H ALEIGH, 17.0. FRIDAY, AXJGU3T 23, 1833 VOL. ,orf Carolina Gazette , nullify did not entitle Iter tu'iany ffotind some of them are fellows there ithiiig else, wa i Admlo.stratidri some1 time since, a sum by a kinder short 'Dilworth, thuughijUwanotntbeiA-the Ldelquk!clUa-a, flwbt :'.aUv)'i-.:-- .termination of reason.- To arcom. slate-4t comes kinder natural - to plisji it, they thought of forming an me; and I chalkM Iter-oiJ-thcre the alliance, offensive and defensive, br-fist dayaud figurM out nigh uimmi a r. . r n ' "... I I ..... ...!..... .1.1 ,..r tAVRENCE & l.EM AY L;.rTio. JZS&fZ rS"SS5!tweeB 'France,-, Russia, Denmark, one hundred pretty considerable tuf w- in rremeiir hrrrenr hmecr Sweilen. and tli Cmteil tales-an4 um.sJiereasmore.uiati three ei- .i-.:.1.i...Meiw ,kUOI!"rl' . ' . i. - .1 :i Ji. nripiii I Mipn .M M niiii mni i i i iinu ill U'1'ia.l uuuiu J ,te, "XIL d ir"th7"JhoTiril VVithTirnr object, they have tent every ne oil ein biggertliah the '!.- f Afrt wbtfipfim dne. Mr. Adams to the Court tf Deters. Deacon's family Bible. And such "u , . ..i a.ilin hlu,ii line.. I . . . . . i.. . . i. . I burr, in nnalitv or Minister rieni. an etarnal ualtii oi nrerm merer .ti.Umt. ot eteeedinK fillee.. lines .. fire eentamr e.ou .ira........ 5L. to the Editor moat be poit-paid. Fixm the Xalionsd Intellije lMt of our reader, we auppoae, r jiprieit "y !. i l. omm at ilut office of the Miner. r . ' ., . , u , .t i . - ISi.nil.tiaa of Hub ,kI iheri '"K"" " w I - alMlinc.. . . , , .m.li.lhiv , tLHUiinein. niu"" ' w.,.,7. (., ." eniliraaei tlie whole aoeu- 'HurtUj.tory jirthe United from the uLwWorihe Uavein.ne..t ta the reentdy. boer. would, .ithout p.rtiertlar tx- iuiUtiuo, 'which it under the direetioe of the iMtrtof the . Semite nd the Clrrk of llie lien Keireentatie, nil M twietioned bjr LiirtboritvoJUonKreM. The pper re til "Li mm .. l"e Brrt el being tli.t ol ...u. ttliiod. Of the iierieloiiiti; t. t vl lute uerer betore beeaieen bt Inoe ... . ;.. iu .. ,t.u ...h. - .... ..nltflk 10 MTB tlh W lH ' -i.I. rpeU to themit4-44 -4nM(t-jBl PLI,Uuce, hich re filf f..1ing from incon his way fhaciendole recorrer scratch in tli whole oh em a! paso) the Courts of Stocklxdm ' I-put Vg 1 many m-stion to ittidifiythfaf--lgtaiTOrd inH.-;lo1igirrtn"g "one lii; and I thought play her energy, in howeier fiinalT some would .ttngger htin; but he nil a tlegree, and if, on our jia t, soitie 8et ed them alt jnst as glih yr veseli Rhoiilil he Kent to their coastn, boys in Downing illp do thecatitkizf, and some, troops should draw near from the chief eend tf man" c leaii to Louisiana, there is reason to be- through .the petitions Anil he Hid lieve that we should see these IVo- it all in a mighty civil way too, tlu i tinces separated and divided into was ony one l e kinder tried to git two or three Ueptiblirs, and consc- nUnd, and that was how he coin." quently they .would remain in a to have so few of the Choral's fdks state of iierfect nullitv. We should anions the Directors Until very late- soon have from the Republic of the ly? "Why." sats lie, Major, We sometimes charge,'!, says lie, W Tating fiJT tht co'vtr.V' l ioaht so. of another description," but in'paiut ot tfiflffftrBrarts, when tlie laeei awrWrU i: . ....... k.., .,,,.,.1. BU it voa to ffff itfrl-ould.as lief-eat nothinstoedmparewiilvMp. JuhosniN. w ith that we looked liiW the" ccoUtits agin, and there it wasV V Say; Sipiire Diddle, I see it now dear as atwhistle.", " r , :t fish--Vhy did'nt you boil it? "ThU plan is imperft, Jbecaase the uiien i oa( K iti vvaomSio,i, : x dear, the list ti-oe we. had.,, hul a jn(i..Uftt.JW8.nei. jiiuUlv. er.