KT0.29 R ALEIGH, N. 0. THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1335 VOL. XXVI tff'foWr Carotin a Gazette, - . teatiaacs. vuilt, t LAWRENCE & LEMAY. -iadartfcrof all distinction ' wiHrbe furjrtUent will 4thm)TfmiirneTngrr0fTOeTuUDe(l out ute mar 99 the aanii. ogt iSinary, selection, this one of one hundred and twenty, in my opinion, is the one most favorable to the Eastern section of the 6i.i . -t . u. .it .A.iitt;. . M "t?l'll1V I J ta IC WIICIC IIIC t,v...,..v. v ' II- I .l 4. I. ttrTfo. three nniiar per annom ana gcuciauj tuiatcu. nw ihui um Madnee. suowriurrt m einer question of power, ol which, we. have be allowed tn remain in arrea a lo..,er h j h it, )vg he tlougnt neTear,an.lperonieidrnt il'ioulthi , , , . . t6.. , . that in 1 1 a m . n H..I nkff f9mmn it and a hew division of parties will rise up. The peculiar situation in - which the Southern States stand to the rest ol thU confederacy, will always make sectional parties "give way to the stronger excitements which gruw out of the action of. the. Federal O ivrrn- ment. In other word, local pirties iteei mimef this I'M, thai 1H not lKS Ha CIMHprui'C r.ee in their might and majeety oft" tne shacklea which bind them. wniM m m- ihn himrtf deprecate S'tch . j : 1 ...1 :i.- mar a-.nnm.n inn mil piiminrii yig m. v nciliv m vvvu.hv vNinnii, - - - - - I fee,"ri.lXJ;riiHir.t i.4ii ths bole,,a-carefully, otherwise -they -would 8 l1lotih-ye.ru.uutei-ipi.oiiiii .dr.n. jn a different- 1'hilit. It is not for.! political parties of the aTIIT, HOI airet'iui'S nnren line, " . . . . . . i, . . ,. . ... , . tried three time for one .loil.r, ...d ier- power, in the sense understood in this Federal politics, like Aaron saerpnt, itujtrn' .forejeu cpnjnnae. j.tiebale,.thjit the . Ws conteiula-it is. will swallow up thereat. Even heretu- For nrmcwle: tt is For a system that lore, that has been the en in ivirth chi to the Editors mutt W to4-iTl. STATE CONVENTION. TetrwoUTirttfrs tlspneTTf-wioiWTii nemOe -v thi lit ter wouTIgfre 'the West an op rWihTry f ben. p0.''1'! prtuntty of a market at home. This an taluk. T?TTriyZXZZZZ: he repeated was slither wanted to N , . IHMt, M w nsa "" --.-,, ,M . 1 man .k. Ismu aaf rviu mstiii ..ass. but Ihi-V ; itivm lhtm trt inil lhn lhV bbbmisbi atiifi iiis bbsii inai msnii IIVIVW) awa . i j 1 ot.s fipltMIl h ..r,! ...te-n thrt Ztirioemm rr-m ! -'mUkM , 'r"S' "' l' 7 .Tf" ' uch Ihres's lhre ( if su inf mled) were lwl. NiM m.ly Dm trawberoT meraWn mi terrur iu Ins mind ue. S. mo. n i o kI ii kIi iiihii wt to b rtwiji h.umii-i. there tilt reprten.'ive of .mall uu'i ht f rr mkare -i-n'. ww.hv 'hi i. which is t be scriouly .ft"iCtel by Unit "e W1 " " elect tl;or, m'Nt c-.i'm eopro:n. ,d if be .m.'. I ,h. .. ,"?L,r iobeater J btr soiweq.ieiices from a iSU . . mwI, 4rtherwis4hef twWseeittwrit always temerjred into the -1tre4rp,n'w w-rtjrr-. w. iwtu ( W,M mhm ibe- t bre-i rfeof-s i ' i . , . r 1 i:r-i . . r t. iiui iorj ii'miiici nnntes ni mo cuuiimt. Wl lothe.Srust cuiH I'll to lo'it. Feiin him-, i, ., l. r.,,jiii .ir il.ii im ul'ihe urm- tell bum. I hy all the t lemni'f f most ! c;ta reat(UI, ur(Pa (, Hie cull of.llte CHiren. ,le nn u'thgifini, be p;te.led l heven for i'ton w ti eennoinisn llie eieiiHnM. of lte rprineiple: it is for a system that fore, that has been the cat, in N .rth ;er obj.e. in ,ie but d.justie. tmtmh J,fZZ,i; ilispread over the wholeSta.e, and Carolina, an I now that all rause of iJt', "ft "J 1 j' 1 "ll"" T nn a wmkmi1 'lit m- i.. i ... ...i i.. ' iir ifieimmm-e. ii r.iiim in PTNo mie in this bodr will.leny the une-lthe State is reraived, it will w.m T If" 1 mtrrTJHa one in this bodr will dear the une-lthe State is rem vei, it win uecnme rr-m, "TT. . nusl operation of the present Constitu- still more so, and for one, I heartily lVtdnedan. June 17. r . . ... .....'