10. 33 n. C.EXBAYj OEPTEIHBER : 13, 1833 VOL. ZZIV iTiWH MHFIIkiMn- - M-r jaeT A AftA Carolina- Uaxvltt, " y' Vci uM ir 's'i"ttT i tAWRENCE & l.KMAY. . TKUMS, . e.,,rpri,, .tbree tlolUn per annum one bf in Jvnbe Subsrileri in tthtr Slntrt it be allowed to remain in ariearl loncrr .....i i ..... i I.:- hicc .iuiibi. iici wmiuiuuiic . Sbribr. in ..Aer Jr, .ill be JWout re ,u.re.. .o Vny .ne .note - m1" ' ' . ', f, .. . .uitri finl rKCLellmv btlprn ln.a "toVerieJ tliree tinie. for one dollar,' ..d tweU. in'ti-" a 1 .y.five cent, tor e;,el. eon.muante. Uf wa o Hie hd.tor mtiM be poaUpatd. . Having tTiki-n nut Irttert of AditiiniMratioh on t(,etn,a ol Kobert Cannon, decerd, at the Au- t,iit Tr rm tit tne toiirt ol l'le mill Wosrter Sc,5i,iiu tin-tliu county of Wake, .Veluv is litre. b gien 1(1 all iK-i sona having deuiands agninsl tiie aaid tte 10 prrsint liero lor ininictliale uvmrot; and those intltbtttl to tlie etivte are re- iii'cstrd to call at tlie store ncjir the I'resbylctrun I liuicli. and he a iet'l!euisnl, or 1 shall be corn- iMillefflo eidorce UKNItY J. C.XXX, Adm'r. Kaleigh, Auj(Ul 'i'i, lS.i.) r iSi i. liAxNSOM'S 110TKL, UL AK.K ly, n. 0. Will be onciiCd v the subsenber in Setitem- bur. This 'Mi-af and splendid EST A lil.ISM- MKNT will be liiruisheil 111 a neat and laihjoin- Uh manner, witli ntnv (urniliire, and every other neci-ssary nod eoiulort reiUisrte lor uavellers and. rcnteef -coiniianv. The ease anil lacilnits of ooil tiiaiketins Irom t'etvibttrg, Knrfulk (juul". iru.ri.mil'. fruin the Northern eaies! bv Cars. 1 ITToTTrlie weaflh "Hri t iifeoVv of (his oei.dibm-- kunil tuwther with the advamaires ol tlie tiro- I ilucts ol Hie ricti valley ot oor rcoaiwute, rmtut Itirti t suiv- io lacrtit"Ki it saline H4t:d. ,uuialii.n and KuowTcnT-iTrttiB-Dtrjtnc," hsiin'coiiilncled for a long time, larC and r Esisblinhments in this .Sm.' anil the that will emnre him suoeess. " He resjieeH refers to tlie advertisement of the TMersli Hai Road Coniiany lor the facilities afforded r,. ; 11 Tl...... .....I t..i;., r. ... 1 :n 1 111 .1 ...1.. 1 ... I raveilCI I nice i.tjt, nu ..c.iiiiiii.j.mikiii tuaciiei will leiiic uijuiit chij tin,, unc i.n . asrettttttte witti the grW tiiaiia niau. ad4 two to, ana . uireuioa, con.s auut ami j HV. All itinlleim n who are disposed to take the Kail It . ad at lllakelv, m,,v dqieud o l, - kir their h ms well 'Attn care ol. nml their "tigs and carri.iKes put under good theller and eferfe ilraWnTeVday laid in from the eldest maters ami importers TWSui5i,,'vin,i CIC ut44.ens fWN!mqrf-Wtililt.tt)iifce Hiing ilsall lie wanting n far as hit limited imis will go, to meet the salibtailion and cotufoi t of ,.lSV.LVll,,a "Wakely, X. C. August Si, i s. j " jo 'in! . J?-' 't NotifC. - I v i,li to sell the plantation hereon I now live, coiiliiiiiiiis by aetual survev I'-'., iicres; a pl.il et wlwh . be Uen l ttigaboe'a Hcel, io the il... l.ii.l i, one balfelHaieil and in t-xcellent . ' .... . . . ... orjler for cultivation, miUict'enl to wot k H 'or 10 hands to ii liniil.-iee. Il is also siloutcd iiomeili' Bletv on me liaoiax riiati, 1, nnnf rise wi t Ici'-Ti. on the wulert ot Little river. I hereioe on the preon.es a U 'A KLUNti IIOtlE, titling tin ir in e, li-iw cones it tii.at tneie feet Ioiik mill 18 feet v. ide, with a T '2S leel long ,a eVlr j, t.,, ,,i:id. I)V iiV nil 1,1 i.V .HI Is reel v 10 e. col 0:110 iojc 0 rooms ociu w niiie s, Wi.l, -2 p.o.hes, one 1 - l.-e? p.are, and , lie . her 6, co 0 iii' nl 1 ou s lire places, a Kilchun li el. a Smoke (louse mill Dairy, 4 Negro Houses, IS , fe wptarr, all wali eitceJten.me vUmMvv, 4 Aisfi, a jp-ananes, xn oy icei, -a wen i.i ca- i (. cell-nt water, witlpn H yards d tl Dwelling ; tn" cm lll..'i nations .of .ti!'. e n tl l.iji'f lfuuse, thiouh ji solid rock, witba neat boute u. eu de -li n i s ol ;t ii 1 oitn r 1 .'il of Kid d i The ,lrfi atwettj. f- rnnortel article- i'.i.s.'s. closed. Ms'i, a Stoic Ifiwse within 200 vsnls , l"- ' ul 1 vf the Dwellmg House, '.It by as feet, witli 2 J a gelierul 'ei 'sl".o.u, Is h li", a inuoui paitiii 10s, making a couuling and at 01 room, , iiete' Ure i-ir!losiS "I nil la 1 is Wi 1 with.. pia,M8leeli;.lronl, llhuk.Sii.ilh shop , ,,,;,,, , (j-v o !',,' c 0 illl a lieu sin in iif'.i,, ib.. m n.'u'. m'j ii : luuare aurt x sioni s iuko, iiwi 10 run i eiiis ut- nu the best plan one ol Milner's Cotion serrwt, tlioiijjht by Hie hesl j'jd;elii be one ot the most ) tnioenseii maiw m "T m vm, v,..i..i, , . .... also an excellent well of water u- the store house yard. I have also on '.he premises, 2 excellent liri.l Mills -ruiioei-8 4 leet wide 18 inches ihi.lc, aii.lwK.