&3 NO. 44 XtALEIGH, N. THTOSB.a.Y, 0aTOBBa-22rXS35 VOL. ZZZVI JJ Jfitrik Carolina Gazette, rvLint. WSIKLT. L TKIIMS. . I ; .'. : ' ' . jffriFTUf, three dollar per mm one fcalf i 'lvnes. SubaeriUera ii. tther Siatrt ' bf alluwed H remain Jn arreara lim?r lltn oti er,iil pervm iraiiirnl wiummii mi Si.le. "" "V lelre t benmeiberibrri .ill be airiciljr renire( In in whole .nut nfthe aear'aaubaarlniioB in aatvanaa. lurHTr'nmT, not . eelit fifteen line, HitrHen litre I inae rnr one rinllar, anil t.er. ir.fiteeenM for wh rnntiuuanac. l irrcna the Ktiur mtttt-b pot paiil m teblant, those who dissented from the On the. Thirty-Second Article. The article to amend the 321 Scc tion of the Constitution, by striking out the word Protentant and inertint Chrltlian, being taken up for its second !rding. ' I f Mr. WILSON, of Perquimons, said, it wa his intention to move an amend' ment of the Article, by striking out th whole after the first word and in ertinj a substitute-which- hv-held in his hand. He entertainedlt:aJU"iWl out uiiin nope qi cintngniir wuai Bfem titmwtuWjbifta small and; proscribed number in this body, he meant the sinners, he should avail himself of the present moment to net forth his views briefly in relation trt fhe"52dSecTHn. He would endea vor tn-beoosistent with liime'f. And as Wrox "gentlemen" "who had sjMtlcen up p the a ihject hid Riven vent t their l.ious l.?elings,by discoursing like grave knd learned Bishops, and 84 tlmse who kcted with him upon the present peca- lion were not llie rspfcudtu favored of . y fatten, he would try to speak after the J Imnnoi til ivtan TliC 52:1 section of the existing Con stitution eni'iins "lliat no person who I shall deny the beinq; of a GkI or the truih of the Protestant Religion, or the tUifleauUwiiy--of ! I4-or- new Testament or who shanTiiTd relT Pttpe'a authoritf and protested againal the supremacy of the Romish Church. These terms must have been well un derstood ity-the fratners of the Consti tution, linlm it can be supposed that body of men were ignorant and illite rate; for" the contrary of wliich, the Constitution itself . affords abundant evidence.. -The Protestants-were di vided into numerous sects. The Bap lists, Mctliotlists, Episcopalians, Pres byterians, Moravians & Quakers were Wfll known by the general .term of rrotesiAQU-JLtueiSts, UtnttU and Jwst other parts ol t!ie S2d section. We cannot therefore suppose thein, to be required to bolieve in the truth of the t Protestant Religion, when other clauses of the section had denounced them for their unbelief in Christianity. It 8ems, therefore, that that part of the 32d section which requires a belief in the truth of the Protestant Religion was intended to exclude, and does ac tually exclude, Roman Catholics from office in this State, It was thought at thai dav it U now lUougtit by S"tne, ance to the Pupe of Rome, and that as the tiwmbmff ihat"faTt-belieeft itt'' theSioTalmybf l!te ' Ctiaf cfi.Ttf vl" conflict between nhisSlatf "i niT" tTe Pope, members of the Roman Catholic faiih would be bound o take sides with opioion of the fmmeri of tlteCwistita tion, by reason of scruples of con HefuttHerntlemcnfromeryTthetrtthe9s quarter whether they were instructed science, was to hold Religious princi- to retain the.32n4 sectiiin, to exclude pies incompatioie wun ine ireeiium ana jcws, io exciuue yukers yes. the safety of the State. If the Conven- harmless Qualers-rto exclude Deists tion did not mean to exclude Quakers to exclude Atheists to exclude any and Moravians, with reference to one but the R"inad Catholics? He put whom did ther insert that part ol the It to gentlemen from every quarter to 3 -2d section? tie had no very , strong say, whether public opinion was rntis- prefetrnceforTrrly-c Jews, the Qua- parar the of the framers ofthe ;ious principles inrnmiaiThle th the free- (lorn and sal.-tv ol the Mate, shall be capable of luddipx any place of trut ir pnht in the civil tlepartment within this Slate." Who are exclude!! by this Arthle? ?'