r- , - - . . , ' "" - t i ---- I . . . I l in i -. i . ,i , . i w '-' , ' . f . I i j 1 , - 1 I - l', . . -' ,. I ttf ' ' ; ' . 1 i"" - r r t - ' I '. j p-vf - -iA uc . Ox; . rvi tnit4 4i w rnrn An 1 f i r 'J:' SOUTHERN CITIZEN. . TES5Q: W TUB cmzEu Tab Citizxx is publUhcd Ttry mornlnj a tlx following rates of inbtcriptiotu noBtb, j 5.00 3 6 AdTertUemenU inserted Wt the rsies of fWO DOLtARS per oquire tof ten lines for the first insertion, andjONS DOlXAB. for ach continuance. 'I V All letters should be addressed to A. IKGOLD & Ca HOLDING TUE BLECTION FOR GOV. ' .v. - ERNOI&c. : ; The following ordinances regulate the ' time nd manner in which " oSldet ami sold ierarote, and Low reXanis arc to bP)J1lr - made: - - j : . .". 3 ordinance to secure to certain cjieert and - tolditrt Ik righi to vote.) . .... 'Section 1. Be it ordained by ibis Con vention and it is hereb j ordained by au thority of the same, That all officers and soldiers in the servtce of tho State, or of ttid uonfederate btates, who are of the agefof twenty-one years, and who are dt iiems of this State; or who, if within the State, shall be absent from, their respeo tiro counties jatr ejecUpns hereafter to be held, if the exigencies of the times shall permit, shall be entitled to vote lor Sber' ilfij,: Clerks of the County and Superior Court and members of the Gene al As iscmbly Tor their respectire candidates; aud ehAll also be entitled to vote for Gov ernor, Electorr,5Pi-egideiii amiLyice l'reident of the Confederate States, ' and tot members of the Confederate Congress iur their respective districts; Skc2. Be it further enacted, That three freeholders of the respective com pa l ies, nnder the direction of the command i'lir officers of the regiment to which they lk)Dg shall open polls on Thursday be : Hre the day appointed for- holding ' eleo r ' tions in this State, and said elections shall , be conducted in all respects according, to - the laws of this States The , .three free, . Lolders, aforesaid shall prepare a fair copy of the votes potted, and shall transmit the : same with the list of voters to the Sher Jits of their respective connties ; and . w here officers and spldien in the - same companies shall rote in dillerent counties or diO'eren w Congressional, districts, and mt ijiHu i!ttlf yhrimf of the 'different counties above referred to. I Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Sheriffs of the respective counties of this State shall count the votes of the said of- fleers and soldiers, If received within sev en days after the elections; and thev shall rojnifc nf th rT ipction until the seven days above mentioned shall hare exnired. ! : have exDired. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this; ordinance shall be in force "from and after, the day of its ratification Provided, This ordinance shall be in force during the ex istence ot the present war with the Uni. ted States and no longer. Ratified the 25th day of June, 1861. ; -i ;ln ordinance to amend an ordinance entitled . jln ordinance to keeure to certain officer and soldUn the right to vote.11 ' : 1. Be it crdained by the Delegates of the people of North Carolina, in (Jonven tion assembled, and it, is hereby ordained bv the authority ot the same, xnas tne proper returning officers of every county in this State shall include iu their returns the votes of officers and soldiers given in any election in which,. they are entitled to vou. by law, if received within twenty days after they are cast, and the said re turning officers shall not make up their returns and declare the result of said elec tions until the expiration of twenty dajs as aforesaid. j 2. He it further ordained, mat the rnMr rtiirninr officer of everv countv. 