MM .' ' -. T . - -w I,,,,., j-.ii.-tnr. inlKl""" -asaiaVa. NO.- HALEL3H, N.O. THURSDAY, J ATTOAH Y 0, 1035 Carolina GnHU rcauaaiea; wsskiv, at . LAWttF.NCK. & I.KMAT. . hair al , " gnksreilwra in olAee &e .1 uuiiLiii hI...i ii.i i inn --- - --- , ' wtinrti; rii i w inira. i nf ike Tcr'tubiiniHi in ailrmre. AVIITIlt'T not. l" W i,BTfrt(,, Trirtri for ( .IIIt,mH laee (.ft fee Pek jsooJMMaaav. v. Lirna, " Floors n,", i""-!''"'- SPEECH OF MK. WILSON, Of FKRqVIMOVS, On lh nvnr in Iwv Ike fiilUir llMnlnlinni on ilia laiile, MinrHl in lira Sinnlr on tltc l&lk T December, l;4t -. ttcvM, tbatth lexiiHr of a rlttig tllHf reueeaant'Oivws of the nenjil nf ui.1 8lK, ka rijriil to iiwarMrt rtirir Rnwlnriio 0j(reM( j"' vjwdieai km of Ike ekanerfee of tmr polHiral innboil ut reqiiirrs Hut tork tnwmetmii, bhmiW be given hrn-ver Kctiar ai)-emarta llw iH l fce ,Klar ;oiiaiitf,-ni lime f jwWh me)pii. . w t. Hlvef. mat lHf ll'. Willie I. Mn. (inn, w i.r lr.M ikw Sute in itw er tur UiTi;::.; K-'XHf KrWit 1 "" Tor eviiiii"'ic" ' Km rrenrH iif lk Hni nl llie Url Hintet, tlx rrlnlMM iliMlrinx "iU Mia I'rwHlmt, i l.itli!iiu(n Kh-eelie rrUllon lit llw iHlli iln 'I' -wytmr "limwH T i ithTTilT wl p'H'rr M r-mfrrrnl li lUf S IJ.'fctlw.l, iliirt hi eiei-Mrwy IJovrrn. or nt ilii fce rwfiMtiHl lrnH f.irllf with Ilia H w Willie I. MaupuM " llm llrtll'inl lliwn, m ) U i U EntiTtamiHg ft hope that the Senatf w'.ll by ai!ejhrc distracting and Speikrr. to move ju ih&t be laid o:i ih taHle." Knowiiia'tiiiit the di baie to jitbe con Rned atrktlv-tw the mot am. 4 I will endeavour U austa-.n Irotn tu cnii.iilcratioii of tin rvlu'ion. the pitp Miiiie6Lor which is jhe object of this m ition. If he remarks I may wWit seem fur while to range from t i .tion. I hope . for. theinilujgent e of the 8ttiat I con lude the relet am y of my obser vatiun shall W abundantly apprent. Ve are the a cent a of the penple. and have ass -mhled ihi place- f.rtlie purjH-se of executing the trust. Each one of us has a power of attorney from o ir coastituent. wherein is set forth the-Mim kud sutMance '?ar,gen.cI w .tHt'ii.. - The iwt ofdutie in-cnb-il on o'ir nowers of. attorney varies ac cor'linulv as we cme from dillereni . .n-irt.4f-tlM State.- Uofoituuately Rut -the -State at-thisjmerwveit ones lions ufadistrartin nature, divide her .cilizeiiV. The citizens of the western iwrt of tha State. Itclieve ihemaelve 'airieved hv the existence of occurred res, which have sprung up among ihem since the aihtpiion ol our state lon stitution. and which were not foreseen and. provide 1 f"r by onr fatliers in the rr.'uinm oiour luiuuin. ntal law. . i ne east belie iug tlwU rat- grievance exit's am ms; their western brethren, and that the Sae Cnatttuiioii cannot unfler an v allerations without ha zartlinK it long tried and well known excellence, have bitherto:Tei4 with treat pertinacity -all attempts at an alteration. The expediency ol pro vidin? hr law for a R neral sys tem of internal improvement by the LnvUlature out of the public trea- Hrv schemawbirk M9 Mttn ,xea lunsi v advorated by' miny f our most intelligent and estimable citizen in eve ry part of the Slate, and. one which has bpii onnnseil Wlttl as mucil zeai anu W nuV-taletit WVt u"et a more equal and just eysleui . jif4itiotUs--mMrewere onenlv dis'assed annwii our cimsitu ent in every part of the Slate previ ous to our lat elef thins, . Thene nasures , are to . be , fwL in tlie ltt1(iiru.aMAfeC from his cvnsti'uent. In my imwer of attorney , I am anthori-ed ad em piiwrred to oppose, by all lawful and r honorable means." the falling of a. Con vention, and I am authorized to op pose any ami all aiuetidments "that may be uX-red or pmp'tsed to the existing !onstiitttinn. In terms equally a dear anil"biiu1ing."' am I authorized and empowered l