HO. 18 n ALEIGnIJ. C. TIIUIISDAY,-APHIL 23, 1035 , 4- f VOL. SXVI I Jid 'aVorA Carolina Dnztttt, , rcsLiauta. wtatv , av I.AWRKNCE & LEMAY. TKHM5. . cairne,' three dollar per anno m one I it l. ad.. Subaoribeit in .inrr Stain mim teM 4 remoi i oaiwwr. lonfcrj ii.n one er,nd -ron i cuilrnl HhoWt tin t .ie, my dir In become itiheeriber,. tHI, hnKwtljf rnuu-e to. pay u.jimh. onnt of the your' oberlpiMm in dhee. - treated a rink political heretics, af (wMiMiiif. . r -1 renowned - fr,t frmfettioitr1of"f ,.""' LrKto me rHvin iwhi no pew-pun. For Kent. fli Store hnue bert-toliiro oernpied by B Kii f, and adjomingour Drag Sim r, i fej noil fer considered On I II la WM niw. nr. Li.. i.i land in llie Cilr lor bniiiirM. f ' ....... ...a .. t,.trt...wk, HIUilMIS K ll. 11 nuuii. Je-it,n,Jo. 2r, IS35 8 If i ' Ked Clover Sel. : i - .i i... I. IF..I '!....- anil ror ic njr In I'thetH-ttO""""'? I t r tyilXUMS, HWWtJUU et UU. I i .leigh, Mroh4,35 . ,H H'cddinar Slippers. r- Vain while W wUsUfe'iC'rp lK.!?fW i ttfi9 S(ii.ier, of1 a iipt:riur nunlitjr and Thefolfowing ' interesting' dialogue contain truth important to be known by every . sincere Republican. . It shows the ground ou r. hie h lhoe States which have ben unflinchingly faithful to Federalim,' will support Mr. Van Buren fur tliat l'realilener. The re. cent elect torn in Connecticut, where the control of the U.S. treasury and to- 'hf Tennewo DeiT'l, toe.tin; JV n.i.n... r iV. f ,., 1 Werrrt aUonat tht next IVeanleneT, anJ creain pttronage ofJh .en I j,oter. wt. (a i.-Wia ihoMrvt Ik. V. M innt, it Will be impuMtble Tor Jhe PrC Uafordmi IheUndot AritiMxU Neil to lUe tiUenCT ever l be liiolee'l from iia , iiiorotwtioii t my n inoienee. ml my own H'f; f ih. Potomac' Why Tll hooM we feileraliti; who he . been , ioT.m.e hr m.; it Umt, of fenereM wiirking for thirty ' Jreiri to obtain an j ol fettihu. 't'h roi ! UtxigiMi. influence in the inuramrnl. not eiM lirlLLif! L!!!li!Tn,c ytl lipmb"pre1il tnhe"i7wTun inen irejomoiilr witti yurrrvnt. M that i.raiir. in power who act upwn dor- principlet.' tt"iiMiMt .i ixitinei wit o to be chieed by tominj junri , i iihfnimnt in wnmn-anuimn boa auaur. Liuiuola !. lur Ml-iiT I ..t.B . it If . Federalism, will give her vote to Mr. Viiii Ruren. lie, then, in the candi date of the Federalists in the North, and of '"tm bemocratt" in the South! Gloriou Democracy! The curt uf tie ofiict-ho'di ri lie upon him who would "divide the ptrty!' ' TromlhoTfto' YorV fevenin; Star. COXNEC TICUT ELEC ril)N3 cannot convey in a more clear and natisficlnry manner the causes which e. a . tration nartv, in a atate known tu have; been e( u tufurm ia.ii HliU d tHeaUy v itt ncjeci and iew, ihan re- neatinra wnsrervanoij mrate imporr. held yetterda with a friend and in- m ' mm lubitant or JNew tnven, wnonaojun landed from the ateamboat ) , j E.litor. I am glad to ynu. E5 .aped m -rfimlH-nHn tnMf&tMl conTdTon'of the "eleQiiohr to recruit in thia peaceable city. So. rd uU fede ral Connecticut, Hartford Convention, and al,1iae airuck-mthe Jaekaftir flag: Miracle it eem, will never teaie. Traveller. :Y; Connecticut ha nne for Jaekann. How cuutd we do ntherwWe? The old federal pirty, the mnt true and consistent of all. parties 1 1'.' ' . ml - u.irell. in the cnuntrTa na seen an me prmci ili.nvili alio mom nine Umbrella, ..le ihev contended for, broadly adopt- leoteh hi8h mI UroiSwi aft terT;,d hv .Qeo JckaoaWnat-shadow f .. .mul ! uiual to anv in market , 01 eiCUfe CO Beaver Itftts, Iftoipei-iornuiility, only welRliing 