1'vkvi " " ---o T w v A. 11 Kv Ainrhf nO VC tf At T M A TiArifVl fixed tor comparing the returns, transmit to the Proper 2231 given in his county for Governor, which statement shall be maae m tne manner and form now required by law. 3. Be it ordained, .That the Governor be directed to make known, by proclama tion, the provisions of the ordinance se curing 10 officers and soldiers the right; to vote KstiHrvl the 8th dav ofMav. 1861. r The torezoin 2 ordinances contain the law which regulates the time at which officers and soldiers are to vole, the man ner of appointing inspectors and also when and to whom the copy . of votes polled and . the list of voters shall be traus- mirvan s 1. The officers and soldiers of this State .tfho by law are entitled to vote, if absent there, actual starvation to many of the from their respective counties on the ilay women and children must ensue. Please of tlcptiorr, ;:yd th Tharsday ba-emnve them South or where corn is mora fnr the dav aunointed for holdine elec- abundant. " .w.w . rr ...... " ' tions in the State, which this year occurs on , the 4th day of August 2. Three freeholdersof each company, under the direction of the commanding Officers of the regiments to which they belong, shall open polls and conduct j the election in all respects according to the laws of the State. S, The free-holders tlQresaid. shall pre- paro a lair eony of the rotes . MUd -ad Kat Of the voters and transmit th aam to the Sheriffs of the "refpective counties In hich the voters reside, within twenty uj iir tucToies are cast, ana me re- wrviuz oiucera 01 me cuuerens counties l aoau not maae op meir returns aiul do- cuu: ue r csun ox elections, unur too ex -piration of twenty days as aforesaid, which occurs this year on the 17th day of Au. J..it. . .u .9 .. 4. In the Governors election the re turning officers of every county shall within eight days after the period fixed for comparing the rettims,.that is to say on Of before the 25th day of August, transmit to the seat of .government and deliver to the proper officer, namely the Secretary of Statethe votes giveu in his county, for Governor which statement shall be in manner and form now required An dct to extend the time for comparing the fouMjor ccrtatn countiee and for other pur fitcu SicnoN 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina and It is hereby enacted by the authority of jthe eamef That it shall, be, lawful for the Sheriffs of the counties in this State ini the possession of or under ' the control of the enemy, to compare the polls of their I be'rs of the legislature and Clerks ol the County and Superior Courts, at any place in the State they may thijik proper, and they shall include in their returns the vo- r (V. I ..II r . -m ..CT . r b"KJI8rs 11 7" "T n uJ U, ,J?rS uU revive wiium uur. teen days after they are cast, and thev I tahaU rjot-make up their returns and dei a I 1 a. r . 1 . . ...... 1 ,77T. , tr n T4""" j . ." I "7" -r - .wlM-J j - 4C4U,U U1 same fn like manner. .'. j SEdi 2. Be it further enacted, That if at any time it shall liappen that the Shen ifforCoroner of sucli county cannot held the. elections by reason of his being with in the enemy's lines, the elections may be held by some respectable free holder apt Vt4i AjA Vh M m w V a Tnai! 1 Hf ll!. . or the county, and sueh freeholders shall in Uke cases compare the polls in the man- ner prescribed fn the preoeeding section and shall havo like powers, be under the same directions and restrictions and subi ject to' the same'penalties.as are conferred ortroposed upon Sheriffs j and in default 01 bucu apporaimeui me Ternrnsniayue maae to the secratary or state, who shall compare the same and declare the result of the election. ' Sec, 3. Be it further enacted. That if the County Courts or Sheriffs of the f0?" TV, u lDe s? this Act shall not have appointed counties mentioned in the first section of lospeo tors according to the existing law, it shall P6 wful. for anv Just,ce ht Peace t0 make such appointment on the day of the election. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That when it shall be impracticable for the Sberitls or Clerks elected for such coum ties to give bond and qualify in the mam ner now prescribed by law, it shall be law ful for them to give the usual bonds and to qualify at County Court ot the county wherein Courts are held nearest to their respective counties. 1 feEC. 5. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in force from its ratification. Read three times and ratified in Gene ral Assembly this the 28th day cf ilav, A. Ib6i. R. S. DON N EL, S. II. C. GILES ME BANE, S. S. CORRESPOADE.CE BETWEEN GOV. YAXCE ASD THE AUTHORITIES IT We invite the attention of the people of North Carolina to this correspondence on the Dart of Gov. Vance. It will be . a a. aV,Ma LaKas w4 Art vtto fhn K rn , interests of his State and the people, HIS tngoirfam- stances that have surrounaea mm, couia have done better. Another protest ajainst imprestnenit. Stats or North Carolina, Executive Department, Raleigh, March 21st, 1864. Hon. J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War : Dear Sir: A large lot of artillery hor ses from Longstreet's army, under the command of Lt J. NV. Born, are now in Burke county, N. Cn impressing corn and distress upon the people nf this State nd eating out the country. Large sums of contributing largely to the public discon money have teen appropriated bf that tent, I allude to illegal ft-izjre of prop county, and agents sent to South Caroli- eity and other depmditiuns of an outra- na to buy corn to keep the poor from star- - lid v - www- .vation." If these men and horses remain it & loure utoEk rtueciiuiij, Z. B. VANCE. Goo. Vance threaten to pvrdoirn illegal in presrmentt by the exertion of force. State or North Carolina, Executive Department, Raleigh; April 10th, 1861. GREENSBOROtJGH, rC JULY HU Excellencv. Jtrrr, Daks ; sr:.-t -rarlnta voc from &n rvtir At ralU.1 county county, N. G It Is a sample cf tnaay I am dairy rtx!ftc- and '-about soarc in wr.Vr wajen 1 bare lattiv .ont !tincd to tha Secretary of war wunjat ecct.- I It strans e that disaffertK Sclera- tnent should be ecgent red bj tnch crc I can only pay, rir, I at If no steps on the part of the paf ierato authorities are taken to protect ci citizens from IL legal impressments of t ".a kind, thai be compelled to take fuel njcasorcs mjclf, as may be in my poweJLfor that porpoie. Very respectfb.f -if Your obtditt servant,- - B..YANCE. uav, t ene proutlt gn t: p .eprintment of a Virgwiam at the tf coUecttx tu'ib tw JiorVi Qurohna. ' . . i Srarx or oz! pu?rx, Exrcun v r Ox.ast3i stt, KaltTgJuly Cth 18C3. Uis Excellency, Psjii at 'Davis: Dear Sra : A greaS ileal " of Lara has been done and much fVaffeoUon excited by the appointment ofj citizens of . other States to othce and Positions here, that should of right be Hues, by our own peo- pje n The late appointme trby the Quarter- master Ueneral, ol a thl Bradford of Norfolk, Va., to the J ef Collectorship i:s Bute, i has in v. of the tax in kind for en almost universal oui.ee, and I may be excuied tor saying, ve fjuSUy.-Ko ob jwstion, that I am awi or, is made to citizen of another flm except that be is Sf.. k .11 th, 11 thi. we h acc- sa purtly itiht to tlemind, t ld be bestowed un W people: - 1 1 lee! it my uoty, ill oireect to my a late ana people, as vt a .a a to remove any cause, so lar asm T. be. for ; dissatis faction, to bring tbu d Wtcr to your at tcntion, and a that nt unntiin ment. Very rcspectfu', - Ywur cbcCv't servant, :Z. B; VANCE. It msy be proper Kr ViJ hre that the President returned a iry respectful a n m ,k r 1 Vil . 