J IL4i--iX!i-UjH ILJ U . - LaUJaJBUL. J. Jl' Li . UjJI JL..J. aaU-JLUOl.l .1 , 1- I II 1 Alt -'- W f AT) iTTTO g 1 ? tv R-,. : - . . JIT1 0 ' V ti. W . r a -urn .i a - T n r ,. .i r -r i , . i ' i ' n i 'i 1 I .I , , r -. . , j u .,; wFrfi sfcVI'ir aTFV . lad Worlh-Curolina Gazeltt. Jul Yorin-varoiina uazeite, i'l..,. eva saca. vmft t.inu j 15 r'-.i' ,4irMn4rrntieMraVihiHitthH A tn.HI Whll IS llrpCnUfllt OH llfl lVI sm. h r r U become Mhwribcrvrxprtiriin for livinp; nlifain dnc J MrtolyjoiH .l"y .!he Mlipl ik-i w i f-ri(i lliiitl1TS ffieenlun ftMrei) In, .trrtM (m-t ! be jMMt-jwiil; . : Specb of lion. IIn?fh I.. U'btfr, , ar.TRNM.v , ... , the hill tofeptsl (lie Uuk.jtcyri In rjwreil ' k. il.r rommiltee on Ktecuii'e INlronnir, Ikivp bill biinff i'cr con - 'P HMiiii"'M, Wliifr, 6r - TWne!ftf rn ai,il a.ldrossed the Senate. A. .!.., s..i nr.rf- . . i -.i ti'ie to ue piacru on mc wuutom , . ororcrdioRs have vtiecn apoken r litis ueoaie. i'iin ono w umi. .. .....a itnai iiaa.ii rinriaiiirii Uni lllUT. -.li'r v mi' ui I i totlie'tMwio miiler wineratlont : tn !ive;.the.f..Hltode Jo ex,, ft, and ,hos Tl ;;! . MAMl ..-Ml II iaj..l...llUI I U H i' I. V I 1 . . . - ..m.... I . . , . .. . ' 1 imm -Tt-r-m.r-W j ........... a f mi UY ins vine. -A lie aiinaijiM .' ":t "-""..'; . ........... onems ha n powi maU4UoJ -nactments. or that, they would be preservation or a r.-co govermtient. -nrinua tn sorirtv I '.Bnt, Mr. Pwidcut, tbi cll does ,MJ'l1ie number of' hHiemplorfd ;' ! '.' Vl" faI".U.y . ......in..-....lis.. m....v a it atoiffl not with, Ins wife and Im rrssaiily vrry itiurh inrreased durcbildren; it is ciin.nuniratcd to las ng the war u liu li IrrmttialPil III Althonch the IVesi - -- 1814,1315. dent had the power to remove all the officer, mrntiooed in the bill, jet itrrie; Uiej aympatiHsc w.u. i. mi. ed in the year 18J0 Bn a I .1 flnii u ta i. Bttaaatta!t ft!! II 1 x-iiK 1 ji.- ......I.. l Tiat-p hai.1 nilii Ihe trraattryraotr -irmcrnr no urew ( . A i .... -'r.-.-i--r money otit of the- treajoiry, -wli,irb it af Their tfiftTmibft ing to tho lequiiTnifiit of acts of Co"cre8, bad in many instances railed in the performance of their duty, lossi'8 bad been sustained and it was feared more would be sua. tainca,Hle3 ...additKiiial. provisiona mailr; tbr cirrMmstaiicea were nve rinetn the act of 1820, n .1' ....A;.. .1.. a .1 r . . ry foiiryeara, each of these officers arc (O M "I S-"!J!fSi of ceuwr wht the exercise V,H..B,,?e.r".!uT,v,'lTl.ffiel.l .tationa each has vastly more ,.-. ...J .'"'!"?,.. i " .... .iA.. i... n.!i..fluenceamonir bis arnuaintances, nen., no Vm r power ot rr moving of removing an, or any oi, them from place. In carrying 4. into effect the prnvi. aions of thia act. it was expected, when the term of an oflicer expired,, I.. ru ..mtnate him TorT llieT" aameof-' fice fr another term. ' v j bVHeve that the benefits expect ed from this law liave been realised btlieclce-4nder .i cs 1 have had the honor of a seat I on this floor J aniim, that, uoth un- f .i .i.. nasi, nti.l . ike nresrut ' AU- miniatralion, I .have witnesaed the ...i.i..t ariutinv into the conduct mC tlitse omcera, w iirnyycr