IIALBIGB, U. O. FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1033 VOL. SOLIV 'ind .orth Carolina: Gazette. L-VWRENCE & I.EM AY. 1 tkrce O01.r per innura uii bcalioved to rmaiilit an eiivt longer foofl jar,anl P"oni reaMeiit without tlilt yL wbo mT " W become (ulteriber. alU rtriedv rioir4 to pay lh whole a- Mtt W no 7 r- --- ---- L7IITI,M , " eeeuinjf-nneen line. Mf . .k.'iim.. for nu dollar.- and twetw jaiertca m - . 'ZJ-- AGaiCULTURAZr of one drill 53 feet long. It yielded 25 lbs. or green i hay, which, when cored, produced 8 lbs. efdettghtfur forage. At this rite, an acre would yield 15J50 lbs. of greeo bay it one cutting. J It may jet be cot three times more, and consequently, the product would be oj.uuu lbs. or J UUU IDS. 01 Btteu hiv. Irnm cpi.iI eUatd4aJaiNiatsiie oi om roots is Iroro two to three fold. These seeds are planted on pine land, with a poor sand r loam on the surface, with a clay foundation well manured. I have not made any experiment with this grass, on any other soils than those above specified, but I, know, it grows much more luxuriantly on alluvial bot tom, ion iea flmijtopt randa. terminate and produce seeds tike the main ten---i " ; ; i---"13 I have been thus particular In my description, to enable persons to search out this crass. I am atis- will be the source of much sleeper arose scared half out of his the; intention to aoUtudeube had widely departed from its nt isri- .? WlfCWdrthtSfieaker-'Virterlhe hour of approachine dissolution. AVhile galleries cleared. . Spectator; 'tht situation, it Vas her custom Ao - ' - rise as earlrasuer roaladTWOuld per From the rotumooth tN. H VjourntL i mit, and contemplate the beauties of Enterprize of a I uhkm Lady. nature, ana mo wonuentii work or T t t wnen ne supposes this ersss 'digenous, onJyt in the western prairies He furnished me with a few seeds of bis own raising. I also procured some from Mr. Elliimn of South Carolina, which grew In Fail Geld District, and some from Gen. Owen," which grew spontaneously on his plantation in Hla den county, in this State, on the allu vial soil of the Cape Fear. ' From the Fwetieville Observer. - . j They are all planted near each other; V .- Sampson Lounty, JulyW, 1833., md are, unquestionably, the same spe Vr. Hale: When we were together, lcieg of crass. There is oot the least Anrt timrsioceii Iitoromised tor tend dlSlirenca between hat Fonnd ffr this SjswieHouBrBdd and that from South Carolina. IheGiMA Grass, with the result of That sent me by Mr. Magoffin, from 'saea experimenu as I bad made with I Alabama, is a little different in color, -. : 1 zeJiaiulJhini4ier-ttirt4!e4 thiMthpr trTIfv uTiat tffuct -Mr. Moffio "'-ia certainly mUlakftLU i , t. .r TttiimrnYinwittj JheriieTo-IiTiiii'araltlibuffh broduced from following the iU:. T. t: i . lucniinea, oy inc ncrmiariiT oi incr r- , . . . , i i. oi . i: r. .. iVKIIIIII EIIRI ll lUUIHI Iff" I , .; . - fcl . ..cu i u. oo uie nource m inucii - - - - - - Qod from her mb Vindow, from wealth and comfort in owviae conn- erai years mce, a very lesiwc . v . , m . . lnnJnw in -poje... product of;o?P 7 r,"'"Vi'-" " " . - - n;.. lj go "jl lick the dew of a camomile store in this 'town. She prose. Sfi-Jl, j.t---.irr-v- r.nfcd Tier business with success for . . 