3 fv CCe. 1 OTnvK5T sen 1 'a. kl i ink-- !s4,x SfiSlK .(U&J a feet ail Judge liams pre-, HO' 7ir I h. t me .auutuui UTUCIU..WVI1 icket has been employed in ferreting tat the testimony which wis exceed clY"dIflicuttto come at,its it appears .persons were immediatetypTtfSent,' nul the detachment of troops who ert concerned in the muriler. We wn that the Solicitor addressed -4 , ,,ef to tne commanucr 01. ine rori. .1 county in order that an iavestiga- ion might be had y. at the sams time . .AoA hi (inU nf Oifh Ailfr ,h!ch contains in an article stating that iwcwtuoaa nstracuons 10 aiu iue state in uie 111- Wfatton. lo this request, the omi.Jinuer replied mai ne nau receiv ,1 no such instructions. and. t!iat- he Would hot comply andflha't the soldier f fji1awful datyv" Process was then j ued out tor certain soldiersand sus- iected persons ia the Fort, but with- iit success, the Alaj. mtorming the lierilT upoa' avdcttiandbeinff made hat he would not give u pea-man an attachment was then issued ajdins he Maj. for a contempt of the Court, Thjch was also qqoaeygqJM.iftecitt,. .t,.rninn- SKri ha coultl nit takf. the wiSiout danger ofhis life. It appears also that a subpoena was isoed for Lieut Manning and served I tat he also remseu to oaey it: we tint wdthttate of thras and ooq the aliidavit of the Shenlt that m force of the couaty was inadequate ) Serve pntsa . uu jici buus 111 me orVthat the presiding Judge des- ITTOegseTnseTone-TjfOTroT f'.S A1 fltfS. ' Mcintosh, stating the difficulty wror, imsiir 'plunder wrrrrcscur K renutin-surrender of the file cd by GenrJiCKf83rrafid thou han j soldiers whd were present at the M ovrr, with a request .that they Sl t f MuPTwQi t'n htritf of -Rita, ml "lit he tf aiiatnirtixl t. fl.j fil itiino Pi ihit State callinrori hiflv for aid. 'Jl We have also learned that true bills Bivers'Soldiers , at the Fort,, and also oncerneu in 1111 insacuoii. It now remains to be seen;' whether he military authority-is to . control the L::i ii.a o ii.niriii nf lTnitPl States, soldiers within the border of w JheStatejvho hM I themselyesabove Ihe faws of the county, "and set the Wsand the officers at defiance. .. Will Alabama submit to this? zCiiwufjpSIIEui reft . Jfcrettnir Anecdote. We 'need Mrtlly telt rturwwdei-sj' that have- !f wen uniform and very decided hv 'our optvjsition to Gen. Jackson: that !we did what we could to prevent his .. . . ... have condemned many of the meas urrs of his aJminisf ration; and that we shall, probably, continue to say ffltlhuiLiliinca of. Jura as occasion of- i'H . . . . . a I fers.-:IWetale not llie less pleasure, fiowever, in eiving publicity, fortho . -., ., " i . i 1 1... ttrst time, 10 ih Hneciioic, wmi ii re acts signal honor upon Gen. Jurk nn, and indeed upiTiliemci lean jcliaracter. Tlje authenticity of the jstory is unquestionable We heard .it from a gentleman, of distinguished MeTSrTmtneTrTOrbnso- have placed' him among the first of Jiving authoTSj, & jof wltum any cmn 'tryTmiglit "iaa1ira"own,usfly proud. It was related in a company, of vrhom was another distinguished in dividual, now fepresenting his roun Jtr'y abroad,' but, at the time to which jthe anecdote refers, Itoldingasitua- tion, near -the person of its hero. iWbich enabled : him to bear testimo 'ny, from p(irsonalknowJedge, tojts tb" '-j -J" ."'