oppose all works of internal improvement at ihe sole ex pense of the State. . I am instructed to nse my best e!Tirt to adopt a nre rqual and just system fd taxation. ' On"coiipai;ing"liiv"nit if dutiesjwt'h those 'of inteHient gftlth'men of ih'H S'cnir,' from iliflerrnt parts of the Stat", I fid they sis authorized to advocate or oppose the same measures with myself, accordingly their em stiiacnta may deem th"-ir interest t reouire.' Now 1 will f aus; here, and make one a'ngle inquirv. and-i deire earh Senit'M- to consider the question addressed directlr to himself: .Who among us was instructed t sttpport or oppose these resoludons? 1 umlertake . - . There U certain -iieci- d le-slatioH which w have to rf.'rm here.$ and whicir f .llnvvs ss a matter or course, that stituen - olficer to sav that tbev were not heard of in we return home io give an ncnran ui u.uuu im,r.'iK.n it.M.1 r,".a tri ti. air atwjrd Jiin? That Ja v will ar- Speaker, again to and .r U tSxam tK. tUv a,r nut 4 when we uhnll lie oblieeil to give I desire, each Onvntv illvnu. 1 imnii, tli.. U ' a ulrii-t ai riinut ' It US. fof a fCW O'lesti n d'TCC is never ta'k-d of among our e-vo ration of .r nnree in 'he Se- alrea ly created a greai excitement a- ts. Surh is the election of r nste Wr shothf Ih eomnel'ed torn- broad ami in the Assembly., , Ihe sn-inignny.oiine ti ,t, t...i . r .r. .r..r..i j r..--.ri;ri"r:riri---- tw-.-irrti"a.r naaautnVliave been stir ml un. the Hat ton of any of "tltial iftcIriooliiir membe-rst tb Drordar of "NSvimber. at 12'0'cTmI. HMl -, .'IV IUI1X1IIK III I IIC Cltl I I, ,11 T .1 I III II, , ,n, IM.l Wr r, ITir II , ... T - - - ' . tr Ming for the current expenses of the government, &c &c. The ma Mere Uvir inseparable from the existc nee of this bod and the State, and from lung usage ad-rpted as standing business, have cease lto be agitated among the people. . v. . J WitoW'TTieXimten -tion bill, upon which pcentlem-n from the west think the future wellfare,' if ,,e wni tmni i hat bill, wnnruiev have, ir to when pasnl into a law, would give them equal political rt'hfs'witlr'thi'ir east ern bill which western gentlemen have for so many years so ably insisted, in the Assembly and be fore their eitnsttturnts, would regene rate and rvinviytrate our beloved State, and put her by the side, not on I v in political, but in commercial im jMrtance, of the m'ist flourishing States in the cnnfrileracy that bill which has fur so many venrs azitated the whole State, ronvulsed this body, and ?ost our constituents so mucli treasure .uinoTiyi rfpTiivi oj inc aijinipriaic cummittee. and made the order .for this - very dar inpon t Je MftMnf -h Jtnttttr frA" 'flttrkeinu'slYiow" be laid aside, set at naujrht, make a place for ih"e political resolutions. laxeu itthiabilljir heft wemat. aUlwmghJ there m if be a majority oil eitner siie. yet it will h4, t riper I y cunulTil, must talce up mucn lime, rrom me gr:iunl it covers, Irom its great impor tance, fi-o n the zeal of its advocate.. fro:u thi firmne f i opponen's, it must it will rrjuire miuh time to b devoted to its consideration. ilught w-nti-4hei i tn hare entered upon it consideration at as early a, neriol as our iM-rji'iization would haveiand altenni names of bastard chil- peroiitted? To. juvcipitateahis mea!4j sure, to run it tnrougn in a eauop, win nrnductive of errors and improiirie-;inz ie in the rreat f a odamental law of the land. To delay or retard the ac tion ; tlie S nate ipin this WH haz ards .M passace for the . wanMii tinier and,f ultimately vpas-edi briflsS det iment to the people by the increase if the expenses of a Ions sesMon. Are there no reasons whv we should lay aside-the consideration: of these -reso lutions, and enter seriously upon those mntters which o-ir coitituen' have expressly