6 i.?t? animii wai noiicea ioa.iier mi mDDrar some time, and made considerable - . t. ,tr.n.th. and tinalli money; but at Iciigtu there was a se- pIljn,p anj wem;T The singulari- vere uiiresiou in partments State, " I know it rrows in New Hanover, Brunswick and Bladen Counties, and have been informed it is found in Craven and in Orange, may, probably, prf any of our allu vial bottoms. ' . Pdow im the time to gearrh for it. It l in bloom v sn4 - more TM-firo1lte"T'la i 'Uby Doctor Hardeman, of Missouri, This grat is, without doubt, the 'jjctW aad -valuable orope ,1 ?Mrmerpagft4V""- coosiiere4tcribeUr - - --?rrr T" nrtrd i?d fortea rt- ! It. however, attracted the attention of Mr. Jsmes Magoffin, of Alabama, whopcocured someseed, and has, now, Sata cirtTval&DinrM?erar yearsi "The 'rtJt oi-hia eiperiments ay be seeo ui tin IStb vol. of. the American Farm !er. we -l-and -215- Also iu h '!l4la voir of laeoooincrn Agncuun Li;. mlrB IDft 475. . . ;, farther experimenU with this grass V 'ire detailed byi MriWm Etlisoniq ;h 4th vvlul the Southern Agricujtu seed. When not in bloutn, it very much resembles some other grasses which are different in their nature, and not so valuable. I tntht add much more regarding it, but again refer your readers to the essays -' hove referred to. Very respectfully, yours, I VM. B. MIS ARES. . From the Portland ( Maine) Courier. rr i wrrenr rana -oaic. i ins suu ject at present .excites a good deal of interest, lhere is a mystery hangs over it, which nobody herea-buut-4an soUc Five -or- six town ships I land, belonging to the State of Massachusetts, after being ad vertised some months "in tbb papers f swreraf Statesj vere-nold at aire tifih at" Bangor a WcekHir IWo "sliice, I'he collection fleopl' at ? tlw sale iiioi r.r n-pnat. litiiiillUil' fit tlirm Uaves large, 3 feet long, 14 "ch ,,avin- C0H,C fronva great distance. wiUe. fjowers in terminal si)iKes;ril vlinnana. ;ni.i.imp. timo nm Smkea - numerous; S(,mc ti,u. ImvA nnlv Keen it Prowintr on -the , ..-! "r-'-m -;. o . - ;8atlU.- OC uiuuiuuiii in ilu ni wuii ii v vi u wmrm-wm l ill" ml r-wim aim a .mb misht be s's-ex. er complaints, at this decline of bu- ample. She accordingly procured the SinCSS, wero by no means SH lOUU w iram mc nuie ueu oi taiuuiuuc, as theii-9. She had a large stock of ranK a small quantity eacn morning, nods on hand for such an establish-1 )ter continuing it lor some tune, experieuccu very sensioie reuei; ner being of a pler hue. aud of a Utt!e finer me n't, and not a few of them had be come shop worn and rusty. As for staying in this dull town any longer, here there was no prospect cimer for marriage or money, hc said she could not. So sho settled up her af fairs as fast as she cbtild, with ajlfe tenniitatfoli tf ilcIRrtiiie some where else. She packed up her stock of goods, v hicli amounted Jo hetwxieitlwo aud three. tuousaniHlol- ars, and ahiped tlisuiloJiast- FIonl- a, where she went lici srlf hIso. n a few months she wrote back ti dintrs t her friends iu Portsmouth, iowrneyr ha opcneii-a -stiopr tpnntl bustnessr-bmlrTanTliraOTiom m?f hiinuje at.a .profit, ;oXAy per cent. She has resided -in floriua two or three years has beenjortu- nate in au ncr speculations in ouytng arrnrtltrnrK nglisli ardftprerlntw r FIbwers. from. Mry to July .M. 4 cd. MonostacbyoM. 'Root Pe rennial. Stem, S to 5 feet long." Leaves 1 to 3 feet long, 1 inch wide. Spikc solitary.Flowers In ter; raiuai ..spikftSv-rrGrown aluiiidautly " jrilJiCpage lOCiothe Stirioirof the m the Sea Islands, (particularly on ; sw.woiky we-f Tw-tJiearamrat pttri'i IslahdTana ffi f WsjaoicitiiinsJLwoftld efer such .of 0f -the salt ater; Flowers from m. 'jwertMffiaotriK wr a AuK06t to October. , W the trass, than 1 can give them. ? j N. B. Bach farmers as can afford to it jay the coat f the American Farmer , htnA Ronthurn Ar!calturaJist. aod ner? Vtto subscribe fortbem.'