77 J North olinianin tl Uceof Bradford. Gov. Vance tuitaine uiiciary of the State Stat of Nok. CaVuwa, Ex eco ir i Department, - - Ralck'. Utay 2d, 18-13;: ' OS. Sir: Col. P. Mabett, Commandinc I Conscripts for this State, ha sent .me a copy of a letter from your office is refer ence to a late decision of Chief Justice Pearson in the case of Irwin on Habeas Corpus, concluding, a follows; The opinion or Mr. Uhiei .justice ivarson 1 not regarded, by the Impu te wund exposition of the net o tDf nt n a m position or tne net ot Con-esj, and you will not regard it in your nllicial action as such." I do not pr j.oe to re view the argument by which tuis conclu sion was arrived at. A mere statement of the cisc would seem sufficient reply. 1 . 1 1 1 wish to in form you or rather toretnind you, that al though the War Def ai tm.nt tuzy not be bound by" the deiijot;- of t lie Stat Courts, yet the Krectitive of tlut Stal,e h. Being sw(m to exicatc tfi laws, and the laws being expound?! iy tiio Court, an attempt on the part ot Con federate officers to seize citizens in defiuuce of tht-.r decis ions, in the absence )fa Supreme Court to decide between the par tit, miht lead to unpleasant and unproiiuble conscouen- ces ills ceramiy no i:iUi: ui t.n gov ernment that there r its no competent tribunal to decide the-, iiif-s, asd it is certainly not unreasotuole lor tlrfvjp.te oi norm Carolina io otject wnen aw ri1 ion of its Chief Justice U onkred tfVle disregarded, by a Department of the Con federate Government invite 1 with no ju dicial powers whatever. Hoping and be lieving that yon wilJ notcoiui el any re sort to such unpleaxant i ?& n,iiit re- 1 u A . 11 uc'i lutruc tions as those received hv CMj..c1 M lett. I am, sir. Very respectfully'. Your obedi - t I Gorerror Vance protest aja.. ant, ASCII .''; 5 il i: preamrnis. State or North Cakolina, ExEcrrivL i)i.Aj.rj..sT. Raleigh, I,c. ilt, lb03. Hon. Jakes A. Sfxdon, i-cr.:arv ot War: ! Dear Sir: I dtirc to call v" ir atten- I I tion to an efil which i, '.ntiicuiig preat geous character by deuched bands of Troops chiefly Cavalry I am sure can have no idea of the extont and character of this evl. ii.c t enartratnt It is enough, in many cases, to breed a rebellion in a lfyal oouatv arair.st the I Confederacy, ant has actually rj?en the cause 01 roucn alienation or ke:icg in many parts of North Carolina, it W not my purpose bow to giTe ioeUr.ccs and call for punishment of the otieiwlers, that I do to their commanding officers, but to ask if some order or regulation can not bo made for the government of Troopj 81804' "u crTiv rTera ana ua- ewe mULt est check Ibis slwds pilferirf, burning, and sometime, otrdtious condiici 1 give vou lay word, that io Sorth Camliaa It u beccxae svgrieralatdhwaVe and dam-nahlft.- If God Almi-bty hsdyetin Uor a plaae w.orse than all o0iem, which he InUnd jd to have let loe iv the Egypti ans fn cise Phirnah rtilj r aHened his htarf, I am wire it 'must hive beta a rez iiuvumt wjv uau-Miucu.:iiaii-aicip licet Ccntederato Cavalry. Hid Uicy been turned loose ampng Pharoth's subjects, with or without an imprwrae nt law, he would Kits become to sensible of the an- gvr of Gd,: that he never, would have to!