.'V T"' I In the year 1824 our informant iniet, at (he table tof General Sir jGeorge Airey, many distinguished Englishmen,, then i n Paris. The conversation turned on the pending .Presidential election, and fears were iSiplreucAait'sBo'ulil Geiieral Jack 'sou be elected, the amicable relations betweenjhe twjB countries might be ndangereVrn consequence "uf liis jimplacaWe hostility to England, and .his high handed exercise-r powcr as evinced yduringliis.command at pfew Orleans. - The necessity, on the Wof our i h form ant, of reply irig to the8a observations,- was superseded .0 the prompt and generpus outbreak m one of -the guests Col. Tdidkn 'toit, of the 83th an officer welj kiintvn r.it. I.JiT 'ffntilc f nd ' pallant I -a. m " . ,, fj CDaHctera nA whose regiment suf Jercd severely in the attack of the 8th jf Janaary.1 lie testified, in the (handsomest terms, to the conduct of (Gen, Jackson, as an able and faith M commander on that occasion, and Ileclared that, bad lie not usnl the pwerTonfided t-r bim ittbfr4igU ihanded" viay alluded to, New Or leans would infallibly have been cup fared, : As to the charge of iniplaca jWa hostility, Col. Thorktox ? de itlared, in all the intercourse, by flag id otherwise, between the hostile (ommanders. Gen, JiCKSorfhad been .Peculiarly courteous and. humane, jod, to support this assertion, beg ged leave tu roenUoo .jone circiim ,'nce.' ; Hethen proceeded fn state, l'hat, on the day after the attack, the .British were permitted ti bury their fdesd. Ttinr hevmiil a rertain line a nared or two yarus in advance ot ven. Jackson's entrenchments all ithin that line twiner buried by the Americans -tliemel es-A anon as. lhis mrlancholv i!ut was nerformed ... - f ccei rnlnga fl, ith the swrds. .1 ulettsand atche, of ?!,e olllr ers epa who h4 tallen, and a iiuKi from Gen. Jacksuly, couched in the most courte ous language,- savimr that wie imir of epaulctts. was still missing, but that Uaigent searcJi-Wa making, & wlien found it shnuld be sent in.- these articles always considered of the gallant ofliCcrs,, tt whom they nau belonged, L 1 . Ihisauecdotfj and thoTrank and oldiet'-like style in tthiclnt was civ- p torwHl- th wlmle current if ftti in4 in f,ivor of the General.' arid lrew forth an expression of npiilmisc from all parts o the table. . For my. self" said our informant, " I felt a flush on my cheek, and a thrill of ioTllirWgM heart I thank the old General for proving, by this chivalrous act, that the defenders oPour country were a bove the sordid feelings of mercena ry warfare' r retlencksburg Arena: nmuiilir.li. mmmmmn 1 ill.. THE STAR RALEIGH, NOVEMiJKit 8, 1833 Francis S. Key, Esq. U. S. Attor ney for the District of Columbia, pas sed through "this city on Tuesday uight. last, on his way to Alabama. t It is un derstood that the object of his visit to that State is, to have the'soldiers who were concerned in the killing of Col. GwENs7TnedT)eIjrelIieXrnited States' Circuit-Court. ' " Siait' Cont craionz Detegltes hate been appointed ia Halifax, Chow- present those couaties in the Internal Improvement, Conventioa to be. held in this city on the 4th Monday of jtliis month. 0'ir p3per of lat werk. directed lo the Raleiirh Star, was, it seems, return: ed through the Post Office, with this itirptrrTlTe"""upfrr-rhc mar5finrK;efir youreyesinidd M)0--doWend this to u any more." Now, we have b;uL0AfcjcjUainj4nc id. rhe Js:ar; and, from our Riiiwiedge of them, we do not believe they would, without any provocation, return a paper wtl.li,,'Snl!;?Jn-.!''pon. ll 'be f Tiie paper Tsaterth and the truth is. we do not believe that it hat ever gotten into their haodi at all but, that some little to be trusted de- puty-post-maMeri-of someihtog-worse, has arrested this paper on its march to Raleigh, 8c returned it as above ttated We have ever" received courtesy at the hands of the Star Editors; and we have yet-to learn that we have been gjuil ty of any tiling to forreit thejr friend- ahip. i If, as we do believe, nothing of that