illilM 110.32 met M IA Irf. lino uii licfcoK -IS ,1. SI trcf"'- S.M L f I FT. '' the eighth Resolution adopted by (lie Contention, provides for the oointment f Committee of Correspondence in each county, for the BUrpOte Of CWTlliaung iie n.uuics, uu mtrwiw (Jiiniiiig lire Meets of the Contention. "The President of the Contention has ap- Bointed the following gentlemen on said Committees: r. Wflliain A: Morrifc ; Moses Cuthbertton, Alexander Little, Jos. White, i Btnitn. jtnenu cuict omw., - ......., -w.... . - i""" u Rushintr, Thomas D. Pw-ktratrick H. Wituton, Clement Marshall, Wil- . i u;n:.m nl.miit.i llsrtin Pirkrtt. John tlni-d. Jimn I.Pfranil liaia Jonnswn,- " i o .. a., w. rtrandon. John C Mckennc . . fohii Kar. James Horton. Pevton Colvard, David Earnest, John Hardin, j7ibeii HarUey, B wnyRihrd ttryThoimGllow.yrJpnlanottft. Ii Taliaferro Witcher, Morni Bryan, Zachariah Baker, Elijah Callows?, Alex'r. B I ll'MUUn, John GambHl, Jonathan Faw, Jamea P. Waugh, Andrew M'Miiian, Ewctmb. Jamet Allen, Benjamin King, Samuel W, Davidson, Jacob Summy, - .ii,.rv. Charlea Barintr. Joseph Henrv. Charles Moore, William J. Lewis, j!mes M. Alexander, 8araueT Chunn, Philip Britain, George C. Alexamler. Jamea wTsm'Uif James W. Patton,' William- Murray, Joshua Roberta, Samuel Edney, John Clayton, James Gudger.,' . ' ' Rerti.Gg O. Askew, David Outlaw, Cullen Capehart, Josiah Holly, f t By,n Francis R. Pugh," Jamet L. Bryan,-Robert C. Watson, Wm. Britton, i'l V Outlaw. Lewis Thompson, Stark Armistead,lAlexander W. Mebane, Davidson, William Harbin, Axel Sharp, Thomas Allison,, William Summers, Ephraim Davidson, Jamea Thompson, James L. Hill. -, - jAnjon John M'Leod, Josiah O. Watson, Christopher Christophers, John C Smithrynea Duthamr John LT Hay wood, Adin Powell; Ethetdred tfotty J. H. Smith, Bytbaft Bryan, David Thompson, Daniel Boon, Re-tbettT. Sanders, John Leach, Hdlory Wilder, Josiah -Holder, Joseph Richardson, John AS kinsnn, Nathan Williams, James Prilick. Jonet.Jmet Harrison, Nsthan Foiciie, J. H. nammond. Hardy Bryan, Wm. Iltijgsjina Frederick J. Beeton, Simmons Isler, lac Brown, Jumps M Daniel, Enoch Foy, Edmund Hatch, James Reynolds, O. B. Cox, L. II. Simmona, Jam B. Laroque, Joseph Whitley, Roscoc Barrus, Risden M'Uanielj Jimes N. Smith, James R. Conner. -' : ." V"7" "" ' ' : IJnenln. Daniel Hoke, M, W' AbernthJVllKCnsTer, John Coulter, Daniel M. Forney,Henry W. Conner, Lawson Henderson, John Hoke, Wm. J. Wilspnj . . r Ml 1 .. I. .. ' 1 ... . I . UT I n ana... U.m HKIUII I . TI t P ... MIlfMIIl. William -nerry, jumi v. iumiiuiu hiiwwiiiciimim.wii - JottohB. g: Routhac, Thomas J. Pugh, Lewis Bond. ' ' Beaufort. Richard H. Bonner, William A. Blount, .Thomas II. Blount, Matthew Shiw David C. Freeman, Jamea O'K. Williams, William Kennedy, Samuel Small- a Houston.- Thomas Ellison. John Kineietary, i nomas J. uiuiam, -.1 flnrf James Ellison, Benjamin LavenderrAllen Grist, Eli Hoyt, Major J, Clark, John S; Hawks, Joshua Tayloe, Joseph Bonner " o.j- inhn Owen. Robert Lvon. Isaac Writrht, John T. Gitmore, William J. wrJohiF-BrBiwnrWiHTO Lin M'Kethaiv Jmes J. McKay, Robert Melvin, J. J. M'Millan, Samue Cain, Salter Lloyd, William Jones, Joshua Singlctary, John A. Robeson, Jps. Gdlespie, . n UrEiv. w ... ... Ibinuwick. Wm, R. Hall, John Waddell, Marsden Campbell, John J. Gauie, ' . n w n r 1 t TtlnnA.f l.'NWAP1lk.l 1 1 1 1 1 Orjre vr. Gauxe, S. A. Laspeyre, J. P. Gauze, Daniel B. Baker, Asa Russ, Maurice Moore Peter Ballew, wit.till. John Swunn. Samuel Potter. DanieFH. E ' llllii1inaiSrR'ufl &a tun. w -- - - - - - - ' ... . trL. Graham, Bartlett Shipp, Robert II. Burten, Andrew H. Loretx, Oliver Holland, John M. Mutx, Alfred II. Burtoa Lenoir-W. D. Moselry, Allen W. Wooten, Council Wboten;Bo. Whitfield, Juna C-Washiiieioa. Blount Coleman. Richard Groom. John W. 8. Went, John Pi "Dunn, Chavtes Westbrookvkaac Croom, Hardy B CrooiiTSatRin B; Wtii firlJ. John Gathn, Nathan Blount, Alexander Moseley, Reuben Knox, Watson