rrn,iii- loatedtlndldiif not'irememb rt aljgle-aM ittim-W?.li-4U?rftilw.M- disposition : manifested to 'jeontinuc any one of them who had bqen 'faithless in his trust. ' 'But "in 181S" the committee be lieved, 1thogB.mi aidted from tli a law r yet, in the atrugglea for place T andjfor. pov?er between parties ;.rejrTgreat , evils which had not been foreseen, would in all probability be experienced, : :Z The - whole Tof . tbeaa i ofllcera, amounting to a vast . number, .all 1 going out: at the end i( carbf fonr jrM, and being rtitirely -dependent mi tlie Will of t he Prvsidenf,' whe titer thete commissions should be re- f viewed or not, would induce man of ' tlon and interest, than to the welfare erUie couafry," and with a view to so ;rtire; themselves, Jliey woold, be most likely to ronnirm their opinions to the wishes of the I'i-mMoU, ; ' wlmevf r"V mfghtjiappcn to he ir he was a candidate for re election himself tbey .Iwould most likely vote ,for him, or ifone of his friends was a candidate they would vote for him, although they might conscientiously believe the best intereats of the coun try would be promoted by the elec tion of his opponent. It is : no an aaer to this4 argument1 to aay, it casts reproach upon those officers. to auppoae they( would Jaurrrnder ' tlieir npiniona in iiiusr. in iir. f Vrrsidnt, is ft"' a iproaeli to 'say I they aea aieai.;.! if a stigma upon their character, t nay, that while vt.dsHilM4d4ioMaiMe tbraueh the proper departmeat,! Pr VBie T"r.r '''-" SJllSr be lad diacharged HI' knew that the offlrer wilt !;v """" . - .... . . . . 'it i.'li!. lutir.ii In ! tliPtn vi.iul is duty witli laciiuy ami n nc was " .mnl he hail, inai lie woum men . j ". . .".1 .. . ' ... - ... , ; Wo iH kwi w' arc ton'njtt-ji rnn T ' - . . II-. ..,... J. ... ..... mailft Wrll U tlKT KNl) llieir PX bemnie ileyoiiilent upti tlic (nurlci denrived of the office tho man knows dot to whnt to turn his hand to earn ,n dollar tt subsist upon -to be de prived of tUs office is to be drnmcd - "' - ;th -ly, ! obtaining n W , means, uwin Nurh circumstanrea a most likely -.ri-1!!!! nir. hi wilt Ponfona bis " i- v--. . - . .' Jrwer,or n in r-e.'opartial opinioii of the inerits ' . 0 - r'ibabilit y h ""'J . tbiln L!!!i!!tJ,1i,i " 1 'TT' T .-.Ti" T. . i.f r . ... ! I . , " lu"r l""J "'"?, rn"-.-V' a&rTi UIIIC IT 111 11 U I IU IIIUI L ni.ttk iwaniv nun. aiiiii 1111 a.- rr,n win u- . t hatrlrr-::TO"t rawH .t.wvdlhef wnrall ai-ttlc down in tho o vkli that it4 wont-wiaa think an4 preldjitilieM9a . Terylittle.rcfl aion:I,.thiMk, must aatisfy us of the alarming ex tent of this influence in our elections. ll district attornies. all ens torn tiottse ofl1.'er9t" at) pay J m aaterar all receivers otnublicitioneya at your a U turveyors ot your public lands, with Hirir rlci ks nd all their Tatnily connexion plac ed in a aituatioii to do as the Pre sident of tlie United States may ,IrrTr.ri-:n.ii:rII.i , ""rir X:."..