1 If r 4 1 r4 ' - I ! - 4 CAIA'IX II. WII.KY, ; WILLIAM I). COOKE,! EDITORS. JfflTSB , i. THE FIVE FRANC PIEUE. TrJtnt frr,m fhft irenc-h .lor tae Journal the i French . for Commerce. of V Ir was past midnight, and the bride liad Leon, Jon" in her bridalhamuer, when the bridegroom tsea ed from his friends, and-found .as .wayto a " private stjurc:ie where a eoimuciitial maid awaited his' coming. m a f omuor near me uuor v. men was .1 !-'to 'open fr him alone. "uo m,' said JJorine, m ivdow -whisper, " my lady is waiting for you."' The i liasbniiil of aah'Hir' tapped at the door, opened it, 'iiftd'tlu-ew hiniselta't'iUe feet of a young and beau tiful woman. ' '.She; Was seated 'before a cheerful . 'm-e, in the elegant' ' undress of a rich widow, to whom a, second marriage had given 'rise to new Hopes and fern. " 1 beg you will rise," said she, rii.ng hii.idier'hand. ' Nd, no.;my'.de;ir madame;" said the v4ing man grasping firmly her extended hand and" carrying, ft to his lips, no, let me remain at vuir feet,, and do not, do not, withdraw , this hand,' for I 'fear'-yoU will ani-h: and leave me.: . I;f-ar it i va!l a dream ; it appears to me I am the hero of a fairy tab Mich as I; remember ih' my vchildhood, and that' at the moment of possessing all - in the world 1 wish to possess,; tue deeeiuul fairy will lly'awrry; with, my happiness to laugh with. her companions- al my regret and despair.", ' Banish vour fcarsf m v '-dear TYedericldj; yesterday I was the 'tPhlutD of Lord Melville ; to day! I am Madame.de' la Tour, ybu r wife ; dismiss from your imagination I thiVfair-v imagination at your elnldnood, tor there is no fairy tale to relate, but a. true story." '. Frederick tie la Tour had every reason to believe that a supernatural being had taken his fortunes in keepiiigV fi.r during the last month, either- by acci dent, chance or destiny, an inexplicable success had 'made hint 'rich and happy beyond" his most san guine wishes. ' lie .was voung, not more than tyeiitv-fiv aft.Mie .'.in the biid, "and living- v.'ith the most seit'-ilenviui; and riirfa economy, when one day, as he was1 walking inlthe street of Saint Hon or.", a splendid equipage vas suddenly drawn up opposite: U) him, a lovely Woman, leaning out of the eoach.iitdow and seeniinly much agitated, called ; . out to him, " Mr .MrK" He stopped. The footman- descended from his station, opened the door, let dowft the "steps, and with his plumed hat in Wd, vev4A1'Iy ; invited trie astonished Fred- crick t(V enter the , caniage.- lie did so, and thus, - as if by magijr, beheld himself seated beside a wo man both young and beautiful, and dressed with - great elegance and richness. lie had hardly time . to look abound him before the horses were again at full speed. --"' My dear sir,", (said the ktdy, who was thus running away with him, and in the sweet- ' est tone of voice imaginable,). "T ha Ve 'received your btit lioHvhiistan.lino- voiir ' refusal, T hone I shall s-t-e, you again" at my iittle.-sda'ra? to-morrow evening, V - Me ! m.'vl;une,". said Frederick.: "Yes,, - o . ' V()U, ,sir v ch !T beg a thousand pardons,. I hope i i i yuti will forgive ine die mistake I have, made, said. the hUiy, with appeaniyee. of mteh 'stu-prise," but .you resemble -so perfcetiy one. of my most; intimate friends, that . I mistook "you for him. --Oh 1 excuse me, -sir; what must you think of me, but the like- ness is so striking it wonld 'have deceived ,ai1y p'-rs'.n." BV.the time this explanation was at .an. e'idtiie "equipage entered the court-yard of a splen did mansion, and, Frederick' cottld do no less than hand Lady Melville from, her carriage. l''i;ederickde la Tour, dazzii-d as well he might be, by so many elifs-rms, had no ditficulty iu believ jng that Lady Melville had mistidceu hi-m for some less lpppy 'mortal, and "he thanked his stars for it, 'as the error. enalle.l him to become' favorably known to mv lady .Avhoso ob!idiir and fiatteriiig -.mv-iuitioiH .he - eagerly aeeepted and 'strange to -.'tellj'soon became not only a marked favorite,-" but aiii"igj her iuost constant and welcoiiie' guests. The rie'h widow-' waV surroundetl bv suitors, for the h(tior of her hand, who were dismissed oiie by pne, and it ,w;as somehovy 'so 'brought abput that before the end of a shorfTiiioiitdj, the young clerk had an iwtol'vievv' ,iy her Ladyship's own appointment ,ifi:ir'riage was proposed, by &rj and -of course accept-' ,cd ;hv hini, in -a delirium of love and 'astonishment. J. i The -bewildered youjiig geiiii'emnn stood before .the small ioakiug-glass in his uiodestly furnished at-r tic, and surveyed hiuiseff from ''.head to foot., lie was by iio jiieans an ugdy ma:sv.but could not con sider himself particularly handsome ; his dress was suck, as' became a clerk wifh a salary jDf as many hundred francs per annum 'as there '' are ; months : the year, and; having a. praiseworthy aversion lo. runHinr in debt, he COUKl 1 "! not therefore attri-J bute lils good. 'fortune to hh tailor. lie made up his mind that he must be loved for himself a- lone.. and his early novo I .