M0.C2 RALEIGH, U. C. THURSDAY, DSOEISH 17, 1C25 aaaaiaa,,.. MJi 1 jt l ..aaj. ajijijaia. aaagaaaaaa-i ataan.g.S a., i in, , ,m , 1 . ' J - : - " '. ' - ; "Ji-Ji- . -.i , " y ' ' ""' ' ' lil II ll"l I II Hi II ' Biiii miii-i"iMMiiii J . a. i. " " "' I " . - '. ' . - 1 " - W 11 1 )-'' I . .. " ' 11 ' Wl' ii ip .i.i ii i ii i i I,., e ,i..Wf. Caroliun nazellt, rUULMUF.n, WtKILT, T t.ioha J. i,cn.y. TKUMS. cirri'. three itnllari tr nrv(flpne p a m-i be nil jwe.l to remain in rreiir Innfer " l! 'i'nmie fW;lHyvIMW St.te, who tuny rteih-e lo hecome ulu-i iliers, .ill be ttrirtty retmitxit l ftiy the hi.!c m.iitoHhjei.t-,.ile'il,iion i.iltvai,ce. i . ........ ..... r. t:..... . htnea lUree ti,,.e, r.nr Itttr,.! f.e- 1 tJtt iiium .! 11 1 1 jun. ,,,, ,. San;:' Mr. .nK To'encoiiracrrV. in verv suit- i most certainly the amy or every cut- r ii.. u.. .it. With thia view, I latelf, at Ik visiter, nttend- " . . ' eit the esainination of th pipils io t!c mule d.-partmeiit of tl Itdeijrh Acmlciny, now umWr the auperoiU-n lence of M'?w. .fH uiritnd tUrwaout the result of which uit-uik-d me Hint this Institution deserves hhrh c );nmetld:itioo and is pre-eminently entitled , to thcouSilcnce and patronage ot this cqm- j .......itv. I Atn-r listennijT altentiviiy t(.r t-.vo days (m Ht of wluiih tim.: I was presrji!) to a vrry cnticul examination, in t!ie various branches of Kiijflish (fdiication, rs well as the Initio and 41:rek I.aniiiies, -I nt-.tst nelcnowli-tlifc, that . jiiore rikhiil TTie exercise' did not appear to he conduct ed, k' is too -often the e:e, as if the dcin wtre mcrtdv external show, hut rather to cx- f Tvihilfhereal prtuleVtwy eiicIl pitptt hnd mad in the different branrhes of education. ,, We appiehtnd thut oo .person, who re joicea in he projrresn of learning and wide diflution of general i.uot'.nation, could luve laded to be eddied. ' "To ace yon'nif 1bys, not more tlian ten or tKe ycalS of aee, b.-fore tile HUick llonnf, art' statements in "Int.-reit" St the"ltule of Three,'" with the readiness and accuracy of a skillful accountant, was what I had never before aecn; nor, indeed, had I not w.iness rd it at the present examination, could I have believed it possible. The students we ihoujr'it, appeared quite at well in their examination on the other Kn glish hranchesj .and in the dcaj.lai.ijjuages,. .as. in Arillimetic. - - "(ill Tuesday eVeh'rijj, the exhihifio'ii of the pnpils in the-puhlic speakiiiff took place. We expected on this occasion, to be agreea bly entertained, but the exercises, werj far I'eyo.id what.WC liad-anlicipated,-The- ynttnjf 1 gentlemen" acrrrrrtteti- tltemselv-e -utUi great credit. The pieces were judiciously select, ed, well committed, delivered elofj.'cntly, :iiij.'wila"ntcuu nalior-. in our opinion, was of a charac er calculated to reflect the hiffhest credit on the industry of the studeots, au l the talents and akill of the Imtruclors. V c doubt not the community will' at ill continue to patronize nd itistain the Iiutilulion. . Sp!cnsl:l Jit and Silver LEVEIt WATtKES, Kuglidi an.l Ameiiean Jet!lery of the tithes! i ?!-; AltoKHHl r.zt. Silver . Lite, coiiiting ol Table, D-tert ami Tett-tniii.i, Soup anil Crenm l.iilk',, Suar Toi'gt, nu'l S.lt tpuout, Cream I'ulu au:t Cu;t, .it xmr ron.v r rices, HY W. J. RAMSAY & CO. 2 doors south of Turner and Hughes book stohp. All kinilt of Walchet uinl Clmkt lepaired ami warranted. Gobi an.l Silter aaie manu facture! at.'l leiiaired t" on'er. .. W. J. ISAMAV & CO. Have tor tale a fine anu.ent of fit. Id and il-"ver-Nfleetaetet,-lt:Niti1r''nif "ifn'gle Gfa' 'ei, T)'61i-" eae anl green do. Cull 3 1 .Joni s south uf Tw , nei- and' Hughes Hunk Store. - Pittol,, Cunt, and al! kind, of Knncy Cutleiy, For side, 2 il'.oi s son h of Turner and Hughes'. Book Store,. By W; KMS Vt CO. Kleih, llf-e. 1, H.tt. 'SSaW. lVcwSlior, Ilat andCnp Store, Next door t M i t. Sleaaii't noar.ling Haute, FayetteviPe Street. II. T.TIJCKEK Bespectfullv informs his friends and the public, that he has recent ly received a full supply of the Above articles, amongst others in Ins line, and invites pur chasers to call and exam, ne them. Haleijfh, Ore. 1, 1835 SO 4t NOTICE. At the lute November H'lt nl the Onrt of 'less anil Quarter Setsinns if the coni.iy of Granville, the undersign.! qualified as a.lniinia 'ratnr upon the estate ol the lata Wetley . 