11. Tin rv e, j M2 u1 i p na . i u i if v u ti v r t tl a a kta a a a k no. ex .fiii JWA Cnrnlina Gazette, rucuaiiKn, WIIRII, T THOMAS -Jf. LEIUAV. statement of the.Walities of Rowan, The bill to prohibit Sheriffs and lor the purpose if showing that the pro- their deputies from executing process poseu mviMon wouiti, in every rrspccr, : in civil case?, was roan me seconu nine. Air. J acock said he should like t know from the friend of this bill, the reasons for its introduction. Mr. "Mvdy said, did not know w ho ; contribute ti the convenience of the j people; and exhibiting a Map of the . lc aunty, taken h orn accurate survey, he in its tare tr.e various lie - TKKMS. 8eirlfTlJ, iKree lINri nr nnnm-wiie .l0int,., J oat hlf m l4iM. SuWritK-Mjn other Stalet . . . , ",noi.eer,iinrtert.iiiti.it-ntiii.ooftiii poke also id llie character of the Yad- will mY. lvii:t.i9t;W in J ",, 'J.i"' : petitioners hail cow to cross, as a can-! serving warrants &c. directed to con .....kiit. not eienii'nt fifiern Hum. Rcrous stream he wild aMmM cur- stables. It teemed to him tha n its -wttthrw iImm fw nn imiM;'Ka ien-7rent'F which rendered it impracticn- John Stearns. Referred. t Mr. Graham, from the Committee of the Capitol, much Jess to take stock; if .1.- ...: ...i - i...: . !f i,..t ;. l . I Mr. Hrran nresented the memorial on the Judiciary, to whom a resolution and if that work were finished accord- of sundry citizens of Carteret count, ( a referred i enfjuiie into the expc-,ing to the proposed plan, he much fear prajringthc Legislature to instruct our diencr f increasing the powers of ed they wouMhaveta : borrow money to Senators and rctjurst bur lt.prescnta- '.single Maistraie. so as to authorise complete it. This bill only proposed -; tivesin Cnnzress tr ue their berteiw thin to summon a Jury, when demand- to give tothe University an equitable ippropnation eq oy citiHT ut t!.i parties repurteairinr, ior wnttii vney wi re io leavors to procure an a pay a full introduced the bAl, but its object, as; for the improvement of the moi-atton ayiifist the propriety of so altering the equivalent. There was, at present, he "-atkered from its reading, was to I of Core Sound,' Referred to the Com-, law. . Tha committee state "that .uch? great dificJcBaJfpaJL prevent nver4ffanheif deputiea Croia.liaia8;oa latettdJjiKat-l . "Ww TmII be rejected. -: SENATE. "' T'.tetlay, Di?. 1. Mr. K.lmonston, from -the. commit tee on Propositions and (irievaiues. ported unfavorably to th object of t petition of Ricliard holtm tiirretl in Coi- caff i co he pointed out,) a populati 8.0f!0, and from 2j to SO miles of ter ritory in extent. 3 It will thus be seen, continued Mr. C. that the territory, which it is pro posed to erect into a county, possesses every ingredient to constitute one- It Mr, Moy, t orn me conimiui-r on (ia4 a suih.rient population, the nrccs 1 prHcruvalpncajtu.it ':: 'WTfC Tpcfifficnt BJt-T!ljr inconvenient, i ne eieciion or, in,., uniavorauc s rTiV,"'?-''" ' tried, buthe-Bridw waa prevent wfiu ;!i yv.is .ioptwI..lustcucui!57rte r?raw1;iTncw1:oM2tf.WuJ Mr. : t-onm.tiee t Unance toencjuire uuo iifain, hrsaTdTTihe limits of which l.tanllr performed or omitted .alto-eth-j K. als.i reported a biUt..;vorca' t!i expo iciicy ol qirccung i .e ut ....ri r ,.,n,.r iu i .ii i. itnrhel K: lwnr s. lioail ursi ume ernar w nave io uiiui,rcii uuna, llfl Ul OUOUII Uv 1 DC . V.1IVU " i' ".-. " , - 1 Mr. Kdmonston. from the commit-! duced creat inconvcience by callini and the State refused to take the atock. tee on 'Propositions' and Grievances, ' people away so' frequent 1 from their U 7 anu uuprotiucuve. rH pujmiul tlierlJnivertity. 