-t of SiU rielMdiitilUlWidtisr scew or c.aoe nea'ly fixed lor the purpose ,lT takmz uu Nc li-ltiiiir ilown ihr runners. The mill ; house ta i!4 by -M IWt, tv well linitbed. These mill", h.v; , the a-l.vn'HS,e or,.lm'...ti;.huUry sorbin, id I.itfle liver.' winch enali.rs lheni to yind-tttioulii'ii tin' tiinimer,- exeepl it isuuu-4 auallv drr. The hole of the above improve- ." 1 ...!.. i li nielli? Hie iiedii n.. v..u i.i i iv-... i.i i ...... i :.. . o il.. ,,.,:.!..T bitl.i. I will L-ivc a ertiht of one and lo years tientlrnieii alio wii-h a pleasant &B.I "WuTIlK. .11(1,.44 44. U.4. OUllll'll illlUlim'-laili 1), tier call eai h , iiS I hiii deterniined to seil at flail' cost, toLololhe West. ' HOI.l.tNG DUN V. W'uke county, July 20, IS.i.i ' 3i Shi l'roclum.atioii, U-j the Go vernor of North Carolina. 300 Dollars Howard. hat been mule known to me by the verdict ot a Cor o-r'l linpiest. that Christopher 'llari-iU, Junior, laie ol the county "Of Edecomli, recently murili-reil in tlie sanl county, ami ti.. (...ie i :..i. -...i win:- r: I ,mI. .i.iwl fliaiwili ai.-4T.-g"ivirrmtaiiiii vif itH! aaiil fclum ; , .-4F". I"' '"- . - J Ami whereas it it represented liat the laid Col- "versont who will appreiieud and confine them in anv iail wiiliin this State, or half that sura for '0 anv jail witliin this State, or balf that sura for apirchenr., U confinement ol either oj Ihem. And I do moreover berehy reiUire all offieeil. s bell. er civil or military, witliin litis "3tte to lite their best exeifiolit to aiiprehend or cause ty. be annrehendeil Ihe iloreiaid fuui- fives. " Given Undcf my liand as (.overnflr, ir,d tinvot-ioiv.ta.s3. DAVin L. 8 WAIN. By ijie (invernor,1 " , VV. K. Hfn. 1. See. , t'ollin Litile it repr-tented to be, about twenty-eight yean of age, fit feel two or three ineh ei high, to have a dark completion, round jas, dark beard and hair, a bald head, with a tear wo or three incliet in length commencing In the dge of the forehead, and running ap the head, occasioned by,ji fall from a horse. William U." tattle la netoribed at twenty-tiTe - Irt of age, five feet twb or tliree inches high, 'lie?t! built, ttarR" cuioileifon, dark liair ami anl, very ' hairy, alwot tlie neck, turotwlial freckll in tlia l ....1 .n.M-:.. T wJ".-'"-' w.M"V -''? '? r.f. ,h em,rtrrs, but hitiuhe, ate lite iet f-tTie ,!,( be knrr.T t.'.lT or'tk. epW uu ' lleroeomrtt. 1 WliiatSlii, .'.,.!! Tl ' T "- Uem iiih. ami are he leved to have lied be- irii miv uc 11 mi J , 1 li, .,. I , ...I... ....... . . .1 1: ' t 1 . Lite, voiidnieiimits pftheStatft lor them. . in the ci.o.pi unt. " Tuvj, the iu.uru- ,6 ' J r .V " , ecvni .n, ,,,, at,,,,,, , e.,,vu..ccU l.;e r , -f; ,.;.-, , - Now thcetoi-e to th- rod thai the said Collin Tuis n.nininn of the increased pice 1,:,. raise -ftiYvr- pr.i is afk.t? . (hlcusine indica,) for these aie bnU -,piill0:i tli .t these speeds at e one. "'f'" ""''T c.Mr.irhns. . Utle and William (J.Littiri may be apprehend- nr0(ucc,l ,,v dtities on import tti-ms, ah , 'si,. nun Vain of that Ii .fishii r i a""uaU' l,Lri" vrith the ap- and -rounds it on the folhnviiio. ficts: j . "J 1 ," ' "i,(t 'rrli llftl it will ?,rt:a . ' trouglu to trial. I have tlsougbt pi o-1 - ,i.;.i'aJ ,., 1 l,,'"i'i" . . .... 11 v.. .. I oroiich of winter, nml -are iWwabL" lie. i.....,v..,l . h. fi.il 1.'., ' l"il!t I'l '.)'.'' wmn a iln ,. i.intnr yTsomwiiiiainy i ntvaamaii in, mitn n.B.sixs-r -J- " -'" ' .".-V ' 'i' ae " lil - . . .. ui t p-.r-'" :iu-ZZ"Z:Zr .Z TZ::. V ;::"T.,r. ;,Vr, v...rtMi, .. ,C:: ' "'. iwanl at il.e- kuu.ltw.1 dulltra 10 anv neraon or . stam-t aoove. 11 v lie I AO tt i.i:;ics. M .u . 1 ... kK ..u i,er l... 1 i.i.tis "' ' ' i'i ' -" ' - 1 sum i e, unit ji.iiiicii ineui. one- tmr- " -s " ""'.7 sc si.i.s r . " ".v , j " -1 - rcly when tpokeu to. yia, IiikiT. fu." S:li i I hp tubtfrihtr tjeit.ir itenlrsai 'is utete.ta w iWaww - wttmiatBrvirW - i.es.