V iiif 111 HOT! 3 H 7 I i - l Volume i. SOUTHERN CITIZEN; TERMS 0 THE CITIZEK. f The Citizm is published every morning at the following rates of subscription. ! 1 month,. $3.0Q 8 " $8.00 $15 00 Advertisements inserted at th rates of TWO DOLLARS per square of ten lines for the first insertion, and ONE DOLLAR for each continuance, j AU. letters should be addressed to A. W INGOLD & CO. BY TELEGRAPH, f .. Reports of the Press Associ&toiii. H i From Petersburg. PsTcasBufto, August 10m The explosion yesterday, still remains unexplained. The enemy are contracting their lines on our right and their left, and receding from the direction of the Weldon Railroad, and show ing themselves in diminished force. Every thing indicates lhat the enemy are th lowing themselves on the defensive. T ere fees . been little or no sharp Bhootrug and scarcely any mortaror artillery firing to day. j Prom Atlanta. Atlanta, August 9. Last night and this morning passed without any demon stration on the part of the enemy. Some few shells are stiU thrown into the city without doing damaged , The enemy eviaee a disposition to extend -their rijht farther, which rests near the Caiapbellton ruad. 1A Captain and Lieutenant from McCook's rai dfrs, who deserted from our army last win ter, were captuied yesterday. i -oo Railroad Accidrnt. Mobile, August 9. Last niiilit a rol dier train ran iiro a land1 slide between Pollard and Moatgomory, killing 12 and wounding 57, of the Firrt. Mississippi Bat talion Artillery, last night. Twu while irljen and one negro have bye en arrested for cut ting tte tuiegiaph wire. Some federal vessels are crossing the bay. The -arri?on in Fort Morgan is in hne spirits, otherwise all quiet belw. Gov. Vance's Majority. ; " lTAE):nrft, At;U5fi0fjiL:Tot; for Gov ernor thus lar, twenty-five counties yet to hearfrom,stands Vance 43,176, Hslden 9,341. Vance's majority 33,835. Later from the North, j IIichmosd, August 10. A flag of ira?9 . boat arrived at Varina last night bringing thirty Surgeons and two Chaplains.' j The Baltimore American of the 9th says, advices from the Upper Potomac state that the rebels have again left Maryland in full retreak It is said that great haste was madein the movement as the federal forces on the South side of the Potomac were threatening their rear. j The main rebel force under Early is Re ported retreating on Winchester. Sheridan has been temporarily placed; in command of the department of the Shenan doah. . Kelly reports that Averill overtook Ihe rebels under McCauslacd at Moorefield,on Sunday ani attacked them, cipturing all their artiKery and five hundred prisoners. The American is much elated by the news and the reports from Mobile. j Nothing important from Grant. Bth armies are engaged in Strengthening fle fe.isive works A telegram from Fort Smith claims a victory over the Confederates un der Cooper and Stand Watie, othe SJst ANOTHER INTERVIEW ON ME ultimo. ' I ! " DIATION. European advices of the 29th unimpr- tant. Confederate loan active, at lmproy- ing mtes. . ,. ..- - A Latest gold quotation jin New 'York 27. mcbDlOttd OH DUB. f Richmond Aunist H- uo luesoay listtha ordnance d" pot ' Citj PJnt - SSw killing riargeWmber of Taniels. Saturday's Kew York Times says a lare force uconcentratingontn. upper PoUc to operate against the Rfehels in that sttr tion. t Grant and staff isited Harper's Ferry Sunday. . V Private advices from Kentucky rereseiit . i. f nnMi etnflinanl Tm. 1. n, a-greairevoiuwox v. ar pressing in that State. Several rominent gentlemen, wno were nCrctoxc arenowcoperaUn.withthpeace ' .The residence of the , wxdow of Maor John Seddon, brother of thej Secretary f ,iBjsioiij,rv oter of Butler, in reiaiiauou oi m uuiuhje Montsromerr. JJlair 8 house near Waan v o w ingtou. , from Atlanta. Atlaxta. August lO.