! AlpTnnrwho deny the being of. a GQiL-This excludesall AtheislSi: -Sttondlyr All persona 'who' nhall deny the truth of the Protestant Religion This excludes Komnn Cath olics, Jewc. Heists and Atheists. Tar tfu: An who deny the divine au- Imrity-of thr otd und new Testament. This excludes Jews Deistszand Athe nUi and lasllv, all who shall hold Ue lirius nrinciitles incompatible with the freedom and safty of the State. This excludes Quakers, and all others whose orinciples forbid them to bear arms in defence of their country. Many douht the existence of men a monr us. who deny.the beiwj of a God. It is very certain, if there be any Athe- ists in tins State, they are very lew in number, and almost unheard of. It is to be feared. iwever, that should the Convention impose upn Atheism se vere pains and heavy, penalties, sub- iects would n t be wantiils for the ntkeaml theracK. ve are iiiiormcn hv liistorv. that there was a time in the existence" of some of the ancient Re nublics of Greece, when the law made no provision for the punishment of the child who 8hnttld ;abj.ej)arWT-tte. crime' "being then" unknown. Some law-givers, who not content with enact ing pains and penaliies for the punish ment of crimes and misdemeanors al ready in existence among them, launch ed into futurity and provided for the puwshmen The conseooence was, that shortly af- JerwardsVtWfimethitt exit4fire in the imagination of the legislator, now became of frequent 'oeeurrece To do what we are forbidden by su- ftecufi iwwet4 seems fr.ltert trrt t!ie v'ernajurjjfif nan.VVness the ITuvt first Parent Adam:. rUt every reasnntns ConstTturTon, they had no good rea sons. If these were their reasons, they were formed in an erroneous view of the Catholi; doctrine. He said, too good reasons, because in every country they had shewn themselves as patriot ic and as true lovers of. freedom as the Presbyterians or any other body of Christians. lthey3oneuycntefc tained their notions of. the Catholic faith. they were in an error, and duty renuired us to correct it. But whether the-4Wwifihe-frnef rCwfii'Slv rufiotrvere wHlior without fiiunda- tin, whether with lull anil itgiit un and as few prejudices against them as kers, the Deists, the Atheists? lie put most persons. . He believed, that the it to ' gentlemen from every quarter to Christian Religion was so deeply root- say,' whether there existed the least ex- ed in the institutions of the country, citemetit.in any part of the State a- aoM stawr4n ed of the-a IVntit tf tuomrtted to the discretion wnom men was me excitementr lie or a seat here. Wert the Catholics numerous in oar State? Scarcely, did a Chapel exist. Was there a'probability that Catholic emi grants would come to this Siati? There was no newfield open to enter- prize here very few foreigner found t to their advantage to come to Northrttrey have now, scud their metnbeit they bhuiu, unless some great ami un expected change takes place, whereby men nuke a competency or subsistence easier than heretofore. The race now of this Convention, to amend the 32nd defied gentlemen to say, that there was ser-tion; and an amendment has been the least hostility in the public mind offered in the following words, to-wit: against Jews or Quakers. .The only -That ho person who shall deny the cfass against whom there was any ex- beina of God. or the truth of the Chris- citement in the nu'.dic mind .was the tian religion, of the divine authority of Rom in Catholics, and this was known the old or new Testament, or who shall to all. None could deny if. That hold religinusTirincfples incompatible portion of the people whu busied fhem with .the freedom and safety of the selves about it wished it retained as a State, shall be capable of holding any- wall against what they supposed to be office of trust or profit in the civil de- the damripde asYaiilts of the Romish nartmeflt within this State." This Church upon the freedom and safety of aioendmeutafte not,aUeJLear,He4 thfc Slkti lveciRstruclioniscflT aid eiDIIUPni OlSCUSSIOn, liao paSSCll HS oucjeur orre gcimtmcu iiiiTri; ill first and now came un lor its second their protessionsr lhc worl rto'etl WnaTnirr unt the buIWar t ooved