- -r. r - - ,t iiki - auiTHirr '"bami -h-..vVi.,-.. 4 V.v.i K'intr n nr!. iKinir. frurk thp &nJ then thev ire sift.' Voa knew better I never.loved fed ed and the hulls blowii away by a fan. M'rfresii h voTkiraw- bnikQHtritnttirirPccasir.nally.T ; Mr. JoIinsnr is Kaps," -and aov I al ter him. Due. vott j0V ljkeJ Jt better fried. I altogether different, and is upon th feller there tell'd me I couldn't gi to did it merely to please you. - ButU plan of an inverted cob or coSVeoidl. the Rip. a ips that the (iioenil bava baited aome !. So bating, The hopper is circular, arid conical. lllC- , ... i - i.i... .... i thi .. t-,...i. ..fc linuiiipaa- hut ) liftml roer.:and lo! tthe'. shiiul.'ana Itl wtUi ateei-ntatc teetu. eti I .". . " . . T . ii .. i t .. ' . r. .1 ,.f its is.1 niK.i, - itmlail. - tt,vi- rtl KinrH'.i arranged tium Inn as soon as i ioki nun uo t w no ... ui...v.v ..!"?j . ,rB.Y.'-'T , . - . ordered h boat and I naddled off. neatly-deputed on a duh a s.jht t bottom. AV.uhin the hupj.er, w Inch Ti. rs.l juuLJ t-.--. whieVw-iold have made an emcare i-ev-atanda upon a qnaM,rrame,-and ctin rtverainTie. Ua-siness; j, says - hS" " " -verticaTbhick, arnd whit h are also it isTiotliest to pubhsh my rvport, A tt jUh-hU!. excUlmcl ho' inserted simitar; aod correcting as ha wants uJ.- tbc ior.HHarj.iiitl,.J it would ony set them Sttujim nib- Ifvou haii not been one of the most pfi teeth are then brought, by means r iili.i agin in nail stm-i. i mane 4 wf womankind yoav would have a 1-eg.jlator. just nenr en-.isi trtget:i?v him 'stare when I ttllil hlro wbout ma,e it into A chowJer. . to cut the hulls of theJeeJ As they . the dollars I saw there, and "mice ' yis orient wi e, with a smile, im- pass thnmhrindavevthcn aepaiated . ami a while he would rinkle his fare mediate!v placed a tureen before Iitin by an inclined rocking ridille and fao;-. d when I cbnTaTnTng an excellent chowder! .. -r perhaps not unlike a wneat lao. Lie, wmilil iletire to we on a suimoer'i ily. aithe dtttof' tliii' UilefrK W'TTle "bwne-ln LKxi Oni here Miniver from the (Vrtcqf Sin, butoot reeo;oixel, king. Jo Mtt feewe-ei- 4hr4ielMiieeiwiff- iM ,uiilrj 0 'e dre Mf our reecJerl will be iMiruaicil ii welt eiuuwl by it, nod w we here ioJert it- . . C.llNFIDKNTIAL. Ta lht Senate aud House of Itepr:- ?I cottiuiuoicate to Congress, in coiilidence, the tfanslation of a letter from toiiis de.OoW. to the Captain General of the Province of tlieTCa- Tltrtemtency -f -misrvpfefmtoer timis and auggestiojis, whu l, it may b inferred ft .oia.i.bi.i Rpei;iii)etj(, en. deuces i'f the writer, to promote in f iceiio councils, at a critical period. views auverse 10 uie peace aim 10 riie best interests -of "ur couutry. n-uder tlie. couteiiUi.of,the letter of iuffirient inonieut t be inaIeknown to the Legislature. " JAMES MADISON. . January 10th, 1811. . ... it -i liLi u li:ill nl' 1-avliim: tn .!iim 1. 