1'tvchtll.dret.ateil, and reqnets all lha errJitort of Ihe deeenir.l to make known their claims j'hiii the lime prctcriheit by law, or thia notice ill be plead in bar of reenveryj ami his debt ors are desired to inaks immediate pai ment JNO. I UiV.Y. Granville eonnty. Not. ag, 183S SI 3t 0 'm&WLB 8c JOBS " nil dcscriMitn4 ucat'.v xe ete.l at t:l Oiace. 7r The An I Mee'i..K i.f the SI.m Umlde. s .. " n'-;"'K ' " JJf. Guinft r.-ldifd, i. n..u .. 7 .. n I ..ai-li rniuitv to be naid hv l'ed.ais which 1 ..: uanii win ue oeio hi iiieir uaimim; n.iuscin l -,- j - . riot anxious to spt no ""tcitv, ,),e 1st NonJ-y in .la...,-, next, at mo'ion was negatived 63 to S6. Mr. rh- anx,ous to 5,61 "P lO.n'clmk a. m. t- DI..WKY. maa moved to fill the blank with which I hut ll they ever did, 5t 4 PKOCIa-tSIATIO.V Ay the Governor of the S.ate of A"oA Carolina. The C'n"?n'Vn whk'h mrt in ih c Ciir of It.deixh nn ihtviwult-Hy .olJnne Ivtt, hating j Mfiii-i certiun smrntiniems to ine tnntlilutioii iii t eriinintniriitinirnti to the Comiiiatioii i ij siate. m.i hvrjs by m ol(ia.ne, dk-cci-i llitn.to t! uhiiiitleil tir the l.overnnr to the .,.C:f.i, r-nSction or r. j,c.ion( ..,.! the I titiw. litec!id.CieMirjljU .i riie et' Coneentiw (rk.,!,!Z..Cv$!tl.CRMU'jM MU nm.aWH1--- v W rii ule lottie Kowtiir, In be by himnpne,! IL'ci'U ed frcm ii'.-rw""" ' "'";.' "' i u; lie-l'wrw, l tbl-w-Mhef. ' ., lolI he tu ft;or of the rRl.rtcj.tion of the riil mnrmlMii'iila. Ihe iame udoulJ be "'':'". me nouiu uc T i.il i .LZl.?" "17 ! 1 1" i T.i." "".'.'i !'!:.!Tr . .. vmiiaiiiij u. ..... ,.c , yZ,-. . " "re "'" Now iiu-rrfo'e. I. U.WII) f SWAIV. Cor. mKe known to me pe...ie t the , Stale, that nimoi itv ol mI the vule o retiirneil. - , ....in...:... ... wjti in lavor ol the mt'it'lrnenli, ahiuh id Aniemlmeiiu to mti- fn-il, nre lieeome part of the Constitminn ol the l. . . Ill l. ' it .... -.iV. ... ... . niiu. ihi wilt e m lutr mire mm . ur-ri iiniii . ..,l flrr lln first .lav ol Ji.nuur eisl.leen I.un. ' Jreii ami ihirtv-siv In teilhnony lierent I. have enuied the Great I Smtl of the Siale to be hereunto udUeil, and iiriiei tne tame with my nami. (if1"'? f lone n the City of It.ileigh, the l!ii,.l -KL . . . . " , I a -asj- "? ii.Teniiiur, -v o r ui "in . eil.l Itundreil '.( tl.irtj -five, at Ui.ll til ilkt 111... ! deiioe uf the taiil St..ie. the ai.xtieh. U1YID L, SW AIN By the ilnvernnry . .. itlicrehreiven to the 1'iitilie, t'n the next ReaafMi in die M M.K OKt.VH TM KN f ol the I it i.Kit; ii a:ahk1Y. will ei.mmcore on ' Alonday, r.Uia i4b wMn-:; NViW nil t ureaeni be reee.ve. . " tlentt w JUHV5TOX. Oee S. 1S.I5. 51 3 STATE L.ECISI.A'S'rHE. SENATE. Alitnain, Dee. . . . Mr. Cowper. or Gates, preaented a bill to ahohsh the ofucea of county trustee and trcasorer of pubUo buildinn in the coun.y of Gates, which was amended, on the mo- tiona iii Messrs. nullock and F"X, by etlend- ing it provisior.j lo the counties uf Chowan and Mecklenburg, passed three timet and ordered to ue.f ngrosstuK . On motion of Mr. Waoxh, the roaohiliona 'reta'tlve wiriep-tiWic aoriiaTni'rieretofSre laid i on t lie tahie, were taicen up. nr. w angii , then submitted the following amendment a ; .iiKlI till ja ful !liw lArnnl r-. till t id r. '!! i-at rZT" ?a' :T-t-"!te the people, directly or iodirc tly, and ouht never to exceedtire'airioiinl of expenditure's j neccatary to an economical administration of' tire-tinverntnewra.-n.eretore thciiev.,ie'.