A it- -.. - 1 1 ni J) lui arvaeK. "rev VUG QWL1IV. M. UUd. akraertMlff Af .11 1 Wai taartaainaed with cirofo tf eat i.u.Li.. irina ambifeit it. tea will - heUeaebuiieeof .VAXCY. Th day w art, Ww oar, AndeteWfceew -U order pfored. lhey wmk m hatte, . Te da i"d completed. li-i:.Wka.ow t"" twtgatfoly,,., ii AH their ULat-a, ,8t toaating b-nne, dicetng elulueV f "I'm rry f 1I )M Uke " - J'i'm t'U tfo" . M ""'- t lam e 1 Sir. Maae,. . rn( Hewn' uw r,jg ailurniftg " What keep tour aiel'V Ann away'" ; "She went ti l'nj the morning . -.- - Tit ! rati mt need' Wt" 5. 8o Tahat-H afark n erMinjt'' Ah-hy1 wwddmg r he"". ' - Leitd mymrrir, F.ltru " TVm match never cunt t"ul " C"rrW,tlw Bar, ere f .Mug out" "Ye, bktareII tlie Inaliioe Ti ." ' ttr The beaut i nil etdltetiiigt The table clear d m krirf, III partiw-r et li w-lwlii.ir. Tn mem band,, in'nrJer etad Tfc dance begma y oh iig Aed rvl tear tt mvetnret. baaf A4 tiip MJ ,J',y j ,!,, tkJteU-dhe.tU fWMMHll fit, """" ,),f i,cl.imft eOC'l.a italic! nr,, Till night' twll e to mnrn tvmiinj. Tht sltWRtr 'J lo-cU Bttixir, . IIHMrriicnliltnK, ml n.my ;irm Im for i -Vm, - Frni lh Ncv York miier k Kaquirer. Conscientious Mittr. -An cK! Dutchman, Aimed Shumm, wlio lived in da . of tlie wretched tioeU that atancrin the rear f Sheriff flreet, and wh(e apparent povertj and manliest uRVrin irnfti a dn-adfu! case of hernia hsdt 4wrg-e!tritel t!e--y mpalhy nf hi .humane neigh!mr, died on Friday last of asthma end a complica tion of other discaw. lie w well known to be of a very obstinate and eccentric diuppMtion and. ahhduh he had been confined to hig bed aeveral weckf .he tint ort rejected all inedi cai aift but jitralatrAto the JwUn hit 'minrlariibttideepm 01 Dm waruruuc, wnicii ciumisieu cniri , .:-t If of a paif ftf-birecheav thf at fome 1 . remote era -liad been constructed of , '---.blue elvet. a sailor' jacket, and i frieze over-coat; "wliTcTf a1t"shibited I accumulated pntofi f the old uun'i l - - attachment. On 'Wednesday he sent , for-Mrr Mr-Van Uuersen, a-repec- j ' table countryman of hit, muling jn y the neignbornoou, wno um o4ten given I him charitable relief, and piivately ' ireauested him fo 'mate his Willi To p. ' " tfii tySemaaAiirif : aHrpffw -Tie r Ji.'qfueainearvacioaa. juiu mpney, amounting altoyther to 83,700, to childn n and grnnd-chililirn residing at Newark and Athan. jand c'nnQlen-' tiallyjaformedhim "where ihis pro perty was deposited. He then harraf ' ed to Mr. Van, Ilueriea the follow ing remarkable fact? in his history: lie stated that about 00 vears ago he was a porter to a mercantile house in Hamburg, and, having been long in its employ, was freqHcnllr entrusted with considerable sums of-money for conveyance to other establishments. In an hour of evil influence he was in duced ' (0 violate his trukt, and to ......abscond tiilhislcuunUy -uith -a -large sum. Ilavinc arrived,' he invested tbe greater part of it in the purchase of two - houses, which adjoined each other, and which, before he had effected an in aiirance , onihem. were burnt.io the ground. Considering this a judgment of heaven upon his dishonesty, h,e de- - termined toderotethe reinainaerof his -JifeJftH5e.yere cottre:if j.ndustrj, ml parsimony, 'UU the single object irf Tie w or makinjr-tu 1 r restitution to the - personiwhTOlif descendants. ' . - lie adopted another ne, and with the means he had lcft commenced ' n.v business los ty as t .lyba and altlioucn bis tra.ie wi a .vemi . one. and he ud acaitt suffored. a hra tv loss from fire, ha had succeeded k . nve vears since, in acouirini stuucieni K property to accomplish his just and - ' elevated purpose. He then, accortW nEJt nl iotk in Jtrade, and ': was preparing to transmit the necessa ! ry amount to Hamburgh, where the mercantile firm he had defraaded sti,ll - continues, when he ascertained that it had a branch establishment," or ajency x coauUiiE-house. .at " J'hiladeluliia."!- Thither he went, and paid the sum of SU.000t beine ennivalent to the . original asm he had embetilcd, with certain rate of interest. 