110.23 IIALEIGH, N. C. FHED A Y, LIAY 31, 1833 jfn'i AorA Carolina Gazette, ' LAWRENCE & LKMAY. t' TEUMS. c-.i-airTIoir. tliree dollar per nnum -one s.V.i..Hn.-Suberibei- io thtf Sliitei -Tnnot be allowed to remin in arrears longer a one yrr"P'wwwf State who nyxJr M ome stiDscrioers, i- .m be strictly required to pay the whole a- -..-irritiiMTf-nai cxcccumg uiiecn .iocs, Tolrteo.thf timealWeo dollar, and twen- tr-ure eenti ior emeu wnuBi. trrtsa to the Editor taint be pott-paid. THiaD ANNIVERSARY- ' Attention! City Guards. ! Pirade at the Capitol Square, Saturday rf,,noon, the 1st a June neat, at half past 13 o' clock, completely armed and equipped, and Jped with 3 round, of Ball. .Had 10 of Blank Private Meeting of the Company wflT he Lij .i tlie Court House, on the preceding even- 4wrfy xaudle lights Br order of the Captain. Raleigh, May !M, 1833 " YrKwxKw; Rnrln re flnnrl . -JMUIV ' The eubtenber, m auuuion ion to bis 'present etcrtnr and eh- tytbap Mk. ha jut reeeiTea an alM auortment of uncommon - STAPLE AND FANCY DKY GOODS, which he respectfully invitei hit frwrdt and em toaeri to eall aod inipeet for Ibemicltei. Be- . ;ih rath, thet can and wibeofter- 1UK t f j I -7 deatr ho uaual.. JThejr MMMsutM J'Si and eupemne oiue, niaca, uruwn anu iimst? Blk, hro-m)d invitible greea Brajm camblet "Aneoll imt KrnHTtM emieri - mfc; 'bine and Au Eren!l fineeae- Primed ami Diinted mutlina, in greif variety A tplesdid aaaortment ot ealieoca, trora 10 to SO eents . '' " . Bleached ahirting (ery eheap) iS . Iriih linens, 1aw, and thread eambria hand- I nd 64 bed tiekinga Wirttillet. tilk and other yettinc "Prtininil tlaek' grot de twie -Prl brown and whBrnBT nHVt 1UKun B4 haiidWanahiwfs Superb Stocks, efavaU and collara Blwk, brown anJ ereen oiroawiant, : Hernani, erape de China, love, trope and other Splendid belt and bonnet ribbonda 61x11 tnek and aidu oiubi ' - Boaea aaiiimere and black lasting 'Caaibrieki and eambriek muilin v4njrreat variety JPUin and Sgured aittehrek and apHler nett do. la-anka ahors 6f every kind, jut from thefae- !--tory. verr lowj faihionable black ' and white. BeaVer 7 toxea HATS, iniall. medium , and laree brimi cheaper 4hwverruat JtOAtt, tUftloft'4 jwau- . afaetory) - SJirdware in great abondaneei among them, aeylhe bladea, grata bladet, hw and trace ;, - chain, files, eunn, ami gnn lockt -jaONr -ENGUW JiUSTEKEU AN I CAST v STEEU ,- . t-hirtfi-md:ihtnaett----r---!IE SPUN COTTON i powder and shot I- - Coilee and tuear - " .-Chip hit,, from 25 eentt to f 1 linn hat ft. I . , m K,IINV Hum v,i.v. - j -Tim rate eallakiri boat;-(New York tnake) , Buck and Woodttock glove . Ladiei' glove and ttockingi -". ? Thread ambri and thread eambria bandker " ehiefa- .. ' . i Nankin and eantnn era pet t Splendid blond eauaij veil and handlcerehieft " r ..." U II CUITII SMITIf. .y Jtaleigh, 8d May 1831- 49 i Votice. ' Br virtue of tundrr decree made at the Court- -rffciuity for Wake county, Spring Term, 1833, i 'lwiliexpoetoMle,atlbeCooiltouMdoorinl In CUV ol ttuieien. on me acTeinccinii ur Jombml theioLwing tract, of Und,' aud HnuM unit Lot in the cilv ol Ualeish 1. A tract of Land, of which Abram Harper lied ited and pouested in fee, titittte in th-j aoonty of Wake, containing one nunurea anu fifty aeret, bounded a follow, to wit: beginning at a white oak, MUhew MCuilera' corner reuning thence touth to the road ; thence down id road to a blaek gum in the head of a imall brneh( thence down the various eourtct ot taid Knnchto Middle creek; thence down thevariout aoartet A id ereck to Altey Sandert' linej hIiIi hi I me m M ill? ilnacht. Ahtm un the varinn enurtet of laid branch to laid M'Cul- Wlinej thtnea eait witli taid line to the-flritl atition. AhoatraetolLand, of which William Bar Bam died aeized and pattrited in fee, titiiAte In the county oK Wake, auppoted to conuin one hundred and lixly acre, adjoinii)g the land ol imtt WWim and Kuhert RaT and othei-a to be tnld lubiect to the dower of Lucy Barium. h Widuw ol Uobcrtton Uarhara. 