' r NO. 7 voL;imvi ,id Wfirtfi Cuxoliua Gaztltt, . " - ,'rtiiii, wtririT,' ar ' irTVWRXCK & I.EMAY.TT I ; , , TKH MS. .1 "...'. 1 V!irTlu"r, i lire. ii.llr per annum one tiitrary power, at the footstool f the , Aram Executive of the United Statrs. discharge of it executive duties. Caaf Charity, sir that charity which; from T k.a J.... I -.1. r i i .1-. . -i . r ... e . T a '. e ...-." e i ia mi iu j iu uie i resi ii tie suppvscu mai m tranters oi . me j itte inuruuty oi wy naiivc. a so iro-dentahu-utabalo-g farther; and it U either ti be made to manner in which those duties were to' ins to "oxtead to others forbids m to bend, nr to J rendered odious tod be- performed wts Sitbjecfc toyr-fevi-fake any such supposition, -i-i-jOi. gratify his passions. I repudiate'; al together, the. f uvmitroul , , pre'ension e. n..iii( per annum one -BB,m.,!i,i, : .uuu. .ti-S-. lj. l..-,Ww.,u...,-w.- "Viff'lTf Wrfaw?-' tjM'tatTrWaCrtrf',rirWe n mui, man uuicm i . x vas ui me a uoiwuaiti ucuci.u Unnni fce atUwen tn remain in arrears imieer' unc wi a acnes vi measures lias uiaeeu ic coinpievClj wiinin ane'was Mienuouett uv nv H'ltUu iron) IWw. Suppose, the Seriate is in the would wdfuuT misieiT those who' are. i tiio dcc of Uieeuatc " Sir, is tntidespaiic powerv t rlc, wieidedA,ttt f DiMiy utiouu io tu.rsgr., IBM, j pu liUlitjr, the. frrsuletit mav biiimpt;acU ed, and thejr becnm bis jndges?-rAiti I Huppusiog An iropni'julc cue?, jUU what ba tul! MtWJtlIarttlgJ.bui Adtniuistratiim iu more intanceavlhan one.Tb'se of coiNmisiioucr tu the kan cr, .wl-wrm. reMet hhcii iht having . m view the same object- that, pwer of the Senate tn place the seaUan, f XlrCraige,! where, bv an uani-4 Ouovuan Turte U-kwHutr-lntiralL- Lii fcer!eil renuirerf m i.nv il. ahctra.i!' Ine lency t the-henate, or,ol sccrecv on its profeetlings, and (or-; fitos vte, it was declareil that, in bir. ktitnt el. ine jear'i uoteripiion in iuvimi, jiritTMHHWir-'M- eli)i 6U,.4hi-. Ivvlv!nil fur emili eoiiiHitnce. .." lirTK"!" tIiKIU"it miu bit t ori-jiMJ., ffROJCUc4W!fl -SPEECH 1 fOi'theHte!''''' .;amat-li .MaiigmB; ; 4 . ain: kuiioosA. bv some menu D o- important changes m its rerjr consti- ever veil them from the fttibHc view? t rowing inoiiej, he had vitilated the! ttier.ll ilousa pf J,leprt'ctaiiyva bl tut4Mi TWs-i4 4k-rav-Ua ws,titiitign,,t, j defy nny ma.it to froint ' becoius. subif rvicnt . the, Executive pubiict money,1 1.5 sarroniiiiHig himaeif vv'i iiiruw uiu vonsiuutiiiu anu iioeriie ui tin -iijiuij iiiaut, -jue b iiuve. jurmeii a treaty, wnniu ine ; out anj uinuiiciion in. pi uicipie in t:ic any man doubt the fact? If he does.jscorie of their" constitutional powers, two cases. If this resolution, which test. Are not the aristnrratic fea' lie- faith is pledged, bid them rescind , sdavas that. . Ir tlie Senitors h id d!- lv..i..,'.it..,.i:n. .. h 4t...c .i.iii. 1 I.iunnnaiainiiiijj . ui.uuia.-j.(lwnii ln ug nranizauon t nave not .ca uuie geiii!-uirn m Lrejacd the, pjdiVcipIi;8.4avttidK iftair proceed l reel y, to express my S5inujfs"and '' whilst 1 shall be festrTiMedTT'BoffiTTSjr gi-lf respect and-resiect-l"or he--biMly of UicLl am. .,m ember liia..lioIat ini eitlier the roles of propiicty or de corum. I shall yet speak with becom ing freedom' 'the words of soberness and truth. , J-,i... Ve were fold", at an earl period of the session, by th6 g-ntlcman from Warren, Air. Brasg.) wheii lhe pro po.i'i m wa made by him to go imme diately into an election of Senator, thit if was neces-ary to dispose of thrt drstracting iqueftinn, in onter that onr niip.ilniighf be-properl t TTiali fied fur a dTscliargeyof "Q'fHegtSl'alTe''Trtf-' tie.