N' b V'- .. 1 .1 I ? J ,f if c f 4 .4 i. i ; .;tl (L'- "' n. r;i-" ' i : i.r:-. j" ; : 1 1 1 The for:nl recM tVn City au.!io-.'icft was one he s ever coont: deta IheOTallon at Xew.'Vortx I I pir. I illmcre m Albany. . !.. detraction of the - Torment. 1- er allr I .".C lief r-f l tT o; . vr.I 1 lniTlorC IT lull .resiTor.-ll.Ie I At.'Ji.u- In.I leti'm A;.!-..r.v m e sei.t J.. jt -J in the cxtreioe. an I we f ali nd-1.'- th :t !irn thi Untoa- d!soly !. it -I regttt tr: v;e er.wi:e?t i-U'e.- t nr. o ittmn will not be oividel into two Repnb'icsJor re J - o I. r V UV1: ' ; J ; -,; - .! . ' ! Jte;lr.re;aU.tbe .MutfUi'T offing even ti Monarchic, but Wen ir,f frt-raent., and at'i Hnem'tr3it!;t;.J'untuiiiiips-92tTir.t j fcw u,c .aiv intent mg irV, c ii.eetcd .war with eaeh'other.' s j ' jjj awarded t a public, mm in t?i? with iKe daon. ; 'i b'"nindel President for '.. fj.nt, felh-w j citizen. I hire perf.ap a-d all j untrv. Our space will not permit fofcite a "Uw.??cpn.,: ,,;rf u , pnve T ea, 'tailed fircrttt. j . J ,M.,vr; nrjj ;: j, ,.,,rHy American i In reply tn the'!rem of 'the Mayor of lb j tone. bubi" finbhejl fa i; tyb. that we :, , 7 r .. : ; . J i. : t ; ' M-w ----- , -1 V II xne squatter orerrinrj iirwy. ? ." of 1 I . ;.! :- .T.e'KanwNVruki. ei't.tlaf the exP!a- J ,n tbal t ?taI4 .i l V -i)iM nation of it. on nieanin'ii Irlnff tK trie ! ?V nhlra!8 ' ' h , eV1,nt to WliMf aVUbel n ""11 7 .1 lint tran n?c?i-y on thia ?i;-eft, r.n'j t nrn with pleasure' to. a .les.isntxiraftt,"' biit iiore agreeable. tpic. (Cbf in.) It has ben mj for-j ckr, I - Fillmore pnVe a follows : Itt. M'a tor: Tt??f etM r.rA 1'nl in tvp'. tfelcoii'J to the rrnt rmr'rlorn rf the ITniti ;'MaTrs Ftatef- ItsTC me-, without Jnnunjre tn xprras '.Fillmore li.-plied, n 1'hIIvw : the efTns-ons of mv hart, I .hnd lir,f,,l 0 hare " Mr. Ma jipr, lai.d.. F-k'lhw Citlzor el!tnr Mea, hut rot ry p u, Mr, t-ut all xitmn ;bm.vt fa: i, Dcip-K-pf! : fsirrti trr , pnVe T!eat?l t vine of iti Uf crn- i not refraiii Jr. lajriijc it l -f.rj. our readers to j ine esrjuj;in 'i"tier fciier:in;; ir.aiter atreaov M'??. tbc e!er- wltic!i "uicecdcJ t!e, '. wa iten to rder, and the", cher' at word of RALEIGH. N . C . . . , . ' The Squatter The Kansas-N't braka nation of it own t f t - . i intent ana ineansn jij tbi ft sntenr into ant Territory if Stae; jrl ir to tune during my tmTel- m Lnnp, toirUnPM once; or twioo the reception of Itoyjf!, y, in all th rmn and 9rlen br of miiltirT' .irrnv wh-ire the iriusic1 f:iJewb:it fubtided, Mr. Thi orer- ijuri of e-'ri'rat nlation . and ..vho are trithin the wimrt, of my 7.1ee. are nware ; weicu:r.e a'ino p.e .nio'tr-c -f trie p ro s .r e h " .flint Mnc4'ttiT landinory the .-!iorof ry petite j Ifero .neartj tbiityyih apt I. coft'neiu'ed nr , .H, I hafe rot In 1 ninple moment to myelf. j polirical farcer; .' hi Im hiiiMic lhrt saw a Preparation. l:'tr-erer, is not . vc cvary. lrlni Leib-iHTe :u seviMi, (cl:ecr)f:t at that . onr niav (f" fr"o oroVmind leTore or.' f:ndi. ! time it nev'er-i'?tored!iit the anira.ti.rn.( of inv I'ntil'l 14! t hjme f-r Ibirope. I roat c'ortls! I I heart that 'U ?huM-evfi rccesv such a welcome ' a not nVa're r.t tho jTreet'improrempn that n thi,in tt-t cpitai of i.v native tare, (.Cheers.) I tL tad heenrade in my own lantl, and it r"j red ' You have bien pic H1, ir, to allude t .my. he eonfiiiHt to fhow, ibow?.mueli in m"frial f forHi'ir. feryiefs aod tift . prr.b.bb ci .ime, if I; eamn.u. i;nt,' lr myeir,'l.fr??'the ,'h.inest pntnnJe.n thnd .of auction tTith which jmt hare we!io:r:ed me hack to raj n.ive State nlioTe all the pageant which "rrivaltr crt ditdav. (Cheerj.) Therefore, witii a heirt orer.'Jo.tvin wit!i!era(eful -norion. I return rnu a tb'Uikmll aotMcg btxt tef ircMtty.JI ) Ky , ' thank. a3d -bid you alie;i. a l . XfJ tUmore 4 ver jl Acw 1 rk: piause.) Mr. Fillmore's Arrival Ilsme. ; "The fstuiJat ion of my preference ii tS&t STr. TiU aora hi a mattered te ExeetitiTe CcrersnrcBt triti signal anceess. asl ability. Ee tai beea trie-S aad lot&d true, f&itlful, loeett tad ccricittlicsi." 1! there bs these titier TTorth or Soati wire desire an fcdrr.iaistrs.ticn foT tt rcrthrftiiist lie fctti. ertis Sqath aj aaia?t tfca-North. taeyare not the sen whuaiall sie t"asiru.2rag?i to ne. Tor ay part, I ;bo7 otj et eenntrr. ny whele country, ari tai4H'i"xc,lll i Standard, in c f people (thereof per- f.W. charge, y ft trer d.nnetic u r the' i'nt ; it therefrom, lut to leate the pe rte thereof m.tifotiot In iheiir "n rraT. nfl'neri onlr' to thj I If r.ar fr r''' ' TC l Cnvitntion of the Cnited Stated i ci,tffolJ t! w- 1 The tinlnnMi di-nrentibn Lrinallr adorte4 t their fired f hi act a a Milltrt linalitTf and that other ro?lt,er of Ute in which th alliteration whicli old Iair i! Ad jm !u1i ndulred. Ut hcrl I diluted ftr rea'tTM on a menvra'Je or"a-in ft?Kr old cl"',.Ccfi 1' T-- i :: ' Li..:...: ' . .'-.. .T-trin their hntnl RATIONAL AMZRICA2I IICKLT Chief pn'fieritjr' even. we bnre leenr ?ndebt.el W the bjii be a;4: C:i!b-!S hi !hrp:.i;ion of -i (,i:ititiitionnt liberty. T-rui iif " rrir.ciate M . .Ma''.