1 he latter, however, was renerously returned to him by a son. of one of the pailnet sl eiiiis, logemer wmi mats surplus money, he had betkeathc as above stated.' .For the last fijje ye.rj he bat lived in alter obscvrUj, and in severe accordance with his long formed, hab its of parsimony, v ' . His executor. Mr. Van Duerten, found the above named sum of 5700, principally in V duubloons, canously concealed in a certain private trpart- .tnent of .the tenacious.breethci Jxefore peciued) and it was ascertained that the old ynsn'a dreadful esse of AerniVr, Mi ease of ioiuethinr far less ob- . a . x . ... T ... . c ' ; The femalndef ofJVU ' monry " was (.Mini! otMer ihe ptie tf tUlket, n ixpcocw discovered t as I4 secyjar, ?tich tetmt tn Ky been vlte drpwlur U hi corrent r Js.v . . . ' ; : s ; . ; L rflifftttiif. Tii! LegisIatareW Iiiiliani at its last sessiM, ty joint te- tulction, rji! the Gsvrrnor t Tipto oW rrrndrr to the State TiPDcinie llattle Craund. The 0 rrmor uppUeil cfirding'j, and ha rot-ltd ta-t-Ifj?1trf-tbat- Mr. 1'w.tati yraS-ft to "trantftr it without ftEW ir TASTETf CD r .. tro R Vrk. . jut in time for the U tnltr Sale! lf.Mtf rvi vui I tiltm tttm I 111 V Cl! -'n FifHt. fiwr ftKxr.l in p .ntet to f Ifce wthIci mnmi, Urn Wioicr Supply r Staple mud Tauejr Dry fiSooat, limn !rw, bating lcr rlml ly irlretrii liy Umtcll", Jin'twri !.. e4 19 auil miie Inr (liFiatcirr. In line and Styximc ISrwii Cloth (of-tvery $htt'le and tjuiitifg,) Caioitrtt an I Satinei$, Jlferirui Chli'n. .Vi'.ta o.ti S'iJ.'iti, Linen, and. Quint. Merin$ Printt, ( alitoen anJ Mulins, ' Claaki an t Mrriito Shateh, SUk Vmbrdki, Jiantett n;t1 A'tgro Cloth, ftne aft ni Cupt, lnotJi nnd, Morn v s ,,-': -(Vina WSttCfyrl -his sssor,t mem h inil(f tt j!lrtlp(r(r. Sfrmhru l (he (rgiilalmi! and olW-r laicrt of bnle he inlenii la in.ike llwtr l.iiili 1 fiivixl li.mlwiri Ne Yrar'n lifn, will nlcur tit cull n ihc uor of the ribn-t-ilMT, tad futniui lu:miiei who well miclutrtno fmt in fin MtittiMtfton. plesii4l Anunals CTnlmii! urn ilri iiilmn. Soil, Knclith tni Amnion, Inr 1S.1S, jutl rcccneil at lit .A VIA Kalrisb, Ilea. 10 Tlrr lme lo return thcr (inrcre lhank la llicir fi'iraila and (he grnrrous Mililio, Inr lite li'ir i iTViirrSsnige' It n a r il u nn (hi1 in during (li lit vrari and would atan tnibiaea iliia o;,ifrin. iit (if irirming ident thai ihrir tinck if Bttht, $tatitmry and fc JilicUct, ia mur cutcn. rr thia fall than it rrcr hjf, hen. DKixrna and tlrangrt i, tti(iig f drtalncit in la U, ait reitcllull Inyiud lo eTt, lier a mm k at' am-otioir hll rlld to rentlrr lh"ir tiaila agreeable. . A good Srej a variety at nevapani'ra, Iram all qnaiteranf tlie tJniani aidrndid Rak nf li ih, SeiMeu, Krencb, Kngliab -awtt A tamean Stenerj exfaimt4 d teaaara ar altiiiiira. ' " '"" : " ftnleigh, )V- t0 -- New concern In I'tiiladelphiau 'I lie alMrileerf lale of (Jliarlealon, St! re .neelfully inform llieir anuiber Iriend,, thai ..ry. . lnrn4 eorrlnei ti.ip.;tt!t.e.lfc firm nl FLEItHXO, WI.TIRE Co. - mi tarty on the - ,... Wholesale Dry Good Baslaess In ihe eile of I'liiladelnhia. On tlie flrtt ilaj nt January, lliey will ouea at 1NO. 131 ,Mtct alreel. A lare and very superior assort- a-nt oi seatooaPlc Sjoodsw rnhmeing ere rr eat jety pfFARf;T..aa S IX Pl.K ariw-tel adaiiCed to Ihe Smuhrrn trade. ' Ordc-ra Inr gondi a ill l proniptly and laiik full, rtetuird. , . There will be nn Ma In akipmenia. aa ihera are now rrjular linei of Fackela to all the aoalk raj iorla. ,1 HUMAN 1LRM1SK, -mATtr.KrtintRE, J ASI'KH CORXINO. J'hiladelphia, Oee. M, 1(34 N Female Scbool.- - ------ The exereian nf Alra. KDWAKD JONES'S frivaie lloaiiluie Selinnl for loan lAdiea at KeUlu, near Piitabnrongh, haring juit eloaed Inrllie aeaond aeaaion ol llie preatnt year, will lie reaumed on I lie let Monday in Februaiv nett. tr, nnlrr to preeeU miaunderataniliae. U It ihougbl eiertieiit lo mention, thai it Mr a. Jiinea hat been otilieed to reluae manr annli- eanl for iilti in the arhool. and iloea net nriah to Trpi1 from her original plaa ol aeeoramoUal- inr only tech a namher ol jroune Lailiri at ma be aalijeeted !o laiaily gnaurnmenl, Mr. ViS M1 IUibkj, whote reaidenee ia near that ft Mrt. J. hat been Induced be Ina inlereU In Ihe atlinnl lo receWe into Ida fainilf a tmall number of puiiili, ha will fer, at far at practicanle, aub . jeeteii li tlie tame go, element ae Ihoae plated m .M ra. Janet a family. - The aid, ahicb Miat C. Jonet will nrcetatrilr require la giing ''rie1ion In an raereaatd 1 Munitrir.nl imnila. will he rent lend br Mr. Ilia. in iaej'tke .fclrv i. W, IV ttvav,' fjentlemew rvailT eaiierinmed In the iaatnirtinn nf truth. Vm awa - w iali int; . to place llieir ... ehililren er aanUio-ilua acbuol. r eenwat4 lo ge early no' ie .'