Wilcox, Dalluni.CwelI, Walter Dvenprt. -.Macon. Beniimin S. Hrrttain, James-AVhitaker, As-nh Enlof, Jas. W. Gwynn, John Tathem, Nunro.l S. Jurrett, Samuel Smith, John Bryson, Silas H. M'Dowell, James K, Grsv, Jesse It. Siler, John Hall. . Hinnnhrey PosrVj Thomas Ltivri Luke Uarnett, Saul Smith, Joseph Welsh, Jacob Siler, Jnhn Angel, Dr. Ashury. JMoore. Josiah Tyson. William Wadwonh, J. B. Montgomery, Archibald M' N'eil!, Uunc.n Miirchisori, J. B. K Hy, Hugh M'Donatd, Jamet S. Gaines, Neven M'Leran, Wm. M'Lean, Daniel M'Neill, Archibald M'Hryde, 'jiiteon bpawell, Archibald Monroe, Cornelius Dowd, jr. Elias Kennedy, Nicholas Nail, Aiexati der MUVeill, William Hancock, : Matcom Bhtw. Montgomery. James M. Lilly, Fruncis Locke, Pleasstnt M, MasK, Iteuben Kendall, John Crump, GeorgeW. McCain, HaMy Morgan, George F. Smith, James M Gaines, William Harris, John M. Allen, Edmund Deberry, James . M. Butler. Reuben R. Hunt, David Kendal!. Ilowel Harris, Thomas Allen, James Allen. Enoch Jordan. John E, Chambers. Mtckknburr. Henrv Masse?, John Hart. James Dougherty, Jno.McKnitt, Evan Alexander, Joseph McConnahay, M. McLeary, J. BUckwool,JJobrtJ)f. AJejk anugh Hn Thomas B. Smart, James M. Hutcheson William Davidson, Eli Springs; Samuel McCombs, William J. Wilson, Thomas J. Holton. Martin, David Latham, James L. G, B .ker, John Cloman, Simmons J. Baker, Joshua Robeson. William Sm'rthwick, J. D. BiKtrs Henry Slde, James Shaw, D.,ct. Ianeaster. Jesse Cooner. William Watts. Jamea Bj-Slade. Jwnh JWWr liams, Samuel S Shepherd. William It. Bennett, Thomas W. Watts, Jos. Robert son, William M. Clark, I). W. Bagly. .. -wtoiwefe L. JI. Marsttller, M.w. Gamp- bell Mmn,Xboiw Walu -W Jae Er' ADDRESS OF THE COMMITTEE. latht People forth Carolina- A numerous and respectable portion of your Fellow- ciuzens, wno assmnoteu at misplace on me ute Anm xtj zeal to adduce While production ia tlius kept back, ountry. ?for do we thereJs neither jsuppl nor demand' s teem to little purpose with the luxuriant and valuable productions of nature, our alluvial lands present too feeble attrac tions to their genertil subjugatlon,'"and many of r the mineral treasures with which our earth abounds must lie an. tersart of American' Independence, to consul t on the' disturbed and even unexplored.- Men m eansof improving the condition of the State,have direct( cannot .be well induced to labor for . ed us to laj before joo the result of their deliberations imrethanthejjij:atiLVnsumeJ ua- WithoatpretensionstOTItJthoriff or thewfahdTobTainlesi the surnlus mat ba conveniently" I with no inHuencewmethat of reawtH-wehtTm-Tour reliuemwit has mavalual, -w can - Jacob RamicaivPergr4BeG.-febetvVardryMMleeMaweH WilsonrJo 8 imply because of our communion of intorest be stored up in "accumulationi for the wun jou on a suojact ol ueep and aoiuntg importance, winter ol age or the wants ot posterity, and because ol a sincere and hearty the prosperity ol our common cou depot it too much toltope that, even al the dm or political striie and the struggles orcontending actually made, "because" of the costs ' candidates for your favor, these claims will not be disre- f transportation, are of little value, garded by an intelligent and well-meaning community. ! and there..! J! . if9reoJttcrea9-iei:. -North-Carolina is endeared tu us Br evert tie of na-; agricultural capital. - Slovenly farth-v , ture and every obligation of duty, tier, advancement, "mg, slender traffic, " and a languid in whatever is great and good is inseparablylnterwo-crcuUtHHi getwral want of enterprise, ven with our hopes and wishes, our patriotism and our j inactivity; nd listlesshess , become pride. Keen" therefore is the mortificfttion, to be oblig-j habitual, and 'generation succeed N ed to confess that she is falling behind several oE the1 generation with scarcely. aTporcepti-., States of this glorious confederacy, 'in that career of Je improvement in wealth, manners, ; distinction to which all were invited by the bounties of ( science- or the arts.1 H by via sudden Providence, the Ireedom.of the American Institutions, ; dispensation of Piovideace the shoils -and the canacitt of the American People. Fortt-four winch endanser and impenie our marU , years have passed away since, unilcr the auspices of the , ;iiqa.