-:rato icne nation; a ni.tofe. .it is nut .'iace, ar(d con cord, .n:d; t i;ii and harmr, v our.'t plea:i::t U fjfeak of iim''a "'It. et I tr;it that. f ither !4rt n as-a hiri?y. ' It b? 1 i:.niy a in ; tlMj 'ocoH'durtI will jitifv ;me 1:1 oi iefly alludinjf to tliroupjli life to ,rerrvr:f!nd conserve those prin- ! onc-or t"o eveiit.' eotoi'-rifi i wi'Voiy but admin .'cipl'wanl lessons they liivc left u. a indfafren-' i-tratit.n. C-Hfein. j: You; iil krn.w that wfceft k'Ie Jo pur material, in to oar moral prorteritj-. I I was culled ,to ihe c.toiitIve thair5 by a bereavci Tobe a-reat people, I how roe more thartj ever, 1 ;ment which'j(vrwhhekl the. litttion. with -jsi-icf a people nnt Je freo. ; Ilonee - the Constitution j that the coujitrry waiJnf rttinatciy agitated' fn in onr Fathers left as i not only aboreall prife, as j.one end to t!;e it her pi the an--s4iiiiigVulject a hequest for Jaw and jiiherty, and unior). ar.'J V1 M vyery. j lt was t,r.yn, Mr, mat I Jdr it my harmony hut a 5 th6:ind!.-e.n.able Vivl 4f our duty to raii a bovo every sectional prejudice and material nnwrcrity. (Grrit applsiuse.) When yon. look to tho w.e.0ire of the . whole nation.-'. (Ap Fir, Identic tho Chief Map-trate of thl? great pbTu?e.) I w.- coii:pe!ifcd, to ii certain estei.t, to city, 1 lo.kel with ple ureo your atfesnt nt-j-overcome lot) ch nsf .prej ttdicei a.r.'d di-re- i!ioldin'!aw. for no.true Iihertvc.-m cxistwMii-i para party ft-i -pms. ureai a mi pro.nge.l no- d)odienfe to the law, and yet a, z rernir.ont plauc.) lb:t m doing :tbjs. s;r, I did no more depend for its power alone upon ?.;. .uug . 'ttian ww n1 ;y -nyiny nl ier ami tetter men . net hewn a armex. n no irooa mrern- ( hmm-im., rj :in mr-nn )i luhiru- h 0-rernment ta he frtrrmir. mut he strong ! ment; under lovtd;itce. in ilnrmonuing t ou . that armies .meat. in the heart coverne-l. .of g.M criineii all tlirou laws wiJl vindTeate theme!vr. OKC rta and" lieaU of the people tli'it are difacuhieM. jtppbitWo) There were at .thit and as long a we maintain mioh jforn'i i time " ntdjie.jitiHepeiideat, higfi-souled menj in neut, f..tmdcd anon the affections ofl U'h llonseutlCongrpRs' belonging to Loth the preac, poiiucfi-i j panitw joi ine cu;niy, n:ga and ,I)einocr;iL whin; Fpurricd the -character i;f p'elSsh parly Jiolider.-i .k-aeers.j.-and rafiie 1 aruund my ndmliisti Htjiun, i'siipport4f -the great' meas ures wbi h'iesrred pjpik'o to jail agitated and dis tracted cuuntryi ; (Clh'eeV.) , By the blcsings of divine, Pruvidciice, -our'elfurts were crowned with aid i:l in to liMtk I wool 1 t applause pare l t er.cl at honia with a rupture them. Of" tf.o nothing to 5'aj-," aunina.sit'ir: present eso; iyi II our ppople, not here alone, but everywhere iroughdut the hroad extent of the I'niimj the It is the hoautv of our American syste'ni, if left free fo repre'sent the whole People, that - we hare, or nnm'lnve. Fuch law's -founded anon ?uci" afTection, and that then we can pa from -one -State to anpther, though all under doTerenttloTcrnmcht. wjthont any of t!ih rex-iToas Passport?,, or "tfu. tl'qrm".i, or any t)f- thoso reptrnjnts upon rierfonal ijlierty whieh .reduce the sidijcct to a shivery ii severe a that of. theniiter over the flare. . Kvey lit tle petty! Kingdom, or Pukedom there deifiands your P.i.port,- lint when I steppeil oneei inor4 on the shore of -my owft native land, ' I'couM no ;hut jlraw the' c mtrast, arid think my (J1 I wa a Trcq man once more, r itli reed nojb ng er of.nnyj such cmpnniort a a Passport. j(Trc yoen loucheer-.) j Yo'it 'ptutifnl bay, Mr.Iayor, hn oftentimes t een rpparel ti ttie bay "t iNapbjs. l navo i.os skie, is a mo?t hcautifnl ctuntrv i 4 ' I n n. aii'l ala only .. to. lok upon"! 'but l s'io hal a government nkf our . The. bay of Naples, a I said, C'm your own Peutitnl oay, t;iit tiierei. thi Rtiikinir difference. When I stepped on wh'-re at of leTg tr- Free:nei, on?y e i wif:i o (fireat ii i !:1 t ? ,.,1 f. o '--...ff -.,jir Iny, h"t of the thrifty- popi'r cit-fr.tuTt'l if en'e wa'm.9 a r-fonoer .-iir h:it Ve-x Voik: h.it amil . intevttno and for- I . -,rP Ja J :1 i . i,- i,.,-ct. w...kwl; - the union ot-thP ."hi, heii "erirdieM. The Constitution oftlte L'ni- un1 tru0' 1 m iU.r? ,.l Cw.Le .l...,..l Ve,v Yr.rL- ,in:"o irri.-.r.W ' .tbuii :ry MliC, ItxS;' I C 1 .,..111.- .-I - ....... v. .. .... ' I I t i .1, .v., ,.i..l I MZ- y C"ll 'I'lnr r.in i:rir ii.u i.uiHiMrivc j -- change i of all our ccji federated States. T pre " nerve that cnicentrati'enan 1 that greatne r there mut b ? abs'enee of J nil internal ptri-fe, tlieje niut ho .peace, and friendship for, and confidence in .JCew Y rk. from all the parts c f the confe.' orated .States. Bat deprive jour great and grow: ig. city 6f then, and of the protection the Constitution gives iis trade and commerce, and its f de scon would e tli at of Venice, whose deforte'ljsfrects and canals I have but so recently purvijed. Knglar d has now t!nj control f the comnje.rce of thewoild, through Ixindon,- lier -great cjmmer- cialcitv. I now .venture to prophesy ihatero (many rears elanse. those who are now wilbH the Mgnal tti'cess, (cheer)jaiJ when 1 left the Presi dential chairj the whoiqj- nattrn "yas pr:.jerous and contented, hnd iitr jrclatioi.s with 'ail f'ore.gn nation were bf the tnr:!Iuicabl3 kind.': (CheeM.j The eiood th:t bung ufi;ji the horizon" vva's dissi pated ;;. but where a:- we ikw ? Alas! ihi-cja-r- FOI' L. B. Isti district, 2d " i BcFTAtK June 28. Mr. Fillmore'. rer-etion was the:eate$tpuhlie -demonstration' that ever tran?pir"i in this citv. Kirly in the. bioriiing the t"re-jnr.d public biiiblings were lavishly det--i i vTSrVT' orated witlj Sag and banrieTs'an'd 'tierice n tbe 1 est taste nnngsnaMe. Main. street wa ierfH"tiy cohered with ornaments In tlie shape if fla. . Xenrly every buililing Rir seven orcight "pi.ires Iwas decorated,. The shipping in tHe harbor had Shunting Sving at.the:irnat bend, j- rf i '" Mr. Fillmore arrive-f at 4 'o'clock in the after