4 oi. war- led jftHOin ueater, or ir j . ' . ' SI II dnien nove l.iia CIIIN A PLXTKS IfeakUlt, Uniuig, Tea nd Ik-nefl, tor aula by VM. II. MKAU. SI If Le p!ee 7-4 .M,r Ul CtAK CLOTH, ir ; ,,An. be Umbrellas- , 30 and 3 Hi wjiv I tale by VM. U. MKAU. U .nil Quarter Seniuos of. Wayoe eouuly. oibaeribor. qualified A"StmiVT ill annrted) of .th UW of t'UOUK ,L1R. Kwr oeteaaeiu I nerano imlehterf 10 lW ettale.ar. reqiietl. maa ihhh"'" . . couM we have for keeping up the nnpiHitiunf ' Deinorraer is the banner under which tMMh! Jckan and f a yftM&M.mfcl, Trac - Mere words. ;'j ..They march nndee What banners the tleaet we re- 'noire no declaration nf potitiral faith I : . I ik.n Ih.l "'" . Z ,,.uil la nn. more fiinnz anil un i'i"'i ..... '"V'TLrh r enni.ined "in the Proclamation and .jr'l.lwU L. H-JI..L. .1-...: .e. Uei oy iw "r " rorev iinirin5 ii"irorr ic ." .-- preaen kd in bar of their PJF; erary l-l .... r....U.. .k. .k ,ivl,l.n.U,l limii iinin " rieu wui luniirr una .... .... im.Ul'KsJ A"-- ror by Fi.her Ame. Picker nR. U.mi. ,17 is.. ' s ton and others of the !d federal school. t.H. UU IIIU II OCtut m juu, in.i those doctrines, like tho Reneial shifts of the adminiatealioft, were only a $400 IlEWABD. . .riimlhe...briber,on I.inbtr Imbi. a neerw ! . - - . . ..... -... f,I t.enirneyeara of age, Jy b!k com-, ,ome, to attain a SperiHC OlijVCl--iiii ion, high lorelieao, irem . ; , t . there W neither nonesiT nor lininj m i, ami re"i.kbl for the tmallneM r In llehManimp-diment inhilecli, and them. ..... . . . :f . :,...i ....ii.ra. Hi-1 7.M ft miwtir knaArnnalilercii.il an lel emmeii ors ..... --. ---, tnv. ...,- - h trade i Bickmiih, i ! f the me3ures of ihe Presineot were not Cfit Tf in'rn entirely in consume, witb the v ie. le rnin-ilave liolding ' "e ,ln,e Ire" ,l p pomicai If lenu m oiiTufcaiiiis Im!i.M.intl.DmeorJAMr-!J WEAVKK, iron, r,erninent. The democracy .t'JluiJEK. have too long ruled in this country j Lined. Nodoobtbo o.H call U.maUf WbA- ?h-r.erturnin i.lf.e .iuis .wi ... . m TTZ".l. .mil for liia anortHien- .... ukn fiBlitinv under its verv h M aontinemeni in j j" Bet. M that I a "" r,'B- . f h b;oiiv UKADKV, v Si'. Laroce U. imro - To all whom tbii may II1H . -- Iff of Nnrih raroHna, ipifl Ml" ,UU itt- "' to" .V" ' h. W :. lert' N,C en' tut '. - .I'. I n of aolor, ha teen mt-i . - -j . n i ... , . !n about 10 W.tlfi!-- ae.tiKi Um I hi annmy or om., nnd ehrer, -r . i . loat. Given nn'ier our u.n... . are. A l . n i Wl IttCHAKU TllOJtrjw, 1 7 J VM. MOOHE, J. H. ' Seat. itr or warn cjRof.ixJ-. ' m OHN TATIAK, Clerk of OraogeComvr oorl of Hie' erlifelhat ltib.r, I ompo-n ., " H.n..i.. wrra n inai v wtirt where. I wreioaCT n,, eal oT afflee, Ihil 4th day of March, , A. U. , - J. TAYLOR, CC.L. name breakins them down with their own weapons, and . destroying them with their own - men. All New Enr, land with such views, will, l lhinlc, fol low Connecticut. 'r - " JjJ. It that be so. New Etijtiand h( lb( if ifc H. iiiii V ' ' r TV AMtricim Ice Speeu!ko-i i tt-ir Tememheretl that apme time a- ia was mm n v tee a sccotm carg 01 ""r n JIewEng!an.l to uw users cot the icts- l" 7-7- th but little loss.. - To accommooaie k public it seemt that Mr. 11. "greeu ell a certain quanmy uo..j r iubscribersV It was supposed that L W. 1J t that rate, iasi.eiStuy lird.. In !!. howeter, itiey were fappointed. Thelgood pfftp'fr-' ilcurta Inat their Ice creams, and Mr. Wrs found lai ice Urncd Into Jirty Iter instead f rttpee, bolt , bar! tt their temper? and the Calcutta Ipers teemed with articles on the sub- Kit really appears that nr... w- ra was used unlairiy oy . -"'r ! i ki, im ..