CALVIN H. WILEY AtlLpiAMr). CQOKE A SOUTHEM FAMILY 1EWSPAPEE NEUTEAL L POLITICS. EDITORS. ' TERMS: TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM DEVOTED TO AIL THE IWTBRESTS OF WORTH CAROLINA, LITEBATURE, NEWS, ; EDUCATION, AERICDLTDRE, THE MARKETS, ETC. T, . I. RALEIGH, XORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1852. NO. 19. 1U5CTED TRTJE COURAGE A TALE OF TATTEfi ;:t; ! .. - SHALL CASTLE;- I j -1 tie sumraer of 183 , a party of gay young (oll-iaiis visited Tattershall (fas-tie, in Lmcolnshire. .Tliisreiiiarkablv. noble ruin consists of a single lofty keep; rising to" the height of two hundred feet, the j iiiiierior b.-ihg-'open iioiu summit to, .basement. r KiVdity oaken- beams, once, however, spanned tU Jmasive walls, supporting floor's which formed stories or these beams have 1 . 1 T r,;t , vipi in' hoio liK Al Mil V yien to tle fment,co7ui!otely .rotten, through Jusea lrew himself iip to his full.: height shameful exposure to the weather over since the roofcrniiibleuaw;av ;: others still pertinaciously hang more r ie,ss oroiM-U .miiu uecu t-u, uui,, m Hjuajoiny .rX -in-tanres. yeem as it a strong trust ot Switid w.o.hld senjf them down crashing, to auiehts with those already mouldering be- their ft low., : V - " ...-'T ift ivmttt Wt'rt' Uflll'm StUTitS old-wines', and their ; voting bjo tlieir veins ' theiusehes ; tin into made the least false step--had his footing slipped on the slimy surface of the beam -had he tripped against any one of the knots projecting from the rotten wood which had mouldered away abound them'-f-at once ' would-he have been hurled into dread eternity'. ! ' But an unseen hand sustained him, and safely he reached the extremity of the beam," ruthlessly wrenched the trembling owl from its perch, . waved it Aloft hi triumph, and then, with a proud ejacula tion, began to retrace li is steps, with it shrieking and fluttering in his hands. When he reached the centre of the frail beam, Which creaked and bent terribly with his comparatively small weight, he air above, air beneath, air all around, naught but air and deliberately tore the head of the owl by. main force from its bodv. Having perpetrated this cruel eddying 5 deed, he tossed the bloody head among the breath mill fie 'ess spectators, and sharply dashed the writbin'c 1 . 1 - ' -i ' il. ' -. " 1 1 .V 'l. i j. TT 11 ,vi!d exeiteme They had drunk T li . . 1 1 - . 1 oa riowea noil v in had laughed,1 joked,' and talked it. About half wav, up iu the. castle turrets there i.-i a sort of open land ing, which goes along one. wall ot tlie structure,; and n to 'this"' hi riding the party stepped5-from the Wand spiral st;irease they.'haj hitherto been as cending, and the re paused a moment to. look about thfcin. The scene was striking, A tew beams sprung aejrosi just below their feet'; a few thick-moted riivs of tun pieijeed through the adjoining loop holes; a tew frleeey cloudlets flitted athwart the bine ether, high -overhead.. Staffed by the noisy 'xfeitbrsj'ji. number of dusky jackdaws flew , out of their holes up and .'down, the walls," and, after ehat- - tering their 'decided 'disapprobation of being dis turbed, made half-a-dozen whirling circuits of the interior, rising rapidly upward, until they disap- Upeated. . I . , ' ' ;' ; , j '; Inmiediabiy afterwards,' a great white owl pro jected it's visage from a hole close above where, one j of the beaiiis- jc inexl the opposite wall, and, fright- - cdly peering witli its great dazzled eyes, the harjn less creature bevilderedly popped from its hole on to the beam, and having made a . few feeble flutter mgs with its "tvings, remained - quite stationary, ,crouched on a ball-like figure, close'to the wall. ; ."Oh. Deschamr)." exclaiuied one ;of the party to a friend at his s le, who was plucking the long gray, moss of a peculiar species, which literally clothes the castle Wail iiside and out, 4i look yonder at. Mi Aiier'va's bird." -r - ! : bleow.H" t ' -' f ' ' Thereupon O ie and all began picking up bits of brick and mortar from' w here the.y stood, and threw them at the bird w ith various decrees of skill. One or two bits even -struck it, but so far from being "roused thereby, ''the owl merely gaVe one boding, llong-lrawn sepulchral screech, and, contracting its ghastly outline jrito still smaller jjo'Pipass, fairly buried its broad visage between the meeting bony tips. of hs wingsi- - " ' ; .' ; :. i ' W-hat a stupi.l creature ! boo ! : koroo !" shout- e. tl.iey, thinking. by that means to induce it to fly A THRILLING STORY. A QUEER BED-FELLOW. Aa Incident of Christmas Eve. in" -l!ut the outcr'v gree,,'that it 1 decay edHimbe 'only terrified the bird to such a de- stuck its. claws "eonvulsively into the mid stirred not at all ;. '-It's the w: guide, who wa "thfv're about a tliiiiklng-r' .W': of -them creeturs," here said the, -showing the party over tne c;.isite , the stupidest things in creation', Tm ataietic youni; uanipie oetore-Our i;'inin to be 1; "lint i say, old ifamiiiarly osi switch he can- ten one f "shoullii ' it, sir," replie not," 2 pa ; disdain sweep the "old fellow did vuti ever muttered Lord Swindon, a handsome. in in. of twenty, "'with' such aiiex- eves , we ca.nnotl but admit your i i glily phitosi pl i ic a:ii.Uiifel isputable. t.