vHLout alteration. -i, th I A - 1. ! - . Si per cunt. till iJUIarsV' mi 136 -30 -' ' --VV ' Mbeafter, permanent, The question was next; put on Mr. White's second amendment, which is to the third section of the bill. Mr. AVhitei amendment made the-rcduc lion more gradual, astoilows: ' -80 dollars uu su asanas -s. ius- -33. Si . 'V 'V-'MMi .-,:- ; lsaa And the" permanent. . ";S"; The amendmeut was agreed to- ve 65, noe 64.' ;; ;;; r-i---.'V- The question next came up on the thirtlj- amendment, : which is in the fourth section of the bill. ; The amend nieht Wakea tuw resolution mote grd5 uat, as follows, : -j i 40 prewVHI 'l Maim, IMC T 'i-r , SS '"Vr dd 1SJ5 , . 39 - do .' ... 1SJ6 . S ' tiihnef (perrajwent) ,:' . ir. Stewart proposed to amend this ttneii'ltnent so as to restore "the provii ions of the act of .last . year--lqaving the duty 50 per cent This' was ne rttived Yeai5NaysT 89rMf7 White? amendment was then agreed tYeas76 Nays 73. ';-,'T ; jwr.. dime's nexi amendment, wasj in the eighth and ninth sections the bill. Mr. White preposed to atrike oat both of these sections,' and insert a provision laying a duty on cotton goods ol H ' S3 Mr. Mat, til) W March, 1034 . 2$ : io - .. mi ." , . thereafter (permanent.) w ; Jir. Sentmes, of Md. moved to- - mend this amendment so as .tojleave the duty permanent at .80 per- cent. After jwome remarks from the mover, this amendinent was rejected 'without a count. .K:A:iM'--:-y' '?''; ; Mr Pearteof Rhode Island, then ollered' an amendment to the amend- mentof Mr.VhUe, ?JtA tQ owke.jlje. UutV - V. - -;,--- 7.-."ft 1 OttiuftH yedjjcottona -Ti -centa - the tnnara variTi". - V v -, :t v . .7. - I . un Bansieens uireci iront umna, percent, advalortm', V ' i vVr; atampea uoor cioiit 49 cents uie jqdare .yardj J;- v-.-t, i . Other, noor ciotl) l?i jcentsfi, flatting 5 per Cent, ud vubretm :? ' fVhc ettectof this amendment-would he ttt f cstolrcirtlii above jlutie, as. by the actof last year.; - - - v-On - motion of . Mr. Howard, of Martiand, this araendmenf rwas dm- ded and tlie question taken first , en the cottons. '".T -TT.-FV-" The firnt part'joOiIrJPcarce's a- reendmcittW tticarjreicctfcd tea 68; Mi&rs 18. --- -" - - The second part followed without a coutiJL Mr. Stewart moved- to amend Mr. White's amendment sa as to leave the Jul ity on cottons permanent at SO per '.nV; aad to strike out -'silkV as a matviaU The motion was negatived yeas 63, Bays 78. . - t-v I -The-'Coniaiitee -tlieo - rose, - end FOHEIQIT. : r -.StW'York, January The Citadel of Antwerp has fallen! C) the ulC it capitulated, "and, 'the garrison uarclieu iron) amidst its ruins on the following day to the glacis, and laid down their arms, slow ineffectual and hopeless longer defence would iave been, may Je Tudeed : froai the knueied attount of the condition of ae works!; T I "The deplorable condition in which 4fiJ jfontainioun(LJlhe cit V Jed beggars all description. Not a ;ioc;e was teft that could shvlter the arrisoni the ammanitien and prdyis flaa, were either destroyed- burnt," of jluwn up, and only sufficient food was eft for one day's rations. The case uates, or vaulted "ipassages, Were alt mocked down; and Chasse hiniself m.awted'iw'lmrariauTeTw :ery Uitng around hini destroyed by he bj)inbs. The garrison bore their nifortnes -with great bravery" and Itfvqtedness, and unt'd' Vriday night iot a murmur escaped their lips. On hat night a dentation, of the garrison vaited on Chasse, and Urged him to nake a desperate sortie and either to ucceed in spiking the guus of the . be iegers, or fait ia the attempt. ' They omplained that the fire of the enenky revented them from standing to their ;vnsvintjtljal they, preferred .irisking ineir Jives on tne neiu oi oat tie to De ng murdered by bomby coming from u enemy out of their sight, and a- "nst hom tiiey could take no sure n.. . Chasse. felt the force of this re- oostranr.A. ftprmpA miiitmv hv- th French and Belgians,) and from that fioment he seriously thouTht of a Caw? JtiilationTo atteinot sortfe he uew was worse than mad nessto con- pnai to depend on the citadel, in its 'lapidated state, was impossible and'i 5 proved to the world the bravery f his men, and satisfied the honor of Pis country, he considered it "no de- TMation to succumb to superior force. .4 ne .nrst interview the French trle-nentarv had with Chasse. he was J fe veteran, the instant he uw liim; fdered the haml Hire Vrt' h fpmoit- !'We have no more secrets," said - he 'fin.?... A.t.1 f ' ' A : . .' -um,, c ine gionous vorK oL your fombs tell Marshal Gerard tlie exact 'luanon of the Cjtadel.' v1 - . On the other hnd. ! ir.n.K CK has ' been nKviniist ' mnA.tr-tA Hth consummate skill, and the object Undine the lamMTf.