the C&ftveW weTh well this atnenil meat before it taifi substituted, ror what? lolet. should be incorporated in the funda-in the Catholics. If the voice of the mental law. It there were errors in constituent oe oinuing, men nas mat urn . . wirf- irartnTgaTn sf Pa fiejZ. das r imffand the word VAris- Bu t. Mr. President, the word 'Pro? testant," fiom the length of time it has existed in our C.oustituuon, is veheral- ed by the people, and has acquired something I ke certainty in its meaning; not so with the word which is now put in its place. Nothing is more profita ble to the people in any Government than certainly in the law. The attain ment. of a knowledge of the law is dif ficult, when its pruvisUina are couched in the.clearest unguagei a competent ed, as it usually is, of members, some of the Baptist faith, lome ol the M 'tlnidist, some f the Kpisropalian. not a few of the Pr sbyterian, with & sprinkle of nnn-profesors fsiniu-rs.) As things nuw go, we may 'suppose " sonic of these orders would ihm. as single lo the neieuoe ol what I hey may, please To call . Religion. - The Gviieral Assembly, upon its meeting. hi fir;aniz.eii into an inquisitorial iri banlj thriWt1 iife foVtnoreTthetrar of "the (louse; he i called ap on tor w detente; ne steps Mrtw and hohlly discloses, that in fatthhe is a IIniversalit that Jesus Christ came into the world, took upon himself the sirts of the children of men, and died upon the cross to make a propitiation for the sins of the world, that alt (not a part) might be saved that the wicked deed .ol the body are puni.hed in the fiesh. and that die did nut be liev in future rewards ami punish inents.. Would thi - General Assem bly trouble th.'inseUes with : further evidence or arsuinenl? If what we knowledge cannot be acnuired when it! 1 'is clothtft iirwwd tfirfSfrmtenm" ' " '" " " : l as a precedent, the idous Asscmbl r molT with their spiritual head ,Jo whom they owed! the ohLConstjtu aHmnSn't aiiejiance. If this was nott Article be among those errors, would it be done, and which ought not to have , Where ran two professors of Chris- would forthwith cry "Away ti.on,f,HhaT nrefr ihe"1m" oUice be vacated of the ' word Christian? : True it is. and his place riven to another. ' that all sectarians of this country . though the nflh claim to be-Cliristians, but whenever petent Hi quahluatioi.s, oiiicer might De as com and a re not be advisable, cither not to touch it been done. . IIetrusted in God. that at all, or if touched, to put the axe to this would nt be set op as a precedent the rontofthe tree? Vtwn the present it the ddctrine of instruction, if it nrene'ion. unman U ther in levi.la. were, there would, in luture, oe no ting, unless he was satisfied that good danger of the ?iRep4iMitutive being would result from, our action upon the palsied by the :' will 'of his constitu 52nd section, he felt himself bound to ents." - Uelhat knoweth his master' submit -to: existine evils, -rather than will ami doeth it not, ahalf be beaten try an experiment which he awfully with many stripes. feared-afld- 6incerly believed-would Gentletnen, U 8"emed-trtm7tai5 bring down upon the people greater mstter of snme difficulty to settle with ones. I his Article, lie thougnt, oumu otner pornnos oi tne coinmuniiy never (o have had a place in the Con- Vhyjhould slTtirrtonr trust. derstandins of the Catholic faith, whe- ther with an erroneous op nion oi .tne obliritions existing: between tha lay members of the llon)ir,h laith and their SptiiTual head, tir whether by a wicked spirit of persrcution,-.vhich i tooept tn be formed wherever" high prolessnrs are actors anions men, the word fro WFnstnce71 Jew, noverv prcat harm, ami was certain it vJuakers, and Ueistsare excladcdf Is had done no eoml, its tendency, he any one here prepared to say j tdCkis ' potiaiiseii imm the iteiiKion of ituems that the uathoiics nave !'," .hiim oiern the issue shall bs made up to try ' the practical discharge of htsplhctal WctTieV a'nTndTv7tfuaT"7 rJefendaiST4ii4Ut4lyerocd by tlwwtdenattoir,titd"benreTitteired:" laws of self -preservation,' excuse