t I r 1 J PUBLISHED n.-WEEKY. EALEIGHj NOBTH CAEOLINA, XVLt 19, 1856. IfUHBEE 8. j-r. -': .:N& Ixixx H- i - v' :-...!---4f. . : ' fiNALo : 'iOv.-r-r' i -i-a ' - p,',ia,aw,,,,,,MM,,,',a"BI,,,,IWIMIBI,'wwBl',,M "If I! :t-t. 1 ( tr. -1 'A t fJ - .f jit Viv; -. - . . '; - - ah: 1 ? I M - r-l .-.- ' - ,5-. f: ?1 If- v: :4 m 'hi t-;: - t - J; Ek American JiigifaL ' . ;f: r . ' . ; 1 ' " OT THE LATTER B ALEIGH, N. C: . ;. ,; j . niospEcxus of . r(T H E AMERICAN SIG N A L; THE AMERICAN SIGNAL will be published in tae-Uity or italelga, aq. a campaign paper, Semi- 1 Weekly and Week Ij , It will be the exponent of the great national principles npon which JVIiixAbd Fill ' more and Ajidbew J-ACKso.i Dosblsos hare planted 'themsefyes, in accepting the nomination made by the National American Con rention at Philadelphia. It Tf iir advocate the claims of Johx A- Qivvrn to the office of Governor, as the bearer of that American flag, . - - yrider which it is the pnrpose of every true American n North Carolina' to mirch to the conflict of American- 'm.l ' saa against Foreignismjconserratismagainstradicalism, fik!iOf devotion! to the Union against disunion. U " The SIGNAL has been gotten np under circumstances, U that .assure to the friend of the American cause a pa ! Jer worthy of theirconfidence and support, arrangements 'having been made to secure for its columns the ellicient services of several, writers of eminent ability bejong- - ! ' . ilng to. the American Paxty. . !" Terms for the Campaign, iin-arially in advance: iSemi-Weekly, $1,00; Weekly, 75 cants' for a single cvpy, or lO copjes' fir S5i , . ' ; WILL. CDOUBr Publisher nd Proprietor. ,";.. . - - ' The friends of the cause will please circulate this Prospectus, and send up lists- of subscribers without de- .!ny,iis tbtfjCampaign has already commenced. . 'JUNE 16, 1856. V -TIIE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE of the American I. Party of North' Carolina would earnestly urce on the t," - friends of FitiMOKE, Dox.ei.pox and Giljieb, the great Cii MiiiportPncc of distributing at oncrsueh political papers . i . .- ....... 'hj jilc'sand advnnce therau?e, for which the bannernf the National American Party has been unfurled. Wc do Vio't shrink'from'the discussion of our principles, and if ;ir r WeTy tnie mart does hns duty, there will b'e no reason to ifear.the result of the contest. To the prompt and full If. erfoniiank;e of such duty each and til of us are invoked, by every Consideration of patriotism. . . - The 'Cotnimtte Having been confidently 'assured that lUe ".AMERICAN SIGNAL" will be made an able and fijcieii.t Campaign paper,iwould respectfully commend it .to the patronage tjf those triendly to toe national . Americ an nominations. II. W. MIL ER, Chm'n fthi Ex. . Com. .W. IJ. Hah r is ox, j XOX1TII CAROLINA 2tluiual''l'irc Insurance -Goixiiany ' : j OFFICE- RALEIGH, S.-C. rr THIS Comcanv continues to insure theuveso. all Irealthv White person'9 land Slaves The ftty$t rik tiktn n rtirtgJlifa ii S0OO Slaves' ar insured for a term f of one to five years 'foi-5 Is their Value. ; . - . orFicEfns. i '' .!.! if.' ClmS. E. Johnson, President, i . Wjn. 1). Haywood, ice President, i ' JiAnTt. W.il:iatnt Secretary, ; W?n II. Jones, Treasurer, '.r Maj. 41. W. Husted, Attorney, i Dr. Win. II. Mclvee; Examining Phj sicir.n. i " All looses arc raid within CO dnvs aftr satisfac tory prof is presenta, - i . ' lilanks and Pamplilets, showing the plan of ope ration of the-Coinpanv, may be had on application At th Offine. or anv bf the Acencies. All letters in business sho'uH be ajldre sed to : . . joiin g. williams; stcfy : April pi, 18."G; .' - 19 tf. TO i - MERCHANTS. tcbbins.-Morgaii & Aliens . . . . j '.! ... 40 CLIFF STREET, NEW YORK; -IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Drusrs, Dyes, Chemicals, Perfumery, &c .TTAiIN.i selected their stock from the best that the "IX. tfvheetic or 'cretin markets afTord, can, with confidence, offer great inducements to the Merchant, Tliy'cian or Jw J act nrcr, to obtain gopds they can rely upon, and on as reasonable terms as any similar house in ibis country. - ' '". . " Orders n person or fy mail will meet with prompt pnd careful attention and are respecfully solicited, i" '.rf Four streets east of Broadway between! Fulton Bekman. " . 3 T"tiA Wbif Sn1nKni nii rfm1vhpnf Snnnffs. j I - : lVarrcn Couiily, X. C. f . riIESE SPRINGS are situated in a healthy and i 1 -pleasant section of conntrvk 12 miles from War- tenton j Do pot - and 13 miles from Henderson, at ' each of which places H icks may always be found, ready to convey visitors "to the Springs. The climate . fs salubrious, the medicinal qualities rf the waters utij . dpubte, as: tested by an- experience Of sixteen year;?, " v and ihe ccomnlnditiiBs, in all respects, good. Tn establishment is now open for the reception of guests. ; TERMS, same a? last year, viz : . - . -' i For Board per mnth, S 1 $25 00 I : .