authorized s to per'iirm? The great CentrarjlaitlltiadZfromlbeeft-engaged-in the performance of ueauiori to ine iioanrniiis. uesijjneii to cover a rountrv four hundred miles in extent a nniiert which its advo- cate DA-lieve will build up-within oar birdei' a grt" ComiriefrTat "City; tarn our swamps into fields and meadows, our barren plains into mul befry ofchnrds and vineyards." .... . .. . ver our lulls and valleys anil moun- taint with a hanor. veareful. orderly and independent veon.anrr a project wnicn its opponenm resist urrnw,u caune mer inuic v . ptv cannot be carried into execution with- Stte, but because want, hunger, Ja rat imposing up in thi' people' enor-' mine, squalid poverty stares them in m , us bardets. and without mortnarthe face. Toattestthit troth, let any inj the faith of the State a project, believed bv those wh resist it alcu late.l 'to fill the land with wonder this city for one day, and notice the and cover the people with rags." passengers. Now are seen to pass by A bill for this scheme, vi.ionary at wagons, carriages, swarms ofjlayes I ; it t- tris wow ort our tabler led on by their enterpriz and has been ma-u tucive way for the compelled by a barren soil, heavy introduction and diseussiiir-wf-.4Ke State and county taxes, and by feder reMiliilions. It is fair to infer that alesctiona, to leave his beloved mother this project, from the intelligenre of State for a Hre fertile soil in the sun its aviKtei,.ftmihekMaland thVtr n -I mbttrs, cannat be with any de gree of jasfice dismwed of in any very short period.- Is not this a strong ad ditional reaon why these resolutions idiadm1hfa that we wiav art uon this bill, which is to iw faund a the Jtst of our dotie? I A bill limitint the poweMf the judges of Courts of Record in inflicting pun- uhment- - tor -cwntem itdesigMl - to4 nrotect the cuizen iaiqst Jheabuse legacies in tlie hands of adiNimstra i . . f . tors and executors. -jteionging o ao-w-onding debtors, to be reacheil by r feittToritrthis State by-attachment a bilHlefinin the doty ol patrols, de signed to inct 'uet them how far they may punish slaves, and for the better government of our , slave population generally. All these, with many other i-nportant public bills now on the ta ble, are turned off as useless, in order to make room for "these rtsolufi'onsj which, immediately on their parage, if they past at all", are to be tent te AVaslHOiton City, and ivhiih, if dis- . ' . i ; i cursed ami sanciioneo. can m ni p sib I :t r beiTefi t thT St ife of North Va ruliiia U the value of o-ie blade of grass or one grain of corn.- Then, 1 ak, why tak up these tesolutionsr Why not proceed to a. t upon those ma'ter hkh our coistituents sent us here to act on? What h ive e done? Thirty days have w been in session. and on-i fcolitary pnblie bill has been passed. H w shall we h able to face our aVised constituent, when - . . ...... Af mfrnenK- r , then stand up b -fire sn plain honest constituent arhome, with a P't'O nsr- Suppose our honest constituent to ad dress that anxious enquiry to us, which every tax-paying constituent addresses o his Hepresentative oh his return home: What have you done for us? We met at the Governor's House in Ralejjjh ?n the,: 17ih her, elected our ofneerf, and organized Tor b-istness. On lhursuay we receiv ed from the House of Commons a Senator in Uonrress immeiiiateiv .uojecu wre'-rVifetrtf'lihis"course" of proceed ing, on the ground that it was usual, in electing the "great officer of the State, t appoint a day at some dis tance ahead, in order that parties might bring out their candidates, and in or der ttiat their merits might be ascer tained: but, sir, we held the election. and elected Mr. Bedford Brown the sanvi day of his nomination. We were determined to despatch bnsiness, and