.! prSoriS they, say it h worked no evil. Now, Then. v ,-n.W n. if .hi. He p .1 -r. W,lin, of I euimons. PpO"" , 0a ihinlciho- . I power . to he frmmedv the hliesl num- ppoi it .commiMcr , rr,u,. ..... ..... "v- - -. bei why jt ))iit f tf) p,io,,lb,r can. e.kripopuiiion win Kie ......: we sre utssausneu, suit :"" "'" "c teml f..r one hundred twe-.tv n,l re. Common the scvernl uua.bcri, 90, 100,' u.tm . riht to claim, that the Consll- irl nn liunrtiwil Tlirv I'HI to thnk ihikt ai d 120. ic tution shall be so changed as to ope-there U a aeirain it. I will answer. Ye. t. FISHER said, he was aware , rate oauanT n 01, and permit all to -we contend f..r t20.aml we h.ve aifiiin r w7:::hl in the ,ative, z: e under ra her uiit.tor-ble cir-j branch of fa Government Buteven it 00 wW SeM11 it Wl, d;,,,-;. f.rr nstances. .Already the discussion it be admitted that no acts of real op- nennl in the Sta-e thn any m.MVr num. been extended to a considerable : nruaat,.n nr ininaiir. have occurred un- ber-. brcue 100 will eie two mrmSer ttw and signs of impatience fr the jef the present unequar stsleW of Re- " mrclium . eminiiea. and th. n htxran in show lliemitel vex. i tit : irai wri w cw .w. - itrps.nrxiinn. .nil 11 i n nr ii bi lui. X ' 1 1 ' ' 1 unarm ""M ... vmma nF (ourselves acjist ite r.ii'Jiti.Y 'i enunt-with one" nvmber. and tHerehy s ,.n....a... . c- . -. ... . ' Hi Uiikti Mia. would he remain Client aii ec ii . -..i. hi.. .,..1 .!... eoutitiiemsdNincltasuhmil to lh ed ca ' ,ln,lM.r i(1 cmino.. l'rm IWioIOj. of a m Teiles m tj riiy. He did not a thia ,e W1M1, ,1MMM, ia (M cat.itor of tli'u t:en wuuld be ili Cii ul ici of the ' Weal b il re I ,;, ... .inii .....ulw-r. wnulil n.M. wvll it . u .n.'in . .'inrt 111 ibj mite ! ......u... .1.. i.ilr.l .if ll. IHtHUle SI t'l II di'iirul of ih G iveriiment w ml I 'il I the ni-tlii l.nm H ...-( Mr Kihi) H Ihen It.- hid ..m. he a .id ied . hi ae.( ? .... w.h.1.1 ..t ...-.. iv repreieni mr not to be a mnlr I n.-reed w.ih the tn.U, j t.i nl "'y ' 1 rnitim .irh riirii lrl IH turn :Uf 'lie beian to show themselves win cm rniint'.e r Hdtn takinK any -- . b. . - ,anre in the Constitution, usoi them wi h iUeeMn and ke hut foe the fact that One of the ir k.;,i. J. i. vfttriani'l nn them vot ftarmini the rmtftci'ioi We (ions to the mia-tmtm number hud ve ....i irnnvi.niinti from the ,," q'et'on ifitlrd. It ha f 4i yea-a eeti as fully met as he thought, reason is, thaT our State, 1 the. UealluUedAoJuealletfatuMi--. ' .t..;. ,.. crea-rd lea- it 'rare the West.an undue share of- l i but t:t,ie mnntr. and but few of- .We.s nd heart hurninra ,amn.,? , n,J m.jj 'ity to r ile lie i I fii'icl i a- iruin.a'ii at i lie hi lie lime ii is-rq ully trur, i!ii fr the eciiniy of the nvnority, crrinin check and balance 'iould be inierpwd 10 rr-at t lie hn I of nipreai.n which i 'on often entended o'er itiem. lie lofted up n th .1 U i' er nii5.il which im oied no retrii"' on the U'idilJ ctrrcls of Hrton tlie part "f U I il l and tyrannical p wer ot K lop n. a. AliIuarK jUa ouin..4 ir j "!. S. Mil llieie one nvMnneh'iK rt a Inil llin IwtMcn .l.'rli li eimlil no! bv. X.nwiihtlaiiilittx tlte eaeniun tiir.U Imv been HM.Ie, in In iiu the e..ln ul'ibe Kt In im li llie call of 0 niiuMi. H'tl miiie iliti9l l.e linn-, it, ami 39 oonwlii-i nut of ' .liae rieu innjiriiici iiii it a b tit . NtiwheeiU- l hi Reii'le neii on lUi (I , wlm :u li-.m itn i, ii i I i if llir. ' "A l""wt- itnprqvements. But tn turn to the immediate ques tion under consideration. 1 If the East ! were to be taxed to' build' Rail-roads, they should be representeu so as to in Mure afiiitliful distribution the "troo' ner. For he held it to. be a truism, . that no man ought to be taxed for , the benefit of another, without his consent... The West would have just as much riirht to come and taae nis nanas into InrnWuTinunTaTihTla hire hands to do it With. Gen. S. said it had been urged by the Rentlvman from Buncombe, as a reason why the amendment should not he alop'rd, that (he disparity between . the two Houses would be treat enough. and that the examples set by our sister States was against the principles laid lown bv him. it is true that in ser ai of the Northern .States, the Sen- ' . a niijiirnv, IH HI I e thin th m t p itc Jr f. lSefore However lie ex a nnneu mis lion, he would take the liberty re I'uH v. to express his dissent to a re- matitf uy toe venn aoic iratiiciH Boms and c i:-4-;t.,. Il.,l th. ease onat runted wtimemmr ami mm !....-... - - - It ia 'ime th.tt thi eed and exin,r been otherwise, that is, had the Uov. mM v Tlir infrre. emment been in possession uiiiLi!E-he honor and prperiiy nfilie Hta'e re- inucn patronase, men. nirre tri and in ni'nniimi nw u-'irr-c.