- week,-j ' ' 9 00 day, I .. " j " ". " 1 50 -j For children funder 12) and servants, half price. j5m' Persons remaining Ihe whole season, say three months, will be charged at the rate of $20 per month; -or $60 for the Season, " . .2LS-A DAILY MAIL will be brought to the Springs throughout the season. ' f . . WILLIAM D. JONES, r June' 1st, 1856. M j 24 2m. PATENT MEDICINES. Yon will find in our estab lishment a very extensive assortment of the patent and faini.ly medicines advertised in ourpapers, orknown to our community, which we will sell at proprietors prices, wholesale and retail ' i- - ' . - j " PESCUD &, GATLING. . 'Raleigh February 20,1 856 J " 5 tf- fan HE LA-DIES are now" informed that our beauti- iful Mantillas (in Colors and Mourning) are fa,dw1 open for inspection." I ' . ' ' . .XlnqlParis Kid Gloves,- Real Twisted Silk Mitts. tarasls and etery variety of Fan. 4 " W. II. & R. S. TUCKER. : -ApriM, 186. j ; i 15 "TTTTNDOW GLASS AND PBTTIjust fohnd -AtV tin good order 100 boxs Window Glass, compri sing the various sizes and qualities usually called for hi. this market. Also, 150O pounds Putty in' bladders ir. ana rana 1 j - Februa And cans, for sale at a small advance by PJS5CUD 4 GATLING. February 20, 1856. 8 tf. Sand Paper. : A. SUrRT0R Article of Sand J;trom 1 to 6. V - ' For sale by . . f . H, D. ' Raleigh, Sept. 13. . Paper. , TURNER. Ill Ladies and ' Gents Hosiery. : A general Assortment of Men's. Women and Bov Cottoq, Thread, Wool and Silk Hose.. Also Gloves of -. fveryjund. W. H. 4 R, S. TUCKER. The British Periodicals and the Farmer! Guide. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE PUBLICATION. f L. SCOTT & CaNiEW'Y0.'- continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz ; ' I - Tie London Quarterly (Conservative.) ' . ; '- .' i. ! - - - ' 'ihe Edinburgh Review Whig.) . , ' TJie Korth JJritisfr Review I ree Church.) ! 2he Westminister Review (Liheral.)' ' -.- .: 1 I 5 . '-: : i' " Blackicood's EdinburgJt Magazine' .Tory.) fill lie r eat and important even ts-r Religious, Political, and Military rtiow agitating the nations of the Old World, give jto these PabHcatigng an interest and value they never before possessed. They occupy a middje ground between the hastily written news-items, .efud speculations,- and flying ru mors of the newspaper, a4d the ponderous Tome ofthe historian, written long niter the lhing interest in the facts he records shall, hhve passed away. " The pro gress 6f the War in the East occupies a large space in their pages. Every movement is closely criticised, whether of friend or of lue, and all short-comings fear lessly pointed out. The letters from the Crimea and from the Ealticin Blackwood's Magazine, from two of it3 most popular .contributors, give a more intelligible and. reliable account of'the movements ofthe great belligerents than can elsewhere be found. . : These Periodicals ably represent the three great po litical parties of Great Britain Whig, Tory, flnd Rad ical, but politics forms 4nly one feature oftheir charr acter. As. Organs of the most - profound writers i n Science, Literature, Moraility, and Religion, they stand,.' as they ever have stood, jinrivalled in thj world of let ters, being considered indispensable tothe scholar and professional man, while'to the intelligent reader of every class they foirnishja more correct and satisfacto ry record of the current literature of the f day, through out the World, than can be possibly obtained from any ether source, ' ! . i ' " EARLY COPIES. . . The receipt of . Advanjce Sheets - from the British I)ublihers give adflitionat value to these Reprints, es pecially during the present exciting state of European affairs, inasmuch as they can now berplaced. in the hands of subscribers abobt as soon as the 'original edK tions. . I ', , : TERMS. . : i i - Per ann. For any one of the four Reviews..., Fr any two of the four jReviews.. For any three ofthe fouri Reviews., For 11 four ofthe Reviews.... ,., ....$3 00 5 00 ......7 00 .S 00 3 oa 9 00 ....10 00 For Blackwood's Magazine. ......j. .'..!..... For Blackwood and three Reviews....., For Blackwood.and the j four Reviews.. Payments id he made in all eases in advance. Money current iit the iSt 'ate where issued will, he deceived. 'at par.- . . CLUBBING. 1 . '"A discount of twenty -,'live per cent, from the abrve prices wil. be allowed t0 Clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or mere of the above work. Thus: Four copies of Black wltod or of one Review, will be sent to one address for &9; lour copies of the four R.e views and Blackwood ifcr SO: and. so on. J POSTAGE, j ; , In all pi incipa! Cities and -Towns, these works will be delivered, Free of'ljostage.-When sect 'by mail,the Postage to any .part of jthe United. States ill be but Twenty-four .Cents a ypar. for "Blackwood," and but l'ourtetn Centra year for each of the Reviews. THE FA R JIiTr ' S G Till) E TO SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL AGR1CUL ... - TURK. j By Henry Stephens, FJ R S-. of Edinburgh, and the Ht&J. P. Ko'rtoK, Trofessor .of SiientiCc Agi jculture " in Yale (.-ollegp. Newj Haven. 2 vols. Royal Octavo.- 1600 pages, .-anjd, numerous Wood and Steel Engraving? ' i j ' . ' -, Tliis is confessedly, the most complete work on Agri cultiire.ever j 'ublislted, nnd in order to give it a wider j circulation the i ublihers have resolved to reduce the price to- . ' - ! FIVE DOLLARS TOR.TIIE TWO VOLUMES ! ! When -sent bytiaailifpost-paid) to. California and Oregon hc price will be 7..' To every, other part of the Union'and to jCanajla (post-paid,) 6. 