-;. nraiinn inni inrne iiirii irinii tiiru i.. ...m" h.r. if l, wp, " T .". V I .ul" private roan, oocicij, irum iicjnriu m m ui.ic. v. ....j.wi. very aitnatum of the officer, will ecieucc. ; - , ,V7 V ' atmnnaa liim a .bfittee iiidre'of the When nower is so limited that no III -o i 'a. . .r. i..lrii. lli Pniciiliiiill.l mncn .ui a hih . i vmuvuh-i i bis good opinion. rv.! yH Mow let us suppose a rresioent in office, possessed of the mass of! in. fluence thua collected, wishing to be elected a second terra,, w hen ; tt , was the interest of society to leave hint out, and put eome other person ihj or1 let us suppose' a President In for tho lasf time," and to ' wish In designate 'some', individual as his successor; who vrould not be 'the choice of a inajority if left free ze act according . to .. their ; .unbiased judgment, -Jwuai inenwoiiMi inosi probably happen .we migni some, times find that thcTre&ident wpuld not in such a case be contented with .all. tbesjBu,. people. aim4ly,iWtfcin with him; and voting With him they m uat do more, oo pain or not being re.nominatsd-4hey must each man do his best to Influence as many to think, to speak, and to- act with them, as they can ; procure.' L i .J 1 Where, could you find a man able to make a stand in Opposition to l2 No" wheref And you would seldom find one willing to make the . ex periment. -6S, , . ' , Every one must believe he could have no chance .for success, against such fearful oddsi ' These officers and their friends would, act Jn con- cert, from one enn oi um union io thether. They will havo It in their power to pour out at once, thmugti thewhole1 body Hitiei a flood that would - a-Kcp from the purest man that lives, every parti cledf repuf atlotl he had arfjulred by a long life of v irtue and ' useful ncss. ; .,. , V- . - tn j 846, "as one member of the CommUtrc, I came to the conclusion it . was dangerous tn ; leave . 'cJi a power in the hands of the Executive, and through our Chairman express ed that . pinion - to s t he worldr 2iJ entertsla the same opinion now, am prepared to re-affirm and 1 tjratt S)HH"4t-wM! Jal &A-h , TbenI was in opposition te the 1. - ...... 1,1 l If iAditiinTatralion iio lam fHrmlfflm , it has been cnntii(leil,, Con-i tthb Administration. - TM; C-MTit"esa has sna power t do,' beransr, hK no han When xtojiarc a pHaniiMirlijoy il j.uirfo7aChKT'MaffistratI ho w ill I tbaiili ;Uongres to uky n ia.Win a removal from ortWo U au exrrcw, cycry 'lUscretionary ' pabu1iiW.KsfuUro..piwFr9u V i Uty?;t will pho tim fr UUtn, a re sponsibitity. must un4eatHt lon ifiiiil hriii7i nfffiwili BtTlf ko s many ili.cret'wnrjr- powers lit? will kt"liow t txerclsn fuf Hie ImtiHr) ir m.iI - TP ir.. ' i' ttlinnlil k jmitcVliaractcr, disposcu touso all Ills powers for tho benefit T liiiitseir ar. l hU friends, nn4 for tlto purpose f perpotuatiaj; power in lus or their Iiaikili, their nouelj t large;" ought t thurfk us for stripping he F.xccnti ve f this i iQuciu'c., , . My opinion upon this subject aro'not foiimlctl "upon the petty eon niilcration of who is in power, w he Uier a political friend, nr n political opponent; they rest upon tlit eternal pi i nciplcs of what I think is' right deeaMakeJi4iiof - hcH erHinent Useir. Upon piinnnies JJbJLdLiILiliaixe very fouut.iin from which all the bleiings of our free and happy Government flov, 'Thet-lectivr fraftH.ls (ifiiciis in aurb a sihiatiatt that they will 'Wot 'reefy form 'npinlohs for themselves andJrtrifiWnCOM tli 'in, aod we will lia.o luiio leu worth presei'ving. ,,1.' , . Wheii fallyd imj to act my put, il is uuUcr not to be rtnsideml by t-stirr n jn a r.