'Mhtle no possible det riment can accrue to the state. ( 1 i a i ti'i ii' . i .i. . many counties, there were tew or no'iii mu upon in? iajic Constables. To pass this bil then, by which S'.icriiFs and their deputies would be precluded from collecting uiv;ii'Y mi Justices' judgments, would acquired by treaty fr.sm t! e Cherokee Mr. Move, of Greene, from the In.hans, brou"lit into n.ai K f. committee oa CUims, reported arc-j Mr. Hutch son. from the Committee uolutioh in favor of James Calloway of Propositions and GricrauceH. report able!) was read three times and order- ed a rcsoliflon in favor of Matthexy betuwumfc enactment of a feil tnbeenroll.nl. ."TSI.TTer, whuh had Usurstieaamg.. Y r..v.,, I ct.m vv, nntcer.t .Mr. Hoian. fiMinthe committ.-e on 1 he bill to allow the 1 rusteesof the -i i i,i;,i ivil: ii'iraril red the bill to incorporate the County ,t can no ttetul to 1y cverv one win' doubted ivlielher, in the coun Guard in Itockiftxham, reported the ,,.,s ever travelled in that s-ction, Iven, auv constabks bud been .nitf. with .in nniendnve'it "...TUe..bdil-T,ti.iiri'li tnftti.T im frnm ia- m,i'LitjjitiMjin.:h tli ltrWH TvFNeWbl n ,weiHpfwwwiwiru---f.nit-, t ,e at , wieiiecr nerc wis asrai-i ,ui ua auu iu, iiui nc uw . 1 , ... ,i,, -i, k tt tm i ..i. i i,.n.micau,l ... i ' , p 4 t, i i,'. mi in i 1 1 Iti n.fl v I tim " mssed. and oiuotiiJ. U be n-l Mi. tarsal wvet tint the U.Jt UC . I . . ' . 4 t - - . - i... ,rr,..i.,i,l "fr IT nlii rennrfpil i 1 lie O I tl c table, ilid oiqctl vvas 10 a-CJ.1 ymtVV ''L 16 ,'ufk!" srttcn. .ea,o,.s ,o,;,o,.-:V: - : V . j . ,,U.u,s,f?n woutd be m.ide " , - i ... . t . . Military Affairs, to whom was refer-m,rv wealth, and as to fertility of soil,; . . ... .. . 'i . l .i . n . l.i . l n ..!. l. t l, t ic Jui Lciarv: to w nc i was leleireu t- liivf rslly ano, me riwweni mm hi ' ". -! "- . V- . . ., .. . r. I ity of Crv I the bill concerning the County Rutins ( reriors 01 me i.ier.uy r.uou i en ek-cteih m this State, rcpjrU'dt,iis,ittieMh.r.Svt-i-a-M-iw f -the tvserVed i'in " r ' 1 V arid i y "amendoienK ' I he bM wan Mi !v of the JJank of the State, was ai d t'md nd thvi thud tuuc, mil te, to wiiuin. w as referreiL the bi 1 J j.v ,ited as a sort AjTRgy pt from -which tt providinga reward f.r taking up Vuna-jdraw fresh supplTes. The applicutioh wav slaves in non-slayeholdins Staws, i wns made, Mr. C. said, not to gain ad-rec'omm.-nded. the passage of the same'ditiunal ltepresentativcs in the West, without a men' I inei.it j upfn wlicli.t.he.: a. wmI- -b. Voviou all,- w-lien the bill wssread iln- third time, and. oa rertain1 v oT the ratification of the. a- Mr. DmHey said, that the opposition ofi'ered to the bill had been attributed to hostility to the University. He dis avowed it, so far as he was concerned. His objection was founded on a mere caculation of dollars and cents. The University :..:wishealalakje$ 150,000 inutiun of Mr. Wellborn, ame'td'-d. panned and ordered to be engrossed. On motion of Mr. Cowper, of Gufes, the CommHtee on Military Affairs of..n instrurted to inauire into t!.e x- "V I v . , mffiidments was "bofue in mind. If tlien the new re.iinty would inak'i the present seat of Justice of Rowan near ly central, could not' affect Represe'.i- tat'on in the Legislature, would rro pediency of more effectually providing j mn(e the convenience of a large num f or thesaff keeping if the public annslber 0f.citi7.cns, and could do no injury in the arsenal st Fayetteville. to any portion of the !?ta?e, why shu'uld ......Oa.. motion of Mr- Pulkr a'proposi-r,t tfva pr.iyer of Sirtarge a nuihber of tion was snt to the Mouse of Coin-; citizens bn heard? Not for his rxist jnonsto ballot