1.1. ' 11 1 1 1 -if a -ii-i.iit.i iii win. me rfv-.ire!ii.l sSf- I w rpsttte. operation is very perfect Not a fibn any of his "Safety Fund" for an v ed to ptease you. There is your fa- Homed with the s kernel, and t.iey or Mi-. Van Bureu's that I had with vorite dialu?,, ' " " 'Vj;P -eteael..,ricfe and not. ,- Nortlu.wj,ic. would beur friend, and Major" says he (and the,, gm, G.neral took out h.s vva leu ; ncls cut in two! ., the broken gV, U7 Irmn tlie othei-s, who woutu perisii, onereu me one; says ms mhjo, , -, . Tmess. I would rather-had a boiled j hulls . twenty Duaaeta .an., noar,,-. wiw i rroiii poverty .aiiU quarrels among UaiiK Knows no jiany; ami ; mi inc. ""'V'". ; fro',r i1ian the whole of it. ' tliemst jves. -'trrst"gi-HryH. KiwayiuiLiuutT"JJLJ'Lo.jm,llu-' u ..iti: ...Lfli,: ,.pr, i;ti!ia .nii.ut:.itri nnl;q Ritl reti flon! erit liark bifuft we lie-in Trmf TTntr""!! TITIII l-"Wt tWI I lit ltlt -- 4- ------ ..--- .7 . ...1"- ..fit.,!!:... i.. I11.1. revpniu.'; 'will, m.i Kawkiolr. r we had nut a uran.li .10 suingii' it, 1 guess 111s Bnietjf ruin. iumC.eftW despicable menor whom 2300 that Giheral would not have had orra-1 Tlie Gi.ieral doot care iiiucli about ft.nv liail at-Wli-lMnQ 'i. n-. si.m to ask such a nueslinii," Htid having his head for a sign -board; iluced bv death to 600: -wul. alv; with that be made me a how. and I but, says he, Major, .wUe.C'tliey tli 100 hie Lifwho-a -soua-ai horse power," and can be Operated br "fliis was '-a common expression of a common rope -1andttached to the if sndad 'blina I ....!. i........ ,.,.,! .t..... r.... ivonf iiiiiik mu fiiiiu 1 inner ami i 1,1 i inr ,."io on uur vrmi u ui O 1 .... . . . a IJ . II I 1 .. T.. .. II .. .... I(,i. I Ki (inrt: mirrlrlrmi'-anit thrtrrwltlVhimV 1 '"' j . - ... 11.' ... . a- . ...i... ixv . .. - 11. . ii 1... :ii ..... 1 ,i.,.ii ii.iiii un 1 it iiiiiiniuii ill iiiv- iiiiirMr' I. ..... ..-...; 1. -.. itj linn laiiz mill L. iiiuiiiinn mmii iii.mi ,v.ni, i- . - - i . , .1- iiiimi; v wij,a..i,v ...v, , - , .. ...j 1....,,.... ,1 ,1 'hiniv .,. u- in.. 1 entreating arme althogl,-they pn,psC : 1 ...L.iin ,.r : ;u hnrb nn-'iit. td iimt'-iiPiiccs aitti KMir 1 inuv Hr 11 11 hiiii 1 11c - wiHiiu in il in Transit' on of a letter from Louis de 0 lis la the Captain Gnrtr d of the I'roviiu'.e oj me uimicastuuieu, t'ldla lelnhui, 2d Feb. 1 8 10. rThe ad mi tiistriifioo jif llila GovJ liavuttf-tiut tJher.sta(np .ui)(n il... Hi-rvi1Tneanness and adiilatinti in which they stand in relation to their oracle Doiianaitr, the day be ifoi-e Yesterday; by theit-ilircf tiim, Mi. Kies, tlio son in law of the f.i mer President, JeffeMon, made a pil.ition, that a Minister sliotilil In. immediately sent toj.rseph Bona- liarte, at-Madrid: this was support- ed in the coimuiuee 1,1 wniio ui.r llout-e then was by Mr. lults,. vviio is the brot.lier.iii law of l'l-esident Madison. There were various do bates: there were bowlings in the 4iibuablhtral!