5aa aafag ftEJer 77 TTK TP rrx- TF vLv- a; 1:0. ci HALEIGH, IT. C. FRIDAT, 1C33 vol. rnr V.-saneftSai- It mi ht SI id f ew Jo It (c ior:' ' lU ,,! ,1 h-- c - l V r jnd r.XorltrCiitottntir Gazelle, . LAWREXCE & LEMAV. '; 4 - TKUMS. f three dollar per annnnvione Suhserinern in etAer .Vtart JVj be allowed to remain in arreart lo'nirr r?. ... .ear. and neraoo resident without tliii J, "t. who may tletire to become uberiber, -ill?, .trietly laired to pay the whole a noafltaf the er'i lubtcription in advance. , nfrtedt"11'' time for one 4elIarro4 Iwen- Jm' to the-Editor roul be post-paid. t-f our countryman msy be heartily e i -, . - , . . : - rf i -....... ...... riinilpd hv rnltillf dnmt naMlU. ik.t 1 -i .. i me piaciicauuiiv inu uinuy i nt piiitt mi j oe lainy ana epeeriiiy tested.- T Mi fort v.ejeirn hatjjr, ''VacaunrrofeSsorsliipsr pL.rjimmiltee of nrmint merit t. on behall ot A. Truttee of the University of North CarnjH -V will proceed to 811, Hhe Jtrtt Months of clumber next, two vacant rroieaaonimia in fTunivrrtHy, , Pn'r Rheterie and Hell Trt-fc M balery of one ihnotaod dollars; ZjtPrtfrofMJerm Lanpiagee, at aialary TL-. hoaJred and fifty dollar. Awl'"'" (t Tw) be addressed t 7k. i hteriberTW lUIir lsVC. ' t"'-' Oa behU of the Committee, CHARLES' ilXXLT. RaleiRh. iu'T 10.1833 30 r Baltimore Saturday Visiter, A FAMILY NEYSPAPR. CoahHt tb Forelgn.and,; peamantin -Nwnf tba Week a Price Current of the Market, carefully eorreeted Prices of Stock i, arfd Sank Note Lit together with a Variety of Mistellaocon Matter,, for the Instruction and Amusement c it Reader. JTo poblishervbn commencing a oHme, hi considerably improved thepapee, anfljhvade well arrangement at will enable them io'obtaio xlcctitmt from the mott popular Periodical! of the 4W;Tlief7tBSrfc At with HeatUng Matter of the choicetl re erlption, and at as early a period a any of their to pOTimc&. unai cars wui vbi 'u aWW-'r!'yMjl, citro (fT The teriui ata only f 2 per annum, if paid ictJmiee. :To,tlie Sheriffi of . NORTH CAROLINA. At ;'t Wttetinf hejl in-4h--eiy' f E.leigh rfn. we the bit acttion of .our General Aueaiblv, aanlii tn ajilmi the neonle ol the Sttie oa the aubjeei of reviling ibo Conttitution, and HvieqaeN the Sheriff- oflbe aeveral eounliet, to II. iciaal I J inlrnd m7h lh tip-riment un a tiail p irtion f jhe Scmttville Turn pike,, atbii owo exprnte. Lurious JlneedoU. An ir47a nun wii broke alive on the whret at Orteana' r.. - li . t ir iuiiwij ruoiierj; ami otii naeing Crifrui -Wy-hi buttfirwhen tHe ex; ecut'mner :ooc!ulfH e-WM tlrid, he fe him la a aurgeon, who had him carried to hi anatumkal thi-atre aa rurnarr or, mtrr tlry ami emptyVfiibfratrtl, tlitl IhBlyriiorTfHtwist It b a lerrihle throat witl irti.Mi ! ami rurl away Trufn its ciiKr 1 e. VpJT r,'?-,,'-r ,c- siatm anti Iikir o-jwii to tu tnttin.; rU. in the sartifV ' iiiaiiiirr l.a n rtirre is a inoilrfif-desofiit into: my life in the last brittle' tlirtati, its(lr(itlis wbfcli l. visitornax jioni-': wliicli alsti brgau t j;riv attenuat. inaiul. Tli nhL.t .u: l . .. ."..... ...i..., ..i, an a., uiMiiini II 1 mini V?