noon, via the Falls mad. The jr"cess.irrf formed jxt the depot, j It was composed of "miirtiry, the city 'firemen; the Board of Trade, and priva'e citizens. It was half nri hur in passing a given po;nt. It paraded through the prttirtpa! sfreit. to Niagara Frjuare, where a pati,d was -erected 'AHer-re, aching' the platform, thirteen young I i- dies, drcsped in white, came forward, -and learhij presented Mr. r illmore with a bo':uct. L V Iliigers then delivered an .addres on .behalf of the citizens, welcoming Mr. Fillmore home, j Mr FiUnnrrc replicb thanking them Tor the compli ment bestowed hy his leilow-citizens, without party reference, and. reverting to hi tour in Eu-i vropet contrasting the con'd il i in .of that, continent with this, . adding he reeeued' congratnlations, not ns'a party nffiiir,! but as from ( Id friend whom he had known for thirty years. lie closed hviithankih"' his friends for the e.irdia-1 manner iwith which they hd. welcomed bini home. ! " t 1 . - . i - i - - - - - " - , i ' i : lie inen reiire'i to in, resi'ierce, cscorieti oy Uhe military, and cheered by the large crowd present, 1 The streets were perfectly crowded,; but every thing went ofT m perfeet order. 1 rR rRtsfOEXT, M I L Ii A U D FILLMORE, "..-.''. i NEW ToSiC. ;'-'. itnl iX shed') Jame Uaclianan. in accenting the nominati-'rtL - t ihT ean h hare fumi- the n v jfjuoted language tf tlie IXebraka act, ? fr;f nd so mint h .,0.n'y-. after deSaingiu n)einingnshdllws ' ' - : ' !; ' V L. ; ' v ('', run i. 1ftrl"rts' At i i tt. '. "" V.Vll''' V res;)t i'pr " i ... . VF-k"olint!i it " d - .11 fnii TlCT.-pK.IOEXT..- fcVf JACKSON DONELSON, . OF IENE.--Et. . -; -'" F R U V"if KN'it". - - JOHN A. GILMER htiori i founded rm priiwlple a ancient ii u,e to them now ; h-werer bj the- rky TT- 9 V fee government i?self !i.di in laeror lnce with jin xj, cet to the American pry. Or :iti$ them ha1 simply declared t!hatjth;ej ptnplc eV Vui.hel fr:I' are.webr me . .orMSc ihe, ttrrHorike th4 f'f Srt,. Jhill deci le fr They maf fpH tliem f r ti e r: xuy . an I rin f. theiosevi' 'whe ert .j-hivcrf - Vli.! -t ih.atj . nofi know!- tjicy tvee 1 every t ii'i f!iey din ' a f-el'irf te- TLLCiQhZL TICELT. JOIiXA.CA3ii:i:0X, of C mlrlanJ, 3l 4th 5th Otb 7:h 8th TIIJv STATE AT bARUC. CA UMiClIAKL. f Wilke-. IwistThiunpsoit, of Bertie. 0. ly. IMeares, of Xew Hanover. Jus. T. L ttlej hn rif(JninviI e. A, J, Stedxn.in, ofCharham. Gen. J. M. Lench, of Davidivon. Oen, A. -J. I)arg;n, of Anson. Jno. I), iivman, of Buucimbe. exi-t wSthih their? Jiinits." 'Th- Kt el' t- be: theti-e'itab!ei ir-":r :- . 1 " 1 -., : ' : i . 1; 1 '!. net (. ; M ' ii n tbi-l V i' h' " " fe ' -e 'juejiti teJ,.:.;. ti : irit thfiy wilt h- into the :ct otlser language. it to ineuri u.nt the fight of the decide tbe ines;ion of the ndmissi s s y i ! wi;i.,n-.f4i r u' y. art i of t'ie 1 :i- '! .'' L il ..aiiaa et!.re- i v I f- " .- ' ;. fcereifter . i: i-. Hlf Toii I y w! ,t M-MJJ I'" . - i. -: ? hr w' t ' rif'v ib i". M'ii Vr ; i ' '. Jrf ttiro n . ! -fi m?h" owe- i ' ri!M,f k .r r : l e.-mr ir f ict C nsi : - :. i- ide.' ' Tb'T- - inf-;vo' ye .;,, ,i let them. th. - le.tati-o exhibit them io mst.t -nd m ' ,,f ..f ihetr satoirv v. Citi v. VT b r. u.Jr..T for the olf ict Vr,fv- i restriVte 1 to the time "Then tRejie-'mie to f .inn ' ". , .,:it.rl aziv.e coi-ist-itiH-tonsiT J: h! i. i.Hdf utiie-.M.. i.j. . -. !. . . cleanest o we"ic aju 1 r . j i that l1 . Vi they i ak Toriitories to in of laveri-. c tm.k tn . - - t if r, ! y i without no u icLrine. utduekiiy it does not behmg to the aet. i . , , V"' i - s . . . . . , j r hntvlld nnd s. iverc 1 -F.r i "Permit 4-0 here, ?Ir. Chairman, for a moment fa speak up4na.siliject, j to which I have never before a'hcrtef upin 'tht floor, and to winch, 1 It is not in the letter, of -acceptance and i in fact . . . a t i, . L- ' i . ., 1 , !' , of irsnu.i, and.other of in it " . the Southern ineaam'of the celebr ited rsichoi- - (Ker ilirt-i . - , r , . ! fear i-ur fneud m-iy CryNw ritlicriiin son letter, which bin. Cass,i its nuthor, after Ins ,,. . , , S rt .vel . . . U v smelling bad and Pot jvij.ng. 'V1 1 ilfjtal, openly repu bated m the ,S.-n ite, wh-a :.t,, , - Tf lUr gnomical que,ti,ned by Jeff. Davis. Wccall on our DcmoL ' ffh!,h w long a cratic inenaj toioe honest aoout itii.. ine. i , i l - . , -rM wetir an-i e trust, I ra iVfrteve againilhave occasion tondrert tif ,.,.;.! a aele to in Ivansa. act means that the reoje of a lerntorr, , , ' .;,., ...r'nl tLth , ., , .1 ! , . "vi made by proper pursi'i'Mr .c.ui while, l ii a Ttrntyry. may ' decicfs the iju.estin f . . tev un c, . . L : i ' , . should they chooser t gather t.ier.i up iA.,.r,i m rh.t ptn' t.-fil'e raier ILtllj'V -F H4 I i,,V- I ' . " " ------ f i Slavery, brfore it f rm it i cont'titution, and it do witfi ctiLwaft and iron abiond of out peaceful relation.; I sh-tb nut seek to iiHCPjtl e tfi ijiS-c.s of this ciotnge.. These are the'. fict!f, "ind it'-iajj for yhu to p nder upon pre?ciiq! joiminisriarion i nave tt.iid cad appveeia'e the difUcultie iri tb'js pt ciiiRYfit, 1 and if the : ar.d ii;.siinoirtcrs luo with gooi .inte:ti.-ii.and holiest hearts, nnde a mistake, C-oa nay lorgite .them as 1 du. (Loud and prolongjql ii?.pt.i:j-.) But if tlrere be thore who have -br oil ght 'jthfse kalanii;ies upon the country, for sbllbdi or; a f I'll i'ious id .ject., ii. is your duiV, fi'ow-citizei:s,tci ; bold tiiem to a strict re- spiinsil.ility. ii Uliecjrs.ip f . i -i.i.i:.i i .t iui Pit- Na des I wa. surrounded by hundred I oe g.