'This work. is not the old "Bijok of the t'arm." Remittances foriiny ojf thf above publications should always be addressed, . pvst-j aid, to the Publishers, No. 54 Gold Street, New York. 1 tf. 20,000 INf ONE MONTH. E R N E S T i L I It W 0 Oj D By Caroline Lee Ilenitzi .4 LTnOUGn but a single month, has passed since XX. the first copy bf this brilliant book was issued, yet so great has been the deniand for the last and most beau- ful work from the pen of iU lamented authoress, that we are now printing the i ... " S TWENTIETH THOUSAND, v with an unabated ueipahd still pressing us. - Since the diys'of the Lamplighter,' no book has sold so rapidly, or become so universally popular.. Col. Fuller of the New York Mirre-r, in one of themost elegant articles evdr peb!ned,iri regard toauthors or their productions,, uses the follcwin j beautiful language : Eriist Lauwood.' ''Death darkens his eye", unplunies his wings, j But the sweetest spng is the last he sings. In the'volurae entitled "Ernest Linwood' just issued by Jewett ; Co., of Boston, we have the dying song ofthe elegant and! gu ted Airs. Caroline uee lientz. Mournfully sweet Uke the sigh of an iEolian lyre, yet detp jand oracular as the voice of many waters, it seems to have been poured forth while her soul floated down to the ocean of Rest.- On almost every page we can trace the shadow of, the death-angel, who.bore her away when -hen son? was ended. Mysterious gleams from beneath the "uplifting veil of Spirit-land stare a we read. The book is a broad-cast farewell a lingering liand-grafp from one we loved. . If we mistatlnot, its impressive passages are revelations ot tne inner lue ot the writer wonderfully vivid and absorbing, because wonderfully r&al. , - . ' e wi.U not attempt to follow out, in this notice, the thread of an inimitable tale:in so doing we should only anticipate scenes ahd events, which come, with beauti ful Unkings and finie efiect,before the eye of the reader. We would not rob the bpk of half its charm. Sweet Gabriella )Lynn will tell her own story. . t . 1 Published by JOHN P. JEWETT CO., No, 117 Washington Street, Boston. For sale by all Book selleia. . plarch 1855. 13 ", F O 11 Mi B O O K ! The North Carolina Form Book CONTAINING all th j'mot useful Forms which occur in business transactions between man and man, as well as in official stations; together with The ConstitHlfon of jtorth Carolina and of the . UjVITPED STATES THE ACT FIXING THE FEES OF CLERKS, SHERIFFS, dec., Calculated for the use of the Citiiens of North Carolina and made couformable to Iavr. Compiled by a member of the Bar. Price $1 ' - ? - For sale by HENRY D. TURNER,. ' ' H. D. T;. will send the above work byj mail, postage free upon the receipt of 91. Y ? ' ; aleigh, March, J856; j - . . . , 13 tf : -:: '. -wi' h. (marsh,- .!: : Commission Merchant, ; ; NO. 18 'OKTBC WATR STREIT , Wi midton, C. - 1 'T Pd- -s WARREN L. POMERY; I No. 16, Fayettevillfe Street, Ealeigh, H. C " HAS JUST RECEITKD! ' ! . : Wood-Notes, or Carolina Carols ' 3 f ,i ;a collection of i NORTH CAROLINA POETRY Comjedhy Tenella. 2 Fbfr. 12 $1.75. . j .TTIIIE Volumes of poetry now presented to the public JL - had their origin in a collection for the compiler; own" use. As it increased, a few friends expressed al wish that it should be rendered a-s c mplete as possible and published that every North Carolinian might have, an opportunity of possessing in a - permanent and con-j venient form, a copy of many pieecs that they had prob-j ably read, and admired, -yl. perhaps for a i timej preserved from regard for theauthofs. i, Encouraged by their kind oo-operation, the work has been steadilyi though slowly, growing untiLit has reached its present siie;though it has been impossible to procure many pieces which it was thought could be procured, yet it is hoped that this first attempt of the kind in. North Carolina will meet with the favor of - th citizens tor whose a?e the work is principally intended.' Though we may not have produced any very great poets,- still these "foot prints of the Muse" will stow them we posses some of ?j "the poets that are sown j . I ; By Naturej men endowed wit.h highest gifts,! i The Vision arid the faculty divine;" . . ! : ' ' :. -- -v :. it is irom our Knowieage oi tne writers that many pieces in this collection will derire their interest, and though viewed by the severe eye bf criticism, they would have been rejected, still it was thought that public ex pectation would have been disappointed had they been .For sale wholesale and retail by the publisher, i THE FAVORITE AUTHOjSESS OF THE SOUTH. tA Ker Novel by the Anthorof "llonc. ; lirst Edilion 10,000 Copied, -Now Ready. THE. HIDDEN E AT H ; f A Novel. By Marion Ilarland, of Richnwnd, Ya one elegant 12mo. vol. 434 Pages Price, $1 25. THE extraordinary success of Miss Harland's "Alone, running through edition after edition-, with i great rapidity re-published inTEngland with a still larger; sale translated into the French ah'd German languages: with .marked success is! perhaps the ;l best evidence of the originality and popularity of her writings. In the f languageofan eminent 'critic ''She may henceforth; take rank among the most successful novelists of the I United States.", ( 'V - : ..