-!' c HS-Jg'M unit -v wt aaraa if vin-W-uifKT legOfiJ Cirm of this tihppy wretch had bern broken, yet on the urgeon com in j; to examine him, he found him aurvivinz, and by proper application of proper cordials, he wai soon brought to hi speech Ihe surgeon and his pupils, moved by the sulterine and solicitations of lltC TObber, determined oo' aUemmriz his eurej but he was so mangled, that his two thigh and one of his arms were amputated. Notwithstanding this rnu tilation, and the loss of blood, he re-ee-vrred, and in this situation the sur geon bjr his own desire, had him cori; eyed; 1(18 carf' fjlawusom Or"' leans, where, as he said, he intended to gain his liveliliqod by begging. Jlis situation was on the road side 1ose by a wood, and hii deplorable fQnr'(jjgreXCj;ejJ.Qlopa who saw him. . In his youth he had served trrhf tmff andiie'wowraised for . a soldier who had lost his Jtmbf by cannon shot " r A1 drover returninw from market. where.r he, .bad 'btin Hfn5fettejf! eatertaimoTi ---- isoncitea oy tne roDDer lor cnanty, aou k PonnKit. No. t. s. Ua .st Bait, .piece of stiver. " Aiasf sam me run foM poU tor takinrbe eeof the-peopte;r-.ifll BcAanje af the- Cnutitutien, t the iKmraW election to be held lo August, la, lor Imembtsra of Asmbl, amLreport Jha fctuluo iJIUi Excellency the wovemor. ' In part compli. janee whb tlii reaolution, i committee bare nubliihed an fcadrfref to tht freemen of North' n,"in which the Mibjeet i folly, ably and lidlv diieuiaed. It w eratiryiae alto to per- eive that the eonductore of the public preii in in all Dart of the Hut, opened their eol- im to thi (ubieet and lent their aid to eircula e infonnalioa on thi important (twtion; to that v amone at will nave aoy aituouity to voting ualenndin;ly on it.-- -4 -,- I The underaigned, a chairman of than meeting Mni in their bcball now roott reapeetlully noli- Ktbe Shenffi of thi Stato tn len etr hw In proenring an expreuion 1 lh:publie bill a the manner indicated oy tne cam retoiu lioa. True it it that no law ha armed thin re- Biieit with the force of a mandatei but be -bii io much onAdeac in the inteUigence, reptib- U iniriti n4 eonrtenv the Sherin nt Worth l;rolm to believe that they can alight a request hf thi tort, where it ha emanated from to re Ipetttble a body of theW ft-tltiw tHrXe7-It t a rauert that yon tnouid give your oinewi aio. h embody pukka opinion, and you cannot wirlf lr deeoroutlr refute it: for 1 anprehend rou all Kill admit thai an aenuiecenee can retull m W IutiWa injury, unlet inaueu n oe en evil id rrmit the people Hf a free Ute to expreu their mliment about public affair. Permit im to Mthat an eaty iis&-mfrm plan for notifying he people that thete P w"l oe openen. 0Uli be, that eacn snerm tnuuiu iiirenw inn t m tome neitfef f where"omr"hr pnWrwied h ai dinrict.) at well n by notice, put up at Inltlic tilace in bit county. In tliete notice f .. - . .ft.... . I I. iowever It I i;eirea mi "o pciFmi n'um on iHioclly informed that their opinion la asked rnancAiHTe' L'onMtitthii," or AeinsT, rkmrffthe ConHli.M It it believed that la auiorilv be in favor ol a change, the Legit- litare may be safely entnuted with providing wa visited and 1 explored. It in, foiitfiil nir or duosetin, tlestviidiiijs; dtVp atinuig the yawning rocks. It is as if a viilianu had .bulled llirir, but in course of time iiad fiiiutt tl . nut liis lata, , forming atranee adiiircut itaks ll ariiund, thus Icatiug the vtt!s the grip of dfatli. never m.x jug my eyes li-oin llio bl irkiind crrak iiig rfuiii . rtipe. Thert ! therip it g'os! : I grasped the words; for did I not neb , one jfy of tln iriplr twistrd I inn Httap a.sund'r, as it liap pened to lourlirtl a pointed piece ol rrauitt'? And wlirn iiiire cut and pit wlnrli are fixed and wuikrd from a romiuent brow of the high est frowning peak. To the main rope a machine is attached, callrd a cradle, by four shorter cn,l.s,that tie to distinct corners7 fie that dt'9 cends takes his stand or seat in the cradhS within the stretch tit the four divirjing cords that meet his head. A rough old Highlander presided at the windlass, who appointed my friend, first to '.go down. Ere the cradle came up for mt again, a pre:. 