-jiMdsatwite Federal CwtUttttfan-ire''fenlwa",ypo"n Various streaint whigh intersect our V competition. In extent of territort she. had then the ; State were rendered fit for' the pur- advantage or INew-Yotk,-anu ot rennsyivania.-poses ot "conveyance irom tneir very eluding their principal fifties she was not inferior to1' sources, all will admit thki Vlte-TA eiUierof them in wealth. In fjjeejojmlMiojLSlifi-iTi lyqna1iet"NeTvTorliand "wa8 but a third let's than ; energy to the coasummation , of our ? : Pennsylvania.. Her superiority in extent of territory hones. The impuUo given to business , -4t Maist'bew'Hnerp Her Irce nopulation is , iiqw .to MGtuaM4ileM-i atta To ITiaroTpaftiiient oT inUustrYJUet. aiyt oai w- indulge tfl-ayTtirettosr . out -t t Edward BJ Dudle'y, James F. Mcliee, John Kerr.- arrwa-Arciuoaia Houston, uaniei ni. imn6cr, i """"6" , oimuei w. W. V ckfimes-N. Mantt. Joshua Watson. Martin. U. Uarrett, iiu kerMelchor, John C. Barnliard, William H. Archibald, James u. spears, jonn , B Joseph A. Drake, Bartholomew F. Moore, Robert C. G. Milliard, John Robinson, George K.lutts, Samuel Morrison, ueorge ury, n.r., Drake, Stephen SJSppvB-WH-W M'lW Robert Wmith,.,!) B. Tunnell. .-.j-to t .jj-." ir.. 1 n.kl UV... . .. " . ' : r. .l r. n!fl T Ti,irtt,immn. Heroa Jruison. Koaenct a. uarey, ai icn ricrcc, milium a achof them bu t the ratio of one to sifeIrt- Ne w-Yorkr-mcn to entiOTrexito . - , n ... 1 L ! . -. 'tf . .. .. .1 l IT .t..?t rana rwmsvivamiiTAJOuewsi h" Literary Institutionsenreftd jUi irinz a nnisneu i tueir own exertions, wnai ur wise pur- Lockhart, John D. Amis, Colin W. Barnes Nathaniel Williams, Samuel U. 9pru 111. F.dmund B. Wilkin. John Grimes. James II. Wood, S'tnuel Colbert, James Robert SUwnge, Joimi IU hh, Jonn nusa.e, i nomas . . " James Thompson, Wm. Hump hut Alexander Elliott, Jonatnan Evans, jonn omun, wwwi-"""-. """....Fov. William IL,Tlropson, Mwetf E. JrHaleV Davidr M'Neill, ArchibftiaiMeill,; Archipaia n ucarmm, . , , Thomn,on. WHri,m TJra'S'-iTi-A-ftvand: liohirt M'Kenxie, Chatham. X. A Stedman, John S. Gutlirie, Hugh M'Queen, Charles J. Willi ima. Thomas M. Prince, Abraham G. Kean, Peter Le MessnrierrWnu ILHarden, Tntha Haralson, Henry S. Clark, Charles Lutterloh, William Aiongro:,. jonn i, , iMev. W illiam D. AmiaJoha. White. B. Raadohjfcir-hwitas' Biant-h: Isaae w Bvnum. jcfcoXAlstonjrJioniajrhompson,Isaiah.Burnett. --. ! Omlbw. Lewis TDishonir, G. A. Tiiorapsdhr Josepli D7 VarOplih A'rAvcritt,: - . . ...... VT.. nn.lfIU'Nii -I M n il. iipnn'. . . . . . ... r. t. :..- .Br' . i " CuMBertma. jonn i. loomcr, juiin u. : ." ' ;v J 4 w rfbarfr yerraml, iirt warn vrara, v. v. sanaers,. r.u. o. juhcs, n m. p, mu, tireys, Daniel Ambrose, unce t olivine, rrcuencic James Chad wiok,- EdWara wara, uiice uugg-ins, Mumford. -"- . . - OrdMe. William. , Montgomery; J; ARisonrPhesu imam A. urainm, William Darbce, Tlvnmn Uuffin. Iliiirh Waddell. Herbert Sims. Josenu Caldwell, l. U. HiChUcl Holt, Wm. Norwood, JosUb, Tamer. - Pm6ti. Hubert Vanhook. Beniamin A. Sumner. "Robert Jones, Georms W, Jaffrma-'ilirim BaW''C'JciCTo'W-ito'iH- MeMurray,-"Jesse n irnL rtmiPiin if. hp. Thoniii webD. i nomas Mcueuec.;joun u. a. iuuuu. son, Thomas Lawson, Elijah Hester, Alexander Cunningham, Alexander Gordon, pliil.r, Uivm. Jump, Williamson. Autrusun vannooK. Fasnuotauk. John L. Bailey, Wilham T. Relf, F. A. Sawyer, William Martin, John B. Muse, Ambrose Knox, Benj. Albertson. William II. Davis, Joshua stun ner, John M. Skinner, Joshua A. Pool, William Gregory, Kxum Newby, John Pool, Thomas Bell, Charles Grier,ThomasHmey,W..S-. HinUm,- ThomaL. Shannonhouse," Horatio N. Williams. . . jHtt. Alfred Moye, James Blowe, Thomas Jordan, M lllianr Clemmons, John C.Gorham, Dr. Robt Williams, Sen. John L. Foreman, Asldey AtkinsontGotdd Hoyt, Redding Blounti James Perkins, Gen. William Clarke, John Joiner, Mar shall Dickerson, Henry J. Toole, Howell Albrkton, ArcltNL Parker, Geo. Easonv 4jrneslarkrChurchill Perkins. " - - ; PerimimonM. -Henrv Skinnerv. Benj. aiuucn, . w. l ownsenu. qiwtnan....n?. t,rorlr:- Jesse-AVilsOn." Josiah Cranberry: W illiam Jones, Doct. J. C, Skinner, . . . - ! j Edward W. Wilkings," Alexander M'AUister, ramdtn. Hay woodS. Bell, BCnjamin D. DiM", Jos.