I -- . . - . i ;ftv4v - rt'.v-'-';!.. Pi.;-.- - - - .. m -?.. - v:V ' V::'' y; . . v Ill V . 9 ? . i - i i . . m . it' - ravcii i - v . r- .- . L - " - U -J i-.l r . . . u -. . . : i - ..A ' ' . j. ', i; f ' . L . tins. 7rU '" " ? hi : '. r WW' ' I r. . I ; , U-i.-.'V I -M'-fi'--" i -i v - 1 1 St " J 1 "' t--- its'!- j ; rJ z-W"," ' r- T 1 1 rf IV-winlVni, it trouM lne us tlie coiiC-i mntir nnv ccnnr tf tl:o rn ;tn of -l-ojo. iho i rnan Jn t!ie w n-hvcV-Min? Stsi. w?h. whll ! lc hu nn it-.t.:f ration.'' Lot uul J wiip1 !, -THr r- 1 I ( 4 VP HlDrrifiin lUlUll ' ti c rural ri r.!n. -wlie frc-tAnc mny have r.Ite .tJrt!c Brt.t-IiC rartj, wjm?trhat iheyjwnrtt. -whcrcfer thcj Mftfiml fl ' 0 T !' AlllCVIf till lflllll ''' ' 3 x '--i . 's"fr ",-r-'"tT'' ?T - n " -- - ' I ''"f"1 a ttrM-Ic b-twn; the wtberniipl issue frui.iWtairiCf- in.r-f tietr' t!iv-464 . '.Mr; D?ehAt 1 1: .t ;rj:niii!.,n. aviwv!ly;'ic'csMe i tbey pfffwe a freet :aitack "ojm the liw th;t f . -T -M' j ii AliJblU-Xii lii.. j ! S.fithpn iJol-ue. as .to v1 fhuUI cbtaiivi.a J ; N nnn f .-anj- a-irity au,l fbstrvalinn ': 'lea I Ke b--?s (ht in ftdjAinirfcrin tl e -overamcnt rott:t prorenvi .: Th'U-w Wli?rh -c tpct prrp-v-.' fi'.i R A L E I Q H , W . . C . " X n 'i --- .-" tnnmrui. in fcumi in the. larci j" r-Iank t fjj c,r,?p.il frtui Wiii-f.;f t.'-e "r.Ct." that tt -Krenent . Mt..K.- .tU$ mnTia tbi rrin,- ! 'rf V hf' Mimri 'iV r.i.t'lUjfin hr ie4t th,'J.S:s-r i-f our - -v.-- - I-etrr ofthe Ilea. Krnuc'.h ajnfr. iht Nomination for the YUe Presidency. . rvti.r!Mr,".T.ir J Z", 1 f;fnfci.i"i:tn 'rMcl.in t?,!' tar. I findjf i. r r . i i.,i v-.J ; ' ,1 ?. ; V - i i . c ' ij v..i ..iw.-i. - .:i:ii;";i.iin -jwviir j. jj iiKP-r- ; xrcmnan wa-i fr.riy erery rct-ri .ulv n- - - mfli : ire tne tfiMty -aeciarea princpiesui .a pur-, f3Bj true, laiuirul, iiccrtt x- J i r- i " " , - j; :i"'M ",r "."'F-' """ 'V . - . c ' na,F"V ?J :UI l!'r ,j:e time,.Feoni- ton-itnjca-; stuma man eiamiiaarnUation wttfi the-lViriK'ra-'" tion tit ihemcnw1voarerouritS:iui:eratiiutn,an.4i.i , i y "x ;V,,,e l': m "Vy'tmr tr- ( j ffm the vervjinuerent i,ntnreof t! e order !,y ibx-pu!ar mind. The ..pliant? f.derl, ! y. is a3.ni'.tbViu:TI:e, latter j-. uW-rupijfiui whoe numbers U 1870. at ilia rular in?re:ij; ' Jf lbcr as9 ,u:T KortaW I ru.W . !-itr-f- filmi."C.l "--.-.-'' ui tlM8 party; einbraeing iti ue-beartcd Americans of4 ie, stalking- thron-!i H'.d, j ffVlitertir sr.ceniUej:I4atn, aiid, indeed, everything that ' thircoujitry wilUrt- thai such lireo fbmild infue ?h ftsata aa against laa NUu IhX city,)on tJi.i'i.J.av. Mine j !i.i.w- j.-o .uhhiih; every si ide cf opinion, on tbo other and in. nor men from t!.eir rr-prietv. In t!.p '.-fai-M -ns the i?nUth al minutes and f,r which she ha- ln-' their spirit into Uir laws, anil j warn :u.d biis wSsa'aU giro toeir to m io.Hidr nr.iiimatrftl as a r-mdHlate f ; tl:.' ...ee ; n,,cit ,:r,divid(il r.rl. unditi acted- by sw- whi th diitmet oty eountrv-in. th dchit U i erri.neot:lvhHd' fedWs! lm tOone.re-rHVn.i'Ue: a-i' -; tl.o:r-lrre-ioiv! Are they sfeficd t. submit I kaow only my, country, ny whole rv Jieeil resident J t.e Lnir-I . -?t. :av:ui iWh! u issuek; I did n-i .wi.4i t se the viidem-cand e;f:nrhoti,n wl:Hi pretail' in 0&- ! r.nehaM tU J;s sr-endmc'timearm,hd the f,Wle'rat-.: their jives pro'xfrtv.reli.'aii everything else.. J7 T.: ' - . t candidate .iur rreident. j ) r me, in the irt.rlic-c.- gentlemen, to cx-j. prestoyou, and through' y. u. tofthosc wb.srj ; lest.irhoriia'i f hcir confiuenc aiI loahri'teu gratitude tor tnis e.vUioitin tocoiffor on mc- s d;Kfin"uihe 1 an Also'pdv esliniatc theb'-nor of bavii) associate 1 with th:vt r.f the .gill tat jt.ekton. irt rinntxi-in w ith toe two' first t lire unler lit vo fir,st i.J-.-e- un.ler it hi..oafhIoten.f-tiKhc! .v.ii wh whct!:er in facing g'jvoriincnt a man, w 'to .hi? C'luhtrv's hKrorv the fie in titue of war. or" delibciltinjrm the! eounijil i haiiihcr in time of.poaee, hrjs over prov-j en hnclf to be bcddfiMe, eoncrviivc and pat-- tmt A- Altlo.uh-tfit.se from -wl:oai pis nommi- t!i ljiitr tIirl,v.riir.V.l ini:r(l tif if5 1!" 1BSJ i.S i n tny estimation, thegre Her. Considering alt v.... ti e circiiiiistanee srroitritIitg -tlieni, at.tl tfiel' 'r? diifiejilties hy which they were environed, theii"; t ' Ii must U; regarded, by every jiist anddair .jnimird man; a f ree from every taint of se!Iish-j j fic-s hnd eorruption. .Tiios.; wlui vt.dunteer a s "a f f !"rn liope'' are not . likely- ti he moved bvi ope are not . likely- t. he move-l l,y,; : derat ions; and. in their selection ofj , ire tyWl them,- their c.'pdce i inostj se!fiji eons t tlioewiio are - Jikclito fill on men, whtuu thevsupif)se to pos ppss.a'ie it ihties . that can Le relied on In .the hour f in il. i . ' f .ua i agree, m tiie mam.wi7i i ydu an f .tnoc,, i .yon rrprescnf, in reganl to the e;i;s mitl tiangers1! whicli now he.-?et our common country, vet wed .... ... ..... ....... , r common country, yet we doji the movement of thetnnes.fj ime-st.u. 1 point. - AVhile weji not ph. ha My, view iroin p.vaetjy tne ame st.iri l fxiint. i - rule wen maytjoncur ns.to the end, we may differ someJ t t whatlas to the. means' of re-cuiniour coontrv! from j'te dangers whit h thiea'cn it. j Antiouated! .Vastlid plea m.iy l.-e, ith many who yet p'rofe.-'S lo oefi-ng to tue Ameriesn party, vt,.l still rc- i ii . i.: !. .. : : .,' ! raio i'ij; oi'i miss.uii m nio an.rrcMii move- ..... . .. . . 1." ''. ("ii J"'J" 7j V,.iV;fts vi:t fhe. .nijiMgu ration of' an inte:-ej .'Vrkof .Viiii-i Viiii nati mah'rv, no o.nly in the! Ifg" -n . nf-., ; ,,r ,,r.r r.r,,T.I Lhf rn:nt. rrr civil ao.f religious lrectiom, against nie l l:;i;or enernactitiienta ami corf opti.ng.ten- tieiie t-. i t u:e i tiurcli tt flome; wi : ' f'be' t'hurch of Ilome; which ha? ar-j; rave.; ...... ...... i"'ca.n , i ioii.li Jim ..in j. ciiitt, m alliance with a powerful nnrfv anil the piji'servatipn of our national Li:)on, agaiiist U f ojtioi,:sts, .North or South, Easj or Vest. jj rincip'.cs.orj objects in-; The.