-".-. , ;' l;x: "Those wlio have read 'Alone' and these whefhave not, should-i-will be interested and gratified to know,' that a new book by Vir inia's gifted, authoress, enti tled 'Jhe Hidden Path is now ready; Beautifully as 'Marion Ilarland' j has woven the threads of life in other romance arid song she is a poetess of rare.fe liity vre are safe in" predicting that her new; work' will surpass -airher previous efforts in fine delineation, brilliancy and power, and that Mr. Derby will be called upon to' record it on his books as one of the most popu- liar and successful of modern literary issues. Since reading 'Alone we shall .'impatiently await. the appear-; aneeof'Thei Hidden Path."'--AT. Y.-Wemng -Mirror J.C DERBV,Publisher,119 Nassau street, New Voik, And for sale by all booksellers and new Agents, i ! i W. L. POMEROY. 1 Raleigh, 1S55. ' i . ; . J . 108 ; CARPETS, j OIL-CLOTHS, &c, j tc. At low Prices for Cash! " GEORGE; L. HYATT, ! - . .i'V NEW YORK, -i i ,C; . : '-cll HAS nplv in Store and is constantly receiving a well assorted stock of Carpets, Oil-Cloths o;c.,,to whicq he invites public attention, believing that an examination! of both quality and prices will prove j satisfactory. to Merchants and to Pur chasers generally, who I) uy (for cash. His stock consists of ' .- . ' ': x I'M: Hich Velvet Tapestry" & Brussels Carpets ' ! . . In New Designs, j j: SUAE III OR ENGLISH & AMERICA'S 'fUPLF ;! . aud Ingrain Carpets ; J 1. i Comprising many New Patterns, made . expressly for first class' trade. Also. ... - ' ' . ! v Twilled and Plain Venetian all and Stair Car pets. ''"' ' - - -( ! ; Oil -Cloths, in -width's from 2 to 24 feet in various; qualities. I , .' i ' - . . '" -.; ' ; ' ' . ' ' Rich Mbsaic Tufted and Common Hearth. II wgs and Door Mats of different sorts ". - Table and Piano Covers of -choice Patterns. 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 Plaid and plain Mattings. Window; Shades of Desirable Styles. ' Stair Covering, Stair Hods, and all other articles usually kept in Carpet Stores j " I j BE IS A LSO A GENT FOR SELLING Car hart &jNye'a Power Loom-Three-ply and In- grain Carpetl, as well as Barber's Auburn Pr. : . iuade Brussejis 3-ply, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets and Hugs; ; , - - 'i . CO -PAET EBSHIP. t . i i i; RESH GARDEN SEED. The, subscribers inre exoecting to receive this morning their stock of roreiffn and American Warden and trass Seed, which is much larger and more varied than any previous sup.- ply. .- ! . ! -'; " ' '-- ' '- They are prepared to execute orders from merchants, in. any part of the State, on the mostifavorable terms, and will allow them the privilege of returning all un sold by thei 15th of June." - .i Families wishing seed, will please send their orders while our istock is full. All our seed are warranted fresh and genuine, and among them are some new and splendid varieties. . ' " V - " - - i ; i r riiSt;UL &i UATliJiNtf, Druggists and Seedsmen,' i , , - Raleigh, N. C. Jan. 3, 1$56. f . t Dress Goods. PLAIN Figured Plaids and Striped Silks, , " jBlack Watered do. very cheap; t Satin Plaid, Striped, -Figured and Plain Berage, Chali,BerageDe Lane, French Jaconets and common Lawns, a large assortment atvery low prices. ' ; f; Ginghams, Brilhantes; Plain. -,,. j - . Dotted and Figured Swiss Muslins.. . ' ! i r ; . U. L. EVANS. March 29th, 1555. f : Fashionble Dair-tDtting and Easy ShaTingi- TIIE unndersigned has just opened a Shop at Mr Thopson's . building, near the corner east Ofthe North Carolina Book Store,- for .the especial accommo dation of gentlemen wtro desire a pleasant shave' and well dressed head of hair. . lie hopes' by his skill and close attention to his business not only to merit; but secure a liberal share ofthe patronage of the public. . -r-.r J-T. ALSTON.; Raleigh; August, 1855. .. ..... f ' . . 9?-ly I HAVE for sale a few Tax Books, made express ly for the use of County Court Clerks and Sher itfp, with printed headings of each item of taxable property, under the late reveaue. act of the Legs ture of this State.' . : .'I ". -J' J'i-'' ' -. ;J - "';'''':.--'irVDr.TtIRNERj:j:-ii " . ; ' K C. Booistorei ' Raleigh y. d: May, 1 856. ..- f.TI 6. Splendi d Stock of:G,o o &ht E are now receivisg the largest stock of fay and fancy dry goods, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Cr6ck4 . 1 i-l : 1L.1 l. 1 r A i ri Raleigh, and as they have been bought carefully theyJJ will Yka fiiarxne&ti Af An. f a mnat mularfttA tmiSj i :? .' t ' We shall be pleased to show them to our custmers, friendsand the public generally. - ; , w.u. Sept. 1855 ; ' f : &. 11. S. TTTCKJKR. BAY All D TAYLOR'S lKtf BOOE, ! a tisit fohfniA, chisa; loo-choo axd japas, is ; ) , THE TE1B 1855. ; BY BAYARD TAYLOR. W'ith elegant Steel engravings. 12mo, cloth. Price $1,50 -VT-; x- :.:.