VOL. ZXVZ. And Worth Carolina Gaxtltt, 4 reetttatn. wbkkiv. v LAWRENCE & LEMAV. .. v 'TERMS. , tciimair thrw dollar per Minum n lf m ad vsnee. auasen bers ia State (MM nmrtlowed t t"watn h arrears tonyer Cm m y war, mn irffoin i nmrii w n noo( tnr (10, bo my desire l boDt subscribers, 111 be strictly required la pay the whole a- Sunt of the year's eubeerlpl ion in advance, jUTItKSTI, not exceeding fifteen (ine. e.ure juror woomftuwyHMt-wf A seats for each eonl initac. Uasto lb lilrw ranst be it-pMi. STATE , CONTENTION. DEBATE. "Thurtday, June .11. e Contention havinjr resolved itself into Witlee of the Whole, Judfje Daniel in inur, via inv rviuHiiwii rviauvc 10 uo A representation on the amendment, l by Dr. Smith, to abolish it in lU, and lie amendment to the amendment, moved cm .- Dockery, lo eicent the towns of tteville, Newbern and Wilmington, after emiemef. whose remarks have already HWi KIM, aaid,.ik he genthrmat Rawv(lrF Vahery he-came hereiri. t eickide borough member, add the ii wa etrerurthe'ied by .a belief ilKise who sent liim here, entertained lr view. Hu' we shouM beware of the riminaie application of any general pie. . He. Uii4- biv. convinced, aiivce djr, of the danger of precipitancy and e '"y of eberauon in M momen. !a work as now engaged their attention, s not a thing to be dune to-day and un- to-morrow, but would last through all and entail it consequences on poaierity. the moat solemn renrclion, lie bad to the determination' to vote for the fvation of borough representation in He did not know how it might alfect t home that was. a smalt mailer, cotr... wuli his convictions ot duty. But he that his constituents had liberality gh -to sustain him m any Worse he might ie, from a desire lo advance the common re of the country. They did not wish fai'ahd witaVbis baiida and feet bound ie any great interest sacrificed. Ie gentleman from Wake, (Judge Sea ) tor wiiose taienta ne had the highest tie Inspect, had stated that the gentle representing counties, in which .these jrd are ifWafett; ereret tit levci" 'or abol. the right. Had he re Heated fur a mo the tones of eloquence which have id onr hearts on- this- floor. Would have nerd him auch was not the fact. Salia- and Hillsborough had magnanimously Indered their claims, because the inter- if the State demanded iij but in Fay il'e, in Newbern, in Wilmington, the vat essentially different. 1 hey bad a hct and important interest which require lo be watched with a guardian eye. Mr claim to repreaentalion on this score. rngiliened by the large amount of taxes pay and the number of their voter. 'It principle of our government, to establish Ii ourtathera bled and died, that laxa- snd representation should go together. lie organisation of the Senate the landed eat will be protected, and the more pop- branch win represent the personal ferty. Indeed, wiih the eiseption of distinct interest which these boroughs , there is no interest in tbe government sti is overlooked. ike the farming interest, and for no pur it life had he higher respect, and we find impendent of the protection before l A Ia nracWted far in the arv nature aF if in.lilutiona. Fourtifih of our voters In farmer end our Representatives are lien in the same ratio. Look at the com l ent elements of our Legislatures, and 4 daea not perceive how effectually the ng intereat Is protected. This is not in Jniy safeguard. I here can be no danger ft is passage of any taw to injure this in 4 t, and &r an obvioua reason) because I other interest is o linked with, and j Rested in it, that a principle of self pre J. a'ioo would forbid it. . , '1 ake another great interest the Clergy pi j you will find that they are abundantly f sided for. No law can be pasted to bear them oppressively, because a majority e Legislature are 1 1 vats connected some religious profession, end atl were need that religion- waeibe great source ppinessTO the human race. ..T t ie nvedietd profession too were provided lor being justly considered as temporal Miens of the people, there was ao dan Ihat their interest would be endangered fgislition. i V, . . ' i.:i ake the prfcSon of the law.'. In every P'wre, a large portion of the meipbers jlriwn .'from that efaa of persons, and he I ryey.awwye jb.