-cthrce e!em.fitary pri volve of mere hiine transde; the fri on, who Joy es his; own country, and tho people! of lns)wn country, better than other countries)! Ai d ilnr. rA .r.Iau K . .-TAn . 1 3 J 1 . 1. A . (: .,-tJio dospotic domination f.fthe Ronii.4h Chursh- ..fl. . I. I ' , . . I'nioiJwith its imperfections, 'rather tihan run the oo--i resoivea to maintain liivioiare, tne Vs iivz as the Aineriean nartv adhbred strictlv totheje three rent pri nci riles; as I'ing as it hs true tji its mission as 4ong as it igeorel ail ex trnneijusand minor questions; as long as it prescr ved its usfi;c of a" great popular uprising against foreigSi influence, priestly t-yrarfny, antl :Usault3 upon the Union, itjwept every thind before it. As loj'g as its members agreed to bdcTate dilicr encc if Qllinion. on frrelpvni.t V-iiieioiis-!Mij- to irmoi ia.uoiis nigucr, tar nigner,- man any A ,er c.anism. Ahv man. either Aorth ot South. administrative rwdicT. crrowiiitr out of ourll .i,M,..i.iai1;a , Inn cift't-rr- n fii onfICim. tic interest ns . a nation.; The two first j I1Njsi nnd ivho sntains American nrinciplesi as ol in importance anvthin? . fmbracetl inil :ff,-v kw J ik rrrinrr nnt Vital nnnliot me-w'ork or Vineration , of onrifrec institu-ll -eA.jn,Antl tt. v-i.:v,: nf-etAirorv'' aUI.oiI iMtns.aneit. . lue.y-.anecv inan in luf moral anaio,.', not a rehaf.Io. American ; and if ever truo A'mcit.t - -.en-otnVi"!,-? jj we shall 9e.. well as in; his political i chit&tSs-. Il?re,l; tJie Country is saved fn-nrforeign influence, .Ro- ' preprint one solid phalanx against thcT.iyrmidons ti.en,-. -is a "-'platform," large enough-and strong nijsj aggression, andthe horrors of. disunion, it of forcignisro, 11 .manism and tlisuv'u.-ni-and enoug5Ktf r every man in the jlepnblic'to ftandf w;n hot hVihrough hi aid or instrumentality, t ! the contest wijl l e decided on ibeseues; alone.; I -i --- - l y -.L". j 111. I act trelher for the -general good, nothing coaTMif. stay its march. - The rival parties of the country fgo stood aghast at its jwhirlwind progress. I am not f Cf,u .-uic- lis immense streugtii , tiia not originate me cause 'of its hxie disasters Its friends seemed to . thinkjit strong enough, to carry -any and every rtiing-anl hence hey endeavored to engraft np en It, jotber i-sues tif domestfc nolics? ad of sec- tiona I -import. Of its enemies, those! who onenlv I r . i assailed it with, sl ijader and misrepresentation . were powerless f;r- barm: whilst - (others crept vvithhj its f .1 s, some to pervert "ifriin its prin- . i. ! "V"-'.; ,l io:ic.u.i-jiy ;mi j j r j tm i' : i i . . t . .i . . . . . . . - . . -. j - . . . . . : i i i otir.-i i iw i.-r... ---'l then agqirj, the mdii- .erentj-thosc JV...O have no fixed opiijions on any .question, but who will fight for whomsoever will ' ' 'J, , T. - . ' . " ' l"u u:l,lil1 P'ouoaans enlistad. under its banner to carry on tsel;is!i views: and tojthat ervl fdsiej oh it, to sbmd extent, the aiachipery ofpartyjpolitics. - The eject was iasantly.apparer.t. As soon as those f one section began to interpolate on its creed heir views of .antL-'slavery.and those of an other -eeti .-n, their views of pre-slavery as soon as thdtlirection and management Of the order ' was tken from the hands of the honest nd un pretending masses with whom it had originated, rnd wjio adhered to it for the sake of its princi ples alone,, 'and it fell under the ctdhd of selfish and ambitious politicians the people of the coun try saw ami felt that something was rvrorg ; and enthusiasm began trgrve way to inditTcianeeand negleit. With its first reverses, itlose who had gotten control f the order became alarmed; ami tlien commenced that series .f temp risings and "LluntEers, which have ended -in pn;-?ii tying - the, lblie mind, to some extent, asjr.i "our" definire' aims and subjecting us to ihe charge of hiconV isenjry and vacillation.' In the vain expectati- ?j' of disjirniing theene:nies of the order, of their weaprrs of falsehood and perversiod.ct ncessions have een jnad.e again and again, which, instead t.'f.abatfng. have oniy increased tlir-violenee cf their jnalignity. In the equally vain Slope of mol- f Jitying the hatretf of the" Jlomish Cljurch, and of satisfying the croaking cofjscif nti usTiess of lukc warnifrinds, one rf our cardinal rinciplos (I mean resistance to the aggressions o ' the Romish Hierarchy) hasbeen so diluted, tha , like Doug las' Kiwsas bill, it J is construed one way in one section, and another in another.- Iifaddilia to this, -pther issues, extraneous to th objects ant purposes itfthe order, have been added from time to tmie differing in different sections, q enable local jxilitifians to save themselves; it home, re-gardl-jss of the effect upon the gen nr:! good of the order, as a nrtionalrrrraiuziUi-fTi. r "Ar.d it has tornca oUjt, that many who aided iri originating this gpeat . mdvemenf many', who ought for :tt with flight and main, jn the days r,f its pristine punt tind tlvemseiycs felt far in tils roar , and . that they hafe. become, elects- of .l-nnneiafv.n and abuse, by those, who have thus travestied itslii; 1 flnn.lJt. f,;r iho" nItinn tn b,Vh tkn, "' stmplfe and fair lineaments vrha held aloof from itinhe we-akness of its infancy, butjwba rnsh-d jlis tO ltsjemliraceinthQ streneh of its manhood!, mf i r . i i , , , i iuicih uiu;ii!2iT woici ocserus. ami nre- dlctc the consequences, at the Philadelphia Convention in June, IS 55. I then discovered a growing disposition to try and conciliate ths ad- uw... ..UUMOII VyllU.VII III VV lIHI 7tttTff, by abhtingihe stringency of our opposition to I iiiu wuiii uua oasumpiious or apacy auu x warned our friends, that if this was done, it would i aot only be a compromise of a great principle ; , Vut that whilst it would fail to appease the bitter i.iauk in ft. i ni every ea.Tt-m my .power t n-ir.t'!u-intM-t!i. Inw r.l.iifi!r: thnf whfr the ln.;iicon xnrtyJJr,Al t t wa!k tliat p!a:ik. it rl-ul-l ! i so t itwrrtfx. rirst Lec:tnethe agiU'iioi,. as an '' electioneering h.d.hv a$ tip ar.tilAinf-rrcan party i 'doing-, hying dwn a r htf. rnito he en.4rapd as ajiti I.ive:y' in one ; XQU xfiroe hit S.iit! icrn friend, that even if ti1CNi cm succeed jin oljtaining 'the strongest rrulnvrry p! itfrm they on-hde-lre, yet., if (. therrly disruption id ihe. ordca folhiwe.l (as l feared, I elioted, aii) .redu'ted would be the ear;) ! with the b Sii of mir njationa! unity, we should he the tjalimiau f our strength. 