-Nothing occurred along the haes yesterday excepi the usual .:,f- ' v... artillery practice and firing between akir mishers. Maj. Gem. Bates received a slight fieih wound in leg. Serious res alts are apprehended there from the enemy moviig on our right and endeavoring to extend their lines 'in the direction of Western Railroad. A A few shots were fired at the city yes. terday Shelling commenced at il o'clock last night and continued foar hours.. No per- sonal casualties reported. Xortti Carolina and tlie' Tan-1 Itees. There are no people in America that pre- sent such striking contrasts jo. private and political character, and in all moral intellec tual and religious characteristic, opinions and practices, as the North Carolinians and th- Yankees. North Carolina has been de risively called Rip Van Winkle. Thi nlck nam conveys the highest possible compli mtnttbat could be paid to her. It implies that she is conservative; that she adheres to old opinions add practice ; that she is slow to change her laws, her constitution her form of government, or her forms of re- ugion. mac sne reveres ne past, and I ciings w us minutest nanus, customs and usages in private and social life, as well as in political life ; that she does not, for slight cause, change her men or her meas ures. She detests innovation : re-.reeu ex perience, but avoids experiment. That she has m confidence in the deduction of spec ulative reasoning, sione in a p,iori abstract philosophy. Her distinguishing traits, faith, reliance on authority and experience, and respect for ihe past, make her the mot conservative State of the conservative South, and present her in strongest contrast to the radical, fickle, sceptical, revclutionary North. At the North they have faith in nothing; speculation about everything. Human experience has no weight with hu man authority no" respect m them. Change .and innovation are t'ue order oi the day wiih them. Change in ! . in consti tution, in institutions, in politi. v 1 in mea, in measures, in leligion, in habit costoms, usages and fashions. They are most con ceited people on tarih, and fioru the high est to the lwwesi of.lhem, feet about invent ing -i-new religion, a n.w form of jrovern lnent or new piece et machinery with equal tang f old and equal prnUu.ptiou and impertinence. They place implicit reliance ou the de ductions of mere human reason, unaided by faith or -expeitencer whirtewex- ceptiocs, they are all quacks, charUtans, infidels or skeptics, lhey, present the strongest contrast . to the cbaracter ot IUp Vas Wisklb, and it may be North Carolina presents the nearest approach to that char acter. If so, she is the gieat representative State of the South; for consenatism is the leadiiig feature of Southern character, laws, governments and institutions, religions so cial and political; as radicalism, .revolution ism, change, innovation and infidelity are ol Northern. This is a war of opinions a well of arms, a war of radicalism and iuti- delity against faith, authority and cbnser- vatism- May North Carolina long contin ue what she is the model State of the South. She may have some traitors within her 4imiid: but she has few, and the? far be tween. She has a good many obstinate men, who, if they happen to imbibe wrong opinions,, as all men wij, sometimes, are slow and hard to change. Old Rip is now wide awake, and detest Yankees and Yan kee ways from the bottom of his breve and honest heart. From the beeinninr cf the war. the nam- j Dera ana the courage of her troops satisfied us of her loyalty to the cause of Southern independence. We only feartd that a tew factious and ambitious men, who misrepre sented her opinions, might do harm with out her boundaries. The results of the re cent election have quieted all such appre hensions, Richmond Sentinel. : On the afternoon of July 17, a dep- utation of factory . operatives, represent- ing Manchester Stockport, Preston, Oldham, Moclesfeld. and other towns, waited by appointment upon Earl J "vvr-" Unai ot. thA h CiTP.Mm I lttif Inr thn j-wov..., e- - v purpose of presenting to his Lordship a medmbl signed by npward of 90,- OC persoos engaged in the cotton Manufacture; praying for mediation in the American war. . After listening to the deputation -with evident interest, his Lordship expressed, his admiration, at the con- dlict of tho operaUves, his sympathy .., .' a !. I ! J.LI. T ltn tnem m meir unayoiaauie auuer- . d emest fcs'lTft that the tiffie would . speedily arrive When , the GQTemment migllt, with good ef- mediateetween the then tbanle4 , . . , . Lordship for his courteous reception, jjtmd withdrew. GREENSBOROUGH, N. C, AUGUST 12. 