-;aec-aed;l. i(; blind to tneir awn interests. Of course, km could be passed te oppress liiem, tie Judiciary too, of which, air, you are honored member, was aa well provid r as any other interest. Every mem the Legislature will be for rrlly pwd it. The abortive efforta to reduce fbries of the Judges enow that the L I'ire is impressed with the value of those puis to whom is connded the preserve four lives and property, and will not f therai. .r; "irn all these intereata are urovided hy should not Commerce have its re t-ntativef Will we turn an ear as deaf grave, to the application which la now e. to adroit it to be repreaenied in tbe lerative councils of tbe country? Com c is called the twin associate of Agr "re, and the latter cannot receive its ap riate teward unlet the former is pro ra We ahould guard agalntt precipi )' in thia matter. Nut' onlr will our de atTeet the opulent tnrrchant, but also (humble tradeaman. Shall they be for. n arranging this matter? They are ferous and constitute an important part fi strength of our commercial towns, and (due to then, that they ahould be pro fa fof. - :; - it gentleman front Oranre. f Dr. SmitM Ifeaterday remarked that tbe sy stern of .""in representation was a remnant of the Ie boroughs of England. He hoped the I naaim, borrowed from the fountain of fxwtal truth, that no good thing cometh for Kazareth. -would hot ha annliert to thia tV: u'."ere are still some of the bo. ROS entitled thera to MnMonUlinn' ljt flw make the proposed exception. The f'nrre are worse than the vaerri here. We ? 1L? trae "cuion! feuds and bicker. C W any -rcahhy indlidtaal can secure the election of his man. it matters not whether be lives within an hundred miles of toe borough which returns bim. la there any thing like thia here? It may be right te raciuae naiilax, nuiaooro', Baliabury, (ke. Why they were admitted, he did not know but there were towns certainly entitled to the distinction towns, whose interests re- quired that they should be renresented few individual eloly identified with litem in aympathy and feeling - But it ia said the wants of these towns will be provided for by the county represents- tion, Ha would say, if the representative of) me county, WMtaiUbil organAhe- jnMr. aw-of oa-evrhe rleyted 1ilrti;tie tftniM Tiie cciuma:ujktiuwniig! amtwot being embarrassed with town intereata. be. sides, it waa a fact not to be disguised, and lie stated without disparagement to either party, that there is an inherent jealousy e. ialing between town and country. Why did audi a prejudice exist in Orange county a gainst the University of the State, located within its limits, evidence of which may be fuond in two repeated atlempie made to co erce the Faculty and Students to bear arms and work o the road. fie alluded to the claims of Fayetteville, be people of which, uporrthe broad ground of political juatice, were oena nly entitled to be heard in the Legislature through their re nretentative. He was informed bv a a-H 1ettra1nTfmf W tX)T, for inom he eiilertainea" ine mutt unbo4idl Kspeot, lhrt t he htst election in Fayejwevtlle- mote; than 400 vole were polled that, her Citizens paid into the public coffer, last year nearly fOOO tax- three time a much a some couniie. if those who pay such- a tax at this are not ti be represented, what haa become of the principles iuf puliucljaUcciXoiu' .Atluri ney General, sir, i paid a considerable a im for defending the interests of the State in the c6uris'or"Junicalbry.""""Sliair we refuse the petty sum that it would take to pay for the aervicea of a representative, to protect the interests of a whole community? Even sir, the Universities of Kurope hae their representative in Parliament. And why? Uecause they have tltflinct interetf. 1'hat the system had evils, he admitted, but it waa inseparable from the nature of our insti tution. Even the sun dispensed it warmth and light aa well upen the murderer as upon the honest farmer upon tbe unjust, as well as the just. The Mariner's compaas guided a well the pirate in his course, a the enter prising setmarr. - Will tile bwieliis lo flow from extending this priiilege, overbalance the evil.' This sir, is the true qurstion. Gov. BRANCH euulil not tee any rood rea son -hr, if the three boroughs alluded to, were retained, the whole shoild not be. lie was mllme to Wtfc tht wbiitttv bat watddsssrat sent to any monopoly In the business. A great deal had been mid about proteethif the com merce ol'llie Cape Fear and Nease, but he rich trade bf the ttoanuke and Atberiiarfe Sound hid been overlooked. Was this equal and impar ital juitieef He believed thaUl would be a re lief loth eitiseus of lUlilax lo be disfranchis ed, but did it lollow that it would be correct lo do so. The commerce - of the Albemarle and Itoanoke I moat extern