.or ooe of Uhem7 do dbf derve the beaefit of any iBprovemenl or discovery la- Agricul- H.r. T . r)l The combined results of the experj rf meats of these . eentlemen shew, that jm .mi . . , ii jm i i is no difference between these two varieties. They are found growing together. The following characteristics will render this Grass-obvious to-com mon observers the 1 ands were to beput up was otie- tlollar ier acre and they would have beeo soiu at tnai price it no more had been bid. Some land dealers (torn this, place who attended the sale, had made up their minds ifot to tWe iiiore thaiiTO tents an acre". The-sald commenced, and the bids run far above the expectations of eve ry une; aud they.- wcrel CnaIIy--all j.tttck.iUiin0M;ithmcJra and some of the townships at nearly 954. Mr. Raloh Huntington, of Boston, was announced as the pur chaser of the whole. But lo! and behold, as sonn as the nes rcathes Boston;Mr; Hwntirigf; Qnmtmv In tin iiulilic nanors. and It crows in tufts or bunches,! Am . iiarins. anv knowlerte-e ef the ... a..-. . .r ' ,i o o .. measuring aooui two icci iruS .nu ,transacti6n, or beine any way, Ui hree jts lieieht. which talta aracoro- j. fct-- r jniptfy-yttaAiii.. ,,... ., ;.-.l..-'..Ji.l.iil mat tne inuniuuai U irreponsible, icnuantitv ftl ha waicn - uiis craaa .r ..mi iMnriia..ciiinv. f. il . v - l " i iuotu . I -v-yo ; nd reuori says m jteios, is ur greaier wi uJ"iue from a Common root,' whufi is ,. t!l(1 .'j--ff y w vwi- - m -' - . - ' i r i. VAManinnmo mn m u n w t iliri mlyeatei MsgofSn nade at 1 i '(.hen pr.ri and when cured it is tree-r ' .. . , T Here ; waa a preur kctwc ui nu, (nen green, and i wnen cureo i is tf mall. but strone radicles. These t!i v. Prnn1 t tt. eaten dt siock oi an kiuui. . .. . .. . . . , ., ""J 1 n infarm. u. he ha act oi v orancucH, iu vueir u. u. - a b, stared and laurned at the rste of ninety tons of green common roor, anu. nave jirtunur ; w)gt t,ie considered the most splen i.nprarrpin sne vaar eooal to be-1 arrangement: oeing prouueeu iroiu , L f1Bm(lst auhlimeand in air J J ; . I . . . j . a a S JV"VJ -- , ieen0 and 30 tons of cured bay. two opposite sides oi tue iuoerou8;mficent i,oax on record! But after Mr. Hardeman states, tnai a smaie rooi, nortion only, anu aeparunc iroin nlo,i : nnt .l,:- niI tnn r tus a hu . . - .1.1. ' . . i tana -1 ' kwerwg a circle, the diameter ot wmcn I at an angle in opposite directions, ; Bjle89 t(, be 6l,frcraj to pass off asa f two et.y.eioea ooe cutting 3- g,VCH tJhis part of the plant a.fl.tl:nke.QUg,t not the authors of it to Lgreea hayA-whichAlwhafi dried, 6bape -ed Q lbs.; and consenneotly, that ' . be made to smart for the deep injury vnehedEU IDS.; ana conseoueatiy, tnai , '.ir -II. f M,J fiirT -.liV- riuIS .t CS ..w 1111,11 lumnmn jir mjw llRVeinUltlCU.IIVt vailT UI1 11 i 4 all BCI S3 UI -K.V VUMUa Sl-va w . vs a mm X IS 1 . . a . . . . ... I f fi a aak a aI ni timrai'i n r I ail ikqiip. WUt nrodactive. would Yield more y,w rv"'" than ero tons of hav. However exor l from the root, arc of a deep green . ... :. . ... . Irntmip. from O tn .1 fret lone, and lajhrit. the high standing of these gentle-1 from 1 to Ii inch wide, are shaped oca leaves no room to donot tneir ac uikc a oiaae oi louuer, out arc sawcu cscy;MyRW particularly e to believe, that under circum towards .the '"' : pointy-" i lie-4cavcs iocfst-4n gardfc4avorable, they rommence in a sheath althe hot- My be realised, r;: and covers the Of the immense value ot this grass. orjEin seVeral other 'interioT h is, in fa hot climate, and on a sandy pa - Xbout Ilia last of May, a 1.:r" following fact. -nber f flower sitb certainty: That it grow, snta- from difTerent parts or the , bjjch, wim.1 n,l loAuriahtlv. in our coun- and grow from 3 to 7 feet high, trv- on alluvial bottom, and rotten lime and terminate in one, two, or more m l.nHa. Hav nlanted it in a fmerer-like- appendages (called by nor sand v loam nrt a clav foundation, botanists snikes.') The upper end inch aa ia the general ouality of thef the snike. resembles a binele tt pinelands aTourcountry, aai