-.- ex- Cnnvetition. The remark to which r,r.in il,t this uneaual distribution ... i . . . . . ml re erence.wasin tnese woni: Jl chancea in Government are from er to worse." wr, r. sam, nuu remark fallen 4rom an ordinary. ce, he should not have thought it uvea, we witu mere. rr- - 'i'1 . . . , .. ..J. . fil.. ...w u ia nicltitled, vnirii win eci. c t.-. ..-.-... r Hnnatitii inn Thi ia mir dftitH. and we distribution I . k, r.ll.d iin Ifl of nower wouhl have been often prriaed hv nn unenual the monev and the natronaae. Mr. V ih'at irentlemert did creat inius- Co-nmiiied a atttement to ahow that if 120 m. uif rj . ' . ..... . . , tice to the West, if they supposed that ahn..l I he a brhere it isnne w-ucii canno. ne r., r , . -- - - . five pr notte, lr F aher here re... jo - v--: - . tlV b.ll -rd iid. al l a alitennentln wnw mil u , . , .7 " ..I h. .m.llrat Jae of ' "" " 3 rr" au"m '' nii.io it.-l-M-r l a.iy cl. uina In llt eiltl luuvi.ui ....I il ni.. l.v ant Ukiv ilMonttt.1 In r n'.lV.!.i.l I m a mnu'iei' tirhirli iw. li Via will ikai.. prciciauia . - . B.teilv at ti ineiay ,0 . ,. , ih l i.iir Wiiy amfl- wlt Him in VHat, said Gen S the aeenrny which fiij llllber Um., w,n ,(., en'wl jm i( llie Ki.l i o luve, it,t Ihe r n'Hn are not , bflh a ,,ntail to U -U4lw in he i.iv l.,tf n.B frendi. ut llm. . .P!!.njaiiJjUUij4i Inn n''tii inil Till .. Ii nreentl'nHi u:mti inn i i i li-id- Hie a'nriiiliant at l.l liit ..f . ... il.,. Kfin a I'ro- ili I mi niiiitiL' Ii f.tli Ih.iwmii llie Emi ni'l Vil-J lh . wrre aeeiirrd upn.V ay ttV .I.T th.l ri.i.U r-1M I keprincipU, of p.rm.n.ice an lit. ratio, . .' - ' T ot ,. .nilit l l but what IS" " """I ' orm .t.i.n I... 11.7..-. l a -'riu ,-,.!,. aMumetir nw luki ... " i Conwhrni-m ahwli ia o' jeaiionabla. ofrral ty tC'ter with Pull tav hn' eve-y tJj s ;,( cine , nn(iM the re Itradf and apeciea of lasa i'l'i kn " to 'he ! mit;k, .i ie n . lr.1.11 WUk, f.en, E er, the Kiw-at fr(' W.l.b M.i.l ww h.l i.ii.miiiI the Uom uttieu .10. .. t .m nnr-.litv are liarmilied to be re. : .ilk . ..ii l.ir wliw'i Im I atwav Mirlr"lMf med ill the -eill e " A. i invminr jimrw, ma in.mrj .iojot ei( lm.l lit wanliiir liieM' Wew er TV Uary to police it, W.i' a a Wri. as it were, and Deanng at l on the work in which they were rngngcu, me , eoes uncontested, may operate on minds oi many against me nuuu of the new Constitution, lli kid theocTure say a Tew words in re- eye to me -spoiia ui - the nvdium cNaa would have hiffher motives hu t --fb; b.it j.ne.member.. and : W: West had in view the spoils of ollice, frardnna. a .L!. l.l ikft wrnntT WAV til GfH SPEIGHT remarked men una wouiu . ... w a 1 ....1 SIh IT avs ' ' 'I'V. 1 contemi, BBi.. . . h..: of 'heir time. .USJiti ... en hi uaeu in it s iar the wh-de nf y 11 ,,ler "cha a?atcm a Hiikf acquire them. so Far as theo lbx-West now jjf.c.u He . " r,. tUor.ffirpa are concerned, that rlreadv ennnmfd The only ap IorV pcrtiiineii Have we any asMiie-e "' " win or jr.. wfea ii ia tif "il -ie4tJrtieretbre.: wli tt "Tii 'liia T.niniiiir waa --the tTue-bawof-a- ik.i h ro...eom iri.miebflw. eiithe Bwt and die Weal. :.i. ..I..,. And heie ill hi idare. lie would lake orca- .... ... - . Ill iirnri. it.i uri' he cut off wi n itJ.h??eV6 jai aat-alMaf, wa aoiniuiKe a jtl m.i au'eimiu tj weia ot n turi.al Iiiiinmuult No, lie aawie lb eoiHHiiite lhl l.e tt the Irinil ol inlrr. iml liDiinvetnela, uh a will ft" d nivilii, i l.l th hrriie-t nl i.nr amiuiry i S'tlinS ' ken bin l.e ii-ily..oWMati!il..lliiiM..iitlliLil wUm .iniii im powfr: 't"h jjifHliriMan Ulka alf itil a Kailmail IVuin tha - araliuai'il til llir ii.it.itiiHitii. Why, air. aneh a li me ia nut oiilt R.... IU . .i.i.mi. r. Iml orrlrctlT iniiin.ille. In We n his opinion, Mr. V. said, nothing less stationary than Uoverninents ..n.l.rirn.nfr iev were tuiiummij J .i : n...,...,,,..! ptre. inangea. in uuiuminu. ..r ara of two kinds. Mfst, me ttgUa. waa the de.n and abiding tn'wai tok in the final dwiaion of thia question. are in the minority. but notvery great, KSSSSS ixiae of Commons was n ted at intereat of the Ea wa irrecera- ..I V.un mainnties. I lie reason IS, blv irone. Gen S. aid, it waa auowii lo itlil ... wa-" J rw ... . - - - ..n;iiinMi of numerical erv rentleman wittnn me aminn ton mucn a-.. . " - ........ - ......... al rnniffh e,dd e.n s'lall h.t e r..llel around, lie P o.e. , L, make i, lit.t ifwrhsl ml il W-a. rtli Wnrim wdHepem in. pmiM' TtSs? o" .Tni:i.i.-a;r he ate is comparatively mallj yet thpy are not n-gardedas merely a legislative . branch of llie Government ther have cettain supervisory powers&area court . oi iierntvr reon, posarasing toe nigncss -powers of any.in the State. . But. in at tiinjoritv of tire States! souuvol me 1 o r - Ti -" - ' l ...t ; .j tomac, the ,very principles iot wnicn.v he was contending,: are clearly main- '. la i ned . - ; rvrr -",;""" GenrSi-RHdlvr manner as possible, aoswercl some of file "bbJecnohs"wTitcli "TiaiT teen brought (tii ward Against the adoption oi his a- rrfent, It t.nly remained for him to perform llie aolemn hut painful duty .f takinx an aRVctionate farewell of, hia bantlinz. Tlie fact, waa not to be dig- zuised, that there was here a settled nd fixed niMonty aga-nt him and what he biliwe't torbe IhetnTeresr'bf" he E ist. lie had expressed himself ith soms feeling, but more in 'ior- ow than in antr.cr.' lowards tne meniWaof thi Cmve4linnfcJ)wtktoLs iertiveTy and- Wtlividiiallr. he had n oiner ireiings man inose oi irienuanip. The cuniuiittee then rose, reported progress, and obtained leave to, sit a- " i bi ble position for obtaining them, are in the minority but not very 7 . . i ue naujiuere ly soj yet enough so to keep us tintt- ber o( f i ed. Minorities are always more unit- n, the inter thatlhe tet,silenfanUlmost imperceptible ,9 in minorities unite them Irnachments which the uo.en Instantly making on tne peopie, t)e;r p0wm makes them lest'caretui ,,,y-; w..wnpS in minorities uuue incut. - , . nmont wfK",ess ,n 4. -,l.l f prevent the -Conent ion from ta nment , while Itvmitjorittfs the Icnowledge of ohtJtlllmH prei:r;bed in the Act r 'P,e' their powers makes them less'carelul hly; ot, he saurrd (fenilemen, wit of hia voice, that he liarl in the oma-t enueaTorru taai' ir 'tie Aaaem. h ew k nernetual. never-ending and ner Miring propensity in the Government enlarge" its powers, oovernnietii; 1 been compareu to me otrrw , a ger,ator, or Uovernor, 11 may imp- M wmln,. wo,dd work minifrst ; injustice chanics a screw that turns n'J . ihat some two or three individuals !o u, e. it did not accord to the West fc way: it gains all the power it can, r j mil,,rity wish the office each what was iheir due. or at le.at nut what they r. J P -ft . ...... " ' . . ' . n:- I...I K..n .nni.nri.n. f.ir' Hut In that he 1 never loses any. m . has his friends the r cta.ms cunu. ., -r,,in(.d. ,lu.ed nges, which are constantly go.ng on , a)d ,,, the element, of schism are in- X "SwVTt i--- Iiovernment. lie auinuieu " I trotlured. Not SO in me minonij. 0f...K make such amrndmrnia aa to act together. The majority ooes or p-eveniinif juatice oemit oon. . ' mt.Ji .... ; n-rfect concert. West, hut frnm s solemn convici ton that not always moye in ri If, for example, the object is to elect . kind of panacea and h-al up - . . . , a ... Sm 1 WJTIK IHHUU. HH'r- Writ a.ria-... . - Kite their sn.icinn to I'm Convention. w 0, ,lt Sn,te, wonl.1 mil fwltj a pmlii 11 ie liven linurr .ma ' 63 vrar, and 'phHniijch "W hae tcett bweit and deiided a a lowpiiiird. htactit'e peo ple, he bel eed Nnrdi Cmlua waa the Krdeu apol of the.orld. He Jtiie wiL Mo place under ihe aun which he wwild preler to the Rnod old north S'a'ei, ami he lookrd on etery attempt In alijjnia'ixe her a iin- worlbv of no-ice lie tin I iieicoiurr ca prea-el liia brlirf thai no btve l.veil umlcr una i;oiiiiuinMt iur hck i ...,.-, , utiwuu-t tiei.liruieii . . . . t... .K......f ' ''!..-.-.."..- ,..1 ..... , V"t. .. . . lull U-wl llui fi al tMtuuuittmfi uiutt .iuu l- M-li lll u rt the ltap n-UUO'i wbuli ) idl.la Hut profit, but the 1nu.11: eeted Irom f But we are told, that North laro linaisa dezratUd State, and some thiriT m'tat tie dtitie to elevate her in onmnrnmiae which ' the eves of lilt World. lie did liot ad 1 . - . . . .r 1 d.d not Rite each county a Sena or. wo.iia mit fie truth Ot this assertion. lirin eer trn down wiih thr amU conmiea. not p i: , wa4 IM, ,eirra -led. We are thai he d ncaL auon a wt " a happy people an I a pr ispcrmts -peo- rici v enn nnn.hle lo tur lualilHiiona, but "M 'r"J .1 . ... I .'