18G4. Little G haves. Sacred places for pure though and holy mediation, arc u t i the lltUe S " church yard. These are the depositories of the moth er's sweetest joys hilf unfolded bud of innocent humanity, nipped by the frost of time, ere jet a canker worm of corruption has nestled among -their embryo petals. Callous indeed must be the heart of him who can stand by & little graveside and not hara the holiest emotions of thosoul awakened to 'e thoughts cT that purity atid joy w"ch belongs alone to bod and Heaven for the mute preacher at his feet tells of life began and ended without 8Uln aD1 8are,J if this be rouchaaled to mortality, how much holier and purer must be the spiritual land, en lightened by the sun o!2Sjik! coid- ness, whence emanated Ihe soul of that brief sojourn among -us How swells Ihe heart of the parent with mournful joy while standing by the earth bed of the loat little one ! Mournful because a sweet treasure has Ween taken away, joyful because tnat priceless jewel glitters hi the diadem of the Redeemer A Female Malady. A re-union with an old Mend with whom we cnmpagnel several years ago, has brought to mind many pleasant remarks. One oftbe mostjanghable and ridiculous was one thsit occurred to Maj. John L. .Mor gan, Quartcrmarter in thU city. At Foit , where he wa stationed, Indians vis ited constantly and in large numbers, mak ing the place a familiar -rendezvous. One evening the Major received from the Post office Department a largv upply of Uncle $am's postage stamps, which he placed in a box in his Quarters. TLe- Indians were in the habit ol going where t&ey pleaded, and appropriating anything that took their fancy, that evening, whilst the Mspr was absent on the parade ground, an Indian squaw.in prowling aboutr the quarters, dis covered the postage stunp. Thee crea tures weie not very luxurious or fastidious in their habits of dress, yet they would wear all the finery they could pile on. This quaw especially, whether because ol poverty or ciioice, seldom wore any article of dress except a few brvw finger and ear riugs. In a few mir.utcs she appeared on the parade ground with herkad todj com?, pletely covered with United States postage stamps, admiring herself with much gusto. Screams of laughter greeted her appear ance. The. Major rushed to his quarters and discovered his los., suite consoled himself by proposing that if she wished to be mailed, iho should go through, as bhe was pre-paid to her lull weight.- Atlinl Jnlrlltencer. What could exhibit a more fantastical appearance than an Englisn beau of the fourteenth century 1 He wore long pointed shoes, fastened to his knee by gold or silver chains ; hose of one color, on the one leg, and another color on the other; short breeches which did not reach to the middle of his thighs ; a cost one halt white and the other half black or blue ; a long beard ; a silk hood buttoned under his chin, embroidered with grotes que figures of animals, dancin; met , Jbc, and sometimes ornamented with gold and precious stoned This dress .was the height of the mode in the reign of King Edward III. The Rose of Florida, the most beautiful of flowers, .emits no fragrance ; the Bird of Paradue, the most beautiful of birds, gives no song; the Cypieis of Greece, t o finest of tress, yields no luit; dandies, the shiniest of men, have no rente; and ball room belles, the loveliest of created crea tures, are ditto, and very tfttn a little more so- The London Spectator argues that sober nations are wickeder thai drinking ones. as are the rrench in comparison with the English, the Italians with the Irish, and the I Hindoos with everybody A paper published in Amador county, CaUtorma, snatesthat quite recently a man in the habit ofabusiorhis i"l hammer oie afternoon and I .U j v. m.., : . .1 mrwituw w mi ucr. iwmijsi imgTc birthtoti!ltrnhilJ, mJ.cro.1 iuior.