. '.;.. j, Term-Ti per Seakn, foe T!ord, Tukinn, Uu.a, Btatmnary, ataOta. . Mwtier tlrawing end fainting re taneht by lerneed.!nu rnitbneo", lie, IJ, US4 . - I It 1. ''' 1 1 -li' " 1 . Ureal Falls of Xeatc. I'bit ralualile iiroiH-ri! i nflcred Inr tale. It pi In l ahe Portal, Ibn-teen mile Iront Habrtgk, m Hi UinM enail. I he lmirmeitientt are a daeliing hnute-willt the u.iial out bniMingt. g triy teri tor uriat Aim witfi tare pair of mohci, lion geer Saw Mill with irnn grer-al. an, TaniirTT, with building and Ctlnrea tuffi. cieid to work li oia ait, In et(ht hand, aad ca he eatily extruded. The watrr power ia neter fail Nig, ix"1! Ilia ahnle nf Nruae rhrr wi'h a head a4 Ml l taeuJy leer.- 't'lia MitUare ailualed an a i nl, and are m no tangr Iroin high icr. i hire are ntto m ih ttrraiiaet, three Meat) l.lettlii.g llnajaca, Sinre llmiae, blinrma. kr'a, llJaikwHli't and Jmner't almp, Cnttnaj Screw; fcev.ae; f Hie) r p one aerf of Seup. peniriiig and lino tinea of lint laahella, CattelM) and otliKBak-e .knwtt. whine, wiite bear ecu r, 'r'o, a mag M emeririe or a enmpany, liter Sa net perkape a nuue detinalifo ttlttatioa ha tlie Slate.-1 lleae 0d ahnte; there ia aha,. W water paer for Maauaaeiories af aarioa kmilt. . ' , ... . , , , ., . ; Th abate pmperjj will kt told low ad an UeamMdinc trrnt. Pvraoaa withane lo imm eliaaf witt-plraa apply eon, at 1 am determia te lo tell ia) few inaulkv Wl. DOXALDSOX. Wake rereet, Koe, A l3V 47 if f-On.TIITTKlD Tatl.e jail III Aahettllr, llimcinwbe 'anonty. North Careti, ne the lOlh Indent, a negro man, who , bimatlf JAMES. NEtUKl lie ? h 1 fre mani llyl hit ftihfr lite lu Anguata, hot ha nut any paper thai btifoe that k.lietto anew, lie i ait (rH bh, fcaa (ulerably dark aampleaiuu, U alotu, nwde. Cap. near to hate an tH matkt, nud v Ww. I he owner i cruealedt aa ne leeward, prorc inwperiy, and fy charges, d take hi awayi MhrrwiM he eUl b oH a. kw law 4- , . " 4 JACOa VMET.Jaalmv - ((. t, MM J . . K .M V ' UCMUl'lMWNUr Ptrttti Cemttlf. lit Carolina. . v rill MMBMMM lb Iflk 7 f i'l7 MCI. - -r r- , , ML. iVJAlNtlt.r tWiuWrlS, IIM I mM tlaM war Ma iia ta Uutci(5,(aa) ttttciU mnftmtU.LmAm' Hook. mt,) a large UMrtiml vt itm aaara fttaatt- tarl. onttMiaf caitirrly M vegetabM-aan auwjiininilt. rr rx tracts aNaf wloh fcava Mrttreit fram aaarl mtmk mUl ta raa iUem fwt and gcaataw. Car farlhar par- lanilart n haiiitliiH "L. : K. LEWEtXING Ic CO. , . K. B. Tttc Practic of MtkMi iH a cr4 aua kt aasamiWr, ho aaa 4a fal at rtM atsra ul leUaif Si Ca, e at reai 4ect of N . Phillip. Ail aatla tW aa aiawpt It aiienil4 to, a4 cverr paiaa Ukaaj la affurrf aoeaa'e- to uarawiaaat ruli.l, SarMaalafc ha 'I haHMMaa Sjmrm ka intariablj a'itiinfaiaK eit iKrlf, narticaWlt iu am all aac diaeaara. 1 mim taw, aawi; !. - line; an otr fietin fcaexlalwa aa ig Oraiwa tftaaaaea f Mac; aniag, aar- lacalaitjr rhcaaaMiam, litar mamari d)aieMai, ait cmiMMatiuajU Jiaaaaet arMag araaa aer Raltign, N. S, IS3i 40 f AUeatUoaii Tke anbaeraW batwg auld oat all bit Bki and Slnlitnary, tala antioaaly to wind up aaib tebtUH-a and errditara. tl aaopea . that thra N'otice aril indue tboaa h are in arreara, tn all fin- a aeltletnent. He can be loand at W. Jl. It AMSAY k CaU Sta. read ta ee ceivc and to Mt. U. L1NUEMAN. Ilea. S. IU4' T Farsl AasinsU Cotsspllmeait to Ta kivb earaaaa W. J. KAMSAr A CO. For Ihe liberal encouragement received) br Ihem tor Ike oral jeer in their baaiaeee, and bane, avyeat uanaaa af laei aaui, WautUiit le- g,w. gel. aiaa.'.anlialaaliiMa.''"'-" .