ml hill. erieinallT as barren, and aaftfwia1iirhl6s8dlnr"Tfarinar'on it. land interest of the two States, but on-a ereat number of individual a ao? ror it win lor a wnue navej an iniurious effect upon land sales and may Effect many persons very sensibly. We'iiut the qoestion': torirr xw- finrthe Land '-Agent-ot Massuctm setts, 'ho superintended the sale, whether his duty to himself and the public does not require Attn to probe his affair to the. bottom, and ferret but the secret authors of it, if there arc such, and arraign them at the bar of public opinion. At. any rate, it is due to his own repatation to make astatcmcutto the public of the cir cumstances of the sale, and if he has been deceived, to shwri f le can, th at it was iio fault of his. M, as the.,dese,rU o manured, prwUct it abun fi .n -nrlinike are imbcd4cd-iro- - Work : or no vai wly.:EwTtbIongdrobglitof 1832 ' this tacl,. and ..--'."" "" . ' " :. iu i,.n flnu.oi inii-. earn lias a sinzio n iivi. " n o u . ' . . . A L . L. aLa KwA..irn Tin iai Aacuni. wiiu uic ci.iiiiuii i . - - . - r r-1 :iT::r:.?. .i. r Yi. taar. era deep nurpie coior, resein The lid aot materially affect it growth. It bling the silk of lndjan com. r 1 he J be cut as early as the 1st of May. tassel drops as soon as it has shed athe cutting repeated everyv thirty its pollen, and then the seeds ripen, tijfi until frostf It oogit to be plant otie hy one, and drop ' off; The in drills three feet apart, and two seeds are - imbedded on opposite space between the roots.! An acre gides orthe stem, and attached to Hl then contain 7,350 roots. A A sin- aether, after the manner of the rat t' root, of 4h. aecond year's growth, Ueg - f a TRtt,e Bnakr. r me ary sand lull,; ai mree caiunn, T ft flower ste, i9 jointed and in tHii-.... .1... j. u;.mh tj MAitnna i r x . . . jr..rUJ jic.ucu , si---- lo ath(M wiU leafcs, much snorter 7 green hay, and will witnsni aouoi - - . ufh r.tPil from- the Nd at least as much more before frost than those w hicb proceed .from u.e At that rate, an acre of pure land hill, root, the sheaths of jshich. Vra " manared. would vield 53 tons 01 i ie biciii, i w- ItiiA n( ininL It is cuftnticileu on v. f uuii iv wyut a tut wi t-w mv j m !yny of a quality as good as the &e alternate sioea use aswia. ... In Januirv last. I drilled seme seed. drills two feet apart, with seed drop Hat intervals of six inches, ictended transplanliDg next fall, , The whole foond is now covered with amass of t" 2J feet high.' On the lOlh of this ajoth 1 cat and weighed taa ptodatt i tiearlT every ioint, which Ih Kewbm -86- taloi- at lt 19tk 1- B. C. ) tutea that dor- A well know riter ia I iiiKicriit 1 1 f . '; w ho w as . an able Pontiff, and cnlertaitteil high-niitionit of the spiritual and temporal now. ance, to recover strength, and ttnaUyli' triple crown, and whinuk It! t II rt 1 r 1 aft I linitll V llslkat.L0 II I . ... ssion in the various tie- ty of the circumstance was impressed uf trado-mng ttFittTOndrWthe lhdy's mind, and-i. appetite became regular, she found a return of spirits, and. ia the end was completely cured. Christian Sentinel. ' ' ' , ' . , . Extraordinary Cure. On the 2 1st nit. a negro lad the property of Mr Ii'aTferurnThg7rom dark, - was bitten by a rattle snake, so severely that in a few mo ments he, heranientirely blind" and ff4l -lowr -he-was -carried-to the house, w hen aincsseiig(T was des patched Tor Dr. James Guiulit who in about an hour afterwards reached yalalie)ymaa8. excFucatig goyrHv.le"hiMi- jTOTOronhlrk waak'ttlteljmitl half filled with the spirits ofturpen nal simplicity, and they were rmiHl- ly severe upmi the vu-ioiis and lirrn tioits .lives' of the clergy, in those days ol papal power, audi heretiral opiniiiis