-reading favored this ro- niantic conclusion, but being jiaturallyot a" modest turn of.imnd,. tin's solution' 'oh second thought ap- pe'ared iuiprol-able, and he , then determined that ladv "Melville must be laboring under some strange artd.jminatural delusion yheu the wedding day arrived- and the future husband listened to - the silver or ratlier golden tones 'A the .notary's voice, Ids astonishment re- doubled. lie v.oulei liaye (as said, the marnage contract,) acouhtvy seat in -Burirundv. a domain in 1 ' ,-, .-- . i - : ' - .Normandy, a Louse in the street Saint Honore in '.Paris, and numerous other: goods and chattels, 'of which untiLthat day he had never heard a syllable. -Lady Helydle had riches across the channel,, also, coal iumfes in Wales, and grizin'g kinds "iij Devon-! shire. Jt .was to the vyoung man a golden dream from which he dreadecLto awake. The Mayor has saiTctioned,; .and the priest had solemnly blessed 'their tu-ion, yet wuh 'ithe rites of the church and 'the' forms' of law to aid his reason, the i conviction ! that, it was all but a'.plendid and unsubstantial " vision. would not leave him, even.'at the feet of his lawful - wife "in a bridal chamber he .pressed her hanj to hi'i hps,, he grasped oo'ivulsiveJv.the, cm broidered night-dress, in-his fear that - she mirht suddenly vanish' into the h:u. -' -- ' . "U-ise. mv dear - Frederick," again said "his wife. " draw tluit "easy chair close to mine, and. let hie t.-dk to vou'' 1 he voun.'T man did so, but without .rel iasing the hai and oi his wite, and .Madame dc la J Toiir lx'gan thus: v ' ' . . . :.'; "There was .once upon a'tmie' " Good Heav- '. ens," f aid Frederick, " I am ii;ot wrong then ; it is ! a ; fairy; tale . ' "Listen my dear sir there h'l oiKe-a young ghl who?e family had been rich, but when their only daughter was but fifteen, they had no o.hcr.moan.s of subsistence than the daily earn- , nigs of her. father. 1 hey lived at Lyons, and I ' " " mm " mmmaatmmmammm nWmm SELECTED ARTICLES. I A SOUTHERN TO ALL THE IWTBRESTS RALEI know not what vain hope of bettering their condi tion induced, their removal to Paris. But some men when they have once fallen, never rise again, and indeed few. things are found more difficult of attainment than retrieving our fallen'fortunes. again filling our place m society, and moving in the cher ished circle we have been obliged to relinquish. " The father of tins poor girl experiencd this, to hiin, insurmountable difficulty, for after 'struggling during four long years with poverty and neglect, he died in a hospitafc, Her mother s death soon fo!lowred, and the voung girl wa3 left alone iu a cheerless garret, a long arrear of rent unpaid, with the chilling p'resepce of. two miserable untenanted Jtfds to increase her feelings of grief and desolation. If there were to be a fairy in my stbry, she should, (without doubt now 'present herself,1-but there was not a glimpse not a shadow of one. The young, girl was . known in Paris, without, money, with neither friend nor protector to sustain and cherish her, and she; asked in vain .from strangers t;hat em ploy ment which makes the riches of the poor. Guil ty pleasure, it is true, extended its arms to allure her, but there -''are minds so formed as instinctively . to love virtue and to ah'b.r vice, and hers wa? happily of this stamp hut she must eat, and" the hunger of the first day was increased by a 'sleepless' night 'bringing a sc:cond day Without food.' ' You, Frederick, have just risen from a table pro iivsely covered with the nfost tempting luxuries, sparkling wines, the rarest fruits, everything to gratifv the fastidious appetite, and altho' until yes- l tcrd:vy.popr, vou can have no conception of the deei) nnserv I am describing. In tne mieist of the . .magnificence 'around us, and sea.ted as we are in .these ample chairs embroidered with silk and gold, you may. be' astonished that t. can '"conjure up such a scene but listen still. , Hunger compelled this poor girl to beg for a crust of bread ; she shrouded her head in a veil, once her mother's " and her only" inheritance ; she bent her body ..that she ' might appear old . and infirm, and went down from her garret, into-the1 street there site extended .her 'suppliant hand. Alas ! the hand was white and delicately formed, and there would be danger.irt allowing it to be seen ; she bound the veil around it, as if to hide a loathesome object. She took her stand near the entrance of the court-yard far distant from the light of tjie street lamps, and when there passed a young and happy girl, (alas ! far happier than herself,) she held out her hand asking- but a sou one sou, to buy a little.' bread lut . at evening young- - girls in Paris are thinking of other things than giving away sous. If. she saw ati old iman-approach, she' ventured, to' implore his aid, but age is hard-hearted and miser ly, and the old man would turn away and pass on. Ihe evenuig had been chuiy, rain began to la!!,' it was growing late, the night, watchmen were go ing their