--- t . ... iiav piv.wii. w ava w he xalli generally, that tliey naee laiely re lumed iron, the North ettli a aplendKl ataort ment ot tiooda hi their line, part el which ai eapreaaly imported by them Iron England, in order lo warrant the arttelej anil tut cheap. neaa4 iliey pledge Ihemaelrea 10. srlt. .for eaab nra lo pitnclnal caatamera, eaa 10 per eol. luwer lhaa the New York price, in eonarrjaence nl houae rent being alieaper ia Haleigh than in New York by ail hundred per cent. Their atoek aoaaiala principally et the tallowing ar ticle! Splendid Gold and Sitter teer WMche flain ia aiaortad, all warranted lo be o( Ike beat qaatity, and the beat aa- aortment eeer broaght to ihia market r me cute and long link taold UhaiM Seal and Kef aaaorled A rich ataortmewt of Ear Hinge, Brtaat Pint Jan.aJma,Jai t;old Madalllon and Croaaeal ldi' Gold Welch Hooka Cold and Sri vet ' Pewerl Caaet ' " ; " Gold, tilree anil tleet Speetacle, wkh double. -' tingle and emieate glataea - " old stMt.itfr Thhwlilem - Miniature Catet ataorted ' (itd and tilter Sleete Button aad Sludt A eomplete ttoetmeat of tilter and plaltd war for ibit market, tonaiating of labia, dcaert ano tea spoon Sonp ladtet and togar tongs ... tiraty and creara tpnoal ..r. 8iler mnga and aune Hotter kniwt and table fork Alto, a very rich aatortmcm ef Sheffield tilter. plated (Jattort Candle stick and llrrlttaia ware A tery large eolleetion of Perfumery, aaaortcd, from No. It ap In No. 90 Hair, clmk and teoot bretliM et a very tuperioe .. ijaaiuy , . .,, Steel chain, teal and kejl Sdk and leal her parte r Bead baea, puract and ruard -- Gold and ailver mounteU walking ease, with or without iworai Splendid CLASS SHADE CLOCKS, wtr- ranted Muaical boietj ailrer moanted eocoanatt Silter-plated leert kairetied fork, Sitter aeiaaort ehama ' " Betide a Uadi4 waai meat of J." Rodger at on and V oat en U lot 'a (tatent Kane and . Rasora . ; Damaak and h twtajed wire Gnn aad Pialel, Slrrer and plated mounted ffctf 'f In addition, many artatlea ton tedieut e nuiacraif m an alerUacoea bui hicST eaW eukaiedt ut make their aaanrlmcnt at enmpfcleat potaiklet readcea aertieete the puhlie. AH ind f Clockmnd Watches repaired here by a firet rat workman, and War. ranteq in periorm well. . . y; 14. 1 134 v - , NOTICE. .0 ei5--. Wa enmm'rtled lo Ibi iad a a eejtawav. aa Pridae.lbe Sth inalanl, Ollin, who rnrmerlT be. Innged In Mr. Ualla llaywoed,' ef thi place, and mt h at pretest befongi lo Lewi Rhnilee, nf Mobile, Alabama. 1 he owner a reejeired la nm forward, prete properly,, and lake him a- ay, er ne win ae oeaii nitn a tn law aireeta. , - . j i J T C VATT, Jailor. Raleigh, AwgiMl tt, U$4,K,v.t . 4 6m . ' Paacni KoapMotse fektnx- W. 11.u MEAD haa on hand a full aaaortmrnl eftl.e PATEN?!' SOAPSTONE PAINT, (ef rnrinu epfora) whieh ia now need nt the North with great eueee en shingle, Ta aad Zta Henf. It i alas uaed foe Priming the owl aide nf bwilding. " One woe! of the Seapeteae Petal Iniabed with one ol TVhile Lead, make a bewe. tifol white, andt wUU prtaen it beauty double Hi length ol lime el lhat ef Vd. Th Soap. tna Paint pnaaeaaea eemenling (oalitica which term Instifig an durable fcedy k i a ear prennlatitw for fonky roofai it at alae tele, award againat SrS from thirk falling oa Ih roof arena ehuwnata, neighhertng fee, fee. and it ean be applied fee halt th rtn wka taad, at find anteert every, pHrpea. ,,,.. N. B. AH anlcn bwe the ecenttry wilt he ptntentaRy-' nttetided tni ar-V- -i Kalrigh, New. tt, 1S44 SO at'-. WOTf CE. Tbea peraan indebted hatha auhamlhee pre- ittnat ttaMfl tM,A.SS4.