ways, as I can testify and even at the present moment I hold some- two thousand dol lars of his money. Xow, sir," he continued, .turn ing to the bank teller, "on what day did you pay that live thousand dollars upon the forged check V " On the fifteenth of last month." , ' "Have you examined the. book-keeper's accounts for that day, as I requested ?" " Yes, sir." " And what is the result V "I have examined the book-keeper's journal, and ; l tear tnat 1 may nave given m j my eviuence at Mr.. Al bee's, examination, with too lauch reliance upon-inv'own liicmory," returned the teller; " for upon examination, I find that sliortly after the bank- was opened, I paid to 'the checks of Folt A: Babrook eight thousand dollars; then before that check of five thousand dollars was paid there are thirty-four entrances upon the journal, so that the latter must have been paid" some three hours later than the former and at- a time, too, when there was quite a crowd about my desk. The eight thousand 1 certainly paid to Mr. Albee, but 1. have ah- impression now that the" other sum - was not de livered to him." ."" Mr. Folt," said Mr. Walpart, turning to that gentleman, " is not that' the -morning on which yourself and Mr. Babrook went to Batavia TV ' , " It is," returned Mr. Folt, " and I drew out the eight thousand dollars to use in buying up flour." "Xow, Mr. liussell," continued Air. Walpart, ad dressing the young salesman who had accompani ed Folt it Babrook, "do you reinemb"r. if Mr. Al bee left the store that forenoon after his-employers had gone f " Xot until' after two o'clock, sir," returned the young man, with a confident air, " for I remember that he sent his assistant clerk to deposite and pay two notes at the bank, because both our employer.-, had gone, and there was considerable business go ing on." "Xow, gentlemen," said Mr. Walpart, rubbing his haiids with considerable satisfaction, " y.ou see how easy, it is for men to be. mistaken. The bank on the fifteenth to the cliecks of jFolt k Babrook,, and they knew that they only" drew checks for eight thou isand. lie -also knew that he paid money to i ies Albee, and those two circumstances, both j James J put together, look convincing; but you now see ; that when thoi-oughly sifted out they amount to : nothing, .for you see that, it is impossible that the j young -man could have drawn the mouey, even ; tholigh he had forged the check, and that he did ; this of course there is 'no evidence now- that the ; other is uprooted." r - .; A moment Mr. Folt stood in deep thought, with J his hand upon his knit brow, and his elbow resting j upon the' desk. Then w hile his countenance' open- j ed to a kind, frank look, he stepped quickly forward I i - . -.i . i . t . r ii. ... .1 .1, ..l. l.. i ana seizing tne nana xji me suspecieu c.eib., ne sajd : "James. I know that vou are not guiltv of thi crime. I have suspected you, for I 1'iad grounds: but what Mr. Walpart has brought, added to your whole exemplary life, gives back $o you your un--j tarnished honor." j In vain was it that the youth attempted to utter his jov in w ords.. His heart beat too wildly, and j the warm tears rolled in a blinding flood from his trembling eyes. He turned to Mr. Walpart, but ! even then his words failed him, though the silent : blessing that rested upon his grateful features was t not to be mistaken. "Mr. Townly," said Mr. Walpart, turning to the bank teller, as soon as Albee 'had 'taken his seat, j yirs. Walpart' has resolved henceforth to look deep " are. you engtiged this evening C ' or for the true, man than upon the mere surface of "Xo, S!r- '.- ( fashionable life ; and trust rather more to her hus- " And you r he continued, to Folt k Babrook. band's good judgment for the future. ' Xo. sir," they both replied. I . " . '.'Then I would deem it an especial favor if you would sup with me to night at the A House, ana alter mat iieeoiiip;iu me iu iiiv o ii tn eiiiug, and if I am not mistaken you sJiall then' have the whole of this matter cle ired up." 1 s The gentlemen agrced'to the arrangement, and af- tor Mr.Folt 'obtained from James an assurance that he would caJl upon him during the dsn; they sepa- rated. ; ' . -' ' Never, perhaps, did Mrs. Walpart feel more scan- r!,:, wlin her biwlmr..! retnrnn.l