could not pass unnoticed; they struck at the mot of the papal dissolution. - - - v. ' 1 ed upon imiHMot. K-incs' and Princes, as the vassals' and aervants pa(e"tlns rice "oflieref its. whdilarr-d to thiakVor thetusrlvesr and TvVor. ' ship God according to the dictati' of their own conscience. Although 1 professing ti be the viregcrent upon" earth of Him, one of whose' highest nttiibutes is merry, lie was incapa hU of pity -his sour thirsted for '' blood, and; ho decided 'upon a rru. -sade against the jritfortuiiate Alhi genses. - By Adopting the. iriost rigt- ' ' rous incasui'cs: by earn lug fire and-- 'mitSacreiiig their wives and rhil. drcn, his fiolin'esa hoped to strike . ; terror into Uhnstcndoin.Vaiid roit ... '. our everyyeslige of, hciesr, " He, Dry ' goods--enjoyed fine health, atid madea: great many.acriuaint. ances ana- Trienus. - Mst jnu pest, of all, she has just got -iaarried to a very wealthy widower,; and writes atk word that r jori-ia is the place furlier. - 5ie taut also that there art oLlurdtaiuMMurt nearly -us good vs hets. dllfC&Qft . JiIi'yfliVr,--Dufiag4he prevalence ot the Lholeralast jeac in tlte BdrouffiiTof sailor, of decent appearance- called at Mr. W. S. Lacoste's boarding house. and frankly told him that he was a- drift- at the mercy of the elements, without a harbor a-headr or a shot in the locker, and if perchance lie should be boarded by the cholera, why, he must founder in the street, he suppos ed. ' Lacoste, who was never known to bt-bacJkwaxdjftix ....... V tl. I.Mn. ... n !.:! '-: tiiie- inaafeMiterja 0,v,,: scarrifyjitg the woynd nBtohiJ. - ;arl aniraliea The mouth of tha bot- perOio, ayo citlrf the Hot -tic to it, and commenced pouring See. 1 effect their purines they ; pouring col d ;watcr-on-the 7 bottle s tmti I -i he contents were perfectly Cf'ed. 1 n about hall an hour, and betpre the bottle was removed from the wound the boy became perfectly 'easy and fell !iitiT a sound sleep: Ir.U ilay he warnblr u walk'fthoiitrwidthe day following was at work. as usual. We could recommend 1 this aim fpte'lnd1 easyrrpp(rcatHMi,-s.U is in procure it sooner than almost any ihmXojxh -of--his vengeance to burn their leaders, raze their dwdlingsdispcrsa their n1atrltbonffeajina I!i " fMlfrfristf tmets for his ' pur-' poses the first was a cruel and fa. did Jiot wgai,d;tUei.tHcnrtlivy ru. pluyeiU- 1 he-Albigvnwa were- prttT t4cteteu tit - whose territories they ' principally resided, and they long maintained the" MiicqiiaT'coiitest j hut they were" ultimately conelle4 to submit to the superior jiowcfol the Sovereign Iloii-! tiir.and tlie King ot t ranee. rtils- voluine before us forms a pnrt 01 aismonurs creai worK. e nU- fled Imtiiire oes - r rancais," and"" other, and its immediate, efficacy j " " ,UHtwry the crusades against. is a great consideration. Any spir. pr-erution ollra miforturiato it,,,., lin-M would have' the S1ima;P,,,,P,e .j"? mentioned. 'I he author 1 effect, and even if thaFcbuld not be ' istonan antLamin:. iatelyproctiiTdrt.(imwfter;Viir answer a very good vtirpose.. ,?,1,R 0fhe Ita,Ui" : Tmcaloosa Vfoouiclt, ' Jlri,u, ,C8' ? a!"l?h,81"l!tor3r "f V ' i mined would CHUSADF.S AGAINST-HRHETIC9. f.lU,.lUf in.litreaa And whnTW,0''of,1,,l:f,'a'3, ",,,,f 1ht Atl,Rl dcS maimer Vl feltow.ature,ittds-a..wno. Ken,etilhs ,h5rtemh eemury.xHrj perceived a wmantfirthe ,pooc f..,j knnUf . ;n 1,;. rn..nsni.no ..A.A ..u .a - to- have been t n He-tea fi low's honeKty in -liis countenance, rea dily tendered hint abed anda Jeat. at J .. ... .... . T his table, until it snouia ue petier times with him, which friendly offer Jack ac cepted with much-joy. Not readily meeting with a vessel to snip on uoard of, however, our hero became impa tient, and after making a suitable ac knowledgment of his gratitude to his . a w s . . a kind and generous nost, anu promising to quit the score-as oon--itwas tn his power, he left his house and em barked torlSewYorK. 