... n ' . . 1. 1.:.. .i ..r it. nle. and our hihiiuiioh people had crown and atreuRthened Hh c impai isnn With tll3SJ id any feOtte in that ayatem, and it was neither s.fe nor pru tlenl to depart from es'ablidied principh-a. Pn.m ihe raiiiidaiiun or the Government, 1111 til now each ci-on y list had it Senator and he aakrd :enllemen to ill him whatetil Its "from better to worse." 1 here p move -m t,,e majrity is a signal wouid aeeure to the Weat their due weiwl.t had .ccmed 10 the '"""' ' ' i 1 likewise another description olj famio They move in ff'S; ' IX ISZ ,1 A We, which is always for the worse- .glan n(, taUe lhe antagonist post- be eotirel, Jrel eiuerclMU ,.k. pPre.,on, i.. VV liia .mun tnumations. lheeniirit - .ni. vrv im. defection in the . . ... r... r n...aR.K. ..iiir wimk had the E.t oppreMtd tiiel J U I . IIVII S IiJ JCl Willi UC C'"'Cia saai fliaw"-. - . s 7- - . .- - . .- -J laever, which the people, occasional- nkgof thetnsiority enables the minor- Gor Sw,ln eshiblted what he en-eeivrd Wear It had been aaid by the rentleman Ml.in.ke td change back, to regain what u cafMi,at, t0 .ue'eeed. If this be true would be the result, or rather the eRVcr of fro m n..ne..mb. ,h at m..c Jl. nit or stolen from them, eithery I7"" 1 u particularly as" in N. thi moat aacim.a eompr.,mi. aum;it penduurea of the public ...buraeme. is were 1 at ol' f5 IM I O,1 Of " C w - . ".Si .a -r " " ' " . ... . a 1 :i . I to the changes 01 , .n,t , jealousy between them Will ai- catculalion which be adop ed to aacerta.n pulling down our anciem nuarainu.it rat great reform in Now, the West, in this the reault in the Senate. It was hi Take fabric of Got ernment. for ti.e redre. ..f aiartSA CHART 7 . mir. hA.nneouS-and acts HroM amount of laiation s d.li.ideit by imaninaiy eflar II. .hd not pretend to M AQUA CHART resnect, IS snore homogeneous anu acts a . . ,.,, eeeaa. dene that defects ei-led in Ihe Gmistiliitinn. aaaaa- - TV. ik.aa at IICAl tllS " IS " " - - - . I. I. .. In, that is, lhe efforts whicn tney Jie to refonn the uovemmeui, 1,-rally for the better. If history ,e any thing, if; proves this. Eng libertyhas been preserved by a L.ai.m ofthesechansesor relorm, iliting themselves icoutitry. The fi itluml, was the 1 "" 1.1 . aw- - mnuTti ,ie next was me biu wr I third was the Revolutiom of J88, and the last was the great re in or the Grey Ministry. All these re changes for the better, and not the worst; and wunoui mec ms but little of liberty could now found in England, or even in this iintry, for our toretainers reccic.i ir idsas or liberty irom ingi..u. F;'-ir.i:ili-''hlfftVr'6f--"air-'titnP frrern mentai wherehfrtfpkH, lever breathed, would prove inethinev From the foundation ime to the'usurpation by Augustus, is a period uf 724 yrars, during lich time there were eepen impor it ctungea in that Government, on werage one in about every sixty e year.: Now, he would not say at all these changes were for thebet r, because some of them were open lurpstions; but he would say that Ih.n.... ch.nM waa made by a peopl . . .L t :. in nil a.m.. m .... ... , . . . ... j. Sions. I ne Ciasi nn me nmjuinj m jqq p,M. look al all our umrr: 1 wo-unrtia the Legislature, but in the East there , The rentleman from Buneumhe. however, of them are in the We.t.aodwhat has the are aeveral local interests, which will had endeavored to eon-ro.ert hia ratement, wet aakrd for. that they did not geif It 1 ... nM.;n vrr rlose union. The by sta.ina; that even if the b.t in rh may be aaid that as frremen. they were always prevent very ciwe union, iiie a M (- wiJ,1011l ..ki,r. .mil.. lm.tt. Uoanoke, the Cape rear the rampuco dl(rerence wo,lM BO, b, more ,, 3 or 4 edit to aeertain es-ent. llm in the name n.vrr ran null well together .- ..