-if;r,ns!-f vf, . r 2 - vw7 spyfcttirffiitrn U-sXon J oh pre 51, about the inglorious preference of sliowcring bombs and springing mines, to "gallantly mnuntin:the breachi'W must ha tleemed a'praiscworthy regard for human life. . - ' '.' . We do not perceive that the surren der or the Citadel-ven tliouh that of the frU Lillo and Lieaeushock, below the city,, and which command the navigation of the Scheldt, be in cluded therein .will advance the seU tlemeot of tlie ijueBtiott between Hol land and Belgium. That must still be a snbject of protocols, and possibly, when tlie spring opens and - the season is more favorably for the movement of armies of general war. - r . . The free navigation of the Scheldt the apportionment of the public debt the use by Belgium of the interior wa ters of Holland -the partition of Lim burg and Luxemburg all these points are as mucb ansettUd, however strict ly laid down and decreed by the Lon don protocol as though" the citadel had uever been assailed. Accortling to the London' Globe of 25th ult. the majority of the Reformers elected in England alone will be 257, which those elected from Scotland will, it is estimated, swell to SOOr RALEIGH, FEBRUARY 8, 1835. : Dtbalt in the Senate Believing that the debate which is now. progres sing in, the Senate of tlie United States, on the ;MlifafiheKto.provtdeTar:-ltlte' coHectldn'of the djiliej onTmports, will attract the general attentioji of the pbUcand thatthesubject trtscussed h invverujMions , ofvital iner$fcto. the permanency of our Union and the liberties of our citizens,e stiatl pub; lish as many of the speeches delivered 1 1911 us I C&iM as-Jow&iUsH mTrfritpirTo marks will be foun.d in this day's paper. South Cqrolina.-rU is now distinct ly understood that the Nullification act of South " Carolina will be suspended until- the present session of Congress shall come to" a de cision on tlie subrect of the Tariff. We fervently pray that this evidence. that the predominant party in that State are desirous of set- tlmg the question in a peaceful mani,er, may-be met by a corresponding spirit &. that the loweringcloud which spreads bo, much gloom and darkness oyer this gronous Union may be dispelled, leav ing its sky clear and serene, and the sun of its prosperity marching on in ( cloudless splendor to his zenith. Considerable mystery still appears to handover, the case of the Rev.- E. K." Averyr wh was lately tried at Bristol, R. I. & acquitted, on the charge of the murder; &c71f Misi CorneIt. Report says has run iff, ii tliat the i licgisja tucelias offered a reward of SOQ dols lars for hifljfo'eionTolne'oflne papers state that he lias gone to Cuba, and others that he has been attested. We shall, perhaps, in the course of a few days, receive some eertain' and correct information in relation to the matteri wlilch "shall be giyen, 4o our readers. i ' .'....u-.'.L?. , jFrwefc -'ITtc Petersburg Times says,'' " Itis mentioned in a letter from Waslungfon tnat the Post Office JDe; partmeot has organized a regular week ly line of Expreisei to the city of CharlesfooElOrcoursep these noveli ticl Ja our governnt will soon cease to excite the special wonder of any, save th idle, gaping politicians of our towns, or the prying Bon a faces of the road-side, as it goes and returqs." An eitract of a letter from BostOrl published in thi New 'York Commer cial Advertiser, states that the Private Diary of .Rear . AdmiraL Sir George Cockburn, kept on. board the British Ship Northumberland, which, in 1815, carried out Bonaparte te -St'Hcle Ha, if. bdwlnl the' press, nd will soon be published iil Boston! that it will bring to light many very remarkable anec dotes of the Emperor especially as tc lates to -his political opinions; that be Ulksvery freely of Mr. Madison's ad tninistration, &c. - , i We regret to find, by the following statement from the Charleston Mercu ry, that the officers of the United States at Charleston are pursuing a .course calcHtated to hasteu" collision with SJ Carounal . . t-'.' v-t. 