1 then told the'rir! thntitfio bvs :,i harnior.v and concert of action t 1. 1 , ... r. , : !,' . ... .U .' .- . : uuj' i pi i uiiiii i!tru us, cai in uiu-.i'iiuin;. l?at otj-.er c.unscls then mine -ami tiiosc -w!o cormirrril with .m nrev'ailed. -The slaverv nnns - ... , citm, ana nro-siavery in- another. anu even ; the Lnna we are rea izir the sad irtnor.pn- regard m v -f 1 .had wished it, I knew very.-' weJLtbat '.wirh ! ees of that:"ninst"uiiwie and onfortHna'imea.suj'el' i nt'.l n l.1 l , ,f t iI.a 4..,-.:,..... r t. -i . t '- i; - ir-;. 1 ' honor. 1: (rvrv wit tin "it ini(f'Vr.iiU l. scti(?fr..;ttfiillr 1 .t.t,A-.j I ! A I ... ...... v... Aktt L i -, nl " ,lna tiliwd out. It Av.ll I.erN'ii'lf'rted hv in inv that I trV mkmho ti n-v.ilU-.u.l' ; ?"rkr-i ;ii t;. nlv?ti loterpda'ed upon the: three "pdnts," i . Trc :,nil slmph-,' (to u.4A '-phrase- of late j i Kurpean ; rip!omacy)4-repidiiition ' of that por- U t;,nv.f the pi a! fonu lid folow in mr.st of thef i .f'.rthernt State Councils the Southern clectitxf ,1,,,.; thi- Summer ond Fall, of 'oo showetdsd wasVigha and' wlnt wa? wrongand we afe now reaping t subject c :e bitter fruits of ovir .dissensions ion the ' fc!:iverv. I ': ''" I - . ' t I am now as I have ever . , . . -). .---; - jeen, since the hrst irCef.tionof the 'American 'movement, an 'Amferi- t.:w lje orim.-ii - j.cify their creeds f.ei'f.ii ;yp nlmit fh: i)eitv 'in W p diric cnn 0f tlie.orii nal -type. Others may alFcr or as they choose but formv- iCj statue of no other foreign nWto i't-i any p.mtieal I'antfieoti, till tlie- great i.rohleni is solved, wih ether our country is ta bo j conthdletl and govbrticd.hy the American people ' allowed t-i offer a word of a Ivice I iwoyld np- or by a pie-bald rapblc from other lahds wheth-1 peal to every- national, conservative, ;. Cnmn-Ioy-. ; cr.xve are to cnjiiy Protestant freel-"m of con- ; ingnan, from the Kay'.ol'.Cini'eUr t the (Jalifor ! Fcieice,-of' whether we arc to" bow in abject slaye-1 nian gnlph, to forget ,- for thejtinie lUljmiiior; dif ' ry-t'' the!I.ehet )f'Rome -wliether the Union j" ferehces and to unite in on4 omivioti struggle, i to:he prce'n-ed, or undertuinetl by fiction. against the common 'enemy of Jail, 'i Wlj.ctfier pro- its 5true,sl -liave iiny opinions on the various ejies'ioiis. growing out nt slavery, as farm ami fisctl'as anv man in rjSe bin 1: hut I do not intend to aljow tiieso tipinions jto interfere with my sup-j a party whfch is deceiving f both ;' andwhnsa port!; f V? mar iny! attachment to, the iiighcr,game is, to keep them in perpetual, coatiiet, -thatj. and tmbler . ends f Americanism. 1 am willing to rewgni'7.e,:'to cj-uhscl with, and to act with, any antt every .man,, initiie .maintenance -anu snprxrc-i of Aineric.n principles ; no matter what may be liia rininoitisi nn the Kilbieet of sla ver.v iirnriiJntJ ne willing to siTbrdinato those opinions, as I nm ;tlPi to thethjretj great cardinal .principles of en tali tv -s-EArertniAinff- these'views. I hafe. from the he 'nnins. exerted all inv humble influence to pre- . it r - i . . harniony and! concert ef action! in" the m"ic-tti n-irtv o snnnress noseor.T. nml to teen - " - - - tr ., .... , our 1 forcesi united for the irreat strurrele before ot oijly to coimbat foreign!, domi- anny, and disunionici, but we us. av e nave not i . j. j nation. Papal tyrann have to (Hitttend with a nartv which has! onenlv q j-otitend w'tu a party which has openly itself! with thejtwo former, and which en- nHicd courages' the' latter, by the bestowal of place and J serious, material by its'enemi.es yet,tfiiici anjd its profit on its advocatds. . In order to our success,5 own native vigc r will resforeit; and fjtyviil- Con all thei elements of opposition should be united. ' xinue to grow and expand, till its Jjhmches wiil Our; dissf'rjsions v'n i the sul ject of slavery only, enure to th benefit of this saine party, which has the I assnrabce to' call itself 1 Democratic ;! which manages to .us' slajery agitation as an element jtrength ; "which assemhles notorious free- ilerVind Irampant "fire eaters'" at the same couricil-bdapl ; whiclji proclaims the repeal of the iMisouri Compromise to be in aid of Slavery at one end ot tpe country, anu jq iavor oi ijeeuom at the other?; whopo jate platform at Cincinnati, lixetj aip to gull the South, was "swallowed" by those who intended t0 "pukQat up again ;" (see Mr Jjentqn's late speech at St. Louis,) whose an- ri ..rt . .i r r i !teceIents priove, that its managers ami; wire- workers are ready to (sell - the South to the North to-drjw'ur tile North to the South to-morrow, as willibest - erlablo tfiein to h obi on to the spoils of ...... i . . . i . wi u ibest oriaMa them to hold ;on tothespoi office. If they can combine -without regard to Uthoir v.iii itiKviews j-n the. tquestiori of slf.very, j, f,,, ,.Jr;M)s-e, why 'cann-t wo do the same, tor i.e rci-ojnilis!.iT.ent of a tewJ tirpo?c i ." i In taking a cann purvey ..f the whole fiel l - of jopcitations, jandlre conlentfrng forces arrayed, jl, iii common with others, j have had to decide i:nlf r whpF-leaderslnFid would fight in the con- n!cr who ict Mn fiictJ Much as. I disapproved and regretted omc of the proceed ings of tlje Philadelphia Con- J veutjiohs' of the 18th stnd 2d.6f February last, yet I -vAi boiintS to regard them as the only halion Y'llgWganizel exponents cf "what was left of the ;American p4rty. tay American parYg- for of jAuricttn jpupiucxwiisirju ihey -are enau.'