(??miA, gainst the Supreme Leutrai junia, und nutty trilling observations from .1 el. A ..'tl.iiii aitlaiil otie iiarty r "r e MfMl - wliii h iiiention was made of the ari l l uf a Minister from bc Supreme I....,,., mid of this Government's ti.viiiL' wiselv refused to receive iiimj -mid at length a ot was taken, rroui which it is Hidt'ed that, for the present, no Minister was to be sent to Joseph.' - .. I I'li'i.f annexed paper 3;ou will see: ii ll.e"de4!WeannT time, I have inbeeii .able to baye Jrauslateti: 11 tdumld not beinfonned. by my for ,mr desp itches of the mode ot 1huiliug of the piHent Admiuislra finn, this alone -will shew the Jit lie Woiwr there is f obtaining Mny thing , force, and 6y chaslisimenl. I'he riciJity, 1 again rrpni , rand twitt repeat ,a thousand times, ; w ith which. A mericair v csselsj, are " admitted into our colonies, prefer-nifLMTinh'iolniTtiwnl ple; belieie, tiiat our - weakness . does not permit us even tu. talk to lliein on equal terms, much Jess to i tnke measures which may Mure tliem. From bence" springs the L. great piiiioir (Ja . gratide opinioii V tliey fiave; that the Intruder, Joseph. will rule in Siiain na Her colonies; and hence tlie incitement to their sCsndalous conduct, In promoting : by every means in their power, the t- tnarhinations "of Joseph,- to make Idmself master of our Colonies; as if " uimn that depended their happiness, " " The determination of making war on Enfflatid. aud of treating Spam ith cor2etHpt,c eupposmy that ber ami the wimiio ol it is reduced to eight or nine frigates. I he blindness of these peoile Is swh, tUatXheSecitelary 4i,llg JYca.. 8iiry, Gallatin, speaking with Ctilo- nel Joseph de Gonzales, late Ut- verrtor of i'unov who fioni III ltavi' inv rottlfftiTfnr -rmr ff avanTtTTVjPJSi- . . . ' 1 . .1 ' auu other rrovinres, lie. oiueeo (not- knowing biaiwtegrity) , to, bei one of the many emissaries of Na poleon (the cast w hich abounds most . 1 ix . ..i. 1 .1.- i :,..:.... nere; onereu 10 nun 10c vimsm ..f Taine, and lother papers relative to theliherty which here they dis puto about, persuading him to send them to Mexico, and our other Col. A I .1 times, and that lie siioyiu eutieaMjr to iodin e them to unite themselves to this ; Republic: that here they were read v. if this Mierecdcd, to move near to them, or even to place in their country tlie Seat ol Govern ment. ' These, sir, arn the ideas with which this Administration is animated. Notwithstanding, at the .timetbry,.!ilt9ersTO!yiJl,il!.!i,f!.!. they sent General Sumter, in the character of Minister I'lenipotcntia ry, to itio Janeiro. Go 1 preserve you many years. LUIS DE ON IS. To the Cap'ain General of the. Pro vince of Caraccas. x. j From the New York Daily Acfvertiaer. Mijor Dowing's official Report on the Initea mates uuuk. .a...t.:iniii-iiipit I rati't felt. I keudhr to AiIok I had heen- fiyeisn stwav State thercr nish nnon a week. arml used; publisTi mine abo tit &pnre inioie s H74oTakjiencthtrmidpi mouth as dry as a rob, riibbin u Jdy. - ( the -siittw - as. UhI al . didhcm,;J4,.. -gatarfif bothered witUt Wife ttevk- it was no use; I could find no ni U-prTrwe can seeTein urdrove alTS1? tnt-Pt Imt si, Ion? as the Bank was: long shore, waitiu for a chaoce. at i k it was' iTtVv'nn-irirKet Oae'-frtl - s warn nil Mst wgut rouuiing a fl H-k i.f-nVp in a fall! get app'.ioted to some olhre-the day when they, are just l-t into" aj Giueral thinks f making him M10-...hU..ri- it was all the wbilellsler to the King of tlio Saud.vtch wna .r..a,t ,inenvril n lnrre dish mz machine. 