-o vt ,,,,-,iur. u. peac e oi xoe -..Imt when I fitepped on the shire. of j 'j xyoiUhe. j It was brought k - I wns s.trf..Vded by thouindsof P' k H utsjwon of new ,territ,ry, f -r , . . . - , ji . I ih.i (Toveritiuett t oi wnuii it w;is i.ecessjirv ti nrn- ri-tt an l nrotongeil. cneertngj not j . , . I.' , I - v 1 Ur their -livelihood, but, a contrasted" uun. ,r; ...a,,,,,,,. r' -V- ' r 1 iborer. a rtveliho-v of dW- t( ty whetiiei-phe. prefent gttation wh.ch Ih ,ee.in.).'That noint.of dirleren.Je.ir, actstl.e country anti : threaten, uswth cm war -eai.le to an American eye. am I felt n,ot en I'fIessiy aru wantmoy molf ced ? or..n ! of it. and rrou ler than cvW. hot .V the Vf "astire to aid in personal itio'i adrnn; en.ent j rutnc rt&uti n any uu:k-good. ! j (Cheers.) hafe beTi y cii.t;:n ; j;i'eat!' jpleaed to saV-thatl haveij ci i j i cs at heart. 'J'hi e. or.:; oly'ect dearer to me tji.e unity,, prosperity, and bepu.i ho ; and I confess sound ot my voice win, nn-ier tne protection or ttie fion, see that Xew York will be to the Constitution vworl.l inh.it London is (Applause.) tiMukly, Mr, teat t tear u 13 in itanger. 1 say nothing-' of any "partief.hir scctioiV, "much less of , tlie several v'iiUiidaipsc f h e .tha' people. I pre sume they -are sfli hoivoyable- Ben.j lutj- sir, what do we see?. An exa:pjc.rated feeling between the JS'orth and .the .iu!!, k the voil exciting .of all topics, resulting in bbti dsbed and uraidzexl miii tary array.. N . I . -; .' - ' But this is nfd al'j, sir. , vVe sce a political par ty j resntigi i;atid.!dates fir the : Presidency .a net' V'ice P.esideiiVjy selected for the first time from the free- State4 alone, ?.vih tlie a rowed 'r-orptwe-of electing thfsse candidates by the sufTragcs of one part of the Unjoin only,, to-rule over the whoie Uiiited Stsitesi Can ii be p ssitde that those who are eftgaged in fuehj.a me:isurec:in have seriously reflected upori ihe cjoseq.ences" vyhich niut in- eviitiTUiv t'Uiuw, in rcase;ot success r tuneers. Hon. John C. t- ; From the ritfculihth ia 'News:--' jlreckhi ridgu's I rc!alii T -.r !..i :..4 , f ui .l: T t 17 f .T f 1 f n TOBEAi'S MOllAfK-If,: ITHAXK O0j) MY L0T HAS j C the United .Stages, i provnled they , have only lJiih.N u Art l i. a MAI K w tl.i,rj i riUi ; "declared on o itii ttieir intention- to oeivime si:c:i. - Forefsrners. " The political career of this gen tleman has i-lejrj short, yet there aro many portions f it which' w 4 cahtKit approve, but on the contrary must j conl demn as so un-Americari t'at they1 foj feit all cbvint be may have Jcvcr had .t the support of- fhosJ who love-Americiiand he American people better than foreign binds abroad or foreign votes at horn el Mr. Breckinridge was a Bepresentativefroni Jvetij-tut-kv in ihe Thirty-third Cor.grcss.; Parin;? thaj Coii'ress a bi'l passed the House of Repres.ent.ir tive granting a liomes.tea'd of one hundred ani sixty acres of the public lands to -nethal settlers; The vole sjjood :'.' ' "' . . i -. - -i'-iH Y'eas 107 ; nays 72. In the r. fiirntive nppears the name of John C. Breckhiridge. The sixth eecPon of that bill reads as follows : . if ; ' That if any free white person (who is theihead of a family, on 2i years of ajre) now a resident 'of . any oiie of ttp.States or Territories, -and not ji ci?ir ) zeti ff the United States, but at the timeVf making j such 'application for the benefit of 'this act,shaH 1 ....... n r)., n 'lAAta.nti.in . C ..-.. !, . . t. t , wr,l ' o;ac; iiivti utyi.urti.uii i-i iiiuiiuv'Mf f by the naturaliztion laws ff the X'ri'tf ed States, and shall beceiao a'fiti.zf-ri. t-f the'samo before tfi.e isip txvk-c "of the ' pat'en.'.-as made and provided for jsn thii act, shall be placed upon an equal fooling with the native-borni citizen of the United St'tteV.'',- ! Fr;m theealihg if the above r-J-otisicms It will b seen that it is proposed to place every: for eigner who siniply resided in tho lnite'd States at the passage f the. act," and who -wnld g- tiirowgl'i the easy fprmuji of 'taking an i:ith '-nntenlion to become a citizen .previous folds Wppbcatmh for the XOTTlXISt CUItSlv EXTAILED UP0X US BY Til AT XA TION WHICH' MAKES IT A MJIJJECT OF REPH0AC On! 1ST0 OUU ISTITUTIOXS; Javies and..shalUbave taken tin oatjl to support ti.e Con- V 13 1 , !et our jutin e-iishedfrien I W stitufipripf the United States, and the, provisions . , f . . r? - - (1 Jee' . of this act." This -is its very Jan cu age. Who'.j ' . - , . , - n t , Wi iifr i , -" , 1 j.i--. if..r I-.- ., j. iva'dey of dry hone-, dg-t ,TfZr, c;:n vque uisn in iNansas, of ww iUMte. 10 excvuuo y Jfsm, ' -n ,t ,ni r 1 - 1 .- , r . 1 -i . , . se;irciveir.Tr by. y--u so ii,i.eany. them try it that's all. AV e have no But wq venture t bint that it will be a itablo investment I. 'I a 'iSi.-r-Siffln a lift mar or rit JlnMfns ! ' A I. X CI.. M.-V.i.i W: 1- .. . ' - r.nn-oio IRA Wi o j i i - J ; f jr -. - i -. . f i " ' i ' . -. .! dead : t U'U 1 S IHUI 11 jm I.n' I 1 S I u 1. page.2,lb, vid. part 4.j j .... Sloughthuyscn, Aininnadlh IIoodluyderand i ' , . . . - - t. , . CCGJiESSnvHO;ATTTIK LASTSKSI0XJ,sug9 ji4 ' SrSTAlXrirl THE C UKE Or JUSTICE; 111- O'ShaunashecnVGrcdy O'TooJe and Dan C& f . fA , , j,. . . . ',-. J J MAXlTY AX!) PATRTOTISM. IXOPPOSCXO l.wUl 0.,id t a ifr', t;M i tIrogn toe ooles of its old coat, &uce - . - - - . J - II.Lni'i ' 1 IHIM . till ilivu ut A. UMUi t3 J I lll 1 I TCinsfon. ienoiri 4-- i SnowJIi V, jcene, j'i' uoiusuui ii. Ciiui runv, Ippointments. - July Terms Weekly to single subscribers s If the Signal ibr 4t .5th our soil pmvideUneverthelcssfsonie dreadfully pious Detaocraticiabolitionist can'; catch them up THE IXTRODUGTION, OF SLAVERY 1XTU r, 4thin-ori.nJ tUVr :.'