-uozier.i. . George Ferebee; Willie M'PheHori, Alfred H. Gatlm, WilBam G. Sawyer, w m. gamue, ,,ot Wj,l.le P Manguhv Dennis lleartt, John Boon, R fihe'ppard, MAlachl uousnall, luice v.. lainD, Aoncr u.ummij, PhewnrW. 8. OldtThomas Doaier, Wiln B. Webster, WUliam Farange, Fre derick B. Sheppard, George Ferebee, Ambrose Walston. i -VConeeff.' Jamea Kerr, L A. Gwynn, Barzillai Graves, Wiley Jme Paul A. HarrisonrJotrni-Garhwd, Stephen DmlsonrArariah Gravet, Meriwetherpwis, William Brown, George Williamson, James Rainey, John Wilson, Bedford Brown, N.thanipl J. Palmer. Samuel Watkins. Henry M'Aden, James W. vaivm i v., ' - - . i Jeffreys. D. A. Penick. , , Colunbui LiikeR. Simmons, J. Maultsby, Caleb Stephens, Isaac Powell, ny., w;nini Itmn. James Burnev. Alexander Troy, Rich d Woo- ..w. unu,.ll williumonn. F.lislia Sellers. James Smith, Colin . . I 1... U -11 w:iliMm Wimn HaCltae, aoiomon lun auhuwiu ryti "" William M'dlfl. Josiah pur OUsU- ,invn. ,.u';uu4MkHMiiffCu oDnortumties ot acau education to those who have the means to procure tins nines was on-rinaiiv uenieu invaluable blessine; while ample provision has been : cles surmounted and didiculttes sub- made bv 4a w . for commu nicatina necessai t r instmctiuiL, d uod, as thet .are il)e best sirtaUsJlt o,evrrhitdftAlow the, liitjb'cst Jlrinaiph tltute. in our i3ia.UQiWUWUt'Jwtwor virtoejtmnrexiriwTJuiop. ; Carteret. Thomas Marshall, XHway Burns, David Mr. Borden, Bridges Aren oanr Asa Kennedy, Gilbert Ttumlef,- Hmf M. Ccke,, Ambrose Jones,-Ehjab phi,. ahlnm FidfortL Wm. IL BelL John II. Hill. J- F.Jones, JechoniasPigott. WalUce D. Stywn, FreltierLPrterJ Peltier Legjesby. 1; JEgft- I rsfHnm. Innea. Beniamin S.Simmons. Wdloughb M n .il (..Unn M- Mafrh-inr. IIP. 1 1. IV IK. .J Ii. II ICS IT. JUUIJU Aaiua., uuiuuvi a c.- ii.ail MnilAu&v WUl'i&mt Isue Baxter.1 Samuel erebeer J ere li Lana, : ,KftrU. W. skinnpr. Thomat WilsonJames Lonffa Milea Elliott, jr. Joha Gatltn. r" . -i r TU.U Va7:ii;m. ..... lm 1 Hall,-EnOCh t . J w t nK riUK. llVitVr TinKor , Kranna ru itrtn. jninra ap&. ja n r, n uiuuloi r vmi xsva iimsiv - Psrrv. Hpninmin Skinner. John Nixon. ' v I Rowan. A. G. Carter, Thomas G. Polk, R. M. Pearson, Lemuel, Bingham. Burton Craig, HamihOtt C" Jbires; CT. Harbrni -Alexander UOng, John Uik-s, uen. William Kerr, Fielding Slater, Charles Fisher, John Beard, jr. David Ft.Caldw.ell, InourCotwtitttiM university, anu itt ine incorporation oi a lew -cauc-j ween traiueu up wwunuu' m mies eithr-: without funds ,oc...wjth fundAnot,; dj;rived4doiaiatha achwlvof adversity f and fiom legislative grant, ko . public SchooU have ! thb most .illustrious of. nations have : been established for the heaDand JjCunfttnifBtJIlrl struction of youtlv.'" Iirlansyltanirj more than hundred miles iiLJSewjYorkii hundred miies jirexistence, gradually.. gaining aou can-. Canal "Naviu;ation havo boon created. --while Uair-waya"glidatingtheiriitreogttH arid byaeterer are etery where in the process, of construction, stimu-; trials acquiring the lating ana-employing labor makingnarmnuiiing rurming tne naoits wnicn were w oa wealth throughout their wide spread borders. 