-situatcii m tne counts- ol tv ake. twelve n 1 . I' IJ 1 i I .1 ii ii i t nultfi nartti nt Ifcileigh, on the Powell roinl, lead- j in- from IMeigh to Louis'iure, mi.rYm the wa- j ten ol Xeuse river, wuliio till jards of Wake 1'oresl l'-.Lji'.it Crow Acaleiov. Plii tract of i . i i i i" , r.rUT'L r ui iiijum's lie lots one u.Iili h'.li.l, wihuu one h1U4, VJmt? , ,. , u. i,,,,,,, ... j M .: ilintniti .ir IlmIi1! ujul kotion 10 i tlni hiriKlioo,-- ',:," , " 7, " K , nnrchiie ar iiivit-.l to coim- suid t tew Ilie lauds. L.tU-re wdl be b.raMiu .old ,.,. ' ; ' VM! it. lH'W. rtcr v.: TitK.oftv Not only li.n t!ie jirice f cut since t!n- h ;h .iI ol 1 lie i m ; tin: ,i 11 e of lea has . Un a.rvaneed ml wr-hnd tlie l.dtouig m llic I'liilnilcliiliii Uuiird Slatrrtnz'P'e" i ' li i, a lu'ct wd Worthy the iiiiiii'i"!) .of. the liooeil ojii s..i-s ol' prott-riinn to Ann i icnu iiul'ij- try, that tin- u i:n i;i il ariii k- of Iti-itisli m I'Hit.m- lut-e tiiuii an- ul ' ill -l at a rr'ticci ilfu umli-r the altered tanil', fijvr n.l .-niiVi. :ib ' .re; u ;.'- j luitil, so a-i lo lit Hi; co.iiii.ih:i- Ir.iu mi ii'c lli.in j wlit-n tifv nid a lii;li.T r iim. ,v h '?' y,',., f.? ; every il'-acnjiti m. of wlik-li t li. t- m 1 11 jit i,u in tins cuu.ilrv i-i imiiK-n.' iMiil irieiein j vuiiced t.ill H : i.-i-ii O'Tconi.. aoJ . .e V. O.li.eilrt I Ifeiivrnllv Ir'i'n l!l to IS rioil " llns our Mi'. Ann-1 m-ilf, :t iv untcu'ati ins to ui.ik 1 t- lilaii ill. 111 ot Ih-.-ii lai-is II lio lo A'loUl 1 I ' llieHi -t t-v- A- we im 1 it- i.-r ii'i ani.ts in 1 en.i- ulfl'iH 'U O-- lit th- I ieers Or the c..j.:i'.i , ol KnUn.l ' tl 'In. ! iii-i.ie i ol w mi II to . tiie uniiu- fiiUuc s i4 tins ci'ioii have 110 ci-i-i.i m to , cum;. I urt. Tlo-y, ( aee.n-.li i;h'. l.nu t will increase. their ' ";' 1 ill, 10 the she: p --nii er, ! I or . n d In :i Ivri.-.-.l 111 pi ie the c eii-i-.i ;i ii; : I ' V'i U It lirlVIO IS , b-e on n: tU" l.uSV bilj 1,1 r v tie hi;ie Mr. Viti-1 iui,! .lr:eaii tJ llu iiitters. Li.'i. iw.i;. i f miy r J b2 cotisfdernl as a -'Tieral ; .1 . e 1 1 .1 oitm ivi-r 11. on tieiruuini wu.-n tne , . . i euftj'pil.. vvtHtn !u Si.ike I iPir en irdclei s as I'1'" i;.;, .1 i j i - , . , ,M .. , i , Ilul li,"i,""1,,' U' ll" theill as anoin tluus, ex t raunl I n.11 y CS Kes, etl t td the tls'J il run ot baMiu:S. fonn-r witrt tnc i'.il.nlel ihi I j r n 1 1 . 1 duttt.n'irt'UX-i ZC-tte. ., H id not tiii' I'lilil li ifloia G VI. zette in- , ! 'I-,! wuit nVn.iS'.- srr- thff triTntrrn- f "e r.-rr.T--rnr.---;:J:v-r--i-Ter:J FTr-TTf.-; tr:;-;;-." " ;::.Tv--:i -r..,.,rsei Wr""" " . " '' J lllti il 1 1 III I V 1 1 o V ( . C OH ' 0 1. ' e li l ' p ' 1' 1 u 1. 1 Hi U I. U .IS. VV llu M 1 CI I 'I II 1 till, 0 III il'i ' 1 1 Willi II . . V" ' ,.- , . . 1 .1 " i ... .- . - ' . I mi irr.nv i'i r 111 1. 1. -ie.. I . t ! ..I .11..,,. Dees! ' 1 1 I 1 t im pi:i u I if i. t hum nr. . led-article, dies n-.t diminish its in iee; li. ..... Z's.Z. ,i; ,Ve"t .. ' i,.,n nrniimutiitl. :.,t..'e.... . ,lv "i"u'1'' In.wevor, in f.nud.in's -Ivi- enr certain iark a .,1-u,tsioitly spnts .1 r.i.,., r.f 1 - . . ' ... ., 1 ve ii.n t-Jia of Planls.'' a sn";ien nti- t!i:oll As. Haw niU'H as we have ull v 1 -.iiii i.ii . ' 1 . 1 j i in , ( i,r. so 1 ir as te.e 1 ise imo.iui t il ny t.i it, ne can. tnei ei i e, srii -t.. t t .riiiiin;: , ' r ... . ' - - - . . r . . , . 1 . ' 1 1 . i- 1.:... ... . . 1 .r I he liinie of i riiiiieiiui 11.10.111 ii-.i. IntiTiL'l lust t:i";ll have We iitiiuired t rise i :ir H'';rs7s'ir" iff ; such a cuiiclusitin, it would M-arcety ; miti.lshes" bevmid t'i BHvmnt uf duty have recommended the facts stated, l;uken nil'. It tie -ii,e sl.ould be hs,. ;lhe coniilttratioii ol the " li'inat op- j (here will bean im teased demand for posci ot prwUMttinn." We tiny tnei e- 1!,,. ciiiiitti oiity, unid the o i-e rei Jre presU ill', that tile U I'ielle V, Is-l'-i ' ,( 0 tiumi,,.n., a-UW; r ilie " A if,'i7" j I.. - ..I ..In--1... 1 e Hiemis ol i.otCUfi I. e 1,1,1 con-, I' I 1 . . 11 . ... . aiilei ii as ifh, and will a .- k. t'l-e t 1 j ' .ette th it dutie ran be laid ti;;u ; 1 1 lip.) . . - :. - f 1 11 1 ries Willi nit ilii-.feas . ,. . ...,.,,,,,, 1 d.Rl.-J.'