'Two Vessels, viz. the Br. ship Ro ger Stuart, frorn; Greenock, and the brig llumosa, Habanero, from Havana, have been brought to and detainel by the U.-S sloop of war Natchez. By what authority and. by what right-tliia was done, remains to be pla.inediwrni"" Tlie Evening Post notices this cir- curdstance, under the head Federal aggretsioit commenced," and remarks, " Tlils is the first act of the general government, which, if followed on. j reqst bring it into collision with us It has been done at the Tery moment too. that a disposition liasbeen-manifosted on, the part of our peojle, to foibear un tirthe end of the present session of Congfessunder tlie hope, but scarcely the expectation, that such relief would be granted to us as would at once set tle all our differences.! " . - Gen. BIaijr,haa bcentried before the Circuit Cojirt fortne District of Co lumbia, and fined S300 and costs, for his assault upon Gen. Green; the lat ter of whora had so far recovered as to be able to plead his own cause. ' Superior Court$-Ttie following ar. rangement of the Circuits of the Judges have been made for tlie present year: ' 'Sfirinf. ' Fall. . EJentoe, Jutl8 Norwoo!.- J1ge Sawell. Nevbern, ...... Ilonnell. - 8etll. Rl'Bh. 8inee, Martut, Hitltboroiig!),-'"'' Settle. ,"r " . Donoolj. Wilmington, MHm. ftnwgc. MorgMUon, T 8ewell. - Norwood.' -. JSuprtmiCourL--James E. Keof halisbury, and Asa Biggs, of Martin county, hive : obtained licenses to practice in the Superior Courts of this State. - , ' The Bank of South Carolina has rc coverd, . through the confession of Bar ton,. the person, who recently robWd that Bank, the whole of its loss, with. the exception of .about 22 dollars. in specie . Indiah Vwr. TheRichoumd Compiler states tharTackTTawk, the prophet, and the other Indian prison ers iaken by General Scott, areexpect- ed to arrive at Fortress; "Moitroc'tn'li few days, to teroain thereof hostages for their tribe. jVmafe courage aruljpre$ence of county j-N.' CTpublishcd in the Fay- etteville Journal, relates the following interesting circumstance I " A short time ago, in the, vicinity of iimitiiviuea aega-imsiioethe-pro-perty . of old Cant .Brown)- went- to the house ot a Mr, Dan'l Bennet in his absence with the intention of com- the house, when he entered and made known his intentions to tar- She imme diately rose up, when he tlirew.his arms HIVUIIU ,11. her? she however bv hef exer- tions .cot ria of him r-;--.j?;r,,......-.: - .- .... or a momenta when he went to a crack In the house to seeif any person was approach ing. While he was in this position, she seized a shot gun which was loaded with buck shot and shot him dead on the spot she immediately communi cated to her neighbours what she had done. A Coroner's Inquest was held, when-she-appeared-beforethe-Jury and 'swore that she had done the deed, and why. she did it." zi. Laconic Report. At the last session of the New'llampshire Legislature, says the Un Wilson from the select committee ap pointed to ascertain the number of days each member had been-absent during the session, reported that' the com mittee dicPnt know, and the members wovltTnt tell." ' ' . I Irginia. The resolutions relative to. the differences .between the JState bf South Carolina and the General G vernrrient, which had been passed by the House of Delegajles ofirginia, were alsd itlopted by the Senate on the '26th tlltimo,and Bay. JFatkini Leigh, Esq. of Ricnmond,was appointed Commissioner to carry Vheresolntions td South... Carolina; . The .Compiler say!, " ' L . L Mr Leigket outyesterday in the 1 2. o'clock stage tor Petersburg. X lie carries with him his Credentials tinder the gret seal ol the Commonwealth and repair forthwith to,;Charlestoflr where GoVernor, Hay ne and General Hamliton now are. ' The one may call tfie Lejpslatureand7theother tlie Cooverltion according as it may be deemed expedient; Mr. L. expects to reach Cliadeston by the 1 st of Febf ua ry may sdecess attend his mission. rr9 '.is . i ne general nope anu Denei are that Sotitn Carolina will suspend her Or-, dinancc-aid that tranquillity may be restored to our country . The late message of Gov Floyd to the Legislature, which is exclusively devoted to this all .absorbing, subject, appears on the first page of to-day's pa per; i -. V The Hartford-(Ctnn5ryMercttryMy that the United States', troops which have been stationed at