- 'j- '. Thb roloxne is a record of the authar's own experi ence during a year's travel in the above named countries and is intended to convey an accurate idea of their pre. ent physipland social aspect. The results of the writer's obiervations are given in the same delightfully natural stye which characterises his previous works. ! "We welcome with pleasure this long promised work The last of three volumes comprising the 'travels in Central Africa, Egypt and India, of one- of the most in defatigable travelers of the day. We know of no books of the kinJ that keep the reader's attention so much alive" Sujnday Dispatch. v " ; Mr. Tajrlor ha earned, a- reputation as a traveller; never equalled by jany American, and surpassed by but fewpersonf now living.4 We. venture the assertion, that this new hook will be " generally confessed to be his greatest and best work' . -For Sale by --T "- W1L. POMEROY: : ' Oct. fl-th j 129 I Hfifinnt Pnhlinations. i 11 moit and Meditations by, Rev, A. Morton Brown. TheSiii Davs of .Creation : A Series of Ifamiliar let ters fronj a father to his. Children, by W. G. Rhind. A vief of tB"e Scripture Revelations concerning a Future Htafe: by Archbishop Whately. i The ljnijverse no Desert, the Earth no Monopoly. The Pjarality of Worlds Edited by Dr. Hitchcock, i- Cloudy and Sunshinei by; Charles Reade, author of ' Peg Wongton.' -vf ' ' f :"-..;: '. i Christie t Johnstone," by Charles Reade, author of Peg.WofTington.'l I ,. ; . .. ; - " The Elder Sister, by Marian James. Ethel; or the Double Error, by Marian James. Romance of Ameri can" History, by Joseph Banrtrd. Maud,' and other Poems, byj Tennyson' j Plays, by Anna Cora Morratt. Ulancus, dt unaries ivingsiey. - For Sale by ."'.':; " '' ! '. ;VV- -'--t----i r.- W. L. POMEROY. Raleigh, bet. 9, 1855. : - ; , .. 122 tf i'-..' 1 -'-New ooks. . ji RACE LEE, by Julia Kavanah, author of Natha VJT lie, Daily Burns, Ac. Castle Builders;by 'author of Heir of Redcliffe, Hearts Ense'Ac.T ' -- . . ' :-'- t:',," . 1 Travels in Europe and the East: a year in England, Scotland, Ireland, j Wales, France, Belgium,. Holland, Germany, Austria,' Italy, Greece, Turkey Syria, Pales tine and Egypt by Samuel Irenseus Prime, illustrated. 2 volumes jl 2 mo. ; : - - - - ' The Pratetical Amcriican Cook, Book. f Miss Strjeklands's Queens of Sbo'tland-VoI. V. Wood's Illustrated Natural History. " ' Robert Graham,' a Sequal to "Lenda," by Mrs. Caro- lin'Lee Hentz. "' Israel Potter, or Fifty: Years in Exile, by Hcrmane Melvile. ;j ; " - Modern 'Standard Drama, volume XII and XIII. . Godcy ior May.) For sale by. ' . , - -i - ' 1 x: - W L. POMEROY. -' Raleigh, April, 1855. ,; ' : ' 52 I- I 17nAVi4 PiililiAnliAtlo . r '; nttcill I lentil liuua rpiIE NEWCOTV1ES, by Thackeray. Th& Lifdo 1 Gold Reality Versus Fiction, by; Hin r Helper, i" - - h A visit to the damp before Sevastopal,; by Kicb ard C. McCarmick, ir 11 Scene in the practice 'of a New York Surgeon, byj Edward H. Dixon, D. D. The Life of Curran, by his Son. Life in California,; Mountains and Molehills1, by Frank Marryatt. , j ' -. : . .. . r. ... . . J.- r Historyiof the council of Trent, by BungenerJ i i The Araucanians; or Notes of a 'l our among ihe Indian Tribes of Chili, by Edmond Ruel Smith. j A Basket of Chips, by John Broughp.m..' ; America; Political ;and Social, by Schaff. i' Fairy Tales iof many nations. . Wirts Letters of the British Spy. 1 ! ' ; Chandler s Plan bf fcevastopal. For sale; by W. L. POMEROV. 12G October 13, 1555.; rjV ECENT PUBLICATI()S.-TIIE LITERA JLV raryLife jand Correspondence of the Countess of Die.-tingt a. Y --,'i.r. ' '- ," : The Escaped Niln; Or, Disclosures of Convent Life and the confession of a Sister oi Charity. Habits a;iid men with rerarants of record touching the makers of both, by !) ctor Doran I Doe Sticks : What he says; by Q. K. Philander Doe- stick's, I'.I!. 1 Bell Sniith abroad. Roiret's 'J aurus- of English words and phrases. ' ;-- :'.; '; Miscellanies, by GeOrjre L'iteraryl land Histbrical -. M $ Bancroft.. s JCheawatjy of Common Life, by James F, Johnston, complete in 2 vol. , 12 mo. : . "... r i . The -English Pait and P.. esent, by R. 0: French.' Las Carafe' Memoirs of Napoleon. 4 j'..'.'.;' A Child's History of England, by Charles Dickens. Peg Woffington a beautiful atory, by Charles Reade. : The Summer land; a Southern Story. i : Ellie ; Or, the. Human Comody,; by John Easton Cooke, author of "The! Virginia Comedies," &c. T I ; Tha English Orphans ; Or, A Home in the New World, by Mrs. Mary J." Holmes, author of "Tempest nd ounsnine. ;. i; ,?;'r ' . a The Heiress of Hriugh ton : a sequel to "Aubrey."! rrank .Leslie s Journal tor beptemner. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. September 7. 1855. 109 LIST OF NEW BOOKS, I ,t ( ; -. , V N O W K E A D Y . .'-' ' . ; . f . I I. Alfred i Teniiy son-Maud , . and other Poems; 60 cts '; ; I . : - ; ' '. ' - . j I II. Charles Reader-Peg Woffington, a Novel. 75 cents, x (.,!'- ,;.; - . " I - . - . ! j Christie Johnstone, a Novel, 75 cents. , : ' ; . . i ' Clouds and Sunshine. 