.V la J y '' Venue oV 'i.l H- ii-i 11,1 i",i-, Hi js, ni.ces.i:ifS id !!ie S ale t.l iy - - . . Z .. I "'a"(r J 1 jit - i" lintv" i Til'tie's Thai 1 e- I- ii til r il 1 1 1 Willi Il in i V i uuie l'if Injun u i1(.nise; v ,., tiie co n ii-ni tn oiliiee. . .1" ilill.'i I ii f v ' .. ., , I" or S inijile; in:; won. i en m i mi lae (urer of the United Slj'es Wlli tici Ve: V w'ijlurT s..;. i,e diUV UU Ba"l taSOiu . ' . . ,. ,. , . "IT. as he k'.ows 1d COtl.esvs, til -J aduilttl'i1' the Wool liii'V free. In' L'"'v t fll a ( 0 ,j ,.. ,. ,., ,. ... ',., , ,.. ,. r,r :, i'-" ' i " r ume vv till tils! UiilJJtl. I 1,-ve a,,y iili-eil mil In 3 Net'.liet Avcli.lie li ! s s u i r ; .itnuil f....... i .... ., ,,l.,.,,r ihn 1 li oui tjn, Mil, i'ii adi Stl J I Ct'tltS. So It Is WI h the IMi'i ,, j;(uisuiu. ll.riWollld.be V! Y V. I - ti'ttjj'rtu'. ::vX his wnoilTrM ti-mn fviFtrfWr but tin' wouilen uiaiitit t.i m er tells him, we cannot consent to tii.il,' unless you will adnvv us to t;el our siiar from Cuba, without p:inn the -J ci-iits ilu ty on tneui. The suir pLi'ii'-rs hmI the woollen ni.inut jr.tui'er make then calculation, and .they lind, the one. that be wiU et mure bv tne increasecl rp'icf on tits s'uars pi'Miueen ny tne u.i- IV, t'U t lie pilVsun i.is V. ooi.-n-; n.l. - (,i!iet, 'ill it he mikes a sttr.t'ir jiin . i , , "'l "l" ! C'liHe-tt-4it--tieS'-V---Bi-ttH-4-- j (hat low duties ate vei ; e( as j,.,),, ecl"v ,f IK,t (lireetlv, at' i , , '' f . . , , ', , . ' 1 , knowletl.l, by the wdiole CUo ,d i the two LijZ."Ues, and til lll -il p irlj ! OI'.r- : Win. ,l,i ihov vvi.lt the it it . . ..'' 1 .1 ,,..' .. .1 .'. ... ',. .! I ,,..7 " cotj 1 luueu , 1. Mio I Keep u p me pi 11.1 , I ' 1 - 1 .t : I- ' .. 1. 1 .... ... ........ and v.liy do they ! their' diminution, il.tl, ir-y d i ti-'t es wiii ai - " tTKtnn wie- fii tctr Tftrn is al.n nop nlhpr fact which, be'mn- univernaltv received as a lact, will "not be deiiieij by ll.e Ua.eftes.--; 1 1 ur n du'ies i nrnduce atn increase ' . .. .. ..- t.i , tmu"j,'in Mow could tan possiuty be ulilesiTlhe hi"h ilu.ieai lacreaseit the piici? U"is only bjr selli'ig the com modity -at an increased price, that the Btnugler caii carry on Ins busioea. Lower tlie duty, and (smU2'liit'4 cease. The risk-of .tjrteclinn ctHiUpu.tnx 'he'eciirrU vnnishesr- ;ame, anJ the price of the cuiurcodtty iliiainiilii'iw. ha cannot ah v Joiitfir ruii . f r toe sine w tne tnaiiersttr wnfi t . ot- tue..i&muiAei,l-4 ......... it,. . : .. .: i v. case l lie HUl! i lie IU lec It'fl, API . i . v siMUa.sjler is .mi; mi at lu trade. We JIUt .it tit ilie tvVII tJ.IZ.eltes. I f ii,., ..f .l:.7i." f. '.' . "it him i i-e i'j innc ..linn lias uucui. 'd c..,Tee ....! ,,l!n cut.temn.ra linniMV wtwi Ifie UHi lUKailiHl- III III nei.t rise, as nrmlnce I tint .K Mlttl catiiin j.mI a 4 t L e .11 -j ! ieuU ol a tii mi"ui,"n "'V. W.i.V .m .1 a inatiu- 1 . 1 . . r lClUr.T 1) ' x ere to a tll.Wl.ytlon yf duly? There i no tivt.ls-of lU-.ii tr' ier.jlj,ejJjuliv.U-e.uI. liiAttWjiidiic twtt:lis-tnr 'jrr-rn'"'MtfiT3cr''orr'trin He;-he-MT -li-tippTyantt wm- vt - 111 I - tr Tl ,1 s .lilt ' 1 1 I'M) 1 mi .,l :i . 11 - (I -i , V . .' J. . , A I . , - VJ . . . I. . . I . . nott.i ' tn-r..r i h : (I'JTn . ' T it i, I'll" r L" J 1 1 tif .111 l I'uljl.lted in- creasril tlemaii'l ai isi.i irn ti tiie cur., if nipl.iteil red.Ktiuii, all I will, there fore, i:;i; LmiiiVkiiViI; or the inniu ItLtU'i'is are iiiiu:iii a measure which is to li i-:r i,:', v,i.h ,' ., il t ' 1 t r ml' i'ii.s ii'iimt the nun ( ' 1 a '. will i'im'i.I to Ihntt fin il 1 1 jis'unj i!i iluii-'S, Hf. tai.se aiiif iI-ih-ii'iiiih We li'jyu ihem to inkt their thi.uol lue ivtmi 1 tne dilemma. - - As tlie Cincinnati (5 17. tte sks an i-Xp.iiii.itifiti of the l.h (s,Me -. i!: e:vt.' As- In 1'ie ciioe, l'i ' i h ii-i j.l. hi. t- may arise iV.hm tteveril causes. Then- njy 'ie a i inn-.n. ! d'onnd in .oilier coo 111 ; l.'S. 'J'lu-re itn V - , 1 1 'i- ere nnv have, been a tli ii.i.niii'.ti !"u ,1. 1 , 11 , . I. ' " h -en 1:11 t-xniv i .iium of 'ii;iml coiitvi'ti'l ."it (in ."il up-ifi -l.'ie mu.t.iii.-a j ,,r ,1,. iv I V. I .11. I ' I III tentri trarv. h. lar as me r p, fllCn! hy iV other ciuae-,, it ... ... H ,. I.n; nil -ete,!: a-cm ilin-r to the ""iirr rjt supply and.ede M.le i A rise 111 th" fii ei-'ii article was In liavt :. , " .. , : l.-.-ll espPClfd as s matter "I . .'U'se.- n i-icre.iseil demand vvnu.d he antici pu.t jn n.mor'iun to the 'tli.iiit.utp.il by the aiiiicip a in 11, u t.ich we 1:1 iy c.l'ill:" .oe'cu'l-ltive lise, should exc'tf ,rr ':r jI "te Tin.muthin - p' Tv", ihleiiHiiTnvITt ' v,i! reiiiiin '..uiiuiiatj, or di iiui!- ;itt(. INed accot ili'-ir In t!if raiiu 0 the iiunply To U,e den. rural : nd 1 1 i,,.Sr are I IK geit.-r. il p; I tl i i ipl y I hem to the I 'S lull i tiai ii.. u leaders call ii jr..cae. -v7. rniiii. We v(it('r !iv sh i-.ve ! h i'.v !h n- l! leLH'l ol tll: iL V . ml.;'. I 1 " 11'-" lodo'.veil hv a lisi-ol p'le" HI in I." o in iv. utile, i-, or itr :..',- olacr at '..it. 