- owe4 the child rn of Israel to the Red Sea-Koir, notanicch CinnAto.ll- cer,s be reduced to the ranks for; permiU tinglhisf CannofA few Cien be sh4 for perrctratlnff these outrages, is an x amp'; Unless aomthl tan ho Ay.i,- oat Very respectfully ycdrv 'V ' VaNCE. Governor Van re transmit ttrto!M&)$ f the General AttemUy eiabut MrX iotyrur menu. ...Tit ! Stats or.Norre CVnouXA, . . EltCCTlVB DicrintitiNT, lUleJgb, Dt 22 th 1 W3. IIox. Jas. A. Srppoy, Secretary of War : UsAtt Sir: I have the honor herewith to transmit to you, ccrtalti Besolutions of toe Ueneral Assembly or ihi.4 State, pass ed at tbt recent extra ee&jon, nion the uecioimegai. imprcmerits and the 1 feltl beB.vo;that h. ..PpIr of pro.l. i, Tr, Blud and 1 earnestly reques: tLkt the govern. 1 luent will imprea4 Sim '4, quantities uoo wita.n oar ucrucrs. impressing M!0. !l! m&n7 7. Qcb "t- til ?1 t l . .cr create uiys acuon among rf1.? "nccrciy nope that you wiu jo-v. uieir couaucianu issue sucn !S-jP-4: b-tixen. from r .' r UI,JUK nJL Aiiese agenu sometimes assume the right Jo judge of the quantity which the citizen u?ds for the . use of his family and. Impress what they regard as surplus, thus having him without th adequate sur)lT. Thir cxv iog evil and injustice should be corrected vite your aul n its suppresMon. ith hcniirnenti of great respect, Your obedient t'ivant, ZJ. B. VANCE. Another letter ttutaining the rourlt. State or North Carolina, Executive Ipaktmevt, Raleigh, June bth, 15C3. Ho-. J. A. Skddn. j Secretary of War, Richmond Virginia: Snt: Your several communication in regard to ncent deciiionsjof Chief Justice Pearson in the case of Jrjvin and Nickel Mn, under the operation of the act ol con. scrip tion have been received and duly considered. -Ldu most sincerely regret that such a state of thi:!p -hnald rxtAt as a erious and important difference bvtw'en the au thorities ot this State a -d those of ti e Confederacy on a matter ouchin so vi tally the efbeienev of the iarmy and the public defence. I feel. towt-ver. tht I fmve no option left ine a-to th tonrse I must pursue. Without' pretending to counteract the arguiner.t&t which yoa fur nUheil m, and with my )gh rcje;t for the tiuincnt Wirce from , wlticii il is de- ( rived, 1 be? I-avo to nay that accrdiij: to riiv conception of duty, my pow er zu Executive officer are abioiutr!y iMMirKl by judicial decisions of the Slate Court.-, tint it ;s not compcUct lor ui to review ii..tn and in tbe abcrr.- oft I'ourt lisvii a S'lpvrior "cd 't-tl!vie j'Uifdiction !ccii dintr to thu contiarv. U:Ut thi-v bic nd must of necessity ie. to tne the supitmc ulvt if the lai. 1. Tf.cr' tan be no doubl ' t'tl.i litems' to iLc lot the axgutiiii g u it tn.ij'. llvir. thu-tstel the p'ain path of duty wiiioh I Rin botin'i o puruo, I de sire tievertheles trt assure you o the great couccrn, which I fvel in the Umic. and of iny eauet r.uh to assist the War De partment In Ui4:.ntutnic theefCciency of our armits ar.d of avoidir.g cutfiict with the l-:tl authorities. To thi end, I shall endeavor to get an authoritative decision of the Supreme Lurt ol tLi bute, now in sesion in this city, ih regard to the question of jurisdiction involved; and whilst uvci.ntng to auiuit tf.utthe coo- strucuon ofau hxecatve bureau uiul t-ke nrecedence cf the decisions 01 the ! Si?rremo Judicial tribunal of a State, in a matter touching the liberty ot a citkeu, 1 yet would glsdlv receive any suggestions - 1 r ?j l e. to me mean" 01 aroiaing aucn an uur nattr nudtd tmituinft the dilhcJiUv Uxn- porarjly or permanently. 