rounds,' when the young:girl, ready to faint w;ith hunger and disappointment, held out her haiuf onee more. It was to a young man who stop- 'ped, antl drew from his pocket a piece of money which he dropped into her hand, as if afraid of the contact oi so' much misery. i A policeman, who no doubt had been watching the poor girl, suddenly appeared and seizing her rudely by the arm, exclaimed, 'Ah ! I have caught you at last, so you are hogging in the street, to the station house old witch. The young man immediate ly interfered, taking her part with, the greatest warmth he .drew within his, the arm of the beg gar whose hand he had a inoment before feared would, soil his gloved lingers, saying to the police man as he did it, the woman is no beggar, you are mistaken, I know all about her.-- ' But, sir,' said the enforcer of the law against . street begging, ' I saw her hand to you and, ' I tell you,' said, the young man steadily, ' I know her and shall protect her. 'My - good, woman,' said he, whispering in the ear of the young girl, whom he supposedo!d aiid uglv, 'take this five franc piece. a.n. let me lead you to the next slreet, that you may get away from this fellow, who will continue to watch you! The five franc ' -piece slipped - .from your hand into mine, and as we passed under a lamp, which until then I had taken care to avoid-J saw your face. ' My face V exclaimed Frederick. " Yes, my dear Frederick, yo' r face, it wrts. you who thus preserved- my honor and my life ; you gave live francs in 'charity to Lady Melville, to- your, i-L . -c. ?.''.' :."' an are s jie. ' iYyuP .said-' Frederick you, young, beautiful and rich, you a beggar ' -s , " Yes," said Mademoiselle la Tour, " once I was indebted to cliarity, once orjly, and it was to you. The morning succeeding this day of misery, which I now look upon as the most fortunate one of my life, a kind-hearted concierge took pity oh me, (and i she has had .cause to bless the hour she did so,) ji and found me a place as seamstress in the establish ment ot a rich nobleman.1 My cheenuLness and good looks returned with my ability to support !:myseltand although my unhappy .parents .w;c-re ! sincerely regretted, time, which accomplishes all j things, gradually soothed nry grief, -and 1 fortunate- ly, became' a favorite with the respectable house- keeper. .''.; "One day' Lord' Melville; came into my little room, as I was at work, and' seated himself bv my side. He was not far from sixty-five, tall, thin, of 1 v 1 ! a severe expression o: countenance, ana i.arv- maimer was haughty, cold ' and ins ordm reserved. ' Young woman,'; said he, ' I know the story Ot your life'; will you marry me. i . "Marry you P I -exclaimed, "your lordship is jesting." " " I never jest," said his lordship. "I ask again will you marry me ? I am rich, and am determined my wealth shall not go to unworthy, nephews, who would bury rae to-morrow, if they Could. I am a martvr to the gout, and would rather be ' nursed by" a wife than by mercenary servants. If I aipi to believe what I hear in your favor, you posseis elevatiop of mind and correct principles' it is dh your power to become; lady Melville, and to wove to the world that you are as fitted for admiration in 'prosperity, as you have Wn nveworthv in struggling with Mversity j'" I lovej you," continued the bride,.and although i'T hud . t-om hrit f,r'. a moment, vet I could not banish your image, and something whispered J i me from- tluT iniTi.t nwss'i'if mv heart, tliat our i lives Wei were tJ be passed together.7' "When T Inhkod at T.nrd "fH-ill and observed attentively his. fetern- unyielding countenance, his piercing grey eyes, and the determination shown in carrying out the plan he now meditated, I was un willing to lend my aid in, its accomplishment. -It-appeared to me that I . ought not to eueourage this cunning device by which he would 1 disinherit his nephews, aud thus, although the noble Lord didot . T? 11111 MWSPaPER r .!! i i i LJ OF UTI MOLLI, LITEMWt 1EWS, BBMTIOI Gil, NORTH CAROLINA.. receive an immediate refusal, yet he -saw my hesi tancy and agitation, and like most persons who meet with unexpected obstacles in accomplishing their views, he became more eager, and pressed his suit with unwonted, ardor. Those with whom I lived, and. every body I knew, advised me to profit by this freak of an English Lord with millions ; a part, at least, of whose fortune, in the event of my doing so, musj; soon become mine. As for myself, T thought of you, my gratitude lent a thousanel graces to your person. I recalled continually the kind tone of your voice, although heard but (or an instant. You had never looked in my face, and yet I was near sacrificing to this dream of the im agination, my good fortune and your own; but I had taken" too severe a lessou in the miseries of a life of poverty and suffering to allow these romantic feelings'" to-, over-power my better judgment your imagi was, reluctantly thrust aside by the poor sewing girl, and I became Lady Melville. " It was indeed, my dear .Frederick, a fairy tale, that , a poor, destitute, friendless orphan girl, should become the wife of one of the richest of England's Peers ; that , a modern Cinderella in my magnificent equipage with servants in heraldic liveries should drive through the streets, in which, but ,a f?v short months before, I had walked a shivering hegoar ; that I, clothed in the richest silks and radiant with jewels, should .look from my hiyh estate, upon the very spot where I had stood extend ing mv trembling hand tor charity. It wtas a turn of fortune's wheel, too incredible dor belief, in truth, a fairy tale ; but the fairies of this world of our's, my di.nr Frederick, .are'thejiasi'ojis of mankind." ' Happy Lord Melville,' cried Frederick, 'he could enrich" you P " He w:as, indeed, happy," said Madame dela Tour ; ' for the event proved that this marriage, which the world looked upon as an old man's folly, I caused to be regarded by this' same world, as the most sensible thing he could have -done. rich, not only beyond his wants, but beyond . even the city cannons boom, rockets hiss, and bells peal his w isLeis. lie could never manage to expend his in token of joy. The Great Fast is over, and the entrts income, and his fortune was therefore contin- :; Easter festival has begun. uilly'increasing. He believed from the first hour j In the churches the ceremony of blessing the ,ot our : union, . that he might trust in the attachment;! food is going om The whole pavement, unincum of a wife; who owed everything. to his bounty, and ; bered with pews or seats, is ; covered with dishes never did lie, for one moment, repent his marriage:! with a fr'ench woman. I reposed on my, part per- 'feet and entire confidence in Lord Melville, as to any provision in the disposition of his fortune, and with sincerity and tenderness watched over his declining sincerity years. ;. jHe died, leaving me the wdiole of his immense-riches, and I then inwardly rowd to-aarryj to nO other than the man who had relieved me in my greatest need. But how silent you are ! said Madame de; la Tour, pressing the hand of the hus1 band she hael enriched and loved with such devotion "and you never visited, in the gay world nor went to the theatre,' nor to concerts ah ! if I had hut known your name." "While she' thus playfully reproached her astonished husband, sh ho took from .around her neck, a chain or rubies', to whicjil was suspended a diminutive silk purs-1, from the latter she drew out a five franc pare, set in a little- frame of gold. It is the same one," said she, putting it into Fred erick's hand for a moment, and then taking it back again. " The sight of this cherished piece of silver gave me a supper and a roof to shelter me until the next day, when, at my -earnest request it was so arranged that I could redeem and keep your for tune gift. It has never for a moment left me. Ah ! how happy T was when I first saw you in the street with what joy I ordered the coachman to stop I was' nearly frantic with agitation and delight, and a't once adopted the only pretext I could so sud denly think" of, to get you into the carriage, I had but one fear- you might be married, had that been the case, you would have never heard this story. Lady Melville would have been your good genius ; she would secretly have enriched you beyond the dreams of avarice, but the unhappy woman would have sought out a home in another land, far from the. man whose hand and heart Could never be hers." Frederick de la Tour dropped the land of his wife, he let fall the embroidered robe, and with both hands grasping firmly the piece of silver, he raised it to his' lips, with an almost reverential solemnity " You see," said Madame de la Tour, " that I am no fairy, but that on the contrary, from you came the fairy's gift, and it has indeed proved a wondrous TALISCJAX." .- From Harper's New Monthly Magazine. ; EASTER IN ST. PETERSBURG. Xo one has not seen St. Petersburg who has not been there at Easter. The Greek Church finds great virtues in fasting; 'and a prolonged fast-time implies a subsequent carnival. The rigor of the Russian fasts strictly excludes every article of food containing the least particle of animal matter. -Flesh and fowl are, of course, rigorously tabooed ; so are. aiiiik, eggs, butter; and even sugar, on ac count of the animal matter used in refining it, of which a small portion might possibly remain. The fast preceding Easter, called, by way of eminence, 'f The Great Fast," hosts seven full, weeks, and is observed With a strictness unknown even m Catho- lie countries. The lower classes refrain even from fish during.the first and, last of these seven weeks, as' well as on Wednesdays and Fridays in the re- maiuin'fr five. Wheri we reflect how lar.cre a nart leiieci, now jaijc - j;.n - nal substances ' form of the tions, and in Russia most some "or au of these animal cuisine of all north en nation. ot aii we snail oe ready to believe mat tins ureat East is aft important epoch in the Russian calendar, and i$ not to be encountered without a preparatory period of feasting, the