( 11 a ii,urvM nraiK iui Irprise in bringing ice to miiw Vitl Mnori him t OKeeDU imtu eltina: beneath their aun, i asking ore man even a 1 na.eo Snmebiiilv tnM asnhclitiif , in- Uted a new BhinsU Madani ofaurli . . . . t nnM-isinj: nrwnei lira, nt a amgic rw ran Mtatid ! i Pri(iilf."'"" "" TYor. It is by no mesns unimeiy our cpinion of Van Ruren is piectsely He true ownion every wnero jncrain- rd of him the eloak of democracy M lnu anulllrti II nil n him OUt XCW England men can more securely come in under his admifiUirilion than under an v wthee of the eamlidate. "' Ed. But Van Buren being the can dWal of rta ferteratwresi- ptetigedio lose the somh and west. Trau Thst's his look out he is playtnu his cards Jneye'yj ffl.jofl ani ran auit kia views to tinjt and nf ttrrha troth -feWhr democratic" late, are all south and et. : - Ed. Whati ia not ew lorn a democratic state? sv Ttao. Not riuUe aa much at Con necticttt.. - tdn object t some act of the PresMlent. but Ju New ti it U a total unqualifud submiasiott it U an uncootlitionit surrender of - liberty at the foots'nnlof power. : - Ed. Very true. .. But It is evideat that Van Bore4ouldneer. be "lUe choice of lbe rtew v-DngiaiHi ,site, unless a reat ol'je vast be aibiee, ed. in which h ia to ba th tuet 10, - uO you imagine thai the sou titer n and western states, t he pro lucer. whoe seventy or ' eighty mil lions per annum, and whose great and intellectual patriotic men, by this ope ration, will become slaves and- ttibota ry to the magician of the north, will submit to this arrangement? ' Can you not perceive that while their wealth sua tain "the goernihentJlhey jwijl not be thrown at. the feet of the barren north, in perpetual Submision, ac cording to your own allowing? Triit. Well, what ran they do? Ed. Suppoie several statet f weafth hould withdraw from the confederacy, amterlglvruf 'Isecessioai by ihe,. Hack-ion men, our republic, in tlut rate, would be reduced to state whirli abtolutely produce nothing. We shall be cut up and divided. A rich and powerful republic would spring up at 'he south iiid.wet,whiiU wvuld& be. crowde'l w ith esUrmftr aod we of the nonh left alone in our glory, loo poor, probablrrt 'oi'ain our own government, and" finally, for mutual protection and support, asking to be ad mitted in the new republic. ' 7W. . Well then weahall be ss we were before the somerset. Ed. .Yes, but alter .much trouble and eipene,jrrobaWy- intestine wars am! revolutions anu, an tnia 10 gram the selfUh ambition of -one anao, who never pretendetL to.Jie t claims 1q llie fircuucncT. Tram We cannot lo.k so far ahead; eonoee tare' of themselves. We a trike while Ed. Well, then, your nomination o( Mr- Wbster meant nothing more than to cover the advance et Van Bu ren? . - ' yrfliv Not so. Mr. Webter is sincerely our choice, if we can have a chance to elect him: but if there is no chance wa Jiave-tu make our. .arrange ments with Mr. Van Buren, and take him. as Ritchie took Jackson, as an ' alierna'iee' not a choice. Ed. Do you think that Mastachu sett and Vermont will agree to vote tor Van Buret under any engenc)? 7'av. I think it will hsppen, Vermont is rather more difluult to move, as they seldom look to policy ami ulteiior views. Ed. Well, then, thia approaching contet i in reality the North against the Souih and Wesi; it is th Iftig con tempUtedblow against the slave hoMing tait-a4h ae4y aml4tWigiH people of New England are about loan ing themselves for this purpose, to ad vance the . objects of intiigue and cor ruptiont to sow intestine divisions in the landi 10 torn a garden into a wilder r ness; to. tempt, a foreign herd to our hores.by a participation in the "puil(" tu corrupt. 