-atrh...l in fo I,ra imU.lmn.r the proceeds of the sates of ifie te ritory, or public lands ot the United States iijinoi re q lired (in aid of oilier revenues) fiWhe le gitimate pin pose j of the national Golem-, ment, we believe it the duty of Con(rrcs to devise and recommend some safe method for diatrilu.iiiifr amnnj all th? Stites any surplus proceeds of Ih; public lun 's, which m.iy fiom time to time remain in tlie Treasury of the United States, afier defrnying i's ettpen ditorrs." Vr. W ilson calltfd for-'ii division of the question, and the question to s'rike out was carried. A motion was then made to adjiiiif-iij tthich w its ueja!iied 36 to 21; and aftrr variotrs o'her im H'eclual mo'iers, the resolutions ard amen Anient were ordered to be printed ud made the order uf the duy for to-morrow. HOUSK OF COMMONS. Prtit,.n,prtHte,i-, Mr. Kelly, ...f JefVrK.Mm!, "Bt ,liscri(i" per.ltii- lerson Judd. l(y Mr. Ju'dait, it .Solomon W Nash, lly Mr. Coor, t.f William Hiiie. Iteferred. Jlilit pretented'Ttf. ilr ttit'chimn. to tfi corporule Ihe American Gold Minings Com pany, in Mecklcnburff county. Vy XI.-. Henry, compel! nlhe Justicrs of the Peace of New Hanover county to attend Ihe tern, of tlie County Court of said county, when ever a majority of the Jusiicitof said roun ly are required to be present. Hy Vlr Dud ley, for the re'ief of sick and disabled Sea men; " By Ml: -Manly, for the bet'er reg-iil-a. tion of he 'iowq of Ne-wbern. By Mr Mac Rae. to abolish the office f f'ouiry Trustee in the several counties of this State. Itead fu lime, . ,,... ,.. ......,.,. v. . . : The tiiii In restore t o credit II ifnm Ttivtti good was read 'h- second '.'rue and rejected? Mr. Dudley, trotn tlie Committee on Inter nai linoriiveiiir.,., .-,.jri.-.i i. i.i.i ... cut ; lish .Turnpike Road from Ihe & uth Caroh- na line al some point near the Block House) in lUuherford eomty to tb re-Creck Bridge in lluncombe. Head first time. Mr."yTo'r Snlr'es of the Judges of 'he Supreme Couit. which brinjr read the first time, Mr linker moved that it be rejected, whMt-waadi cidfrd in the affirmative 65 lo 49. The bill to regulate the practice t;f I f s w Ic ing' aijd Hedlinf in this State naa read the prevailed 67 to 52. Mr. Kinp moved to a- iTwod the bill to as to exempt from tls ope raliurs, native cidxna. Negatived. Vlr (itithrie mnted lhat Ihe bill be indefinitely postponed, wl ich Vat also negatived 91 It 'ii. Wl.erupou, the bill passed its second reading. SEN ATI'. TuetJaif, Dee. 8. -Mr. Marslcller presented the peti (ion of Margaret P. Spier, praying to be divorced. Referred. Mr. Move, of Gresne, reported a resolution from the Committee of Claims, in favor uf Leonard Bucha nan; which was read. three times and. ordered to ba engrossed. Mr. M. al so reported unfavorably to4he petition of James M'Donald. Concurred in. On motion of Mr. Wellborn, the Ju- diciary committee were instructed to ' day, some other place for a mess ol pt innuire into (he expediency of amend- Ualatoos. Notwithstanding these dif- ing the law for the punishment of va grants, so that it may be pot in full Force. Jiill-i preimcil.--Ty Mr. Cowper, of Gates, a bill to alter (he name of, and leiritimate O lioton Robertson.- Read first timj and referred. By Mr. Jovr.er, a bill to authorize the trustee j of Williams' Church, in the county of .timim, iu nuiu nnu possess one acre on, neat oacla into the mountains ami prevent the Norlidk Company from of lam!, on which said church is situ- built him a wigwam. There happen- running a nad from We Id on to Ra atedj and by Mr. Staley, a bill ma- ed soriii alter in that region, a great loii, within nix inches of the line of K,n5 compensation to talis Jurors in Randolph county; which were road t.i'.... ' . I . t '-I i . i t,,uo tu and ordered to be - Kill!; Cuinncnsatton to talis Jurors m jm the House of Com- e, stating ihatthe nu-- vemor therewith trans- nilinS a IlK'SiSaC Statin'' . , r ' P 8are ' '' UOerllor til mitteu. nnndiinr mr tlio ititufo, announcin'' tne ratuication tit the amended Cons.itution, with the te amended Cons.itution, with the ijjiruu ul i u i 1; . u nun ine journal in tint House, and .request n-r that the same ue spieail upon the Journal til The engrossed resolution in favor of .t ... . . . Aelll M'Alpin, was read three tim-s and ordered to be enrolled llic nigrojisptl resolution rclatinto . ... . . ,!e nUO1' MTMI, W3S read the tn st time ami passed: and, on motion, of J r Mefiane, laid Oil the' table. tin moiion ot .Jr, l.ittlc, a message was sr nt to the House of Commons, nmpOS 'ing to raise a joint select cum-, . 