in tbeeve- ning. in company with James Albee. Julia, from .motives of delicaev, Mr. Walpart had requested to i remain away from tho sitting-room till he sent for her. The lady was somewhat surprised, however. I w-.hen-she 'found th'at Messrs. Folt k Babrook ac- compatiied him ; and when she was introduced to I Mr. Towuley, whom she remembered as having been one ot the .witnesses at the examination of young Albee, she was, to use her own expression, " all struck with wonder." " - Half, an .hour passed away, during which the gentlemen kept up a commonplace conversation, occits-ioirally' passing some remark with Mrs. ai i part; who felt not a little flattered by the attention ; of such rich men as were the two riour merchants. 1 At the end of that time one of the servants an- nouueed Mr. Albert Babbington. He wais shown I into the room., and though-he entered with his usu- al air of self-sufficiency, yet when he became, aware pi if the nature of tlie ebmpanv .present, a sudden palfor overspread liis features, and his hand tremb- led as ne received the greeting grasp ot the mer e h ants. . " A veraw foine. evening, Mistaw Walpart," said j Bril'bmgton, as he took a seat, endeavoring the while to compose himself from, the effects of the strange tremor that had seized him. - xeruapsitis, returneu ,r. t aipart, a ue cast upon the 'puppy a look of ineffable contempt, and then wheeling his chair about with a decided movemeut. he continued : '. . i.T...i . t - r -ii- t l. " Mr. Babbington. as business has called these: gentlemen here, you will pardon me if I proceed at t.iiii r.,wr,...v , "Oh aw ah certainly, sir." returned the ex- ..H-Ua itrinn,-, 4.-v tvj.'i,;, tmoItvoI.U f.rs .1 Then, sir," said the merchant, ' I will do it in i m ont,and with them knocks his chest : when j bowl are transferred to that of his guest; at oth as few words as possible. On the fifteenth of last ! h wrishes to be very polite, he takes his guest's ers they are put directly into his mouth with the month a foro-ed check, in the name'of ' Folt k Bab- uand within his, and knocks it against his chest, "chop-sticks. Sam-shoo is most requisite after this (rook, was present at the teller's desk of the Canal SATURDAY. MARCH 13, Bank and; cashed. Do you know aiiything of the r5t.AP V ; I "Me, sir," uttered Babblfigton, utterly confynfif- ed at the strangeness of the question, but neverthV tious. ou will have to ask some oiieelseth.it question.") "Then,! Mr. Babbington, . perhaps you will ex plain to mo where you obtained the four thousand dollars that you lost in the Jocky Club Room on the evening of the da' to which I have alluded." Mrs. Walpart by this time came to a prety clear understanding of what the business was, and" as she witnessedithe fearful jeflects of her husband's last question tipon her fashionable friend, she found it absolutely necessary to" faint. Tho husband rang the bell for a servant, and as his wife was beiiif conveyed io'ut, he gave directions for the sending ui oi some one wno was waiting in tlie hail below. -"'Gentlemen," said Mr. Walpart, "there is no need that I should keep you longer in the dark. A few days since I received from an unknown source but from some one who supposed that the villain was working J himself into the goo. I graces of my fainily the information that .Mr. Albert Bab bington was a notorious gambler, and that on the fifteenth of last month he: had lost over four thou sand dollars at one sitting. At once the idea of this fbrgeiry flashed upon me, and " ' "" "It's a! lie I a basej, cowardly lie '." exclaimed the accused i)ian, as ho started from his seat. " Xeve'r mind," cuietly returned Mr. Walpart. ' There are some who will help us." - As he Ispoke, two policemen, followed bv a rak- I ishlv divssed youth, (entered the room. "iiiatfs the fellovy who presented the check ! ' uttered Mr. .Townlyj as his eyes rested upon the boy. f , ' ' ' . " So hi? has already confessed," said Mr. Wal-, part, and; then turning to the youth, he continued : " Xow: tell us. sir,' who gave you the check, and to whom; you delivered the money." " That man, sir l"jhe said, pointing to Mr. Albert Babbingt-on. ' ' j . "oii jean take hjm iir" change, and I will appear .before the proper tribunal in the morning,"' said