mm '4 1 r.i4 'OH. .lui .VirfA Carolina Gazette, v ectt.wiitn, wv.rsir, t ' I, WVUKNCi: & I.KMAV. 1 rurrTlrt'V, thret dollar! per atinum fK Llf in int. 8'ibstriHtrfs m Mntei ilf, who "lay ueir In become aulftm tliers, i h r "-wily reiioreit " VT " lime a- Ji Hint tr h- Tr iilWripi inn in 4i Ji-,M rcl lliirr limt for on ilolUr, n(! ei'- tof vmt'Cmmtl Ihl :n (.uric purpo? .rte Sr.eeiit for each eenttnnjoierf. rma in ilir rliir mint be .. lit JQlMS-!l':.-i,!,.I. jnrny, and drove them to the' despe-While many of the Protestant Wet-, rate resolution of expelling him from Ulements of New England were km- tne kingdom, una calling t the throne William, Prince of Orange, a Prote tant aiief collateral brafichof the House of Stuart. ; The succession was then forever s-ecurrd to the Protestant line. J ealon ajgnfnst Catholics d uring th RevoTuiion was farther inneascd by a belief that they did nol liearfitj co-op erate in that struggle, to which snspi. figian was rccognixiidj, andyfufsr. TTPa-Oll ffCCdUlTfnvfcftfc iir,' first commi'vi-tip in tiements or zsey England were kin dling the'flames of an .lulo de ft against the, Quakers and Papists. .Lord Haiti- more, the Catholic, founder of larjr Undt'estabfished the finiveris-iltolera-tion of ." reliuV'iK ; "In f the' original fudttri yt Mirryhmd: f by a Ca'ft nlic.) or Kiiod. Island and rennsvivaniu at least a public body Can be assoribUd- changes and dftensucb a were not -thl VeVirfvin well foundeit. which' ' shall bring toK'tht-r' no object ".f.irecn.'1' , 4' '. v " , V Vwaj" -f.iat, 'tbr towha which but t"he pub'ic good, vyhlch nball bs " Oat ftirefathers must have had sotne right of represintation iri our t tvUling It is not tich have the pub'ic good, vyhlch "shall bs ; "' Oaf frefathers must have had sotne right of represitiiation iri our Genera! 'to, make' a ,-neace '"vflTi'vinz. ".'f reastin's Vhivh induced llii to "he to Asscmblt have'sent tlieir ablest and tne altar or patri- a Kw or t)ft mcorpuraieu towns in tne instmenj ail will admit, that gene- belirf that they did nol liearfily co-rp-''fci Quakers:) the free' toleration ''ofre it i nvo Auucn mis uaeraiann enug-ntenea pnri-i pv. a .finint ot litieiaufy aR.l cdmoio- con . l...lll.,iAl'..l.I K.l' .l I? . . I I ' - -.1 !... mission or Catholic gentlt'inen one of wltom partr, or Dig itry, on onsm, aia mat. too. when tiier arc re- Mare a iiiMinct nirat ot ri-nrest ntation. falir the .rown memoers have brpn a. - JgisUtingfof ft 86h76r gruhd.snn of any member of alii; tn ti tlucovtr 'tU most pljviust)f iuilopendi ht niembcrs of thatboJy. ? " V 4 j the Convention ofyy, does not ear,tiese reasotfs. I he great ' urji W Afe'riof these, and reasons , uke these, jh'f ancestor's nam?, wit aa houost nll goveptiVeuf'u to proniote theliiip-' suiTicient to Warn us against a hasty . pXJML.U,M,Maaasie4inf altogether bo-"" . , l hilt .1 almilnp ti'Tnr w" In viinr'Vtittitrpn : iv'irtiiVn 'of t!i. rilixnn.. - lKiupr Irfiifvt rnilf'fi rtnrikintat!oii? "flir irtav hn - i rVrrjjti SvViic!i is a lequafe to "some tf the 'ievei towns fwhuin the", irn . bat eafe sliiiqld ' bV t a ' right has beeii Kiven'thnt re now ton uilSf. which- will ' rnitvrT'r.-if IhoTinll t n'irn TOTO77JoFTne ' purpose .-i.T-aroosirivj' When t!e Inh Parliament was uniie.l oollu'fed .'desecrated bVthe Initctwiis. who are not likely hi abuse ' it"''to'-.tn1taiB ito !f-mcH bMW-ewr L vtr. tir Mcmktt ffrcl 'oflfi? "tnvrnTtbn: 'jrdon the Ireeiion wiuca an hum fi'llow-citifcen has taken in this ad We hiipe that a jrenuine Ca- ,n'a heart, a h-artivhit h 'throbs with her parsed .