-Mt-. hm a IMI fate arc aaUina aad Mttlanc iheir t-- W. . GltlMC; ajetrta ja I ; ; ' -' a, m t 4-. sc2rc7rnrs 3 - 'AJfTI-DirSPEFTIC FLULS, Perth relief of snost eTerryanety - of faactional disorder of the Stw ! ach, Bowetls, Liver and Spleen - iuch ae JHeart-DaiH, Srcar-fCaD'' AcnarAcid ErectatioBS, Nausea, Loss ef ' Appetite, Pais) and Dis- tfciisioti of the Stomacli tad Bowels, Ileadache, Diarrhoea, Colic.lJaun ' dice, Flatulence, habitual, Cot- - tiveness, Piles, 8x. ',""; The meet dettaate Pematet and OiUdrew take Ibeaa whh pertawt aaaViy. la full 4oeuper eee hat aticww them to be a eaoet cficaeaH AT1 luootMKBinas. . . The eilreerae end rapidly bierentinf deanan.1 for tk it'll eable Ceeaponml le ihe abate diaraee ..d iba dail aNoaMI receWed of it aaclalnea grre, Jta.".r"? ? J,'" f!l ,",,,.!?l!,Jt J. auueraeoe me peiuauaua v". mw mttHe Medieiaie, well at a large pr. tiufi of the pnpelar drettie Piltt i(h w)mcj Ihe eeentry bw Susew ao tm.tr--awd-aibT14y wipled Piraared letf Ay Tkm. L. Jump, Chemtti. Kaleigb, and aokl wbnleaale and retail at Ike Store ef Keckwnb, Blake fc Co. and by apeiat maoi hi atmett e-rery town ra tlwa State. ' i -iiawirSjji)i T. M. OLIVEBo AGENT Of . tie. W, Dixon, merchant Tailor, ketpeetfully inform Ute eiticena ef ttaleigb and the public, that he tut jutt Ofiened, at the atore recnril Deeaoied br Mr. J oh a Prlmroee, on fayetleille atree, Cntw W Mtvuliul umrlaM a . j. GOODS, In hi line, which will be made to order, in the neat eat manner, and ee accommodating terme. He ha in hi emptor eetereJ Brat rale New York workmeni and tliit, well bit experaesee a a -earner, induce him to believe that aatiafiactioa will be gieen lo hoae wbe alMat. taiaMfc; fnetr patnrnaee. ... ... ...... .-,.,t w ...... -.f-i Auoxa.aii .otrasv r ? i Victoriae purple wme ' ' . Adalaide Black Blaek Prenella (new atyla af Rooila) Bfoe r-T- r - SavyifreetT'" " VCtOTHi," Steel Mu'd Oxlord mia'd Brewn Ruaaell Brown Peacrtbam Blaek and Drab Imhlia Mia'd Blaek Blue K th bed "lkf crin9 "" Dnew - V ----- icaaelnsoihiiaj, Veatlngv, Urab Miz'd lAarfc MiM Blaek Silk Vereat Printed ToitinclW Plaid ditto Bleak ! 3 Black Silk In addition lo the abote, tie hat Kealy Mad CloUilaf , Of eterv dewarhUOvet ireak imBerved twan.- mad up under hi owa.mtpeetbn, tat the araleat and mott tpprored mode, eoaaiating of the fol- lowwg, it.- Green ) Hrown Adalaide. .. Black Blae .,'.' Mulberry Plum Kuaael Brow. UIim . Black Adalaide Brown Greet) Mulberiw Frok Coats Drsss ditto Brewn and AdaUid Uolh I'eterahtm Urab Blaek Adalaiite Bnalna) Wrapper Cleek Ssattonto, Double Mill'd Cattimerel Fancy Hrab- do do do Striped do ' do do Diagonal do Dee ' do Black do Blue' do and Cloth -Ixindnn Diagonal " de VPantaloona, Engliah Quilted Silk, Brown "I Ue d do Ulack Cloth, ' do Do . Blue Satin draUe Ireaated, Ulack Fancy Silk do Col'd Valencia (&. C.) Veltet, Ulaek Te-ta, I Jght Silk aad Kersey r'it-ured Valencia do 1 ogetlier WMh a general nawramrwi ei Hosiery. Shirt Bosoms end Collsrs. -. Com Elastic, Silk-aad Worsted Sus penders, . Stocks; Satin, Sift , Bombazine, Tel vet wand ribM Silk. - "'-- P. S. Pertont (amithine their n material. will he their ettUhe fnaile iip whh healnraa ann eapMen. All order from dialanee lhank fully reerWed and promptly tUcntlcd le. ? lUleJglHOrt; "" " " ' Notice. - ' Will he Sold On Ihe thirlt Mnartaw ha Feb. art neat, before Ihe Court Dilute floor in the eat m oaictgn, on a artaa na one Miflwnyear, Ihe folio Big WdtVti witi,.oue' 4UMttatie aihaairag Ihe land ef John llmlon, John Ithwlea, de'd, end ether, with a comfortable dwelling and (nl leienl open laud to work ant hand, and eon. tmiuinc 440 acre. Attn anoiber tract, com iii inr I6S eeret, and befog Spri el the lin-lt ean. ed by the late Jamea linnUelil. On Ihie Iraet there U aa eieellent mill aeat, nn Crablren ereek. 'Alaa another tract, 4 mile Iram Ra bt'igta, enntaining two hundred aerre, all wwod land, and aljoina.the lead ef John tie,. Unberl CnaMen,.dce'd, and other., A drtcriptfon nl the abnre land can be had by applying to Andertoa Pago, er ta the wubeeriber: - x . ' i ' Tri-i I ataleigo, Koe. S4. ISJ4 49 I w tleapeetfully Inform hit friend, aad the jublit Lhat he eofliinee to aarry the i - -.Coacl. naktaa Bswlaess, ' at hi aid laa4. ISO yard! Wett el P.L bONI HOl'EU where ha i prepared In awake and re pair etrry deaarintieej ef CAkUIAGES. at ihe hnrtetl.nottei ' liw... Order wiU be lhank fatly, reeeited and aeempt. ly attended ta. ';.,.;..- .