Mr. Walpart, addressing the policemen. Babbington swore terribly, but it availed him nought, and in a few moments he was hi afe cus tody, and on his war to the " Tombs." ' , l't -a teikvyworus lorr. vaiLart w s-- note, he j went to the club room, and sifted the mat ter out j-how he found the youth w ho had present- ed the check, and how he had contrived " to entrap the real jscamp without exciting his suspicions. Jiotli Mi, rolt and Babrook humblv be.red the young clerk's pan Ton fer the unjust suspicions thev had against him, and they urged him' to return to their employ ; but Mr .Walpart informed them that Mr. Albee was gohjg into business with himself, and after renewed pledges of mutual friendship. Messrs. Folt and Babrook, r.nd Mr. Townly, took their leave, and as soon as they were gone the old merchant rang for his daughter. There, Julia," said thehappy father, as he took the fair -drl's ' hand, " James stands nobly clear .. . , , tr.-m every taint ot dishonor, and w hile tie and mv anu wm e ne auu m- H,r business, yon and I .-"-it i-iiivi iim it p.ii ineisiiq ..-.n" . :...- . ..'.., ,.. .i.:. i he may mak e such arrai!remeius 101 oui nn a, e ... I coui-se as you see fit." -j As the old man spoke he took the hand of the -i youth and placed within it that of his daughter, i and after he had done so a fervant " God bless I you " fell from his lips. ' - j r . At that moment; the world afforded' no thoughts j of sorrow for thoseyoung hearts ; but as they wept- 'or j'-'J tipon each other's ,neek all was blight as an niiciouded heaven about them. Mr. Albert Babbington was duly convicted of the ! forgery, and he is "even now laboring witnm tne ,vnii, " f i10 r,;,,; ,t( l.jc crime, whil Frqm the Dublin University Magazine, i - r ! j Chinese feasts have often -been described, but i httle justice has leen done to tliem. It is true i fheir-dishes no- more correspond with our ideas of ' go Hving, than burs do with theirs. ; The mode i of living in all countries must be national, and vary according to taste and climate. And thus, ! were we to see a 'table spread according to the custom of ?nct r? il wduld f no. more con- ! 3UUrtl!l uu our uaolLluau JL uulu ue w"" "l te) our tastes. Although bowls are used by the Chiitese instead of dishes, yettheir tables are spread with as great a regard to order and elegance as oar own. The wealthy Chinese lite in a most expensive and luxurious manner, and thev pay high wages for good cooks.: Their artistes de cu isines are as famous for their cluf-d'aavres, as Ude was for his, and they are considered just as impor tant personages ai Monsieur le Chef is at Paris. A Chinese g;vstforiomer, 'is as celebrated for good feeds in his country, as any gourmand of Loudon or Paris is in his Own, and imitations are equally acceptable to them. A repast at the house of a wealthy Chinese is by no means despicable. I , will attempt the description of a feast at which I was present, according to the impressions produced 1 upon my mind and palate, particularly as the host is celebrated for good taste and admirable arrange ments, j Some particulars must be premised. - Invitations vary always according to the rank of th.j guest, or the respect accorded to him. By the comparative valueof the material, whether paper, j silk, and gold or silver tinsel, and by its length, is ; to be measureei the respect intended to be paid to ' the guest. Tin bvument rm-sed into the nar- , iviius, iiuei. MrjLleu, niter llie euiuw; jjuiv"i i in columns, which corresnond with the folds, is . lurnpn rirnp marl virviif t. r.tr t-ite iispii in ... . - - y . ? - : i t -, - : a d of silk, and tied round; it is conveyed with j grt cerem w by the servant of the mandarin, ! who always expects a present in money. . A&e Chinese are so punctilious, that their code .... . - .