- "J w" " P"1"- f Queen Victoria and her daughters art at Urity are gall and wonnwsod to the melan- choly old lady. Philosophy can teach us to hear of ti,c calamities ot others with mag- naniraity, but it i religion only that , . V tcach w bear our own with res ignation. " "Wealth brings care and apprehension. Nothing in this world is so much afraid as a million of dollars. hUi Good old Bishop Hail' writes that, J "I would as soon be a brute beast as an ignorant rich man. oitciaaX. To Fannie rut cirrto rtKtii er Taocsitsoxx, . c. Ilere, Faaaie. Uly trgia fair. With heart a wararattd trae. Tea lhoasmd flovcretatctat the air. And roses blush for you. Come now, forgttfal of the pt. Where dauciag f sines rot Ani share the moment fltwlng past, la (his Arradua' grove. Here oft amid companions gay, We'il joia in coavtre sweet. And oft at eveoing,a twilight gray Withlov'd SMiaocu'es meet. t In spacious fca!la ol living light Together we'll enjoy Those thrilling visiops'of delight Which angel minds employ. - Tfjtr slag ti-i-J An i leil ttif propel s dream, Andjain the choral 7irjin throng Dy Elba's winding stream. . And in this green andrlow'ry land Where nature's children roam, Tby kind indulgrft hacd My grace my woodland home. Ami here the ties ef plighted love ' Will 110 around thr heart And all the joys of lift above eternally impart. W. lU.ajt. Monticcllo, N. C. tnultercd ,Iove. Grief halh its vent In gnhing team, Aud all our hopes, and all our fnar, Reveal tluir inmost feelinf ; Uutlovc, wtthiu the breast coudood, Can ne'er a full expriin find, Its secret depths co:tccling. ; It had, i..dee 1, a larguaire meet ; In gentle accents soft and sweet, Its tender words are spoken : A, simple look, a smile, aSsih Tie thrilling kiss, the brjgntuing eye. Some timely, ruodes token, May bear its utterance to' the heart, . But they cnr. never half nnpart Its exquisite cmotioji. Like boiue deep spring, ts waters pent, AUhough it many a stream hath nt To mingle with the ocean. Still leaps and labors to Se free. .To aliout iiAdreni Jtp In one full tide outrssbirrg ; So love's pure luunt dolls ever swell, And with vain eirort Kek to tell lis strength in one du gushing. How oft the throbbing hart doth long To clothe its burning thoughts in tng, lis very twiil to utter! As some caged bird, with plumage bright, Struggles to gain the air and. light With many a fruitless flutter. 'lis true, the mystic chod which binds In union cl'e two kindred minds,' Thrills with a common beatiug; A magic', sympathetic chain From heart to heart, andback again, 'Tis evermore repealing. The hopes the fears, the joys of each. And all the strange, enchanting speech Of true erotic feeling; It seems to make two natures one. So sweetly do they blend and run, Thn ugh the same channel stealing, i Yet every loicg human heart In its own being dwella apart, A deep no line halbuieasnred ; Its waters olten overflow In glad'ning streams, but none can know How much within & trcasu.ed. S. K. O. ORIGINAL TUe Death ot Hope. bhe tells me to forget her now, And seek some other fair, To cost the shadows from my brow, Which she hath woven there. She bid me all the past forget. Which tnera'rr would retain The pleasure seen when we have met. Nor think of her again. Yea, now her heart is closed to me, Its bolts are all secure. Her hand has turned the fatal key That locks a fatal dxr. The last faint gleam of hope is dead ; I saw it fade away, Anddiogered near its dying bed, Its ebbing life to stay. Farewell, my fond, departed hope, 'And thou dear one I've lost, I haS not thought to give tbrt up. But