-..j r.: BafoaH De. .fc,,- tfSw .Tt-.JS). sT:v.i.n Cank of the State of N, Carolina. The ee else awiJ aacetkae nl lie aarik.M "foe etnek fo lU capital ef thi hank, waM be head a tw IM ehi em daa SVet Uul j . ( ianmariberawho aannwt attend arrtenalli ate a ithwetee JZTpJXZZSZ aTZ form petarnbed Jrl the Mye Law id Ike eera. twtie,. - ' C. UCWEV. PaakV t,aj. ft.U sp t- SllTer Ware, Fancy roo4f . tsd ' Sw B AT NEW YQgg ritlCESL. BEKNAUO ML'POY anaoenee to bit friend and Ihe public generally, that be hat this' day opened a eery epftndid etaoniuent ot gnetfa hi hit line, and, haamg eande arrattgelnewt with London bouac, be wdl be able le H HuUitk wt.rViVV peieee. - I Wetorehwae ilii.g 1 .1 . i ' -I I l . M ... M proewre arwciet ia inai ibt, i m wen .iu call aad eaamtnn foe theoiaeie, at hiittore, two dwar Veluw the Poat UlSce. Ilia aaaore 'Malt ootraMtf, lprlf-----rt-'i Gold and Silver Levers, Horizontal and Vertical Watches; a treat va- leryj a very large qaautrty of Silver WareJ great variety of Fancy Arti cles and Perfumery; And, in fact; ttery article lhat ean be tound m an eelaldiahment et the kind.1 CL9CKS sent W.t l'CUES repaired So l1.e beet wNHMicr. .All kind of Gnld and Sitter work: made and repaired ceeeruJIy and peheta- allt. y ' Raleigh, NoeTtaV II? T tm? BeaveT 4lata, - ' Of a anperior ejoalrtf , only weighing 4 es. war ranted genuine Uenver, er no tale, fur mle hy ..i WM. II. MEAD. Dee, a . f II ' : China Vn9.vyix ledoien peee-whheC'fflWA' PLsTES--Breakfatt, UinioV, Tea and Deaaerffor talaftnr , WM.il. MEAD. Dee'.. I " "' '';"-"--. a .f.,.'.:. Cologne Water. . A full aupplv ol tieeman and French CO UX.NB WAVEH, of awperior quality, ia Fancy and Plain Uottkea, for .! be . -::rr,,mAD:-. Dee. SI If Wedding Slipper. Plain while Satin aad Scored fire de V'anlea Weddieg Slippert, of a anperior onalily aad (aahionable style, tor aahi !y WM. H. MEAD. tt if CmDTvIlaa. ... tl. 30 and 34 inah irta aiyle. Umbrella gold and ivory lippcdi alto mourning Umbrella nf Scutch Gnigham and Gro de Swiaat t few tery large and hcaty H lack and Bordered tiro da Naplea, warrented to be cejiml to any in maiket, fnrmleby WM. U. MEAD. : -I "'I . S If 0O Yards of M laeh eltii Altl&U,ol pneae sualut, forval by V.I, H. MEAO, Dee. t SI tl The eianiinatien will be on the I9ih and lOlh inat. The iteft Seation will commence on the ISlh ef Jaauary. ..- ,-i ......... WM. J. BINGHAM, Principal. Deeembet S $1 3w Uackarel, ITlackareL laaekarel! W. H. MEAD ha en hand a foil (apply of inAVJAtAICKLi, m nau earrelt, put p fee akuiiiT eaevNO. I aad S. . " Raleigh; Net; 47 - - --r- - w- Cloak Cloth. One piece 7-4 tuper Blue CLOAK CLOTH, eipreatly lor Latliet' drette, for tale be , -V. Mr M K A ;., Dae.. t -...;,.. ::as!43t-a.4t'..fv Sotncthlna; Sew aajaln! Memoiri of Viilucq, agent Of rter r lench Pbtle by bimaeir, I vol. aatate Skelchet of Society in Great Hritain and Iretaad -by C fi. Stuart, of the U. 3. Naty, au thor of Viail le ihe Swuih Heat, ate. Keblet Chrittitn Year. 1 lioughta in terae for Ihe Sunday and ttoltiday tsraugttoul the yee Gale Miildleton.a Note! In. S tola. It mo. Vy r--- the author at" Rramblriyt llotiae, ka., The Doomed, a Notel in"4 tolt. 1 1 mo. "i'liit it a work of estranrdmai y merit and deep latere." f.1 ; : J eat pwblitlied, aad for lei at ihe Karth Ca. rolioa Hoekator. - TURNER It HUGHES. ' Odeberlt, 1134 - . . Stale of Norfli Carolina, . .. - ............ jbftijtf(&fW''Tf Superior, Co-rt of Iaw, Fall Term, 183d. Sarah Swaanee va.- i VPclilnra for ditot 5 ' - John S wanner. J" I hit cat atiji'a Jtaiiag itera awed for thedee fendant aeconling I law, and returned not lobe found, and proclamation hating been made foe aid defendant, and hi default recorded! order ed by the Court thai puhlicalion lie wade in the Raleigh -Sun aad Tarborough Free Pie,, lw iwUta Jfiurual of tlu hlatey lee three omwiM, fur Ihe tnid J no. Swannei' Id appear at Our nrll Superior Cmirt. o he held a the Cnui-l I noe m Williamtton Ui latl Monday in FtUtuary neil, then and li.era to anencr.pleatl oe iheiimr lethw petnion ol aaid Sarah, and cauac ahew, if any he hath, why ike prater of aaid petilfoner thall set be graelcdt irilteraiae the etmte-will be iaken np aad examined pwle, an judginent riltri,d aftio;aMiffii f f' m&ms&&isimmwj& WliEELEU MARTIN. LjV. , ' ' - v ' -y ': v , o sin - ' ; , State of North Carolina, t JLJtj lllFakt Covaly; - ' Superior Court tf Law. Fall Terii Matibfo llarria.Y ?