75 cents. .' III. William Howitt Land, Labor and Gold, 2 vols i A ? Advfnturesin the Wilde of Australia, with ;. " :::'illuStrationgu75!eentSi-;'''.!;S;., ,X:'--'rx'-x ' ':A . IV. Thoma? De Quineey-r-The Note BookV 75 cents. V. Charles Kingsley The Voyages and Adventures of Aymas Leigh. $r,25. ',-'--"-'. j . Glaucus, or the Wonders of the shore. 50 cents, VI. Lieut, Arnold, fon of Dr. Arnold of Rugby Oak-field, a Novel. $1. ; ' . For Sale byr W. L. POMEROY. :.'..'-. , : 125 Oct. 27tb. RUTH IIAI.l,, by Fanny Fern, author of Fer Leaves, Little Ferns, Ac, $1.25. 4 ' . For sale by . . .:' ' --' - '-' - .- -J- ' . WARREN L. POMEROY. VTEW BOOKS. Ruth Hall, by Fanny Fern. JLj ' Fudge Doings by Ik. Marvel. . iW-oolfert s tioost, by . wasnington Irving. . ; . . i:or sale by W. L. POMEROY. ebSthtlSSo TW 0 DU SDBED TEO U S A N D; DOLL A Worth of Land Warrants Wanting", ltheLaw 28th Sept., 1850, aitdZrdA ' Atot for which the higliest cash prices t March, will be x paid. fTuIE Subscriberyill collect all warrants under said jL IawVii due i to- all" soldiers for 1 days record serficej ifthe soldier is dead to their widows or naiivr children. Persons! sending warrants f o th e Subscriber 7y wail orby Adam's Express CoiKDariv or throurh the .Banks will" have them cashed at sight, and remittances tmaoy return mail. ! - ' ' - J. II. KTRHAM. Office opposite- Lawrence's Hotel, Fayetteville St Raleigh,; June 19th j 1855. 3 Books ! "Boolis ! Books I TT7T INNIE AND I. The New Purchase, or early Y years in the far ITest, by Robert Carlton, Esq. jKIosterheim; by DeQuincey. ' 1 : Song of Hiawatha, byj Longfellow. ; ' 'Hoary Head and McDonner, by Abbott JStrabo, by Hamilton fc Falconer. ' 'Memoirs of Catherine, ;of Russia, and her Successors. : ITeyerino, by George $and.! ! i -Glenwood; or the Parish Boy.. , Representative Womejn: From Eve the WJfe ofthe Firstj tojMary the mothea" of the second Adam, by Bald win. ;'' -!' j .. .' -j ' ; ' ." .v J ; . -; IMemoirs of nenry thje Eighth; cf Eng'svd, and his six wives by Herbert. t j i ;i , V1 iThe planter's Victim, or Incidents of, .American Slavery,' with illustrations. " j . T5he Match Girl, OrLifej Scenes as they are, with itlua tratioTis. j j ' ' '; . ' . . ilVitVr'n XtanW T"TAriBp: pontftininir Rowioir. Sail ing, Riding, Driving, Fpncing, Hunting and Shooting, Illustrated. traied. IGrav's Elerv. illust: - ! Lives of the Queens ojf England of the House of Han over, by Dr. D. Doran.j ; ' . ' Memoirs of Dr. Sampson, late Ti eaident of the Union Theological Seminary. I TT. fe.v.;..,. . :Wheeler's history of North Carolina; illustrated. The Arch Bishop, o Ronianifiinin the United States. By Orvilla S. Belisle, illustrated. i, . t ! The American Cottage Cookery Book, or Housekeep- iitg made Easy. - ! " 1 " j The Prince of Peace' orTiuths for Young Disciples. I by a lady. ' ;- ' . j The Uand ofthe Foryra and the Vatican; or. thoughts ahd Skdtebes, during an Easter Pilgrimage to Rome, j f Footers sketches of Vi.rgih;h, 2d Serus. J Whatis PresbTteriahifm; by the Rev. Dr. IJodge. The moral and intellectual diversity of Races, by ntt A- Ilatz.i - - ; ' ; '-.'! ' The little Episcopalian, or the Child taught by the Praver Book. ' j ? . ! f :' . .. j ' (Sermons by the Rev. Robert South, D. D. j The Six Days of Creation: a series of Familiar Lit ters, from a father to his children. . ; t Dairy; and eorrespolndence of Samuel Tepys. ; ' Juno Cliford,by a Lady. j . ! . , Dairy and correspoiidence -of John Evelyn, F. R. S. I Histofiearand Descriptive! Sketches of Norfolk and Vicinitvi. Illustrated bv W. Si Forrest. ! The poetry and - mastery of Dreams, by Charles 0. LoflandJ lierstakers iraveis Voyages R6nd the World, from the death'of Captain J ood tq the preseh time ' For sale by ; Raleigh, Dec., 1S5 H. P., TURNER, ; ' N. C. Bookstore. : j J 47 .. Who is j Sam ? . The Sons of live Sires, or 177G aridlS.55,'a history oj'tlie Rise and Irogressof the American Par ty and its propaOie influence on vie next Presidential Election. , lo wJi ich is j 4 j added a : Reime of the Leticg oj. .1 ihellim. Henry A. Wise, j 'I ' ; dgainsfihe - ! Kj NOW i N O T II I N G i S g-Tbe first Declaration of Independence' proclaim ed by our sires in 1770, the second by theirsocs, in 1355 j Freedom from Foreign Rule ! ! ! : This work is. from the ;; pen bf one thoroughly ac quainted with the undercurrent of Auiericap i'olitics, and the bauses which have led to the existihg corrup tion in high places. Hetracesout clearly the ir.pefn lions of a foreign element In bur governmental institutions, and shows that the S'ons of the Soil should govern the j This is the ahthbr'jB strongiposition, which hei main tains bvi irrefutable arffument! This book is one that should be in the hands of every wttj!.v4)orn caizen 4i i J. he; Poll tiuiann win rhe i'o a nersonal interest in the question "who will: be our next President?" It; will produce a rattlingamong the dry bones of old political p crtiians. I ! CONTENTS. Chapter 1. jTne-i American-Party. 2 j Causes of its origin. 3. Principles Stated, Illustrated arid Enforced. 4. The Objects which this Organization j aims to jAcconiplish. 5.' The necessity of etch an. Or- I ganization examined. 61 The exigencies ofjtheTim j Demand-an American Pa'rtyj- .7. jThe true pesitiou ol the Party. 