.'rt i ,' Tin- ciTATHl rriFV pA-iii AVniirn tci TIP. I .M-1 within t,on days after, they are spewed on i FOIIMEP r)UT OFTIIEiMISSOURI TERRITO RY, ARE lEXTITLED' TO THE WARMEST THAXKS EVERY FRIEXDOF I1UMAXI- TK '-i ; i".?-;-si 'i"--j; '". ' ! .: !;.: .;. v.: -i Kesolvc'Jr Ttiat the proceeding of this meeting, be published in the newspapers- l this city. v r i j- i i. j JAMES HOPKINS, 4 t ' I ' ! - YvM. JKXKI.XS. " ' " .'. -; JAMES BUCHANAN. i ..:..i. . . ' . I ou ui ij;iiri.ioir;iiu o'w, 1 Out of that noisome, unsavory egg-I. you have just been eyeing and sniellifi; i eager cturio.dty, an c:gIo ha stepped i .esty,' iiad now eors aloft arid looks s.n -t For a Club often ibr the Cam paign. Iji j- - . ". - $1,00 y 7-3 cfs. $o,00 ' Pclibu iipon Ossa'' Lie upon I.ic. on their Arrival, fort e (hem jto declare their inten-; , ., I r . - it. i .1 : ' . y;ur- miserable mousinfr. '-. ? . mark I and take tlie-oath hk: s.upport'jkConstitu i i , , -. , . ,t . '" i.J .v ' i-! L i, l.v ', i 5 lhat shining en vth'pe, now s!l: :n fion- which tltev have never spen nnii Ihe Pitr . . I e , ;. . V .' -, ..... 'J;. i,.; , - i oiho eod..cd and r.otyst'Lii LzsJ. of a lerritory, which till that blessed moment, t, - t"S they never heard of! These are the men to sit 1 TV a ,u;,1 ic upon Southern rights ! Great Jllea yen ! arc we ft ' 'f 4he air. , h mad ? Has common sense- Ieflt us ? Has our i l . - J . ' n f j r I 1 1 i t I lofunct 'infeeuinent ; -lie -wure l-ietn i ed to the! brutes?. . -. . ,; - , - - ..- . t- 4 . 3 ! - irin taj'. I fi.t r kj nwifodun i . m (,a 1 'it,:-, ts ' , , .' 1 -T" i' 1 it hi t in u. 10 'iv i"i. in-'' r.vui ii'Mi; i;i , ' i U ' i - . tr ou er foul htrJ. i Jo nrt0c'. i.ini n. lv IrW.in the if err rknril !t I. a rJ -b C t ' 'J'0 to r,,f ,a'T kjhdre.I tMi fhe Is and tithe r extnia-,- f.r w i.!cVm 1 appriave or disapprove of thie lavri f the Terri- ' tori' I C t !-. -l pun rrl. ir"fira f ! in rt Tit iu'. irii. twuiJ e: .;..;iiTiJi- .-..l...!! i l eradventure you can make m t i 1 I 1MI, I 1.1" II 1'lilLil,- V.OfO.CSCiillJU.Xl Ul'lOOK, ;-'OUIl i , ' ' . . , . ' . py oiscusMng ii. e prun:ttiei n ii.? itl l. tr.-o . ,'Tht tSMVnv. T InH Cy.t. C-t'u'.- f !.ntf ntbn w uU rb "! ni U "VV ("'"J"' ' jc(3ef one to tl.f IT i- ;.mi;Mi"i--nk':V..'-- the Deiro-? n'"I 1 - .-. e ,i - t .t. i'. .-. .-. . ' f?,p,,o'in lVn,.my;i I '.: ; oine tire) i" tl "- ifir.-r, rt t.er ) i i I an I thy.jhi ' ; -o wi'li .niu.i: i i 'rdfrif . Ke.thl-, .. irt, the lV,n ent 'Ult for tiiwhi h'.. I k- .; . trAHaf'r.r.in i'i .-.' I where in fv.t U- y ;v I ! Tho Iciivfr'ic pjr5 irfluence :U1 pvcu U tr- ' ' Section, and iwi;li'n V- .j b.i luhi vl it r.n-y n I il.v tiul eirtl Mr. UI-Tlrt Why J'fl lley-t Iwni b ei fnm theCoiirVnti i . II - 'j hk i , "' L,tU f.-in..cr.t;. B-pr ,:t.m, that i:'j-it.f- : " .Vr.IIerberi. ,'- "j!1;1 ' flow dre.l the- Cirte t ntw .I.-:- .i..,.r. t t Mr. I-rlf t lin n - - j feificvitl wuuel by lh! A h'n righ htnd taaii. thoei ' tbfswir J ' "But when a iVpaoenk . and deleealr: to p-lr Cn l.r.Ab.i. a M.tkihS rv.' ,;r,f railed 'd.-mincd " U full time ' b Uk ; unite th(l mn l"'tn 'tiotorieu f-.et,or to ti.nb Cljjn vi ' I " The lcinoerry,bi c 1 TI...1.HL Ltivtr ttie H it'. ii I t 1U now c mr mil b d l!y Wt.rbi tbAt be' i'! " Daniel O Cit.iut : ' to-morrow, in their: TerriforI.il T.e Tis.latrtri- ?.p ..: i '.I...IL Ji.J! ..I..- -.., L t':'i' ; :!L rrt.y.-'. Demoerjer nee-J xr.... i.i:..!:ii.:.,. I i. i :. : ,.i.....-i .'.f"1 1 Inmor.:.,, t-Vd i.-.l,; tun 111 I II 1 II uu ; OT. .1115 MIWIII'J .ji v . V ' " ' i -)r Jei'oaH ; .. aHe i Mr. ItiUmorc being waited upon by th j big i C;ui they hay Jlie madness, or the f jlly to believe .Central" Committee if X.ew 'York. - made She f or SouP.jern ihrethren would submit to be . . f - : . ' , e , ' , ; ;' tovcrnetl b 4;ch a - Chief Magistrate,? (Cheers.) lowing reply to the addresf welcome their U ould i.e ;b4 rc.irl to follow the same rule chairman r . prescribed bv)the .wSo": elected him, In maktni; i pride and satisfaction.. You hate agreeably re- ; minded me of the many hard fought battles. there Is nor," I -Impound trust, .that'ilitfeaence of;i sentiinent between us which rhoubl alieiiate old friends'. (Applause.) You have spokerj, sir, of the defeat of Henry (dav, in 1S44,- and vu have alluded :to ti e causes of that d?f?at in 'nur own State, f There, gentlemen, was the wound inflict- his appointments r : if a man living South of iixoii s Jine.1 nof woithy to Yi'co President, would it be pre to select on from the same 'quarter, as ol:eof his i -1 ... P ... " v...- -!...- v Mason and dixoii s .jineLe nof woithy to be 1'resiuent or i ice i rctaent, would it be proper Ihmnin riir?- rA nova t cco,i nnl i r I. n.-t i .i J.'ia i r.i 1 i vaooict council, or .-to represent t io nation in a neu me to look round upon the faces of thse who r ; i - - , . ,, i. r , . i . -.i. - .1 , 1 1 foreign country ? Orr indeod, to eol ect the rev have been so often associated with me m sttu--Ies. , .- , . . rT . , e r.i , ii....v i'i.T..L enne. or;admipister;the laws the United States? 1H uuw i. "in in .'it v.uu.11 1 l.i ' iiilUM'. IIIU ml .if- . i . . is- . - j . . !, ' t ' ik . ' . f , . If not what pew role-t? tho President t adopt 1 nowibelong, sir, to the Amer can parfyi. which - . t -si V . i y L , f , rA 4 in selecting men for of bee, that the peoplo them-, has griiwn out i f the exigencies of the tnr.e5, yet ,..t,,: ;-' ii- - i. 9 h ' . ' J,. oci r. ..