-. - vi ntiifr n rvzvvTv-.(V-' VOL.221V1 if.- 2! in ' fe ll!... r rf ul '.' c a i a. rid It f.r lot, '. ir -ml , tli V it. - A i - V aw z SI th, b. ,rd lO at"-."". tk-"" " rrw M- rfc -1 a tt a It rier ii .' ist tr4 raw t f rat I, he k ail 1 '-A'i 'VK'Hi.ffl V.ih " LAWRKNCK & S. . s 'j 3I4XOR JACK PO sTS'IXG. ."parly vnose" in their Congress "tip ''of 4lie Resolulibn:iiz:"'IiJ anv Der- ftnA Mr. Dwxshl of the A'cw chamber" a thing or two perhaps they son, or persons contract, to bu d the I.EM AY, .t.4a M-S-1--'" three "lisrtfer annum anno ' - Vutk Daily Mrtctizer. Washing ro, Dec. 6, 1 834 have forgotten about this country. 1 our oui menu, J. DOWNING. Major, pcnirrm,i I - I artnitilKP Villi llMl-M. iafl I Inmiiii! L- J Ioot L-e lhw.j.a.1 Wiu l,tlU' --.' time aint far off when shall all on , ,ne,r JMe w Pl' ofresi.lence; Capitol on Union Square, in the city rauetion being on the adoption of the 01 luietga: ana i si, who, at what price j the amount 'and xondtlians: of tondj tfte tiarncs- or tnir'f ecu fuve7 -lelMttt u'. the House .'...l. intiieitt occurreil in iiim v - ' : of Representatives on a .proposition to r4erto a Qtinmiltee that pai tiUUe MBMisitu,S- W ranee, wiui in reign matters, they are amazingly mia struction to make report not in ac i V,:l. 1ii. PrBlilcnl'a rormn meauauuu-i VVar a nt kalk lateJ to brinr murk -i 7.n.o afini rr, i j-:' (lion iirm mf,,tr ut be caUeJ UM tw ;T ,he pfenchmea REBUILDING OfTHEC APITOL. ' J' iWk Quarnr given up 4rtthe ieruneni tire rruuiiiiiit; iie !ii .vpi(ui&usKU.JUiUH4Mi4fm''W-lTnnaTlu: a I sh wntd winrFrenWarir w,,at Pc7 , ITie ComjniMion-m n 1 ran Atn-ri.-i.ii fr tl.n 1M d ,ne Int "cntrm wirmviy .tat, that under the conviction that down and give Jiouis Phillip ,y no- "I Z fll1! U hM tLiia aiiuia iiu- i- f-aWss1 w wiioie ouuuing, as an enure itp, who Etlt tl,e Gene,, 'Aniblr; passed.on the out hazaroingthe interest of the State plaguy alia U he ami oiks t on t 2n,t infant, the unaerigned. C.m- Uher as it recarddd th price-rfth know as much abaut me nature oCUits - c k.-u - .u .:v,,rj!LWvwpiie-in . , . ., . j r " missioners fur rc-buildmj; the taiHto!, work, or its sufflc cner when cornnlet country as they ouimt to know. It -m- .r n 1 nuuinmij wnt.i v ici thejT or any other nation think, that be cause we ililler in opinion here , among oureeUes on home matters, we. are a goin to carry our ditterences into to- .-J.,-'T. ..J HMFlUllt Stv h rt"'-'""' bHiiBPt,;dettj they. 'owe us, will berklv njiiii W jar niHc " .. nil "be r' P"" " A.rriiTttK'T. not rtr.li. filirn line inwrteil Hire '" ror m" ''. ul tr-vreil fArwfc o.'"'. flgtl'"Mi,f tr(rnrr------- '...!... ,JLJ 1 r irtoit of Geoma saul - jt cotiM not .be diKuied that the recom. mrnilation In" lti i Meni-ige iimormtetl, pt-acj ticultv. o nothing more or lcl tlin a declar. of wnr (t"i r ranee, i ni ic ltion. Ami lie ta ihM fen lUwbn wottW np wftetiemjelvTfSld o de-. - crivM fnttr any otlter-rref tv -t wrjr rntlrmni aak himetf whether, atiould that be done which the I'renidtnf arf.ites. war must not te the natural ami inevitable con- ..enuenec., .Mt. he. weuljLJiere ap, ieAio the eanilorjiftU.e House to ixy. whe 4j,ertt"r BtB'' "'"'' wtintf're imi ure urtlii eharacter would nol imiflediaiety .1.. rTrviirl ftfstM in Iwtttiil reUitiiins place "ic ----- - - with ue of the proudest, most high spirited, most warlike, 1 n.ost wealthy, powerful, ami rorml'Uhle nationa ofilie world? Let nn -jrrftlemaa' deceive h'"nelf ih. mo ment aiich meaire should be aanetioned by the le(c'ultive auihority, !l prn.pect of a friendly , termination ot imr dupu'e wiili c..ni. wa at an end. .Mr C id he bud no heaiutioii in dsctaHug his belief that ur.. clatn" oo the rrencn uo.ern nem vere l'pr" -wrhr-fair- awl lus's h --betifretr-That-we k.ii oat asked a cit more ! juaity line, to us; that we ought to have the maiwi and tHhT ahoultl mtrdemiwid he tlefint rvefyre' fard.