Fort Trutnbul, in tlie vicinity of New ;Lbndoo have been ordered to Charleston. ' ' Great Vmon Meeting in FrankUneoun ty, ftorth Carolina. . c. '1 Pursuant to pronous nublio nwiee.a verr Ultra and bijfhly it pecubk meeting o tha citinna ef i:nnklin, from every section of the county, Convened at the Court Houte in Loumburr on the 39th of Jiougry, for the purpose of eipreuing their tentimentt upon me soutn uarolint doctnnet of NUlimcation and teeeion; when Gideon Glenn, Em. vu called to the Chair, and 'Smith Patterson, Es appointed Secretary." At the. request f the Chairman. Jmes Farrier. Eta. trotc and Jit4 tfo.rtjnt animatejl addrca ta plknttoey of lf. object of (he meet'inj;; after which, upon motion, the Chairman appoint ed Col. Jeremiah Perry, Capt. Joneg Cook, Jme Firrier. E$q. Dr. Samuel It- lUywood and WiUiam II. Battle, Esq. a committee to drft retolutiona txprenWe of the ientimenfii of the meeiinjr.-. The committee retired, and the meetinjr war adjourned for two houn; at the cxpiratiun of which time, lite citiena were afriti convened, and Mr Bmttle; on be. half of the committee, reported the follow, ing reaojutions: : " . 1. RrioWed. That ve'eherikh th most Kf ely recrd and the moat artient auchnient for the fyderal Ctnttitutitn and tle L'A of these Stateas that we believe the honor, the prosperity, the happiness tevei the ver existence of this m"thty nation depends up- ii iuq ,nn mna innexioie msmien.mce pi thoe (jreat constitutional principle, epon which our eovernment is based: and that we feet Constrained by the most sacred obr. uww; iuse every rnesn m nmr power to preserve inem pure ana inviolate. ; 2. Resolved, That w cannot but regard the ordinance promulgated bv the late Con vejition of South CaroLnt. and the acts of her Lef iststwe- founded thereapon, a danger-' ous ana desperate attempt to infringe tipon the'riehtful authority of the Ueneral Go vernment! and we atilemnlT believe that the doctrines of AVj4coiffl and tttxttiM Cont tamed in them are false in theory, and will be fatal in nraciice. . . . 3. HesoUed. Tliat this expression of our JecUled disapprobation of the doctrines ef Nullification and aeceuion, involves no re cognition of the policy ef a protective Tariff. On the cbntraryjwe avail oujuclrea Of this opportunity to declare to the world our deep conviction that the TwilTacti, so fr as they re protective m their character, are grossly unequal in their operation upon the Uiiler ent sections of our country, and are, there, fore, rasnilrstly illiberal and .unjust; and we further dccUtrc our uuLendinir determination to persevere in uainf all constiuitjonal means till tva procure their repeal.,. ... 4, Csaolved, That the nteaantes adopted by the Chief Magistrate of tbe United Slate in the present eventful crisis of our national aflVirs, meet our most cordial approbation, and .shall receive our most determined sup port. ... . ; - v - $ . -r.esahns Tl,t wliftV "we Tfi:sfppTbt and condemn the mad and ruinous course pursued bye the authorities, of South- Caroli na, we yef look upon the citiaens of that Slate, not a enemies, but a emmr brethren; and we shall hail, with feclinc of snmineled jow:thje-ysoEylM 'WnsVeraWVnaMeirlWfiaS Thee resoluiions hsvinir been read, the question was taken upon each separately. I be first passed unanimously. Upon the reading of the second, Mr. Thomas T. Itus sell moved to strlkeWiiThe VoTsecesioii7 which was opposed by Messrs. Untile, Far- riefr and Wyniii but, upon his explaining Utat-wWa-distrncteiprtwiow-of TJpni ion upon the doctrine . of Nullification, sepa rate and apart fmm that of secession, his motion was arrced to . without objection) 1 when the question was put upon the resohj- itr:;juv-i'i iuAvM "ii.-il-'sfr -.r .. iiuii u amciHicu, n ii was carrieu oy an unanimous vote, with the eaception of that of Sir. SamueL Lancaster, who, had spokeii t Kalnift lhe relulion7Tndl fical'ion. - The question wa then taken upon the resolution as h 'stand ahflver and it was "cwiedVhy very lar or uirce voung against ib - I ne miru resuiu tinn also passed by large majority, "and the fourth and fifth were carried without ope dissenting voice. The resolutions having been disposed of, it was moved and agreed that the proceeding wf Hie meeting be sign ed by the Chairman ad Secretary, and be published in all the paper at Ualeigh. It wa also moved and agreed that the thank of the meeting be tendered to the Chairman : for the very satisfaetety manner hr which fit bad discharged tbe Julie of hi station) for which he returned hi acknowledgments, and expressed much gratification at the good order and decorum which had attended the deliberation of the meeiinir.-. After which, u ponjbeuon :tbetneetingadiou rniiiiie me. . ; .. ,c ,v.. ' li may not be improper to subjoin, that Uic day was animated by the firine f cannon and the display of the United State flag upon the top of the Court' House) and ; that the citi zens generally manifested uncommon inter est in the subjects which bad called them together. GIDEON' GLENN, Chairman. Smitr Pmuiox, Secretary: , r . . A number of the citiieijs of Beau fort county, -fnendly-tor-the( Republican doctrines of ?98, gave a complimentary dinner on. Thursday last to Henry s. Clark, Esq. one of tlie Representatives c-i mai county in me last ijeg'.siaiure the Horn William Kennedy presi ded, assisted by Messrs. S. tf. Fisher and F. .Gallager, isrVice Presidents. Messrs. JfljnMLTa 4wyer and-JQavid Uutlaw were present, . being invited guests, and letters were "read from John L. Bailey, Joseph W.' Town send, Charles JJeei ' and - A. I'ierse. Ksqs. (who were.among those invited,) regretting their inability to mingle on the occasion, in paying a merited tri- hutftlo Mr. ClarL - - , , v i Tarboro Free Frets. V; , . Clidrletton, February 2." Mr B. Wattins Leich has' been appointed by the unanimous vote of the Virginia J legislature, Commission' er to South Carolina;' to bear to the Authorities of this State the result of the Virginia deliberations on the nre sent collision between South Carolina and-th Federal Governmcrtt- An individual better qaalioed for the, mis sion and onewho would command more respect and confidence than Mr. Leigh, toilld not have been selected. and we doubt not tliat the communica tion will be most respectfully received. It will be remembered bv those who have read the proceedings, as psbl i sh ed in this paper, that the final action of the Virginia Legislature on the sub ject, has beenthe re-assertion of the aocirincsoi tne resoitUons Ql 7,J8 ana '99, with a declaration that they do not iustifr South Carolina Nullifica tion & that they also conflict with the principles ot tbfiV mstdeutV Troda. niation with a request to this State to rescind onr.Ordinancevor-suspfend r. -.1. . u unui we aujouroment ot tne next session of Congress AvJTeque8t to Congress to modify the Tariff and a request to both South Carolina and the rederal Government, to abstain from' tlie use of forced ;r Theie -reuestsrtre unaccompanied 1 fey any . formal pledge via wiw inu vi v u it i ii itu MCTCwry NVe have heard fiom t! country, that many ridiculous , reports are in circulationjBucli as that Gov. Ilayne had been arrested by the orders of'the President! that General Hamilton had gone X.ngiany IO negotiate lor sistance, c. It is hardly necessary to say that all these stories have not a shadow brioundation. s Let the people be assured that the public prints will give them early notice of any extraor dinary occurrence in South Carolina. i .. . FayctleviUe Observer; - "V" MARRIED, lit Waciwat eounrr, en the 43rd oltimn, by the Uev. Henry rata, tfoat. Allen II. Hipgs, ofllar riiborr, Grartvitti county, to Miss r.hxa (. Sale, daughter of the Ken Anthony Sale, of th former eoimiy. - In r'rahklia eminty. n the &kb nlutno, ey the Uev,. Henry Specie, the Uev. . Wilson Uar rliflc to Miss Mary Ann Jones, daughter et the Kev, Amos Jones. . t Jones eounlv, en the Slfh hhimo, Mr,. William Herring. i,r Crrene, to Miss ltehecca liter, daughter of Williams Ilr, Esn. , In Sampson eoenty, oa the 5 1 l ultimo, Mr. Neeilbam Grwtlhain to- Mis Laii!ia, Thorutou, dauKliterof MooreThorwton, Kw." , - At NevkMi, on the Blst ultiiuo, Mr. Olnrer S. lewev to Mit Matilda W. Sparrow, daugh ter ol the late Col. Wm. 8. Spairow. ,AIn, On the tame evening, Mr. John 1'iiiman to M is Martha ItJaoey, daughtor 0lCpC Jonathan Ilia- "aer. " "" "'.--t-. :r-- :y ' -, '-- r- .. In Craven eiVintr, on the 31st nliimo, Copt FrcuVriuk Uudlor lo Mis Elixa Haigutu - - . DIliD, 1 On the Sdi day of January, 133, Col. P1ile- sauti Hawkins, of Pleasant liul, vrren couniy. bi late residence, who was the 'last of the signers ol' the Constitutional theSuteof North Camli M I,1774 II wft b6fn on (he 3d Jy nl Ik cnilwr, 17.12,. and at tha ei ly ape of 16 year as sworn hi as lJcputy Sherilf for the eottnly of Gran? Ul, awl pavturnnd the hule of the rtu'tk-s-Of Itiat 'onTo for his prineipsl, lonard Bu!lm:k. fie belonged to the troop-of eavalry at tha Uirttle of the Allemaiiae, whieh wss fou(jlit on ihe IStii ol M ay, 177)1 1 anil, for the ilivtiHotina lie raeriteil in that battle, he was presented by the eommawl r in chief, Uovcrnor Trjoh, with a beautiful ri dv. At r very-wly 'wmI btlsre ho, it years old, be was elected a memht r ol the time rst Assembly fbr the eeuiily of Ilule7 subsequent ly divided into Warren anil franklin. llu cott tinued as a member of the Lrsulattli-e, and main ly from the county of tirii,illc, with the "iuln' mission or two years Snly,' foe 19 years. The lavtsvnMrf Wa aerrier wav sfTsrrttCTittr; "ill ttro ny in tne cause ol American Indppf ntloncc thti was ever riisecl In the conntr of lliite, and whieli consisted of 144 men. In the year 1 776, be was elected Colonel of a regiment by the Contention at Halifax, and he pwlormeil in that command many senioesi but ultimately lell the army, and iwiRmsu io aei as a meniocr oi ins Licgitiaiuir. He was a inenibeuof the Cenvmtion whitb rati, fietf lha "X2oni'(ut'ion bl 1Tie"Chiteu'''?utcs,''and waaLUcn a sueoiber of lli.Kxeutiv;oancj Me was a man of strong mamal powersr which he retained to the last, and possessed an accuracy of recollection which enabled him lo b the livins; hronrelenf hi timet " If raised twelve ehit- drea to be grown, but sis ol ihera preceded biia to the Kr.i and his six yountreat sons rraduatett atihe-lluiversity UJimh.:Vttiikm,,muVlM yeaii and of all the comforts of this world, he died altera short illness, in so much tranquillity of jrtiiftd , int) jsopcul 40 few. .fiipV'ti..!t Htf.nnai tleparture was like . n1"" I.Jefc;T; At his residence in Warrenton ' on Tuesday, ui xvtti on. me nun. Jons tiaab, lor niay year one of the Judge of the Circuit Conn, and, since k orcanitation, of the SupremeCourt of North Carolina. Thus has the cruel and un (iveimiljle disease of cancer in the throat, alter a lingering progress of twelve mouths, at length destroyed one of the best anil purest men tint ever adorned humanity. Judge Hall wa a na tive o(Y'irgiuiav-bttur the last furty-y ears had been a resident of Wamsnton. Of the slernetl and most scrupulous integrity t ot the. tuoat-it-affeated simplicity ol manner and I elings pas-' seisins; j "a heart where rich Ijenevolenr las fon'nit, luat beat no to Msclt alone,-, but she ft ' " - ; warmth alt around." It.nity VeH be-htttiglned;,; tttiif livlng'1ie"'ws universally beloved, so in hi death, mrtet tercly 1niented by all." But It is not as pri- ra uiaivKiuat oniy mat we snimiu uepiore lin loss the Stale, the couslry , has been deprived of a uselul. a valuable nuuu l judc Hall. - when be lately tendered bis resignation at Jjidge of ine DUireme t-ourt, nan occupied a seat on tliat bench for upward ol twenty year, ihiring the whole time, he gave the moil entire satisfuctioW Indeed, in all the essential qualities .of a good Judge, in anlh-ing patienoe, aaauralc intelligence; and incorruptible honesty of purpose,' he never was snrpsssed. As a politician, he wa well hi formed, 6ank, faithful ahd firm. In n word, in all the varied relations ol life, be HI ''l.sracl hi Indeed. In whom there wss no auile." Iet not, then, bis amiable family indulee in nseless ,orrow tor their loi-Hel litem - repose on . the synipainy oi a wnoi aomnianity let them ret on tlte fair fame that has he en bequeathed lo them lot them reflect that lUt, at least, not even can tins sJToct, but that it will prove a "ttnonumcnt more lusiutc, than brsa." C(ikiwc( - - .At- mcltn 4th Judrwvtit the6aprem Court nf North Carolina, ot iho OfHeers as the Court, and ot ihs Gentleineu of the Uar in attend- anee on it, at the Court-room ia the ear of lis- lci(h, on the 31 st January 1833, the Hon. Chief Justice Laoaaan iltxMKHk,- beins; called to the M'n-, and wa. H. Haywood, Jr. appointed Secretary, the follow log resolutions were moved by William Gaston, Kq. and anahkhously adopt ed, via. , ..' .r : ) Heflverl, That the intelPjenee which has just been reooived ollhe death Ot tbe lion JOHN HALL, lately a Judge or the Btipfeme Coin t of North Carolina, requiVei Of ui an eipressinn of inc sense we eiueruun oi inemeriuul vu ueeeas. ed, and the regret we leel for bil removal, from anions; n. . ' ' .. .. JHenhed, Tbat ike able, failhlut and devoted services which thai deceased rendered to lb com munity during the tbirtywo year hi which he has acted at a Judge of the Superior and Supreme Court 61 th State, entitle bis memory, lo our JiiKhesl renpect, while bis private v nines com- rusnn ior Hi name a nrm place m our alteetlons. Jictiihed, Thai, in testiufdny of this respect and. afldetion, we. will wear the usual badge ef raouroint; for thirty days. " LKONAKU llP.NUEttSUN, Chairman. , . Teste, ' . Wuu 11. II at wood, Jr. ' ,;. v ;;f V . '. as '.."i.!.;. ..