sort has been done by the editors of the Star, they will confer a favor to mase trnTremsfK. rinckncyiVliijr. s The Editor of the Whig judges cor rectly; for we assure him, we have .no knowledge w natevec of the shameful transaction to which he alludes; and we are gratified to find that his good opinion of us does not allow him to impute to us an act so little and mean. We still cherish the same friand. sentimentshich we have ever enter tained towards him, and hope we shall Bever find cause to withhold the'eoor tesy which is due to him as the edftor of a respectable public journal. We have no recollection of having receiv ed the number of his paper referred to." -Eds. Star. . .- Sptiriali-A few days ago, AuriellaQliaceta negro-woin an;, charged i mtli"liiinngMrs7 Elizabeth A. Durkec,"wife of 1K Robert A. Dur keeof poison, to her, . was tried before the City Court of that place,, and found guilty of murder in the first degree. rNelson Wallace, a slave, . was tried before the same Court for -The crime Rape, committed on the body of a whiteewphan girlof thirteen years. A verdict of Guilty was rendered by the jury without leaving the box, ; . Presidential Nomination.At a late meeting of the Mechanics and Work ing 5Ien in Ikltimoreoutfl'LBAx. at present a Judge of the Supreme Court of the United SUtes,andJari merly Postmaster General, was noin.ij nated as a candidate for the Presiden- cy. . : - " - f Georgia. Complete returns of the election in' this State have at length been received. The resultis as M; . For Governor. ' - " - ) r1-"- iluropkia . 31,553 Crawford ' 29,055 , - ; Lumpkin's majority- S,498-, A meilneirt of lLa Coottitution. t I No Ratification ' 3 UaUficatioa L26,?i i.Oa: tha-3ih uiamo'pter- D. Vroom .m',.,! p..;. ' , iew jersey. Ca .pitol of tl,, Old .Domini.." .p. pears to be much infested by gam blers The able, and independent Editors of the Compiler have for. some weeks been pouring- agalling' fire up on these pests of society, which has resulted in a meeting of the citizen lor the purpose of devising means for the suppression of the vice of gambling in that city. The meeting is said to have been the largest ever held in that p.lace-r-there being from COOto'1000 people present. Resolutions were a ,IJ?Pn.Ho.g.ia. xonimtttei.f twenty-four persons to collect such and situation of the gaining houses i as it may be in their power to obtaiu; to make all necessary inquiries into the matter; and to recommend to the a dopfion of an adjourned meeting such measures for remedy of the evil as to them may 8ecmadvisable..-The extraordinary facts were stated at the meeting, that an attempt had been made, by individuals notoriously en gaged in gambling as a pursuit, to de rriy theC6flVpilety1n consequence of the active part it had taken against that vice; that they went through . the. city threatening those mechanics who should- support -that-paper wit4v 4h withdrawal of,their custom? that they endeavored by the influence of money desert the establishment, two of whom !yEtwal services were essential; and 'thaf they indirectly proposed to.oue of the Edi tors, that by the desertion-of his , con nexion with the Compiler, a large sum would be placed at his disposal for the establishment of another paper. JGuiratail uing Stargiyed tion of Tammany" or " Regular'.' Nominations, ia, lyew Ypitki ,jvrx-; "Some-two or three nights before public meetings are to beheld, about ten or fifteen persons in each ward are 4wHetoalfats)icaaihal4 at tW house of a friend in each ward. There they organize, appoint a chair man and secretary, and in reality, in-deetl,-and in fact, these few men pro ceed to nominate the delgates who