1 he press Jjre pre s at her husband's right hand, and there, - ing the oil, is Tie, most expewivS 6arC was a bull-fro'' of portentous dimen- of thi business, and will ci.st g. 30. ,( sions, and ntinarious aspect, stretched ow, with such an eablisJnnent it is : -outat full lrfijrth: Zichariah sprung alreadjr ascertained that thsre is noth-r , from his chair not a little frightened at mgeasier wn mailing ie mi, ana inw unexpected apparition. brings me to tlie mention 01 useiu,- ny uar,' said 111 wue in a kiiiu , :, pi.ewM?"' "."' ; , rr-'- i exne'-iinent or testimony of the "most 7 Uae bushel ol seed il nme nar a gallon of oiK and this oil sells in the ;v V citieslnf l'liil.vllp.iia aiid Tew Vm k, - -for-one iliillrir a'galloa, when liiiHetsd 1 oil islliag JoeViiiMi! reason. far;lhwiidjffe enc.e.ii:pwing to , ' the greater numbet of use, to whiuh it - 1ieeld"ity8 phtttajmliria 4 .s.r?r pmnounced by ail who havcaried it. , manner, 'I hope you wilt WogtJ 4e able. Jta. jnake a ilin afir ZschartaTv c il h' Vi tilTwi 1 ie H'8 wly mood was Bna'ly overcome, tomakehis lUnks, it is but tail-to let me I ,.,, . wif.wa riirkt. . . . 3 . -. I . and that he was wrong ami tleclaf- "ed thatlKc IlntiitdverugaTrhtw casion to read him such another les son. And he was as 'wood as his -word. -The Courier and Knuirer publish es a tetteciro.us. I l4kP,iii;TheVankce Comedian, which, after narrating hi success in Enfand, notwithstanding barticulartt rhatilistinwutshed prac ti- cat cltjien 'Ornersd; RAVillua. of South Carolina, If is most ev cro sing and mixing, aud the oitlr way was to lock up nil the Hanks, and. as fast as you count em, black their noses. Now" says I one day to Squire Diddle. " I'll just take a look at vour money bass, for they tell the Gineral vou han't cut stuff enuf in the. .Bank to make, him a pair of spectailas, " lione of your rags" ,v I. lint the real erit;M Jiml wiili tliat he. rall'd 2 or 3 chans in ,' and titafp- about islands. 00 account ot. their being all good 'swimmer there. Yours, ctariiallv, J. Di) WNING, Mrtjor IJownir.gvillo Mililia, 21 Drig.ide. Jl gentle 7?fro There. U .nu soanirwliick-greeu more harshly 011 the, ear of a in a n 1 oieaJiid.i 0 g,.:gen s en u t dUpusition, than iuufet.fcffir: baud speak harshly to an amiable wife. Tlie wretch who Call treat- a i)'o,mti . m . n 1 i 1 1 Quaker coats, and they npnrii n ;iM, deserves the contempt 01 nis.ieiiow imrtn bigwrreataw iw-wnen. , xuat..,Mtiii.,n ja. larso ...... u.ail uni.i a uiiy ht I 11 ! one who looks to him for supoji t, for rnii 1 mini, -n"- - I.. . , ' i ... .... i...- 1 1-j.it-u. .ill tini nes-i ami nrotection ne wlios i...vpa hc,. niul kfo-s. at kindness ami protection ne wnose ....... D, . 0 o 1 ... .u k KA. ta knn.l k fur. a pitl'l llll.'UJll llic 11 la i.i..ii. .v. I u c ill llll.lljtc l.r .iitn .in.. ver see foil, and I should say nigh upon e i. i o : 1 11 w.i.,,m 1 itwuic miutiijic i" liumireu .corn, ony . a, " 'l''" ' . .i.,. -....I. I.. ll 111. ..7 lilC Ul UlC WIIU UiaillS iiv the iweiudkes-jdananageiVanjUtherSjl cellent lamp oil. and 1 in U use, tica ,,inL M . r.,u,,W4. .'.