-renown, but-r-W-- 'in at the contemplation ot her cut depression, has prompted eve- won! in it. e would approach with all that veneration due from .Uiied and humble individual to e h.morcd men who have beeii cho- ot that Province. in our ny. ' From inx upol -the establishment if thd'Cat-f" . lnitjf EST.TO "f". T ; ftuch.a liarentase did this tlf-tbcrat 52d .nlic Miirioifl itVctuatlv ennsemed fti.itTJ"ff iawitt " ' hi 'hi-st attribute of freedom, that ngi n a tin g"a hdat tci l hi tti e fun d a - tollow ,yuu to the seat or govern many ot the punleus under vvnich have been so long' 6utTeVi'nz. n tin unconipTaTnTni.liut liisl'ran- ed Catholic has some gliminering that those civil disqiialiucatiotiH r, w hich he Jjaa JaUoumI fur , more half a ceoturv will cease to stamp seal of intolerance upon our Cpn- iutwui which make htm tcct as it Lore the badge of disgrace upon his Inn as if there were no land to ch he might apply the thrilling Is, my country: since that can u ... .u- r..n sue anal a tuuiui t hi iiic iuii luca flic itrrn; wljicb exdudea ,ou-la6B ojitces wniciv are open to tne . - We have been taught that our ara4w-4lntlepyndehce ami liTf IBYfTre ov vqaaT, ir not' mgber," ihtv, than our Constituliou. If the 3-2d Article disfranchisinz the iiiIlcs is not onlv intolerant, but il-'tantd -and - unconstitu- til; "for it conftictT in spirit wil h the tier and in spirit ami letter with the ir. According to the Hill of Kitrhts ticleia "No innn oret of men are ml to exclusive, or separate emol liits, r privileges from the commu- Fet, in utter defiance of this iision, we coirfer exclnsiTe an effe te emolument and privileges npnn estants to the exclusion of the lies, who believe- in the "same e, the same Christ with ourselves, who, for aught we can see, are as and as good as ourselves. A- (Sec. 19 "All men have a natu- and unalienable right to worship ghty liijil according to the dic- h)t savs to the Catholic, worship Creator after your own plan: the since lions to jrovernmrrrt us any other cm-. cause every f zenrand the pf rTormarice of all tlicjre- shamed , to.e.nfoxcftJts Kl".-riirV: .. TT. . I k..t . ... " ' : ZJ. . . . iuircniciMm Mj:ciaic..upiusi:ii. aiiu iu- luujiiiuwuiwi jm ruiitrire jj, Johnion lof , Vice rrewilein." w: immr, includes a title" to all its benefits. -'Derceive no reason why it should not where is ihv btuU. Hut not n wi'h Hie i ..e i .1 : t .1. . di.i . " e .1.- .1" ! vrH r..-i:. -rtM.i,t;..n nh. fhf fMilktir tmrrtnns liaxi;8..boid.his blood as an oblatiott fori ces i.- .:... .. i.. s. -.1.-11 -1 i... p.. - I..J J i.-k"hx'j.4hamw.iov.!w.i- r.-rr ni fouimj wiien 11 oii please- uw . oof wnj- n aimuiu iiu. now urive ofhii own district,, and not lUlimore tleli-' "icij nr- tutrj . n.. . .. . 1 . ; i- 1 i. 1. . 1 : . 1 . A . 1.1 . .. 1 . . . . 1 1 . .. . 1. m . 1 a 1 - 1 . 1 ' .. . : . -.. . . 1. . (.uuuiijr in uiiw n. ami jci uf uiMrau-j iu jiii rhined like a heatlipn don-? Forbid it: North JfliticerCtrrTstian charUy fbrEdt I-jwliatever of character she has abroad, Wki for lwj-'rf riehce knows that feuds will sometime. ta'e. ' But, savs the sapient bi hhese clauses were framed by our fcrV and they "were wiser tha n w e We shouTd consider ourselves fed, if we were accused of being ent in veneration fr our ances We would disturb or alter any 4" svsteins of these Heaven guided Wrtr'ltie"slme"'lrein we should feel if we were to the portals f theU tombs and f their dear, precious bones. But man witt perceive: that, it the pie, our Father's work is not" to ftcred, b adopted, many things tng amendment must remain per- li v.injr now, would they not consi- Ihe' 92ml"ArrreltThr most objrfc- le teature in it? ami wptild it riot liickly repealed. If they had their to do over? W hen they entered their labors, history arTimled ex: Nof jrovernment, bt-Brinjronly a p inalo'y4 to the state of things itin. But in oriztnatinz svs- t any kind, men "are disposed to themelvp' nf the lip-hts of exnit h. .... .. owever feb!e.- In accordance "its difmoVitiort. thrLezisIatorsiif Rurally directed their attention I British Constitution, because it t known to them, and was at fime the e"ast faulty of any in ex fe. Hinrr nor fTnnntitMTions ftre ttle more than altered, imnroved enlarged editions of that of Eng I'his nrincinle" of frxctudinc f'lics they found in the English, ocorporated Into oui-s. Its exis tn the ; Enfflish we acCOUnt Tor the following: historical 'facts. '0" the Rpvi.lution in Enn-lamL lly their historians "the glorli kilt..!. A ii?nn' Al ..1 "uiiuu 01 iuoo, irs mrone couiu led either by S Catholic tr Pfoi 1 Bat the tiiroted James ' the Ncupying it immediately preced? hB pernl, by openlyttenipting e the O.ih" Flm, estrange the arTections' f otet.nt subjects who were a mi- j Episcopacy, shauld be supported' by Iciecrated by thelnttctwus, who are not likely .to' 'abuse ' it' 'totui' (aw ID fIl imcH. be the casrlet s Where "there are puvtions tif jlie cih -1 rfii hii nl vt Us beware of rash Jiingv. munitvV who, in addition t4thfi interest tmn, ' , "'I 'T'V'j JX"i ihey feel in their rountry's srood. ha vef It may' he.' ad. led jifi-.'O. that I an " what benefit rcs'ilttx;Iuding Catli-Vnf the Irish were, of the Catholii per- euce beino the rustinmrco .ven-ion od occupations and 'pn'rsttitsKi'd propei ty 'of iiiy reyt'in'iinJ laytwj' si) way re'" '.y.;. olics from the civil o3ices ol the State. I suasion. Aftin in.n j;.ti dehatt. in bi.r'-Jiii..-.j Nmih Carol ." Tlie njl are ot a kind ilistint t iVom lose ol their I'sid'sf in on of the towns tu which ite- wonld ask those' who are in tavor't'ie LuglUh i'arliament, the ministerial 'o'r d gte'. frnh from le p'oio'." l(drow-citirensgeneraJly-f; tHcse porc . r" ot uncaizenizmg them, and who believe party were told that thc Irish Hd not i Z "y r v .T !lLT fionsare relatively weak in comparison I this my be, it cannot detract from the thif min's fidefit v"and ability in the'demanJ eqnal privileges with thUVo- if 8tfWer' ii"': force Vt ha jptismf8;7rjbcli -J laTer.j.v.---- dischare-e of ofhre denenirunun his re- ' tftaut. but on! v the removal of some of f 1.. ..!,.!!..- ..-,.- .i..'. ii,iv 1 Vvavs jarir-er lest their rights, sh'iiilil W eKti'd.' if." uixin ' cilnsiderationJ' it an- . . I r - i , , , . JT - t -- i w 4v w , anvil ii.; VM"is n -. . s; ' " : . . - - - i t - . 4igir,us 'creed, what motive for the ' ex-"i their grievances.' (OConnell's speech." ni"y voir lie ha ';, nri:ot'.ffre, tgannt ovc'rlmilieil or Irivadeit. It inessential pears to the committee. Ibat they III- In .Catliulic ' France,- 60 litTerence iiT tim."- WH, tWej- fionhrr y. yen mint r 'that there should be pccuretf to them deed- have forre. 'Froii tfie' citizen ercisfi irf thpsp- rrouisltes c.111 influ'ence other denominations which 'made between Protestants and Catho-' . Joh-nstoB foe fiT..ierit. "''gome ff leniT who will sec that their of that town J liave-TCCimcd no cnf ijurtot equally operative upon (he Pa-Uics, while in Pj-ntesrarit nhlfahiOev T5aftvlHiwi4rnlwnrtri'fr 1 jisu ,uc 01 country, anu jipncBIT: or,raT.miiHJiQs of vaorics -are suojccieo Jtef Why, r in iuM he n llinlt-Momter, i'" ir wuivis coiiiinuiiK men, wnrie 1 e .1 iouimi wiim -ir Vi'J " J' sv- "K .-.-- purp08e rr ui y ker- tn. of Mt Wtt'tttSf 5"lrriT71TftiT"TIidt(lf"'J. kTwII ' rTmHfJ?.lVi, fc, vne. vf tte nuet?n tci.ti7;ett wi(li litadi totciir'iVure thin I'.u-irTwhu'h a. to bo.referrvd ,(0 this Con- .!.: ' VI I'1 su(ln, lnn r.ntelir. nrat-rth- r, i..1vv.f-trr-r:.i;r,:.' i1..,!,uc ' ' . i fT-.rL .1,- .....j..i:ir .t:.r contrary Jact and common sense to-andour take ttpJthelsiUM -say that the OpoTic Cburcli does not, Wi are advocates lor the retention ot 4rrreitB:f,letitpw. Now, ilu i,a c possess these iiua ihcations as well aa the Art. it we had ever heard ot-tnnie aim emetie Doin. nn W If U "Um rfli.uhiAil jtUliViiniM !,- -arr arileinnTiTarrirm that, nl.' 1 bill tiilte about who ft-M at Hl,i. they possess these virtues, let no rights though we have watched the course of jo"? ue wiiiioeiu mini nielli wiutu aic ci- jiuuiic unuivn 111 icicimvc iu mis 11W17 qmre lior 11 cine that there ele I wo Ucic- tended toothers, then jevery reasona-'ter, we have never heard a stronger Btes' elected Out of ihU distnA. when one ble ground of disaJTuction on tlicir" part1 reason for them than that this Article wowUt -tmawxrered awiy fawt- will 1, .w.n .w. l'.v- .mlnn U lr.onpri.fivr 1. dirofnm fnlraptl." best I could Hud out WSS, tt(l ihfre m III U Wll Ti Uiri T VTllLll ' II HVKVa ts Uie.Ulil milllMii Jt .1. 1 ' 1 ' ... " . .. : .1. i -; : - : .ri . : (a - "irr. meeo iirmiinnelu aner peircTOPofn government wiususrain me in tne vec, now wnat nvHwciiuasoi me n en ed 4h, Stnkrd. wllin in the ineod.of laranon, mar uie mosi eueciuai moue oi a cousiuuuouai provision iio r ii ujo Uov nmeJ unin Vnn iiuivh to meet to silence the complaints and secure champions, when their best reason a- on a eertain dsyj and behold there ppered Ilia LlTUrlinnB (1;iii-ii rlaaa nr 'iriiiitl its renpat i a t nlcrnhl r irood one One from Wake, three or four from Johnston, sett in the community, is to extend to (ilr annulling it? U it riot puerile tofJJ Uiem the same, privileges enjoycrr by retain in a constitution, the provisions fronxwV; tKoud'IJ .Wy'-8'JoJ o''1 toe others that this be prin'ciRilly found in, irtcorptw ated j ilearftw them fi piii I'oiijj jtrijiijmcnt ; anil; iuiriiB. o..uiiMi wiu.oui represvoia? 1 riprueiirtiii lis uiuiiy, -,wlli a voice tion always inuH le'id to oppressiotjj I almost unariimo4is,Jhp g've the'trsuf- - tlflU'lVIV flicnfid.t " ,1i ' T ...n-i ut 11 vtt 1 fr-inri. ' f...', a ' I " ' M.a--v... v,l - i-.41MIL a II J -lTvllllll. 1 rT 1 R" . might be to do eiact 'Justice iu the ;'ap j sold i peril ,tli(s.rit(i9 t'ultimpt- piniionoiLMii 01 taxes, aniessifie iiii'ir .Ml iTcont ue aiscortiant secimnat inter tsts wf these towns rd presented, they might be ni fTie i t u a J 1 ! 'l&t jyjiic it mistrust amf prejudice liad - hhwii i a juoge woo iieiiru-out im? sprruinrojign onr rantri" side of a cause, The. representative In' this' : hone ne' jjar! ieoncurrf dt witfi from a few f'wns. in nroteetin? the in. them. ' 'Ila "MriiiikHv fniBtod ilmf tk. terests !- their immcdhtjLonAtit-at4etrmtrif '"thus to a certain" extenti'cotild nof b unliir a ibtrU of harmo- imtj-WTam.! ; reason teaches every man ; or wiucn siiouiu qe,i n4.Tor is the TKht f1hrCatTioTic t why sooth, they y (five or sm) r.en. Rdmuimi he discharzes as ma'nxliz-lbsVit'been a dead letter? Plainly be-, Ssunders nd l;r J O Vattoniii pire j ljeztsiature nas peen a- ... . s.. . tV " ... lo, Jiinniign im Ii yiiiuiiiiivs wiu - What, shall he hear bis prohoitiori of, have deprived the State of the seryicrs North Carotins Coneition, lens, pay his share of of the learned and accomplished prede-V-""'"" me peopio. I - . I ... . . .r White, vnu ran not tin our 11 vrlio srn tiill Thev say,- Mr. 1 hitu guardians of the intereVts of nwna Ik n.W"CTr."i'r -ri.'". ... ... i --1..IL I1".. . a : ' ? .- -i t a -T ....T.. ii, tjian-, . iir r ,wrrt wi in'iiiiny requueil mill 111 Wnat Was few that their Votes could have but lit called the Vr,izgle W rmwir a minute tie iiiiiiieiH-e on the decision hut thev and caifuiafingjenlnusy shottldbesuD- socured fgr -these jn teres U AJz L heac-1 p.t?Ap4A-Jneihber more or a mem - S'laT was Fn itself rtiaff er of very Tit tie rriomentv ,'A ipieV;l 1,.,'truggl T for power' lie sle'wed ille Jubiect iti wo uil! ,!ereitt thi Su,5i I-t-i ilwiiledl v-a'tt. -ciife'nrin a greatly exagrjcrated bv the cnlizhtened- man of the other. sectijin jif the community. rir . . r. r . ii r . - . Anntlier rea smi ffo 4intit-hart '-its. weight with the framers of out; Consti. futioti. Aeti'ciilture is the Kreat.'iii . .. ?1 . . . - W . I ' ' -' I l-l ' private life, an individual (o whom gate from the Salisbury district; and ttiry aay ( know that commerce is the best friend Of IiL.f inds Cro'n thi F. isfc- who had irth Carolina is muclu indebted for '" 'nK,c o t misimderstood, ihat! f agriculture, yet ever v tnnn ofexpef "bFretnfi'if r tyosicmnI U, .he wduldTaslu -.r .i .i ... 't-t .t f i I i A-e ii i i im uurcRHim, i ne menioers ui our .ii m .. V as it for this that the Catholic wor-'and in whom are beautifully and bar- r.,i;. Pn,..ii. ... mr.. ..r ih. firHir. ! occur u thies of the RevolQtion were profuse of'moniously combined, the suavity of the' der of Intellect and I reneat apiin. frei1ii''ill be life arid treasure? No, they thought 'gentleman, the charity of lhe ChrtSttaju: 4Jt ftDitiihe. .-peoplet. aud. UUbik, nealirieaf-anl theses 4)leaMraHitHlV;Wt41- inai iney were wruinz, nzoiinz anu me eruouion 01 toejurisi..anuJ-ue.e.,ii--'"v -k . . . . . . . & . . ..... O - - - - . . ...... . . t . ...I .. K. I - .11 u occur between the besf friends. There occasional jealousies' ojid iival- speakrng for a"gratefuP nation- that qoence of tlie orator .'tiian by the Baltimore Caucus. t W. STATE COXVESITWAI. The; ortlv Vea.- e tmnaierrea iw any would secure lo them perfect relizinus son we can assicn why they-4iave re- - v,t i. V1.1U ...i:.. ....i., i.:.... nnni..t..i : j:.ii..M. r rs unci ai iw ii. Ail vjiiii vniiilllia miij iuiiMi.u..jjiiiiiiviiricii ill iiic iiiBvimii; -i have thev been deceived. disaoDointed. their offices is. " that no one ever had Yes, North Carolinians, hear it and j the audacity to make an application of r fi k 11 It'eitrirsdcnf, June 10. hear it with the blush of bhame. we arc the 32d Article to their case. But, savs ' The Cdnvention was opened with the only State of the twenty-four tit canine Dctnazozue, it is acceptable prayer by thtrUev. Dr. M'Pheeters break wtTtitn-arts f erimitytltefe is eminent need on these occasions that the few and the weak k.iouIiJ' rotector in the Leztslative Hall. a pn The strortg ntfry protect thciiselvesi. but the weak must invoke the protec tion of authority. And even whefi' there .are no misunderstandings, and no con- llicling interests, representatives are nevei'iheless wanted, who, from tluir. TCTrerharsirttsinyn ssircTalToli s , a rcTi TtiiTnT- which'btirs any member of the great to the people, and uVox ponuU, vox .' '' Mr. Lesuer laid on the table a reso- Christian family from our inestimable iei." He would come nearer , the lotion pronnsinz the appointment of a nrivileires. ' Did'ThomajJlifrj:r8Jin-m derstantl the fights of man? With mil. bince we. do not believe that, a so much ot the act providing tor tins ly cognizant with those; suliject to many who are opposed to the repeal of majority of the people are religious Convention, as relates to th rdnctUM rure must, necessarily ue sirnngers How cad we expect commcrcial cr-n-cerns to be made inlelligihtt to a body of country genllemen so prm-pre U'h .it r.ili A Im.ijl.lii.t. ...... VI ... ... .. V " ii'iii-3i'iiv Upi'll iiivmi . A I . ... 1 .... I for the constitution says an it, djj, mis aza Anicie, ins ponucai opinions otgois, we are or opinion mat iney or me numier oi me nieuiofm nunc Idu do, yon shatl not be capable ot have the weight of oracles.' When j would approve the repeal of this Arti- Senate and House of Commons,- for liio-any olfice or place of trunt or called upon by Virginia to draw" op cle If pains were taken to enlighten the purpose of reportinz a plan for Car- Til the Civil Department within an act of toleration,. he made the Cath-1 their minds in regard to it. This has rying the same in to 'effect. , what , Vl'ity b. rii-fitj" have ,', jire, .ever guined froui'lt'l Ann iojui jM-ethfeB ofrthe Vet he would ,iy ant! he olics as free as others. With what jriot been done, for in many places, the Mr. Jacocks, from the Committee propriety can we denounce establishcT j least mtormed of them have been made appointed to report the number tCllllIll- a- V uiiaijiiiijii.i-" hofliil- 'iiat; -ireyvt'otifd notrrrzrd' anr otfl huih as" presuiopiiour in venturing will assti red lyjinil its. ti) tn nic l(Value f-i ?b-'TowrL'lhe estimate" "whTfli they nn putspt U., ,'t.J.K .formation fiif a government llie can meet upon n oth-s, grounttj Ifiari that of precise etjuallty of jwcr but in the arranjrementsltLl. jtCrxmetltJUii : Tm'ios4bi, to ' ptn sue n scheme of mathematical4 equaUty1.' tare should lie luken that the didiberate will of lhn great rrnly'n? Ihe'commnnTty should " preibmilnare bntt"f re"nust- also 'bh had lhat tin voice of 'off an J evefy nor'i tinn of it should he heard. " v,te . T)r."j: K Smith s.i td.' as he flfl.f . --to-b our est abl ished in a t imited - aetise uf the" wofd which are admitted to priyUezrs from which, ot hers are barred. W'e Protestants call this the liberal age. We say that we only are right in reli zio'n and that "truth' is mighty and will reii ;,?---eUe4aim-W mTttm,!lPt Sir-.rW which "are tndect! the only !egrtimate and genttema'nly weapons. "Yr wf are -for putting down ' our Catnolic brethren by nulhorih. - -' : Bat we" are told." thatthey are am bitious, that they will 'riot be satisfied with toleration, but are aiming; at' tinme distant day to make theirs the estabj lished relizion of the United States, How arc they to-'do this? J Does "not tieveratit ir'rordcTripta B the Catholic religion that of the the election in August,1 1833, 'as-well every make State, ami not to emancipate it as ccpt . thrO'izh the rettresriattres ' of riiubmiffi'if fhe 'Hiefidmont,'""to th'r Onr-rousantl odious disqualifications, number -of qualified voters in the In conclusion, honoured Fellow- made a Keportj Citizrns. shall North Carolina, while be ruinted. ' '' s election in Auznst.'lSSS.'as-well every art recourse is had to those' who i woiitd b ifpeci(eil t)iiif he should nfler at' the. late elertidn and-also the proless r. 'You go ti the bm'tder fo I some reasons io its mipliorty 'Tie had tice, impiety and fatuity while Catho lics are put 'to the ban by this 32d Arti cle? What is the diuerence between1. us and the English people in this re snect? Thev have ont. and we' have for all those reh.i ms-mav be termed theshachles imposed ior urto avpmmittee oi tne wmiieoiniNg .HJ ! wri.jy4 ttttcstiotis whir Ii 'you Jivv;j .roalis forr:tiear1r'firt't-"ytirs,and he anil ICIIIlfUS ifiniiiuii;, umn .. uuaiuiiu.iu.i) inv i....v.v vM..- jiiv.i. ii.i'iii.i.aniiMllllt;illl!,llll1M them closer, or at Jeast confirm and t& Governor Swaiii tti..the.Chaif.-'- " -f4reItB'fa'w-vHirhabrts perpetuate them If , we.du .we.&hau 4 4r.'-Jrrtrtith iiiiitTrrTTiirtiiT- u om-; upo'i to' legislate, not have the same spolozr for it that mhtee take r ttn the Itfh 'resolution, ttiat there be some fathers had, lhere is mote light, which has relation to the meettngo; on whom van 'may rely for correct in-(land, whercit was introduced forth urination, ' entrourawetnrul M;ue, esnmites iieiore von erect ynur house, l'itlTotiHtriervfr theirect IT uorou'rh' ! winch was ordered to you consult the i.hysiriari w'ien joiir I It-.retchtatio.i('tit'l h.ul come to the ' ! " ' '":''"''. nealth is atfaeterl.',iirnt naV 'ArM 1 rnriflnnhiit'f lik't-U iit. A KA'iUuU.r. -sy-tflf-iwawv.cva :'.y.-.v- AjJ - - a.JV V-l ' ' io 1 1 v - iimnilll' Hi Tesieruay reicrrcti me lawyer wncn vnur iHonci'lv H ron- lie had re deil in oue i.T f?...:r-" -iiii.i ii -v .! "a. wni iti ti'i:uu;'i wtur irte evils r sTtttLarj.. c ill ed Xri via.;? trm.-4- lftAtraf elcctTon'lir SurcJy. it wise j iie practice; iff vfariri.tars''firv atsnriatcd with Voti I R-irnuzh towns wnsMerived from Enrt- nowirr rczara tatnc civu anu renzious tine general ASir-moiy, wnciuar i , lormation, , ' pnroiiri'eiir,nr ur: trade. Mueh W. --.f7w'f fiavl 4ti'WtiKrv.. ims9niisli K- atrert-4 - - - - , , ......... ? i in nvi w ii i. r vui' i.irT.j 'in m,H- l i J M It ITSti 11 U 1 1 U I VlIlCBl who on-'jtr tor ine-itawn nt the mi - vnrercrenee to tne so inreiatmn to u on ai SMtc.-triiit th feuiEttiif,irveto .i.oven'iSrinTi lehniat San of truth anil JosiiceTVasi ravKhUnetnbefii which was first In or-iiborouzhs ' as thev -!,arr termed i' tli Wf.RMiiiW I .for -n - . ' imi a -r- ' their' eyes about" for the sigos't f its ris- mir, and atar oti tnev oescnea iu dim disk slowly shooting its weak rajs through the misty atmosphere of errorj revealing object' imperfectly and by halves, as tfie horirtmtal art cats its lofiz feeble betms' only' upon the side tf objects turned towards it,' leaving every man khow that 'the temporal J tha other in' darkness, bat gradually-it nowerofthe Pone, by which only such an attempt uld le any "thin "i hiore than an insignificant ; explosion, has been annihilated? If an established feligion be their object, they must first become a majority of the whole A meri can people. There can be, no'danger hf this, when thereare four" Dynomina tions, each of which singly out numbm them, and which, however they differ on ' doctrines among themselves,' op pose with their United forces all the efforts ofthc CalhoHcchu rch as if she were the Whore of Babylon, or the Great Beast of the Revelation. W ate ashained to have employed si 'nany waxed stronger and stronger,' clond af-J ter cloud of error rolled itself together and passed away' before 1t ;It is how fully culminate'd, it has-reachecrtRe mercdian and poors its rays straihtiy, directly and 'full ttpon us. Shall 'we shut our cye3 td all this light? ' Shall we alone' be behind' the spirit1 pf the age? '"Shall t elons;' 'tgotrvv ' thit blood-thirsty 'andr insatiable Mololh, obtrude itself info yotif'dclibferatioas? 'With', thousands of others we. hail the assembling of the Convention' as 'the harbinger of ' better times. ; If 'the; transcendent importance of yobr duties W folly Tealiied, you have it inydur riower to do much to raise our near om anguishing, "mother, Norh Carolinaf M Ki Oasto rose' arid 'said, that h trustei that th rtmomtion would Tint be decided withoot 'oisciission. - While H is oar Oty, sir, said he, to th ex tent of oor pirver ofemovi whatever blemishes we may'discovi t in the Cort stifutiori.'we should proceed with great caution, lest we introduce eviU which ve know Yiot of, Ano it w rndenti tshen makine Vchanze irt the boliticAl Inst itotiont-' ot "the touritry. to depart nJ"urthef fnimi'exrstirig-eiages 4nan neCeOTitvirqrjireii.There are always! imitation of thi'r Proleftant brethren.; it not possible that once in that timejjncaoireniencipf rrcjUift from "inch words to" irove that the Catholic4arf Bin. Bulling m nun iiicii ini(. "";pei "p. - 7 --.