4he people with thehr own ufiices, and l place the Presidency in a State from which nothing but a revo lution can diidodit it. Tiie principles upon which this government is lounded have undersnne a complete change; and when it is too late,, the people of the south and. west will rcgrei that they did not in time form a strong anion a a barrier to this coriopt northern, al liance. . I wih you a eoikI morning, From tho Oatord Eiaminer: PUBLIC DINNER. A:-Public! Dinner Wat 'felvitt itTTie" Unidnllotetf OiRwdrpn Thurtdajr the 2nd day f A pnl, by a ngtnbet nt the cmens or uranvtue, wnnout re gard to former party distinctions, in lfinor of Judgtf tlcoH L. WniTE.'of j ennensee. . t no ;- pv u"""5'" a TandsdmeerreVtalnment provided by the enterpnsln'g and liberal pro nrjetors'of Mhe HoteC; CoU John C. Hidley ' presided,' assisted , by 'CoU Sandy ' Harria as Vice . President, and nr cMcxivW (rni(i Jititi, Xttita. ; ' ActepH geoll.raen, attyranse of my ' ' bizh eoiiaidermiim. UALIE PETTOV. To The. T. Hoot htm. .r The following "were among ' the Toasts drank oh the occasion: . . J HonT tlirgli t WUit. Ton palrwtie to ad mriiritr tt coeerninent wilti atrtlWIior patlixan liiti, loo hot in ilaniniilve St aorrui.tly t h will make tlio brat 1'rwlenl lor Ui I'.eoy law. . . . " ItcMv. Uklle IVvlon Tlio earfr. Inlmi. and firm supporter of th tlini of Judge While 10 tlio noxc fraiHlciicy appiwui lunt lor hi diaiiilercsted palrioium, wo iiouor biu lor hi iilepiideiie. Mr. Peyton . then, addressed a. the caiopiyin aloqueBtMtnotie''Bd appropriate speech; fiom which, for the resent,; w tar eshni cxtrac t. W hen ourcota ma are less crowded, we shall endeavor to publish it at tensth; ,, ... ; '-Uut how it will be In the north, lime alone can determine! The oppoiiiun Ilk a: jiucic j MSMse fur soldier lli;inf loul matters in Ten", in hi day. That he has talent ami. acquirements of the first order, is ad mitted by all wuh whom he ha mea sured strength. At ihe B' '' ,h Bench he tiul not sulfrr by a compari ort with such men a Joiin I lay wood and Jeukyn ; Whiteside. When a Cotnmi4ioner under the SpHii'i. Trea ty, he w pronnuoced toy Littleton VValtcr Tixewell, the present go ernor of Va. to be one of the ablest la the apport.nd defeoe. of 5omra men and . ' ' Southern -rirMiilrr ' I- , 1 , , , , ,l w -- Uy Tliomaa 11." Kaon. Son titer prineiiite , v. alwaya al to im hwiut f SwMhern aneo. , Jty Mio aame. The tlun, tUxh U lVbitr " ill bw wipported by U Sooth In defiance of iaali-aetioaa Iro) a party wonvemlon.1 : HyOankl A. I'.acball. May tiamdiatocMif tiation and amroile oomierwon in enuiM rennb . . . r.-m ' j l..l..l..l.t. ,.)mm l 1 1.. l r ' . , CortUiMott or iuet '"7 i . . STIi tfa TaWBurtn aud Cen. A.U?lfajlJien4.hieiVdaj imttu), vvan'iii Mjiiuinai woi-aot uofl. Hy II, M. .Uraory. W6M,- UHr He in. tmuti 01 partM baiiy an, 'ar continued many years after hi emitati'in t Tennessee, and he was distinguished amoojt that hardy, en lerprising and gillatit race uf men, who defended ur mother from the Toma hawk anil scalping Knife, lie' has learned the wanta of men by mingling nit them ' in a'l lie Has t t Ut u r boMte4, . Cht yv.iterg)ey( rjHy.