1'heir displayed n thejnaturjty of manhood sea-ports are crowded with yesselsj, their inechanicsj Heaven grants the gifts 'it grants the find constant employment and high wages; their man-' power to gaiu." Is the navigation f ufaclures are prosecuted with still increasing Siull; ; our lo a consider and their agriculture is beautijymz amUnncT soil at the momeot whenlt gathers the rewards of .in wo- ca remove ; these jobtructiofts- dus Asyl strtrction and fmitirationrof4iiimanrwoe.d2li!rhtthe tr and ele stilt more W xat the heailcof thaiieholder&t ollWios vf ciaUtu Thomas C. Ferebee, Thomas Poynee, Thorns-Williams, - James G. HaUj- Enoch Ball. Dennis Simmons, John Humphries. '...',-, Jllir" w.ti;am nullnrk. J. H. Skinner. Baker F. Welch. Joseph B. Skin ner, Charles E. Johnston; Richard T. Brownrigg, Jonathan H. Haughton, qharles Hoskins. WUliam Uyrum; WiUiam Sparkiaari. William D: Rascoe James C. John ston, Josiah Collins Samuet -T Sawyerr Thorns- Hoskms,-- Malacht Haugbton. Miles Welch, Thomas lienoury, James norcom, aiuuno ow7. Craven. Richanl D. Spaight, ADneraruey, wiiey jo. wbu, - ell John M.Bryan, John I Lane, rreaencK r. uuam, inumu . Thomas Watson, Lucas Benners, John P. Daves, Moses Jarvis, Edward Greham. Samuel Siiripson John B. Dawson, John Washington, W. S. Blackledge, Alex r. Gaston, Charles i. eneppara, jonn uurgwyn. . TyiibUn.- John E. Hussey, Joseph Gillespie, A. O. Grady, William Wnght, Je- wmiah Pearsall. Thomas O. Larkin, John Miller, Jason Smith, wm. H. nur, Allen Morris, James K. Hill. I nomas r. nau, tteniy ininiure, w. Andrew Hurst, Stephen Miller, uenjanun ncK.Ju xamcr, nu. , 8'jwo-Joln A. Hogan, William Wiseman, Henry Ledford, Wm. R. Holt, Jamea Wiseman, David Mock, Jacob DrummeR; WUliam Clemmons. John Clem aions. WUlm Adderton. JVilliam Kennedy . Joha P. rTtxtl VL Smith, William uoueniiammer, a iiuuuu namiuu, , . Absalom Williams, 4tansom Harris. w i v Louis D. Wilson. John W. Potts, Gray Little, James W. Clark, .Bcojaraiii Biy ki", . Jaaeph-R Loy dr-'Richaid H inea, James J.P hiUtps, ' D. CoUen, John rarxer, neopunu. 'r" ' p;,m,n Renry T. Clark ; Joao r. rut, vosuui uorn, jrpw nwa,. ..!... John F. Hughes, uenjainin oiwjjc. ... . v!n. iiiiams, Aircu Liivv.t, try. There, Hospitals tor the sick and the insane Where these are not t emovable, or the urns for origan institutions for the cure and in- ttreaius are too. sliahow l.r boat nay or tlreblind--clioois tor tne wew anti umr othecbeiieficentreKtaJliidime,l4oT;.U-MflUUr try are the'se fliore needed, so it) none caoilbeyl bs Iti'aTreaa' rexpcfigeX John Clement, Rufus H. Kilpatrick, Doct. Kerr, Richard IL Alexander, Matthew Locke, Garland Chalhn. . . . ; Randolph. Hugh Moffitt, Alex. Cunningham, A. Brower, Benjamin Elliott, Joshua Craven, Tidance Lane, Abram Brower, Jesse Bray, Henry B. Elliott, Hugh McCain, George Hoover, Jonathan Worth, Alexander Gray, Jesse Harper, William Hogan, John Long, PhineasNixon, Thomas Marby, John B. Troy, James Hodgins. . . .... - ,..,.. Rockingham. Kooert surun, uenj. neuic, r i.urouim, niuiiiMoaimj, ames Curry, Joshua G. Wright, WUliam Bethel, William Barnett, Martin Roberts, Wilson J. Hill, Alexander Henderson, Robert Galloway, Kanoaii D. scales, siari: Hardin, William Fewell, Abraham Philips, Thomas Blackwetl, Nicholas Dalton, homas Settle, Phdip Inon Franklin. m. P. Benry J. Gl HufRn, Willie Perry, Houze, Gideon Glenn Henry G, Samuel Johnston, WoodT. Johnston, Williams, James Farrier, W illiarti II. Batue, jos. VV UTiara Burlingham, I oiu ver i erreu, ?nAo.--Shat,.rack Howell. Alex'r. Watson, Benj. Lee, Malcolm Purcell, J no. ' , tint hi. BiibdiiPil hv uiian riiiiiiuplaa.lld Unift'd ei Gilchrist; Charles Moore, ArchUMcRae,y convinced that on You. feonle of Va are a ware that t n T'l d ic lOU I -a u. nnp.n iMin n Won.l.lT rump. Josenli c. Lee. Weill McNeill. Jesse "' . " r . . . . . '. " i . . - . r ,t. D:mnn noi u'iiiioma :.!.. m i n. siicom nmoiLj. w . i-oweii. a. vvaison. .u . . . . i .. : . I . a, . .It.H ..., l,rh,sinnrl.VUrr K. I.fulc. Isaac UOCKerv. uuncan aicuiuriu, nuocri row uuii uuiuu ell, J ames GrahamJohax W Covijtt, Fraci lkrr3fcAllsterroa;f4etlr'e-' for her, Mcr arhtnd, Robert J. Ksiiord, William vrw,ora, .aiciwnun,.. .on - FaHv, John R. Bute, Charles Patterson, Erasmus Love, Dudley Misk, fiieal k,-.l.l" . - m:li:.H. - II - DKk,lflM fluWurrf. Josenh Mel). Carson. O. B. Irvine, John Mclntyre, James .ra-i" vcawi, ham. John Moore, Arch'd. Durham, Geortce Walion, Josnua rorman, ineouorei messing.? , jonn logan, yrnc W0UIU nat H. Maclin. Thomas G. stone, Joel King, Archibald o.terv .