are to be sent to Tammany Hall, and also the very chairman and secretary, whom, it is supjyscd, the meeting at large appoints. This matter having been arranged, '..d certain persons in the ward having had their cue, the meeting assembles, various persons are put in nomination, and the ticket agreed upon.in.private caucus is carri-J ed. Jl he delegates thus chosen are managed by a- few persons in .their ward, and- these few persons arc-in AueftceAbytlirea.,foucleadersf these leaders are moved by a higher power, and finally through all these ramifications, an individual or two suc ceeds in giving a direction to nearly the whole ticket The presses tied dowa.to follow such directions re-echo the nominations as regular, and the ticket is chosen- apparently- by the great body of the people, but in reali ty by a handful of influential persons. This is certainly an abuse of the elec tive franchise, and it is unfair and disrespectful to the people. They im agine that every thins; in the premises is done openly, candidly, ana for the benefit of the party, when in fact it is managed bjr skill and intrigue." '--'r FOR THE STAH. r - At a meeting Of a respectable numi ber of-the people of Wake county, at aTpIace.;: called,zNafc:ione,a.:. Cross. Roads, on Saturday the 26th of Octo-4 ber, ibjy; on motion, Air. vvoouson Clements was appointed "Chairman, and James G. M'Kenzier Secretary. The-following resolutions were there upon introduced, discussed and unani mously adopted,-vizr - Resolved, Thai Ihe honor and inierait of North Carolina require that the next Lrgiilature iliall tenv of Internal Improveroetitt, and w belicte ueh ik the sentiment of our eountf. Itetolred. That the Seuutor ami Mcmlter of the House ot Commons, eleateil in this count;', be instructed to give flieir sanction and support to any plan of impruseiaewta-a'hiah wy ha deemed pi-Mticable, aad to vote for the appli cation of State fuuds to carry these plans into effect liesolred, That U persons hera present, do fcewbylethje-thefnaehrea tupport the cause t Internal Improttments in ihis Stste by con versing on the subject among their neighbors, nd by soliciting subscriptions for stock to such companies as shall "be incorporated for the erec tion of Hailways, If the Uglilatora shall in ks wisdom determine to eombiue individual means mid ihnie nf ihe State. Itesolved, That our fellow eilicens In other sections of the county, be requested to. hold meetings and adopt resolutions similar to the foregoing. lt.Ut That the nroeeedinrs of this meet ing be published In the Kalcigh papers, and a copy ol Ota roe be sent to onr HreseUYes in the acuurratK:iiiT. , - ,W. CLEM ENT8, Chairman. i. G, MK, Searetary. r Jl'rirn and a twtV-rWe said a Jit- !la last week on tlie probable ad vance lin'real estate in our "town and neigh- boi-hood. arising from the construction ,,f the rail road. r We were not aware then that a houserabout a half amilo frxn tswn, near -She line of. the. road, which has never rented for more thaft fifty or sixty dollars per year, had just Wea let forone' hundrell and thirty- . . fi M ...air if Wol.tion. .. bout it, as if all the tt nit of the storm dwelt there. r To make it more deso late, the window sash were1 generally takenouft becausethe boys broke the glass ;iftL: throwing stones at the pJ3itJ.', tlmchetter flrginiaiu '. :-:r,Qo- :'''- J. . JFintUor, .Vor. 1 ! Lost Mail, Vorse an t Gig. The Northern mail, via Winton, due at this place on Wednesday evening last, has nut yet arrived. This will WunTToTW gence in our. paper of to-day. A gentleman Just froui Winton infornis uslhaf Tie" saw the driver yesterday morning, w ho stated Jlrat the inonu ;d?isyisM3p?KOira? house near the road to warm himself, and whilst he was in the house the hnrso got loose from where he was tied and cot off,. or rise sumo per son Htolc him together with the gig, mail-bag and . contents. Diligent search had been mado for them in every-dircction, bat ntr intdHgcnrc of either had been obtained up to the time our iufonnant saw the driver. Herald. -Se- diangeWawnonllu Hamilton 8t Son, by the Gold Mining Company, .of Burke, roiuiisting f RobardS, Turner, Hubert Hamilton Qnfl l lla,niTtfrt m ml ,1.1 wolil a of I " '-""""".luim jmiaiiiu in i the ciienucai HanK at rew lork, have been put it firt ilatito ih th 1 estcni part of tho State, & from the Company in the girat dearth tf State money, Rrfr- anwt5rMig,, .gt;4iatH public conenT.c Salisbury Watchman Dreadful Accident. On Siind.iv last,-as Mrs. MrLoniniii, of this vicinity, was retut ning from preach- ng, i n, a gig, tne horse which she wasililriVing took frigliih1id,iiiunaf Intif IttePWrmtlSVt such TV iolencp that ahp rxpirctl al - most immediately. S!ie was a re- spec-table lady, and lias feft"a tius band and seteral children to mourn her melancholy lute. . Fayetteville Observer, Snorting Intelligence The owner of Jicrtram Jan. has offered, ihrniish the Columbia Telescope, fo runjhatceM ebrated horse against ft oodpeikcr, ol Kentucky, over the Lhsrlestnn Course. 4 mile heats, on the Monday previous lo the next regular races 85000 t side, half forfeit. The challenge to be ac cepted by the first Monday in December next. An offer to raise the stake to 810,000 would, it is said, be accepted. A large Familu Four hundred and forty bfils have been made--up in Hull's INew York lintel, Tor several nights past, and every one occupied. The number of persons that have -slept in this building for a' week past, famity and domestics included, caooot be less than five hundred persons. V. r; Daily Ada, Exemplaru l)amascs.A singu lar case of assault and battery wns recently tried in tho neighboring county of Uctiry, in which ladies were tlio parties Mi"s lhnmpson plaintifT, and Mrs. Greenlic, alias (a very suspicious word, by the way, whether affixed to the name of a man or a woman) Mrs. Hunter ilefon. dant. -The causa of antioii, as rcla tod in the Franklin Whig, was, that MrsIIonlrr ltaigriteHainirTor suine ttrtie prcvjimsa dislikii toIiss 1 liompson, lay to- ambush for ber. with a acrvantnr servants-to aid, near 4 road, whit li IVI iss. T. was ac customed to trat tl, until the young woman passed, when they caught, tied and whipped her unmercifully. The jury gave a verdict of 82,000, but by consent of parties a judgment was entered for 81,000, and costs. Lynchburg Virginian.. Ityilt be seen' by the advertise jne-nts- inscrteif n tbTs ffayr8"papcr that the secretary of the I reasury is prepared to !pny off the whole of the four and a half per cent stock of the United Stales, amounting at this time to the sum of s 2,041,611. 71. This is the last instalment nf that stockr and by"lhe terras of the con tract "was redeemable at any time af ter the 3 1st of December-next, at the pleasure of tku United States. But the law by which this stock was ere ated requires, that at least six months notice of the iutciidetl reirabursmeut HlibiiTirbefvcir," andr'conseqticiitly, the United States cannot innist- nn paying it and refuse to continue list-. bl Ph- the interest- until the expu a tion of the six months after notice nfthrt intention t redeem. Dot as the Srcretary is prepared to pay off the whole amount, :n3 second ad. vert iscmeht offurf to Ibr fodders the option of immediate payment if they Will consent to accept Ui... , JUTbe 4lay-amed io-thfradvciUsi, ncnt is no tbf earnest that the law permits,; fgr i(s prrempfary Trdimp. tion without the consent of the Hold ers. amun' S3 chu ' " ' 'r"i ?J5.!fi I .'