-TiyrwriKj withoui ever being above it, : Hi eda i fatTi-r anl the condition of the Country f i. . ' ii.s A C f vii4 w iim wvriv inH. wiu viivem at nerv a tly W. M. . KHr. The thmftbicr of Car 1 eilitta lliiiMiuiad fiie their boaoty, virtoes kxt j cmplibnieuti 1'K.y aliould nvter be forrot-. ten wtiro w attemhta lor the tninmae of erl. ' bratiaf tb wurCt ad W Bull duia.giiiilKd iU: ! ho""ft n mariitWitr 1 ' 1 " i Ii'.Hi...... ' !...,! mm ti. " t. m . i mil uiVAU- aena. , "M renin. their own pulitict, they would Certainly do ri, and while there was a possibility of success, they contended manfully for the mattery. But the popularity of Gen. Jackson has been irresistible; hi party. i omuipnteiit, and the opposi tion have yielded. ,The contest now ia between Hugh Lh Vh(te ana Jiaritn offer tii your column the proreed- iiiga of to - nifrtinga in llcrtfont , roniity. North Carolina.' As tho't, rntiMe for u hirli tlienii'iiieeliitfi-a nrvn '! - . . men with whom he had been asociated". Jtl;d U that f the natitr, -'H run - . . I wilt h.apn-b-. -.oJtitfA.iaCJ-4wM m speechea ileliverai if the Senate off gj,, ttr tUis wfci...-. 'Un'MnHiinrs lk. ?..(-. I UI.Iai narli. Ift, ahiMttlF . - . k . . ..... .1 .. -n--- W' ;i ia mV ; i T ' bej "ig, W. fl wtr.tj Vif J'tli 8uperiorCMi U luld f ti the, luwii ai iiit'in, in the above coiin r ! ty-v-on the djittinig jf rmirt. Ilii otii funs; lit HbiMiienreiliin Mtittcirr- Mrtice n-1 he tnttCfcliTius jhnt 0Vy tlio Adtniiiistrat liiti tit nsscinble In tlio nui t Ihiuhc. , Rut the brazen ' th Uuited Stl, nerhups the ablest (halbe ha f.lly ,v solamed hi repva lion there a a man of talents. He ha filled with eiol fidelity and ability many of the highest unices in hi own State: and "has treer forig a S natnri n tfif CiWirrei oriheTJhi f ed "St a tes.l lis the most violent nartv contest, ha ev er breathed a suspicion giut hi character.: If any man i emitleil to the annellation, he may be called the Ariitide of. the country; for if all we read of the Athenian be true, he wit not more juttnan i Hugh Ltwiun White. Mi lil hi Jif.MM ' - in more moral courage ami unMinnaing finnnct. He i nuseed of a com petent, though not an overgrown estate Van Buret).' Mr. Clay Jus ae-t n'y te im,ftnM. hnf man ho - lire ha luaef to enter me canvc, nut wj"a i thought ty "hit 'friends, reiire from nublic life. - ..Mr. Calhoun decUred in a peecfr hh lattwly 1 tlio senate, wit no wh ouite an cconamWt anil a nnancier more It i 4ue-that-Mr Webter' triMl e'4()ei f MaaebeWttVe WimnatrC a , lf atjanjidite -. ail. Trav. It i so. We want nonnrro ,n,n we are tired of the ambi ion of the aou'h aod west, and ihe continued encroachments on our interests. We are ppoed to slavery opposed to the rapid augmentation olflew astes-.op poted.TinshAri, ia ,wi;wi -r' presidents of iheir making. but although Van Burrn would neef nder d.ir.-ret circumstances be the choiee of New Bog andhe has, In furthering our views: a great , advantage over any New Kog'and man. - -: Edm-JAtx U itK r5' "t:"YVi:'Tleran"4micw to throw the ......Mtiaur tha Potomac, and can IIWTftl WW - liinc-lrn in a inintitv! . irH'K IPgrn Urn Yankt-e ill improve his linen, (lti ever, thin; afier it li avcisMortlt'o a ... . earn .a.i-i j . - a . lona verr little, he evui ute o keen It there, nakeliia ImrM rut tlown a. greatr E,l U heanut jrer, mid abingle church, ji a few burs.