- : rroiiimTnniriK-wwwa-w. Uiiui e wnat oa-.earin- - -r-, 8tead tike Cain shoutd have a .nark For I am stump l u say in.. J(. furenead tlmt jle may be 1 how you talk? says I. mau. But there is many a worthy Now," says I. . is that all gen. womai,f who could tell a i aB-ieting wine?'1 Eery dollar ot it, says j toje 0f aticnt sulTeriajr under unmeri. continues us fallow: " But to a Dublin Audience f am in debted for an enjoyment above money or price ay, far surpassing that, gra tifying asMt'.'wasli;tien"at"tbirct'ose- nf my performance to London last month the audience so vw iferousl v called me out, andTmid my farewell hues, thun dered their long continurd appause ami bravns. rh.fiFRt nightof 3lipV4n J0Linkl.eil wheft 1 tt th e m"i d in 1 no scene-? wh e re he. .ftndajipnelf.lf.; ,in ,.'a.m.aieinent at the change in his n itive village, as well as in himself and every body he meets, Fpefsoh rof Wdiuff'h'ft'klntirqttiry" mentions the name of "Wasliingtuo. Rio aks. wlio is he?' The other re plies What? dil- you never hear of the iminoi-tal Gejrge'Wasliingt-jn, tlie Fatlier of hi . Ctiatryf' imi- waole audience, from nit to callery, seemed " FLBI.fSHKD " BV At'TtlOK ITT " EH) Mz. 4,i, 1833. jytiir on. m. ft ."'.v h itu:,..i i.-a.Uu...n4M.un,7 ami anu 11 1 : j ; . . hei- will jo cwrnt tt U fori?;a jwftetf :aWse? be. ' Not to day," says I; but as Zachariah Ilodgdo.i was the Gineral wants me to he particu. after eianiuun the Bank; waa the toughest job I ever hadin my iiitv 1 lu- utii utTinJ doing tt, that I had to go . 1,1 .... i.. r. ...,i a-head, or 1 11 sncaiv u um win mm day. I was mg upon a week a - ft !...!.. II bout it, rigerin anu siierin mi me while. Mr. Diddle see quirk enuT it was no fti'd's .ionrney" 1 come on. and 1 -made-somef 4ti Wka M-ratch their heads, I till you, 1 gm em no iwUciiJijiiyrmifbniL Li I wiit linrnmpe ' and file. It inly did nie g.md, for I did not think there was njmucjj ureal cjiinck in all creation. So when I got tired. I set down on a pile, aud tok out my wallet, and began to Count over some of the Safety Fund" notes 1 not natu rally an r ill "nature.l nun. tt'Wft waht uf. rellectiun, more than a . cor- runt and ungenerous heart,- taat le t him to consider his wife in the tight of art Inferior bein&anuto treat her jnor like a ial'Cbairarrenuat. r-If he met with any thing abroad to rulHf; hi temper, his wife was sure to huBor when he came home. His meals were tu -rise..awd - witlv shooting,-ttuy.tss. clapping of hands, aud -stamping of lest,- iilo'JC. v'y. 'SfJ """" These deafenin:t nlaudit; continued j wme ti m-at s woo noW u p.-with-; t!' v distinct rounds. 10 desenba to you my fevtins during such au unexpected the manufacture nf?woolleni equal to any oil ever tried, and fof greasing ma " chinery n thing can exceed it.-Therc are several 4iHor,usea to iiftvlucbit Ctttt -j beapplicd with singular advaotage.HJ'u has a remarkable prop rty, combined; withotten stone, in cleansing, with nni-luiMail hrin-Wtnr.M. utl klliji f Kit' mil I.HIII.U " . - - - - lals and also tortoise-shell. " When fresh, it cnn.be used jniJEorit bread fjr theiati parposifraed; aidiS: etTactas lard, having nothing ofleosivii Til smelt orlaste, the latter resembling that of the hickory nut ;; :; ;Thr cake,; -at4t - is csUedtUatpacQvuicb, ikfy,t alter expressing m on, i uni-i iui, s . food fir cattle and hogs, to the. linseed . cake, 'whkh. always command a dot- Ura hundred, and is known to fatten ( lhefint't bee.jtcs brought to the New ' w York ina'rk e t. "A buhelyietd li . fwund anl is--coaseuenity worth r -5-M centsaftvr the oil i extracted.; It remain to shew the immense ad 4" vantage which is in store forthii ebun-L. i. f.