'e o: iiiipni taii'ili. The hiefs staled shim " r ' ....... ....... .1- ceed frnui any p. in. iph- mlu't -e toli.rl . I. . I I i, 1 I ,1 ... .1 1 ..... I I, I, i 1 Tl . i7 III li ira'i as II in.i y i.nie pt.. e, : '"'.7. t inst.irii e bis -tikrn pi a ft- -vi modi! v to w h i h i'ii' ! I"- ' , ' ..not .inpiv, as we do hut pniiii,.c , the c, .t'.Ui "I i ' V I" vvl', cu'i.-e. . i )' ! 'I'ne trie, (ion is a-A"d if the till re. IS I .i ii ii ei ed price ol Won' i, or the c.i rn 'a lists t tl ' ep". U'.ijues tltioii'iV it lines. !' it i,.,J in-:, v. ". v, nouId tiie Uiiiisii capitalists- m.-l l borer be rejoiced at ihe i eduction nl our ilutt? He knows it ''! a.;! Van e '.lie rr.Le f.,r a sou; i i : i 1 i.'.d l'ia- 1 1 .althoti'i the aiKiim e miv n : li ' "i 1 iiianent. y.-t tln-u- w i.i e o i-j . ei ne Ll(uund al Uis fut-tutr iitaoi. Aja.u..ts.Jjjii a matter ni regret to u-r ."s'i i.i e h fuse ta dimi'iis i a du-y b-c,i'i--f iiih -is wiii tie benelitii .1 by li i- wa trar srlyi's? J'ii's Aiil'il ty.i Wcii'sC ii.itl tnc ih'X i ft the tit i-tirr. hi the c tse ol i.a' wo-'.. 'is,' v.e h ive little ilimh' ti'.lt fia th" rise is 'h" con secpience id tne rcilui tion m i.le Ly the iiiil nl June, Tue tll'-ct "I ihe suhsetpient iiiii.lilicilioiis made at the last se-sinfi has not become visible, and , will be s- gradaal as nut to be percep ;iib!e until year- Fh;tH have pisied. .. ,i(jf M,e in wutnlenn th I!llll- ftctiiiers rtf this country have n cause to cotiiplain Id l'ney... UU;?, Trv;i r yf tmmm!m stw.i-wftf-p-57 f ,lC i'f be f!n-cT!.Wvia,d i,C y "out I Unties, lj(,tf-,?1, ' w,v cit.mL,iiil of tne cao,er. MSOawe fi.,r- S'i.r...e ir.ileVd it i,. that alfi rllirse b. n -ftcial 1 Ifect are to restiit to the ni inulaeiuicr and to the wool grow ni-,. iruitisviti'iis rtnlueti'iti of dulji el 1 1,,. v tril us it will ruin them. , is nut , .j,; . rtv r decepliuh? " But where .,., i .j," criU',i,er iroQ'ted?-ris , herc imcriilcd to proctuce an--.fiference iin the rt'ttder'a mind thit no twucfil will result to the consumerand the j inference is not to be confined 10 the individual cases, but lo embrace the - veneral nroposiiinn, mat a use in tne I r' "it-.:.. ...:n -1. r..l j price m coinmmti'.iw wm ';' "y low a rftlucfiou tifsJutits, and lifjt this rise will be permanent. For il Hie ne .j . . . oc merely temporary, ana- in iw lowed by a reduction in the producing coiintty to the' old price, the obj.eciiofi Will. then, that be the ca?e? '""TVir,ty for exiihtf erihe iflereawi price -Dm.Jfml thtM ihr nrgrtwct'tif 'Uve '.ncrVt-'H)frtirM error "l-tTrfffWiilf.' I liavi nr." " 1 uusfti y an iucreaseu tttnwna on ur j. ., . . i .n i... ,.. li i:i.irjscu r V c 11 iu , 1 1 V iim iiiu i i i , , e l eij-nl to the reduction ol the uiinr 1 : cither CJStf tile COJ.sUtn.T HlU.jt be I. ..i ,.rt i .... I', ,t ....liiU. '.J ui in iiiuu. sue wiii, iwn1"'""" i vi. .umsUnce tli.it cid rentier the me of nrice. p-rm iri-nf . woulil l the in . snii i, and Mr. MalSu of Alabama.-! tt!Wry-tRr ynCTr41sygilg.,Hga- Veira&tiuVtt as.!f t'l kup;ily. 'I dei fiiil v jjiuhiic: and rei enliv W. U. , il of this b "!. tiie .Me.ires, estj.. an cntcrpriMn' and ...It nrii-.. ,.f wind i-ilflll 'l.rri.-il If M. 'i.f ..I" tl... .."'. ..I.. -rtemtwl ft of lii.'i;,)- Citilillii ilier ativ likeliiioml of this b "!. tiie ca-e; At the pi i-M'tit price of wool lens fir ir,t.i;ue ttie 1 iuh mtnulac turrr lailirs a l.ur prolit All irareas ':;::r; tn tli stf, at te ta:ue pro- tn tin mi, at tne M'ne I t';e ili'in.ttiil c-'tne on It!. II i';e ili'in.ttiil c-'tne on him 1 1! i-r roa r,' liiv; )i, i.isier than lh' "i'dy, lie, ol wiil a-,k anil oh-an a ' .'jiuj advance. T'l, i"ITie iu'ie-arv law ol trade, lie wiii .1 ni-i e.te his u;i er.:'ivi'. Tin 1! ui.i'id I r Wir.l i I 1 1 . . 1 Tie ed- I ;u .1.1 1.' I 1 Mpir 1 iii!? t'n; !io'l ot won', i:iiil I ati. I I.i'j r tltvot Cilill'll nil'. I . - M hi o l!et ( ' 1 1 I'll I ilc s.,.i t.-ili t tiiem t 4tit I ih- av-4'raiii-' -: :iin:e, fiat will pay tue avcia print idlif f m l! of Li'j.ir and ciiii al. And if thi-'", r-'tiain tlie'snih'. lhi m ci-i' iS 'il tlem ttnl; or. il t'l.eiv .' a lime advam e in the piotlm ini; Cfunt'i v, it will It' nn.ill in cihh;iiii.i i 'vi'li i e iliiinnu i inn ol dulv .m l iiiiisi ii'.ien'ly i iif.iv- have sitwll; compiled uj:U .the ilitiii.iish-.il-: in.