save time and money. We want ed no itlle talk. The next important matter before as, was the election of a Public Printer; and such was our de- fTreffijsfii wents ilespatrn, that we elected rluio W hiiirwtlftjat'T 6nttminmf;7pujj Tiini in noiui nation!!! We then went on with the . rea;utar baVn. - H 1 apprehend, in our narration to our con .UtuvnU, ruodesty.andAUaine . will compel us to pause -nay rather to be come silent j but. air. our honest con stituent, excited by curiosity, will re peat, in a stronger tone of voire. What Wave you done for u in the thirty days f your. HeHt9ii already expired? Truth compels us to answer, we were engaged (.-in day to day in divorcing husbaiils Trom Their wives," and wives from their husbands in legitimating - eaiureAtorin j-jigues, who had oeen puuiuijr Bbymgcu , yf p ist, to credit, oucn, sir, win oe the accoutitof a supporter .of these reso lutions. Here then is the whole journal up to this day. What honest constit uent wauld,. not. iura. awayrom, such hiiiory ''of our proceedings with ilia-" ustf and yet io-r is not one or us who dare den y th is to be r tro e m. count of our proceedings up to this dav in the Senate; -- - Have we, then, stork to our. power of attorney? Have we been employed in the line of our duty? Have we juioso ionics wiiau wu.. wim sent us here to perform? When are we to do our constituents' business? Are-alV thesev-Mr.- Speaker.-not sound reasons why we should let atone these resolutions Day after day we are fold that our State is decaying hecagn f . 1. I x I 'I... . I. pr onise ana laiems leaving ocr, to n 'other and kinder States her people 'mizratini to the fertile West, not be- member of this honorable body but take his stand in the main street of whose broad shoulders, weather beaten countenance and shielded hands, at test in the st rongest manner' that it W not from idleness that he seeks a! better iionXndnow a much more numer ous class. Led on by tun burned, gaunt lrftikiHshusbandmeBdriytngcarts miserably covered, with . barefooted wheels, drawn by half starved, unshod nas. -Accompanying are their shri veiled.' siiioKe-dried wives, their ragged "daughters aM ed and bareheaded children. A nor- rid picture! but trutf tolhe letter. I!the people by - protracting this session have seen more than one caravan of, sixteen days in tlte discussion of these this class since I have been in this city. 'resolutions? These sixteen days will Can we co nothing to enliven our ag-jcost the State 12,000 dollars, instead riralture?' Can we do nothing to stay J of endeavoring to makeprovisions for migration, to induce our people to stay our constituents, we are daily eating with us? the wealthy to ornament them Op 1y increasing their. burthens, auc'iety the yeoman to give stability: Now, for one moment, let us inquire to our institutions and the poor to be-j whether these resolutions are not mist come useful laborers and citizens? . Isjchievous in themselves? What" are it hot oar duty to'make an eftort to do .they? Disguise them as yea will, their something for these, and for the rjst 'direct tendency is to flatter the vanity '..fnur iwunUr What ad vantaire will the, imt any other pdrtiort of; our pen- most distinguished men by displacing plel derive from a long discussion of him from the councils of the nation, or these resoiotions? 