-. i X . ' Mia m. u,;- rtr.i j 01 etiquette outvies the most ceremonious courts ! in Eurobe. As soon as a mest alirhts from his ! sedan-chair, he is met by the, host, who bows his i head, tends his bodv and knees, iiins: both hands -j Ibis is their mode of shaking hands. Now follows 1852. a polite contest as to precedence, which after va- ' ..t .... . a l ' i .i , . tlbt anrfm.: : together. In'the sitting apartment another cere-1 sit, and who shall be seated first. Etiquette ex- j tends even to a decision on the size of a chair, by tor the purpose of showing tow good thd food is, which invaribly the rank or importance of a guest ; and how well they have satisfied their cravjngs, is determined. The host now fnotious to a large , eructations are emitted to a disgusting extent; chair, and attempts to take a smaller one himself, j and, according to their ideas, a stigma would be Good breeding compels the guest in his turn to re- j cast upon the host were this omitted. fuse this compliment, and after a wearying contest As soon as the repast was over, tea was handed of politeness, the point is amicably adjusted to the 1 round as before, and, the entertainment was con satisfaction of the belligerents, either by both par-! eluded with theatrical representations and fire ties sitting down simultaneously on the same couch, .works. The ancient costume is that which is a or upon two chairs of equal dimensions. The fa- ; dopted on the stage, but it differs little from that tigue of this courtesy may easily be conceived, as of the present day. The parts of women are per the same routine . is performed on -the arrival cf ! formed by boys, and each character, comhi"' on ! tach guest. x.s soon as the guests are assembled, tea is handed round in covered cup, which are I placed in silver stands in tlie toim ot a boat. j j These are fluted and beautifully chased. The cups, j j on the occasion to which I refer, were of that an- j tique porcelain so exceedingly valued, which is j thin as paper, pure -white, perfect!- transparent, j I and ornamented with obscure figures, whose dark ' j outlines are only" perceptible when the vessel is j filled with tea. The mode of making teaiivt is similar to that in which coffee is made in Tur key. The tea is. put into the cup, boiling water poured over it, and instantly covered, to prevent the escape of the aroma, with aiid which is used . as a spoon to sip the tea.' They never use sugar ! and milk in China with their tea. After tea, the host ushered the guests into the ; room where the repast was prepared. We found the table was laid out for six persons, and nothing ; , could be more elegaut. On the table was spread ; ! a silk cover, whose edges were embroided with ! gold and silver. China jars were filled with the ' ! choicest flowers, and those of orange, China aster, ' ! and camelia japonica, kc. These flowers were so j disposed in tli jars as to form exact patterns. In- '. j terspersed wore animals-formed of bamboo, and covered with tuberoses, jessamine, and small col ored flowers, so skilfully arranged, as perfectly to conceal the bamboo. There were also various fruits pine-apples, Jei-chees, bananas, together with dry sweetmeats, in earv'ed ivory and tortoise-shell lhe meats were served in bowls, but :.lJ.i.i. .:!.- ii atraoffeDeivXlWifilAa with Uic strict Thp Urmxtt wrrp placed in the centre, and those around correspond T.& ed accurately with each other.. The sauces were ; i. I !. ' e d in smaller bowls, or cups, uppn silver stands. hoo, both hot and cold, and an acid wine ' , made in China, were conveniently arranged in highly-chased silver pots, of a slender, upright form, with handles and spouts' Before each per suu was placed a siikiII euibossed silver cup, about two inches high, for drinking Sam-shoo and wine ; besides each cup was placed a case containing a knife and chop-sticks. The chop-sticks were of ivory; but the handles of the knhes and cases were ornamented, and made either of jade, chased silver, carved ivory,, or sandal-wood. Although these chop-sticks were provided for the guests, vet . . custoulary for the Chinese. to carry Ueir own ; .t. t, n, ,nAl7i) ,,lllTliI 1 1 l i .t .,,.i . ..i d, .vl,,.!, Pi,. Cnt , a, tmt ,f, me auu.', .ma tne wiiio e. . oon. ;ieh(j .ui:iJ . I I ho first course was served up in antique white ; Wfcli distinguished by the microscoie. ; porcelain, winch was very beautiful but not to be ; jj u the result of" immense labor for noAlecid 4 compared with the tea-service. 1 his course con- ; uMul purposes,, and there are thousands of sisted of salted meats ot various descriptions, poun- (Ar )bjtH.u m tll0 fashioned bv ingenuity, i ded shrimps moulded into the forms ot various an- tlc.4-aSue cf nhkhy ia a uliitari;in selise, may bo invils, and a soup, or stew, which at fart 1 took tor ; to by quit(J .ls jj.diflerer.t.