-.m idle rit rriant nnlinnroved T.' resource. aog counn irtni ui v,vi- rria; lor instance, i , 250.0GO biles, thunder-guit of national enthusiasm, is which, at nne usua. pr.ee oniaincu, . K a ' . tU. ea.kx right in the thickest on em there one da when they were tumbiiu in and sh lliu out the munny like corn pUw," saya I, "my boy's, 1 ad- cfsc all on ye tf brush up yonrmui ttplicatioo tablear fol-am Uon uu on you with aligation, and the rule of three, and vulgar fractions, and iT I find a penny out ut place, the r:i,irl shall know it. I'm no green horn, nor member r Congress, nor jrt,wy-Claytoii, nor Mr.1 Cambre, leiig. iieitlnT,'! says I. As soon as Mr. Biddte read the letter the Gin eral sent by me, says he, Major, I'm glad the Gineial has sent some one t least that knos something, and ran give a strait account;' ami folks,, and tell'd em to. bring their books togethrr.i Now,f!ays he, M njor which eend shall we begin at first." ' It makrs no odds uhich," ays I. 44 " ' care about is to see U' both cends mel t and if they -don't, M r.T Biddle, s ay s I, its all over with you and the Dank you'll all go hook awUine," and (hen we eff coat and went at it, I 1 I l.at.a iffr7itai1 ami ' WH3rVPi th got shaved with 011 the grand tower, j - woinan jj ta pleaiti iiim was ....77 n.mute I Aft i"lllllis lflllllff. II" .1 - . .. .C . k2 . "a sinairtrifle I slioTiTTirkcTfo r with you, it's all Safety mrhTrayri Jrrd-ftl frAaSujtdttpted 87-metod-fiewo viogJuiufur rei:s henris on most all on cm." Dut his unreasonable eonduet, which had Her have barter all re Ja h ayeji con t ra ry efiect. ' Sli e bore his ill-humor in sirencc for a loiig time, but nndin" it to increase, she :ur. as soon as lie put hi eye on em, be shook his head. I see he had his . .. .. . A .. IU..II II I eve-U'cin ciiite,!yv ; ci.-Lfi ji'.s no matter," but it lilted my dander considerable. . ."Now," says I, "Mr. Diddle, I've got one more ipiest ion to ptit to yon, arid then I'm ' throiigh.rriYou say your are better than the hard dollars;, this puzzles nic ..and the Ginetol too. Now how is this?'' Wen." Hays he, " Major, I'll tell vmi mu. nose vou have a bushel of notatoes in Downingville, and you wante'd to send them to NVashington, 1mw much would it cost to get them it..!" : Well." says I. . about t wm shilliue lawful fnr J sent barrel there to the tiineral last fall. mid that cost we ft dollar freight." " Well." savs he,' "suppose I've got potatoes in Washington jist as good as yours, ami i mwv jir tAliien in '.Duwnineville. and ! give vim an order to receive a bushel of nntatttpe in Washinttun, Wouldn't tue hanniest eflect One day as Zachariah was going to his daily avocation after breakfast, he purchased a " fine largj - cod-fish' and scntit home with directions to Ids wife to have it cookfd for dinner. As no particular tnode of cocking 1 was pre scribed, the good worn in well knew that whether-she boilotl iti er..-frted7vr or matle it -into a thowdev her hu- t..-ir n-iwlinil from invevps. and I can assure, you ifcjvut only by a great eft or t tbai.f.r.!s'traine!l'''inysell front; destroy, ing al t t!ie dtuVion Tif the' scene by breaking the fetters with which ths age and character of Kip had invested me, and exclai.,' nw, in the fatness of my heart, God bless old Ireland.' " COTTON SKE'J. OIL. hen July StemSi .t Messr4itaraA.tbi-?t:ifasit of improvement and all appear anxious to hft-bahd'tlio reiources of t!i,ecoun- try and to deA'elope new ones, permit the seed, this crop weighs threVhun-. dfcilmitlTOnfi rand -takcabouV-WW:.