-the refmnl would present jiiH tuvtt u ,af. ilut It had iM been definitively refuted. Hut titer waa another aspect of the aiib. s..ad-eiT",mw'ow'" ihMhwUletyt-. "muit do it upon a lrfineU 1'irnnny. Not i. m.m the Treaaur of the Nation destitute of dollar,-l ot there wat an actual d. ficit if -wrfaflnl of dollata! ' Thii t waa prepared m demonatrale. He did not consider that, however, as at pretenl fvce ttrr. He had the voucher ready To eab fitli hit position. Now, ahould the Nation ro to wat n tuoti a rreaaury. what muat be Ibe eonaequencer He had rtaen wuh oo wish to rouae jeafou-uea, r ..awake m;ry fcrUng. but to lik apH" "" reipectSi d he hoped that wltat he had yet loiay wHdl be receded in no iherprit. i ..t.. St w.s nlain that if we, went -to war. it waavtdibe iu. .effect,, vii'h allJUe..worHL: The held of battle- would be the high ieat al there we had a commerce afloat t Hie v.ne r Hie i-t' !"1e,' ii J u.i war t d ime hundred and ele- ;mMa inwardi ad tliia wotild tmf nil i Jiwieli- be aub eel Jo iJie T.--iaoi n - profit to any nation, especiCy to our uatiou as tlni)!'s now stand, but it will never tlo to look to profit or loss ac count in busiuess ot this natur. Jt, 'i 'lie, Frencliuien owe us five tniirions of duUM'Sr-and-they- fliust-payttror "W it out ot 'cm it it wspfcijutry iirpon: etl, they tleclined to exercise the au. , That -tlie original plan of said thority given tofhm to that cfTect: buibding,' as fit st' adopted by the Com- They deemed it safest and most econo inisioners, measured in length, from mieal to hire the workmen and la north to soHth, ' one hundred and :bourers remtisitejot thewwk -4v ftm y t I i i j ,-- k .j- w. icet nine-anu a nan mciies: in the .performance or whose duties breadth, ..from east to west, the princt-; should be under the immediate super pal part oi the Duirding, comprising we jnfentlencc of. agents employed for that two halls, measured filty-eishtteet eight J-inches, with a breadth through the cen tre, including jne eivst jntj westprw Ieff(rrts6r6ne1iundred and two feet." must -try an costs live tunes me su m of dido": this is lioiis, provided they did but hoii ih French flair. Clt .would. am only be war wi h ana-n..mi.p-.,.j ihirtv nidlionanf people, but U would subject u trt ' r...n ... o ner - Urir get!"-" opp"H- -.----- in? niofi. .n a q.ir to wher he n.iioual The mode for Congress to say. If tJoYifessIay s," i'waira ipeU7, I for one if the -eotrle iatT f ftf TT Cortgress says, "take crcuch property enut to pay the debt." 1 say u grted, and then if the Frenchmen do any thins in return that looks like wai, and Ciigiess say, "go at Vi now boys," I for one say, "1 am ready," and if any may think he can do more good at the head of a Brigade of Militia than I can, he is welcome to jny.sword--4ind f cock'd nat, and I'll take his place in the ranks, I donY want a better 1lace to do my duty to my country than mat. Lthin kj L .isljO ..ej! uJtywLe very, mau on this point, to tlmi) all politics., Ifivery man; to be sure, has a rikt to i ve his opinjoii i in Congress, iif. out -of onress, as to the oe mode tt settljn this business! bat when once lhat Con gress has ordered what is to be" done, ihen my notion is lr ail parties to shake hands and stand by" the Govern ment, and it it coiaes at last to the iHiiiit. and war is the tcoru men on i oat and eo at it. and have no dispute inir aiuunir ourselves till we have ' e. 7 : . o , , , thrash'd the enemy. - II Cun-'ress should aaree with-lhe ;iner;il' that the bet course, m case the Frenchmen don't.pay us, IS to take French property on the 'oceatr I sup- ptrse-t he 1 " Freroc h ni e n m li u tuse"7lh"t i r -li .r I ;A . I property win muii it mignty naru in us: well, if they do. they will ' under stand exactly how our merchants felt some 20 years a-. wh n their properly was faketi from them it aint a good tasted dish any way. Hi. whomever. I have a notion that Ihese dimejisiujisJiayeneecbeen- rchiteetbyhe ;cmtrtisstmief?to -tjm-tfaneri-Assmi.iy-t-ia..i.i wnaii changed J tbft whole to be boilt of atone, aid them in determining upon a plan ",. by - the ' ivi.lent of .., . - - . i " . r T, , . biates, in the Maiiileitn rvnl to the with a basement storv, a principal and outline of the .building: For his ,Sth orsewemtier-isia or iu i ry, arid an attic tJie two Halls, Su preme Court and Itbrary rooinstn "ber placed ottatlw priocijwl tfwtrj-'and -the doors and windows of ; the basement story "to be arched at top. It was af terwards, Viz. on the -2d August, 1 833, determined to add porticos to the Hast and" Vest fronts, in the style in which they are now exhibited, and to make the doors and windows of the basement story square at ton, instead of arche.tr ''-Z3 Iri (be lists herewTtViiibmiUed, full mi wet,! .TciUbc jou BJj.oJj!.ie.Jlhlrda purpose, while tue wliojes,ouL(X-De cond ucteH u n tier thric owti sutMrrriston ''aiiiTjEbo'trof.' William Nichols, jr. Esquire, was,. first employed as an fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, -and ninth questions in the Resolution, oawel y ---TheHwrnbersfld-naTneart . . , . I'l.S. . ot the s-uperintetiiients, anu laooreis; the amount paid each for services renV tiered per tliem; or ntherwisc alsdj'th . ?e -X 1 i ,i . number m iavtsi-ir-- empioyeu vj vne. day or otherwise, aud at what pricc;and whether any reduction is made for loss of wot k by-sieknes - r inclemencyof weather; the number ot biacKsmitas employed for the use of the State on account of the Btate House, their pay," The accounts and vouchers referred to in the annual report submitted on yes terday, show what deductions are made for s'i- khess"ahd "" ihclemejiy of the In answer to the tenth inquiry, via. Whether any woik-has beea . dont by said blacksmiths not for the use of the Capitol; and il so, ror wliomr" the cnmiuissionera have to state, lhat in November 1833. two mill-picks, were made of cast steel, for Duncan Came, ron, for whi h hy paid the superinten dent three flouars. men was account. services, as architect, and luroistM-tij- drafta,Ster be was paid the sum 'of Ihf fe"ntlndred and -""fifty- dollars. Since that time, the. Commissioners have had the services of Itbrel Ttiwn, Ksquire, of New York, as architect; who continues, at times, to give his attention, and to furnish drawings for the carrying on of the. work: lie lias been paid the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars, j " --' - - Respectfully, your obed't Servants,. ' D. CAM F.Rf)N, ) rn-t- II. SEAWF.LL, f hner'- orders othe day. and resamed the un- M " ja - I hnished business ot yesterday, 'he fullowing a4M4lrteii4, proposed by Mr.? Martin, to the resolutioiiis'instruct tnTtk!Min"mT"T7,,i:y- Wfiereas. the Uednmiion of ll'iiUts msda b; the treemen of North (!arolina. aitirms "tfcat a frequent 'rvenrrenee to lundamrnfal rliM-Viles j irrqiri rvciiTTncv 10 lunnKniriiisi ,nwijn. i - . ahtululcW armni'j io preaerTetlfSj Weasings cJied. Courts of Beaufort to appoint two sur veyors for said county. By Mr. Ilar." ris, a bill concerning the rxcrcisc of suHVage by free persons of colour. By Mr. Iim. a bill th auth. rise the t coiuitiRISimeraoT'lKhfl part of the. town commons.- TUeso bills, were read the first time and passy . frhertyrSM rVitai iirne; the present cmmis as our nf ilci-a anil vital interest, it is Iwhevetl tdat tins snlemir iiijimclinn bus lireome peeullarly apjili eshlc to the present tieneiwl Asseuiblri 1'here-, Krsolved, the npminn n tint tietversl A setnMr, Ihst the treerviMiin at the Hbertiea of this Itepublla .lcRUlt, mil Duly on eonfiniiif; iImi. operatranr of the Ueneral tinvennneilt to uW e eitue of sutli power,, as are rx.trestly nmnled by the Const tun ion, but thm it is necessary to ruwd, with equal csiilinn, a(niut ileitru) ii-R the (.'mstitiilinual Imlmtte of power, in Ilia finnr. al (iiiviirnuieiit Hsell thai all the pnwirs f(rant (l or enirusteil by the people of the Suits to the rVtleral Raterninent, 01 eilhrr ot its brnnrli es, arsvapiaMfe14Y-lel',K'edantt tilffitieiilly te fineil, to keep eael. in its .i'nier 4phre - lhat the rrsiiluary powera (in.ii to Coi.giess "to make all laws, which ahU be m-cestary ami pro per tor eaiTjiiiK inio exerminn She foregiiins; powers anil all other powers restr.l ay Ihe T.'on. fitutlon bi(l.ta or in anv iti-iiai tiiient or iiffler