from " lu can doubt ttr V hat; a man, a serving on his jury, all members of the Christiani who does not believe that accusing body. ; Uofortuuatcly, in Re- beyond the grave lltere exists cverlast ligious controversies, i he learned and ing bliss and eternal ' woe? Whera intelligent part of mankind ore ;sjJhe elCt bask in one everlasting round much under the influence of bigot ry "oT uhspeakubJe joy, and w here the antfana?acism as the Ta-iiorant and condemned rove in the agonies of illiterate. string Convent men Pen He heli! in his hamU a eternal tlesDau? Die Lniverxalists ; ofReiso1attf)nodo7ite"il" tion of Presbyterian Clersryi cording to their faith, by the virtue . recently holden at. Pittsburjr, of Cukist's blood, nil men are saved. - !c.niiw.hidi.h-wroaW-4ak JQ!tcllic'?"":''""?''''' '"'T'' 'V'1ajTerTfin faith, have apostatized, ' f' ijetnlteil, Thai It ia the iMilif rale ami !e because it 'is Said, their Priesthood ' .le.lju.lKnie.irllhi.4.eiw infiUe ' I lie U.'man t-'alliolio ( liuuli ..-l'.r..- v. ... hn tninA mnr. eHf-r..rt- than .1. reeOlll Ml M ,HrlHS WIMren. an uiigioj5 jiJiciui o " ........ ..... . g Ketnlveil, Unit it be I'etoinmpn i ... . ... liaa r.KiiMaiir f. . ... , .. . . ... Four Lnnl anil IS UDnllUMI. V U IHVeinllRlS Will COine r fuie cannui te under tlic ban f proscription, because rid! to oil 7. profess to believe that Jvsus . thought, had becn-to promote hypneri- const sy niKin. II. Vent vfrv rlefl r that llift neacelul-UuakeFS or - Ihe l)erec ted In niir i-nn.miiiHr ii In rnilraviii-Lv llie whole Section should leniaiu, unless an Jews'? There are but few Catholics in "f.1'1'! b ' iii'. it. r'T" n,l '-the w, amendintoukl-bedepte Would put all men among us, that may Quakers are numerous. He said he i! i.f ibeirudi, i it ii mmiii in the nl of timi -. grrasion. Inecompiaint aa.nst the, t r i . . . .1 ,l. l II . .U.. i:i,... r -r.-l S Kvai.lvnt. 'I lm il i utlvrlv iimrHiiiiipiil 1 1 'sitl-nl ie 5. tb:i t ' lln'ie Prlela rl.iim ors among men, me word fro- ueioum tru.i-worioj.uv iiw e.eL. . f . . j .,lh ,B .,r;.H.. -..Miiiii... ' m. rh.i.,1... " "I '.'."1 testant was first in the 32d section nf ! or people, upon terms of equality in he m of & r descent, that in ail , , ,,, tof ,,vn,Umjn" e?S V..J""..-Ti-A and. there it has re-Iaskingfor.and Teceiving . oflicefc . , , , - n-iin.si me viiiiia.in'. .uwitwy toth'e present day. I those who confer office, judge ofjhe sial rcIatM-L . " . ' i j ".i " . 1. 1. -'I'l... fc ' nn Mun . lnnl tt iniiiir.nt n r 1 1 null lllilflll III I.linr : ' . i. i I tie. . i .....T. J -n n ... A.i!n. U'li.l unfltct tin ItiM f.!. it 1ICIII T llltlWU IV- wiihi v. v. ... ... the Constitution, mained from 1 776 . i...j-ik A.U'p;r(Ttiif,!!llsiriiiiS- " " on earlh a - rnirer-nennle. Thev Were t emanate from a body ol iffnorant and ana union oi i.nrist. II WU lliuicu llliir, ' iuuc "yLLir.-"" r : " . . . 1 r . .- . ..i. . f I I J i: Ar-r..;rrr;ir:.-T liVii.rt. n'mi, lUi, tiniri nnon h trul v npnnli nf ni:irp anil trnnrt works. , 11 iterate men. SUl denlV drawn tO- ; AS'ltn, man v-ainoncs, or n iin-uiisinuiiii'ir- i ji r-" i -n i . . - ,. . . , . ., .T , , . .1 They who .vlenv the divine authority I first readm of the old or new Tchlament"' are ex- lhcr day, his vote was record rtudoil. Jews nre not nnmrd in the!cainst strikihsr out the word Protest i-nnatWutinn. nt tin man will he dm ml I ant. He had been an attentive :-tbo-tice to the prosrrib 'silent hearer of this whole debate. Mr.. W, said, "the Friends" held , the 1 nee ouservaiions ne nan mane, noi;getuei pj anmr i"nivn;iri -imiin m"re:vn"'',Tr "n, ..