- .-s.VMii,; ... ;i i These are strious, but practical Ouestions, and in order to appiecjate t?!cni fully, itTs only ne cessary..to lu'rji the ijtubles upon ourselves. . Sup pose - that this; !S uth.draving a' majority of the lIectoiaJ yctes,-shfud declare that they would ed"thal,began'the destruction of the Whit party. V WJ-i a ? lr?mT" , l 1'rM.ul,c'anl - !" The-ciwashe canker worm that gnawed t to the 1 r.1' ent8,!1 f?" elect, such by their ex heart, 'and subsequently carried it in thf grat- -;USIve 8,u? W to .Tu ;lt.tlf. h These are painful rerhiniscences, all.-ind let f 'OU c c'r Mmt , l " V1 them pass." I foresaw from tlfaftimc thit conn-i -fl r "enbl :( Apphuse.) And do you believe tDxr-ia .,,a w tl.i- ,f ,i..,ihatyc.urS.utoem b:rthrcn are less sensitive on tanvv ii 1. 1 o I.UUU 4fcIlR'4'" I members of the big party, -and that man could no'lonj;er act in harmony together when suc h a noble jspirjt was sacrificed to passion or pjeju lice p to iny, ambition that may have stoid-in its ; way. j. ; . ' j - WIen iri.1S4S, partly by the voice of thopec ple, and partly by the act of Providence, that took fj-om us ti e then President elect, andjshreud--. cd the country in mourning,- it co'happcped that I was'without pledge. "and was left 1 o admin is- . - . ,. ... . l v -. . . r . . ter tnauovernmenr, as 11 seemea rmesiie 1 est ! wilhwh my .bands ht the & nseoUences, what- this subect than voti are. or less isalousof their rights? (TrciiKcudous cheering.) If you do.let netell yoa ti;it you are mistaken. And, -'there-' fore, you' see that if this sectional party succeeds, it leads inevitably; ti the destruction of this beautiful fabrii reared by our foTefiithers ceroeh ted, by their , lj ood, and" bequeathed to ks as a priceless inheHtante. ' -; ; j; 1 tell you, my friemb-5, that I speak warmly on this subject, fuif I feebThat we are ifi danger. I am" determined!' to make a clean breast of it. i ; interests. of all demanded. Nothing prevented roe ptrforming ray duty to my country, nnd to all partsjof . that country North. as svdl a South. ThuSjnot only the Whig, who elected m rallied arouijd me, but the Demneratic partyf also. certajnly .that p'jrtion'of it which was cpnserT.i--tire, pncl whieh responded to my anient efforts ta administer rhe government for the god of all concerned. Apfdaose. ', Should it le my lot agairj to occupy the Presidential chair, I trust "not ofily -to hare the ; snpport of old lines "Whigs " th4 whig of 1840; '44 and '52,- but ho sup port ilso of the oi l Conservative elemenjs of the -Dmf cratic. party.' - They together carried my administration through the trying scenesrsf 185'V and o them in common withyoju, was indebt- v- e.1 f o the order, peace, contentment and pros peritjr.il was thu. under Providence, ersahled to Rive o our common country. But I have said mon than. I had intended, sir. . I tW Wished to thank you and- those, old Whic vthoin I sej arouud me, for th" extending to me their confi dence and .respect. (Loud and 'prolonged-- ap- f piAuo ioiiowei uy three hearty cheers for 3IiI- - lara ulxaoTe.) ever they may! be ; and I t'ell you that we are treading upon) the brink of a volcano, that is liable at any momefet to burst forth and .overwhelm the 'nation,. I mitht, fci lsoll irords. hold out ddvsice I hopes, and thereby itii votes. But 1 ea it never cuiiscutto Ite Que tfu)ig to the 2crlh and' aiiMter to ihe I il shovld dtsj.iss .myself tf I could mafic u-jet if ! '. - - -- i b 1 i '.;'.- - .' i "Is there nojt sompj secret cnr?e Some hid Jcii thuiAter red with' imicorial wrath--'To l ljist thi wrttcli whc)owc8 his greatness Ta'LIs ceynCrv's min? .! Cheers. In the 7cn$na$i of tk? lauiejded.' ifii mortal Clan "I had ivif.er 6e ra!kr than be rt estdc.it." (En th'isiastic and pndopgetl cheers.) . It seems nil 6ie impossible" that these engaged in ibis, can lfiue contemplated the awful conse quences of success . If j( breaks asunder the Inmds oi our bmon, and spreads anarchy 1 ' - .1 L...I. .L 1 ... j. , .... , J fcit- " ni iuiiji luo iiiuu, w-oat isit Jess moral treason I . 1-Jtw ar.cf cohmion sense man responsible fbrlbe natural consequ his acts, and must not thnse whose act' j Just as wp expected and predicted I The For .. i.- i-.;i i...i.. c.i.'v,.. v. ,i. ..r:..r ' . i ; 1. 1 " - "i- ' t. f I i 1 1 X CUO ul 1 ill I V , i CCIl till u (,-c- ilviwi 1 . - . , ' - , . I I .,1 ' . r i 1, t ' I t t t benefit ofsthe act, uponthesanie-fitting, precise-. Can?. isrc.:dved to leave nio device no imnosi-i ,'. v, , .iji'.t-'.y .- - ' , i ii"' J At, ' ' ! 't'ie u mi ij;euu--iiu iiit-.ioi!c.!, mniiv-i n i.u"i t- i. i ... si .1. p .i- oiiu . . ! . ; I . 1 OI.OC ! ll.l.H'l , iHll I JI I '.Il liU'll I V IL III Ul L" V Ul I 1113 !'y with every! -'nr.tive-lK.rn -ci tired bf-the Unife I ; - r : i ' ! ,; v i t ' v pi-o" t men blood an lcom;i!Ton treasare (if tlie citizens if Irs, snikng f rrtunes. ; Xo scruple is feit (o pile ; Xerr;t(ir;:., Gi-yernmenf, and he was th neeeksirfes and ?orf thc United States- vrer'e proposed 't-i bo wantonly ilistributel amongstmen whohad not become citi zens, and were net compelled to become ci tjzeti.Sj in order to vc.ap atl tho beriefits of this nct J i They cmld fake asimp'e oath of intention .to b'r come citizens, and then immediately enter upon and occupy one hundred and sixty acresif the piiblic lands.'and remain in its occupancy, with out ever swearing to support the -Constitution JoX the United States". This.is a monstrous feature tp be incorporated into an American law, passed by American legislators. It strikes ,d"ow?i every dis tinction between native and foreign persons dis tipc; bms which mustaud ought, ifi the very.nature of things, to exist, and which; do exist in .the Con stitution of the United State itself.. ' ...... iv m i Old Julflon's plnion.. j r Colonel Benton, who was b irn and reared In the Detnoc ratio ranks, has beeri'somewhat warm in the expression of his soom towards the Cinciir-! nati rominee.' I Hi opinion of Buchanan, in hi.