7 At all' events by-4-einnprr him to tommit the horrible attending strictly ' and despafching crime ' of .. perjury, .Will their dis those matters which our constituents cussion make the State produce one sent us ' here to perform ith speed, more blade of fodder, or . one more we shall, in some small degree, relieve ear of com, than would have been pro the pe ple by lightening the expenses of ducej had these resolutions never this session of our Assembly.and tliere- been brought 'forward? Wilt the by derrease taxation. , ' ' ' ! discussion of hem bring . honor or These resolutions have passed the House of Commons after eight ays' debate, ami alter me expeniuiureoi i AMI Ji.l 1 - II Aaaan I laa. lakal Of a 11 livic icTsr ask the Seaate. and member to consider the tly put to himself Ka,n by these eight days, and what lor these n.oiMi iionarsr lriie resolutions have session of the House of Commons; and if they be taken up and discussed here, I fear awfully fearthat- not pjdy eight days more, ami another six thou sand dollars will be consumed, but that worse feelings and worse conse from a lunner uiscussion oi inese v wicaea and blood-stirring resolutions. ' 'A plaeoLninedaya!aratM-.4 aaidr'1oiiaTefkHeTt i wnr ItififetrSF- unjmvtkft'Grcnrapb I'roy. The discussion which, for eight days past, has been going on in the other (loose, is a plague nearly as mischievous in its consequences as that which fell upon Agamemnon's host. I again ask Senators to aid in averting from this Senate rnd from Ihe State this direful calamity. These political excitements spread abroad through all . the veins of the State with the rapidity of the circula tion of the blood through the human system, poison the very fountains of social intercourse, dividing, in the'.r mad career, housesfamilies, counties, and fin4f?ffilW. brotnenC It tnersriaincrL''n(l'l'edS. mnlbeKran band and wife, acainst each iKr. A politician will charge the whole of his family, friends, and sometimes the wUole circte ol Aift -accitanloeero highly with political matter, that the Uast.touch will produce a shock, a convulsion throughout the whole chain. uch unfortunately is ue situation or r. . . . ., r .1 . e , , our state at inis time, mar our leuerai executive, in a fortnisht's time, ran charge full with political electricity the y.hdeSt?i.,8eMng. there loretlu tour legitimate business is to be neglected the trust committed to us by our con stituents abused and despised seeing that great detriment will accrue to the people by the useless expenditure of time and money in the debate of these resolutionsieing-4hathey areto produce strife atid discord, and ban ish from among us that concord and harmony which is o egi)til to Bound legislation I earnestly-solicit the as sistance of every membi'r or this Se- - - . nate to co-operate wiin me in putting away ineoo miscnievous resoiuiions. j ' could give "man v 'o'her reasons. and soutid ones too; but I si i all con tent myself in making but a few more observations, and then conclude. We should endeavor, Mr. Speaker, at atl timet to spend as little time here as possible; but especially at this session. Tlie ensuing will be one of the hardest TearsTu pon our people ever felt - in North Carotins. ' Oh the sea6oard. the granary of the State, was raised onl a verv nrdinarv eron of erain. Thrtraghou t the whole State not a hal f of a crop ol cotton. In the central part of the State,, corn, the staR" of life, is now actually scarce, while the stock is unfatted. In order to illut trate this fact. I have but to relate an nc currence that took place in this city the other night in the presence of anu -titude of witnesses: At 2 o'clock in the morning" was heard the terrific cry of fire! fire! fire! .In a moment the whole city rushed to the place where the flames were seen and heard crack ling towards Heaven. It was the kitchen of an old citizen. Con tiguous to the kitchen was a small crib, containing less than fifty bushels of corn. -The crowd manifested great solicitude for the preservation of the old gentleman's dwelling house, and the ': abwloi- amfortibut the old gentleman directed his whoT6' enbrto to the saving of the crib, and was fre quently heard to cry out, in the ' most piteous and