thou hast said I tnusL 1 must too true it is f roost? The word if spoken "now ; No hope remains for me to trust, jpie cloud is on ray brow. Thou say'st I must forget thy namet And from my mexnYy tear ik - Nuiubep '4.S. Thio Itnav. wfc. o locg tb uot, lias rrcrived ui Kriikd ther. il; i A tLotj Last lAd i I'll try. But fear I can'lU, Until the hwur shall coooe to di ; A t then pwr h f I: may. thank thew Jor )i gentle word Ir heard the jrak, And even for the I 4--dfcritd, A trvting Leart bretk. . v iiii. I thank thtw hr thi falst amilt I ever saw theef teat Though it be true ia all the A tempt st sJuml there rhH -13 V i arwwoil, fare weil; Vnre wU to tbc. Only forgive tb.lait. Or let its latest fr.-, care is U Borne na tome 4ilrllnj; blast. To my sWijcttneart. 1'vo keen thee once, I;kjvow thee well. And o'er tny heart hi J corn a reT1, " Had I a thousand hell jo as They all should be ttfXsf the-. rj; CWJ I ly tome muK6 (let all the world I'd IVf jtia thy Up, Could I command all 0je iwNt, I'd bring and lay thet'i atj thy feet. And then If nothing ;v I'd come and lav toys jjith oold do era too. And swear by all the Cftdf that rrifu. mat i was (at in Cut 14 a chain. Your curling hair -rnVrvale blue ejea, Have taken in with fcx urpri; And oh! if we shouc javw to part, I'm fearful that 'twilfak try heart. And when yoo gel aW 1 Co sea I'm sure u dream anj jbiok of tbee, Thca will you i ot at tlighu hour Remember Cupid nas i lie tower, To charm the bean sd iiue the will And tuakc me Uve yoirder aUlL i i ; Paocv a. -r - ocofLj J0Ktn.nUl$ AJdlfcti To When table curuios h the fkitx. Aod viuoa ot ibe j 1 jai?c ; Charmed wiih de'lr ht--irom Toil el Iree. i I Uy me )wn, lo drea Wot thee. ; i5f ! j Whe-n rrning breaks er eaatera hllj. , And placid streams ani utgling ri!l r io onward o the -rj U. Sep jta. I wake from sleep to djk of the. W hen I, the mercy-seat aw near, And raie my feeble vo ft (a prayer ; So often from the bend "X Sae, 1 rise with Joy, to truHtribe. i Whea sorrow, o'er my rAihay, throws It fable garb of ham f Aud f, life's duties all, reiee, 'Tie then I feel my neVftbee. When stonua their BmoV"irrenU roll In floods of anger o'er tyy oul ; From taeir dark waa,rt JSa would flee. To Bad a refuge then w1 dcee. When friends and foes rii e surround. To chide me with their, rwcl frowns ; 1 1 thou alone, wilt arniU) soe, -I'll trust in God and ha f b. And when the ties, on e rh now riven. Shall reunited be in hei :o Oh ! will it not be rweel S(r me To live in heaven aadd 'r'l with thee. M. Union, N. C '.Jf TRIBUTE OF-. llySECT. - c At a regulrr meetis tct Centre Grevt Lodge, No. 183, A. Y. a , TM oa the Mth day May, A. D. le4, t following prrsm ble and rtsolatioas wen adopted ; Vfaaasas, we have lrrVd wiih profound . sorrow that an all Wise af rfomci potent hand has seen proper to n avove from time !j eternity, our esteemed y brslheri. Ia. Win. II WIMCIIiTl and 5 ATM A.N MILLS. Ll. TTinchstC tll a saartyr a the altar of his eventr -i bv the witheriar j hand of death end !a? vioand reeved j at the battle of Gcttysbe la July I&g3. , Nathan Mills died '. jis. teaidebc la Itockinghaxa county, N; Vh co the 4th day of March I SCI. of aaaJR t&onof (he throat. Revived, That we U With meek and bumble reverence to thf'Vih of Him that doeth all things well, ai V ir)uU wt ro their irreparable loss orf eith,we have the hope that taeir spirits In (a a brighter phere. ' j Resolved, Thai in Hi 'a'eUh of brothers WinehesUr and Mills ' jfrateraity haa lot two of it brightest; i;hta, and tho so ciety has bean roobed ls4 of latest or nrmenU. and the army tO brave and gal laatoSeer. 'Yi Resolved, That w e tea iSr 3h hesrr-rabv- . g!ed aerrows.of the frats "Llty to the family . ..i -i . i tte resolstioBS be seat Caxailiea of the deceased, and to the Grf sgiboro Patriot for pablieation. 1 " SAilCEL WflirT. r r Ilia with Ufa as txi coSTcc. He who would hare it p) hsant must not drain it to the dregs. . j ! .- ; i ' ' 'X , t : J . i 9 If n