. 1 some Tew purchasers have Reduced the amount due to the sum first a- boyo mentioned Globe. UttforlwuUe Occurrence.- Yester day forenoon, between eleven and twelve o'clutk, during divine service in the Catholic church, in Aim street, an unfortunate scene of confusion was created in consequence of an alarm that the walls of the chapel were fall ing, which previously had:; been crack- .l S lit- - j a e oy.ia. aigging oi,,a waouaiuuLior a new buiWing by the idr of it-eigiit feet deeper than the foundation of the ehurehi The - anncaTan c er of these cracks, and the fact that the west side of tiiefihar clterobably occasioiied'ioine- dies, -probably occasioned some inl givings in the minds of the congrega tion that the building was not al togeth er safe. The immediate cause o? the alarm, bowever, was the falling of a front sash in the gallery, whicb instead of sliding up and down, as Is usual by meailS of pulllCS, WOlked OH a ptVOt, tail- ta-b shoved-eat bTman pi - stick; and when it fell, it rebounded several times, makW a tetrible noise like the "clacking of mortar ami frame-work. A cry instanly arosow from several, females in the trallrv- th.it tlie cliurrk wan falliii"' winch was re-echoed by a eeneral shriek and a rushing lor me doors. One only was open, and not beittd sufficiently large to permit the pres en iii.iiMi.4liMK..n.nn..an& aaiii iv yaajjumiuuAuc.mijn:iiitiuii i was, mat a great numosrol leoiajes, chilikejun.3.liin thrown down,- trampled unil'Sr foot, twelve 'vgomen in tleTrriantjnrmpST from the windows of the gallery to the tneir.legs broken; at air events, the whole-of their frames must have been considerably jarred; and it is a great wonder from the feai fuLheight that tiiey escaped witb thair livea--r Is. 1 . linrnaffra. laJieXourLo tr r Jay, a case ot some in!erisl. val - eT." it wis a i aFlio'tbr tiiht oy Eiuhi nnF II. Mundruiu, fiirtucrly a M jor in the"."tttay.Utiaif;wrvicr'hn utile in this city, and is s, det'er in clothing, agtinst Captaih Barker of the fsteaniboat plying betwefn JNew Uitl- 4j6Lraltaa tliea. tion, was for a b.vach of coulnct n not caryiug the Pluioulf. his wife .ee child, together with"his hure and carry II. from New ll-ftlforfb'Ts'antutliet', in November last. The fads were that the Plaintiff had agreed to pay Ihe full fare in. the Steamboat, and ttisr after his biggage was received utf board, the Captain refused (oadmit his wife into tlve ladies cabin, the rhintift being a trnilattrtror pemon of color, and rrquir ed them to go forward,, whirh the P tiff refused to do. Himself and hi jaje were then sent on nhore, and the Praifliifrwirlbtrgr(trtra-krpatf- stge in a packet, alter some tk-I.iV Die case wa argiied by Day id L ChiM & IIanieJ.Webter Tor the lUi?i ill and by C. P.Curti-i fur Defendant. Th Ja j were nut 4 hours, & aMer receiving fur ther instructions from the Court, return ed a verdict for the Plain tiff of g 125 damages. The Defendant, we under stand, has appealed. The Court room was much crowded during the trial. , Jsottoii uaxly Adv. Donna Mjria. As this young Miss is now the subject of much conversa tion and remark, a description ol her rierson may' not be uninteresting. A etter from Havre of the 8th ult. Says: I have seea Donna Maria twice Althouirh not fifteen yeais old, she his lb appearance of twenty." Iter ya is tbe.only feature. wh.ichpleases. She-hai-a--sinall,-:brilliantprercing eye, which gives ber-xountenance a great deal or animation, sue is very fat, has "a wide mouth and projeietifig teeth. She is by no means ugly, but simply good looking. " Her dress is extremely simple; a-white gown, and sky blue bonnet, trimmed very neat ly, and no ornament whatever.