1 welve months had rolled on, and the sailor had entire ly escaped from Mr. L's memory, when one day last week, a seaman, ve ry neatly clad, and of- prepossessing countenance, called at Ins house, and without any preface, thus accosted him.: .. 1 1 ere are: 200 y I,wisli you to take as mucb-01 it as you want to pay your sen ior-your genern keen the balance till I am just off to sea, and if Old Davy, why, you see you should have it than any uody i ktiow." - ' . Why,' who ares you, and what claim have I to your moneyr'! -r-Uhr then, you have forgottenvthe Mney, -Boalen. 1 IJterHtiire: in the Soiith W Europc 'lias detailed the events of these rru- wortliy of his facta appear to have bTeiCfolle-iwlJrtim lire best mm I . t . S . .- . IntJie JiLstory .01 rrliciiiiis .war-4 - , the persecution of tho Albieren -doi utncntsaiid Jtis; leflecliona arait; in the thirteenth century, stands: s'juiid, judiciou8, and philosophical,? "1 list WUtibotA"pi''aitef.Tltwa9Oita-inhsrDeltfr tieW th'al'c'an read v , - A fare aes aim remarkable alike for - the couratre unmoved the detail, of the horrid and devotion of its victims, and the barbarities inflicted Sn'the name of ; brutal ferocity of their iwrsecutbrs. ! religion upoii this gallant people,' in ; " - Hie rental ol the cruelties mnicteu.iue iirniriiciioirni tueir riues, lownsj ' upon that innocent, aiiduiifortiinatlland villages, a mI cold blooded mas. people,, by those-who unfurled the .sares of (hi lr difetjcrlesi wiverindT" banner of the cross and pretended to tchiltlrcn." "icrwt.i UjtH'w " prfPiIaJpfif ftnioo flic crusaders entered t' 0 Lhristianity,' makes the blood run city of Beziers, .y were eager for the cold and curdle in the veins.; i -In the beginning of the eleventh century' a race of; heretics after. Vards knWn by the name of Albi slaiighterr Hne of Iherrusading "Tff knights Inquired of the' Abbot of Ci- : teauxr lMWrthey-8hiMild distinguish; the UiUhoIirs from the '..heretics? the ; genses( from u Al Wgeai-near;- Tou- A Wmt -replied JCilL thanMli ibt. iloijsejiwunguaiiilhetcrritorieaiif JMrd.v;mknovLivcll lhosi:.uhtr$.su. y -suu the King bf An agon and Hie Count 7ili?T70iir author gives the follow-V. cau lor it. - 1 1 -m 1 tn .... . ... t . .r 11.. . 1 should co lo ououse. 1 ney were rf marKB- irg nvtwiiuv hi ui uiansacrc,: r , i. 1 rhh ble for their simple manners; ; the . .. ri,- tirA ,11 ! r n; 1 pol ity of their.JTligious creed, , and iicra did ii.t m:rhapse the simplicity of their worship, as t,OUHariti j)f rSons? but Work or no paj. :One sultry nftrmion. some ten years since, in that cooilhe month" which comes 1 between May and July, and in u men the congregated wisdom oi. lew Uampshire is assembled at the Cap itol tc overhaul the laws of the land, a member who had' stowed away a quantum of the good things bf this world by the tray of eating his dinner, stretched liimsrir out uobn one of the seats, and was very quietly enjoying his niesla, when one of tho sovereign people, w no nau seated himself in the gallery to over look his servants, happened to ob aerrej; the:" aforesaid?: sleeper--and without terehiony J lie bawled out Halloe, Mr- you man that's nap nine it uii the bench tlere, the State don't pay you two dollars a day for sleeninc, I tan tell you, so . wake inn-wake un'" Dy the time, the . a Wi. , "lech, which tvas made in no o there ot he riw. feW! ordinary tone bf yotcei was condud poor sailor you took out of the street fast year, and treated so kindly but he has jot forgot he forced the money upon h7s benefac .tor Mi&S&X