- - - - of ootr Iu JSZS. r wheh, called, on Tor airopinrn my r friend - and;: jny aeW' were at tlie ; botwm or in, poiiucai wJtrel. I ibea -eatertaioed i and tf, turned, my friends and myseir are on its to;, our opponents are all at the bottu; wbci-o-we may .be with tho next whirl no man can tell." A wise "tni-n," t hat ought we" to do?--. We- niiwht f(T a? rjtistly "tctUT men , honestly carry out our own' bid opiuions. Secure the, people aa) far as we can in the frcci . uninfluenced exercise of their own pinions at elections. 't":M:;"2!.l...... K-lf-M. iit wo unu. n-. ni v, m.iw v.v.. .... as aceurc in votine for , whom be pleases, as he is in matters of reli airlon. iH'wnrahinnina his Maker ac ..... r ,.s.. . , mn nao If. aa tn inlurB Ins on. 're,fponents,ACfi, B ' :.i i f r. '. ' ' ...... j i .iiiBiuvr ui;iwi iti. i . i( .. - i , Some speak of this bony as a per manent onci the situation fn which we now nnd'iirsplyeo isanotherpriiotpf the mutability of all temporal com Kerne, 101826; I -liad the honor or belntf 4i member of the; Commit tee of iiiiiv, iwajoriij ..oi wiiooi, at. jeasi, musthavo entertained oninioaa -aimi, . - . . r . . . larto my own,!!-!!!!!. Where are Uiey now? 1 wo only this fl.wir, in a situation to-br beard in this debater Yon, rvLrr President 'tis true are present, and 1 atri sorry In a sitaatiojt-no I;ara not,faorry yee are in be Imfiorable tai yoi! now -rwccoprii hut : I am truhryanrry we jfrO your disti iiguisbed "talciitsjn'jli debate, 1 u yon entertain tiie aame o tdnloM'I do. k. IlJoneVwe arej wot acting fr 4b Vot pie or our. own time ety. :;: ye are acting for the pecpfe nt lffrr ot.our own.tjme, ami. lor uio pcopic in an time - to tome,' let us then o act as will transmit, bncontaminated by of. ficia) inQiience, to our posterity the free institutions, for whiclf our an cesters struggled, and whuli we re. relred from them as an invade die in- heritance.'jt, , , -.".i& - ' . The. bill .at ill ? wilU leave in the hands orthe Preside'nt, jo a errnongb ovef a1f the officcrn. lie. will, till have ihe po wee rofdismiAsiBg ny one of them, at any mnment he tplea f j. ;? TTiis ' js of jts?lf a tremendoni power, given titn in trait,, to be used Tor tiie public good, and for that eajf. Never for merrdjfliTencC'of npin. Ion, liQncBtly cnteilkihcd.JrdcceUUy expressed, and acted on, hb . ninde. ration.- tt ,t i The nuesti m rccors., liny . ran Congress secure ! he cit Ue ' Tu uttu e, gainst an arbitrary exercise d this" power, in rsses where th5 jnb? ncf-g.iodiles'j not jreijuiref l?T! Committee , have attempted 5 in lii third aertinn,' by providing f thaj w henever a nomination' Ht wade to the Senate o fill a vacancy maile by a rtmovul, the Presldeatball iState the reasvtt for suxb removal,. ? i M. this bill. pIL tccjtlj Txcsideut byillic Cwustitiitioiu ami : are far f rom aaliaf rtory U my miad, and I mait sj.rave tliMndfd geuca of tho senate while