-" own language, j is as follows: .? I ' A tallow rtijj, sir! A good -ral flrry, and soma breast. Lvt no oach; sin ijii' y ja m nurse babies, sir! Cant be brought 1 to jn ilk, sir!" 1 I ' - X ' ' ' ! 3Ir. Fillmore's Feeling tovvwarUs Foreigners. i , . ' . - t - - - I - During Mr. Fillmore's hie triumphal progress from New Yo rk to his borne, ijn lluffalo, he was compelled to address - immense -assemblages pf the people at several points along the line of toe route among vOthers, at Newbnrg, on ihe Ilud- , son, where he used the following: language cop periling persons of foreign birth who have Bought the shelter of our institutions. l--'iy' 'jf - rA "We ask what Am erican--whati Foreigner, pf honest purposes, can object to - these senti ments : -' j - - - '. - ' - : : "I have no hostility to foreigners ; I Have wit nessed their deplorable condition In the old chnh try, and God forbid that I should add to their suffering ly refusing them an asylum in this-S I would throw the gates wide openr and invite the oppressed of every land to partake of the blessing of our biws and country ; I would only exclude from this emigration the pauperand the criminal: I would give free toleration to every creed; but while I didjhis, T Would,.. for tlii.r sakea - as ' well amours, declare that Americans should rule America. ihey shoiuM have the 6. . . ...L s irT. j. i I 9.U..tl.l 1 U1U .IIIIC1II..1. .a r ..v... i ... e gviOy of tiicft eraston. ( 1 umuitous applause.) I , .. e ... r-.. ...i.,..- . av .. .. ' i .; , 'JLeneCtof equal laws -hut r.either.euucation nor tor my consctettee teovid sttll ask. uritk the dra-TT .. , . i. , .ik. , . X ing wnicn I'roviaence nas so opuauiuiiy. uow red . upon uss it becomes every American ; to tand by the Constitution of this '.c.ouatry,- and to esolvc, that independent cf ail foreign infiiunce, . v i : ejniameus : illur r-.. i.. I,c;uPon be, at necessary, to et;ect their purpose, j reeder -and is iclbliged to be ' the "appointee bf. i- Iti, ratifvTn t r andsavptjmth onji wl.o la pt- ' in,!X that he hn untu awaits th3mLrCeir! ..la1. woreback of th.s de-j ci;i;nied:slaverv tbbe"'A GkEAT MORAU AND - r JKcha., n f scripiion, (rath.r; t(K;i-and tri?tly a lie...how; j.'A !f;RE;AT -POLiriCAt EYIL't-and whb In L!,,Yr'i i 4." ' Wh U i to Y I-' '." ' 'dniwal .J ew f.rei ;e . Free f.oll "te. thin b"; . . . . S-oler w '! ' ' ' l. .li V.rir I 1 b b ever, even fr thn, most credulous gormandizer of falsehoc d tafs wallow ivithout choaking right out!) is, that a riumber of distinguished "ohl lire Whigs" as'they are chllfid) in this section, viz Charles Ljllinfon, Geo. AY. Mordecai, B. F'. Moore," Esq tp fires; and Ex-Goyernor: Manly,- will rmt supporl Gijmer foi? Governor and Fillmore for President, but will Vote for Bragg and Buch anan ! ... 'Nu,w,we feel justified in pronouncing this report, Ut in ''-'circulation to irtjure pur ticket, to be fal-e out and -out." and that so far from these i - . . i i'ff i i1i.n -i v T- !Tiii A m t r r r - MiMirc.. .ii.uriv i loi.oio iii iio , precy t canvass. With no -b LUTIIAS IJKL.CASl' I.VA L'ATE UHKRbUf bii opinion, nrtd occur vb, JT-pOES:NOT ST.-;nTr,ay;diil the young Sr,y ,.r snh Vw oratory E. Grahani Ilaywood, Esq., exclaim, w.lt"inigbt. Mf II be .rood be l, , . , . . 1 ; -'-. -'-I: ;si "'; ... ' ". . .. - u.h party if. m"u' " '' ! r : l-'-' : ' ' boidnes. candor and indent: .ce ; Will It Kef ract. and tell the Truth I ' everywhere won fr .m ff..M(,nI;liiV ,The "Standards of Jthe- 13th! of June IB50, . Cherokee to the Wnter of t' - gravely, asserted tat tlse "K in-if Xebrask i act h? h i, pursue I tho J; le-sves the ouSstioa of SI ir.irv ti be decided bv "i b alway iKe:f theV . -.rri i inra o t y i . ii ' 'Moi .V.. i ! ... , ........ '-, ' .' -ii- . t i pooi'eof tfietefritoriei icfcuice' pome tajoi-ni ' tlno-. A tinnier, entlemen br either of tneni, supportug Ouch--:, -. . . t' -.-sm,. j , J . , '.. ' , ; anan or Brsgg, they ' rtrej ardent friends of 'Fill more and Giamer and Will sustjii.n theai through weal and thr. ugh woe ! Stale. C'thxtiluHoii i." On the coiitrary 'the ant espfessly deel ire I here are nm: n. lie j rcvenrv bimse'.r hr tJ!v thajf';i't-t-a-"tJ.io trqei" i-nrrit ran 1 inanii;: of tii!i s'o-vs nl v bis broa I, h i. as f.tir,auio.iiht of-"- Hi friendfi haverive- 1 ' " will. Ho wilr :: er r-? ,r ' way. Ever, sli .ul l be ' '-e u :i-r thejf ovn w .y."i- (See lOtii YobjSf it.; at : large whicii i-t h irdiy vr tli' If one wefe t say-- that the Locofico leaders i Pil-e 2W3) H ! i ' i 4 !- I . : 's patent to alb the worU TfrJ re consisynt,In anvthihV; it coold nlr;. be in ! :IIcre til0n the r3wer is e?resby given to the pcau-m-n- doling wi K veat ami inr.ugn woe ; r: - , .-. .- .;....,..... -.j i ..... . s ., ... .. . r What He IvRi'ther eiriIate. "ext? ; & ninst aet ;ip:rarery jjiipt, .territory, or. : . . , - V 1 -; i r. i ..i : St ite or breicluiei ft:- th-Hifi-.drt, bii -t . leivetoe lave - or. listed nh ? nc (,r..e .who saw oereral - . . j-. s ; . , ! -' ' Taylor hid it the battle f Buena Yisti! .'