-t t"ii't! il'e- p: n-e tn liie cKlujif'.U-.-.i.lJ.ih'l.s...l.U..ii. ua in.i ue Ui-in'ii.u- i i ue i..:p n ii'i: . i e . -. ! .. at a Jess n I" 'ituetinri of dulv' - Ii is trus T co'istimiT I- liriie'rieil. I ne ti j7.etle aiks yJi.i!l'.JlM.'i1Iej- n.'.sg rircumst inrus is tutie"tri n-if o th l.iriy bc!e llii'iiiy " If tlie editor l Hit (iiZ.'iltf ii.:d rtil'clf'l a lillie, Ihr (juestiun wou! I nut !. 11 e li.'t-rasketf with ' lh.it theory, t.uih or ,aU'e hood are nutiti'ei tivU.V thetil . ' - ' - yvi - y .r.'i -.-oOr-- " ""T.. . ,.s7 fT. . i From the U.n-tiiiter. r I N 1 V CiliVSiS its culiuie reeiuninen ! .10 s i.ik 1 1 i.i,i. i. 1 1: 1 01 the sr .-1 1 us 'i'iv 1 u .1 hi. 1. 1 a-i I its .s;iei ies. 1 Th-i j;r..ss y.'i'.it'i. p'.i'.se.s uniler t'ii ' nonular name, a ' 1 d vv.iicti is k.iu ,v:i to u.itam.sLs under Im.' u tine ol li-rtij cum (t a c t v 1 i I , ;;-.,d T. niuiiii.ic.vv- , ' .- -t' o;i has acirti.e.l ; cm si-L-rajL e- 'iiiee'of ctft-'-iu-tt-v; andfti:.iiVffij.v,r 1e: come, ot in i . o ,.; 1. 1 i.i ;.i ,: . -i - ,i, : ., -Ir.il inler.'sts ot the 'njiiriii Si ii-.'-.' ( While Lie ti')i ..i '. .1 Jiid vv.',:-i .t ;-. -i tiuns ol our ciiltitry e.ic- provided wiin a v.ii i .Jy ei y.i.j.uii.. iros.-es, ,s..i:i i 1 to tiieir cHm.it and 's hi, the fi! ' i si . ji.ii i l on s iii l. io .' lUt a- . .1 ! .' arc e ii- tirely tles.titute ! ' tiiese tis.d'ai uuxiii.i I nes: lot", 1 believe, that m-th'se, nci Jther c! n er, liniiii, !i-r.l ..r ir.s. tn- l.iiU'i t.iar.i 1'itss, ii ir ... i. ...is,,-., .i-i.vril. iwie ..m... veiii i.e.. . .. . pruvcil, nor e cr it i dy Tienenelal". 'I'ii tnat thto'jjjhatit tiiis . .'if Co l it- , tin !. . V rnTi- -e fill . ill hi only native product ie.iie:l 11 i as pro '.vetider ..for litirset) .a :id :.i -Tctajul--i-. the tJ rind hi ides of ' I .-id Pt ti cum. tleiic.e t , planter's hUcI; U- aeaeriiUv stinted during '. i'it .1 i.l tl i"prn.lucis nl Ins lalry reu.l"retl extr.-;.: -Iv liiea-. and batt"!', chee.e, .. f " ! even iii 111 hay lor horses, are import M the .N n th tiito tie . lUtliern On n otX L.rs!r'-A. towns. the conlrarv. tue uuuiai . nfa4r i inurh v :i I noil ill the W'i'st. I nil in I -In n:i. J would probably prove bit uu umiiil , ... ... . . . ... . - - - .. j plant in this climiitc that is, thj.rooU..:da.t vloide-, vtd-tiu-n - illlattji rgnrM-u lltllU I IC I' leC.lS OI irosl. i.i' i.lyii I',., ill ,,,i.l ,...1 ,'.,.,... : 1 ' "s circuiislance iie?tri,ysjiie iirujaIitv of its truth. . Mr. . .V ... ' ",V.-...V. 'VL.':',1. rV'-"".1". "',u ' . 1. . ....... 11 , . ... . coi.i laiaii 111 iru iir.s.iueiit',. ton. h... euutsianccs, lite t ama - ras pi esenis ' unusual claims toour attcatio:i, U tsuann, where the nml is not so rich hs a native ol the alluvia, .fends ol Ihe l native ol the alluvia, sods ol Hie j. iutheYn States, grow:.s well in t'eiy '.iiiety of soil, yields a ino'sl abundant !5.-i crop, and is a jitrcnninl plant, that is, 'mg the istftii, while those of the branch es roots preserve their Vegetative piiw- jc, were Solitary. At the fartiT, tire erOhrohl1 t''l winter, anil the crop proinrliotl''of hltile spikes wasreat i4,jreji;.M'taJs. JVc pvefaT s years, without the necessity of .replant- j pnopoi tion at the farm Varied with the 1'tic -.ealo'js ailvoitates of this ;ra5j5 have assured us that it "will yield from 70 to !)0 tons of green Uay,-or from 20 to.U). tons of cureil hay to the acre. liut if there should be any ei- .. .i i - .i agM.ra.tiim in tins, we may reuuee tne jetminaie -out. uujr auti tne Huu.ivmii still remain ample enough to make Us cultivation highly proiitablc . .. Tea tons of ureel hay is entiivalent to twen- -five ordinary atatt.i of W fCHldervj - gi asi w 'mi equat i z-iar- folder! which in wore tluu i nbtained trout 300 acrswrcoI-n i on common soil. It ;tni)-'afs that the atttftitimt u.th! American public was first drawn toiuf its spikes. - " tin-j grass by Dr.llaideinali f Mivi .Me.ires, estj.. an t-nterpri-iin' and switlul agriculturist of this State, wh; Ins undertaken tlie cultivation ot i:, . rtiiiltr.iis in a rrea4.itcree, the pre- ht nzii'-hit trtftr tfiirnttfr f rrnr tsn,- itid ri I i-i-e sandy soil, tmnured, and t mm! it t. gruw well in ImVii situatioas. i'lie.s'ed, hen planted, sdia'nld he tl in liri.ls, fititn IS inches a 'I feet .I'i.M'l," .itid h t;i I tiot'it otlee, or oflener il it. Willi ve:(r 'i'.'s.l as-'i y. in t!i: ionise nl tlie ihev si'ieiiil and titver the s i I f.;c During the second a year Innn it mi t-Ar-i)e eirt one. M tv 1 1 .ivvmher. - I do nut .kniive n-jin'i?r of yeirs the same ci-ntiir.i'e to yield fair cio'i-'., or whn routs v. i IJilt l 0 J..1I1 v iiir tltree or four per laiis tn.ire. a,- lt wuwt7i'e 1 :te i' 'ii-.is I npsa :ui (J tun ; ass b 1. 