-v t...i. ed a- to disparage the just claims of the ; caucus-m!rf,ger,..Nu test- Catholics, but as a matter ot sheer jus-1 Very different was this loily. " A bonal this inquisiton, ft.rin; truth , tbo tice to th proscribed Quakers. council of grave and, learned Divines, that is the proper name should step . of the English language, as to say, that this clause does not most unequivocal ly excluJe from office the Children of Israel. Why? Because they do not believe in the divine authority of the new Testament. Yet the language in reference to the Jews, in the 32d sec tion, is not more clear and pointed than that which is aimed at the Catholics. I'rev'rously to the meeting of ihe Con vention which formed our Constitution in 1776 the-Colonie had been ipva ded by a hostile foe arms had been taken tin by the Colonists and bipod had been shed in the battle field.' In this Stater at that time res'uled a small society of Moravians, or Uni'ui Vff ri'OT, and several numerous bodies of Friends or Quakers. They were a people of peace. Their religion for bid them, under the penalty of incur ring the everlasting'displeasureof him( Arguments had been advanced so clear some notions that he did not approve, whose ni nds.were stored with trea- lor'h and declare that tic uelieved 111 sures of learning; gathered tngeihcr one God, -but that Jesus Christ was and sa strong, and in such lofty strains He had been at war with them on theTby the toils id many years, enlighten-, not that one; but that the doctrine of glowing eloquence for striking it question of negro slavery. Although led and chastened by long '.reflection taught by Jesus Christ among men outf that it seemed to him that further their opinions on this point were pal- and deep meditation on Heaven and made them better and happier in thia resistance to its abrogation could not paoiy wrong, yet no one acquainteu ; neayenty inings. in uwiv,iucm uj, " r 1' he made. and. if he had correctly, un- with them, and wllh their ReJi2ious 1 human learning as it was, and espe- to Heaven, and, if practiced,' were derstood gentlemen from every quar- principles, can for a moment believe, ter of , the State, in this body, near- that their Religious prejudices either ly all were convinced of its inutility against bearing arms or against negro and injustice; but gentlemen have two slavery, weakened their integrity; for ways of eettins round its destruction, they were strict observers of their as u was, and espe- 10 inaven, anu, 11 practiceu, were rially in the. favor id Heaven! deter-' sufiirient for salvation that nohe can . J t . . tt rt , ........ . ! .. .i.i ' -.1 .... .. i . . ..r .1. - the lonsrer christians'. Thus we see a .Christian svstem without advyntuges of the 1 strict sect, rlaiminz for its foundation 4 the adherence in practice to its precepts. Apostle Peter, who-saw in flesh the Would the Assembly wait for further Certain gentlemen say it is a dead let- ajri-eementsand punctual performers of. Saviour of men: onelLlwnmJi!a8 .cyideoctJnLJthecoftIe88tonu-f the- ess. Uf these, their contracts, the world over., Ileioij Nazareth said ''And I . say unto necuaedT that he did not bidieve in the he would ask. if there was a dead knew notlnnj of hisown knowledre, of thee, that thou ait Peter, and upon I runty and denied the divinity of Je ter and entirely harmless IU n?R H tMVIC M n U V . ........ v. ....uv... wttt-irn I VV , ? ...... - , - - . in the tree, why not remove il? the Roman Catholics, but as far aa he J thURock.I-willbuihl my needed to be useless; Ihen' whjr couldgather from hooki and men, the i the gates ol Hell shall it with so much pertinacity? were pretty much like all other ihnomi-! against it, and I will gi branch Itirconceded retain Uhurc h, a nd tus Uhmt l he tj m tartan. 1 1 k ; th e not prevail Universalist, would be denounced, give unto thee rnndemncd and disfranchised. The It seemed to him, that gentlemen were nations, having much in their system the keys of the Kingdom d Heaven, Unitarian, unlike Iho Catholic ' and not entirely candid and sincere in the that is "ol man," and not quite so and whatsoever th'ou shalt bind on Universalist, believes, that -to reach support they gave their dead letter. . fm'uch that is of God," as all sectari- earth, shall be bound in Heaven, and Heaven, he most labour long alid Hut unoiher and more numerous' a ns are disposed to arrogate to them- whatsoever ihou shall loose on earth, arduously in the practice of the precept for the retention selves. As an Institution suited to shall be advocates loosed in Heaven" a sect taught by the nn , ,JeilS..i8nd watts lawajire iroiftviaUHs i r , t ,r .,, . . .