immediately for Briga-jence, would he :j!rirelon.thl.lljiojjhi:. iliet General uQbe.15.tJu.JjiiKada STS'in th'nt" 8o!imon Imudfrmilk ami ;to,!i!!i(Ted eidier vvii'i honor, jiistiee or JjmesM'DoweTl are in nomination fori pairiotisin. Mr. C. tii 'H presented the h nnno'iotmeot. A niessase was li.ll for the erection of a new county subsequently received Th bUl of Commons rfuagreein to the pi o-1 having been read the first time. Mr. C. isition to ballot immemaieiy, a"" woven lis reierrence 10 a seni 1 ium- welWrnown, xv.th what facility deputy Slieriiis are made. iAtfyTone .w'oo wanted to bo a deputy, applreil to the hher'tiV, and was straightway authorize" ed to act; But where is the evidence uf th? snrfosutratnt?-- lbe--oriJr " cr . hill f rv imnriit iK( I.1wru far as icv.ni executors and administratoi ?, andfe- ot the bill, now uewre tne outer uranvn commended its" rejection. The bill of this Legislaturf 'directing loan by was read and rejected. Mr. II. "also! the State to tae up tho whole of tl c reimrted tlvc btlr nxins: tue putvtsivmriiti rewrvtn hiock,- 11 me. urn boVu, . 1 . . . . " 1 1 -Ks-it--i'jc,sri;ii;"T i.i.r l-iiv. ... ...... .1.1 for the crime of bisamy, a nd i ecom law. LUaa . . -i i.i . ' . ..I i i ..I. ..a . I j I. - ll .' ! in:ll.l(,l IT VlS'J'i I.ILJ A 1.1 1. i. cteilte IS III pocivev III IOC Ul-Jimj, I " , .a . ..! . . i .t.t.-ct tw him wben Hues-isccon.i ana ui'.w M'il ni . . ii . i r.. : i proposing to oaiioi u-niorrw ir "(Jflicef. Agreed to The engrossed bill to pay jurors in Yancv county, was read thren times, iu wi 1 a nd ordered to be enrolled . The bill giving to the County Courts nf this State authority to aboiisii me ulfices of County Trustee and Trea mrcr of Public Build'ma;; and the bill ! C to ameml the road laws now m ioill in this 9tat., relating to public roads, were rejected on their second read ings. w M f.Urya h ffom "Hi f com mil fee W s IiwIk Ui v. to whom was referred and is exhibited by him whcn quea lioiied as tJ his authority; but sue tiie Shev.d on his bond for the default of his ajvnt; and you may whistle for the record of his appointment. IriVfact, he never knew a hherid' sued od his ijjiulW acts done by his deputies in 1 17c c i pa city of Constables. " The gen -' llomasi from Neivbei n liad said, that to pa -tlii bH w-otdd be-tant amount to- aTsToiTfaw. IlevtslreTlTO'P""" stop 1-iw to all ihe It Ule wai rants with wh.ch .the coin try is deluged. If tiie noiii.l,. failed to" elect CoIlStab'.CtS.lit w-it the -tin tr -thtr-CouTity- Courts io appoint ihem. However made, they j ha.l to -live boud for-the faidiful peiV; miitee. al7die kliew, He renmked that it was umi ffoin couiTcsy TiTtTie onlLied to be ciicrrossed. Mr II. a! so reported the bill to provide fur the appointment f Registers in certain cases, by three Justices i:i vaciTfrTn of t;ourt,wilkan amindm-ut, rocain mendtngntr passage "into a lawr"Eiid on the tab! e. J I r. If. si s") i;ep.u f c d the bill to suppress more effectually the vke of gatmng -and recm nende-i itsTpj3-ctio;"-Iiad-oir-reftirtVffr77 On motion of Mr. Harry, the Mili tary comtnitUe were instructed to in quire into the exiiedicncy of proi.ibit- - ing person s from c iirti 1 1 i irg" th remr el Te s" in one volunteer company, r.:ul aitaco- ing themselves to anotlvc IHfSsrno- 23BIrjittat"uM would consent to an enlaig-Miieiit of the capi tai Mock of the IJ.mU t-r the purpose of aflUrding the corporaiions'i'i qties- . .. .. .." :.. ..rV- Iro.'l il'l Oj'JFII l UiUIj Ul HIHMWJ UILII fund. i. Mr. Manl y said, that so far as h or his constituents were personally inter eted in tills matter, ihey might be iuiViioseal TiT'di-'sIfe the:eji;eii(fi of