-.:: k t vPetitiow for foveeeei va? Thenaaa Harei. J - , ' . , It appenrfog tn lit tatUTactirm af Ih Court, that the defendanUThorna Mania, ia nt ,tt. aennl thi State, it it ilirrtfore nrtfered, that pnhlieetMMa awadf foethrtm rwMMb, in ihe Ha, Icigb Krgiater and Star, newapapcr piintcd in ihe eiry el Ssteigh, that unite the eud 1 hamal I larrlt aiprar at ih ne Trm nf te d (rftr, Set he held lite Si-ak IImi!.. ft. tk. rM...i. r.mT aa marrn nrt, ami pieetif anwre,: ae demur le the elainiilT'a netitfonj a will I., k. .1 pane, and iwilgntant pro eenfette enrered - gaiaM hum. il a iUTtsr Si, c., S4o oTNoi Cnrtina, t Saperior CoiutofLmW, Fall Term, 1834 . G"' '- i-l Petltfo. rafoet u Joho T.Sett tntheriS Y-.aWaamaMialeavlw I Upon lliie petninn . being eahrbited kt pew eun eponalndatit, and it appraritig thai Juha T. Seen, the a oi'mial rater ttf Samnrl Kn, do aeeeed, a, mr fohabiiBiit ef hnethee State;' and beyond ihe preeeaa at hi eaeirti it it therefore erd;red by tit eimrt. that puhliulmn bwntede in the Ifoleigb. Sine foe tit wetka,tt Uteaaid Jeha T. Sceu, foe bia lo ajipntr end awe ee aaid c laam at the neat terM that (Wi. ee tt am( wilSbe beard et peer aa f hit. exit Sewaeedinfa bad itwreev.aording I net rf Aiacmbly , Watnea. JWph White;" eforh. nf. ene i.' eHW,i wtCe. th .l Mnt,day of Sepk-mlnV laat, mm! me 40h yea mi aa ItokneiMka AV.ailTP,, ad, rfr yr-fe4f,er sik TlAllnra rtr.lj' WT. r- l ...,,..a.u,.t Mmm mmm, iruaw bne Atiide naSe. tha loth foaunt, bia aerreawM Pr. 8-id aegre i about Cl . "' Utmplafoo. '; hlgtl foiehead, a good art af tenth. ' aaa aa atanwdimetit aa hie ' and wliee he it c lovely eawawed! I or aeiiaid attMv. ti i . . en nf liU feel few days before lie Mi. IKr ta vllfothaamtbywlef naaiaeat'' frei or ' la"' lacliet tiigh, and hit eloihnrg M folfowtvone) aniaed eftat. one anltinal mns a. : I . . ... r J ,L . -wmatenta; hair wont, black atlk Weiateoai, atte pair ef litfcw It i. aiMtid La avHl att.aai I. . . ,-, - - -. 1. ,W,,j aonati, umirr. fataivv prouaeiy fawlmne, e be uwiainen a tree wegrw w m tneT.aatwej ef ae Wetter, dated amn Imie or ive-twart-e.' Ke doubt he Willaail hie name Weaa a. v tejpptaaeertfntl be attempt to follow aiffrr " or go wait aotiie emigrama wbu left aha fteigk kmtined aatnat aftw time he del.' r- u : , f- Jl'he abee twwawd . will te girea 4T lake ag nf he Slaieif we Twe Fit Ootfor- r takea' witlimltie Slate, awl iklitered loute ia Chalham '' county, wear St: I awre.Hre Poet Office, er put e any jad u thai I get atua again.1 OetoheelT, 1134 tf ' , W.t iakrn pp end enramilted ta trtej.it tiT Kintien, Uwnie ee!,. an the I Silt tl Auguwi, a Nrgre rtaan whneaIN bhaerrl Date, aad fc?.'fr1",1tatwl M-Vlar. reel, of ilmmgtoa. Kent negto i ahrmt Sve lawttlwee-ne iUM m kivli. aa Jul. " i - r .. m .aniiiMraioev The owner is ux-taed lo eome forwaitl, arwwa property, pay cliargr, and lake liha awat. U he ill he dealt w hit at the raw diifet. r ' i I . JKKKMIAII HAWKINS, Jalee I ,SeptV.VIS ... t r. tf 7 To1toceHlgaursa4W Brawil' beato)ariag lebaeeu. . , .. , . lioat SpjiniU,Srgrt, and tewdeiew taperaae ' Madeha, Ptni and Claret Wtadl, ' For eale at the Drug Store !' ' i jf 'rrrvnixi vMsrn i r w ooo it'tW'T Balriplt. Nnt SO, M4 . , , , V ' ' ,t (.,,.t .WANTCJD,. ... A Yonug Man, ot good aioral aharaeter.Jihat eaa ee-nre - wrf -TeeowtiYestRd,' "knit n'i' ",n knowledge of the Apothecary hutiiet ene-get -immediate emplot by makin; seeaoit! appltaa aiou at Ihe trote at WILLIAMS, II ATWOwDhC. Oet. t7, ll4 . , i 4J af t Female Academy. It it wkh pecu'iar pleaaure, that lb euoteri.1 her It permitted to aitneanc ta the foenter friend and patran of Mr. HUrCIIP.HON (loraucriy Mta KY&, andWtha pwhlte-in ge neral, that the it expected In open aa Academy for yming IJkilie,' hi Raleigh, aa ee about the ' irat Monday l Jannwry. f The proof which Mta. H. It already, giten I the eiliaent of Narefgh of her auperine avital end intellrctnal cjtialifteaiion, a aa In acre ire aa el young tallica, prreldde the neity at any fo ibrdte1lerJfo'm"Trwtf'w ' la iaatice le tire hoeetee, ahwatd he Mated,' that hee etoerieae m lit hetiae wf Ininnen