recollection-, of which may servej to mitigate the enforced abstinence.. Among the upper classes in, St. Petersburg, balls, routsi and all carnival reveries begin to crowd thick and fast upon each other as early as the commence ment! of February, But the mass of the people compress these preparatory exercises into the week before the beginning of the -fast. This is the fa, mous Masslanitza or " Butter Week," which con tains! the sum and substance of all Russian festivi ty. All the butter that should naturally have gone to into fhe consumptiou of the succeeding seven weeks ur ; is concentrated into this. What can be eaten with butter is buttered; what can not, is eschewed. The standard dish of the week is blivin. A kind of pancake, made with butter, fried iu butter, and eaten with butter-sauce. For this one week the great national dish of shtsftee or abbage-soup is banished from the land. ' ' Butter Week, with its blinni and ice mountains passes away all too quickly, and is succeeded by . 1. ci--n wnlc, i.f ' ' TJ- A .lrmi-f.lt Tr 5imif.re The Admiralty square NEUTRAL 0" SATURDAY. )I A II CI f 27. looks desolate enough, lumbered over with frag ments of the late joyous paraphernalia, and strewed with muVshells audi orange-peel. Public amuse ments o? all kinds are prohibited, and time passes on with'gloomy monotony, only broken by a stray saint's day, like a gleam of sunshine across a mur ky sky. It is worth ;while to be a saint hi Russia if his day falls during - the Great Fast, for it will be sure to be celebrated with most exemplary fer vor. . j As .'the fast draws near its close, preparation is on tiptoe for a change. The egg-market begins to rise, owing to the demand for "Easter-eggs," for on that day it is customary to present an egg to every acquaintance ok first greeting him. This has given rise 'to a very pretty custom of giving pres ents of artificial eggs, of every variety of material, and frequently with the most elegant decorations. The Imperial glass manufactory furnishes an im mense number of eggs of glass, with cut flowers and figures, designed; as presents from the Czar and Czarina. i Saturday night before Easter at last comes and goes. As the midnight which is to usher in Easter-day approaches, the churches begin to fill. The court appears in the Imperial chapel in full dress; and the people, of all ages, ranks, and con ditions, thiong their respective places of worship. Not a priest, however, k to be seen until the mid- night hour strikes, when .he entrance to the sanc tuary of the church is I'uhg open, and the song peals 'forth Chris tohs vosskress ! Christohs voss- kress ihs mortvui " Christ is risen ! Christ is ris en from th; dead !" i The priests in their richest robes press through the throng; bowing and swing ing their censers before the shrine of the saints, re peating the "Christ is risen !" The congregation grasp each other's hands, those acquainted, how- I ever distantly, embracing and kissing, repealing the ! i. 'it - i: i -. . i :.. .. i i... same woius. xnc cuurcnes are ai once in a uiaze of -illumination within and without; and .all over ranged in long rows,! with passages between for the , officiating priests, who pace along, sprinlding holy water on. the right . and left, and pronouncing the j form of benediction ; the owner ot each, cash jail i the wdiile on a keen look-out that his food does ijot fail of receiving some? drops of the sanctifying fluid. Bfey. daylht all tJiis is accomplished ; and then come visitings and banquets, congratulations of the season, bowings, hand-shakings, and, above. all, kissing. AH liussia breaks out now into an Oriental exu berance of kisses. What arithmetic shall under take to compute the osculatory expenditure I Ev ery member of a family salutes every other mem- 5 ber with a kiss. All acquaintances, however slight. greet w th a kiss and a Lhristhos vossAress. Long robe! ))iujiks miughj. beards and kisses, or brush th.-ir hirsute honors over the : face's of their female ! .. . T . I IT il? ' . 1 ' j. 1 . .7 acqaiMuiances. in me puoiie omees an lue employ ees salute the army. each other and their superiors. So in inbraces and kisses all The general the officers of the corps ; the colonel of a regiment 4hose beneath him, besides a deputation of the sol- 'dic-rs ; and the captain salutes all the men of his company. The Czar does - duty at Easter. He must of course salute his family and retinue, his court and attendants. But thi3 is not all. On parade he goes through the ceremony with his of ficers, and a selected body of privates, who stand as representatives of; the rest and even with the sentinels at the palace gates. So amid smiles and handshakings, .and ; exclamations of "Christ has arisen !" pass on the days of the Easter festival. Ample amends are made for the long abstinence of the Great Fast, by unbounded indulgence in the coveted animal food",! to say nothing of the copious libations of brandy-4-evidences of, which are. visible enough in groups of amateur streeswcepers who subsequently are seen nlavino- their