8.' Thja Rapid Progress and Wide Eitentet j its Influence an Argument for the Excellence ofthe American Farty. V. The 1'lan ol Uperation adopieu ny the American Pnrtj-. 10. The Probable Influence of the American Party on the next Presidential Election. 10. Review of Hon. H. A. Wise's Letter. Price 75 cts. Just published and for sale by. 1 . lx j.- x- .: .,:- ' i '.- '-. j H. D. TURNER, - i-' ' l I ' - N. C. Bo)kst6re.- ; Raleigh March, ,1855; : . j ' 31 ) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, .1 1 : " ;;-- I Chatham County Courtef Pleas and Quarter Sessions ! '.-A I - :- . 1 - -185G. :;: May Term, . Attachment Levy dn Deft interest in Copper Mines. ! ?. McLenehan vs. b. o. birnmons. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that JL S-o i Simmons resides beyond the junsaiction ofhis Court or so j absconded or conceals hiuiself that the' ordinary process, pf law cannot be served On him. It is therefore ordered' that publication be made for six weeks ia the North Carolina Star, a newspaper published in the city of Raleigh, notify ing the said S. S.I Simmons personally to te and appear at the nextf Term of this Court, to be held for the connty of Chatham at the Court Hoi se in Pittsboro', onthe 2d Monday in August A. D. 1?555. Then and there to replevy) or the. property levied on will be Cotidemtied to satisfy this. recovery. f Witness, W. P. Taylor, Clerk of our said Court, at office in Pittsboro' on the 24 Monday of May, A. D. 1856, and of American Independence the 80th tear. : 1 - - I E ' W. P. TAYLOR; C, Ci C. 22 -6w f . ' STATE OF NOKTH CAROIJNA,. I ? j - ; i' '.' -. Martin .County. 5 . Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions April Term, 1S5C. F. W.' Moore againsC William Tinder, Daniel J. Hart- sook, Rob't J. Ellis and William Boaz, trading under fhe firm of ""iliiain Tinder Jb Cou-r-Attacb men t. IT appearieg to the satisfaction of the Cpnrt that the said William Tinder,1 Daniel J. Uartsooks, Robert J. Elli$ and William-Boa i are non residents of this State, j It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the North Carolina Star for si weeks notifying the said defendants to be and appear before the Justices of our said cCirt of Plea? ahd Quarter -Sessions, to be held for the! said County, at the Court'IIouse in Williameton, on the 2d Monday in j July next nd replevy, or Judg. ment fiinal will be entered np against them' and the 'property levied on applied tothe payment of the debt i Witness,' L. Johnioc, clerk of our. Court, at office in Williamston the 2d Monday in April, 1856. : Iay 24th, IS5G. .j , " .'.. ... 22 6 w . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 7 I - I'l l : i' f:' ' Pitt ColntyX I Court of Pleas and Qnarter Sessions May Term ! i Petition to sell Lands. x ; W. M. D. Brown Adm'r, vs. heirs a f Law, dY. TIlTliain' A.:Womble, Dcc'd for six successive iweek comma Kdinrr ; the eaid Behnet Womble to appear at our 'next Courtj tabe held f6r fle conntv aforesaid, at the Codrt! Ilouse ! in .Greenville, on the first Monday ofAugust next then apd rliere to answer and show cause, if any, le Bi4 why the prayer ot petition be not granted, 6r this notice will be takein pftf confessi as to hini and heard accordingly, j - i ( : j."'-1' ' Witness, Henry , ShCppcrd, Clerk of our eaid Court ot office in Greenville the rinU Monday of lois.caeii, npfiewriiig win? fcauiacuon oi me r T f iUV Roof, Heavy Waterproof Doot, ! voun; tnai. iennet woraoie is a qon-rf siaent oi XlX lrea.vy Hootecs forervnts, tet xnis oiaie. is is oraerea inai puo.icaiion ue maae i;r9ani, Kip Jiro?an. : in the North Carolina fetar, published at KaleigS,' - LADIES' Walking Shoes. Ladle Course May, 1856. i May22,18o6. II. SJIErPERl Cl k. A Capital Ecolc for the Ucmc-Cirtle." TTARRYS VACATJfYX. or rhlloaophy kt JtjLlIpme, by W. C. Richards A. M. . niuitrated wiih pix elegantengravings, from dei-ipis by Thwaltea. One volume, 16mo. cloth eirra. : Th i book is decigned- to lntruct well M tf de light the young reader. It ceK to teach the not beautiful and important truths, and principles of iatu ral science in the fascinating gue bf story. Ihe Inci dents! which occur in the enricnce of hrpy family groujv, during the Christmas holidays cf the' joajc IeopSe,'are all wade to minister to their knowledge of Wlotspby, The accidental fJfof a dih from the fin gert i)f a rarelt-s, servant forms thettt of a discussion on gravitatioQ. -.-.Thefrort-wotk upon the window-pnes a soajp-bubble rolling upon the carpet, a school -boy ' jppottj with a ''a sucker these and a hundred other ap 1 areit trifle are ig upon which arc bur lheinot yalubl.icM" practical wirdnm. Alniot all the branches of pbyick rcienee ar illustrated in the dt veloj ment. of the tn v; and the iutcllipmt rbild msy gathi'r moreditinrt and icvurtU ideas about them, al most am onscioufly, while following the sports and pas time i of Harry and his companion?, that Ae could pot. sibly dtrtTe from text-books on science In a quarter's hard study. For sale by . .... II.P. TL'RNKR H. C.DooUiort. Raleigh January. 