1 nulte, t report hat laws arc neces- sarv to be enacted at tlie present ses- suiu. in ritBmwr U fi-. iwatn-iKlW!?? llaMlinffm- . 1 . . . .fc..... ..;. ' '-... ..W:.'. s: 1 six. iv,..,' -' i v . ajrg; ijrvan. " J V'1 " " "'" e were suhseouent! v , appoiti ted to lorm said committee on , - j since, has stolen anv thing, ami watt; 'flfe qusslu)!! on la? a;t nti.n of th j' t:,c Sena te ' theti entered oil : Ithettie ii tencs'C prawaide" and tead y'vTline:wa tTedd ;d iirtlve amt , orders ot the day, anil proceeded to consider tlu resolutions subu.ilted i ) wi i t !V Mr. aug'i, respecting the pub.MC i titom-the nuestion still pending oh, Mr. WauHi amendment, which was ! : agreed to; ami Mr. Ueid then moved i at the rcsoilltiolls as amended, be U . P . , . . r . ' . I :milr fiti.tely postporiol. Not a greet! , to, j .inly voting iii the antrmative, i viz. ?oi; Messns. Hil, Moure of S. ami The Senalc then adjourned. 1 1 U i. ur lU .l . lit) LiE OF CO M MONS "" ' Mr. 'Jar.ocks subimTted a resolnttnri u.at tlie llnue hereatter take a recess from i tu 3 o'clock .JUid--t1iatn'-"iyn- t - ' . . . ' b allowed to be ii.lrodu- ce '' alter h.tturuay next. After a htUe "Conversation Oh the "subjer't, Tn wljudlll was. Stated that Jn.'ire buiess ett'lld tr than in three after, the resolution' was rejected. . Mr. Claiae, from the committee to wnor.i a resouion on uie suniect ot the 1 I . . , , . n Wreck and l'ilot laws was referred, made a report and asked to be dis - chargi-d from its further consideration. Granted. The bill ln.!eiiima(e JuhtvQxcrdine wai read t'ie second time and rejcrtetl. Mr. Graham, from tlie (Tnuimittaa oa4h J u duu4M:y..-to wlionrwa rcfei''j red the bill all.-vin Lawyers resid- mg m other States to practice in tin, reported the same without amendment, and recommended its rrp-ctioii. on. the miij n'jt'i p'.-ts- iii tu practice is rum properly vested in the Judges of the Supreme Court. Report concurred in and bill rejected. Mr. Manlv, from the sirte commit tee, to whom v.as referred a portion of the Kxecutive -fcsage rel.tlinq; to an exchange of law reports witii otl.tr States, rcp'u-tetl a resolution (o (hat elTect.-vvhit h passed its first readinrf. Mr. GuiuM - subtiiitteil. a rtfsplutiaaj instructing the Coinniitlef on Internal I . a I improvement to enquire into tr.e expo- li nr y ol making an appropriation ijr !e.-n1il"ft road Tii- Mar on' ci.tinfv Mr. Manly wished to know whether the contemplated road would not run il'OUr!i tlie 1llCI'OKee lands, tile llii ull Hl.kl, v ..I , J gtiWied. - M.i. Iiiiinn rruhi.! in th i.o.r-i 1 1 vf. :'f7r.-r ,,,rK,.t ti k1Ta,7iT man from Macon, The propriety of es- tablishin- a separate Government' for the Cherokee county, for it seemed, there never would be an end to the an-! I.llrn'inn; in lll.il ..ii.rlnr nacUt. I in that quarter for assist- ....... ... ...... ' ua. ivi v,. . that they were lor themselves, they certainly Hintim '' kin?. t i i not apply t.0 JHeaufurt for a The Resolution was rejected. Mr. Carson submitted a resolut'on in favor of John Cooper. Read first time. The bill to restore lo credit John MastersT-nf Yancy county was read second time. - Mr, Byrd hoped (he Hose would in dulge him, while he gave a biographi cal account of the case. The farther of the petitioner, he said, was an awk-;not ward Dutchman, who died, leaving a larjre family, of which John being the eldest,-was, of tourser the print ipaT , . a a m r a a' -a l) takc io (he fence. Ho had a hard time of it. working here (o-day for half a bushel of meal, yonder to-mor- row for a neck of salt, and (he next ficultie. John grw to be affout low, with so largo a foot, that when one part of it was in Macon county, the other was in the Cherokee country; fie lived 70 miles from the Court House, and of conrse, was as desti J tute of law knowledge, as a monkey jln a cw. John, aftt-r a while maiil- eil, and having no soil (o plant h foot scarcity nf nu n mil J'l'm I' iviiur i, scarcity of corn, ami Jo. in having no money, mado sevcal tiii s in 'In, . . i i- i- ir ii- nessec to pi-ovule .1, li.mself mid htn fv--Afr'rtH'r1tT the niountains, lie thou:ht of au-casi-. er w.iy' to get it. Like the