xxo. BALEIGH. IT. 0. miDAT, IZAY 24, J033 VOL. SSIV- ' jnZ AortA Carolina Oaxeite, ' rCtIBB, WIM.LT, IT ' LAWRENGE&JiEM AY. TERMS. - ' ' ' U ie advaeoe. Suboriler in itllurr Stalei aaMt remain. An .aoeara loueer, .frrT. var. and person reaideut without Uii ! cu(e ,1)0 miy detire to become lubttribers, 1 will b tricdy required to pay the v hole a- nonet of Uit veer waienpiioq maaran.ee. ..r..Tls(MiT, not exceeding fifteen line, uwrted three time for one dollar, and tweu- ' !-.c. unt lor each eootinoanee. .. f; IiRH to the Editor Wait be Dprt-jialdJi;; THE CORRUPT JUDGE, i aii,ut aeeo the walls of Balcutha, but the vere desolate. The fire had resounded io lie hall, n1 tho voice of the people i teul no more -W3i. - , - jjj- the sidt -of the road between Fermoy and the eautirul scenery 0f Lismore, is still to seen, bat tltii? against tlib all-distructivo tooth gfTiine, 'the ruins of an antiquated bouse, once Ui dwelling of tbe cor rupt Judge P. Its uiohs -covered walls, end gl ass- 1towb cUambcra,-rajevulciitB(j- tenanted yet there is aa attraction, io tbe lone loveliness of its pictur-ejqtta-$itMatto'nJJichwould"--iit,cH uit the gloomy mind of one disgust with the selfish cares of tbe Atthe iuae la whTclfiuTs i!oryn-c fcrs, there lived a gentleman, whuni I iKH -eftlM N aglMn rathcrrc iiMdvtrcuitmiceSr and -wlio? was engaged in a lawsuit for tbe recove ry of some property the final de termination of which, if given a- flllititt'iNfouldonsideriibly-'iii- Volve Ula ttirvao juuiiuu uicaua,, -The trial was expected.; to take place in a feVtfayr before the if.to riouiJudge Prand Mr.-Nagle's op poiicnt had given tbi J udge a- pre sent of fifty bullocks, to eecure his gpod will, hiidt was thought would weigh heavy , in his charge to the MffTNagTe was very much afraid, tint as he could do nothing eiual to lik opponent, that his ease was hope te&f'frtherefor -had an Teffecton bis mind and spirits, which did not long ; escape the shrewd eye of Pad dy . Malowny, his groom, butter steward, or, in oue word his right baed mMt&f&l Paddy was the handiest bye in tltc world," hadtheneatest abinV -he tea'st'tKI'tf'gatdeBrtbe-TBOTtihriver jag-dugr-dn eo tbe master's old white ware, that was blind,' hut as Paddy expressed.. it "barrin she was. lame on three kgti, aadcouId'Cstaod on the fourth, would da very well lor a racer"- t by, no' one was equal to Paddy; at leant, so the girls thought and no one can deny hut they, are the best judges ii such cases, and oiany's tbe one was cocking her cap at oetng Mrs. Malowny; but fair Paddy was no fool, so he let them carry Oh! ut he's a purty buye,' to some o tlier" market. . Well,' when he saw fiii- masfer looking as if something ail'dhim, he made hould, an ax'd liis Unnour was it the sickness; the Lord be one us and ail harm that whs on him?"' f'PKT'y. U 4 N Paddyy my finfcJlowjfill he, but 'tis sick at heart 1 am; those fifty fat bullocks that Mr. gave" the JudgeJthafH i to Ibr? the law-suit will he niin i.Eh,-then, 851116' sis Tad, "make your mind asy tor call :me an omadhoun (fool)-iVl don't settle that to your satisfaction or why? Rhure-ins't there six score if ilegant bullocks grazin ahlow on the big Inch, an tho' there's none of 'cm our n, we may Jjarrpw a bonder ov the best of 'em, .to go a few iniles M,a decent bye, to see: and honesjt thin righted; for though T may pur end to give 'cm to him, sorra a one but will be back agin here to-mor-W "n'i6rnin,-plaze; God; ir put a bouhl face on you, and go to Cork; i if the Judge wont use you well; toy name ins't Paddy MalowliyX-I-- The Gentleman comprehended the in a twinklin, and having sha ten bands with , Paddy on the strength of the proceeding, gave him dhrop fop luck,' which was accept ed with cordiality wished him suc cess, and prepared to go to Cork to Mow whether .his' hopes would he blighted or brightened. ; i " ' . It was a warm day in July, and ifddy liad ; traversed i ;lowg ml "usty road, from near Mallow, passing by Castle-Hyde, and that JWeet country where tho best per fume the fields wid music,' through ibe tute.lown of Feiraoy, thal's all on8 side' fit least 'twas then,) and a-near tue wooa ot ;Jiacollon Pa4dy spied, enveloned in a cloud of ( Irk Mallowny had J ust finished most pathetic address to" Miss Judv O'Callahain, when a thought struck, lum lie was the man he Svanted onponvict . whose oama u leiier, and his way to Cork: 'sizes, so ho allow- whose cell la near the South st cor ed the cattle to move in the centre of therroauVjist to let the giateels trfT'Tl- "(T th,i10Ji . ,e - - the. Iocs with a bit which he had con- , Hollw tny lad, sis a tontleman wid a wig upon hinr, pecpin out ov the windy o' , the coach" whose urn? bastes are these?" " Why thin, Sir," sis Pad, tak- caubosrue mabun a low now, t'tease .your . . . uonour, they're: present from my raasther, Mr. Nagle, of the West, to a great jontleman ov these parts called Judge P ." ' I'm the Judge, sis he, rubhiit his hands -wid joy, au tell Mr. Nag!e that I'll befriend him: for pon uiy honor," lis he, 'tis a handH some present; and puttin his hand in his pocket by an unusual exertion of generosity, pullin out a fivdpeny bit, sis he, 'tho road is loijg, my fine ..fellow, lucre Is something to nay for your supper." Lrud bless your Lprusuip s iroh- onr," sis fad, " but my master knowed your Lordship's kindness would be pressm money on me,' sol lie gave me lasbinv'. Paddy knew well tin dlaJtcf pi it; lake tho bullocks on to mv steward, and ho willj)ut ;'em ,up safe." T" " '.' " . " I wll widliook, flioufftif Pad.iis the coash drove rapidly otT. , When a little further on, at the foot ov a hJJ a turft jofgjrwJLover the' door of a house, with half a. broklih sign dtrihtch way oncetht figure of Ire laiid's patronsaiiit, and our hero's nameiake, but no w nought remain ed savo tlie top ot jviiatwas meant for a crozier, and a portion of a milred ' head lot the face of which jolly red was the most predomin ant colour; however, l'addy was not guit so devoid of comprehension as DLlO.koyli.awn ismg wans - there -was-CHtcrtwn- in u rch 3d into the house, an called for a dhrop, drove bis cattle into a shed from the heat and rested himself.' The approach of wight had just commenced ...to throw a darkoned shade over tho face of this subluna ry sphere, when Patrick Malowny, rcj.oicing.jn the. success of .Jhisun dertaking, prepared to retrace his 8tepr,BCConrpaitiet-hy? themamfidd good wishes of the inmates of the shebeen' house, lie had so liberal Jy patronized; resuming Wis tune, fasiflnghisvsliiJeiahand his cattle out beioro bini set out for his residence, which bti reached be fore ru iriiie-without a nJn tcrr up tion. ' When arrived in Cork, the Judge showed how much he prized, his gift; and his charge to the Jury so completely proved the equity of his (Mr. 