- Dr. Oliver' gives an turtle, but afterwards discovered to be fresh-water ; iu his phHosopliical Translations; by the ; tortoise, lhe whole of the meats wee dressed ; W;U ()fa .l(.rrx-UAie on which if-cre carved one ; with various sauces ; but the Chinese invariably i in 'rt,- .,(i t" .,..., ur l1(J.ui, S(, dit;ti tlv that add a quantity of soy, vinegar, oil, and capers. - It has often been stated that earth-worms are to ; be found at the tables of the wealthy; but this I believe to be unfounded. There were, however, on this occasion, what might easily be mistaken i for them the grubs which are found at the root ! of the sugarcane. A bowl of rice was placed be- fore each person tobe eaten with the various dishes, j lhe food was cut Up in small pieces, which were ! taken up with chop-sticks : some persons find i great difficulty in their use, but I experienced none. After each dish, a small quantity of Sam-shoo was , taken and occasionally wine. It must not be forgot- ten that the fashion of asking persons to take wine, ! whether national or boriowed, was here observed. One asked another to take Saiu-shoo of wine, ai d. ' the compliment was immediately returned by the ' party asked, and thecups'were reserved and knock- i ed upon the thumb-nail, to show that, they had ; been emptied. j The next course was served up on colored por - ' celain, and consisted of variously dressed poultiy ' j of every .description, cut into small pieces, in the 'forms of animals and fishes. With this course ; appeared the celebrated Urd;Vnst soup, which is ,,f St. John's College, Oxford, w holly composed of a gelatinous substance, trvdvng ' like unfavored . minute written characters, 'which, at a smalLdis : calves'-foot jelly, antil the various coudimenLs tance, resemble the hues of an engraving. , ; which they use are added, when it becomes exceed- j m ; inglv piquant and palatable. The soup was ladled j ' Ti . , , , . . out of the bowl in which it was served bv means Istlvbsce or a .-11 is plated in the life . ! of a cup, and each person-sipped it from his bowl j of a celebraU-cinathemafcian, ilham Hutn, that ! with a small cup. - ! rc-sjxctable l.king counts-woman called upon : The succeeding course was served up on -'white : an'i-,s tu SI0 h,m' , Sh .f,,nM.,,-j ;,i .j ii.. l.,v;,., i him with an air ot s-cr.cy, that her husband be- four claws; those with five claws are only used by the emperor. . This course w as compes-d of aquat ic birds ot all kinds, among which was the manoa- : rin-duck which is fattened to an enormous extent, i salted, dried and smoked. This, like their other ; food, was cut up into small pieces, ;;nd although ; very rich', it is not unlike a highly-flavored West- . phaiia ham in taste. The rice-bird was also her-', which is one delicious morsel of fat. The va- i - rious vegetables on the table were so immersed in anu oerj luat i euiliei lien. p.i laa'. vl j Next followed a course of oastrv. Some dishes I i i . .. . - . . - i - I . tt-trii r-,rmw lnt-. tia dnic r.t n; lea iiiiei iuiiuhuj, .. '""- -" fi , colored like nature, and the interiors were nnea ; with sweetmeats some of which were deJ.cious. A his was succeeded by other courses, the numbers .. ;,.:- - I - .v. - mdt tnr upsr-fin- . .. . . . . .. , and varieties of which were too great ior ueaenp- tion. y ' . One of the createst marks of attention, on-the part of a host, is to press bis friends continually to j i eat more. Sometimes morsels out of. the same ! J rich food, to assist digestion ; and the best am- NO. 15. shoo is not at alt unpalatable. But thfl win U ' - i rii i - . . kttftStZftid lit3Si.tVtw! Chinese style. ' f Chinese, is, that during dinner and after dinner the stage, describes what he is about to perform. . PERSONAL SKETCHES. NIEIH IIU'S LKAKN'lXG. When thirty one years old, his father lh us speaks ' of his knowledge of Languages : , " My son has gone to Meinel with the commissa riat of the army. When he found he should prob -ably have to go to Biga, ho began - forthwith to learn liussian. Let us just reckon how many lan guages he knows already. lie was only two years old when, we came to Meldorf, so