thereof," tuibiils the exercise of any constructive powers, lit cither of the other bmlirlifs ol the Government: Uesnlvril, 'I'hat in aocoi-ilance w.ih lliese views. "The bill to reduce the salaries of th ' 2 Supreme Court Judges, was postponed : Jmdefinite,y yeaayrSss"r' r'' """ieiuilessis. Albntton.lt H. Aleaanilef, G. II. AlexHni.ee, Baiemci-, liaiile, lleli. Hurt. ' Hie, llray, II -uimnell, Omrr, Clnet, tlrsl,-p------- Ci-ige, t;ruia, I'anh I, Worker-, Duilley, r'lein. ' ing, T'orcmaii, r'ort, tiiaham, liui-r, IUerisii, . " lla)ooil, llcnilerson, llemj, lluke, llowmsl, ' llulehisnw, V. Jones, JmOuu, Juilkioa, Kenan, ' Km!;, Kmrell, Xtlliaina Lilly, IK-he, I juitler . iiiiU, lanl.Maiu.ei, Vtarsicller, Mailiu, Mt thews, Al'UceStt, Mlra.,, MTIwraoH, ! ' Hacken, Norcoot, Uustiy, . Uutlaw, , t'etkiwa, ," I'oinileaier, lolist . luguP. Uuhlwk, - Keawt-ll.-r-- Sla.lr, Tah.im. tVatSoii, rt raver, U elth, sV il . : v le, W.llauns of tivcent, VV llliainsun. ; ' , T- ' ' ' Msh s All.siin, Ueilturi!,. Jlialehford,' , 1 -ttialuck, Uia.wtU, Hruwii, II, nu, mm, .. Carter, (Hir, Otulen, IJuvtnin.iJ, l),ii, Uty tow .?.i'jMtsiA"a' iMu. n, (, llaiuntk, UavkiHsi Harris, W. ;--r tlm-toii, Jt." II.h iiki, ll..ulikr, . i .ii, H. Jiuies, , - ' Lee. Liroii. M.nik. Mullen. M Weill. I'eni; ; . '' U'uiur, I'vwell, Htgistcr, Uoebuck, Itusli, ; ilars, oioau, aiuolaiKHl, U. aiuuu, J, l bmuiu, ' . inn Ihe itiia- I S J.uiUU,.aiifc fcaul, ArajMWi lMw444ylr twry - ed for bv said superintendetit ibe best way alter aM tovboogiheipeTidedn- as will appear fciiiiir wat involved: but he never could cofy tenl to ep"Se the property ot ia . n ie.it to such ahsaar,!, un-il a l p oirer me. 1 Hires ofa pacific chrct? bad petll Ined, ui tain . .. .-'! . h - r f - The nation w oow s::dlrt h out of debu and tbe fact tlie enw ami adm.ra. tion ofohef goernmertts, and the (pride ol .r jwn. Ilui il we wont l . n,"' maisntly phmge ijiio, a tie de'.? what wuuld be the further cons. qil. nce-r ' At our commerce' tmot be de r-yed. the natural eo .rte of ihinga Would be t.i tun vcapiiail from commerce to niaourciuies,jut is it had happened luri.iKthe laal war. ""pur ciliiteoa would. n svm as poasible, litiwitas M w.iutd besuhje. ted o twh ansknlde" I'roeti.m and inrt h in manufactures. And hat nextf Why, then, we alK.oldJiveap fest-trpow-ippeat Tor'-proterttonT'-at.rt vv Tsfitf . nujet bo ralseO ruu .i " ULea belwtii.Uift-Jurthiirv, aiU tue ierrt e m.iat -be- wr"e u , w.cjsu- ?-Tny getrtlemViTrook at attcll ennse e, and nol feel dea.r. to avert , w.r, Vm. 1,1 h.. ilnna- svil h liwiiur,, So y muoli it'r, Frenchmen" to their senes, is atrtWde r-wlflir'-nTiitl't.bef Set'tftP'aW' old accounts. This is a peaceable mode, and they'll soon find out we can ive up. their ribb.inaand tuHles a litile oettter tuan toey catvgive up our cot ton and r.ihiict o 'tis amazin to see lnw much good- solid artKte gtr from this country to Frame, and paid form f..Kh,oris and trash, that ain't worth, vh.imi viiu ralv come to look close into r.. ,ha on ul liiinir nj uuU i;iti hi. - ( c - e - ,. - -.j- Some will say 'hat our v otton and r..i...rri. will in. to France thro othee r-niMtei.-a. u. ll, let 'em tro so. The Vi-fiii h rant du titho. t 'em and will ItAttidBs 4th..Pec,ejnejlS$-lZZIZ: .From tabular atatementa . accompanying the Report, it apieara there ie, nf . . Stmt Cutter, a twaslee wm kmaii,' at f .1 per slay; hd "titait Stf at;raiUr evnty-f.;ur atouav cutters, at -wares Tarrm M'om Tf ceiifk'.'tii per nay eaeh: nt - : Quorrs; Men etc. there are one master-workman, at tittr-ocMi oswraeee, at ifi8, anrt fifty- iul workmen, at warea varying fr-om40 vents tU$l,tiS each per tlav the g cats .wepornon, however, al 50 ecnta Hr la; ol Carpenter; there are tour, one at 1 didlar ami SO cents, one al 1 ilijlar and Si cents, ooe at 50 edits, one.al 45 ceiris per da ! of Witckimitni, there ai e louri une at 8 Hollars and SO cents, Ihe other three at 9 dollars each pre ilayt of 1 ' - . .. -iBitreTt,-(iwntiy btacks) iKere "arsj' forty, mostly at SO cents per day each - - One horse aud cart, biewl al tl,2V per rlay. One horse at tjuai-rr, purchas il, Ml $Si.50; one Yoke ol ..sen, do. al 45 ilollarsi and one do. do. at 40 ilollars Standard, I.EOISLATlIItE OF IS. C. in hw account settled Uv the commis sionersj lst tlitt the following work was done" for Henry Seawell, viz. put tin steel in ten picks at 5J5 00; two drills at r 64: putting steel in two broad axes at S3 00 making the sum of ft9 64 with whiclvsum the said lleii ry Seawell was charged at ihe " time, and which he has this day paid, with- . . . a - "I 'I . . . - al.