-liow, ndded he, t: tlip. shoulder with et .in his hand, "Vis that, beam a rot- pping'the guide the light riding '"01 t be over-tor ard to ! trust mvselt on. i ;- - - I the man- a. tat luniii)V personage. vvouMh't : f.Xo; - . sh'ould- rather think 'd Ilord Swindon, a jmiile of supreme ng across bis features, as hesurveved from head to iA. " 1 ut," tell ine, know any -baity waik.npon it, eh V vesr j Onlv "last simmer, a yoiing .dear rom end to end, as I Oxonian? ran mv own eyesj ,-''lid he . .."Tru.'? pi t iii Deschamp M was. voting he brag aboil the. head ; tl tin tied he,-ha oeh :' . i ou a m d seed with ''T. remember now, ing bodv into the void beneath his feet. He coollv watched its descent, until it lay a shapeless mass on the stones below ; then, with a slow, bravadoing mien, he walked back to his terrified, .party, and boastingly demanded of them whether they thought " Maijners could beat that ?" "My lord," solehinjy said the 'stranger, "you have not performed the act either of a brave or a sane man, - and you- have committed a -despicable deed on one ot God's helpless creatures. You ought to thank Him, 'my lord, fiQixi the depth 6f your.soul,.that he saved you from the penalty yoir incurred. " What do you say ?" fiercely demanded Lord Swindon. "Do you dare to insinuate cowardice against me V and and with flashing brow, he as sumed a threatning attitude. . .'."'. " 1 know not, iny lord, whether you are brave or .not, but what I have witnessed was certainly not an exercise of true courage," was the passionless re daren't do it." ' ' . ; "True,' I dare "not: for I am incapable of Offer ing a deadly insuit to my Maker." . . "Fine words H' r Then, carried away by the ex citement of the moment, he added, with an inso lent look and gesture, "You are a lying coward." " Listen, my lord," answered the person thus ad dressed, and this time , his tone was even calmer than before. -; " One year ago, you were walking at the midnight hour on the pier at the sea-port of Hull, and but one other person was upon it, and he was a stranger to you. You trod too near the edge of the pier, and fell into the sea. The tempest was howling, and'the tide was high and running strong ly ; and," ere you could utter more than one smoth ered cry, it had swept you many yards away, and you were sinking Tapidly. Except God, none but that granger heard your cry of agony ; and, soon as it reached his ear, he looked forth upon the wa ters, and, catching a glimpse of your struggling torm, he. instantly plunged in, and, after much di ving; eventualby grasped you at a great depth. Loug did he- support your helpless btdy, and stout ly did he buffet the stifling waves, and loudly did he call' for aid. At length help came ; and at the last moment, he and you were saved just in4ime for life to be preserved in both. Is not this true, my lord?" ' .-' ' " It is,"; emphatically, responded the young no bleman ; " but .what have you to do with it ? I don't know you though it is not at all wonderful," added -he, with a sneer, " that you should happen to know about the matter, for the newspapers blazoned it piite sufficiently:" , ' ' " My, lord, one- question more. Did you ever learn who that stranger was who, under God, saved your life"-?" ' . ... ; " Xo ; wdien I recovered a little he left me at the hotel, where he was unknown, and I have never seen him since." ' ! "Then, my lord" was "-the startling rejoinder. " look well at m for I am that stranger.'1 ;" Yotl.' '" - ' 'es I who. you have' branded as a liar and a coward. Little thought I that the life I saved at the imminent risk of my own would be madly, wickedly jeopardized for no price whatever, as- I have' seen it this hour. Mine, my lord, was true courage ; yours was false. Henceforth know the i-:. . i i 11 " tiueience utiween lueiu. i itieeo. So saying, the stranger bowed, and before another word could be uttered, had left the astoundejd party. -'."' '" ' T !' Christmas was come, and Washingley Hall was filled with guests. I know no country house in which I would sooner have passed that cheerful season. Sir George was hospitality itself: and as for Ladv Stanley, her -frank manners and natural ! amiability of disposition completely won the hearts j of all her visitors; Avhile their family of happy j children from blooming, blushing Fanny of sweet j seventeen, and Master Harry, who was just begin- ! uino- to think about shaving, down to blue-eved Trotty w ho was the pet of every one and the pri vileged romp of the family, all reflected their pa rent's goodness, and made that merry music in a house without which Christmas would not be com plete. We were a large party