. .gh ouriprospec s may -,be lesabnghtj novy, thar the once werer-yet, as a loyal ArncncanT; fl ,ust regard these Conventions as the only ji mg.nnu wiiiKisias imig as ioVu vi imuve muu, ijentified with the Democratic party. MIc jtleviluon .tojreh-gious; -freednm, and the memory !;has bcen lr 'public life almbst uninterruptedly j.f those acrifices which-our 'fathers made -to; 5ince islO ! Vhere is the' legislative imeajsuw of seefe to thel-mrp, sntdl continue to exist. d g.ie fareign policy originated byim that Altl ougli; b nmlers jmay have been made al-, . to 0 ' ft. in M;-'.,i,i;v i.Uiorv Le V" "-"fX' i V? Vi Y , fummated through his agency, except the umm K ?fchUvm-nn'f7 hu rre?Me"-i portant comnieitcial trbaty with Russia, which is rjt . ,;f,,,r - V.x T" 1 . 'lu :uauW'" . U.i i ,ii l., 4,: .:,u .i,.., i .i u:i: iw.uj.-.....;. ruvl... ....... .u.),o,,1itr.Il..ui,u,mj , I Vf- Even if Iwere(.take theground as pome have tldne.) that the Conventions of the 13 th hnd 22d of February' had so far "departed from ! Jlie j original! landmarks of Amerieanismas-to j f , T,- u,r""? r, ."n'1- ; f 1 . v absdl nsmvcu Yvery4tMiic.-JcaTi .irom aii oongauon to i fustain the nomination, .? rth Awduean nomina- f-i-stilt, iri.thc absence of any other candidate If the Aniencan party, i d na.ial character, . rhave presented to; me, in Mr. lillmore, a Jean- ; innate woj iny in my conntionce ana suppof i. .T I Iii I- T l , t - JI J f"T rvr-;-'- v" v" "--" -vi t honest heart, and national, conservative,.and r ftatesmanlik (views If he erred (during: his ; PresidentiaU fmice' I belhre b erred Irom honest and conscientious conviction or duly. , f.h,feL.who ndJ fin.ljfaii t with; what they conr j, tider his errors may well applaud him for hay-1 yj? ercd s!.ft,dom- .Whether thenr m my ehar- j scter ns an jlmcrir'tn. or as a citizen of the Re- ; LunPort him. I. The same Convention nemiriated I tuldic, 1 can and shall cheerfully and cordially-: JkinnCf!S and partiality would. ielevate me.! Toj PVort I am alsoicommitted j 1 -- J i... . j ., 'i r . j - J So vou seeisrentlctinen. with mv.views and in i my ptV-ition 1 nm unwilling to : be instrumental i in, adding to-the- discrrd whTCh already exists unfortunately fbr ns.- hmopg those who are f bat tjrng ii gainst the tyranny and corruption of the party, in power. - I am, therefore, compelled ' te decline the nomination, so flatteringly tendered t!o me. , ; . : .' ' ;.. j In the views bereinj presented, and theposition ljerein assumed, don't understand me? as inti- en.H f f the I tin, the- M.ivert wt'k" i A 1 . : - 1 . : t - , r..--" . . "T" - H..eP.rc it, in.the ptbUc emanation. Aratncarifsm all the 'delieato nuti. A infi.lred lVnr fsr- and whieh, like;t!iat'-. of AUd.3f cvtng 'fini iie groutil t lleaven lor rctril.iit'f n ;n the -isli-'-irks and roi'cu.-irtns which a I d i iy " r-f t he c mMir.imaUMn of this .WeanEf j I hre ever Ixslicve 1 it v ould prove to this nli. what j the wrath of A.t-hiH.'rf di-1 to (Jreoee, ' "'ihe lirtiful spring of woes urtl timbered.'! 1.1 would Horn to to this 'niik. what fake a mere sectional view'" oftlria qnestioh t-yct it i due to jqstU e to say, that the Srut!i, ti.i-a wlim, is nut ta hhnfe ff-rit.? ThsSotH iiidnot 1 ask f.r it. It xnt tendered -.i'o.'thft-.SAdtM J-n a. i i- it.: .if i J ' t . '!.' ctius. smu Tirmnfirn seinsn n.n4i nin rinnim ivipwn j'And even now, when our cminry in wTith'iiW m 1 tl.i n. .r.r.nrnl.iftri tttA -.mi.liJ. -'i-n lircet'nnd conjtnd thisfeame part.v,-arq still nlav- ingwith the f'nuestion of -.Missouri Cmnrt mise Tpeid, as a counter, in the game; . whesthp stake M nothing short of the Union itself, TlVey.-t'rc still trying to cheat the people of h th wctioos -telling the Suuth, that the measure extends': ihe" area of slavery beyond the lnef 30-an I telling the Norths that it does away with 'the guaranty, that slavery may go as far Xorth j as that line; and th.it it will enable. then hereafter to interpose against it. South of that line.;! ii The only hone, in niy opinion, t.fi arresting this evil of slaverv agitation,, f is by uririn.'c from ) power, the partythat uses it, as' a mis jof per-. t petaatrng-tfjcir JyH.lsty.. L nt;l -..ttusT titine? the country will have no peace- s And ii'i col: id be- i slavery or anti-slavery," let triem, ever, nyw- ior j there is yet time :nake an rtlicr eaorfe tq secure - unity; and concert of action, in 'con tendia r-h gainst like the box in the fable;, they ; may crry:ott the spoil, when the .combatants are exhausted! ! As'an American, I would advise i tl fot ihedc- ' cation. Americanism can never, figh the battle ! nnori the truth ef its nrincinles. as lollt as. hv ; the-tactics of its enemies it! is erhbri a-ed by other issues," irrelevant' in tlier" nature. Ameri cans irnst bitle their time. ? Uur day . win-yet come. No matter what course duty may feoggest in the cpniirig political struggle ho matter what may Le the issue cf that struggle yet, I Kope and I ebeve, tl e day is hot 'far distact when all Much gfod has already been done J ,TLe ohqrti ' of American -.'feeling has leen touchrsuVard it' has vibrated through 'heart, and bend, .and i.erve,! of ; t be; t-eotoe nt tins ". country. ! I he se j'l .has hot - . ... - . . ,v - - oily been planted m ur o:i-, ait -.it htsgerrnm ted taken ro if, and shot tt'pird'. A thtwlg'h its growth may have, been partially IdigWed by'llie improper en Njire, or over-culture, ci; IV . and the sly and "stealthy .application. iJ'f improper cu -hire, or over-cultin o,c Its friend reach toe. c'ltuds, ami the- A.n'.f ricarif f w:r !e shall repose in peace'jnnd ct mfort -tender i!s..st ! It may be, that we need more ajveijsif y ta teach ns charity nnd forbearance for fach ! other, on less monjeiUt us queFtionst Defep, n defeat should come, will teach us wis iom-riwill -learn :ns ihe .importance of harmony, iaiid the. necessity I tor concert and t:non .uereauer:. Jj!