'IN 'h) claims, not withstanding the nods and winks of the giver of the fifty bullocks, that the Jury, with out retiring, gave a verdict, Wiuiout appeal, in favour of Mr. Nagle! ,- 1 lie scene orrtne judge's return, must have been amusing. lie call- v ve, i w i- " Where 'have you put the bul locks? my-ijoru.:'- :.. r i.. .. W here I left them; what do you mean, am - - Where have you put Mr. Naglc's bullocks? , j. ' a Mr. Nagle sent no bullocks here, my Lord." J The J udec. was frantic; ho per ceived he had been taken inland what was still vvorsihe other gen tlcman made him give, back his fi fjy , on the plea that ho was broken laitu with; so that for his own sake he wa-oWigt'd-ta keep the aCTnir as secret as possible. . , It became a standing jest at Mr. NaglcV table, where Paddy used to be called in to tell the story; he was comfortably, settled in a farm, rent free, where ho lived, for many a day,", until," full of years, he was called to receive, in another and a better world, the reward of his hon esty and fidelity jn this. , . ; - . . - .. .it The annexed particulars of the at tempted insurrection- at the Connecti cut State Prison (WethCrsfield) Coo- nefttteut, are .copied rP"..InJiifi,X7. Weekly litvuw oi 4taioau 4 Murder at the Stat J'rison. On the night of Tuesday last, a Mr, lleskni, one of the : Prison gqardt t; Wether- field, waa murdered y four convict under the most appalling clrcumstan- 1 1 A. .taSa that iha cea. - u may oe wen w cclla are in one 6olid ' block, entirely covered by an outer buildmgr between which and the cells i a Urge area, wheceaiAh.eentry,wa(ka Ji. Jone!y rouod'Via the night aeasoD,ihe prison et siMijig 4dcked, Yerv soon after the ctttrd hsd beeolre lieved and somewhat before mido'rht, i Der?r . e , ' "mmeDceu oonog un jinveq.io convey. i nir ccii uu ecrete I. . ...... . . i . at u.inaer time or uunn the Alternooo. Having made a hole about two inches iadiameter, ho succeeded in pnshio? back the bolt with a wire; and ft sooo at lIoskinahad .; pSiedOQ his roun'd. sir Keynoms, a oiacitt woe r.aiuicuim tlirough the small grated opening near the top of his door, a skeleton key, with which Teller unlocked Ceasw' door. " They then followed lloikios si lently and at a distance, until they came to soother accomplice, whose cell they unlocked, and with whom they con tinued to follow directly on. after-iue guard, till they came to a fourth, They immediately released him, and the four then noiselessly traversed the entire circuit of the area, keeping the tame distance behiud Mr. II. and so manag ioz the it lnferlr plot a a4e-b" u os u - peeled oy hini. till Uief came to a fifth, they, threateued wilh violence aaissne he would instantly join them. Fear i'iig. ihecjnaefp! e P c e s Jie ref u s ed , a n d they tett him, as the guard had walked more than halfway round asain. TjSLOiifjLheiM a steel bar l 8 tnrhet long- and one -thick. then proceeded on at a quicker pace after Mr. Hoskina; while the other two, taking the sinne direction,1-repaired to CtL'sarTcefir'neaCth Ndrthiwetcof- ner of the block, where they waited till MrV Hoskios had approached to within 10 or 12 feet-thev then st'enned but In fcoatof hiouAlarjned atheirjudden and unexpected appearance, he halted A . , ..L k L. . '! , anu . enrjuireu wnai iireT w-eu4,4. when one of the two in hi rear struck hira with great violence or i the top oITspeedlTy rcXufS"to 8ecurethe flesh. HI head and hrote his akull. As hej Three of them oOk4heir.atatiotti.withia f-llr he exclaimed, "don't kill me," and a stilled cry of rourderwai heard oiife of Ihe "monsleraTvamg sprung upon him and covered his mouth witk his hand. The unfortunate guard proba-- bty sufVivedlMtV l i h rauttrs h acl tJ elioeratc i y lei i bis flutae aM " asceHa . . . ; " they - ad vanced. to. a - small . Jroa. ,jio.or, through which the provisions of the pri soners are passeu to tnera iroiu tn kitchen, and with another skeleton key attempted to open it. Fortunately one of the wards of the key was broken oil nthenttemnt. ad as - tney tounu it impossiDie to turn tne ooit wim uie re maining ' portion,- they endeavored to pry the door open or. break it with the steel bar. This they could not do. The"' feMStetpirtmenreep from the male by a thick atone wall, .and the entrance from the latter is se cured to v a massive iren clad door. During; tli ?attickt,upolioai the efforts to escape, which immediate ly followed, the noise was. heard , by a female convict, who in a most praise worthy manner.