-T HWleT7wilEliniI; Gilliam. Maurice Smith. John B. Taylor. James Wyche, George S. M Intosh, W, . "?! J .1 u u n,a Wnhrt H . Gilliam. Thomas B. lTitlleiohn, Jamei Wve! Thomas Turner, Leonard Henderson, William Robards, Russel Kings Wv. R- N. Herndon, Abraham VenabU, Memucan Hunt. , fat, wm. W. Cowper, W. SUllings, John Walton, jettiro umner, ii Billiam. Reddick G.tlin, John B. Baker, John U. npx.n, i'en.psry Henrv man. Carrr RHtrddiekrH'm-'lwl ter. Joseph Gordon, John Gordon, Lemuel Riddick, Ledar Uallard, uichl,,,i f . ! ..' t.' . . ' V:''-... I Vl,.L. 'Jshn Wi lac Hunter, t'V. . w. L. I . . n Utnlrln. SZKW,;Moye,JamMHa . . ur.n: I ilk.Ui Inhn PilrlrV. Jamea Willi- v.Bixiirht. iienrv uesi. jr. mninn m. .Be&ln s" EdWaAls. John W. Trry lor; William WlUlams,; Jesae spe it c - M.h.B P. nnieL Samuel K. rriueeon, niiiiara ja. wwruu, Thorn., Woolen. Henrv P. Barrosr, Titus lsit, CttJW-Jonathan P.rkerrARen PeepleH wavw -i nomas, hall, Christopher Monng, rranci. .s'mI'7"M""u;: m i'ZV John M . Andrew Liwlssy, Abrm Geren, J.mts W. Doak, John M. Dick, John rU. w.nm:aimr Amo.Weaver.;John T- enl V. MfmikiashA. Vati..M u... tnr.H a. Smith. Jftiii! T. MoTchcad. vvi..ik.. riiatUi f2(s J. R. J. Dame'. Robert C Bond, 'CTTT. -K JrHe AidBv' am:h: Tli i t..- A:mmfii JnHrw Jovnef. John Kr.ncb. Jewe A. Hy anm, Willit Alston, George E. Bpmill, Wilhe Jones, Spier Wh.Uker, Charles WIXIUf-T ItUtsVIH &J VII iftr iW J. Monttromerv. tstc Carter, Thomi B. Cherts Jamei Wynn, CTwh....;; Sumner. Johrt W.ddle. W.l.iam B, Wyn.. WaUon !, l-boma. Little, Richard G. Cwper, Lewi. M. i.oPer, -u. , Ander,, Ptrick Brown. G. C. Moore, Isaac, Jacob Uare, D.vkI a Aikew.Dr. O'Dwyer. v , . smas . Singleton, William Selbr, John Brown, James Adams, John L. sww from a nrosperous community to the Father ofl the . hu man race for HistlessinKsWlherr exertions, and mute ' but exoressive solicitors for a'continuance of His bounty V lUUSe WllOUeilglUin OOing-gOOmtUJ cnnuixo'ii men. jjuie wiiiiiimiinuugii nin - mo How areall these things, in isortn tjarounar reuow- nas aireaut couuuenceti amon-si, - citizens, -we do - not require your- answerf-rwlyott jtmlerthe- it f" a' . jr w - l a- iu a ... neea lniormaiion irom us. dh anow now mrj ic- and we forbear to speak." It issufficiently mort'tlyiB to discover, it were too painful to dwell on the humiliating, contrastIndeed, did we not hope that this reproach wouiu ere long oeremoyeti irom amoiigi uf, w miuuiu endeavor to bury it in thick night, hide it from the world, and if possible forcet it ourselves. But we trust that a blessed change is in store for us; AVe know that there are difficulties, and serious diHiculties to be encountered but we are sure that there are none which a . i - in tma resoect. siirnallt titumuhinsro- rernature drede boats an rewotiajp; f in hour the slow accumulalioti of years and we announce to yon , with V joy that tho day is . not. distant when . our main outlets to the sea - will a.Tord ; ready passaga ta vessel of sufficient burden IW all ordinary commercial purposes. ; There is then ainplft. fooin far 'exertion but thsre is no cause for despondency. cause F; llurchett. William Carson. John McDowell, John Carson, , M. Webb, Alanson Moore, Drury Dobbins, John Aims, Martin simturd, Booert ; Elmer, jr. Thomss Dews. .. i J : . ' - Sambton. rEdsrard C Gsvin, Arch'O. U. Hons;, uicaion oioan, v, iniam ivir- by, William McKay, Thomas J. Faison, William raison, unen Mooiey, wiuiam Robeson, Daviu UniJerwoort, I no., Ii. Monssey, iienry noimes, ureaa caraway, Whitney Ryals, Robt McKay, Wm. BlaCkman, Aren a, wonx, jonn van, bvrei Ua, Dr. Strung. - . Srr. William