8tfBUmetitf some horrid aetltTpht a bout to happen to one of us bceran to take hold of my nature, and 1 could not resist itxjmrnig if all was- right with my friend below. I loo sure- iyLMhfwet?Aiid: II i a a " crauie win be rrady Tor you in a mHititefye We af heavy srwaii-" bimJ&IslreMa tin- tlergo an immediate change of cdor. I was not without, such an apiu'ehen sion; for certainly if stood on end during my ascent from the floor of i1tlC-Farfy"Tral?: -So ber,;" I cannot reach ityou see I have neither arms or legs" ((or he had con cealed bis arnr which had been prec?r ed behind bis back) "so lor the sake of heiyenLjiut vourchiLri.tayeldfin8tiQn into my pouch, and Lord blesfjou." The itroverspnroached himrsmrn? stooped to reactt.up the money, lite sun shining, he saw a shadow on the groturd 'vrhfchyansedbini- to-looktrp-wheo fie perceWjeioriji 6eg' : gar elevated over his head, and his haatl-eesspineaiorMwi arrested the blow ia its descent, tndj seixiog- the robber carried him to his cartt into which having, thrown him he drove off to the next town which was very near, and brought his prisoner be fore a magistrate. . t fJn (teaching him k whistle was found in bis pocket, which naturally induced a suspicion that he had accomplices in the wood: the magistrate, therefore, in- stantjy .ordereda.4;narjito. where the robber had been seized, and they arrived within half an hour after the murder of the drover had been at tempted. - . The guard having concealed them selves behind different trees', tie whig" tie was blowo, Ihe sound of which was remarkably: :hriH in4;toudf And: snf other whislTe was heard undet ground. very awa: 4he last oiie was rottener: it broke and let a man fV-Vwas. tlie. afarmmg rrpfy, Was lie kiUed, a.yu'i. KiU had a hundred lives, he wad lute been killed he w as smashed to pfe' ces down on yonder, jagged rock," rjuoth the hard-hearted Celt. I ex amined the rope, and it appeared much worn, and to be old. How dpOdiireCaujLxiskxouULaUewd a descent; and to make things worse, ;i .pro-Y.ioglydUiiiouiiced. Kr-,w to get a new ano in the morn; ye'Il likely -r1)"e the- last one to try the auld." But already the cradle Waited for me to step into it; I could not disap point my companion by not doing as he did; and ashamed to seem to h e s U aj e b cfore,. th e i ll i g hla nde r, at once took my seat. It was perhaps to encourage me, that he said, as he let me rT, " A far heavier man than vou gaed down vesterday," "Then bw.hily, and madeeyery' intricacy. even nt tlie..dceti.xi,ater,-clfar ami three men at the same instant rising; tipio the l. eye, . The: :Jl)ir might over the midst of a bujhy clump of jaUowV hundird and fiTly people to brambles and other dwarf shruhs. The .tm , it. at c,.. anU cJ)Si8t, Mf soldiers fired on them, and they fell- ftd that sparkles with peb- acent discovered in a ev. Ilere were .... . .. , . " ,. lound three youn, RirU sndla boy. " '"?''";.? rocks. Thi girls were ket for the fficer. lorW" ? , i r,K?H. servant and he parposes of lut;" ihe 'Jammed by thousands f thf saine boy, scarce 12 yesrs of ajce, was a son '' t thnt glittered beautifully in the of ee of the robbers. The eirls, in ; siinheanis, all uf hu h h.is naturnl- oTlpig"avp"Vifiijt!i:"aWir I was speet lili'ss; the wolhl whirled round; 1 became 'sightless, and when within one short loot of being lauded, I fell into the grasp or my friend, who iweing Miie almut t tumble nut of the cradle from the- stupor, opportunely snatt Tiettjind swung, cradle and ajl, upon the rock. When. strength retWtrr-d, I ran from the edge of the prtTijnce, still in the utmost trepidation shaking fear fully and giving unintelligible utter t . .i ::e 1. 