-.r or.e, my ; destiny is linked to the cause of pure unadulterated Ai!iericani?m. In this hark' I 'lia've'.'ebippl .withj my fortunes. If it everjreaches its destincdJrxJt'ii safety, all the reward I jdesife is a place in 'the hearts ami the affections 'of its gallant crew.! J; If, in the Providence of(od, it is doomed to .destrifc- r tion, I will cling to the wreck, as long as there is a spar or a timber afloat, and when it gqesdmyn in the deep. I will be engulplied in the vjortex.; I With much regard, Vours respectfully, . : ' -.. - i, K. iUynkr. Messrs J. W. Ai.lex,N.cw Jersey ; Geo. Q Jones, New York ; A . M. f JJoiir vett; JDelawajre, Com- -' inittce. ::-''-' .."?"'.""! -. -;'. -.-j -i - i'-i ''-:;' A Democratic Portrait of Jr. lSurhaiian. The Washington Star, the lesser organ-of Dr- piocracy at the Seat of Government, just pnorjto tn0 meeting of the Cincinnati Cpn'p.ntirtnj. sppnt :tg U1;nd pretty freely about 'the sage of H'heat- land." Hear what he said: y ; 1 -! . j i 'i; . iVe do not agree with'the Times and the Sen- Jn the bebef that h i3 the greatest map has the head of our; ,St4tei De- tJueut fld our roinist?r 4o the Cburti of. St. J : n isthe treaty negotiated lor con- almost verbatim ac pnmxr uf iMnv BiTTiilnit frpnties v.... ....... . "yj rtln otheif governments, before and since made inl mfiBY. ustances by c.mparatively obscure Cliar-es d'Affaiies on the part of this govern- ? Thc ;Jca fj5; peculiar popalarity at the Soujth is worse than a mistake. lt:is a dangerous mis- hr nrPi,ns;.n 0f the truth. 1 The South entertains raolevotioii it men whatever!! In heres'tiutatiim . A or falI altosetheri c dj ai,(l whenever before t rcco, ds oniy are,ConiJci-ed, f J according to their before them for office, their ... ..I,, n ;fKi ti nt-i tvP rvTnf rrf ir.n tbe TP- IlUt . Ill-'VU llll. uww.i: v. -v-u, - Cosd ot- ur. JJui hanan js paipawy against. roe - s V.f the-South.as- tliat- of any gentleman Qj. a p:ir5y wb0j1:ls ever leen in publiO life. Ifin cjls;deration of the tai iff. question be has ever made any but a high-prolcctive-tarifr pech Qp ; -ven other high! protective tariff voter e fact lias escaped our recollection, LT tbe Pacific Railroad questiondie certainly ,,-!r.. frr.m M, Demoemev of the South . entIoiuan of either party now in public '!Vtaii liIe- l.non the slavery ouest'.on, iiuajsm uum recentlv an advocate for thc jjexclusion of slavery -1 from all United States territory north of thirty tl.Sriv minutes of north latitude or in oia wv " " ------ - rhr w:-.rda a Missouril Compromise man h'e now stands on the Kansatil ' platform; ;a P081- n ecessari ly occ u py andidate for. the Cihci; tion. .. . ;. ,.. . --u-y Med. vc ouJa nave no uioister xugrwernme.ni i purpose of -frying out I T f ;i.witlf tV,- 1 : pltr wcu -t everv re testiiii t:i r-rfh?rKi of -7 . " t .- IB.! - VS. ! . i T H l:nn which evervj !,- who dream v nati trv 7 i f-is-XebrA-KK act.' m cWe. frankly; cr;hTps' .that we KaTr-raat lilTti(t,: ideeJrtf tje rcii):-r cbs?e cf politicians .ut I'en.tisjlvatswt whq hire, .fairly moimtod on Ir ! mit dnccitu-t 'Vi t:e tause of thec'intirined a ofthe"'c' iatutit-n li njade !y Wnr fathers and interr-reted bv the-: IVim erari Statesmen r-f tho rrnes South, are irjdtvidinlls who crl iim tc rje toni crats as though oiy 'thejj better tt-etlable'- them t aid the cncfment-''of':. ti'rn.si.t;i.:;.rm erTose'd .bv the ('mass of the States fii'htsfarsd ict constructiin - " , 1 Pemceracy of Ci?:irres.. f j Such, then,, is the; evide Jerce.of.a. JeaJlng Penic l cratic Journal, a:'dfit estahlishes Iicse pt?itions: 1st. That 3Ir. IJuehanan is now and has a!- ways been ftr'a I'tintecir? ipsitp - ; " 2r.'d.-Tbailie haaheret .ftr'c been in f.ivor: fex- ciuoing slavery, oy act oi oongress irotn all the terrirory of th? lititel States north of o'd 30ri 3rd. ; TKa't every Xorc hern Democratic Free- soiler is for; Mr. LJ.'s nomination. '...' :-';.' dth. lie is for the Pacific Railroad, and in this dilfera wideiv fnmi t(:e Democracy of the Smth." . otn. Kvery unsound man at the ner-th claiming ainiotuon wr.o u.e iemocracy nas mountea pn 1ns (jir.'IJ. s) back. - : ; ; i Now, if these things be true, (and surelv the J .1' : l..ti i- l? ' i i ,: 1 .ii L..S i-.trmucracy tti.oi i kooh , .;uiu inty f ay so, j now Csjn Southerai' St-.tes Rights, strict construction, anti-proteciK.n Democrats supptrt hiimv " - - i r Lyr.chbirrg- Virginian ',-."','... -. -: '' -''. '' "'" W hat Jefferson aul. ) : Let every ,EFFRf't ant read wit at !ie did sav. . Vfc ofteiearUcxleclarati-mnTorironponw that ThomaIeiMon riot only t,oos0d. 'jut ab - Iiovred tlieit.ciples and aims. d- the American party; that we think it well to f-hoW the people rea'd - ' v l;ii his j ;tv a u poll liiis mailer. Aiie ; er will beard n miml, that the?o views weri prO'se I at a ti;ne, too, when the annua cm litra Aiha tion.to this country, was not one:twcnt-eth -.what it has been faLsh year of the present decade. -.We beg each red.cr to ask himself,. if he-could h ive placeii 'himself more uneqiuivocidly, on American ground, thap he is in the f'ollowifig extract,which will. he fburl in his notes on Virginia: "Civil g ove-nnientbejng the sole object of farm ing its ;. societies'; its administration must be con ducted by .common j consent. ,Every species of .govern nien t.'lias it fpecifi j principles. - Ours arc more peculiar than thore of any other of the. uni verse. It isci'. composition of t hi freest principles of theEnglifh cofiBtitution, with "others derived from natural riglr or natural reason. ; To these nothing esnJ)0 more opposed than the maxim of absolute moharchies Yet from such we are bound to expect the greatest number of emigrants.TIiey will bring wi th them the principles of the govern- nients theyhave imbil cd in their early yoiith,or, if able to throw them off,, it will Le in .exchange for-.an unfWiuh'deJl! licrtitiousnes nass'mr. as Is usuaf. from neektreme to the other.:! It' would: be a miraclfi if they were to stop precisely at the .j oint