- .'..- nn -more; and" st; retintinues 10 'wield Slid he would ffo still farther, aud take .' . erastin2. to tae un. at n.8 upon any oc.'rr"4"':. 6 t. . v-' . " .. . .v . : -, " - : v-..-..- . - - ,r -- t.i " ' - 'r- cistan wiheto rrpeUnJJivasIonor a7,nf mat every omiy , nuell an insurrection The laws of disregard the voice of their constitu- Imperfections, . impurities and. errors cr Christian denominations put Jo- who Jmd recently; aat tin judgment -me "Prince of Peace" they hold more tnts. . Now he was one, who would go will existtirjHi thatprofeaaJo llif ojm. bimiinilian theil.mer.tnaw ....-!-L..J.i.f-iivr.." r t . He-lmtHrrotrancrxviiaTever may have ueen Uie ment tojje 01 iiivine uuioruywa.Bei4or-tneon;'- vno nas-iorsoiien ineir 4 Alia m .a . t A r I 1 HBI am I 1A ft IT S IV. TilHT lit 111a I I II ii;i lilt 1111 lOWlCU!lC III ISO OIUHI ai.., 1 r - - n ""I . .. . t- . " 1 1 a..i!... -,A 4t.A 1 -t 1 fta vrt-tt iai4 Sublime precepts: but, However mucn aemamts Qou 1.1 . u.9..... .... M.-.rtmir ihem pither in theorv made between citixen and citizen, . .i....Kt iwf i Unt transact ior 1 im uusiuccs auiuau. lv'iki eat. but of the Irec of know good and evil thou shalt not eat of it, for in the day thou catest thereof, thou shalt urHy dtei'1 But-alast-Adam, just from 'the hands of the Creator, perfect n the image of his maker, ate of the fruit of that very tree and sin Bed and died: hence, air bur woe. Need we then marvel that man, degen rate nan. should still be fata" pon mischief. Of late we have heard that Catholics are not excloded from office by the S2d section. Thia opin ion is atNariance with the ordinary meaning of the word Protes'ant, and in direct onnosition to the opinion en tertained by the whole body of the peo ple ot this State from 1770 to me pre nt day. The framers of the Consti tution intended to exclude such per-: ons who cither then, or micht tbere fter reside in this State, holding doe 'fines adverse to the Institutions which they were about to establish. Now did they make use of such words as would carry out their intentions? At that day there were as now, two grand divisions, to wit, the Catholics and the Weatan- The term Catholic meant thrwe citritians) who have for their piriteal head the Pope of Rome Pro- riffintif the Catholic svstem. oe nazanieo noining in saying, tnat their government was how" inUie haltds of those who see and feel, as sinful man sees and feels. lie feared, and he thought there was aome'-eyi-dencejto support t.heJjnpirji(in-tliatlhe preseni cxciiemenc agambi tnc vuino- One ' Call rlllrl iuih a uwuui mut - - ... I I. 1.1,1 J when our land is trod by the feet of prescribe such terms as might be mutu-j lies was hatched by some P"g, de merciless, ravaging, hostile invaders, ally agrecu upon Between men,, ..... Aee Religious principles are incom- the people in appointing their Mem natible with the fiecdom and safety of bers of "Assembly,- and Memjers of the -Stat. With -reference menaa-Congrs whom, was that clause in the S2d sec- niay prescribe such, terms as may e tion inserted, which says, 0r who mutually agreed uponand he who shall hold Religious principles Inconv breaks the bargain, whether it be pnn patible with therrecdom and safety of cipal or agent, in the shape of an mdi the State." Though the war of the tidual, a Member of Assembry, Mem Revolution ra?ed from 1775 to 1782, ber of Congress, or Delegate in Con these peaceful people uniformly re- vention, is faithless and hot trust - . . r ' . . "11 ,,il. Th. .lortmn nml which he fused to bear arms, suppose an a- , V , , r t " '"' r"' 4- . ';.Anrt. came here was holden but a rery few know nave uecotne .11 inc 11 ctumn . ty of the State? Scarcely should we yet have paid the penalty which Brit ish yengeance would have exacted from mericanstohave become, converts to , came here was holden out arery this faith, shortly after the adoption of days ago, and hardly any of, us t the Constitution in 1776, what would al ny means of acquiring a kn have become of the freedom and safe- Mge