1 . SW?-Wrf I l"ve heartl (Win sow. Ann ii my nair uiu not fjorLiiufltitlhi:irahiriiandiU i,nme- f iU iiiMit or tfiein irdeirsV; They diately fled. He) could have been -li l s i. a-i l mark the reult: The killed on the spot; but humanity, imtr" I first fort that was " appniarhetl and policy, spared hi in, as bloodshed - i stirrnttiitlfd f.ir this purpose, hpened and a .deviation front orders were, itn lire iipm the olllcer and his men, if possible, to be avoided. : vhile he was making his demand, Whrii in thfLnrighboihood of the ' i-i as : intelligent ajnanner m bis firJ,t rrt divisi.m was detached V imperfect kuowledye oF theh Ian ordered tosurround it. By tl-o " " " Here was a rude and violent stop of Mie foi-f. and while the offlrer, , ; p.it t any thing like, parley Hntrtie.'Lif' Hoff,was trying to ' enter in. g I'iation; the murdfrous cannon and to a parleyv with the pirates, the vl muskets spoke TtiTattgaage not t be r"1"rt body 6r "our force had gain----;; miake4tww4irgivF tsrartiiM-iioTojIeiiiiiity" dr'the rob- paHig it tin their" way to the o- J bery and the murders we have com- Ibers, w bci the furl opened its wlndc inil tcd upoti your dcl'eiiceless cotiii- Uro upon Lieut. Iloff. and also the vi. frymen. This langntge 'wij'uiu, buly. Lieut. Hff then m- - -derstood and pinpei lyapirinatel m,nr."l 1 1" ",,IM,K itcceedeil,'; r bythe o;Hc.rs coniiosinglhe rxpVdi-Rafter most desperate resistance, in lion, and titer without hesitation mir. carryingrit by atonn.i The other H sued 4biyeHHMrIVy not only puiiislted Hie 'flratiralJiiid. I'M-.iue purpose r.oi surrtiunutng: the em oflhe means nt",orta. Iiieyitr not wait to - . hut they deprived then ofaaiu miifdoring the defenceless tratkiMy-oVstroyiiig their arms and thfl' sti X IioJiIh Jt i iV tdii various sources, that not one woman "was killed, knowing her to.be audi. One, however, was ' wounded, but it was done in disarming her after she one of tlie mctiv wouinled him in the lieadAt UU javdin-and-almost rut n i i,r. . i i r ,i t His tntiniu oil with a sabre. I Ins iw Ynrt I ,nm mtTrial A .Iwt-i t kit. . . . ... . t J H 0t tafSa 4iat tf. Wa1aa I.. t- M . . I. at tilthc" afTntr of Qunllah Jntoo," im-' . . . ... , . .... - .ii. -- Sl 11 111 'iff. It will alsu ciiiinem in u cWrliTWiviTrTaTiWiF a writer in a Bos ton "paper ' wlio;.fgns-himscirAii Amcrirair;' wherein In? Is at jrs that of the Prtsat He Potomac. It rem.ces . t,J aMvmii t of its to assist iit circulating a tlcfouce or this . gallant officer, a"d . in recording tlte spirit iind enterprise of liis noble crew. We regretted the shcdd'rriir old is it?" inquired f, Just' Ave yeafsjiliTf' tlie last was a month aul der bcfureit (trake,M -was" tlie next iece of tantulizins: informatron.-- NYnFs'tde it to him, why he had hatte&pvrr"''t and Tiij-coantry's 1ionttnfT-rWrr womr lJowires, lfr his alleced - con- dnrt towards the natives in that aairViW.knoW thtsoraiP tooJ Well fo Tjelieve him capable of any with a latinch's crew, and a lew i.. ....i.i i . i... ,, ,. , ., . , , i iimiiurn, uc i iimu mil I uuiMi mo irn n of a drop of blood." lie nutst have stiMHcd imilitary tac. fics Uilder afertain reiioW t am . II ib ad it,:.: so cctebraled-4 u 1 he acr4liae,,tomptfcwi tvw r atvyl It4'rrrt e-t ri' lj-fw---:- 4 ltn- : .