- ScaiTiTy, however, is 'that tri umph achivd, starcely m e the hearts oi the ilemorra'cy g atklencil, Vjclore the barile shont "is unin heard, the is not satisfied .with the re-eleenon ot Mr. Bnjwnj the most distinguished of our public men must be sacrificed; and we are railed ution to officiate at the aliar. Yes, that' miserable policy of dragging down our eminent citizens as soon as they- aitain any distinction iinat policy which has peopled the nooth, -.'-the- oouth-west and tlie West uiib your most aidJ and enterpris'ng young men, is still to he continued. 1 took occasion, Mr. Sppaker, upon a f irmi'r orensioni, when we were told ice or to produce popular .distrust? 1 monstrous propositions and yet we: will b; recollected bv thoe fatniliar-i etitei-cd nfm aj'd. ae the barrieca Iocs not that paper speak of its irre-(re called pon t i vote fur a resolution,! witii Mr Adams's no niii'st ration, that, ih'tf Constitution cloven down withoat . bid t tiires oTflieSena'teTieTiT unTnlioTd re- if, anil vtotataTbe faitn T the halion?qaafiustl themselves to sTt aTludW Tn i 1 e I ' in that nocumpnt to the nul-.lir 1 ne mriKt bip-nteil. hlinii and Iiiiu'mk nni run. ihev K.11I in rii .i - lt if. Mr SfKAKKt: I am fully aens'tble.; gare. ' eitlicr to exiite popular prcju- partisan will scarcely coctend forsuch'sir, ' this is notttie only precedent. It oice Dnos sponsibili its tativc of the pe not the uartv mess constant war? Has it not been called to instruct Mr. . Mangum, unlesa the that b ilv. the MfactiiHis Senate," th ."Jrreapon i people have sent us Uvre for-tlwtfiir--( fi-om Ililifat at -that time a Seaalorin ble Senate?" Have not some of them ' pose. If we- undertake to do so, we I Congress, then, as naw, opposed to u- bTildty advocated the most important snail be guilty, ol that ' usurpa.t M the disadvantages'-ut.der 'which' I i-jjf to address this House. Its atten tion has already been wearied- by the JleniStli of this discussion, ;.'and"Tifanv lare"'ixiiiuS to bring it to ft close. .1 m also aware tha t many of those whom Jt -.11 1 r. ...:...i.a 1 s.a auure5io naic u inr jjirjuiiru the subject, that there is Jittje hope that any thing which can be said, will produce. any cliange in tueir-opinions sit like , the. iloaiaa. Senator . when Hienuus and his Gauls invaded mid ty, its long term of service, which claims tor this body this high i in his in.'ss.igo nominating to the Sen-! oaenu any resistanrer ir tht very j not being the immediate represen- prerogstivr one which would tntro- ate ministers to ranama,-. be..c?ajunejJrju,ftMA ,is Ucmed thtf.Amfjrica'l.l Ui?.m,K.a opteTTls'ltiis all? TIas;d ace inn Kile confusion and mischief. Tthe p-.wer to have oimmisstoned tlum Senatain this free, reiWseutau'vf, cou-Ia"-,. tUurji nn-(i an-ainst it 9 on", we have no autnoriir iviia ever witliiut ttie act Vice ar.u conupnt" ot ' tut-jtional Liovernnvi-ni. hm uien exer-l Ileum. .. i'he fiotmr.iblc Semtar lined bv the Engluh llouse.of Conv mon3 in xhe mQit avbitrary rrigos of the most arbitrary pi nice ol tae lioiise daim?d by- bimstlf and his - ininioni. rr to supervise ,a3, cop trot the'oIScfrs 4 of Ilia (joverniaDt ia,ibal'disch'arir fJ- the. Utf ties' entrusted ,"to tlim y ,.tW , , laws o tlio !apd,;,Sir,it,)(ia"a power wluch ,h: dangerous i - to or Jyjjrtie repuznan');r t pur 'institutions, aud wijc a desia-y,;! ; uvibljc, aodaquaUflet'? r.HHo'bati..avV 1M('W 3t derived?.:!' Ijie Eie c u ti v eT iiiiwe vTr Jdriftbfa i';ete7(-VrV icf ins wtiicit 1 nave iwotfa are a. mere , of oliice., or .linmediatetjr after, the .y iii'struuient coys'oo; to.p'oint outlhi'i ' . mnutff.in. whicti hoishall be elected. Tiieu, sir,..it deli? Tadtl, jimi't !i,r piwert which ,nret itrusteq . W s.him., , v ijwwers una, fto, port, yiawu; . i ,pt,cipcaUy.: jsnumerated. ..... n;t rveu , nojsess .nowercy,. iiuuVicatiou t carry Jafo. executioa those expressly-gr3Tjtedvr(JF'or,'altT -r- povver nwicjiHary U .carrjrjito execA v in,:surpiuon men, as now, on me nine or 1 01 piuari,- Ann, hir, nai e. wa wane so 11 'a y .ac. p'lwer . in. express . ''jLam 1 ieg BjJHUisi 1 11 ui 1 y , iii.c law, aui yMij.uu.iu; jiij.,., 1 jenpy; Jersey Legislature, and passed? dently ak them, have you been dcle nt imlira- gited for any sucli purpot-e? Did you herein tV-cnnfinyinrthrctnrirasierVert'bfM . . I ." ' . .. - l . . '' !.! i ' . I. . . . I turns, anl protesting. : in me name on aipiti.m iiuie s ioi j, ol mgn irenaon yn; I.i senate ann 01 me sm-s-, aniinst er via auuuiusirauoa ot uviu Mam- Sir, nil theae ar ai'hiSca'nt which it becoinea thi Home solemnly wf the oartv,- mt-tluir l?adrs did tJonidiler,-- this body, if their constituents have y.iu.rvached this citv, and until Mr. sent tfiem here to participate in this1 l;r:ivn was ic-electt dr Was the proj o nefarious and wicked conspiracy 11-! sition t; expunge this resolution of tlie s-ainst one of the fienartinents of the Senate discussed in five cotintifs in suaiect was dsbated, asiu s m 1 ; "rrnWe nameof nHilte-!! knViwT'an'd t hive esaminml the dliaes1 W".i ht urai tloili if.i ur Cewr fecit upon that subject with some attention, not 0:1c itl lici t.tril pretended to r,urs tiju the right of the Senate to pm such a resulutinn. No. sir, that pro- Federal Government ? I' ask tTiem, asiNorth C'a'-oHTiTi? -Nor they shall answer it to their ronscien-' t;ie hai di'.ood to make, such an asser cesand their country, to withhold the jtMiV Sir.. I put it to the gentleman sacrilegious blow iipfiftcd against tint ( from Ilaliftx (llr. Daoiel; to answer Senate in which the federative chaise-: ni-, which represents that toiiflty cor fer of ovirgovermeht is preserved that: feci !y, him or his colleagues? It is Si-nit in wliirh we mnt hmk fur a mv misfortune tu be in the same me (lefeiice Tif ihe f igtiisl in lhat g',njleinan.- My ot the States. collengiies diller wi'h me in politics. I had originally intended, Mr. Sped Tifcrcjs the name diverjiiy of senti ker, to suy nothing on the first rcsolu-j m"nt in Jrth.mpton, Ilertf.rd, and lion of the gentleman from Edgrconib , ',,K,n.v "lher antwi. . I mention these (Dra'Poits.) IIio..fartr-MtiVetTonF'?-' P?.-" mmm.xm..v 3anner f party unfai led, and. a'l laitli iul lieges caned tipon to ra ,y under its vie -, 0 j!ie propnsitlon tUerein a. j K Ul li VSil I M lVtit..4 III'- vv w 1 w w m and constitutional law was left for the Salomons of (he present day. It wa left to (hat ful rahaJ who, uiUoitunnie ly for Gen. Jackson's own fame, und fir the prosperity of this nation, r prac tically '-control i.'S destioiesi - - a defence of the Kxecutive powers ot! the Senate, it is not ntmlagous to this case? Sir, are we cliddren? Do we view this 'matter': with' the enlarged views nt statesmen, or tho narrow pi have not ortginat,d with the people;' Senate as much rieht tf defend "their Jrmed.JestJLj6liawld:.b?..fuppo5ed..Iit'li s'iriak from an avowal of my opinions. 8 fo l1lis 'atter and Ihat, UicjeH executive?;.. It is an insult to the un- The subject is one to which mv attei.-j Iorr w , e au,mr'g ".nauinonsea . 1: ...i..-:i i n wer.