of imperative liberty. These 1 principlea with their fenguse; they will transmit totiieir children. - Pn prtfniortion to their nunibcrs tli ev ti i .k l. .i. i i ti :ii . N. . it.. - . . . , . .. H IU rilill U IblUI U-j 111 . IliV : HUH r ....v- liiiuu lino iM-ii : siiii il, ;i4ii iitiu ui.13 i.a uiia- tion, arid rMderfitiVa. hetenigeneous, ncohcnt "mass. I ni;i v aMeal to i experience dcrintr Uio i resent coiikif, j'-fl a '-'verification of these conjec- tur'es. i'nf,, n tf ev be h:t certain in e.ye.nt, arc they not pc'ssib'f, are they, not probable? is it not f ?afajr to wait .wjtj.';pa!icnce '- -twentv-.scyen years and three rijt htl;s logger for the attaiuicut ofany degree of population 'desiied or expected ? May. not orgnv jrrYinenjl be niOre homogeneous, more pe-ice Jde, Piore durable V. Y ' . Thus: :i!ie Thopj-i.? J'CtTerSjin.ftne of t' Oe men of jdeaMr: cs na me,! ginia has given a:ot only ft.r her ;coini'trjv' 'biitt-v tI:oi world a man who was undoubtedly. .ohcjjiof the mt-profound andsa 'acious w-rij-ers'u ptin political pjijldsopliy the world has ever produced. "$Ve 'havgl quojLaiae entire paragraph J-and nei'Uierg.arllie.l, extended.or eon tradicted a!f.sin.gie p'k)rdtii It there 'was'" one i! : the patriarchs'; of the Eevoliition. who, by voice or-i . pen, favorefil a morfej liberal policy f-and more strenuously oppos ed,!e.ri eral restrictjipn thanjthe other ;that man waSj'niomas Jefleion. So libe ral indeed vere his views, so strenuous in urging the right, ripl so unhannded his con.fi jlence in the . capacity of 'the people! for ?elf goveriitnenf, that lnany feared the "adoption of hn views would! de prive ourgovernmentof all permanency and force, lie was the last man, therefore who could be ac cused of fostering a narrow or restrictive prdicy. J. J Yetvhe iossesedJ too penetrating' a sagabity not in perceiye otherj' danger's tlian those result ing from strong government, lie was too pro found a statesman not to recognize the restric tions, Freedom everywhere, and in all ages has thrown aFOuniU herseljf -for protection.; J; llcj-fel that, the estabfishmeiit and supremacy of jiist laws "wer far more; nece?s;iry to project! the h lite, iicerty, anu property ti in.e ireeman, uiau the claims (jf the despot;, since, the latter cotilol enforce'. thof-e Claims at t.c:. point of the bayonet whjle tije freeman's i .v-de reliance lies in a prompt and loyal obedience to. -those laws which wise legislators havej eorisidere I necessary to the existence 4f civil liberty. - . . : No man ever set a higher value on the bles sings of constitutional freedom, or watched en croachmenfs upon it with a more jea!oJu3' eye. Proclaiming that the price of liberty was eternal vigilance, Llefferson himsjeif set the example, by poit ting out the dangers by which it Was sur rounded. ; "At a period, as we have ..before said, when the annual emigration to the country was one twentieth what it 'now is, hj remarkable foresight enabled him to penetrate the dim vista of the future, and loresee tiie immense tide, which Without , restriction, would -. greatly endanger, if not wholly? subvert!! our institution s. Let then every Democrat, who has been accustomed to i i J - ic.-' - r.f J. J... ". lOOK upop (iiioi-uas iieiiersou as iiicgrtjai cAjtouji. Ider of JDeuiocratic -faith,! mark well his words of folenin wajrning: " Jhcy icUl bring withthem the principles tf their government, imbibed in carbj gonthor V' able, to, throw them off, it trill be in excha nge Jpr X s bocn bed JKice x t i o us x vtsmssing as vriial, frdvi cxe extreme io Ihe '. otiier It irotdd he a miracle if they were tq stop precisely at thc poini oTEMrtRATE i.ieertt.' Again: " proiriiin ft their humber,thejjf icill shvre the j.EGlSLATloN". 1 ling jp.' JNFUSE into itt Iieir spiRir, Warp its direction', render it a - heteroge XEtTS, IXcioHERSNT Jaxd dtstractjed ma s." These wiere words' of one of those foreign dema gogues, whose presenceijcurses and whose princi ples endanger the rights and liberties' of our land, at a meeting held- two months ago in New Y"ork. Mark well his words : f iler e wo; are, but not freeynovgh". so, they are not free enough. The freedom Americans enjoy is ? not enough for them." : -Tlhiese foreigners': are not free from the necessity o providing for their own support. They claipv the right to rebel against the laws Which kept their thievish , hands from our prop Crty, our bible and cur fai ;'h ! -These loafing vag abonds tell Jus they want bread, and how do they propose obtaining it? " Vhy, at the point of the bayonit!" I They act on the precise principles, which characterize the wolf of the forest, or hy ena of the i desert. ; t Liko wolves and hyenas, A i i tiiit t the arr cjtst elalin the ry w rn ke. &u ' :-we bail next .b!le.l uj n i altar4 ur wacrilefe, our wives" our iliu"u'ter toj shame. ij lit Ntiivn iii -iui , tiii' JisLunor, at.J;; -w ho a've no hither cr.iidriitio:t' 'than the; lean nt'ty, ate dirtied cut. t j this cotnp!rsiun 1 tuu-t it coiiie atl..st. lenv itjjwho.can -or dart t i In I savin 5. this it is unneci-parT to sav, that we u- not, ip'.ta'l ijregoiug remarks make the Hliihtest remarkls in' regard to I 'the cdu.ucd for- J J eigners of prio.Mj3 de,' who came to this eouiitfy. , We know "that' lit here aro niiuiv Irishirten, tier-, - tfanar.d other Itorcigr.cr in our citv and State. ' win arc am ng our hct, rnt intelligent,' and 4 ; patrf-Hiij: citizens.! hut where jtljicre is one like j thec there arei twenty of the rtjversie; character, j '- Snail we 'hesitate tti" deprive! Ilhj' I'vineteen of j :, the power ot iiibtv, leausej torso tn (we may j; debar! the one from "a -.slight' pHHJege.? ;Io 'c ; not indeed do these 4nen , a set fil hy taking the sljan. which prUects tliem from the same ruth- tlesn violence tivlin which we 'w4u!d'pntk't4Hir .1. salves ? Are t hie v nop enutilly! interested with m I in- tIieMipr'cn'-:U;y of law's wliisih protect their ; lives, their proper v, .tneir wives anI:tueir Chii- ; dren, as well as; jour -own? If oot.ihey' are not good citizens, anddetierve not the boon of citizen i ' u - .r':- - snip a: our uaifuf . . ( ; j tn. ... I Time has long! ago established the wis l"m of ; Tih f.the greater pa it of the teachings of the greatiSth ,'..t!fe greater pai Of the teachings of the great pplitieal ihilos.ber. AU that he-said m favor t of UnSj eap iciv;6i' the intelligenlt American re) pie ipr sen government,- not: uy in me unpar- alicied ; progress ofour jia:i'-iii, jbut in the ample us government hak:tflorded to'--cach j l ery privilege as frcenin has leen venhed. j ; .