1 Alo a House and Lot in the Tty-t)MU1elgh, btelythe retiilence of Mr, t'riscilla M'Kee, known in the plan of tid city a No. 199, eon : SahitBtf one-acre,- more or les,-nd-bnunded a Wlow, to wit: on4he north by E'lenton street, a the east by the lot at present occupied by Ste phen Birdcall, on the couth by Hillsborough Jwet, on the wet by Dawion itreet Term made known on the dy of ale. -IIKNKY M. MILLEU, C. tc M. E. 18 8w S25 HeWitrd. 1. Eloped from my pfanlaUoii on- Toinot, Edge - tiuak county-, oa the t(Kh msUnt, a riegro man. BRYANT, 23 or 8S year old, five feet 9 -.. W lOinehe high, tout built, quite yellow for tlie appearance of hit hair, which i a knotty a4be 7 negroe usually in, long lipt, large leet and long J!i,hiii down look when spoken to; hsd on when ; he went off dark etothet and a blaek furred hat. i pnbble that he will procure paper and at ' Jwnpt to pas for a free man, a he ha done the I''lilanutmnliearTTaHibro lparen to make hia escape,-as iiis lather ana i -S&fKher lita iKa.. I till ana the abase retard , J" "T person who will eonline him in Jail so that I I tt him inn. or' delirer him to meat Statf wutborg. i WILLIE BHOWNBIGC3. ottntonsbora;, April 83, 1333 19 tf , Plantation for Sale. ' .The tubaerlber offer for sale the valuable PltntatioB vhereaa Willianv t'ulliam formerly 'ed, on the North Fork of Hroad tiiver, in .faukl'm county, and State of Georgia, aituated J""cs north of Caraeivitle.' Jt i well im- -1" 'ln DeTer filing aprlng. ! tuppose of rr mT fit hundred acres of land oat ' J1 hssh number ot asrel a large proportion it "rat im. km..- t.-J . i, a '.j ' i . " w - ... v. vw.ai vh pkuw r tftlliii i . a t ... . r.rS. or runner partieoiart apply ."tUiubtaribee. . . ' - JAMES EDMONDSON- The Pendleton Measenger will insert the .Jtioo of table-talk. IL W0UJ4 Operate rstnouth., and forward theiracaountto more vnfavorably than the "" gtoora '" 01 vdle, f rmnUm eoonty. ,t v t j, : Said to Operate 00-the wnetvuia, Ca. April IB, 1833 ' SO 3m t ' far Silt; Firori9iacii ctbbra, Apply a Hv's btSoe h , FOR THE STAR. ' "lean now send my children, to ichool. rri .t a . . i a nit was me language or a lady wno keeps i very respectable boarding house io the city of- . TJie occasion of the remark was as' follows: A friend at.dformeF "Ic1rilanca11e:'iii' her one day just at.the Jabjejsraiejn. arranzed fur dinner, lie saw the bran dy Bottles hlacedupoffl ihe tauTe.Tii.Ti coaciuuea in nonce now many of her boarders, used them at dinner. To his i : . .; . surprise only two used the liquor. Af ter the boarders had retired, he re marked this fact to (be lady. " Yes," she replied, " berore the Temperance reform commenced rft this city, I usu ally paid 22 50 daily for liquors for my dinner table. The consequence was, that I could only sustain myself, and. rny children remained uneducated. Now my liquor does not cost me 25 cents aday, and I can send hit chil- 3 reri to school " - . FOR THE STAR. The Tariety. found in the adTertise- W .mnnrj iha rnvnlutinnar na. "V, , ' V". J -r"'"'' fwobaoly Tail of its etTect to pleas irrJ-pw of CoU .Willi!" Grahamy w this were they the only contents. There county, an aged patriarch of " times are thousands who are indiflVrent to a change of situation; who are confined to business, and cannot leave it; who are gormandizing a breakfast and Joath medicine; wfTo are bfonminirj an8 wafU no acametic; whaare cheerful, and want no amusements; Who are charita- 4bir and want nopuffo and- ytaekef fl prompt tneir Denevoience; yet who want all (hat the reat of a newspaper supplies, that dear and exquisite food, riews, the daily bread of curiosity, and the-panacea of all the evils arising from dull ness-aod silence; the sovemgrt pe cific that applies to eve.ry man's case. jlT!'l Part "oTaaperV tir6uh"I"Kave cpnsiuereu i jasr, is generaiiy.JJQtiBUll.1 ed"ttrrriffd"wlSi'rirl' rrlOaHhtTgi some inquisitiveness that appears in the eye, when it first gently, rolls over, the columns' of a fresh'newspapei i Such is the-variety of thisdej)artmriLU.and-such-'the-sttaclriheht oreirery man to his- favorite pursuit, that-a tolerable guess may be formed of what man is, by attending to what he first reads in a paper. The steadv politician, indeed, a general. -reader Ue can find ou-t a political allusion in every paragraph. In every proposition made by ft member (if Congreasheaees moat-clearly either good or evil design in the mover; and should two diatin g u i she d .leaders ottlift ferent partiea agree on any project for settling a controversy which may hap- ft-4vxi4.bctwealwa-great,uxterr. ests, he atonee cries trot--? basexoalt tion," and declares this combination between thoe individuals is not be cause they love peace or care for the esil, that the parlies complaining suffer, but because they have either been dis appointed men themselves io seeking some place of honor or profit, 4nd they may lu raihe mea fit of their own popularity, or else thtir i -ot Dermit them to Suffer m. - r - , , .'anothet pSrty distinct from themselves to have the credit ot suggesting the means whereby these two conflicting interests are reconciled. ' The powers and" the duties f the President, as de fined by the Constitution, is ft favorite theme for our enlightened politicians, and upon which they often expatiate at Wonderful length. I most, however, say their opinions on this subject are as various as the cofours of the caroeleon', and as contradictory as if they were to say, that he (the President) can and he can't, he shall and he shan't, be will and he won't, he'll be dtn i if he does, and he'll be d m tl if he doti't. Out o1her"Teaders confine themselves to their favorite articles. The city news delights' the man of fasbionub ladies are anxious for marriages, be cause they-may know the parties; 4he young and old are for the fashionable tattle of marriages, divorces, duels, new dresses, elopements, and other' articles of hrvmvting ktotlfwhile th4 grave ciegno casts a solemn glance at the price ol stocks, wishes he had bought in, or hopes he soon may be a bfettraett outiAud there are a pretty numerous "ctass,r to whom robberies, burglaries, murdersT" land " pFck ing of pockets; aStird a considerable gratifi cation m f.e ei. : A Dwespsper being thus perused by ererV roan according to his taste, the day is began with a proper fund for tooTertattonrThe-wheels -are -agaio set agoing, and the dullest has tome- thioz to aay,.or some remarK to make on what heJiasjf adK newipapers.. then, are undervalued, it is either be cause they are common and cheap; .for we know that thing; which are com mon and cheap are always undervalued. Or perhaps the reaso'n is, they are ex nected as constantly as the return of day ana nigni. anu tueniuio c bci the less Tame on mem. To appreciate tkeir true ralue, there fore, wr haTe only to suppose they were only to be discontinued for a month, or even for a week. I tarn with horror ftom the frightful idea! deprecate aoch a shock to the eireula- nerves of ngltshmen; -and after such a auspioie of newf,l.tni afraid the p. per would contain nothing " but ; ac counts of sudden death which had hap pened in the inter?!, with the deliber ate opinions of the coroner' jury: "Died of the blues, occasioned for wnt of intelligence!" To conclade. In the words of Dr. Johnson, let us praise. newspapers. Sajs fie, " One of the principal amuse ments of the idleHjs to read the works of tlmae minute historians, the' writers brTliWrrwho.HMilvoiilmDtuouglT i ' . . . . " .