-A'. F- Enquirer, . . sor v-h VVhv. with the eantie anwer of the atate v"f N. York, coupled wiih The utmost hilarity , and goodjeeling prevaiiett during the eeeningl" ' , ' .The Hon. Balie ' Peyton, of.Tep- ' .. : . i z l neasee, attenueu as an, inyiieu guru The following ' correspondence , has, mL a t been furpishea tof putuicauon.; , i.'i ,., OXFORD, ilh Marsh, II3J. -p. .t. if-, n.iu, Peviooi. . Tho uwlerilgnmt, eh lien "' oooniy of Gran iMia their hieli - tMrMnal ro eard'lnryoiv and to nr.a thi uoqwlifced approbation of jroor oonrae, nd - thai i of In maiorilV of thai ennetwe ueiejjaiKin ni wir (n-, to aoenoaiios i" I "11 r 1 1 Wmit lUm MX rnwqi imiiraiii) aa.ii. tM ia. t'obli Dinner, W b Ciren fll9fU OH tTi X4I 0 f i 9 ew vrrrnri m s'tlAHttlS.!'- AK,e.lill4JAM inuvt' ntnt.P.Y. Vf.' A. otitiH. i - ?J,m o.M.'um ft. It. If r.ltNllO, " -- t .". flT rTT A ttU, -T. YAWOKli et , J WcroRU. Vn Miweh, IWf. r.t k..a Inat rawWtHt TOUT kllfr uf ibiadoio, approriof Of my al that ei more in the Ugttt ol personal tompu ir,ent thn a. aerjoui. purpose of cotuin ing liimiu the canva. Hie-better informed and candid fiiend acknowl edge-that heHi a no. reatonabla hope of j success. Where ! Jiayebeen wis ad mitteit onr all. hands, llwt- the -nest President must be aelected Irom.lhe Jickaou oariy. and that the contest i nerroweti down to one between Judge White and Martin Van Buren. The ranka are forming, and Tennessee and Alabama luve taken their itantl in fa vor of White. But we frrtold that Clay men", and Calhoun men, and Web iter men, are to be found io Ihe White ranks, and that therefore we ,Jackson men should not , fall in. Do you not fintr. those who lormerly were Clay men, and Calhoun men, and Adam men, and Crawford men, and Uuik men. and Tariffmen. and ' Internal Im- Yea, in, and yt tiey an mane very good Jackton men. Is it not insisted that all ihete shall so. en msste. for Mr. Van Buren: and why should we of the Jsckson party, who brought , hue forward,' refose th'el support of 'those who have not" heretofore tone vrth os in, .every -tiling? -i-That- port ion-erfhe- oppokltion which has declared for JotUe White, have not ake.'v nor do they esoect him. I barter bit principles for their support. . No ir, they admit that they rebeaten, i hey withdraw their teUera,aod oBer their support to mm . . ....(. ... .i . on thepurest ana uutieti grouna. Ought -we-1 refine it? 1 think not. rhegreat body of he- penpletif the op Dosnion, have wgnt aim mteresta at tke, ao4:liwertie 4 secure o well e nnrsetyetrihrrare; merlcfn WiitMi a . ' a'0. jJ. ' . - - wno-n.vitig no canataaTe or tneir wo,- Claim only the poor privilege l cnooar ryg between j(ucn.anioies , e . we nretent.- Ihe American people K a nariie ileinanil. ana tnev ar entineu to a truce, a cessation from those . vio Dent party contest, which of late have unavoidably ronro high. Poiniclana and all that class of men who'make a Va m m a a.j.J ..ilu. Ira'I nf 'iillice-aeeaing. may oe inier. ested tn keep the political furnace in fulli blast and ;ta keep ujr the tWe nl pa'ktion among the; peoplei for upon this their piHtkal comtequence may depeait, anil without itther might sink into the aby is f cbacurify 1 f?-:.;-..- But it mst be enquired Vi is Judge1 Whi e and wliat are' hi claim upon the. American fnple lor tneir confidence and aupnort?" k He, ws born in Iredell'county. North Carolina.'ind removed with' hi lather .to ne atate nf Teh neee" 'when i bd, "and thoiugh herrad'hw;' and wa prepared fr the Ull ill I rllllTH ,tll...... " - " been hi home Irom that time, to ihei refen 7 I IV- 1"Vt w in -aUnut i i ty friend thought he formerly carried hi fondness for rural life and rurat-ote- pation too far. t remember to have heard from a parlirular Iriend of