this bill: for if the University and Literary Ftrntr-wetr-tbnhthpriTHegepfial in; stock iti tTfs' Rin.kT of the f?i;le. t!iey would i.i.ist probably invei-t their fun!.! in ilia i;tock of the Merchant's worth of the stock reserved lor the use -of the State which stoik is now worth ten or fifteen per cent, above par value. It certainly required n great art in arrthrmrtit, lirtcft tiHrtht rtltlsit mV virtually miikina gift of some fifteen oc tweuiy t'uuuwud dollaih to thatla-. . sntnttntt. " 1.""" " J . -The Iiternrv Fund and .State tuml.. Tie considered iilenticuu. It is protmsed thai ilte fin'iinr httU- bmrow money of some of the JJ.nnk, at 6 per cent." in terest, to jnwst ai this i eserved stovk ; whd. ifllhe. ."SjaieliWtakft:-tiie-itociT, nh could effect a loan at 5 ptr cell'. Is Nort'iCarolina in so pros perous a conTlit ion, that hhe ran afford to loe on so large a transactiou us this, 1 i per ci'iit. interest ? Some gentleiren seeuntl greatly nlarmed at the iileu of running the State iu debt; but if the State ittes 5 prr cent. ciip and gets stock in exchange for if, where is the dibtf There U nw debt it is a ineie matter of nrraiis;e- iTrciit fieBiaTTp'n--Ty winch the State "is "ainlr, L'ecauie . he -has Ue - i .1 .i. .. & ,),... s'.ot& in mick.ni me biuii, nmi turn, With iii ik ol Aowbriii, there beinj im h l.n-'ii i'ii i t.f th"ir duty i To liiake "TTu.r Tfiiiu ana ex ly btoek aulTof Tant'TeTr in market. Uut this consideration had no weight ftirtrhim: lie only viewed ihe question Mr. Moore, of Stokes, prescuted a cm ri tereoce to its uannRHi megteat nc r til ! Tt. "llethiH to grverfanhcr time-far p 'i fi ciir. T.fTrnr"n.iTe;"tiTut 1raiTTo'mefo' make t.u-.r living oy u. , i....: ,i... ii.,Hrt .nurl.t in .. I i.. j I - l . . I k 1 . 'H 1 til LI ILn III S JV.il U V in ti ,. w - - mover, to place lam on tne committee; t ioagt.t it euremc.y iian " --"-M! Aa ineictual ni.tion 1 nass the bdl without llSMtatitiiiV but he. would be Kral.i.e,l to be cxrus-, that a Host H ucpuiy :. cuci 7,,, of Rat!,cr. ' The KU-estio:, ol the Kei,tleman cdin-ih matter; that lie rti.gbt appear , gave iu boml. ami couui no uc , tn' :tU.A .a as, io ex-! frmn Itutlicifonl, that the' legislature iw.i..r,. im rnmmittii. u it ll lie oi icr t'loniii ru l i:i aii'j iohu'ikm .' , . . Representatives of Rowan, iuthe char acter of witnesses. I This comniittca consisted of Messrs. Wnddell, Dudley, Manly, Cotten and Clinsman.l ir. Clarke rose to present a bill to j establish a Bank in thejow ii of JVa.slVIJi 'Tn,'tonrJS'Jriiis wasiiot the first time, U he said, that the people of Washington itrfi this bit" beat! Allusion .had.bejupiat!i! laJhejiatbT- taken by the members td the Legisla- ture to sui port the University admitted tlie soleiiinity of the obliga tion, butjhey wereandrrrfpaallylni- I l:ii . .1... ..4 ..f: I I I I ll..tn . . . . o . n f.. ia nctrc. a resolution anil Dill Oil UIC wnji-vmi nail Oil I u.eu nci ji ii i- ttniii". reported a bill more effectual- mty of a Bank, lbey ha l maUe et- O . C ! I. f . .... I I A . A I !. ..a ..C ions repeaieuiy m gei uimiir n othef Institutions, but without success. In 1833, a similar bill to that which he now held in his hand, was offered in the House, but met with very little en couragement, having been rejected on its second reading. In 183-1, he in troduced the bill again, and was glad to find that it had increased in favor. It passed the House of Commons, but, owiti" to want of time, or tome. other , . . . r I .11. 1. . I ........ .Mm... - "if tend its provisions to tne county ot.. wouui ie-open me L.ianei i.i " little ues: , , I iathcrforJ and the bill was then ; date thcae. Institutions is not sup- Jltl income? U he Ud three times and dulcred to Le pusal.'c case.