-t.. 1 - - T-f - . . :- gallant oflicerS'glory more in human tty to a f oe, th a n 1 n a triumph. 1 1 y as ibis JTeeli ng tfiat woa lheir f ale less laurels in' the late war. We never believed that Com. Downes person by detail, a whole araiyjuf mini ttiw'MatiW-F:rjem77'iT is a pity that he is so ' wanting in patrFotisiri'as oyer Jiia own proper iiaine, fur . wt had e-iven anv order ne Ranrtioiied ' ' "l ' ' 111 f Z ?t !?. I f , "l J' ! , known, his country will be deprived hut i, turn jui it i in i i nun f . ...!., i . I r i . ., r l . i 'Of his -kn iwledjre and wooderlul mat em tauic tiati.siat.iiou w iu o nt ...., c .i 7 --- , v , . ,. . courage, . Such men ought to bi1 humane coiotieror only can leel. .. ? iL ..irt r,. , , 1 ... , n . ... known and clieriihed by the covern Kverv bo'fv will ha t:itisficd with . . . . . . . moiil ir ia a r II . r.i X . ; im i. iv n m umo nun mi inioiis !lt .w!"S 'Hltf lsehmlthat rnglel,ild-W.s . Commercial llertdtLx . . , , From the New Vork Commercial AdvertLer. k',lr,t! ' '"J". "r ,,ann,M) " "J Lima. Feb.- IG, I8S3. i way a,", thne w " Ti'S'l"H that Bv a late arrival webe'mrtr..;:t, 'Hve given niTHlarh.n to -it a r i.i...i. anil I nm 'he report, did so with the fonvK- receive the first Tire, for aeveraLrea sons. 1st.' At the principal fort they ;rtv.aeii4 thect of Brbig fah? J in, ( notir rusty !ifliin.krt that y ouM not go off.") w hijCh would !iav destrtiyed many of them, and pei haps7 caused the defeat of the expedition, in 'v-l whlcli event all hands :;ould have - dy been ii red upon by the first foit, cotisrquetUly, by antk ipat iiig I hHi l this instance, they, could not be ac cosed f firing ?4he first nfmt. d, taken place at the first fort. that, all attempts ti enter! into ariiegntiatinn; 1 wtwjI ftiwmft&f th an m ad wesif f f Jhref were, therefore, hut Vo alternatives for the tifliccr lit barge of Ihe rxpe, ditiOrr to rhonsc brtweerrrS i2.:Tither:? drsgracefulTy'loTrtTT , sacrifice of the lives of those entrust ed to his judgment .orrfirmnrss," and report to his Comm idore that lio t ? had. bcea fired upon, "and ' driven ;' boardrftr1 ttViisiiaVtl'iill'fd piratical-, barbarjans, w ho Jiad riot tpymeo when trading w it h t hem, btit"t had dared ti : fire " iijion - those w ho - came twclWnonths afterwards to (tt manatisraT-tio?irtr murders and piracy." he strained the rope," cried I; but it gor,.v t see the abu.e that bast, beru t,0;v!!,',0J wns 10o late toturnrand.aner alt, heaped upon Commodore. Downes miods that they were Circulating llie slamlUg a twelt I got safe down. The sun shone Hllj ..fficera, respecting the u Hair of Hcst talumny. ? o e-d, KiMlhJia h iallah liattoo. ---1 hey liavri rw hiltj It haif fttirpiused wennot a JitUe to absent fi om their" ct'un'ry and una-' find that' there are some among our ble to defend theiuseheH, been held Vespectable editors of. newspapers, ftp to the.ettsrtre of their country who have allowed themselves, to be men, ami the . -lutligijalioHjiL.lli.il! Influent rd by 'ex'paite.M stati iiiriils, ,yorUijwi..-feiMVawptoi ami mvagemurdeievsoJieriilm to l he tarac- mrn uml children.' I hate beep in- tent' 'of those concerned,,. They have formed by an eye wijness, an actor not waited for access to a leghiinate in the scene, that the particulars source for, information, but have coulained in the ofiicial return are hastily seized upon the ridiculous and all strictly true: that . there is nor a always overwrought letters of the I . . . . , . .- .i . .i i 1..- .. .. .1 .1 r- .1- ...' . 