at the hall, and had tested its ample accommodation to the uttermost. All the dressing-rooms pressed into use for us bach elors, and even the sacred ness of the house-keeper's still-room was desecrated and converted into a spe cies of barracks for "the young gentleman." The ladiek, it. was rumored, had made compacts of part nership, and thus it was, as we afterwards learned,; that Fanny Stanley ' shared Helen Warrington's bed. The greater part' of the guests, Helen and her brother among the rest, did not arrive until Christmas-eve, so that our dinner on that night was our first general meeting, and passed oil' right merrily. AVhen the Christmas romps with the children were oyer, and the mistletoe had been put up, and "the girls all kissed," (as Tennyson observes with such collective unction,) and when the juveniles had 'been posted off to their night-barracks, we all drew around the spacious lire-place, and, while the yule-log blazed bright and cheerily, told Christmas stories, in which ghosts were as plentiful , as black berries. In one tale that was tlhcjn told, the hero belong ed to a family in whieli insanity was hereditary, and (as is commonly the case in such circumstances,) appeared only ia alternate generations ; and thus, in the family mentioned, the sane son of a madman invariably became the father of a madman. 1 forget now who related the. storv, of which this was the theme, but I remember it was some one who had not met the Warringtons before, and was ignOraut of the fact that Helen's grandfather had died in an asylum, and that she herself had, some years previously, when at school, been " in a low wav," sufficient to cause; at that time, considerable anxiety to her mother. .This, however, was not ' know n to the narrator of the story, and, indeed, was not remembered by those present, until after -r 111... . 1 ' " " .1 TT 1 " "IT T events recalled it to tneir memory; ana xieien v ar rington, too, was at that time a fine, handsome, merry-hearted girl, and one of the acknowledged belles of the county. What effect the tale may, ; have had upon her, no one could then tell, as siie sat back, in the shade of the room, which was only lighted, by the blazing lire. This was the last tale told, and a light supper, (for, on the children's account, we had dined rather early,) that was discussed amid lively: jokes -and merriment, soon 'dissipated all the little lady-like fears the ghost stories of the night had given rise to ; arid the waits, and the village band soon after coming, With their Christmas-carol serenade, we sat for some time longer ronnd the lire, until miduight, and the earliest dawn of the Christmas morning had come, and their, wishing each other " a merry Christinas," we ail said good night. I have said that Fanny Stanley 'and Helen War rington shared the same bed, and when, an hour after this, their maid had left their room, two of the loveliest faces of all the lovely ones th-at on that night were assembled beneath the roof of Wash ingley, pressed the laced pillows of the downy bed. her arm high in the air, the moonlight flashed on the shining blade of a large knife. With the cunning of insanity she had- contrived, unseen, to take it from the supper-table, and conceal it within , the folds of her dress. When the poor girl saw the knife, she sprang from the bed, and, with a loud scream, reached the door, and endeavored to open it. It was lock ed,' and the key removed. She then, in a delirium of agony, turned and lied to the fire-place, to seize the bell-rope and alarm the house, but only to find the rope severed and useless. During this brief space the white-robed figure" stood and watched her actions apparently enjoying her despairing dis appointment with a wild satisfaction. " Now, girl," it said, "you see all escape is hopeless, so ypu have now nothing to do but to die 1" And she advanc ed with her upraised knife, and gleaming eyes. " O, Helen ! Helen ! spare my life ! Help ! help !" and Fanny shrieked in agony.. As she turned, half paralysed with fear, to, fly wildly' about the room, she espied a closet, the door of which stood ajar, and into this she sprang, and, -with the rapid ityof a sudden thought, drew-to the door, shrieking' loudly for. help. There was but little hope left for the poor girl, for the inside of the door was not furnished with a handle, and her only chance of keeping it closed was by fixing her fingers tight ly around the lock, and so-pulling it towards- her. This she did with ail the energy of desperation. But, at the best of times, jthis would have been a difficult thing to do ; and now that she had to contend with the unnatural strength of a maniac, her chance of safety was poor indeed. Fear, how ever, and the love of life, gave a new vigor to her frame, and sustained her in those terrible moments. Helen had "ot the handle of the door on the out side, and was trying to force her way in, while Fajiny clung the more tightly and despairingly