- called out to the-mat ron. that the prisoners were loose and attempting to effect an entrance" into the female apartment. She succeeded in awakening the matron, who Instant ly repaired to the door, and drawing the slide, perceived four convicts at liberty m tbe area and working at the small uoor leadin? into the cook room. Without Ima Sf time she reached the vard"Twati. and went -round on that to the . - - - . room. Telier. meantime had put on Hoskina' ereat coat and hat, and was promenading the area, imitating the de ceased in his walk and cries. The de ception was complete. As sooo as the wardeaand guards- were .notified; of passing . e vejrits, the j r ushedinto the area and haitened to -thecene. -The liberated convicts, however, soon got wind of this movement, and instantly made for their celts. One of them, a black, by the name of Johnson, was locked iu by Teller, and Caesar requir ed the ".me favor, but Teller told him to take care ..r himself. They awaited the approach of the guard without emo tion confessed the wholerexcept - the wilful murder, and declared that it was notJheir intention to Mut killeill AlfH kina, but .only to 'have disabled him. It seems by their confession, that they have heeo devising, this scheme IQ ea cape for the past two years, and had a Ions titne since prepared the false, keys for that purpose. How or , when tbey were made ia myiteriotts, for the prison ere w bile at work are al I cldsefy W etched by their overscera' The four murder? era are now io irons in theirclla. f 4 - Cicsarliientenced somei three or four yeari ago for life JoAnaon -; for four years only, and ,hii aeoteoce would have expired in me ear-the third; a white man by the name of Rey nolds, for fourteen yeara and Teller for fifteen.,, V ?."Sf?-:y - - Teller Is the tame individual ' who ram from N. York to thii city in Au gust, 1830, and very adroitly passed off . f it'll n . 'ITI: a large number oi iiius ou tue . union Bank, altered from one to tena. Car rying hia speculation a little tod far he was arrested and convicted. While in this city be calleUhimtclf John Scott, and after hia release from Sing Sing io the latter-part of I8'29,he went in New York V he name of William -T. Kvans. Ilia real name is WnwTeller. -VirH .ftriit ifftr hls cimltmhtlo 'riDr AViW Prisont hTittemDted to cut off hi right hand ia wdet tolr eelhimself from future labor, but did not - succeed, lie was considered .one of the mot dar ing and finished scoundrel, who iQfes ted' New York, i . .' . ... An. inquest was held over the body on Wednesday, and lha deceased : was declared by the jury, to haveneen wil fully marderied. "As "the'uett terin off our Superior Court will not. arrive till the Ust of - September, we would re- spectfully Busiest to the Hon, Chief i Justice theG expediency of callini ah immediate rand apeciaT tcfiulnrie CourfrwilKTn-srxfeetof hu victims, and hav- tors of the . murder. Afl br ouf " Sa prems Court Judges are at leisure this month, and probjoly would prefer try ing the matter soon. Besides, the in viutia'.i'oo will doubtless be a Ion; QOtfnd. .would occupy oo .much of our bu preme Court I erai V.