imploring strains, let alone my-dwelltttgrhottses: but sve gentle4 men, for Uod's sake, save, save my corn and fodder. The contents of the crib were the reward of the culture of his . exhausted soil in an-onpropitioos this hard year add to the burthens of of the President, to distract one of our profit to the State? , Will per charae ter be elevated abroad by their adop. tion? Can we, by these resolutions, resuscitate our languishing agriculture. stay the tide of emigration from pur State, boild up a sound state of public and private morals, wise ana pru dent -administration -of uriJaws? Will they esse nor burthens, pay our taxes,-make our roads good? Will their discussion and passage add lo the enate, nr. to th repu- its members?- J hen, iiron"nrirbot will be the looser by their discussion : .r it :e . to this House if the Senate cannot add to its dignity, nor any member toto alter lh lim of holding the County his reputation why, why should we Courts of Beaufort. By Mr, Lindsay,5 MuuciiiRC uu iiiiv inc prvri gave us ao authority to perform? In iWsphit 6fgowt feelihf f ask! ISenStbriT to pause before they enter upon this, distracting subject; lor I fear before it U'closed, if once commenced ,-wtrihs 1 1 atrjRayelcV Tioti. I WTsTii' Mr Speaker, to inter- lere with no man's pleasure, ; and il gentlemen wish to remain here, eating Tried pork for breakfast, and dining on poor turkey, I hope they will be grati fied in. their taste at their own, and not at their constituents' expense. When we have finished those matters which our constituents ordered us. in our power of attorney, to lo and, in the language of the farmer, when; we hare cleansed the old ditches; trimmed up the hedge-rows, and repaired tlie fences of our beloved State, let us, without entering upon these political resolutions, which are intended to.fur- seekers, return with kar coocinf es clean heart, and honest ewmteflattcc to our constituents. . After Mr. AVilson concluded his thus: "as many as are in favor of lay ing thee.reiJutions tm i. the tablewijl, when their names are called, answer in the affirmative! and those of a con trary opinion, in the negative." Doc tor Mebane, the Senator from Bertie, having called for the ayes aod aoest M linker. lUrco. llati-MMUi, lleant, llnwicl,Calitll, Uarwm. IMwifa ralilv, llarriwm. ll"r", Kva- lll. KluOt, Xiol", Irfiarrv, M'AIiIIm. MVIwb. M'WllllBI,lrlH, SUM, Matfgntarrj at Harllnnl. Mm of HrtU I'uktr. Hlmlti. R. jrr, Sberanl, Sliii, Wellbnru, WUtoa 49. 1 Ihim bi vmel Hi lira negative, arc Mesart. rrinrHr ttrinawr tlanil, CoOliee of Marti, C.iwprr ol' imp,, iMthaiin, Ihirtiam, KilnionMiHi, Kla-li of I'eraoa, Ktloanls Warren, Ka neft, Fljnt, Klooera, tiavin, Haarttln. Ilolffilrt, ttowrtt, Himrr. v'.lhaXJaaHaV taikluirt; H. Cormick, Mtraey, Mr banc, MiHil)rimer)r ol Or. anr, Mom, Mnyt m l,rrne, nlMlrvrvIMrlK't 8twr, StPtilwn,, VVIIJer, Ullaker, JVIiHv horat, Wjalir SI. . " ;.. Anil so the Senate ret usjw tojaj on the fable : the r re solutions. . ' .ja . .1... a . ii LEGISLlTUtE OF If. C. iredni$dau't Dec 31.' . SENATE. Mr. Kendall, from the committee tLFfpoilhMlnd GrttivanceA re-t portetl unfayorablyon restore to credit Jas. Simpson," Joseph Wilson and Willis Alexander,'' Con curred in. . .Mr. Kendall, from . the same committee reported -substrtot for the bill ti prohibit hauling 'of seines or drag nets within two miles of the bars and inlets in this state; and recommended the rejection of the bill to, repeal .the act.Jl Jast session, regulating lay days on Frying Pan, in I Tyrrell upon which the first' iiamed bill was made the order ol th nay lot to-morrow, and the last laid upoM the table," and subsequently taken up and rejected. '' --"' -MrrHawkinsrfromthe-selectcomi mittee on the expenditures of the rapi tol, to whom was referred the bill to make an appropriation tor completing the capitol in th city - of Raleigh, reported the bill without amendment, and recommended its passage. ll appropriates th sum of 875,000" After" ineffectual .motions to ameml aaMlJo lay the bill on the table, it passed frSieeondah ana was ortiereti to be engrossed,- Un the second reading, the-ayes and noes were taketiras inirowt. ::71Tr.i TbuM vna vnlvit Jur Ike rnaaag. of lb kill wera M'tu't. Arrmvton, - Itarao, llatcmaji, Iteardr Hiiena,--:!!!!