hi, if anecdote of a Inw Student who cinie a considerable. ditancc tn e examined bv Judite White. ' while l;e f sound wm cauj?lit, n tit only by Van ( Uurenitea but by Wldg. tlie crfnrt rooiii wn tlirnnged.. i The wrVlt cliicl'lain of the Albany batid uTtliia couuty, wm rutlrtl hjhiii ! prrslda over the tlelibcHiioim of thU inert- r fclIitt- itiaOIIS, - i Hit ;r-, nitentimi, thus: Oentktrtaw fit) i2 ynujj tthn are"" i)inard - w Milrtin l " Vnnillurrtiii bvittf thoexli;lrrjp.. attlunt fH he;-Jit wnlkH that riMiin.". (the left ins:) ciinmleti'lyriiu timao in mnliiiii it llial.cjMir.ti Jooiii.TliH:i.; nitinoBM v i Uiiuterca !to Fuiio wmii .-rt tho wiliy .-UuU'hiNHni.ifiUity ' liattltio ; very 7'iroiAVo all5 feeling-, ittir lrcii!;ili, lolnrncd agaittiA tu the blltc irriMiiiile. The mini nr the Sunreme Benth of l ennes-ilM'ocredcd -tirimTrftlAillteeT' ... . .... i UI..U ...... ..Sm..i . .1 r.i .-..u..i ...!.... iir ee. The young man had heard much of his ability and learning at a jurist, and ripected o be much embarrassed in hi presence. But he muiered courage, came to hi residence, and on being informed that the Judg was in his farm, went oat and intercepted a mm plougliing, enquired for Judge While, 'lam the man,' was. therepty. I wi-h tuget liceneo practice law, and came lobe eaamined.' Well, sir, if you will be chhI enough to come down to ihe shade, I will attend lu it with a great 'deal of pleasure. tl Mtrhcd "4n-horer6tr'er tn-a-cot shade, and took the young man mrougn a most learned and rigid eiammaiiou, found that ha was well qaalined ami after inviting nun to hi house, anu showing liim-every mark- of puUuttet aod hospitality gave him License. -1 id" that neither money nor olTice..had an improper intleenco -over him. He has declined th acceptance nf both. wi.en considered by others to be h; due. Gen. Jickton tendered him a seat In hi Cotiinet. which he deennea, on farcount qf demesne aillictions a faal disease having carried oil hi wile, antj nearly all hi children.",. . ' , J "TBeltb feitfentof irfw: of comiimmtM, lb pwK of Mberty," 11 tit Vie. riiiienitjljrui niij:rai. Wiit tMw4Hhowpli of oauUlUnv immm I L. . .. .. .1 . At .UUA V iwi-.".tiia : II. Tliaiau'l'. Hunt. Mavthe partt of jTtmneiie ielo tf ietoriooiy uie pimi: IMt otikili I no -waging, " " 7"" - tle nmma t llkk:"'frorn wat nptiiiinted to draft ircsulutiun c.xptrsiiive t llio. npntiiiientenfi (ho i nitcting. lt rrtiied ia ti-nlHt4,-retui'iird, and rrpurted tl lotig tiinjjt V of atudii'd iTSiiltn.JonM, puroi'tliig tti Tic "the "TnLrVi' "'tr7IUo"l:iiiiiillle"7'"1 In'gotleiif h llta ahort jieriud of ! ' iiiinutcH, but ctiilcntly conewted lit. Washington, f- Now. nwell known t-i . actor in llio Hccur, ;mm! a nuiht loytJ ' nubject of t he ''riiriir,?. icrrei intr the wcakiie.ti .nf liia inaatrr i rrref. rd8 nnd olijeclrd in all Viliitsl wtre iwtfwvTmnrbtotir"the prcatrnt 7r" Adiuiiiilrati'ni,tntartiripato in the meeting, Tbo ivaiduliiMm , wero ' a M I a . - .1 i auiiut tu uo ourieu,4py; uie cnair t fur' concur iTiicr, "whfiloop jnajl -.V CHtccmed fiilnw-riiiBcw, ami une l. Noi'tW- CadiuA'ajiblvtiV aon nnd flntu'jit,; Wtiiir; Jairiri lieilrll, i oae B.v1w?-afil3Ls.sr:'ar'' 4 .. mTf 'T- I : - 'S and utldi rafliin the Chair,' Urd if v he might be liewd In. Ihi, W'linfef to w Inch l here vya a iinanliHiiua ir-: 7 itMisc of 'Iciiyra'Li ,liy mnuy. IWt Vt tliie the bricuieiiti.Mfd l yl actor objet trd, aUcdgin.g tlmt thil V ' nu'ctinir iif IliiitliMd;, coniily, "Hint j-ll1.ii.i.f I.I -.lUMl leO.liaU -Htrr-- ..'