- ... : .... . Huw many blows wcreMufllcted on Mr. Uoskiaa' bead we carooAt tell, but the Physicians who were called, ware of 'opiuion from the appearanceXof the fracture, that the first blow, finished hitri. Wo have the above facts Xruul n-4f th ilirtct(r a. la whom thev were in-part commuaicated iby TeHefr A Dart dv otnet convict! wua were aisui pTeutaUhr derers. ' " ; Mr. - Uoskint wai formerly from SSnsbury waabouLCZyeafoX IS, and somewhat deal. 1 -jTJmi thVspnui of tySO, "Mr. "Alexander Mc - CuDoell, of Leiingtoa Ky., went into the wfloJipn4etf te-htnt dcer--lli Won killed ilirehuek. tfiiMfetfirtied home for a horse, in order to brine it io. Durinar his absence.' a partv of . .. - , .. ,,(, Indians, on one e meir usuaijiKuisjngiioufey & llsrn, Castle -to-tnahk . .1 M.V.I.it..lt .hiniKi.irnhl n . e : If. rf.... . . L. lejjieditions. accidentally stumbled oa toe body of ttia aeer,: and pereeivms Uialit.hadbeeojreceoly klljed, fliey ii .'a t u rally s u Tp po ise $ th at tli ehnnteTWeisId close fifla shot of the deer, whil the other two followed Ilia trail of the hunt er, and" waylaid the path by which he waa expected lo return. Alcwonneit, expecting no -dan ttonz .".'fbe. pathV which the "two acuuli were waicninf;. unui ne.. nao comc if .' t .i. . ...t.i. ...ri.;. 6r.ed,jippn bythe whole party. a horse killed While laboring to ex trkate himself from, the dying,anunal4 he was seized by hia enemies, instantly overpowered and burna off as prisoner. His captors however, seemed no be a mmy, good T aud permitted him to accompany them unbound, and what was rather, extra ordinary, allowed him to retain hi gun and hunlfnsaceoolrepe'OtsTTrlleac- rent cheerful uesa through the day, and displayed his dexterity in thootingdeer for the use of the. companyt.!untiL tlipy begin to; .regard,; him. with : partiality, llaving travelled with them ' iii this manner for Beveraldays, they at length reached the banks of the Ohio - rWer-. HcrctoforeHhr Indiana had taken the precaution to . bind him at cijht al ' though not-ery securely; but on that evening,- he had remonstrated with them nu theauhiect, and complained so stroojly of the pain which the cord gave him. that they merely wrapt the BuBalo tug loosely around his wnsti, and having: tied it in an easy knot, land attached the extremities of the . .. . . ,- . . . . - . roje ,xo . ineir., own nouies,-tu .oruer to , prevent bis movinz wunoui awa kening them, they very composedly went to sfeepf leaviD5 ; the prisoner to follow weir examplenr ooU5sarf McConnell determfted to effect his escapetbst night, if possible,, aa on the following mpfning they wouiu cross tne nveri wnicn2Llw,,n,u renaer u wncn more difiiciilKlUi theferore liff tiict ly until near midnight, axiously rumi nating hpon the best mean of effecting his object. Accidentally casting hia eyes in the direction of his feel, they fell upon the glittering blade of a knife, which had escaped its sheath, and . was now lying near the foot of one of the Indi ana. "To reach it with his hands,-wilh-est disturbing the two Indiana to, whom he waa faateueJr was ..impossible and it waa eery hazardous to attempt to draw it up with his feet. This however he attmpted7.Wit.h much dtfiiculiy, hergrasped the blade between his toes, and after, repeated and "long ' cSniin ued efforti, succeeded In biititjing it withirt the reach of his hands. 1 o cut Ms cord was then but the work of a moment, and gradually and silently extricating his arms of the Indians; he walked to the fire and. sat down. ; He; saw that hit work wai but half donei.that if he hould attempt to return home without deatroyibg his enemies, he would is. suredly be . purnutd ind probably be overtaken, when his fate would be cer tain. On the other hand,-It seemed almost impossible for a man to succeed in a contuct wtth diva Indians,: even, though unarmed & asleep. He could not hope to deal a blow with- his knife so tilcntly'aod fataJlyr aa to destroy hiienemiet in turn.-withoat awakenieg the rest. Their slumbers were prover bially light and restless, and if he failed with a. single , one he mast in stantly be overpowered by the survi or. The knife therefore, wa out ef the question. "-After anxious rtfiectien for Vftw-tninntesf he forroed.hij- ptan. Theg'tni -of the lauUaDii.were.l.iftkcd near the , fire, Ihek. knives. and-tomi' hawks were in the sheaths by their sides, the latter he dared not toucn fur fear of awakenins their owners- but the former he carefully removed, with the exceptfon of two, and hid them in the woods, where he knew the Iodii5i would not readily find them. ; lie then returned to th'e'apot whrthe IridTins were still aleepin. perfectly ignorant of the fate which - Waa prepario for them, and takioz a gun io each hand, be rested the ? muzzles unoo i ln of one and the heart f another. he pul led both triggcri at the" lame moment. Both shots were fatal. , At the report of their guns tho others sprung to their feet aud stared wildly ' around them. McCpnnell, who had run ioitantly to tlia-poUwhere..the,other riUei were hid, hastily seized one of them and fired at two of his enemies, who hap pened to stand ia ir line with each other. The nearest felt dead, being shot through the centre or the body; the second fell also bellowing loudly, but qistkty recovering; limped " off "into the weodr-at - first -ra -possible, The i fifth, and only ona that reuuinc.d un- Mttrtfartetr w ittrrTwwn7vrTOTr7eTi: which annuunced equal terror and as touhment. 1. &t cConnell . - not wishing to fixht any more such battles, selected his own rifle fi'oni the atck, inj made the best of his way to Lcxiustoii, "JiErheYrmcdrafclyrtlun -.two 'dsys. " , t . TMB-CAPHVK KXMlNliTEBS J. ix&'trft "kWf? flsit to tfieCanih ofllam. v a i i4awu T.mtnrjili nutilwh,l n ncrmint nf . . . t r. " . Prf.rnnnt far hia rnnfritiilliidi In hi wbrkneLTvreTd The details which he eivea of thia un- mriuiiaie siaic imsuuer, f wen: irt his7brothefcaplives, ' render hia contf ip bution oae of pxrticuUrdat.crcatiit.the present juncture. We extrstttlie fol jowings - - " "- Count Peyronnet received o with kindness and nrbinitv. f found him with hi -clever friend, Mr. Jules ue Resaeiiue- TThe ..it.udy.j?t WMfking: I i . t . i -i feomn-wntciUAottnajieyapuye County jafittcd.. upwiU... tout, soxall book - cases, whose .helves con tai a all Ihe-Frencliiiatoianavlagethefwith various works on jurisprudence,- aud other grave matters. '"...This study is furnished with'grMtpriwplicityr;A' larger table withe green cover tndTafm chair, a la Voltaire, are the principal things it contain. A clock, and a looking Rlasa, adorn the mantel piece,, VTVI TSiaa,S l W sie-w-ee!! eeew w 9f , ich t the - .allowing motto n,""" nl's hand writin-a motto' sin- theCount's hand writin;; a motto' sin-1"' eularly charactensiic oi hia suuauocr - Vault me tarde.' .The windows e enlivened wilh Jlowei-a planted in boxes pUcnhefeTTioTdiub "to conceal. ihe iionnars; Four portraits those of his children are suspended within viewf the-WUary-occupant of this dreary-ttboder I had seen th Count on Sunday the 25th tt July. 1830, aa he went to St. Cloudrand ( found him less -altered in appearance than I had anticipated, after ao cruel a reverse of fortune. Hia babita are very regular. lie is always dresed with extreme neatness, and geor-rally weara round hia. waist a lash whiclt his son Jules brought from Algiers. The Count seems te have imptmd' upoif4hlmielf the obligation' of not asking lor, any thtng i lie had, last year, an attack of IriAtio gout, which lasted four months arid a half,' and he could ge iroin arm-chair to hia bed only ty means of a line of chairs,:.which he had himself formed. r He" would " not even claim medicaT a misl a nciv i Msntdr-'Chatrtelaa-4nd'4)e; Guernnn Uanvilie inhabit the ground floors Prince Polignac and Count Pey roonet, the first story. The arrange ment of each prisoner's apartment i the same. Parallel to each other, ami consistingof a study and bed room, ihty are separated by a passago or corridor, , the door of which, open during theday, com munica tea -With the common l din ing room,, and the platform ef ihe. es: ; tie.- At night the door is closed and all communication with every ether-part of Ihe fortress cutjiff tiH,next morningv The four captive Ministera differ much Tnlheif personarWahit-ilrde Clun- telauze seems the most affected . :- It mufrhowever,-be-'6tated, that hefis the worst' ofif.i for he is; quite alone during nine months ol tlie year, ;,. Uu r'rog the othcrf three, he cJya the society of a generous, brother, who sacrifieei hi interest, and the hap piness of (domestic affection, to bting consolation to his aPJicted relative. In the long interval between his bro ther's visita. M. de Chantelouze Jeads a life of intellectual abstraction.' He seems to have got rid of all -earthly thooghW, and Jo be plunged in io pro found a meditation a to forget even the necessity of clothing himself, M. de Guernoo.'ol a firmer temperament, and whom the collections of former studies have better qualified fur the rigour of a life of solitude and captivity,- in which the man of science can always, find 'oc cupation, divdes his ine between, nat ural philosophy end mathematics. . He upend near his air pitrp all the hours ins near ui mi juni n- tu uuuib ch he does not employ in ihCsota , of sfgebnical itiuea,tiooi but h il ;;7T,' . "";;;:f which mast frequently tope found itanling before a large black board with Strang -lines and figures chalked upon it his clothes in disorder, and his face half. k covered with a thick beard, which the razor has pot touched wnce his captivi tyswbere; from hr eostame and tccu- -pitiori, he might he taken for' Galileo - , seeking the setntiotr ef his problem. - i 'i, "Prince Polijjnatf- is changed io. no thng.! r Ha is ; here, as at"; Paris, the man of elejrant manners and fashionable - iljfeJltioalmnatgueMy.almost . 3 , indiirrent, either Irotrt . philosophy or - froo piety, or perhaps from both, ap peiiriu,iautrc of ennui as he would in r.jhe 'stage hoi r""' at the opcri well bred, afftble, atuia- '' We, and, abovo all. of courtly bearing. , Qut he, at least, can see his wife and children, for whom he is not dead, as - b is to society. He has formed a new nation out of hia family, and out of his , -pmno a palace. Hi occupations are confined to drwin; and tnusict ; He U .'" always dretsed with extreme elegance: and whflQ he takes his walk " upon tho . , fdatforui, ' whtcfri froi Jiix'y to eighty j eet 'Ton jT and acarcily more than : five wide he might be taken for a London 1 exqeisUe viitiug a prison. IUI goes Wf efieYy"3 auoshioc; and either, for his health or v" teraortify the-aUeod q janitors -wbo-rU accompany him, he rum eloog the plat--' foTinso faat; thaot oBe ol them fol- low. him an mnoceot pleasantry, if he - v means, it a such .whichxecals .that of r Henry IVTatTHayen.