-t r..n . -,1... ih. mrxle of ofall thai iaaacred. will 'he Weat Pra at in more in unison. Aomese cauae h.j K. .itrihiited the results in fie Elec tions for the great offices in thU State , would be Weat of it. durinethe past six or eight yarJ r""'" -dmi'ied uu V" 1 . ' :r alMMiet.t the result with an ere to offices wasour obji-ct, hassuwaalbiattostm - r .s r " i " 1, 1 I ' that we now stand in tne oeai p.utMui position to obtain them, and that a change must act against us. , a ir if nower be our object, I a . . ...I. : .1. t ;s.i ry to contti'itte a Senate; eonaequen ty. ;7 nut tney sie nuioi ui uaiura wmvu mid fall Kaat of a certain line, wnne ua oeairucuon. Thin, I think, the. (;en 3. that in the remark heretofore in be enrreel. but - m.le h Kim. be bad radartorrtl lu t iri.. that I lo the difference in., in lba farmatiou of all our State noeftitiK,; rnriiimWi;,TW'a lhe tinf tne Beimla iflerenl from Whall had :" permanent and atdisJ .batilMH LHabla 10 J ta af liber- cannot see hii-:..wft.ci!WiUjJs Xn of twenty, instead of one hundred. If Bliuil l Jl R .i pin nn. there be any irum -number will not give any more power to the West than another. 1 ake any ..mKr vmi nlease. Irom ninety, the minimum, to one hundred and twenty. the maximum, and il you ora ou me sum fairWr the result .win oc pn.pur. tionate. The East can re.c. .. 1 nn..latiiin and tat. more than wnama - at ion entitle it to. and the West no le better. The expulsion essentially so waa the creation of ,Ser ribunitian power. But, saitlMr.po and r, I .v.. nit share We have seen r. that take what numb . I .a W A . 1 1 kaita A uins wa. rert.i.ilr for the better, and Itne cast w . ..... - invetnent among tne peopie, II. ... w nmhera rou may. nltne tar- " . 'i..u th. llllj"l " d th. West in the House. Sl Ie I ribunitian nower, m inl.tilii.il ia tint tit CO at " J ..... U..V.. .0 . w htn . il;.i.n..',nn nn thll SUDieCt. I r m ia. wau.v.. .... ... w ialivd di.r.lv Aa rnreai. MV d'lSStnt i a few observations from the remark an if the venerable President-that ,'hsnn... rv.vA.ai.rm . nf t frnm bet rr to worse;" and, having done so, I 'ill now proceed io the question im lediately befere us. . , M.. . . . 1 . 1 A 1 ' lhe ereat ubiection tnai rentieioru leem to have to making the House of tommons consist of one hundred and wentr members, ia that it will air to heWkar an andae ahare of power. W. it annears ta me. that there it c..t. OCUIH) .ii. "- - 1.... I. .11 l.rrielation. me two nuu Wngth es act bT concurreav - r ' i..avk aitatov nn inpuiiici a i i;vill'iTwv v West forcea, hrough ,tM JV"",'ir"wdh:lr k:ii h..rfnir nneouallvon the Kast, .... -e . .... v.ui.rn . V . .. .v. when it noes to me senate. n take one nunnreu.wn.cn t . . " . .-....: It Sa onlr iti..i.k. will M.a-ieee Ilia mamriir at once rt.p . i"-.- "-iv" : - " m.u .i..-i,.m . -id i ? noBer,y I'rzr. " produced. . The Rrntleman arems to rely j much on the calculations of frienda out of doors, and ery imireneroud endeatos in ennv'mee the tlommVtee that ihe numher 1 00 w ill be miV more - fa t orahle- n-He Wtt; lhft.t3.. Je.nid.iadrif such . aa heK. jteault be Wed.vih such niremittnig xef 10 faatenon ti theTtumbe J20 We are aurrly much indebted to the gentleman for thia new diacavery. " j In tlie firat place, let it he remembered, said Gen. S that aaaume what bai we will, each county haa to be s.tpjdied with mem ber. 1'ake then the amalleat number. 90 which will irie a ratio or federal population f7.' B4 Afier ritinr lo each county one I member, there will rem.dn 23 members to ..... .. .. . ..1..... .... be divided accoruinir 10 teoei.i i"i Now, Weat f thia ideal line, mere are-o counties, which havinjr received each ene member, will yet hae a population l Ml 144 Mnrepreteniedi which poputa ion ditided by the 7.' 84. will ee 19 repreae n. latWea. which will, in all K 47 members, while the Kaat wit have 43, whicl, with the Senate at 50. wtdd produce an equal ditieion on joint ballot. Now, he maintained, that if Hie East were to contend for what waa equal and rijrht, th.a ia the iui.li.in .linuld contend fori but they arc fw- act injrnaninMmay "oey- ar. tit set up to the eompenmiae. and (tenueman.mro Wea a mjfr.- ni.in.n ih. 1 iu 1.. uv - already shown mat we number 100 ia tne moat "f "7 J"" train br rhsneinz our position aa re- , j. ,na, nmbr which. H.k it tes i the rthJnfficeL But really sir, all; We a majority ia the Ho,- common. rds the offices. "J?.' ' re. ! W1, not bean real a. t destroy ihe hope this Struggle for tamaioiitf " lrf , jn.ienoath?enve. ..rda local division, IS idle It no- H.-nl .rrin from the epreaat.n of 1 thioff. After the ratification ol this hiBlretrt M a,,. 4 it more than once """ . -n mr Hear rj .1,;. aM. thi ifthe Senate t iii inn - And In aitintmn tnerrto, ne ra that h ia toutfrtaljve principle or ft-alure ta all well org nised i.iwnmenl. tn fire prnpeily a prepoinlrri'is luBi.enee In the imf branch, orer Ibat of piiiiiUlinn in tha other. Tht-te cbecka . a iti.tl SeeeiMry th'fbe'maiiifl'nanee ftf aHlrre f iernmente,; fiwwr and --ehtthitHr ; flMltekoiWWi! Hbww'l. not only that the weaitlt Ot Itie aiaie aroniiu nww a armirotliii induena in the Senate, but lhai it hnuld be fi ted on aunt, a U itit al would not ail- nil or nucin.linn. lhe Weat onrhl to be wn linf to gi't ui Senttor for each aminty, and, In return. m.ftt.l In wrTe that they ahould ba repreaenteil in lit Ifoute orCommnn aeeoMlina tofrae p ipulatinn. ' K'irilhal ha would ereralian ..I .. .. . . . I . ...I.u. u. .k. linn or iiae iijni 01 ie.ir., ..ini..". ... Fe.len.1 (inrernment, nor even here, but lor the take of enmpinmite.- Hilt, air. abl Gen. S the lie it ran -the ttul.ienu la part." and the flue. ion i. what numbers ara moat a;.proprte ior ibatwn H mw. reapeetieelyr III own opmmn 4a. that flriy tbmd.1 aonttuuie tlie nenata anu i one hundred die Hon of Common. Were we now a new Slate, and be waa etie en to mould a Cnntthii'ion. be mlflit be induced lo deet a number between which there i'a freater diiariiy lhan lhoe he had named. But, a he bad alrrady stated, we nunht W frame the a- ntendmewia ao a lo prwiu) a nitia anora a pottiM lie for K'ivhir no more power lo tha Weat ia the Comm... lhan tn lhe-Kat In ib Senate.- Ha had an id. of freffl'nfr the Ontituiinj a in pnt lha )Ct eompleieiy al llie merer of the WnH, thnneh twr.l Ibat aealinn nf the tte ha had nn unkind feelinrv Put he Had Heed lnn ennneli In kanw, iai power nl tea f a-lrM rhthi, awl while the Kaat bad it, he a not nipon in. sire a a anan a .mrr . wmtld nut M In the power nf the Weal tn rm ,,.eitthea. Itenevae prelaiided le denv Ihe i.ttiie of aome nf Ihe eUtm f the Weat In a IVmrenlinn. andamild tna aincle bolated oe. ni iwnmenHHinn k.ra been orernte4 la the . w.'. .ulMnnl mr ..fHiered with any nf iwu. InMialMMM whi.li have aaawmnanied ' in mill the m'md nf the p'. He Howld Have been willing loot aiiMMj kae ajueatHm, ..4 1. km BMtkd ia. ' Bat whnt bwl been the miierabW wbterface U wbiab Ihe ariwlet wf thU saeaaure had awaertM ! earey the Union. Gentlemen rise in their places and tell us we must do anmefltini to atop n. tiilH i.f rtniirration. Tin tifver ran l dine, wiiile the land nurket of the West are open, men of enter, nrise an I canitiil will a-'ek their for - . I t r ...'. 1 n M.llin t tun. -a in tuner anu mure u-i iur . Look at th emigration lrm timer atntea. If correctly iiifiirtncd, the emigration from our sister State to the anuth of u It is far 'exceeded u. True said Gen. S. I am aware that the subiect or Internal Improvements a i .1 ... . is not strictly applicable to me crea tion now unuVrc-insideratMifi. U lias been referred to by t!ie gentleman irom Wilkei, I will make nVmirk or two in addition - to what I have already said. From hia remarH.it might b.' inftTd1hatthe'-East-'we?e-Tnppiwd 1 1 Internal Improvement such liow ever U n d the fact, nor has their past conduct ev.inre.l it. He- b die veil soms of the warmet friend of that a v sYilMliaWiny fronrThtfiitr- in all plans which . had. ha I f jr. their oSj ct a judicious ex peoditnre. j'tlie East have been as liberal ns the West. He could tell the gentleman why In-, texnal . loiprovementa nha.veu hUherto proved ineffctual 4 hi Stat. ; 1 1-4 mutual jnalousr all over our Stafeiiot anly between the East and We t, hut, b-twenthTCape Eear, theNcme, the Roanoke, &c. And ihe cousequenci; isrwhencver any "iinproveiitent is prd posed in one section, an opposition a rises in another, and resort must be had to that o !ious srtem, known by the name of log-rolling, to carry any point. The idea t.r ever raiwnp; up a town in North Carolina like New York, Philadelphia, Charleston or Norfolk, was to his mind, perfectly vi-iottary. and no genuine friend of Internal Im provements will everprearu wpautii doctrine." From thes insurmountable imoedi-nents and obstructions, which nature has thrown in our war. we are doomed, in many respects to sUtrofj dcpeHdrnce, rmouglt wr nar n in onr nnur.r rreatlr to itnoruve our' con dition. Should he ever have the honor of again bainjf m-mber of the' lgia Utare, ie intended to bring forward a plan and the.onlr one which can im- prove our conuuion, vi. ...... from'Beaufort to . Ncihern and one from FavetteeilU to some eentral point in thai Weat.