-il-; mrWT.mr.nmr- - r . M mthaXOi.i'.i.lVlirrirri '' j iaMww8W'iai it Chamber or leavitaotlletcept Chief justice Marsh all.' I know ol no man that rides aooul th Ci iy 7 ft itti . in ' crriag:T 1 1 e has lone of. those nltf fiahioned! iron ecetrtituViiht wRlchsem 10 be liar Inifac of .nirn.who are: fair biia. aing away Ilia coastiluliou waa fotn ediolhe t agg eiiaceeaaBvl -pioneer of iba West, rot, Ue ittjfltae days i Wt Ftte y;4rf diwl4th th'f' tiiTlrjiriHCeiTtrie grntleman) irlrr?.T Uiilrlii, fur lio-limrnlwaya Itraitl . nj for iieotd rdJh.aM!i SiVta, to waorBia on .llivir nunner, Husl U .(V nwc BiiWJlMMU.Icahittli-Waaaiii A. ever bee til onddvm df Poao hereafter. It. nf he AduiUIIStralbiH nf Jllft Comity gnf Ol eiory. - .i - - T ..11 au ihanll Unit by UoL W. Kiilianl. , unga i nita A well ikM nrival Ida. a mrtUOOi.uulilM mirte, aleai' umlerMmntin , ; dfniter of the aooMitatlowd limit 01 Kxeautiv patron; and an neniy W puliucul il-,nnioi nim oor text rrailviil anu we Hil 0 an which mm. tW Cautaln W. II. bllluiiu. Wiwn "lu nrlna ia vlarual leitnO. ' " ' 1 ' ' . ' ; " ' ' ' . .. i n.Ki. - uy UenjiHiMn mnii i prnpu- mote t;jneinion "v pi-" . Off apt l l'tl WrBt eei'J.ij ' " I . ' -' It V.r M .ltidl. ' llojh t..Wto Th reoreaeniMria of Uo Sooth 8Mjtlim prinii.le M b l - ' r""'"" ornament of hit natif ouilatrjr .1 h it ofi Im oatireotale.'- -i ' s'"-' v IU W. -T Harerao.. May Old Rip owak nd to the poll. and ito vtery vot le", lor Mr Thorn H. Km. ' -The lion. Rti Py. loo 111 hrniabhj olilll frini. onwoeermg idepndi, roadoe. h''drr .11 Itri.U. - ! ' ' e tly ttUbard- P. Taylor Th floo. Hoh MfMm. Whtt,Tooir A t.eui.af. intrmlM) mnient 4 mi, utf B"""n ' '"Hl years ui age, a pare roan, m inm $( nii m iptmriig huo lor im oet - pable i grelt labor an research;, II. 115 is the' tirr at hie aat in the Senate imnn wtike, tf ihe merit M repnbM- TV. . A:...,. A,. thai lal fn 1 ..luiMiialiKnhiM nron.1 If IIHmil. B Edward tturtiMU ll lh U lVhie- i Thr alili llenian, iho admt. or aounierii , ftrlhtiple. the titaaterH A rJ'. M. th nel l'ridM of lh l?' ' ilf JM A lrynTh Mat Uulttr f vii. Will, fn cioiMkhi. eomimted of miieraM driveller. Oi.-ifteldod demOKUci Sod haUVwht.4 t").M.y1e nawoa K,io liPe lh tl M?1"! 0VciS&"hCsf SdTeiUMMC Cb ourOi.- assl th iUch m M '' of HrrtlWd.V Unt if tliij very nblt m fttid tHstiiifjtiUlird g.;u!;'i.A!i fhhwtiUt.Iij, 'f he n!J.iwMiV Bit iii he, M. ,v ' Trrbje UhnVnnJd ?.VMHrr-lJ'' ::S I uliiig ntid iitnnror.jirutli fume 5it nnd '.fight Ihjs jfiant (i dia!),; r,w'fr' I bfrrrj njifUitbMil loK CniMityrjliad. !" r -' J beei " iitj-u'iher o( 4tliin tPj (tlerte fe f 'fiird.bir loan,) rtirilklie .4aiinr(l Kaidejii-c in ,,lhe? ,diUl1nitwiili);v , I j Mandiiig, Ins iaAiit;rnt intnt, ft'J . ot&tl in a p;rt 'of'he 8Mtethrllrr s fir. lli?, iitir.afa ii,.icai.iu.utii mv, t,,1 t- itbjef t tj thi fnWtji' wan not aluno ui? "--' " prcu the t-M ! , f I to, , L My nitc t ;-jr;:;;--C Jjalrs; aniUnfPiiJiilim Muteriiiia.tW t-rj;i-i4 4tw4rire,,f rr-- (uiHio-vi-WrAiiiM1 i)?f),VUcnmiii T Jl ' trwtxi ya!igtti Vy ho iusiskd t nil tiM jtlbt aKHk jn thi. t ti!i ) T rMrt$it'l l giin, Jhtfprvciao !,... . i jitinelitt uf tte jVjiraktriaj JnUicl jV. u fi I nl j. u.;i iuLi ..in1. t tJ txia uocrcst v; - fittfUifrta t Um;'Ip:fre.vercr G'lJ lCrrft1mrd4.i1 wjit, 0 liaiiiUcdf.n4.f MiiH.jt ltv?'T: :ilJm 4f t? in a rry .iilrifUjur!r-dxirmDed: r ' - v - . ' . 1.11.1 aud cyui tewaia, buuuvi he hel-J tip i . - ...T '-mi ,.M'l i.J.iJI.

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