1 shall take m carl f opportunity o communicating with yoa again on this suojectM. , Very respectfully; Your obedient, IL B. VANCE my militia and kvr actoal. wa7 TiTrfS against them. 1 beg yon early , and, cor-, dlcited ch t nest attntiin to this mALter. .v' rJTT? ir. . V JtrJC K'Valcr without delay..; Many military ofrcc, 1 f alV;nvt of the laW-r Coogress.i vfTh fWrtl ' w aWmetboVigb'a- VYuir-1 evil canaotjonger be tolerated, and I io .tf.L'S Vtr 6 ? Nubbin? JO. a I SiariOf xTwi-TtrCilfea. . ITosu Jaa V.eJo ft cvvt rTi J a ! Dear Slr I d4-rto cUljlir inJ- Wsiaraesdv.ta Iboi , J' eoapIiatJoBl txJ-ij frp f;V prri tioo of prijrtipals afaabatMle k A tiUte. Chia.C5fsW4rii'-i dsd receatry that this taiitctCdui- Uooal, an4 Utthsr.Chii ttfi) t cf Iki fereas suspending the pill Hef I srm cl HabCorpclCoesVottV t tkoo tirf. He AherrorV foa ttrj lu fu - pvant Ihe writ, and ttf eipediloq f kv Vr-Utl by the enrU,s; efr.crrf ryrnltt f he cohsarpt liartn, Ibt rnjllVin be a tiaDdavoiiUblect.r.wiJn cf Siau 'and ConfletaXe"itthc filled I, bar rhicfdoes cot re'etf c-.tft Jikihtxt. fowef-oUhcutt.to enrtp-. It,; TheVj, is aoasaptt inBL this .coTl! Mo. Av airrecBAexitwaa h,sj C, I i to..e-. miiitr.rv t1 ;,7 TTf . J pmiSKxrjAixiSZCi'i ibyVwm BraiT as ooanael for the jtxtu tht ipproVarcrJdiapovilf -the WVraTaaoX Il&ffi! Bnvwrcnoref ctobe-SirrmM rer alf twt TS3 SSSTS auletio? eflett nnnn tK .tro-c... that the Chierac7 jr oulir 2t rTrJll Us arrantSr 7. ' -r- u, utrr. coming wcrv rTvatind I fLC; ht TKmlZl T ":Z: ro mv rrr.i.w..- . n .m'. SSSSh Mtrtthin eL- flat .! 1, ') 2 J i.-W r. datr, praweribed by my Dht rth-I io gvcmmint cf the sen vice of these men In Junj would v t give stdlgreater advantage; by prtsVr. Wng thepeactandrhannoopnetww.n tb respective gov.rnxaeijta, w tiout whkh all our labors will be in val .; . You will observe that I make no comment what, ever opon the contclnew nr o cMct JufcUcc s opinion. As an Vakutive offi . cer I consider I have no rigfH 1 to do So neither with al) respect, do consider yeo! er vi and e: that the cy o 10 spear, or the varutii Judges cf mc fwiuua oiaies, I suhmV that it is not rt.isai hi La a v rrxA it -t . - oornc 01 a have, and even this is inanely preferable to the assumption of judicial power? hi fjccvtive ofhecrs, and ma4:ng their will in law. Hoping aa early tjcuae, I ant Very ixsTtfu2y4rr, .is vl VA ANTE. w .: tt J ire. w mnc lArtune ft itta tmce. The Governor having reeved ooici". v to the foregotug latter een;-1 follows telegram lo the Secretary ; Raleiou, Tth't'arch, JSl. Hon. J. A Scddon, Richpnd, No reply to my letter of TjUk 1 ; enrolling officers are a rrcXfcr ruen i. a . a m - nave oen aictiarj vj cynpeteiit Jo. cxal Authority. W'M you'!? sake : about eighty (60) men fbre tne to t ' 1 warn you ol uc cooe-jncta, PUar. axukwer immediately. u Zf& VANCE Gf. Vance uUiroiw L il, crp Urn tn ihs nxmmamvuus. fclate of North jirolina, Lxecutite Wpaitment, Raleigh, fil 11, jv.l Hoo. J. A. Sc Jdon, Secrtijry of War Sir; 1 beg leave again 1 call yonr at. teutioo W tlie impurtancivof supci.iit.: the execution of the conadipt law :i. ir.7 ilounuin counties pf Wefjrn NortJi C.n . oliaa. Those coontica ai tilled with ( riee and deserter, burning, robbfng, ar-f morderiog; they Lave bcrtj rcbbol and aun out by iAmgstraVaooamiaod, have lost their crops by It-login tU riJ wiy all theUmsvtrici!to drive bacA, the enemy. Now, tiit Lacrtrcfs. cmm . ! mind is removed, their x uiuoo wul I wretencu, and Uundrcdi?s,Uj go t enemy' f.r protection arid: .tead. I'Ua conhir their cuiditioa,;:CflivlicT tm:. tf pujible. Youi?; - ' VANtf. ta -i-t ne frwmd t ha t a w: - - r- this njocl'ind cmfl it ft tiuUd tt - n ' final aAaUufa.'-cut'eirtrcr vr" T tUtui bf tils Cute.; 'it r. I e wo meantime ir taaaU dii f irr t, I in' fthe Court U tUuXmS pwX'Irj, Taj alb ef oCce Ij antsmctt tniiM&rV . v v wy. 1 wiuciv 1 lit ycru will - t order a nspenaioa,of enroll -rfrct cf tLo'v " " iiunnnaui umav bt ih ffiw. lual working ol tOTtrnmrf.i laws of Con;Tess ais at tl. mr. topresae jLJurt or the Confederacy to giv harmony nrrd t,nUonnity cOn.Uructioi We can only obey the vvtTm - v-- ' .3 I V Mr m H'V ..! ifir Li 7 -it

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