brooms in the early morning hours. Such is s when most Russian, j a j ..v, Petersburg, . . J From Colton's Deck and Port. SKETCHES OF LI33IA. A girl here at the age. often or eleven is as far advanced in her social and matrimonial anticipat ions as. she is-with us at seventeen. She expects in her fourteenth year i to sway hearts, as the moon the troubled tide. For this period she trains her self with an ambition far beyond her years ; and when it arrives, sheds armed with all the brilliant weapons of beauty, wit, repartee, and a lively self possession, tier wit never wounas, ner repartee never gives offence, j She is thoroughly amiable ,m all her. sallies, she means to make you think well of her, and is equally anxious that you should think well of yourself. She understands' how to in spire self-complacency without any broad flattery. She is sportive, but it is with dignity ; and will j sooner excuse a liberty than a slight. J When this hey-day of life has been sufficient!) j enjoyed, she marries, not from having fallen in love, i but tor the sake of an establishment. If her husband j devotes himself to her, she is generally faithful ; but ; if he spends his nights in clubs, at the billiard and j card table, she is apt to permit the intimacy of some i vu. nuum sue ougui not to love. j.ii3 i- ----..,, if ever, followed by a domestic explosion. She feels j secure of all that forbearance and silence which the one whom she nnorht. not. to love. This is rarely, most jealous regard to the peace and reputation of the tamily can suggest. With us, the injured party, though first himself in the fault, yet in his resentment often turns his own hearth-stone into a tomb. Guilt never fails to carry with it, in the end, its own punishment. There is a serpent in the cup of guilty pleasure, whose fang will inflict wounds on which tears of repentant anguish will yet fad big and fast. ' ' - . There is one religious observance in Lima which reminds the traveler of the call of the" muezzin from the minareti. of Constantinople, when he summons .the Mussulman to pravcr.j When the bell of the great Cathedral tolls the departing sun, every one, whether on foot, in his curricle, or on horseback, and whatever mav be his speed, stops ana takes olf his hat. The gayest look grave, ana the serious whisper a brief prayer. ' The shopkeeper suspends his .bargain, the billiard player lays down his cue ; the gambler folds his cards and reverently rises, In a minute the bell ceases: the horseman dashes on, the cue! and cards are resumed, and Heaven seems again forgotten. Many of the simple artisans ply their trades out- ! side their shops. You will encounter twenty or IN POLITICS. A&HICETDBE, T 1852. thirty shoemakers driving the awl in a single court, and as many tailors pushing the needle in another; wnue a unra is rilled by milliners, bleaching and trimming gipsy-hats for Indian girls. The Liina nian lady seldom wears a bonnet ; she prefers the mantO; with that she can conceal her face, save the peeping eye, and pass unrecognised. The s; ya or skirt of this disguising dress is not the work of her own sex; it is always cut and made by the same hands which fit and seam the coats of the gentlemen. What can be expected of a nation where the men are engaged in making petticoats for women ? Enterprises of pith and moment are not achieved through the stitches of that garment. THE BETTING DANDY. The young gentleman with a medium sized, light brown moustache, and a suit of clothes, such as slnonable tailors furnish to their customers of very accommodating terms" that is, on the credit system carse into a'hotel on Race-street one af ternoon, and after calling for a glass of Madeira, turned to the company, and offered .to bet with any man present, that the Susquehanna would not be successfully launched. The banter not being taken up, he glanced contemptuously around and remarked. " I want to make a bet of some kind, I don't care a fig what it is. ' I'll bet any thing from a shilling's worth of cigars to 500. Tl'iis is. your time, gentlemen ; wdiat do you . propose ?" Sipping a glass of beer in one corner of the bar room, sat a plain old gentleman, who looked as though he might be a Pennsylvania farmer, lie put down his giass and addressed the eiquisite : " Well, Mister, I am not in the habit of making bets, but seeing you are anxious for it, I don't, care if I gratify you. So I we'll bet you a levy's worth of sixes that I can put. a quart of molasses into your hat and run it out a solid lump p'f molasses candy, in two minutes." "Done !" said the 'exquisite, taking off his hat and handing it to the farmer. ' It was a real Florence hat, a splendid article, that' shone like black satin. The old gentleman tookthc hat, and requested the bar-keeper to scud for a quart of molasses. " The cheap sort, at G cents a quart, that's the kind I use in the experiment," said he, handing over his 6 coppers to the bar-keeper. the moiasses was brought,, and the old farmer, with a very grave and mysterious countenance, poured it into the dandy's hat, while the exquisite .took out his watch to note time. Giving the-, hat two or three' shakes, w ith aSignor Blitz adroitness, the experimenter placed it on the table, and stared into it, as if 'watching the wonderful process of solid ification. " Time lip," said the dandy. The old farmer moved the hat. " Well, I do be- nee it am-t naraened, said no in a tone otd:.