. ' V T f . . ' ' . . ' ' -'' i - i Auothej cc nsisicnt ,ocoloco. ; T; KTn aoJ rejnlafeA their ibr st irpj.-t'd t i 't.nb 'r -itu nreseotinv 'ijrerste.Vi record of inci.nsistcneies , .i'!e tiieESRlToRr iiurj roce il to':, where t nnd-han abri;'- . fom beglnn;ibg to eu(i.f :.AYe have shown, time t-1 :tbe;ir cW?itot ,':,not iUuply t.' rejulale';. tune in 'Cie 4iiutain n ? '! 1 1 1 and again, aTilr.:Baei!anan has been a weak, tlieir domestic institutiouH.but'to roRM them,, not boarJ.- "He wear Unbelt onfc.leeve" wavering doubting, vacillating, shifting politi- simply to ruZaffJtlavery, but faproAit! Will if daws do peck at it-e r6!1" cian througfeout the course of a long life time.r So it is with' their otlier leaders. The only thing in which they do not yary or change their course 'is in their wld 'hunt 'after' the spoils cf ofEcc. i Let us see hew that great modern light of De mocracy; that personification of .Young' America Lficofucoismi Stephen A. Douglas, stands on the record en the question ' that now most agitates the public mind. Here is a part of bis record. lu 1849, lie made a very .eloquent speech at Springfield jllb' in which he had occsfion to dis cuss the couiprumise measures of 1820. He made use of the following language in that speech : "AU the'ev.idences of public opinion at that t admire the open honej''in't of the man. He mi -it k VUK 7 T - . i C-hwv lined,'! ..'', ic. arid nvr eve.i ni.H., ui:l 1 in rr.i. - , r.r will bo i .1 . - V qi'.r- V.: will' k:t , v onbt J 1 y 6 ; ne.v at.d ii enl ng'.-i"' ;(:;, ' s ! f'iMihicli,o'or.b.i"; V-.. . . ! ; 4 ' ;" V.'lefecipi fr-- !'' . . ' . .-. "v -in u-a an i r!; 11 VVWint. Wej OH'it Vi . nh h I'll. V' .. io , rm2. I I' ll-:: i ' sr i-ioe wi .."' 1 i i i '.. ..,a,nnilil. V I no4 never bite i". ' .'. I nh,, ! I we n-vt t tice concealment the Standard" retract ? The 1aco Candidate for Vice , President. ine Jjoco canaiuate i.r thevtect nd oL;ce in the I ' . n. r.i. ' -s ; , it f ,. , (iilmer cannot do that, lie d gift of the American people, tboogh but for a 1 . , , . I .u.; .d.iiU ;'ir. iii v Fairue and frankness have I ciiui i huhmii puuiu nit, rctlllff IU uv MHIO.IUII- l ate as bis chief In record be Jan spread before ' iVbit wilh ira tb,lt he ..W thecountry. From the praises, beMowed upon ! Jfe a political trickster, him, one would suppose that he bad never inhaled b,m ! that hone" ' own a breath of air that was not thorougWr Demo- ho W,H Contme to practice ir cratic, nor uttered a word that was not in praise " "mm.BV 'ulJ uone ln F ' of Democracy. But it seems that he tio has had the Pet'P lo not reward L , two strings to hi3 beau. Here are the facts, read ! that truth and honor are fied-1 them:', i" . . K'J.i- Breekenridge was an active friend govern America. The failure of every attempt to establish a free gvercmcnt In Europe is de monstmtive bf this fact.- But if we valiiethe 'bleswl sing which Providence has so bountifully show ered stan "resolve -1 . ii i : m liuericaua buaii auu m ruie .mici.iia.- , j-..- .'-." - ''. !'. -.. U '. fi-. -''-f"V' -.! fpEIJ-Siox charges Col. Benton; with; only a ; preference for Mri iuchanan, ana in rea itv. working tor Jremont, so latter is elected, be jnay H "the pow- throive greater than the throne." day. seemed.to indicate tlrat tue compromise had ; of Uen. iaylorana advocated his claims ty the become canonized in.tha hearts of the American Presidency in. a glowing and elegant speech. In nenrde is a sacred thin? which no ruthless Itand the Congressional Globe, volume, 25 of the annen-'! t- - r , - .7.- - . dix, page 84, can be found Brkenridge'ti own admiseion of this facbf made on iie floor f Con- 5 trowW erer be recRess enough to disturb, ;"IIe congratulated himself that all his acts vM'teZoc on the ubjeet of slaverjvwere ia harmony with th(j 3 of the t aud a wun4a the comprop. se onbJX - i; The Columbia iTImeii Talso predaces the record ; iAnd agaip, in his Territorial Report on tbe evidence against -him i; the records of Congress fourth day If January, 1 1854,' only a few weeks showing that be s as strongly in favor of uiter- beft re be introduced his Kabsai-Xebraska bal,he f " Whigs of 1828, i . -h j having attempted while m Congress to obtain an declared that ' ' . ; ( ; : v j appropriation of $150,000 for the local improve- "Ile was unwilling to depart from the compro- j ment of Kentucky ; river. lie .cannot, of course, mise of 1850, by recommending the repeal -of be regarded as an'adrocate of State Rights in the 1S20." I j- democratic sense pf the term. 1 ' - ie id 1 - is i"" tatio . ' -i - ; : ! I Iecp It before' That Moses A. BlediioiV'5, .1 . T 1 . .... 1. tne legislature, pqblicly r . since, that be would vote l an 'Irish CaCwlic. in r,ri l r .. . Miller, Esq., for any, oV . American reonlft " . TL fonli Carolina exch? 0 office of Gorernor, and tb8' c excludes them from ' ho8 tote for Mr. McGowan' U.wWl in prexerence ioaAaUi i J'lv tbe people of Wake Totef' tureT We will see.r i I i i!-il ( 'owan.X f:a,! v ihuiea 4 1 of tu ; lJfo parf or iv.t'i'oii. . V1 Ccr. The A " ' " tterr Siuthen S:'.u . irhoh-tv brrcb'.ur' r; out their ai I 'Wf o-td I and cats Ii it ei-i'.r no frt tho fi"lJ anijy .u; oi Kim.. Come then t. tl V-" tried patriot -l OS ilb 'l! i'1; to t .u a y r ii r f U y pro 'n 'In thi . r,r Cli .8T N"S' r ritfrJlli ill .heri i.i s "i n f i f.J III t' thri J t VO' : or, i : !- I 4 i jrai.J ties- hour tirt, iliri' J3F"' Cii'" ! ' V i t a ile I : t, Wi V V".' 9' M ii 1 5.- : :

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