of the feelings and viewi of us, nnleBB we are bo Tain as to believe that tleaven would have interceded es pecially in our favor, to repel the rav irini foe. or to make easy the yoke that v ould have been placed upon our j constituents since the election. Then, pentlemcn! are, here "fresh from the people." No after-meetings, called for the purpose of Instructing by small knots of Politicians, gotten up at Court-Housed, Taverns or grog shops, but a full burst of public opinion at the roll in favor of its retention, ror SKwi ? why this burstof public .pinion? signing, ambitious f nest, wny nad that partial,. trashy booK,. ca ilea i oxy$ Marlyrt, been spread far and wide? Were the outrages therein related, ot reent occurrenceror were the atroci ties therein varnished and blazoned lorin, ine cruelties ana uuruariuesoi a dark; superstitious and bigoted age of , , e . Eersernuon, cauea up irom mesium er oJ ares? Who have been active in putting. in circulation that tissue of UlselwodaSix months in a Looventr' Who are the victims of this stuff? ; The honest and confiding part of the people, over ' whom the Priesthood, a well in this country as in every other, have exercised an uncontrolled influ ence. Upon this . excitement, the small and crafty Politicians of the State seized, anned it into a flame, hoping thereby to work their passage into the Convention; well, knowing that-the sober sense and sound jodg- ment of the people, if left to act coolly and unexcited. would .. not. discover that have tor hltecn hundred years to be Christians,- proscribed and put under the ban by a body of Sectarians that 1ut yesterday ""Sprang into exis tence whose numbers are small and confined to three or four- Govcrn ments. What evidence "' have they given the world, that they and theirs are more in the favor of Heaven, tfcan that very body w horn they declare iave "apostatized' Short sighted mortalsl If the everlasting God sees and Sudzes and decrees as man, sec- . n . " tfrisnrnnan Mei ana juuges ana ac- crees, who will be saved? . Now, by way. of illustrating his opimonB of the uncertainty oi me meaning ol tne worn (.msrtons, ne would ealt the attention or tne con vention to a few cases-a-supposed ea ses to be aare such however as might not only ' occur, bat such as he feared would - be of " frequent . occurrence: The power of trying impeachments is conferred noon the Legislature. Let r . . . . . . r an Officer be impeached tor want 01 me cnnsitan reujnon, t i . previously to thi ejection of memberl of the Assembly, that an umcer ra Judge) who holds his ofliee from the Legislature, is to be impeached at the ensuing Session; -that ' the charge against him is, that he is not a Chris tian. . Let the Legislature be compos Sunday mail effortsJtX4Kroblt ga'uist this body of sectarians, upon the v - supposition thaLlhey are : rncniachin upon tne rignrs 01 nil, and jvneinrr the charge be rightful or not the in evit.ible festilt ,.wiU bu a-Aeombtnatinn of alt Religionists against them; and then would Presbyterian be condemn- ' cd for their doctrine ol election yes," election this word election is the key to the whole Sthcme, The Ileathen r is good r to , his own;- we want no' evi. s denec to prove that Catholics would, if clothed by law, setup fur suprema cy.) Ins Presbyterians have passef sentence againar the Ctholics, and -this Convention is ifbout to clothe them with inquisitorial' power, if the on eertainty exists in tlie meaning of the word Christian as above illustrated. In a contest for po;cr, who ii oriho- y dox? f- The majority. In a contest for -power, who is heterodox? The min- ' ority. It is too often th ea, In the " heated imagination of lhexlevotee,; the' fictions of the fevered ' brain pass for-' the . illumination of the Holy Spirit, These fictions become positive Injune- ' tions the communion of many togeth- er. of this sta"mp,woi ks confirmation and produces k enthusiasm io the whole mass then commenceB the work' of carrying into" practice the ', lnjune-V lions of tht Deity Nothing is want

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