1.1 j,s, tall, is exrliisivt'lv and cpiisisis ol only two species, I. a . ..... II r. I . II . . i iiar'yl ml -s :i'til 1. .Man istachvoii, in- -Ui'J-enooS . lite Allanlic toast 'anil ih,' tUui.tuT.suaid. to-iuhahq the-A cit itvdia. Islands, and tube used there as pro- yeiider, aif. I it is tlillicul t to resi-.t the ! .h' --s 1 1 1 f ie e ste'rif " M :i 1 1.-.-. ; tun. ll l i ,1 r f,'. V.. III 1. li I ! 'i-i . . I I.,., t'l.' ...1.11-f.tl iilr - - ..... ., . . :7cTOr1;Tsiii thaHt ts i'deiVtlcafulh lTie"Tli" T. t" vliii.lricii.il of Mitliiius, haviiig heiiii.iulii .idiVe. ibwers. i he characters of fins 'eins are ve- .nera 01 orth Amenean I'lants," .and uVlV he rendered thus:- Thieve. S litis- iij-spikus ( with atr i'lie characters of this reins are ve- irfTtrtMirfrit'tfl .iwv or a--nTated; upper flow- iifTne ofsTenle, ITrrni'Mii' (o-e- are b.iiil crs niaseti tlier by p;iii: the litwer fe tile, the ri terior valve indurated, -cliiisiiig the ex cavation in .vhit-Jj..J.,.,thij seed is im heililed, but ei fiiiatei! Iiv -.two sin ill holes at tin' base, und a t wo-p.u ted 11 pex iVii- flu'' erosS of. the I wo ntvli-s, wliiell ilre. Dlinnuse am! evserleil. 'I'ne huecies T, 4ac4v Wnl-s is fhiis des'crib- '. .... cd by I'.llmtl: "Siukt's numeioiis, (.5 f-i d, i i..,;t e,., ii.-; d.ii'cts ftecile iiear lite suiiiini!, lerlih' at- tlie. base;" end ill llj.3 i Xte t.led . ileei i jiti m thus: " h.iiv.'i'i-s 'in tcriin:iil sp'.ke; j t'nee t;i f itir, ljei:i: line, ei s-on ,' the intei in:-) .side. l-'ei tile llorets SplA -S in;e two 1;i foiir, a? f 'Ve li.is of t!i'e rtnike, i-iil-in in' l!i e excavatioiin of t!ie j iint-ed. a ; -chis. !t in brail ..ni eorr. ' ni i'ii ". . -A ti iijuelr iiis i. ;c i i;i inn lines irtil tnett - v, 'r (eri-.iiii.i'e tiie e t l. m, and nj-it.tins lin- i.'s ill t, ii'.i.".',. " llv t'.'.li- - 1 1 t.i. iy ife jiven tii'ii e : Fli'Weis in t.-iini:i,il (d 'he s'ehi u;1;! eati'. In :u ill';; lin .Vi.'l's, sonre- i i r.ii sdme l .e i X'i'l iiil, f-ide, '. ' i'' ir(""ii, at tii . '. .' 'k e , ol toe hi i::t'h - s ' , i e -Yi'ir. .i y .'it U'v,i 'ti!.: !bisr In u , 1 - ' ' ' "... '-i'i.i si ie h v-hi. ; Tiles: ii j"j ft I i piii-s r r '- ' in tu -I ni- in h .' ;i i ih.'l4 reciiihii di'h .i! b i'lj t'ki' Under cloven it: s, and svhen brolly,! ise a somewhat, cvim - - a sihie ti'iike ol d . i li T i . 1:. hinstac li von ii;!- pout s iii iliin i 1,11,11 tin: pi t'ceiiing oul v in bavin ' 11.1 its s.iikes Mlilrtni ar.d .R.-ir v cvlittt ricii . F.i i.ill indi'i.d J - thie.etl re- ifeseuts it as smaller, at'.il lint its loaves th -e arf seaorous or inn yeiv iiii'iorUini cii.u acter.. a:i ayrtii'i i 1 s 1 f l y c7 1 c t: ti 1 s ; ,i 1 1 c e s. y J'u.s'i lias hqefrt'sted c ,', c cordiul 1". unit: 1 ,11 11 , .1 : 1 1 .11.1 iiir-. Bii-'i-Tiieii 11 ill, T. nnit'stach ,0;, is bat a v.rietv ol 1'. lachi oii is iut a v.irietv ol I'. MlUil. li-t-Vv; ti 4t-.Mi.t4-iiW.4-4-pt ,.)ii in Ins attlrii," antl atmtlier 111 Ins i m his ranlen. On examining ifie plants, J".c f.)iiud some with solitary spikeis, and ; j iintt Willi Hi'tire'rated stiikre terminat- cpjitlity-of the. soil! thus apparently establishing the fact lhaLoite of the species (as they have been supposed) furi intdthe atkr.r; and that" -therefore they are not distinct species, Mr. llei bemont propose therefore tn abol ish both of these specific names, and to substitute a third,, suggesting for thai purpose, Tripbacttm Gama, in hoftor of -the Spanish gentleman who is lay to hate introducJ itsr culture in-. .1 is- j h i i'ii 111,11.,. n.,e, ( 1 t.i 1 lerc.iice twTfvtrtrytrimemviktti imf a we know s'o little of the person to be ' cotnTav'ni'r'ite JI'' X "would sunest the ap;,riiniate namj tf Trinwcum heft , iijt!ae.i!ii.Jei..iaatla'u tuthdiyirt'w'1 This platit'app'cirs. to pjsms a sur prising adatiUtw.i to varipty, f clU,.- : male, a tteUas if s-mI, f.iwing; uprm . t m ni is! y in the prairies of the W ent, an I ;tl.;i j; thji At!;mtic coast from New ;ft 1". rl I ,1 If .T'l .. ; f, v.. v . 