-. nut mi mittinn- hi liaomiv to toe yx picks were made lor 1 heophilus Hun ter, for which no charge was malleoli account of facilities afforded by said Hunter in permitting sand ami timbci to be ukeu tV'UU hisdand fur the .iise i tally unit hut unit he w.. He 'id not risen witn V tcatreo make a flyman, oui iw re l coniiderrtun of die House Ihe paciho . which had a.ihsi'ed etweeii lh - ry and F a.ice for J yeart . The rrtw r tc med disposed to hurry. Congress s m.i-nl tfrt kI tiildentandoig It waa t wiah to re cat acenet il.tt were pact gh one of lh French llepu ie iiau . .J1 tv-.ir nd Aitiencti were in , the same held,; andjomed m the leatisft He would iy aak -4H lioutsi ik on -that piciure.. (Miii-i to the it of yaat.inglou.) aiivl Vien onlhat, Wto the likenets f Ijitajette.) . M oictnret of those great men e-uld - luier. wlmt would they SaVf v W was engaged in deliberating on . oth Fraticet U t would be ; J- s fwtraita.. i felt, aaanred the Ametj ' itar.l ont.nnroe tif BO such war. I 'nv.v.la'k. Mount Vernon rV Vort-ttrww would ool " ui AwN.Sois-UVwtHdd oppose Vreoar4 m Mnl"e 11 aB I K" ...i ;. Wt, A 3 nl V . 'S.DDUlien tat- r.fl ...'.nn. -P i -pia ' moti. woo y V me, y( oO T ... as cd t po'rte who op T1 II. I r rencn um ami i S .aT-t . - . . t eV MnMMtS aiTTfiiinVOII 111! IIItT Rial Ul UV.ailietlV eaiau ISVUVV. - wincame-tostUtonter-. aTiiTjnieemiie wiif be og-; at ..rr,. 1 Bridge, and of bar of the Ho SSIreia foFall thatlf I J " ; rk' necessary to construct it shall be mission Uflt...theieuL Blra-Uarn IVeJntsditu, Dec. SENATE. Mr. Wellborn, from the committee on Cherokee Lands, repui ted a resolu- idLiiX A tioain- favor of - Jos. ph SlTeppei d ; which was read three nines, .passed, and ordered to be engrossed, . Mi". Wv atsii rejiorted a brjr direc t -ing the conveyance of the commons adjoining, the town of Franklin to the chairman of Macon County Court j which passed its lirt reading. Mr. Kendall, Icom the committee ol l ilW-ti, I'omt.usuit, ailswoiih:ValWer,Uauiih, ' Jae .b Willi.ud, tVilJu.ns ol Uwhiuoail, tViuh-. 1 liff ltousa n iy to;ik iip.;jnvonx. r nuttcHi i ol tueWj.do, tti tHtl 1o esl?)- -f lish the Merchanis' Bank of Nevb rn. j After coiisidcrdilej dist ussida ihenoo, ' the Speaker remed the Ch.ur, aint t: -the bill nas repotted to the llousu,. with several amendments, which were, concurred iuj. aud the queation being a put on the second reading of the lull,, ii was tie iu en in ine ... 5 1 , noes 5U. .niirative- avea- M (vttllawmWthrewBHnittee -tm Privileges and Elections, made a de- ftittedrrpwrtn of James Seawell, the sitting member ftHrm-FyetteTdleTvhirb", oinvioTToir of Mr. U. 11.1 AU'Xiluder, was la,id.on-; the table. " '-" . ; ; ''!,n of the United Call i net on tbe, tf.Maa tranrntitreit 16 the' St-nntu u! the b'niie.l States n the 30th Apiil, ISJ that we are t (i.i.ihm, -ttiat the tresi.teti1Ts; tin' rtgM to takeflr 'assiime' any respnntiltility, oilier than sued ai it Imposeil on him asa (liilv" by die Cnnsrtutiin and lav s of the United Stales that the S.xrelary ol ll.e I'reasurv, as well as th other heads' of depart ments, is an nftlier ol the government, and thai the President has no righttul. authority to.direet or control said ollirer, in the rxrrtite of a ilis ervliiinary ' duty specially cnnfuleil to linn by a law ol the Cnitvd Elates. Uesolved, That tliii Gcnerid Assembly Is op posed lo a renewal'itl the vhartrr of tllie UliHvll Suns Hnnki and at It is, ai all liincs, llio duty ot the olWra l the Uepoldie -to kwp-aj-wweb-: lul rye