-' ' - i- linn ita K'uticnrimrrtnt iiamiii'tiiin i ; r - and I had taken it for granted the Le gislature had the iig!it to instruct, sim ply because such had been the prac tice. Hut,: sir, V deny that there is L i .1.. TI,. at TI- ..... .L. 1.1 ministration T Hndidater to noSlre" PwersSirr fasili T atandjlhe whether orders to that effect had Wen r1'1 n""tl0' .hfrtli "l received from the upper or nclhcr Ca binct. Were it not perfectly unne cessary, t woild again rc;;eat the in ouiry. We can, however:" be "at ' no (.oh upon this occasion. The official piper of the Administration has called upo-i us, in terms very much like a command, to pass these reso'utionsj and " why? Because Mr. Benton de sires "it and Gen.' Jackson has an al most filial regard for North Carolina! Yes, the foul ami filthy organ of the Kitchen Cab'nct has dared to lecture us upon oar duty. We are to degrade and disgrace, in public estimation, one of the disUriguiahed sop4f this State, j .... . . 4 .. ..... ...o,. ......... .... -.-...-J j minister to tne grauueauon 01 air. Benton and Gen.; Jackson. Are we prepared 'to rVBterthis'-'T'esci't,--at wHrrhthetnnstregrarhst nf the ftoma n Crovinces wnutd tiave, felt itself dis oaored? Slr.Jiave we so far forsrot- ten the disnity rrf otir stations. rthettn any thing in the Constitution which, either directly or by implication, clothes the General Aoembly vrjtb tJiis high power claimed for it. The genrleman from Il ilifar, ('Mr. Daniel,) if I understood. .Idin, claimed this as resulting from our legislative Sir, my ideas upon this snhject are sirii'.ilv these: This Jjegisi:itiirv has nn und m'ucJ right to express its opin- derstan.ling f this body to argtic such a question. - .i .. . . .; : But "I will not stop here. I know the force of names, and! invoke to ibv aid " claram et veneribile, iio iieii i.ms upon .any subject. J It not only j a name whkh make this State resi.ent has lite right, but.it is Us solemn duty jed in evry other in thi. Urtion--the to do so, when the public liberty is en- name of . S'athanif.i Maton a man, dangsred, when the rthts nf Us cnn-.lsir, not Just washed white from his sins slituehls are invaded,' or wTien anVtof rFederalistn by Jacksonisin, but- one T trtrt- he t pfw swtjjitist Why, !r, "In bestrides this great rcpuidic like a 111 g'oty t'ulossus, aud we small men tnu.it peep through bis wheri pre remotest i;iip1ic.stion,",,tVkis uiunatroas. , assu iiiptio'.i is su iirle',.i . jijt exAoiine it at ill further'i for it deserve t Tub"&trippeTti;ir"M aljjU hidoousneis. SunpiHu. a i'idg"w m.'iit is oitained ,; in, taa. District Court of Is'orth Carolina. ,',A wri.lbf , Eiccivori i p'aael .ia.tbe hands of ; l.,,l fi bug4.1eg-t.taJuuk.J"or. orable graves. ' How far is this le- jdecislaii.ii jupcnn3titu4'w!;iaJ.:Jl4stlie ( voiion to an :.icm Is it to utisett! undisputed at least until ineni? The lluusu . cannot assert - lis Ilia uifir e4- lr mi lla w. Vosmiiiaihle t.i .-'-.-r.--"- r rri - .1. . . t, .r inuai to carry ur f resident a riir'it.ln xurattand . th&r.-V , " e all the ancient hd : marshal to usDead:Jus proceediBgf' ! " - ; ' iprthrinlea---undispufei(ITi) cunind . and irect tiim in thei recently," if ourcuvVrii-in inner of -its execution? Is' lia hot 7 " proualJotltelaT'Sfe chmunt nor Sirthe. I'fcsideat .lifa Vja'tisH H' .... -T- - !i . . . . . s prefer articles uf impca t!ie Senate its riglits, because ' the anujit, because the. power must re- nivicachment is to lie tried by. bat Utile . boineyheie; but when 1 t. jtn .r hj!jA-.Sjr ...Jhey from the treat prtcile of self-dt ffrf iillireriior reMiiia.dUttt -tair-Aini'W1"-- flmtl!rer.!'nor reswaiibte ta Arm; i 1 1 m sh ould they cov" at t! ly hi Ink ln;m .ft ! pjwer eta iuiyd , fr, tUv7f rsi,I"Pr exetcise when they deem it' iieqesia- repudiate I bv the. ntain jueajiinj''if grcat public emergency" demands it. Th'S oj ininn. expressed by the iinnie iti.ite representatives of the people, so jjara it Jiiay b2 . supposed, to ex press- their sentiments, should be listened to by our Senators with the most respect ful attention, and, when it relates to a anatter of expedicncy,,ought to be ge nerally obeyed. H i 7IjuU"siri wTiiist I go thus far, I ani further bound to say, that, upon con stitutional question's, neither the peo ple nor the Legislature have any right whatever to instruct. They have im posed restrictions unon themselves and -upon , the" Senator, tuliich be nor they can throw ott. ; Th?se res ilotl.inv even if wc have a r'ght to instruct, arc nnt.sucli as I could vote for. What is the only bMfimate o'dert of instrnction? I have alwavsi instruction is not a legislative power in any sense of that word. H the Le gislature have a right,-by reason of their legislative pftwersr-1 atruct in matters of legislation, by parity of .1. - a.. 1 ' 1 . I. J. . reasoning me isiaic wumtiary nuic a right to instruct the Senators uv regard to their judicial duties, find the State Kxecutive as to their executive duty. So far as our ('(institution speaks uf instruction- at all. It is In fh1 Kill of Rights. What is there Said? ls not the" power Tn question in express terms r-served to the people themselves? Under what pretence, then, do this bo- , -., . . in 1 i-i m 11151H11 nun; 1 nac oiivhtb 11 arrngatc..inis power V inccn V .trideT.iTiWdl!raTltw.tTrilttghteft'lW . aAnfuni-Ad aftnp tha fldnnrtnn if nttr ' - . ' 1 State, Constitutioiuh .,r t, rn'iffi siitpa iinnn tbiii Asen." Bctnaity penning, vir wpnn-'wmcn fl,jinp j all , bly. But I am to be to d hat we e- ,f thi$ b, ot , cnnre,s j meh thrfe a,. of the fathers of the Uepublican church. In, the debate on the resolution to which I have referred, he thus expres ses- nwvsem - tf eery tleparlment ' of lliia Coaerotnenf,' I lie Seanie, id Mixxe of ttruaiiiliv mnl llit.' ('i-eiiilful, iliil not; walcli. ilia . iiftaer liii:ii ilie CoiKiiiuiion ' liat pin litem, i"l ' it l' liki'.i Imra iliant by timvl, U aoulil tell wtiera it wotilil eait?' . h1it often liealj aaitt tliif, !' lliia tTorerni mcnl, the IK-artmciila went In liw'.anre inch nlliee. Hnar wn lliia bnUncl, to b kepi !' Not lijr aomlHiillr inrreaiinjt il.rji.er ul oita IVjianineot of tbia 4,MTrnnieiit but tlie lluute of lt))retrnialvea alioulii luae care of tlie par tin rwnmitlwl tn lliem, tlx Brnale tlieira, and ilia I'ret'rlejit - lna. V'a ihia . f n r, l.f n their i-iulna wre. i.Ih-t tuiiiin!. iiilrMcril. Ifl wail l.ir Ilie iiilrir. riiics i.f ttia Home of Jtereeiitsliet There MrK taul, a tetiileiwT Inerary (;weriimriit 10 errate power, -GnernnieMta met a male on He (ti,pirmn lliat all iIiom alio liatl imaer auutl kj wrong lla wouljJ gn fiiHUrr, anil aniii it. a ilinibil'ul ifiMmu, abt-llier the kacnntire, in ti niciaRtv tU't i.Iioied- Uiit-.uii.arx-..nuiv oafif the entfeim.n aim l.aJ v"itetiTtff lia II the m.-ijiWiijr "I Hi senate nwngM niirirnTlr ry.TTTey wimTdlaseTy Tiat.ijay lp h.g n Jt by ty vr,y crms.f .tht ,Contt.4 t.'Lt V0i('c,Ltt.I);,uA-,lnl ju'liltutii,. , AJi.icU cavaVrfl tlcAv' pcoide. I maintaiti Aat;:nasmVcft leda up i.n.jbtl.frantjwbl' V as l.ie Senate jmswsa tuff luglil, tTiey bia auPacjuutdVwnca.at tha frsi'v : . musHadsewliat Wf lyc V ' V le , '1 '-i ; ; V1 P 4 I Hi ' ' a violation of tpoweri grSttted taj,ta,a themj iiniT that o...tefty, th .wtmld,Bi..kssSlt.arttfj . !u wt opitHotu - render tlie rl-ht itself nerfectfv " idld t!io t I vr.rs itrr!if.V;v;ti?r T t and nUgatorvj and that wo Viavejio deno,, tli , Cnatitutrjial itoe4 pof" authority, "ff vjttdl sit in jndgmenl upon I fill our official-" removal vten, .Jla iba Piiwer t E tS character, pnsltious contained are true; th nsaumplon Executive to remove the deposits ( pned, when tha,t vacancy j created1 himself,' or t. interfere Vfifli , the di-' by the act of the .i'reaidViit. himself?,! crffnofi-uaposea. in..we.. -oerreMrv w-.. a fia vxprvafiittk; vii -yuhmj--4ntt -tiJ.Tl'?fCVjiyCpnVr fact, removid Mhe 'public money?