ive. Slmll we then neg lect that intereat and liwe a ear only for the Cape Fear and Neule ? He hoped not. Mr. WILSON, of Perquimom, aakf he Wat eeitkiu that every gentleman hud come here disposed to legislate for the good of the whole, and not lor any particular feci ion, ' am! their whole aim should be to produce a system of Constitutional law which should operate equally. With what semblance ol Justice, then, he woula ask, was a member to be allowed to the towns of Fayetteville, Newbern and Wilmington, whilst Washington, Plymouth anil Elizabeth City are to bo debarred that privilege Is it because they make a few more barrels of tar and turpentine? Is this the reason? How long before these smaller towns may outstrip the oili er ones in tbe career ol enlerurixe' The-oro-mere of Washington, he expected, was almost equal bow to that ot Newbern. We should ex amine well the localities of the country, and if we Sud thriving lowut growing up, we ahould, in the exercise of a aound discretion, lake care of Ihera at well at older ones. Tbe gentleman from Halifax (Judge Daniel) bad gone yesterday into the origin ol thia bo rough system, and shown aatiilactorily to hit mind, whence they derived their existence. The monkey waa not the only imitative animal men were equally so. Our iorelalbera scarcely touahed ihissoU, before they - began to exercise this imitative faculty. They brought the virtues as well at tbe defects of the Parent stock, and both were engi aftad into our sytiem. You have seen, sir, little Misses dressing their dolls and Boys switching their stick bortes. Like them, in the exercise of imitative powers our lathers. -to ape Great BrHajn with her Manchester, her Uirminnaui and ler Liverpool, gave ine rigni of representation to HaliLx, to Edeolon, to Hillsboro', ke. If it be true that this right of. repretentalioa is essential tp the mot action of their interests. why has um-lwf!Hwmg awewf the liatntnee l lor more than au yeara seen aoia 10 preserve i them-from (inking inte ruin f Halifax, air,' i geste Edeaton tt going -and aewbern it not Ur behind. He denied that the prejudices be tween town and eoantry existed to tti nagei uiui u,i remartted, that when any question waa asked in that House, and no sh- r was given te It, the iodividwal being prc seat from whom U is ex tested, ailenae mighi am const rue u into an acqaiessenee M Its truth. The trade of Newbern, diminished at be ad. milled it ta be, was not in ao melancholy a sta'e ss had been depicted by the gentleman from Perquinvina, When, be adts, waa a. vessel from a foreign port teen there' If the ge nlle natr meant by roceiga portan TarapeM pert; he moat Miifet that the European trade ol Newbern wa's cone, snd that arrivals from thena were indeed "like anrela visits lew and far between " Thia was owing to the obttrua tioos at the Dar. and to the CTeeX,Tiaytni.awe r.wa; ptyvuLiw tnnoing:-tjruw;-But if tbr gentleman meant West twlia vessels, he could scarcely visit Newbern, and no one would be more pleased than himself te see him there, without finding a foreign vessel.' While up, he would remark, that the gentle man fi-orn Wake (Judge Seawell) ia speaking of his having been restrained from voting by conscientious scruples en the Convention Ques tion, made a remark, which though probably, not intended, seemed to re Reel on him Jiu'ge SEAWELL rose and disclaimed any urn intention. Judee tJA3 TOV was nerfeellv satisfied with this assurance; but, at what waa said there went out to the public, he thought it becoming ia him. holding the official station be did, to pro ceed, with liis eplntnn..-,The Act of; Asseiu bly under which they, were venedv prnpoted acrtajn aiivendmewtt VO S Cnn tiltotion in fe- lalion tnjhe jludiciary.nl, NoriU Carolina 4heee- he believed, lie tell however not Ida alijf.test delicacy in exnrettinr hi oniaiow enott nr Or alloflhera. Whatever' interest he htielit frel as a citizen of North Carolina in the result our deliberations,-he could ay tint veahea hnnor nor the emoluments of any otTioe could fiatnee.him tntay yr or tie, against the honest vaii.iciwffv lit niv niutu. tner.-trlt is true, that AgricuHure, to be profitable, requires the aid of Com merce; and that bj the success of the one. the other flourishes. But ta the transaction of business. In the ope ration o( trade, cause of suspicion arise, iraua is imputed, envr and ha tred fUort!4-th LtiTitTaMieIleiit43S assume the character tf aotagonisl. Thuse who pursue Commerce are col lected ui the towns, and invest their .r,,,.......f..-T:. -..-. :"a. AorncuiiuraiisM reside in the coun ties beond the limits otthe town, and are dispersed through a wulelj ex tended territory, and invest their cap' ttai in land and negroes. W henever the Revenue bill is revised br the Le gialature, it is clearly seen, that the in terests tl thuse two classes ot society arc separate and distinct. On these occasions, the members ipresenting the counties, advocate th? propriety of increasing the More tax, andoUug raantittjr - the rate of taxation on town LlfttTjC8twkhatf tation ol the seven towns, tneir inhao- iiatua now roinpuui ot ine uiequautjr of these taxes; they allege, Uiat, the Store tax and the tax on town lots are lhe'not well proportioned to 'the .tax on in-jlaild; p:t& by the liihabitanta of (ho counties. The present ratio of taxa- Mr. McDiarmid moved in ad- that fresj Dersona nf eolonr ner mr journment Negatived. . . .' . considered at eitiiens, and no one baa ; Mr. Oaton of llyde moved t to, a rijht to votebnt v citizen. Too re amend the amendment by excepting volution in this country was made by r-... :.!. .....,:'- vr..i.. v.iu::.u ...u:. ... at '. "' i vreiua i iioiKiu, vv ii- uiutais auijekia. MiiiT alKBI IBU Wii- mtnztoa, and Ed en ton. .'The Commit tee refused to amend by a vote of .103 Mr. Hozaa now moved a reference of the Resolution and amendment to the Committee of 26 appointed oa-th " II a a Judge B AW EtJU". know until he took hit aval that Ihere were any ;preSSIVe. If you .abolish bortturh rep Keant st ranee eountr. he did not feel authorised un- ny orgn throujrh which they Can pr- lera strict eon'ttruetioii ol the At lo vole, sent their grievances, and make known ii . i . . ti.. . : (... . . . . . i i -T ,'vs i IT A i i i v,eir wrongs. W e as Mr. 1 OOMKIt said. M waa Willi nmeli rt-lna. . - T .e tance that ha entered into this dweussian, but Mr 1 equality of represcntallonj the committee would excuse bim, as the we contend not for the power of pre lTltL ' tSP't inte7',in lo Ut OlU0'7 venting usurpafi6n and encroachment which he hsd the honor to represent, and ia vi- . r . taily importantloa portion-!- il.i..h.biMrta aspire OIly to tlMt toWWS of betn; He had not expected the discussion at this peri- heard, when OUT interests arc broU 'ht oil, snd asked indulgence for the desultory man- nto iud,rmant eer in Which a few remarks would be hikBy, , . e- - . . . , , submitted. .-p"It'- u suppostu, mat the members We derive ftsiil .VI r. T.) many of our notions reDresentin the counties in which the ifliwwdofy;ndm whence our ancestors migrated, in the popular interests or the towns. But, here, are branch ol the Legislative bady of tireal liritatn, found Separate classes, having distinct three distinct inlerest are aeparatcly repret- interesU Thy own tlifferc-nt Sub- .membertuhe in uiiiiiir, i un irrrjr,. j mi men- uuurcm; anil iuPT ireuucntiy come bert from the Universities ol Oxloid and Cam- Pnlt:atnn WJ,K Var U nthpr aa eon . bridge. Commerce, Agriculture and Literature, V"0 C0U,18 lon w,ul c,. Otnerasvetl have each- Us ewa representation to- nmke dr and vendee. It tf well known known its wants. to protect its rights, and te that this jealousy exists, and hostility f mrGment 1.,.. 9"' "fr ( th happiness ol mta aud to advance the pros gislative experience in this Statcjully periiy of the eounbi. Itepublkan intiiiuiiont establishe' the fact. Believe not, that r-JE? these feuds anl tlissention. grow out princitti. if wrong be dooe te any -port io nt of a jealously felt by the inhabitants of in community, ins oppressed win not sutler m the country at the enioyment ol the -nmf.luii.l. will Kj. . . -1 1 ....i...k. . . - - J . .... r. .... - . . I 7 :.T richr nf rnritciitariikn rkiiaaoaanil Tie capital n Iota and imrverfterU amtiaeCt tH Tft 'bo33varea anil xnwdiaiidiz.ei th4Tj-tUtt : prT3red at 4w Coiir inutee rose a iu reportea ana me Von vention adjourned ahoat 4 o'clock. ; ; Fi id ty, June 12. The Coavention having resolved it self into a Committee of the whole on the resolution in relation to the suffrage of free persons ot color, J ml -re DANIEL moved a resolution to extend tbe riht of voting for mem bers of the House of Commons to.fiee pers wis of color possessed of a free hold worth 8230. He said thia pro portion was t meantta-r-htveittef benatori. ' he qualihcation proposed to authofiie JieepitionV oT r olor to V.te. was in tended as. an incentive to this c-las of, person' lo-ua:.!e xer -tlo'aa.'tiv. rie Uieiniolves ; in ; thepublic csttinattonr A white mm who py no tax cannot vote, neither ought a coloueu..jM.n. whir pay So tax. lie wa- wulinz to leave the door open to all colored niep of 30d charier its, as such would finJ no difficulty in obtaiuin;; the necessary qualification. Jutlgt D. observed there .were three ctass.-s of persons in our community, viz. free while persons, free persons of colour and slaves. Even the fatter i jrrotected bj laws from injury, T, in all except his nuter,.and such as may act under his authority, anv other per son uin; voile nee - towards, a auve. may bi indicted and is ntwerable to his color are secured from injury by any one, havinx the same remedies lor re tires as the white man. They cannot some free negroes, .entered into tha service like other persons, who were toot Vubject". The " Crown cannot make aubjecta. It can make what are; calUd denizens. No one can say that a coloured, man was ever naturalited , : . I. fCrIleirnon'Wjla will be wilt be uttered, the feelings of the injured will b alieualed, aud public soAiaotiona : may fvl luw. , ... ... ... . . The framers ol our existing Constitution knew that Iblt Stati Wai especially Agricultural, snd therefore gave thai Interest an exclusive re presentation in the Senate, and a numerous re presentation and overwhelming preponder ance in the House of Commons. Hut they foresaw, that a iiroanaroua Aarieultura wauI.1 build up towns and create Couimereei and they resentatives of the county f no, tlie ex- ..e.,f.ieu .la.o.nv.u w icpreaeniru nt ! CHi 1)1 pOpUltllon ID the COUntV Will House of Commons, esoh by one member, lo .-a .1 r .t . j this number they subsequeuily added one other llfle U.,e V'Ce f the t0Wn 'nd 0VCf" town, by an ordinance pesstl in Convention, in whelm it influence. the ear - lUcttousa ol gammons rt m eomposed of 130 members, representing Agri culture, elected ay the counties,' and - seven these towns they are the consequences of a difference of pursuits, of habits and interests in these two ctasse of society, and spring from the nature of man Think not, that the voice of your towns will be heard in your County elections, and will influence the rep Bbuth-CaroITna, Virstinia, New-York, and Massachusetts, have, within a members, representing Commerce,, elected i by few years, revised their Constitutions Ilia nnat sa aaatlUallJaVi A ae-aatll as- - w . . . . i-- a . ami mi 111 ri'MPrvff inpir firiinCtrrTheThae been employed to l.ei.a. w . . ngnt. out vera never mad citizens they made nO part of the political fa mily! the negroes were originally im ported in the way of trade like other merchandize, ;... .. (; . . j,, . The President aaid, he did not ap prove of the land qualification for. Ve tera. . Suppose two respectable neigh boors hatl each a son; that one of them had 50 acres of land, pet hap not worth more than, 25 rent an acres and the other had no land, but wa a rood i.t--t. .1 ....t. !i t M.MiMi FtrwcaicrsaiHiA.iiia i. w . ITanirrnx ,in society - trreproafhahle. why-wilt you allow one to vote, and noCaJlowahe,tlwl.JLf any qualifies. . ttpn were neceaaarv, he wouU refer - aej it iinige that makes the man.:, lit? would father-take age 0 Rtt property. . tie Knew reapectatHe inmilicsollree ne-jro.c.-vh(iLvad iit-priipcrtyibutj he b---lieved that notfe of the it) had any right to-vote. .!- i ,;l . -,. --Th'g npiiiioft of 'NewrlTM'iiWii""' mentioned. ' If the clause, which; had 'teen referred to. were to be asain con sidered in that State, it. would now be rrjectetl. We are in a very diBVrcnt aitttation fntm that State tfrry haVo bu t few persona, of t U i ..d.eg rip t iwOjif . . weltiv ? What, xaid he, can we do with these people? They are amongst ttt..Yt havtJrio3.J.es..i9...u cause. lie suptiosetl thev must remain southern country can ever be cultivate ed. br .white tnent or. that the vast quantity of our Swamp laod ran ever to persons of this description, he would tleny the right of voting. Judge D. thought i( would be good policy to adopt such a course aa would have a tendency to conciliate the most respectable portion of the colored pop ulation, and thereby give them a stand ing; distinct from the slave population, and afford them an opportunity of some intercourse with the wTtltesT 7 - - .The Judge stated, that during-our Re vol u tionary War, a hamhrrHtf fre persons of color rendered effectual ser vice in the rank of the army, ite also snoke of measures lately taken by the British in liberating their staves in the West Indie,, and of the probability that the French would follow their ex- 7 towns, ml, and the House of Commons bsvmg an Agri- borourh re which hail been asserted, awl as proof of it pre- . ...... . . - - . ii cultural sutrionty, in tne proportion or I jo to aeuiawon. , iei us not servilely imi T. In ibis attitude of public afl-iis, bai i the Ag- tate the actioft tf others: but let 0 I WWIwai HT,4Miftj HrlltTHCIHI' HVtwl tnjv j- - 1 ' in-- Vi -- Commercial interest, ehherln ease of eompvti- derive beneCt from their experience tioo ne collision? ' whence, then, ati thi jeai. and wisdom, i r or bimsell, he was un eusjf Commeree is only armed ,wth tbe willing to depart from ancient esaees, nower oi makine kaewa -ber wants, and of aun. ... r- '"" .isi plicaiingtheaid ot the legislative councils of the wHout .urgent reasons. Has tnot country Yet, this still small vnke i to be hush- your borough representation, hitherto, e.i, and her representation, at .me fn swoop, Js been-of a character to add lustre to tobeswipt from our halls ol legislation.'... We i , ' -5 s ' r t ask not an increase of ?power;"-we are wdlingte VOUr legislative annals? Somcofthose submit to its eurtsHmrnt, but rirprecate ill sank who live, and now fill COnspiCUOU hilation. Our Jealims .neighbor, possessing pUce, it IS our delight to honor. .The streneth. and. monopolising honor, answer our ' e i '. mpT.H.ts in tbe .juirit of Haman of old. and memory " otner wno nave oeen gam- ' . . j. a a. s - .. 1. j... iL ? .. i .1 ) ' a ''.'1 ery aiou.i. what om an tnia greaineti avail, ereu 10 tneir ia,uers, iseraoaimajii wim , . . v r-j Kit,.., a ...Ux Vit..-t-..it-J rtt-AS-jti: Our Commercial pretenttmrt. HaW MrrTrar . ."T e,"" "'J1F-TO rldiaeled.andit ia; declared we have no com- ueiu 01 nt lame, noDiy MrugSling', JP meixe. 1 thia nraaerMtlive' denunciation be the service of Ilia cotiiitrV. ' i' ..I I k. li.. ..,!... - T-l ! ' , gale. of cultivating a rood understanding with-the most -resnectable portion nf our free persons of color, who m'urht be very serviceable to us, in ease yf any combination for evil purpose amongst their brethren in bondage -' , (, JutL'e D. nid, th it thj Reaoltftion which he had. olTered, was HrarryJ-.a copy t-nn entered, intjo by the ffew Vork Convention, and honed it would be agreed 1o.", - .. ' .. II tla tsv 1 tarA a . a at r. hUvvAitus wasgiati ute learn ed gentleman from Halifax had turned 11a attention to Una subject. It was one upon which he felt some ditTicuIfy An article in the bin or rights cays, Coavewia. 1 there be y pntediee o tins lta.'1ltrflwntep- makes it th interest me of superior ability nd inturroation, that moment the prejudiees vanish. - tf it be true, that every interest should be represented, why not extend the right to the Mining interest -a pursuit which requires equal ly as mock skill and capital to carry it on aa the manufacture of tar ami turpentine. Another interest reqoiring much skill to msnage H juilieiotttlf, was the Fishing intereat. Ought thia not to be protected at well aa that whwh is confined to th sal of bacon, lard, whortleberries ke. Suppose n East India trader were to visit Newbern, and go to the market and through lh principal streets, and see m one place a bale ot cotton and in another a flitch ol bacon, and should be informed that these traders were a elase ol men, whean in terest being a itutinct one, required te be protect ed by representation would he not rneer at os Sir, the commerce of Newbern bts decreased almost le nothing. ., When has a European ves sel visited r shores? Not iaaaoxen year. . But, sir, it le said that ther are mysteries Sbout this trade and commerce which only mercantile gentlemen understand. Why then, air, do they not ' send Merchants Instead f Uaw yr or Doctor? It was said important matters frequently eame before the Legitlsture, hs re lation to these towns, which required the vigilant attention of these borough member. ' Ho waa himself in tbe last legislature, and he believ ed the only important euhjeet which was can vassed, ht which Wilmington was concerned, we a coatrovcrty a boot the SppninlmeM of a Jostia el the Pcseei . Aad Kawbern, air, though ik Wilmington well represented, brought ne important matter before the Legisla tor ant a petition about tb inepeetio. of wnwd ! ' Ha had ao Me if Borough representation was abolished that our talented men would be laid npon tbe shell. Not so, sir. Th peop' ae honest u disoeming. and if their right are about to be invaded ay way, they will tail lortb their men of intelligence, whether living in Iowa or enwBtrr, and this