that we must consider 1. Germau, as his mother tongue. He - learnt at school 2. Latin ; ,1. Greek ; 4. Hebrew ; sld, besides, inMeldoif, he learnt 5. Danish; 0. : "EnglWi ; 7. French ; 8. Italian ; but jonly so far , as to be abie to read a book in these languages ; some books from a vessel wrecked on- the coast induced him to-learn 1). Portuguese ; 10. Spanish ; of Arabic he did not Learn much at home, became I had lo-t my -lexicon, and could' not quickly re place it; -in Kiel md Copenhagen, he had op portunities of practice .in sj)eaking an-l writing French, English, and 1 auih ; in Coj)enhagen, he learnt 1 1 , Persian, (of Count Ludolph, the Austri -an minister, who was iorn at Constantinople and whose father was an ac juaintaiK e .fmine), and 12. Arabic, he (aught himself; in Holland,; he learnt 1 :. 'Dutch ; and again in Copenhagen 14. Swe dish, and a little Icelandic; at Memcl 15 Bus-, sian ; 17 Sclavonic ; 17. Polish; 18. Bohemian; and 19. lliyrian. Avith the addition of Low Gerv t mafftlns maKrm air twenty laugnars. ' His acquaintance with geography, the natural sciences, poetry, philosophy, and jurisprudence w as equally extensive. But he Jiad the good fortune to divine . at an early age wherein his greatest strength lay. At seventeen he writes to his fath er : " History is my vocation, and to that I shall perhaps some day" make my philosophical acquisi tions .-uber ient." Again, about the same period : "If my navae i ever to be spoken of, I shall be ( known as. a., historian and political writer," as an antiquary and philosogist." Lljc and Letters of Jricbuhr, hj Cluviriur tiuimen. ' " - . MINUTE MECHANISM. ,f , t f Museum win TiiEUK. is a cherrv-.-tone at the aiem, Mass, eh contains one dozen silver spoons ui sfoliP lfs.'it is (A t ii ni-i more crn l.nf t ... ' - -., --v the hake1 eye culibdistinguish those, belonging to ioies and kinrs, bv their mitres and crowns. It' was bought in Prussia tor $1,500, and thence con veyed to England, where it was considered" an ob ject of so much value, that its possesion was dispu ted, and became tlwe object of a suit in chancery. 1 his stone Dr. O. saw in lGSi. In more remote j times htill, an account is given ef an iron chariot,- ; COIlr.tructed by Mermecides, which was so small that i a nv (XlUu &jVl.T jt w;t, jts wj,, . .tsu (f a 0f ! the'same material, which could be hidden by the j wng cf a bee I Pliny, too, tells us that Homer's ! Uiud, w itli its fifteen " thousand verses, was written j j m ?nui a space as to be contained in a nut shell ; xvhile Elian mentions an artist who wrote a distich j m iettere. 0f gold, w hieh he enclosed in, the rind of fa kernel of corn. But the Harran MS. mentions a j grcater curiosity than any of the above ; it. being ' ' n more nor Less than the Bible--written bv one Pe j t re Bales a chancery ck-rk in so small a liook ' tjlat ;t could be eocloiecl within the shellof an Eng j jy, waluut. IIsraeli gives accounts of many otlier ; eXj,ts similar to the one of Bales. There is a ' drawing of the head of Charles II. in 'the Li bran' haved unkind to her, and sought other eomimuy frepieiitlv passing his evenings from home, which i made her feel extremely unhappy, and knowing i Mr, Iluttoii to be a w ise man, she thought he might ! le able to-tell her how she should manage to cure lier husband.- Tin case was a common one, and he thought lie could prescrile for it without fosing his reputation as a conjurer. "The remedy is a. suriple one, said he, " but I have never known it to fail. Always meet your husband with a umileT' The woman expressed her thanks, dropjed a curtesy and went away. A few months afterwards 6he waited on Mr. Huttou; with a couple of fine fowls, ,i.iiL.u vu 1 . 11 in iv ... . . ... . r-i . , . , wbx-n she be"' huii to accept, cne torn inm j teiir of (v anj rrratitude glistening in her .. fujIowed hw advice and her hus- . ' IIe rio lon2er' us,t thei eon,. v . . c pany of others, but treated her with constant love and kindness , . When' your poor wife begins to scold, let her take it out. Put your feet up cosily over the fire place loll back in your chair light one of your best cigars and let the storm rage on. Say nothing make no answer to anything. 41

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