- But lie did not believe correct and partly met. Illi.e V , tlut Nartli Carolina a prrpareU to gentlemati lu.m Chatham would Ai ... se, . to in cor- borrow the money to take my portion amend t,.so As to place deputy .Sl cr: (. , J - ,n.rilVg yf TescWcd-ilock; She -had to iffson the8,me looting wilaLoi.Mab.CN. prat. U.e ? ! lmuC trS vear7toXii:ay-tlie e;- wfiuldM "urreut i xpctisls ,;i the Government, vils complained 1, U..d .cmie under ordtre. o . be u I . linl5,!f to go his own observation, and .eqrnr.c a , y - . , ' an act oi fv in sunoress the vice of saining in this State; which passed first time and was ordered to be printed. . Mr, H i 'an presented a bill to in corporate the Conrd Gold Mining Company; and Mr. Tillett. a bdl pro viding compensation to the sherifts in this Stat- for making returns of the votes given in at the lnt election for adoption or rej-clion of the attended rnostilotion: vlitcli wete rcju, the first tiiiif. and the first tfomcd reason, wa rpjecfed in the. Senate; and ordered to be three times pnetli - .. . . .. , .1. 1".H '.. Mr. l.ittte suiiiniiteii wf wi""b resolution, which was negatived: ltpi"lel. I'hai the Conimiiiee on Finnnre be iniandd to iinpioe bun hl lir li in, if any. n erwiry to be mle in t'ae mv reiectniK die mvnner in winch lmli fescjelf -r uxmio"t !, wut Uer. tio if my, e nerenmr) to-be mu m tne ttirey foriKer nqui. e iivo u na', ' '. ot ier prouerlv not utieady enumeru'ed in .rr ttu e. oogbl "T'tte" .bject to ttmn; . .Jthl they report by Bill or otlierwif. The following resignation of Justi fices of the Peace, were presented and accepted: B Mr. Tillett, the resig mti .n f M. G. Dower of Camden; by tit'nnmrsT"ana oy mr, - Thaiua UfijrtiAitl3' "Mfrduinn, from the Committee of Pron.isit'ii.ni and Grievances, reported ft Kill 4t flivulTA T.UCV Calvert, of Will M w 1 N. v J Granville. Irm her husband, and to divorce Fdizabeth Sibley, from hcrhus- band. Read the first time. ., "Mr. Hybart presented a bill, which had its first resiling, to incorporate the Planter's ami Mechanic's Bank of Fay etteydle, with a Capital of S500.000. Mr. Clement said, he held in his hand, three petititms from the different sections of Rowan, praying for divi sion of that county, together with a bill to carry the prayer of the petition ers into effect. He knew that it was not in accordance with, the ordinary rules, on presenting a petition, to do more than state its ceneral contents, but he trusted the House would in- dulee him on this occasion, with a few remarks, lest any gentleman might take up improper impressions in refer ence to the annlication. He wished the subject to undergo the fullest el amination and the severest scrutiny, for he was so confident that the appeal '"f his constituents to the Legislature was founded in justice, that he did not iear investigation. - (Mr." C. here went into a defalk en- At the particular .iii-slatice of their con ' Uiituents. the Representation trom Heaulort county were a-rain about to brin-jr this bill to the cmibidera i n ol the House, and trusted they would tut subject themselves to the imputation .J . . Ii !., I, .!.. t.r ICC'J, to Clniivaii reoieil V t t. nrnmenu amend in par .Tl-rVy.':: V. . V. f I comncl the trustees of Moore S o U o r,dc,l on th; and Robeson counties to pay thej, or p esumr Uo , that indniduals were in picfccnce to other claims, so lar as o off l"ee their debts in the hands respects the county of Moore. as i read three times, passed and orucred to enrolled. . : The bill for the relief of Rachel Edwards; and the bill providing com pensation to the Slieritl's, for