I preaent as briefly as possiblo m own viexva wpoil lu'-',; ' - --'f-':'T - ( ;4t is trite the Coosrttffitoi. testa in t heFridt'n.tVthe; JSrrntt iWwiten brft Ihihif'iHateiy' we' k ourHilyca, ivlud Executive penoeuin "what is it to consist,' and.wliere shall we ascer tain iU amount aud a apecifwatiou of It' i iri.o -1. -'i' i. '';.' ''-' T -ti-; 1 . m Is any, gentleman eithep 7berc or rise here iwrparcil to state it as hi oninion. tlmt lUmler our form of Government, Exeoftive : imwrr"' is nnlimited and undefined. I hold no Such doctrine, and It would appear to mc a most w ild and niischiovous'o- pinion. ' r V '"'."'. ; ', '".", iJfe;S.WtivoWeftti'G eminent in tlie .rreeideyt i'l lha1 es- tr.liu1.Tut "bv- ejimt rrnli M act of CongreU pasaird in pu'rahanc'r ofliivi.LiiMiatiutioju.ana iiojiKire By tho Conalitutiow all legislative p iwer theret herein,) granted is rested in Congress. By theaante iostrMineiit, ExeCMtive.r'powe?!' i vested In a President. '' " r In"'tW latter clause,; the words Herein granted, used in tlie farmer are adopred, ..Tbo.reiisooor dropping them, ', t'i'my .mind .very, onviom. If they bad been tticd.ns to. ib l'l-eaidet, hoWouTd1fi ioV Ii a ieTSyruUf-Tli ItiiaH IMrliou; of. the piwere iieeesaary ti be ratel in him r to-carry- -tie affairs of Government. The- framets of that- Instaaient, for esaw-4liatlMmnatbave. many moi-epoWeH thanthey io'the Constitntion, and tlicrctore they aay the ! Exw ntii e mwer ahall be1 vested in a President, ititcndiug tliat lie should hare andjexercise all the powers "they themselves alter wards mjjht vest him with, aud also all , others - which ; Congress ,.juight from lime to time vest in him by .awl passed in pursuance of the Const no tion.: And afterwards they sum tip his duties, by saving that ho shall see7 that the laws are faithfully exe- erted.-1 w x-h ' Under Ihese several claims the ex ecutive bowers are easily ascertain- ed. We urst look into the ypnsu- tution, and tliere ce what, ppw-cfs arip expce$sly;givcn jo blip .'iNTcxt we look to the acta of Congress, aud tUsrOntLhatw;cjra.Cojigrm hat vested Mm w itb,. and thus we ascertain- his whole powers, and then we-see that his -duties are. to ace that all these" powers Are faithfully executed; It is as moHi his duty to see that a power vested in him by Constitntional aWls faithfulleXe Cfltedi ;b'stt fstb see that a power vea ted.lh. film :by,:tjie: Costlt'Uioii:il- sclf is faithfully Jcjccuted"" Whatever powers ..are vested by the Omstitution, Concrrcsa.Jias power- to, change,! wJia.tcvc,r:) twwer they vest by statute, hry may change and mnthfa at nleasnre.1 ?.; - ' - """" , J f ., . : . . . .... - w.jV""- :Aoyft oiaer nuiion oi u.xe uuvc iower3re8tcdJn seems to me cannot ue maintained under our form of Government.