to the lock, well knowingthat upon this depended her safety. But, in a few seconds, the se'verity of this exertion had bathed her hands in a clammy perspira tion, and, with a horror scarcely to be described, she felt that the security of her hold was relaxing. ! The door opened slowly but surely, and swung i backwards and forwards j with her attempts to counteract the force the maniac .was applying to it. As the figure of Helen was thus revealed to her, her dark hair tpssing wildly over her night-dress, and her arm makjng thrusts with the shining blade through the partially opened door, the courage which had hitherto sustained her now gave way,' her wearied hands relapsed from their hold, and, uttering but one more piercing shriek, she fell back senseless on the closet floor. It so happened that the dressing-room in which, young locust from the herbage or leaf on which rests. The butterflies that flit about mon r for that night, I had been :put to sleep, joined the bed-room in which these scenes took place. One of Fanny's piercing shrieks had aroused me, and I had started from my bed in terror, impressed with the idea that the house was on lire, though not knowing from which direction the alarm had proceeded. ' In a moment; I had partially dressed myself, when another and another shriek told me too plainly from what quarter they came. The second door of the dressing-room Avhich opened into the bed-room would, of course, be lock ed. Without losing time by trying this, I picked up a heavy portmanteau,;'- which had, Voitunately, -not. been unpacked, and swinrrinur it round me at 1 il" Adaptation of the Colors of Animals to their Haunts. Throughout the animal creation, the adaptation of the color of the creature to its haunts is worthy of admiration, as tending to its preservation. The colors of insects, and of a multitude of the smaller animals, contribute to their concealments. Caterpillars which feed on leaves are generally either green, or have a large proportion of that hue in the color of their coats. As long as they remain still, how difficult it is to distinguish a grasshopper or it flowers are colored like them. The small birds which frequent hedges have backs of a greenish or brownish green hue, and their bellies are generally whitish, or light colored, so as to harmonize with the sky. Thus they become less visible to the hawk or cat that passes above or below them. The way farer across the fields almost treads upon the sky lark before he sees it rise warbling to heaven's gate. lhe goldfinch or' thistle finch passes much ot its time among flowers, and is vividly colored accord ingly. , The partridge can hardly be distinguished from the fallow 'or stubble among which it crouch es, and it is an accomplishment among sportsmen to have a good eye for finding a hare sitting. In northern countries, the winter dress of the hares and patarmigans is white, to prevent detections a- the snows of those inclement regions. If we turn to the waters, the same desio-n js evident. Frogs even vary their color according to that of the mud or sand that forms the bottom of ihe ponds or streams which they frequent nay, the tree-frog ( ijla virldls) takes its specific name from the color, which renders it so difficult to see it among the leaves, where it adheres by the cupping-glass like processess at the end of its toes. It is the same with fish, especially those w hich inhabit the fresh waters. Their backs, with the exception of gold and silver fish, are comparatively dark ; and some practice is required before theT are satisfact orily made out, as thev come like shadows, and so depart, under the eye of the spectator. A little bov once called out to a friend to "come and see, for the bottom of the brook wa's moving along." The friend came, ?tnd saw that a thick shoal of gudgeons, and roach, -and dace, was passing. It is difficult to de tect "the ravenous luce," as old izaak calls the pike, with its dark green and motled back and sides, from the similarly-tinted weeds among w Inch that fresh-water shark lies on the watch, as motion less as they. Even when a tearing old trout, a six Or seven pounder, sails, in his wantonness, leisurely up stream, with his back fin partly above the sur face, .on the look-out for a fly, few, except a well entered fisherman, can tell what shadowy'form it is that ripples the wimpling water. But the bellies of fish are white, or nearly so; thus imitating in a de gree the color of the sky to deceive the otter, which generally takes its prey from below, swimming un der the intended victim. Nor is this design less manifest in the color and appearance of some of the largest terrestial animals ; for the same princi ple seems to be kept in view, whether regard be had to the smallest insects, or the quadrupedal riants of the land. JVote Book of a Naturalist. THE HOLY SEPULCHRE. The Paris "Debates" gives the following outline NATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS POLITENESS. Every Englishman and almost every American speaks lightly of the French character, or rather of the ppraonal-riagfl,n frenchman. Kli English workman is generally uncouth' and he has little of the polish of the French he is sulky, surly nd often distant even w ith his own wife and children af ter his labor, he seldom or ever joins in the festivities of home his egotism causes him to undervalue his wife, and therefore he spends his ' evening either in indolent absence from thought,' or at the ttre "c ' uc Iiever avoius a quarrel from a polite manner,, but rather seeks to sustain his ground by vehement stubbornness. If the English had the nervous activity of the French without their polite- X,.' "uul,a uwl-ijy each other like the "Kilkenny cats." The Parisian mechanic- will walk out ofan evening with his wife and children and when two or three families meet on the Bonlol vards, nothing is more common than to see the elder of the party playing some musical instrument for the children to "dance, and thus the light heart of the Frenchman is sent happily to bed. & If two Englishmen accidentally run against each other in the street, they each demand an explana tion of the other, ox at least look sulkily at each other, and pass on growling like two bull-dogs. Two Frenchmen, under sameccircumstances, would ' each bow and ask pardon. Real offence is neces sary to make a Frenchman, quarrel. The slightest suspicion of offence will embroil an Englishman. A Frenchman away from home and ask how he likes the cookery, may possibly remark that it is different from what he has been accustomed to and that he has not yet habituated himself to the change. -An Englishman on the contrary, always insists upon it that they. do: not know how to cook out of England, and that it is all wrong. Every Englishman thinks' he can whip two Frenchmen, and every Frnchman politely differs from him in. opinion. . . The beauties of nature and of art are respected in France flowers may be exposed and not pluck- eu, orivs oi art exniuneu ana never defoced, the politesse protects them. If a daisy is within arm's lengths of a fence in England it' is palled, and even then not to be preserved, but to ls picked to pieces. " The roast beef of Old England " has been sung most enthusiastically by thousands who did not taste beef once a montb. An unfortunate English man cannot Or will not accommodate himself to his new estate, while even the members of tlie roval family of France, when exiled, would readily teach children's schools. Counts have been barbers here in imitation of their own valets when at home! An Englishman will despise a broken-down gentl man if he he cleans his own boots. The jxlitesse of France causes every citizen to cultivate hiVtaste for the beautiful, while the less polished Eno-iish-man calls all ornaments gcw-gaics. Which of these two characters should Americans Emulate ? or is there a middle course, a happy medium to be attained. Americans abroad have the reputation of being fault-finders and of resembl ing the English in this particular ; avoid extremes and follow the moderate course, should be our motto. the lock of the door, with one heavy, crushing blow 0f the arrangements lately made on the subject of Manners of Brazeiiuose ; and didn't lUn'l '.'-"elclaiined Lord Swindon, with a toss of .... -v." it teliow, poor milksop .' Aot, con- t il v, ".that it is anything of a feat. at murmured his companions; land, wivh one accord. I hW sf retched forth their necks,' and. gazing - down the dim abyss shuddered at nat ttiey wiield: Well thev might, lhe beam in question rose at a hei-dit of about one hundred feet, and nauldit beneath ?t was there but a frloomv a-oken in one or two places bv erumb- nd not Lone even of these was by- ma1 t Oh, Swindom how can vou say l ': . ' . ' '" chasiii, only ling beams ; ny feet-near so r H ' ':. ' 1 can say' it, and T do,' snappishly replied the fiery young man, his brain heated -with wine ; " and, - at any rate, what that fellow Manners has done, I can do. So!hok out !" Thtisspea and. despite 1 I"! ing. ne recivless ly stepped onthe beam, the remonstrances of liis companions, tvas m the ajct of proceeding along it, when his arm rasped, and a low,; deepHoned ..voice My lord,-do you court a horrible death ? risk your life for naught." idaal who thus unhesitatingly interfered v unknown to all present, being a cas- r t the castle, yvho had just joined the With an imprecation, ' the madcap young- ns arni away, ana sprang forward along Its surf ate was rough, rounded, and un- is ne ran along, swerving trom side to instant in danger of: being precipitated was Imiilv exclaimed," . J 'o hot thus ' The indiv was evident: , u-'il visitor ttt group. ter ;iei-ked tlie beam. ; yeiivjind .i'-h?r, every 'UtiWIlwAl-.l kvith rh.