1 1 . M an I i!i Atlantic coast from New ivirlan 1 1 Y i i.l'a, ,'see Nutall. El- Im:t, l.ito:i.) In t!iis State it has been f tnd on the Xeui ti 'ar Newberrt, br cianres n.t,-unws'rrwff-Ner-4iaHwi7er J and Ilfadi'ii. It can be propa'pteCI bj .'r iu ro its, as'yyell a.sbv itsseeds. II. B..C. ' 1 1 .Ver.'ini, 2'.'i .lug. 1833, ' ' I ! -'Ve lia I ban coUectins: tnatei i ils f ir aT artiwL' on the (lama Grass in this p t'le.r, w'u'it the above out luiiicatijii, t.-.:ii a 'ctirrrs itiiujent win, y.t!. t iste a.ttl taleut for these pur-s'tits, has ass c"i-;tte.l the embellish hVents of an e'Xf i-'iisi Vt 'xeiJJiitnTaUce with literalure an 1 science wjth the character-of the pi-hfessiotjal ft-JOtle-' in 1:1 and pl.i i'.er, cam.' to haa: skl-Jtp!t34HiI ill.tt v. as wanting. :d pl.i i'.er. cam.' to hand. a a J" '. . . 111 re- acenrdin t i Nui- Srd to the I) ilanical history-of thi North Aiii'-iieun, p'ani; inta, the a mi.jnt'i it contain. at e anuresseii especially 10 lire topi- 01 -i.ie i iwer, ic may not toe a- iulss. UiaU-te uai ticul.irl to thii firui- eT-s 'of liiemitllai 1 'T c ( ti Yi Tie sK via 1 uii liania (irass h:is t ) their attention,. het'i er t lis wnrk of dwastation and ruin is tn 01: fnevei; tract after . tract ta betlisforesied. exhausted and beenwie'a waste dcurt?-, 'llwe is no roiui far tl.iaht that it has been the iiirrl '-ri!il3mng, tftC CBtU l.l 1 mH T ';Nor!.un't:4et.f.ftN''"r"Tt "H il''v rtf,n'-'l,y ' tfWral (tppitca I cuipiiut da.ai?Lth.pi;a.ffn;i lt aP:,c:u'Ld to ft 4 .that-the only Fl' - 6 ssittw-tPmiviitf- itiiiiron'ineiit was to bj fauinl in ihe . tliscoveiy of s'.iuic plant, which, r in early in Ihrf uprinj;, should cover the I'iirth' dui 'uiii lli whole' u miner, iilVinliii:', if ptis-.i'ile, food for stock, a, iii fa, iiis!iin in i In full a large body of vcetiible matter, auswerinir : the i' P "wuui .......... t -(.,. .t . . . 1 1 ha T uriher ai- leareii mat a piant in iirUer to be ulta- ti:ther suited' to tnir purpose, nitist b.t? native tonur latitude. If from a Jow'f er latitude, it woalil n it endure the ri- Kirs of our uin'.er; if from a higher, v wanting tiie c aol and innist attiiosphertv't;; that is natural to it, it would retpaire, tvS isn-vtpiiyal.tM-t,, tins .-vet'V ltt'Sf wup si',!, r.a Timotliy, Orchard atid .otiier l o.'eie;:! "rt as,es are knoivn to dn, suc ce ' di ! hiii.il. i hT'rVre-'errty n ftr all. We i'ldiilji'd tiie h ipe, therefoiv, . that v.iieri .Mexico, California, China, Thi bet and Ih-isie. c.imr tii be laid opati to t ie u.ires'raiii-e.l researches of Imta lustji, sum eej-la j!o would hi disco ver, 'd, whose "io!, .sratteretl over our o!.l li.-!. Is, should convert them int-j .ri' h p.i-tu ii.",. .... . We hal uo idea that Ihe reat iles!ilera:..t:n was j 1st at oar ''! i If any 1 ir.n-'T s.nll 'ia doubU.iI ti i i ni t Ie to his in vi. is old liultU- tiiat have beeii litr.MVii out as not wurtli - the tro.i'i'.e of keeping tip tlie fence, were t.i crjuire. t ie p ia ei- nl ytcldin;. . 3 tiul.U. .suiii.iicr and wsnteiv-fondwanti : TwitTTTir Tioc'essiTv Tips'ti niucTi "Tatuij1 nalv 0.1 'ni, part as 'i'inl ! he rc.Hiircd !,ir collecting il t.i I.tcx i herds of ner.i cattle. If Ihis were t Jnrcur.ffeiieraU iy liii jtiiotit toe cbtintrv, wauld nut i's a.'jrieultari"' .bj co.upl-riely reTolq'i 1 i t - te . 1. .. . r : t 11 : . " titMiiied: i-.il oeei. Illliii Ull I Ullttcr I - ' -' iiiiuiiiiani .in a ire- I'ree hitliertii unkno.vn, ii:n whilst en-' !r'? 0 IMll'""isr '"-" ir Ilie n,,o- .. .. . t' i lt tinti t'link what wouid lie the atl li- '' i - , : llllVl! W-Me't? I r-r: . 0" '"' ' '"l""." in.it portion property, mi pcrnmi will doubt who has jecn thej iiig.lirij.yt'd pine lloarialt.:. nig on l!ie,s..nd lull.), nor wun it w claimed for it that it will cover our hili TTtlge3 ith'ftiti'XM f Ian t veg;etatrijii7 do we represent it as differing by any means,, tu Jiwadely- ftoHWvery etlter grass, asthepiile does from the cr- J C35 It will not,' therefore t j rnoit Jii stances, be necessary fur the fanner ta give up any part., of his .land that U now under tillage, to this new culture. If the gtasi, jiave one half tif vt'ne va luable properties that appear t J belong to it, ho will produce inagniljcent fat bullocks on Vthbsc old fields, which a singly miserable cow may'Dow be seen to cast a m .'lancholy .ookv And stand debating (he point with herself whether it be possible for . hot to pick I t - i s -I :: v