-.I .j ..u. j -i. j' i. ji' ... i ' .I'Laaa , "Uauk of. North Carolina. . T Haltffh. yeb. 4, rt S33.T Th Commissioner appointed by the act of th last Session ol theGenend Assembly of Nqnh Carbliria', for iucoiiorStiiig "tlie llauk of Norlli Carolina, have this day opened tiieir Hook of Subscription for Stock in the Capital pf said Bauk, agreeably to the directions of the late P roc lam alio of Governor Swain.M the llookstot of J.tlales U 8on, in this City where 4iwi( be kJpt open for suty day t a prescribed by the act Slorevaid, I'ersons wishing 10 ' subacrihe tor Stock ih this Inslitwtion.- are desired .to call at mid Store and enter tbeir naOMi ou llio Hook Which I left there. R - . . , -, - , , J. GALES., In , . WM. BOYLAN - 1 - - - " "JAMES GRANT," f A IJr'KKD JON ES. V . & U1AKLES L, UIKTQX, J t aw. : OfficciV Drill, TEe Officer of lb Silh fteeimcnt of Kortb Carolina Mditia will attend a Unit, th the city oriUUigbV cm Saturday nett, at o'kljak, At M .-"rr. :-r:i'... Pf wft ...... Academic The,.Vr!TTttoti Acaikiuv ii : l,.r ti.e re m inter, i . a I -.r,, i, e : y t t!.e eejtion ol youth, untxeejilmn:.!,:. The eollrsiafis neparnlu.ns, the 1 will, be ailetjuaie, a to the el aS-Lkat the Universities of this State ami tft s Mii. nisy ee rvsa nereana witn the rci!u..fe i - tra- tiv studies. In the drpnrtm. ni, ol Mathemat ics, Modera Lahgnars, Cn!ihrChetoitnr, tea. " an e It rated and advantaceoiis result mny be a" eured lo the diligent and aspiring scholar. - Terms ol tuition are from 10 lo 15 dollar per session of fire months) those of board are even as low as 30 dollersfor the same lime. N. B. Confidential assistance, may be secured, when the numher require, it. ' .THUS. J. VAlDEiN, rrmcipaL - Warrenton, Feb. 3.- 1 3t- State of North Carolina , -Franklin County, r ' la Etjuity Hill ol' Hevivor. .' Tatty Taylor, Complainant, " . " ..; V. 'f. William Person, VUlim P. Littld, William llhHinl, Geoiye tlloiiiit, jMob Itlouot, 1 ho. mas Person, Wm. Jobnsoe aud I'alty his wile, Itenjsmisi Walker and Sarah his Wife, Wm. Vtij,dian, John Mrwhlie and I'atty his wits, ISlwint Hunter and Petly hi wile, and Wm. I'. Williams, bona at law of Gen, Thoma - Perwm; deceased, aud Thomas H,' Person, ih'lenduntu i The death of Th'omss I L Person, before the last Fall Term suggested, ,UU abated as to him leave given to the eomplainant to file a Bill of Htr afainst his heirs at law, lo witt Benr mio ft. Person, Elizabeth, wile of Peter Mitch all, and Wm. Person, Jr. and fiichard II. PrrJ sou, of Tennessee; Bill -Sled Order of pub, e-'tion in the State Gazette for six weeks a H Wm. Person. Jr. and liMiard Person, nou-rJ snhml dvleadants mentioned in (aid Bill of lie vrvor. . ;. '.' .... '. . v-- It pM-r'mg to the satufaeUnii of the eourt ' that -William Person, Jr.. aud Kit hard Person, two of the defendants to Ibis hill, are nrm-Tesi-deiit, and reside in tti State ot1 Tennessee j at ia thereuHm ordereij 6 the emrrt'thal ptihlica- . lion be made in the .Stale Gazette, published in ' the Ci5y of Kaleieh, for i( Week suceeaaively, a to tlte caul William Person, Jr. ami Itichard Person, who reside in ihd" !tlc of Tennessee, . commanding and 'requiring llii'm to be and a pear at the next Superior Courr of Law and Krniity to be held for the eoualjf of Kfflinklio, at v fhe ViMiH IToasia'. m'Umisburg, on ibesd lon' day al'(er the 4th Monday in March neat. Ihea ami there to answer, pltad or demur to the said Bill of Revivor, aud t do -aud perform eueb matter and thing at aliall1 be thrn and thete . required nf ' lhem by die said court tnuehint? Iho m ml tars chanced and eonlainril in said hill, mlu ivw'Wcwejill rhi"l'a par a tlsraa ui urn iaken preaunioscq as to Ibemend Oeercw made awordingly. .- - . , Witness,l8armief Johnson, Clerk and Master of onr said Coert of Eipihr, at efh, e,. the Sntl Monday after Hi 4th Monday in ScptcuHier, A. Bv order of th Court. v ? J ' Teste. BAM'LJOHltSOX .C. 'if, K ij Iw'd Bird Janoary, 18.13 ,--.w :fjyw' I State otVNortUX'arolina ' Franklin County Superior Court of (ituity.?.nd Morf day after 4th Monday in Sr pt. 1 832. Simon G. Jones, Willi Hr Jow,Jotte"r tWiW lf na HN: Prhelon j Jane, - Hubert R. Jeffrey, Rebecca . Jell'iyt,Marmiluke Usrri.tishdJiVil r.fttoBdWvaiy'' Simon Jef- c. a o & a - i, r a a. --treya, -tne ir tiuaronn, : ; .'"Vs. """ Robert Cotton and hi wife Mary Wit lie Fuller ami hit wile Mary, James Heslop and hi wife Martha, and Si-4 me Jenreys, aelendsut. i It appearing to the satisfaction el Hie co'irrt, 1mi M olrt Cotton Aid hi wile Mary, and Si mon Jeffrey, twi tfkthe defendants I this peti tinn, are non-reideulB( ft is therefore ordered by the fnurt (hat puhlitstion be made for ia sue- wessive-wwtks lnthe Star,: published in th City nf ltalei;h, tnitilyiug the' said Robert Cotton and. Mr hi vHfrf and Sirami JeflrvT,' of the filmg of this petitirNi and pendency of this sniff and lllwt the said Knhet t Crtton and Martha hit wife, and Simon Jeffreys, niake thra pnrsimal ppninea at the nwrt Conrt-wt litraity - to b held lor tlie . jnonir of Ft anWlt!, at the Court Jlonsts in Loo. IdmrJ, on the Slid Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, and "ihen and there plead, an swer or dmwij t'd petitienf otherwise the sprae will be taken pro conlesso It to tliera, aud derree maife f.riilinkly. - - -- - - , . Bt onlrr'of theCniirf. - " -t """ ;'" '' " r - ;Te(e. , SAM'L JOllXSOJf, C..M. E. - ' ,.''vrf':-. r. .'.!.. ',&:.!: T 6W.. ;.-,;.;' ' StrnycfJ or Stolen, Oar the hlpht or fhe (3rd mstknt, frnrn Ittr. William Waliaoe Hill's stables, near Wtrrenlr.ii, two horses) one a blood bsy, black lept and long tad," four fret ten or eleven inches high, eight or nm year old, roitrh shod, -pate K'markabiy" well, and works well in harnrss. The Other, a mall black prniey, about lourfcet 8v Or (is in ellrs high, twelve or thirteen year old, some white in hit fare, aniflothe white hairs about hi head ind neck. - A liberal reward will be given for their delivery to me in Franklin county. Or to Mr. John U. Cawthon, fat Warrentnn. January- n. 1S3 , ' . , ,- -..-y.. The Thorough -Bred llorsn Will stsnd the ensning season at rny Stables, two mile from tbe town ol Halifax, ff, C. and will reuiler service at Twenty Dollar Ihe Leap, in be paid as soon at the errvioei petformedf -Forty Dollar the Season, payable at Its etpirw linn, which may be. discharged by Thirty-Five Dollars 8ixly dollars lusltianee, payable when -tlie faet is aseenined or the mai trlcd with, f One dollar edA to the Groom. ' Marra that tailed to Marion last Spring will be Insured at the price of the Season this year. A compa ny of sic rasre will be served at (he price of five, t The earr will commence the 1st of Fe hnisry and end on .th lJth M July. Geod rms turnge gratl, and mare graiu led at Iwenty-five : eent per day when reipjhed. Every attention will be given lo prevent accident or escape, but ao fespoosibUiif Jor either. ' : - DKSCKIPTION. MAKION U a beautilul dark bay. black mane aiid leg, lutl C feet two aad three quarter ia ehe high,' stands welt on hi feet, and for beau ty, elegance of carriage,, symmetry of form, and ' purity of blood, be to aurpaesed by none and cquaueti oy eui lew. - , - -r 77 ntr- MARION wa yred by old 8ir Archie, k'.a dam by old Imported Citizen, hit-grand dam by Imported Alderman, his g. g. dam by the eele brated race bora (Athet) Roebuck, hit ft, g. g, dare by the late Col. Ilesbeit Ilayne' Kiog Tloi od hi g. g. g.g. dam bj 4b tu;od her ' I'artuer. . . II is descended from tha very beat atw both ef this country and F.iland, his (et are "a" uaviy. mucn a 11 m ire u ami sluing t hn brier., Mark West sold for I1T5Q. St. A. . $2000, betide other at 4 and flOO.. Thtv who wiab to raise thorough hrrda . etnild 10 well: to patronize' MIMn. ; Hi whole stmlc were runner of th first order. lie w lull i bretbertolhewtebiated aolt Pawnee, and hi d tt . wss full sister tn pie hrs ;sice, S"'a wit hoot doutit one f fre l i hmi s ci a'-.i' i ever railed In this ciiantry: lot- g. aceTttttf Jieglstet .bag ;.. ., 4, .Vr-r. . 1 a. Lo.su, 7 w JsV f mi ,iii.l,)iiiiiiiiMi!'. '"iirl