- nwfnT to pieces, 'his friends could hardly restrain theiri- terror, though such a Avoid Hastw Conclusions. Society is like shaded silk-; it must 'be viewed from all positions, or its colors wilt deceive us. He who is familiar only: with-the saloons of the " uppercrust" imagines that fashion, feasting and amusement are the order of tlie day with niankind ; he w hose observations are -confined to the store and the work-shop, fancies that life is a dreadfully dull, plodding, humdrum affair; and he who goes mainly among the destitute among vicious thinks 'that want, suffering, and degradation are the lot of the human family. The truth w'Ould lie equidistant from all these conclusions. Society as at present constituted has its light and dark side its extreme of luxury and misery ; but the great mass of the people, in America at least,' are in the enjoyment of pecuniary competence and decided moral and intellectual advantages. We do not pass judgment on cloth until after holding it carefully to the light, snapping it between our fing ers, and ascertaining if it will " wash." So we ought not to utter dogmatic opinions about society until after regarding it in every phrase, from the -millionaire to the mendant. It was not till the morrow that the maid called to mind the flushed cheeks and wild brilliancy of Helen Warrington's dark eyes, as she laughingly bade her take a kiss of her young mistress, and wish her a merry Christmas, lest she should not clfance next year. What followed from that time, I shall describe as it w as afterwards told to inc. After a little .chat with Helen, . Fanny had sunk into a slumber. How long she slept she knew not; but. on awakening, she missed her companion from her side, and on sitting up in bed and looking around her, she saw that bust open the door, and tlfrew down a dress in tr table placed ao-ninst- it on the ' other side, I sprang into the room. 1 hail never forget the scene. At the closet: door was Helen Warrington, with- madness stamp ed in every look and. action, her night-dress in confusionand her dishevelled hair falling down over her shoulders. Her left arm supported the passive form of Fanny Stanley, who lay senseless and motionless in her grasp, while her rigit wielded the knife, w hich she: appeared about to plunge in the white bosom on which the moonlight shone so an along the other side. of purelv. To note all this was but the work of instant; in another instant I was at her side. She liad turned to meas I came up, and with a ,. ..i - r ii i r-.r..t l T .., ,.-,'1,1 1.1- havc the ' sauueneu, reproaemui iook m oei uui eyes, said, " ould you stand between me ana God V Before' she could use the knife on Fanny's form, or anticipate what I was about to do, I whirl ed the knife out of her hand. At once she threw j Fanny from her, and rushed to the. bedside to re I possess herself of her weapon, but I threw myself 1, 1 l 11 1 1 : 1 a- 41,-. ,,.'. lt-Iir.ic Helen Warrington pacing i " 1 " uel" aiK1 neiu ner iiruij) to toe uuo.. the old-fashioned bed-room" iad the door, and were trying, met equal ly to obtain admittance. ; Amongst tnem, i necuu Sir George's voice, calling in despair on his daugh ter's name, .for he had recognised' her alarming cries, and had fled along the corridor in an agony 'of terror. 1 called loudly to him to go round by in y room, which, it seemed, in the hurried excite ment of the moment, no one remembered as com- I. Mystery Explained. Much curiosity has been excited in some of the Eastern States, by the ap pearance of tracks in the snow, unlike those of any known creature. An ornithologist, writing to the Providence Herald, says, that during this remark ably cold :winter,'unusual numbers of birds whose home is north, have been driven southward into more hospitable regions. Amongst the largest of these occasional visitors are tlie cinereons, or great grey owl (the largest of the kind of this country,) and the snowy owl. The former is very rarely seen ; though it has been, in a few instances, as far south' course would probably have had the immediate ef, of Massachusetts. The foot-prints of the latter, tOJ1 uisuQinposing tne eqmiipnum oi ineirrasn winch is less unfrequently met with, correspond coinJafJ24 and so inducing the. catastrophe. they i with the mysterious .tracks referred to, and it is tulloiuitimii' wuaoui Ine power oi pre enuon. : uiougnt that a nock of them may have passeu nturer s presence of mind one mo- i through Massachusetts and across Rhode Island m VI l ' .li-... .. J J X ."7 i , , . . , i,.ms,seii-possession aim coimueucv oeniper, ana may have returned in feoruary, ac- forsake urain &icii.eneu, coiuuig to uieir usual period ot migration to ana selves frbrJ shrieking with jVHadMhe ' merit fttled . wuvvred of eves turned dil for a single second- -had he i from the South. It was a beautifully-bright night, and the light of the moonbeams shone full upon the two windows of the room, and upon Helen walking there in her night-dress, her cap oil, and her long black hair streaming over her shoulders. " Helen, dear, come to bed ! You will catch cold ; ! are vou ill '' i The whi(te-robed figure stopped in its pacings to and fro, and came up to the bed-side. !