-! Marlinr Cowpee . ol Gatva, Dovit, FlwarUs of fat, Ptvanlt t Vweiirr.nnr,rir, llarrHoo, rlaakiHt. . M. . i-HoaM,--Kere;-t.initaev-,-lclrt," Mliiie.! YtXVMti Moiilaomrrr of Urn font. Ho, of of mi, mio of (irccne, Fkclit, JSaaryrr, 8aijhl; Snenaer, Steuben,, ilihir, s omm, boater, - V yab .14. -T- ; - - ' Tboa ho volvil aratnat hi naatare, crr Meaara llxker, llriiouo, Caldwell, Unkami, Ikirkao,, Flinanrtun, Kirlr, Flvnl, (iavin, tlugani llotme. " Hwe!l, ICnitall, - Linle. Lnvry, MtJormiak, M'Millan, Manin. MaM, I'arkor, Saoiarri, SlWr, , Sliipp, WollbaiH, VVI.Hrliuri. Ui. " Mr. Montgomery, of Hertford, front the balloting commitleejfor one Trus tee of the University t reportedMthat Ple tsant W, Kittrcll was duly, eiect dl.1', .'-;.- ';! :..,".Jj 'Hie following, engrossed bills from the otVf Hoogtf, were read th third time, passed aud orderedTlo ie' en rolled: . To quiet the titles to certain lands ' in this ' 8tatet to v amend the rharter of the Cape Fear Bank y and to authorise, the Cnty .Couris of Burke and Yancy lo appoint Commissioners for laying olT road. ' " ; Bills presented By Mr.Rdmon stun, a bill to authorise a subscription on the part nf the State tothe capital stock of the Oeonalofty .Turnpike Company. ' By Mr, Beard, to Incor porate the Pioneer Mills Gold Mining Company, in the county of Cabatrus, Tliese bills were read tlie first time and natsed. ' The' resolution'' from the llouseof Commons, proposing to " adjourn ; lirtf tfuon vionnay next, was laiu .upon the table-r.3,1 to S3. "HOOSK O? COMMONS. wood, to incorporate the North Caro- it n -1. 1 . o?.- ,i lina Bible Societv. By Mr. Clark.' svimvi i iii inc vivvi ivu ui vimmiuici in Oreensborogh and Jamestown, in Gunroril Count y. TJy Mr. Bell, to repeal the actof last session for Che' better administration : of J justice i1n Carteret.-' By! rrManney, to pre- sen t . 4 n na eetiers. eat, . irom seiunr spirituous liquors to tlie non-ciimtnis United States army. The last bill1 wa a rejerteil tlr- others werei't ad the first time." h'h. ": Mr. Battle, from tlie -select Com. mittee to whom wta; ' referred to memorial nf John Brown, sgent of the1 devisees of William Cathrart, report-' ed ' agairrst ' thfr-etpedienc y of anr- legislation on the' subject ' Conturr- edtn; The Speaker laid before the House' the following'-irommenication from" Romulus M. Saunders, Esquiret WSPWiWl&ifri&fhm the I'eeaidert i th sppoittlmrnt of jUimrniaiaiiiias anHWevlie"" Cnierttini heorn Fiance and l. United States, I ImkI no thoottlil I M llirrcby vioainghe CiMMBUNtI.MinifTPi5y Ww mf it y lt. Put aa the Uou of t:'ommoii- I s-rf -ft&Jtfir Jvfr;ii rti of; Ace of Attorney funeral, wli.-r.h I hate hwl the honor to fill, is vacant inroneq-ifuceur', my aceepionee of the aad tim,iKaiii;' f feel impelM. by a Maw of propiieijr aOd -1 elf respect, ih promptly.. t ij( iijr wy i acquiescence in hat lfrmiinlion. -,TU t I lerl at libeny . tl mora readily to do, aa neither the preamble or reswUitioiisadopred" hv the llooae, any thing' urged ill Uuiri Hiacuvilon, asrriba lo mt any iwral nfimce, 1 oe any lreic4i nf duty in ,tk ,Whre of the biiaineaa of .lli nfliee.. i Whatever, therefore, mav be my on irw in regard . to the mailer, f ana compelled to H reeetiix lhiavkrtTegfitilt-iplBs"W opinion of majmi y ttf Ihe moat nnmeroo branch of lb l-riaintoeei nd as Mel.,-1 am ' un W4lheg o ;rou b jhe ;bente n h a' aciuio upon ine wiiijeci., I o avoui i,y falnre diU;cuhy, or emba-raaameut, I tierehy" louder this no m rpaivnalHin nt tiia nfft.. Je i I bav Hi honor to be.r , , jr ; t- ..