1 :r"- ' herplamor procuring me canra n arc 51111-eviocnir, ..r,.,ru. iv.y ... j ... .-,t n, 'OiJJUUj ' Wj.vr teW.T, the Fii,. most pilous enterp, and , would again repeat that, I am surprise.! at SSTkaT. kJSUnU entirely on. kept there by force from ..me f j ry'a I'alafe. But I confess, though ,a, t. Ueeii .attended ills the most this, for that truly nWtablc class -Lb the prtie. .d principle, of the their eapt.vity; that dead botlns wr'a palace, it had lew attraction', lor 'disaslmiH result- had theie bee fn,en iiiourcountrr Jiaveitaavs iirienJit?r.l)ey have b,n fully and w- frenoefft y carried into tbecavesttip-fs: .diy.uted ami dieted m the ad.tres. bei.e . n . turi-.i. rha iie i,1d sol- . , V j n,s,,al. ""'S4 the slightest want tr iu nijiess nr. been remarked for the honesty of tterred ,0, .ndihei, .oneratiunikie. n, pm. B" drr A j,hw Higlilander Oiied me with, w ptjulfincff. A Igttvt ileal J.:.H , been .llieir inteti.,s, and iletermiiiation rti. mei.iod 01 addrettmg .Wr(f of the and sat by the road side for two or I"7 1 - ,mJr V '.V 'said about the iiumhcr ;; that vu-re jt,i pirsene the purity of the press W ha been n.loi.te.1 in preference to a ..,, . . . J. Was down, tlitmgll W lolt any mis- 1 kid: Sllld ail itttelllllt has' been san eil fi :m tli lien ..f ll.e t nlu i.ln ' Fnnn the above statement, I think .. it will be- evident that the officer lit Icharge.oIiii'sp pursued , no pother course .w ithout-J J J bringing disgrace upon himself and tfyMh.i&biiA- to deterv-f"---mine upon tlie "Course pmpcr to pur-" " " sue under circumstances iiecnliarly "' fxlry!nicanjt w X1? ajttfrjot.Uto.iK'4i;i: ment, siirrouniled by a ' fierce and u. 1, cruel enemy, who, neither:gavo :niir.i quarter yetiotwilhf it'lve-thonths has elaps-vf..' ad ample tunc to rc- . , ' fl cc Z u poiCaini '.lio fir- orHstam'r'aii'f; the case, to view it. In the) iHtT. r cnt colors in wlilcli , parly fipf fit and a squeamish humanity has jyrrs'iilect it lo the public, tSHd: has also had ; ;; he adva nlagp:;'ifea'li ng 1 he I'pin- bos .ofosJaoij liavo Teal mly ttissjif toil the tra,sac. j tniniii llieir cloHets, roil vr ten thoil $ 4 saml miles froiri tlie scene tif aciton, still I have niit a question but what -he.woiild act precisely in the : same v if Iftf mail to each one, btcu the eommunic in ta more certain to mert their attention, and fwenie it i much, 1ii liable to roisreprvseiita. lia.- The"mrftine bofure referred lo had no liMai pmjecHi, and I ave BO eonceulmcut to Wtiae m thenU-hlU -.. r .lacBii-leiTiishaHjaMn embrace tin opporw Wty of inviting the aid of the county committees anmea - last vnitr; hi Hmruimmj i ana other iniormmion on iro auiycBi -tli oeoule. awl alto in procuring a vole their reineetive conntie. ".r f arain$tn a batge -of -the, ConHiitttion.. , - The liberality U-i txlv fa..r.il'u.i..l h. ill. ftviniln.tnra ol tha lire. finite him to hope, mat wry may una k grccablc and aoovenienl to gie circulation to toonoMtiicatKn, by mterllng H ov 3 timea f waeautiipicuniii part of llieir Joonmls. I " Kcsiwelfilll, ... I ferifllAS O. POLKf Cft-tuwis.. I WW, S33, - . . - mat the Chariot taville Advoeate.Friday, July $ ) "AVte Plan of a flail Road.-SVe un inland that Mr, Joho tlartmaOf Jfrof cotuville, a jcentteinan alike remarka (Wt for his public spirit and mechanical !"Jtnuity, has invited and obtained a ' tot for a new mode of constructing ,4" Roads, which is likely to be ol. 