--- tablished butthere are1 triarty ho from the dust of humiliation. n the believe1 it! .'The" Catholic: haye'iti flight of Nearly sixty yeirs, an asseni-l . . . . . . .L.t- .T. ijMiil1. Willi many instances, wun power m meir mjr lunnuruBuiaic m hiijjuiv.h. m handa, exHibited examples tf liberi'that 'of which; yon' are memberShas ality and toteration " Worthv '-of the I'not besn eld within this Stitei and is der. Sevcral members objecting to tli's course, ami destniiz the KesoltitiOns to be taken up regularly, the'qae'stion was taken' for first considerifiglho If Hit and negatived." sThs 4 fliifd Resolntiohi which directs an' enquiry, whether any be made as t theexclusioflf in of in paft. of Bdrouzh Members from the House of Commfitts.-waS'then tki ken npoinsidefatiofT' -f '''" ijr,:.j. n; omun moved losinapvioi Hitthpyt're not" suited" iratifiisiem. ' He fore ilii, were tiwfllly disting'ulshM 'f.w intt1!'!-;; erttenre'fif'.the Oenrat scute, nnnness aodiriia prive uid of ioch tmn; It carin(tt)etnnM4'I'nitt'd HMtPS hlf otaHrr of Coimrielcu ed bnt tfurt? tfu. rorimioir(Pinindrv art'VtnhrllH'.r-bv fni FederaT CoVetn. strengthens the menial fcu It eJ. Whe!,1 ini-ntwtrhat there ft noMon-MT 'snv 7.1 .. .. . 1 . . . - J ..i.-.iin'..i. in .4 (-f 1HH711-;. cinu-ipi i-Hi- iiic rrn"IUI VJUTI IllliriiTV p, 1!tifinne!fi and jnd'einilenre. t 'rfrvtu'RepreHrvlatiorts might have been, might have been'ttnwjllivg rtMJ'iMr't'ii h" tetfcnnra(ni'nt f-CnU Hie legislative '-oijnciU of ''tlwi! orerre; tnt' h (heCohtitutiorfoft the and what, amendments are -proper' to I men anebroUght Intocloe' runnejiorj necesitv for 'Biongh Rtn-sentatioti -wnoic, fang inirrrnange nauittiai it their opfo' on nits eriini. ?'1 Ite knew of. nothm lons-on- Kage the' whole' of the tlesohition, after fwhom he is Intimately krin n and with the word "Resolved.' and ihsert It (whom he teverV day "oelaf:fl,- fer1i is rjpetiirm nr nonnsn uorougn' nep resentafioneptirelir -" - "flTiC rjflestion beingcalled foronUU amendmentpo ? m-j j - l XI r ri i-rn4 rAtt r..1 liairl ' 4hnt h that his legislative acts sr not tnibieet fed to-that misreprcsehtatlofli 'ntH' his) motive t that riisconstroctron which tnight'with greater 'siicCess be attempt. en againsi tne less iBVonirjiy sittiitteiu If-sOctf "atfei'nnt bff made. - thev fntisf be made tipenl yj and atr be 'instantly n the-Variouf-suhjerwhhlB en.'J h'tfthe lnpetthm rstws tliat was rirce ' their 'attentirtK asrrrrial Mn, I sttfV t1 lie frttettdi'd to-by Onf I,eeila- there wHI be' this eiillWoii. ' Ue' whi VtBrfe'ittbehJitf of thn. IWoiivh Towht represe)t!lo'istitaents, to every orionf j It is true,, that4 riiim oftatents ;ar fi't- qiicntlfyenr toMfic Igtslatnro'tD're pft"enr thesf? fowns hot if the towns Wr'rr rfi'pi'rvrrl of the privilege of sentU fng nipitihers, the ame men would pre1 huMy be elerted frum ht. counties tii whit h ho'towrirf are situael.' " Bet.. j sides,. firtfesUrinl;-men -and rnjm'rv tnerchhnts aifr Ireqe ittlv sentlo lhiT. jrihfatare by the otumties, and rom. met,-' He U Hot under the neeessrtrY inTcian wien cowld, ' Mhefever-' thev i. - e:. .. i " .... - I 1 . ... . . . I - ....... iniTeuing nrat io one sntt men to ano, ther'eorrterbf irountyo explain 'arid vindicate his on,fuc!.'Wirbout iflaim, in for him an extraordinary portion" of virtte.he can venture with'more fonri dericeito foUoWoufi ahtf to sustain with manliness his ow aonviclionS of ftirhtt If the5 framers' of i our Cons ti totion thus believed, "our experienre (- unuvr lip vvuBuiuiii'u jtstai prvTiu iai ple.ted, 'present an nhjeef to the General AHStnblt by Way ir mentor?, al, whuh would doubtless be attended iti 413, ftsi-?r. mn .s- "''His the "rooraT "condition- - of the TlAriiozh towns, asked Ir; 8. been im proved by th priviteVe which ibey pos". sess'nf semlinz loembert to tbet.ecis- faroreP ?'0n the ?eontrnry, the atuitml . electioni,"it is Botoritius, in most of tjw