K. Dobson, 1 nos. J. word, u.w, courts, siauneww. nugnes, Mesh .ck Franklin, Peter Clingmsn, Lewis Williams, Henry P.' Poindexier, liar tison M. Wayght'Dr.' J. Parkea. Winttoa SummejJ3iPJBiaJaW"riabtow , John Wright, Samuel speav enjan l nonipsun, rieasani u. HODeris, Karik-Carolina. it denpnda. whether the State shall or i temnts heretofore made in the r , , ...... .. .. iaib.!C-ixw' me all which bef warmest roenas oogni iwor internal iinproycmeni uuvc i"c r- r. v , r - 1 : s of " . :Ue fruitful and multiply and replenish the ear in ana ,any eiions ax Hnprovemeow.wav PreV; : bbbdoe it," announces to man the first direct command ' judice is a'wrctthed counaIorwheHi-'v: and a commana ncn wun promiseu ierii sccks to concpai me kiusuhcjs u, Tosubdue the earth, implies-efforti effort tiie sordid and he (ears or the timid, have been unnecessary, had not difficulUes been'or is secnln tire npatiiy ot the siugro r nn rnnae Iv If ft for man to overcome i and Hp. who is all-!r sneaks in the sneers tftne tcorner. r ; wise and al I -rood, nevef would have imposed an obliea- tionim possible to be fulfilled, nor have enjuined an act . . . ... ... .f,. - i i which was not pleasing in uis sight, iiie suujuga- tionof the earth can be cUected out oy lauor anu me in- AtlL Rn;.m.. Fmmmil ilnn S. Snencet. Tilman Farrow, John u. jasper, W.u. a, ai.-.iu w;ii.m i H. Rrlbv. C. J. IL Lamb, Thomas T. -- "-vw uiji vsay s"aa mv " - J -. -"w-vsa hviii wwvsraj vaaa ay .-'--"; j . - , ; u.':n: r:.r. iVn.rinn. J. L. Smith. Mark Coleman, 'ufanwu, w rmn a as i iiBHit annipii "" --- w - MiKmell W. Davnlson, Joseph CaUieV, James Patton, Will'wm WeUh, sen. John Bryson, Bannister Turner, Jamet it. Love,' William Welsh, Daniel Bryson, William bvr, Jubn Howell, Abram Enloe, Jonathan Coward; Asaph Wuson, T. Johnston, Robert Love. . '. ' 2ifcZL-.Thomat A. Allison,' S. Lowdersnilk, C Dstidson, John Mosbst, k i a . a at a ... 1kkaaliIiiai V avllau fSaea Campbell,- Abssloii Simont-o; Samael Itins;, Biram CsIdwtU, Ceorge L. Btrs, K, Saundert, CUrkt Msnly limvn. Tluimii 1). KeHtt. Gulliliu itoore A',Jlf,. Gabriel T, Moore. John F. Pomdexter, L., John Hill, Lmanucl shnber. John Blackburn. Joscntr Winston, William Carter, Hampton By num. J .me. Frost. Salathiel Stone. Auanistm tl. khf pnard. CharlsAP. Btrie, Jvremiak Goieson, Andrew Bowman, James Mattnewx, joun duuict, jonn niuing, i noma T. .rmstrong, Matthew R. Moore. - Turn. Daniel N. Bateman. Chwles McCleesp. II. G. SpruilL Ebenerer Pet tigrew, Ephraim Mann, Jot. H. Holsey,Benjamin Sikes, John Haughton, Jeremiah Phelps, Iienry Aiexanaer, itopert uynn, suss usvenpon, irwene MTBiiiun, Henrv.K. Lewis, Dempsey Livermsn, Zebulon,Tarkinton, James A. Spruili, Abram Swsituir. Joseph Owens,- David Cabotm. n jisiwijfiwi.-Miosian Uollins, Samuel Haraison, jamea b. rorman, ur. rranci Ward, Josrpb C Norcum, John 8. Bryan, Peter 0. Picot, John Goelet, James A. Chesson, Uriah W. Scanner, William M. Chson, Absalom Usvenport, Aiirert Winchell, Dr.lvi Fagan, W. R. Norcum,-Hamilton w. iavenport, i nomas Turner, John F. NealU Watrus Beck with, Charles Blonnt. - v Wilku.lime Wellborn, W C. Emmett, Joha Saintclair, John Martini John Martin, (U.) James Hunt, Richsrd Allen, Lille Hickerson, James Martin, John Bryan. K.i Peity,Wm. P. Waugh, John Fmley, Hamilton Brown, William Horton, i n., .1 . I , . If. l . &T..I Dr. lartin U. Junes, i ooniaa icnoir, uiuiunu ivuo, n hihhb viicupvn, ci on A. Strange. - '' - ' ' '' '--"V ' '-''f-"' : " Warrtn. John H. Hawkins, Thomas J. Judkina, John Brsgg, Daniel Turner, Miealuh T. Hawkins. Hon. Nathaniel Macon, Hem Williams, John Brodie, Wil- liam G. Jones, Weldoo N. Edwards, Maj. William Williams, Alfred Alston, James Somervell, William Person, Henry Fitts, George Baskerville, Philip C. Pope, Zachariah Hemdon, Thomas While, Peter R. Davis- , - ' ; . . WaM. James Rhodes. John B. Hurst, Patrick Cromwell, Ezekiet Sloctimb, Probt-H Collieri Philin Hooks. Thomas Kennedy, Jolin Wrifrht, Richard. Wish inelon. Nicbolsoo Washington, Gabriel Shrrrsrd, Arnold Bordn, Lewis Cngdell, Daniel Kornegay. Henry njeter, rrmiara loompsun, Tiinam noou, jonn v. Sasser, U, W. Hosted, Sampson Lane. yJJk- -J'.: . . V ; f v - Wake. Charles I- Hinton, Wesley Jones, .Nathaniel G. Rand, Parker Rand, William White, of Raleigh, Johnson Bubee, Willis WbiUker, Jessa Powell, William Roles, Turner Pullen,Weston R.Gles, Jr.o. C Stedman. A. J. Lawrence, Charles K. Rimaty,' Woodson Clements, Gc. W. Haywood, Allred Jones, A U , .L I.. U..I. . ... ..