- " Helen, what's the matter? How strange you ! look! You must be ill " For Helen stood there without speaking, but looking fixedly at Fanny, ! with a strange wildness of exoiession. Fannv i began to throw off the clothes to rise from the bed ! to assist her friend, believing her to be ill. Then Helen .spoke 1 . ' j " Lie still, Fanny ! I am not ill, but I have come to put an end to your life. I must kill you ?" And her words came in a low but distinct whisper, strangely at variance with her usual quick manner of speaking. Fanny trembled in spite of herself, and she said, with half fear in her tone "'Come, Helen, what nonsense ! Come to bed. We will act charades to-morrow night." Still the white-robed figure stood there, at the :foot of the bed, glaring with its eyes. I tell you," it said, " you have but a few minutes to live ! Say your prayers, and make your peace with God. He has sent me to destroy you '." In . an instant, a crowd of thoughts rushed tumul tuously through Fanny's brain ; the conversation round the fire the tale of the madman the in sanity ot Helen s grandfather and a hundred other things, all with lightning speed, linked them selves together in her . mind, and she felt that Helen's long-concealed hereditary malady had burst forth, and that she was mad J Evfen then she did not lose her presence of mind ; and, with a forced laugh, she said " Come, He'len, dear, onie back to bed ; you know you cannot do what you are jesting about." j " Not kill you ! Think you so ? You are a dediev ed, girl,"- said the white-robed figure. I provid ed for all that, hours ago. ' Look here !" and, rais- the IIolv places at Jerusalem, by which the Otto man Porte has decided on restoring to the French. . 1. The key of the outer door of the great Church of Bethlehem and those of the side doors, so that the Christains will no longer be the prisoners of the Greek monks' they will be henceforth ae to en ter and go out freely. 2. Two gardens belonging and adjoining to the church, and which the Greeks had taken possession of. 3. In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusa lem, the French will receive a portion of the lower lxTffTof the seven arches of the Holy Virgin. For f - . .1 Ti ll - L. 1 J il." more than a century tne rrencn nave not naa me use of the gallery built Over them. 4. The Franks and Latins will be admitted to share in the tomb of the Holy Virgin, placed under the brook of Cedron, in the valley ot Jehoehaphat. 5. Instead of exacting the restitution of the silver star, stolen by the Greeks, on the 1st" November, 1847, the French shall content t hemselves by repla cing. ifTDy another, after the departure of the nume rous pilgrims, who will this year flock to the place at the solemnities of Easter. By a coincidence which onlv hannens -every four years, these will be celebrated simultaneously by sects in the east and west. The' French may be sides, build a church in the mixed and neighboring village to Bethlehem, called Beelu-Jella. They may also repair and enlarge the small convent in which they are kept imprisoned tor the three moiitus all religious municatirr' with the bed-room. Directly afterwards w hich thev. pass at the Holy Sepulchre. The same they ioined me. It wanted no words to explain fathers may also repair their principal church ot the j the sad tale, and poor Warrington, wdio was one of convent, in which they reside at Jerusalem. A'7'. Y. those who had rushed in. was the first to assist me in securing his sister. Others assisted Fanny, w ho was still iu a swooning state, and bore her from the room. - ' I need not pursue these distressing details furth er. The physicians who were called in, did all they could ; but human skill was ineffectual for one who was now a confirmed maniac. - Poor Helen Warrington still lives in th e Asylum in which she was placed from the first, Fanny and I go to see her at intervals, but at no time has she recognised us. Under the kind discipline, and hu mane treatment Of her days happily. Observer. Insect Builders. Mr. Reaumer states that for for a period of twenty years, he endeavored, with out success, to discover the materials employed by wasps in forming the blue, gray, papery substance, so much used in the structure of their nests. One day, however, he saw a female wasp alight on the sash of a window, and it struck him, while watch ing her gnawing away therwobd with her mandi bles, that it was from such materials as these she formed the substance which so long puzzled him. He saw her detach from the wood a bundle of fibres, about one tenth of an inch in length and finer than a hair ; and as she did not swallow them, but gathered them into a mass with her feet he had doubt no but that his opinion was correct. In a" short time .he iaw b-er shift to another part .of the window, and carry with her the fibres which she had collected, and to which