'jnal benefit to ther Sootaern country, i 'If. 11. has recently been to the North, "M we understand was assured, by ,(btlemen of acknowledged skill and djraent in such matters, '- that bis - i entirely- practicable, : and jfotuisei tery beneficial results. The fili are to bof wooJ, instead of IrbnT ,Jil as the usual graduation is not a ?trt of the- plan, it is estimated that aa iwllentroad.jvitha :dou ble: track, ?Jbe constructed anon' this system ff llttf t more than a thousand dollars ABtUt, Wt trust that tha enterprise O t this evidence the murdering mrn dicsot'was condemned to sutler a e ' cond execution on the wheel; A but one arm remained, it was to be broken by several troke, in everal places, and t coup de grace being tlenieil he lived jn "tortures for five days When dead, His -body was burned tnahe and 5trtfy n before tile "ds of .1 1 eaven, !. . r, , VI XI ft Tr Vl-vt ; . A L IIUILiL.IiSjr tllib. The following' thrilling "tale" is said to have been - related by- Sir WalterScttttf ?aml farisht;d by- correspondent of Campbeirs Maga zine: . '-. .,; ,..''. -. j ,: It happened scv when I was iands, along witli a much beloved, but. now departed " friend; one who was rich in classical and legendary lore, but still jnoro in sterling and mora! virtues, for it has been my lot ttpnsses friends and Compati ior.s from whoinJLJiave ; been ever somewhat bulky. Alas! - there are so many deserters from the corps by this time, who shall too more return, that i -wisli to cherish tha- persua sion, that to Jke gone and be. with them, will bo far better. ? My friend and j were sinons the thickly. strewn mountains and ragged iockt of tlie wildest branch rr HigUands, where there is a rcmarka Jlo ra, which chievoos intent, crow ilecf my fears,' by giving with startling effect, the following narrative: A young man once ast ended from this, but when he came to the t'ip, he im aiitioiily ft'ood bold, upright in the cradle, and the moment ere -it was lauded, being impatient to get out of it, he made an, a ' venturous leap for t lie hrrast.utllie rck.B8t.theeradkr4 being 8tillpendAiit in the air, with out a stay, tied bark on the impulse of his spring, and fearful to think, let him fall httwetn H and t he land 1 jug place." Horrible! rrost hor rible!" was my most natural excla tnatioiu But," ,' continued " my traversing AUeH.izh4D2Hl!lsJP cradle till it be firmly landed on the rock, and all w ill be sare." He as cended and. I prepared to fullow. - I thought of the young man's leap and fall, 1 figiif ed to myself the spot where' be alighted, and the rebound he made when he met the ground, Wrjve? lTtwe to rise.', And as 1 took my seat, my limbs sniote one anoth er, and my teeth chattered with ter ror."'" When I had descended ! kept my eyes bent-downwards, and -was encouraged the nearer 1 got to the bottom. , ; But on my ascent, though I Jooked all thew h ile .upwards, I was trcmbruigij- alive io the fact, that 1 was ever getting into higher danger.; l)tc!d the spread cords, as made to impress the public : mind with a belief thatthey were murtler ed in the dead uf the night, naked and unarmed. Many,, it is true, were killed, in Jipeu ilay. and . Hilh arms in their , hands. The olliceis engaged iii" lheJexpeditioti;Fi doubt as deeply iitiprrsHt'd with the to BuflVr any injury from nuonymous pTibtic'ations, equally as (liHh'Hiorahli! to tlio ..writers. as. the iiuoiisiiers. sacredxhajacrj WffiufU uiider its benign in'- from the sti ict letter of JiisiiistfiiCilthe diviftioun. The division of ma- T Buence as thoso who have raised no great an outcry against (hem. , They were placed, however, in a critical sTtffalioii'f'Uiey to choose between to. kill their opponents, or' to be killed thrhi selves. They chose