- Hike this simplicity very much." A'. J' . Com. .- Ati Enlihsvldrer, for a consid- crahlo wager, undertook recently to walk nn his hands, a distance f a mile and a ball'.Vhicli he accomplish ed, to tbcastouisIiiiieiit 'f a grrat nmuber of spectators, in half an hour. ' . 111 CvmmKmKmm Jf . - " e ' ?Ki " " f- j, mm n m m mm o3a i- ' S 2- -S - 2 Q mm a syi .s- JL.a- gg ss gg 3 2 a- - - T f aH W 9 f. ,2w , - -- tZm a w 3 Tie -. l 9, m 1 n c . . : -3-5 --3-3-5i ? MARTltED,' - - - . In iln-tr'a on C..it ult n, by the !tef,':J..CCJiMry' Mr. liernrJ lUur, ol this citr, to Min Anna Mtih hrucVe, ilsughter of -th tat Mark Ureoka, li(j. ol Montgomery aouirtf. Pa. In the iciHy of Chapel IM1, nn the Stat aliirao, Mr. Oliver 1 Uurth, ol this etty, to Wise Cftnwlis It. lta At llillunlstou, N,h aounly, nn the Sith ol timo, Mfi Jiilm .lt. Home, ol Kilgeemihi to Miss ti.M J tat Burt, daugl,idr OfMr. William -Hurt. , . . - y At HilUbmonxh, nn the S9tb nllimn, Mr, John (ivderto Mi.i Urgwr-t Hmker, ilaiijli- tr or Mr. Alien tliitlu-y. - In Itmhrrinnl eotinlT, on the Ki alttmo, Mr. Ssmllnnl lloRbrt,t VI is Verdy Durham. uj1 trr of Kwhsril Durham, Ksq. Aim, nn Ihe UV;U, Mr. Lewi, Corlieu ro Mrs. Nancy F.lliotfe. " ' . - Ia tiremtHiro, Altii.a, on 'tiie 24lh nit. t Mr. Jordan Hill, formerly of this city, ta 's Carolina Mary Uird, tlauliter ot the Utu Oet,. Jiinl, of Oinnge. ., WAUtieaiueme-f Mviaaal)t, in Fnwk t count, oa ti.e Sif ultima, hy the KirrJl hwej Crocker. Mr. Juiflih Ktruev to Mm Arabella . .L-i'iiliams-k- -v At SovK-tt Hill. S. V.. ontha ISthvttiinn. Mp.- John It. Wdliamt, i V inlr, in thw bimx, . , Attiiei-ewlcnea of Dr. A. VV. .MebniM. In ftdr. tie cnunty, nn the 2kh ultimo, Mr. DnvHl Caa-' kin,-jtV'i Mise ftilm Cook. Also, in the wm ooiimy, no the iKhh Srj.lV, Mr. timnel liniiuu, of Mitrfreekborvugh, to Mr. Nancy Ut-ttton. DIED, ' lis thia aonntr. On the Sl alt Mrt, Rhndra, I.,l.yvtW conntv. Arkansas. terrttorr, on aiiaHs - aaptawnsir latt, CuLlU VV-VVardr ate of Outlow culr. iu this Smte. , Col. Ward had remiHeil lo Tennessee, but ant be- injilcifil with his Irniaiiim, be left his lunvily ' on an esdiiritigeipeitiiMo; anil btil a limit tuna nriiii e nn iuhih, nmi jinrcii.teii a iiiumhiM Iiu the pm-pose of rvmnvinK his family, wltcu, on hie rinmeWM-d prWrn, he a as soiled a ith a fnrer, i(J niter rveeiving the kunllr aOiiiiiinlr.tious ot rZ7?rmt' r-s , Mrs. Jtvbrec. Smith, wiIm of J,b A. Small, t r.iq. J!eo -11 . At Vili lijrmish, n lha 1 5 tit atiiiqn, Slier- . . . ...... p, biiih tminy, Ml Imp V'J'.h yr.r 111 lulfJU-. . , '., J1' kes eonuir. nn tlie J7lh ultimo. Csnt. Jnhn Hauseri Slid, on tiieli'Jdi, Mr. Joliu tia'f In Mecklenburg eonntv, nnlhe 1st Inst. Mrs. " Doct. I). II ALL hss taken a room at tlie.iWiteai A-Vi"ii;Wiil t -fUukrA tt Ukm&SJfi', rtT w Mia llotra's iu.ciii, wiicrc hi;ij. ticM-iuivr wu i-iuihi at ait tims, liru nut culled oil by the limits ol'ftts prnf'Jion. ."' .V -. Haleigh, ffov. r.ISM " ' ' " "45 Tw rcmperunco'IVtititH'. - - f Tj, to tMi tHtn,"hT rverivrdwpwrt B-ora an4S94!.!,, s f'nmldU. rtquettf i n - - . - , . . , ..9)aWAflJiffl.j!.sil!..1?.f.t,gnt Imt, lliiniijli thfir- juui-nsrv, na piinmiiou ui nun) ol our tiewv s - -pnricrtr-be generally-nvei-lnaketl, nr-dH';iHwK..-a- j. ed, the utility of the lustMuunu' wilt ol trsi '' bo 'at an enl, and mntum wiU prnlmhiv h r 4SUVM 2kavafUMI- tneetifis;tbheM in ttita- J place, on ih Still iiist., fi.r MS il.ia'iitlnujiiioi-. "' Uy oriler nf Oin tnnvjvrt.