-a;- pointment. "I .missed it sc.mehow or other, time, .iRd I suppose I have lost the bet. Bar 1, er, let the gentleman have the cigars 12 sixes. lllls Hid charge them in the bill." . " What'bf the cigars '.' roared the exquisite, " you've spoiled my hat that cost me 65, and you must pay for it." ".That wasn't in the bargain," timidly said the old gentleman ; " but I'll let you keep the molasses, which is a little more than we agreed for." Having drained the tenacious fluid from his bea ver as best he could into a spittoon, the man of moustaches rushed from the place, his fury not much abated by the sounds of laughter which fol lowed his exit. Maxvfactcke of Combs. The greatest comb maniffactory in the world is in Aberdeen, Scotland; it is that of Messers., Stewart, Rowell & Co. There are 66 furnaces for. preparing horns and tortoise shell for the combs, and no less than 120 iron screw presses are continually going, in stamping them. Steam power is employed to cut the combs, and an engine of fifty horse-power is barely sufficient to do the woik. The coarse combs are stamped or cut two being cut in'one piece at a time, by a machine invented in England in 1828. The fine dressing combs -and all small tooth combs are cut by fine circular saws, some so fine as to cut 40 teeth to the space of one inch, and they revolve 5,000 times in a minute. There are 1,928 varieties" of combs made, and the aggregate number produced, of all these different sorts of combs, average .upwards of 1,300 gross weekly, of about 9,000,000 anrmally ; a quan tity that if laid together lengthways, would extend about 700 miles. The'annual consumption of ox hornsi.is about 730,000 ; the annual consumption of hoofs amounts to 4,000,000 tlie consumption of tortoise-shell and buffalo-horn, although not so largCj is correspondingly valuable ; even the waste, composed of horn-shavings and parings of hoofs, which, from its nitrogenized composition, becomes a valuable material in the manufacture of prussiate of potash, amounts to 350 tons in the year ; 'the broken combs in the various stages of manufacture average 50 or 70 gross in a week ; the very paper for packing costs $3,000 a year, j A hoof undergoes eleven distinct operations be fore it becomes a finished comb. In this great comb factory, there are 456 men .and boys employ ed, and 104 women m all bzu nanus, mis ' , , , . company commenced business twemy years ago, on a very small scale, being much smaher than the smallest works in ; England. jjy mm uetenioueu i i l i . a v. " i energy, perseverance, and shrewdness which is characteristic of that Tieople, they have shot ahead e u ... Ti tu 4-tv,.. of all competitors in Britain. There is a temper- . - . ance-sooiety aud a library connected with the works. . i TTT1 .1 " A .N AMF. AP.OVF F.VFRY IS AME. W 11611 tne I Mlral r.ious Bishop -Beveride was on his death-bed, he did bot know any of Ids friends and connection. A minister with whom he had been acquainted visited him ; and when conducted into a is room he saiti." Billion Beveride. do vou know me ?" " Who are vou ?" He said that he did not know him another friend came who had been equally well known, and accosted him in a similar manner, "Do you know me Bishop Beveridge ?" "Who are Vou ?" said he. Being told it w as one of his intimate friends, he said that he did not know him. ' His wife then came to the bed-side, and ask ed him 'if he knew her. ".Who are you ?" said he. Being told she was his wife, he said he did not knOw her. " Well," said one, " Bishop Beveridge .do you know the Lord Jesus Christ?" "Jesus Christ? said he reviving, as if the name haa upon him the influence of a charm, O, yes, I hare known him these forty years. Precious Savior, he is my only hope." " , TERMS: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. .17. HINTS. - If your flat irons are rough, or smoky, lay a little fine salt on a flat surface, and then rub them well ; it will prevent them from sticking to any thing starch ed and make them smooth. Rub your griddle with, fine salt beforfyou greaso it, and your cake will no't stick. When walnuts have been kept until the meat is too much dried to be good, let them stand in milk and water eight hours, and dry them, and they will be as fresh as when new. When cloths have acquired an unpleasant odour by being kept from the air, charcoal, laid' in tho folds, will soon remove it. " I If black dreses Jtave been stained, boil a handful of fig leaves iifa quart of. water, ,and: reduce- it to a pint.' A sponge dipped in this1 liquid, and rub bed upon them, will entirely remove stains- from capes, bombazines, Arc. ' How to correctly ascertain the age of a Lady. I first ask the lady accused, her own age ; I then inquire of her " dearest friends." I next ascertain the difference between the two accounts, (w Inch fre quently varies from five years to forty.) and divid- , ing the difference by a 2, I add that quotcnt to the lady's representation, and the result is the lady's age, or as near as a lady's age can Ixi ascertained. Example. Mrs. Wellington Seymour gives her- : self out to be 28. Her friendsv Mrs. M'Cabe, Mrs. 1 Alfred Stevens, Madam Cornichon, and Miss Jen- : kins, indignantly declare that they will cat their respective heads off if she. is a day younger than 4G. Now the disputed accounts stand thus : Mrs. oeymour .s age, as represented by her friends ! 