know if I get back it will be safe, and if 1 don't, why. keep it and wefcome. . And here (pulling a lottery -ticket from bis pocktpher, . ."1 1 ? f ! . .1 .... UMte Iins, anu uiuirama B.pri.Eatxj that too." Thea giving Mr. Li. a cor dial shake of the hand, he left him and went on board his vessel," which in an hour after. was u nder wayjor a foreign In less than 24hours after his de- parturerMr Lr called at lottery of- lite v lunun c u i.ik mv4 when he had the satisfaction to learn that its numbers had drawn tlie liand- some sum of g 1,000 Jack's share of the priie money being 8250. . iorjoiK iieraiu. ' Cure for the Consumption. A young lady in the last ftage of consumption, latel v-;restored to health by the loHOWiDg exiraoromary anu atciucuiai remedy;' She had been long attended by the faculty, 1ut derived no benefit trom their prescriptions, auu consiuer ed herself vercrinr to the end ,of exis a 1 .a I . , r xcecd fifteen. 1 all . llm tn i '. . well as their harmless life aiid strirt !.,t,nailt Afii,- munt r v. nf ti.. observance of thodnric their - l-cli-maj;e,t an, f tic rBstleS w hie h LiT. gion prcseri&ed. T been tudcod capable of dcfence?-: For many years thfy.:Wrre but Jiad taken refuge in this cily, which" . little disturbed in thefr religious cx-lw as reearded as ciwedinly strbnciSsil 1 a . . a . , . . . m.-, v f.- - . - - s I tcmstrotttfr'ienginirmrir aoc- and even those who had remained to Irincrs began to spread more widely, 'guard the strong rjnstles and even threatened1 to snake the . most part, sent their wives and chil. : foundations , ; of ; :the infallible drcn to neiiers. This wholn mot;?'--' churrJiTaking lhe pci iptiirrs for titude, at the raoraeiit whra. flie cru- their guide; fliry rejected many of tha'sadepi brcawmastera of the gatra,'illli prominent doctrines of the (Jhurcli took refuge-',-n"' the 1 hnrches; the of Rome. - They denied the 'siiprer-grat Cathedral of St. Nicholas con. ? macy orthc Holy seethey rejected tamed the greater number; the ca- ' the sacrarncitts, rt:canfirinationor tiin, clothed with their choral fabs confession and bthe.rsact aments of t siimiunded the alter, and sound. -the church, as vain and frivolous, cd the bells as if to express their . andTfuIl7ofupersriTionan prayers ifrjliefiinous assailanui;" charged the church oft Rome with tut these supplications of brass w ere idolatry in the worship of images as little heard as those, of the haman they rejected purgatorywhliA mas-; voice." The bells "ceased not to ses and prayers for the dead, and Hound, till, of that, immense multU ; denied the prominent doctrine of the tude which had taken refuge in the f real presence ot the Doiiy or Christ ; church, the last hail been massacred. ' falhe Euclia sousriit an assvium in the utner . churches; Seven thousand d"dbv . diet were counted in-tha of Magda- 53 Vhore ot '.herwer. a4 thata itMi W ordinary tone bT rbice was condud, tence, when she retired during the Ml." , i ey leu, anu mey uenounceu, mg oir, they set nre lo me enj, in y ""w10 Housaiwas ia a roar iht summer to a valtin th ceantry. withjthe corrftpttons af the churcli, whicMmrj Mrt!$ lsnyyawa im wtrnr, . ,. t;; K, . . ,. --v iV ' . - . V;'' ' ;;; :,a--y; :'-"- the Lord's ; Supper using the "re imrkablc, and. as it was called, im pkius and l"ofHn cxpi csioH- that, if the body of Christ was as large as our tnnuntains, it must have .been destroyed by the number nf those whom, they pretend to have eaten of it." ; They felt, and they denounced, I i: len alone. When tbe crusaders had massacred the last living creature in Beziers, and had pillaged the hnwiff of alt that they thought worth earry- a rm . i a m . . . i . n ',V; i ..'

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