making the returns of the votes given at the late election for adoption or rejection of the amended-. Constitution, were feail the secund and third times, pas sed and ordered to be engrossed. HOUSK OY COMMONS however, there was not the most remote probability of th State's authorizing the loan spoken of. In the opinion of some gentlemen, the University and the Literary Fud seemed tube rc!rariei as umii.ii"1"' est distinct from the Slate itself. For his part, he con-.idered them as the two greatest inlei estsin North 'Carolina, upon the proper establishment and liberal maintenance ol which depended, ina great measure, the lespcctability ut tlw I.Statti- abiHialt-M l-.it -pea comfort and happiness at homo. He i-p'Tetted to perceive on tliis occasion t (lipos'itin to place the State in an rnlrin, nma'ftl.-Bif Mr. Hos- attitude id hostility to the University. ' . J .. . I. .. r .1 ..... kins, ol Marcarel-Ma23ex ol JUdiiituiUU wa t;w cwuntc. pari in me unvieui of Sheriffs and their deputies lor col lection. But it was entirely a matter of choice whom they selected. It seamed to him however an inconven ient abridgement of the right of the cH'zens, to sav, you shall not employ a -Slieri-O" w 4euty, -4n.wever trust worthy, to collect "money coming to y.ti. "livery Otfuer is bound to use a certain degree of diligence in the exetution of process; though jt was given up. he believed, that a. Sherifl tvas iiotliiibU on ids bund : for uclai . .i . ,.p;.. mA q ieuey .o ... ... i ,.f I!:,vood . nrav nz to be d.varccd again IUU- I ti - and by Mr. Vi.llter, o! Mal ala- i'dble of t the retell the l.ead- . . . i j ol ti:i! iioimuu a rtbellii ii of the iii i ' a im iiiiivci'pr ion iviuu- . - j i o . .. . i. j . f . . t. . , . . i : . . . i ul bi ing lmponunuie. i is voohiaoic. - . i r10m their hi'bbunds. Ke!erred. b .dy cl tin .'au' aga.nu us nun- of the Legislature to listen M well-, ally liable to the pcrso i WnSj jiuXraenlcMfU vAis, grounded compla.nts, and Jo w .K'tevaaces wmca-wmm-A-cni j.m.;jw .f ...v .v - , - ;0 Dra-cviCe , this State. JJy Mr. itliat uic meme.s oi umi mm; people r.l Wa-hington had been for let him amend me coud.t.ton ot p -r-, J .. tiMlt-1M-A)nn&rimm'' years, hewers f wood an I 'drawers ofiiSV - tmnd, as to make tbrm -:liiwe, . ii;MVr..m..aiiv. Bv Mr. oath to support il.a Univeraity. ! whr for the citi.ens of Newbern. Mf. Outline did not cxpe; t tliat lii w.i-tk-Vtl'liliv T.iwn as! want -the lirivilestc now asked for bv - . . . . . . i i . . .i. .i: .... ii juiiii . tw uiiit,iiu mv uiiiiMi .-"-( IIIUVII I Tl.; fiti of thiti 's hal not ocen,. bill would ive rise to so ni thit serf ton o country ; on tne con rv i" - - ... i ... trary, he was Rld of this public oppnr- j he .wanted Utf JfWH rnrti-rtrhfiirsit "t'm.yfweind r.c,. (4M: i tlic power tierisnh-a''jeTBe riTInsniul ions! But if there 'was a town in the State, whose absolute necessiiies, and whose commercial importance demanded a itsntt ;'t iva Washington. Mr.. thert presented ids bill, stating that if j ties whVcjterctfl allowed to nwis its Xirst reading, h had i ConsTiiTiTes. It no doubt betore it again came tip for ot anoointinz lontaoies, ii,... i'.,otr inromoetent to make judicious appiintments; yet Sheriffs vi.tuallv exercise the power taken from the Court', by appointing depn- porBtrtbe UoahUk'e" ihd Raleigh Rail the j UtMr-'efinVbSffvT heri-w tfuM-oiily be fulfilling that oath.' ! ,,.,l,t ntiuutbv the Renrcsentatives t ,Hin. the Ijrjrrslaturc lias .saia-uji-. .'-"-. . n.ir, nnt aJ Mr. Carson said, ho desired to see "' : d . ' . ... . . 4 . . ii i .... lriu -,... j ,n Uir. nuaciBt w im"'" I . . - .1 7 ... ... l mend .jWJtrMitLift P?; Tw ........ .-..-. -.' 7 r .t ... .1. C-iW toluTiscrTb-I for the whole stock. He thought it would answer the purpose of gentlemen on both sides, to Jay the bill on the tabic for the present. . Mr. Williamson wished to make a kiii'i-Im reinat k oil the subtcct. View- ins the respectable soutce from whence peratTve sanctums to discharge fiiith luily tut their duties as i.ei.U.tojrs,.i,.-.-- Mr. Graham asked to say a word in explanation. It required no disclaim.' tr on the part of tne gentleman from ' Wilmington, to satisfy him that ha felt no hostility to the University or whs " opposed to the accumulation t-f the Literary Fund but he still thought him mistaken in Ins opinion tltat tne passagetif -thi! "til tii lfte U'Dwrarje m irui-, iiw Stock is worth more than for but ! whoin? Not to the State, but to the individual who purihases it for ptiro poses d speculation. ' The only pro- ' fits which will accrue to the State, will : be the !iii'cnils declared though. as has been remarked, were he immedi ately to sell out to others he" might reali.e a gain i f some ten cr tiyelve perTent. by the transaction. " t. Mr. G. said, he rose however, for 4 another purpose. The gentleman from Wilmington sceme l t; consider it an 1 injudicious step for the Literary FaniTy j to borrow noney to investtn this Stocks- stall, was thai-uiiless tha Slock ba -. 1 taken by the first of January, 1837, the-' reservation to the State wiU cease and (he opportunity be last for investment. The accumulation tif " the Fund will " enable the directors to pay off the loan tnalcv ycuif, and interest tlicrHuie will not run long: ihmigh he could not tntrtr n t "a - i o wcr "Tin e oi , i n tv rest, man- - ihe officers of that State, acting Ur tha i'Ltfetary Fund. . -- --- ": : . . . .' The State ought md, if she felt dn- - posed to take tlie tot k , to ;pirvrtit Ctirpnratiims fioitrpafficipating iii its" i bctiefitii. It certainly wiiuld be bfrl r,j;jy? poitcy lo "totsct x;i mz nu -iiuvm men assessment oTlaiSuTTit Y'ancy county By Mr. Woolen, to alter tha njyae of r.J ! ..ft.....!. Mu Mr liavui n aierrr, 1-IutehcSonTto incoiporate t!ie Lincoln Gold Mining Company. These bills thetjourt', oy nppo.ou..s.-i-. i ic , hie first reailintr. and the whVejwwwr ail ,t!,e JuftCUos . r ;. meonc4l onc wa, referred to was true, as remat .fttwU'W-Korrhvfn :rTvs;tiCli!cX iiiiftjitend ti receiia...giiugnaji:. e l. that persons are not competed to . ' .. i.. i, in r..!..-,.! tu..;, ' rliun into irresponsible consiileration, ncbuuumw ... , ,,Ui i... -z - . i- . : .1.. ,nni. tn .In. ; i. ...!. i...f .,virr man m not a lawyer. i.m nr Giiuiarnirv uui uiiivim i" "v- iHiiuai ui i : l" n" . . .i . . r -VT loueio iiicHii'iiiti. nv . --- T , . .1 '!. 1 .U .. . .... i,. ,.r,n1 Jinm-iive. ni came, he did not attribute the op uie cu.iiiiuucc vu ...w. . ,.. f...i.fi,a. position lotnis uui, m icriings m-o .:t'... tt.. ITlwui..it v Kiit m men i s .1 . .. ... .1 ll rnm INiniVllPi n - - ... 1 1. ii niicii inp tx iii'iiitiii - 1 1 u- n i in crpii i ii'iiiaii 11 w -- mODS'raic i n,n """- i . ,. . , , rvf tlip fust ! on. I Lmiwinir Aii individual ts 'an VI- cy oi passiuK mc o..v.....0 - - . tYme. . ficer, he presumes that all is right and Mr r,rlii nresented a bill to in-' employs him accordingly. corporatethe Raleigh and Gaston Rail I He had dropped an expression, when r. i . r. . ' .r.