o er its iui.iin.il ciiuceins, we appnive 01 the Mes.jpe of the I'res'ulenl to Ihe la.t sets of the 'in4 tlonsress; rcco.iiiiiedn thai bsd to euquire into Ihe aMy jjf, the putilie niuney ilepnsiled in Jhat Ins'ilnuon liu!, M,.ctl:bJirJ der Cniirress to have the only leEitiniHte. nntriil over the lubjecl, we deeply ivu'et lhat the Hrcj. sidciil tlid out susiiend Hs remmal ui lil the. meet inj of tbe suceeeding tmgit!ss, end , rt derinerl iieeesaaiy, ee sent the sirtii agii.iji.'w dr.' "w hit "siich'' iliiclnsurea etui additional lads, rat might tiaveTrampfrVd Iu its recess. Ketultrd, l liat e ile n ouneceswy 10 i.e an oniiilnn en tb tiolice ol' reinoii.ia; die uuhtu iw.Mtrv ! Iie Itcrk -of--t hw- tVntte.!-' lates, bill' Ui I eonioaiiieii in nvrcM our en tire dissent Irnm the exeme t.l the power by Ihe IVesi'lent nt the United Males, and without law, lo place it iu the cusloilt aud under the eiwitml ol the State Hanks ili.it the suk-iy til the public 'money Is, In Ihe tsiiiuatton ot litis tieoetal Assembly, of wry liille emisrquenee lo the ilsi.Kurous tr nitvnty of ihev puwet a eWmeti by the President throunlwut the Protest Mes sage, and more pai'tkulmly, to the- tcilltiw itiR pragraplirongi-eW"animT therefore ' tuka nut ol die hands ot Ihe btecuihe Urpartinent, the cuitoilv ol the nublic proiiertv ('! Itioniy, wtilioul ii assnmptioii otKii-cutive power, and a tubvei lHHtlof Ibe first principles ol the Cimtll lulion." To eoneede this power In the I'.xcru- live Hcpartnienl, would tubveil die form, a well as the liinilanit-nlHl prmvipit s, o- our ro vetnmenl, and tint ilucirinc eaum t bu recogmacd by Ihe I'rernieii ul Norlll Caruln.a, , Hei.iUe.l, That nulwiilnland n.g lliese -alarm-ing damn of power, uur eiinH.tence iu Ihe integ rity ol I lie I'lytiduni jdLjUiSLlitiwd-Siates ie ....i. ,-i..ii....i..J-iliHl wm beliete ba was ili- ad.isvd in ihe premises, and are happy lit jmji-- j istlCtl business nf yesterday, being ihe 'I oui.e. in hi. hue Animal Message to Congress, , cns,Jt,riti 0f i!,e Jn.tiiUtn, Ju Hie asserlinu ul ut tnciult t tuiue wutigeiual .o Uw . j ; -; ; , , , i : -r - . r rrtw baait oil who pur usitMsiel la founded. struC-'lllg Mr, -M4illin and, alter Mr. Martin moved that the Senate COIlSUK-iaaie lieMtC, III !Mnf - t resolve itself into a committee of the Whole House on said resolutions ami amendment: which motion was not a- ! ... - -. SENATE.' Mr. CaHwell, from the select cotn iiutte,ejon4h&.uuk I x .1. f L I I" . - it : ' f io reiuiaie tne times oi ntuiiing .iner Superior ('oui ts in ihe 4th and 5ih ju': dicial circuits, ami to attach the coun-k" ty itf Surry to the former circftit whiCh was read the first time and pitsst d. ; ;T Mc ;. llowel V- pr evented tt-Tesoiirttoti"' in favor ot Arcliiba.ltL'8a..Browni.aybicU--i. AvaartileiTeit.- The following rigrossed bills' and resolution- pariSed-ibe ir-three; severat' readings, and were ordered to o-r-rollcl. The bill to incorporate ' ihi " Northamptoii Blues ihe bill ainhoris'- ing - the Co'inty Courts 'of Bofkc1 and f1 Ya n?y to appoiut conunissioner for laving o!f roatfs, cvd.i and' the resolu- tioil u faror of Lewis .Utipiye, f .. i rd to.- Mr. Martin then culled for "tthtf inoveij o......J:.T-... ,i n;.T.".W-1.7 hTk I aivision oi ine quesuuu, I I uimsilllllia a.... v, w, .w . . . ,. ..I I . . . -. tl.it tit, tin. -tr! mil ha Ileal InVotl fill elerreU ihe memorial ol susanuA l'"".. t " from thelr,KU'i oui me nsoiutionit. Aiivr id liorisome time spent iu uiscusion, me i?e was Enoch, praying exempiion - r . .1 .. ..... . lent ol the charge aiso mat iwu i m, n y-j , ; Date i(,Urued until to-morrow pi paHeii iiumljuiiu. inaue au uuuiuii.1 - - ble report thereon; vv hah was concur nd in. On motion of Mr. Montgomery Oransre .