-'"i FuiUie ev.c Pm,f n.l:! ? "fJ '' and veneration to establish ti c) wisdom of. ihe 'i P'hetion ahoytj quoted, as vcilas the necessity (jfti;e solemn warning. Read the extracts from the slieech giveih below. Phibqi tho sentiments it emnotues, in juxiaposu-ioni f jin toe language of Jefferson, aij d ask yourslnfes, readers; if his prophecy is not already veriticd the necessity of his! writing already established ? 'I lircthren -Ft r the first ti mtj I sbe .k in an as sembly like this' j We have not all the same lan guage, but our eeling are the'same, they unite us with the Am iricaii people. lfor the advanco mentlof these sentiments, wo Onvst oinito with them iii acts; j n Jour ctuihtry ave have fought for liberty, and manV of us liayq lost in battle our fathers, brother. or sons. Here! we arc free, but not free enough ; we want thp liberty of living. Applausp.)" .. jj'f ':'''...' .'-i;, j !",; . :'. ' -We; h;ve foiigt.t in G'criinlny'j. foir liberty 'of speech,- and th liberty of tihef prqss; The Ger man press arc against us injj'tjiii movement, but we need riot carls for that : those! papers ay, we m-ist act on our! own hoolc. lfore we have social -.'Ve-V"' ' 1 - f '' - 1 " " i hen we W.i-U any th.tig - liatj.is jus', wo arc t1'??' to obtain ii. ; l: (APpbvie j . - If rvou '.don't ikiiojw your Irights vet; hunger will teach them to you. Voii don't t bread nor ! woctl,Jaud therq i jdcnfy of J hem'. At our revo j Iii't!n in June, jive obtained t Jjreo month si credit, i on, I -!i-.n m . I r- !;-!-vi.l wn a iin c i .f-4 n ei I ir .: . .- - I- . : : - : 1 ... , . ...i-rt "HI I I 1 11 1 liViT-nn Af j ts-p-.ti-r I i . , ). , , j - . . I A'.tm;r foirthcr to jay ihan t; adyi lli1. m.Jpr.ict ce the principles f the: :-e yt ii social repii.nK'. The Ti ibune saidii tji-slav, said that tho liich woullj gire us a' ind'ipn if they were C reed to do is ; Trut how- tlneyj wiii h-ld the r J. P'.:i W iU.,,., rcr,s, '--'V5 -i!Mi,:1 " "V? Y v t . .1 i 1 r a : i-A. 1 ! ir l. .ri. I M if 'V f'V " '" u ,ns 'T,!U'"5,.an 4 ia , his iqpn iCii' iessiy wnere no yttui it, it niusi do the sn!nie,: withj live masses hsj;j j-oip-sclves ,and then i;!od will help jybu. JWo pjust act liko tho -wplf, and j we d not want any luixili iries ! Let us act by. ourselves. ", ( Apr-liuj'oJ.!) Tmi mm Mip. Tins iiin p V.r.f jtt ln-f-n pnlfiteil.ln A mti i ti ml t'j!.i ,, bm1 far c-x eels nay ,. , rt : r ,t re invetitoi ; Its ju t-li! arilU i-hiipHi ify.pttieer, mil cfmifitii. firs isi plieiiy ; tliero I. ..'.i ..t l.f.t irin '.it.d f-MMt .3! mei:il. iithl'iit. h v i taken i:tr aaa pat up (-j. -:yi ?. i ! i lajt for unta-y-li I - il:!L-i t!u : wbr . . . . -.i ... to raise wa1itt 1'HU'frtiU ' .(', with tlie f,v:m exx.-nl-e ci the price t pip."-. 'i'at.-r rl-." in .1, liv mini I'tf Jei t ii tr :ii.niiv !- Kri fTiJinaryip'Trpo-v-J p--.'--, f fry feii;..f j h"-, ' .?0 Tt.e li;u il't-' if ii.e o.p.iiriiv i w pipe il iu 4j. itTirtl t very r-v4'i-t tit till-' 11m; -!' ii"'er twice, a ffu-'l-iiiS mii atitrntliiiiit -lipp'y water wall tl.ci 1,-nit p--it-:e evpen -ttZJ" I E 8i4 lul-i.r. lip !.'l:t'!i:ir!y 'i' -? .r.-'J-. si-i f "" 'i"- , P ' 1 jf JL? - f, .,U 'trk-Hi Itunny inl -V rA I vZT' s ti il'- ufiutinivj ),niOfg. Wht r- -l&Z'S' h?- 7 i tvtr it is lnti!oiiu.-e.l,the.l-l f-rce, i-iy" uclion ainl uliriu pan pi will ZJjL. f5S?---.vf ri.pcar. i Vnk icnlt anil Mienttflv: -J-r.J;r- -V4 m',,, pMn.HitMi It. us wiO 'vtH an -Wfe---SS- . m,. tk nil riti i l-r-.-. Viitti- ...i r. it ,,t ,f,r-iv.. st In or- , "v., - . 7 "''' , , 1 1 al l to rrtttfH w '-rae lurn ,-,i,mie( : lire rfCur'J It n t'ireu!:i;Si witSli i-"cr urate Iraw t freer rliVreJ r ."f i mrh'i i.'i: Xt.-2.1H 'Inchest iii aim ii.il v.1-1 i "I. , - . vrj-tv l.n-ti, . . ...1 . 11 - I. No. 3. If- in.e -.in i Q ' .l..tinml fl.r II II lli W . ..... . :Vi. 111 t'A ':" hi X. 2 an.I .' r.ifiWut-l fUitimt, ttc. W,fr,m. .W , r:,i of the wrlS . i ..,,-...1 'Tl, Hili-cr i".v ' " i . .--t I -r w ine (rerier.ii 0.1 ! Si p w .n el l. h f " .hipping adjlrt-... . - Thr will ll Well over So tent o cnarir? '!i'r "'ii't - laouiu niiic s"--'" o' .. . i.V- -i ciivrr Cow'. Mriji an !'A JH.n Ft. N. Yy ,-Inier.tor,A-Mvile, N. 0. - I J A-1 r' " - - - ! For pale hy K. JUsnsBT . ! ,- .; just in Tnni A LOT of U'ise Ilooped'Skirtp, ..:- ; , ; -.f liope " ' Cactas " ; Mohair " Grass " Alas Black Elastic Ilelt?. ' i - " Parent Leather UjelJs A-nl: Palm tlaf Fans. ! I . i - - i r. : - w. n. a n S. TI CKER. i'-l-. -- ' 4 - July 4. 18s6,f J? - : ' I TTENRY, A. DEPKIN takes this epPrtunity to : inform Lis friends and the 'public generally, that he has removed from his1 fortner place, oppo site the Capitol,, down on FjayejtteTil'e St , four doors below the' Post Office, opposite the Market House. --. ; Vjj'X'; -' ' ' -J -' " . '! .."V: -r Thankful for past patronage, lie solicits a con tinuance of the same. I U. A.'DEPKIN. Raleiab, July 3. 1850. I I i ! . 4t 3 R A LEIGH MILITARY ACl 1E MT.-j -TH E' 30th session of this institution will commence an he 10th of July, 18oG. j ; 1 - For particulars write to me for crj to,?ogues, - I 1 J.iMi LOYEJOY. Ualeigh, July 3. 1856. 1 F ! 3 . 1 Olt KENT, tor the balance of the year, a house and tot situated is tbe South; eastern part of the f-ity. There is agood garden attaebed, with all Dec. ts5ary vegetables growing for family u.e. Any person wishing to examine the premise can do so by inquiring at this onice. 