- '. ...tatw.n lis fifllll taws. Road Company.' ueau ursi niw. t up oeiore, m - r - " Mr. jacweks, liom tne commuicc ui , ne nau no uhus.i. . - . - - Finance, reported a bill to amend an J would repeat here or elsewhere, that act passed V 1784. prescribing the . he did wish there was a "P.'t""' manner of listing property foC taxa- frivolous little warrants which officers tion. (-Provides that persons si.aii are cont.nuallj naming up w. .u.y. nun. I r i a.. ...t. n ui nch inniint. rive in all property owned on me ii people, anu f July, instead of the lst-of April.; ed t., more than the whole debt. n.mA fcit time. i The question on the passage of the . hM to .mend Ihe act bill was decided in the negative, by ,.td',kbinr the Merchant's and Far-! Ayes and Noes, 98 to 27. . o ...n:..i.i -n.liil'itv .iainst the University but ra nual report ol Adjutant General, which ther to a laudable xeal to increase the was ordered to be transmitted to the diminished and beggared resources a ; , . r . i tit. iii... ll was wi in? to lav the uiiuii nun iu miiiieo. w -- ' .- - a - . Mr. Hawkins, from the Militar r M ! 1 1 . s-uinikrfuil uitli irne nl ment the bill t. legitimate Jnhn Pcttus j State loan or if the bill i passed, granf Johnston. Tif Warrenrwhich Tsed its W the privtlc ge ed .for to i he IJnt- jry!bitl on ihe table and await the action ad-! of the Legislature on the subject f a -i L il SMI. . .1 ..nl Mtatdikhins the Merchant' mer's Bank uf Newbern, was return ed from the Senatevw?th an amend ment to strike out ther second section. The House refused to concur m the a mendimnt, and the Senate was there of informed by message. - .4 SENATE. frtdiitsJaif. Dee. 2. Mr. Britlain presented the memon .i ,.r p.iisheth M. Stearns, with a bill to d'.vofce her frun her husband it. H..Llinn iT aurtflt-V on an especially of one Hiram Lov- State, and he would go to any reason 7"' . r i r ...tn. Ui, u linrfh in increasimr it. lticooa, comp amine w mnnf'!"- " ,. - .... , '"" ' ..I... -.1 . t i'.m,ii Uiuil the hill would It would be recollected tliat, at session, a bill was introduced authorizing the issuing of.n scrip i . . i t. ..t .1. .1 ii take up tin reserveu siui.., u nu r!ortiil. lie believed, there Bicted on him by being publicly w h'tp- . " t I 1 ped for stealing a horse, nn praying :.o pass. i be restored to credit. Helmed. j the last i Mr. Jacocks, Trom the Committee oi Finance, renorted a resolution author izing the Public IVeasurer to exchange rortmn bonds uue uie oiair it woufd be as great difficnlty in passing nurcl ase of Chertikee Land, for ethers it now. The State could ha.dly nuu dually good V- Rud first time. Ifand. cnousb. t carryon the builduij llie chief ohjf ctHif Banking in X State, is not to swell the public colli rs, but ti furnish its citizens wtill a sound currcn- cy. And whnevcr a coivflict ariKes be tween a State and Iiutitutioii8Ctatdih-i. ed wit hin her borders to di (fuse the bless-, ings of Education, as to which of them' ahull realize a benefit, there should, be no srrup'es in deciding Tor the latter. , The nueslion- "Shall this bill pass its ' third and last reading?" was decided in the the negative, G9 to 61 - ; - , tftii House agaiii entered upon nt orders of the day, being the Uesolu- tions in relaljon to 4he.' Fublic Lands, V submitted by Mr, Cliugman, the qucs- , i T: tion pending being on the aduptum ot the amenamenioncreu oy ir. oumn. , Mr. Raynrr delivered "his views at 7 great length in support of the Resolu- 4 and in opposition to me njnenu- ,f - ment-Mr. Jordan followed in; op- position to tha UesUution. and mcon- v . elusion offered an entire-substitute for . . them. The Sptaker decided thai it ' was not inordei! to submit this amend-"J ..--v ment, before that pievtotisly nftered by s Mr. Guinn was passed upon. Mr. .. .' Guinn, to obviate diCcnJly, withdrew p -f, hi-atpendment, and Mr., Jordsn Uien introduced h'.sr (It is considered nn necessary to ii sert tl.v subSihate., as it ' f - U .-