Convention torded a avaetisal itWtrtttaeta nfk. flaxseed, Wheat an.T Flour purchaaea lo Fay. tTMteO that the pretUUlCO Creat- eu ov tne , repetition, ti tne odious Kotfttt IiiiT&ttzht, would have no 101 . ne woum nut apcaa 01 icvkid, as otiicra 1 ; a. " .1 1 ..l' around him were betilTinformed a t her trwd.. f infllWnce OO-thweCWlon Ol trtt tjtres- ee'retrv pf ihT..s-i:Uurju.,jta .ttesV mJ ba,, aepftrated ailed th tact ihnt the waa lisnlly a town In ''V? the State, baviog a popuUiou jaf SOO pr,, vat Stores aml nmbet ahip,4 Ims.. sjewa.. erm R from whieh delegnte. Xi nt been .awnl'to thia . ? T.Tv" ,linfllUin any pntediee of Una " -ter . of the people to choose SlaleJ, i... ..rt Snioemctlon. ik.t Isst aessioai see there th aeasioai see there the tonace owned by tn mcrvhat.lt of W itmlheton, the shinning which left that port within twelve' months, and mark the duties arising Irons OnMaetee, received within the year, at tbe different ports of tbe State. It is said, we have no rich! fof reeulate Com merce, er 14 legislate opwn that subject) that the power ha been delegated to Congress. It is true, that the Conalitution.of tkeUnited. States gives Congress power "to regulate Commerce with ftretgn AoriaM, 'and among Oic several tttates, aad with the Indian ti ibes."' But have we no iutemal trader Do not atrara boat and ether eraft navigate yonr Sound and Bays? Do not steam boats ascend th Koanok ta Weldon, and ether eraft to Milton. Us not tteam boat ascend the Cape-Fear to Fayetteville, and Other eralt 10 Hay wood ) Is not the General .Astern bly frequently engaged in legislating npon the subjects of Pilotage, Inspection and Quaianlinef tluw long ia tt, since your iegisiatnre naq 10 act 1 . .r .1 11 t 1 . upon 111a suojecs 01 oms w cii.i, . ,w from the chaff. altliu!rh it be in the proportion of 4 wo grain to the buhet4 VAX those, town having distinct in terests from the counties, and inter est of sufficient importance to be protected, -retain' tlisrir . representa tion; ' Fayetteville pay into the Trea sury 6f the State a taxlw Blt.OOO, being levied on it store and town lot, and ha a population exceeding' 3000 j and the pursuit of its inhabitant are almost exclusively Commercial.' The pirit of .Reform .which ,was firt a wakened in" this country, and now illumine the Eastern Hemisphere, has produced the abolition of the represen tation of seme of the rotten boroughs in am a . . . . . - England, but the rcnrerntation of the regulate and. prescribe the damage on protected Commercial-, town and citie i stilt siinar siavo h. iww"i . wMm. n u. r . r 1 1 . ........ n .. .... ..v... ,hi anhl.rt II sikad wh, l '! i V, 1 .ww J . . . m mmwi yonr Commercial towns? tlave yen no naviga tion Companies te makt asosls, elear nut streams, 1 pristine plenIOf. 1 irws Tour rivarar ,1 tt - luospaaie ajieorpen II tuu of esperitnei Is not the spirit of mteraal Mf. King moved that the Commit- and remove obstraelions frwan your river? i yon not uait-roau omwo amnyvm , 1 ... f . - ed, and two new in the lull tide of experiment? tee rise ana report progress. ixeg f Internal tmuroaent awaxew tivetl. ' ' " ," - d: and it aot our SlMc prido avonsedf What I n-t- -1 r. ,nllt Patriot doee not aewdiet brighter prospeets, and 1-"" ;' ' cb.risb anticipations of future gratnes, , j mendment, ( excepting ; Fayetteville, The principle ofjutice and of corvNewV"; nf wtlmington,)ai then rect legislation inculcate the necessity Pt w decidecllii the negatiTe, ' j. of having every distinct interest in the . The questioateTfving on the anient), community; represented in : the coun- nent ottered by DrSmith. of Orangej cils of the country. Alibough Agri- to abolish orougF Representaiion en culture and Commerce are, ift theorr, tirely, r;'j Morehead' tailed foff a dir closely allied, yet, in practice, , colli- vision of; the' tjuetiort.'..' It wan first sions occur, animosities are engender- taken en trikiag oat and decided In ed; and they art arrayed gainst wlvw negative, Daymen out the consent of themselve O' their llepretentatives in General Asembly, freely, given," If. this a.rUctebeats uptin our otored v freemen, -etjuaily .WlllOh) iwhite Ji wouUl. apptur wrong;, while we continu,e to tax them. t.o deny them a vote for mrmb-T of Assembly.,.' He s.tould be cl&d of more light .od thi subject. ; lie said there were many free . inen, of color who paid taxe beside those who are freeholders, Qijjht pot they tube r( p resented in the Len'islature also? . J. ' , Juike DANIEL ''replied, that 'the bill ui rights did, nut apply Jo inen of 1 . , t ... . . -i coior lt.emiiraceti onty iree wuiieinen. The Legislature had right 10 tax any pecie of property, ; He wa )n favor of allowing , the colored men if "ne property nd nianding to '.vottj'Tor members! for, from an observance of their conduct for thirty year past, he could say, that (they uniformly yoted for men,, to represent them f the best character and talents."; -. :r:r.r Mr. BUVAN wished aomeTnrorma-! vjfldrfsjMteSrUt man -It i true that many of this ment be made withoot theiruXt will class are worthless in character, any oe proper tnai tneae cojourvti people, whether ffeei or in : bifidag; should bo" well "treated) bet.be ( waft opposed, to any of them being allowrd the right of au4imge Gov. BRANCHl observed.' that no doubt the Convention had a right to act. upon this, subjecU - Fret persona of colour have heretofore, been permit tel to vote in this) StMliauAfld. tbeajqavW. tion now t, whether thin ritdyt fthali btt- cotuinued aoridffed or abrogated I'ho sTentleraattr. fi-oni Warren tbinkt this pradictf ought to be iiboliahed. Mr. U. was wilhnir to disfranchise the greater portion of this class of persona ine atnenoiReiit proposed by his col league would deprive ninetv-nine huni dretha of them of the privilege of voting,' lie waa willing to keep the door open ample. lie noticed also tbe pro tun ty of our South Western States the jmost fjooseTsfantW of rolour. M JU ..r... - 1- .1;. " 1 .....:it: . ..... i..:.t. i. r wit -, unwillinir to part With the free- holdqualificstion'. lie admitted that age make a man but lie thought prop erty. ought also ;to i be considercii. .'A floating . po:utatitm, however aged, could not . btr relied upon, they were hern to-day antl gone to-morrowr-oor social compait could hot be held to- getherf bur for the mutual interest whtclt binds us to each otherv -In ' He thoucht hi collesru had rivert1 some btronz reason why the whole af this class of our pupulation ought not to be cut erTfmtn votinar Km no mart I betfef able la forrff ! correct judg. ment o:( the aubieet than riimself.s - I . - LatttioJae -taxed or tnade aubiectJb thelwtntlvr4eiiund4'e4toa t of any impost, pf u and ahould their' ; IlelegatsWe ther free nerton of colour could be considered, .in the same light a free white citizen? They re not looked upon generally, aVenjoyin; like' nrlvi legea. . ' Atl act of Assembly prohibit free penons of coloor from going from one State to another. If they are citi ttot, their citixenship i of a mongrel kind. " Jle would he glad to hear more On thTubject; ; r -J r" -Tb: Pfesidenl '(MS M ACON) ac knowledged the subject, was attended with difficulty. Perhap he went far ther in hie opinion lo' relation fo'i It than other ge ntlemen. H would ay, on their return home, be onder the necessity of telling them tliat the Colt -ention hatl wholif abrtigatetr - tliflr , l "1 . " X. rijjui or voting, tne iniormaiinn, : no farjJ,-Tnotird t " betrellr received.' " He hoptsd, thertfm t, aiaVent.rciult. t would be come to. ' , .. Mr.. WILSON,. from Percjuinionf , rose to offer arr atiicndment to fh'rf re". scut proposition; 'ebberved,! that however fouch coloured person might be, elevatecj,' their colbur alone v. ould prr.ve i barrier td keep ' tfiem f n ' a Te graded tate. And lite moment a free mulatto obtains a like property,5 and ; is a little favored by beinj admitted . to vote, he wilf not be satisfied with black wifeT JU will 6on , 'con riect himself wiiht'a white 5 woman.rIIe ' would, threnie,4 olTer the following Resolution, in order to fettle the tiue A- - -A i.Jl f tj I.-.;. .1 A i-.-A linn at once ne imivru iu tria.e ou , all the Itesolotion ; nw befor8the Cbmmittfef except the word ReolTi " etUlVAnd! insert -'ITiat free hegroe and mulattoe,' within '1our"degreer . shall not in future be allowed to -vote for meniber ' of the Senate '6r Houso ' ofCommons. t.-'fr t''. jqt:' . Mr. MBARRS atked the genttem&tt ffom"Perquimon to "withdraw;1 hit .' amendment for the 'present, and suffer him to 1 offer one vwhich he t thought ; tvould lettle the tjuestidn in thi most tatisfactory manner. Mr." WILSON consented. 5 J -Mr. WEARES then moved the 'fof-- lowing amendmentr - ..,t'K kfli .y. " It is the nuinlon'of thVt Contention that ay th eirstlnn tests' nullontai Slate, liw Miewae-' ! aohnrr nwr hav been consider as aMiaent, and therefore, not rnillet to vntrf snd a prrra ' iegetnveu tne tnntets aw SMaabera nl . taa) t t ,.T SBaawsrB

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