the first, aVJ so would -any -one - but a r madman; They were not quite so . fjuixotic as to bo killed rather than defend themsel ves. ' If a sordid passion for plunder had placed them in this situation, then humanity might have entertained a doubt as to the pro priety of defending themselves at the expenM But their, sordid passions did not place them in this perilous situation, riiey were ordered there tn the exe cution of their duty.a painful and a dangerous duty it is true but not the less imperative on that account I have undcrsttiodihcir Government ordered them to land and" surround the forts and town, and demand re stitution of the property pluiidered way to-morrow, if placet!-ioeia siml lar ..situation. ,, ,, ; . :. It is prnpier to sta.fe; thaHhtf di-1 X ! VWainerraMl, inaritirOrwhlrhi'-f- were ordered tiVsurroortd the forts io the5 rer had to piWertl thnnigh "' the: town tn g:iin . this station it''-m-vvement whii h they executed w ilh-" I toe and slanderer. By a rtiereiir out committing any art of hostility.; tn the history of the late war,! It will The division of seamen was 'unable.. bo seen that the gallairry and patri- :to find tlmJort it was in search nf, v'" otic zeal of Commodore Uowiies is land rejoihed Ihe main body after lj to-i imierishahly. recorded, fur him i the latter-had -t-ommenced thattark?fi ojfon the principal fort, on the bear! ill front of the tow n," and which, from "V, "P its great strength, couId not be re-C! -ttmie. llttf t!m. tovlnrn iioetinii that tin f v tine u 'rnnHa" ' r.ftitiin4rM.n.lftrk V ......... ..... ..... ... ........ ...,. .i.nv.'. j.. - .... -i ii.i.iv . fct , i , llf has coui'irmedjto tjie! very spirit ofJhey. had reached the gate of the enifc: them, He cnwidnot himsetLland irrisiffelhatHrriitiuded the Gu-i;an4 L without committing an improprie -ft..VMTII ty,whil e in the act of forcing the gale, and violating the usage of th scr-; before they had fired - a sinerle shot. vicef he therefore had to delegate .thcywero LVf ry .unexpectedly fired -his power to another. Uis oidcrs, upon from the thick jnngle in which J ' I fake It for "granted, were to laud,' the forts are situated; the jungle was Y surround the town and forts,: and thick thattlHy coiil.I nut discover.- ! i demand indeinnity for 'lhe btitrnge" the persons of - their enemy; but it -that had been committed, and the led to a discovery of an unfinished, punishment; of those concerned in part, which had been commenced Jn", the barbarous and horrid massacre snticipation of a visit from some of' ' of the Friendship crew. The laud- our vessels of war. It ought also to ing was effetled just before the daw'n itbe state d. that when tlie marmfB, wlJh ot dayrabout' one an'd forced the gato ' the northward of the town. It: took!j of the cnclosiiro with their axes and V some time to land and form the men, crowbars, they found several women j and to march this mile and a half and children, (the men retiring to ' in-deep heavy sand; and by the time i the fort) who were much" tcrrtfieil; " " " the diltei ciit divisions reached their j and it was w ith great difficulty that forts, it was broad and perfect day they were soothed and pacified, and - light. ' Cottscqncntly it . 'was'-riot carefully putJnto. a! place Of safety , : a eoldblooded massacre comroittcd junjil the action wan over, ! when, I ' at the dead of night." .! Soon after 1 need hsrdly stato they were kindljr ' , the march commenced, a Malay w.as dismissed. ' : -: l 7 " v ; -; !v- """it

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