-- r of HDUSE OF COMMONS. Mr. Ciuitin, from the committee on the subject, reported a resolution re- the commiitee on Internal I m- latinjr to a map of the. Clujiukeo laodsj anu4tjrj(tj.,io u .k. m,.e, f.e'm-1 rt . r.nltnl proveiheut were i nsiru cieu to nitniire , i is, i u auwy,; have U. pay so much the m frmvrWryJimx Answers to met..,, am. tu , " V-. - ... The j4Deaker laid befi.re the JJoiiJ.e. nhhiiitiin L'ewrawi nita. v;7 "i ne BuoerniiciiuciH '"- - . . ... - ..r.r.. -r-f r,,--..i,.. c. i w..mn arid salls.aridtskjm4o.dro3 IlTuse ofFfeiich gootls, thejtg will be up with the Frenchmen at once they may deceiv-ir Consultand Collectors, but they cSit tie. eive ou'r Galls, for they can tell a French hat and French ribbons and French flummery as far as ...v.a .a ni 1 li tx al fl J?l M "" --- stttt;il"lilton aa If any one thinks our galls aint got . a - aV - 'all.!. aiai.L. a.at patriotum enul m em ior i" " they come to understand the natur of the business, they will be as much mis taken as Commodore Hardy was last war off Stoningtoi..' Some one went off and told Hardy the Yankeea had bntttro'iinv hut had oo- flattnet-tw make cartridges ' with, and "that was irue enufj so he, brought' in his ahips and benn to blaie away,: bnt at soon bill to provide, for r - - - ,. i tr-.. . .'-..'I Tie inilivuluali contained in the resolution, - vi.; ;-'-v-..-, . j Vr---- -Whnt irtaterials and the price ot tor ine irjimi5 each have been purchased for the use (of the State. of the Capitol, and at the yuarryj wnai disposition, has been made of the materials' ol the old State House and ifsold,fo whorai iind-for-vhat price and how the proceeds . nave ueeii ap plied has anyf the rockwor granite, at the Quarry; belonging to the State, been sold ana u so, Dy wnom, iu adeiter horn Itomulus M. Sauuders, sslon to bs' llteaidlitt the use upon the subject of dec taring - tlie oiuce - tt cralvacarrtr which' pfr- s granted as our galls come to- bear on i mey turned to, and afttre 12 'o'clock there warnt a tlannel petticoat left w II S6)mngtorir ! Con.modt.re ' Hartlygot the5 hull i.n Vnt abbu ' his ari n car tridges "about ,nW quickesr;t tall y odv -And artef that when anyone; w.nild tellihim sich nrid sich a place had tv. flannel lo make cartridges with, he d .nd it -Kfateh hU head and say, and .?...., A. , t.. --a fw and flannel it,-' tram iucj is. b- -. v the, ... . i . utuf the same. 7 petticoata, u " t to say noiom Vwtd7vf-Hb4;fcVr H sj suoscnoe on t.ie juoitiat j, reponcu me cug.uss- two-lilth on behalf ed bill to authorise and empower the County Courts to allow compensation Bills presented -By Mr. Durham, a j to commissioners who shall attend a , ..r I t - .1 ...ill, m .,.,i,..Kii,nui ti. Afitnl.t 'icll ilia. running and es- thi;!i'mo. the bound a rr line between theounfiea of Burke amHlttth Read three times, passed, and ordered time and passed. witn a roci'Sioner to csutuiisu ins putcd JmrS- witli -an . amendment j to be en-rrosseu. uy nr. rnetps, a bill to reirolate attorneys' fees ' and i State tax feesin Washington county, in certain eases. Read the fist lime whom, and for what price j; hoy the m teruin eases. ucao t roceed'havc been saiplied and in and passed. By Mr. Moyeof Jyeene, - vf. --i- n ;rnit bcenlt be engrossed. ' .- ' lurmcr. .... "V A-"' T' it i: -The iTron(ition ef the other' House tafcun irons sain waarrya .- - i. . IX;. ,..ntitr." br whom, and Vhose to re er the isovernor s communication authority and if any rock.orgranite, brouht Irom saui quarry to ine v n- to Souare for tthe purpose: of build- ' l . aT i I l.kst Wa4lv' nihe State , iiquse, oa ucci vim. wise iiseu tnati .-.. fiwv.. Hj'me and if o, what qoanWybJ. ..i,..i.. - ami whose Tiermissionr , a Contmssioncr beg leave respectfully I to refer to tlie uepori anu oiatemc.... aubinittcd by ' them to the General ssembVon yesterday, together; with thejecounts and vokchers, therein . re fcrred toan examination oi wnicn .pia ardiMtirrf and alihicfr ihey renectfol!v ask may be considered as - I . ...,r..t..t- .JIA'wriW iTp.' a part of initj w.tir aium. U Vt-wuth - - The H. nde thet rcsumetl tlie unRn- jotu ned wiihout taking a. volt on ibe subject. """V - : ": ryry HOUSE pF. COMMON?. . nf Jilesars.. lndyr leiiutnitrrd :BrTnF.:T'". tncll were appointed, oil behalf jif this, ; rlv' V House, tlie joint select committee, tY which is referred tiie Governor's com, t T "t J f which is referred t'ie G.iveriior's con.;); T muni cation rvsneeti MiTairiiiger-.TiMii the conitnittee- on the Judit iory, rrpdrted that if is ; inexpeilicnLi.o nuuMMtthe Jaws jvlatingT. to iu solvent debtors. Concurred in,. -'j ' ' BdtrT-,reseiiti'd-TIy""Mr. J". I, - ... 