46 . Mrs. Seymour's age, as represented by herself, ' 28 ; Difference between tlietwo accounts, 18 I That difference has to be divided bv 2. whieh T : believe, will give 9. If this is added to MrsTSey- : mour's own statement, the result will be the answer required. Accordingly, Mrs. Wellington Seymour's j age is 37 a fact which, upon consulting the fami- ; ly Bible, I find to be perfectly correct and oidy h hope Mrs. S. will, some day, forgive me fur pub lishing it. Punch. A Model Wife. There is a woman in Indiana, on the Wabash river, who took into her head, and orrn(iinf! rr;irti:r' wriilf- liov rdul man ?c rrnna 1 , ' " town,) ploughing, nursing and fishing all at once. She first, yokes an ox and her cow to the plough ; then puts her twin babies into the corn basket, ! suspends it on atree ; then takes the bell of the; cow and attaches it to the end of Tier fishing! pole! which is stuck in the water's edge ; she then com mences her ploughing around the field at every revolution she gives tho a?rial cradle a sendt which; lasts until she gets round again, at the same time keeping her ears open, so that when any rash member of the finny tribe swallows; the hook she , J may hear of it, for under her arrangements tho: calamity is announced iy tne ringing. or tne bell.: Our informant says that she is a pattern of the kind they have there. - j How the Rocky Mountain Squaws cook their Pia'py Dogs. In Coke's Narrative of a Ramble over'the Rocky Mountains, the following scene in an Indian wigwam is described :- A young pup py, that had been playing with the child, was seized by the woman, and received from her half a dozen sharp blows on the throat with a piece of. wood about to be used for firing. , The puppy was returned, kicking, to the tender mercies of the in fant, who exerted its little might to add to the miseries of the beast, w hile the mother prepared j tho fire and asmall kettle for the purpose of cook ing. Ihe puppy, still more, alive than dead, was then taken by the hind legs "and held over the flames till the woman's fingers could .bear the heat no longer. She then let it fall on the fire; where it struggled and squeaked most pitiously; and would have succeded in delaying its end, but that the little savage took care to provide for the security of his late playmate, by replacing him in: the flames, till life was extinguished and the -hair satisfactorily burnt off. - ' ; j A contemporary speaks of the .people of Maine as being in the ( situation of Coleridge's Ancient! Mariner : ' " VVater, 'water, every where And never a drop to drink." The following knotty question claims. the atten tion of one and all of our debating societies : " If a man has a tiger by the tail, which would be the best for his personal safety to hold on, or to let go." . l - A lady playing on the piano-forte, on being call ed upon for a dead march, asked Mr. II., a celebrat ed professor of mu-ie, what dead march i-he should play, to which he replied, " Any march tliat you may play will be a dead one, for you are sure to murder ft.". I .t r.Anni : 4 i, j ' The true purpose of education is to cherish and j l immortality already sown with- L . , , n . M' - . - J f. ,n i ill us, lo o; vriui" -v "i. i",," y. .. . .. . . ,.- , ... i-i .va ..j.- ."-5, u . . .r, t , , fnr 1 ' 1.:M.n. I all circumstances, or know now to fit circumstances i a" v' . ' , , - Aiiicn vac - . f " . Care fou others. A poor old man, busv .7 - ..M. . .. 'it .-.l.l UWI.T panting an appic-iree was ru-.ciy w, I you plant, trees for ; you cannot expect to eat ; the truitj ot tliem TT,- TaUpA -'himself up, and leaningtipon his spade, answered, " some one.plant-j ed -trees for me before I was Torn, and! have eaten, th'2 fruit. I now plan for others, to show myj fln1 -lien T am dead and gone." Thus should we think and act for the welfare of others. T.F Kind to yqvk Mother. VTiat would "I- give, said Charles Lanib, " to call my mother back to earth for one day, to ask her pardon upon my knees, for all those acts by which 1 gave her gente spirit pain." , Ax Auctioneer having a horse to sell who could not be induced to cross a bridge which lay in j tne way oi his master's country residence, aueruu. I 1 1 . 1 ... 4.. J j him as " sold for no fault but that his owner wa desirous of gotog out of the aty." 4

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