- ' 4J By the' Ciinstittitioti-'. tWo' rlasscs irf officers are evldentfr Intended. created, the tenijre of their pflico n fixed by tb? Const itnioii, and ;n never,.be changed by.; act of .Coo grras. v r.st!i. !i As it relates to the mother irlass, Congress may create i the office, or notHS IhryZplrasc. '.'Jn creating Sc they rosy fix 'the -flint 4' as they please, for life, for years.tjrat lj they" prescribe what "'duties' J they please, and fix their, compensation to suit thi'lrliwrf plcasui-e,v and they ma jioliit .out 'Ibp oiedfe "jwhich thfficfrjs placed.',..; .yiaartt j.' ,i S bi! i t Every IDccr; specified in, the bill now-, under fonsidrratiOH fall with, in. thlsiatler classw" "'n vrn it ' S ny are, :whbtvij railed in the Constitution inferlorffirers,V the appointment of whom Congress may test Jn 'Ite PrriWrhf ulrtttf, 4i the 'rdurfsnf jttslUer or In' the head of the department ,s'"Hi Congress then, has r pnipiete.'powe r over all , thcae .' 4Jfrrrs!!ie , may create anl abolish tin office at pleas iire. fi and modify the tentr i qa they I cbooHerad regulate at p Asur the moueorgettmg arlear of, the llicer. rUey may ettlier have t'em ppdntrd a' lliav tltta .'arali tli.LIMatitnf . aa- they now .'areby thfc IVraident, witlobt advice ortbe Eenatrvwrbythe lV?'lit awnr.r ijithesnurta.or justice, or tho hcN4;C tb. depart - J - neil Kf , TSJ ,i WI .tA"- !' m disU tcl Atturn'u eil by, Uc courts a JtIl t!f ir vflicf durin the pjfuauro of the court, but api point another. t)u:y. a!)wuld ptitdown TtAJrr gciiUeinau say auclf pryvwiou wai uncoiislititionaIJ j i fancy; nd, , i , Siipp ac all tJiooihcr oHkers t be appointed, b. (bo, .Secrf tary f , the '4 wasuf y awtij binrMc"w1tlr mnvcr, 'of. nfinjiyilbiit,, aprovis'1' inserted that When he . jaiintet ijurce'ssoi; Jia loulil( slate why ! be lixii reniovedjIieiuciuiihf'Ht-- Would sut li a provUiou bo uiicotistitntioiiai? r; IT siirli provisjons wiuild, not, io ifiose case ho unVonitiluljtiiial, why will the like pr i-.ious be uucoualitu? tioHal s wheu the President is- to ao. point with the ad ice and consent of the Senate. . I n i earb? caw . it is ipffisUtivo eoaclmcnt, or a ; aubirct wbenr greasaswsa;- ... ... .1.. . '. ..!it....,,..u ll.o.. I UallotbiaHWetW'b4-Wt 1 houotl to'aere ,U faitlifollv executed ,..1,44'.. UlU,.llt-t' J"-"1-,(OU.-iU. . Congrea-t has th power. to do what this bill propuscaf that I feel Nome surprUo there aboutd be any variety, of otini(Mi amng as up J tula quea. Our Ms emnhtcalfrcorernl merrtjf lwsi'-:Yare?a freeieople bKuvn It i so'.' Whenever tht$ Will of tlii- ixfople i It.itjirssed etyiejviii thetoiistitut"lodsor loja 'few passed in put s;i;ince,tbero if.it inutLoecaiUv pie(V w Hh. because aJcntsliwge thUs removftU -4i-Wiiei--tUi is am ittcn!X.IiUlg4VJarttmeui arc awerrign. 'ygr-'gryi'Ttw Mo person doubts; or can doubt, 41ie- power -of President to rt raova 4h tbe ; bnt tlo-ajoer in which ho aequiri's thl power .Is; n. different '''viues(ioii;itJ'enii'rtlii'i-fii' argin' agaitUt this section say. he has it from the Coustl!tloii, because it is a executivef power. I deny thisrand say itli an executive pow- 11" 1:1' . "1- er, becausQ it is made 8oby -Satw,jSute. . 