-- snlt t.f acci knt-rn.if design. 1 knuvr , Who (o.ik the res pimsibilify? S'r, that the CoHrcss of decided diBcrr we are at nn fault on this sbbjet It e ntlyaiid !i-tt wi.o'nt; etitl(i4 is most distinctly Matedby the "Exe-Jgreit if?spt'r jitt ,)t ia,jby.'no mean v cutive tliat the- act was 'his fhut'btJiidus've.'. A man 'a,tii'en, at tbak'' Hs:uinrri ine responnuiiiiT.' . J01 tin- t ly dkt he assume the resmnititity-tif be arranged the ; detclls, and, 'wfii1stii Duane was yet m uflice, he annwrtcetd 'the Kt 6: ,nia y have beeri influenced .1 . . 1 ..a i't'J a.i -a''.-, fa... .-fS I '.know hot aaa tirf.iiverumeiii, wbanad giveaf ;'ie '1wne??ffrimiA of Js. wisdomr irodei a'TO!L"d 1i1itnofsm."JHow far in tlie putlic paper that they- wo-.ild lby;' th.e cn.Idrra!bns I bcmmived at a particular time, j Sii. 'buk 'iiiany 'vdf t!c 'abiest 's 4l.dJjie,-imtiiM,.io any sJcTi rjKv.ei?, .Did the JiiwaopMiirm, anil, with gtajhic nowcr. e. . r.r Li:!!!?- Vn iiU., iunn.i..l.Jr.il1" k.t .. i. : ' i. .... .to - befnude in the Uni fed, States Banklhi've i ' bperKnced.' Tiie" Celebrated " lect, that we ere Jhe constituents of the Senator, .and4.Jjty:cforfJiav.ejlhi$ right. True air, we do elect. so..do nnr Dvr con,u.neIHa, ,o.uu fir h thi, dictation? Have the people of, c,eft ll lWlJent. We orc an dec- uTTrr Tamitna ewiiiHHattmucn. ua in uu &it.Meed? llaxeweany est authority to saenfice our citizens for the frrattneation-of any man, in or out of office? ; Mr. Speaker these resolutions have pulsion of Judge Mangum from the Sc: Ji, tl. 1 wi... nate, becsnse lie neither is, nor will he become the -instrument to aid the ele vation ""of-. Martin Van Buren to the Presidency, or the introductiou of his obfira".nble and detestable system of party tactics and nrosertntion. Thev I'ave another object I am aware that I may appear to speak harahlv, and if .S'l regret if, but I am in the discharge of a liigH public, duty, and I cannot wince my wor Ja.t I say they have an other object, : which docs not meet the ye. Some ambitions aspirant of the parly, some friend of the democracy, their friend betlUM he"" wishei tn' use them, wishes Judge Mangum's place. Yes, sir, and so keen are his desires, o eager are his palpitations, that he Cannot waifantii Mr. Marfgumi term expires. Shall we minister to this on chastened ambition? But, Mr. Spea ker, these resolutions have another ob ject Vastly tnore Important than either tl those to which I nave adverted, and Which, I confess. 111 I " my mind with profound alarm. They aim a blow, thmuli the Senator from this Stale, at the Senate of the United Statea They ire designed - to prostrate that ' aoavj the pnocipa! barrier against ar- Torat:i?aUegii.,farflne what political madman ever ..dreamed that those electors bad any right either to inUrucLor cccsacclbe J'residcni? But are we the conatitucnts of the Se in the most unqiialifjed terms. What says the Federal Con.titatiin? That each State shall be entitled to two Se nators, to be elected by tht Legisla tures, thereof. Sir, the Senators re present the State the sovereign people of Nottll Carolina, and , when : I peak thus, I cpcak in the words of tlie, Con si itution. They are, "avirxfifeenTttte' agenfs of the people, to efT t, cfxtain specific purposes is wore thek a;en fa to. elfect certain other. purposes C W't the constituents of the Senatnrj,! We the sovereign State of North T,aroTms ! The proposition need only Jo be stated, to be laughed to scorn. . . . Sir, I put this case to those vli.i Sup part the first resolution, which asserts in broad terms this right, and I rail ,upon them to answer it: Pupptise the Senate, sitting as a court of impeach ment, under f he solemn obligations re qnired 'by, the CStnstiintion,; andyour Senators express an opinion or give a vote, in the propriety and r orrertness of which the wiienmen of Ibis body do not concur. I ask, can it "be pretend-j ed that this L Iregtsutore lias right to interfere in the slightest degree with the high judicial duties of their t tationr have always been l iborlng under a de lusion up m this subject, and L nm ut terly unable to. appreciate its value. Is that the object of these resolutions? Wilhiny man ny it is? , Is not the ob- T5H"-Fn:rntr wfiic'iv me' fri . ..4- j . lV .1 -. 4.1lA.- I ri-in - .lrtt-tt.t - .l.m.... ! A have experienced. Tlie" celebrated fibiiiWrlriiHuTaii w-rwrr' -nw-aarr. :-rr y ;'fwr7imri f n. ii amnion nn jay, HOIU a flilterent . ,.',,r..',,.V",.,rlv? lorder ar.d dirett.'. The teuilem., l4trmi-Sih-H. i?i..V--the binitin'- ' r rrrai'iriii in iirciaie.; mr -t-.ik. .i;ri i r,.-, l .r i-, , u . , ' v- 4 n. , ...... ,T . - V Ot ' .VeeV trWi, mi & V6.fc.rca Win. r,.0,w Ma,,,a-W H ,M : -'1Ki'c 'f i'fvJiL-t .up.nearqus, tfvsr'r. -.-r'. . ' ;r.- tn-'-wt arrant tf wnitr. ,.Atnut v.. fit:i.ofH.Mtitul!iat-l4v. Are the"1 It is impossible fiir him I ft have been 1 It is , a ivKCivstiofi-rby,, whom, ,t,i myaibori of tfifs u-til hot aware t,aA - - ? more explicit Among th wn who act-j wTiimi, and forjwhat urpqici. , Wb?,.' Wo h ive, uj.ufaunni.rr ' ed with the SenatorajmjoJlJxi-aro sir ljr .Congrcas Jtle Secretm " h j ti-;h;la:v mi t,.u!l higUj- aotfioi itf foV"1 icd of' this mccsarr,are't w i ' i . ..... i.;i:..i i-: !...?.- i...i... Ti..- .l:.....i:.. :i. - ' which they have not fhe slightest right Mr. Van Buren', "the present Secretary the 3VcailCiV d iaretjiivj ' t c t" ttrlTeft'rTiaC-Jadie' "M anstrm'a xtnlsjprtH" ' ".Treastrrt'r.Tiind ' 'M K y. Ben' ton, ' are. to. ..tie the rea9U'flik-fuIaiiieiiiI tmn nm'.A cl n 4 in i-1iflt a RAiv llltd! avhnsit' liL(ratuluua aitt4aa.fcii '. "ri,l4 impcaciiment of the President we tiave jbeard So much, and to gratify wfmm vy are toHtegrade one or-tar tlistm- gniithed ritizeos.. with so nuch honor-to himself and credit to North'Catrlinn? Another question involved in Jhese resolutions is. had the Senale a right bt pass the resolution which has fc'ycu so much offence? . I confers, sir, - that t it is with name degree itf astonish'ment that I have heard the "negate, of thi propoi'ion flffirmcd. The facflil y.VHIi which; politicisttH ond public men' change their princip'cs, is evn now tlielkme of tcorn and ridicule; Adr 1? is one of the most ominous and fearful rgns ff the; times' thatiwhule commuiiifies of .men, without any con ceivable reasoir,Miriald iuddenlyiluing their most 'cherished and deep-rooted opinions at Ihc b'ddingof one man, It argues either snclV deep corruption in j prevail,, this object will hi; who'lr de- thc people, r such a spintf idolatry, i fea'f d. .; If the Senate had ny'right i j as seriously to threaten our institutions. J pass this remlution, where slid the JVe nave we not seen the eat frtate. ol iSiuenj outain the right to make ,av pror n c. l . - : t i . : . ...ii i I . . s in . Yes, Mr. Speaker,, that very party svno jire' so showed at this' judicial re. aolaiiaQaJiavvo-'msetvcs' furttifched ', a preeeditit precisely in oinfr In the ttb:ncc of; sClf pVecedents,' however, I hld that it is not only the right., but tbedutf of each department of the Go vernment tn fbtfefid it owmfeu1iar! rights and privileges agamst eltbrf or ' ail trie others. . I hey were designed as checks tipan eacti other. v Tliat was the vcrf object sou ohl Id b i'a'rc'iimhliiili'ed i it tur oivisioTi ill power among ineini yat lf tfiis'new fangled doctrinji h to ! ........ ;i .i.!..iT.;n t. i. 'ij;! rennsvlvania, as if by magw,. entirely changing her politiral principles at the command of a President? It lis realjk astonishing how forgetful we are when in the pursuit of a favorite object for teat?,, -Do the special cuafdiapjof the 'Constitution require that pa'per, to be expunged? ,Yet, writhe r'ghf to nd it might with, infinitely more reaiop. te. questioned.. , Why, sir. let. us see I cannot auppose lha tlie- weiLinform-Jio haLcoosequences this doctrine will ed members of llie Jackson partyTijlead-; ThePresidenfu.takea jiCupon this House ran be ignorant of the pre. ; himself to commission a public, minis cedents on this (abject, or that they Iter ia the siisloa of Congress -without T-tHothf cKbff J'Vlroirrig li'i tlu) aubardinate a"-,, S-'hl of ihe'GoVcrn:.nen'fc6 with him : ' naatcj? t'-'i thor, and'saihriie' .U'tdf'f' xecuts tne jawj. as (ie understand : ' - 'l Vu' up vert ' t fiS VepUfjljcatt . - , riieseiititive f Gverhinciit ' into the' . .molest uf utf tnJcTilnesr ,Ybu remofi ' a'l 1'ie Bcks aiJ 'blrrleriwilh wfieVl - - w H is rrarjiji f nrTTTBf l f Vrffrt? dered.'i.ot to the PiCaideuf, hur'tbYbe representaiivf a oi iuc ne(ijiie,t l i w,i;imf by tbe tNnstitatioat4be ; iauaetpiit of the publici, reveiiuc ia cntrustefil It is admitted tK-luinev Cfa5e U ir 'dKltwpfaj in" the public H . t.re ,B;int had,, c.ompljvd; wjih ita eh ,ei CiJ-s, a fid; -hjbyiiu'i' the arbitrary 5i inasniiuii as ine -reayittiitprpsssessy the power if ,a tDrIii tie lit "an I t:iio- vaf. Ii j has a rigfit to 'upirvjacji'ltTt' v ic inaii i in ine riacr cr tns ray;T , 1 tiieonsiuiillon:' -fr-. p, -, debit? of Vie Isiiirmrtie. of the SAiiVr - i . conirui .aij , inc puDma nmfei-ol its Inter orenVe n t eeiiona is Mr?" " ; r "w. 'fi-jTnntornt. A4nV't'.tl4. rii'itioof;,fiie if -'aai: ifiatiubl.e, ' ' tliifigit tojeiwivcaiilj it,, will iiot Uiiriu;. " i?,wi'i it disUnStlyiinder- " : u. sustain ... the p;iuoni t: Vor (1I - hold ooi;i nin 'o d ih"iaJVocateof dcfcnd-m : ? "s ' 'l'g'J,ar'I fUHronstiujri'iiinl, j.qr...ravs hive psi-n.' opposed to the letfi V ' pose, it aa much ;viol'e tha C..jp.ii; $ni I!an'kt,!r afty other XTatiroftu ' V " tutmn aa;thotJjga he Ti. not r juasjt, L. St'atj nalrs t ii Co.titu I m s!j..!t v - " " - s-. 'i:"i V'.(,w,t a'iv.U-t'yht, has-made the - . V l Congreg of t' L iiifrd State PWalent of .e rnited States th , niic iiic ii'iwer vt.iiiii ..iiiii :i iunu irFim m id ini nun ii nuir.n t arm i u r brrotv, m iaoyi'yreta jf i'lejejercise ; public press?r, )Vh3 has made Mm tha thatpower to accomplish n(.oSject..tipeciil guardian of the freedom of e-! not warranted jy the warrant of . at lection? 4 Or whence toesha'. tlerive' tnrnev uniler thl b t'ler art. (lie it .ra. -..nf.-.it , . ..,...,'' much .violate the chnHe; of J.ber. ; tlie nniik.' or iafeiTerwit'i it in a-1 iicoi oa ii uiti ii ia I'wopu mii nj wiji juv ir.ii mo vuari' i( HI C -Wt ' A. 1 I X 1. 1 - '- . ' a ' . a - a tV mi s resiuent Hsruy-aw, xne power, press terms. pjescrinPa tlvs -g''ei",l? 'T:""'""Tr." of removal, to. be exercised for . rood in!lieRc .vhiclr 'theil tTolteif 5-' tiitri ara.1 .-V jeause, fyr fjibenef:jk of tlje arpuntrya Ja liaveiivhtlV'j.jjtitution?. Does it . and jiafaa. arbittry;'diicretioa--a not like wiaV.'Vith f reiisioa, .; - ..-44.,. ., '- ! --. - - i-.

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