1 1 ; j Raleiirh, JulV 9th 1856, " 5-tf . i v e to T " RALEIGH, Wednesday STcnar g, July 9. ''The fosai.tioa of tny prctorecce U nair has adminifttred ti Eiccativ vnith tignil taccest and ability. H J ana q NATIONAL AMERICAS TIC1CIT. rursior.vT. MtLLAIM) FIL1.MOKE, of rir TOKK. ' ' i tin v K-r-i-Rr-iltllVT. AXDKOV XVCKON DDNELSOK, ' ' - r tr- w! , r. R :ov . ttv. R, JOHN A. GILMER, j or t.t M I ' ll'. . ': AME2ICAN ELECTORAL TICXET, yon 4'HK' statj: at la .?.' L. U. CAIIMH IIAKU of WilkM.- JOHN. W. ' A M.r.K, tM '.i mlK-rlai 1st Li-strict,' Lewis Thompson, .of lor'J, '2d " : ' ' 3d (. P. Mcare, of Now llano I -4th Ja-. T. Ll'.b'j .hn -of limnVil - 1 ."ith : t A. d. Nedmin, oft halhnm. (!cn. .1. y. Irf-.udi, of Davifson. (ien. A.M. P.irgun. of Anson. , Jno. D. llvmau, of Iluncomle. ! 'Permit me here, Mr. Chairman, for a moment to speak upon a sfjbjeet, t w bi lrl hare nevfr !cfore. advcrtetl npoTi this floor, an I to which, I : trust,. I may never again have occasion to advert. I iik-an the"sn?.;. ct of Slavery. I TIKLIKVK IT to in: A U.RMAT PoUITICA L. AND A GRKAT moral kyi L. i thank (jod my Ltvr has 15IIKN CAST IN A STATK. WINIRt: IT IOF..S NOT KXIST. - ' IT HAS RKIIN A CURSI! KNTAILRD UPON US llV THAT NA TION WHICH MARKS IT. A SUIMKCT Or RKRROACH TO OUR INSTITUTIt)NS. JamU litichaiKin. - ' . . j -, i See (bales on I Seaton Register of IKjbate page 2,l?t, vol.- part 2. J iu:soui:!, that, in tiik: opinion LOF. THIS.. MKfiTINti. TllK MKMHK.KS OP CO.(ilJKSS WHO, AT J J 1 1-4 f,.ST SUSSIO.V, SUSTALNKD T 1 1 II CAl SK OF dlSTICK. HP M AN I T Y. AN D PATRIOTI SM." I N OITOSI NO Tl I M INTRODJ CTION OF SLA V MR Y INTO TliMTATK TlillN KNDKA V'OKMD 'TO IW, FORWID OUT OFTHK MISSOURI THRRITt)-11Y-; AkK 1 1 N T 1 T L K 1 T I! I V, WARM KSV TI f A N K S 0 F .liY il 1 1 Y I i IIKNDoF 11 I'M A X I- TV Tnat tho prte( edi'ng of this meeting boYublishe led in the 'newspaper of tliM.'city. .IA.MKS HOI.'KINS, WM. .1 r.KIf. JAMKS rUCHANANV Terms of the signal for the Campaign. .; Semi-weekly ijjl.OOt" .Week'jf to ftingV subscribers. ;'" "" 'ci Vut a CIul) often .' "' . . .V0(U JIri C;i:m.s Vjiptdiituients. ; July ir.th. Wilmington, ' .; lloljeson. ilr;ms'.vjck co.f Wliitevii'e, - R!iz ibctht.iwn, 'Fayctteville.' - July 1 1th, July I2th. , July 14th. July. Kith. Tfi i i'o-irtfi. J . ! " ; f i The anniversary of nr national in'lepcniTeTI ,wn celebraved in, tliii City, wiih more than I uual spirit. U'le '.speech f.f W.r.W Hldcn, in the j Union, was well written. ai l howover wo may Iif:Vr with tho -orator iii ime particular poivts it gratifying to lUtcn to a' wcll-meritc 1 tribu'o to the 'value of the Union. The Sabbath 'school cch'bration, otic of t!ie most iiitcrcwtinj? fcafurej of the (R-easion, was conductcil with ordcf and propriety. After an eloquent and ppre prpato addres from Rev. Mr.- Atkinson, of th Presbyterian Church, the little fdk partriok the go ul things provided for them. The diphf . if fi.-o vorks nt niht, we learn, was magniCce' Our two well-drilled military eompanios ad piuch to the interest of the occasion. J The committee f arrangements and shalls deervc much credit for the ord corum their arrangements secure 1 ( rious anniversary. - Thc Candidates-tor C.oirci nor. i Wc had the pleasure of hearing the dicusio b-itwceh Messrs. (Jilmcr anl Rragg, at WiIoif ' 'i oni Saturday last. Our snacc will hot nermit tn I to give an account of it iii thi" issue ; but wo cn' say to the members and friends of the American' party, that our candidate more than sustained' hi roputation, ft.r ability as a'ntrong and forcihlo speaker, lie took up an fex)ie 1 in a masterly manner the positions and opinions of hii comjet itor and made him writhe and wince under bis well directed and powerful blows. The great issue.? before the people and the country wera discussed by Mr. Oilmcr in a manner en satisfactory to His fricrds, and damaging loco cause. . Wc shall take occasion in more at length to this disussioT mean time, we would say to our good cheer, our cauo is onwJx but to do your whole duty and mcce pur efforts in August ami November i " 1 '' . i Mr. Haj ucra letter. .We give in another column, the let. ITon. Kenneth ILayner, declining thc'nc?. for the Yice Presidency tendered to him! st warm and uncompromising advocat election of Fillmore and Donekon, and were acquainted with bis dovotion toll can party, knew that Ly devoted as he success wiuld give hi time, his talents efforts to the advocacy of the glorious tl the American party bas placed before tl! of the United States. Candidates iu Johnston. The Americans f Johnston have don nominating the following strong ticket : Sexate rharoab Rictardson. ' Commoni..Willi TT Si 1 yf , Sim-- L!qaanlry 1 v. on r f arrit-.'f "1 ' vrtimiiu!. Uf f(Ut,f J ' ' f ''-, fort , ? ' hiip ''v ' T I t'!..b ' f.; i.i -j i:4 f:-0f, v; - ;'. at t' t -j. art. (!', ,,,.,,. 'U . wirdor 0.i rtj.lnf I'" 1 iMf f : Jrr r : roe iVr. iV lot; r :f . I i .JUlip'T f. I vi ji ft; i- in' Jit '- ; ' rf jrfi a ;' "7- i tin- lve hnl thin t r n L ti 1 r. T u J kand-,;tjlt:- I (he f v,f 4 r''''jr4t, '"Jnt-in? ff. err rn,--. ' it .1 i I ' 1!" , 1 p'uti t, s : Id' ,l . rt Mrt.c , u,i--u- - V 5 b .( jj. .:'I r i ( 1- tjl I J .rhtby S v! i ' ' ! N , - i -. - i .i C IV - ""V I I . t. it . ...,.. T ! t i ti 1 v - - '' ""t t'"T ' ' IY ,k"li '' ' l i 1 'ii a i,i. " . -. ! Y ' , Il.tir I ' st t ', i t: r 5 ' II r i ir" ' i ti t in' ;.-! , fI n o i ' vV. an . ' t 1 ; :, '. '; ' tt!,;,er ' r j rc i of !.' ' f) k V. 'MM I ! 'Ctn:: i the ru hiff thi J I'Jalf And ll.a i thr, t, r t fir VTtat' f the I 1 rt ' 1 V. m I I , . ,1 WC'T v ' ; .-' ... ' . . ' Icn i 1 i - i -v 's t. e i - ! I ! i : - - r i!!- W'-' . - " ! ! :!" i ti : - - -.1 ! : .- - --I.- --;.i--! - ; - i I r . i - - .-. - - . - : - - , - I , I - - : - - - . 1 . i ! " ' '-!' .. .- h : - :- .-' ."i'...;.. .i -.'- -V - -: '- . -:---' " ; '' ' - .; -:' sF .1 - 7-' . 1 w r

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