1855. . ' 5 CLAKEXD0N IKON WORIS. WILMINGTON' N. C. A. V. VAXnoKKElEX, lroprlf toh V. subscriber having purchksed the entire interest T iv the "CLAUENDON IKON WORKS, solicit! on! crs tor . Sieam Engine?, of any powrr or rtjlej Fw Mills, of every variety, . . ining Nlnchinery and Pumps. Grist and Flour Mills, complete. riirker, Turpentine nnd other' Water WhccUj lcc field Pumps and Kngine , ' . Lavitt's Corn and Cob Crusher, ' Rtce Thrashers, , . .; Shingle Machiues, i Shafting Hungers and Pulhes, Ubtton Gins and (cani:g, ' Iijon Caftings of all tinds-and pattems. 15 rass Lbcomotlve and Tucular Boilers, ne and plain Cylinder Boilers, . acksmith work of; all kinds. ! Iron Doors for. Houses nnd JailsJ ' : riiE ksta'uliumknt Having been re-orgnnixod for the' express purpo's of insuring punctually of the executitn bf ad oi ka the (public may rest satisfied that. any woik hiih mayj blfcr will be promptly iMhiTt d according o rouiise, and of such workmanship as can. not fail ,o give fiatisfacticn. , :! THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT . Reingin charge of men of talents and experience, I have no hesitution in eayiiiR that the work here after turned out, shall compare favorably in evtrr respect with f that of the most celebrated ih Ihe iStaies and at prices wjiich will make it to the in terests ull iu want to tend me their orders. REPAIR WORK Alwnys done without delay nnd Laving a largo force forthat purpose, it will prove advantageous to a ny person needing such to give me the prefer ence without regard to cxpi-nsc of tending taaie Iroia a disiuiice. .- j 0rders will be adlresscd to "Clarendon- Iron Works," WihuifigtGii N. C. AUI.VA.NEOKKELEEN. Oct. 23. V. 128 tf OTCrTEIVSTtOKV " - " ffl'C TUAL USURiNCK COMPANY. A T the end of Three Years, such has been tb' V; Care and economy of the-jflicera ofthis Cciufhiiy that we are still free Irom debt : u.ade no atit-tbiriits A hive fiow?tueh a lare Cunital in eaih and notes. that we haicno hesitation in taying tothe public, that therp is no eaftr Company in the Southern Coiiiitry. Thefmost of tlie Risk in this Company being In the Wef.kern part -of the State, where the danger Ihoui fire i$ mucu lets. . At the' last annual meeting, (he following officers were re-elected.' . i JAMES SLOAN, President ' ' 'S. G,--COFFIN,' Vice' Ptckident. C. P. ME.NDENIIALL, Ati.-rr.ey. PETER ADAMS, hecretury and Treasurer.' ! W. H. CUMMINfJ, 0.ne?al Aglnt. : j '...Director : ; GnEEXsBORorcn. JameM Sloan, Dr. J: A. M:bane,! C. 1. Mendenhell, Wm. -S.Ra't.kin, Rev. C. P. Deiin, James M. Garrett, Jed.. II. Lindiay, W J.MtConnclf ; E. W. Ogbum, J. L. Colo, D. P. Wtir. ' lLvi.Kion McGee 1 Williams Agenl: Wadesbouocgh. E. F. LEly. v ''; . jiliKSTow.f. Dr. S. G. Coflln. '.. , , ; WashiVcton. Jot-hua Tyloe. .... Wii.JrfyTo(. William A. Wright. SAtiBt'RV. Join I. Sliaer. Favetti ville. Jchn II. Cook. , PjLYMottH. If. G. Spruill. . LuMBERTow.- Robert E. Troy. ; tLEsox Cartlk. Dr. Robert H. Scales. AI1 communications ebould be directed to theSccre- ary free of postage. rEfER, ADAMS, Secretary. August 14th, 18J1. SV tf. F. PESCUD, haviD2thia dar formed a Co Par U JL nevrhip with his brother-ln-latir, Geo. W- Gat ling; late of Gates county, N.C., w ill continue to con duct tbe i Who!csa!e and R tail Drug Dusineri under the firm of PESCUD L GATLING. We "contemplate in a short tiuji enlarging and lin provjinff our.itore, and phalli tcep a moth larger to-k ofarticleii in our line than heretofore, which wiih rur increased facilities, jutjfy us in oCering to our friends andiht public generally unusually IrivitiDginducemeijU. We are pleased to inform 'our iriend and t'urtomert that wc have secured the valuable rertirrs of Mr. Charles G.Scolt, Ior fire or six years with William A Haywood, and lateof the firm of llAywo;d A Scott ; wl.o with our former assistant, Mr; Jos. L. Ward, will uni-to with us in attending promptly to, their wants, on (be most favorable terms, at all hours of 'the day aisd nipbt. Our store will be closed on the Sabbath; but Mr. Scott or Ward will be in attendance to execute for I be sUk only, and their attendati will please rinz the alarm bell. ; . '- ' Oar accounts will be presented f'r settlement on the 1st f July and January in each year, unless tirms ar spcoirea witn tbe purchaser. PJ F. PLSCUED, G. W. GATLING. PETEE W. HIWT0N. COMMISSION HEECHANT, ' NO?. 25 AXD 2G botoerv's WIf ARr, -V NOI1FOLK, VA. SPECIAL attention paid to Celling Tobacco, Fi.ora Graix, Corro, Naval Stow r.n, Ac, Ac! Alo tj Receiving and Forwardinp 1 joodi. REFER TO ; Chas. L. Hinton, Esq. .Wake Count v, N. C. J.G. B. Roalhac, Eq.Ralcfjrh, N" C. Odore W. Haywood, E'sq, Raleigh, N. C. Wm. riamiu'er, Esa. Warrenton.N. C ' .'.'- X , tv- IHlorS, CA.ITKHS A N l HUOl'Ji, Props n' .double tJe Shoes. La- dre Goato Botces, Ladies' Horoco Rooices; -lilack and Colored Gaiters. i - . T! 3 above mentioned Roofs and Shoes' will be f old at' the lpwcst market price. Call and examine then at : '"( ' i'. . -- II. L. EVANS. ' Oclt. 4, JSSS; , ' 120 BLACK and Coleted Satinets, Cloths and Casimere. Ky. Jeani and Tweed, Llnrcys, Strirrs for.Sr- vants, Georgia Kerseys and! Pladcs, (the best arti le) Iliac ani urown louiesjicf, -uea ilea, iTints, fling FUnnel.s Negro"and Etd CIocLttr. 1 T W. -m W- t t ham ! - .: JL L. F.rANS. 1 U '-Hi -Mi ill- '4 : . r i V