1 StljijhlJ.:;ljil.t. ,ti r'A... .. il . ........ i - it. m ..ti. . ' . .-.' i ! .ru. in i.l I .a i n it.ni. w r Jil , 4 ljilll . - iir.jL.bin.touo,j4ltfCw of-J lay wowl-t hj3 saTei "-JHly 5fr. iiialtwdiVd,"a" bill ea4"': ":j cernittjthe corrwiatio!i of tile towntd fo inrtpiivstr thc ''CduHf'CoiirfoT-Tana cylo,loy-rv titter to cut mn ag' the de iifflrfrarorflic ciommittftr ttrac turn nf , tvol vm ' .fo.'ttwt'i piuntj Whicli bills passted t'.ieii' fi.at rcii!iti Mr-Hariingei1, front 'the committee ' on the Judiciary, reported aaaiiist the expediency of amentiing ihe Inw, M4i' to require persons, who'deny the exf1' : eution of bh time unblep apcr uTider fieltlTloansvt cr u pun oath as t. ; the execujion of thc-sauie, ; Coiitiif. red in. r.J:':'X :...f, a I', Mr. K.ing presented a petition' from certain citixens of .Iredell, .prayin the .' passage of a U w to pre ett t obt rur tior a to the passage of lisll ia h Creek. n.' skrfceoaiixyaKwarrt Mr. Mohki who voted yesterday the majority tn the question of rt-Kctai ing the Merchants' Bank of Newbera, t moved for. arvcon..ideration of saitl ,'.., vote; which was agreed lo. .'fTtte bill waa then read the second time and pass -r ed yeas 62, mj'5X ': -'-.ir The following ep grossed bills pass Ctl their reading, . and were order-' ed tt be. enrolled rAathoriainir John, , a a. . I in.it ing.. . t ; i . ;t . : :,iBuuieriii anti ratricn itennessveio -. Bills presented By Mr.. Weaver, 'rect gates for the better rrcuUtion of a bill granting further time to perfect the militia of Onslow, county: to give! titles to lands within this Sta.a. i Br: etclusive jurisdiction to the Sufierinr Ir Henry, a bill to repeal the second Courts for the counties of Anson anp ,: fsection-of theact of 1832,Tfiaking ad Montgomery, in all rases where thv . pTitional compensation to the Secretary intervention ol a jury hal or may b j t-Btttttr-nir-Tertairrservtces tnerein necrasarjl rcqtirnin ne register, oi named. By Mr, Clark,: a bill to es- tiuillord to keep his nllice at the court . . . . . . a ST t !! a a A.f a . ' read threejimes, passetl, and ordered tab1u the towrtl j.encnviua, in tioue in i saia county i aim iorj!.e pero to be snsrossed. -''.f ". X1 -jBeaufort -fountyi - By -Mr,-SmalU tt admihistratioii of justice ia Oat TJit3Lf?nattl,hert relative to Bail;lIughes-to a joint se lect committee, was agreed to, and Messrs. Little, Lockhart and Kerr, wert 'ttiWrliHed the' committee on the pifrt of the Benati.' x-:l- w ' . . .... ; .- . . H..I.J i -HTreloossioisJommonB navtngctin curred'iTl twtf tnitfodment to the bill legifimat Moe Holmes, the said bill was ordered to be enrolled.- ' The engrossed resolutions In favor of AVilliam Kenly and William Wil son, were reau ' inree time, pasavu , and ordered to be enrolled.' i-M tr- Catwttl-JpriMitd n--mol ot ton ; frrtir nf Jesse Hulseyi' which Hvaa threejlmes.jiassetl, and ordered Sabludt snsrossed.:fJ : . Beaufo Mr. Barrino-er, from the same com mittee, reported against the expedien cy of amending the'Attachment laws, " I r I . i . 1. ... r . . L . ami ol providing oy. iar tor lue paj- ntent 4)1 the debts nf deceased insol vent debtors amongtheir ctf diors, Jifd i fata77r.TIc" alio reportcJTuniavora bly ' on the memorial from sundry ! justices 'of the peace of Orange. -. Which reports were concurred in ,., ' Mr. Battle, from the same commit, tee, who were-instructed to inquire into.the expediency of aulhtuising the several County Courts tty appoint special justices, reMirted a bill on the tiubiects which passed ils fiist rcad- . - . . , . t ,:..:'T'; 'f j . ... - - j t ! - W-' ; - " ' . asaeii a ' ia1- ipfiiriiT'i inrii"- -i -"- . tti halrV.ts'Mi i m i aati w '" "' ' 11111 1 ' " . J ' - ' ' .- 1 j . . . . . ' . ,-

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