prodigal, son, he had a rich Uncle tm the river, N ami lie proposed to a neiHVQr to hrln themselves out of his barn and return it! themselves out of his bahi and return it - whcu.crnpUii,ta4H4iutfive -wiwiwpp!HvrpWa'W'ttdeft-llre--North' uor ruu'.ffii, aiiu tins was ine uisi evi- denceasainst Jo in AXei davsariur, John went with his elwntv ba to meal, poured the contentiinW his . . own, being more ronvenieuter, he said, 1 than corn. But tlio miller fountl the large tract ftf which he U Bl-en sneakinj;. and kev at once it was John's. Besides lie found out.' that at a-1 i yesterday, John-'had no meal, and t; ay plenty and was paying aorrowoij meal to all his neighbors. And' this was the second evidence, on whi h he was wliipp'otl. Tht- rase now cntn-s ! lo;-ie-cOnsidii ati.m. I f we trv the npt i tifnixrv K. Ihk- fif thvf l?i ,v r.f (1,,M!w,m, it-mm- vrnir nwii wrrr---rf Jdv gaiiii mi our iavnr: acrutinv neighbors ... sa he never, before,, ui - 1 we mu passed us second Toad. ng"raauve, a to f . almost nem. coiu I Mr-Jastc1cs then wiihdtew the re- rM.iMii : i ,i . n i m. : I . r i . i... a tie mil 10 ini orpor uc 'toe uaieigu ( and Gaston Kail lload Company was rea l the second time. ' ! Mr. Garey. in ived its rcfcri-citce to the Committee on Internal improve- ,, . , .. , , . . ! ,. . i ment. He said it liad not been bdore I any committee; it was a nill winch ex-. creti great interest; proposed a road , ab iitt which there was a good deal of II i'iJe adj. turn; which was negatived, tini'ea n, an. I by vir'uc to( which. w-lwe-rivalrv between Norfolk jiml. Peters-.! Mr. (i. tlwn moved an amendinc.otJ&eLto..ferrTOtWUiKU hoi-r. ,l if ..,a l, .,c.,,l i.. t - rt. -rt-G (VI V v VI l JV, v ; tefer such biils. " ; - i Mj-.Crahant, W'!io in trod oct-d the rnii' said U" the reference had been' pro- ... . 1 . . 1 posetl at an earlier period, he should not have objected to it; but it would now delay thi acTiort of"1hC" H lUtc tim I As tn the liyalrv of rertain towns in y irgitHa, he presumed the Legislature had not'iing to tlo with it. Tlie question on referring the bill was tlcecided in (he negative. , V T I vir. jacocKS k -retted that tha had tibjecteil to its were conHictin 1 friends of the bill : referrence. Tln-r it.ti'resfs wliicli m'u'ife- have been har monized in convniftee. It was his i s'.i that the pl.t titer vho used this mad i transport his produce, slimil.1. 'jen if arrived lit (Jistoa or Vt'dMns' Ferrytdinve-thc hpti tn 'Of C!nlititt in git to Petersburg, or, if 1;c preferred, divert it to Norfolk. The bill was ii(f worded so as to provide fir this, an ! h therofore moved .the lt!l -.vi:rj a !ricntlmc!i' : "Be it fnrCer enacted. That n ith"'i;j h. rcin contained shall be so construed at to prohilj't tiny ro:i:l no-.v incorporated, or which may herraller be incoi porated by the f .Pjr'm-! tu're of this State, from .connecting with, or crossing' said road at any point they may think I jiiM-,, . .t, ...t-d me tree pntwga o. Saul i road is not thereby ohstrtict.il." i !..-( v., v .n.n iuvhi tiniULII (III! Ml'l't Ml .vc to other roadsthe privlh - rl.ad. n-'efln-with (his, and should more, i thereforo. fo .impn.l f p ntnpn.l nt l.r ' Slritinn- nut fh,. .vm.la nn ,.,. I i .,,,:,!, ,,?o " j (hi -thi mutimi -a- lf-awd 4esi dr - - ry debate ensued, "in which debate enued, in which ,Messr. s. .ITf.trk fl.i.ll.'iv f.dliiva -f ycSCkUatUiXaUil JhitM ..rl" f .' Foreman, Hawkins, Kinjr, Williams!., 1 Clinjrman and Manlr'advocatcl it. i U was argued for the amendmenf, tha,t it would be tbe'extrcmitr. f in-.' justirej after the IV.tersibyi'K.Comnanv.A illatiro a ftcr ihi, T,. t....Ll... .-r. ...,o n . . . it .v ... V" .1. pense fif a million of dollars to allow ; any -other Company to connect with i and run their Oars on it, without hav- in cortf rdwtU coiPiHt'iion. l hat INortii i;nro nnt haJ : v nothing to tlo with the rivalship of No -folk and Petersburg. A numborof in dividuals bad applietl for permission to construct a road tlirou-jh our territory, ami -tne oniy proper enntnr? lor us was, will it injure the public "interest?) If it will, (he franchise should not be . f .. .,, . , ., ,,. L granicu ii it wm nor, me possiuiuiy that one (own in Virginia my be ben- lutetl at (lie expense ot another, should influence the action f the Lej:i lature of North Carolina. If Ihe 'amendment to the amendment failed, and the amendment itSfH should pre -I. t 1 as.'