- - '' . fe"- --: - The former would prt'ty the East r.r'.titrea f..e reachinc one of th beat harbors on th toutherw coatr hle o . . t T. m it oantruay, un 9. . The order of Ihe dv beine IIm? Reimrl ol tits " rnwmiinhAVItMleyn- tlte 4b tlulia atifeh had rctiorled retulutloa Ut lb tulKiVHif , word, -tia: -. i .. -. Itrn.Ue.l, That free Nejrmea and MoWttore " wnbwf.Mii ,l.ir, Hll nnt be allowed InVoteTT" tor Mrown of toe Senate or ueaaa Oi tia- b innna of tin Stale. ,. , , , Mr. IMIYA remarked, that the rfifUitky ha had aneeetled In lhe sentleman from Halifaa (Jtd(e Ibtniel.) had nnt been, tn hi mind, eat lafaetorilv rrmnd y that andnMmi and lHaM (( he wnohi lirirdr tubmit tn lh emnmhlae, bia . - tiewa nn thi mturet. II I rrmren ly a.eU- .. iinanituf! auii.nr, "dial the t;oaMwlio m Stitta may b lree,;sntl the annjeet e aw nw wtl.jerl l.ee, and wot the f itmatitollon . Tb . free neitrn ahn d'lea nnt eiijny an equality of - riehl blhr wlmeman, libmtfk be atay be) A- Irea to a eiHm extent, m annjti in nvn emaw-j a, and .b i not Inennaiatriil wun lite enjor- 4 HM-nt td'cfWI I Sew Hhnr k IMtUt parthl restraint or modiflcation bf the uncon. trolled exer.iseof alHts privilegea.-wt I'his state uf. society will be found ta ' exisiunder almost erery Grernwenf . ftirin.-propln-Uon,Jit yoo. grant exeiu sive privileges -an! rigHttr, in rVoWes, . . .1 : . e .... -v i or other privilege) ornera 01 aocieiy, ...... .1um...1. ...1 . v. and .lititintKh tVil rights of " others, - who . art; excluderl from n psrtirlpation in them, and thus in n measure; vproduce system - of civil 7rryi find yet those who are. J thus deprived of he emjoyment 4f e ;; qual right, are freemen and are re 1-. coaiiited as such by the Constitutien ' . of "the country; I do not, therefore" think, that-snach'ctKnedijtrneiDtil is derived from the fact that ther arw ailed frermtn abstractly considered" from their right! as such. The ecftr tlem.ui further rvmarke, that they serretl loitg.and faithfully id the Ke- apply wi tbl ctjual furce a ml pertinency -Ut- to our slaves, many or whom, the ins- t tory of our country informs s, did the State treat and important servi-, ..a " in . Lat . Irainii.and. jinumeiittwa;...... sv.,. perhuT, and fousht wan tilly and lnverf-s ly i 4heemhattlt-wuk " luttonary ariniesi but the forct v ant,4, . fffCt f this areument ia much dinnn- f - , ished also, by the fatt, that at these- f r.ond -Congress. or we. uwteti. states,; i hn set waa passeti extloding them rronr; s " .7 bearing arms in the militia. Ilonora-- ble gentlemen hare appealed to our: , VI masnanimity, and endeavored .! . cite our svmpatliy in their bchalf-tt , . .; my mind 'their? lot and condition is ' - i inlsernble one, and! far surpasses itljas ftf nondescript situation, of tht; ancient , ;' I Helots and Villiens or-; th: ignoble 4 s - condition of the , oppressed peasaotrr t j of Poland, or the efloivocal freedom 0-- ' the isuropesn owiaa. a nt j t - mind, a na'ion of white people. im this -v ' enjoyment of any civil or social rights. - : by a distinct class of individuals, is ' merely "peminli9i and unless ther tfjy;"r' . a perfect euslily In every respect, it cannot be demantleil aa right t th,his-!,V ' tory of our country informs iis, that all I T"" -- -- - r the coloured population were riginalj,v; ;, , . Ir slaves, the fimt importation luving - , been made into Virginia in the year on t .". at. .j V thousand six hundred anu twenty 1 anu it la now matter of curious and in- v a I 1 " . . ' . 1 i t.r.aiin. iimnirv. now ibok w lit ere ;? ' . -.-- i subsequentlr emsDcipated, , cquue43 the political righU of freemen, s Ia fotVmt r" nW 0bjetion-U Is V v. ' ' . I 1'.

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