-c; The PnnCe, " ; whom a former captivity ' ol ..eleven -r y ypari, after ihe txcKtti'a of a lenience which -eettdeWaeiTbiu -13 two year' ---f- imprisoauicnt, had accustomed to the . life of a prison, resumed'-itl habile - - without any -tlrbtt. F roa humility tf uiciuislion, ne suuors r nis cook (tue u luieij aim ... "o '""Vj" v:s-;.. jn.-uauuerooo -m wain at , t late hour: M. do C.hantelauze takes ne ; wain; ami uouot jreyrouuei neter , goes out, Fr twenty-two moothi the 5 Count baa not left hkaptm.en ha ,uo ohjtction, , he say, to take a ' walkjhut does not c!)ose M &e ! ketht- j He maintains, tint in his cao the law - ; ftieit it fT" a o;i!ii vioincu. is-; ai(!fis,. he aayi, to certain state prison ra tTortrcti-for thcrr priion; at it ioj- poses npin - mo capuve neariog inev weisnl of hit punishmeuL the continual u pretense of a troublesome witness,' and it) Uket; oomure from his privilege of locomotion., than that speolied to . hia enteacevhe.Co'ujita.eftI.;.that.--i iailor I has no mora ri 'ht to accompany !thnriaoner in.his walkrthanto sit with " hj,n n. hi roonVxaud occupy one side of , I .J t I ' . ' i v""uuv "7"v ""-.f , : f ' bed. lie allegca,Wreov er, , ? !'UB otl V.0 ' esc.,inoreoer, , j .;" - r?-"VJ"r-V--"-"--ii au o say mnim.-uo out uow, - j .notwithstanainit rains andyou are Uu-.J " Anottwr Jwur, v.hn the weather U . fine and you have nothing to do, you ''' 6,,.ou,- . . . . I Hl pnoneri breakfast in their avn apartment; buCihey time togcth. . ' ' eeption. however, of Couo Pcyronnet, who dinca ah.ne. and ;whoedinner is brought to h.m from the jKua Toumayanta. , Count Peyronnet's j tulV DVlHor? nr ' kM.,umPl iou h?n,t!LL0! hL. fc.,low."Pt'v"Jo. only difference is its abaolule solitude. V Ihe uininn.room of the captive Minister! is transformed every Sunday into a Chapel, where, they ;hear mm, to which, only (h Cotntnandsnt. IJeipirc, and; the boy who aervea'lhe Priet at the altar, are admitted. . "The ffarrisnn in the Cattle I com posed of two picked .'cornpaniei,' and a company of artillery, forming altogcth er about 40tt,meD, ;. : t he uraw bridges - are ra'ned at eight oVhck in ihe even- , ing.ln allj;est)ecH,-the Cailc is uj on the salraB rfooting aa all other for -'l- ' R ' "'"".""""-" ;' ' r ': Story from the Malta of the IiMin, ' --Duriiig the absence of the Uibbi Meir from bis house, his two sons died, . both of them of uncommon beauty,' and L enlightened by the law. His wife bore ihem ii her chamber, laid them' upon the bed, and spread a white covering over their" bodiea;- When Rabbi ' Meir " reiurned, hiiljrsLfitiqulry wis for his' ' . tons . His wifo reached tf himahlel;-,e he praised the Lord at the going nut of the tbabaatb, drunk, and again asked, i " Where are my, ions, , that thoy may, . too drink of the cup ol blessing". - v ' . They ''will.jnottb Ur oir,"he fe plied, and placed food before him that" he mi-rht eat. He- was- in 'a gladsome ' and genial mood; and when he had said " grace after the meal, hhe thu addressed .4 html ilium, with thy penniion, 1 . would Jaia' propose to thee one quel- , lion." :!,:.'.;-' ''. -fi-.r-t-- -"Ask it then, my love," replied he; , ''..A few day! ago a person entrusted some jewels to my custody, and uow ha " . demands them; should 1 give thetn "This is a ' question,' said Rabbi .. vielr, iwhich my wife should not have thought it necessary ;to- ask. What! wouldat thoii hesitate or be reluctant to reatorejojjveryouebia own?", . vt , ' " No," ahe replied, "but - yet I"! thought it best not td restore them with' out 'acquainting thee therewith," Sim . then.iod him to the chamber,' and step M . ping" to the bedr took , the.white covfer D2 from the dead bodice, - - i 4'i .-'.'.-i.i ST ; ' ' 3,-.'.-.'. Hi."

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