. '.a vail, it would defeat, it was said, the bill; because no prudent Capitalist would invest his money in stock, hi ac coniplish a work, all the benefits accru ing from which, might be realized by others without anv equivalent threfor. fel-JThat it was exceedingly desirable this bill mould pass unincumhered, as there was a certainly of (he road Joeing sneedily commenced -that it would be tne pioneer to a system of improve, ment 'throughout the State, and we should no longer have the Mr. Graham said h. h.id nn h'..:t.i 'ion to the amendment, srrfar us ii rt-rf T . '?V, y aBu,li 10 lated to crossing, h.mKh Iicinii a com-' b '"J 1 ,,b,iC, I'c;,syi:"r- ,Ib,eJ1 -non rbht, nq le-islalive provision was ?'ler rel'!,',-,,tl ,,iaf ,,u'-v bad -burnt necessary "to re if. "Hut he older t- 7 t!) amount td :3,IW have the Cmlit of) rvino; the direct p"er of opera'infr itron T3 onlif ' Oil paper. 'lie cit rut cf cell S'sle.wllh it own con- tnaliiiLr Rail-foai1 - ThaHhere was nothing in the Act to tliii r ia l, if they choose to do so. But it was aeaWi-juul aain pronounced .1 . ra-.k imu.stke, to ci.nnteja4MJll3W4 this Compa- i!iwi - i i I if ilw.tr '.,,, a.. .l,v ',. ny to connect with the proposed road, run in up n it, tap it, as tt were, and atrv otV the nrouuee to Norfolk or t oi UmouUi On On the other, hand, .the amendment luronna inantor no t ieciumoi mar- i hat the arguminJ9 on uie other side aeemt'd piviiicated on't'ie supposition, tint tag IVterbbaru Coniiny woultl ""lie iTie onlv 'sf.iclihnldf'i -s hi this road. II it tls it it was a distiiKt ami separated ('mutiny from that, and terhas t.ie NimIoIIv Connany would take a con- ny itderahle 'portion C the' Sto k. That t pa the b.ll, wit'iout. s mie. provision for. other roads con tier ting with it, would he to gi a it a m uniptdv to the Co.upanv. and was legislating, for tbu 4fcnftt of a r. .,5pt.ir rt -f I'fVm'Ii rrrrrr.yr t.j niV'" " 1 " '7 UV jn.Tluutj mni ter oi nis amt-uuiueiii, naviog been -defeated, he said, in the purpose for wh'ch it was ofiered. The question nw recurring .in the passage of the bilLit-i second reading, 1 , . , , . "' Mr. (.ary saul he wishetl to propose several anien iments to the mil, out as the. nour was late, he .moved that- Ihe ! limU; tr. d.WM;nil-nr lt. ' ' '-.- ,,u,"l,"o Villi' VV to a term nf Gt)TearH. ll.r didlt IVont na spirit of hostility to tlie bill, but it was usuul in all charters to allis i limit, Mr Mr. (iralnm siid he had nr more obp'etion 4t-faO', thnw-j. iUildklViJio HO Vearsi b'iTiie lIiTitiht It. wroni: to imp ne a l.mit. at all on a corporation of this kind. It was not 17ke a Ilank io liis;tu,'ion, where tlr- ellVct cotihl be divided between the Stockholders, at tlie exoiiati iV of the Charter; the road cannot be t..k j!i to pieces, and uive each a share; but all is lost to them and their. Hticcessors . The Char ters of all Companl.'-a should be well riiaid. d. Car should b.' taken, that tliej cannot ' abiis! tlieir p nvt-rs, and tlii.-u t!n re is n ) necessity for any lim- it i!im. - - - - Tlio tpH's'.ion on the adoption of the amendment, was negatived without a count, and the biU llien passed its se cond reading. SJiNATK lie lartiliiij. Dec. 9. Mr. Wyclie, from Ihe committee on Finance reported that, in compliance with the act of the Oetver.il Assem- UTy, piss'd in 13 27, th ;v hatl examin- f . ' , -'' ",a State ol (,'n Iieasury I)e- parliu.vit, a'ld f.ia id all the requisites t a ..... " - - Ji' V"', " i! ' iie revenue laws. Mr- li '(f l"l, a bill P'L'tllatin- t!ie li ' ''f 'hjtdi.l' OH.' "of tot! terilM (if Macon County Courts. Which were EpsLl - uLllu:iiadpassed4 - - - aml , 7M T1 r,c"11 I his thice to IV tiTsb'.ii'jr, thwiih it miirht 1" "1"''"t lzJZ:"Sv.rKJ-. aa; U . command a ingiier mice at iiiioik. ,lf ..i.,;,.,. ihi.hi-ri ,i,hi m- - ; - mmv 7a-.-i to.-," irr'-'rnmiv-at utmr; vwrernr-t 'war "Utrtram paTmiiKge ol tw.