'ibo business tw ill tt end and be performs n Constitutional du Uerej all tha diaappniatod upplicaata ty when hu remo es, because be is as uiocli bound to terform executive uti tki pointed attl bu Stututit he Is to . : .1 1 .!. I t- I: penorm loose aperineu in yiia vrnmi. tution. It is an EJxeeutive power be-? CaifseirwiarthewiTrfir tlie 1 pentrte, through' Congress, as their agrtit, to mste itHrir, and the" samo power through thtf same agent cbld have maue 11 ajiiujcm oinj, ii ,,"."h.:" deemed wise(r(p provide., jl ., ".V1ien. iMir'rrasoh baa fair play it appear. Lome Ibero can,be uo.difUtiU, ty on this point. In t?89 as we Uave seen, Congress, by the caating Vote of the Vioei Presideirt thought Jbls power of removal an Executive piw'4 e under the Constitution From that time to thin all officers "of fliis "rlas haveheld fTietr-filc.. ifa(g;7f ptehsufioftfti. Trethtehtt ht exWesV gncnt a i al wjes. a m ; pIefpy Jhjos 9h wwwKmrMm Wi- pJUrcj-s utitg removed, pwi folding ori ng pleasure ndicate ranovnU by tb 1 'resident and "at hii lolepl snrfglftbeiiba Congress nnUiori$e thirtmavall who can doubtof thwpwerotttKf'Pmd dent to renlover But Upose by this verr billCnngresrabonldsry lhese officers should hh!djbi-ir,offlrisdM ring good behttviovr,, what 'then, be comes of this ffistttlitfytofrJ&ecWiW pvwcrfn s i-oiivcricu ino, aui ciai PQwec, amty uu have, $m "w ay Jo rcmore iie .inr uruhent but by 4im pearuoient or by aoxciiio of , J gislative power in ttbdithieg th :nf free v5eUlii-i2iei r,- If we suppose this power of remo vnl conferral by Statute, and nut hv the CousfitntiOn our w hole eoftrse is cotisisfent in bor Exerntlra busl. neM.-MVe a rcticatediy rehied ij.iii 1L.L... ...:. Te.-: i.s.. reasons,1; a'nd j? .' BccaHi'c ' ilje tataluUi, jiaif "tre.he.wr(,i moral at Jaief pleasure tnerW, and out braucJipfCePgrei aloe haitw power to 1(reimroi that whit It .both branches bad not seeofit . to rrtairr I bin Preaideut ihese arc tkvpriri. eiples niot which I was-piT pair d fo arr In l 8eff.Tlief nee t hose poi whhh w1died:10 btlnSfliitbiAaf thb ' breseiitiChier,AIai;U'i:K,I apeak tfiity for "myseir, bu 'fbrflet e reason to thange i them, .and snj pre pared to act i hem, at.Vult is lot vatii t tell m t hi ia party tfioesbm It Id noealion of fiHidamewtal. im ini thee iila tii-iitri ilea irihe iianv - w 5lU WLtrll t .J tt. an Jlliat iTi - M " ,W WM. wl if $ mtn IS M i a i . -r..: -ii-, .1' it .iii ..tfS Vt..i... M know by when rand tn. W V Fri'S-' '.'''1-'":lbT a tontroveray .F". Vi,Pfesid roe pita ,,1, Jiavoa acv ,i.t auiu. inn r clplcay and al M on that sldeitC tr, to j wliicli I bare .been 1rdiica(fFf.i bicb l,Jiavp Jiirf tfo-o ; actcUjs W.f.W. ty MWMlVPftt doit, (or Jy. earthly tonbideratiw becauM ia taaaioleawiir 1 belie Imi t!iepnaMJriry bappiaeas and eeeirl ' fly itf tbipreteiit i ewweedHi gelar vratlons liave? dcrft and "aLiding Id thUbm;tJbeneliia.itit rMeijda'ei pert fi-ohi Nt&tetneNlr1ijVaaoHl of the Vem'ovjalfc wlien tne homlnaUoM t..I ais.wer foj naelf, lu.i4 to i c ut up. by t be rnata thedeaavaJMbM); teudttiM km f eBUv bewfiagv J I Aiati to make sorb prov(sinar-by lsrsls wilt abiebf W i;bierMgWtralo' frmn impos'itlaoebeiag-pratiic'ediijf. n biin.tlnihit)diHtbrmMr1nen front MlUrj-l wish ixV sbield i'nlm from bcbig fmpwel bjih"raTvh'a -character of those 4)hrltplif fo. f. fi(T. V f ' f . H M;..t i.Abe Uw ni stands'.' wfienever RI1...I bta'lirtKAV.''tt hi (isHf'Yn ctyvwwgytwsHhTiffBnvbt roakejt tatoratitiw linpfvsnotnias fi IboJliiesa f Jdui who deaires