she continued to add. lie then caught her and began to examine her bundle and found .that it was neither yet moistened nor rolled into a ball, as it is always done before used by the wasp in her building. He also noticed that before detaching the fibres, she bruised them into a kind of lint with her mandibles. All this he imitated with his penknife, bruising and paring the same Wood till it resembled the fibres collected by the wasp ; and so he discovered how wasps manu factured their paper; for these fibres are. kneaded together into a kind of paste, and w hen she formed around ball of them, she spreads it into a leaf, nearly as thin as tissuc-apcr : and this she accom plishes by- moving backwards, and levelling it with her mandibles, her tongue and her teeth. And so the wasps form paper, placing layer upon layer, fifteen or sixteen sheet deep, and thus preventing tne eartn irom railing down into her nest. Dr. , she appears to pass And, may we not hope; that those whom God has thus been pleased to-afflict, have an inner light of happinsss, which shines the more brightiy, because it shines only, for them ? As for Fanny, she has changed her name. Her deliverer on that, terrible Christmas eve is now her husband. Hon, R. J.' Walker, ex-Secretary of the Trea sury, has. been for some time ill at Ryegate, a small town between Brighton and London, "in England. He was, at the last accounts, said to be slowly re covering from a very Severe and protracted illness, one of his complaints being neuralgia. He was accompanied by his friend General McNeil. The German papers sav that Dr. Meinhold, the author of the Amber Witch, has left among his papers an ' unfinisheoanusenpt, entitled " Hagar and the Reformation which", they add, is now in an editor's hands, and : will be shortly given to the public. Mr. Leahy, or the Monk of la Trappe- By. an advertisement in some of the Charleston paper's, this gentleman ' announced, not to the citi zens at large, but to the old gentleman of Charles ton, his intention to expose in a course ot : lectures,, the abominations of the Roman Catholic Priest- lood. This announcement caused quite a stir from what we have seen in the papers. It appears that mob violence was threatened against the re negade monk, and also against the persons and property of those permitting him the use of their premises. Application was also made to the city authorities to prohibit' the lecture. We, of course know nothing of th merits of the case, but it real ly does seem strange that an intelligent and res pectable denomination of Christians should exhibit so much passions or alarm for so trifling a cause. W e suppose the monk can invent, nothing new to charge the Catholics w ith. Indeed, there is not a denomination of Christians in Christendom who have not been the butt of ridicule, of sarcasm, and of the most malignant slander. These they have withstood tor eighteen centuries. hy then should the proposed lectures of a rsnegrade, excite so much indignation and alarm at this late day. Has he not thus acquired a consequence an im portance and a power he could not have otherwise obtained. LheraiD Gazette. Taylor, an English author, relates in his " Re cords," that having restored to sight a -boy who had been born blind, the lad was perpetually amusing himself with a hand-glass, calling his own reflec tions his " little man," and inquiring why he could make it do every thing he did, except to shut its (yes. A French lover making a present of a mirror to his mistress, sent with it the following lines : "This mirror my object of love "Will unfold, Whensoe'er your regard it allures ; Oh, would, when I'm gazing, that I might behold On its surface the object of yours " This is very delicate and pretty ; but the following . old epigram, on the same subject, is in even a much finer strain : . ' " When I revolve this evanescent state, How fleeting is its form, how short its date ; My being and my stay dependent still Not on my own, hut on another's will : 1 ask myself, as 1 my image view, Which is the real shadow of the two ? Turpentine Oil. It is said that turpentine from North Carolina is now extensively manufactured into oil, and that an ingenious inventor has sueeed ed in inventing a lamp in which it is said this tur- penune on wui Durn ireeiy, giving a unuuungui The man named Castaneda, who captured Lopez, has returned to Cuba frora Spain, laden with honors. The Queen gave him So000, and made him a cap tain in the rural militia, with a salary of $110 a month ; 10 negroes and a tract of land have been given to him. The order of Isabel decorates his person : his children are to be educated at the ex pense of the Government ; and while in Spain he was permitted the farce of kissing the hands of the Queen and the little Princess. He can neither read nor write, and is a perfect specimen of a vul gar, rough, uneducated quairo, or country bumpkin. I-

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