-i.ty, as ol Iwei.'y tW'dered to be eiu't-ossed " '""'''eJ ih Mr.. Dowd, ;Ii"'Si''et Mut'l "' Al.e. ' .'''v",1 SJ!l,lry citizens of Ivn'cll. ..'rl .. ' . , . '. . . '' 1 IK, ' t ldn IDC .Joint elt'Ct ...j.. jr..VLi.- 4.1. "Jl relates -io tncentiinry P!f"tmnv reported a preamble, w,m u. I""S rcHolutions, which Vieres, Ihe proceelinjrs u certain per sons in i he middhraml eastern States during the past summer, lue furnisheil clear p'oof of a ih'te rmir,'ioit lo promote, by means the most tipjiis'iiidileend iniquitiona, the shnl.tion ol Sin cry in tne Slates ol uie Union in which it now exist", -and wherca., 'V!U '"T " HT i.r iri:ui.,Ei:i'.uii in ...la Lluiinini persons enirtif purpose, frn the menna-lhey liave re,otl ed to, to accomplish their designs, aeiioua fears are rnterlained that mtr properly, the peace uf our country, and Hie Union of (.lie States, may b endangered thereby, tjiia Genera! Assembiy feel called upon by a just rrgsrd for the Interet'i and happines of ihe uwt people -of this Stale, and of the other Sla'ea similarly situsied, aa well as ha an intlmi, ajilii. m.Im r,.. lit.. aval inn of ihe Union, which at present so happilj tinitt all the Stale into ore confederated i"1" .. people, to dec'are the opinio- a, and ael forth W temporary to the hvtts themaelree the purpose if the pe- p!e ot this Sta'e. i dreailful and Inating tnat w moy ..t be coin langnsee at once firm, clear, decided, and . H'01'. fcrtitjnie nceesaltr, to adjpt nieaa-tempe-ute. l"1" t ''if0'' wt,ich auch nacesswry only eoukl , When themeriean Colonies first iini"d justify. By some it aerm to hve betwl tup.,, for protection riom the eneroachmenis npnn posed, tha the practice of the abohuonime , their fish's and privileges, made by the King ( cannot he put down by lectiatatinn, conatBteo'ly an I I'arli. ment of fireatltri'tin, they eattm. 'with the ennatittitKma f th atalea in which ' ed the character of aovereign sod independ-' th-Jr live. , If lids ware t-tie, it would fumUi ent Sla'es they uniifd uniler art rgauiss. ' no aiwww to our just nompWnt, and .nff.ird lio ' .(fin BilitH ww. it. at m Uyt.i'.-. tiluied nuihoritie) and when the pretent t conititution was dopted. (houth o all (fen erl purpoACn, h isonitiluted th jieopleof ihe 8itet one eopte, with ntte rorm- - -ment, hming a direst lejfUtiep; iiJiciI, ' nd evct'i u'hotl;y mer the iiijenv yet it declared by upecilitf enofer.lion,'1 fjovrrnniciit, iul cxpt'eisly tlrcltrrd, out of abundant caution, lint the powers not grant, eit, bling t the State respecthcty;or to the people. At the time alien thia conatitu t:oica adopted, a well at at the lime when the cuiiiederulioti ,wa fnrmed; ractl of tho Sutra recogtiiacd th riht of Its citizens , ' to hold alatra. The ennititution contkin no fti'BfrTOwtrw-toraiipTiinme'ht'lirin novernmcnt, to control the peoples of any a,,e of North C-rolin. is veated now in tha 'anihoniies of thia State, aa fully -aa on th day the Independence of the State watdc- claretlr fttr-thotirh much differeiif of opin ion hat txisied as to th prirciple tin on which the grant of power in the Conati- tution are to be interpreted, no one ha et. er had Ihe temerity lo assert, that the Gener al tSovcrn nent may atstime a power which is not granv d in terina. and ia uut neccaury at an incident to th proper exercise of a grunted power. . ai. We h ivr, tlteref. re, an undoubted r'ght to rejuta'e slavery amongst our1vet, ac v.. or miticte it ,, anv f IOJ aild.tO. anv ev the universe.... No other SiaJe, tad iw other - n .riHin of be people of any other State, can claim to ihte.fare in the tnHer.-iheeb authority, advice, or ptrs'iisionj and audi an attempt, from wliatevtr'quar'er it. may come, must rer be met by us with distrust, and repelled w'nh ind'iffimtinn. ' Upwthe arhtt Mntew nf ihe VitTtfl,' uf tlaimit clear and well founded If they were foreijrn Statt, it' would be a iulatiin of national law in thein, ei'her to aet on foot thrmsclvea. or permit their own auhjecta fw set on foot any project the object or ten dency of tth.cli wuuld be to disturb our- peace by rrtayioe one portion or anisic. ty agiinst he-. The cona'cminn which lim.in. anrt the. mos.t...intiuiaie- retaiiftiu. 