- overlooked by the composers if bulky volumes, are yet necessary in nations, where much wealth produces much leisure, and one part of the people has nothing to do but to observe the lires and fortunes of the other." EUPHUANOR. From the Rulberfordton Spectator. ANTE REVOLUTIONARY DOCU- MENT. . We have been presented, by Gen. Geo.' Walton, with the following origi- nal-, olTttiul-Ueport. of ..the. proteedilig? of the citizens of Iryon county in 177 o -6, (now divided into Rutherford and Lincoln counties.) It was found by that tried men's -souls." The docu ment is in manuscript, and contains 24 pages of the siz.e ot an eighth ot a com mon' sheetjpf writing paper, carefully sfitclTec ""an'tf covered witF pa'rt of ' number of the South Carolina .mer. ran fipripra I fiaietfe of June 3J 774l 4hnwha.w.iiwmwai-5o sure to tlie "aTr7 yet,Tt is fair and-4egiblfr with ihe exception of some few of the signa'ures. 1 his document we shouia deem" sufficient without any other, to show that North Carolina was the first 4HkVtW&StVf declare therr rrtde- pendence of i the PriUsh Yoke. There arFi.tfief 'ff6cuments'amo2"'C6l.''Gra haraiMoerl"'W light on iheproceeaings! tn pettpifev ni, North Carolina anterior to the Revolt! tiftI.whkhwe may. perhaps publish . . a-. --' ,-. . I ; r( hereafter, Tojr the gratincation ot. nur readers : 1 ' "Minutes of the Proceedings of Com- mitiee in TRYOS COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA Tnjon County Pursuant to Notice, at a meeting of the Freeh nld'ers of the county 'of Tr jon," at the Court House of said "county, on the twenty sixth day of July, one thou sand seven hundred and seventy five, in order to elect a Committee for said MuntyhV follow chosen, to wit: For Cantain Beater' Company Thomas Brat eyv -David Jttnkins, J JuhnUaii,. Jacob) t brnry.- - .. -Captain Carpenter' Company Thorns E pev, Valentine Mauney, Nicliola Friday. Captain Coburn' Company Jame Coburn, Robert Alexander. Captain Harden' Company Joseph Harden, Benjamin Harden, Davis Whiteside. .. Captain' Hambrighl.' Company Fred. Ham brigbt, Jamei Logan. ' Cantain HaraDton' CoropBnyAnd'w liimp- tonj John Mflrrw,--George liueUi- Captain Barber' Company cnaric fte. Lesn, John Robinson, John Barber. - Captain Magness Company William Gra ham, Jame McAfee, Ferregreen Magnes. Captain Pari Company George Faris, Am brose Mills Captain Aaron Moor'i Company John Wal ker, John Beeman, George Utack. Captain Baird' Company Andrew Neal, James Baird, Wm. Patterson. Captain McK'mnev' Company John McKin ner, Jame Bedtord. " " . "Captain ' Kuvkendall' Oompany Abrnhtm KLkenthffirWiHiam Thoraaipnr Itobert Me Minn. To the Committee of Tryon CoutM, -a ft .9 it I Gentlemen: In pursuance of the trust , wiich devolves on me oy me much lamented death of our late wor thy Moderator. I am to request the fa vour vou to summon the Freeholders of tne i county of Tryonto meet at such convenient time and place as you may appoiot.lo" "choose," and "elect proper persons, to serve as ueiegaies in a provincial Convention,-to ie held at Hillsborough, on the twenuein aay oi August next; and as allairs ot the last mnortance io this province will be sub witted t their deliberation .J would rj: commend that the number of Delegates for each county, should not be less than five,, ..'-3'.. -,. t arnrwhli great respect. r gentlemen,- vour mostobedient servant, ' .-i,ai inn SAM. JOHNSTON. Pursuant to the aforesaid letter, at an election for Delegates to attend at a provincial Convention, to be held at Hillsborougn, on tne twenuein uay oi Aiioust next it anDears bv the polls that Mo Walker, Joseph Harden anc William "Graham, Esquires, uooert Uijexsnderland Frederick Hambright were the candidates that had the great est number of Totes."" A general voice for William Kehnan, Esquire. Committee .adjourned till August t4tb, 1775. .;, :::4r. ent, John Walker, Chairman, Thoma Beatey, DaTid Jenkins, Jacob Forney, Thomai TEspey, Valentine Mauney James Coburn, -Robert Alexander, Joseph Harden, Benjamin . Harden, Fred. Hambright, James JU9gan, An drew - Hampton. John Morris Charles McLean, John liobiaon, niiam ura hamr Jamea McAfee, George Paria, John Eeeman, George Black, Andrew NeeU Jame Baud, Aail:JflLTii3TJter sidr, who tottk the oeceiiary-oatba 4m their daly elected Clerk of the-Committeapurch.sed foram of eight pound. Rtmvtit That Coloner Chas. Sic? seventeen shilling and six pence, proc. Lean aerve as DeputT Chairman in the -money of Carolina we therefore Walker. ;-J - jicavivcit, auav cnun cunipany cireiuiB, uw aucnr pci tun ait no auaii run uas three rnemberslof Committee for thtsftn ay receive the saidVintnunition,' as I Tniintv vhn on a iitiifi ar lrh mn ' to.hive his Vtote. .Resolve!, That this association be signed by the inhabitaQts of "Tryon County. - - ' ' AN ASSOCIATION. The u n preceden ted, barbaroo sr a nd bloody actions committed by the Brit' ish Troops on our American brethren, near Boston, on the lyih ot April and 20th of May last, together with the hostile operations and treacherous de- sirns now earring on bv the tools of Ministerial vengeance and despotism for the subjugating sll Rriiish America, suggest jto jii the pain fuL necessity .of having recourse to arms, lor the pre servation of those rights and liberties, which the principles of our Constitution and theTaws of Hod,- natttFe-&nalions have made it our duty to defend. We, therefore, the subscribers, Freeholders and inhabitants of Try on County, do nereuy laiiniutiy -unite tuf sewes -tiauer. the rhost sacred ties of religion, honor and love to our country, firmly to re sist force by force, in defence of our Natural Freedom and constitutional rights against all invasions; and at the 'srtmj& time? in maintaining the freedom of our coun- provincial convention anait ue larc u oecessarv; and this enzazement we continue in and hold sacred, till a re conciliation shall Jafce... place between Great Irrrtain mdAm tutional principles, which we most ar- detltty tlesire; and we do firmly agree to htfldrall (; It persons inimicivl ta-the tlberiigjjifmerrcs to subscribe to tliis assoctatlonT " . Signed by S'JohWirkSrtSi Thomaf Heatty,' Jaines Coliurn, Frederick Ilambright, Andr. Hampton, lienjainin Hr ' din, George I'enrit, ' William " tiraham, Uobt Keandry, David Jenkins, Thomas Kspty, Ferrgren Mackness, Jame MoAfee, William Tbomason, Jacob Forny, Davis Whiteside, John Beeman, John Morris, Joseph Harden, John Uobinsoo, Valentine . ,: . m.,l, i.m. lu. " lTJirn', CfirtStari'Carpinrer', Abet Btry; Joslf lurncr, Jonathan t'rice, Jas. .Miller, feter Sedei, William Whitesii'e.jJohn Delfimrer, t.eorge Dcllioger, Samuel Kerbender, Jacob Mooney, iunr. John Wells, Jacob Csstncr, Hubert Haltlip, Jamei liuekhanan, Moses Moore, JuaupU Kujkeiulull, Adam " ""' Siini, Riclid.' Waller, Samuel Smith, Joseph Keel, Samuel Lofton. ' fienotord, That we will continue to yjtojTess'a our Sovereign LorO, King ueorge III., his Crown and dignity, So long as he secures to us the rights and liberties which the principles of our Constitution require. .. Resolved, And we do impower every Captain or other officer in their respec-. tte rompiniesi'to tais in order to de tain and secure" air po w der and lead that may be removing or about to be removed out the county; and that they do prevent any of such powder and lead from being sold or disposed of for private uses, but to be under the direction of the Committee until the delegates shall return from the provincial Convention; provided ne yerthetessaLthit.resolntioiai.Jiot. mesnt to hinder persons inhabitants of other counties from carrying powder and lead through this county to their respective abodes, unless there is just cause to suspect, that they intend such powder & lead for injurious purposes; then, and ii. such case, notice is to be given to the Committee of the county in which f uch pcrsoo residesthat they may make such rdeMhereoa.- as-to them shall seem proper. ' ' .. " 'Ilesoh-ed. That Mr. Daniel McKis sick do make application to the Coun cil of Safety, ol CharlesTown for 300 weight of gun powder, 600., weight of lead, and 600 gun flints, to be distribut ed under the direction of this Commit tee when it shall be. judged 'necessary . U':- Resolved, That we do recommend to the Captains, of the ieveral com panies, in this regiment to call to gether their men in order to col lec what moneytheyVan Wheniently, to provide powder and lead and that they make due return of what money is received to the Committee at next raeetine.-o-.'v - - ' - : Resolved, That this Committee meet at the Court Hcuse, of this County, on the 14th day ot September next, then to deliberate ansuchHmattert as shall be recommended ' by "our provincial ConTentionr bv JOHN WALKER, Cliairman. Met according to adjournment pre sent,; Charles McLean, Chairman, 'fihomas Epsy, Felty Mauney, Fred. Hambright, George Russell, John M or ris, Robert McMinn, Abraham Kuy kendall, John Robinson, John Barber, George Black, James Logan, James NcAIee, Andrew Neel, .indrew Hamp ton, Wra. Thomason. Nicholas Friday, Benjamin Harden, Perrygreen Mack ness . Whereas. Captain Andrew IIanip ton, a member of the Committee of thi countv. hath made application . to this Committee lor liberty to apply to tne i . ........ y- recommend that tho said CapK. iiin ho hn ihm Irnnlirra nf Ihia routli. .-.i .k .--... ... .v.. : t. r .k. anu in 3 V. capuaci iw wc luiuii vi ins savages. - . I 7 7tV,d Tha journ and meet at the Court House on the 4thTSeday of October next,' then etlbe.ra j udged necessary. CHARLES McLEAN. . . - JuAshly. . ' )4 , . , .. . 4 Met according to adjournment pro-' :Pursuant to which appeared, Robert ceeded and chose Wm. Graham,'. Esq. Alexander, John 'y Dellingerv Fred. ; Chairman; present, John Walker, Hambright, Aiidw. Hampton, Alexan;-' ' And'r. Neel. Jame Baird, George. Pa der Gilliland, Robert Parks, Georgo ris, John Mitrria, And w. Hampton, Paris, Robt; Porter, John. McKinney, mumber -of, the tilJjCiiiiijaiiitee add Thomai ownsend Wm. Yancey 4;and - A I 1.. A"1'liriJ V:tr-.. f.ll! .J. . ..' . A " -A ' .A . . Alexander minima,- jonn ljciunger,' mi.. ivtiii, rt Parks, John' , member of I Koaert Armstrnnz, uooert Scott.jr. and John -Earle, the new commi ttee. Adjourned till to- m'trrow morning 8 o'clock. ... Metaccording to adjournment pre sent, Wm.' Graham, Chairman, Robert Paris,- John Scott, John Dallinger, Nich. r-rnlay, Andw. Hampton, aod Alexsnder Gilliland. Teit.- We the s ubscrihrs, prof ess ing our allegiance to the King, and ac kviwlewg'tlte Cmstjttttttwat Hxwi' live powv'r of GvernnnU d solemnly profess, testily and declare that,- we do absolittely4televef that neunerthivrar liament of Great Britain, oor any mem ber or consTituentTirih thereof a right to impose taxes upon these colo nies, to regulate the internal police thereof, and that all attempts by fraud orlVrt&Wta.&w claim and power, are violations of the pcacrandiecurity--of tlm peopter and ought to ba resisted to ahe utrooat; and that 'ne peopkt lhU sTn g l y a nil c OT the acts .and resolutions of the Conti-nenuld-Pi'ovlocialiC cause, In both they are freely represen ted by person . chosen by themselves; and we do solemnly and sincerely, promise and engage under the sanction of virtue, honor and the sacred love- of liberty, and of our country, to maintain and support all Md every, the 'Acta, iVeso.utionon Continental and Provincial Congresses to the utmottof our power anil abilities; in testimony we have hereunto" seX'our" hands-the s25th day of October,. A H 1775. ' " zi William Graham. Chairman,' Jno. R.rle, Ito bert Park, Alex, t.illilund, -John Scott, 4wjC,l,eob4irn.nd linger, John Moms, David Jenkins, James ; Logan, wm. liiltiert, "itonett- -lHwanney, Robert Porter, Joseph t lanlio, john M 'Kin' ney, Thoma Townen,-J no. Asldy, Wil- liara Vanoey, Kreileritlt Hambright, Francis Arinstroinr. James llaird, Uobt. Armstronz, WUliam iuore, fi wholes Walton, Jpiialhau 1 Potts, George Pott a. . Resolved, by this Committee, that any two. n.emlwra ihereoxVupoa. application J made upon oath to them ol any person, or persons, who is debtor" i; about to abscond, remove or otherwise to de fraud hia creditors of hi debt, may grant a certiticato of the same to the Clerk Ofihe County, who Is hereby di rected to proceed in the usual forms of law against such debtor. ; T T y Resolved, That i debts recoverable before Magistrates, be under the same resfriction,lsabtraboveTesolvo.Tr ' Resolved, That when any abstfond ing debtt'r or debtor,r hath lett any goods in the county behind him, on ap plication -ofvliii or theiri Jreditof, to any two of the Committee, as aforesaid, on oath, to the amount of his or their debt, the said two shall grant an order to such person as they ahall depte : for that purpose to seiz-i the gonds to the amount of the said debt and " deliver them into-the -possession of-tho- said creditor or creditors, who iball give bond and security to the said Commit tee, to deliver, or otherwise" to be ac countable for the same, when called for in law. or otherwise. Resolved by this Committee, ' and lt if hereby recommended to alt the good people of this county, not to construe the association to Dreax on an tieaungs or QamercewillMwlL, refue"f6ubscribe the same, so as to ettehd to any acts" of inhumanity, or coerce them by famio-i-ueh a refus ing to grind at mills, or refusins thetn the necessaries of lile. c John Price came into Committee, ami made oath that be is credibly in formed that Benjamin Kqykendall, hi debtor; is about to remove himself, out of thia county 4t was, therefore, or dcred that the CJefk of the Court issue rw'ritga ust the body-of- thesaid.w Jf-)rn i'7 r Deb"oVo. to hold him tob.il. - Com- f this article has been brought to mittee adjourned till the 4th Tuedaythis market daring .-. the present ' of lanatry oextv-' -----i-Mi',.'.'.:'. ..iijrrtij.. A good portion of it lias : WILLIAM GUAHAM, Chairman. been sold in this place, for very . -- I .r.'v--'r,' fulr prices, and tlie balance boated " At a Committee held for th in tho of Tryon,' on the 4tK Tuesday of Jia'- ai. A good deal uj, A. v.; iTjo, present, wmn Graham, Chairman pursuant to a re solve of the Provincial Congress, the following pesona were chosen as . a Committee for the county, who are to serve as such till the thiid Tuesday, of October nett; or until the next Gener at Election of County Commi ttie: j ' Capt" BeatleyV rorapaiy David JeoVios, Jaeob Forney. , -' arv . . . . - lir.ll.. rXcl pcnj. Hardin. - . , . Capt tlmbright CompaSy-Ftedk. IlainV imp. ton, John .Moms. - . Ca'pt' Uarber' Company.. Alexander GUIs- V . ; Jamei Mo A le. . , Capt. Faris'i Company Cto. Paris, Joha Robert Porter. - - - - - - Capt, Bainf Company-Jame Baird, -Robt. -1kik(J Towii!' ) Capt. Kiiykendall's Company Jolm Yancey, jonn Asniey, wno suoscrioea ; too ten Afllllll SAIIICJ, WIIV ; I1IUI IWCU : IUO ICI as required by the provincial Congress. The CommiltKe adjourned till to nior- row 8 o'clock. 5, -,..- ' ,. ,.-.!. -v . Met Taccordi n g- to- atljoromnt- -present, Wm. Graham, Eq. Chafr- fm Andt:ew,,lU.tp.p4on Uobt.- Pafksr-UbV-Alxnder, RobU -Porter, Alexr. Gilliland, John M'Kin ney, John Ashley, Thomas Townsend, Wm. Yancey, tred. Hambright, Joseph ji: "Hardin. ' s - ' .jil Resolved, That. Wm. Graham, ,Eq.; jf W?Lnt Fredk.' ttarntrrisbt, Ifa.bt-. ATefantlerf Uobt. Park, Alexr.' GiTTiI.-r-,r a'ndxnd David Jenkins be appointed , -'rrt7i.' JCm!Biitjat.S Resolved, that no person or persona A- A' I. . -A I A ' . person within the county for more than two hundred per cent, from the ; Uisnose Ol sail, iron, or ateet io mar . .. i fin,t'ibtr:6i'c1)Med in GbaHtr tomnfff:' Cross Creek, or any port where salt ia I r toWkoCupon tennitungproc.monej?iir every twen h dispose of contrary to this Resolvei.- h Resolved, I hat nojierson ojL,perttnaU this county and;. seint'Tor more thin" . -eight shillings per gallon, by the quarts . or any smaller, measure at the rate ol M ten shillings proc. per gallon; for every - T t sach-olTencsV he ehalL pay., eight hil- : tins out of every gallon such ' per ' V sons as hare licence to retail liquors, .. , -u.rM, g;iiv-as''?:- 1$W'im'frs-. fvj ., omr excepted. , ... t .... . ... v,v,;,, ,. Reiolved. Thst it is the opinion of i: this Commiftee, that Ihe suits depend- ; ing in the Inferior Court of this county; fj .aeliUbevJOoxkeJ halfofthe Crown docket, -to be general1-- ly trieiland proceeded on, -as (ar .as- ; final judgment, at the next ; ApritA ; f tmn.'arxoniirig ri-tu.4aaia.. Coortrwhen the trials can be . had -with j justice to the parties. uoinmiitee,ad -journed till the ( lsVTuesdsy In June next. , - -r. . .. WILLIAM CRAHAM, Chairman. r Merlft porsosnce of order from the "1 C&fnetfSfetTrfif!l trict, dated Feb. 6. 177b.-l.be per. ( , sonf ; for ;Tryon County met it Capt, -""' ?; Hambiiht', on the 9th instantpre-i ! sent, Wn. Graham, Chairman, Fred- '; r Hambright, Jsmes Lgn; .AlexrvGilli : land, Robt.- Park, J; Baird, Robert 1 ) Armstrong John : Dellinger, . Robt. ; Alexander, FrancisArmstrong. Jas X Logsn chosen Clerk, for that day. ; r Resolved, AccftrdingMo order CommfttcVoTSiirefjRnatt in his district, cause every Ihird clTec- tie to go end join the forces raised in Xhet -''0ltir'tLCotio.(te( jn -this prov.ce, to suppress ail insurrettion thai are xaia. , ed, and may be rising in our said pro . vioce, that are'sgainst the: cause of A; " mericen Liberty . 'Resolved', That earm man that refuses, if allotted to ''iiinyytMj tT, be deemed enemies to their country, andjhall be deall wiih according to the ."!!r resolve of the Congresses, or other wise-VUU? O-ii;- ll'l.w Resolved, That . Mr. , William Moore : be now appointed Commissary for the regiment ol Tryon county, in (ha pre. i ; tent immergency, for this province, to : go igaintt those that are against the - cause of American liberty; nd that the . -. i taid Wm. Moore shall now on sight pre ." , : lpOT''waggnnrwisiofii and - such -" 1 things as lies in hi power, tor the tup-, portjif the saiil regiment," and be ready t Major Thoma Beatles', by the 15th instant, with such' support. 4 ,f,t , , WM. GRAHAM,: Chairman. ' The Committee adjourned tiil the ,; last Tuesday in June next, according to thormer adjournment. 'ToSacco.We hnve been pleased. ": i. A!. of flour lias likewise been boated down the tiver Our merchants j liave brought all their goods tia the r Rait Road andtrrrthe river to this 5 J place.,, No doubt they have cfierted : a considerable aaring; by it. Wo... ( saw two waggonsMhe other, day - ; loading at the store f Messrs. James ----t Bruce Co. witlt goods ulurli liaa; "" r -t .4.