Hon haa ; -en much eatorged Ut ihe iatertnl wf he Mtrfttle Ironr it x-mWW:jt.rH eenliy gtme tn on w ttvwarar r etnatr vnaa net ia llie United Stttet.ti' the expreat pnr. poae ef Hill belter awalirytng bcrtrlf le lit em ployment alie it alioullo' readme arilong at It ia earerVe a a a mart la aar, lhat wkatetee aweatttre -al atte awe) eeunael aH anl. ia Ihe gn ternment and lualrueltnn ol her ocltnttl, may Seem le be needed, k ahall at ell timea be pmmae ry and cheerfeMy rcailrradi for we ha auirV a tare our eHort may aeMrikmt jo that tad, that the FEMAI.P. l)KPllVMK r of the KALKtGtt ACADtiMY thrtt nt ktnrpatad by any in the eoanlfy. .. -f" ..v,t r'. t We ar authorited loadd. thai bmbjlhe Mafo and Female Departrucnta wHI b la.arrd piih the eonntel, experiewwti aad general tuiiettiataa ef thatteerUtv-M'PasaTaa. v if Not. M , in if Female ISoardlaaj Sehool. The ncit acaeioa of lhv aobtarihar'a aahael will eainmenae on Ihe 13th f Janeary, IJi. It hat been Ihe object of the aubtaribcr to reader hi kwheo! aa maab a poatibfo a ir- i FAMILY IMlTITrTIOIf,"- hx which hi pupd meet, ia etery letpeel, wile) Ihe aarac trealmeul te which lltey hat been aa. enatomed at hanxe, 0 for t it aontiatent with a -Mricrtheugb mild -diaaipline. T thlt end, tint aeraher ol papilai limited. j ,.,, . Th tj Mem of tudiet purtBttL eempriae ee rf branch ol Female Edacatioa Uugld ia Ih hett Setinarkrr end a tolUl ami llaoroagh ae atOtanee with etch, rather lhaa a rapid pro grett Inreugb the whole, it timed at. ,The mall number of oat aepil enable aa lo U tramiaach on erera(elr, adaptiug tha aiipefot. ed eoaraa-f etudavs their twepeetft adaeae - ment and ability, an prefaeeaee. to placing then. In a lew large electee, ebere anme meat neee4 aarily -upei-aclally taaght.ii Tha .Itighee hraaehe are praatitally and jprijaeatally fo laalrated. . . . ' Whd aloae aad detoted atlenti nn I paid, - lh. wlliTatlacl eJ lhe.aaiiul,aa.le ia gnaat. to hfmpoeaien4 af th m4l and religieae character, and of manner and depot liaeul Th ay Hem ef reward and nnniahmeM atrapW d i on whieh exalude tery feel Big .'ef Je Inwey endettalthip among aue pupUa aad tfoav aame time, a a a.paerfol ttimnlpa.loaa:ea... linn, Ly' making the ttandard of eteelleaed aa aeklnrahlp and ifoaertiaeat, a Sxed and ewrteiel one, w h ich l lmay . attain, by protcr elfuM-t. aad not. de peh.fenV' on eomparatite etetitt' whera -aomia'laeet Seeeeaarlly art.'-1 f.-lfc -VnW,v j - TWeechool ia aiieaaed abotK a milefram flill" oroegh,rin a epantry; rrmarkalil Joe Jiealtla aad ample ,la la' allowed lor exereite and raw creatine. "The TerW are fTt pee aeaaina ef It aaahtbC'laalsdrlny;"! Stalienary, - WILL. f. ANDF.tts6vZJ.- . IMIahorftBgla. Nee. I, USA - . 47. tl B. Inttntelioa ri Static and Pamiimrgitea h prieaee4 ahd compcetei -tearnere at ilea eaciemerj ptieea. ." ' . '. Cosalia Joekey- Clnn Raera , I The 4lttttthi, Joekev Club Knee wdl m -nee ra tltet' fitcn4 f WadViy fit Jnaamt- eta-, tfagla Sth aal. UI tantiatt e aUya.' - 4 rVat ilea 'ilkia it . t,M). entrant. lav la le'u, for er.it, and fillic,? eMr tea and e4aed -Sre t.d Day 4 mil heUa, p oratf ' IW" Third Ihtt- i . f,i..: . .1ar,i. SOa 1 V.raa-th Day ,.,. da. Ai, . free fir aaha aad Mriea anlyi, "Fififi DVk lta;Milafcel beat ikree- am tti, ra.W all'kee nrryinf taata. wetghlf -pnrae, Ih ' enlranae. ef fce, jarff"1) days at d $130 a.lH.d by th Wv".,l.Iliu-. -Aged hr ran a ill aarry n Syeaneld- ',. - " 4 de '12 f do " V. , V ' v . A fa-a Mare aad Geldin; alfowed S lha. . . IT , K. NAMSA V, Sea t ft Tree. , Oetri, ItSA', M aewri ! mtlmu 1 J itt . Pnblishede . : . ":n ".XA'sf nENCjRidt VlKMATa - Ait tn a ua o ji r o a i & ... atJ-l-t-il '..j-' i r i' .ataiaiiMaf aalaaJhxX -waaiin"wr, aaawma - - MnxM.MNaeai Ariiafoa, atefol ftraawV aaae tiaenneae arnrt-, aeedote. P Ihvl e Ih eltfoee al Cett ramaaS r BVe United State ad of Korth le.ilW,; Meaaaeraef AtarotSly, foaWaaj tana Aaredote. a Ital at abar eBfoar at et af ihe .... . . ..... (aa. A a. . tab ean be had ky Che whatemfo awl retadk aftpabrhJter4 Ualeighi afo eCMe. lUw HaM, Kewfoee. Me. ArchlOd lanel. Pj- eltem l dle aad at the taV ef J7 - 1 v - 4