-?-. cres to produuoit.T 1 he florer ; w lien takelivw wev'ht, leaves two hundred and twen- tv-ffve inillioiis"" of' pounds of "cd, V which at thirty -w.tdght to the . buidjet, r jlavcsiii bus!iels. 7,300,000.- Vrom s i . ..... ..r..... :nt. tntS qoaUlllV,-Tnt'. wuuuimim L I half necessary to plant ,600.000 a'-., i Icrev"anil there vTtrihen .TFOataii""5lf'i' of sit miHimsreal to three miUions .. of-ga.ltl f nit lie.' th-ryer fiHlionjIjofj dollar' balt-tbeatu -ot tiie ottoni crop one vv ich is such a at source of wealili to the people of Georgia. . . Thl lu i.Tcliikiva too f the take, worth mertlmrugii yoarpaper, aueipt Ufty thousand dot- in tci inc aiicnimn ti tt.iii-. which the South possesies" in an -'eminent degViie, and which his befen suf fered to renjaifi unimproved, for the way if ofbut a very nwlernte a!are of entrpi i.e.... I allude to the manuiac tars niorir .. In making these ..statements I Vm not unaware that I run the. risk of be. ini considered visionary, but I have a - . .. - - II h . bandKouidlcotdheriihciIhcaeietnrttM.ottim Pr"P"?e t0. home. ' But she resol vetl to pleae hiin , once 'it potstble,.and tnefewe cooked portions of it in several ,diuer- ent wav. Hhe also with some little difficulty procured an amphibious ani mal fi our a brook bsek of the house, and plumped him into the. pot. In due time h-erhos some covered dishes were placed on the table,-and wUh Vfrownini.f fault finding look, the moody man commen ced the conversation. ; ! .,, , v ?t ?,f A Well, wife, did'you-gct the fish 1 les. mr dear.' - I should like to know how you have cooked it-r I will b.t any thing that yu8avatwohiHiRlaf'ilby that? you have -i-aded it ft my eaung.- shew, first, its ntiViprrtClicabni'tyi" ami then iUextensirc usefilness, fioin which the inference will be readily Irawn, of the ereat sources ot. proiu necessarily resulting to the cotton planting States. The dillicultyerc toTore was,, the want -ot a macmne i tftiatate the kernels from the tint and hulls whichabsorbed the od and pre vented its cnmidete extraction from 6c 1 ... .. .,.. : former. I his has BeciFcntireiy ouvif ated by a machine, invented b our in 2enious felUw citizcn. Lancefot John- on, Esq; of Madison, MorgartToTility. It is as perfect for the purpose as it is possible, and it U altogether different froin ant thinz of the Kind heretofore iavented. . iThtr i n in Virginia ili!ensolation of recnllcctinz that such an jdea was ascribed to 'a certain ..r.Li.mn. Afi:fil.iUaSmril llilf fill 4 ' " i: from thit place; but who considers it now a a wild project , tiiera w not one planter in twenty, who jiaseny , idea of the quantity of seed he makes. ' .1 For, every, thousand weight ol seed t , cotton, there are US bilsliels 6f seed,' fV which are woth to turn in bit stiil lood, ( at least fifteen dollars, considerably ; over half the value o.f his cotton, and f H" really worth more thin an equal quan,X tity of corn; The time will enmV (f when a man will just as soon ininn oi throwing away hiscorn as his cotton seed. - ; , It is contemplated to estabtiaH .ia inl'nress at thts tdacw c.ffnaccti'n with the opaiy 9rm$ Via thtoa f .. . ' a -

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