- : ' WH.U PKCK, Sec !. r. a. -v a. f Raletgh. S.h . 1SU - -46 1 . - Kilitni-a will .-.hiii itu (Iim Sum.-iv . f.i.n. f : ' .... ., ,;;!.:,.; , ,' ... Nuw and Chenp : Store.' r-WixtjAarx XaToanoBs Respceirolly Iiitiirm the citizens nf Italebk and its vicinity, that he hai jml npened at the Staw, bi-tweeathe Host OiBee and' Mr. timlr man's nuokntiire, rreently npied fi r.-B: U. Sniii.lv u aitettsivo and well seieetvd as. sortumnt of 1 s : zz - Mitplc and Fancy-Dry .Goods,' GltyCKItlK. JillOKS, MAUUWAUr. CUOCivKUV, ke. fctc, , , AH nt wliL-h will bo sold iinDmmintr )nr for Cash, or oo a short credit o puncltud custom, ers. ' . ' . . .... i'.. :.- .. rarttnrTaFtSr 1mteg ttt-VnT :g1veno '(he se IuuIkmi ofhis MQUOItS, he e;ni cnnftilrnlly ro. com mr ml llinn at heiny of lU nhuiseal kimls. ' UwI,.04uS4J-.Ktw-p'-44' anVjna4B btatc ot" Not tli CaioIiii;t, 5 r ' Hyde Cuimh. . C Court of . Pleas. attiLQuurwr. Session s- - AhjusI Term, 1833 . . ' t; Jordan A. Uihbs, in riM of Kichard S peace r and wile Kliwhcili, , v . vs.. ' George Oiiiljev and Sally hit wire ami Jirlri i law of Samuel Weslnn. ilee'il . It appearing to the Miiifucti.m nf the Court, thut Ceorg Un.ll'.-v and Sully his wife are nan. residents of this Stnm, nnk-'reil bv the Cmtrt that puhliamliHi be made lor si wei-'ks iH ih 11. leigh.Sisr, lor the said George Ihiilh-jr and SaU It his wile to be and Bijienr before thu Just k-ea of the Cnuit of t'lena and Qiiarter Soes.itiMS 'tn beheld lor llieenaiity if tlyilu, nn the!et M dy in November nrstt thru aid there to 1.1- ad, answer r -demw( .-3.HljftnWt will be uken pro eonfesso, and the M.lttiuit heard ex parte as to' titttmJ&zsifTzgrxss. tvinieii, mo-v Mnrray, tlcrk f our said Court, at office, Uia-lut Aiutulny if AngHt.- A. D. ISSa. - .. - ; : , " 7zf!iyy? MuattAvcrkT i?.f 5"A J')tf. ICSS."" AnnRRAIHX t ihe 2nil seetion of the act in. orporKlltig the Slate !ank nf N ihX'ai-nlina, mi election ot JireotiM C Hih Prinriiml Uunk is to -Ukr plsce, aunna'ly, an tlie fiitt Moodav in Ue eeniber. The riWMikhuldrrs of the sai.1 Hank therefnre Called iiiiuiv in inei l r the I'i Uank In" thjsj- city , mi Mmiilny, die 8it- rd l)e eemher next,1 at 9 o'clock hi the forenoon. .,,.1 er wnunevs in relation In trie rem-ml interests pf the liuiitiition as mnt bejiu!gtd necesiarv. " Uy order of the Una. d, e 'c ,, UEWE, Cashier. ty Such Sloekhotdera at rannot convenient')' attend, will pleaw vw by prnxr, : 48 la V "The ginitliriti rianfer. , AND HOItrtCULTl'KAL LYCr.DM,; I'ublitheil at Meon,;. by M. tlai ttctt. ( JfiaX..STn..nV3J!ltYofe. it. Orf . -New Variotv ofCorniGnma f,mtt Manuiingi Huiinn Upas I'reei On tuking llbu er i Ix-lier from Morgan county on Cotton Heed and ttiee fhilling Mactiioeby John 11.- Valker Large Rsilishes,- ' . ' . iSw-fcrttii Hortienltiiraf f'eiiirat, pickle Co. ciimtiei-S! Tnlisee.it Kim iila Orangrst UiWnl Tublei Agririilttiral .Thrill ; Tn render Kruit Trees PMHiie.ti-.ei t Repliants) Un rust iit Wheati M osfing Whestj liwnit'a Hreecl of hogS Ken. ee. Culture of W hentj Giapesi tpple,t f-'ood lor Farm Kiotkf On the Hessaio Ply. , Board ir.ijf for Members. , MARY Alt MSTK the LsI'AYKTI'B IIOIF.L, to aeeommadcta with Hoard t5 or SO Members ot the legisla ture. Her table is always supplied with the ber the msiket sn'l country iffunln, her it o IBS ar convnuiont and tinnilsomery simalrd, her seri vmils 111! and alleuliv, sAtd every uttentii n srill he phI lo render their tiy la Keleigk cot-., tontlile and agreeahle. - lleriennl ot board! witt be as lo and reasonable at any house in it..' city. Trsvttlera, ac nml, tw al y-tij s ba y v 1 1 aaernim-xlateil. Bjlaish, OetoVs 10113? . 42, Tw -1 I L 1 X. '4 4. "1 ( . -: i' . .. '