-' this ftiirmiiiM lie axUaoriUiuryilWy-oMhe tjennesscer proper appiicaun oi our . of tho valley of the Mississippi, ho doubt attracted resources. lid it guard MS agauul tne i many steady, judicious and economical application of tabor to : at the roor or numiP, prospenty. ? . i ne ; We have attempted too many plans at V. once we have frittered . away our ineansover to ereat a space, and have - ; expended much money, in manyVilly schemes. Let us then profit by ex . D;rie n ceTe t i Hca til u s ; c au tion, - - that- ... i i ii. ii.. tcu J a better natural sou ior me provemenis, orougui iiicuivomuio dinamhaTntargf iiefatl rtlOTticliiinTs on then- country. Aim wny may iijina; while in the mildness of ottr inot we? Are the people ol tins atais) ; uctaof a Soutliern ibr some irreversible interdict oll'rovi? inir'mnn ntipna h-nin tha' siliimiiriT states, and ' m isirroer-ayrwavtravircTTr- many emisrants from foreigrrtouhtnes, and thereby ilet it repress cs?rtion in t.e cause of V hattetiea UetU.ntftnu rrwlit--lJttt:taitfi 10 incnmij, uuien nave vj n xu ... . . - . .m .iav- f t I it - . I . . t a 1 T-x u K. it mnir wp I hn aou uto.i whe Ntw-Y orK oriand uniriteii course .01 in.iernaii.. rennsylvania presen labors of the h'usban found in North-Car winters, the hiulier value of the prod climate and tlio greater ease with which..- oucearth is j tmeu, we naa on our pari oecioeu auvamages. . these were compensated, and more than compensated, by two physical blessings bestowed on theip in anjetn ine'nt degree. Each of these r had a - pbrtT orsafe and ready access from the ocean, and bold rivers penetrat ing far into the interior possessing thos the means ot cheap transportation to a home inarKet anu oi easy exportation to foreign one. " Marts were to bf found within each State for all that the industry of its citizens could produce( and the products of laborere liot eon sumed by the expenses of reaching the ptace of sales. While adequate motives were. thus , furnished to ' excite agricultural industry, its success gate actmtyTdmer cantile adtenture and employment to the mechanical artai The nofit of these built uo capital, and capital led to' enterprise, to the discovery of new 'sources of ...-.., . . - r i. !' ' . - ...... weaitn, to ,tne extension oi lacuuiea m uuicb, u man ufactures, to every species of improvement, and to gen eral prosperity, ',' .The great wants of our State then ,ar emphatically, good marts of traffic & the means of cheap trwuporUtioB. UatiJ these caa b supplied, tur fyitits dence;disittalifiedforiinprovingr theiri condition?, in wnai aoes uii -incapacity consist? rHoLihey want mentalenergyiLLrttKhDroa ana sea. .he sons of North Carolina, wherever ' a field ir presented, t contending gnl- lantly In every department oi maniy ? excellenere for the palm of victory.-; , We h'aYtr been called an unpretend- ' ; , in; state, ana longmav 1100 Deiorca -wretched self-conceit slialt 3 catrse thst'" epithet to be exchanged for one less : equivocal and lar more to d aonorrca. , ,f But it were not a want. of pretensioo- it would be self-degradation, jngrati-'.. ; - tode to Cod and treachery to ourselves i -to admit any inferiority for good or i Seat purposes o the prouuesi aro,off -t members of this union.' Di waofcthe pecuniary ability if ws); wera tailed on to raise at toe a Iap, ; sum wf uvoMJ tt be aa io tU saa V"1

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