Jo.Jm tha jmerrawiiv I'hese bct fh b accomiishtd by aniakingrharaev . tera npowi iaheecrrtly,Befrt Ute omcer ts wwareiM UihtaeeptaiMW - la blntted by aeeret indbnfidvNtlal communieatiauainadetbyaorae f those be tad sMtjBsbb'rtendsf-" they arolodredwit'rtheExrretiv, where-if is exported i they will re , maiirrnr,aiad utnui tU- strebrth of tlieae- rrpresnitatiuoal lie Officer liahed tbatrarnClocominencrii for i succeMor; autpaper? cl.aractefstiirn procured for perhaps t half a duftea aidttr.ts,amteTy.frrffiientty'th" 4di vidnal4WvtngiN pdif of f art the- worst tliAracter of aiir of tbs eroow iiSo dressed bp, Ikvaopporled byrs tificatesi top ronvinre ihe Jixmi- tUe thOi public interest wttedyiseetitig 4InI ccisot.Vaml he ia4if)in: c.... ttt l...; . will be pra. astheeuc- mioated Id tan then gorlwworXMitusenatoraw de feat the fonfirmatiou uf the nmnial tiiltx, eb. hupia g when 4b at. l-do,:-. ; be stand next belt with thfrlSxrc- live, and will ltrorare the office. n Under Ibopreaimt tf to of thing. society, will, become dcmorRjized, meikw ill be ewitantly tevtling that possessed by: Ihclt neiglibom.fand for the sake of procuring what , Ibcy pivetbeyjiwiltbearJbeipiMftvesrenil procure wtbej-s alio to'ieaf false , .Under tbe.Uwi sal thetnaw XibiL Uhe;ba sine v of .flicenbaniBg y t bt coma, atwntS. j; Mrs wjll b jteI and lU'tii-nrJ "with funds to lfrsy'lhi eipene of-cniniiiji 'to.lV.ijig'iivfoe toe purpose of 'hiving'oue cjt 11 out nfni mother "s'-i pit in. ey men af artful tle, seeretlf gotien up ind redeed vowriin;Vhtchlt fs B(lpo ed.witt never lee the b. nl fll- ' '" crraRttrepreseoutive jU office ktMtitt " will came en witb nhea pot keii tttU o twit. thirictera, wi'bwWtLlvte.'tiirn Hit 1 lincoiubents. and -with, lha elhvr fi'Ud ' iPaMj theibjlltpd iiwMrsesaeilecl wdlbe fi, t lliin abnl tr.fr in! jta fiqu7refia ffw,Tiir VtiwmJ i, pin ftt(1'i)J nomtii'il,ar,lui mak iiienicui which nn iitnri li ui DrlifV u be tiue, bteaute txp iiiirk-tnUgra'te ' wiU.juil.yiM'HP a r nwtre." '" VeWiU-tak tlarliH4f t ' cwilly aititoia tb uiaooed 4l?rr . btreli.f-rfated b. iUd.rk.. nYHewidl iliield ihe Kiecaiive igtioit yuiliaa fnunde on U,eurf oU(Mji,Vlt.fir Kiecetve n be ,pe ijwoallj h qn.iiil d yrth lTie thiia-jsMaf all mri, in of Hi; : hor with'tb't character's' tboa' whideilre idSeV ne inuil t tilt rnfitrmithin derfved ' from Mi.ili :sha onjht, and t fel peiatiaded ihe prrlant Ckief Mzia(rat4 will, la.hk U.H.e. foe any plan tij.vhkal'T)iiy b1ka balrer toablf d lol'diKhalKa tiiSeial doiet. Ie the wel fre il aw-W fy j: h4T t . Another,, advantage v, bvtlerivrt from thli bill w. 'thai t ? wd "r.bev h ,bea man urrntnveifjur wanrajf ipicily. for want of ioiejri'y.'an ae ,aif a1 intenipi-ranie, or a iJck j1 be- ca coaot aineal a i whv not ih 'res-ton r vio " .. ... . . ... I...... l"'t oown hiroitd . v..ix.i ar..-i 'ui ' .....'...r .'j i. 'a stabbed tit the dut; by whom vt fn e(4 waat maf enL but a cioitrovrrtv With ilia' iui a, hiw ,fUebom(;i!ed.;li Yieiidrov AJjam, wc wim arrpre lOvSJi i!in.!S come JiioMrvt nicer u Jht rr jo.meaj it bon1 tIilicl iMiinMin. Na .Pra- s'uleoi.'w'iir a'rier raaos aa, nGser ?ri' U4od t-ipt be atala: