HI Cm I .. . sMMMMndUA&dS JtX Iheir wq- punishment, and Jlje thereby that Ute of things lichwtfl insure the speedy restore jf oof national and constitutional jjlieff be, ery; faithftfllj, 'TS DANIEL 0;CONNEI ahal! endeavor, in' the ' next kuibef" of the Stir, to pre the first of STieriet Mr. O'Conoells letters. A coasideraoie muuarj iuito wu -Ijered to proceed to. thr count Of SkeonrJo carrj 4ho eoforciog Jew Mi, eject. The object of. including tTcity of Oenoy "with; ttf count, in L proclamation is stid to be, that the ;.:.!. of oerloos apprehended in the ad in.-- r . - !. ,.. .?.lv..i. joining psris 01 . w y amm ia.c place uititi cord nd revolution are rite in va rious parts of the rGermaoic Empire. Owing, however, to the vigilance of the government, and the strongly irtrted force which is employed for the purpose, it has been hitherto found im Ltticable for the unquiet spirits to ly or mature any substantial plans J concentrated action." ""A tiot, how. Ttr, of a verv serious character, broke oat'ftt Frankfort on the evening; of the jd of April, under the very walls of the Chamber -of the Diet of the Con federation. Five soldiers were killed, .ai twenty wounded. The loss on ftie partTpf the-studentsand rioters wSibfmtedrer it w.YVreat " Their bbiecfr' was the liberation of the prisoners confined for nalificaUffenees. Th'i they effected 5 mt the next day the latter voluntarily Isiirrendered 4heBiele8n4v leffin ':"tTie re volt "were Vpbrehendedr Order was asram re-eiaiiisueuj ai- Ardc-RevolutimaryJhiumeiUs. Under this head,, on our first page, will be found certain "document which afford indubitable evidence that 4 orta Carolina aa. toe Jirst, ot Uie provinces that declared their indepen dence of the British government. These are interesting papers, and jmerit'the attention of Jhe public es pettaiiT titat i wwi citizens. 01 .out State. thooh another letter, dated 3 o'clock, niiihi am. lavs 11 habicuimwu uiav Bieberick, was in flames. I mtogdli& evet-hattgiaa-. 'oeet of affairs presented by the con tending, brothers at Oporto, the cause of flan Pedro appears tmcemore wrthe acendant.' He effected an adjust- Sartorious by: acceding to,, hlj Je mands,1 and I eohscq u e n tly retai ni ng hira in his" service with a naval force snperiorto thatof. Don .Miguel. , . Ltsboiildates io tfie 9th of March, 00 which day Don - Carlos and the Princesi M Beira arrived in the lagus '-- A tetter frnm that citv. iwua wv ' - - - .- . fexpresses a decided opinion that Don Pedro wilt ultimately sueceeu, auu mRY landed with les$ than. 7,000 L "..J ko. nnu. IT mtn wall ilisriru jlined men, well officered while, on the fcontraryte: Don Miguel's.40,000 men, jwith which he originally;envlTolied O- porto,r i diminished dowft to 5,uuu, ifwhona only 8,000 are regular sol-aiergrtnen-emainder aregnerUlaiand fcili.tia, and are very skUyV and badly fatter" the in UndtoriveReoeritireiiootoiinomitiiat ot Havana, wnere ine numoer -teSAl. D.l-.l.":;f death ., ----- The disease is. now spreading over MIL O'CONNEL'S LKTrJiU!3olr,er parts of Cuba, principally Upon the estates, some, in high TIIE STAR RALEIGH, MAY SI, 1833. John C. Stedmmi, Fsq U nH. date for the Clerkship of the Superior, and n. & King? Esq. and CoU 'Thimat O. fVhilahtr forjthat oTthe Count Court of Waker; v perate oc. Tt breathes the most ele vated spirit of patriotism and tender paternal affection, and is truly affect ipgl "Having loat all hftpa of iccin- v " Bahimrt, May 0. -"-The Hon. Joho Ftaodolph reached i this ; city on Suuday afterooon from yyasiiinijton.ind proceeded to rhiUdel The Lafayette Hotel, at FayetteviLle, a large and splendid building, is com pleted, and has been leased by Col. Joshua W. Cochran, who has made ar rangements to entertain travellers in a superior style. Counterfeits. We learn from the Norfolk Beacon that there are in cir culation in that quarter, 20 dollar counterfeit notes,-purporting to be is sued al the Bank of Virginia at Rich fmondiMsis7red v4,Bfwk who was condemned to be rruL.ty W. .Dandridge, Cashier," and payable at the branch-in Norfolk to Greo. Newton,1 President) No. MarcfCl SlX They are'so well exe cuted, that their spurious character 4 difficult of detectioa1 UBji... Convention. A Conven tion of the Protestant Episcopal Church 01 me uiocese 01 v irginia commenceu at Richmond 00 the 22d, and closed mr the" gfJth insunt the Riglit -Re v.r Bishop Moore presiding. About SO lilergytnett ere pxesnMaTidet tit was crowded with visitors. At a meeting of the citizens of Ne w .btviioftihe'U8tb:instathevJtla gistrate-ol Police in the Chair,) reso tiillonl 'ftrti dopfedexp'ressing their indignation at the assault on the Pre "videntby Lieut. "Randolph;- ' ;v New Pout 'Office A. Post Office has recently been . established in Stokes county, by the name of Crooked Creek', of which Gabriel T. Moore, Esq. is Postmaster. 3 The Cholera subsided at Matangas on the 9th tn9tant, afterjaking offa bout 1400 of the inhabitants. The mortality, 4J10Ugft great inproportion estates, some, in high situations. 'other in low.- The island has already .received a shock by it, from which it will not recover for many years; and 18SS j Milieu uia lb maj ruv- tne firicome fixed in the island, in which case Th TO THE PCOPLR Of IRELAND. LETTER I. Fir detrer the jne or the priion, :" lllum'd 1j one ptriot nirme, Thnh trophiei ofll.hft Un rien, ' Uo liberty' row to fi""! L London. Athjlml, : Edlaui Countrymen. This is ft , afUttera which I intend tthe countrr would be ruined tablish on the present state and futu'gugar crop will be much diminished in prefects of our country, including tlj n nce of the disea9e: beat suggestiona I can give for rej-ulal jL r inj your conduct in the manner ro Improvement of worn out Land.- It calculated to mitigate me eyn 01 11 Mfa that durins the last few years, mm .n.i ni.ui lite ameuurauuu , , ;- twenty thousana Swiss ana Belgian the other. . . . .. '..- 1 Let itv However, W 1ljM!75SL 1ptp,i thtt th entire tcone and obietVimnia and Maryland, which had he intervall of: five days may be pre- lanied in furnish. -- r r The rene wal of the charters of the bank of England, and of the East In dia Company, were topics of great in terest, and discussed with great earn istnegss, not onlr in the public papers, ut in private circles. A project was P foot to establish, in place of the ptserft institution, -National Bank pa different principles of organization. I It is quite evident from the tone of P- leading "Journals. Dartienlarlv oft .1 Mm to ... : .. I times, which e-eneraJlT mcnes and fuHowi the first imnulae of the DOD- f 'r breeze, that the; Grey ministry is We wane ; liie-Morumg- lleraiu OSf'cenaurpa the Conduct and Dolicv if the, administration, in trrms that enote belief of its early , dissolution. Dennis , Collins, the old pensioner, threw a stone at his Majesty, is foered to be transported for life." : .11. V . . .1 ... rW have had a moderate demand cotton to day with some buyers on PCulatiftW.-ii nn Ttnun.il 7iA. and PUSvlltttwWkatknAina- ill rril nf 94 ,!),PWith rntfnn inr RutorHiiT tho Klra 2,000 bales., k v- , At a meeting of the friends of Tern pwince Societies, held in London on f first Tueaday of March list, the re suted that thero were 250 asaocia- iMM Eiigland, comprehendioe 47.000 A'derf vman ' r-5 ni,aecf a, nard ash to th een supposed to be . worn out and al most worthless but which under heir cultivation has been made as produc tive ot the good land$ of the ifett; in consequence of which lands have risen in value, and industry has received a new impulse." If the farroersrihis State will diligently set about improv ing their land, by all posssible means those who "are most anxious to go to th West will soon" be cured of-ho moving7fever and; if the; people Jill roake rail road to carry their pro duce to market, many of North Caro lina's valued sons, who" liavo alrea dy gone, to seek their fortune in a new country, will be tojd of scenes of prosperity- and happiness that will entice them back again to their own, their ,4iative5tate At the late term of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg county, the Case of William 6. Cox vs. Thos. Sinsiiig, for slander, vat'tried,s and a tirdiet of 2,000 dollars damages rendered in fa vor of the plaiatit There was lso another case for slander and one for breach of marriage contract in which verdicts were rendered for 500 dollars eachV. . ' ' ". . .r- rl 880 in Scotland. 5J OOOm. md 20,000 saembert la Ireland.f'The "foTIdwihgfexlract from i letter written y Capt. Iedowsii, J distifh gui8hedlofficerqf who lately committed suicide, explains my native country Vestored-HDot find ing the least chance even of my being called upon to die in ersefvice--and having learnt that my children have been: carried into Siberia, bi order of . ' 7- - the tyrant of the north, I have resolv ed to abridgeray useless life, and put an end to ray sufferings Adien, un haPPy Poland 1 Adieu, my cbildrenT Adieu to auclt. of foo, nf (ellowrCoun trymen, as have onlr in view the wel fare of our beloved Pol and !' rail Iload Slock Enceuraslns. rhe Charleston Courier of the 20th inst.-ttatet that thtck of the Charles ton Rail Road Company, had advanced Jully twenty "per cent, within the pre ceding twenty days! It had previous ly been low par; but so encouraging was the last Report of the Directors that a reaction had taken place the Charleston Rail Road in its incomplete ltatet pays a handsome prfiu.lVjt remembered, that this important work, like ours passes entirely through a thin ly settled Agricultural country. The truth is, such improvements, to quote the Bard of Avon, " make the meat they feed on." Petersburg Times.- . .12 recuf ion. Charles Stokesr-tho hung at tho late Suprilor'TCaffrT'ftf Surry County, on l ridajv the- Jth of April, and respited by tlw Govern or iill the 1 7" t la of May, was cxrcutrd VUUIJIJ. Stokes' inade no confessions under the gallows. 8demRefofllrY'' : ' .,.:;....I... EI.y shoitt AimeiiM,y8the N t w Hedlord Uazette, arrived in providence from Philadelphia, highly recommended AS a. teacher, and .opened a- school in that city, and soon professed an attachment to the daughter of a highly respectable widow cladrp which auachmcnr wit reciprocated, and soon resulted in their marriage. Rut the next day. the newly made husband waa not to be found, and from tbe circumstance that he . left, his wife behind,, withiiumeroua , i? .i unpaia ouis, ana at me same time tax ing all his biggage with him, it is pre sumed, that hia departure was prettied itatedr and -he -la removed to aome o ther. place that he may again practice stiQlbecapecinun of ihia-vdlainy, - From tlie PhiUdrliihia Chronicle. About seven o'clock yesterday evening, un the removal of the mena gerie latelypTTparinforThiitroiT in Second street, the young elephant escaped from the keeper, by knock ing him down with its proboscis; and turning down Catharine street, leap ed int.i the tide, whiclr at the time waftfiill, of the wharf.- Mr Martin, the breaker of the animals, being infor ined of the fact, started with the keeper on a search as far as the rope walk below the Navy Yard, but their search was in vain. After some time, they heard him in the Immediate neighborhood of the yard, and having procured a lantern and boat, they, with the kind assistance of some of the offi cers of. the Sea Giill, got towards the Navy yard wall, between which and that vessel they discovered him swimming about. The keeper now jumped into the water, and catching the elephant, held on till Mr Mar tin's arrival. - They then obtained the assistance of many of the inhab itants of South wark and after much floundering in the mud, and great risk of health, they drew him ashore, in tow of three boats, about 4 o'clock tl4s rnorning. The keeper and Mr. Martin deserves great credit for thejr perseverance, but fur . which the valuable animal would have Jjeen lost to the proprietor. After li Is Immersion, tbe quadru ped emigrant drank a gallon of brandy fof bis'delivcrers, and jro ceeded on his journey' without any further demonstrations of caprice. MrT Martin Istlie person whoat New York; In the year 1826", so nar rowly escaped from the attack, of two tigers, by the magnanimity of the elephant Tippoo Sultan. " Fanof icism. Instances of insani ty, and: even of deathrfrom over wrought religious excitement are be coming daily more frequent. ; This i to bo regretted. i- Religion should bring to the mind ' tranquillity, peaceand happiness, not excitement and ' madness. Temperaments too susceptible ot excitement should not be ao tampered withTasto 'unsctlle the reason or sap the springs, of existence, The Uoion Cianty (ia.). Star, gives an account of a gentle man in Connelsville, In that State, who was wrought upon by some friends to such a degree that he went raying . mad. riiysidans. were scot for, and every means , used, but- in vain, tbr bis recovery. The gentle- man is ijioken of in high terms of pi,i)se, and the loss to society, and to bis family, feelingly lamented. .-v.-v -t - r t-:--rmm:'yj"ir- phia ytaterday raorsioz. He travelled in bis old fashioned English coach and four, with a postiUoo en pne of the lead ing horses, and Juba on the box. : V lelrn that his passage through: Pratt street to the Citv Hotel, wis - the occa. ioaof some litll iocoov enienee and irH,,,fepoMTl,,l ritation to him. . His remarkable equip age, came leisurely, along that street jusf about the time of the arrival of the steamboat Kentucky, and thus attract ed the; attention of the crowd of per aoos-wbo-wero-ia waiting to witoeas her arrival, as well as the hundreds who had just landed from her. at the intersection of Light and Prat streets. It was soon generally, understood that Mr. R. was in the coach, and curiosity the example-a others itomediately in duced numbers of the spectators to fol tow him. By the time he reached the hotej, we learn that the crowd was so dense io front of it, that his entrance at the principal door waa impossible. At length the equipage proceeded to the private door on Fayene street, and he was conveyed from the coach to the Hotel in the arms of Juba. Mr. R' appearance it said to indicate an ex tremely delicate state ol health. - v ' American. To what late uses may we come at lasU It-U-sUte(Lntiie Ne w York Mr rcjutilc Ad verliset. thatshileTsojne workmen,muloye4JnUviiM Bjoadwayrwetediggin:inlolhefarth- -between Keed and Uoane ' streeti re cently, one bf them threw up a liuinin it up; and after attentively viewing it for a moment whether with the eye of. tbe philospphicatITaoe,i)C tKecaUa.-: iaUflbrp "9.t Ji. jord idt.ra ffickfilje. informer wis not enabled to determine; Wtlevatinhij , 4Xt ec mx, , .and-? Bringing me oouy cajmi manuum directly above the extended and dark caverns mouth of his rag basr- plunged ittn rtt Witt Wake "buVtoni", quo'lli'Tie ;' and throwing the receptacle over- his shoulderstrqde awjyijrhi.nJ:MoJjy)i.aJJ. reader! ota tettow mortal's buttoning his coat with a piece of your cranium perhaps with a scrap from your phren ological bump of self esteem of pride! This is a vain world, aolit fsejfihjst tneTefletfi2add"n is not abroad now. Prottdcnce JournaLl : --sc- : Jfbrthern Land Expedition. Capt. B ack find "Tirsj " par ty 1 a tcly "airi v i(J I in i the Icjty.oXiliiew York,. wb-have come to America with a view of un dertaking a northern land expedi tion in search of Capt. Ross and his associates, who left England in the! suminer or 1829, in the vessel Vic hiry, in search of a northwest pas sage to (he Pacific. The vessel was dismantled in- 'a storm, but bring partially repaired, she,. Wintered on the west- coast of Grcenlanu ' and was last heard from standing arross le J,1TfZI uallirrs Bay, in the summer of ,UiHr eonnm. 1 830... 1 hat Juose..persons belong ing to, the Victory should ever b found alive is not very probable; Ihe eipeditioiimaynotwithslauding. lead to , valuable discoveries. lb. aiv" .-rrr&Si POSTSCRIPT. A note written on the envelope of a package received by the mail on Wed nesday from Petersburg, communicates the mournful intelligence, that JOHN RANDOLPH, of Roanoke, is no more. He died at Philadelphia on the24th in stant; at which place he had just ar rived, for the purpose of embarking for Europe for the benefit of his health. . . (IUI1U . IUIUU11U T 19 II V - VUIUUIUII man. His talents were of the highest order, and, if equalled by anyj lhcy were certainly surpassed by none in our county as an orator he SoocTun ri vailed;1 and, notwithstanding his ec centric cHaracter, and, at times, ap parent inconsistency of conduct, he was a useful and able, legislator. His death will be sincerely regretted by the American people. -r- v -J; The Philadelphia Pennsylvanian of Satnrday,-Teceived-jU8tir6ufpaper was put 'to'presst'COntaini''IoTrow' ing particulars relative to Mr. Ran dolph's death: V-iJ Jolio Ittodolph of Rmnoke ia no more. He died Testerdsjr iboul twelve o'elotk, at lle City Hotel. "Tbe excitement In Cheuint lreei, when the tnelmehol; fet became known, M..b ima ldrrotoseribed. ,. ; - ',.' We nndertUnd that hit remtinr will be tent back 0 hit loved Virginia, there lo repoie among tbe athee of bis lorelather. 1 be Hon., JoIiq ,8. Barbour, Df Virginia, attended bim m"bii Ay kif momenta, and look meaanre lo baee thote melansbolr' ritea iwrforioed wbicb tbe sad event called fonb. The Hon. L. W. Taze well we believe, llao bere, or vat here a day or two ago, - A eoqple of boura ' before hia drath, be talked and aaid be lelt veil aa.oaual hit bealih' bad, in. fact, reaover ed. He wrote to Virginia for the pedigree of borte. , It wat but the latt fliekering flame bla ig up tort moment only to be aueeeedetl by a long and latlmg night in thia world. I am going," taid he te a gentleman ot Uiia tlty ilic other day, "lam going to England Ma the bat threw of (he die." tie wat right in one rt peet-v-il waa indeed the latt throw of the die but K wat a threw into eternity wot to England. H v ' -:;'"": &iTft1uED"n;;. To tbtteoenty, a Sew dtyt ainee, Dr. Henry W. Montague to Miat Aon Eliiabetb lonea, oldest danghtet ol- Selh Jones, Etq.'' Alan, on the 8d Jnataot, Mr. John B. Johaa to lia Can. : die U. Shipn. yoanxeal daorhter of Cant. Tiller Shppw--A4o,-oa the Hid, at tbe- reatdente - of liaista, R.rwood, CWbalfc coaety, to As tn Mildred R. Hunter, daoghter of the lata Asdeto ton Hunter, e4 ibiaeottMy.' . . In Ctntham aounrr. on tbe-Slat foataot. Dr. H'tbaHVGarteaLjO-Mits Mary T. Lta. danghter ot Woodara Lea, Eq. la rnklit) eoenty, on the 8th in at. Mr. Wnt. J. Andrews, of Edgeeomb, to Miaa Virgioit Hw kin, daoghter of Juba IX Hawkins, Em. of the former county. - ' At Monroe, Warren eoonty, on the 1 fall InR. Mr. Uevid Krte, of NorMk. Va. to MiasLaev B. Ruhinaon-.daurhler ot Clack. Boblnaon. I'm. tn Granville county, on the 13th Inatant. Mr. Fleming Lumpkin to Miat Mary May field) and, oh the 15th, Ma. Henry P. T re waller to Milt E lis Poj treat,, daughter of M r. I Poytreea. -. i At tbe bouae of Dr. John M'Kay, ia Cumber. Und eoumy , aw the Uie inatant. Mr. Ma loom M. M'Kay to Miat Isabella, daughter of tbe late Neill MCmiee. -'ItrtvilminBiwaTll F. Davia, Kaq. to Miaa Ana E. Collar. ' At Saliabury'. on the 19th inatant, Mr. Alexan der Fraley lo Miat Mary-Wataott, . In the Vicinity of Fayetleville on ibeOth ho atant, Me. C. 8. Johnwn to Mia Sitjtlle Mur etiiaoa, daughter ot John Murvliiaon, Ekj. ' ' Tn thjt eityy on Monday "InatVSTr;- RenietF Card, a tohiier of the lierolutkm, and one "ot tlte oldeat inhabiunta of lliii place, aged nearly 100 years. . ' At Salem, on lheS2d inatant, the Kcv. Ahra. ham Steiner, Sr. aged 75. At Newbern, on the 18th Inatant, In the AOiti yearol her age, Miaa'Mary Uitckua, furmeily of Madiaon, Cwineetilt. - ' - In-Orange eounlf, o die I Tib inatant, Miat Mary'C Moore, daughter ot Sampson Moore, Eao,. ileeeafd, io the 17th y Mr of brr age. In New Hanover eoonty, on the (Wth Mutant, Mr. Williani ltenryS nulive ol Scotland, but for at Icaat SO yeari an lohabitant of aaid county; agrd 71. -- , . V..' l! 11- J' - - - U - " ; i.-mi- i.Jlil.'JjJJ JSlasoriic Celebra'tioii. 4- 1 Hardy lfirpe aTgW ,.tia..,,.i...ftriyjafe.c 80O ISelhy rif"" "Ki-'Joahua ArT PheTps r S4 Eutiraim Powers 401 JJrmond Kiapiat SiM 4Jne asu-art 40 ;jmea Sutton ' Tttr wmrtverwry- wf Sc0tm thritaitrsr1tt"' be eclcbratetl by the inembcra,tJUism Lljge. wjll Ik delivered by R, W, fee Kev. Q. II. Trot at the l'mtit Church, at II o'clock. Alt fitting brethren in the city arc reipecUully in vited to join in tbe oelebrntion. r irfoinier" ". SltKl-IV W. UGOX, SeoV. Ilaleijh, May 31, 1853- li3 Ji New 40 JereniiaU Suitott. 1: 1 to f'reilui -ick: SteW WfUriali "W.Sitnw Lw-T4aji4VV .-j-ju-Mmrmi imniif . waawi iaaetef a ; jHiehard Wiilalow SUirft Armtatca4 . u;. 9J9 :Edard Wbidjey atul Valuable ledicihesi; Butler Effervescent JSIagnesian flpi- . naif. ..- - For the prevention and euro of tndigeartori, Bi lioua and Liver coinplainta, oervona weakneaai" heailHche, heartburn, hatltuat oieftfc,giddfci neaa. entaneoua ' riiseaaea. he. The atirui iaing utiKMiy pfis-auperiot' medieftie-hst ttihwtMiw' il tlio patronage ol tne mnit eminent peraont noin in Eorope and at the North, wboae high enenmi unn, toge'.lrtr with Itaextehaive and inereeaing aalr, lullv prove ita pre-eminence, and bida fair tn rendei it the moat popular remedy extant. To-the daprptie;'he' aeilt,iilai),Tild"smdtoiinir it will be lnund invaluable, li-oin ita pmmnting a proper action of the liver in the aecit-tinn of Inlei or the enrreetion of it when ln-a vitiated tate, Ubatruetioot of the alhniauh or bowels are grad tiaHyTemoved. tt reatorea the appctitp, and Bs tone, ttrength, and enei-gy to llie ayatera. Tra vellera, and reaidentr In warm cliinaies, wilt find limtor't Mitneaian Aiierieiit a nioat'deui-' hie article; jt prevents any aecumulatiun al .biles. Chiidi' have ii cijiirnif tHSTr7ii" eajiun for Cvntle SJid cooling puiir-Unea, ,nd tliey will take tbia A peric-ht in preference tp any. other. II? merely ponring water on a tea-aioon. fut et this Aperienty a eoqlwg and gratelot Kt lerveaoing bevera(e it obtained, reaembling Soils Water in tbertaatef and imparting to the eonali tution all the benefiia of lite Congreit VVett-r at Saratoga. " - Carpenteft Saralosra Powder. i Theaa powders form Sn Eifirveaciug Aperient draught, poaaeiaing all the medical virtues of the Congreat Springs at Saratoga. . ; t-, Carpenter '$ Compound Fluid Extract oj Aarsuparilla, ' For purifying Ilia blood, and removing all die eaaet ariaifig from esct-aa ol roereory, etpoanrrt tnd impiudeneiea in life, chronic constitutional diaeaaet ariaing from an impure) stale of the blood. Ice. . j Carpenter's -Compound Syrup of Li . verworf, ' V, -fr- - A safe and valuable medicine for eongha,'eon sumptio.9, tpitlhig of blood tod liver eouiplaiitta, (hmponnd CUorin ToolJi iratkir ict or eleansiiig and whitening (be teeth, preserv ing the gum i, removing every d'ugreealiit Uatu from the mouth, and rendering the breath tweet and pleasant Tbe principal ingredient , in the Compound Chlorine Tooth VVaah,.haa for yeart stttmcted the attvniAn of the moat aeientifie men in Europe. Since its Brat Introduetion in fMnee by a member of the Itoysl Academy of Medicine, it has elicited general and particular jwlice. At a apeedy remedy for alt eruptions and annenras of the nioulh, and fit completely removing the Unpleasant smell and taate alter smoking, it it now considered preferable lo any dentifrice. f Cldonde of Soda and JAm'e, ' For deattoymg contagion, decomposing pesti lential effluvia, preaerving proviemne agamat de eav. and neutralizing Strang Of bflentiV" o- donra, Thfoajtjaluablef rtkl.Jo(raklLl. rooms, Mi , - --. , t,-A4Wm-ufmr:j. . For the core of scrofula, secondary typliillii, mercurial diseases, kc .. uHUmrrVmnfuget-- A eertaln K-medji Tor the deMruciiou of wnrnis, snd cure of dysentery and bowel eomplmuta io children. ;: ,.',.-.,.... . James Anti-Dynpeptic Pills, -': For dyapepaia," mdiemon, bcartlUrti, ke. ' For tlie cure of white ewellmga, oM and long standing ulcere, scald head, ring worm, eicp. tioos, tetter, kte. ' , Roberts Welch Medicamenttm, S'' For curing asthma, gravel, rbeumntiem, gout, Impurities of the blood and removing -habitual eoatireneat. . - j - ' - Alao, all the potent mrdwinrs now hi general use. constantly on hand and foe al by . . WILLIAMS at HATWOOI),. . .. .-- Anmhecariet and DroyvUlr. - nalelgh May St, J 833. ' J -8heriiT'i Sals I WilIbsoM. tth Court House dWh tke town of Plymouth, ots the IStk day of Jury, lUiy the Mowing tnweet orparecU of tend, oe-" ae suuch thereof as will aaliiry ibe tatet du thereon lor the year I Ml, including the upce eecceaeenimgthe came: , . .. No. of, 1 SOO 4S Wi lioha IX Amit - Henry Allen ; jKebecca Adams David Ambroae ' VV boae laeda si ai- joinc 810 JoaepH Arnold . , 39 Hrnjamm Arnold ' ISO Jnchua Alexander 95 Tboinas Arnold S26 William Dow in 1 iSo famet Hoainao,!. I M Uea HwhYwa rijSiepbea Blooot Z -..- I - : '-IOa iPntirrum ninu 100 75 Jte. Ulouut of Ste. pbea ? ,. James Bi "W4AiidUatttnjsilC. T J iChariet ttateoHua - 100 Alien rWtemaa) 1001 U. N. Bateiuo for Ufa heirs 300 95 lloralhv Hiczs 160 lltmnet Crwluck r 140 William Ctilii.her'5 'Sl'lNirtlV Corprew " 70 William Collinfi i J70 James A l);is '' ! Si Chaa. D. Uavcntiort 1st 1'iyaaotith Uohn Sexton et at ' ' Lentf Oliver' btlrl.-v , et al v..- .v Berd. Arnold at al . " : ' iJosrph Arnold et al '7 Joroaaj Hirlpa et al iJ! urj. Arnold et al Leven Rowen et tf1 - Chai. Yertielaonetai, ,. r In Plymouth .: ; Ts Vi 1 homaa Walker's ' hew et al ftobert Blount et at - Thom. Sandersoa et u al '. ,-.'. . : Levi Bitca et al - : fjhas. Iitema et al And'w llatcman et al fcbaa. UaU-iuaa et at T HamlC, Sleight etsl Uo. for Jos. BlounljJohnCheaaoit'et al ismes Higgs rtal I , Joabh fillinaet al -And'w llatemsnet al ,.. kwharCorprew et al John K e bt ry et at ' Jostah tolliuiat al :. . Uriah Phelps et al ; SO P.li.lM.lk IkMniuu. 274 ! Pol It Duvennort Samuel Davenbnrt 100 iDo. wlwA.SiubbaHrdy N.b.iuell t ' 1 ""S : ' J IThomas Evritt ' ' SO Charles T. Phelps SO Daniel Phelps VfaEBi llloaHsTsawiito Mart IVtiiel-rw stvtav ru.:lk. a - r - ipav-wf a uta-atfti i Ltngley Kitpiaa et al -; jljevr Pgan"et nt r7- -".T Ueremiah Suttoa ' - ' .' ?' Hamea. Suttoa ".v, r0l!m LUnstd.el.al., JH).J5arhJ'ilIima. . 79 Richard Evritt Thomas ' heirs 87 US Llnahiis Evritt Uraae Evritt 1 S50 If imn Cj,oe (eft lt'6 ;,"4 .70 ZuUfhnmas tjitilef1 " SO lEzekiel learrv hetri hr .M. Lasrter.,- 100 William Lewis 60 llJ-iwiiinj II. Ixin); Mr J. ii. r. SWffar'mnn'laVr" SO ISilas tmg for tons 7i . Abner l.emb .' liit IJoatMih II. lnig -'- TOtJohn F. Morit . - S lnrmr Miita: 114 .... J(J -130 48 1SS 7i .--30 67 10 11S3 150 SO l VT 3-3 Harmon itnllis Edward Mollis by jot. unit-man IVmmiIIU Uuwar John It lfuderwHt aron J. Hniaw John Jones Thomas lewis ' Abrahaut N'ewberr jJoaeph Newer ; , iwary jsonnan ; Ira E Norman ' Sarnael Norman" Stark Norman) ."J lJaniel Olivee l Julin I'alriik, jc. Jeplht Phelpa Noeb rnelps, jr.- - Noah rSi-tps et al ' AMjoti lAavenpcut at Walkac's "i 7'-, A Lfoahna Evritt et at'- V Iticbard Evritt et d'. XV Uoahut Evritt et al ' iJobo Cwi flJl Harmon Pollis et al Viilmtn Fagan et al Ueoi llarriaunet aLv ' Lemuel Swain et at . Ins. 8. Norman et al ' Wm.Curriil at l .". 4aa SiMrll Vathaniet Smith r.nhi aiin SiM-uell SO InttiKl Mprueli 50 100 rs 49 50 W Thoa.H. Turner etal Amelia Tarkinnon Joshua TarkinziOa taelia To.1.1 Ems R. Tarkmgtonjjatiah Collius HenrVDownincetal . Ll9lldl,.Cflllin st kl I JIarmonlefrjfetat : Inaialt.lOOiuS elal ,-!. Imhua Long et al .. s . -Inbn 8nell et al ' " Was. Khwles el alT ' aa Johnson el al . iibui Itt-mbrida - , Z. , Kraiices Sleight et at ' - Htm.- Newbrry et al J tan. 1 Norman l al A bra. Chcsaon et si l Mar Norman et at T "t Jeaae Hassell rt tl ' t Antl'w Batemanet at rr-r Joaiak Collius et al Nat Smith et al .', Charlec T. PMns ' Wrer Snttntrw -nl- t--r toVa Khefi -a irr'1-": sm. Newbcry et at Enoch Spruell et al v Ephr'mSiiniefletsI,. StsrkArmiateadethl Daniel Iaa-tl Joaenh. Chriatopbef . Charles Phelps etal J IJemnseYBprujCtt ' y llames Davenpmt Aaron llamviu John H. Vail Abner N. Veil Uohn A. .Warrington rwiinam white, joaepn tiarrett . iJothua White Mlchi Corprew .-" Enoch Waters l William Walera James Walker Car- . ' 'l. . i ' penler . . I : " ' . And llit following lots n the town o s , i'hiinoutlu - 1 Lot No. (9. the DruDei-tv Thomas Cos 1 do. No. not known, given iu by Henry Dtveroe, . i no. no. oo. no. no. uy ooiu-u iieverva -I do. do. do. do,' do." by James Loog ... -I dov do. do. do. do. ' br Jessa lUnies. I do, No,0. cwnernolknona . v v .... ..MtftfV.T, kJII- .111. 1 May 81, IMS . S3 " - Prion Ur (IS 7i :t. T Puhlie notice It berebr given, pursuant to re ((illations ol the Tressury Department, tlmt ap Hcation will be made alter sis weeks to tli lommiaaioner of Loans in North Carolina for the renewal of the following arrtinealet of llie late funded debt ot.llie UuMed btatet, iaaure) in la- vor of Walter Livingston, now ilei-cated, which . have been lutt or deatroyed,, via, - . . One certificate of ail per cent stock fir '"MM auatiaf-.'-.'-. -'- ?t f9S0 94 ' One eertifiuate of dcirrcd six per sent stock lor - ---!?.r. 'r ioo'il' One certifioate of three per cent stock imr - - - r--- -I--,-.-- " -71 - - ROnERT I UVINGSTO , . ' ..li F.MMitoe of Whiter LMngaton, 'we'd. -Dated N, Vork, ah May, 1133 ti 6w 'V - - .1' . . Notice ' By virtue of a decree made at the Court of E ((iiiiy for Wake County, Spring Term, IR33, I will expoae to sale on I he J9th day of An'nit best, at the Court flooae door bt the ei'J of Ka leiKti, a traut of land, of which Thomas N ichols died teixed and poaaesaed In fee, sitoste in the county of Wake, sod adjoining the lands of Alfred Bevca, Allen Nieliol, and Others, suo-. poaed to coutaia two bnodred and torty-twa aeres HBd.a halt. BiiSIS i-i . Term a made known on the day of sale. f 0 jibm u i m. A1UO--, .aui. North Carolina. Institute of Education.. Th-AnrM4 Meeting" of the North Cw'hna InstMiita nf Ednraiinn will take place -on 1'ucm -day the 85lh ol' June, two days msvltos to the : Cotnmrnrement of the TJuivrttHy. A iter which lime, will be delivered the Annual Addreas and -Lectures on the anljiets appuinlcd at the bat meeting;1 eix. T:Jlr -..----.-..i Anmml Address, by Joer.M A. Hilt, Esq. of Wilmington, Fit at -'lretnre, en Lvrenms ami Sorietira for the diffuion of nacful kiiowlede, by Jmea 1). Juhnann, Esq. of Oxford. Si-cond I .rrtiit a; on a Syatent ol Elementary Sehoolt, for North Caruliua, hy lhe Hun. Fredeikk Naali, ., of lldltboroiigh ' Third lecture,- on the t:tia- . torn ol escuhig enmlalion m Literary Inantutiene by reward or punishment, by Walker Auderaon, Eao,.. of Hillaborough. - It ia hoped and pretumed,-that llie friends of F.dueatiaa' generally will attend and unite in enppm sinf a cauae of suck vital importance) to J the blatri. t By otdet of the Executive Committee, WALTER A. NORWOOD. . -Iteoordiug Secretary. - May-3 . , M ii n i i . ' 1. 1 i . j'l i " i " ' i Kxamination. ' " ' The Examination of the undent I la the Acad- . emiea-st Louiaburg will comments) ou '1 ueataK the 4tb day of June next, and wantinne two daya. Thoaa'mtereatedars) respectfully invited ai . tend. 1 he nrit.seisionwill began ths) (aatj Monday . July, lp: . t i f'tfOTsTSOrorwaStoua tL moUves'wbich U"4tanvlo liT!sJ SI, S3J .:.....-....;; :- fil lr '.',v;

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