( - lt ;'-'-'-W I hiloe ftvptt2 l.-tl.I.' -i-t-Ytrtir-obVarw.-''' v Speaker oftbs llouit of Comawas , ;..f"l I'TbfLbill : concerning; a Convention to : amend , th Constitution t of the ! Stat, was read Jlusj lbirdl tune amd- passed. CG to $2, and sent,t the Seuat ) for concurrence. s , nT"Ti''';tf fw Mewea. . H, It Alcsanitcr. Allrann.', Itairintee, ' llfoi , Hrll. Uialk. lli- . itoni'-UrasotW, ttra m? ftruinmetl.1" tSui lr, Clawinl, UoMeo, jraf, tltetvwt, lkelwry, - , IkHllry, r'lrminr Fotiahro, ;orrrll, tirahaok, , t (inhin, liarjn,, llainrkk, , Itakmv , llarren' ' ttanwyi 1 1) nrr, iiiHiHnami, Itrary, lloe, W. - Horn.. J.I Jl.inm,"i I hNdMHWr kssai i JorHan, Kotttf 4tiMrrll lilm, t.tttr; t-iartwt -ttk", Lnnilermilk. .Aland. .laiir, Mmihi, w ntWf wiraoaa, fnmia,,. rTHmlinn-, 'i Rak,r. Seaierll, ,.( SmhU,- U Stockartl, Talliam, Vail,Wiirih,, .tValkar, WRftKti, Weaver,-'W'tifiBthf, J.'-vVilliaaN U'bcaee, Wf laf.""' . frt.J O ' ,W "WeSWw Albrani J, al Aleer, n..ker, Batllo, IllairUloril, llmlilie, llrarg, HrT,, lUaum. Itrw. Uaetre, Clat k, t3e, "Crami, iWmirt, Uivmjwws,- FiMlran4(lih, ' t FovroMui, Poet, Frtnk, ,. Itarfter, lliMriama, ..llonlovr,,, llawant, U. Jwa,.W, Jot, J4kioa, Kmsih, - life, Long,' t.vtm. Maalm, MaratelWr, Mai- Ibeart, Monk, Mollen, lltlii'K, Attawo,, M'rVraMi. Mltarken, UuiIho, Prrry, FoM,, Powrll,,k, Ujfiwrr: Itmilrk, Saiiir,," Sllr, Hloan, Hmallwmal, S Hmiib, Kwaaiitr,' Swindell, Talor 1 illeitv Tatnllnaon, Waiaoa,t .lea, XVall. j , W iluaiai of (ratta. It Mliani; ; ' The bill 1o rVpeaYtht act! of 1853 directing ; the manne r in which ; Con-1 saldes shall be kppoiii?d in this State,,, so far as regaids the county, of Car ritack, was read the second rime and rejected as was also the bill to rerw ttreOewg"Ili:1reertocred1 ., The.. engrossed ' bills, altering -thr boundaries of the Bark Militia, and lxUi-atigJack rAon f Mdoriiigf : were read Urn tluid Urn and olered' to be enrolled... V-nm On motion of Mr. Outlaw, tteotvetl.-Tlwt -ikv-Caniinmra on "ihiV" , .. . . . . . . ' Z Z'7"'"'i''y1- WdloftaU&aiVees for anyt cwiao aubaeiiurnl to marriaf. thoold itarv deem it epu!ftt.lM"'.'--:eTjv- t . ,s - TTittmliiy, Juiu I. 1 85 Bill presented- Hy Mjfcfnestt" meud part of the firsT section . of au act, 'passed in 1 8.'.S, to authorise cer tain persons therein nAmed td raise by lottery six thousand doUiiis for f utUu'g a canal v in 'Washington - county. 1 Jlr Mr. liateman. eonrerning i public road -leading fnitU Columbia, iu "I yrell coun ty, to riymootn.' y,Mr. Artjaeeii; . amendatory of an act authorising the' cttixens of the town of Havwood taanU point rommissinneTilly ilr. SpaMit, to autbori Tbomas J. Pasture? of Craven county, U keep a ferry in said county, and for other purposes. By Mr Wellborn," to repeal Hie : act of 1833,' concerning the Wilkes' coun'y' volunteer artillery CoropanVt stid - by the same, to appoint" commissioners to run altd lay off the road from the foot of the Laurel Hill s the ton f the1 Blue Ridge at . the-Aiha cmity line, &.c -These bills were read three times.' passed, and ordered 4h- W rttgriseJ, except the last mentioned, w hi h pas-1 sed its first reading, 'and was brdered tn lie upon the table; tr-r- j , . Mr. Sawyer, from, ihe committee on the Judiciary, to hin Was referred the bill to regulate. attiTnies' fees and State tax fees in ihn t oiinfy.f Was-h-.. ingtonrrepor'ed the same with a re- commtBdatlonrB!fepMieli .tnu . .-" 4 i -:.r i - "U t". ..... .1 -8 - - H

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