4irf-- -- the promotion or the common defence and freneral welfsre, cannot be supposed to. have lessened our mutual oliliaiiont, or to hav nia.h' an act liar nlett whicVarould hare been . . a flross wronir, hid we con i.iued in respect lo each other, as we now are in respect to 0wr--juasitt-3s,,ar. .jenefluej AMJy.it..r.:. peace friends. It is evident, tin the contra, ry.that eeiy da!y offriendsliip towaidieacU ,;w. othrr whrdT tictrrre vxtSfrdj'-tt - -onr thvmif! - lie.(j tuned in its obhati.m, ami enforerd by motive the nv.s! csdlrd and endraiirjf. Whatever insiifiition or a'a'e of society we think proper to etatabl.slt of permit, ia by an n'her State lo be disturbed or q ettioneil, Wn enter not into the inquiry, whether such) institution he iWemrd hy another Stale just or expedicn'. It is sidlicient that We think proper to allow it. Tj pro'ert us from at- temp's to dis'urh wht wallwr-ttd they approv1, w.iiiM be to support not" our mat i. tiitiii, but their own opinions. to etercise n tiipcrviain;' po-vcr over on' legisla'ior aniVl.i Tii-u'tt it't "il trar"J"ctaTiVPnf"siij)tTHirriy"i ' in lbs vcy iilfcrto di-charjje the duiy wlticu our relations authorise us lo rerjniro As our tight is inditpiitslile, to rcppila'e vxehi tiiely, arenrdinjf to our own tn.tioim tin, tuirriot" rcla'lons d' our own peop'e, the duty of prnvrnting everyattenipt lo Jdisa turb wlit! we hate ts'ahlished, ft suits front the. simple fact, that we have ts'ibli.b- ed it. Anil tlie propri.uy snd impropriety in the vie-v of oihcrs, of such reffiilatioiis at we hue pleated to make, csu never either enhance or Iraen the duty u( such prcren- tion. We do fall joa'tce l. the general aentU -ment and ferlui(;s of our fellow citiaeits it " O'herjlta'ea, and are ful!y awr that tho attempts lo injure os, are made by a arrnll minorry.composid, probsbly, of many misw-ttldfil, and some wicked menj and tliali these -at'emplis mt-et w -tit m ' fa tor; but 6 ir " " die other h on!, with marked disapprobation', from the l.')TJ maj'.i'iiy of 'he communities in Jiif4i ltry reflievi-it mtat be ffs&esn-a collected, that from the nature of the meanp ' emplcyed, the (Uogft lo us It the aame . whether these mraits nre put into activity by a c li'emijtible mino'ilv, vf are sanc'ijunrd tnd adnp'ed by tbejhole bodyoMie Jcfts-- II " pie... Aa iiicet.diary pao.pUIt t -ptwf.rrfrta it " " m of mliM 'i i '. nVMiinTiy wheiwle,i ln"'inmr persons, lis rliti ay deperds iiii on i'tc irentatinn. the e;ght d au'hoiity hu.li "tipporla it. While, therefore, re afe j"S"'r rensible cf the ajmpa.hy-lor na, a d the Ipd'natlmt leaiiist ll se hT seek lo d'nturb rur rear. treed by Isrjre an.ri!HeH'xent aMenii. weenmTirtrimor.!fr''ttire rtprerfrin-"'-' do in no w ay diminish onr daeger. While 'he 6ttl ti nis's are tl'ovte fo rtiraue 'Ite.r course hh rooiherth'rll han the disappro. bation tf 'heir fellow ffitifcent, that tlisannro- Fatloifwlil I'Jtlle aTTcct .tbem, and brii.gr mi ... . .. . " 'rf.. npiott or consoiati-jn under the eviM tfitit are liki-ly to befid its. We eak net itv tnpathy, fir we feci not, from tlie inatitutions" we potes, . Ilmt we sulKr injury. We auk protection, not ' ' to niaitifnin our authority hy finre of arms, for ' lo that we know ourselves entirely aderjuatfy but wa ailt protection (rmn tbo nnremiry of rr sotUnij to auch force tnt that purpose, Sv salt not twilsnrc, lo put djwu insurrectinnary mtwoments amoniour.jiUr,-or" should auch oreO"0Si'fuT!jr aiie to put fJieni down etir- "' neivej. 13ut wa ak, thitour slarea and our- selves mar be relieved from xternnl interfe- ' renre. Left ta thenwetvea, wn believe our slsrcs a lahotuin. claaa m little dangerous to so- . rifty as any in the world. But we do a. A, and tliink w have a right so (tamsnd, thnt o.hent ' ahallnot laach them avi), of which they think J ant tnrinwivavit that they should not be stimu- x." "l 5 tieea to eontinttc. The duty, the prrtiuoance S of wl.ich we inv.4c. jt IlhI'iij t.'0.i thoae tti fluvan. ala'.t Iilf narnt'ltuiff tl.-'ltmMw

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